Pastor ………Reverend William S. Murphy Pastor Emeritus………..Rev. Msgr. John Graf Weekend Celebrant...Rev. Francis Caponi, OSA In Residence ……Rev. Msgr. Frank Depman Deacons ….………..Deacon Thomas Hannan Deacon Michael DeGrasse Deacon Jeffrey Hanna Parish Office Staff ……..………..Joyce Malchione Ann Caruso Donna Brumbaugh Ella Havrilak School Principal ….…………….Danielle White Director of Religious Education ....Karen Batdorf Parish Office (Ph) 610-869-2722, (fax) 610-869-3252 School Office (Ph) 610-869-9576, (fax) 610-869-4049 Feast of the Holy Family December 28, 2014 Religious Education Office ……...(Ph) 610-869-8575 Parish Facilities Request .… [email protected] Church and Parish Office: Sacraments and Devotions 300 State Road • West Grove, PA 19390 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA Baptism: Sundays at 1:30 pm in Church (bimonthly) Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm Masses Daily Mass Schedule 6:30 am - Monday thru Thursday 8:15 am - Friday Eucharistic Adoration Monday-Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Matrimony: Engaged couples are asked to meet with parish priest at least six months prior to wedding and enroll in a marriage-prep program. Reconciliation: Saturdays, 11:00 am-12:15 pm (Church) Rosary: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (Church) Liturgy of the Hours: 7:00 am Monday thru Thursday (Church) Bulletin: Submit articles by 8:00 am on Friday for publication the following week. Submit to the Parish Office or email [email protected] Page 1 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Dear Friends, Collection for week of Dec. 13/14, 2014 Weekly Collection Weekly Income Needed $20,096 $16,500 $3,596 Weekly Over/(Under) ($8,072) YTD Over/(Under) Includes $2,469 E-Giving, 12% Participation (December 21 Collection will be listed next weekend.) Total Debt to Archdiocese: $2,361,341 Mortgage and past due assessments Operating expenses for the Parish are predominantly met with income from the Sunday offertory collections, as well as, tuition and other fundraising events. Our weekly collections have been running behind - approximately $8,000 (YTD) - our revised goal of $16,500/week. Over time this deficit will accumulate and hamper our ability to meet our expenses, as well as pay for the recent four major maintenance projects. As we celebrate Holy Family Sunday and look forward to the New Year, our Second Reading from Paul’s letter to the Colossians gives us some good, practical suggestions for New Year’s resolutions. Even if you don’t usually make resolutions at this time, Paul gives us all food for thought as we try to deepen our Christian faith in the upcoming year—in our family homes, our Parish Family and as children of God’s all-embracing family: “Put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another.” Who needs more compassion from me? Is there a family member who is experiencing pain, loneliness, depression or frustration? Is there a neighbor, a parishioner, a co-worker, a friend who needs extra patience? Maybe their problems or quirks are quite challenging—can I be extra patient and understanding? Can I try harder to bear with them as others bear with my weaknesses and quirks? (What? I have quirks?!?) “…forgive one another, if one has a grievance against another.” Now this is a hard one! Does someone need my forgiveness? Have I hurt, offended or wronged anyone by my words or actions? Did I say something I shouldn’t have said, or maybe I said it the wrong way? Is there a strained relationship, a family member, friend or someone else with whom I’m not speaking because I’m holding on to a grievance. Can I let it go? Can I forgive? Can I ask forgiveness? Again, can I let go—of wrongs done to me, or mistakes I myself have made? Do I truly believe God always gives a fresh start? “And over all of these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection.” Do I truly try to love all—myself, those with whom I live, neighbors, co-workers, parishioners, strangers, enemies? Do I truly desire the good of all—no matter who they may be—and do good for others—no matter who they may be—as far as I am able? Do I let myself be controlled by my feelings, or do I rise above difficult feelings to do what is good and right for myself and others? Do I believe in God’s unconditional love for me? Do I truly believe, as Brennan Manning says, that God doesn’t just love me because “he has to—it’s his nature” but that God “likes me”? Delights in me? Even when I make mistakes? Do I believe God always desires what is best for me and always loves me? Can I try to do the same for others? The Parish Life Center (PLC) and Parish Offices are fully operational. All bills for construction and furnishings are paid. However, to facilitate timely completion of construction, we utilized Parish funds - which are being repaid. The case statement for the Parish Appeal planned $50,000 to ABVM School. We have deferred payment of that commitment until after PLC bills were paid. These obligations will be fulfilled by October 2015. Therefore, it is important that you continue your generous support of the Parish Appeal. To date, we have raised almost $348,000 from donations of more than 700 parishioners - such as you. We need to collect an additional $40,000 by December 2015 to fulfill our obligations for the scope of this Appeal. Thus, the Goal has been modified to reflect these needs. For details, contact either John Brennan, Secretary of Financial Affairs, or Paul Caruso, Vice Chair, Finance Council at [email protected]. “And let the peace of Christ control your hearts.” Ah, who doesn’t want peace? Can I let Christ’s peace “control” my heart, reign in my heart, lead my heart? Do I let my mind—with all its nonstop jibberjabber—control what I think and subsequently what I feel? Or do I constantly invite Christ’s peace, already within me, to “bubble up,” to direct any thoughts and feelings that come into my mind and heart? Do I breathe in Christ’s peace often throughout the day and breathe it back out on the world? “And be thankful.” There’s the key! A grateful heart brings peace. A grateful heart encourages loving kindness. Do I stop at least once every day to consider my blessings, to recall God’s loving faithful presence with me at each and every moment—whether I am experiencing joy or going through hardship? Do I thank God? Today? Everyday? A grateful heart indeed! Because we know that Emmanuel, God-with-us, will be with us at every moment of 2015. May we gratefully acknowledge God’s presence and let God’s love and peace lead our minds and hearts. Happy New Year, Fr. Murphy Page 2 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Scripture Reflection December 28, 2014 "And you yourself a sword will pierce." This old man in the Temple, a man filled with the Holy Spirit, uttered these ominous, prophetic words. Right in the midst of a religious celebration that could be considered a kind of parallel to Christian baptism, Simeon started talking about suffering. Although this might have put a damper on the joy of the occasion, it was nonetheless a precious moment. God was speaking through the mouth of the Spirit-filled Simeon and actually doing Mary a great service. God was helping Mary to prepare herself for what lay ahead. And the truth is, the road in front of her family was destined to be marked by the cross. Our families also bear this mark. Although in a different way from Mary, we all have our crosses to deal with. Whether it be the sickness or death of a loved one, conflicts among siblings or spouses, or unexpected challenges like infertility or a lost job, no family is without its share of trouble. As we navigate these difficulties, we would do well to remember Simeon's warning to Mary: suffering is going to happen, sometimes very painful, heart-piercing suffering. We can also remind ourselves that although Mary suffered when her Son suffered, she also rejoiced when he rejoiced. Ultimately, every cross she bore was trumped by the victory of the Resurrection, and we share in this triumph as well. Luke 2:22-40: What do you think most challenged Joseph and Mary as parents? Genesis 15:1-6,21:1-3: What role does faith in God have in your family life? Hebrews 11:8,11-12,17-19: What does the author of Hebrews teach us about Abraham and Sarah? Our Prayer for the Sick Rest in Peace Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. We ask especially for our parishioners, families and friends. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Jacquie McHale, Gert Lincoln, Jack & Fran Logue, Carol Brown, Devon Bartholf, Msgr. John Graf, Ryan Coyle, Mary Fincher, Clark, Heyburn & Blowe Families, Terry O’Connell, Odrobina, Ludwick, Starr, French, Kosowski, Tyson, Eastlack, Bell, Holt & Cooke Families, Jack Carney, Patricia Bonnett, Nicole Vitale, Joe Matonti, Ric Grant, Bill Daugherty, Gregory & Ed Painter, Lisa Erling Vito, Fabiola Matalonis, Hans Albrecht, Mary Louise Bove, Rudy Mason, Kelli Marvel, Adrienne, Damien & Andy D’Orazio, Bob Schubert, Bill Chesukavitch, Eleanor & Bill Sauerwine, Mary Twadell, Philip Miller, Cox & McNeil Families, Stephania Price, Phyllis Pastorius, Teresa Androwick, Sam Dudley, Brynn Roberts, Debbie Robinson, Jody Maliga, Carol Brown, Catherine McCreary, Face of Christ & Visitation Prayer Intentions Hans Albecht Lou Peticca Military Prayers PFC James T. Mackereth, Petty Officer Daniel Carr, Staff Sgt. John Koss, Jr., LCPL Michelle Smith, R.C. Gosselin, Lt. John Joseph Eife, SrA Ashli McEntee, Staff Sgt. Jon Koss, Jr., Ray Nelson, A1C Lyle Laub, USAF, Cpl. Samuel Ellis, Lnc. Cpl. Michael Guerrera, Cpl. Jonathan Russell Lynch, William Ewers, Sgt. Jared Moran, FS3 Cody Liebeskind, Sgt. Andy Camela Public Prayer Request Name: ___________________________________________ Requester/Phone:__________________________________ Requests will be printed in the bulletin for one month and military prayers for six months. You may renew as often as you wish. Page 3 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Follow us on Facebook ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA ADORERS NEEDED “O SACRAMENT MOST HOLY” Where is Jesus? Jesus is alive and can be found in the Blessed Sacrament right here in our Main Church, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Please consider spending a holy hour with Him. For any questions or concerns, please contact Cyndi at [email protected] or Mary at 610-255-0382, [email protected] or Mary Ellen at 610-345-0024. Mary, Mother of God HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATON Wednesday, December 31, 2014 7:00 pm Vigil Mass Thursday, January 1, 2015 9:00 am Mass 10:30 am Mass NOTE: Change in Tuesday Morning Mass Time As of Tuesday, January 6, 2015, the Tuesday Morning Mass will be celebrated at 8:15 am. We hope that this change gives those for whom the 6:30 am is too early an opportunity to attend daily Mass. The Assumption BVM Parish Office will be closed on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2015. Happy New Year!!! Listed below is the weekday Mass Schedule for the next two weeks: Monday, Dec. 29th: 6:30 am Mass Tuesday, Dec. 30th: 6:30 am Mass Wednesday, Dec. 31st: (No Morning Mass); 7 pm Mass Thursday, Jan. 1st: 9 am Mass, 10:30 am Mass Friday, Jan. 2nd: 8:15 am Mass Monday, Jan. 5th: 6:30 am Mass Tuesday, Jan. 6th: 8:15 am Mass Wednesday, Jan. 7th: 6:30 am Mass Thursday, Jan. 8th: 6:30 am Mass Friday, Jan. 9th: 8:15 am Mass Holy Rosary Each Wednesday Join us Every Wednesday Night at 6:30 pm at the Assumption BVM Church as we pray for the intentions of our families. New in our Church Sanctuary Congregational CANDLES Our parish is excited to offer two new congregational candle units that have been placed in front of the Assumption Statue and the Holy Family Statue. We would like to thank the George and Tracey Gianforcaro Family for their generous donation! I am the light of the world: He that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. - John 8:12 Page 4 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Education News ABVM School News CYFF News CYFF Christmas break is December 23rd- January 2nd. When classes resume on Sunday, January 3rd, the students should report directly to their classrooms due to the Blood Drive in the Parish Center. Confirmation News Every year, Assumption BVM School students perform a special Christmas program for parents and grandparents. The theme of this year’s show was “Santa Knows What I Want, Jesus Knows What I Need.” In the weeks leading up to the performance, classes practice intensely so the night of the show is the best it can be. Dressed in their finest Christmas attire (or pajamas), students from PreK through Eighth Grade sing a variety of Christmas songs to get everyone into the Christmas spirit. Thank you to the faculty and teachers for making this show a success! -----------------------------Assumption BVM students are sharing the talent of athletics! A big congratulation goes to our football players Shaun Thornton (8th), Gabe DeAngelo (7th) and Matt Gallagher (7th) as St. Maximillian Kolbe’s Varsity team placed 4th in their Division Championship. Ben Thorton (6th) and Patrick Chilcote (5th) of St. Max’s Junior Varsity team placed 1st in their Division Championship. Way to go! Since Assumption BVM does not have a football team, students interested in playing football join St. Maximillian Kolbe's team. -----------------------------In addition, we have news from our Cross Country Team. At the Cross Country Coaches National Youth Championship, Erin Hmiel’s team came in 2nd place out of 20 teams and Caitlin Hmiel’s team came in 3rd place out of 22 teams. Amazing job! January 2015 5thClasses resume 9th8:15 AM Mass prepared by 4th and PreK th 14 After school Student Council Meeting 19thSchool Closed Confirmation Preparation for 2015: CYFF Level 6 and ABVM Grade 6 students: Mark your calendars now! The Rite of enrollment and workshop for Confirmation will be February 7, 2015. Please plan to attend the 4:30 pm Mass and attend the workshop following. Workshop will end at 7 pm and include pizza and drinks. More details will go home the first week of January. Gospel Reflection Gatherings Gospel reflection gatherings are on a break through the holiday. Sunday morning gathering will start back up January 11 after the 10 AM Mass in the Parish Life Center Conference room. For more information please contact [email protected] Page 5 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption BVM RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Sign-Up Today! To donate, please sign up after Mass in the vestibule or schedule an appointment on-line at: and search by zipcode 19390. For questions, please contact Ann Barr at 610-869-8559. Sunday, January 4, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ABVM Parish Center, 290 State Rd. Give Blood and Save a Life! Your support is URGENTLY needed to ensure an adequate blood supply! Come try your Luck at ABVM’s 18th Annual Night at the Races Assumption BVM Parish School Friday, March 13, 2015, doors open at 6:30 pm Saturday, March 14, 2015, doors open at 5:30 pm Tickets are $45.00. Buy 9 Tickets, get 1 Free. (price increases to $55.00 per ticket after 2/15/15) Tickets available NOW via Don’t delay! We’ve sold out the last two years! Horse Racing, Black Jack, Silent Auction, Tuition Raffle, Lotto, Door Prizes, Fabulous Food and More! An event not to miss! For additional information on how to volunteer, become a Corporate Sponsor or donate to the Silent Auction, visit or contact chair Rob Koenig at [email protected]. Page 6 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church Holy Family Sunday, December 28, 2014 Ministry of Consolation The next Ministry of Consolation meeting will be held on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00 pm in the Main Church Children’s Chapel. If anyone wishes to contact one of the members of this ministry for individual grief support, please feel free to call one of the following: Ginny Bryson Betsy Hanna Noreen Kennard 610-869-7880 610-345-0337 610-869-8326 Thank you and may God bless you! Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage! The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13-15, 2015 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For information, visit or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. “Roses in Winter” Social Club for those 55+ Welcome to “Roses in Winter.” Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 21st at 1:00 pm at the Penn Township Building, Lewis Road, in Jennersville. Topic/Activity: Talent Time. Please join us for exciting activities throughout the year. For information, call Betty Anne at 610-869-8274. Human Service Announcements Rosary for Life Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: (12/28/14-1/3/15) Harrison Family H. Dowd L. Holmes F. Eastwood/V. Kujala G. Bryson D. Brumbaugh D. DiStefano Pregnant? Call 1-800-CARE-002. Birthright: 610-436-0773. for help. Confidential Post Abortion Healing: Please call 215-587-5640. Al-Anon meeting will be held every Monday night from 8-9 pm in the ABVM Church. Call 484-571-4778. Annulment Proceeding: Contact the Metropolitan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Philadelphia (215) 587-3750. Interviews are private & confidential. Aid for Friends Cooks: Filled, frozen meal trays can be taken to the freezer in the lower level of the Main Church. If you would like to prepare meals or be an AFF volunteer driver, contact Ann Barr at 610-869-8559. Courage: Spiritual support group for homosexual men and women seeking to live according to the Church’s teaching on sexuality. For information, call 215-587-4505. Augustine’s Brothers is a support/ accountability group for men who struggle with pornography as well as other excessive sexual behaviors. Meetings are held Tuesdays, 7-9pm at the Cathedral of SS. Peter & Paul, Philadelphia. Phone: 800-348-0758. Leave a confidential voicemail or email: [email protected]. TELEVISION MASS LILY’S GIFT If a Prenatal Diagnosis is poor, you are not alone. Lily’s Gift, is a network of concerned parents and professionals who have experienced or worked closely with issues surrounding poor prenatal diagnosis. A collaboration of the Office for Persons with Disabilities, Catholic Social Services and the Office of Life and Family, this service can provide a peer support team to assist couples during this critical time. For support call 215-587-3530 or email [email protected] or visit The celebration of the Eucharist is televised on Sunday mornings at 5:30am, WPVI, Channel 6. It is rebroadcast each Sunday at 9am DT-2 Channel 6 digital, 10am LaSalle University 56, and at 5pm DT-2 Channel 6 digital. Page 7 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Assumption B.V.M. Church ABVM Respect Life Group [email protected] WORD of LIFE December 2014 Bulletin Briefs “Are we moved by the suffering of those without shelter? Do we seek to alleviate the fear, confusion and panic that women facing unexpected pregnancies may be experiencing? Do our hearts ache for elderly patients in nursing homes who feel abandoned and unwanted, having no one to visit them? Our mission is to show each person the love of Christ. As uniquely created individuals, we each have unique gifts which we are called to use to share Christ’s love.” Thursday ~ Jan. 22, 2015 Please join Assumption BVM Parish as we make a trip to Washington, D.C. to take part in the 42nd Annual March for Life protesting abortion. Each year hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers peacefully gather and march down Constitution Avenue commemorating the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, that legalized abortion. The motor coach bus will be leaving from Assumption BVM Parish parking lot at 8:00 am. Passengers will be dropped off close to the Archdiocesan meeting point for the March for Life. We will arrive back at our parish at approximately 7 pm. Sign up sheets will be available after the weekend Masses in the vestibule of the Church. For questions, call Mary at 610-255 -3828 or Ann at 610-869-8559. Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, 2014 Respect Life Month Statement Respect Life Meeting The next ABVM Respect Life Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 13th at 7:30 pm in the Parish Life Center. All are welcome! World Meeting of Families Coming to Philadelphia in September 2015 and you can help! Thousands will visit for this international event from September 22‐ 27, 2015. You can open your home and host a family or an individual. It is easy to sign up online. Be a part of this historic event and learn more at our official website at or email us at [email protected]. Page 8 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Blood Drive January 4 8AM–1:00PM Knights Meeting…….Jan. 19 Refreshments at 6 pm, Meeting at 6:30 pm ---------------------------------------------------—--------------------------- St. Pius X Council #3858 10 Regular Games 2 Special Games Last Special Game Bingo……………………....Jan. 8 Winner receives $30 Winner receives $75 Winner receives 70% Dinner includes baked ham, potatoes, green beans, salad, dessert and refreshments for $6. BYOB PROCEEDS BENEFIT Charity: St. Joseph House [501(c)3] John & Donna Kurtz have devoted their lives to the adoption and/or fostering of these children rescuing them from emotional, abusive or physically distressing situations. Now Nina, one of the oldest (pictured kneeling right front), has proven a match for a kidney donation to Donna’s brother. Proceeds from the January Bingo will help defray the extraordinary expenses the family is experiencing in supporting this act of selfless love. Page 9 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. THEOLOGY OF THE BODY: “Into the Deep” course will be held January 4-9, 2015 at the Black Rock Retreat Center, Quarryville, PA, taught by Christopher West. Please visit ANNUAL MASS FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & CATECHETICAL AWARDS: (Saturday, January 10, 2015 11 am Mass) You are welcome to attend this special Mass at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia. Bishop Chaput will be the principal celebrant and homilist. The presentation of Catechetical Awards will immediately follow Mass. MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington D.C. will be held on Thursday, January 22, 2015. Mass for the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will be celebrated by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. at 10:00 am at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. MINI-CONFERENCE FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS/RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: (January 24, 2015) 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at Gwynedd Mercy University. National, Regional and local leaders in the fields of disability and faith formation will be presenting. Cost: $20. For registration and a brochure, visit: PartnersMiniConference%20RegistrationFlyerforWEB1.24LUNCH.pdf VALENTINE EVENING OF REFLECTION (Sunday, February 8, 2015 from 5 pm to 9 pm) All couples (married, engaged or dating) are invited to attend Malvern Retreat House’s Valentine Evening of Reflection. Directed by Fr. Matt Guckin, all attendees are treated to a romantic candlelight dinner, followed by an inspirational talk and Mass, and a renewal of vows for those who are married. Cost: $100 per couple. Visit or call 610-644-0400. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES: Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Families can look forward to speakers, celebrations, activities for kids, and prayer, all of which will bring renewal and transformation for you, your loved ones, and the world. Visit to learn more and receive regular updates. December 28, 2014 Mark your calendars now for the 21st Annual Mom—Heart of the Home SPRING DAY OF RENEWAL March 21, 2015 • 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Sts. Simon and Jude Meehan Center West Chester, PA Calling all moms, grandmothers, step-mothers, or women of nurturing nature. Do yourself a favor… Plan ahead to spend the day with us! Give yourself this one day out of 365 to slow down and replenish your spirit. Deepen your relationship with God and Mary, Our Mother. The day includes times of reflection with all of our amazing, inspirational morning and afternoon speakers. For information please visit to see what we’re all about! Are You a Young Adult in Chester County? If you're a Catholic adult in your 20s or 30s, we want to meet you! Catholic Young Adults of Chester County (CYACC - pronounced "kayak") exists to offer you social, spiritual, and service opportunities. Check us out on Facebook, at, or request more information by emailing [email protected]. Where can you learn about parish and school activities, evangelization programs and archdiocesan news? Where can you read about inspiring Catholics and their families, and see local photos and videos of our Catholic community? It’s all on the award-winning website Please sign up for a free newsletter sent by email twice a week at newsletter. Page 10 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Sunday, December 28, 2014 ABVM Feast of the Holy Family Registration Form for New Parish Families Please fill out the information below for our Parish records. Please return the form through the mail or in the collection basket. You will receive a formal Census Form in the mail. Family Name _________________________ December 28th: No meeting tonight…hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season and we will see you in the new year. January 4th: Regular meeting in the PLC – doors open at 6:30 pm, meeting starts at 7:00 pm and ends by 8:30 pm. January 11th: Regular meeting. January 18th: No meeting tonight. January 19th: Family Social to go and see “Moses” at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster. Head of Family _______________________ Spouse _____________________________ Street ______________________________ City ________________________________ Development_________________________ Phone ______________________________ Email _______________________________ January 25th: Interested in Snowtubing?!?! We are headed to Bear Creek Mountain for all youth in 8th – 12th grades. Stayed tuned, more information to follow. For information, questions or if you would like to volunteer your time, please contact: [email protected]. Feast Day: January 2nd St. Basil the Great is considered one of the four great doctors of the Eastern Church. St. Gregory Nazianzen is called “The Theologian” because of his great learning and talent for oratory. Page 11 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014 SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 2015 6:30 am Mass Joseph and Sandra Braun, requested by Their Family 4:30 pm Vigil Mass Betty Shannon, requested by Dennis Shannon Reader 1/Reader 2: Ed Charlton, Tom Harrison Eucharistic Ministers: Donna Brumbaugh, Pat Geoghegan, Lori Holmes, Dennis Shannon, Nancy Paproth, Tom Powell, Diane Thomas Altar Servers: Alan Hoffman, Ryan Powell, Alec & Analise Thomas Music: Folk Group Sacristan: Lore Phoebe TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2014 6:30 am Mass Marjorie Berdis, requested by Karen and Tom O’Rourke WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 (No Morning Mass) 7:00 pm Vigil Mass Josephine Caruso, requested by The Brumbaugh Family Reader 1/Reader 2: Michelle Wu, Carol Fontana Eucharistic Ministers: Chuck Alvarez, Kory Barnas, Jim Kirwin, Hope Mazzeo, Dennis Shannon Altar Servers: Michael Gianforcaro, Dylan Staso, Keegan & Ethan Walpole Music: Anne Liebeskind, Judy Hoopes Sacristan: Lore Phoebe THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 9:00 am Mass Intentions of Mary, Mother of God Reader 1/Reader 2: Steve Liberatore, Kathleen Hamill Eucharistic Ministers: Donna Brumbaugh, James Fredericksdorf, Donna Filipone, Steven Toolan, Barry Young Altar Servers: Nnanna Njoku, Nicholas & Ryan Toolan, Matthew Young Music: Paul Hoffman, Peggy Masterton Sacristan: Ray Bunjo 10:30 am Mass Gabriel Bolla, requested by Fr. Ken Putz Reader 1/Reader 2: Michael Debes, Joseph McHoul Eucharistic Ministers: Ella Havrilak, Bill Sites, Terry Garvey, Charlotte McHoul, Diane Thomas Altar Servers: Benjamin Trowbridge, Adam Mladenetz, Alec & Analise Thomas Music: Folk Group Sacristan: Dave Besselman FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2015 8:15 am Mass (Main Church) Eileen Mengers, requested by Gene and Eileen Fogarty SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 2015 8:00 am Mass Gabriel Bolla, requested by Edward and Barbara Sigda Reader 1/Reader 2: Margaret Ptakowski, Michael Debes Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jeff, Bernadette Muto (A), Joanne Redden (B), Teresa Leszczynski (C), Donna Lauletta (LH), Robert DiMarco, Steve Toolan Altar Servers: Abigail & Emma Redden, Nicholas & Ryan Toolan Music: Anne Liebeskind, Phil Pierangeli Sacristan: Ray Bunjo 10:00 am Mass Joseph Fecondo, requested by Frank and Vicky Giunta Reader 1/Reader 2: Nicole Snyder, Steve Liberatore Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Tom, Meghan Hughes (D), Ruder Schill (E), Richard & Maureen Petrarca (TP), Steve Malloy (JPP), Lisa Goldstein (JPR), Terry Garvey (PENN) Altar Servers: Chiara Busala, Alannah Hughes, Katherine Liebeskind, Gabriel Snyder Music: Adult Choir, Anne Liebeskind, Peggy Masterton Sacristan: To be determined 12:00 pm Mass Mitzie Rogers, requested by The Garrett Family Reader 1/Reader 2: Erin & Tom Finley Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Mike, Chuck Alvarez, James Fredericksdorf, Suzanne Loeffler, Bill Sites, Mary Wharton Altar Servers: Patrick Chilcote, Robert Koenig, Nnanna Njoku, Jack Reilly Music: Rich O’Neill, Peggy Masterton Sacristan: To be determined Page 12 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Page 13 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. 11 am to 2 pm (School) ABVM School Open House & Registration Youth Group Trip 25 8 am, 10 am & 12 Masses 1:30 pm Baptisms (MC) No Baptisms No Youth Group 18 8 am, 10 am & Noon Masses 7:00 pm Youth Group (PLC) 1:30 pm Baptisms 11 8 am, 10 am & Noon Masses 7:00 pm Youth Group (PLC) No Baptisms 8 am, 10 am & Noon Masses 8:15 am Mass (MC) 6 pm Legion Mtg (CC) 7:30 pm Folk Group (MC) 27 *Time Change for Mass* 8:15 am Mass (MC) 6 pm Legion Mtg (CC) 7:30 pm Folk Group (MC) 20 *Time Change for Mass* 8:15 am Mass (MC) 6 pm Legion Mtg (CC) 7:30 pm Respect Life Meeting (PLC) 7:30 pm Folk Group 13 *Time Change for Mass* 8:15 am Mass (MC) 6 pm Legion Mtg (CC) 7:30 pm Folk Group (MC) 6 *Time Change for Mass* Tue 6:30 am Mass (MC) 6:30 pm Rosary (MC) 6:45 pm Joseph’s People (PLC) 28 6:30 am Mass (MC) 6:30 pm Rosary (MC) 21 6:30 am Mass (MC) 6:30 pm Rosary (MC) 14 6:30 am Mass (MC) 6:30 pm Rosary (MC) 7 Wed 29 6:30 am Mass (MC) 7 pm Adult Choir (MC) March for Life, Washington, D.C. 22 6:30 am Mass (MC) 7 pm Adult Choir (MC) 15 6:30 am Mass (MC) 7 pm Consolation Ministry (CC) 7 pm Adult Choir (MC) 6 pm K of C Dinner & Bingo (PC) 8 6:30 am Mass (MC) 7 pm Adult Choir (MC) Parish Office & School Closed (Note: no Noon Mass) 9:00 am Mass (MC) 10:30 am Mass (MC) 1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Thu 8:15 am Mass (MC) 30 8:15 am Mass (MC) 23 8:15 am Mass (MC) 16 8:15 am Mass (MC) 9 ABVM School Closed 8:15 am Mass (MC) 2 First Friday Fri <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Catholic Schools Week >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<< 6:30 am Mass (MC) 8 pm Al-Anon (CC) 26 ABVM School Closed 6:30 am Mass (MC) 8 pm Al-Anon (CC) 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. 6:30 am Mass (MC) 8 pm Al-Anon (CC) 12 6:30 am Mass (MC) 8 pm Al-Anon (CC) after 10 am Mass Red Cross Blood Drive 8:00am - 1:00 pm (PC) 5 4 Coffee & Donut Social (MC) Main Church, 300 State Rd. (CC) Children’s Chapel, inside of Main Church (PC) Parish Center, Gym attached to ABVM School (PLC) Parish Life Center, Lower level of the Main Church Abbreviations Mon January 2015 Parish Calendar 11:00 am -12:15 pm Confessions (MC) 4:30pm Vigil Mass (MC) 31 11:00 am -12:15 pm Confessions (MC) 4:30pm Vigil Mass (MC) 24 11:00 am -12:15 pm Confessions (MC) 4:30pm Vigil Mass (MC) 17 11:00 am -12:15 pm Confessions (MC) 4:30pm Vigil Mass (MC) 10 11:00 am -12:15 pm Confessions (MC) 4:30pm Vigil Mass (MC) 3 Sat Page 14 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. 19 Reading of the Day Hebrews 5:1-10 Psalm of the Day: 110 Gospel: Mark 2:18-22 18 2nd Sunday Ordinary 1st Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10,19 Psalm of the Day: 40 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a,1720 Gospel: John 1:35-42 26 SS. Timothy & Titus, bishops Reading of the Day 2 Timothy 1:1-8 Psalm of the Day: 96 Gospel: Mark 3:22-30 12 Reading of the Day Hebrews 1;1-6 Psalm of the Day: 97 Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 11 Baptism of the Lord 1st Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7 Psalm of the Day: 29 2nd Reading: Acts 10:34-38 Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 28 St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Doctor of the Church Reading of the Day Hebrews 10:11-18 Psalm of the Day: 110 Gospel: Mark 4:1-20 29 Reading of the Day Hebrews 10:19-25 Psalm of the Day: 24 Gospel: Mark 4:21-25 22 Reading of the Day Hebrews 7:25-8:6 Psalm of the Day: 40 Gospel: Mark 3:7-12 21 St. Agnes, Virgin, Martyr Reading of the Day Hebrews 7:1-3,15-17 Psalm of the Day: 110 Gospel: Mark 3:1-6 20 St. Fabian, Pope, Martyr; St. Sebastian, Martyr Reading of the Day Hebrews 6:10-20 Psalm of the Day: 111 Gospel: Mark 2:23-28 27 St. Angela Merici, virgin Reading of the Day Hebrews 10:1-10 Psalm of the Day: 40 Gospel: Mark 3:31-35 15 Reading of the Day Hebrews 3:7-14 Psalm of the Day: 95 Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 8 Reading of the Day 1 John 4:19-5:4 Psalm of the Day: 72 Gospel: Luke 4:14-22a 1 Mary, Mother of God 1st Reading: Numbers 6:22-27 Psalm of the Day: 67 2nd Reading: Galatians 4:4-7 Gospel: Luke 2:16-21 Thu 14 St. Hilary, Bishop, Doctor of the Church Reading of the Day Hebrews 2:14-18 Psalm of the Day: 105 Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 7 St. Raymond of Penyafort, priest Reading of the Day 1 John 4:11-18 Psalm of the Day: 72 Gospel: Mark 6:45-52 Wed 13 Reading of the Day Hebrews 2:5-12 Psalm of the Day: 8 Gospel: Mark 1:21-28 6 St. André Bessette, religious Reading of the Day 1 John 4:7-10 Psalm of the Day: 72 Gospel: Mark 6:34-44 For Evangelization: That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. Universal: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. 5 St. John Neumann, bishop Reading of the Day 1 John 3:22-4:6 Psalm of the Day: 2 Gospel: Matthew 4:1217,23-25 25 3rd Sunday Ordinary 1st Reading: Jonah 3:1-5,10 Psalm of the Day: 25 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 Tue Pope’s Intentions for the Month Mon 4 Epiphany of the Lord 1st Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Psalm of the Day: 72 2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a,5-6 Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 Sun January 2015 Liturgical Calendar 30 Reading of the Day Hebrews 10:32-39 Psalm of the Day: 37 Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 23 St. Vincent, Deacon, Martyr Reading of the Day Hebrews 8:6-13 Psalm of the Day: 85 Gospel: Mark 3:13-19 16 Reading of the Day Hebrews 4:1-5,11 Psalm of the Day: 78 Gospel: Mark 2:1-12 31 St. John Bosco, priest Reading of the Day Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 Psalm of the Day: Luke 1:69-75 Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 24 St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor of the Church Reading of the Day Hebrews 9:2-3,11-14 Psalm of the Day: 47 Gospel: Mark 3:20-21 17 St. Anthony, Abbot Reading of the Day Hebrews 4:12-16 Psalm of the Day: 19 Gospel: Mark 2:13-17 10 Reading of the Day 1 John 5:14-21 Psalm of the Day: 149 Gospel: John 3:22-30 3 The Most Holy Name of Jesus Reading of the Day 1 John 2:29-3:6 Psalm of the Day: 98 Gospel: John 1:29-34 2 SS. Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops, Doctors of the Church Reading of the Day 1 John 2:22-28 Psalm of the Day: 98 Gospel: John 1:19-28 9 Reading of the Day 1 John 5:5-13 Psalm of the Day: 147 Gospel: Luke 5:12-16 Sat Fri Commercial & Residential HEATING Please visit our website at Kuzo & Grieco Cleveland & Grieco Foulk & Grieco Matthew J. Grieco, Supv./Owner Timothy M. Campbell, Supv. Curtis S. Greer, Supv. Kennett Square, PA 19348 Avondale, PA 19311 West Grove, PA 19390 610.444.4116 610.268.2166 610.869.2685 Joe Menginie PAINTING Phone 610-869-9477 610-444-2380 302-498-5188 Ken Pitts 1100 Baltimore Pike, Glen Mills, PA 19342 4 Mary Lane Lincoln University, PA 19352 Cell 610.637.7325 484-371-8244 Fax 610.459.9318 • [email protected] CURRY’S CALL (610) 350-6712 FREE ESTIMATES • QUALITY WORK LIC. PA077375 & INSURED • PARISHIONER Member of Parish Family Rich Johnson, Owner Bob Conrad • 610-717-4100 No Job Too Small • Insured Pre-Sales, Tax Challenges, PMI Removal, Estates, Mortgages and Refinancing 484-667-2003 Parishioner Air Conditioning Special Rates for Annual Tune-ups Pager 610-738-5318 Fax 610-869-8674 Residential Mortgage Loan Officer DECKS, BASEMENTS & ADDITIONS HARDWOOD, PERGO & TILE FLOORING TRIM WORK, PAINTING & REMODELING ~ Parishioner ~ [email protected] • Tax Preparation • Entity Structuring • Business Consulting No Surprises... HOME IMPROVEMENTS Johnson’s Electrical Service LLC 484 467-9778 Ed Parker CPA, Inc. COMPLETE SERVICE; PREP IS #1 610-255-5382 Heating and Cooling Heating, Air Conditioning, Hot Water Heaters Installation & Repair • Gas, Oil & Electric Fulton MORTGAGE Company Quality Craftsmanship Since 1978 Power Wash, Decks, Staining Paper/Paint Removal • Plaster/Drywall Repairs Faux & Texture Finishes DEL FERA & SON Bernie Hughes Free Estimates Residential Appraisals including: Klim Vision Care Wayne Klim, O.D. ADULT & CHILD VISION CARE CONTACT LENSES • EYEGLASSES 919 Gap-Newport Pike • Avondale, PA 19311 610-268-3220 [email protected] Michael J. Pushkarewicz, M.D. Member of the Cheryl F. Lowe, M.D., F.A.A.P. Vicky L. Scheid, M.D., F.A.A.P. Linda C. Barkasy, M.D., F.A.A.P. Deborah Drop, M.D., F.A.A.P. Jennifer McDonald, D.O., F.A.A.P. Stacey O. Bachman, CRNP Parish BOARD CERTIFIED ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON JOINT REPLACEMENT • ARTHROSCOPY • FRACTURE CARE CHOP Care Network 900 W. Baltimore Pk., Ste. 101, West Grove, PA 19390 610-869-8088 304 Lantana Dr., Hockessin, DE 19707 302-234-2600 4745 Ogletown-Stanton Rd., Ste. 238, Newark, DE 19713 302-731-2888 24 Hour Coverage West Grove A Pediatric & Adolescent Practice 390 Vineyard Way • Ste. 501 • West Grove Tel (610) 869-4700 Fax (610) 869-4790 Ruffenach Funeral Home 224 Penn Avenue • Oxford, PA 19363 Henry J. (Ted) Ruffenach. Lic. Third Generation 610-932-2277 The Same Family Name Your Parents and Grandparents Trusted in Philadelphia and Delaware Counties is Right here in Southern Chester County. NEW LONDON AUTO REPAIR, INC. 2051 Newark Rd., New London, PA 19360 610-869-9700 Owner: Randy Green R-N-J Plaques & Engraving “We Personalize Your Feelings” Personalized Engraving, Gifts & Awards Phone: 610-932-4763 Cell: 484-645-2084 11 N. Third St., Ste. #3, Oxford, PA 19363 Rear of Building-Access from Lincoln St. 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS Check out our reviews on: LICENSED & INSURED Specialist in Orthodontics for Children & Adults UNIONVILLE / KENNETT SQUARE 610-444-9952 JENNERSVILLE / WEST GROVE 610-869-5850 Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Or go to for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 229 A Assumption ti B.V.M., B V M West W Grove, PA (I) FX John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 • Edward L. Collins Jr. Available 24 Hrs. - 7 Days FUNERAL HOME, INC. Two Generations of Personalized Service 86 Pine St. OXFORD Kevin D. Collins Supervisor 610-932-9584 CHILDREN’S PIANO INSTITUTE 484-467-5000 Yerkes Insurance Inc. Pa r ish Private Piano Instruction (ages 5 and up) 34 years of teaching experience Private lessons, Accompaniment services 1464 W. Baltimore Pike, Toughkenamon, PA NANCY L SMOLINSKI, Instructor [email protected] Louis G. Papa Jr. Managing Director • Financial Advisor Parishioner/ABVM W EALTH ADVISORS a division of Penn Liberty Bank 866-736-6542 • “Securities & advisory services offered through SII Investments, Inc.®, member FINRA/SIPC & a Regisotered Investment Advisor” Leardi ARBONNE Independent Consultant Lisa Dicrecchio 484-667-0262 Family Dentistry io ne 227 East Evergreen Street Tax & Accounting Services 610-268-2900 West Grove, PA 19390 Individual, Partnership, Corporate Tax Prep Kennett Square, PA 610/869-4065 Financial Consulting, Bookkeeping William S. Kolson, Owner Robert K. Leardi, D.M.D., PC r 1464 W. Baltimore Pk., Toughkenamon, PA 19374 JEFFREY A. LYONS CARPENTRY, INC. CARPENTRY & REMODELING Barbara Brainard Cell 610-306-3318 Bus 610-459-5500 Member of Parish Family JEFFREY LYONS, CR / PRESIDENT 610.869.5967 [email protected] WWW.JALCARPINC.COM PA 002168 PREVENTIVE CARE IMPLANTS COSMETIC [email protected] Pure Safe Beneficial Ask me how to earn free skin care and wellness products and amazing discounts! Ira D. Binder Attorney at Law Wills • Trusts • Estates • Real Estate 610-444-8744 Oxford, PA 19363 TEL: 484.643.3325 Campbell Brothers Plumbing 484.643.4567 Guaranteed quality work at a fair price Senior CiƟzen Discounts Serving West Grove & surrounding areas Licensed and Insured PA #079795 Free Estimates! (484) 368-2206 ~ Parishioner ~ (610) 345-0267 195 S. Jennersville Rd West Grove, PA 19390 HEARING AID SERVICE & DISPENSING Now available at Since 1946 Kozik’s Home Clayton Wood, Agent Medical Equipment 1465 Baltimore Pike PLUMBING • HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Carrier Heating & Cooling Systems, Peerless Boilers, Mitsubishi Duct-Less Systems, Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters, Well-Pumps, Heating Oil & Much More. 305 W State St., Kennett Square 610-444-2240 • Free Hearing Exams • Free Trials • Siemens Quality Hearing Aids You won’t believe how well the new Siemens technology works but see for yourself. Call today to schedule your free hearing exam & trial. See just how well you can hear again. (610) 268-8548 P.O. Box 156 • Avondale, PA 19311 Toughkenamon, PA 19374 610-268-3100 Discover big discounts and get to a better State®. PA106856 484.786.0500 Interior/Exterior • Residential/Commercial • Powerwashing Deck Sealing/Staining • Drywall Repair Paul Herb Parishioner [email protected] 112 Railroad Ave. Oxford, PA. 19363 Catering for all Occasions Since 1972 610-869-8616 101 Prospect Ave. West Grove, PA Hours: M-F 8:30am-9pm, Sa 8:30am-8pm 610.932.8521 67 Jenners Village Center • West Grove, PA 19390 610-869-5533 229 Assumption B.V.M., West Grove, PA (B) F 1150 Pocopson Rd. 51 Jenners Village Ctr. West Grove, PA 19390 West Chester, PA 19382 610.345.1145 610.793.3080 The Oxford Grain & Hay Family of Businesses ~ PARISHIONERS ~ John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1.800.333.3166 •
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