Newsletter Merry Christmas December 2014 To the Epsom Girls Grammar School Community INSIDE THIS ISSUE: As the end of the year approaches we have had many opportunities to celebrate all the wonderful achievements of our students: our two Prizegivings, the Arts and Culture Evening, the Young Sports Person of the Year Awards Dinner, the viewing of the NCEA Art and Technology folios and the presentations from the Year 9 and 10 Gifted and Talented Groups. Further details on these opportunities are in the following pages. All combine to present further examples of the very high achievement in so many areas of the school. Such high levels of achievement would not be possible without the passion and commitment of our staff and I thank all of them for everything they have given to the students and the school this year. We farewell Mr Verner from his role of Director of International Students and also Mrs Harborne who has been the International Dean. Both have given many years of service to the school and have built the International Department to be one of the biggest and most respected in the country. Mrs Goodall, the Accommodation Coordinator who is also leaving, has also contributed greatly to that reputation. Ms Catherine Lee is another long serving staff member who is also leaving. As Teacher Librarian she has done much to develop changes in the role of the Library in the school. We wish them and all departing staff success BOT news 2 OGA news 2-3 General news 3-5 6 International news Curriculum news 6-10 Arts & Cultural news 10-11 Sports news 11-12 EGGS Foundation Office 15-19 Raye Freedman Arts Centre 20 Important Dates & Notices 21 in the next stages of their lives. We are delighted to have Ms Sarah Dwan join us as the new Deputy Principal to replace Ms Cottam who left last term. Ms Dwan has been Assistant Principal at Villa Maria College in Christchurch and has joined us from a secondment to Core Education as a Learning with Digital Technologies Facilitator. She brings many new skills to complement those in our senior leadership team. You will be aware that there has recently been a review of the decile ranking of all schools based on the information from last year’s census. People often believe that the decile ranking is a measure of the performance of a school but this is not correct. It is a measure of the socio-economic status of the community served by a school and is arrived at by combining five factors: the educational qualifications of parents, the skill level of the occupations of parents, the household income, the level of income support provided by benefits to the household and the degree of overcrowding in the home. The decile ranking for EGGS has not changed and is still 9 which means that our equity funding is not high but it will not be reduced. Leadership training for Year 12 has just been completed and a new prefect team has been formed from the choice of leaders from each of the four eggs that group the different committees in the school. The Head Prefect and her deputies are currently being voted on and the names will be available on the school website once the process is completed. This year’s Prefect Team has recently planted a kowhai tree outside the Senior Common Room as part of their legacy to the school. I thank all parents, caregivers and whanau for your ongoing support of EGGS this year and wish you all a very happy Christmas and holiday season. Madeline Gunn - Principal Head Prefect Shalomy Sathiyaraj with Madeline Gunn and Student BOT representative Marcia Zeng at the Year 13 tree planting From the Board of Trustees The year is fast coming to an end. One of the highlights of this term has been the Senior prize-giving to honour those senior students that have achieved highly during this school year. These scholars set high academic achievement goals and we encourage all EGGS students to strive for the highest achievement goals possible. ERO has reviewed our school this year. Their review confirms that Epsom Girls Grammar School remains a very high achieving school, achieving well above the national average but also above comparable decile Schools. EGGS continues to be a leading school in education; with continuing development of e-learning ERO has found that these developments “….have been successful and are now benefiting students and staff.” The recent series of articles in the “New Zealand Herald” about the decile rating for schools was a good expose about how schools are funded based on the decile rating system. Epsom Girls Grammar School is a declie 9 school which means that we receive relatively less funding than lower decile schools. The clear expectation is that higher decile schools make up for this reduced funding by seeking a fees “donation” from the parents. This donation is tax deductible. If have yet to make this year’s school donation I invite you to do so to support the education of your daughters. I wish you all an enjoyable summer break, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Dr Gerald Young - Chair Board of Trustees OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION From the Epsom Girls Grammar Old Girls Association President 10 years on Reunion Normanby Hotel was the venue for a reunion on 18 October of the class of 2000 – 2004 who reconnected 10 years after leaving School. The organising committee made lovely name badges with 3rd form photos on them as shown below. 40 years on Reunion The third formers of 1974 met at School at the start of November. Everyone enjoyed meeting past friends and school mates and the Old Girls relished their tour of Epsom Girls, in particular, seeing the Joyce Fisher Sports Centre. 2 Senior Prize Giving I thoroughly enjoyed attending the Senior Prize Giving. What a wonderful occasion celebrating the success of so many students. I certainly felt proud to be an Old Girl. It was great to hear the School song being sung especially since I was able to visit Muriel Hooker (Lamb) one of the writers of the School song earlier this year. Christmas EGG Plaque Promotion We have another 4 tickets from Auckland Live to give away for our Christmas EGG plaque promotion. All you have to do is buy a gold, silver or bronze EGG plaque for your daughter (or your family or a relative) by 5 pm on Friday 6 February 2015 and you will automatically go into the draw to receive 4 adult passes to THRILLER LIVE at the Civic on Thursday 19 February at 7.30pm. The draw will take place on Monday 9 February 2015. THRILLER LIVE is a spectacular theatrical production now in its record breaking 6th year in London’s West End, which celebrates the career of the world’s greatest entertainer, Michael Jackson and the Jackson Five. THRILLER LIVE is over two hours of non-stop hits that pays homage to Michael Jackson’s legendary live performances and the magic of his 45 year musical history. Featuring all of Jackson’s favourite songs including: I Want You Back, ABC, Can You Feel It, Off The Wall, The Way You Make Me Feel, Smooth Criminal, Beat It, Billie Jean, Dirty Diana, Bad and Thriller! If you have already bought an EGG plaque for yourself or any member of your family at any time you can still go into the draw but you have to respond to this article by emailing [email protected] with your name, email address, contact phone number and the name in which the EGG plaque was purchased. The EGG plaques are raising funds for the Old Girls Centennial Challenge to raise $500,000 towards completion of the Sports Complex for the Centenary. We are again grateful to Old Girl Hannah Cooke of Auckland Live for organising another Auckland Live ticket prize. Centenary Update The Centenary Committee met on 19 November 2014 and our next planning meeting for the 2017 Centenary is on Wednesday 18 March 2015 at 5pm in the Boardroom at EGGS. We welcome anyone who wants to be involved. If you cannot come to meetings but have ideas about what you would like to see at the Centenary then please email these to [email protected] On behalf of the Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and Festive Season. We are looking forward to meeting more of you in the New Year. Per Angusta Ad Augusta Kathryn Seagrave, President – EGGS Old Girls Association GENERAL NEWS Parent Teacher Association At our October meeting Emma Jensen and several students gave a wonderful insight into Year 10 Camp and the Year 13 Amazing Race which was really informative and entertaining, so a big thanks to Emma and the girls. Our final message for the year is to send out a huge thank you to all of the very generous parents that made donations to the PTA allowing our continued support to the school in the form of scholarships for our high achieving students. Over $3000 was raised so that we could also purchase $500 worth of learning games for activity boxes used in the Year 9 Tutor Classes. These activities go a long way in developing positive and strong relationships between the girls and is exactly the type of resource the PTA loves to support. I would also like to acknowledge all of our wonderful PTA members, helpers and in particular our Deputy Principal, Tric Milner and our Staff Liason, Janet Davis for all their time, energy and help throughout 2014. All the best for the upcoming festive season to everyone in the EGGS community. Lynley Sheweiry, PTA Chairperson [email protected] or [email protected] 3 NCEA NCEA and New Zealand (NZ) Scholarship 2014 results publication in 2015 Key Messages • Students will be able to access the Learner login area of the NZQA website to view their NCEA results in mid-January 2015 and their NZ Scholarship results in mid-February. • Printed NCEA result notices will not be distributed to all learners automatically. Learners who require a summary printed result notice must request one from the Learner login between the beginning of October and 31 December 2014. • NZ Scholarship result notices will be distributed to all candidates in February 2015. NCEA results • The Learner login will be NZQA’s primary medium for publishing results. • Printed result notices will only be sent to learners on request. Only those students without internet access to view their results should request a summary printed result notice. • The facility to request a result notice will be available on the Learner-login area from the beginning of October to 31 December 2014. Learners may supply an alternative address for the delivery of the result notice. There is no charge. • Learners at schools in the Cook Islands and Niue will automatically receive a printed result notice. • New Zealand schools with concerns about their learners’ access to online results should contact their School Relationship Manager. • Reconsideration and Review forms will continue to be available from the Learner-login area only. All senior students know how to log in to the NZQA website and if they forget their password they can request another (under Password Problems just below where the login area is). Results should become available online mid-January. NEWS The external examinations operated very smoothly and the Exam Centre Manager commented on the sensible and mature way the students approached each examination session. LOOKING AHEAD It is important for 2015 Year 11, 12 and 13 students to be in class during term time as the internal assessment programme runs throughout the first three terms, and examination preparation is the focus in Term 4. If families are planning overseas travel, it should be confined to the school holiday periods so that students are not disadvantaged by the possibility of missing assessment credits. 2014 Graduation Dinner Congratulations to our 2014 graduating students 4 Pasifika Update We have had a variety of activities happening in the last weeks of Term 3 and Term 4 for our Pasifika students. We had a lunchtime juniors vs. seniors dodgeball game which brought out fierce rivalry and lots of competitive spirit. We farewelled our senior girls at a special Homework Centre awards ceremony which recognised the girls who have been particularly committed to attending each week and have made a significant impact on the learning of their peers. Our Pasifika Committee farewell lunch acknowledged our fantastic 2014 leaders Tarah Fepulea’i and Maeva Carr, the Committee members and also the support of Mr Oliver, Ms Todman and Ms Krishnan throughout the year. Our final Fono of the year welcomed our Year 9 students for 2015. It was a lovely opportunity to meet some of our future Pasifika students and their families. These events have been a great opportunity to celebrate our Pasifika. INTERNATIONAL NEWS Andrea Harborne (far left) visiting with agents on a recent trip to Mexico The International team with students in the Raye Freedman Arts Centre 5 The year is passing very quickly and this will be the last article I write as International Dean. At the end of the year I will step down from my current position and Mrs Alpna Sood will be the new Dean. She will bring much experience to the role, being one of the two Year 9 Deans this year at Epsom Girls. It has been wonderful in the International Department working with such knowledgeable and supportive staff. I began teaching at Epsom Girls Grammar a very long time ago and originally taught Geography in the Social Sciences Department. I was always interested in other countries and through majoring in this subject I learnt much of the physical characteristics of countries and the demography. However as the International Dean I have learnt so much more through our students. It has been a pleasure to meet with individuals to look at their progress, to help where possible and to liaise with their parents, agents and/or homestays. It has been a wonderful and busy seven years with numbers of Internationals virtually doubling. There have been some interesting conversations too on culture versus religion. I have been privileged to listen to some of the girls’ speeches when they have presented them in their English/ESL classes. Much work has generally gone into these presentations and the topics are often exceptionally interesting. Through them we all gain a greater understanding of each other. I see students, as their English improves, become more confident to stand up and talk in class in front of their peers and to ask questions when they are unsure of some of the work in their classes. So many have succeeded and gone on to Universities both in New Zealand and overseas. It is wonderful to have our girls drop in to visit later or to receive their emails telling us of the exciting openings in their lives and what they have gone on to do. For many there have been strong friendships made and they have visited each other’s countries. Epsom Girls is a small microcosm of the world but it can only be a better place when so many students come from so many different countries and develop these strong friendships. Andrea Harborne, International Student Dean CURRICULUM NEWS Gifted and Talented At Epsom Girls Grammar School there are many opportunities for students to extend their learning and develop extra-curricular interests and skills. With this in mind we reviewed our identification of, and provision for able, gifted and talented learners this year. This included acknowledging opportunities available in all learning areas, staff professional development workshops and redesigning our junior extension programme. The vision for the junior programme is for students to learn collaboratively on personalised group projects that are authentic, challenging, require critical and creative thinking, and allow for complex problemsolving. The projects this year have been diverse and innovative, and we would like to congratulate the girls on all they have achieved. The final presentations to families and peers took place at the beginning of December. Thank you to all families and members of our community who have supported the girls. Mind Lab: Visit to Mind Lab as part of the Junior extension programme 6 Opportunities for students with exceptional potential and performance within learning areas at EGGS. Writers group, EGGS Aloud junior publication, Writers Night, writing competitions, Auckland debating, Book Club, Film Society scholarships, visiting authors. The Little Art Show, Art Club, artist talks, exhibitions, competitions such as Eden Young Artist, song writing, Chamber Music, extension music classes Regional and national secondary school competitions, visiting New Zealand sportspersons. Exchanges, sister school relationships, Language Perfect World Champs, overseas trips, Māori language week, International Languages Week ,lunch time conversation Auckland Olympiad, Australian Maths competitions, Infomatics competition, Mathex, APSMO, AMTCEP, Maths Club, Science Group, Science Fair, CREST, ICAS Australian Science, NZ Top Engineering, Biology and Chemistry Olympiad selection exams, Royal Society of NZ school events. NZGS research competition, NZHTA History competition, Monetary Policy Challenge, Treasury competition, Young Enterprise, Young Historians, Massey Economics competition. Food creativity competitions, CAD Source: School wide provision at EGGS: Opportunities in all learning areas for able, gifted and talented learners (This resource can be accessed on the school website) Ecoegg inspiration: Architect Vincent Callebaut 7 Ecoegg blog: Produced by students to publish their research and design of an eco-house for the Christchurch environment Stereotyping teens: the learning process behind producing an opinion piece for the New Zealand Herald A healthy lifestyle guide, CIBUS ANIMI Designing a modern learning environment for EGGS 8 We’re helping the next generation go even further. As part of our commitment to education, we want to make sure the next generation gets a good head start. We continue to invest in schools throughout New Zealand, have created public-private partnerships, and established the Next Generation Leaders Programme to identify and develop the talents of New Zealand’s youth. We’re also a principal sponsor of The Sir Peter Blake Trust, fostering sustainability and leadership, so that we see more young Kiwis making big waves in the future. For more information about our investment in young Kiwis phone 0800 FUJI XEROX or visit Year 12 and 13 Visual Art Exhibition A huge thank you to all of the parents and students who came along to view the Year 12 and 13 Visual Art Folio portfolio exhibition earlier this term. This gave the staff, families and students the opportunity to celebrate the year and see the outstanding Art work produced in 2014. We would love all of our visual Art students graduating this year to stay in touch and consider submitting work into next year’s Little Art Show (18th August 2015). We’d also like to take this opportunity to wish our students, particularly those continuing on with study in the Visual Arts or Art History, all the very best. Request from the Art Department The Art Department would love your clean jars with lids, newspapers, unwanted national geographics and any clean cotton bed sheets for rags – must be cotton. These can be delivered to the front office or brought to the Art Department by a student. Many thanks. ARTS & CULTURAL NEWS Arts & Cultural Awards Evening On the evening of Thursday 25th September we celebrated the Arts & Cultural success in an awards ceremony in the Raye Freedman Arts Center. The theme was “When in Rome” and encompassed performances from Music, Drama, Visual Art, Stage Challenge, and the Chinese Group. Major awards and scholarships were presented on this night. Thank you to all the staff, students and parents who have supported the many Arts & Cultural groups throughout the year. See photos on page 13. EPSOM MUSIC We have come to the end of yet another busy year for Epsom Music. We recently enjoyed an end of year BBQ to farewell all our music leavers and celebrate another wonderful year at Epsom Music. The past few weeks have been busy preparing for Junior Prizegiving and auditions for 2015 music groups. Lists of 2015 groups will be sent home before the end of the year. Rehearsal times will be as follows in 2014: Paradisum:.............................................Mondays 7.15-9.15pm F12 TBC Epsom Singers:......................................Tuesday lunchtime F12 with Ms Orr Vox:.......................................................Wednesday lunchtime F11 TBC Canto Vivo:............................................Monday lunchtime F12 with Ms Knowles TBC Epsom Concert Band:.............................Thursday 3.30-4.45pm F12 with Mr Arthur Epsom Intermediate Concert Band:........Thursday lunchtime F12 with Mr Arthur Epsom Stage Band:................................Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm F12 with Mr Thomas Epsom Symphonia:.................................Tuesday 3.30-5pm F12 with Mr Thomas (regular sectionals to be announced) Epsom Chamber Orchestra:....................Monday 3.15-4.30pm F12 with Dr Thomson Epsom String Ensemble:.........................Friday lunchtime F12 with Mrs Appleton Choirs will meet on Tuesday February 3rd. Regular rehearsals start in Week 3 (from Monday February 9th) Other rehearsals may be added leading up to performances. 10 Music Leaders 2014 A BIG thank you must go to our fabulous 2014 music leaders. They have been a hard working, cheerful and talented group of leaders who will be sorely missed. We look forward to another enjoyable and successful year for Epsom Music in 2015. Happy holidays! CONTACT INFO - Mr Peter Thomas - Head of Music - Ph 9706744 - [email protected] SPORTS NEWS ASB Young Sportsperson of the Year Awards Pictured here are (back to front left to right) Violet Kennedy, Sophie Jenkins, Manuela Ovalle Herrera, Olivia Hadlow, Jessica Thompson, Alice Draper, Alethea Lim, Weiming Yi, Verity Kennerley, Sophie Lamb Congratulations to the 9 girls who were nominated for the ASB Young Sportsperson of the Year Awards which were held at Eden Park on Thursday 20th November. Cricket����������������������������� Claire Crooks Gymsports������������������������ Hannah Metzger Lacrosse��������������������������� Victoria Crisford also received the overall award for Girls Lacrosse Rugby������������������������������ Kiritapu Demant also received the overall award for Girls Rugby Squash �������������������������� Anna Hughes �������������������������� Haley Hughes �������������������������� Eleanor Epke also received the overall award for Girls Squash Swimming and All Rounder� Rebekah Bradley Underwater Hockey����������� Rebecca Gatland also received the overall award for Girls Underwater EGGS Squash team - Anna Hughes, Haley Hughes and Eleanor Epke Hockey. The Epsom Girls Grammar Squash Team were also recognised for the National Champions Roll of Honour 11 Epsom Rowing Club OGA It’s said that rowing is a sport so demanding on your body and time you have to be really passionate about it to do it. Epsom Rowing Club has passion in bucket loads - ever since its modest intake of four rowers in 1987 to an unprecedented 48 rowers this season, the club has grown from strength to strength in numbers and performance. Like all school sports, but especially rowing, fundraising and sponsorship are always a challenge - especially this season when we need to fundraise for a badly needed new 8+. With the club’s 25th anniversary last year, our patron Bruce Walker has compiled a history of our rowing boats. Each boat is named after special patrons, coaches and supporters of the club, and reflect the club’s overall history and the passion of its parents, volunteers and patrons in supporting and championing young women in sport. Its first 8+ in 1990 was named after Lady Joyce Fisher who attended the school from 1927-1929 and became a patron of the club from 1990 until her death in 2009. Other boats were named after Gail Baker, one of Epsom Rowing’s ‘teacher in charge’ from 1996-2001, Margaret Bendall, Deputy Principal and Principal from 1996 until 2004, Dame Augusta Wallace who attended EGGS from 1946-47 and passed away in 2008, and Gay Roberts, who attended EGGS from 1952-1956 and was a teacher and Deputy Principal from 1981 to 2004. To build on its history, Epsom Rowing is trying to contact as many ‘old girl rowers’ as possible, to keep in touch on a quarterly basis. If you are interested in keeping in touch, and/or have any photos or stories you can send us, please contact Karen Bridgman at [email protected]. You can become a grass roots supporter by donating at and keep up to date with our progress BNZS 3474_MMT26 by visiting our website at You can also follow us on Twitter @EGGSRowing. BNZ Newmarket. support Proud to Epsom Girls Grammar School. Got any banking questions? Ask us today. 0800 275 269 Financial Tips from BNZ: Tip #7: You’ll end up paying less if you always try and pay off your highest interest debt first. Waka Ama 12 Arts & Cultural Awards Evening 13 (Photography by Rachel Soh) TA H I T I • L O S A N G E L E S • PA R I S • TO K Y O • A U C K L A N D • S Y D N E Y Maeva • Bienvenue • Welcome LEADING in WOMEN Sport SPORTS COMPLEX JOYCE FISHER SPORTS CENTRE | ARENA | COURTS Support . Donate . Participate Joyce Fisher Sports Centre Lecture rooms OGA Centennial Gallery Dance Studio Fitness Centre 15 Gym LEADING WOMEN in Sport SPORTS COMPLEX JOYCE FISHER SPORTS CENTRE | ARENA | COURTS Support . Donate . Participate Christmas Gift Ideas... LEADING WOMEN Sport in Christmas Gift opportunity This Christmas support Epsom Girls Grammar School by purchasing a fundraising ‘EGG’ (a named plaque) that will be on an acknowledgement wall within the Joyce Fisher Sports Centre. Give a gift that will keep your family or friend’s name displayed for decades to come while supporting the completion of the Joyce Fisher Sports Centre and state of the art Sports Complex. Support . Donate . Participate Choose the ‘EGG’ plaque that you wish to give this Christmas Only 640 exclusive “EGGs” available. 40 Gold, 200 Silver, 400 Bronze. Get yours today! Post my gift certificate to: Name Address BRONZE SILVER GOLD Number ordered Gold EGG @ $2,500 each Recipient Name Silver EGG @ $1,000 each Recipient Years Bronze EGG @ $500 each BR-j8592 Phone All donations are tax deductible and will be issued with a donation receipt. Thank you for your support. 16 (for certificate and plaque) (if applicable) Foundation Office: 09 970 6753 [email protected] [email protected] 14 Silver Rd Epsom, Auckland 1023. LEADING in WOMEN Sport SPORTS COMPLEX JOYCE FISHER SPORTS CENTRE | ARENA | COURTS Support . Donate . Participate We are very grateful for the generosity of all the individuals, trusts, sponsors and businesses for their support throughout the year and contributing to the Joyce Fisher Sports Centre. Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust Woolf Fisher Trust Raye Blumenthal Freedman Trust M.F.E. Adams Blackwell Estate O&A Chen Chica Gilmer Estate Jill Mandeno Janice McAdam & Jean Lang Macdonald Family Peter Thompson – Barfoot & Thompson J.M. Thompson G&A Wadsworth John Williamson Estate Major Commercial Partners BNZ –Newmarket branch Fuji Xerox Major Funding Partners Auckland Council The Lion Foundation Philip Bradley - Blueriver Creative Epsom Girls Grammar School Foundation EGGS Old Girls Association Four Winds Foundation Freemasons New Zealand JASMAX Jones Family Charitable Trust North & South Trust NZ Community Trust Potter Masonic Trust Southern Trust Trillian Trust 17 LEADING WOMEN in Sport SPORTS COMPLEX JOYCE FISHER SPORTS CENTRE | ARENA | COURTS Support . Donate . Participate PATRONS Dame Judith Potter DNZM, CBE Lady Susan Satyanand The Right Honourable Helen Clark Sheryl, Lady Wells CNZM Dame Ann Hercus DCMG ONZ DISTINGUISHED DONORS PLATINUM DONORS Peter Thompson Marigold A Edwards J.M. Thompson Gae Griffiths, Headmistress Jones Family Charitable Trust Madeline Gunn, Principal Dame Judith Potter Martin Family (Jan Martin, Sue Martin, Lesley Martin (nee Jarred)) Skip Williamson Janet Millar (Cooper) Chica Gilmer Monk Family Dr Gerald & Helen Young, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Katherine Grace O’Donnell Brenda Perry MNZM Judge Heather Simpson CNZM Joan Wedding GOLD EGG DONORS Lucy Armstrong, Bella Armstrong Glen Metcalf (Simmers) Bakalich Family Palmer-Neels Family S’bree Barnes Sarah Stenson, Marcia Stenson Catherine Bollard Lily Kennedy-Perkins, Rebecca Kennedy-Perkins Susan Bull (Marsh) Jessie Thompson (Montgomerie) Ella & Katie Cathro Paula Thompson Julie Goodyer, OGA President Lisa Thompson Catherine Allbury & Michelle Allbury Moana Borland & Tonkin Family Sir John & Shiela, Lady Graham Board of Trustees 2013 Barbara Guthrie (McLaren) & Carolyn Guthrie Anna Logan Evelyn Andrews (Kensington) & Caitlin Kensington EGGS PTA & Prefects 2011 Rachel MacLachlan EGGS PTA & Prefects 2012 Sophie McDonald EGGS PTA & Prefects 2013 Bronwyn McDonald Prefect Team 2014 SILVER EGG DONORS Grace & Laura Anderson Helen Flavall (Kerr) & Jennifer Kerr Juliet Bull Helen McCartney Elizabeth & Stella Burns Katherine Liu Sue Burrett (Coutts) Paul & Tina Lucas B M Cameron (McKenzie) Marjorie Maxwell (Webster) Rosemary A Collett (Charter) McMahon Family Fiona Cottam Juliet Mora Verna Dowdle, Principal Genevieve Mora Chandini Gadhvi Sarah Neilson Caitlin Gill Jess Roberts Enyth Good (Carter) Gay Roberts (Baigent), Lynley Andrews (Roberts) Beryl Edith Neels (Body) Bronwen Gulasekharam (Roberts) & Katie Andrews Hettie Harré (Beavis) Kris Tynan Dame Ann Hercus Rose Tynan DCMG Ella Hocquard Ailsa, Barbara & Gwynne Urquhart Margaret Hookey (Arahi) Whineray Family Robin McFarland Hooper EGGS Distance Running Squad 2014 18 LEADING WOMEN in Sport SPORTS COMPLEX JOYCE FISHER SPORTS CENTRE | ARENA | COURTS Support . Donate . Participate BRONZE EGG DONORS Akroyd Family Jennifer & Penny Cameron Cherry Allbury Pamela Kean (Kelly) Charlotte Almao, Juliet Almao Maddy Kelly Sarah and Jenny Andrews Jean Spencer Viopapa Atherton (Annandale) Kathleen Mary Norton, Patricia Joyce Norton, Jocelyn Wright Lynley Averis, Mark Sceats, Shirley Lindsay, Emma Lindsay Emily Sceats, Imogen Sceats B. Middleton, E. Middleton & G. Middleton Jorja, Katrina & Natasha Bell Wigmores Superstore Peggy Bindel Wigmore Farms Dr Ruth Black Class of 1973 - 40th Reunion Anne Blaiklock Georgia May Irene Sorrell, Jacqui Byrne, Prue Brown, Millie Brown Pamela Miles-Kumate Olivia Cookson Faulconbridge & Bines Delbridge Family Nowak Excell Family Rachel, Emma & Lauren Dodd 1953 Third Formers - 60 Year Reunion L D Edgar Brittany Robson Margaret Fairgray (Hamilton) Lesley Rockell (Mabey) Shirley Andrews (Keys) Natalie Rose (Anderson) Olivia Giles Ann Smith (Mitchell) Margaret Guthrie (Hoodless) Briar Wagner-Hiliau Yvonne & Wendy Hare Erica Whineray Barbara Cupit Heslop Stella Mackrell Janet Irwin (Smyth) Po Hoi Wong Muriel Joyce Potter Robyn Bridgman Reunion Luncheon INSPIRATION WALL DONORS Millie Anderson Holly Masterson Kimberley Bautista Grace Masterson Bracegirdle Family Patricia Maud (Speight) Samantha Grace Carey Riah Mildenhall Rosemary Carter-Kendall Sue Pickering Dawn & Rebecca Collyns Alice Sandiford Erin Cory-Wright & Family Samantha J Sandiford de Jong-Hurley Shepherd Family McLean Family Jennifer Walker The Thomson Girls Kate Prebble Alma Grace Bray, Margaret Jean Bray Patricia Wilson Vera Hannah Bray & Margaret Anne Hall Ehlin Young & Louise Young Jamie Littin Greta Stacey 19 To all our friends, thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in 2015. Wishing you a safe and happy holiday. Jo, Bodhi, Kathy, Katie, Vaughan, Tim, Vincent, Kathy and Chelsea Go to our website to sign up for newsletters and like us on Facebook to keep up to date with events and special offers. Corner Gillies Ave and Silver Rd, Epsom Ph 09 9706800 20 Uniform Shop Hours Additional Hours Closed 2015 Normal Hours – Term Time Only Thursday December 11 2014 until Sunday Monday to Friday 11.05 am – 11.25 am January 11 2015 12 noon – 1.30 pm Monday January 12 10.00 am – 4.00 pm through to Thursday daily Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 3.15 pm – 4.00 pm February 5 Saturday January 17 10.00 am – 3.00 pm Starting Dates for 2015 Monday 12 January Uniform Shop opens 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday and on Saturday 17 January Thursday 15 January Enrolment Office opens Monday 19 January New in-zone students meeting with Deans by appointment only from this date Wednesday 28 January 12.45pm Teacher Only day Course change consultation for Years 11-13 Thursday 29 January 10.30am Year 9 and all new students until 3.15pm Friday 30 January 10.30am All year levels until 3.15pm Monday 2 February 8.30am Normal times for the whole school Friday 6 February Waitangi Day Term Dates 2015 Term 1 Wednesday 28 January (Senior School course confirmation only) to Thursday 2 April Vacation 2 weeks (3 April - 19 April) Term 2 Anzac Day Queens Birthday Teacher only day Monday 27 April Monday 1 June Tuesday 2 June Monday 20 July to Friday 25 September Vacation 2 weeks (26 September - 11 October) Term 4 Friday 6 February Friday 3 April Sunday 5 April Monday 6 April Tuesday 7 April Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July Vacation 2 weeks (4 July - 19 July) Term 3 Waitangi Day Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday Easter Tuesday Mid Term Break Friday 28 August Monday 12 October to Friday 11 December Labour Day Monday 26 October Save the Date Barbecue for new families to EGGS...........................Wednesday 18 February 2015, 6pm EGGS Open Day for 2016 Year 9 students..................Tuesday 31 March 2015 Epsom Girls Grammar School Silver Road Epsom 21 Tel: (09) 630-5963 Fax: (09) 638-9143 22
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