#10, December 2014 Professional Engineers in California Government PENSIONS UNDER For the past several years, public employee pensions have been a punching bag, in California and nationally, for those who claim they caused Budget deficits and the economic recession. Fortunately, the pension system has deflected or absorbed most of the blows but the attacks continue. In 1999, after years of no salary increases during Governor Wilson’s regime, legislators were politically reluctant to approve substantial state employee pay raises to catch up, even though the economy was booming. As a result, state employees agreed to improvements in the retirement system in exchange for lesser raises. Several years later the economy went through a recession. CalPERS and other pension systems lost money on their investments; pensions were blamed for the economic woes in California and elsewhere. Proposed initiatives to gut pension benefits continually failed to make the ballot, but so-called pension reform legislation was enacted in 2012. Initial proposals were destructive and unconstitutional, but ultimately the new law had little impact on current employees, other than increasing the employee contribution, offset by an equivalent salary increase. However, the pension formula and resulting benefits were reduced for future hires. PECG HEADQUARTERS (916) 446-0400 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 501 Sacramento, CA 95814 Email: [email protected] PECG SAN FRANCISCO (415) 861-5720 1 Sutter Street, Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94104 PECG LOS ANGELES (818) 500-9941 215 N. Marengo Avenue, Ste 185 Pasadena, CA 91101 PECG INSURANCE INFO (415) 956-1344 The courts have long upheld the constitutional obligation of public agencies to pay retirement benefits promised to public employees when they were hired. This has been one of the excuses for paying public employees less than their private sector counterparts -- they may not make enough salary to save money but their defined benefit pension plan is guaranteed to them when they retire. This principle has come into question recently as three California cities -- Vallejo, San Bernardino, and Stockton -declared bankruptcy. While there were many factors causing their financial problems, pensions became an issue -- was a bankrupt city obligated to honor its pension promises to current employees as well as current and future retirees? The City of Vallejo agreed to continue its payments to CalPERS. The City of San Bernardino reached a confidential agreement with CalPERS. It was recently revealed that it would continue to honor its pension obligations. The City of Stockton developed a bankruptcy recovery plan which would include continuing its full payments to CalPERS. However, an investment firm which would receive only partial payment as the result of the bankruptcy asked the federal bankruptcy judge to disapprove the City’s plan to honor its pension obligations. continued on page 2» FAX Headquarters (916) 446-0489 Los Angeles (818) 247-2348 San Francisco (415) 861-5360 PECG TOLL FREE NUMBERS Sacramento (800) 338-1480 Los Angeles (888) 980-7324 San Francisco (800) 924-5575 VISIT PECG ON THE WEB www.pecg.org Retro Pay is on the Way All Unit 9 employees will receive two days of back pay as the result of PECG’s lawsuit challenging the furloughs. PECG argued, and the Superior and Appellate Courts agreed, that the furloughs in 2011 exceeded legislative authority. Thus, the state owes the employees back pay. The payment will be based on each Unit 9 employee’s salary in March 2011 plus 2.2% interest from that date. It is anticipated that the checks will be issued by the end of January 2015. 95% of the PECG-represented supervisors and managers received a 10.1% salary increase effective July 1, 2014. It took a couple of months for the raises to be calculated and included in the regular September pay warrants. Affected employees also received checks for the two months of retroactivity. PECG continues to meet with representatives from CalHR, seeking the full 10.1% increase for about 150 supervisors and managers who received less or no increases. PENSIONS UNDER ATTACK continued from page 1 The judge caused quite a stir when he concluded that CalPERS might have to get in line with every other creditor, verbally stating that pensions “could be adjusted”. However, the City provided the judge with a recovery plan which included full payment to CalPERS as the City emerges from bankruptcy. In late October, the judge approved the plan. Thus, for the time being, the long-standing principle that public agencies honor their obligations to their employees and retirees remains in place. It is expected that those who oppose the defined benefit or other aspects of public employee pensions will continue their attacks in the Legislature, at the ballot box, in the courts, and in the media. PECG is and will continue to be part of a coalition which opposes efforts to weaken or destroy CalPERS and other public employee retirement plans. 2 Alan Escarda was the recipient of PECG’s 2014 Member of the Year Award. In his role as PECG Vice President Supervisory, Alan worked tirelessly with the Administration, CalHR, departmental management, and PECG members throughout California to achieve the long overdue salary adjustments for supervisors and managers this year. Mahin Khakizadeh received the 2014 PECG Outreach Award for her outstanding efforts in mentoring college engineering students, judging science fairs, campaigning for PECGendorsed candidates, and fundraising for several worthy causes and organizations in her community. The Inland Empire Section is the 2014 PECG Section of the Year. Section Officers are shown here receiving the award from outgoing PECG President Cathrina Barros (right). The Section has a high membership percentage, produces an excellent newsletter, conducts well-attended membership meetings, and involves members in a variety of activities in the San Bernardino/Riverside area. 3 Professional Engineers in California Government 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 501, Sacramento, CA 95814 Return Service Requested The 2015 PECG Wall Calendar is now available! Featuring 15 full color pictures of attractive California scenery and activities, the spiral bound calendar includes state holidays and other significant dates throughout the year. If you would like a calendar, simply contact your Section President or Director. You can also call or email the PECG Headquarters Office in Sacramento. Contact information is listed at the bottom of Page 1. Also, PECG members should have recently received a 2015 pocket calendar and membership card in the mail. If you did not, please contact the PECG Headquarters Office. LOS ANGELES 215 N. Marengo Ave. Suite 185 Pasadena, CA 91101 (818) 500-9941 (888) 980-7324 SAN FRANCISCO 1 Sutter Street Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 861-5720 (800) 924-5575 PECG has been representing the engineers and related classificatio DETACH PECG HEADQUARTERS 455 Capitol Mall Suite 501 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 446-0400 (800) 338-1480 www.pecg.org FOLD OVER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS IN CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT In 1981, PECG fought for and wo classes (architects, landscape engineering geologists, etc.) in Sta needs and interests of supervisors In 2003, PECG negotiated a landmark Memorand sought goal. In subsequent years, PECG-represe salaries in line with their counterparts in Californi While wasteful outsourcing continues to be a p infrastructure and the development of clean ener MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING PECG represents members with grievances, arbit elected by PECG’s 10,000 members establish PEC professional negotiators, consultants, attorneys, union. Because of this efficient operation and organizations representing state employees. PECG maintains offices in Sacramento, San Franc geographical Sections. PECG offers members excl group rates. SECTION: 2015 PECG will continue to dedicate all of our efforts sincerely appreciate your continuing support. Roy Flores President PECG has been representing the p engineers and related classification 455 Capitol Mall Suite 501 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 446-0400 (800) 338-1480 LOS ANGELES 215 N. Marengo Ave. Suite 185 Pasadena, CA 91101 (818) 500-9941 (888) 980-7324 SAN FRANCISCO 1 Sutter Street Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 861-5720 (800) 924-5575 DETACH PECG HEADQUARTERS www.pecg.org FOLD OVER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS IN CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING In 1981, PECG fought for and wo classes (architects, landscape engineering geologists, etc.) in Sta needs and interests of supervisors In 2003, PECG negotiated a landmark Memorand sought goal. In subsequent years, PECG-represe salaries in line with their counterparts in Californi While wasteful outsourcing continues to be a pr infrastructure and the development of clean ener PECG represents members with grievances, arbitr elected by PECG’s 10,000 members establish PEC professional negotiators, consultants, attorneys, union. Because of this efficient operation and organizations representing state employees. PECG maintains offices in Sacramento, San Franc geographical Sections. PECG offers members excl
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