January 2015 2015: Year of Relationship As we continue our yearly embrace of the marks of discipleship, we will focus in 2015 on the importance and value of building and maintaining authentic spiritual relationships. Our goal for 2015 will be to connect each and every one of you with others who will partner with you in this journey of the faith. We are looking to build upon our current small group ministry, offer various opportunities for fellowship and play, and growing deeper relationships with others, both inside and outside of our congregation. You are invited to the home of Pastor Dave and Heidi (202 Fairway Circle, Cross Junction, VA 22625) to brainstorm/vision how we can make the 2015 Year of Relationships thrive at Bethel. If you have the gift of hospitality, creativity, or just simply like to have a party, then this is the planning group for you! We will meet on Sunday, January 4 at 5:30pm. We’ll offer soup/sandwiches/drinks. Children are welcome. Please RSVP to Pastor Dave ([email protected]) by January 3 if you plan to attend. Hope to see you then! Pastor’s Page “Fresh Beginnings” "Soup-er Bowl" Sale! Sunday, January 11 and 25 I love the New Year! It is such a great time to imagine what is to come, the blessings, the surprises, and the events that will shape our lives and impact our discipleship. I always enter the New Year rejuvenated by our Christmas celebration and looking forward to what ministry will be developed and discerned by our congregation. Taste 4 yummy Soup Samples and pre-order the ones you want after worship services! Sunday, February 1, Souper Bowl Sunday - pick up soup our youth will have prepared for you! Proceeds support "Rise Up" ELCA Youth Gathering Youth - THANK YOU! I am excited about the 2015 Year of Relationships. God said, “It is not good that ‘man’ should be alone,” (Genesis 2:18). The word interpreted here as “man” is “a’dam”, which can be a designation for “humankind”. So, it can be understood as “It is not good that “humankind” should be alone.” In this, then, we are reminded that we were created for community, for each other! To be fully “human” we need community, others to help us fully experience God’s purposes for breathing life into us in the first place. Valentine's Day Parents Night Out & Child Care! So, let us embrace this time together to get to know someone we don’t know, or perhaps open ourselves to know others better. Let us invite new people to Bethel and embrace the mark of discipleship that seeks to invite others into our lives – to empower us, challenge us, comfort us, and share life with us on this crazy journey with Jesus! Our youth will eat with and love your kids while you enjoy a Valentine's night out! We will serve chicken nuggets, green beans and mac and cheese. Financial donations support our Youth. Please sign up at the Cross Roads by Sunday, February 8. February 14, from 5-9pm At Bethel And what better way to begin this journey of new relationships than by remembering the relationship God has made with all of us in our baptism! On Sunday, January 11 (Baptism of our Lord Sunday), we will affirm our shared identity in baptism. From this washing of the Spirit, we are set apart for mission and for relationship. Each and every one of us, through our baptism, has a part to play here at Bethel! The deadline for articles for the February issue of the Bethel Banner is 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 15. I am continually heartened by the work of God in, and through, the people of Bethel! You Rock !!! Happy New Year! Pastor Dave Please send articles to [email protected] -2- Council Highlights The December meeting of Council was held on December 10. Treasurer’s Report Giving for November was very close to the amount expected in the MSP. Expenses were about $3,000 less than expected. Total income exceeded expenses by about $5,000. Income for the year, to date, is about $10,000 less than expected. With strong giving in December, Bethel can still have income in excess of expenses for 2014. Pastor’s Report Volunteers have stepped forward to fill all of the 2015 Ministry Board Chairs. Cliff Crowder has started in his role as facilities manager. A new Bethel web site is under construction and should be in use by Jan. Youth & Family Ministry Report Plans are progressing for a post conformation leadership group. The trip to the National Youth Gathering and a possible International Mission Experience continue to be points of focus. Board Reports Donna Turrill Reported that Amy Jaster is taking over as chair of the learning board. Venturing Crew Charter David Griffin reported on a proposal to have Bethel sponsor a “Venturing Crew.” Venturing Crews are an outdoor-based educational program for young people ages 14-20 that is associated with the Boy Scouts of America. A motion to sponsor Venturing Crew 1313 as suggested was proposed and adopted. Update on Phone Service Council had previously voted to subscribe to high-speed fiber-optic Internet. In order to defray the higher monthly cost of the fiber-optic connection, council agreed to switch phone service to Voice Over IP (VoIP.) The initial proposal omitted the need to purchase additional network hardware to support VoIP. Even with the additional expenses it still makes sense to switch phone service to VoIP to defray costs of Fiber based Internet access. Date Change for Congregational Meeting (move to 2/8/2015) According to the Congregation by-laws, the date for the 2015 Winter Congregational meeting should be February 1. Given that Pastor Dave will be returning from two weeks of mission in Tanzania on January 31, a motion was adopted to move the date of the meeting to February 8. Recent Interpretation of Va. Marriage Laws After discussion spanning in both the November and December meetings, Council unanimously adopted to express Council support for Pastor Dave in using his discretion to perform Marriages, in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth, as part of his call to minister to all members of the Congregation. Closing Prayer Mike Stanfield closed the meeting in Prayer. Submitted by, Bruce Lothrop, Secretary Directory Changes: Sterling Grooms email: [email protected] Please email corrections to your directory information to the church office at office@bethelwinchester or fill out a pew card and place in the offering plate. Holiday Office Hours The office will be closed December 24 - January 4 and will re-open on Monday, January 5. Pastor Dave will be available and can be reached by calling the church office (66203245) or his cell. -3- Women’s Ministries Youth Ministries Girls’ Morning Out Youth "Soup-er Bowl" Sale! Here's the link for student and parent volunteers to sign up! http://tinyurl.com/lxpb3qg Saturday, January 17, 9:30 a.m. Come join us for a morning out at Perkins! RSVP to Susan Asmussen if you plan to attend ( [email protected] or 703-615-7289 ) January 4 - Parents and Youth fundraising gathering in the Underground at 9:45am. Please sign up to be on a "soup team", help with soup tasting and pre-orders, make soup signage and help distribute. Perkins is located at 711 Millwood Avenue, Winchester (540-678-4015) January 11 and 25 - We will have samples of 4 different soups available after each worship service to have people of Bethel taste and preorder the ones they want! Women’s Bible Study and Potluck Brunch Saturday, February 7, 2015, 10:00 a.m. Come hear Ellen Hinlickey present "Good Girls Rarely Make History"! Sounds like fun in the middle of a cold winter. Mark your calendars! February 1, Souper Bowl Sunday - We will pass out soup orders and collect payments in the church kitchen. Women’s Retreat "Winter Celebration" April 10-12 January 16-18 Our own Michelle Young will be leading this retreat. The theme of the retreat is SOUL KEEPING! John Ortberg has written a book entitled just that - Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You. If you heard Michelle speak in November, you know how talented she is and a great retreat is guaranteed! Mark your calendars. We will gather again at the Priestfield Center, Inwood, West Virginia. April in West Virginia - sound good? It's STILL not to late to join our High School group heading to Eagle Eyrie for a weekend with a few hundred teens connecting, worshiping Jesus, and enjoying life together! Head to vasynod.org and click "Youth Ministries" to register! We Got Confirmed-Now What? We are beginning a time of "hearing, telling and living the story" for sophomores, juniors and seniors in January. If you are an adult who would like to spend some time with a small group 15-18 year old youth in an encounter of high school life, scripture and our world together please connect with Bryan Jaster ([email protected]). -4- Youth Ministries Continued. . . Men’s Ministries Underground Youth Growing and Changing! Men’s Breakfast Starting in January we'll have regular Underground gatherings for high school and middle school youth separately. It's one more step on the way of Jesus we make together to better make disciples of one another. Our first middle school gathering is Sunday January 25 and high school gathering is Sunday January 11 at 6pm. Come, see and grow in Christ and with each other. New Location!!! Breakfast at the Back High School (9-12 grades) Sunday, January 11, 6-8pm—friendship, the hard questions, worship, and loving like Jesus together. Middle School (6-8 grades) Sunday, January 25, 6-8pm - crazy games, relationships and loving like Jesus together. High School Overnight Lock-in - 6pm Friday February 27 - 8am Saturday February 28 at Bethel! Save the date! Saturday, January 3, 9:00 a.m. Seat Bar and Grill located at 104 Full House Drive, Winchester, VA 22603. Join us for our monthly men's breakfast, held on the first Saturday of each month. Remember, bring friends! RSVP to Pastor Dave at [email protected]. Music Ministry Children’s Choir News Beginning in January, our Children’s Choir will be incorporated into our 9:45 am Sunday School time so that more of our children will be able to participate in singing. This is for children ages K-5th Grade. Praise Kids and Joy Singers & Ringers will no longer meet on Friday afternoons. Save the Date!!!!! Vacation Bible School June 14-18, 2015 Pick up your CD today! $10.00 -5- Learning Opportunities “Faith5: Families on a Mission” is born “Imagine a home where every person feels loved, valued, and heard. Imagine a family that seeks God's wisdom, will, and Word together. Imagine an intimate, affectionate community where every night is an experience of caring, sharing, comfort, and peace.” These are words from Dr. Rich Melheim’s book, “Holding Your Family Together”. Seven families here at Bethel, the Brooks, Brondos/Dehavens, Jasters, Beyers, Asmussens, Milams, and Youngs, took the bold step from imagining the above reality to putting it into action. We got things started practicing 5 “enrichuals” that hold communities and families together in a world that tears us apart. These 7 families met 4 times at different people’s homes for food, sharing, mutual support, learning, and FUN! We learned the 5 simple steps (Faith5) to do each night before bedtime. We learned about the Faith5 which are: Share. Read. Talk. Pray. Bless 1. Sharing your highs and lows. 2. Reading the Bible – reading 1 verse from the Bible as a family. 3. Talk about how our highs and lows relate to the Bible verse. 4. Praying for one another and our highs and lows. 5. Blessing one another. And then we went home and attempted to do it every night, or as often as we could, for 5 – 15 minutes right before bedtime. And we discovered some of it was easy, some of it was hard, and some of it was somewhere in between. But we all discovered that there was tremendous blessing in making the attempt to do it and do it regularly and faithfully. (Continued on next page. . .) (Faith5 continued from page 6. . .) Hear some of the feedback from a few who participated: “This is really good for our family every night! What a gift to us and to Bethel! We really want to keep going and can see a vision of tons of people gathering in the discipleship hall growing together.” Milams Hi's: All about the time at the Brooks Lows: not enough dessert tonight World’s fastest Lord’s Prayer competition. Then a VERY SERIOUS blessing: "the Lord bless you and your stinky toots too" Jasters “Sharing hi’s and low’s. You get a glimpse of someone else’s day and a way to pray for them when they are down.” – Maddie Brooks “Michael & I both grew up in religious families, but it was mainly just going to church on Sundays. This means so much to us to find ways to make faith more of a part of our daily home life.” - Asmussens “This isn’t only for families with kids but for couples who want to care for each other.” – Brian Brooks “We see so little of each other. Now the time we do get together is more meaningful.” – someone with great insight whose name we don’t have recorded “Getting blessed by one year olds and blessing one year olds is wondrous!” Bryan Jaster “Hearing my children pray for me has been a powerful, and often times humorous, experience!” – Heidi David-Young Adult Forum - January “Animate: Bible” Series Encounter scripture in new ways with Animate: Bible. In each session, we will watch a video featuring a leading voice from the Christian faith, spend time on personal reflection with our tablemates, and share ideas and thoughts on the topic within the larger group. The curriculum is intended to help adults to have an engaging, positive relationship with the sacred texts of the Bible. January 4 Testaments: One Story, Two Parts (Rachel Held Evans) January 11 Gospels: Unexpected Good News (Nadia Bolz Weber) January 18 Genre: Rhythm of the Text” (Jose Morales) January 25 Interpretation: Scripture Reads Us (Will Willimon) February 1 Grace: Love is the Bottom Line (Jay Bakker) Theology on Tap Piccadilly Pub Downtown Monday, January 5 6:00 Dinner (optional)/7:00 Program Join us for our first Theology on Tap in 2015 on Monday, January 5 at Piccadilly Pub downtown. Our topic will be “Let’s Talk Epiphany, the New Year, and What Strange, Crazy Journey is Calling Your Heart?” Some gather for dinner around 6:00pm, while others join us at 7:00pm for discussion. Come, bring friends, and share in a meaningful discussion of faith and life. And this was just the beginning. We want everyone at Bethel and beyond to learn about this process, and practice it as you are able. Be looking for opportunities in and around Lent to do just that! And in the meantime, ask one of the families who just participated to tell you their Faith5 story. You’ll be glad you did! -7- Global Missions Intercessory Prayer Thanks to all who participated in Bethel’s Global Christmas. While we don’t have final totals at the time of this writing, it looks like we will have another very strong year. The generosity of the people of Bethel continues to be felt by our mission partners in India, the Philippines, and Tanzania. Because of you all, more children in poor communities will have enough to eat, new clothes, and the school supplies that they need. In this time when we celebrate the birth of our savior it is important to remember that he called us to do kindness to those that seem to be the least important, just as if we were doing so for him. So, once again, thank you all. During the quiet times after Christmas, we invite you to stop by the prayer room for thanksgivings and blessings. Please feel free to update prayers that are in the prayer box. God Bless! Altar Flowers 2015 If you would like to purchase flowers for the altar in 2015, please sign up on the chart located on the closet door outside the church office door. Arrangements are $37.00 each and can be taken home to enjoy after the second service. It looks like January 11, 18, and 25 are available as well as many other dates throughout the year. When you sign up, please indicate what occasion you are celebrating or remembering. Thank you! You Can Still Find Financial Peace........in 2015 Are you still wondering if Financial Peace University classes are for you...or other members of your family? Here are a few things you might try: Talk with some FPU Alums to get their view, go to www.daveramsey.com and review the course description or contact Helen/ Rex Ritchie. If still in doubt, Y'all come join us for the first class on Sunday afternoon, January 11th at 2:30 PM. Dave Ramsey authorizes one free class for those who want to see how he goes about teaching the steps toward Financial Peace. This course has great value for everyone from teenagers to senior citizens. Why don't you give yourself and your family a Christmas gift that keeps giving back? We think you'll be very glad you did and, don't forget, you'll have a lifetime FPU membership! I would like to acknowledge those who have helped me in some special cleanings around Bethel. Mark Hoyle gave many hours in waxing our floors all over the church. Helen Ritchie and Kathryn Carpenter were a tremendous gift in organizing and cleaning up the kitchen area. I so appreciate all those who contribute behind the scenes to help me keep Bethel beautiful! Love, Patty White P.S. Makeup classes will be scheduled for those who need to miss a regularly scheduled class. -8- W.A.T.T.S. Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter February 16-23, 2014 Luke 3: 10-11 - And the crowds asked him, “What then shall we do?” And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.” As we begin our WATTS Season in February please know that Marion and I are filled with gratitude, first for God’s grace and secondly for the outpouring of your time and resources. We do so by opening our church from 7 pm to 7 am for 1 week. We will be around before and after worship in January and February with our sign-up sheets for supplies and help. Since we have gone digital, you may sign up to help from the comfort of your home, classroom, cubicle, treehouse…you get the idea. Go to: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C054BADA82AA0FF2-watts2/6852932 Or, as always, you can shoot me an email to volunteer or ask a question. Shalom, Judy McKiernan Bethel Folks Ring Salvation Army Bells On Saturday, December 13, a number of Bethel members gave an hour of their time to ring bells for the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign. Between 8 AM and 6 PM their efforts resulted in collecting $819.25 to help support the Army's Shelter and Social Service Programs. Many thanks to Lori Milam, Barb Simmons, Jack McAllister (Sophia and Tess McAllister), Stephanie Mahan, Bruce Lothrup (Hannah and Conner), Terri and Bob Hollingsworth, Susan Adams (Cindy Auten), Dave Shoberg (Ian), and Judy McKiernan (Adam) for “braving the cold weather” to help others. A special thanks to the (family members) that helped Mom, Dad and Gramps do the job right. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow When weather conditions warrant a change or cancellation of worship services and/or Sunday school, all necessary information will be available by 7:30 a.m., in three (3) different ways: 1) broadcast on WINC FM—92.5 and at www.winc.fm on the “Closing” Tab 2) Bethel’s phone message, 662-3245 3) Bethel’s website (www.bethelwinchester.com) -9- January Birthdays 03 - Yeakley Pullen 04 - Clarence Hohner Taylor Brooks Carol Cain Rodney Forrest Kim Williams 05 - Conner Turrill 07 - Jesse Riggleman Steven Rosen 08 - Julie Shanabrook Ian Shoberg 09 - Allen Pierce Donna Shields Donna Nerangis 10 - Bob Hollingsworth 11 - Stephanie Mahan 12 - Carolyn McTague 13 - Cory Carlson Jennifer LaFollette Marion Schottelkorb 14 - Helen Ritchie Stephen Ramsey 17 - Michelle Young Beth Driver 18 - Charlie Moyer Curt Grymala 20 - Chris Temple 22 - Morgan Stephens 23 - Ben Hulver 24 - Savannah McKee Jan Lower 25 - Susan Adams Ainsley Justice Karen Nguyen 26 - Karen Justice 27 - Isaiah Britton Jim Shipp Ed Lee 28 - Tonya Harp Ruth Jones 29 - Bobby Hawkins 30 - Kristi Riggleman Katie Brunson Leah Young Jenny Stephens 31 - Gene Borror Adrian Pullen January Anniversaries 04 - Ciro and Tracey Grassi 06 - Ron and Cherie Lauck Dear Friends, Thank you so much for the $411 contribution to WATTS during the Night in a Box event at Shenandoah University. Lots of people had fun living in a box but the chill of the evening brought home an understanding of what the homeless will suffer without a safe place to stay this winter. It’s encouraging to learn that the success of WATTS has inspired the willingness of many folks to help. Bethel Lutheran and its congregation has been a significant contributor to the success of WATTS. Your members serve as key leaders in many of the committees and your shelter has raised the bar for the other churches to reach. Thanks for your financial, spiritual, and leadership help. It would not be the same without you. Thanks again, may God Bless You for your kindness. Sincerely, John T. Conrad - 10 - Facts & Figures Designated Ministries Offering Thru November 30 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! For the World World Hunger Appeal $5,122 Global Missions $28,897 Harvest Sunday $2,459 ...for your generosity, support, and partnership in ministries here at Bethel, to our community, and to God’s world. “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us.” (2 Corinthians 9:11) Average Worship Attendance November 273 For the Community CCAP $3,193 Jones Music Fund $6,886 Good Samaritan $1,310 For the Bethel Community Student Missions $918 Jubilee/Mortgage Principal $63,316 Special Offerings Bethel Park $8,201 Principal Balance on Mortgage as of December 27, 2013 Principal Balance on Mortgage as of November 20, 2014 Decrease in Mortgage Principal 2014 $569,018.90 $473,273.35 $95,745.55 Ministry Spending Plan (MSP) Update: November 2014 YTD as of November 2014 MSP Offerings % of MSP Needed to meet MSP Actual $43,134 $41,446 96% $474,474 $430,263 91% Total 2014 MSP $517,607 For more detailed information, please visit www.bethelwinchester.com and click on the “Ministries” tab. The most current financial update will be located under the “Publications” headline. Bethel Lutheran Church 2077 North Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603, 540-662-3245 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Closed on Friday) Website: www.bethelwinchester.com E-mail: [email protected] PASTOR The Rev. Dr. David N. Young ([email protected]) Ext. 105 PASTOR EMERITUS The Rev. Dr. Conrad Christianson DIRECTOR OF YOUTH AND FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Bryan Jaster, ([email protected]) Ext. 104 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES George W. Donovan, Jr. ([email protected]) Ext. 102 ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES Darline DeMott ([email protected]) DIRECTOR OF OFFICE MINISTRIES Terri Hollingsworth ([email protected]) Ext. 100 DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Kim Williams ([email protected]) Ext. 103 DIRECTOR OF FACILITY MANAGAEMENT Cliff Crowder ([email protected]) Ext. 106 DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Pat Shields ([email protected]) DIRECTOR OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES Patty White ([email protected]) NURSERY ATTENDENT Gretchen Meade Council Members for 2015 Tom Beyer Bruce Lothrop Traci Shoberg Cory Carlson Karla King Tom Milburn Greg Brondos Julie Shanabrook Adrian Pullen 2015 Bethel Board Chairs Worship Board – Pastor Dave Prayer and Care Board – Irene Cockerham Learning Board – Amy Jaster Servant Board – Dean Cole Congregational Life – Jennifer LaFollette Ministry Support – Shawn Garner
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