Proudly sponsored by: THE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF MALAYSIA th 11 German Shepherd Dog Club of Malaysia Specialty Show Judge : Herr Heinz Scheerer (SV Judge Germany) BH & TSB Show Breed Survey Date: Saturday 10th Jan 2015 Time: 3.00pm - 6.00pm Date: Saturday 10th Jan 2015 Time: 6.00pm - 12.00pm Date: Sunday 11th Jan 2015 Time: 10.00am - 12.30am Venue: Chen Moh School, Petaling Jaya Venue: Chen Moh School, Petaling Jaya Venue: to be confirm ENTRY DETAILS (DELETE under column DC/LC) MKA Registered Name of Dog DC / LC MKA Reg. No. Mal. Bred or Imp. (state country) Date Whelped Microchip No. 1 Registered Name of Sire MKA Registered Name of Dog DC / LC Sex Registered Name of Dam Sex Name of Breeder MKA Reg. No. Mal. Bred or Imp. (state country) Date Whelped Microchip No. 2 Registered Name of Sire Registered Name of Dam Name of Breeder DC = Double Coat LC = Long Harsh Outer Coat Mark (X) under entry column for the class(es) you wish to enter your dog(s). Classes offered Definition of Classes Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry 1 2 BH TSB BS Above 6 months to 12 months Above 12 months to 18 months Above 18 months to 24 months Above 24 months Dog whelped in Malaysia or MAL. BRED (MB) Imported in dam above 6 months BH / TSB / BS Above 18 months Minimun 5 entries for the Long Harsh Outer Coat (LC) for this show. Duplicate copy of the Pedigree certificate to be attached with the Entries Form PUPPY (P) YOUNG DOG (YD) YOUTH (Y) ADULT (A) ENTRY CLOSING DATE: Entry forms MUST reach PO BOX 6605 by Friday, 2nd Jan 2015 Check-in Time on Show Day (10/01/2015) 2.00pm - 3.00pm DETAIL OF EXHIBITOR(S) GSDCM MEMBER NAME(S): ADDRESS: MKA NON-MEMBERS MEMBERSHIP NO. : HP : EMAIL : DECLARATION : I/We undertake to abide by the Show Rules/Regulations of the GSDCM and accept any liability of disqualification of my/our dog(s) whether or not I/We are aware of any breach of Show Rules. I/We also declare that all detail given on this entry form are to the best of my/our knowledge and belief true and correct. I/We have read and accept all the instructions and notices printed on the reserve of this form. I/We declare that I/We take part in the show at my/our own risks and hereby indemnify the GSDCM and all other parties involved in the organization of the show against any and all claims and liabilities that may result from any untoward incident or consequences of my/our participation in the show. Date : …………………………….………… Total Entry Fees : RM Enclosed Cheque / Bank In Slip Receipt No: Receipt Date : Signature(S) : ………………………………...…... IC No. : ……………………………………….. In affiliation with: The German Shepherd Dog Club of Malaysia INSTRUCTIONS General Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This Entry Form is to be used by members of the GSDCM, MKA and Non-Members. Details of the Exhibit(s) & Exhibitor(s) must be as shown on the MKA Certificate of Pedigree. The transfer or application for transfer must be submitted together with the entry form if the Exhibit is not yet registered with the MKA or transferred to the Exhibitor’s name. The Exhibitor must countersign all alterations and corrections on the Entry Form. Entry Form that are incomplete or those with incorrect details or without the appropriate fees will be rejected. The Exhibitors Pass must be collected by Dog Exhibitor only. 7. Entry Forms, together with the appropriate fees are to be submitted to the following address on or before the closing date. The German Shepherd Dog Club of Malaysia Peti Surat No 6605, Pejabat Pos Kampung Tunku, 47308 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Entry Events Show - 1st Dog Subsequent dog(s) Mal Bred dog(s) BH / TSB Breed Survey 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Members of GSDCM RM50.00 RM40.00 RM30.00 RM50.00 RM50.00 Members of MKA RM100.00 RM80.00 RM40.00 RM50.00 RM50.00 Non-Members RM120.00 RM100.00 RM60.00 RM100.00 RM100.00 All dogs must enter their age group to be eligible for Malaysian Bred Class. For Long Harsh Outer Coat category open for all classes, with minimum of 5 entries for this show For BH ,TSB & Breed Survey dogs above 18 months are allowed to participate. For rules and instruction please refer to GSDCM Facebook. Duplicate copy of the Pedigree certificate to be attached with the Entries Form Gun Test for Dogs & Bitches above 18 months will be carried out. To advertise in the show catalogue, kindly contact Mr. Sugu 016 293 7424 / email: [email protected] Entries via Email will be accepted if the total entry fees have been paid into GSDCM bank account, email the bank-in slip together with the Entry Form(s) & Pedigree cert. to GSDCM. Payment is to be made to the following account: Name of Account Name of Bank (Branch) : Account no. Email : [email protected] THE GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB OF MALAYSIA CIMB BANK 8003614642 Email : [email protected] Tel : 012 – 204 6696 General Show Rules General Cleanliness at Shows – Exhibitors are reminded that it is their responsibility to pick up/clean their dog’s poo at show ground. Exhibitors who trim/groom their dogs at shows are also responsible for picking up their fur. Exhibitors caught breaking these cleanliness rules will be given an automatic one show ban. All dogs owned and co-owned by them at the time of the offence, will also automatically be suspended from one show, even if they are transferred to new owners. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Illness – The GSDCM shall not be liable for any form of illness or disease that dogs may contract at a show. Exhibitors are required to take every reasonable precaution to prevent the introduction of diseased or sick animals to the Show. The sale of dogs at the show venue is strictly prohibited. Any dog entered must not have been registered or recorded as having been owned, by the Judge within the period of six (6) months immediately preceding the show. The only exception shall be in the case where an emergency Judge is appointed to replace the advertised Judge. Exhibition of Imported & Malaysian Bred Dogs – Imported dogs whose application for re-registration is past the 6 month grace period and who have not yet obtained a local MKA registration number cannot be exhibited. Collecting Ring – Only dog handlers are allowed into the collecting ring. Expelled or suspended members of GSDCM / MKA are not allowed to handle dogs in the ring. All foreign exhibitors who are showing here temporarily can do so, so long as they are registered members for their respective local Canine authorities that are recognized and have reciprocal agreements with the GSDCM / MKA. If Handler is not a Registered Member of the GSDCM / MKA, they will be required to sign up as a Member of the GSDCM on day of the show on the membership form. 3 Calls Rule – it is the responsibility of exhibitors to have their dogs ready at ringside for judging. If exhibits are not represented on time for judging, upon 3 calls by the steward of your exhibit number, your exhibit will be disqualified. Double handling will be permitted at this show. Note : The GSDCM reserves the right of any changes without prior notice. Boarding and Hotel could be arrange with request, please refer to Ricky Lye 012-2046696 For member whose membership had expired please renew your membership.
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