Our Lady of Calvary 11024 Knights Road • Philadelphia, PA 19154 215.637.7515 email: [email protected] • website: www.ourladyofcalvary.org Like Christ, Helping To Bring People Closer To God And One Another Founded February 25, 1958 Msgr. George S. Wierzalis, Founding Pastor Parish Staff Pastor Rev. John F. Babowitch Parochial Vicars Rev. Lawrence Kozak Rev. William Kirk Business Manager Walt Blatz Kathy Smith, Administrative Assistant Marie McCullough, Grade School Tuition Debbi Podsiedlak, Bulletin Coordinator Confession Schedule Saturday – 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. and By appointment in the Rectory Mass Schedule Saturday Evening – 5:00 p.m. Sunday – 6:30, 8:00, 10:00 12:00 Noon and 6:00 p.m. Eve of Holydays – 7:00 p.m. Holydays – 6:30, 8:00, 10:00 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. Daily – 6:30, 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. School 11023 Kipling Lane, Phila., PA 19154 Sr. Mildred Chesnavage, CSFN, Principal Mrs. Jeanne Costello, Assistant Principal 215.637.1648 Office for Religious Education Sr. Mildred Chesnavage, CSFN, DRE 215.637-1648 website: http://userweb.nni.com/olc Convent Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth Convent 11027 Kipling Lane, Phila., PA 19154 215.637.3599 DECEMBER 21, 2014 Monday December 22, 2014 6:30 Albert Lorenz, Sr. req. by Family 8:00 Maryanna Wesolowski req. by Daughter 7:00PM Lois Pagano req. by Patrick McGinley Tuesday December 23, 2014 6:30 Addie Clark req. by Joe & Kathy Reilly 8:00 Robert Farrell req. by Family 7:00PM Sr. Peg Hynes req. by Frank & Cathy Pfeiffer Wednesday December 24, 2014 – CHRISTMAS EVE 6:30 NO MASS 8:00 John Patterson req. by Weikel Family 4:00UC/LC OLC Parishioners 4:10 GYM OLC Parishioners 7:00 OLC Parishioners 12:00AM OLC Parishioners Thursday December 25, 2014 – CHRISTMAS DAY 6:30 OLC Parishioners 8:00 OLC Parishioners 10:00 OLC Parishioners 12:00 OLC Parishioners Friday December 26, 2014 6:30 Paschale Lepre req. by Family 8:00 James O’Donnell req. by Joan O’Donnell 7:00PM NO MASS Saturday December 27, 2014 6:30 NO MASS 8:00 Lois Pagano req. by Elaine Girton 5:00PM Jean Wierback req. by Joe & Janet Witkowski Sunday December 28, 2014 6:30 Bill Hopkins req. by Wife 8:00 Stanley Genits req. by Fran & Ed Kubala 10:00 William Hower req. by Salley Newman 12:00 Bob Nolter req. by Family 6:00PM Adele Wireman req. by Kohler Family LITURGY SCHEDULE for DECEMBER 28, 2014 Communion Lector Altar Server K. O’Brien L. DeLisi L. Flynn C. Lepre J. Witkowski J. Swift L. DeLisi B. Urbanski S. Michielli 6:30AM S. Krause S. Brown D. Corrigan 8:00AM J. Robbins J. Witkowski M. Juliano M. Hatfield M. Hatfield D. Juliano J. O’Donnell W. Wesolowski J. Sweeten 10:00AM M. Ciampoli John Teson T. Gola C. Gonzaga M. Bell M. Bell P. Cummings TJ Fluehr G. O’Brien 12:00PM A. Sobieski A. Broscius E. Curran M. Costello R. Fluehr B. Milligan J. Wojtkielewicz R. Spear G. Ginter 6:00PM D. Kralle R. D’Arcangelo Re Monahan J. O’Malley L. Bernstein Ra Monahan T. O’Leary Mass 5:00PM PRIEST MASS SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2014 5:00PM Fr. John 6:30AM Fr. Kozak 8:00AM Fr. Kirk 10:00AM Fr. John 12:00PM Fr. Kirk 6:00PM Fr. Kozak Maria Walton & John Colella On Sunday, December 14, 2014, two girls received the sacrament of Baptism by which they were incorporated into the Body of Christ: Emily Grace Meenan – daughter of M/M Michael Meenan Hailey Joyce Meenan – daughter of M/M Michael Meenan All sick parishioners, their relatives and friends: Kathy Mather Bertino – friend of Carol McTague Madison Mari – granddaughter of Jim & Dorothy Mari Sharon Bonewicz – niece of Frances Sterthouse For those in the armed forces: Daniel DiGiuseppe – Marines, Daniel Taylor – Air Force, Stephen Winther – Marines, Bobby Winther – Navy, Amanda Smith – Navy, Joseph Patti – Army, Christian Curtis – Marine, Thomas Campbell – Marines, Michael Bones, Jr. – Navy, Brandon Fox – Navy, Daniel Mikula – Navy CHRISTMAS WAFERS are being sold at the school office during school hours (8:00AM-2:30PM) and at the convent (3:00PM-7:00PM) during the week. A donation is greatly appreciated. Eucharistic Ministers – Please pick up your schedules in the Sacristy the weekend of December 20/21, 2014. Page 1/203 DECEMBER 21, 2014 SAINTLY LIVES SPIRITUAL REFLECTIONS CHICO MENDES Rubber Worker and Martyr (1944-1988) “YES” TO THE BEYOND Chico Mendes, who was assassinated in 1988, was the leader of a movement linking the defense of the Amazon region with justice for the poor who lived there. Living in the state of acre in the Amazonian region of Northwest Brazil, he organized a union of the region’s rubber tappers and other poor families who earned their meager living by extracting the renewable resource of the rain forest. Mendes was himself the son of tappers who arrived in the Amazon in the 1940s to take advantage of the rubber boom. In more recent years the fate of such workers was threatened by giant landowners and ranchers who preferred to burn and clear the forests to make way for cattle. Mendes began organizing the rubber workers in 1977, with the initial aim of simply protecting their livelihood. But he gradually expanded his concerns to encompass a wilder ecological vision. The burning of the forest threatened the survival of the planet. Thus “the cry of the earth” was connected to the “cry of the poor”. Though the owners resorted to threats and violence to break the union, the workers’ non-violent tactics gradually attracted international attention. But it was not enough to protect Mendes. He was shot and killed on December 22, 1988. “Chico had a lot of faith. When he died I was filled with despair. But God comforted me and inspired me to work alongside others to carry on Chico’s work. They killed him but they didn’t kill his ideals or crush the struggle.” -Ilza Mendes, widow of Chico Mendes The overarching wisdom of God has carried the plan through, and now the Messiah for whom Israel longed is to be welcomed by this poor, silent, humble girl who represents her people. Such a reading is wholly legitimate, indeed necessary; it is what the evangelist intends, but it is important to remember that we read, as Luke wrote, with benefit of hindsight. In the full light of Easter and Pentecost and the Church’s pondering of the mystery of Christ, Luke could write the Annunciation story in this poetic, allusive, theologically developed way, and we can rejoice in it, but to the people writing the story it did not look that like that. As the poor and faithful of Israel had said “Yes” to God in anguish of spirit, not seeing how things could work out but conscious only of the tearing away from what had gone before and the venture forward into the dark unknown at God’s word, so Mary was being asked to make the leap of faith in response to God’s self-offer and invitation. There were no models for understanding, no comforting precedents, because this thing had never happened before… She said her “Yes” to the Beyond, she let go of her securities, faced the misunderstanding, bore the shame, accepted her own bewilderment and risk. She was herself reborn to a new existence, that she might bring forth life for many. There was joy for her, and in newness of life she danced with the Beyond that was within. Maria Boulding (1929-2009) was a Benedictine nun of Stanbrook Abbey in England. She was a theologian, spiritual writer, and translator of the works of St. Augustine. She authored The Coming of God and edited A Touch of God. Page 2/203 DECEMBER 21, 2014 PARISH EVENTS Monday, December 22, 2014 8:30AM Rosary Prayer Group (M-F) 11:00AM Calvary Seniors I 7:30PM Rosary Prayer Group (M-F) Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:00AM Calvary Seniors II 7:30PM Charismatic Prayer Group 7:30PM Men’s Group Saturday, December 27, 2014 7:00PM AA Meeting Sunday, December 28, 2014 1:15PM Baptism 7:00PM Al Anon Meeting LC LC LC AA LC Rectory Rectory OUR LADY OF CALVARY CAR MAGNET & REWARDS FUNDRAISER-$10 donation gets you an OLC Car Magnet & over $500 in reward coupons & digital rewards. The car magnet is attached to a rewards card with 6 coupons worth over $50 and the URL to the OLC Rewards Redemption Site which includes Perkins, Slack’s Hoagies, Chickie’s & Pete’s, Today’s Eyewear, FOP, Paddy Whack’s, Capital Grille, Kia on the Boulevard. Come to the rectory or after Mass on December 21 to purchase your fundraiser. ELIZABETH MINISTRY Elizabeth Ministry responds to the needs of women during their childbearing years by offering like to like ministry through personal visits. These visits take place in homes, the hospital, or church. Follow-up contacts are made in person, by phone, and by mail. Mother Boniface Spiritual Center, 3501 Solly Avenue is offering a YOUNG ADULT EVENT entitled, “I’m Single and I Know It-What Now?” on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 from 7:00-9:00PM. Come join fellow young adults at this evening event and dig into the meaning of living the single vocation in relations to God’s divine plan for us. Presenter: Carolina Soares, MA, she holds a Master’s Degree in Theology from Immaculate Conception Seminary School at Seton Hall. Fee: Free will offering. Please phone or email to register at least 3 days prior to program. Weekend Retreat-entitled “Beauty, A Path to God” on January 23-25, 2015. This retreat is an invitation to embrace a spirituality of beauty-focus on the beauty that resides in key aspects of a strong spiritual life, exploring the beauty inherent in appreciating the present moment, the beauty associated with forgiveness and gratitude. Presenter: Fr. Anthony Ciorra, assistant vice president for Mission and Catholic identity at Fairfield University. Fee:$160 includes a $40 non-refundable deposit. To register call 267-350-1830 at least ten days prior to retreat. PRE-JORDAN BAPTISM CLASS All parents must attend this class in order to have their child baptized. The next class is JANUARY 4, 2015 at 1:15PM in the lower church. You must register for this class by calling the rectory at 215637-7515. Pre-Cana – Christ the King Parish offers a Pre-Cana program for engaged couples on Friday evening January 30, 2015 and Saturday, January 31, 2015 at the convent. The program is open to all engaged couples from neighboring parishes. For information or registration, please contact Rich Green at [email protected] UC LC Sponsor of the Week – This week OLC Parish would like to highlight HAROLD B. MULLIGN FUNERAL HOMES, INC, for their advertisement on the back of our bulletin. Please patronize this generous advertiser. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP “Community of Hope” invites you to Rejoice in your Baptismal Gifts from the Giver of All Good Gifts on Tuesdays following the 7:00PM Mass at OLC. All are welcome (in the lower church). SNOW REMOVAL – Our Lady of Calvary is in need of volunteers (8th grade and older) to help shovel snow during the winter months. This is a paid position. If interested, please call Joe at 267-7014732. St. Martha Parish will be hosting an ALL CLASS REUNION on Friday, January 9 at Katie O’Donnell’s. Let your family, friends and classmates know to join us for a great night. No tickets will be sold for this event but there will be a cash bar and 50/50 raffle. Catholics Returning Home – Do you know someone who has left the Church? Are you a Catholic who now feels separated from the Church? Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Warminster will conduct an ongoing series called Catholics Returning Home in six consecutive Monday evenings at 7PM beginning January 19, 2015, in the Parish Conference Center. The sessions are for non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the Church. If you know someone who has left the Church, please invite them to join us. For more information, call Charlie Scally 267-884-2970. Page 3/203 DECEMBER 21, 2014 In celebration of the World Meeting of Families, September, 2015, Our Lady of Calvary will begin to pray in a special way for Our Parish Family. Beginning the weekend of December 27/28, 2014, we will mention streets in our Parish where our Parishioners reside. These families will be prayed for during the Universal Prayer. Also, any families who reside on the streets mentions, are encouraged to participate in the Offertory and will then receive a special blessing. On the weekend of December 27/28, families who reside on Abby Road, Academy Place, Academy Road, Albermarle Lane, Alberta Place, Alberta Drive, Alberta Terrace and Alburger Avenue will be mentioned and prayed for. This will continue each week through September 13, 2015. ADULT FAITH FORMATION / RCIA The next meeting of the Adult Faith Formation and RCIA will be on January 8, 2015. This meeting will take place in the Lower Church Meeting Room starting promptly at 7:30PM. Our topic is “The Sacraments: Baptism & Confirmation”. We will not have class on December 25, 2014 and January 1, 2015 due to the Holidays. THE SCRIP OFFICE is open 7 days a week. Hours are Monday through Thursday from 9:00AM to 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM to 3:00PM and 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 9:00AM to 12:00 Noon. During the month of December we are also open on Friday from 1:00PM-3:00PM and 6:00-8:00PM. Saturday we will be open until 2:00PM. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE “WOMAN OF FAITH” weekend retreat on Friday, February 20, 2015 to Sunday, February 23, 2015 at Mother Boniface Spiritual Life Center. For details please contact Monica Bloesch 215-632-9327 or Maureen Colaberdino 856-415-1137. Women of all ages please join us for retreat weekend of relaxation and prayer. You can pray for your needs, those of your family, friends and our world. Fourth Sunday of Advent – “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 During a singing contest, one of the best-trained operatic singers sang a flawless rendition of the Our Father. No one else wanted to compete; finally a nervous old man was persuaded to try. As he began, few could even hear him. In time the sound swelled up in him and filled the auditorium. His performance was far from technically perfect, but every heart was touched. When the judges award the elderly man the prize, the operatic singer contested, “Why him? Wasn’t I brilliant?” They answered: “You knew the song. He knew the Father.” One of the awe-inspiring realities of the annunciation is that, amid her questions-and probably shocked surprise and bewildering confusion-Mary responds with a committed yes. Why is she able to do that? We know nothing of Mary’s life until now, but we can conjecture. This moment did not begin her relationship with God; she knew God from the very beginning of her days. Often we think of faith as believing in truths and doctrines, believing in God. Even though that is a part of it, it’s much more about knowing God intimately. RECTORY/SCRIP OFFICES will close at 12:00PM on December 23, 2014. We will remain closed on Wednesday, December 24, Thursday, December 25 and Friday, December 26. We will also be closed on Wednesday, December 31, Thursday, January 1 and Friday, January 2. Daily Practice: As these Advent days wind down, take time to reflect: do I believe in God; do I also know God? What enables me to know God, to be in relationship with God? Pre-K, K and 1st Grade registration for the school year 2015/2016 can be done in Our Lady of Calvary School office during regular school hours. There is a $25 registration fee. If you have any questions, please call 215637-1648. PROVIDENCE CENTER THANK YOU –The staff at Providence Center would like to extend their gratitude for the warm reception and generosity of Our Lady of Calvary Parish. The students, both young and old, will benefit greatly from your thoughtfulness. Blessings to all of you. Please support the Visconto Family’s 8th Annual St. Francis Inn Blanket Drive. With the help of our family, friends and neighbors we have been able to spread warmth around the Philadelphia area and we sincerely thank you. You may drop off all blankets to the Visconto Funeral Home at 2031 Vista Street or at 11949 Glenfield Street. You are also welcome to call us at 21 5-637-8184 and we will be happy to pick them up. Drop off dates and times are: December 21 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. St Vincent de Paul will no longer be collecting used clothing and therefore the bins will be removed from our parking lot. If you have clothes that you would like to donate, GOODWILL has a store on Knights and Street Roads (behind the Chili’s). Advent Prayer: God, Intimate Friend, thank you for initiating and desiring a personal cherished relationship with each of us. Give me a desire to know you more deeply. Page 4/203 DECEMBER 21, 2014 On behalf of Sister Mildred, Mrs. Costello, Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Father Kirk, Father Kozak, Rectory and School Staff and Myself we would like to wish a Very Blessed and Holy Christmas to all of our parishioners and their families. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE – 2014 Christmas Pageant-Sunday, December 21 12:00PM Mass – Liturgy involving OLC Students presenting the Christmas Story. Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve – Wednesday, December 24 4:00PM Upper Church – Caroling at 3:30PM 4:00PM Lower Church 4:10PM Gym (The focus of these Masses will be for the Children) 7:00PM Upper Church – Caroling at 6:30PM 11:30PM – Christmas Prelude (Hymns & Music) 12:00AM Upper Church – Midnight Mass Christmas Day- Thursday, December 25 Morning Masses: 6:30, 8:00, 10:00AM and 12:00PM (No Evening Mass at 6:00PM) Mary, Mother of God: December31 & January 1 December 31 – 4:00PM / 5:30PM January 1 – 6:30, 8:00 and 10:00AM We would like to take this opportunity to thank Joe Kientzy for his ministries and for all he has done as Extraordinary Minister. Joe has been a coordinator for us and was the first coordinator at Aria Hospital when our parish started bringing Communion to the patients. He served at the 6:30 AM and 8:00 AM weekday Masses and 8:00 AM on Sunday, not to mention Communion calls and funerals. He also found time to lector and help with training Altar Servers. It goes without saying that he will be missed! Thankfully, we can still count on Joe as a substitute. If any Lector or Extraordinary Minister is interested in helping during the Lenten Season at the 7:00PM Mass, please contact Luci DeLisi. We are in need of additional help at the hospital and with bringing Communion to the homebound. Please contact Luci DeLisi 215-632-9239 for Communion calls or Roseann Spear 215-934-5446 to help at the hospital. Are you a Mandated Reporter? As part of our Catholic commitment to safe environments, the Archdiocese recently updated its policies and training curriculum for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. These new policies reflect the Church’s commitment to always do more, as well as new Pennsylvania laws that go into effect on December 31, 2014. If you have direct contact with children, you may be a mandated reporter. Jeanne Costello is our Safe Environment Coordinator and will be working with our parish in the coming weeks to educate mandated reporters about their responsibilities and how to properly report child abuse to Child Line, PA’s 24 hour child abuse reporting hotline. In the meantime, Jeanne can be reached at 215-632-1342 with any questions. Information is also available at www.childyouthprotection.org As we continue to do all we can to keep our children safe, also know that the Office for Child and Youth Protection provides services, resources and support toward healing for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse and their families. Victim services can be reached at 1-888-8008780 or via email at [email protected] World Meeting of Families Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2015 SUNDAY MASSES FOR 2015 Saturday – 5:00PMVigil Sunday – 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM and 6:00PM DAILY MASSES FOR 2015 Monday thru Friday 6:30AM and 8:00AM Saturday – 8:00AM only Season of Lent – we will have 7:00PM Mass during the week New Year’s Eve 4:00PM/5:30PM New Year’s Day 6:30, 8:00 & 10 AM Easter Monday 8:00AM Memorial Day 9:00AM Fourth of July 9:00AM Labor Day 9:00AM Thanksgiving 9:00AM Day after Thanksgiving 8:00AM Christmas Week 8:00AM Holydays 5:00PM Vigil, 6:30, 8AM, 12,7PM Page 5/203 Burns Funeral Homes Family Owned and Operated Since 1939 9708 Frankford Ave., Phila., PA 19114 (South of Grant Ave.) 215-637-1414 Gerard J. Burns, Supv. 1514 Woodbourne Rd., Levittown, PA 19057 (Next to K of C Hall) 215-547-3040 Lisa Burns Campbell, Supv. PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM FAIRDALE Siding • Windows • Doors • Metal and All Roofing FULLY LIC. & INS. • 24 HR EMERGENCY SERVICE 215-824-0818 Best of Montco 2013 www.AmericanRoofingPhiladelphia.com 10% OFF with ad Dr. Charles L. Gemmi III, DMD Dr. Harold L. Middleberg, DMD 2137 Welsh Rd. • Ste. 1B • Phila Windows & Doors Vinyl Siding • Railings Carpentry • Decks • Drywall 215-676-7846 122 N. York Rd. • Ste. 10 • Hatboro 215-675-0542 PA062531 Thomas J. Kelleher, O.D. PROFESSIONAL EYE CARE “I will find your leak!” 215-632-5955 P H A R M AC Y QUALITY EYE CARE-ALL AGES 10501-D Academy Road Native of Parish Rafferty Roofing 215-281-0771 For Quality & Honest Work at Reasonable Prices CARPET • VINYL • HARDWOOD • LUXURY VINYL TILE • LAMINATE • SUPPLIES WE GIVE 10% BACK TO OLC SCRIP All insurance accepted • Easy transfers Free Delivery Diocese Member 12605 Nanton Drive Showroom Hours Mon-Fri 7am-5pm Sat 7am-12pm Appts. Avail. Upon Request 10% Mon.-Tues.-Wed. Senior Citizens & Veterans Discount Complete Automotive Service State Inspection • Alignment 511 Bristol Pike, Bensalem 215-245-9877 • 215-639-0121 Plumbing • Heating Drain Cleaning • A/C Your Parish Plumber 460 21 GUITAR ♫ PIANO ♪ DRUMS ♫ VOICE ♫ TRUMPET BASS ♪ SAXOPHONE ♫ FLUTE ♪ CLARINET ♫ MUSIC THEORY 1542 Bristol Pike, 2nd Fl., Bensalem (above Redhouse Bagels) ♫ www.gmimusiclessons.com “Where Learning From Experienced Musicians Makes the Difference” [email protected] Roof Restoration • Gutters • Siding 215-789-1862 Licensed & Insured Police, Fire & Veterans DISCOUNT Fair Price ELECTRIC 45 MIN. EMERGENCY SERVICE ~ Free Estimates ~ 961 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, PA 19020 3-1 5-63 215-632-8451 All American Exterior Contracting 215.820.2672 215-633-0800 One-on-one music lessons for all levels and styles “Your Complete Exterior Pro” ROBERT “BOB” KENSIL Pick-up or Eat-In • Not to be combined with any other offer Grisafi Music Institute St. Matthew & Father Judge Grad Senior Citizen Discounts City Employee Discounts FREE ESTIMATES St. Jerome Parishioner Bushek Automotive Servicenter, Inc. F EST REE IMAT ES SCD 215-941-1453 • 2841-43 Southampton Rd. Dine-in • Take-out • Delivery • Catering Family Specials • BYOB 215.740.0496 Mike Raucheisen Parish Member 4019 FAIRDALE RD. • 215-632-2828 Fast Friendly Service Family Owned & Operated 1428 E. Columbia Ave., Phila., PA 19125 (At Frankford Ave.) 215-634-6858 Joseph J. Burns, Supv. AMERICAN ROOFING CONTRACTORS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 www.burnsfuneralhome.com www.burnsfuneralhome. com of Woodhaven 4048 Woodhaven Rd. • 215-281-0880 Knights Road Shopping Center BUY ONE BREAKFAST SANDWICH, GET ONE FREE MON., TUES., WEDS. MADNESS BUY TWO, GET ONE FREE ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Heating • Air Conditioning • Drain Cleaning 215-425-4737 Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com Check out our reviews on: Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. 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Contact us for Washington Crossing National Cemetery Benefit Information T.J. Fluehr, Supv. (Parishioner) 215-637-7373 MAUREEN’S FLOWERS Siding • Windows • Roofing • Gutters • Capping • Vinyl Railings Fresh Cut & Silk Arrangements Weddings • Funerals • Hospital Fruit & Gourmet Baskets • Balloons “Flowers for Every Occasion” 3826 Morrell Avenue 215-637-6370 BEN RIZZO Homemade Just like Grandma’s Kitchen 267-205-3190 CONTRACTORS 215-281-0602 OLC Member Senior Citizen Discount 9965 Bustleton Ave. HOLLEN FUNERAL HOMES, INC. JOHN F. GIVNISH FUNERAL HOME, INC. Thomas J. Fluehr, Owner ELECTRIC & LIGHTING 10975 Academy Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 (215) 676-3575 (215) 281-0100 Theodore J. Geitner Jr., Supervisor • Affordable, Licensed & Insured • 100 & 200 AMP Circuit Breakers • Service Cables Replaced • Ceiling Fans, Outlets, Light Fixtures • Electrical Inspections & Certs. • Free Estimates Fine Italian Cuisine Pasiano’s Come In and Experience t Kep Besct ret inst our Spring & Summer Specials! Se rthea No hilly! BANQUETS OFF AND ON PREMISES • BRUNCH SERVED 11AM-2PM P LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF PRINCETON & TULIP OB BY 215-338-1700 www.hollenfuneralhome.com 215-698-2500 Davidson & Son Builder & Remodeler Kitchens • Baths • Basements Decks • Doors • Windows www.davidson-son.com Diocese Member 267-574-2560 JAMES M. PERRY ROOFING Over 25 Years in Business Phila. Police, Retired ~ Member of F.O.P. 215-464-5325 DNH Caterers 11010 Knights Road VISCONTO FUNERAL HOME, INC. LLC “Catering to your every need” Louis R., Sr., Supervisor • Louis R., Jr., FD, Parish Member Specializing in Off Premise Christenings to Weddings 215-632-8202 Derick Vogelman Parishioner • e-mail: [email protected] 2031 Vista Street, Philadelphia www.viscontofuneralhome.com “I am never too busy for you or your referrals.” 215-637-8184 Medicare Planning & Life Insurance Grant & Academy 3160 Grant Ave. Spectrum Home Maint., Inc. Remodeling Kitchens & Baths Since 1981 Dave & Greg Hatfield - Father & Son Parish Members • 215-637-7885 www.spectrumhomemaint.com MARIA (Schwartz) ZIMMERMAN Realtor® o: 215-961-6000 • c: 215-518-3389 Eastern, Inc. @ Grant Ave Proud Native & Current Resident of THE GREAT NE ARHS Grad & Alumni Supporter Wishing You and Yours a Wonderful Holiday Season! God Bless! KENAIRE CO. Heating & Air Conditioning Heat Pumps & Humidifiers Installed & Serviced Upgrade Your Old-Costly Air Conditioner or Heater To A High Efficiency Unit PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Ken Smigo - Parishioner 215-639-3130 Call 215-824-3960 Crosland Rd., Phila, PA 19154 (Since 1978) LENNOX (All Brands) Family owned & operated Since 1898 Financial Partners LLC GUIDING YOU TO A SECURE RETIREMENT cell: 215-776-1349 Joe Cunningham, “Mr. Northeast” RE/MAX Eastern, Inc. Parish Member 2471 Grant Avenue • Philadelphia, PA 19114 215-961-6011 • www.joecesells.com Luxury Bath Each Office independently owned and operated [email protected] Nick Podsiedlak, Associate/Parishioner Calabrisella Catering For All Religious Occasions BANQUET ROOM FOR 55 PEOPLE 715 Bristol Pike (215) 639-3051 We can remodel any bathroom any size any configuration REMODELING KITCHENS BASEMENTS DECKS • TILE • ACRYLIC GREG TUFNER Parishioner • SOLID SURFACE 864 Bristol Pike (Rt. 13), Bensalem, PA 19020 Richard J. Fluehr, Richard J. 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