! SAINT BARNABAS CATHOLIC CHURCH December 14, 2014 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT ! ! ǣǤ Ǥ [email protected] ǣ Ǥ [email protected] ǣ ! ͛ͣ͟͝Ǧͤͤ͢Ǧͣ͠͠͠ ! ! : Parish Office .... 317-882-0724 Parish Fax ......... 317-887-8932 School Office ... 317-881-7422 School Fax ........ 317-887-8933 Ǧ first initial, last name @stbindy.org View the bulletin and check out parish & school information at www.stbindy.org Weekday: Monday-Friday 8:30am Weekend: Saturday 5pm, Sunday 7, 9,11am, 5pm Morning: Monday-Friday 7:30am Evening: Monday, 6pm ! Ǥ Offering Catholic education for students in grades K-8 in a fully accredited National Blue Ribbon of Excellence school. Call Debbie Perkins, Principal. During the school year: Sundays: Grades K/8 2’s, 3’s & 4’s Preschool during the 9 & 11am Masses Call the Faith Formation Office. Infant baptisms Sundays at 12:30pm. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Contact the Parish Office for an appointment. Couples contact the church at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Office to schedule. ! If you or a loved one are hospitalized, home bound, or residing at a healthcare facility, contact Barb Mathauer, Pastoral Associate, to receive the Eucharist or to be anointed by a priest. ! Tuesday: 9-9:30am Thursday: 2-2:30pm Saturday: 4-4:45pm (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Interested in joining or finding out more about the Catholic Church? Contact Christine Beiriger in the Faith Formation Office ͤ͟͜͜ǡǡͣ͢͠͞͝ Ȁ are available in the Narthex. Ask an usher for assistance. ǯ During the 9am Sunday Mass, Children, Kindergarten through 3rd grade, leave Mass to learn the weekly Gospel at their level. A Stewardship Parish, celebrating 49 years as a faith community Third Sunday of Advent Thank you to our families who have returned their 2015 parishioner packets. This is a reminder, if you have not already done so, to return your completed 2015 intent cards and time and talent sheets. Nearly 5 0% of our registered parish families have not yet returned their pledge. As Christians, we are called to give 10% of our income to charity and the parish requests 5%. All churches operate on stewardship to fund their ministries and programs and we rely on these acts of stewardship to accomplish our mission. As we have now entered into Advent, we are reminded of our abundant blessings and are called to give thanks for God's gracious gifts. We, as a parish, are thankful for all our ministries and all our parishioners who make everything we do in faith possible. It is important for us all to discern God's call to stewardship and how we can best emulate his mission in serving our faithful parishioners and faith community. To keep thriving as a stewardship community we all must embrace stewardship and actively do our part to contribute in time, talent and treasure to support this amazing gift of faith. All the best of this Advent season to you and your family, Monsignor Tony Page 2 THIS weekend, Second Collection for RETIREMENT FUND FOR RELIGIOUS. Give thanks for religious. A parishioner writes, “We thank God today and every day for every religious sister who taught us in school, not only our ABCs, but also to love God.” Share your gratitude for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to this week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. MONTHLY, SECOND SUNDAY FOOD COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND In family practice, the Advent wreath is most appropriately lit at dinner time after the blessing of the food. A traditional prayer service using the Advent wreath proceeds as follows: On the THIRD SUNDAY of Advent, the head of the family lights the 1st purple candle saying: “O God, by whose word all things are sanctified, pour forth your blessing upon this wreath and grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the Coming of Christ, and may receive from you abundant graces. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.” Light the 2nd purple candle saying: “Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to prepare the paths of Your only-begotten Son: that we may worthily serve thee with hearts purified by His coming: Who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen. Light the Rose candle saying: We beseech thee to listen to our prayers, O Lord, and by the grace of your coming enlighten our darkened minds: Thou who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. (From Christmas Prayers, Victor Hoagland, C.P.) NO COFFEE & CONVERSATION THIS WEEKEND! Deetta (de etta) Vance is the coordinator for the Coffee & Conversation Ministry! Contact Deetta at 363-3440 or [email protected] for your committee, group, family, ministry, etc. to host a Sunday. December 14, 2014 ! E-mail first initial, last name @stbindy.org Church: 317-882-0724 Emergency # 317-886-4744 Pastor Msgr. Tony Volz. . . . . . . . . ..x223 Associate Pastor Fr. Ben Syberg. . . . . . . . . . . x224 Deacon Pat Bower. . . . . . . . . . .888-0114 Page 3 The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #3660 (511 East Thompson Rd) will host their monthly BREAKFAST BUFFET Sunday, December 14. The breakfasts are a great time for a family get together! Serving begins at 8AM and runs thru 11:30am Adults $9, children 5-12, $5 (under 5 free). On Facebook? Go "like" https://www.facebook.com/KofC3660 Pastoral Associate Barb Mathauer. . . . . . .698-3472 Parish Secretary Theresa Warner. . . . . . . . . . x221 Director of Music [email protected] Dan Bailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . X238 Coordinator of Music Liturgy Vivian Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . X238 Director of Finance and Operations Angela Boyle. . . . . . . . . . . . x253 Bookkeeper Connie Littrell. . . . . . . . . . . x252 Director of Facilities Greg Beckham. . . . . . . . . . . x271 Director of Faith Formation Christine Beiriger. . . . . . . . . .x225 Director of Communications Carol Elias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . x227 Dir. of Youth/Young Adult Ministry Patty Cain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x226 Principal Debra Perkins. . . . . . . . . . . . x270 School Asst. Principal Denise Wilson. . . . . . . . . . . .x280 School Office Laura Bridgewater. . . . . . . . x248 School Office Kathie McCarthy. . . . . . . . . .x269 If you are visiting our parish, we are glad to have you here and hope you will come back and pray with us. If you are new to the neighborhood, or looking for a church home, we hope you feel comfortable enough on your first visit to return. Call the parish office for information on our parish. St. Barnabas Catholic Church is a Stewardship Parish built on the four pillars of: Hospitality—All are Welcome Prayer—Centered on the Eucharist Formation—Cradle to Grave Service—Outreach to Others PLEASE CONSIDER making a donation to one of the more than 300 nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping our troops and their families listed on the "America Supports You" website, Current parishioners who must leave us should call the office with your date of departure. We’ll miss you and bid you God’s blessings! WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS MAY THEY RETURN SAFELY! www.americasupportsyou.mil PRAY FOR THEM! Third Sunday of Advent Page 4 Christmas Eve 4pm—Church & Gym 7pm and Midnight Church Christmas Morning 10am—Church !ONLY MASS ON CHRISTMAS) RECONCILIATION VOLUNTEERS needed for Christmas ♦!Eucharistic Ministers—Renee Lange ([email protected]) ♦ Servers—Deacon Pat Bower ([email protected]) ♦ Gift Bearers—Sign up sheet by Sacristy ♦ Lectors—Dave Heinekamp ([email protected]) ♦ Ushers—Tom Dale ([email protected]) REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES WITH A FLOWER MEMORIAL. By making a donation to this fund, you contribute towards the purchase of flowers for decorating the Church throughout the year. Look for envelopes at the Church entrances. Thursday, December 18, 6pm & Tuesday, 9-9:30am Thursday, 2-2:30pm Saturday, 4-4:45pm Pick up a copy of THE WORD AMONG US, ADVENT EDITION at the church entrances. At Christmas masses, a booklet listing these memorials will be available at the church entrances. Deadline WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help decorate the Church and Gym for Christmas. Great for service hours! Tuesday, December 23 9:30am after the morning Mass. Take down the Gym, Friday, December 26th, at 8am. Sunday, January 11th, help take decorations down after the 5pm Mass! CHURCH BULLETINS have to be published early for December 21, 28, and January 4. We apologize for any missing articles or requests. Guest singers are invited to join the CHOIR this Wednesday, December 17 at 7pm for the practice for Midnight Mass. We have your binder ready! GreatGiftIdea!!! Paytheregistrationfeefor! someoneyoureallycare! aboutforthe! Men’sortheWomen’s! St.BarnabasRetreatat! St.Meinrad!!! ! Men’sRetreat! March6,7&8,2015! ! Women’sRetreat! November6,7,8,2015! ! ContacttheFaithFormation! of*iceifinterested.! December 14, 2014 Page 5 THE EIGHT-WEEK SESSION BEGINS IN JANUARY AND IS OPEN TO ANY MOM— PARISHIONER OR NOT, CATHOLIC OR NOT, AND WHO HAS NOT ALREADY PARTICIPATED IN MOMS IN THE PAST 5 YEARS. There are 2 groups available—the “Young Mother’s” group and the “over 40” group. You become part of a very close group of women and you can decide how involved you care to be when the session has ended. The Ministry of Moms Sharing (MOMS) mission is to create in women an awareness of the inner sacred self and teach them new ways to inspire, encourage and affirm each other. Through this personal and spiritual growth, women bring these gifts to the Christian community. Cost is $20. Registration forms are available at the church entrances. Return them to the basket or the Faith Formation Office. Contact the MOMS coordinators, Angela Rund/Amberlie O'Toole at [email protected]. Please consider taking an hour to spend with Jesus who is in the Adoration Chapel waiting for you. The open hours in the Chapel currently are: Sunday Every other Monday Tuesday Fr. Ben’s Advent & Lent Sacrament Series Saturday, December 20 Mass . . .Part 2 Following the 5pm Saturday Night Mass Approx. 1 hour Wednesday Thursday Friday February 8th, 2015 @ 10am We have secured this year’s speaker. Alex Sheen is from “because I said I would”. Below is some information on Alex and his foundation. Go to www.becauseisaidiwould.com to find out more. “Alex Sheen is the founder of “because I said I would”, a social movement and nonprofit dedicated to the betterment of humanity through the importance of a promise. Sparked by the loss of his father, Alex and his organization send “promise cards” to anyone anywhere in the world at no cost. Alex is someone who truly honors commitment. He once walked over 240 miles across the entire state of Ohio in 10 days to fulfill a promise. In just 2 years, because I said I would has sent over 2 million promise cards to over 105 different countries. The promises written on these cards have made headlines around the world. His charitable projects and awareness campaigns have been featured on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer, CNN, The Today Show, NPR, The Los Angeles Times and many other programs.” PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF: MARY BERRY MOTHER OF MIMI BERRY-HUCK 2-3AM 2-3 AM 0 2-3 AM 3-4 AM 2-3 AM 3-4 AM 9-10 PM Saturday SAVE THE DATE FOR SAINT BARNABAS ANNUAL FATHER SON BREAKFAST 12-1AM 1-2 AM 2-3 AM 3-4AM 6-7PM 1st, 3rd, 5th 1-2AM 2-3 AM 6-7PM 7-8 PM 8-9PM f you can pray at these hours please call Laurel Schiefelbein, 881-8797 or Mary Ann Evans, 985-1950. CHRISTMAS HOURS FOR THE ADORATION CHAPEL: Adoration will close on Wednesday, December 24th at Noon, and will reopen at 12am, Friday morning, December 26th. New Year’s Schedule: December 31t thru January 1st, the chapel will be open for regular hours. BAPTISM: ANNABELLE ROSE BEARD DAUGHTER OF BRIAN BEARD & KATHLEEN KUNTZ Third Sunday of Advent Page 6 WOMEN'S PRISON MINISTRY - Melissa Schabel won the beautiful quilt made by the inmates. Congratulations, Melissa! While we ALWAYS want yarn, fabric, greeting cards, toiletries, microwaveable foods, etc., we are now working on their Christmas bags. After learning what they have to pay for laundry detergent, I'm told that the $1 orange bottles of detergent from The Dollar Store would also be greatly appreciated. Obviously, they did commit a crime or they wouldn't be in prison but they are still human beings made in God's own image. They are very aware of how generous the people at St. Barnabas are and want me to pass on their "thanks". If you have questions, I would be happy to address them. God bless you and thanks. Ceil Woodard - 881-7464. NEED PAINTERS!!! for church and school 7—10AM Saturday, January 3rd PLEASE CALL GREG BECKHAM 626-0167 ST. BARNABAS SCHOOL We are in substantial need of substitute teachers for all grade levels. Interested persons should contact Mrs. Perkins [email protected] to set up a time to meet. Substitute licensing information can be found at http://oce.archindy.org/office-of-catholiceducation/employment/substituteteacherpermit-information.aspx. Concert starring FRANZ CASIANO Saturday, January 10, 7pm in Church Check out his CD on I-Tunes “Coming Home”. Franz, a music minister in California, is an up and coming Christian artist, His performance will be appropriate for all ages. Free will offering will be accepted. STEWARDSHIP DECEMBER 7, 2014 Tithing Visitor's Gifts Total Gifts Weekly Corporate Matching Gifts Loan Reduction $44,204.12 1,048.00 $45,252.12 $2,500.00 $40.00 December 14, 2014 CYO Sports Registrations Boys in grades K thru 8 who are members of St. Barnabas Parish are eligible. A sports physical is required. Team practice begins after the first of the year to mid March. WRESTLING “OPEN MAT” DURING DECEMBER!! If you have a free night and want to get an early start on wrestling. Or If you have never tried wrestling and want to give it a shot prior to CYO registration.Monday and Wednesday nights, in the Upper Room from 5:30 until 7pm (boys K-8th grade welcome) Contact: Jim Chapman at 8472267 or [email protected]. Must have a current physical form on file to participate. Warm Up this winter with Roncalli’s FINAL FOUR VOLLEYBALL TEAM! This is a perfect time to tune up those volleyball skills before CYO and club season start. Clinics will be held December 29th and 30th in the bubble gym at Roncalli High School. Seventh and eighth graders will attend from 1:00-2:30. Fourth, Fifth and sixth graders will attend from 2:30-4:00. The two day clinic cost is $30.00 and includes a t-shirt. Sign up information is also online. Page 7 As we welcome the Christ-child this Christmas, it is interesting to realize that Jesus himself was an adopted child – adopted by Joseph as his own. Catholic Charities, through St. Elizabeth Coleman in Indianapolis and St. Elizabeth Catholic Charities in New Albany, are our two pregnancy and adoption agencies that support women facing an unplanned pregnancy. To learn more visit www.CatholicCharitiesIndy.org FITNESS, FUN AND FELLOWSHIP IN 2015! Get a jump on the new year. Come try BODYPUMP fitness class at St. Jude gym. Bodypump is a Les Mills licensed original barbell class that strengthens and tones the entire body. You'll enjoy great music, good instruction, inspiring devotions and fellowship with others in this 60-minute class. Both early morning and evening classes are offered for $3/class or a 10-class pass for $25 is available. For more information and class times, visit the St. Jude website at: www.stjudeindy.org or call Alice Susemichel at 979-4363. Third Sunday of Advent Page 8 Help us keep Bulletin PRAYER INTENTIONS, and Pulpit MASS INTENTIONS up to date. Notify us of any additions, changes, or deletions. Hospitals do not inform us when a parishioner is hospitalized. To respect the confidentiality of all prayer requests when asked to include someone, we need to secure permission to publish names. For Bulletin Prayer Intentions, to add a name or have it removed, call Barb Mathauer, Pastoral Associate, [email protected] (698-3472), Theresa Warner, Parish Secretary, [email protected] (882-0724, ex 221) , go to stbindy.org then prayer/worship or send an e-mail request. DIANA BROERING, BILL BRUNS, MARGARET CALLAHAN, BEA FOX, MARITZA GOLDEN, BROCK GRIEWE, ELLEN MCGEE, PHIL MCINNES, PAT MURPHY, TONY & JOANNE RUHANA, PHYLLIS ZINSER DOROTHY BEACH, NATHAN CHAPPELLE, BOB COOK, ALAINA DAY, JOHN KEGLEY, KIM HIGDON, DICK HOSTY, PETE KOHLS, CAROL MCGLINCHEY, NATHAN MILTO, JOANNE MULLIN, KAREN ODDI, DI RICHARDSON, BERNICE ROBERTS, GERARD STRIBY, PAULA UTT, CARL WILLIAMS, JOYCE WUENSCH MARY BRAMLETT, KATHY BRODHACKER, JERRY CLAREY, JENNIFER COMBS, FRANK CORBETT, TONY DENNIS, JA-DEEN JOHNSON, ALICE LEE, LEILA LIVENGOOD, JULIO & ROSALINA LOZANO, RITA WAGNER AUSTIN BOND, MOLLY BROWN, ED DAEGER, LANE DUNSCOMB, CAROL FISCHER, HELEN GILIERON, WILLIAM HENDEL, ED HUCK, LINDA JOHNSON, NORMA LARGENT, MELISSA BECKER LIKENS, MARILYN MEYERS, JOHN MINOR, BONNIE PICKARD, PJ MILTO, MERRILL POLK, EARL RIGGIN, DELORES STEINER, CLAIRE STEWART, JOHN SUDING, DORA NORTHCUTT TRITTIPO, ALBERTA VISCONTI, JOE & ANN WOHLHIETER • • • • Calvary Cemetery Chapel Monthly Mass celebrated Wednesday, December 17 435 W. Troy at 2PM. A Remembrance Tree will be available with ornaments to remember loved ones. Our Lady of Peace Cemetery Monthly Mass Thursday, December 18, at Our Lady of Peace Cemetery Chapel, 9001 Haverstick Road (just west of 86th & Keystone), at 2PM. A Remembrance Tree will be available with ornaments to remember loved ones. Blessing of the Trees will follow the Masses. All are welcome. Prayer: Help us, O God, to be attentive to your presence and appreciative of our blessings. May that mindfulness help us to live more fully today. Amen. FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 14, 2014 Please pray for the indicated ordained religious, men and women, and the seminarians noted with the daily readings. Sun Is 61:1-2a, 10-11/1 Thes 5:16-24/Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 Mon Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a/Mt 21:23-27 Tues Zep 3:1-2, 9-13/Mt 21:28-32 Wed Thurs Gn 49:2, 8-10/Mt 1:1-17 Jer 23:5-8/Mt 1:18-25 Fri Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Lk 1:5-25 Sat Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:26-38 Sun 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Rom 16:25-27/Lk 1:26-38 Matthew Tucci Timothy DeCrane Jeffrey Dufresne Benedictine Monks, St. Meinrad, IN Vincent Gillmore Michael Balz If you’d like to BECOME CATHOLIC, learn more about becoming Catholic, or learn more about our Catholic faith, come to our INQUIRY MEETINGS, Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Room #104 of the school (Jr. High wing down the hall from the Church choir area). Jonathan Hilber Dustin Nelson Question for Children: As we get closer to Christmas, name one thing you really want for your home or the world, such as peace, friendship, or food for the poor. Question for Youth: John tried to help people prepare their lives for the coming of the Messiah. What do you need to change about your life to be ready for Jesus’ coming? Question for Adults: If you were to write three suggestions for those who follow Jesus, to keep them strong in their faith, what would you write? For information contact Christine Beiriger, Director of Faith Formation, 882-0724, ext. 225 or cbeiriger @stbindy.org. Topic is: RECONCILIATION December 14 2014 Page 9 LITURGICAL MINISTERS December 20/21 Remember it is everyone’s responsibility to get a sub if you are not able to serve as scheduled. Mass Coordin. Lectors Ushers Ex.Mi Servers Music Ministry SAT. 5PM SHARON SHINNEMAN-GLEAVE KIM S, BRANDON B #4 #11 BEN B, SAM & LUKE E CHESSIE, LAROSA FAMILY SUN. 7AM RICHARD MAZZONI SUN. 9AM RENEE LANGE/RICK SCHRADER SUN. 11AM TOM SCHABEL #12 #13 #14 NO MUSIC PAM R, TERESA M CAROLE L, MARY B SUN. 5PM TOM SHINE ALEX & KATE J, PATRICK R SALLY K, DALTON M, JOSEPH M CLARK C, EVAN CLOUD, AUGUST E BEN & SIMON D, GRANT L Masses AL H #7 STEPHANIE & BRIAN Q #13 KRISTEN H, FRANCES H #19 GWEN W YOUTH YOUTH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 5:00PM WILLIAM O. LEPPERT/FAMILY Guest singers are invited to join the choir this Wednesday, December 17 at 7pm for the practice for Midnight Mass. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM We have your binder ready! KATHY SAUER/FRIENDS MICKEY EVANS/FAMILY JOE ARMBRUSTER/FAMILY STAAB FAMILY/JIM-CAROL ELIAS MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 8:30AM JOHN-HONORINE KIEFFER/MARTHA JO HERING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16 8:30AM JOHN SCHEIB/BARB SATURDAY - DECEMBER 13 9AM 9:30AM BBB—GYM CHEER BRUNCH-CAF PRESCHOOL/ERE BBB—GYM NOON 8:30AM JIM BARR/FAMILY 8:30AM SPECIAL INTENTION PLAGEMAN FAMILY 8:30AM JOANN OLIVER/DOLORES KESTERSON 5:00PM JOHN SHEEHAN/FAMILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM PARISH JIM SGROI/JANICE MICHAEL-ANNA JUNGBAUER/FAMILY MADONNA SMITH/DIAS FAMILY Until the end of February you can pay $50 for a full year's credit. A Savings of $10 for the year! We have had a several rollovers. Recently #'s 3075 and 2720 were drawn and were not paid players. Our drawing in January will be worth an estimated $3,500. Get your yearly contribution of $50 or monthly contribution of $5 in today for your chance to win. RENTAL—HALL AVB—GYM 6PM 6PM 6PM YOUTH MINISTRY—UPR BS COMMITTEE—FFO ATHLETIC MTG—HALL MONDAY - DECEMBER 15 2:30PM 5PM CHILDREN’S CHOIR BBB—GYM FRIDAY , DECEMBER 19 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 5:30PM 6PM SUNDAY - DECEMBER 14 9AM WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 GRANT R, MARISOL D, JOHNSTONS, LINUS H 5:30PM 6PM 7:30AM WRESTLING—UPR ROSARY— CHP HVHA—FFO TUESDAY - DECEMBER 16 2:45PM 5PM BELLS—CHUR BBB—GYM 6:30PM 7:30PM ADULT BELLS—CHR BOY SCOUTS—HALL WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 17 5PM 5:30PM BBB—GYM WRESTLING—UPR 6:30PM RCIA—RM 104 7PM CHOIR—CHUR 7PM BAPTISMAL PREP—FFO THURSDAY - DECEMBER 18 2:45PM 5PM BOYS CHOIR—CHR BBB—GYM FRIDAY - DECEMBER 19 12:45PM SCHOOL’S OUT! 6PM 7PM 8PM SCHOOL EARLY DISMISSAL 5PM SATURDAY - DECEMBER 20 9AM BBB—GYM PENANCE SERVICE YOUTH M—UPR MEN’S CLUB—CAFÉ BBB—GYM CHRISTMAS BREAK NOON 6PM RENTAL—HALL FR. BEN SERIES—CHR SUNDAY - DECEMBER 21 COFFEE & CONVERSATION NOON BBB—GYM 2PM RENTAL—HALL Third Sunday of Advent Page 10 ST. BARNABAS PARISH & SCHOOL TURNS 50 on 8.29.2015! St. Barnabas Catholic Church & School will be celebrating our GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY on Saturday, August 29, 2015. The start of the celebration will be at the 5pm mass on 8.29.2015 with a dinner to follow. Y TOR ly C E u DIR in J IAL l begin nniver R a il TO PIC os w year n!! t o Pho the 50 editi y r r o a f s Further celebration will take place on Sunday, August 30 after the masses in the Narthex. In addition, St. Barnabas Catholic School will be celebrating this momentous occasion via various activities throughout the 14-15 school year. MORE DETAILS to come! Names and photos of any priest, brother, deacon, religious sister who have roots (either a member of the parish or was assigned to St. Barnabas to serve/work at St. Barnabas, i.e., associate pastor, teacher, pastoral associate, youth minister, etc.) to St. Barnabas to make framed photos and/or display boards. Bill McGuire, Vocations Committee Member, is chairing this project. Send information to him at 642 W. Hill Valley Dr., Indpls, 46217 or [email protected]. Names of family members who are children of charter members (ex. your parents were charter members and you attended school 1st through 8th grade in 1965 at St. Barnabas, you were born in 65, you were 1 year old to kindergarten age in 1965, etc.) Information needed: Last Name, Maiden Name, First Name, Address, email address and age and/or grade in 1965. Volunteers who want to be part of the Golden Anniversary Planning Committee. For items 2 and 3, please communicate your responses or any questions to Elizabeth Szentes, 50 Year Celebration Chair at [email protected]; 147 Monticello Drive, Greenwood, 46142; or 317-402-9194. Need help delivering your message? Bulletin Advertising Delivers! (800) 950-9952 ext. 2492 Call Jim Solomon today! Email: [email protected] www.SeekAndFind.com Over 32 Years Experience 24 Hours Same Price Free Estimates 10% Off Any Repair 887-3999 Carl J. Magna, Jr.-OLG Parishioner www.kofc.org SOUTHERN DUNES GOLF COURSE CHARLES D. PAUL, D.D.S. Parish Member Family Practice - Adults & Children Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry COMMUNITY CLEAN Professional Janitor Supplies 8001 S. Shelby St. (Corner of Stop 11 & Shelby St.) 865-1800 New Patients Welcome 317-346-7766 888-7295 Bob & Rob Sauer HANDYMAN The Atrium SERVICE Reception & Conference Center All Types of Handiwork References Proudly Furnished Joe Mennel, Jr. Parishioner 3143 E. Thompson Rhea & Louie Annee 1160 N State Rd. 135 366-4271 G.H. Herrmann Funeral Homes 5141 Madison Ave. - 1505 S. East St 1605 S. State Rd. 135, Greenwood Parishioners • 782-4467 Greenwood, IN 46142 317-865-6829 Gardens at Olive Branch Cemetery All Locations 317-787-7211 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 Christopher J. Browning, O.D. WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN C 4C 01-1064 12-04-2014 09:19:49 ABC POOLS & SPAS, INC Alecia & Brian Coss (317) 887-ABC1 Parishioners Veteran Owned Company Tom’s Barber Shop and Hairstyling Dr. Colin Christie, Parishioner Phone: 317-534-5141 visit us at: www.christievisioncare.com Located just north of intersection of Southpot & Bluff Rds on East side of Bluff Complete Services Available 7 barbers to serve you Appts. Available Tues. & Thurs. (Smoke-free) TOM SMITH - Owner 7735 Meridian 881-1325 Sliding Fee Scale 317-787-4878 7210 Madison Ave., Ste. I www.7210Counseling.com ATTORNEY AT LAW Laura O’Connor, Associate Broker Parishioner Ss. Francis/Clare Cell: 317-985-3415 [email protected] www.laurasellsindy.com 787-2247 TruRehab... Recover in Comfort and Style! Charlie Cha Jackson Parishioner 3230 W. Southport Rd. • Indianapolis, IN 46217 Carpets, Ceramics, Hardwoods, Laminates, Vinyls, Installations 317-881-3265 • 317-966-8803 Network Services For your business’s cabling, data, voice, audio/visual, security systems needs. Huser HomeCare Elder & Special Needs Care Homemaker • Companion Personal Care Services Kathy & Terry Huser 255-5700 HuserHomeCare.com GREENWOOD MEDICAL LABORATORY, INC. A-1 Sales and Service Residential • Commercial • Free Estimates Darrell W. Munchel - Owner (317) 422-5225 “ESTABLISHED IN 1958” Ph: (317) 884-8046 Fax: (317) 282-0495 (One block south of Main & Madison) 2636 South East Street (317) 788-3000 OFFICE • (317) 788-3005 FAX GREENWOOD PROFESSIONAL PARK 622 NORTH MADISON AVENUE (317) 882-5665 GREENWOOD 7800 Shelby St., Suite 7 Indianapolis Sales Agent 410 MARKET PLAZA Jockish Flowers, Inc. • Family Law • Personal Injury • Criminal Law • Estates • Wills • Power of Attorney Each Office is Independently and Operated 7465 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46227 Rick Huck 786-3496 SONYA DERF Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Open at 11 a.m. 7 days a week www.jockamopizza.com 510 S. St. Rd. 135, Greenwood, IN 46142 www.academyanimal.com ROBERT P. THOMAS COUNSELING Patricia A. Ley, M.A., LMFT Mary E. Hays, M.S., LMHC Janet M. Braun, M.A., LMFT Madison Health Care Center Family Owned Since 1964 David Morgan, DVM Tracey Vinson, DVM (317) 881-3125 Contact Short Term Rehabilitation and Long Term Care Services J. EARL SMITH M.T. (ASCP) G.S. PRESIDENT 8001 S. Meridian St., Ste D Indianapolis, IN 46217 [email protected] www.familysourceinsurance.com $20 or 20% OFF 881-4163 (whichever is greater) TEXT “CLIMATE” TO: ON ANY SERVICE. “Complete Machine Shop Service” 36000 for great deals! Family Owned & Operated! NORTH / EAST 317.894.8810 Cosmetics & Skin Care SOUTH 317.883.2247 WE OFFER DISCOUNTS TO: Cheryl Cunningham 859-0475 (317) 783-3727 Property Management Companies Law Enforcement • Firefighters Soldiers • Seniors Fax (317) 783-1354 www.aperfectclimateindy.com 5565 S. Madison Ave. (rear) Parishioner Indianapolis, IN 46227 Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc. (317) 882-7675 Michael J. Meiners, CFP®, JD Investment Advisor Representative, Registered Principal, INVEST Financial Corp. (INVEST) (Pictured) CHRYSLER 5 STAR QUALITY SERVICE AWARD Angela Sodrel, Director of Client Services Registered Representative of INVEST Financial Corporation (INVEST) INVEST Financial Corporation, member FINRA/SIPC, and its affiliated insurance agencies offer securities, advisory services and certain insurance products and are not affiliated with Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc. Financial planning and consulting services offered through Financial Plans & Strategies, Inc., a registered investment advisor. ANNEE & MATRY, INC. & ASSOCIATES JOE ANNEE G E N E RA L I N S U RA N C E 881-9184 7631 S. Meridian FREDERICK R. LANE, M.D. BARRETT HEATING & COOLING Greenwood • 750 U.S. 31 North 2 blocks S. of Greenwood Mall 881-6791 “OUR FAMILY WORKS FOR YOU” 889-7906 5255 E. Stop 11 #430 Joe Barrett • Bill Barrett 783-9397 Practice Limited to Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Parishioner Since 1977 ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Commercial & Industrial Electrical • H.V.A.C. 2221 E. Southport Rd. Southport, IN 46227 783-3291 Free Estimate Commercial Residential Dan Allen Dave Allen (317) 787-4870 DEARING & DEARING CPA Tax & Accounting Services • Small Business • Individual 822-1600 Patrick J. Dearing • Parishioner A Sign of Quality & Professionalism Kevin Tex 8017 S. Meridian St. 317-887-2342 COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Seasonal Open 7 days a week 6025 Madison Ave. www.beckservicecenter.com 887-5999 Corner of Southport Rd. & Meridian Ben & MJ Stallings 787-5345 Bill & Terri Amonett Roofing & Siding Locally Family Owned Guttering & Painting & Operated JOHN Windows PETERS Drywall Roofing & Guttering, Inc. In Business Since 1976 Licensed, Bonded & Insured SOUTH 317-887-3350 • NORTH 317-786-3315 Herkert Family Eye Care Daniel L. Herkert, O.D. (317) 784-LOOK (5665) Glasses • Contacts Comprehensive Eye Exams SOUTHPORT 8030 S. Emerson • 881-1101 GREENWOOD 3115 Meridian Parke Drive 888-1880 [email protected] 6904 S. EAST ST., STE. C Indianapolis, IN 46227 FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 320 State Road 135 South Greenwood (317) 881-2400 10:00 am - 10:00 pm WWW.4LPi.COM ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN B 4C 01-1064 12-04-2014 09:19:49 Jeffrey S. Stevens, D.P.M. Podiatrist – Parishioner Medical & Surgical Treatment of the Foot & Ankle Indy Office 7855 S. Emerson Ave. 317-300-0106 Franklin Office 55 Milford Ave. 317-300-0106 www.indysouthfootandankle.com SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS &KDSPDQ0RUWJDJH MARIEN PRO HARDWARE “When You Need to Know Ask a Pro” Jim Chapman • Parishioner 317-883-2604 • 8001 S. Meridian St. Lic. #111441 Alexander der Dentistry rry y www.alexanderdentistry.net www.ChapmanMortgage.com Hardware - Plumbing Supplies Paints - Glass & Electrical Supplies DISTINCTIVE Bath and Kitchen Remodeling Kitchen & Bath It’s a Name Your Family Can Trust! Call us for all your remodeling needs 783-7050 AMISH CABINETRY OUR SPECIALTY 542 South State Road 135 Greenwood, IN 46142 784-7551 3604 Madison Ave. Lic. #113951 CABINETRY • COUNTERTOPS • COMPLETE REMODELS 317-893-2193 Chris Alspach • 317-882-7100 135 & Olive Branch Road 1480 Olive Branch Park Lane • Greenwood Kim Alexander, D.D.S. Parishioner 8012 US. 31 South • 887-1010 381 S. Marlin, Greenwood • 882-7500 Complete Auto Repair Tires • Batteries • Brakes Engine Repairs • Alignments $10 OFF ANY OIL CHANGE John Cahill Call for free est. 791-5186 Parish Member with Food Donation which goes to Local Food Pantries For Service That Moves You. 25 Year Parishioner Meet our team, learn more about all our services !"#$$"$%&'(#)*$"#$+*)&$"!"),#-.''./0,"&0(10,#"+)23-" now at VanValer.com Call or Click for 24 Hour Service at Your Home or Business 317-881-9074 or 317VanValer.com VanV Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter ALINE F. ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 7104 U.S. Highway 31 South Indianapolis, IN 46227 VVHCP LICENSE NUMBERS: HVAC: HL00010 | Plumbing: C051200001 | Electrical: EL1100014 Need help delivering your message? 317/888-8868 Estate Planning & Probate Law Bulletin Advertising Delivers! (800) 950-9952 ext. 2492 Call Jim Solomon today! Email: [email protected] www.SeekAndFind.com 787-8224 6107 EAST STREET McGee & Company BJ and Kelley O’Connor Fine Jewelers Select Realtors Linder/McClurg Team Lifetime Parishioner 882-0500 BJ 317-797-7399 Kelley 317-882-9997 www.bjandkelley.com 880 U.S. 31 North • Greenwood, IN 46142 More than 93% of our rehab patients are discharged to home David B. Ensley, MD, PC 8549 S. Madison Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46227 317.881.9164 887-9800 Built On Service • Dedicated To Quality™ NORRIS CHOPLIN & SCHROEDER, LLP With you every step of the way Kelly Hegwood Established 1960 • Parishioner Since 1976 A L “Solutions & Service You Can Trust” L P I Pete Schroeder, Parish Member 101 W. OHIO ST. W. Patrick Bower Certified Insurance Counselor Parishioner Select, REALTORS 269-9330 7364 East Washington Street 317-807-1511 Direct 317-654-1080 Cell P.O. Box 19445 [email protected] FOR AD INFO CALL Jim Solomon 1-800-950-9952 Indianapolis, IN 46219-0445 WWW.4LPi.COM 317-353-8000 Cell: 317-313-8010 • Fax: 351-7145 800-213-7126 [email protected] ST. BARNABAS, INDIANAPOLIS, IN A 4C 01-1064 12-04-2014 09:19:49
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