ST. LUKE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1606 Blanding Blvd., Middleburg, Fl. 32068 (904) 282-0439 Fax: (904) 291-9711 PASTOR Rev. Andy Blaszkowski PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Pervaiz Masih DEACONS Deacon Bob DeLuca Deacon Steve Arnold MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE HOLY FAMILY Sr. Danuta Kujalowicz, Superior SUNDAY SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL MASS - 5:00pm SUNDAY - 8:15am & 11:00am WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday - Friday Morning MASS - 8:30AM No morning Mass on the First Friday of each month RECONCILIATION SATURDAY 3:30pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday 9:00am - 6:30pm NOVENA TO THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL Tuesday following 8:30am Mass ROSARY Wednesday following 8:30am Mass ANNUNCIATION SCHOOL MASS Thursday 8:30 am - during school year CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Monday 6:30pm The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph December 28, 2014 HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION 8:30am & 7:00pm FIRST FRIDAY LITURGY AND HOLY HOUR January 2, 2015 at 7:00pm FIRST SATURDAY MASS FOR THE NATION Saturday, January 3, 2015 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP CHAPEL St. Vincent Hospital Monday thru Friday 12:00 noon Mass of life From the Pastor’s Desk: December 28, 2014 On this first Sunday after Christmas, the Liturgy invites us to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth. God wanted to be born into a human family, He wanted to have a mother and father like us. The celebration marks the fundamental truth, that when the Son of God became man, when the Word became flesh, He became flesh as a little child within a family…a family which became the model of love for God and each other, for trust, prayer, and obedience in fulfilling their roles as members of a family. Our scripture readings today reflect on aspects of family life including the duties and blessings that come about as a result of faithfully living family life. Understanding what a family is, is critically important to understanding life with God. And yet, “To d ay, there are tho se w ho say that m arriage (fam ily) is o ut o f fashio n... They say that it is no t w orth making a life-long commitment, making a definitive decision, ‘forever’, because we do not know what tomorrow will bring. I ask you, instead, to be revolutionaries, I ask you to swim against the tide; yes, I am asking you to rebel against this culture that sees everything as temporary and that ultimately believes you are incapable of responsibility; that believes you are incapable of true love. Therefore, today our gaze on the Holy Family lets us also be drawn into the simplicity of the life they led in Nazareth. It is an example that does our families great good, helping them increasingly to become communities of love and reconciliation, in which tenderness, mutual help, and mutual forgiveness is experienced. Let us remember the three key words for living in peace and joy in the family: “May I”, “thank you” and “sorry”. In our family, when we are not intrusive and ask “may I”, in our family when we are not selfish and learn to say “thank you”, and when in a family one realizes he has done something wrong and knows how to say “sorry”, in that family there is peace and joy. Let us remember these three words. I would also like to encourage families to become aware of the importance they have in the Church and in society. The proclamation of the Gospel, in fact, first passes through the family to reach the various spheres of daily life. Let us fervently call upon Mary Most Holy, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, and St. Joseph her spouse. Let us ask them to enlighten, comfort and guide every family in the world, so that they may fulfill with dignity and peace the mission which God has entrusted to them. - POPE FRANCIS Thursday of this week will bring us to celebrate a New Year – 2015! On New Year’s Day, the Church honors Mary under the special title of Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God - a holy day of obligation. The title - Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God - is one of the most outstanding characteristics of Mary in her willingness to know and do God’s Will. Today, as we continue with our Christmas joy, we ponder with Mary the Mystery of God’s presence, and thus inspired by her example, we, too, strive to recognize the Word being flesh that found His dwelling place among us. On the first day of the New Year, the Church also dedicates a special time to pray for peace. “Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters” is the title of Pope Francis’ message for the 48th World Day of Peace. “Peace is either…the good of all or it is the good of none and it can only be truly attained and enjoyed, as the highest quality of life and a more human and sustainable development, only if all are guided by solidarity as a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good. It requires a willingness to ‘lose ourselves’ for the sake of others rather than exploiting them, and to ‘serve them’ instead of oppressing them for our own advantage. It requires a conversion of hearts.” As we continue with the joyful celebration of Christmas, I have the incredible privilege to be in the Holy Land for a week. Taking part in a scripture study, together with priests and seminarians from St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, we will walk, study, and learn the message of the Gospel at the heart of its proclamation. I assure you of my prayers and promise to offer all of your intentions at the Daily Masses I will celebrate at the most holy and significant places so important to our faith. On this New Year's Day, I wish you all God's blessings for the whole year to come. May God bless you and your families- that transformed by the power of faith we may bring God's love and joy to one another and to this world that hungers so much for His presence. May Mary, the Mother of God- the Prince of Peace, continue to intercede for deep and lasting peace in our hearts so often overwhelmed with selfishness and pride. May the Lord bless you every moment of this New Year - 2015! With prayers, Fr. Andy PARISH STAFF MINISTRY HEAD DIRECTORY Rev. Andy Blaszkowski, Pastor…….…….……...….ext. 111 [email protected] Rev. Pervaiz Masih, Parochial Vicar.………….………ext. 141 [email protected] Deacon Bob DeLuca, Director of Religious Education….ext. 117 [email protected] Deacon Steve Arnold……………………………...320-339-1912 [email protected] Wendy Hughes, Rel. Ed. Administrative Assistant…...ext. 117 [email protected] Stephen Eiswert, Adult Faith Coordinator… …...…..ext. 113 [email protected] Theresa Hedberg, Office Manager…...……………...ext. 121 [email protected] Anita Tooke, Office Assistant..………………..…….ext. 100 [email protected] Maureen Bella, Bookkeeper……….……...................ext. 115 [email protected] Stephen Eiswert, Youth Director………………..…..ext. 113 [email protected] Kathleen James, Director of Music Ministry..………ext. 142 [email protected] Brian Cerabona, ECHO Apprentice………………...ext. 143 [email protected] ALTAR SERVERS.………..………....….Marcia Vigue...994-3240 ADORATION of HOLY EUCHARIST…….Leigh Clark…..591-1473 AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS……….…Alison Duvall...718-7563 ANNULMENT COMPANIONS………….…Vicki Kelly.....375-2644 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY……………Diane Phillips…282-4114 BLANKET MINISTRY………..……Cathie Donnellon…….406-0535 CATHOLIC CHARITIES……….….Bernie Johnston...282-0439x114 CHILDRENS LUTURGY OF THE WORD..Jackie Nuzum.888-0741 COUNCIL of CATHOLIC WOMEN…...….Theresa Tocco..282-7104 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS………….Mary & Ted Neal...406-0855 FAMILY SERVICE MINISTRY………....Helen Brummer...673-8450 FESTIVAL……………………………..……Alison Duvall...718-7563 FINANCE COMMITTEE………………...…...Joe Kinsey...781-3183 FLORAL & LANDSCAPE MINISTRY………………………………… GIFT BEARERS……………………….…...Laura Zanone...214-9792 GREETERS………………………………....Joan McLain...406-2718 HOME SCHOOL.Rhonda [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS….……… .....Jim Santo……..626-5113 LADIES AUXILIARY…….…………..Lillian Scarborough..635-3358 LECTORS………………………………………..Peggy Stern….291-0982 LEGION OF MARY…...…Kathleen [email protected] LINK……………………..…Melanie [email protected] Business Hours………………...……..……..9:00am-4:30pm Closed for lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm Welcome! New Parishioners!! M/M Jason Littlefield, M/M William Higgins, Ms. Tara Gonzalez, Mr. Justin Williams Our Visitors: We thank you for celebr ating the Holy Euchar ist with us this weekend. If you are visiting, we pray that you have a wonderful visit and safe travel. If you are new to the area and are considering St. Luke Church as your Parish Family, please stop by the Church Office during regular office hours to register. Registration forms are also available in the vestibule of the Church. MOVING/CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please notify the par ish office at 282-0439 if you are moving or if you have a new telephone number. FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED SERVICES ARE BROADCAST INSIDE THE CHURCH. TUNE ANY FM RADIO TO 91.1 ATTENTION The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (904) 262-3200, ext. 129, or the Department of Children and Families at: 1-800-96-Abuse (800) 962-2873. LITURGY COORDINATOR…………………...….. Kim Floyd @226-4689 MARTHA’S KITCHEN……………..……Mary McMaster...406-0546 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING…...……...Amy Karney...406-5076 NURSERY.…Mauricia Buchanan 610-4517..Debbie Walsh.291-7720 PARISH COUNCIL…………………….George Ferfecki.....219-9772 PARISH OUTREACH………………….Wendy Hughes .....631-6885 PRAY for ME……………………………...Bill Donnelly.....813-5503 RCIA for ADULTS………………………………..Pat Noll...282-3790 RCIA for CHILDREN……………....Georgeanne Donnelly 215-0672 RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP………………..….Joni Shipley...282-7146 RESPECT LIFE...……………….…...Carolyn Harrington...282-9906 ROSARY MAKERS…………………...….Arlene Tomaro...282-1287 SACRISTAN…...……………………………...Joe Scott…..282-9209 BOY SCOUTS…………………………….Ron Burckhard..813-6804 SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR……..Judy Stamer...291-0793 STEWARDSHIP…………………………...….Joe Kinsey...781-3183 TRAVELING CHALICE MINISTRY…Barbara Gibbons…..635-0602 USHERS……………………………………...….Joe Scott...282-9209 WEDDING COORDINATOR……………..Tama Barrett.....536-8181 Our Edward K. Rooney Parish Center is available for rental for receptions, showers, meetings, for anniversary/birthday parties. Please call the Parish Office at 282-0439 for more information or to reserve the center for your special event. St. Luke Parish Business Owners In order to support our St. Luke Parish Business Owners, a request is being made from each of you with a "Mom & Pop" business to submit your business name to: [email protected]. Also include with your company name, the address, phone number, website, e-mail address and a brief description of your business. With enough participation, St. Luke will hopefully be able to organize and share a directory of these businesses for the convenience of all parishioners of St. Luke. Any questions, please call Annabelle Hamachek at 272-1440 between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. St. Luke Child Care Center 1608 Blanding Blvd. Middleburg, FL 32068 904-406-9510 “Bringing Christ’s Mission to the World, One Child at a Time!” * Licensed through DCF—CO4CLO29 *Teachers are state-certified * Age-appropriate curriculum implemented—Learn Every Day * School Readiness and Success by Six approved Educating Hearts & Minds for a Lifetime Coffee and donuts are available in Faith Hall following Sunday morning Masses. Sponsored by Parish Outreach. Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family Our special mission is to prolong Christ's prayer from the Last Supper: "I PRAY THAT THEY MAY ALL BE ONE... THAT THE WORLD WILL BELIEVE." (J 17,21) For more information about the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family contact: Contact our sisters at St. Luke Catholic Church: Sr. Danuta at [email protected] ANNUNCIATION CATHOLIC - Your PARISH SCHOOL 1610 Blanding Boulevard, Middleburg, FL 32068 Phone 904-282-0504 Email J. Mullarkey:[email protected] DIVIDENDS for LIFE: Faith Morals Excellence One Curriculum Pre-K through 8 Spanish K-8 Music & Art 21st Century Pope Francis's General Prayer Intention Universal: That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people. For Evangelization: That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith. PARISH OUTREACH NEWS ST. LUKE SENIORS THANK YOU Thank you St. Luke Seniors for your generous donation of 97 pairs of socks! These will be donated to Clay Hill Elementary School. Thank you to all who helped with our December Food Distribution Day. We had a great turn out with 138 families receiving groceries, bread and desserts. Our next FDD is January 17 from 10 am to noon with sorting the day before at 3 pm. Our pantry needs the following foods: cereal and pancake mix, canned meat and tuna, pasta and sauce, canned beans and fruit, peanut butter, rice, and mac and cheese. Thank you for your generosity to help us help others. CATHOLIC CHARITIES NEWS St Luke Catholic Chari es Satellite Office mission is to provide compassionate and confiden al financial assistance to those in the community who have had a recent (within 3 months) financial emergency. Limited financial assistance is provided for electric, water and rent. Assistance is provided by appointment only and an ini al screening is required in order that documenta on of the emergency is provided. Our hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 3:00. If you would be interested in working in this rewarding ministry, please contact us at (904) 282-0439 ext. 114 We will be closed for Christmas and New Years from December 22, 2014 un l January 5, 2015. GRACE HOUSE CONSELING CENTER The monthly Bereavement Support Group will continue to meet in January of the new year. It is held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. As of January, the group will be facilitated by Margaret Rose Glenn, LCSW, of Grace House Counseling Center. No registration is needed. If you have lost a loved one, you can find support, hope and healing here. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Margaret Rose at 904-236-0507. MASS FOR LIFE: Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 7:00pm - St. Catherine's Parish in Orange Park Please join us for the offering of Holy Mass in preparation for 42 years and more than 52million deaths by surgical abortion since the 1973 Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion in the U.S. We will pray to the God of mercy for healing for all women and families touched by this painful reality and for a restoration of a Civilization of Love, where the dignity of the human person is affirmed and protected. All are invited. Questions? Mary 264-1904. Attention Married and Engaged Couples Has anyone every clearly explained for you WHY the Catholic Church does not approve of unnatural birth control? For most of us, the answer is NO. Learn about your faith and discover a natural method of family planning that goes beyond the physical. A course starts Sunday, January 11th at 6pm at St. Catherine's. For more information and registration, go to or contact Beth and Wesley Moody at 375-8583 or [email protected] . St. Luke’s CYM is sponsoring BINGO Friday January 16th @7pm Come out for light food and refreshments, 50/50 and lots of BINGO fun. All proceeds go to support St. Luke Youth Group For more information call 282-0439 or email [email protected] Piano Lessons Register Now! Starting January 6, 2015, private piano lessons Will be offered at St. Luke Catholic Church Taught by the Parish organist, Christine Couch. Tuesday - 3:00 until 7:00 pm Wednesday & Thursday - 3:00 until 6:00pm For more information and to sign up, call Christine Couch at 404-510-2995 today. BISHOP PARTRICK BARRY COUNCIL 10626 Ladies Auxiliary New Year Gala December 31, 2014 7:30 PM to 12:30 AM Live Music Heavy Hors d’ oeuvres Cash Bar $12.50 per person Nursery Available ADULT FAITH Steve Eiswert, Adult Faith Coordinator [email protected] (904) 282 - 0439 x113 The Men’s Monday Evening Prayer Group Presents: Living The Discerning Life Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V. of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, leads a ten-part retreat based on the 14 rules of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Fr. Gallagher explains how St. Ignatius and others converted their lives from ones of emptiness and sin leading away from God to lives rich in the fullness of God’s grace. In ten episodes Father Gallagher shows how we can apply St. Ignatius’ 14 rules to our daily lives helping us to draw closer to the Father. Meetings take place @ 7pm in the Hope Room on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month All who are interested can come to a meeting or may contact the Adult Faith Office. SPIRITUAL GROWTH CORNER - THE BIBLE It seems strangely paradoxical that so many who claim to love Jesus Christ would be so hostile toward the Church, which has single-handedly protected the records of his life and teachings for so long. The Bible is the most profound and sublime collection of writings in human history. It goes without saying that these writings are difficult to understand. Individual interpretation of the bible is a very slippery path that leads people to great confusion, heartache, and distress. The history of Christianity in the past five hundred years is proof enough of this point. This type of approach doesn’t promote unity, and always leads to division among Christians. What sadness Christ must feel as he stands witness to the bickering and division of Christian history. After all, in his final prayer he prayed “that all may be one.” (John 17:22) (Excerpt from “Rediscover Catholicism – A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion & Purpose by Matthew Kelly) LIGHTHOUSE AUDIO CDs A new supply of Audio CDs are available in the Narthex. A $3.00 donation is requested. Check out our new titles for some excellent Catholic listening while you are driving along in your car. CATECHISTS and ASSISTANTS Christ Our Savior is Born! The Office of Religious Education wishes you and your family a most blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! Cherish this Most Holy Season! PREP Resumes on January 4, 2015 ENJOY your Break!!! Level I Catechist Certification All in Two Weekends Sponsored by Office of Christian Formation Next Classes are offered at Our Lady of Good Council Parish Jan 10-11, 2015 And Jan 24-25, 2015 Call Wendy Hughes In the Office of Religious Education The Office of Religious Education is seeking volunteer catechists, assistants, and substitutes in our PREP, Sacramental, RCIA-C and CLOW programs. If you feel called to this noble vocation, please call the Religious Education department. Come Join in the Celebration Father Andy and the Parish Council would like to celebrate the diverse ethnic backgrounds of our church family by sponsoring: An International Fair. Sunday, January 4, 2015. Time 12:15 to 2PM We are asking all parishioners to join by sharing their heritage We will furnish the space and table for you to set up a display with samples of your culture, food, customs, and costumes. You may decorate your space in any way you feel you can best represent your culture. What better way to celebrate the Epiphany. Call: Tracy Chapman (904-600-1785) or Donna Kirk (272-8311) for more information. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION TO ST. LUKE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY GROWTH FUND Total Participating Parishioners MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 8:30am ~ MASS and followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 6:30pm ~ Chaplet of Divine Mercy - Chapel 7:00pm ~ Boy Scouts - Temperance Room $1,757,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $700,000.00 $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $575,095.68 31% $400,000.00 Donations in Memoriam: Nenita Anloague, Cissie Donigan, Kathy Jones, Chuck Kennedy, Michael Koscianski, Timothy Mermann, Colleen Moritz, Terrence Stahl, Robert Triglia, Jerry Williams, Angelina Bernas, Sue Mann, Joan Ferfecki, Mary Ann Vileno, Kenneth Zang, Geraldine Dombrowski, Anita Caporale, Mary & Frank Brandt, Doris Loveland, Matthew Dziergowski, Waclaw & Alexandra Dziergowski, Joseph & Mary Eck, Donald Daniel Hamachek, Richard Krabbe, Domenica Marchese, Larry Besaw, Joseph Pasko, Jr., Ray Kenney, and Tony Montalbano. Our Gift of Treasure Sunday, December 21, 2014 Total Weekly Collection Goal Excess/Shortfall of Weekly Goal TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 8:30am ~ MASS and followed by the Novena of the Miraculous Medal 10:00am ~ Senior Game Day - Charity Room WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 8:30am ~ MASS followed by the Rosary 9:30am ~ Confession 12:30pm ~ PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED 5:00pm ~ MASS 7:30pm ~ New Year’s Eve Dance HAPP Y NEW YEAR $ N/A $21,538.46 $ Offertory Envelopes are available by contacting the Parish Office at 282-0439 or via e-mail: [email protected]. Developing Community through Stewardship: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: “And be thankful.” Col. 3:15 St. Paul’s reminder to be thankful is a great way to end the year. The good steward is always thankful. We recognize that we are God’s people and everything we have is a gift from God. When we fill our hearts with gratitude we can stop striving for more and start appreciating and sharing the gifts we have already been given. If you are not a registered parishioner and are contributing to our parish, please register today. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED 11:00am ~ MASS FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED 7:00pm ~ FIRST FRIDAY MASS and HOLY HOUR SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 8:30am ~ MASS FOR THE NATION 3:30pm ~ Confession 5:00pm ~ MASS SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 8:15am ~ MASS of the EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 8:30am ~ RCIA - Justice Room 9:30am ~ PREP 9:45am ~ Confirmation Class - Justice Room 11:00am ~ MASS 12:15pm ~ ETHNIC CELEBRATION - Parish Hall SACRAMENTAL MINISTRY ** Baptism - Expectant parents are encouraged to contact the Parish Office for specific information on requirements, preparation and dates for the sacrament you are requesting. Baptisms: 2nd and 4th Sunday following the 11am Mass ** Marriage - Couples should contact the priest before setting a date for their wedding in order to ensure church availability. Participation in a marriage preparation program is required and couples are encouraged to begin preparation at least 8 months prior to their wedding date. ** Anointing of the Sick - This sacrament of healing is intended for those who are ill or infirm. Parishioners scheduled for surgery are encouraged to contact the Parish Office prior to hospital admission and always in cases of emergency. ** Confirmation - This sacrament is celebrated in the 9th grade. Candidates must be Baptized, have already received Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation and be enrolled in the Religious Education Program. For more information, please contact the Director of the Religious Education Program. ** Sacrament of Reconciliation - This sacrament is celebrated every Saturday at 3:30-4:45pm and Wednesday mornings at 9:00am in the Church. In case of personal need, please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment. ** Holy Orders - Men up to 50 years of age who wish to find out more about the Priesthood, please contact Fr. Andy. Guidelines for the Reception of Holy Communion As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Mass when we receive Holy Communion, the true Body and Blood of our Lord. Yet, we Catholics should receive Holy Communion only when we are living in communion with the Catholic Church and in the state of sanctifying grace and have made the appropriate fast from food and drink. Because of the connection we draw between being in full communion with the Catholic Church and receiving Holy Communion, we cannot invite those who are not Catholic to share in Holy Communion with us. Still, we welcome all to this celebration of the Mass as our brothers and sisters, and pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit will one day draw us closer “..that all may be one.” (John 17:22). PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Faithful God, in the silence of this Divine Night, we are reminded of the gift of Your Son to us. From the beginning of our journey of faith at baptism, You bless us and call us to follow Him – The Son of God, The Prince of Peace, the Word of God, who leads us on the path of life. Renew in us the desire to remain faithful to our commitment to serve You in the Church. Give insight to those who are discerning their vocation to the priesthood and encourage them to proclaim the Good News of the Newborn Jesus, our Savior and our Redeemer, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. For more information, please ask your Pastor, Fr. Andy Blaszkowski, or directly contact Fr. David Ruschinski, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of St. Augustine at 904-262-3200 ext. 101 or email: [email protected] PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS: Mary Cullen, Brendon Mermann, Bob Juliana, Debbie and Brittany Lesh, Carson Jones, Harold Wroubel, Linda Toth, Grace Guy, Lee Banks, David Aut, Bill Kreger, Rebecca Swan, Jessie Erickson, Dennis Wise, Tuesday Broadbridge, Bill Forgette, Sue Garcia, Harold Stevens, Rick & Magi Dumlao, Helen Rearden, Jizelle Al-Khader, Hayden Pinson, Lorraine Sikora, Lisa Bolin, Richard Harrington, Margie Carpenter, Theresa Bisson, Cecila Dorfman, James McCrorie, Chuck Finn, Brad Lawmaster, Patti Ducharme, Jacob Scott, Yolanda DeFazio, James Stuard, Paula Mitchell, Roman family, Erika Melecio, Mary McGrane, Sandy French, Shirley Blackburn, Joan Fergerson, Erica Bumford, William Hefty, Steve Harp, Suzanne Brickey, Rachel Russo, Janis Belda, Carrie Glover, Cohen Juliana, Dot Wood, Fritz Graf, Erin Jones, Carmelia Dispirito, Rachel Quinones, Maureen Jordan, Philip Brownell, Tim Keller, Billy Vigue, Rick Miller, Anna Hill, Bill & Lillian Zircher, Becky Pinson, Gloria and Garrett Moran, Maria Cruz, Nancy Wright, Ken Smallwood, Dean Jones, Jill Alcanter, Chris Barrett, Johnny Strickland, Neil Gillyard, Ray Wittenauer, Ivette Roldan, Marie Shank, Bill Hughes, Boots Stahl, Victor Scott and for all others who have asked to be remembered in our prayers and who are in need of prayer. Please remember in your prayers our Military, especially, Jordan Biggs, Teresa Ferry, Jeffrey Kirk, Jimmy Behr, Joseph M. Satchwell, David GrayII, Bryon Dreading, Andrew Bell, Barry Warren, Jr., Andrew Kenney, David H. DeOrio, Sean Paul Massey, James Coleman, Richard Fisher, Colby Bahlinger, Michael Irvine, Kristy Perry, Ryan Long, Megan Juliana, Matthew Clay, Joe Kelly, Patrick Perry, Ron Lesch, Kaitlyn Dwyer, and Colten Juliana, Joshua Stokes, Jesse and Jim Espe, Joseph Donnellon, Richard Wrona Jr., JacquelineMaria Wrona, Ryan Kinsey, Mhisami Ally, Austin Biroschik. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: St. Sylvester I 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Friday: Ss Basil the Great and Gregoryz Nazianzen 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: The Most Holy Name of Jesus 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40] Monday, December 29 8:30am Dwayne Zaenger Tuesday, December 30 8:30am Patrica Guida Wednesday, December 31 5:00pm Deceased Members of the Drohner Family Thursday, January 1 11:00am Roy Provost Friday, January 2 7:00pm First Friday Mass Marcia Massey Saturday, January 3 8:30am Mass of the Nation 5:00pm Larry W aldspurger Sunday, January 4 8:15am St. Luke Parishioners 11:00am Robert Chapman Interested in Learning More About the Catholic Faith or Becoming Catholic? Altar Servers Saturday, January 3, 2015 8:30am Mass of the Nation C. Vaughn, J. Forbis 5:00pm B. & B. Daub, M. Linton, E. Byr d Sunday, January 4, 8:15am J . Almodovar , J . Duvall, S. & I. Ar nold 11:00am O. Montalbano, B. Fer mo, A. Tr inh, D. Carmona Lectors Saturday, January 3, 5:00pm M. Ber ning, D. Conley Sunday, January 4 8:15am L. Almodovar , A. Ayr es 11:00am C. Schoenung, M. Bethea Greeters Saturday, January 3 5:00pm G. Duchar me, A. Tooke Sunday, January 4 8:15am L. Har vey, D. Hor ton 11:00am E. Cadet, C. Sigley Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Saturday, January 3 5:00pm K. Banks, R. Br own, H. Br ummer , J. Capling, E. Christman, B. Donnnellon, B. Vigue, M. Koscianski, M. Lamoureaux, B. Loonam, L. Mangalino, A. & P. Sieber, Alternate: j. Sornig, M. Fields Vessels: B. Vigue, P. Sieber Sunday, January 4 8:15am J . Allen, L. Almodovar , W. Allen, A. Ayres, D. Barton, P. Brogan, J. Bilancioni, S. Brogan, V. Delcomyn, K. Floyd, D. Franz, B. Gibbons, D. Habell Alternate: G. Hicks, P. Huwiler Vessels: W. Allen, J. Allen 11:00am M. Vigue, C. Campbell, P. Kr einest, A. Andreoli, D. Browne, T. Chapman, E. Highhouse, E. Howington, S. Howington, S. Kilgore, J. Campbell, T. Montalbano, T. Phillips Alternate: J. Phillips, D. Phillips Vessels: A. Andreoli, D. Browne RCIA - How Does One Become Catholic? God moves in our hearts in a variety of ways, and brings many people to a desire to learn more about the Catholic Church and its lived faith and practices. This desire will lead many of you to enter into the process known as Rite of Christian Initiation. This journey will take place with others who share similar stirrings of the Spirit, and will be lead by Catholics who are grounded and knowledgeable about their faith and who are called by God to share this with you and walk with you on this journey of inquiry. Some of you will respond to an even deeper desire to become full and active participants, members of the Catholic Church and your journey will continue to include the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For these people, the sacraments of initiation usually take place at Easter or at a time that the readiness of these people is determined. The church encourages an ongoing conversion to Jesus Christ and the reign of God He proclaimed. The church wants to share its life with new members and offer them support and encouragement. What is the First Step? Saint Luke Parish - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ~ Call the Parish Office or Call the coordinator of RCIA, Pat Noll at 904-282-3790 Saint Luke Parish - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (for Children and Youth) ~ Call the Parish Office or the coordinator Georgeanne Donnelly @215-0672. The Program for Children follows the structure of the Adult Program, with content adapted for school age children and youth. We have two streams in the children’s RCIA, one for elementary school aged children and one for high school aged youth. Adult Confirmation Preparation ~ A program is available for Baptized Catholic Adults, 18 yrs or older, who have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist but HAVE NOT been Confirmed. Please contact Pat Noll at 282-3790. January 3, 2015 DO YOU NEED A BREAK? Private Home Services Sharon Oxley, parishioner Certified Nurses Asst. 904-214-9284 Jan’s Dance Academy Ages 3-Adult • Ballet • Tap • Jazz • Hula Morning, Afternoon & Even. Classes 400 Madison Ave. by Ridgeview H.S. 272-7636 • St. Luke Parishioner Specialists in Joint Replacement, Sports Medicine, Fractures & Trauma Albert Henry, M.D. Ulises Militano, M.D. Jeffrey B. Burnette, M.D. Julie Barre, M.D. Erin Laipply, PA-C A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Walters’ Tile Supply Inc. Schluter Systems Experience in style and quality for 18 yrs in Clay County Phone: 904-276-0570 334 Parkridge Ave. Orange Park, FL 32065 Linda Walters St. Luke’s Parishioner “NOT AN ATTORNEY” Connie M. Schoenung, CP Certified Paralegal/Notary/ Documents 904/291-1308 - Parishioner [email protected] CUSTOM PAINT DESIGNS 1665 Kingsley Ave., Ste. 107 ❘ Orange Park, FL 32073 4689 Highway 17, Suite 11 ❘ Fleming Island, FL 32003 Pest Control • Termite Control • Lawn Service & Maintenance It’s Time to Paint! We Do Wall Paper Removal 35yrs. Exp. Professional Quality Lic. # C20014154361 & Insured Call Charles (904) 291-9754 (904) 304-0281cell 904-272-3284 904-272-5439 (Fax) 525 Blanding Blvd. Orange Park, FL 32073 Barbara Williams Owner Parishioner From beginning to end, and everything in between. Many of the biggest events that happen in our family happen in a spiritual way. Like St. Luke’s, we’ll always be here for you when you need us most. 501 Spring Street • Green Cove Springs • (904) 284-4000 • • C.M. HARRIS, M.D. • RUSSELL PECORARO, M.D. • JOHN WILCOX, M.D. • LAWRENCE LEVINE, M.D. • JOHN DONOVAN, M.D. • DAVID GREEN, O.D. • DONALD DOWNER, M.D. • MELANIE JAVIER, O.D. 1166 Blanding Boulevard Orange Park, Florida 32065 904-272-2200 Orange Park • Fleming Island • Mandarin Your neighborhood Chevy dealer 800-755-8032 Law Office of Suzanne C. Quiñónez, P.A. Wills & Trusts Estates & Probates Business & Corporate Law HOAs Taxation and Family Law 2747 Blanding Blvd. Ste. 102, Middleburg Parishioner 514045 St Luke Church (B) 282-6022 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 LEPRECHAUN PLUMBING Jacksonville Memory Gardens $10 OFF All Service Calls Cemetery and Funeral Home 24 HR SVS. Keystone Resident 904-838-0890 “Local Catholic Family Owned Since 1958” Full Service Funeral Home ~ Pre-Arrangement Plans [email protected] Mike Dixon, Parishioner CFC1427809 DES JARDIN ORIENTAL FOODMART ELECTRICAL SERVICE, INC. & GIFTS 111 Blanding Blvd. Orange Park, Florida 32073 904-272-2435 (24 Hours) “Parishioner” Residential & Commercial Lic: EC460 Open Mon. - Sat. 10 - 6 • Closed Sun. 272-0701 272-0726 1205 Kingsley Ave., O.P. Parishioner, Sacred Heart Larry Filzen, Parishioner - St. Catherine 904-994-9496 Don Biroschik, CPA Parishioner Individual & Business Tax 904-276-2262 35 Knight Boxx Rd., Ste 4, O.P. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Lori Anderson Aiosa, D.M.D., M.S. GRADY H. WILLIAMS, JR., LL.M. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, P.A. Saint Margaret 1543-5 Kingsley Avenue • Orange Park, FL 32073 Sunday Missal Tel: 904-264-8800 Estate Planning, Probate & Elder Law PAMPERED TURF L AW N C A R E ORTHODONTIST 1530 Business Center Dr., Ste. #2 Orange Park (Fleming Island Area) An ideal companion for personal prayer. 904-215-0980 Parishioner In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Queen of Angels CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Largest Catholic Store in Jacksonville Books • Religious Articles • Church Supplies • And Much More M-F 10am to 6pm and Sat 10am to 3pm CALL FOR SUPER PRE-SEASON SPECIAL MIKE WHITE, OWNER, PARISHIONER [email protected] 800-566-6150 • 904-282-0033 Manila Thai Authentic Filipino and Thai Cuisine (904) 579-4507 Fax (904) 579-4882 Follow us on Twitter: ManilaThai Certified PC 10% OFF WITH THIS AD Computer Repair and Sales Cannot be used with other offers. 1540 Wells Road, Suite11 Orange Park, Florida 32073 HOURS Monday Closed Tuesday, Wednesday 11am to 4pm Thursday - Saturday 11am to 9pm Sunday 11am to 4pm [email protected] 288-0062 11018 Old St.Augustine Rd. A+, Network + and MCP Certified Tech 2751 Blanding Blvd. #107 Middleburg FL (Across from VyStar) Custom Built Computers, Virus Removal, Data Recovery, Tune up & More Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 - 6:00 Alt #410-6150 Great Prices on Laptops and Desktops Present bulletin for 10% Discount off all services James & Alicia Woolley Parishioners 291-2975 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Divorce DUI Custody/Support Criminal Defense Domestic Violence Wills/Trusts Paternity Personal Injury 904-329-4138 7855 Argyle Forrest Blvd., Ste. 909 DR. JOHN D. VERVILLE D.D.S. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 7055 Hwy. 17, on Fleming Island 284-9911 514045 St Luke Church (A) $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Free Initial Consultation All Major Credit Cards Accepted Payment Plans Available Parishioner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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