FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH FAMILY OF CHAMPIONS ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2013 / 9:00 – 10:30 AM AGENDA Prayer (Approval of Agenda) II. Reading of the 2012 Business Meeting Minutes (Approval of Minutes) Dannete Wilkerson III. Presentation of Revised Church By‐Laws Elder Board members Marc Little, Claude Lataillade, and Marvin Jackson IV. Video Annual Report Pastor George Thompson (Church Highlights) V. Presentation of 2012 Financial Report (Financial Highlights) VI. Presentation of 2013 Budget VII. Acceptance of 2013 Budget VIII. Vision 2013 IX. Pastor Steven D. Johnson, CFO Bishop Ulmer and Congregation Bishop Kenneth C. Ulmer Closing Remarks 333 W. Florence Ave. / Inglewood, CA 90301 / P: 310.330.8000 / BUILDING CHAMPIONS FOR DIVINE DEPLOYMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH PAGE 1 MINUTES OF THE FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING LIVING ROOM — INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2012 — 9:00 A.M. I. Prayer The FCBC annual business meeting was opened in prayer by Pastor George Thompson. II. Minutes The 2011 Business Meeting Minutes were read by Ms. Danette Wilkerson. Motion: Upon a Motion duly made by Lucious Hicks and properly seconded by Maurice Lackey, the 2011 Business Meeting Minutes were approved and accepted. III. 2011 Overview (Pastor George Thompson reporting.) The 2011 “Year in Review” report included the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Discipleship: In 2011 we continued the four elements of SOAP: Being fed, feeding ourselves, feeding others. FCBC and the Music Ministry bid farewell to Barbara Allen, Minister of Music, who retired after 50 years of service. The Takeover Ministry said farewell to two of its leaders: Kirk Franklin and Davin Baptiste. The Stewardship Ministry served over 500 individuals with seminars and classes. The Community Service Ministry led over 25 people to Christ and served over 500 individuals. Dr. Polite and the Counseling Department clocked 4,500 hours in counseling individuals. Pastor Jordan and the bereavement team served in 118 funerals. Over 20 young men graduated from the Rites of Passage program. The No Longer Bound Ministry served 43 women who successfully completed their 13‐week groups and over 99 aborted babies were named and memorialized. Over 328 people received either full‐time or part time jobs through the Employment Resource and Career Development Center. 500 plus children were served under the Christian Education Ministry with over 145 rotating volunteers. Issachar Initiative served hundreds in the “Get On The Bus,” Campaign, Union Rescue Mission, L.A. Regional Food Bank, Habitat For Humanity, and the Children’s Hunger Fund, The Media Ministry changed its name to Production Services and started a Youth Media Training Program. The Political Action Committee celebrated 15 years and impacted over 5,000 people with the health care forums, MTA Crenshaw Rail Project redistricting and voter registration drives. 333 W. Florence Ave. / Inglewood, CA 90301 / P: 310.330.8000 / BUILDING CHAMPIONS FOR DIVINE DEPLOYMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH PAGE 2 MINUTES OF THE FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING LIVING ROOM — INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA • The Senior Ministry continues to grow and is thriving. • The Intercessory Prayer Team prayed for 16,420 prayer requests that were received on the back of the offering envelopes. • FCBC served in 80 baptisms, 85 baby dedications, 67 Baccalaureate participants and 700 boxes of love were distributed. IV. Forum Report: (Elder Marc Little reporting.) The Year 2011 was the best year since ownership of the Forum. Because of Bishop Ulmer’s relationship with Prince, the Forum hosted 15 Prince shows, and overall a total of 22 shows performed at the Forum. Denise Williams, the first African American female to manage a sports and entertainment venue was appointed to manage the Forum, and with her proceeds, Ms. Williams started a transitional home for women. The sale of the Forum ran into a huge obstacle in 2011 when the California Redevelopment Agency was abolished and, along with it, the $23.6 million that the City of Inglewood had allocated toward the $80 million transaction that Madison Square Garden was trying to accomplish at the Forum. However, the City of Inglewood was able to put together tax exempt bonds and other forms of funding to contribute $18 million instead of the $23.6. As a result of the prayers of the people, the Forum transaction is still pending. V. Financial and Operations Report: (Dr. Steven Johnson reporting.) Year 2011 was a year of continued organizational growth in that we clarified how we operated as a business and met strategic goals guided by a goal setting program called “Best Year Yet.” From that process a long term plan for many aspects of the Ministry at FCBC emerged, particularly the emphasis on the discipleship process. Long‐term and short‐term plans were made to upgrade all of the buildings. The Tabernacle received a new air/heating unit; rod iron pedestrian gates, fences and sanctuary doors are being replaced. The Trinity Building received major repairs due to water damage and leakage issues. Upgrades were made to Levels A and B restrooms in the Trinity Building. Technology improvements have been made with upgrading the bandwidth and 35 new computers were installed. The Membership database has been upgraded to online access and the FCBC website has been revamped. 333 W. Florence Ave. / Inglewood, CA 90301 / P: 310.330.8000 / BUILDING CHAMPIONS FOR DIVINE DEPLOYMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH PAGE 3 MINUTES OF THE FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING LIVING ROOM — INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA A. The 2011 Revenue and Expense Report for FCBC is as follows: Donation Income Total Income: $8,162,845 $8,652,823 Expenses: $7,921,693 The major expense items include the following: Missions and Outreach: $1,044.024 Ministry $1,387,883 General and Administrative $3,365,825 Property Operations: $ 758,987 Capital Improvements/debt service: $1,064,974 *Net gain through 12/2011: $731,130 Assets: Bank Accounts (As of 12/2011): Property/Plant/Equipment: $2,922,987 $35,643,512 Liabilities: Accounts Payable/Accrued Expenses: $380,776 Notes Payable $9,949,171 ($117,019 better than budget) ($69,619 less than budget) ($1.8 million is restricted) (includes the church note of $949,171 refinanced in 2011 and $500,000 line of credit.) B. The 2011 Revenue and Expense Report for the Forum is as follows: Net Revenue: Expenses: *Net gain through 12/2011: $4,152,195 $2,354,611 $1,797,584 Liabilities: ECCU Note (Forum): Total Consolidated Liabilities: $15,661,815 $31,435,749 Fund Balances: (What we have if we pay off what we owe) Restricted funds: Unrestricted $87,146 $8,355,901 (Rainbow Sparrow, Haiti, Agape Missions) 333 W. Florence Ave. / Inglewood, CA 90301 / P: 310.330.8000 / BUILDING CHAMPIONS FOR DIVINE DEPLOYMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2012 FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH PAGE 4 MINUTES OF THE FAITHFUL CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH BUSINESS MEETING LIVING ROOM — INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA C. 2012 Budget: The 2012 budget supports moving to the new discipleship model and was presented in booklet form. The 2012 budget anticipates increased income of $325,225 to 8,968,048 through special events, increased membership and tithing and Forum revenues of $1,075,700. As of the end of February 2012, the Forum has no scheduled events or rehearsals; however, income is anticipated over the course of months form the pending sale. Proposed Church expenses for 2012 are $8,905,402, which includes principal and interest/debt payments and capital improvements. The Church anticipates additional staffing to transition to the discipleship model and also anticipates the addition of satellite operations and special event expenses: we will be celebrating three milestones for the church and Bishop Ulmer: 30 years of Pastoral leadership, Bishop and First Lady Togetta’s 35th Wedding Anniversary and Bishop Ulmer’s 65th birthday. Forum expenses will decline to $1,074,476, including debt service when the Forum is sold. The 2012 budget is requesting combined proposed revenue in the amount of $10,043,748; combined proposed expenses of $ 9,979,848 and a proposed net gain of $63,900. After the budget presentation, questions were received from the floor, after which, Dr. Johnson asked permission to conditionally accept and approve the budget subject to Elder Board approval and any adjustments in spending. Motion: Upon a Motion duly made by Maurice Lackey and properly seconded by Joe Clayton, the 2012 budget was conditionally accepted and approved pending Elder Board approval. VI. Bishop Ulmer Comments: Bishop Ulmer thanked the Pastoral team, staff and disciples for their continued support of the ministry. Bishop emphasized the transition to the Discipleship Model quoting Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19 to “Go and make Disciples….” and asked for continued prayer for the ministry, fellow ministries, and the pending Forum transaction. All minds being clear, the 2012 Faithful Central Bible Church annual business meeting adjourned at 11:15 A.M. 333 W. Florence Ave. / Inglewood, CA 90301 / P: 310.330.8000 / BUILDING CHAMPIONS FOR DIVINE DEPLOYMENT
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