AMERICAN SADDLEBRED HORSE ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA NEWSLETTER 1617 MAIDEN LANE, SW ROANOKE, VA 24015 WWW.ASHAV.NET A Message from your President ... As we look forward to the Holiday Season, it is truly a time to give thanks for the many blessings and fortunes of our lives. I hope that all ASHAV members have had a great show season and are looking forward to spending time with their families and friends. The 2014 ASHAV Horse Show has received great reviews. This is thanks to the Sponsors, Volunteers, Exhibitors, Trainers and Kent Moeller our Horse Show Manager who kept things running smoothly. The hard work of the members and the caliber of horses that showed at our 31st Horse Show were outstanding. Our Fun Dog Show was once again much anticipated & exhibitors had lots of fun. New this year was the “Adult” Stick Horse Class and it too was lots of fun and will definitely be added to the prize list for 2015! I hope that everyone remembers that the horse show is our major fundraiser each year and any profits from the show fund most of our programs and charitable donations. If you have not sent in your Sponsorship please do so ASAP. We are trying to close the books on the 2014 show. If you have any suggestions for the 2015 Horse Show, please forward them to any zone director or myself. I want to say a special thank you to the volunteers who give of their time, energy and resources to this organization. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and the biggest “Thank You” to Joann Bedsaul and Mary Dunker who stayed and helped Sunday after the show to pack up! I am impressed by the amount of enthusiasm and commitment that individuals give in support of this organization, each other and the wonderful American Saddlebred Horse. Together, we can make it the number one breed in Virginia! The ASHAV convention will be held March 7th. , at The Natural Bridge Hotel . New this year, it will only be (1) day! The annual business meeting and election of officers & zone directors will be held late Saturday afternoon before dinner, A Silent Auction, ASHAV High Point awards, Junior & Adult Sportsmanship awards as well as the presentation of the Virginia Winter Tournament awards will be presented Saturday evening. We are still working on other activities for the Convention, so stay tuned!! The U.P.H.A. Chapter 18 Spring Riding Clinic will be Febr uar y 20th & 21st, 2015.This is an excellent opportunity to brush up on your riding skills, work on problem areas or learn a new way to do something under the expert guidance of a top trainer. More information to come!! Mark your calendar and plan to attend BOTH! In closing, I have enjoyed serving as your President this year and hope that you have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season. I look forward to seeing you all at the Convention. Sincerely, Carol S. Reedy ASHAV President American Saddlebred Horse Association of Virginia Newsletter Editor: Darlene Foley * 309 Dawnridge Lane * Troutville, VA 24175 (540)312-0715 * E-mail: [email protected] 2014 Officers & Zone Directors President: Carol Reedy 1617 Maiden Lane, SW Roanoke, VA 24015 (540) 982-0581 [email protected] Vice President: Gar y Altizer 1565 Ridge Ave. Crockett, VA 24323 (276) 686-844 [email protected] Secretary: J ennifer Bur ks 240 Burks Rd. Amherst, VA 24521 (434) 660-0658 [email protected] Treasurer: J ennifer Crozier 2406 Constitution Dr. Salem, VA 24153 (540) 387-4312 [email protected] Zone Directors: Zone 1: Lar r y Har tsock 5902 South 71 Castlewood, VA 24224 (276) 794-7656 [email protected] Dana Ellington-Mullins 178 Camper Rd. Ripplemead, VA 24150 (304) 910-0484 [email protected] Zone 2: Lee Hudson 437 Boners Run Rd. Shawsville, VA 24162 (540) 268-2677 [email protected] Heather Dudley 215 Stone Mill Drive Salem, VA 24153 (540) 765-8225 [email protected] Zone 3: Kathie Constable 2133 Richmond, Rd. Troy, VA 22974 (434) 295-5281 [email protected] Zone 4: J oy Bowman 6219 Boydton Plank Rd. Petersburg, VA 23803 (804) 733-6718 [email protected] Robin Williams 565 Deercrest Lane Danville, VA 24541 (434) 685-7863 [email protected] Natalie Hamer 9900 Boze Rd. Ford, VA 23850 (804) 938-4461 [email protected] Heads Up Virginia! Page 3 Zone 5: Casey Sur face 401 Carousel lane Bluefield, WV 24201 (304) 589-3276 [email protected] Alice Martins 10357 Waggy’s Creek Rd. Dayton, VA 22821 (540) 879-9976 [email protected] Gordon Ingram 2656 Dodson Rd. Blairs, VA 24527 (434) 250-5669 [email protected] Liz Dur ham (304) 380-1674 3630 Crede Dr. Charleston, WV 25302 (304) 380-1674 [email protected] Directors at Large: Diane Hauslein 38N Highland St Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 525-9238 [email protected] Karin Banks 2205 Big Lonely Lane Monterey, VA 24465 (540) 468-2943 [email protected] Mary Martha Litz 2916 Oak Grove Ave. Bluefield, WV 24701 (304) 327-5463 Committee Chairman: Membership: Mary [email protected] Futurity: Joann Bedsaul High Points: Carol Reedy News Letter: Darlene [email protected] Convention: Leanne Mayberry Scholarship: Heather Dudley Facebook editors: Heather Dudley & Jennifer Burks Page 4 Heads Up Virginia! The ASHAV Board & Membership send their deepest sympathy to Joann Bedsaul and her family for the loss of her father. The ASHAV Board & Membership send their sympathy to Maria Hall Miller and family for the loss of her mother. CH Callaway’s B. Gratz Brown Memorial Perpetual Trophy Tonight we are establishing the CH Callaway’s B. Gratz Brown Memorial Perpetual trophy in the Show Pleasure Driving Championship. This Trophy is given in loving memory and honor of a wonderful horse that always had his ears up and a sparkle in his eyes even when his health was not the best. If Benjy had been a human, he would have been a great motivational speaker, always looking on the bright side of the situation and giving 150% to everything he did. He was a Champion to everyone whose life he touched and will forever be missed by his Meadow Wood family and owner Karin Banks. Heads Up Virginia! Page 5 A Very Special “Thank You” to the 2014 ASHAV Horse Show Sponsors A Friend of ASHAV Alice & Pete Martens Alice & Tyler Nunley Atkinson Construction Beaver Creek Farm Becky & Jim Tobey Bent Tree Farm, LTD. Beth Odom Cheatham Betty & Allison Pullin "In Memory of Sheriff Gaines" Bill Heizer Stables Billy Boggess Blankenship & Associates Insurance Services Blue Ribbon Auction Services Blue Ribbon Horse Show Services Blue Spruce Farm-Pete & Alice Martens Bob Bratton in Memory of Sue Sloat Bob Stephenson Burt Honaker The Murphy Family Carol S. Reedy Carolyn Vaughan & Jimmy Kindle Carousel Farm Carson Kressley Cherrystone Veterinary Hospital Commotion!!-Heather Marcguafava Cornerstone-Fred & Karen Sarver Countryside Stables & Ingram Farrier Services Crystal Creek Farm Dale & Becky Sheets Dale Lee Dan & Jennifer Joiner Dana Ellington Mullins Dawson Kegley Designs Inc./Dee Kegley Debbie Lillycrop Dennis Kincaid's Painting Karen C. Shriver Kathie Constable Kathryn Anderson Keith Cupp/Blue Grass Horseman Kenny & Ceil Wheeler Kim Dunn Kim Dunn Kim Houck L. Gerald Carter Larry Hartsock-Walter Way Hills Farm Laura Bumgarner Lawrence & Barbara Beard Lawyers Title of Princeton-Tom Lilly Lesley Cox Longacre Stables Lost Unicorn Stables-Betty Byrd Mamma Maria's Mark & Leanne Mayberry Mary & Ken Dunker Mary Martha Litz Matt Shiflet Stables Meadow Wood Stables Melissa Rogers Mercer Springs Farm Mid-Atlantic Saddlebred Association Monique Hall Nancy Peterson Chris & Melissa Alley Pat Maxey Patty Hylton Pisgah's Lofty Height's Farm & McKinney PJ Huffer Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Pris Barber R & N Stables (Continued on page 6) A Special Thank-You to all the 2014 ASHAV Horse Show Sponsors Page 6 Heads Up Virginia! (Continued from page 5) Dolores Doyle Donna Musgrave Dr. Chip Pugh Dr. Owen Weaver Edward J. Wright Emily Uy Equine Movers LLC-Matt Wittig Equine Photography/Judy Robichaux Equustock, LLC Erika Hamer Field & Road Repairs Fourie Stables Fox Grape Farm Gary Altizer Stables George Chocklett Ginny Kauffelt Golden Leaf Bistro Henley Gabeau Hollybrook Mulch & Sawdust In Honor of R.H. "Dick" Coffman, retired farrier In Loving Memory of "Shauna in Gray" In Memory of Gray T. Sheets/The Barron Family Inkeberry Orchards J.W. Manning, Inc. Jack H. Schwarz, Jr. DDS Family Dentistry Janet Sterba Jarrod N. Farmer, Nationwide Insurance Jason, Lisa & Olivia Horan JC Pierce Jeff & Sandy Whittington Jennifer Croizer Jerel Johnson Farrier Service Jim Chisom Jimmy Nixon Joann Bedsaul John Bare Johnson's Farrier Service Joy Bowman Judith Gandarillas Julie Forehand Debbie Ohlson Double A Farm ALPHA Natural Resources Services LLC Rexrode Masonry & Tile, Inc. Riverview Stables South-Kimberly Humphreys Rob & Melanie Lewis Robert Ralston Robin Williams Roger D. Noell Pump Sales & Service Ronald W. Hoseholder, DDS Rover Make Overs Pet Grooming Russell County Cooperative Saddlebreds-R-Us Sally & Willy Snider Sam L. Whited Shawsville Pharmacy, Inc. Shelter Alternatives Southern Classic Auto Wash Southern States Cooperative, Inc. (Richmond) Southern States of Christiansburg-Adam Pearson Southern States Petersburg, VA Southern States SHOW Program Stacey Wright Stephanie Sanchez Steve Hanks Sun Chemical/Charles L. Dawson Suzanne S. Blair Suzy Shiflet/Pine View Stables Taylor Made Farm Temple Boitnott The Bank of Fincastle The Big Lonely, Karin Banks The Ellington Family The Scearce Family & The Hubbard Family The Tack Room-Cindy Quick Jones Tom & Irene Brock Tom F. Fitchett, Complex Manager Wells Fargo Tracy Phillips-Phillips Insurance Agency Truck Thermo King, Inc. UPHA Chapter 18 V & M Trucking Valley MicroComputers, Inc Virginia Winter Tournaments Washington County Veterinary Services Heads Up Virginia! Page 7 One of ASHAV’s very own has published a book that can be purchased on All The Little Horses A tale of Horses, Murder & Revenge By: Bland Craig Page 8 Heads Up Virginia! MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THESE IMPORTANT DATES FEBRUARY 20 & 21, 2015 and MARCH 7, 2015 For: UPHA Chapter 18 Spring Riding Clinic, Feb. 20th & 21st Where: Virginia Horse Center More Information to come! And For: The 2015 ASHAV Convention!!!! March 7th Where: Natural Bridge Hotel, Lexington VA New this Year: Only One day! Silent Auction, General Membership meeting, election of officers, Awards Dinner, and much, much more!!! More Information coming!!! Heads Up Virginia! Page 9 ASHA CHARTER CLUB COUNCIL (CCC) REPORT October 27, 2014 The Council’s primary focus this year has evolved into working with the ASHA Marketing Committee efforts to promote the breed, to define and reach their goals. A CCC steering committee was appointed for that purpose. Briefly, the overall goals are: to increase membership in ASHA; to help chapters increase membership; to increase participation among young adults targeting those who are moving from juvenile ranks to increase Saddlebred foal registrations to increase lesson programs, and how best to present our breed to the general public. Members of ASHA have been advised recently (in their e-news) of a change in membership structure and fees. Briefly, one way to retain and promote membership is to lower the fees for people who do not compete in horse shows but would like to stay connected. Foal registrations have been on the decline. Thus it follows that in order to have a market for breeders to sell to; more must be done to introduce the breed to the public. ASHA encourages charter clubs to do more to promote the breed, such as participating in expos, having an information booth at the shows with audiences drawn from state/county/regional fairs, taking part in parades, entering local open shows, etc. Marketing material is available to the clubs from ASHA. Assistance from ASHA in the form of grants to aid in increasing lesson programs is still under discussion. At the October CCC meeting, Allen Bosworth presented the recent draft of the ASHA Marketing Committee Initiatives. The goals form a pyramid creating “a logical path for people to progress through the various stages of interaction with the breed”. The hierarchy of Saddlebred showing is outlined as follows: Instruction - This is the broad base of the pyramid with initiatives underway to “increase the number of people, particularly youth, who seek instruction using American Saddlebreds, especially Saddle Seat”. Academy – The goal is “ to have people move from “ Instruction” to Academy in a cost effective way that allows them to have a rewarding experience”. Initiatives are underway to explore methodologies for “standardizing” Academy definition and enforcement. Show Rider – The goal is “to create a transition from Academy to actually owning a horse and a place where people who may never own a horse a place to show successfully”. Initiatives are underway to define and promote “Show Rider” classes to be held in conjunction with Academy. Select Series – Creating a series of shows and/or classes at shows that focuses on ways to reward lower to middle market horses in competition continues to be a goal. Performance Showing – At the top of the pyramid is show ring performance/riding as we know it today”. The goal is to “work to introduce a broader array of classes to shows including Hunter and Western and to publish best practices for drawing crowds”. (Continued on page 10) Page 10 Heads Up Virginia! (Continued from page 9) Notes: Academy: A CCC committee has been formed to come up with recommendations for ASHA uniform guidelines for the Academy Division. New Award: A CCC committee has been formed to recommend ways to reward stables that do the most to promote the breed. News on Reconfiguration of the ASHA Regional Map: After much consideration, the CCC is in agreement to recommend that ASHA adopt the new regional map with all of Pennsylvania remaining in Region 11 (with New Jersey, New York, Maryland and Delaware). ASHA was willing to slice eastern and western PA but learned that it would require excessive programming of the data base and the cost would run into thousands of dollars. This is because USEF does not normally split a state and regional/zone HOY awards are based on location of horse owner whereas ASHA awards are based on location of where the competitions are located. The new regional map will take effect in 2015 for ASHA and 2016 for USEF. As with each and every goal or effort to promote the American Saddlebred, the Council continuously seeks input from ASHA charter club members. Please contact me with your comments, thoughts and suggestions. They are always welcomed and encouraged. The next meeting of the Council is scheduled November 17th. Carol Reedy Region 11 Delegate [email protected] Don’t forget that we will also have Junior Judging at many shows. All interested youth at welcomed to participate. There is no cost and it is a lot of fun to see if you can match the Judges’ placements in the classes. Heads Up Virginia! Page 11 Virginia Horse Center Launches Annual Fund Campaign If you have visited the Virginia Horse Center recently you may have noticed improvements “in the works” as well as a variety of recently completed improvements. These include grading and surfacing of roadways, newly painted roofs on barns, the Wiley grandstand and other outbuildings, filling and grading of stall floors in all barns, new footing in the Wiley arena and upgraded lighting in the Anderson Coliseum. Earlier this year, we also made significant changes to our food service offering and delivery which has received very positive feedback to date. Thanks to a major gift from the Virginia Dressage Association this summer, the Blue Hen restaurant (formerly known as The Winner’s Circle) has re-opened to offer food and beverages from this location in addition to the service available in the Coliseum and in the vans located around the facility. All of these improvements were made possible through the generosity of individual donors, organizations and supporters just like you. The Virginia Horse Center has served our equestrian community for over a quarter of a century and just as in the past, each fall marks the launch of the Annual Fund Campaign. These unrestricted gifts make an impact every day in every area by bridging the financial gap for annual operating and program expenses as well as facility improvements. During 2014, 96 events will take place at the VHC, and in the coming years that number will increase. Along with that increase is an ongoing commitment from the Board and staff to ensure that the Virginia Horse Center is the very best that it can be for all visitors and participants. Future goals include hosting world class equestrian events and our collective efforts today will ensure our ability to secure those events here in Virginia in the future. For those of you who have supported the VHC with donations in past, management and the Board would like to extend a sincere “Thank you.” If you have not made a gift, please consider making a one this year. Gifts can be made on the web site at or through contacting a staff member at 540-464-2950. Checks to support the Annual Fund can be mailed to The Virginia Horse Center Foundation, 487 Maury River Road, Lexington, VA 24450. Page 12 Heads Up Virginia! Lynn Via Memorial Perpetual Trophy Tonight we are establishing the Lynn Via Memorial Perpetual Open Fine Harness Trophy. Lynn Via, American Saddlebred enthusiast and breeder, passed away earlier this year and left a void that will be hard to fill. Her odyssey began in the 1980’s with her marriage to Peter Via, who introduced her to the breed he loved. At that time he was acquiring some of the top horses in the country as he began to build Fox Grape Farm. Lynn and daughter Owen Weaver were caught up in the excitement. The acquisition of the mare Garland’s Dream as a three year old was an auspicious start, as she went on to be the Five-Gaited World’s Champion in 1998 and 1999 and the dam of several champions including Fox Grape’s Dauntless, the 2011 World’s Champion of Champions in Ladies Five Gaited and Don O’Neill Open Walk Trot RWGC. Other champions owned by the Vias include Callaway’s Forecaster, Callaway’s Copyright, My Chanel, Himalaya, and Fox Grapes The Tiger Lily. The great Hall of Fame broodmare Yorkshire Pudding was purchased from Joan Hamilton and became the foundation for Fox Grape Farm’s breeding program. The first foal raised by Lynn was Deep Blue, who went on to be Reserve World’s Champion as a two year old in harness. Fox Grape Farm had four foals this year and expects five next year. Lynn did not ride or drive, but always said, “I like being the support team”. Horses were her passion, but she loved all animals. To the chagrin of her trainers, she hugged and talked to her horses and gave them treats. When a horse had a bad show, she would have a talk with the horse back at the stall. She loved all the great friends she made in the American Saddlebred business. The June 16, 2014 publication of Saddle Horse Report said it best: “All in all, the American Saddlebred world is a better place because of her passion, thoughtfulness and determination. And you better believe that all those representing the Fox Grape banner will be giving their utmost effort to live up to the standards she set.” Heads Up Virginia! Page 13 ASHAV Breeder of the Year ASHAV’s Breeders Hall of Fame has been established to recognize individuals for their successful breeding operations which have made an impact on the American Saddlebred breed and industry. Showing a proven serious interest in the betterment for the breed. Castlewood, Virginia is home to our next honoree. We’ve all heard the name “Walterway’s” repeatedly in winner’s circle across the country. These champions were proudly bred by Larry Hartsock who has been supplying the show ring with stars for more than 25 years, honoring his late father with the name “Walterway’s”. Before he started breeding world’s title holders our honoree showed CH Tara to a Reserve World’s Championship behind Going Big Time back in 1978. Among the stallions Larry has stood over the years are Sultan’s Agape, Sultan’s Triumph, and RWC Star Material. When crossed with Yorktown’s Forget-Me-Not, Star Material produced nine-time World Champion & 2012 Ladies 5-Gaited National Champion “Walterway’s Remember Me”, as well as “Walterway’s What About Me”, “WC Walterway’s Pardon Me” and RWC Walterway’s Headline Material. Among others bred by the Virginia horseman, were world’s title holders “Walterway’s Spin The Bottle”, “Walterway’s Watch Me”, “Walterway’s Church Me”, “Hollywood Agent”, “Finest Material” and “Hollywood Material”. Today the stallions “Exalted Effect”, “Walterway’s Wild & Wooly” and “Roseridge More Traditional” carry on the tradition. Exalted Effect sired the 2012 WC ASR Futurity Weanling & 2013 RWC ASR Futurity Amateur Yearling, “Walterway’s Here Wego”. This year at the World Championships, Larry’s yearling, Walterway’s Think Big won the Amateur Yearling KY Futurity. Also, Exalted Effect sired the WC KY Futurity and WC KY Amateur Weanling, “Whassup? Who is out of CH Pucker Up and bred by the Wheelers. For his dedication to the betterment of the American Saddlebred Horse through his breeding program, we are pleased to present Larry Hartsock the ASHAV 2013 & 2014 Breeder of the Year Award. Page 14 Heads Up Virginia! Junior Judging Winners at the 2014 World Championship Horse Show The American Saddlebred Horse Association held it’s annual Junior Judging Contest Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2014 and Friday Aug. 22, 2014. The United States Equestrian Federation sponsored the event and R.F. Fennell Co. and Andrea Harmeyer Johns provided prizes for the winners of both divisions. First through eighth place winners in both divisions received USEF gift cards to the American Saddlebred Museum and Gift Shop. Horse show judging is an important part of ASHAV Youth programs. The contests are an educational way for young people to learn about judging while being educated about class specifications and show procedures for judging American Saddlebreds. Contestants were required to judge at least four, but no more than six classes Tuesday and Friday mornings during the World’s Championship Horse Show. Judging was done individually and from a designated area. No outside assistance was allowed. Billie Byrd, a student at Meadow Wood, receiving her awards after winning first prize in the Jr Judging contest at the Worlds’ Championship horse show ! Winners of each age group (13 and Under and 17 and Under) were recognized Friday night in center ring. R.E. Fennell Co. awarded a show bridle to the 13 & under winner: Bille Byrd of Roanoke VA, and Katie McCray of Gordonsville VA, winner of the 17 & under age group received a Saddlebred print by artist Andrea Hartmeyer Johns. Congratulations to ASHAV member Billie Byrd! Heads Up Virginia! Page 15 Scholarship Winner 2014 The ASHAV scholarship committee searches for a scholarship applicant that is 21 years of age and under, at grade 11 or higher, who demonstrate financial need, a commitment to the American Saddlebred industry and academic success. We would not be able to present this year’s award without the generous contribution by Alpha National Resources Services, LLC. Thank you for allowing us to continue and support our young adults, in their education and in the future of the American Saddlebred industry. This year’s winner embodies all of these characteristics and more. She graduated from Eastern Montgomery High School in June of 2012 and is currently a sophomore at Christopher Newport University, in pursuit of a marketing degree and leadership studies minor. She hopes to work in the fashion or equine marketing industry with a focus on photography. A faithful member of ASHAV, some say she was practically born in a barn. She was in her mother’s arms, at the barn, when she was days old and rode in a backpack as her mother worked and trained horses at Bent Tree Farm. At the age of three, she received a mixed breed pony named Cisco, with whom she learned grooming and basic riding skills. Over the years, she has taken lessons on and shown American Saddlebreds, Friesians and Hackney Ponies. She has been instructed by many amazingly talented trainers and appreciates the fact that she has an exceptional support system. Her mom has been and will always be her instructor, but her first formal lessons began at age five, with Nancy Troutman, at Meadow Wood Stables. She has since leased the Country Pleasure horse Champion Curly Day, in 2008, and was coached by the gelding’s owner, Lesley Cox, in the Juvenile Country Pleasure (13 and Under) division. Continuing to ride at Meadow Wood Stables, she had the opportunity to show Proof Perfect, in the Juvenile Show Pleasure (14-17) Division. She showed Proof Perfect, also known as Chief, for the Joiner family, under the knowledgeable guidance of Jennifer Joiner. She also had the pleasure of showing Champion Shamrock’s Versace, for Rebecca Tobey, in the Juvenile Country Pleasure (14-17) Division and the Western Country Pleasure Division, under the direction of Nancy Troutman. In 2009, she received the two year old, Lovin’ Louie. Louie became our winner’s project. With minimal outside guidance, she has worked, trained and shown Louie, in the juvenile show and country pleasure divisions and has continued into the adult country pleasure, show pleasure and equitation divisions. Learning techniques in training and riding from her mother, Lee Hudson, as well as Nancy Troutman, Lesley Cox and other greats, she continues to grow in her showing and training ability, with occasional lessons and guidance from Smith and Alexandra Lilly, of Mercer Springs Farms. (Continued on page 16) Page 16 Heads Up Virginia! (Continued from page 15) Her positive attitude, maturity and intelligence make her a role model for all ages. She has worked diligently to support her equine endeavor, from assisting in the preparation for upcoming shows to spending countless hours helping with the instruction of up and coming riders, and young horses. She has been an active youth and now active adult member of ASHAV, for nine years. Our recipient has arranged and judged the ASHAV horseless horse show and in 2011 and 2012, constructed the ASHAV fund raising slide show. She was awarded the ASHAV Youth Sportsmanship Award in 2006 and the ASHAV Distinguished Service Award in 2012. Additionally, she is a member of the Young Adult Committee at the American Saddlebred Museum, where she is an active supporter of their fund raising programs. The ASHAV scholarship committee could not have chosen a more rounded young woman. She has not only served and supported many grass root shows, the United Professional Horsemen’s Association, the American Hackney Horse Society, the United States Equestrian Federation and ASHAV, but was also on the Eastern Montgomery A/B honor roll, a member of the National Honor Society, DECA, Interact, Photography and National Beta Club. While in college, she has served as a volunteer with the Warwick Single-room Occupancy Shelter and worked diligently on the Peninsula Dream Center Prom Dress Event. While riding, volunteering and spending countless hours on academic work and community service projects, our winner has also taken a large leap towards her future career goal and has begun her own photography and ad editing business. She plans to keep horses a part of her life, for as long as she is able; hoping to make them a part of her future career, whether with training or documenting their grace, by camera. Our winner has been heard to say, “The American Saddlebred is a free spirited breed bursting at the seams with personality. Riding a nice Saddlebred is an indescribable thrill. I have learned that showing is not entirely about winning, it’s about striving to do you and your horse's best. My mount and I may not always see eye to eye, but we work through our differences and come together as a team.” ASHAV is honored to recognize such an upstanding citizen and this year’s scholarship recipient. We wish her much success in all her future endeavors. Congratulations Miss Anna Tucker Hudson Heads Up Virginia! Page 17 ASHAV HALL OF FAME 2014 SANDY LILLY Tonight we induct into the ASHAV Hall Of Fame a lady who has truly had a hall of fame career. From teaching beginners as they started their journey in the horse world to winning a World's Grand Championship to judging major competitions, Sandy Lilly has done it all in our sport, and done it with undeniable class and integrity. In 1988 Sandy won the Five Gaited Championship at the very first ASHAV show held here at the Horse Center with the fantastic and unforgettable grey mare, Shauna In Grey, owned by Mary Martha Litz. Sandy and her team at Mercer Springs Farm have been a part of every ASHAV show since. In 2008, Sandy achieved the ultimate goal in the Saddlebred world, winning a World's Grand Championship with the glorious Fine Harness mare, CH Mother Mary, owned by Anita and Richard Simpson. In between, Sandy began and ran a public riding lesson program, creating countless new Saddlebred owners and enthusiasts. As the program grew, she hired Alexandra Hayes to help teach, and the program expanded to over 80 lessons a week. Alexandra, who had spent most of her life in Colorado, was asked why she would pick up and move to West Virginia to join a fledgling lesson program. Her reply, "Sandy can be very convincing!" says a lot about our honoree. Sandy believes in the greatness of the American Saddlebred as a breed, believes in the greatness of our sport in teaching life lessons to children and their families, and loves a great show horse. If you need to be convinced, just ask Sandy! Sandy's son Smith moved home to join the Mercer Springs team in 1995. He and Alexandra were married in 2000, and the trio have proved a formidable team, winning well over 100 world titles. Family is very important to our honoree. She and husband Tom have called Mercer Springs home since his discharge from the Army in 1971. Son Wyatt, a popular horse show announcer, and his children also live on the farm. Our honoree also believes in giving back to the sport she loves. She spent 8 years on the board of the ASHA, is a respected USEF judge and proud member of UPHA Chapter 18. For her accomplishments as a teacher, trainer, exhibitor, breeder, judge and mentor, please join me in congratulating Sandy Lilly on her induction into the ASHAV Hall Of Fame! Page 18 Heads Up Virginia! ASHAV High Point Standings As of November 12, 2014 Open Five Gaited Rappe' Time Attached The Jade Hunter He's Downtown Brown Treasure The Glory Leatherwood's Better Than Ever Blueberry Yum Yum I'm All dressed Up Danny & Nancy Troutman Morgan Hylton Sherri Surface Sherri Surface Andre Fourie Rebecca Williams Kathie Constable 970 690 380 280 70 0 0 0 Amateur Five Gaited CH Callaway's Ball of Fire Mucha Muchacha Thunder's Fair Lady I'm All dressed Up Something Perfect The Daily Show Blueberry Yum Yum Austin Hazelwood Charity Bishop Antonius A. Miller Kathie Constable Summer Wyatt Kelcey Beech Rebecca Williams 1300 827.5 740 295 160 160 0 Juvenile Five Gaited Time Attached Master of the Universe Morgan Hylton Morgan Hylton 160 20 Adult Five Gaited Pleasure Something Perfect L.A. Sir Top Hat The Daily Show CH Callaway's Ball of Fire Summer Wyatt Leigh Kauffelt Kelcey Beech Austin Hazelwood 850 340 160 160 Juvenile 5-Gaited Pleasure Harlem's Class Act Danny Ocean Master of the Universe The Jade Hunter Megan Schultz Owned by: Nancy & Danny Troutman/Shown by: Kathy Hall Morgan Hylton Charlie Haster 1440 870 450 240 5-Gaited Pony Undulata's Kipling Morgan Hylton 1240 Fine Harness Take Me Home Tonight Captain Breckingridge I'm Mighty Bewitching Fox Grape's Limitless Carol S. Reedy Owned by:Debra & Michael Ohlson/Shown by: Bobby Burgess Owned by: Lesley Melvin/Shown by: Janet Webster Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Joe Ellington 1940 1540 1070 440 Open Three Gaited Shadow Mountain Mattalee My Twinkles Toes Owned by: Ginny Kauffelt/Showned by: Leigh Kauffelt Morgan Hylton 460 420 Amateur 3-Gaited UnChaperoned Carol S. Reedy 1930 Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Dana Ellington Mullins Junior Five Gaited Heads Up Virginia! Page 19 Shadow Mountain Mattalee Miss Divine Juvenile 3-Gaited LuLu Guinness My Twinkles Toes HS Daydream Believe In Me Intensiphi Junior 3-Gaited Shadow Mountain Black Ice Owned by: Ginny Kauffelt/Showned by: Leigh Kauffelt Kelcey Beech 830 480 Owned by: Snider Farms/Shown by: Frankie Sue Snider Owned by: Tim & Tammy Bowen/Shown by: Kari Harding 1120 1060 470 80 Owned by: Ginny Kauffelt/Showned by: Casey Surface 1420 Debra Ohlson Owned by: Janet & Eleanor Webster/Shown by: Leslie Melvin Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Dana Ellington Mullins 920 290 180 Kiani Fridley Joy Bowman Rebecca Williams 1610 1200 890 Madison Law Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Joey Ellington Owned by: Debra Ohlson/Shown by: Brittney Ritter Owned by: Tim & Tammy Bawen/Shown by: Kari Harding 1170 240 160 120 Owned by: Snider Farms /Shown by: Andre Fourie 240 Owned by: Joann Bedsaul/ Shown by: Nancy Troutman Pat Yeatts Dana Mullins Karin M. Banks 1360 520 470 390 375 360 160 160 160 160 0 Morgan Hylton Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Joey Ellington 3-Gaited Pony Open 3-Gaited Park Young Money Callaway's Cinnamon Bay Air of Mystery Amateur 3- Gaited Park Indigo Sky CH Cabaret Blues Blueberry Yum Yum Juvenile 3- Gaited Park Gypsy Bay Miss Free bird TS Young Money It's the Chocolate Soldier Junior 3- Gaited Park Stonecroft Tsunami ASB Park Pleasure I'm Romeo Heir's Girl's Pearl's Mount Kilimanjaro Fortunova Because I Said So Custom Stitches Harlem's Diamond Rio Stonecroft Bunami CH Cabaret Blues Callaway's Sneakingout of Here Lady Twinkie ASB Adult Pleasure Positive Out Look Lovin' Louie Custom Stitches That's Final Jatana's Bidding on the Ritz CH Cabaret Blues I Am Chocolate Thunder South Beach Stormy Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Dana Ellington Mullins Austin Hazelwood Lori Ingram Owned by: Snider Farms / Shown by: Andre Fourie Joy Bowman Owned By: Debra Ohlson/Shown by: Bobby Burgess Karin M. Banks Mary Dunker Anna Hudson Austin Hazelwood Jennifer Crozier Owned by: Tommy Barron/Shown by: Leah Barron Wilson Joy Bowman Gerald Carter Kathie Constable 1540 1360 1300 770 400 360 340 55 Page 20 Heads Up Virginia! Juvenile ASB Pleasure 13 & Under A Starless Nite Morelli Leatherwood's Hancock Portree Juvenile ASB Pleasure 14 to 17 Irene York Callaway's Sneakingout of Here Callaway's Cinnamon Bay A Temper Tantrum Lovin' Louie Leatherwood's Highlight Juvenile Pleasure W/T 12 & Under Stir It Up Irish Hill's Mountain Star Morghan & Madison Alley Lisa & Olivia Horan/Shown by: Olivia Horan Maddie Blankenship Owned by: Jennifer Sigmon/Shown by: Corry Morrison 920 900 420 0 Caroline Stephenson Owned by: Debra Ohlson/Shown by: Brittney Ritter 1180 1100 610 570 340 220 Owned by: Janet & Eleanor Webster/Shown by: Eleanor Webster Marie B. Miller/Shown by: Billie Byrd Owned by: Anna Hudson/ Shown by: Samantha Stratton Owned by: Andre Fourie/Shown by: Dre Fourie Dillan Emrich Owned by: Andre Fourie/Shown by: BJ Fourie & Julia Day 1720 1055 ASB Pleasure Driving Michael's Moving Man Wish Came True Private Label Man Janet & Eleanor Webster 1035 Owned by: Janet & Eleanor Webster/Shown by: Janet Webster 660 Owner: Wanda Hensley & Brittney Ritter/Shown by Wanda Hensley 0 ASB Pleasure Prospect George W A Spot Above Owned by: Robert Comptom/Shown by: Dre Fourie Owned by: Elizabeth Durham/Shown by: Amanda Kennedy 320 235 Adult ASB Country Pleasure Marching Royally Giovanni's Primo CH Shamrock's Versace A Spot Above Doris H. Tyler Emily Uy Rebecca Tobey/Shown by: Heather Dudley & Kiani Fridley Owned by: Elizabeth Durham/Shown by: Makayla Hays 1520 1420 420 160 Juvenile ASB Country Pleasure 13 & Under Mountainview's Surpreme Ruler The Oberoi Sudar Bear's Dream Worthy's Blue Chip Portree Leatherwood's Hancock Owned by: Laura Bumgarner/ Shown by: Carlin Bumgarner Owned by: Dana Ellington Mullins/Shown by: Joey Ellington Alexis Jennings Owner by: Rich & Beth Morrison/Shown by: Cory Morrison Owned by: Jennifer Sigmon/Shown by: Corry Morrison Maddie Blankenship 2130 540 340 190 110 90 Juvenile ASB Country Pleasure 14 to 17 RWC CH Stevie Nicks The Musical Link Owned by: Pat Yeatts/ Shown by: Jamie Houck Owned by: Leslie & Whitney Shultz Shown by: Whitney Shultz 1130 0 Juvenile Country Pleasure W/T 12 & Under Mountainview's Elegant Day Kirsten Crouch 2020 ASB Country Pleasure Driving Thomas Edison Sultan's Lovely Boy 940 160 Antonius A. & Stephanie M. Miller Owned by: Wanda Hensley/Shown by: Bonnie Burgess Heads Up Virginia! Page 21 ASB Western Country Pleasure CH Cosmic Sunfire Mountainview's Surpreme Ruler Attache's Candi Kiss Worthy's Blue Chip Judith Gandarillas Owned by: Laura Bumgarner/ Shown by: Carlin Bumgarner Patty Hylton Owner by: Rich & Beth Morrison/Shown by: Cory Morrison 2760 2605 2440 465 ASB Country Hunter Pleasure CH Cosmic Sunfire A Spot Above Champagne's Primrose Perfection M&N's Lady Margaret Judith Gandarillas Owned by: Elizabeth Durham/Shown by: Amanda Kennedy Owned by: Tammy Bowen/Shown by: Elizabeth Durham Owned by: Tim & Tammy Bawen/Shown by: Heather Harding 1640 260 160 80 Model Two Year Old and Under A Kiss Good Bye Danny & Nancy Troutman 320 Open Road Pony Viola Bent Tree Farm 690 Amateur Road Pony Holy Roller Leigh Kauffelt 1460 Juvenile Road Pony Black Jack Blue Grass Impression Chase Tibbs Owned by: Jason Horan/Shown by: Olivia Horan 1390 160 Road Pony Under Saddle Blue Grass Impression Puitzer Prize Who Data! Viola Heartland Revolver You Raise Me Up Owned by: Jason Horan/Shown by: Olivia Horan Owned by: Bent Tree Farm/Shown by; Samantha Stratton Chase Tibbs Owned by: Bent Tree Farm/Shown by: Jamie Houck Owned by: Laura Bumgarner/ Shown by: Carlin Bumgarner Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Joey Ellington 1900 1600 1120 660 240 0 Open Road Horse Starstruch Medea Trump Card Owned by: Michael Ohlson/Shown by: Bobby Burgess Casey Surface 1260 1240 Zack Dillion Casey Surface 380 160 Open Hackney Pony Black Merlin Charles Dawson 960 English Pleasure Pony Gypsy Bay Miss Madison Law 160 Amateur Road Horse Road Horse Under Saddle Run Forest Run Trump Card Open Harness Pony Page 22 Heads Up Virginia! Pleasure Pony Driving Heartland Independence Just Like Daddy Heartland Moon Shot Owned by: Bobby Burgess/ Shown by: Bonnie Burgess Debbie Barron Owned by: Sharon Ellington/Shown by: Joey & Erica Ellington 660 380 0 Div. I Walk-Trot 10 & Under Trainer: Nancy Troutman Kirsten Crouch 680 Div. II 10 & Under Trainer: Bill Heizer Carlin M. Bumgarner 160 Div. III 11 to 13 Trainer: Jennifer Ward Sigmon Cory Morrison 240 Div. V Adult Trainer: Lee Hudson Trainer: Nancy Troutman Anna Hudson Kiani Fridley 420 160 Academy Walk/Trot Trainer: Bobby Burgess Ashley Greer 300 EQUITATION: Div. IV 14 to 17 Judy Robichaux Photography (540) 248-6719 Heads Up Virginia! Page 23 SHOW HORSES FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES BOARDING * TRAINING * LESSONS Ad Rates: Fr ont Cover $75; Inside Cover $50; Back Cover (1/2 page) $40; Half Page (inside) $35, Quarter Page $25, Farm Listing $25 for 1 year Contact Editor for how to submit ad: [email protected] Payments go to ASHAV Treasurer JASON E. MUNCY PRESIDENT PHONE: 540-309-5384 FAX: 540-721-1910 P.O. Box 1091 Salem, VA 24153 540-384-6909 Danny Troutman, Mgr. Nancy Troutman, Tr. & Instructor e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] WWW.COWBOYCOMPUTERSINC.COM 1725 EDWARDSVILLE ROAD HARDY, VA 24101 Rosewall Farms Young quality Saddlebreds available that you will be proud to own. Mrs. Mildred Weiss, Forest, Va. Phone: 1-540-587-6624 *Wedding Receptions *Company Parties Class Reunions* Special Events* *Boarding *Camps *Training *Lessons *Pony Birthday Parties “SOLID GOLD TIME MACHINE” Professional DJ Services And Analog-to-CD Transfers Richard S. Kent 131 Pomona Drive Madison Heights, VA 24572 434-528-3553 Email: [email protected] Our 18th Year LaRue Dowd 16680 W James Anderson Hwy. Buckingham, VA 23921 (434) 983-8181 Page 24 Heads Up Virginia! American Saddlebred Horse Association of Virginia ASHAV Membership Application ALL ASHAV MEMBERSHIPS EXPIRE ON JANUARY 31st Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________________ Reside in County of: ______________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: __________________________________________________________ Membership: (Please check one) New____ Renewal_____ Junior_____ Individual ____ *Family ____ Lifetime _____ *Lifetime Family____ ($10.00) ($20.00) ($30.00) ($250) ($350) Current ASHA Member? Y____ N ____ *Family memberships are for parents, their children under 18, and children over 18 but under 21 who live at home. When lifetime family children no longer qualify for family membership, two family members may retain lifetime membership. Make check payable to ASHAV Mail to: Mary Dunker 5327 Sundance Road Salem, VA 24153 Heads Up Virginia! Page 25 ASHAV ADULT or YOUTH SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD NOMINATION FORM The ASHAV Adult or Youth Sportsmanship Award is designed to recognize an Adult or Youth member of ASHAV who embodies the qualities of a sportsman at ALL times. To be considered for the Awar d, the adult or youth should exhibit fairness, courtesy and consideration for their fellow horsemen, both inside & outside the show ring. The winner of this award is not necessarily a world champion rider, but he/she must possess a world champion Attitude. The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2014. The recipients will be announced at the ASHAV Convention, in March. Please mail nominations to: Carol Reedy, 1617 Maiden Lane, SW, Roanoke, VA 24015. Nominator Name________________________________________ Phone Number:_________________________________________ Nominee’s Name _____________________________Adult_______Youth_____ Nominee’s Address_____________________________________ _____________________________________ Please submit written documentation, with several specific examples, of why you feel this nominee should be considered for the ASHAV Adult or Youth Sportsmanship Award. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Page 26 Heads Up Virginia! 2014 Horse Show Schedule UPHA Chapter 18 Spring Riding Clinic, Feb. 20th & 21st The 2015 ASHAV Convention!!!! March 7th Watch for the Winter Horse Shows TOURNAMENT DATES NOVEMBER 29th JANUARY 10th FEBRUARY 7th FEBRUARY 21st All will be at the VHC Deadlines for Newsletter Submissions: February/March Issue: February 4 (info about Convention, ODF, Bonnie Blue) June issue: May 15 (info about RVHS) September issue: August 15 (info about ASHAV show) December issue: November 15 (Chr istmas/ New Year / Winter Shows) Heads Up Virginia! Page 27 Easy Fund Raising Opportunity! Wow! This is a way each of us can help support ASHAV without spending any extra money and very, very little time! If you buy your horse feed at Southern States, all you have to do is save the proof of purchase labels from your feed bags or keep your receipts if you buy in bulk, turn those in to our organization and we will get money for them! Lori Gordon has graciously agreed to collect the proofs of purchases and receipts for ASHAV and to send them in to Southern States. This can be a very big job, and with your help, we hope to keep Lori so busy that she will need an assistant! So start sending in those proofs of purchase. Thank you for helping ASHAV! CLIP THE PROOF-OF-PURCHASE SEALS FOR ASHAV Southern States’ Special Horse Organization Winners (SHOW) Program helps turn empty feed bags into cash for horse-related organizations. Nonprofit breed associations and horse clubs are eligible. Currently more than 300 groups are earning money through the SHOW Program. Here’s how it works: Register your organization with Southern States in Richmond, VA, then get everyone to clip and save the proof-of-purchase seals found on the back of each bag of feed purchased at a Southern States store. For bulk feed purchases, submit the customer copy of the delivery ticket. For every bag of Legends or Triple Crown feed, your organization will receive 25 cents, and $10 per ton on delivered bulk feed. Reliance feeds are also included at a smaller rebate amount. Mail your proof-of-purchase seals to: VA 24527 Lori Gordon, 2625 Dodson Rd., Blairs, American Saddlebred Horse Association of Virginia Newsletter 1617 Maiden Lane, SW Roanoke, VA 24015 Place Stamp Here Address Service Requested November/December 2014 A LOOK AT WHAT’S INSIDE! Letter from your President Cover Officers 2 Sympathy 4 A Very Special Thank You to Our Sponsors 5 Important Dates ~ Mark your calendars 8 ASHA Charter Club Council Report 9 Virginia Horse Center Launches Annual Fund Campaign 11 Lynn Via Memorial Perpetual Trophy 12 ASHAV Breeder of the Year 13 Junior Judging Winners 14 Scholarship Winner 2014 15 ASHAV Hall of Fame 17 High Points 18 The Bulletin Board 23 2014 Horse Show Schedule 26
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