Canticle December 23, 2014 Page 1 of 5 Newsletter of St. Francis Episcopal Church of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. Upcoming Events Wednesday, Dec 24th 7:00 pm—Christmas Eve The Collect of the Day for next Sunday, First Sunday after Christmas Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things to your wellbeloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Click on this link to read the upcoming bible passages: The Lectionary Page Isaiah 61:10-62:3, Galatians 3:23-25;4:4-7, John 1:1-18, and Psalm 147 or 147:13-21 Service Wednesday, Dec 24th Following service— Traditional reception will be hosted by Sam and Greta. Regular Events Men’s Group 2nd Mondays, 6:30 pm Undercroft Outreach Ministry 3rd Sundays following Christmas Eve at St Francis Please join us for a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior this Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th, beginning at 7:00 pm. worship. Sunday School area downstairs. Vestry 3rd Mondays, 6:30 pm Hearth Room Worship Committee as announced Outside Groups Following the service Sam and Greta will be hosting a “Traditional Reception” in the undercroft. The reception is open to everyone. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Yoga Saturdays, 10-11 am Undercroft A.A. Open Meeting 2nd Saturdays, 7:00 pm Undercroft A.A. Regular Meeting Tuesdays, 7:00 pm Undercroft Canticle December 23, 2014 Page 2 of 5 Newsletter of St. Francis Episcopal Church of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin A Christmas message from Bishop Miller I saw a stable, low and very bare A little child in a manger, The oxen knew him, had Him in their care, To men He was a stranger, The safety of the world was lying there, And the world’s danger. SALUS MUNDI (Mary Coleridge 1861-1907) Dear Friends in Christ, I came upon this poem recently while at the annual Lessons and Carols service at St. Paul's, Milwaukee. Read by two children at the close of the service, it was for me a poignant reminder of our Lord's call to receive the kingdom of God as a child. We gather this year and every to join our voices to the heavenly chorus, to the songs of the angels singing Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth. We make the pilgrimage to Bethlehem with the shepherds to see the Babe lying in a manger. As we gaze on the Christ Child we see as this poem poignantly reminds us “the safety of the world and the world’s danger.” In Christ is, of course, our safety. He is the source of our sure and certain hope that nothing can separate us from Gond’s love. God so loved the world that he gave. We can rest safely in Jesus knowing that we are loved beyond measure and our destiny is assured. That blessed assurance sends us out and there is where the danger begins. The love of Jesus calls us to proclaim God’s plan, God’s way, and God’s will to a world that either does not want to hear it or worse yet has grown deaf because of the disconnect between the words and the lives of the ones who have been given the message. The Good News of Christmas is that the Word has become flesh. The challenge of the nativity is for us the body of Christ to enflesh the Word anew. Blessed Christmas to all from my family to yours In Christ, The Rt. Rev. Steven A. Miller Bishop of Milwaukee Canticle December 23, 2014 Page 3 of 5 Newsletter of St. Francis Episcopal Church of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin JD and Sally Polley are hosting a Christmas open house at their home in the Falls on Christmas Day from 3:00-8:00 pm (they’re flexible on these times I’m told.) Sally will be serving spinach lasagna as well as meat lasagna. In addition to the lasagna there will be a variety of soft drinks available as well as brandy, rum and spiced rum. It has been suggested if you want something other than what is offered that you are welcome to BYO. You are also invited to bring a dish of your choice to share or come as you are! Questions? You can reach Sally at 414-940-6799. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Dousman will be broadcasting via webcast the Trinity Institutes annual conference. Among the guest speakers this year is The Most Rev. Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury. The conferences central topic will be economic inequality and “...practical tools we can use to make a positive economic impact.” WHERE: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 36014 Sunset Dr, Dousman, WI WHEN: Two Opportunities: Saturday, February 7, 2015 9:00am-Noon Monday, February 9, 2015 6:00pm-8:30pm COST: $25.00 per participant For more information or to register please click on the following link: Lifelong Christian Formation Open Staff Meetings Mother Martha will begin holding a 10:30 am Staff Meeting on Mondays in the Hearth Room to give each of us an opportunity to bring up subjects and questions that need to be discussed. The meetings are open to everyone and will begin after the holidays on Monday, January 12th. Canticle December 23, 2014 Page 4 of 5 Newsletter of St. Francis Episcopal Church of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin Bobby McFerrin…. There’s a name I’d not heard in a long time. Remember the song “Don’t Worry Be Happy” from an age ago? Mother Martha sent a link to me of a video of McFerrin performing at the Montreal Jazz Festival. I watched it and then read this quote from McFerrin on his own gifts: "This is what I want everyone to experience at the end of my concert is everyone has this sense of rejoicing. I don't want them to be blown away by what I do, I want them to have this sense of real, real joy from the depths of their being. Because I think when you take them to that place, then you open up a place where grace can come in." Bobby McFerrin Grace is exactly what he drew out of his audience that evening as he led them to perform a spontaneous a cappella rendition of Ave Maria. It was beautiful to watch. See for yourself and enjoy. "Good morning, Phil", I said as I entered his room, “and Merry Christmas to you and here is a card for you. I won't stay to long for it is about lunch time for you.” "I really am not hungry today", Phil said. "So what is happening", I asked. "Chaplain, you will never guess what happen this morning to me.” Phil remarked “I received mail from the company who owns this nursing home and I was sure that it was a bill. But as I opened it I was shocked to see a check for $70.00 addressed to me.” “Do you remember a couple of months ago I told you that someone had stolen money from my room?" he asked. I nodded and indicated that I’d been praying that the money would be returned to him since I knew how much he Deacon’s Corner needed it. "I never thought that I would ever see the money again, but that isn’t the only miracle that’s happened to me this morning.” Phil exclaimed. Sometime ago, while my sons were cleaning out my house in preparation for selling it, they found my collection of baseball hats that I have collected over the years.” Phil continued, “One of the hats was from the Arizona and displayed the ship and the ship name on it. But even as the boys handled the hats they began to crumble from age and distress in their hands.” “I mentioned this to one of the men on staff here last week. This morning that same staff member turned up with a brand new hat just like the one that had been ruined. That hat really meant a lot to me, for it reminds of me two childhood friends that are now buried in the bow of the Arizona.” Phil said. Smiling he told thanked me for my prayers and told me he hoped that I’d have a Christmas as merry as he was having. I left with tears in my eyes and a warm heart knowing that God had made a fellow veteran and a friend a very happy man and confirming and knowing that these were truly miracles from God. Deacon Ken Castello Canticle December 23, 2014 Page 5 of 5 Newsletter of St. Francis Episcopal Church of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin The Week Ahead Service for Sunday, December 28th Christmas Eve Service Server Chuck Sherry NT Lector/Epistle Reader Julie Maddox Chalice Bearer/Psalmist Torch Bearers Altar Setup Server Julie Maddox Karen Jacobs & Shala Johnson Sue Hafert OT Reader/Psalmist Evelyn Castello Ushers J. D. & Sally Polley Crucifer Ron Johnson Craig Korn NT Lector/Epistle Reader Karen Korn Sonny & Amira Anderson Altar Takedown Sue Hafert & Ron Johnson to visit Kilpatricks Lay Eucharistic Visitors Chalice Bearer/Psalmist Chuck Sherry Counter Sally Polley & Chuck Sherry Altar Setup Leslie Thorkleson Altar Takedown Linda Mary Kupcho Old Testament Reader Barb Spain Ushers J. D. & Sally Polley Crucifer Kurt Hoff St Francis Episcopal Church Vestry Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 194 Menomonee Falls, WI 53052 Church Location: N84 W16525 Menomonee Av Menomonee Falls WI 53052 Senior Warden: Craig Korn Clergy Junior Warden: Ron Johnson Rector: The Rev. Martha Berger Vestry Members: Deacon: Ken Castello Class of 2015 & Class of 2016 Priest Emerita: Sue Clark Jan Leisner, Jud Williams, JD Polley, Mary Jancik Class of 2017 (262) 251-7420 Sue Hafert, Barb Spain
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