Sacred Heart Church 260 High Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060-1404 Telephone: 609-267-0209 • FAX: 609-267-9293 • Website: Office Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:00am - 5:00pm (Closed for Lunch 12:00pm-1:00pm) Evening Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 6:00pm - 9:00pm • Sunday 8:30pm -1:00pm Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:30am, 11:30am & 7:00pm Weekday: Mon.-Fri. 7:00am & 8:30am Saturday: 8:30am Confessions Saturday: 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Reconciliation Rooms are to the right of the Eucharistic Chapel) Parish Staff Pastor Deacons Rev. John P. Czahur ext. 308 Deacon Michael Auleta Deacon Jim Casa [email protected] Deacon John Hoefling Deacon Stan Orkis Deacon William Rowley Sacred Heart School 250High Street, Mount Holly, NJ 08060 Telephone: 609-267-1728 Email: [email protected] Website: Principal: Ms. Carla Chiarelli Admin. Assist.: Mrs. Colleen Martin ext. 316 Parish Secretary: Mrs. Michele O’Toole ext. 301 [email protected] Business Manager: Mrs. Deneen Thomas ext. 303 Cemetery Manager: Mrs. Paula Pietrow ext. 304 [email protected] Pastoral Administrator: Mrs. Marge McGinley ext. 306 [email protected] Asst. to Pastoral Admin.: Ms. Merry Marcellino ext. 305 [email protected] Parish Maintenance Mr. Jason D’Entremont ext. 319 [email protected] Sacred Heart Religious Education Telephone: 609-267-6319 Email: [email protected] Director of Rel. Ed: Mrs. Eileen Hoefling, D. Min. Coord. of Rel. Ed: Mrs. Jessica Donohue ext. 307 Office Hours: Mon-Thurs. 9am – 2pm Track I Class Times Grades 1st - 4th Tues. & Wed.: 5:00PM to 6:00PM Grades 5th - 6th Wednesday: 7:00PM to 8:00PM Grades 7th - 8th Tuesday: 7:00PM to 8:00PM DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH Parish Registration Our parish family warmly welcomes new members. Please register at your earliest convenience by stopping by the Parish House during the office hours. The Sacrament of Baptism We welcome new life into the Church through the sacramental sign of Baptism which is celebrated every Sunday of the month at 1:00pm with the exception of Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. We encourage parents who wish to have their child baptized to call the Parish Secretary, Michele O’Toole, at 609-702-1848 ext. 301 or stop in and pick up a Baptism packet. Once the Baptismal Preparation class is attended, the form completed and the Godparent Eligibility Certificates are turned in then a date for your child’s Baptism will be set. Baptismal Preparation Catholic Godparents are required to complete an Eligibility Certificate and have the certificates signed by the pastor of the parish where they are currently registered and practicing their faith. We offer a Baptismal Prep Class for parents as a way of preparing them for their child’s journey of faith. Classes are scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm. Please contact the Parish Secretary to register. The Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to celebrate and consecrate their love in the Sacrament of Marriage are asked to call the Parish Secretary, Michele O’Toole at 609-702-1848 ext. 301. Arrangements are to be made with the Pastor a year in advance of the requested date. At least one person should be a registered member of the parish. All couples are required to attend preparation sessions. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Any Catholic who is seriously ill, advanced in age, or who feels the need for the comforting presence of the Church’s sacramental prayer life may be anointed. Please contact the Parish Office at 609-702-1848 ext. 301 during office hours. In the case of an emergency, please call and follow the instructions listed on our telephone message. Funerals In all cases, the family of the deceased parishioner should contact the funeral home directly. They will contact the Church to make further arrangements. For information regarding our Parish Cemetery, please call the Cemetery Office at 609-702-1848 ext 304 Care of the Sick, Homebound and Elderly: The sick, the homebound and the elderly are valued members of our parish. Please call the parish house at 609-267-0209 ext. 305 for a Bulletin Articles Sacramental Sponsorship Letter This is a form required to be a Godparent or Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. To receive this form the following requirements must be met: -If married, be in a valid marriage according to the laws of the Catholic Church. -Be at least 16 years of age -Completed the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation -Be a registered, active participant of a Parish Articles for the Bulletin need to be submitted No Later than Friday to appear the next weekend (9 days prior). Articles can be emailed to [email protected] 512– Page 2 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH MASSES FOR THE WEEK December 29th – January 4th MONDAY 7:00am Charles M. Miller Req. By The Sperry Family 8:30am Angelina Sucameli Req. By Her Daily Mass Friend TUESDAY 7:00am Special Intentions of Joseph Tan Req. By Bill & Yodi Langan 8:30am Hazel M. Lynam Req. By Bill & Kate Moran WEDNESDAY 7:00am Maurice (Luke) Lucas Req. By His Friends 8:30am Sandra Fowler Req. By Ronnie Adamiak Vigil 4:30pm Timmy & Michael Gaffney Req. By Their Family THURSDAY SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD 7:30am The People of the Parish & Rev. Raymond J. Redder Req. By The Redder Family 9:30am Spiros Malaspina, MD Req. By Betty Nickerson 11:30am Oscar Mehling Req. By John Mehling FRIDAY 7:00am Florence Paker Req. By Lois Hawley 8:30am Joseph Jones Req. By Susan Bednarik SATURDAY 8:30am Claudio Antig Req. By Pepita Mercado 4:30pm The People of the Parish SUNDAY THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 7:30am Phillis Ann Peterson Req. By Stacy & Joe DePaulo 9:30am The Special Intentions of the Ringenary Family Req. By Pat & Jim Ringenary 11:30am Jeanne Livingston Req. By John & Family 7:00pm Pat Mierzejewski Req. By Virginia & Hugh Lyon The Devotional Candle in the Chapel of the Two Hearts Will Burn for the Special Intentions of: Emily Hawbaker Eucharistic Adoration – Come and spend time in the quiet with Our Lord in the Chapel of the Two Hearts located in the Parish House. Our Chapel is open for you and Jesus to spend some time during the following hours: Monday through Friday 9AM to 8:30PM Saturday 9AM to noon. SUNDAY OFFERING Weekly 12/13 – 12/14 $ 15,012.63 Retirement Fund $ 2,226.00 Christmas Flowers $ 1,244.00 Thank you for the faithful and generous support that you continue to give to our Church. THE SOLEMNITY OF MARY the MOTHER OF GOD VIGIL ST DEC. 31 (New Year’s Eve) 4:30PM JANUARY 1ST (New Year’s Day) 7:30AM, 9:30AM & 11:30AM Come and rejoice together as we welcome in the New Year with the proclamation of the Word and the nourishment of the Eucharist. Mass times are listed above. 512– Page 3 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH Please remember in your prayers: Sean Robert Myles, Frances Ogozalek, Fred Zimmer, Toribia Cadavez, Patricia Parker, Norman Goldstein, Morgan Ackerman, Charles Juliana, Bertha Harris, Sabrina Kaiser, Wilma Peterson, Raymond Bishop, Walter Klarmann, Tom Polinski, Baby Joseph William Eades, Celeste Bunn, Patricia O’Connor, George Schneider, Catherine Byham, Marie Donahue, Jenny Hand, Margaret Brock, Christine, Mary Ellen Flynn, Peggy Stewart, Dylan Crespo, Sharon Carroll, Jane Ciletti, Annette Gullo, Frances Sinopoli, Teddy Smith Carmine Laraia, Arthur Netti, Doris Gallo, Rhiannon Schneider, Dick McCarron, Don Hartman, Mary Hartman, Clara Hynes, Daniel DeMaio, Liam Stellwag, Mark Cirillo, Frank Anton, Annmarie Laraia Bette, The Parish Office and Eucharistic Chapel Michelle Schafle Reed, William Lawrence, will be Closed Deacon John O’Donnell Thursday, January 1ST Sunday, January 11th, at 3:00pm, we will hold our annual Celebration of Lessons and Carols This beautiful service celebrates the Christmas season by taking us through the coming of the Christ Child to his birth. Please help us worship the Christ Child through scripture readings and some of the best music from our own Sacred Heart musicians. We look forward to seeing all of you at this celebration. All are welcome to visit the Parish House for refreshments following Lessons & Carols. Please visit and enjoy the beautiful Christmas decorations throughout the first floor of the Parish House. As a parish family we remember all who are struggling or suffering in mind, body, or spirit, especially those who have requested our prayers. Please pray for the men and women now serving in the military, especially the loved ones of our parishioners who are serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan: PFC Jimmy Graham, U.S.M.C. Capt. Travis Aiello, U.S.M.C. Keith A. Best, U.S.M.C. LCpl. Nigel Martin, U.S.M.C. Capt. Robert J. Boccio, U.S.A.F Michael Bakker, Isaac Paredez Major Scott J. Sill, Michael Tranchitella Douglas Schwenck, Army Reserve Richard DeLorge U.S.M.C Peter Liedman, Dorinia Dibuono Capt. James Rankin U.S.M.C LTC John Gourley, U.S. Army Nate Wiegnar, SSgt Daniel E. Naro, Sgt. Alison Lyport 2nd LT Lee Brent, U.S. Army Sgt. Stephanie Robertson, U.S. Army 512– Page 4 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH CHRISTMAS FLOWERS If you would like to assist with the expenses of decorating our Church for Christmas, please mark your offering “Christmas Flowers.” If you use weekly collection envelopes one is provided in your packet. Your envelope may be placed in the collection basket or you may bring or mail your donation to the Parish House. Your generosity will be appreciated. Right to Life March. On Thursday, January 22nd, the Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a Bus to the Right to Life March in Washington, DC. Seating is limited to a First Come-First Served Basis. There will be a $25 Charge of all participants to help defray the cost of the bus AND Dinner on the Return Trip. Please make all checks payable to: "Knights of Columbus Council 1179". Please Contact Ed White for further information or to reserve a seat, at either 609-668-8276 or email [email protected] Congratulations Risa! We would like to offer congratulations to Risa Ferguson, accompanist at our 7 pm Mass and a faithful music minister at Sacred Heart for many years. Risa is the music teacher at Burlington Township Middle School at Springside, and her choir recently won first place in 101.1 FM’s 2014 Christmas Choir Competition - as part of the prize, Risa’s students performed at the Kimmel Center for the Philly Pops Christmas Spectacular, and also performed on the radio live! We are blessed that Risa shares her gifts and talents so generously with our parish and our community. Cantors Needed at 7 pm Mass We are looking for cantors to serve at our 7 pm Mass. If you are interested in becoming a part of our music ministry and serving at the 7 pm Mass, please call 609267-6319, ext. 307. Training and instruction will be provided. Thank you for prayerfully considering becoming a part of our music ministry! BIBLE STUDY We invite you to join us for another Little Rock Bible Study. Monday mornings with Deacon Bill Rowley. This study runs for about ten sessions, Monday group will meet from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., beginning on January 12th and concluding on March 2nd, 2015. We have partnered with Parish Giving to offer this program to all of our parishioners. Parish Giving is simple, secure, and convenient: and, it offers tax benefits as well as parish benefits. To get started, log on to and click on the Parish Giving logo and follow the easy registration steps. If you have questions, please call Parish Giving at 866-307-7140 or email: [email protected] 512– Page 5 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH SERRA VOCATION PRAYER CHALICE . Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph In today’s Gospel, Luke paints a beautiful picture of Joseph and Mary, devout and pious, they observe the demands of the Torah meticulously. They were not, however, spared hardships and crisis. What made the Holy Family Special? Their piety, their devotion, their kindness, their patience enabled them to cope in the midst of the trials of daily life. They were rooted in God. They had mutual love and care for one another. This is the way for any family to be a holy family! “Lord Jesus, give us the strength to lead a family life pleasing to you. Bless us, our immediate and extended families, and the whole human family as we enter the Year of Our Lord 2015! The Pantry is in NEED of the following. Meals in a can, Macaroni & Cheese, Canned Vegetables, Can or Boxed Potatoes, Cereal, Tuna, Soups, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit & Jelly If you would like to make a monetary donation please make checks payable to: SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT de PAUL HEALING MASS You are invited to attend the Healing Mass every First Friday of the month at Sacred Heart Church. The next Healing Mass will be held on Friday January 2nd in the Church. 7:30PM – Healing Mass, and praying over the sick. For more information please contact Lina Sumanga at 261-2674 Prayer for Vocations God of blessing and generosity, You enrich us with Your presence through the priests, religious, deacons and laity who minister to us. May You bless these ministers; we give thanks for them and the gifts they share. Inspire others to hear and respond to Your call to ministry in the Church today. Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy To learn more about the Vocation Prayer Chalice, please call Ann (609)-267-5836 CEMETERY NEWS Christmas decorations may now be placed and remain throughout the Christmas season until January 21st. Please retrieve items that you wish to save before that date. 512– Page 6 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH Offerings at Francis House of Prayer Sacred Heart Cemetery Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center A final resting place Box 392 • Rancocas, NJ 08073 of peace and dignity 609-877-0509 or [email protected] Purchasing your cemetery property now, Please check for our other before your family actually needs it, offers you END OF THE YEAR RETREAT and your loved ones the opportunity to make Tuesday, December 31 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM that important and inevitable decision Since God gives us life and time and is Lord over together. It is a kindness to those people you all, it seems appropriate to end the year in prayer. love to have arrangements made in advance. Francis House offers time, space and quiet for naming the graces of 2014 and expressing gratitude Sacred Heart Cemetery is situated on a well to God. The afternoon will focus on our goals, maintained parcel of land in Hainesport, NJ, on hopes and desires for 2015. Please bring a bag Marne Highway (Rt 537) at the Mt Holly lunch. Love offering. Bypass (Rt. 541). MERTON SERIES The cemetery is owned and operated by the BRIDGES TO CONTEMPLATIVE LIVING Church of the Sacred Heart in Mt Holly. 3 Tuesdays 9:30 AM – Noon Persons buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery Jan. 13, Feb. 10, Mar. 17 must be Catholic or a relative of a Catholic. We commemorate Merton’s 100th birthday with a The cost of one full grave is $800 and one wonderful 3-part series that will help us live more cremation plot is $500, which includes contemplatively and peacefully in our everyday perpetual care. Terms are $50 down with lives. Merton speaks to the soul like no other. He balance due within one year. gently leads us toward spiritual transformation and a more contemplative and peace-filled life. Merton If you have an immediate need, or wish to reminds us: “Your life is shaped by the ends you discuss arrangements for future needs, please live for. You are made in the image of what you call Paula Pietrow, Cemetery Manager at 609desire.” We will study Merton in these three 267-0209x304 or email: sessions and let his pursuit of his true self in God [email protected] foster our own search. Donation: $65, includes 2 books: Discovering the Hidden Ground of Love and Traveling Your Road to Joy. SPIRITUAL LIFE IN AN EVOLVING Columbiettes UNIVERSE Any Catholic woman 17 years of age and older JENNIFER MORGAN is welcomed to join the Columbiettes. This is Sunday, January 11 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM an organization that promotes spiritual growth, This workshop will show how powerfully and social outreach and participation in charity seamlessly the spiritual life, as developed by St. events sometimes in conjunction with the Ignatius and furthered by Teilhard de Chardin, can Knights of Columbus but often independently. be nourished by recent scientific discoveries. We Members need not have any affiliation with a will explore how these discoveries can enhance our Knight only a willingness to serve and to grow experience of prayer, spiritual direction and the in our faith. Please come to the first meeting of Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Presenter: the New Year on January 7, 2015 Jennifer Morgan. Donation: $25. Please bring your at 7:00pm in the Library. lunch. Questions: call Helen at 609 324 9222. To register, call 609-877-0509. Please check for our other offerings! 512– Page 7 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT The Diocese of Healing the Wounds of Abortion Rachel’s Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in Vineyard Post-abortive Retreat the U.S. Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of The psychological and spiritual wounds of Children and Young People in regard to the abortion can be sharp, deep and crippling. You reporting and investigation of sexual abuse may feel a deep numbness and may not be allegations involving minors. If you have been able to name the pain or recognize any of the sexually abused as a minor by a member of the symptoms. It can also have a devastating clergy or anyone representing the Catholic impact on the father or grandparents of the Church, or if you know of someone who was, you aborted child and friend/s of the mother. can report that abuse through the diocesan You do not have to continue to hide in shame Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296-2965 or via e-mail at and fear. Rachel’s Vineyard’s Retreat is a [email protected] chance to focus on this painful time in your life The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of through a supportive non-judgmental process, sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement in an atmosphere of confidentiality, agencies. Anyone with an allegation is also understanding, and compassion. encouraged to provide that information to local law enforcement authorities. Senior Citizen Audit Program Rutgers University The Spring 2015 semester begins on 1/20/2015. The Senior Citizen Audit Program was created by the Rutgers University Board of Governors to permit retired New Jersey residents, age 62 or older, to attend courses on a spaceavailable, noncredit basis. There are no tuition costs for auditing courses. Information and forms may be downloaded at The schedule of classes is available online at It is designed to help both women and men experience the mercy and compassion of God. If you have suffered through an abortion and have isolated yourself from healing and forgiveness, you might consider attending one our retreat weekends. For more information, contact: Judy Warenkiewicz at 732-536-6871. All inquiries are strictly confidential. 2015 Weekend Retreats: February 27, 2015 - March 1, 2015 June 12, 2015 – June 14, 2015 Christmas Gift For a truly meaningful Christmas present, one that lasts long after the decorations have been put away, why not give your spouse the gift of a Marriage Encounter Weekend? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be held January 16 – 18. Early registration is advisable as space is limited. Phone 1-732-904-9636 for registration and information. Visit us at: for more information. 512– Page 8 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH ISN’T KNOWLEDGE A WONDERFUL THING!! A Holy Family: What exactly does that look like? Her faith led her to be the mother that she was to As we journey through this Christmas Season, her Son and the mother she is to all of us. which continues until January 11th of 2015 when Years ago I had the opportunity to go to France to we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, we will note learn more about St. Vincent de Paul and to spend the presence of Mary and Joseph in our readings. about four days in Lourdes, France. There I learned Mary, who became the first disciple of Jesus, as she and later studied about the many miracles that answered “Yes” with her life as she carried the happened at Lourdes. Although Our Lady appeared Savior of the world. Joseph, who stood by Mary to Bernadette at Lourdes, the entire mission of even when Jewish law called for the harsh treatment Lourdes is to bring people closer to Jesus. In all the of anyone expecting a child prior to marriage. Mary appearances of Mary, the Mother of God, to people showed us how to live a humble life as she accepted around the world, her message is always about her life’s mission and lived it out in the little town growing closer to her Son through prayer. of Nazareth. We don’t hear a lot about the days in Prayerfully connecting with Mary, the mother of Nazareth in our scriptures. We hear that Mary and God is a special gift of the Catholic faith. We invite Joseph took Jesus to the Temple to experience the Mary to pray with us and she invites us to pray with purification rites and to consecrate Jesus to Our her as together we focus on her Son, Jesus Christ. Lord. We hear again about Jesus when he was As we prepare to begin a new year together, let us twelve years old when He was teaching in the begin to imitate the humility we find in Nazareth. Temple when Mary and Joseph mutually thought Living each day in great faithfulness to the life of He was with the other. Other than that the only Christ, growing in strength and wisdom in our faith. verse we have is this, “The child grew and became Today’s readings highlight the faithfulness of strong, filled with wisdom, and the favor of God Abraham and Sarah and compare them somewhat to was upon him.” the Holy Family. Both couples waited for the birth Mary was with the apostles and disciples often of their son, both couples were asked to sacrifice during Jesus’ mission here on earth. There were their son, and both couples continued to faithfully plenty of opportunities for Mary to jump in and say “yes” to all that their lives demanded of them. explain to everyone gathered that Joseph taught Walking in faithfulness through life can be difficult Jesus the scriptures He was quoting right at that but we have these role models to help us know the moment. Mary could have jumped in and explained way. to the bride and groom at the marriage feast of Cana So what does a holy family look like? That’s that she had asked Jesus to help them out because what is so cool – families can be all sizes and they were out of wine. None of that happened. shapes but Nazareth teaches us this: Joseph and Mary humbly gifted their Son with the 1) A holy family practices their faith faith they knew. Jesus joined Joseph in his 2) They pray together workshop and grew up knowing the skill of 3) Love is their first response in all things carpentry. Jesus called all of those he encountered 4) They walk in humility to love one another. Perhaps that love began in 5) They are accepting of others. their home in Nazareth. Jesus grew to know God’s As we continue to celebrate this Christmas Season love as His parents taught it and lived it. We, as let us look to The Holy Family of Nazareth so that parents, have that same responsibility to gift our we can imitate their great love for one another and children with love and faith. Let’s look a little for those around them. deeper into Mary as a role model. What we find in Mary is a mother who Marge McGinley, Pastoral Administrator continually leads people to her son. She has no interest in having people notice her, only her Son. 512– Page 9 DECEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH UPCOMING EVENTS WEEKLY PLANNER SUNDAY December 28th No RCIA MONDAY December 29th Cub Scouts 5:00pm PHMR Basketball 6:30pm Gym TUESDAY December 30th R.E. - DECEMBER FAMILY ADVENT LESSON CLASSES (TRACK I & II) RESUME IN JANUARY SVDP Meeting 7:00pm SVDP Center Legion of Mary 7:00pm PHCR WEDNESDAY December 31st Parish House & Chapel Closed 4:30pm VIGIL MASS MARY MOTHER OF GOD THURSDAY January 1st 2015 Parish House & Chapel Closed MARY MOTHER OF GOD MASS TIMES 7:30am, 9:30am & 11:30am HAPPY NEW YEAR! FRIDAY January 2nd First Friday Service at Mount Holly Center 3:00pm Healing Mass 7:30pm SATURDAY January 3rd Basketball 8:30am Gym Mass Music Practice3:30pm SUNDAY January 4th The Epiphany of the Lord RCIA Adults 10:00am LIB Music Practice 6:30pm Church MONDAY January 5th Cub Scouts 5:00pm PHMR First Reconciliation 7:00pm Church TUESDAY January 6th Religious Ed. Back in Session Basketball 6:30pm Gym SVDP Meeting 7:00pm SVDP Center Legion of Mary 7:00pm PHCR WEDNESDAY January 7th Religious Ed. Back in Session Children’s Choir 5pm -6pm AUD Basketball 6:30pm Gym OLPH Prayer Group 7:15pm chapel Baptismal Prep. Class 7:30pm Church Columbiettes Meeting 7:00pm LIB THURSDAY January 8th Track II 5pm to 6pm Parent Teacher Conferences 3-7pm RCIA Teens 5:00pm PHMO Mass Practice 6:00pm Church Adult Choir 7:30pm Church Boy Scouts 7:00pm PHMR PTA Meeting 7:00pm LIB FRIDAY January 9th Parent Teacher Conferences 1pm - 4pm Basketball 6:30pm Church SATURDAY January 10th Ozanam Orientation 9:00am AUD Knights of Columbus Respect Life Rose Sale Mass Music Practice3:30pm This winter will be the season to consider perfect society. Deacon Jim knows something about this. 512– Page 10 Miller Ford Lincoln Mercury Miller Subaru Miller Truck Leasing Miller Auto Leasing Wholesale Dealers in Key Blanks, Locks, Padlocks, Door Checks, Safes, & Alarm-Burglar & Fire Byer Lock Shop REGISTERED LOCKSMITHS • SAFE EXPERTS 92-96 Washington Street Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 609-267-6022 • 609-267-6002 Fax 609-267-3550 Route 38, Mt. Holly 609.261.7836 609-267-1787 Auto - Home - Life Business 20% OFF Floral Design Fresh Flowers 40 High St. • Mount Holly, NJ 08060 of $30 or more with this ad 609-261-3866 John and Molly’s FINE FOOD & SPIRITS Fresh Seafood • Charboiled Steaks • Large Selection of Sautes • Daily Specials 10% OFF - SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT Age 60 & Over • M-F: 11am-4pm • Dining Room Only 1291 Woodlane Rd., Eastampton, NJ 08060 • 609-702-1701 • BROADWAY COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE CENTER Family Psychiatric/Mental Health Primary Care for Adults & Children Dr. Patrick Ervilus, PhD, PMHNP-BC, FNP-C Dr. Homer Nelson, MD • Civil Surgeon • Immigrant Physicals 100 High St. • Suite 304 • Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 (609) 261-9300 • (856) 365-1707 Office Hours: M-F • Evening Hours Available • By Appt. Only JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST OPEN 7 AM 609-267-3400 • • Rt. 38, Mt. Holly Breakfast • Lunch Dinner Pizza • Takeout 609-518-9159 2 Madison Ave., Mt. 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