Nothing in this policy statement precludes the Governing Body from inviting parents to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of providing education or activities for students. Remissions Where parents of a student are in receipt of Income Support or Family Credit, the Governing Body will remit half the cost of board and lodgings for any residential activity that it organises for the student, if the activity is deemed to take place in the school hours, or where it forms part of the syllabus for a prescribed public examination, or the National curriculum. Application should be made by the parents to the Headteacher for support. In other circumstances there may be cases of family hardship, which make it difficult for students to take part in particular activities for which a charge is made. When arranging a chargeable activity, the Governing Body will invite parents to apply, in confidence, for the remission of the charges in part, or in full. Authorisation of remission will be made by the Headteacher. 22 CHARGING AND REMISSIONS POLICY 2009 - 2010 CONTENTS Page Admissions 1 Curriculum 2009 - 2010 6 Charging/Remissions Policy 21 Essential Items Uniform PE Kit Jewellery Equipment list Personal insurance 16 Governors 13 Home School Agreement Introduction The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including clubs, trips and residential experiences, can make towards students’ social and personal education. The Governing Body aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the students of the school and as additional optional activities. Charges The Governing Body reserves the right to make a charge in the following circumstances for activities organised by the school:1. School Journeys in School Hours The travel, entrance fees, board, lodging and cover element of activities deemed to take place within school times, such as Biology and Geography A’ Level field trips and theatre visits, which are part of the curriculum. 4 Results Key Stage 3 results 2007-8 GCSE results 2009 A Level results 2009 Absences 2006 - 2009 14 15 15 17 School Day 2009 - 2010 17 2. Activities Outside School Hours The full cost to each student of any activities deemed to be optional extras, taking place outside school hours, such as: skiing trips, theatre trips, concerts, camping expeditions, including the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, visits to sporting venues, exchange visits. A proportion of the travel costs involved in school sporting fixtures. This will normally be raised by levying a match fee. 3. Charging in Kind The cost of materials, ingredients, equipment (or the provision of them by parents) for subjects such as: Art, Resistant Materials, Food Technology School Holidays 2009 - 2010 18 Sport Provision 2009 - 2010 19 Studying at Home 11 Study Support 9 Teaching Staff 2009 - 2010 12 Uniform/PE Kit 16 The Governing Body may charge for ingredients and materials or require them to be provided where parents have indicated in advance that they wish to own the finished product. 4. Individual and Small Group Instrumental Tuition A fee is payable for music tuition within school. The Governors will endeavour to subsidise these lessons as the budget allows. 5. Examination Fees Where a student has not been prepared for a prescribed public examination by the school, the Governing Body may make a charge for the cost of entering the student for the examination, as they can for entries for non-prescribed examinations, whether or not prepared by the school. If a student fails, without good reason, to complete the examination requirements for any public examination for which the school has paid (or is liable to pay) an entry fee, then the Governing Body may recover the fee from the parent. Cost of any retakes will also be charged to parents. 21 PLAYING FIELDS The John Bentley School Admissions Policy 2010-2011 30 acres, which includes: 4 Rugby/Soccer pitches 3 Hockey pitches 1 Cricket square (1 Astroturf pitch) 1 Athletics track (400 metres) In addition there are three grid areas for training (60 x 30 metre areas) and jumping pits and throwing circles for field athletics. Rugby and Soccer pitches are often hired out by local teams as is the artificial cricket pitch. Local runners use the field for training and the School’s Gymnasium and Hall are hired out for community use for aerobics and fitness work and Calne Netball Club. ICT • • • 4. NUMBERS The admission number for each new Year 7 cohort and Year groups up to and including Year 11 is 235. ADMISSIONS CRITERIA DVD player Video JBS sports web page Designated Area STAFF i Students will be admitted from the School’s designated area at age 11 without reference to ability or aptitude where a mainstream school is an appropriate placement. ii We consider applications from students from the following Primary schools and their surrounding areas. The Department comprises 5 full-time PE specialists, who have great experience in secondary education and whose specialities complement each other. (Separate list of coaching qualifications if needed.) An SSCO has been appointed from September 2006 to liaise with primary schools. COACHES/HELP FROM PARENTS Cherhill Derry Hill Fynamore Heddington Hilmarton Holy Trinity Priestley St. Dunstan St. Edmunds St. Nicholas, Bromham Lyneham Rowde * The Department occasionally enlists the help of parents who have particular interest in specific sports and we also have occasional visits from coaches from the Wilts FA and RFU, and the ESBBA. 5. * Students with a Calne home address LINKS WITH SPORTS CLUBS Out of Designated Area LOCAL: i If there are spare places in the School after the designated area children whose parents expressed a preference have been admitted, then these places will be allocated to out of area children whose parents have chosen the School. (Please see over). ii The School will liaise with the LA over the admission of students from out of the designated area. Calne Rugby Club Derry Hill United Marlborough Athletics Calne Town FC Calne Running Club Calne Squash Club Calne Badminton Club Devizes Rugby Club Chippenham Rugby Club Calne Cricket Club Goatacre Cricket Club Chippenham Cricket Club Calne Basketball Club Chippenham Town FC Swindon Athletics Club Bath University Athletics Club Chippenham Hockey Club Devizes Hockey Club Calne Volleyball Club Sixth Form i Designated Area The Sixth Form will provide education for those post-16 students wishing to embark on further study. Reference should be made to the post-16 prospectus for individual course entry requirements. ii Out of Designated Area We welcome applications to the Sixth Form from students who are out of our designated area. OVER SUBSCRIPTION Vulnerable students – to include looked after children as defined in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989, students registered with the National Asylum Support Service and students with a physical impairment or medical condition (with supporting evidence from a doctor or the PASSIS team). 20 1 PE DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Designated Area As The John Bentley School is the only secondary school in the designated area then, if, as a result of demographic change the school population grows, the Governors would seek to expand the capacity of the School. The priority for the admission of designated area children will be: i Students with a birth or step sibling who reside at the same address on roll at time of admission. ii Distance. Proximity of the child’s home to the school (as measured by the distance in a straight line from the main entrance of the school to the entrance of a child’s home (that is the students home address shared with Parent/ Guardian) with those living nearest accorded the highest priority will be used as a tie breaker. This information will be obtained, in the first instance, from the admission forms. RATIONALE AND AIMS The Department aims to provide a wide variety of learning situations so that at the end of their school life students will find some aspect of Physical Education that they can pursue during their leisure time. This is achieved by challenging students physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally through the medium of sport, an area in which most students enjoy themselves and some gain outstanding team or personal success. 1 SCHOOL TEAMS INTER SCHOOL FIXTURES: Rugby, Football, Basketball, Netball, Hockey, Cricket, Rounders, Athletics, Cross Country Running. Out of Designated Area INTER TUTOR GROUP MATCHES: The priority for the admission of out of designated area children will be: i children who have an older sibling or step sibling who resides at the students home address who will be attending the School at the time they are admitted; ii children with physical impairment (with supporting evidence being required from a doctor or the PASSIS team); iii where there are medical reasons (with supporting evidence being required from a doctor) for admitting children; iv proximity of the child’s home to the School (as measured by the distance in a straight line from the main entrance of the school to the entrance of a child’s home, (that is the students home address shared with Parent/ Guardian) where those living nearest are accorded the highest priority and this will be used as a tie breaker. This information will be obtained, in the first instance, from the admission forms. Football, Netball, Rounders, Swimming Gala, Softball, Athletics, Sports Day, Basketball. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES TO KEY STAGE Golf, Trampolining, Table Tennis, Fitness. 2 TIME ALLOCATION CURRICULUM TIME KS3 Core KS4 Core GCSE PE BTEC National Award AS/A2 PE Sixth Form In the event of over-subscription, priority will be given to students from The John Bentley School. If there are spare places in the Sixth Form after students from The John Bentley School have been admitted, places will be allocated to other children; priority being given to those living nearest to the School as measured by the shortest safe walking route. 3 x 75 minute sessions 3 x 75 minute sessions 4 x 75 minute sessions 6 x 75 minute sessions 7 x 75 minute sessions EXTRA CURRICULUM TIME After School Lunchtimes Weekends (occasional) Appeals Procedure If a place is refused to a student, parents have the right of appeal to an independent Appeal Panel within 14 days from the date of notification to parents that their application for a place at the school was unsuccessful. Letters of appeal should be sent to the Clerk to the Governors, via the School. (There is further information available from the School to help in this process). 4 CORE PE PROGRAMME 24 hours per week 12 hours per week School Matches Team practices take place after school - 5 - 6 staff are involved on 4 evenings per week. Leisure time clubs take place at lunchtime - 4 or 5 staff are involved every day of the week. 3 FACILITIES Late Applications Procedure Late applications will be admitted if places are available and prioritised according to the Admissions criteria. LEISURE CENTRE (inc 25 metre swimming pool; 5 badminton courts; 2 squash courts; fitness suite). GYMNASIUM Oversubscription In the event of over subscription, parents may add their child to a waiting list held by the school if they wish. Children on the waiting list are ranked in order by reference to admissions criteria shown above. The list will operate from the first allocation of places until the day the students are admitted to school. Fully equipped with fixed and portable apparatus. HARD COURT AREA Includes 5 Netball courts, 6 Tennis courts and 3 outdoor Basketball courts. 2 19 EARLY ADMISSIONS Students will be admitted from Year 5 only if there are: i ii substantial educational reasons supplied by the Primary School and with supporting evidence that, in the view of the Primary School and The John Bentley School, no social disadvantage will ensue; sufficient spare places. PROCEDURE AND TIMING FOR ADMISSIONS TO YEAR 7 2010: Open Evening (please see yearly details for date) Mid September Distribution of Prospectus Open Day (please see yearly details for date). Date for receipt of applications. Parents notified of place by this date. The dates for application and notification are now set by the LEA. HOME SCHOOL AGREEMENT Parents will be invited to sign a Home School Agreement after admission. Please see Prospectus. 18 RELATED DOCUMENTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION The School Prospectus Post 16 Prospectus Home School Agreement Admission Appeals Procedure Please contact Ms R Martin, Director of Transition 3 4 • ensures maximum academic success for all students, • is relentless in the pursuit of outstanding teaching and learning, • is focussed in the interest of excellent relationships for learning, • understands and cares fully for each individual. • is a loving, fun, humane school, • Works with parents and students to raise standards and achieve excellence. The John Bentley School is a high achieving and caring school which: HOME SCHOOL AGREEMENT THE JOHN BENTLEY SCHOOL THE SCHOOL DAY 8.40 a.m. PDT (including Assembly) 9.10 a.m. Lesson 1 10.25 a.m. Break 10.45 a.m. Lesson 2 12.00 a.m. Lesson 3 1.15 p.m. Lunch 2.00 p.m. Lesson 4 3.15 p.m. End of School PERCENTAGE OF AUTHORISED AND UNAUTHORISED ABSENCES 2008/2009 ANNUAL TOTAL Number of pupil sessions 379761 Number of authorised absences 30512 Number of unauthorised absences 6128 17 ESSENTIAL ITEMS UNIFORM • Navy sweatshirt with School logo. • White polo shirt with logo. NB collar and a school logo MUST always be visible. (If a T-shirt or vest is worn underneath, it must not be visible above the neckline of the polo top.) • Shoes must be black (no very high heels, no backless shoes, NO TRAINERS OR CANVAS SHOES. ‘Ugg’ boots and boots over trousers are not allowed). • Trousers and skirts must be formal (no jeans, leggings or cords), and they must be black and plain, not patterned. In summer terms 5 and 6 smart tailored knee length black shorts/culottes may be worn. • Tights and socks should be black, white or beige. • Students can bring a hat to wear but only if it is sunny, and they are outside on the field in the summer. • Other items such as belts and hair bands must be plain black (or navy for hair bands). Our uniform should be worn smartly and with pride. Extremes of fashion must be avoided and health and safety ensured. Checks will be made in September and throughout the year. Students who are not wearing the correct uniform will be sent home to change or parents contacted to collect them. PE KIT • Swimming hat - no student (male or female) will be allowed to swim without a hat; • Pale blue polo shirt (with PE logo); • Rugby shirt, reversible (boys); • Black shorts; • Pale blue football socks; • White socks for indoor/summer term lessons; • Football boots (boys and girls); • Trainers; • Hoodies, sky blue (for girls, Yr 7 and 8) or navy - wording must only be in pale blue or navy (no nicknames please); • Shin Pads (strongly recommended) for contact sports; • Mouth guards (strongly recommended) for contact sports - self-moulding, these will give protection from injury. Can be purchased from the PE Department, although dentists do a better fitting version. JEWELLERY For reasons of safety and security no jewellery may be worn except a plain cross and chain, a single signet ring, one pair of small plain sleepers or studs, in ears if they are pierced. Studs are preferred. ALL jewellery must be removed for PE for safety reasons. Nose jewellery may not be worn and no other piercing is permitted either; this includes tongue and lip piercing. Students will have to remove piercings in school and should not have piercings during the school terms. Makeup, if worn, should not be detectable, and hair should be appropriate for school and avoid exaggerated styles, colour and extremes of fashion. Nail varnish should not be worn. EQUIPMENT LIST All students are expected to be equipped with the following items for all lessons: pen, pencil, pencil sharpener, rubber, ruler, coloured felt pens or pencils, pencil case, planner. Much of this equipment is available at lunchtimes from T06. In addition, the following items are required for particular subjects: Art: English: Maths: Technology: 2B Pencil, A4 Drawing Pad (Cartridge Paper). Fountain pen (ink/cartridge) for best work; biro for rough work. A calculator, a protractor, pair of compasses and set square. A compass, an apron (or 10p to hire one for the lesson). PERSONAL INSURANCE Parents should check their own policies regarding personal clothing, items and other equipment at School. The School has no policy cover. Most items of School uniform can be purchased from the School uniform suppliers: “Sign of the Times”, Unit 22, Calne Business Centre, Harris Road, Portemarsh Industrial Estate, Calne. Telephone: 01249 814899. 16 5 GCSE RESULTS 2009 THE CURRICULUM The Curriculum Policy of the School states that: Summary “The curriculum of all students at The John Bentley School reflects the principles of breadth, balance, relevance, differentiation, coherence, continuity, progression, participation and equality of opportunity.” Number on roll 181 All figures are percentages Key Stage 3 Subject Achieving 1 + A* - G Achieving 5 + A* - C Male 98 63 Female 97 72 All students 97 67 75 minute periods per fortnight English Mathematics Foreign Languages Science Technology / ICT Humanities (History, Geography, RS) PE Art Music Drama Total hours per two week timetable 5 5 5 5 6 6 3 2 2 2 40 (Art/Music/Drama have 1 period per fortnight in either Year 7, 8 or 9) AS/A2 RESULTS Year 13 A2/BTEC Performance Number of students Key Stage 4 PART ONE: 61 Achieving A-E Achieving A-C 97 (Provisional National Average 97.2%) 55 THE CORE CURRICULUM Students in Year 10 have been grouped into three pathways – J, B and S. All students The ‘J’ group pathway curriculum is: Male 97 63 Female 98 47 Distribution 6 % 0 - 60 0 61 - 119 3 120 - 180 27 181 - 239 22 240 - 300 28 301 - 359 10 360+ 10 Average points score including all qualifications taken in Year 12/13 242 15 The ‘B’ group pathway curriculum is: The ‘S’ group pathway curriculum is 14 7 1 2 A range of subjects is offered from which students may choose one. The School consults with students and parents prior to a choice being made. The choices, syllabuses and examination boards, are outlined in a booklet called “Year 10 and 11 Prospectus”. Excluding Tutorial, most Year 10 and 11 courses lead to a GCSE qualification, although the school is increasingly offering courses with a vocational dimension to ensure the needs of all students are met. In English most students obtain both English and English Literature GCSEs, while in Science most obtain double certification. GOVERNORS – 2009-2010 Chair of Governors Deputy Chair of Governors Governor Allocation to Departments Student Mr R Duncan MacKenzie (Chair) (Responsible Officer) Mrs Jasmine MacFadzean Mr Stephen Cave Mrs Lisa Percy (Staff) Community and Finance Dr David Coward (Chair) Mr Alan Carter Mr Martin Kelly Mr John Lawrence (Bursar) Mrs Lisa Percy (Staff) Staff Mr John Hays (Chair) Mr Kevin Hall Mr Martyn Woodbridge Mrs Lisa Percy (Staff) Curriculum Mrs Jackie Day (Chair) Mrs Sally Field Mr Blayne Cooper (Staff) Years 12-13 (Sixth Form) Students may select from an advanced (level 3) qualification from the following: Art German Biology Geography Business/Economics (AVCE) History Chemistry Mathematics Drama Music Design Technology PE English Physics Health and Social Care (AVCE) Psychology French Sociology ICT Travel and Tourism (AVCE) Sport (BTEC National) RS Media In addition, all students in Year 12 follow a core course. This comprises a MFL qualification and an AS in Critical Thinking. Mr David Radford Mrs Teresa Quinn Governor Allocation to Departments/Year Groups Science ADT/ICT MFL Mathematics Humanities PE English Performing Arts Mr Alan Carter Dr David Coward Mr Martyn Woodbridge Mr Stephen Cave Mrs Jackie Day Mr Kevin Hall Mr R Duncan Mackenzie Mr John Hays Mrs Sally Field Mr David Radford Chair of Governors and Head Teacher are members of all Committees Clerk to the Governors Mrs Lindsey Wallace 8 13 Modern Foreign Languages Owen Vince (OV) CL Nathalie Colesby (NC) Alex Collingridge (ACO) GL Year 8 Louise Davies (LD) Catherine Eadon (CE) Rachel Martin (RM) Director of Yr 7 Prim Trans Claire Morales (CEM) FLA Imogen Rea (IR) Zoe Ross (ZR) CC French/G+T Co-ordinator Helga Stevens (HS) FLA Eleanor Stewart (ESU) Nicola Walker (NLW) CC KS2 Languages Maria-Isobel Wilkies-Ciudada (MWC) FLA David Wicks (DW) CC & L/Teacher - NW SLN for MFL Art, Design and Technology Margaret Dobie (MD) CL Emma Bennett (EBN) Sharon Deacon (SD) CC Art Ross Gould (RGO) Caroline Griffin (CG) CC Art Keith Harmer (KLH) TLC KS3 Technology Nicola Hitt (NH) Cathryn Jukes (CJU) English Emily Darrington (ED ) CL Caroline Bates (CB) Amanda Jones (AJ) Media Co-ordinator Pardeep Dhillon (PD) Toby Martin (TMA) Justin Savery (JSV) TLC KS3 Helen Stacey TLC KS4 English (HLS) Melanie Sutton (MDS) Assistant HT 14-19 Rachel Webb (RJW) Physical Education Lynsey Wall (LBA) CL Scott Ferguson (SF) Assistant GL Year 11 David Hamill (DHA) GL Year 9 Samantha Shuker (SSK) Assistant GL Year 8 Bethan Smith (BS) Richard Witts (RCW) CC Boys and KS3 Humanities Laurence Rogers (LR) CL Alastair Burrell (AJB) CC History Heather Durham (HD) Assistant GL Yr 12/13 Joanna Glossop (JG) CC Business Studies David Howe (DHO) Deputy Head Teacher Patricia Kelly (PK) Assistant GL Year 9 Andy Maiden (ASM) Patricia Newcombe (PN) CC RS Simon Parry (SJP) Outdoor Education Co-ordinator Lisa Percy (LP) Asst Head, Prof. Learning Adrian Roberts (AR) GL Personalising Learning Martin Smith (MRS) CC Work Related Learning Gordon Trafford (GT) Head Teacher Performance Arts Blayne Cooper (BC) CL Trudi Baker (TB) Deputy Head Teacher Peter Grant (PGR) Rachel Greig (RGR) Alice Hazlewood (AH) Margaret Kajzer-Hughes (MKH) Kathryn Lockett (KL) CC Music Sarah Whittaker (SJW) Science Elizabeth Bates (ESH) Edward Bouchard (EB) GL Year 11 Kirsten Bouchard (KMB) Susan Brandt (SB) TLC KS3 Science Lindsay Fellenor (LF) Emma Laird (ELA) Juliet McKie (JMK) Assistant Head Teacher Shilvanti Mahmood (SM) Brian Outten (BOU) Emma Stevens (EST) Janet Walker (JW) Fiona Witts (FAW) Information Technology Doug McElroy (DGM) CL – E-Learning Mark Enright (ME) Bridie Walpole (BW) Mathematics Christopher Smy (CSM) CL Nicholas Abrahams (NAB) Kay Brown (KBR) Megan Crook (MC) Steven Darton (SDA) Georgina Keily (GK) Assistant Head Teacher Nichola Mulvena (NM) TLC KS3 Lalage Smy (LS) TLC KS3 Claire Wenban (CWE) Dave Wharton (DCW) Support Department Jane Weston (JWE) TLC Students with AEN Ann Fair (ASF) Peter Guilfoyle (PG) Anthony Kershaw (AK) Alternative and Flexible Provision Paul Harris (PHA) STUDY SUPPORT Study Support includes all activities that run outside the normal school curriculum, such as school trips, exchanges, activity days, after school and lunch time clubs, sporting activities, holiday clubs, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, residentials and supported study at home. Participating in such activities has been shown not only to improve academic achievement but also improve self esteem, self confidence and provide new opportunities and directions for students to develop. The John Bentley School offers a wide range of study support activities; last year's list is reproduced below and the mojority of these activities will be offered in future years The list is not exhaustive and we regularly review the activities on offer. Termly lists are provided to tutor groups and these will be published in the newsletter. List of possible activities: School Trips Science KS3 - Science lectures and competitions Science KS4 Post 16 - Chemistry trip to Northern Ireland Science lectures and e-competitions and visits to museums Humanities KS3 - Sikh temple, Hindu temple, water treatment plant, Ypres battlefields KS4 - Geography field trips, museum visits, Cadbury's World Post 16 - Geography field trips to Iceland, Snowdonia, Devon, History Trips to Berlin and London Art and Technology KS3 - Boulogne, Bruges KS4 - Paris, Clothes Show Post 16 - study days at universities, visits to art galleries Languages All year groups - German exchange Post 16 - university visits Performance Arts All years - theatre trips Post 16 - New York English All years - theatre performances PE KS3 - Bude and Holland exchange All years - national and international matches Others Ski trip, Indian visit Activity Days KS3 - India, Brazil and Italy days Study support days at the end of term PSHE days - explore different aspects of the personal, social, health and Citizenship curriculum ****** CC – Curriculum Co-ordinator, GL – Guidance Leader TLC – Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator 9 12 After School and Lunchtime Clubs STUDYING AT HOME Maths After school and lunchtime support clubs English After school and lunchtime support clubs Science After school and lunchtime support clubs, Science club Homework plays a vital role in students’ education at The John Bentley School. It enables students to develop their knowledge and understanding in different curriculum areas, and also to develop independent study skills, such as undertaking research and organising their own time and workload. ICT After school and lunchtime support clubs In Years 7 - 9 students are given one Learning Project (LP) per term from each subject, with the exception of Maths and Modern Foreign Languages who will set weekly homeworks. Art and Technology After school and lunchtime support clubs In Years 10 - 13 homework is set weekly. Performance Arts After school and lunchtime support clubs The amount of study at home should be: PE See page 19 Others Kite club, chess club, School Council, G&T activities, • • • Years 7 – 9 Years 10 – 11 Sixth Form About 20 – 30 minutes per subject. About 30 – 45 minutes per subject. 9 hours per week minimum. Departments set various tasks, and the tasks vary in length and nature according to the student’s learning needs. The homework might be: Holiday Clubs Year 6 Summer School • • • • Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme A Learning Project (Years 7 - 9) Preparation for a unit of work A self-contained assignment Part of a task being done in class. The involvement of parents is vital in supporting study at home. We ask them to: • • • • • • 10 Provide somewhere quiet to work Help the student to develop a regular pattern of setting aside time for study at home Discuss the work with their children, advising on appropriate lines of thought and approach without actually doing the work for them! Read the planner to check what work is set and ensure that it is completed and taken back to school Be aware that exam boards require students to sign a declaration that coursework for exams is their own work Use the school website ( to check the timing and detail of LPs in Years 7 - 9) 11
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