FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tuesday, December 23, 2014 120 North Sixth Street Matt Ver Meer, Director of Youth Ministries Hannibal, Missouri 63401 Kelly Frame, Administrative Assistant 573.221.2663 Jeff Hickerson, Music Coordinator Jim Debary, Custodian [email protected] Leanne Thomas, Nursery Attendant Mission Statement “We are a Church that is Committed to Fulfilling the Great Commission and Obeying the Great Commandment.” ELDERS Class of 2014 Neil Derrick Roger Dix Jim Mann Gwenda Pollard Class of 2015 Howard Burton Deanne Fox Dirk Sauer Neleta Yount Class of 2016 Don Bastian Kathy Lane Lance Privett Jack Whitaker DEACONS Class of 2014 Clem Goodin David Ouellette Jim Mitchell Chris Shulse Class of 2015 Debra Burton Bill Cunningham Brandi Lionberger Bruce Pollard Class of 2016 Linda Eddington Mike Marx Margaret McKay Logan Rhodes A AT TT TE EN ND DA AN NC CE E - Sunday, December 21 – 129 U UPPC CO OM MIIN NG G SSPPE EA AK KE ER RSS Dr. Mark Hughes............................................................ December 28, Carol Sunday Rev. Nick Davis .............................................................................Sundays – January Dr. Woodie Burt ......................................Wednesdays – January; February; March 4 W WE EE EK KL LY YC CA AL LE EN ND DA AR R Monday, December 22 Wednesday, December 24 9:30 a.m. Prayer Fellowship Church Office Closed Christmas Eve Worship Church Office Closed Church Office Closed Sunday School Carol Sunday 7:00 p.m. Thursday, December 25 Friday, December 26 Sunday, December 28 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. A AC CO OL LY YT TE E Dec 28 Jan 4 Rylee McAfee Brynn Burton V VA AN ND DR RIIV VE ER R Dec 28/Jan 4 C CH HIIL LD DR RE EN N’’SS C CH HU UR RC CH H Dec 28/Jan 4 No Children’s Church Howard Burton M ME EA AL LT TE EA AM M No Meal or Program until Jan 14 W WE EL LC CO OM ME EH HO OM ME E,, M MA AR RK K!! Dr. Mark Hughes will lead worshipon Sunday, December 28, Carol Sunday. C CH HU UR RC CH HO OFFFFIIC CE EC CL LO OSSE ED D The church office will be CLOSED December 24, 25, 26, 31; January 1, 2. N NE EW W –– W WO OM ME EN N’’SS E EV VE EN NIIN NG GB BIIB BL LE E SST TU UD DY Y Starting Thursday, January 15, 7:00 p.m., Sue Lane’s home, 122 W. Ridge. We’ll be using the book: “Women of the Bible: 52 Bible Studies for Individuals and Groups”, by Jean E. Syswerda. The book can be purchased from Amazon, $13.21. Sue has free shipping via Amazon and would be happy to order it for you. Call Sue at 573-719-3408 if interested in joining the Bible study or if you questions. T TU UE ESSD DA AY YW WO OM ME EN N’’SS B BIIB BL LE E SST TU UD DY Y//M MO OM MSS IIN N PPR RA AY YE ER R There’ll be no Women's Bible Study or Moms In Prayer on December 23 or 30. We’ll resume both these activities on Tuesday January 6. FFL LO OW WE ER RSS 22001155 The 2015 Flower Calendar will be available soon. The cost is $15.00, payable in advance to FPC. Some still have not paid for their 2014 flowers. U UPPC CO OM MIIN NG G SST TU UD DY Y Starting January 14 Dr. Woodie Burt will lead a six-week study on Wednesday evenings using the book I AM A CHURCH MEMBER. T TH HA AN NK KY YO OU U Dear Christian friends, we appreciate your support of our food pantry. With your monetary donation we gave out 50 hams to folks in our community. Thank for your generosity. Connie Craig, Food Pantry Chairman, Fifth Street Baptist Church H HE EL LPP!!!! First United Methodist Food Pantry uses approximately 1,000 bags per month. Shopping bags can be dropped in the box by the water fountain outside the office. PPR RA AY Y FFO OR R… … Fran Mitchell Kensley Renee Hays Mary Jane Jackson Mary Ann St. Clair Charley/Mary Ann Parker Carl/Donna Barbee Lilburn Shores, Luther Manor Dan/Wanda Galloway Hilda Benn, Willow Care P.J. Southam’s parents Naomi Woods, Pleasant View Pauline Grant, Tri-County Kasen/Tracy Turner Gwenda Pollard Harry Graves Ray Atkins Libby Walton Julie Behrens Zandra Dowell Fran Bach Carol Bushmeyer Julie Mann Harry/Lisa Morgan Pam Hunsaker LeRoy Stolberg Ann White Steve Mischanski Ruth Wagner Anne Cary Jo Rupp Rev. Justin Mosher Georgia Jones Martha Webdell, Bristol Manor Nora Higgs Isaac Smith Brad Bray PPR RA AY Y FFO OR RO OU UR RC CO OL LL LE EG GE E SST TU UD DE EN NT TSS & &V VO OL LU UN NT TE EE ER R Connor Doyle Addy Nemes Logan Rhodes Will Pettibone Justin Bauer Mark Nemes Louis Burton Hannah Marcolla Daniel Ouellette Madison Sante Clay Cunningham Andrew Ouellette Sarah Hoffman PPR RA AY Y FFO OR RO OU UR RA AR RM ME ED D FFO OR RC CE ESS PPE ER RSSO ON NN NE EL L& & FFA AM MIIL LIIE ESS Sgt. Dustin Miller Major John Bleigh SSGT Tommy Davis E EM ME ER RG GE EN NC CY Y IIN NFFO OR RM MA AT TIIO ON N If you’d like to have your information available in case of emergency, Session has voted to make FPC a place for that to happen. Simply submit your information to the church office where it will be kept in a confidential place. U UPPC CO OM MIIN NG GE EV VE EN NT TSS Progressive Dinner February 21 (Homes for appetizers and desserts and host homes are needed.) Men’s Spiritual Retreat and Hog Hunt April 16-19 Birthday Celebration April 29 N NE EW WE EL LD DE ER RSS A AN ND DD DE EA AC CO ON NSS FFO OR RT TH HE EC CL LA ASSSS O OFF 22001177 Deacons – Neal Clark; Carol Fisher; Phyllis Stevens; Sue Lane-Ward Elders – Beth Davis; Neil Derrick; Mac Fisher; Mike McKay IIN NC CL LE EM ME EN NT TW WE EA AT TH HE ER R PPR RO OC CE ED DU UR RE E 1. The weather team will begin assessing weather conditions early on Sunday morning (or perhaps on Saturday evening) to decide whether or not a cancellation is in order. When possible, a cancellation will be determined prior to 8:00 a.m. 2. Upon cancellation confirmation, this team will contact the FPC staff. 3. Matt will contact local media; guest minister; Leanne; Becky; and group text the Youth. 4. Jeff will email choir; send an email to Bridge recipients; and update the church Facebook page. 5. A calling chain, which will be initiated by choir members, will allow for contact of all non-email Bridge recipients. Wednesday night – if school is cancelled or released early, all Wednesday activities are cancelled. If school is not cancelled/released but the forecast is questionable, the team will make the cancellation call. Other committee meetings, activities, etc. will be considered on a case-by-case basis. O ON NE E--C CE EN NT TW WO OR RT TH H Thanks to the choir for trudging on when we lost a couple of singers Sunday morning and singing that not-so-easy, but meaningful arrangement of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”. I pray that our hearts are ready to become “His Bethlehem”. I appreciated Nick’s referring to last Sunday’s sermon when he referenced the Princess’ visit with elementary school children…she became ‘human’ just like us, rather than a royal. How much more exciting is it that Christ allowed Himself to be “demoted” to humanity but also to the role of a servant for us. The baptism of that precious little Kayt made the new beginnings of Advent and Christmas even more meaningful. What a beautiful and poignant reminder of God’s ultimate gift of grace. That’s my one cent worth! Jeff PS – I had a great time with our Fifth Street Baptist friends Sunday evening – soup, sandwich, and a movie. If you haven’t seen it, watch the movie MOM’S NIGHT OUT… a lot of laughs and some great perspectives on life.
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