Good News! The December 28, 2014 Feast of the Holy Family Saturday, December 27, 5:30 p.m. Vigil Sunday, December 28, 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) New Year’s Eve Wednesday, December 31 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass Pro Sanctity Midnight Mass Rosary at 10:00 p.m. Adoration at 11:00 p.m. Mass followed by breakfast New Year’s Day Thursday, January 1, 2015 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. James Catholic Church St. 9025 Larimore Avenue, Omaha, NE 68134 402-572-0499 Fr. Tom’s Thoughts . . . This Week’s Activities . . . * Sunday, December 28 * Feast of the Holy Family, a Holy Day of Obligation, 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. Masses and 5:00 p.m. Mass * Children’s Choir, 9:30 a.m. Mass * 11:30 Music Group, 11:30 a.m. Mass * Baptisms, 12:30 p.m. * R. Kessler & F. Shefl, 5:00 p.m. Mass * Monday, December 29 * Celebrate Recovery, 7:00 p.m. * Tuesday, December 30 * Legion of Mary, 7:30 p.m. * Wednesday, December 31 * Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God, a Holy Day of Obligation, 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass and Midnight Mass * Helping Hands Play Group, 9:00 a.m. * Thursday, January 1 * Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God, a Holy Day of Obligation, 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Masses * Alanon, 5:30 p.m. * Friday, January 2 * Collators, 9:00 a.m. * Saturday, January 3 * Melodrama Practice, 9:00 a.m. * Olio Practice, 1:00 p.m. * Spethman Group, 5:30 p.m. Mass * Sunday, January 4 * Pro-Life Rosary, 9:00 a.m. in Church * Adult Choir, 9:30 a.m. Mass * Boy Scout Mass, 2:00 p.m. Dear Parishioners, On this Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we not only celebrate the wonderful gift they are to us, but we also want to bring them to the rest of society. We so often think of the life of the Holy Family as being ideal and perfect; but the reality is that they suffered greatly from poverty, being refugees, bearing the stigma of having an unplanned pregnancy, and having Joseph die too early. So when our family lives face struggles and difficulties, know that Jesus, Mary and Joseph can certainly relate and be helpful to us. It is also very true, that our present day culture is becoming more and more hostile to the family. They have separated sex from married love and classified human fertility as a disease that must be conquered. They have been attacking innocent life in the womb and claiming it is the woman’s right to do so. They are redefining marriage as something other than between a man and a woman; and also saying marriage isn’t important to enter into. Also, they want everyone to be so busy that one doesn’t have time to go to Mass, say one’s prayers or think about God and eternal life. What can we do? First off: pray, pray, pray! With God all things are possible and we need His help. But we also have to do our part. Parents – are our homes truly a “domestic church” – a place where our children are safe and supported? Do we go to Mass each weekend and help our children grow in their faith? Couples – do we strive to make our marriages the best and try to serve one another? If we have issues – do we work together to solve them? Children – do we strive to obey our parents and do our best in school? I could go on and on. The point is that the Feast of the Holy Family is an opportunity for all of us to examine our family life, discern what we could do better and make an effort to do so - keeping our true destiny in Heaven always in mind. Jesus, Mary and Joseph all have experience in living in this life and they are very anxious to provide help to us, if we would simply ask for it. It is also an opportunity to discern how each of us can do something to overcome the errors of our society. Please never lose hope, our celebration of the coming of Jesus into the world at Christmas is a reminder of the nearness of our God. He is with us and He wants us to be His helpers in building up both the earthly and Heavenly kingdoms. Let’s always keep each other in our prayers! Remember, also this coming week, to celebrate the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God on this coming Thursday, January 1st. God bless everyone as we begin our new calendar year! Symbolon—Parishioners of St. James can access Symbolon videos free by going to the St. James Church website, Safe Environment Training and scrolling down to Parish Headlines. Click on Sym(SET)—Any parent, parishioner, bolon and create your own user name and grandparent, etc. who wishes to volunteer password. We are able to watch these vidat school or Church events and have coneos free until November 2015. tact with the children, must have current This beautiful 20-episode video series certification in Safe Environment. presents the “big picture” of the Catholic We will offer a Level 1 training for faith. The Parish Center Restroom Renovation new volunteers on Thursday, January 8th at 7 p.m. in the St. James Parish Cen- Committee is waiting to hear from parishion- “Pope Francis, like St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, has called every Catholic to ers (like you) who are interested in helping ter. Call the school office 402-572-0339 be a missionary disciple, an agent of the New with their treasure, time and talent. Before to register. we can begin the renovation part of this pro- Evangelization. Evangelically alert Catholics must be well-formed Catholics. This splenject, we must secure the necessary funds. Celebrate Recovery If you’d like to donate to this project (and did series will help prepare Catholics to enter Support Group meets every add one more tax deduction for 2014) please mission territory every day, offering others Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish friendship with Jesus Christ” (Quote by contact the parish office at 402-572-0499. Center to help adults experiencing issues, Donors and volunteers are welcome to join George Weigel, William E. Simon Chair in including, but not limited to, addiction, Catholic Studies, Ethics and Public Policy this effort anytime! For more information divorce, abuse, etc. ~ Larry Davenport, call the Parish Office or visit the link on our Center in Washington, D.C.). Jr., 402-572-8876 or [email protected] parish website: December 28, 2014 Calling All EMHCs—Fr. Tom will lead a workshop for all current and recently mandated EMHCs on January 11th at 7 p.m. in our Church. Please plan to attend. 2 Good The News! - - Life Lines - - Pray To End Abortion Please Remember In Your Prayers . . . Regretfully, abortions are performed W Loletta Kirchner, Mother of Reverend at Planned Parenthood, 3105 N. 93rd St. Don Kirchner every Thursday approximately between W Cecilia Lenz the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. W Andy May, brother of Bob (Shirley) May Prayer Warriors are urgently needed W Agnes Pletka, Sister-in-law of Joe and at the site during these hours! There is Marie Pletka a special Priest led hour from 11:00 a.m. to noon. Also, every Saturday there is a Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. structured hour of prayer from10:0011:00 a.m. Please continue to pray and Prayers for Special Intentions fast to end abortion and sustain human To request prayers for your special intenlife. Thank you. ~ Caroline Parys, 402tions, please contact Kristi Mancuso, at 402572-1923 933-6509 between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. or - - Annual Celebration for [email protected]. You may also request prayers for your speLife Dinner cial intentions from the Catholic Daughters The Annual Celebration for Life DinOur Lady of Faith Rosary Chain. Please conner sponsored by Nebraskans United for tact Barb Hilton at [email protected] or 402Life is Friday, January 16th, at the new 571-6815 American Italian Hall, 5110 No. 132nd St. The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with Perpetual Adoration a no host social hour, followed by dinner “He was in the beginning with God. at 7:30 p.m. The Keynote Speaker is All things came to be through Him Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life for and without Him nothing came to America. Cost is $40.00. Contact Ann be. O Come Let Us Adore Him.” Bowen at 402-399-0299. To schedule your weekly holy hour please contact Deacon Pat and Rosie Lenz at 402572-0139, [email protected] Generous Support to the or Mary Reed, 402-708-1264. Ignite the Faith Capital Just a reminder, if you are unable to keep your holy hour, please notify your prayer Campaign Makes It A or secure a substitute for your holy Huge Success! “Archbishop Lucas partner hour. recently announced the overall campaign total. Through the generosity of over 17,000 parish- Feasts and Celebrations ioners, the campaign soared past its $40 million In January we celebrate the Holy Name of goal and raised $51.8 million.” Jesus. “…at the name of Jesus every knee Fr. Tom thanks all of our volunteers and should bend, of those in heaven and on earth donors who helped with the Ignite the Faith and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10). In Capital Campaign at our parish. Your generos- fact, the English letters IHS – representing ity allowed our parish to raise $609,806 from the first three Greek letters in Jesus’ name – 484 gifts.. If you’d like to make a gift, please used to be written over the doors of Christian visit: homes. Are You Moving? Please give your new address to the Parish Office before you move. This will help our Parish pay less postage fees for returned mail. Also, if your telephone number, email or name has changed, please let us know that too. Thank you! January 1 – Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. When we celebrate this feast, we honor Mary, but also Jesus, as God. January 4 – Epiphany of Our Lord. “Epiphany” is Greek for manifestation. When they honored the infant Jesus, the three wise men bore witness to the fulfillment of God’s promise of a savior (GIF, January, 2015). Sunday, December 28 7:30 am WRosemary Bales 9:30 am WEdilia Vega 11:30 am WLinda Dierks 5:00 pm Connie and Warren Kneer Monday, December 29 6:30 am WMonica Kleffman 8:15 am WAgnes Pletka Tuesday, December 30 6:30 am WKatie Beck 8:15 am WFrank and Edith Latham Wednesday, December 31 6:30 am St. James Siminarians 8:15 am WPaul Beringer 5:30 pm WJim Tourek Thursday, January 1 8:00 am WFr. Partusch 10:30 am St. James Parishioners Friday, January 2 6:30 am WAl Placek 8:15 am WMarcia Burkwit Saturday, January 3 8:30 am Intentions of Scholtes and Janssen Families 5:30 pm WDeacon Don Kemp Sunday, January 4 7:30 am St. James Parishioners 9:30 am WSue Grillo 11:30 am WEileen Heimann 5:00 pm WMary and William Henney, Jr. Scripture Readings Sunday (12/28): Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:1621 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29--3:6/Jn 1:29-34 Next Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/ Mt 2:1-12 Why Do Catholics Say the Nicene Creed at Mass? Reciting the Nicene Creed at Mass helps to remind us what we believe. The Nicene Creed was finalized at the Councils of Nicaea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381 AD). The beliefs expressed in the Nicene Creed are the same as those in the Apostles’ Creed, but are more detailed because it was written to express what the Church taught regarding the heresies of the time. “Whoever says ‘I believe’ says ‘I pledge myself to what we believe’” (CCC 185) (GIF, 1/14). December 28, 2014 3 Good The News! New Member Registration St. James/Seton School News We welcome you to St. James, a caring, [email protected] filled parish community. Below are three steps to become a registered parishioner. “St. James/Seton School Community provides a safe and nurturing learning 1. Call the parish office at 402-572-0499 to environment in which our students grow in mind, body and spirit register for the New Parishioner Registration through a quality, faith based and service oriented Catholic education.” Meeting. 2. Attend the next meeting on Tuesday, January 13th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish % Upcoming Activities: Accept the Challenge Center. These meetings occur once per % December 19—January 4th: Christmas St. James/Seton was presented with an month and alternate between 10:30 a.m. Sunday and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. 3. Complete the forms you received at the meeting and return them to the parish office. Congratulations, you are now registered! Break, No School "Incredibly Amazing" donation of $500 from B & B Plumbing Services, LLC on Wednesday, December 10th. Along with his donation, Brian Bales, B & 6:30 p.m. in Parish Center B Plumbing owner & SJS parent, is challeng% January 8: SET Level 1 Training ing every other business, family and friend of Receive the Sacraments % January 9: FAN at Godfather’s Pizza St. James/Seton School to match his pledge V Anointing of the Sick is a healing sacrament for % January 10: High School Entrance Exams donation. These gracious donations will be young and old, when seriously, chronically, or termiused for renovation and upgrades that are nally ill, and prior to surgery. Please call the parish % January 11: Knights of Columbus Free office, 402-572-0499. Throw Contest, 1 p.m., school gym greatly needed for our current playground. V Baptisms are celebrated on the second and last % January 12: Anniversary T-shirt Day I shared our story with a family, which has Sundays of the month. Parents should call the parish % January 19: No School, Teacher In-Svc. no connection to SJS, in a casual conversaoffice to register for baptism preparation. % January 25: Open House at SJ/S tion. I explained how a parent was helping V Holy Orders: If you’re discerning a call to the % January 25: 31st Catholic Schools Week start this pledge challenge, and they were so priesthood or the diaconate, please call Fr. Tom % January 29: 8th Grade Mass at Cathedral touched by it, that they were the first to match Weisbecker, 402-572-0499. % January 30: 1:20 p.m. Dismissal with a $500.00 pledge. Their actual comment If you are interested in religious or consecrated life, please call the Vocation Office at 402-558-3100. % January 31: Spring Fling, “Life’s a to me was, "Merry Christmas to your kids." V Matrimony: Please contact and work with one of Beach” at St. James Parish So within 12-hours we received our very first the parish priests six months ahead of the proposed pledge for the playground updates. date. Let's see how many others will step-up and V Penance: Saturday, 3:30-5:00 p.m. or by appoint- St. James/Seton School’s 50th match B & B Plumbing Service's pledge to ment. help SJ/S. Anniversary Year! Meet the Pastoral Team What a great tax write off while helping St. James/Seton School is celebrating 50Fr. Tom Weisbecker, Pastor…...402-572-0499 our students. For questions or more informaYears of quality faith based education. We [email protected]...…….ext. 14 tion, please contact me. ~ Ms. Paulette, Asinvite all of our Parish families, current Fr. Michael Voithofer, Associate Pastor sistant Principal/Development Director, 402school families and all Alumni and their [email protected]…………..ext. 15 572-0339, [email protected] families to our special upcoming events. Deacon Pat Lenz, Pastoral Minister [email protected]……....ext. 16 Come celebrate with us on the following Possible Pre-School Program Jolene Meyer, Parish Secretary dates: [email protected]…….ext. 11 à Sunday, January 25th, St. James/Seton School is looking into the Jeff Guinane, Administrative Services Mgr. addition of a Pre-School Program. Please School Open House Celebration, j j guin an [email protected]. 13 take time to complete a short survey online 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., School Deacon Ron Hesson, Accounting Manager at and click the link in the [email protected]………ext. 17 à Monday, January 26th, blue window on the front page (to the left of 50th Anniversary Mass Celebration, Josie Clarey, Parish & School Liturgy Coordinator the pictures). This will help us further [email protected]...………………..ext. 22 8:15 a.m., St. James Church ate the need for a Pre-School at St. James/ Ken Whetstone, Parish Maintenance à Thursday, March 12th, Vikki Cervantes, Editor & Volunteer Coord. Seton School. Thank you for your time and SJ/S Decades Program, [email protected]……ext. 12 consideration. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., Mrs. Chris Arnold, St. James/Seton Principal Monthly School Newsletter [email protected] ............... 402-572-0339 à Friday, May 22nd, Year End Mass Celebration, Jo Kusek, Faith Formation and P.R.E. Director Check out our Monthly School Newsletter [email protected] ............ 402-572-0369 9:30 a.m., St. James Church by visiting the school website at: Hannah Keisling, Youth Minister à Monday, June 1st, and click on the [email protected]…....651-331-0971 SJ/S 1st Annual Golf Outing ter link at the top of the page. Cathy Wyatt, Parish Council President event time TBD, Pines Country Club [email protected]……..402-661-9611 For more information on our kick-off in iVolunteer makes signing up to volunteer Meet the Deacon Community January with Catholic Schools week and easy! Visit: Gregg & Carol Drvol, Jerry Gau, other 50th Anniversary activities, visit our Randy & Pam Grosse, Kathy Hecht, school website at: and Funny—What did one snowman say to Rich & Linda Hopkins, Rita Kessler, click on the Development page to see a calen- the other snowman?…“Do you smell carrots?” Stan & Pat Kurtz, Pat & Rosie Lenz, dar of events. ~ W.W., Boys Life Magazine Steve & Lisa Nelson, The Lyle & Jackie Simmons, Good News! December 28, 2014 4 Wayne & Chris Young % January 5: School Resumes % January 5: SJEA Soccer Registration % January 6: Parent Speaker on “Bullying” Our Community Events . . . Celebrate New Year’s Eve SJ/SEA Quilting Group With Us—Join members of Pro Sanc- The quilting group will meet on the 1st tity for Midnight Mass at St. James on Wednesday, December 31st. The celebration begins with the Rosary at 10 p.m., Reconciliation from 10-11:30 p.m., Holy Hour at 11 p.m., and Mass at Midnight. A warm breakfast will follow. All are welcome to bring goodies to share. Ø Bible Study On the Gospel of John—Explore the Gospel of John in this video series featuring Jean Vanier, the Founder of L’Arche. Vanier is a Canadian Catholic philosopher turned theologian and humanitarian. L’Arche is an international federation of communities for people with developmental disabilities and those who assist them. This fourteen-part video series begins Friday, January 9 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. in St. James’ Family Room in the parish center. Women of St. James and St. Elizabeth Ann are welcome to join an existing women’s faith-sharing group that meets on Fridays for conversation and coffee at 9:30 followed by the study at 10:00. Please call Jo Kusek at 402-572Ø Psalms: The School of Prayer This Bible Study will be offered in St. James Parish Center from 7:00-8:30 p.m. for ten Mondays beginning January 26th. It is a DVD Bible Study featuring both Jeff Cavins and Dr. Tim Gray. In this Bible Study, participants will discover the rich school of prayer for all of life’s circumstances, and experience the transforming power of the responsorial psalm in the Mass. If you’d like to join us, please contact Jo Kusek at 402-5720369 or [email protected]. (Optional - $25 notebook) Parenting for Purity: An Evening Presentation for Parents— Mark your calendar for 7 p.m. on and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the church library. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, January 7th. All are welTuesday, February 3rd, at S. Wenceslaus Church (15353 Pacific Street, Omaha). come! Questions? Please call Janet Presser “Ever feel like you can’t keep up with the mes402-571-6250. sages your kids are bombarded with? Or struggled to guide your kids through all the traps the world That Man Is You! sets for them? There is hope yet! This dynamic Join us on Saturday, January presentation by youth expert, Jason Evert, is perfect 17th at 6:45 a.m. in the Parish Center. for parents desiring to present the liberating mesSession 11: Weeds in Moral Formation sage of chastity to their children. A question and à Natural Formation and Virtue answer session will follow Jason’s presentation. à Home at Nazareth Jason Evert is a Catholic author and chastity à St. Joseph’s Relationship with God speaker. He founded Totus Tuus Press and Chasà St. Joseph as the Spouse of Mary tity Project, an organization that promotes chastity à The Pathway of Mercy primarily to high school and college students. He is à The Start of the Christian Home the author of more than 10 books, including How à The Birth of the Church to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul That Man Is You meets Saturday morn- and Theology of the Body for Teens. Jason has a ings in the parish center at 6:45 a.m. for a master’s degree in theology, an undergraduate light breakfast, coffee (bring your own mug) degree in theology and counseling, with a minor in and fellowship. A presentation will begin at philosophy from Franciscan University of Steuben7:15 a.m. and is followed at 7:45 a.m. with ville.” ~Sponsored by the St. Wenceslaus Knights breakout groups. Men are invited to join of Columbus and 102.7 Spirit Catholic Radio. TMIY anytime during the year! For more info contact Greg Morrison, 402-426-8152 or Love or Lust? [email protected] Mark your calendar for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 4th, at S. Wenceslaus Church (15353 Pacific Street, Omaha). “Jason Evert gives you, the young adult/ teanager, the truth about chastity. His seminar is challenging, entertaining, encouraging, and healing. Chastity is a lifestyle that brings freedom, respect, peace and romance without regret. Come hear his Catholic centered, life-changing message!” This talk is free and intended for 7th to 12th grade youth. ~Sponsored by the St. Wenceslaus Knights of Columbus and 102.7 Spirit Catholic Radio. www.stjamescatholicchurch. org—Visit our parish website for the latest parish news, to read the Catholic Voice Online, or to watch Symbolon videos! Q & A: How Long Does the Christmas Season Last? The Church’s real Christmas season starts on Christmas Day and lasts until the Baptism of Our Lord. By celebrating the whole season, you can make your Christmas joy last long after you’ve taken down the tree. Here are some highlights of the season: ¨ Feast of the Holy Family, December 28th. Gather for a special meal with family or make contact with out-of-town relatives. ¨ Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, January 1st. Dedicate a special rosary to the Blessed Mother asking her to help you grow in love and trust. ¨ The Epiphany, January 4th. The example of the Magi honoring Jesus has become a symbol of sharing him with the world. This is our chance to think about the way we live so that we can better reveal Christ to our world. ¨ The Baptism of Our Lord, January 11th. Baptism is our entry into the Kingdom. Take time this day to renew your Baptismal vows and decide what you can change in your life to help you live as Christ did (Growing In Faith, December, 2014). December 28, 2014 5 Good The News! Service . . . Children’s Liturgy of the Thank You—To our generous donor for providing our Parish families with a copy of the Word One or two volunteers are needed to Good News! Collating Team #1 will work Friday, January 2nd: help with CLW at the 9:30 Sunday morning Mass. Current Safe Environment Training Certification is required. Please call Mary Lawler, 402-571-7763. Paul & Fay Ryba, Jan Lovely, Ron Jorgensen, Carol Fulton, Margaret Kahre, Barbara Thompson New Testament. What a wonderful way to begin our New Year by reading the Good News! HOPE There will be no HOPE sales December 27th & 28th and January 3rd & 4th. Sales will for your donation of food from the drive [Truck resume January 10th. -A-Thon]. We are grateful to receive these food Here’s “HOPE”ing everyone has a wonderdonations that will help us keep the storage ful Christmas and a blessed New Year. Thank room stocked...and provide families with food. you for supporting the HOPE program. Don’t Your help also allows us to continue to be the forget us in the year to come!!! Face of Christ to others.” ~SVdP Food Pantry Thank You— “Thank you very much Church Cleaning Team #12 Thank You—Mary Anne and Lance will work on Saturday, January 3: Dottie Hodgens, Capt., 402-571-3904, Beth Shoemaker, Ann & Mike Petry, Linda & Tom Kimminau, Dawn Cunningham, Angela Koneck, Lisa Tegels, Phil Aken, Pamela Perry, Connie Karnish, Melanie Linnaus, Karen Roth Steinbruck wish to thank you for your continued support. This year’s walnut sales totaled $725! All proceeds benefit the St. James/ Seton School Tuition Assistance Fund. Thank You—A BIG THANK YOU to Heafey-Heafey-Hoffman-Dworak & Cutler Funeral Homes for generously providing our parish with a beautiful 2015 Feasts and Saints Calendar! Questions and Answers re: Stephen Ministry—The joy of Christmas can turn into a time of painful loneliness and emptiness for those who have suffered a loss or who are going through a difficult time. But help is available. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to provide confiRosaries—Rosaries are being requested dential, one-to-one Christian care. They will by our homeless and low-income neighbors-in listen, care, encourage, pray with and for you, -need through a program called ODM Streets and support you through the holidays and as Good News! Deadlines long as your need persists. If you or someone of Omaha. Please consider making this a Please submit articles to: you know is hurting, find out more about group or school project or donating rosaries [email protected] Stephen Ministry by talking with one of our individually. A basket will be placed on the before 11:30 a.m. on the following dates: Stephen Leaders: Colleen (402) 571-6296 or window-sill in the Church Library and * Early deadline has passed for the Lori (402) 571-6838. checked weekly. All rosaries will be placed January 4th Good News! directly in the hands of the poor thanks to * Monday, January 5th, for the Janu- you. ~Sandy Powers 402-250-7000 ary 11th Good News! December 31st and January 1, 3 & 4 Wednesday December 31 5:30p Solemnity of Mary, Thursday, January 1 Midnight 8:00a Saturday January 3 10:30a Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, January 4 5:30p 7:30a 9:30a 11:30a 5:00p Presider/ Deacon Fr. Michael W. Young Fr. Tom Fr. Michael R. Grosse Fr. Tom S. Nelson Fr. Michael G. Drvol Fr. Michael G. Drvol Fr. Michael G. Drvol Fr. Tom S. Nelson Fr. Tom S. Nelson EMHC (Lovely) Team HD2 Pro-Sanctity Team NYD1 Team NYD2 Team 1 Team 3 Team 5 Team 8 Team 11 Lectors Skalka Johnson Pro-Sanctity Revers Thomsen Langin Stoltz Team 1 (Briggs & Catalano) Team 1 (Bolin & Bolin) Team 1 (Grosse & Erixon) Team 1 (Nelson & Bendlin) Team 1 (Marfice & Kriener) Servers X. Hackenberg E. Phillips M. Phillips M. Pearson Pro-Sanctity M. Hilton F. Cohen T. Maxwell E. Schartz J. McGee S. Hayford L. Luebbe L. Copas B. Troshynski A. Rutten I. Yabut K. Yabut T. Burbridge A. Schwarz M. Wilmes E. Matthies O. Biesanz M. Little S. Patterson K. Little J. Weber L. Sprakel B. Gregurich A. Phillips W. Volenec M. Nevins D. Perry A. Goldsmith Musicians TBD Pro-Sanctity TBD Young Adult Group Spethman Group Congregation Adult Choir Young Adult Group High School Choir Candle Ministry: December: 27—Merritt, Mason; 28—Anthofer, Betzelberger; 29—Tegels; 30—Sinclair; 31— Urbanski; January: 1—Grosse, Miller; 2—Mordeson, Herbert; 3—Freitag; 4—Meyer; 5—Wood, Ocken; 6—Beck, Merritt; 7—Coons, Hilton; 8—Little, Wandrey; 9—J. Hilton, Joppa; 10—NEED SUB; 11—Mausbach, Hecht; December 28, 2014 6 Good The News! Your Stewardship December 14, 2014 Adult……………….... Loose Bills/Checks... Children Loose Bills.. Children Envelopes.. Dollar Bill…………… ACH (1st/20th)…….. WeShare $30,279 $1,591 $72 $3 $973 $n/a $n/a Total General Contributions………...$31,946 2014-15 Budgeted Weekly Offertory $23,500 YTD Weekly Offertory………………….$572,329 YTD Budgeted Offertory……………....$564,000 YTD Difference………………………….$8,329 Mortgage Balance……………………...$874,964 Holy Days: All Saints Day $20 Immaculate Conception………………...$1,010 Christmas………………………………. $688 Special Collections: CCHD………..………….……………… $20 Religious Retirement…………………. $985 We gratefully acknowledge this gift: $750 given in loving memory of WBob Beck St. James Youth Ministry Hannah Keisling, Youth Minister 402-572– 0624 [email protected] Deacon Pat Lenz 402-572-0499 [email protected] Youth Groups On Break New Year’s Resolution Youth Groups are on break until January 11th (Overflow at SEA) and January 14th (James G.A.N.G. at SJ Youth House). All teens are invited and encouraged to attend both youth groups, or whichever works best in your schedule. We pray that you all have a blessed New Year and thank you for taking time to deepen your faith. Teens and families, let's make a resolution together. Let's make our Catholic faith the true center of our lives! How do we do that? Start reading the Scriptures and praying with them, make going to Mass on Sundays a priority, find someway to get involved in the parish. Teens have youth group meetings at both parishes that offer different spiritual experiences and levels of depth. It is also a great place for teens to create lasting friendships that support their Catholic beliefs. Try out your spiritual resolution and see how the power of Christ can transform your family, heal deep wounds, spark hope, and ultimately lead you to fulfillment... together. God bless you all! ~Hannah Keisling Youth Ministry Information Rev. James V. Brown OAR Youth Center 9124 Tomahawk Boulevard 402-572-0624 Charitable Contributions Walk for Life Registration Donors must deliver checks by 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2014 in order to claim a charitable contribution deduction for 2014. Checks received in the collection basket in 2015 won’t qualify for a charitable contribution for 2014, even if they’re dated 2014. There is only one exception: checks mailed and postmarked “2014” will be deductible in 2014. Registration forms for Walk for Life are due January 7th (Grades 6-12). Forms can be found on the parish website or in the narthex. Please turn in completed forms to the Parish Office, Attn: Youth Ministry. Parish Information From Scripture: Luke 2:22-40, Look for the Lord Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Vigil Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Weekday Mass Schedule: 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Penance: Saturday: 3:30—5:00 p.m. or by appointment. Rectory and Parish Office: Business Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. excluding Holidays Telephone 402-572-0499; Fax 402-573-9345 Email:: [email protected] School Information St. James/Seton School, 4720 N. 90 Street School office…………………………………402-572-0339 Email………………………………[email protected] Web site…………………………… Fax…………………………………………....402-572-0347 Religious Formation Office………………..402-572-0369 Includes Adult Faith Formation, 5-day School, and Parish Religious Education (PRE). Email…………………………[email protected] Website….……… Help Our Parish Excel (HOPE) Office…….402-572-7897 website:………………………… Email:………………………………[email protected] December 28, 2014 To the uninformed observer, Jesus’ birth was unremarkable and His family quite ordinary. When it came time to present Him in the temple, His parents couldn’t afford the customary offering of a lamb and gave two pigeons as an offering of the poor. As faithful Jews, they did what was required by their faith to thank God for the gift of their child. Yet, when Joseph and Mary presented their new baby in the temple, Simeon immediately recognized Him as the Messiah. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he prophesied that Jesus was to be "a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” Simeon was not alone in recognizing the Lord in the temple. Anna was also filled with the Holy Spirit. Her faith in God's promises gave her hope. The hope God places in our hearts gives us a desire for the kingdom of Heaven. The Holy Spirit reveals the presence of the Lord to those who want to know Him, to receive Him, and to be with Him forever. (Growing In Faith, 12/14). 7 Omaha Lancers Faith & Family Special Sunday, December 28th, you are invited to attend our game vs. the Tri-City Storm for a discounted rate of only $15.00 (regularly $20.95-$21.95). Included in that special price is your ticket to the game, a hot dog and soda, and the opportunity to come skate with the team immediately following the game. Altogether, this is a more than $30.00 value that you are receiving for more than 50% off, and an opportunity to interact with the team that is rarely offered to the public. To redeem the offer, you simply need to present a copy of the flyer (located in kiosk near Church library) to the Ralston Arena Box Office and purchase the number of specials you need. For those that may have never been to the Ralston Arena, the hours and address are listed at the bottom of the flyer. There is no additional cost with the promotion if you bring along your own skates. However, if you would like to rent skates that night, you can do so through the Arena for $3.00/pair. If you have 10 or more in your group and want to get a block of seats together, you can also order by phone by contacting Gavin at 402-934-4732 or at [email protected]. Good The News! Ø Adult & Child Faith Formation Jo Kusek, Director 402-572-0369 Ø Generations of Faith Because St. Joseph is my patron saint, I am inspired by unique images of him. I love the windows in St. Joseph’s Church in south Omaha. One can walk around both sides of the church, and see the life of Joseph. The last stained glass window depicts his death with Mary and Jesus at his side. I also remember the beauty of this scene in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the Notre Dame campus. In that picture, Mary is holding his hand, and Jesus is sitting in a chair close to the top of the bed with his face resting against Joseph’s face. Today is the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Today I am thinking about all the people this year who have sat by the death bed of a family member. I have been to so many funerals this year. The image of the death of St. Joseph reminds us that even Jesus experienced the sorrow of losing a close family member. We can again unite our suffering with His suffering. Below is a simple Prayer to St. Joseph. I know it is prayed by many. God bless all of our families in 2015, and those family members who will have to leave us. Prayer to St. Joseph O blessed Joseph, who breathed your last breath in the arms of Jesus and Mary, obtain for me this grace: that I may breathe forth my soul in praise, saying in spirit, if I am unable to do so in words: "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give Thee my heart and my soul." Amen. Ø P.R.E. News We have no classes this Wednesday, December 31st. Blessed New Year to all of our P.R.E. catechists, students and their families! God of time and eternity, with Christmas joy we praise you for the years gone by and the year we will begin. Your Son comes among us to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim a year of grace for all the world. Fill us this year with mercy and compassion and with good gifts for all the world. Unite us in the Holy Spirit as we join the angels in proclaiming your praise: Glory to God in the highest and peace to His people on earth.. (From Blessings and Prayers Through the Year by Elizabeth McMahon Jeep) Ø Question of the Week Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 Key Passage: “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17) Question for Adults: Whether single, married, or divorced, how does Paul’s advice ring true in your own life? Choose one of his suggestions and share how it touches your life. Question for Youth: God chose to be among us in the person of Jesus. How does having a God who knows what it means to be human affect the way you pray or think about God? Question for Children: Why is it important for you to obey your parents or guardians? Ø Upcoming Events for 1st and 8th Graders Mark your calendars! There will be a meeting for first graders and their parents on Sunday, January 11th at 2:00 p.m. in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. The meeting will be repeated on Thursday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m. The topic is sharing faith at home. The 8th graders and their sponsors will have a Confirmation Retreat on Sunday, January 18 from 1:30 to 4:00. The retreat will also be offered on Sunday, January 25 for those unable to attend on the 18th. (Jo Kusek, 402-572-0369) Ø Preferential Option for the Poor “Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to one who has nothing. Neither is it small to God, if we have given what we could.” Quote by St. Gregory Nazianzen whose Mark your calendars! There will be a meeting for first graders and their parents on Sunday, January 11 at 2:00 p.m. Memorial is January 2nd. in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. The meeting will be repeated on Thursday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m. The topic is sharing faith at Ø Women’s Morning of Reflection 2015 home. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21st. The annual The 8th graders and their sponsors will have a Confirma- Women’s Morning of Reflection will be held on that morning in St. tion Retreat on Sunday, January 18 from 1:30 to 4:00. The Elizabeth Ann’s Parish Center. Our speaker this year is Dr. Karen retreat will also be offered on Sunday, January 25 for those unDwyer, author of Wrap Yourself in Scripture. More details to follow! able to attend on the 18th. Save the date! (Jo Kusek, 402-572-0369). Committee meeting: We will have a committee meeting on Thursday, January 8th at 7:00 p.m. in St. Elizabeth Ann’s Parish Center to plan this event – the advertising, food, decorations, etc. Women of St. James and St. Elizabeth Ann are welcome to serve on our committee. Ø P.R.E. Christmas Program December 28, 2014 8 Good The News! 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CRN-1075392-120914 Justin Evers, Parishioner • Cell: 402-871-0093 Email: [email protected] Website: NOT FDIC INSURED | MAY LOSE VALUE | NO BANK GUARANTEE | NOT A DEPOSIT | NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY 6032 Ville de Sante Dr. Omaha, NE 68104 (402) 571-6770 In Patient & Out Patient Skilled Therapies Our therapies are your bridge to recovery! Contact Greg Nickolite to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2663 ROEDER MORTUARIES 2727 North 108 St. 496-9000 50th & Ames 453-5600 Family Owned Since 1912 Come see us for the best prices on our best tires. Serving Omaha Since 1957 MARION’S TIRE 5028 NW Radial Hwy (402) 553-9393 WE OFFER A CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEE • Providing Insurance and Financial Services Tom Demory, ChFC 10106 Maple Street 402-571-5700 Quality Heating & Air BP Sales & Service 5220 N. 90th St. Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 571-9660 Keith Mander (402) 571-8753 Owner fax (402) 571-1124 email [email protected] Amoco Fuels Auto Repair Towing Food Shop Touch Free Carwash Propane Licensed, Bonded & Insured Heating • Air Conditioning Ex 19:4 OWNER: DANIEL KESSLER (RITA’S SON) PHONE: (402) 571-7011 FOR AD INFO CALL Greg Nickolite at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JAMES, OMAHA B 2C 02-0194 12-18-2014 11:28:02 Buying, Selling or Relocating.... I can Help! Mary Kay Ernst Realtor®, Parishioner [email protected] Cell: 402-650-8878 Visit me at JILL E. HILD, D.D.S. Miranda Thomassen, DVM Parishioner HILD FAMILY DENTAL Parishioner 402-397-4344 COMMITTED TO TOTAL PET CARE 134th and Fort • 492-9303 Searl Auto Body Se 402-334-6708 254 N. 114th New Patients Welcome Breakfast Anytime, Even For Lunch Your You Trustworthy Collision Repair 7805 Military Ave. (402) 393-2532 MARK & STEVE SCHUMACHER Tue-Sat 6am-1pm Sun: 7am-2pm 2515 N 85th Street - 4 Blk S of Maple 9630 Redick Avenue • 572-0200 Steve Larsen Realtor (402) 672-5450 [email protected] HAIR AND TANNING SALON 7809 MILITARY 571-3071 Jaye Toth - Parishioner TWO NORTH LOCATIONS 4827 N. 90th • 3304 N. 120th Buy or Sell with results. Over 85 million sold. Nacho Typical Restaurant 90th & Blondo 391-8870 Parishioner RICHARD A. DREWS Attorney At Law 7018 North 102nd Circle Julie E. Olson & M. Victor Monson 3628 N. 90th St • Omaha, NE 68134 402-571-1108 (402) 391-3712 DOWD, HOWARD & CORRIGAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW We Service & Sell Appliances 402-706-9931 1411 Harney St., Ste. 100 4826 S. 24th St. 402-341-1020 John Corrigan - Parishioner Right across the street from the church 4839 N. 90th St. , Omaha, NE 68134 • (402) 571-0944 15% discount with this ad Worried about debt? Student loan payments too high? 4919 S. 72nd St. Parishioners Westlake Hardware 90th & Maple 399-8381 Call Credit Advisors for immediate relief 402-390-1111 Helping people get out of debt for 58 years 825 N. 90th St. • Omaha, NE 68114 402-391-7246 558-8198 Don’t Let Pain Stop You. Let Us Help You Get Your Life Back. Call Today DELIVERY RY • CATE C CATERING ATERING • CARRYOUT CARRY (402) 614-0600 • 6516 Irvington Rd. Serving Omaha For Over 50 Years Where the Smart People Drink! 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