1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 **Update on Cercospora beticola and Rhizomania research projects. Melvin D. Bolton*1, Gary Secor2, Kathrin Bornemann1,2, Viviana Rivera2, and Mohamed Khan3 .1USDAARS Northern Crop, Fargo, 2Plant Pathology, NDSU, Fargo, N 3 Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota **Ten Years After a Single Field Application of Spent Lime: Effects on Soil pH, Aphanomyces Root Rot, and Sugarbeet Yield Quality. Ashok K. Chanda* and Jason Brantner. University of Minnesota, NW Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN. ** Characterization of a new bacterial disease of sugarbeet in the Red River Valley. Mike Metzger*1+2, Gary Secor2, Vivianna Rivera2, and Melvin Bolton3. 1Minn-Dak Farmers Coop, 2Plant Pathology, NDSU, Fargo,3 USDA-ARS Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo. Application Methodologies Determine Effectiveness of Vertisan at Controlling R. solani on Sugarbeet. Liu Yangxi*1 and M.F.R. Khan1, 2 . 1Plant Pathology, NDSU, Fargo, ND; 2University of Minnesota Metabolomic profiling for understanding sugar beet resistance to Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 IIB. Kimberly Webb, USDA-ARS, Fort Collins, CO **Strategic Management of Sugarbeet Diseases. Mohamed F.R. Khan. Plant Pathology, NDSU, Fargo, ND & University of Minnesota. Refreshments Sponsored by SBREB Lunch Sponsored by Sumitomo Corporation 45th Annual Area Growers Seminars Sugarbeet Research 2015 Reporting Session Jan. 20th SMBSC Growers Seminar Holiday Inn, Willmar, MN Feb. 5th Grafton Growers Seminar Parish Center Feb. 10th Grand Forks Growers Seminar Alerus Center, Grand Forks, ND Feb. 11th Fargo Growers Seminar Holiday Inn Fargo, ND Feb. 12th Minn-Dak Growers Seminar Eagles Club Wahpeton, ND March 25th & 26th International Sugarbeet Institute Show Fargodome Fargo, ND Tuesday January 13, 2015 Fargo Holiday Inn (*) ( ** ) Author presenting the paper Partially funded by the Sugarbeet Research and Education Board of Minnesota and North Dakota CEU Credits will be awarded to CCA holders Sponsored by: North Dakota State University, University of Minnesota, and Sugarbeet Research and Education Board of MN & ND Speakers should use 12 to 13 minutes for presentations and leave 2 to 3 minutes for questions. 9:30 Moderator: Mr. John Kringler, Extension Agent Cass County, North Dakota State University Chairman: Mohamed Khan, Professor & Extension sugarbeet specialist, North Dakota State University, and University of Minnesota. 7:45 Coffee 8:15 **Assessment of an Experimental Insecticide for Sugarbeet Root Maggot. Jacob J. Rikhus*, Mark A. Boetel, and Allen J. Schroeder. Department of Entomology, NDSU, Fargo. 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 **Optimizing Root Maggot Control Using Postemergence Granular Insecticides. Allen J. Schroeder*, Mark A. Boetel, and Jacob J. Rikhus. Department of Entomology, NDSU, Fargo. **Integrated Control of Sugarbeet Root Maggot and the 2015 Forecast. Mark A. Boetel1*, Stefan T. Jaronski2, Larry G. Campbell3, Jacob J. Rikhus1, and Allen J. Schroeder1. 1Department of Entomology, NDSU, Fargo; 2USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, Sidney, MT; 3USDA-ARS Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo. **Waterhemp Control in Sugarbeet. Aaron Carlson* and Tom Peters. Plant Sciences Dept., NDSU, Fargo, ND **Weeds Management in the Crop Sequence Contributes to Field-based Weed Control Strategy in Sugarbeet. Tom Peters*, Aaron Carlson, and Rich Zollinger. Plant Sciences Dept., NDSU, Fargo, ND. 9:45 **Sensitivity of Cercospora beticola to foliar fungicides in 2014. Gary Secor1*, Viviana Rivera1, Melvin Bolton2, and M. F. R. Khan3; 1Plant Pathology, NDSU, Fargo; 2 USDAARS Northern Crop, Fargo; 3 NDSU & University of Minnesota 11:30 Fitness of Cercospora beticola Isolates Resistant to Tetraconazole. Sahar Arabiat*1, M.F.R Khan1,3, Melvin Bolton2, Gary Secor1, 1Plant Pathology, NDSU, 2USDA-ARS Northern Crop, Fargo 3University of Minnesota 11:45 Distinguished Service Award Presentation By Mr. Keith McNamara, President, SBREB **Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate, Placement, and Timing Effects on Sugarbeet Yield and Quality. Albert Sims* University of Minnesota, NW Research and Outreach Center 10:00 BREAK 10:15 Soil Fertility and Water Management in Sugarbeet Production. Amitava Chatterjee*; AES School of Natural Resource Sciences, Soil Science, NDSU, Fargo, ND 10:30 **Plant Population and its Impact on Sugarbeet Yield. Peter Hakk* and M.F.R. Khan. Plant Pathology Dept., NDSU, Fargo, ND. 10:45 11:15 Low Storage Temperature Delays Wound Healing in Sugarbeet Root. Karen Fugate1, Fernando Finger2, Wellington Souto Ribeiro2, and John Eide1. 1USDA-ARS Northern Crop Science Lab, Fargo; 2Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil **Combination of Variety, at-Planting Treatment, and Postemergence Fungicide for Control of Rhizoctonia Crown Root Rot of Sugarbeet. Jason R. Brantner* and Ashok Chanda; University of Minnesota, NW Research and Outreach Center, Crookston, MN. 11:00 Use of Seed Treatments, In-Furrow Fungicides and Postemergent Fungicides for Management of Rhizoctonia Crown and Root-rot. Barry Jacobsen*, Alice Pilgeram, and Ken Kephart; Montana State University. 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Sponsored by Sumitomo Corporation Moderator: Ashok Chanda, Plant Pathologist, Northwest Research & Outreach Center, University of Minnesota 1:00 **Does Nitrogen Management on Previous Crops Affect Sugarbeet? John A. Lamb1*, Jim Rademacher, Nicole VanOs2, Chris Dunsmore2 and Mark W. Bredehoeft2, 1University of Minnesota, St. Paul and 2Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative. 1:15 A New Method to Detect and Genotype Resistance-Breaking Strains of BNYVV from Growers Fields. C.M. Rush*, L. Paetzold, and B. Bryan; Texas A&M AgriLife 1:30 **BNYVV, Polymyxa and Sugarbeet: Determining the Transmission Dynamics that Affect Emergence of New BNYVV Variants. William Wintermantel, USDA-ARS, Salinas, CA
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