Save the Children Improving Child Protection and Rehabilitation of Children from sexual Abuse and Exploitation in Bangladesh (Ref: EIDHR/2011/223-092) Draft ToR for Conducting Final Evaluation of the Project 1. Background Save the Children is one of the major actors in child protection both at global level and in Bangladesh. Child Protection is one of the global themes of Save the Children that includes violence against children as one of sub thematic areas of work. The key focus of this sub-theme is preventing of and responding to sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Approximately 40 percent of the 142 million population of Bangladesh is children1. As one of the world’s poorest countries with low human development, high demand for limited basic and essential services, gaps in skills and policies to meet care and protection needs of children and traditions and beliefs that creates social acceptance for abuse, exploitation and violence against children. All these create enormous challenge for the children to realize their right to protection. While sexual abuse and exploitation cut across the society in Bangladesh, affecting children irrespective of class, gender, geographical territory, religion and race, some children are more vulnerable than others. For instance, the children who live in extreme poverty and are not receiving appropriate care, the children who are on the move (trafficked, migrating, etc), and the children who are living and working on the streets are extremely vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation. Sexual abuse is an abuse of power and trust, and the situation of powerless abused children entails suffering in silence and secrecy and the added weight of a heavy burden of shame and guilt. Sexual abuse can lead to social exclusion and a whole range of psychosocial problems. Many victims and families of victims are reluctant to report abuse due to the stigma attached. They also fear reporting their case, because the entire justice system is rife with entry points for further victimization – from the time of reporting to the time of sentencing, and even beyond2. 2. Project Description Save the Children in Bangladesh through its Child Protection sector has been implementing the project ‘Improving Child Protection and Rehabilitation of Children from sexual Abuse and Exploitation in Bangladesh’ to address the increasing incidence and vulnerability of tortured and ill treated children in particular sexually abused and exploited children, with the financial support from the European Union. Initially, the project was designed in 2009 and later on, it was awarded the fund in 2011 to implement the project interventions starting from January 2012 with a 36 months duration. The project is scheduled to be completed by December 2014. The project has been designed in accordance with United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) for ensuring realization of child rights as well as preventing various form of torture and ill-treatment against children. The duration of the project is 36 months i.e. from January 2012 to December 2014. 1 2 Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Government of Bangladesh (2011): Population and Housing Census Save the Children Sweden (2001): Commodities in Stigma and Shame Page | 1 The overall objective of the project is to reduce cases of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children in the project areas and to successfully rehabilitate and reintegrate those children into the society who encountered it. The specific objective 1 is By end of project, period, protection mechanisms against sexual abuse and exploitation of children and community, institutional and governmental level have been improved and fewer children have become subject to sexual abuse and exploitation in the project areas. The specific objective 2 is By end of project rehabilitation systems for sexually abused and exploited children have been improved and the number of sexually abused and exploited children successfully integrated into society has increased. Bangladesh Jatiyo Mahila Ainjibi Samity (English abbreviation BNWLA), Breaking the Silence (BTS) and INCIDIN Bangladesh have been implementing the project in 16 districts across 7 divisions in Bangladesh. The locations of the action are, in Dhaka City (Mirpur, Pallabi ,West Agargoan, Mohammadpur, Shabuzbagh, Ramna Thana), the Districts of Satkhira (Agirdari Union under Satkhira Sadar Subdistrict), Meherpur (Sholotaka Union under Gangni Sub-district), Moulvibazar (Varaura & KhaiChara Tea Garden Union under Srimangal Sub-district), Mymensing (Khakdohor Union under Mymensing Sadar Sub-district), Jamalpur (Jamalpur Sadar Sub-district municipal area), Gazipur (Pubile, Kashempur and Member Bari Union under Gazipur Sadar Sub-district), Narayanganj: (Gudlnail Union under Narayanganj Sadar Sub-district), Barisal (Tungi Baria Union under Barisal Sadar Sub-district), Jessore (Bagachra union under Sharsha Sub-district), Manikganj (Mitura Union under Manikganj Sadar Subdistrict), Rajshahi City (Divisional Capital), Rangpur City (District Capital), Khulna City (Divisional Capital), Barisal City (Divisional Capital), and Chittagong City (Divisional Capital). The target groups of the project are 40,000 children, 20,000 parents (couples), 129 communities, 200 local NGOs, 200 state officials from 5 ministries and governmental institutions. The final beneficiary of the project are 40,000 children, who are sexually abused and exploited or at risk of becoming abused and exploited. The estimated results are: 1. By end of project period, enhanced awareness among caregivers, law enforcement agencies, civil society and local/central government on UNCAT and UNCRC as part of the Universal Human Rights; 2. By end of project period, cooperation among NGOs, communities, children groups, law enforcement agencies, local and central government and corporate sector to address child sexual abuse and exploitation has strengthened; 3. By end of project period, tabooing of sexual abuse and exploitation has been increasingly addressed in the project areas; 4. By end of project period, child protection networks and groups are in place and their child members are empowered to raise their voice against sexual abuse and exploitation; 5. By end of project period, child protection syllabus has been incorporated into the national primary and secondary curriculum; 6. By end of project period, articles of UNCAT and UNCRC related to child protection have been harmonized with national law and passed to the parliament for approval; 7. By end of project period, national child protection index methodology has been accepted by the National Bureau of Statistics; Page | 2 8. By end of project period, increased numbers of children have been rescued from situations of sexual abuse and exploitation; 9. By end of project period, increased numbers of sexually abused and exploited children have access to psychosocial support through institutional and community based care; 10. By end of project period, the quality of psychosocial services for sexual abused and exploited children in institutional and community based care has improved; 11. By end of project period, increased number of child survivors successfully rehabilitated and reunited with their families. The strategies are: Changing knowledge, attitude and behaviors of stakeholders; Improving the access and quality of direct services to survivors; Community engagement and mobilization to strengthen child protection mechanisms; Advocating for relevant policy changes at local and national levels; Strengthening partnerships with local organization and networking. 3. Objectives of the Final Evaluation This project has a complex design integrating different child protection issues like sexual and gender based violence, unsafe migration, and trafficking and institutional transformation along with strong outcomes relating to policy formulation and reform. The project was designed to expand the child sexual abuse and exploitation programme of former Save the Children SwedenDenmark in Bangladesh, and has functional linkages with ‘Partnership to combat child labour through corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Bangladesh’ project under EYE (Engaging Youth in Education) programme and LINK (Rural Urban Child Migration) project under CRG (Child Rights Governance) program as well as CWAC (Children Without Appropriate Care) program under Child Protection. These all together, has given the project a dimension which needs to be understood appropriately and analyzed critically. The Child Protection Sector would like to have a comprehensive understanding on the contribution of the project in line with the project goal and objectives with a focus on what worked better and what did not work, which will enable the sector to draw critical recommendations. The specific objectives of the end evaluation are 1) To appraise the (a) Relevance, (b) Appropriateness (design, coverage, quality - primarily related to functionality and suitability of the current implementation strategies), and (c) Effectiveness of the project with special reference to (i) the effectiveness of the current Partnership approach, (iii) sustainability of the current community-based initiatives and institution/centre-based services with policy inference; 2) To assess which interventions, activities and strategies related to the objectives have proved to be most effective & least effective and document learning from the significant processes with an added focus on child participation; 3) To provide recommendation on how the programme contributes to the broader Child Protection programing outcomes as well as in national CP system in Bangladesh for further program development. Page | 3 4. Evaluation questions The assignment will explore the following key areas: a) Relevance Is the project consistent with the specific development challenges in the country? How does it align with national strategies and priorities? b) Efficiency of implementation Has the project been implemented within deadline and cost estimated? How the monitoring contributed to achieve the results of the project? Any identified synergies between project initiatives that contributed to reducing the costs while supporting results? c) Effectiveness How did the project implementation contribute towards the stated outcomes? To what extent the project beneficiaries benefited from the project as described in project document? What need based adoptions and changes were proposed to capitalize the implementation learning to create broader impact? d) Impact To what extent is the project contributing to a long-term positive effect on vulnerable children and communities? What (if any) unintended impacts have there been? Were they positive or negative? From national perspective, what difference has the project made concerning systems (e.g. services, referral pathways, capacity, budgetary allocations, legal framework etc.) for the care for children in Bangladesh? e) Sustainability How sustainable are the outcomes achieved? (specific focus areas) What are the potential risks and threats to sustainability? f) Lessons-learned and recommendations What strategies, processes and initiatives were most and least effective and why? What challenges and constraints were there and what strategies were undertaken to overcome those challenges and constraints? What are the good practices that needs further focus? Case studies/ Most Significant Changes (MSC)/ Success and failure story. 5. Methodology The evaluation will be done integrating both qualitative and quantitative research methodology focusing on both primary and secondary level information. The evaluator needs to propose participatory research methodology with strong ethical consideration in line with SCI guideline. The methodology will be finalized based on the feedback from Save the Children in Bangladesh. The consultant will also identify the respondent groups and propose different user-friendly methods and tools for respective groups. For children, following the SCI guideline, the Page | 4 consultant will develop the most child-friendly tools for information generation through following proper process. Identification of the respondent groups along with sampling and selection of study area will be critical with the complex nature of the project. 6. Main Tasks: The following main tasks will be undertaken by the consultant: Document Review: Save the Children project documents including relevant documents, reports and statistics, baseline report, mid-term evaluation report, interim reports, financial reports, relevant laws and regulations, funds spent etc.; Draft Evaluation Methodology and Tools: to be submitted for review by Save the Children; Evaluation Design Workshop: with Project Management Steering Committee (PMSC) members to finalize tools; Information Collection in Working Locations: Information will be collected by the consultant through surveys, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, case studies, and site visits; Presentation of Preliminary Findings: at the conclusion of the field work, the consultant will give a brief presentation of preliminary findings to the PMSC members and Save the Children staff; Analysis and Report Writing: Analysis of the data and produce the evaluation report with recommendations; Finalization of the Report: based on input from stakeholders and Save the Children staff. 7. Deliverables Inception report including formats, tools and methodologies, scope, depth and relevance of the evaluation (to include full set of draft data collection tools); Evaluation methodology and tools; Presentation of preliminary findings and recommendations at a meeting of stakeholders; Draft evaluation report based on the finding of the comprehensive evaluation; Final evaluation report incorporating inputs from Save the Children staff and stakeholders. 8. Duration of the assignment The whole process of final evaluation will take 30 days including submission of final report. The consultancy will start tentatively from 21st December 2014 with a duration of 2 months. A tentative schedule for the evaluation is as follows: Key Activity Documents Review Develop Methodology and Tools Time Allocation 2 days 4 days Evaluation team consultation 1 day Conduct evaluation in project areas 14 days Preliminary presentation and de-briefing with Save the Children 1 day Output Work plan Evaluation process Finalization of evaluation tools Transcripts from interviews, focus groups, etc. Input from Save the Children Page | 5 Key Activity Meeting with Project Management Steering Committee members Time Allocation Output 1 day Input from stakeholders Evaluation team consultation 1 day Draft Evaluation Report 5 days Finalize the report 1 day Total: 30 days Input from evaluation team First draft of evaluation report Final draft of evaluation report 9. Key Contacts, reporting & documentation The Study will be supervised & coordinated by Md. Ekramul Kabir, Manager-Child Protection under the guidance of Md. Ehsan Ul Islam Chowdhury, Director- Violence Against Children and Laila Khondkar, Director-Child Protection. Meeting will be held fortnightly among the consultant and Save the Children for sharing and following up the progress, provide necessary inputs for quality improvement of the assignments. 10. Required Skills and Competencies for the Assignment Save the Children staff and PNGO staff will provide necessary support to the consultant. The lead consultant will be responsible for overall management of the final evaluation and completing the evaluation as per these Terms of Reference. The consultant’s profile should include the following: An advanced degree in sociology/anthropology/development studies/statistics or social science related subjects; Demonstrated experience in Child Protection Programming and at least 5 years of experience in conducting evaluations, including designing and employing both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods and tools which are participatory and sensitive to the needs of children and youth; Demonstrated proficiency in producing reports, meeting international standards (EU or similar); Excellent technical ability and experience in qualitative analysis – and in particular, demonstrated knowledge and proficiency in different methods of qualitative analysis; Good understanding on the sexual abuse and exploitation of children; Experience in combining mixed methods of research methodology; Excellent ability to work in English, effective oral and written communication skills. 11. Remuneration/fee and mode of payment The consultant will be paid a total amount in three installments as consultancy fee which will be paid in A/C payee cheque. The consultant will be responsible for taking care of all the expenses related to the assignment. Tax and VAT will be deducted according to the Regulation of the Government of Bangladesh. The payment will be made according to the schedule as below: - 30% after submission of concept note, tools & methodologies for evaluation as well as field visit plan to Save the Children; 40% after submitting the draft evaluation report ; 30% after submitting the final report including all the deliverables mentioned in the ToR. Page | 6 12. Format for the Final Evaluation Report The final evaluation report should be clear and simply written and free of jargon. The main body of the report should not exceeding 40 pages plus annexes, and should include the following sections: a) Basic information page; b) Contents page; c) Abbreviations and acronyms page; d) Executive summary (1 page max.); e) A short introduction to the project and context; f) Evaluation Methodology; g) Findings & Analysis (the exact headings for this part are likely to include the key areas mentioned in the scope of work for the evaluation of this ToR); h) Summary of Recommendations (including details as to how they might be implemented); i) Summary of lessons indicating with who and how lessons should be shared including those who are benefiting from the project, and how any resulting changes in the report will be included. The report should include the following annexes: The Terms of Reference of the evaluation; The names of the evaluator/s (CVs should be shown, but summarised and limited to one page only); Detailed evaluation method including: options taken, difficulties encountered and limitations. Detail of tools and analyses; Case Studies and KII report; Logical framework matrices (original and improved/updated); Map of project area, if relevant; List of persons/organizations consulted; Literature and documentation consulted; Other technical annexes (e.g. statistical analyses, tables of contents and figures). 13. Ethics, Safeguarding and Code of Conduct As the lead consultant will be working on behalf of Save the Children, s/he will be required to adhere to the Child Safeguarding Policy and ethical guidelines. The consultant will sign Save the Children’s Safeguarding Policy. The consultant will make clear to all participating stakeholders especially children of all ages that they are under no obligation to participate in the evaluation. All participants will be assured that there will be no negative consequences if they choose not to participate. The consultant must obtain informed consent from all participants, including children and their caregiver if a child is Page | 7 to be interviewed. The consultant must receive prior permission for taking and use of visual still/ moving images for specific purposes, i.e., ‘for evaluation report and presentations’. The consultant will assure the participants the anonymity, confidentiality and will assure the visual data is protected and used for agreed purpose only. 14. Apply Instruction: If you are interested please send your proposal in hard copy through courier along with the below mentioned required documents to The Director of HR, Save the Children, Bangladesh Country Office, House # CWN (A) 35, Road- 43, Gulshan-2, Dhaka – 1212. - A cover letter (not more than 1 page) introducing the evaluator and how the skills and competencies above are met, with concrete examples as appropriate. Please also use this cover letter to indicate the evaluator’s availability during the evaluation period; - An outline technical proposal (including proposed methodology, time schedule and work plan) as well as financial offer including Tax & VAT as per GOB rule for the assignment; - A CV detailing relevant skills and experience, including contactable referees; - Proven record of experience in implementation child protection related projects including names of organizations and period (minimum two),3) - Team details and - Consultancy fee history (minimum last two) - One or two examples of a final report of a previous evaluation that consultant has led. You can also send the soft copy through below mentioned two email addresses by 30 December, 2014. Email address- [email protected]; [email protected] For further clarification and communication please contact Md. Ekramul Kabir | Manager-Child Protection @ 0172 909 7019. Application Deadline: December 30, 2014 Page | 8
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