2015 Year One Reporting Day 22 December 2014 Application Documents CONTENT 1. 2. Item Application for Interbank Giro RGS Filiae Fund Page Submit To Due Date 3 Form Collection Booth at Foyer , or 22 Dec 2014 Form Teacher 2 Jan 2015 4 General Office At your convenience General Office 2 Jan 2015 RGS New Campus Development Fund 3. Transport to MOE Language Centre @ Bishan/Newton 5 4. Instructions for Application of Special Programmes 2015 6 5. Main Application Form for Special Programmes 7 Follow due dates of respective programmes 6. Application for Chinese Special Programme 2015 8 General Office 2 Jan 2015 7. Application for Malay Special Programme 2015 9 General Office 2 Jan 2015 8. Application for Regional Studies Programme 2015 10 General Office 2 Jan 2015 9. Application for Music Elective Programme 2015 12 Music Room 23 Dec 2014 10. Application for Special Art Programme 2015 14 Art Room 23 Dec 2014 11. Book List for Year 1 2015 18 Vendor -‐ 12. School Uniform Order Form 20 Vendor -‐ 2 -‐ -‐ APPLICATION FOR INTERBANK GIRO PART 1 : FOR APPLICANT’S COMPLETION (fill in the spaces indicated with ü) Note: Amendments made on the form must be countersigned by bank account holder, use of correction fluid / tape is not allowed. ü Date : ______________________________ Billing Organisation (“BO”) : Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) ü To : ______________________________ ü Pupil’s Name & Class : ______________________________ (Name of my/our Financial Institution) ü Branch : ______________________________ ü Pupil’s BC / NRIC / FIN Number : ______________________ (Branch of my/our Financial Institution) (a) (b) (c) I/We hereby instruct you to process the BO’s instructions to debit my/our account. You are entitled to reject the BO’s debit instruction if my/our account does not have sufficient funds and charge me/us a fee for this. You may also at your discretion allow the debit even if this results in an overdraft on the account and imposes charges accordingly. This authorisation will remain in force until terminated by your written notice sent to my/our address last known to you or upon receipt of my/our written revocation through the BO. My/Our Name(s): My/Our Contact (Tel/Fax) Number(s): ___________________________________________ ü ü__________________________________________________ My/Our Account Number : My/Our Company Stamp/Signature(s)/Thumbprint(s)*: ü ___________________________________________ ü__________________________________________________ (as in Financial Institution’s records) * For thumbprints, please go to the branch with your identification for verification. PART 2 : FOR BILLING ORGANISATION’S COMPLETION Bank 7 1 7 Branch 1 0 Bank 6 Pupil’s Reference Number Raffles Girls’ School (Sec) Bank Account Number 5 0 Branch 6 5 0 0 0 6 1 5 4 Account Number To Be Debited PART 3 : FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION’S COMPLETION To : Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) 20 Anderson Road Singapore 259978 This Application is hereby REJECTED (please tick) for the following reason(s): # q Signature/Thumbprint differs from Financial Institution’s records # q Account operated by signature/thumbprint # q Wrong account number # q Amendments not countersigned by customer # q Others : ___________________________________________ q Signature/Thumbprint incomplete/unclear Please delete where inapplicable. _____________________________ Name of Approving Officer ____________________________ Authorised Signature 3 __________________________ Date RGS FILIAE FUND/ RGS NEW CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT FUND A. I wish to make a one-time contribution towards: q RGS Filiae Fund q RGS New Campus Development Fund Amount: ________________ Amount: ________________ q By Cheque [payable to RGS] q By Cheque [payable to RGS] Cheque No: _________________ Cheque No: ________________ Bank: _____________________ Bank: ____________________ q By GIRO (minimum S$100) [same bank a/c as school fees deduction] q By GIRO (minimum S$100) [same bank a/c as school fees deduction] Note: All donations of S$10,000 or more will be acknowledged in the RGS Donor Roll. One-time contribution can also be made via credit card through the RGS website link at http://ipay.rgs.edu.sg/Pages/make-gift-form.aspx B. I wish to contribute monthly by GIRO together with the school fees deduction for year/s: q 2015 q 2015– 2016 q 2015 – 2017 q 2015 – 2018 q RGS Filiae Fund q RGS New Campus Development Fund Amount: ________________ Amount: ________________ By GIRO (minimum S$25) [same bank a/c as school fees deduction] By GIRO (minimum S$25) [same bank a/c as school fees deduction] Name: *Dr/Mr/Mrs/Mdm/Miss/Ms ____________________________ Parent / Guardian of: ___________________________________ Signature: __ ______________ Class: ______________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Contact Number: ______________ (H) _________________ (O) Telephone: _________________ (Hp) q Please make out tax-‐exempt receipt to: NRIC/ROC No*: ____________________ Name/Company*: _______________________________ (for electronic filing to Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore) q Please tick (ü ) accordingly *Delete where necessary J All donations will be entitled to tax exemption of up to 2.5 times the donation amount or at the prevailing rate. 4 APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORT TO MOE LANGUAGE CENTRE @ BISHAN / NEWTON Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) will arrange for single trip transport to bring pupils taking Third Language to MOE Language Centre (MOELC) at Bishan or Newton on every Friday during term time. The annual transportation fee is $55. The service will start from 16 January 2015. All buses will leave the school main car park at 2.00pm for 2.30pm classes and 2.30pm for 3pm classes. Pupils who wish to use the transport are required to fill up the form below and submit to the General Office by 2 January 2015. The transportation fee will be collected via Interbank Giro. The Giro deduction from your parent’s/ guardian’s bank account will be done on 26 February 2015. The transportation fee is non-refundable; however, for Year 1 pupils who withdraw from 3rd Language class by 13 February 2015, only $5 transportation fee will be deducted from your parent’s/ guardian’s bank account via Interbank Giro on 26 February 2015. All students who have paid for the transport to MOELC will receive a notice from the Administration Office to collect their bus card by March 2015. They are required to show their bus card to the bus driver every time upon boarding. For clarification, please contact Mrs Tan Bee Lain, Assistant Head of Languages Department at Tel: 6838-7700 or email: [email protected]. "-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐"-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐"-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐"-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ TRANSPORT TO MOE LANGUAGE CENTRE @ BISHAN/ NEWTON FOR YEAR 1 (2015) Name of Pupil: _________________________________________ Birth Cert/NRIC No.: ____________________________________ Language: French/ Japanese/ German/ Spanish/ Arabic/ Bahasa Indonesia * MOE Language Centre: Bishan/ Newton* I would like my daughter / ward* to use the school transport and pay the annual transportation fee via Interbank Giro as stipulated by the school. Name & Signature of Parent/Guardian: __________________________________ Tel No: (Home) __________________________________ Date: ______________ (Mobile) _____________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________ *Please delete accordingly. 5 INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMMES 2015 Instructions: 1. Please complete: (a) the Main Application Form on Page 7, and (b) the form for the respective special programme you wish to apply for. 2. Submit 1(a), 1(b) and required documents like photocopies of certificates, recommendation letters etc. to the General Office by the respective deadlines. Note: You are to apply for only ONE Special Programme. 6 MAIN APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMMES 2015 IMPORTANT NOTE: MUST be filled in and attached to the application form for the Special Programme you are applying for. Personal Particulars of Applicant Name of Applicant Birth Cert / NRIC Number Date of Birth Blood Type Primary School Citizenship Singaporean / Singapore PR / Foreigner * Contact Number (Home)_______________ (Hp) _____________ Email Address Home Address Parent’s/Guardian’s Information Name of Parent/Guardian Relationship Contact Number (Home)_______________ (Hp) _____________ Email Address I am applying for (please tick in the relevant box. Choose ONE only): ¨ Music Elective Programme ¨ Special Arts Programme ¨ Regional Studies Programme (includes Malay Special Programme) ¨ Chinese Special Programme ¨ Malay Special Programme ¨ I have been offered a place AND will be accepting the offer of taking up a Third Language at MOELC Note: 1. Please also complete and attach the relevant forms and documents for the programme that you have ticked. 2. DSA (Sports) students are strongly advised to fulfill your obligation to your Sports CCA BEFORE considering application to a Special Programme. __________________________ Signature / Date Student _________________________ Signature / Date Parent *Please delete accordingly. 7 APPLICATION FOR CHINESE SPECIAL PROGRAMME 2015 Students are eligible to apply for Chinese Special Programme if they: (i) have not offered Chinese Language or Higher Chinese Language at PSLE; and (ii) are offering a Mother Tongue Language which is not Chinese Language or Higher Chinese Language. Name of Applicant Applicant's Contact Details Phone number (Home): Phone number (Mobile): Email Address: Citizenship Birth Cert / NRIC Number Singaporean/ Singapore PR/ Foreigner * Race Mother Tongue of Applicant Father: Mother: Applicant: PSLE English Language & Mother Tongue Results (Please attach a copy of the PSLE result slip to the application form) • English Language Result : • Mother Tongue : (Malay / Tamil /NTIL*) Result : I declare that the above-mentioned particulars are correct. Date Name of Father/Mother/Guardian* Signature of Father/Mother/Guardian* FOR OFFICIAL USE Application is successful / not successful * Date Name & Designation of Approving Officer * Please delete accordingly 8 Signature of Approving Officer APPLICATION FOR MALAY SPECIAL PROGRAMME 2015 Students are eligible to apply for Malay Special Programme if they: (i) have not offered Malay Language or Higher Malay Language at PSLE; and (ii) are offering a Mother Tongue Language which is not Malay Language or Higher Malay Language. Name of Applicant Applicant's Contact Details Phone number (Home): Phone number (Mobile): Email Address: Citizenship Birth Cert / NRIC Number Singaporean/ Singapore PR/ Foreigner * Race Mother Tongue of Applicant Father: Mother: Applicant: PSLE English Language & Mother Tongue Results (Please attach a copy of the PSLE result slip to the application form) • English Language Result : • Mother Tongue : (Chinese/ Tamil/ NTIL*) Result : I declare that the above-mentioned particulars are correct. Date Name of Father/Mother/Guardian* Signature of Father/Mother/Guardian* FOR OFFICIAL USE Application is successful / not successful * Date Name & Designation of Approving Officer * Please delete accordingly 9 Signature of Approving Officer APPLICATION FOR REGIONAL STUDIES PROGRAMME 2015 Students who offer Regional Studies Programme (RSP) will automatically offer Malay Language under the Malay Special Programme (MSP). RSP applicants NEED NOT apply for MSP separately. Students are eligible to apply for Regional Studies Programme if they: (i) are Singapore Citizens (to qualify for RSP with Scholarship); (ii) are Non-Singaporeans (to qualify for RSP without Scholarship); (iii) have a proven track record of good academic ability; (iv) are competent in languages (English Language and Mother Tongue); (v) have preferably assumed leadership positions in Primary School; and (vi) have an interest in South East Asia. SECTION A Name of Applicant Applicant's Contact Details Phone number (Home): Date of Birth Phone number (Mobile): Email Address: Birth Cert / NRIC Number Citizenship: Please Circle the Relevant Status Singaporean/Singapore PR/Foreigner * Name of Parent 1 Parent 1 Citizenship Parent 1 Occupation Name of Parent 2 Parent 2 Citizenship Parent 2 Occupation PSLE Results: • PSLE Aggregate: ________ • English Language PSLE Result: ________ • PSLE Mother Tongue Result: ________ • Indicate Mother Tongue Language taken at PSLE: __________________ (Please attach a copy of your PSLE result slip to the application form) 10 SECTION B List any leadership positions / roles assumed in Primary 4 to 6: To be completed by student. Tell us, in about 120 words, why you would like to be part of the Regional Studies Programme. You may write on a separate sheet and attach it to the application form. I declare that the above-mentioned particulars are correct. Date Name of Father/Mother/Guardian* Signature of Father/Mother/Guardian* FOR OFFICIAL USE: [ ] Student is admitted to RSP with scholarship. [ ] Student is admitted to RSP without scholarship. [ ] Application for RSP is unsuccessful. Student is offered MSP. Date Name & Designation of Approving Officer * Please delete accordingly 11 Signature of Approving Officer APPLICATION FOR MUSIC ELECTIVE PROGRAMME 2015 Part I: Contact Details/Experience in Music Enter all relevant details. Where inapplicable, please indicate ‘NA’. Name of Applicant Contact Details of Applicant Phone No (Home): Phone No (Mobile): Email Address: Contact Details of Parent Name: Phone No (Mobile): Email Address: Music Results a. 1st instrument b. 2nd instrument (if any) 1 instrument (a copy of the certificate(s) and mark form must be attached) 2 st nd instrument Grade Mark Exam Board Grade Mark Exam Board Highest level attained for Theory Grade / Mark / Examination Board (a copy of the certificate and mark form must be attached) Details of Music Teachers (Instrument/s) a. 1st instrument Name of teacher: ______________________________ Phone no: _______________ Address: _____________________________________ Email: __________________ b. 2nd instrument (if any) Name of teacher: ______________________________ Phone no: _______________ Address: _____________________________________ Email: ___________________ Part II: Confirmation by Applicant I certify that the particulars and informtion given above in Part I are correct. ____________________________ ____________________________ Signature of Applicant Date 12 PART III: To be Completed by Parent / Guardian of Applicant Memorandum of Understanding I, Mr / Mrs / Mdm * ____________________________________(IC no: ____________), agree to the application made by my child / ward *________________________ (name), to take up the Music Elective Programme (MEP). I am aware that the MEP is a 4-year commitment, and that it is in my child’s best interests (due to the demands of the subject) that she should not arrange for any activities that fall on Friday afternoons (including CCA or other enrichment classes). I also understand that should my child be selected for the MEP, withdrawal from the programme for my child is subject to MOE approval, as there are a limited number of places in MEP in Singapore, and MOE puts in significant resources into running the MEP in RGS. As a consequence, should MOE approve my child’s withdrawal from the MEP in future, I will be liable for liquidated damages for the costs incurred in running the programme. __________________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian ________________________ Relationship to applicant _________________ Date * Please delete accordingly Important Note: 1. Failure to attach photocopies of certificates when signing up for the Selection Trials will result in automatic disqualification from the trials. 2. Shortlisted applicants have to attend a selection trial (theory) test roughly equivalent to a Grade 5 theory paper on Tuesday, 23rd December 2014, 9.00am. 3. Parents of prospective students are to attend a briefing while their children are sitting for the test (also on Tuesday, 23rd December 2014, 9.00am). 4. Shortlisted applicants will be informed via email by 5pm on Wednesday, 24th December 2014. Shortlisted applicants will have to accept or decline any offers by Monday, 29th December 2014, 5.00pm. 13 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ART PROGRAMME 2015 Attach passport size photo here Part I: Personal Particulars Full Name (Please underline Surname) NRIC Number: Home Address Telephone No. (Home) Telephone No. (HP) Email Date of Birth/ Place of Birth Primary School CCA in Pri Sch/ Positions held in Pri School Special Art Classes/ Courses Completed/ Attending (e.g. NAFA’s School of Young Talents) If you are offered a place, how do you think you can benefit from this programme? Special Needs (if any) (Please give details of any disabilities/ medical conditions which may require special arrangements, facilities or medical attention) 14 Part II: Parent/ Guardian Acknowledgment (To be completed by your parent/ guardian) I understand that my child/ ward wishes to apply for RGS’ Special Art Programme and has noted the expectations and commitments for my child upon entering the program. Therefore I have given permission for her to do so. ______________________________ ____________________ Name of Parent/ Guardian Signature/ Date ______________________________ Relationship to applicant 15 LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FOR SPECIAL ART PROGRAMME 2015 (OPTIONAL) NOTE: To be completed by your Art teacher Dear Art Teacher, Your professional judgment about the applicant’s abilities and personal attributes will help us to make a more comprehensive evaluation on the student’s suitability into the Raffles’ Girls’ Secondary Special Arts Programme. The goal of SAP is to recognise and develop the artistic talents of individual students. It is set up for the students to excel and refine their talents in specific areas of art and design. The SAP will introduce students to a wide range of art techniques and styles before independent specialisation in areas of the student's choice at the later stage. We believe that your report will give us an additional perspective of the student as a person and learner. Thank you for your time. Warm Regards, RGS Art Department We are looking out for the following attributes in an art student: l Positive Attitude – Works hard, understands the high level of commitment towards art making. l Creativity – Makes Art using a highly innovative and expressive effort. l Appreciation – Takes interest in the environment, people and culture. What specifically about the applicant’s artistic skills indicate that she has a special talent in this area? (e.g. drawing, painting, etc.) Please indicate an occasion in your art lesson that the applicant performed exceptionally e.g. intellectual curiosity, creativity or leadership? Please describe the applicant’s typical classroom performance and preparation. Please describe the applicant’s willingness to work independently as well as a group. 16 Please describe the applicant’s other abilities that demonstrate her interest in Art. How does the applicant handle failure, criticism and viewpoints that differ from her own? Please tick where it applies to the applicant in the provided boxes. Personal Qualities Excellent Good Average No basis For Judgment Motivation & Task Commitment Independence Maturity Acceptance of Challenge I have taught the applicant in year __________ and have known the applicant for ___________ year(s). ______________________________ Name of Art Teacher ____________________ ______________________________ Signature/ Date Email School Stamp Office Contact No. 17 Raffles%Girls'%School%(Secondary) The%Raffles%Programme%2015%Booklist%Z%Year%1 Name%Of%Pupil%:___________________________________% Class%:______________ Tel%:%__________ Item Title%of%Book Publisher Price%$ Qty Literature % 1 The%Forms%of%Narrative%1%Author%Peter%Abbs%&%John%Richardson%* Cambridge% 24.90 2 The%Forms%of%Poetry%1%Author%Peter%Abbs%&%John%Richardson%* Cambridge% 24.90 3 The%Painter%Of%Signs* 21.30 Penguin *%Price%is%applicable%at%School%Bookshop%Only Total 71.10 Mathematics 4 New%Syllabus%Mathematics%Textbook%1%(7th%Edition) Shing%Lee 24.20 5 New%Syllabus%Mathematics%Textbook%2%(7th%Edition) Shing%Lee 24.05 Total 48.25 Research%Studies 6 The%Thinker's%Guide%To%Analytical%Thinking%1Linda%Elder%&%Richard%Paul APD 9.50 Total 9.50 Student%Develpoment The%Thinker's%Guide%For%Students%On%How%to%Study%&%Learn1Foundation%For% 7 APD 9.50 Critical%Thinking Total 9.50 Science 8 Physics%Matters%for%GCE%'O'%Level%Textbook% Marshall 32.50 9 Chemistry%Matters%for%GCE%'O'%Level%Textbook% Marshall 32.20 10 Mastering%Biology%## 1 NFY % ##%Materials%Provided%By%School Total 64.70 Geography%(FULL) 11 All%About%Geography%Physical%Geography%Textbook% Pearson% 18.70 12 All%About%Geography%Human%Geography%Textbook% Pearson% 17.70 Total 36.40 Chinese%Language%(Higher%Chinese) 13 Higher%Chinese%for%Sec%School%Textbook%1A Marshall 3.90 14 Higher%Chinese%for%Sec%School%Textbook%1B Marshall 3.90 15 Higher%Chinese%for%Sec%School%Workbook%1A Marshall 3.00 16 Higher%Chinese%for%Sec%School%Workbook%1B Marshall 3.00 17 Learners 17.50 %1%Optional 18 Creative 42.00 HansVision%PX2101%E1Dictionary%1%Optional%# Total 73.30 #%Other%approved%eZdictionaries%includes:%Besta%New%All%PassZ1%Computerized%Dictionary,%and%HansVision%PX2051%EZDictionary Chinese%Language%(Express) 19 Chinese%Language%for%Sec%School%Express%Textbook%1A% Marshall 3.90 20 Chinese%Language%for%Sec%School%Express%Textbook%1B% Marshall 3.90 21 Chinese%Language%for%Sec%School%Express%Workbook%1A% Marshall 3.00 22 Chinese%Language%for%Sec%School%Express%Workbook%1B% Marshall 3.00 23 Learners 17.50 %1%Optional 24 Creative 42.00 %HansVision%PX2101%E1Dictionary%1%Optional%# Total 73.30 #%Other%approved%eZdictionaries%includes:Besta%New%All%PassZ1%Computerized%Dictionary,%and%HansVision%PX2051%EZDictionary Chinese%Language%(Special%Programme) Will%publish%end%Dec%14 25 Chinese%(Special%Programme)%for%Sec%School%Textbook%1A% Marshall Will%publish%end%May%15 26 Chinese%(Special%Programme)%for%Sec%School%Textbook%1B Marshall Will%publish%end%Dec%14 27 Chinese%(Special%Programme)%for%Sec%School%Workbook%1A Marshall Will%publish%end%May%15 28 Chinese%(Special%Programme)%for%Sec%School%Workbook%1B Marshall Total NFY Malay%Language%(Higher%Malay) 29 Jauhari%Bahasa%Melayu%Lanjutan%Textbook%1A Marshall 4.20 30 Jauhari%Bahasa%Melayu%Lanjutan%Textbook%1B Marshall 4.35 31 Jauhari%Bahasa%Melayu%Lanjutan%Workbook%1A Marshall 2.55 32 Jauhari%Bahasa%Melayu%Lanjutan%Workbook%1B Marshall 3.15 Total 14.25 Malay%Language%(Special%Programme) Will%publish%end%Dec%14 33 %Malay%(Special%Programme)(Fasih%Bahasa)%%Textbook%Sec%1 Marshall Will%publish%end%Dec%14 34 %Malay%(Special%Programme)(Fasih%Bahasa)%%Workbook%Sec%1 Marshall Total NFY Marshall Marshall Marshall Marshall Total Prices%are%discounted%&%inclusive%of%GST.%Not%applicable%for%further%discounts%with%Popular%Card. 3.90 3.90 3.20 3.00 14.00 Tamil%Language%(Higher%Tamil) 35 Tamilsudar%Textbook%1A 36 Tamilsudar%Textbook%1B 37 Tamilsudar%Workbook%1A 38 Tamilsudar%Workbook%1B NFY1Price%Not%Fixed%Yet 18 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Raffles+Girls'+School+(Secondary) The+Raffles+Programme+2015+Stationery+List+^+Year+1 Stationery A5$RGS$Single$Line$Exercise$Book A4$RGS$Single$Line$Exercise$Book A4$RGS$Examination$Pad$In$4$Different$Colours$with$Footnote A4$RGS$Chinese$Composition$Pad A4$PP$Ring$File$E$Yellow$(Higher$Chinese) Student$Progress$Report$Folder Mathematical$Curve$Rulers$E$French$Curve Home$Economics$5$Files$in$1$(Aesthetics) Casio$FXE96SG$Plus$Scientific$Calculator Name$Tag$(1$set$2pcs)$* School$Badge$* *+Collection$and$payment$to$be$made$at$the$school$bookshop$when$ $new$school$term$starts$in$Jan$2015.$ Qty 5 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Price+$ 0.50 1.00 1.30 1.40 2.80 2.20 3.20 2.50 23.00 3.00 1.00 Total Amt 2.50 3.00 5.20 2.80 2.80 2.20 3.20 2.50 23.00 3.00 1.00 51.20 Qty Art+Material+(Compulsory) OMNI$Aquarelle$Water$Soluble$Colour$Pencil,$24$Colours OMNI$Golden$Nylon$Brush$#R4$,R8,F#10$in$Wallet OMNI$Acrylic$Colors$45cc$(6$colors)$ OMNI$Sharpener$In$Container$(MAGNIFIER) OMNI$TechnoEDraw$Pencil$#2B/4B/6B SEED$Kneaded$Eraser"NORMAL" A4$Sketch$Book$Portrait 30cm$Metal$Ruler Double$Sided$Tape$1/2" White$Glue$Small OMNI$"XT5''Scissor$Model$K Qty 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ + Price+$ 8.00$ 8.80$ 12.20$ 1.10$ 1.70$ 1.00$ 2.00$ 1.80$ 0.50$ 0.80$ 1.00$ Total Amt 8.00 8.80 12.20 1.10 1.70 1.00 2.00 1.80 0.50 0.80 1.00 38.90 Qty Qty 1$ Price+$ 2.50$ Amt 2.50 Qty 1$ 12.50$ 12.50 Total 15.00 Item Art+Material+(Optional) 1 OMNI$Mixing$Palette Sakura$Poster$Colour,$30cc$Bottle$Singles$(5$Colours)$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2 Lemon$Yellow/Carmine/Cobait$Blue/Black/White >>$$Prices$are$discounted$and$inclusive$of$GST.$Not$applicable$for$further$discounts$with$Popular$Card. >>$$For$purchase$of$textbooks$at$Popular$Retail$Outlets,$Parents/Students$must$present$this$booklist$ $$$$$$to$the$cashier$(for$scanning$purpose)$in$order$to$enjoy$the$school$rates. >>$$Purchase$of$stationery$will$only$be$available$at$the$school$bookshop. >>$$Please$produce$original$receipt$for$exchange$of$books/stationery$within$one$week$of$purchase. >>$$Books/Stationery$must$be$in$mint$condition.$Books$with$written$name$will$not$be$accepted. Mode+of+Order+ Fax+No+ Telephone+No+ Date+of+Sale+ Repeat+Sale+Date Business+Hours+for School+Bookshop :$WalkEin$Purchase$or$Fax$Order$or$Home$Delivery$Service :$6734E0302 :$6732E6629$E$Bookshop,$6462E9529/30$E$Popular's$Office :+22/12/14 :+Payment+Modes+:+Cash,+Nets+&+Credit+Cards+(for+22/12/14+only) :$23/12/14$to$30/12/14 :$Payment$Modes$:$Cash$&$Nets$ $ $ :$Mondays$to$Fridays$$E$9.00am$to$3.00pm :$Saturday$(27/12/14)$E$9.00am$to$12.00pm :$Closed$on$24/12/14,$31/12/14,$Sundays$and$Public$Holidays +FOR+FAX+ORDER+&+HOME+DELIVERY.+PLEASE+ALLOW+5+WORKING+DAYS+TO+PROCESS+YOUR+ORDER. NAME$OF$PUPIL$:______________________________________________________ CLASS$:_____________ CONTACT$NO:$_________________(HOME)$_________________$(HP)$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$COLLECTION$DATE::$____________ **ADDRESS$:$__________________________________________________________________________________ **+APPLICABLE+FOR+HOME+DELIVERY+IN+SINGAPORE+ONLY.+DELIVERY+CHARGE+IS+$10.00.+ FOR+HOME+DELIVERY+SERVICE,+ORDER+MUST+BE+FULLY+PAID+AT+THE+SCHOOL+BOOKSHOP.+ 19 School Uniform Order Form Bibi&Baba Private Limited Opening Hours 545 Orchard Road, #02-28 Mon -Sat: 10am to 7pm Far East Shopping Centre Sun: 10am to 6pm Singapore (238882) Tel: 6732 7022; Fax 6835 4979 Raffles Girls’ School (Secondary) Name: Address: Class: Tel: Fax/email: Date: Blouse Size S$9.60 White 65/35 TC (189491) 13 14 14½ 15 15½ 16 S$ 16½ Quantity Pinafore w/ belt Size S$17.10 Navy 65/35 TC (192546) 32 34 36 38 S$ 40 42 Quantity Culottes Skirt Size S$16.10 Navy 65/35 TC (192547) XS S M L XL S$ 2XL 3XL Quantity PE Polo T-Shirt Size S$11.80 White 60/40 CVC Coolplus (190924) XS S M L XL S$ 2XL Quantity PE Shorts (lined) Black Sulcool Micro Fibre w/wicking properties (190925) Size S XS M L XL S$9.60 S$ 2XL Quantity Accessories Price School Tie Repp Twill (189498) S$8.00 Pinafore Belt Navy 65/35 TC (190126) S$2.10 Qty S$ Prices include GST Made to measure: 50% upcharge (min 2 pcs) Total payment due for: pieces 20 S$ Includes 7% GST Dec 2014
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