The Bells of St. Mary’s Cathedral Weekly Bulletin December 28, 2014 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Sunday The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom (Luke 2:22-40) St. Mary’s Cathedral • 112 S . Cedar • P.O. Box 936 • Grand Island, NE •(308) 384-2523 • • Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne Mass & Calendar December 28, 2014 Mass Schedule & Intentions Day/Date Time Name of Intention Mo. 12/29 7:00 am DeVon Irvine † Tu. 12/30 7:00 am Carol Ann Smith † We. 12/31 7:00 am Norm Buck † 5:15 pm Vigil The Intention of the Priest Th. 12/31(E) 7:00 am Carol Ann Smith † Th. 1/1(E) 12:05 pm Edward J. Hanzel † Th. 1/1(E) 5:15 pm Joe Toczek † Fr. 1/2 7:00 am Doug Zastrow † Fr. 1/2 5:15 pm Joseph & Florence Dubas † Sa. 1/3 7:00 am The Intention of the Priest Sa. 1/3 5:00 pm - Fr. JC Rachel & Angela Smith Su. 1/4 7:00 am - Fr. TP Pro Populo Su. 1/4(Sp) 8:15 am -Fr. JC The Intention of the Priest Su. 1/4 10:00 am - Fr. TP The Intention of the Priest Su. 1/4(Sp) Noon— Fr. JC The Intention of the Priest Su. 1/4 5:00 pm - Fr. TP The Intention of the Priest We. 12/31 (Sp) Please note only on Sunday Masses you will notice initials of the priest that will be saying Mass by that time . The initials for Fr. Richard-Fr. RP, Fr. Thomas-Fr. TP, Fr. Jose- Fr. JC Subject to change. Yellow means change of Mass times or Services Sunday December 14th Collection Regular Collection $11,764.85 Parish Debt Collection $1,850.00 Christmas Flowers $1,270.00 Retirement Fund for Religious $1,096.00 Due to the deadline of the printing of the bulletin December 21st collection. Sunday, January 11th we will have collections to report. Thank you. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph December 28, 2014 My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all the peoples. — Luke 2:30-31 Page 2 Upcoming Events Monday, December 29 7 am Mass (English) 7 pm Youth Group leaders (Sp) 1 pm Quilters Tuesday, December 30 7 am Mass (English) 10 am EP Bible Study CS Basement 7 pm EP Bible Study Wednesday, December 31 7 am Mass (English) No Confession 5:15 pm Mass (Español) Vigil No Rel Ed Class No Confirmation Class Thursday, January 1 7 am Mass (English) New Years Day 12:05 pm Mass (English) Mary Mother of God No Confession 5:15 pm Mass (English) Office/Daycare/SMIP –Closed Friday, January 2 7 am Mass (English) 4:45 –5:10 pm Confession 5:15 pm Mass (English) 7pm Sp Young Adult Gp Saturday, January 3 7 am Mass (English) 11am—Noon Confession 5 pm Mass (English) 6pm YG (Sp) 7 pm Hora Santa Sunday, January 4 7 am Mass (English) 8:15 am Mass (Español) 10:00 am Mass (English) Noon Mass (Español) 5 pm Mass (English) Epiphany No Sunday Rel Ed NO RICA 4 pm EP 7pm Bingo Eucharistic Adoration 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month Bulletin Deadlines All articles must be e-mailed to: [email protected] January 2nd for Sunday, January 11th For more information call Barbara at 384-2523 ext 233 Ramblings/Ministry Schedule Page 3 Ah the happy times of family growing up! Every family has a favorite word or phrase that seems to permeate their existence with one another in the formative years; ours was “shut up.” Don’t ask me the whys or wherefores of such witty repartee; it was just something we said to one another all the time. It wasn’t meant, necessarily, in a mean or nasty way, it was just communicating to a beloved brother or sister that you didn’t want to hear their voice at that moment. Apparently we were preparing to join a Trappist monastery where all speech is forbidden, except the essential stuff like—prayer, greeting visitors and “where’s the toilet paper?” The good part about the phrase shut up is that it shut up; in other words, as kids we used it a lot, but as adults it fell into desuetude (found this word in a book from 1940; couldn’t wait to use it). Now perhaps you’re thinking that we would be foolish enough to say the shut up phrase to our parents; the answer is no, the fact that we all lived into adulthood proves that. My mother did once say we had a couple of other siblings that were buried in the backyard; according to her they “talked back.” Even though my name may not suggest it, our mother was Irish therefore prone to great rage when another child, adult or creature crossed her path. There was a rumor about her being a member of the Irish Republican Army but that was untrue; I found the rejection letter from them after her funeral, she was deemed “too easy to anger for our organization.” But she and dad must have done something right, we all turned out well, attend Mass and can talk to each other without saying shut up. Our Holy Father Pope Francis is fond of saying that the words that make families successful are: please, thank you, I’m sorry and I love you. Shut up didn’t make the list. When we use the words and phrases that the Holy Father suggests we become stronger families and stronger families lead to a better society. The family and the Church are reflections of one another; the Catechism calls the family the domestic Church. Is it possible to be a Holy Church without strong families? The answer today and always is no. Father Rector Next Sunday’s Ministry Schedule (January 3rd and January 4th) Mass Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am Sunday 8:15 am (Español) Sunday 10:00 am Sunday Noon (Español) Sunday 5:00 pm Servers/ Monaguillos * Beginner J. Ramos A. Ramos Open J. N. Tomas G. Nicolas M. F. Erives P. P. Pacheco C. Diaz S. Diaz D. Romero A. Ramirez J. Mejia R. M. Ramirez R F. C. Pacheco A. Canela Eucharistic Ministers C. Fitzgerald K. Douglas Open Deacon Open R. O’Conner M. Carreon Open Deacon J. O’Conner E. Ramos M. Hernandez C. Hernandez R. Erives A. Cifuentes I. Torres D. Villegas A. Diaz M. Kube L. Kube Deacon P. McHugh B. Erives J.N. Montejo M. Romero E. Gaspar M. G. Torres O. Torres E. Mendoza E. Fierro J. L. Fierro Open Open Y. Nuncio Deacon Open Lectors D. Nordhues G. Meyers M. Carpio D. Lopez O. Nolasco S. Dolton E. Gomez W. Gomez L. Erives J. Alms Ushers/ Ujieres P. Mulligan M. Carreon S. Torres J. Mateo N. C. Pedro J. Ramirez H. Castellanos Open J. O. Abarca L. Cornelius J. Calmo P. McPhillips A. Nicolas C. Egnoske G. Morales L. Bradley M. Cejia G. Abarca If you cannot serve your scheduled time, please find a substitute, thank you. Parish News Page 4 Prayer Requests Director of Religious Education As we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph this is a good time to start the New Year looking to the Holy Family to shape, model and seek protection of our own families. After the Christmas gifts are already unwrapped, the most important gift we can give our children is to pass our faith on to them and help them to develop their own foundation in faith as to sustain them with all that life has yet unfold for them. There is no gift as important or worthy as sharing our faith and love for Jesus with our children. Please remain active in sharing your faith with your family and Military Names making it the most important thing in life by giving it all it needs to We pray for the following parishioners family and friends continue to grow like, Mass attendance, scripture/Bible sharing who are currently serving in the military: New names in blue and daily praying as a family. We have been gifted with children/ Lance Corporal Ryan Twehous 2nd Lt. Jordan Hughes grandchildren and children in our community to mold and help USMC LCpl John G. Frankenberg SPC Kevin Donovan shape their faith. Let us all heed the calling to take the time and STG2/ E5 Cesar Soria SPC. Jessica Paup effort to keep our faith growing and our families holy & sacred. SP Force Gunner SSgt. Ron Cameron II WO TJ Cameron HM2 Andrew Dodendorf LTC Chad Sekutera God Bless, Mary Rose Major Sam Schneider Sgt. Christopher Donner No classes until Wednesday, January 7th and Specialist Chad Holmes Sgt. Noel Jones Sunday January 11th Commander Douglas E. Kennedy Sgt. Jeffrey D. Michalski Lt. Col. Brian Jovag Msgt. Timothy Mahoney Director of Religious ED Office Hours USMC Sgt. Brandon T. Russell If you know someone who is in the military and would like to have Mary Rose office hours are: Tuesday 9 am– 2 pm, Wednesday their name included in this space please email the information to 1 pm -9 pm, Thursday 9 am -2pm, and Sunday 8 am-11am [email protected] with name and rank. Thank you. You can email Mary at [email protected] Hours subject to change. Mary’s Closet Weekly Special Please remember the following in your prayers: * Linda Meyers, Virginia Bedner, Jerome Kosmicki, Susan Puhalla, Gretchen Eakes, Dawn Pirkey, Lynne Peterson. New additions to the prayer list. Names remain on the prayer list for two months. Names may be resubmitted upon request. To request daily prayers, call the Parish Prayer Chain: Phyllis at 382-0306 or Joy at 379-4741. To add or remove a name from this list, please call the Parish office 384-2523 ext 233 Mary’s Closet Thrift Store December 29th– January 3rd Monday, Wednesday and Saturday Bag Sale $4 each In Memory Please remember in your prayers all the faithful departed members of St. Mary’s Cathedral: Dick Dowd May he rest in Peace. Mass Schedule for Holy Day Still need Teachers, please consider? Still need teachers for 3rd & 6th grade on Wednesday and 6th grade on Sunday. Also helpers in the classroom or help with a special projects. Contact Mary Rose 384-2523 Ext 213 [email protected] Office/Daycare New Year Day The office will be open until Wednesday, December 31st till noon. The Parish Office, Daycare and SMIP will be closed Thursday, New Years Day Wednesday , December 31st, 5:15 pm vigil (Spanish) Wednesday January 1st- 7 am (English), 12:05 pm (English) and 5:15 pm (English) TIME Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. —Benjamin Franklin 2015 Calendars Our St. Mary’s Cathedral 2015 calendars are here. They are in English and Spanish. One per family Again thank you to our sponsors of 2015 calendar. Curran Funeral Home and 5 Points Bank of Grand Island. Parish Information 2015 Weekly Envelopes Are Here! Please stop by and pick up yours in the back of the church. We do not send our weekly envelopes by mail. They are in ABC order. Thank you! Did you know? Did you know that St. Mary’s Facebook page has the Saint of the day and mediation of the day? Check us out on Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne Thank you I would like to thank the Knights of Columbus and the El Pescadores for each of them donating one thousand dollars towards the purchase of a Saber Micro 16. Hard floor scrubber with a brush or a pad for cleaning. And I need to thank Fr Richard for approving the final cost. My hope is it will allow us to clean our restrooms and all hard floors cleaner in less time than with the conventional mop. It is like all purchases we try to buy only what we think we will use and what will make our beautiful Cathedral & the square even more appealing by how clean we can keep it. This is a 100% participation on all members here of our church. We all need to do what we can to keep the gum off the pews and the carpet. When we have our spring clean up we get a bucketful of gum from the bottom of the pews. When Central Catholic has their community service day and the lay on their back for hours cleaning gum off the bottoms of our pews they have a lot different attitude about their disposition of Gum. All members who clean this have a bad attitude towards the gum. Also I hope to strip different areas of the old wax off of the terrazzo in the church and square and this will be a great asset for this job. Again I want to thank The Knights of Columbus and our El Pescadores for their generous gift. And warn them. We will need to set up different dates in the future for clean up days. Thank you and May God bless you for your generosity Deacon John Farlee Maintenance director Page 5 Not to late for this? Are you over age 70 ½ and would you like to leave a gift to St. Mary’s with your IRA? Did you know that there could be many tax advantages? If you want to leave a $5,000 gift from your IRA and the check is written to St. Mary’s, you can have this count as a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and NOT PAY TAXES ON THIS MONEY COMING FROM AN IRA. If you withdraw $5,000 and have the check written to you, YOU will pay taxes and your gift will be 20% to 30% smaller depending on your tax bracket. Please call your tax advisor before considering this option before December 31st. For general information you may contact Deacon Bill Buchta of K of C 308-381-2700 Send a note to our Seminarian Matthew Nash Pontifical North American College 00120 Vatican City State Europe Birthday November 23rd If you want to send money to Matthew Nash please send it to his parents. Dave Nash 1545 Buckskin Ct. Gering, NE 69341 Thank you The St. Mary’s Quilting Ladies has donated $150 to St. Mary’s Cathedral. The ladies finish the quilts by hand and the proceeds from those quilts come to the St. Mary’s. Come join the quilting ladies on any Mondays or Thursdays, 1–3:30 pm in Cathedral Square. We will share how to set up the quilt, turn corners, hiding the knot and answer your questions regarding quilting. FaithStreet-Online Giving Online giving allows you to make contributions to our church without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. FaithStreet lets you set up automatic contributions whether it's a onetime donation or a recurring donation. • It's the Modern Way to Give • It's Safe & Secure Weekly donation—more than one way • It Creates Faithful Giving Thank you for your weekly donations. We want to make sure you’re getting credit for your contributions. By using your church • It Saves Time envelopes it benefits you, the office and the Cathedral. If you have It Creates Lifelong Givers any updates to report, such as change of address or parish, please To Donate simply go to our website and notify the office. This helps keep our records current and postage click the Give Online button. costs down. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or FaithStreet is always welcome too! Forms are in the back of church or call the office 384-2523 for more information. CHILDREN OF ETERNITY You are children of eternity. Your immortal crown awaits you, to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow here in tears, but you may be sure there to reap in joy.—St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Youth/Parish News Page 6 Cathedral Daycare Central Catholic SOUP SUPPER Saturday, January 10th, 2015 During the GICC v. Doniphan-Trumbull Basketball Games 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria Menu Meal (Soup & Sandwich, Drink & Dessert) $6.00 Soup (Chicken Noodle or Chili)….............. $3.00 Sandwich…………………………………… $2.00 Dessert……………………………………… $1.00 Tea, Lemonade, Water…………………… $ .75 All proceeds go to the GICC Fine Arts Guild Thank you for your support!!! MISSION: The mission of Grand Island Central Catholic Schools is to teach as Jesus did, calling young adults to an atmosphere of academic excellence and physical, emotional and spiritual maturity whereby every student grows in awareness as a contributing and responsible member of the church and society News/Spiritual Page 7 Today Readings St. Mary’s Cathedral Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Intentions First Reading — Those who honor their parents will be greatly Vocations. That many people may hear the call of Christ and blessed and will atone for sins (Sirach 3:2-6,12-14) or Genesis follow Him in the priesthood and religious life. 15:1-6; 21:1-3. Pro Life. That all people will come to value human life as God’s Second Reading — Be thankful; do everything in the name of the precious gift to be accepted and loved rather Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:12-21 [12-17]) or Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, than a burden to be destroyed. 17-19. Peace/Hope: that the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace Gospel — The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom and hope to all people of good will. (Luke 2:22-40 [22, 39-40]). Gift of faith: That parents may be true evangelizers, passing Thoughts: WE ARE GOD’S HOLY FAMILY on to their children the precious gift of faith. The scriptures of Israel are filled with many stories of barren couples who were miraculously granted the gift of children Holy Father’s Prayer December 2015 by God. Surely the best known among these is the first reading Peace: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people from today, from which Luke took inspiration when he recounted the of good will may work together for peace. miraculous birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and Elizabeth, and Consecrated life: That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, the more miraculous birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph. In each religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following instance, we are given examples or role models of those who Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. trusted in God. More than examples of those who trust, they are models of self-surrender. They abandoned their own presuppositions and prejudices about the workings of the world and TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In the last century, a few new feasts were blended into the turned their lives over to belief in a God who can make life grow Church year, including today’s. After World War I, the chaos of where none ought to; a God who can turn death around into a new daily life in Europe made its impact felt on the family structure. and unimagined life; a God who can, today, take a tiny child of humble parents in an insignificant town and make him into a light for Partly to offer Christians an image of hope and holiness in marall the world. This is what we, as God’s holy family, are called to do ried family life, and also to promote the welfare of children, today’s feast was “invented” in 1921. In 1969, it became a feast of each day: to trust not in ourselves and the way we think things should be, but to open ourselves and surrender ourselves in faith to Christmas. The prayers today remind us not only of family life, but of life a God of endless promise in the community of faith. We ponder the mystery of a God who Saints and Special Observances loves us dearly enough to embrace the struggles, joys, and daily Sunday: Monday: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; St. Thomas Becket Tuesday: Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord Wednesday: Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; St. Sylvester I; New Year’s Eve Thursday: The Octave of the Nativity of the Lord; Mary, the Holy Mother of God; World Day of Prayer for Peace; New Year’s Day Friday: Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen; First Friday Saturday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus; First Saturday Word of Life “[W]e are facing an enormous and dramatic clash between good and evil, death and life, the ‘culture of death’ and the ‘culture of life’. We find ourselves not only ‘faced with’ but necessarily ‘in the midst of’ this conflict: we are all involved and we all share in it, with the inescapable responsibility of choosing to be unconditionally pro-life.” Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 28 © 1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. sorrows of family life. The message of Christmas shines through: God-with-us is available to us in the ordinary patterns of our lives and commitments. The lives of people who raise their children in difficult circumstances, and of people who remain faithful to life in the Church in spite of some of their own family struggles, occupy a special place in our hearts today in prayer. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Information Weekend Masses–English Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7 am ,10 am & 5pm Daily Masses–English Mon - Sat 7am Thu - Fri 5:15 pm Horario de Misas-Español Domingo 8:15 am & Noon Miércoles 5:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Wed - Fri - 4:45 - 5:10 pm & Thursday 9 – 10 am Saturday 11:00 - 12:00 pm or by appointment. Adoration, Healing Mass, Chaplet, and Rosary Hora Santa: Primer Sábado de cada mes a las 7pm First Friday Rosary– 4:50 pm before 5:15 pm Mass 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration – 2nd/4th Tuesday Chaplet of Divine Mercy – Second Tuesday-2:50 pm Healing Mass- (English) – Second Thursday- 11 am Rosary for Pro Life– Every Thursday 4:45 pm El Pescador Rosary – Every Tuesday -6 pm El Pescador Rosary –Every Thursday -10 am Daily Rosary—After every 7 am Mass Religious Ed Class Times (September– April) 6:30 pm– 730 pm Wednesday, 8:45 am-9:45 am Sunday Confirmation 7– 8:30 pm Wednesday Marriage: Contact a priest directly at least 4 months in advance of proposed wedding date. Deposited required. Children's Baptism: parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation class. Pre-Registration is required. English class: 2nd Monday of each month. Spanish class: 4th Sunday of each month, 2 pm Deadline for pre-registration is the Thursday before the class. Please bring: proof of address and your child’s Birth Certificate. The Godparent (s) must provide a letter of good standing. Questions? 384-2523. Mary’s Closet Mary’s Closet open 3 days a week: Mondays and Wednesdays 1-4 pm & Saturdays 10 am– 3 pm Donations of clothing, small appliances, toys, home decorations and kitchenware, but furniture and large electronic will be accepted only by Ann Baker. Volunteers are welcome to come and help any time. Questions or to volunteer please contact Ann Baker at 391-1527 or [email protected] Mary’s Closet Page 8 PARISH STAFF/ ADMINISTRACIÓN PARROQUIAL (308) 384-2523/ (308) 384-2527 (fax) [email protected] Facebook: St. Mary’s Cathedral Grand Island Ne Associate Pastor: Pastor: Rev. Richard Piontkowski Jr.,ext 201 Rev. Thomas Pasala, ext 204 [email protected] [email protected] Episcopal Vicar for Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Grand Island, in residence: Rev. Jose Chavez, ext 211 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Parish Activities Coordinator: Mrs. Mary Rose ext 213 Bulletin Editor: [email protected] Mrs. Barbara Bosak, ext 233 [email protected] Director of Music: Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mr. Scott Rieker ext 219 Ms. Angelica Calderon ext. 220 [email protected] [email protected] Hispanic Ministry: Bi-Lingual Secretary/Secretaria: Mrs. Esther Gomez, ext 300 Mrs. Patty Zuniga, ext 221 [email protected] [email protected] Parish Nurse: Maintenance Director: Mrs. Kena Zebert RN, ext 235 Deacon John Farlee, ext 226 [email protected] [email protected] Cathedral Daycare: Director: Mrs. Judy Priess, 398-4047 [email protected] or [email protected] Assistant Director Mrs. Misty Uhrich, 398-4047 [email protected] Mary’s Closet Ms. Ann Baker, 391–1527 [email protected] Immigration Office Carmen & Jacinto Corona / Yolanda Chavez Nuncio 308-381-2855 Ext. 301 The Parish Office Hours are Monday—Thursday 8:30 am– 4:30 pm St. Mary’s Immigration Office– 308-381-2855 Monday~ Closed -Tuesday - Friday: 9:00am –Noon and 1-5:30pm Saturday: By Appointment Only Sunday ~ Closed Bilingual NFP- - - Planificación Natural Familiar Mr. & Mrs. Chávez (308) 383-1199/ (308)383-1474 Cathedral Daycare NOW ENROLLING Combined Child Care/ Preschool Program No need to worry about how to get your preschooler to daycare. Our year-round preschool program for ages 2 to 5provides the best of both worlds. Stop by for a tour! We have transportation for school age students of Wasmer, Gates and Dodge for afterschool. 5:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday 6 weeks to 12 years ~ Call for availability All Faiths Welcome! Anuncios en Español Mientras celebramos la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José que es un buen momento para empezar el año nuevo en busca de la Sagrada Familia para dar forma, y buscar la protección de nuestras propias familias. Después de que los regalos de Navidad ya se desenvuelven, el regalo más importante que podemos dar a nuestros hijos es pasar nuestra fe a ellos y ayudarles a desarrollar su propio fundamento en la fe como para sostenerlos con todo lo que la vida todavía se despliega para ellos. No hay regalo tan importante o digno como compartir nuestra fe y amor a Jesús con nuestros hijos. Por favor, permanezcan activos en compartir su fe con su familia y lo que es la cosa más importante en la vida, dándole todo lo que necesita para seguir creciendo como, la asistencia a misa, de la escritura / compartir la Biblia y la oración diaria en familia. Se nos ha regalado con hijos / nietos y los niños en nuestra comunidad para moldear y dar forma a su fe. Vamos todos a prestar atención a la llamada de Dios y tomar el tiempo y esfuerzo para mantener nuestra fe creciente y nuestras familias algo santo y sagrado. Dios los bendiga, Mary Rose No hay clases de Catecismo hasta el Miércoles 7 & Domingo 11 de Enero. Page 9 Renovación del TPS Hondureños con el TPS, ya pueden enviar sus aplicaciones para la renovación del TPS. Para más detalles hablen con Carmen Corona en la oficina de inmigración 308381-2855 por favor dejen sus mensajes si no contestamos. Próxima Platica Pre-Bautismal La próxima platica será el domingo 25 de Enero del 2015. Las personas interesadas en tomarla pueden llamar a la oficina para registrarse y obtener más detalles. 384-2523 de lunes a jueves 8:30am-4:30pm. Horarios de Oficina de Mary Rose-Directora de Educación Religiosa Mary Rose es la nueva persona encargada del programa de Educación Religiosa para los grados Kínder-al 12. Esto incluye todo relacionado a las Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones. Usted puede encontrar a Mary Rose en su oficina los Martes y Jueves de 9am-2pm, los miércoles de 1-9pm, Domingos 8am-11am. Por teléfono al 384-2523 ext. 213 correo electrónico [email protected] Una tarjeta De Apoyo A Nuestro Seminarista Matthew Nash es un seminarista de nuestra Diócesis. Se nos pide que lo recordemos en nuestras oraciones y si es posible mandarle una tarjeta de apoyo en este tiempo de festividades. Por favor de hacer al: Matthew Nash Pontifical North American College 00120 Vatican City State Europe su cumpleaños fue el 23 de Nov. Si alguien le desea mandar un regalo monetario por favor hágalo a la dirección de sus padres. Dave Nash 1545 Buckskin Ct. Gering, Nebraska 69341. Ya están aquí Ya recibimos las cajitas con los sobres para que demos nuestras contribuciones en el 2015. Las cajitas están en la parte de atrás de la parroquia. Se les pide a todas las familias que usaron sobres en el 2014 que busquen sus sobres para el 2015. Buscarlos bajo el apellido de la esposa primero, si no los encuentra busque bajo el apellido del esposo. Recuerden que si estos sobres no se recogen usted será quitado de la lista de La Oficina Parroquial Cerrada: miembros registrados. Gracias a todos por su cooperación. La oficina parroquial estará cerrando sus puertas el Cualquier pregunta por favor llame a la oficina parroquial 384miércoles 31 de Diciembre a las 12 del medio día y 2523. todo el día el 1ero de Enero. Regresamos al horario El Especial de la semana en Mary’s Closet: regular el lunes 5 de Enero. Deseamos que todos pasen un muy Ven a comprar la semana de Dic. 29-Enero 3 --- La bolsa de Feliz Año Nuevo y esperamos que en el 2015 se nos cumplan ropa $4. La tienda está abierta los Lunes, Miércoles de 1-4pm y todos nuestros sueños. Que con la misericordia de Nuestro los sábados de 10am-3pm. La tienda esta en necesidad de Señor Jesucristo tengamos muchas bendiciones y felicidad abrigos, chamarras, suéteres. Ropa de invierno. Si usted tiene durante este nuevo año que comenzamos. ropa que ya no necesita y desea donarla por favor de traerla duEn Memoria Amorosa…. rante las horas de operación. Gracias por su consideración. Recordemos en nuestras oraciones a los siguientes finados y a sus familias: Calendarios del 2015 Por favor de tomar un Richard “Dick” Dowd calendario por familia. Gracias por su Quien falleció esta semana, generosidad en el 2014. Dios los bendiga Que descanse en Paz. siempre. Flores Para Navidad Durante todo el mes de Diciembre seguireDía de Obligación mos aceptando sus donaciones para las flores que se compran para decorar nuestra parroquia en la Navidad. Pueden usar el 1◦ de Enero~ Octava de la Navidad Santa Maria, sobre que viene en su cajita de sobres de este año o pueden Madre De Dios~ Día de Precepto~ Las misas son las tomar un sobre de la parte de atrás de la parroquia. Marcar cada siguientes: Miércoles 31 de Dic. 5:15pm vigilia en sobre con el nombre de una persona/apellido de la familia y si es Español. Jueves 1◦ de Enero 7am, 12:05pm & en su honor o en su memoria. También apuntar el nombre del 5:15pm todas en Inglés. donante para las flores Anuncios en Español Nota de Agradecimiento: De La Oficina De Mantenimiento Me gustaría dar las gracias a los Caballeros de Colon y al Ministerio El Pescador por la donación de mil dólares que dieron cada uno, para ayudar con la compra de la maquita Saber Micro 16 para lavar los pisos. Agradezco al padre Ricardo por aprobar esta comprar y los costos totales. Mi deseo es limpiar los pisos en menos tiempo que con el trapeador. Como todo se necesita la participación al 100% de todos para que lograr lo que proponemos. Necesitamos hacer lo que podamos para mantener nuestras bancas y carpetas libres de chicles. Cuando tenemos la limpieza anual de primavera, casi se llena un balde de chicles que se quitan de debajo de las bancas y carpetas. Cuando los jóvenes estudiantes de la escuela católica central hacen sus horas de servicio comunitario aquí, después de pasar casi todo un día completo con sus espaldas en el piso quitando los chicles de las bancas, se van con una actitud diferente en como despojar el chicle que ya no quieren mascar. Todos los miembros que han ayudado con esto les puedo decir que tienen otra actitud sobre los chicles, especialmente en venir mascando chicle a nuestro Templo Sagrado. También espero abarcar diferentes aéreas de la iglesia y el centro y remover capas de cera vieja. Otra vez agradezco a los Caballeros de Colon y al Ministerio El Pescador por su generosidad. Y al mismo tiempo avisarles que vamos a programar diferentes fechas en el futuro cercano para hacer limpieza. Gracias y Que nuestro Señor los bendiga por su generosidad Diacono John Farlee Director de Mantenimiento Reflexión “[E]stamos ante un enorme y dramático choque entre el bien y el mal, la muerte y la vida, la ‘cultura de la muerte’ y la ‘cultura de la vida’. Estamos no sólo ‘ante’, sino necesariamente ‘en medio’ de este conflicto: todos nos vemos implicados y obligados a participar, con la responsabilidad ineludible de elegir incondicionalmente en favor de la vida”.Papa Juan Pablo II, Evangelium Vitae, 28 © 1995 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Se utiliza con permiso. Page 10 Una Nueva Forma Para Donar Donaciones en línea por FaithStreet es una manera sencilla y segura para los miembros y seguidores de la iglesia para dar donaciones a nuestra iglesia ya sea una donación de una sola vez o una donación recurrente. Y al crear una cuenta con FaithStreet, le da más control sobre sus donaciones y le da acceso fácil a su cuenta a cualquier hora del día. Si usted está usando sobres y desea cambiar a FaithStreet simplemente puede pasar por la oficina parroquial para descontinuar el uso de sobres y registrarse para FaithStreet. Para hacer una donación, simplemente visite nuestro sitio web y haga clic al botón “Give Online” EL QUETZAL Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 BAKERY • PANADERIA Ceramic Tile • Granite, Wood Cultured Stone • Brick Commercial & Residential 318 North Madison, GI 308-382-0671 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. NEW PATIENTS AND REFERRALS WELCOME 384-N. Walnut 308-382-7144 Pan Centroamerico: Pasteles Cakes • Donas Donuts Castillo’s Cleaning Co. LLC Professionally Installed By Us! Wood, Fiberglass and Vinyl windows. Replacement, Remodel, New Construction Windows and Doors to fit every project and every budget. 2224 North Broadwell Avenue Grand Island, NE 68803-2152 Español [email protected] Certified Residential & Kerry Chiropractic Kerry Rodocker-Wiarda, D.C. Laura Sweley, D.C. REAL ESTATE APPRAISER By State of Nebraska SHEILA J. ALDER 308-398-2255 Office: 308-384-5838 United Food and Commercial Workers Terry Mostek Union Representative Business Office: 2410 N. Colorado • Fremont, NE 68025 (402) 721 - 0429 2308 S. Locust • Grand Island, NE (308) 384-3178 (308) 384-0800 “because the memory will live forever” RANDY & TRISH CURRAN J. J.’S SALON Owner / Parishioner 3005 S. Locust Street Grand Island, NE 68801 1405 W. CHARLES ST. (308) 382-5868 • 384-1359 J.J. CHMELKA 308-384-8862 Livingston-Sondermann Funeral Home Joint Replacement, Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Knee Arthroscopy & Cremation Services and Work-Related Injuries. (800) 782-6959 601 N. Webb Road Grand Island, NE FREE 620 North Diers Avenue Suite 200 • Grand Island, NE 68803 West Faidley Medical Center 308-382-7070 ESTIMATES All Faiths Funeral Home 308-398-2929 Dan Naranjo Grand Island, NE 68801 Funeral Director / Owner ORO Serving Grand Island and the Surrounding Area Since 1890 Kevin Wood, Chris McCoy & Jerry Quandt-Funeral Directors VALERIE JENSEN 2929 South Locust MEX JEWELERS • 14k Jewelry • 14k Religious Pendants • Repairs • Design & Manufactures of Jewelry • 14k Rosaries 308-750-1459 308-383-6990 FULLY INSURED W/WORKERS COMP. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING LASTING RESULTS WALLPAPER REMOVAL PAINTING OF CEILINGS/WALLS/TRIM VARNISHING/STAINING VARIOUS CEILING REPAIR RETEXTURING/ETC. Senior Citizen Discounts 406 W. 3rd Grand Island, NE 68801 Tel. 308-384-7191 Short-Term Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center Serving Grand Island For Over 20 yrs. 3119 West Faidley Avenue Grand Island, NE 68803 Knights of Columbus Council 1159 308-384-2333 A Catholic men’s organization meets the 3rd Monday of the month DOUGLAS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, INC. STEPHEN J. DOUGLAS, EA, ATP, ECS • YEAR ROUND TAX SERVICE • ELECTRONIC FILING • QUALITY SERVICE • DATA PROCESSING • BUSINESS CONSULTANTS • INDIVIDUAL & BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING 719 W. 3rd Street - Grand Island, NE 68801 (308) 382-6082 - Fax (308) 382-6832 - - [email protected] PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Employee Owned GRAND ISLAND • 1602 W. 2nd Street • (308) 382-6822 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH SUPER—SAVER On The Web at 2009 West Faidley Ave., Grand Island, Nebraska 68803-4644 COME SMILE WITH US!! Phone: 308-382-8677 Pella Windows & Doors Home/Business Grand Island and Areas 308-380-2572 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA DENTAL HEALTH CARE — DRS. JANDA & JANDA Dr. David E. Janda – Dr. Leona K. Janda TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-945-6629 154600 St Mary Cathedral For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Parish News Page 12 J A N U A R Y Sun Mon Tue Wed December 31st 5:15 pm Mass (Sp) Vigil 4 The Epiphany of the Lord 5 6 1 pm Quilters 10 am EP Bible 7 Mary’s Table No RICA 4 pm EP 7 pm Bingo 6:30 pm CDA 7 pm EP Bible 6:30 pm Rel Ed 7pm Confirmation 11 The Baptism of the Lord 8:45 Rel Ed Class 10 am RICA 4 pm EP 7pm Bingo 12 13 Adoration 10 am EP Bible 2:50 pm Chaplet Of Mercy 3:30 pm Christian Service 6:30 pm Parish Council/Finance 7 pm EP Bible 14 1 pm Quilters 6:30 pm English Pre Baptism Class 7 pm Cathedral Ladies 7 pm 4th Degree 18 19 20 21 1 pm Quilters 10 am EP Bible 7 pm Young Adults (Sp) 8 9 10 am EP Rosary 11 am Healing Mass (E) 11:30 pm Friendship Luncheon 1 pm Quilters 6:30 pm RCIA 7 pm EP Bible 7pm Stephen 15 7 pm Young Adults (Sp 3 Mary’s Table 6pm (Sp) Youth Group 7 pm Hora Santa 10 6pm (Sp) Youth Group 16 17 7 pm Young Adults (Sp 6pm (Sp) Youth Group 23 24 7pm Stephen Ministry 7 pm Young Adults (Sp 6pm (Sp) Youth Group 29 30 31 1 pm Quilters 6:30 pm Rel Ed 7pm Confirmation 22 10 am EP Rosary 6:30 pm Rel Ed 7pm Confirmation 7 pm EP Bible 25 26 27 Adoration 8:45 Rel Ed Class 10 am RICA 1 pm Quilters 10 am EP Bible 4 pm EP 2 First Friday Mary Mother of God 7 am Mass (E) 12:05 pm (E) 5:15 pm Mass (E) Sat 1 pm Quilters Daycare Carnival 7 pm KC 2 pm Spanish Pre Baptism class 1 New Years Day Fri 10 am EP Rosary 8:45 Rel Ed Class 10 am RICA 4 pm EP Thu 7 pm EP Bible 28 10 am EP Rosary 6:30 pm Rel Ed 7pm Confirmation 8:30 am Altar Server Training 1 pm Quilters 7 pm Young Adults (Sp 6pm (Sp) Youth Group
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