ADULT SPORTS RULEBOOK 2015 FLAG FOOTBALL 8 on 8 8820 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite 3 Elk Grove, CA 95624 (916) 405-5300 • (916) 685-6942 (Fax) CSD GENERAL RULES FOR ALL LEAGUES: o Players must be at least 18 years old and must sign an official roster form with their complete valid address and valid phone number. o CSD reserves the right to ask any player at any point in the game to show proper photo identification to continue play. If a player is determined to be ineligible or unable to provide proper photo identification, game can continue with restrictions (see sport specific rules for details) or can be forfeited (at the CSD discretion). o Managers must list a minimum (see specific sport rules) number of names on the roster to register and all information including signature must be completed by 8:00am the Wednesday prior to the manager’s meeting. All information provided on the roster must be valid or CSD will automatically deem the player ineligible to participate until valid information is provided. Teams found in violation of this rule will forfeit games until a completed, signed roster with sport specific minimum requirements has been turned in to a CSD office. o Players may be added up through the fourth week of play (holidays or rain outs do not count in the four weeks). Add/drop forms must be submitted to a CSD office by 12pm one business day prior to the team’s game. Add/drop forms are ONLY valid after a confirmation email has been received by the manager. CSD field/gym supervisors cannot accept roster additions and/or drops. o Participants are not allowed to wear jewelry (with the exception of medical bracelets, wedding rings, and stud earrings that must be fully covered), casts or any other items deemed as dangerous by the official(s). Any medical protective devices (i.e., knee braces) made of plastic or including metal parts (hinges, etc.) must be completely covered by at least ½ inch neoprene sleeves. o Any player with a bleeding wound and/or blood stained clothing must leave the game until all bleeding is stopped, all wounds are properly covered, and all blood and blood stained clothing is removed. Failure to comply with this policy may result in ejection from the game. o Game time is forfeit time as determined by the official (please refer to sport specific rules for late policy). A team may start the game with the minimum number of players (listed below per sport). o Teams must have a manager, assistant manager, or team representative at all games and must circle which player that will be at each game on the line up card provided to the field/gym supervisor. o Any team that forfeits two games during any given league will be ineligible for any post-season play including post-season play that would make up the seven game minimum per team. (See Team and Manager Guidebook for forfeit fee information) Minimum/Maximum number of players allowed on the Team Roster: 5 on 5 Basketball – 5/16 Soccer – 7/24 3 on 3 Basketball – 3/ 7 Softball – 8/18 Flag Football – 8/16 Playoffs: o Playoffs are not guaranteed. Teams are guaranteed a minimum number of games. If the Recreation Coordinator cancels any regular season games, post-season games may be rescheduled so all teams have a minimum number of regular season games as set forth prior to the season. If your league has a playoff system, it is the manager’s responsibility to know when his/her team is playing. CSD will not reschedule any games for teams assuming they are a different seed than what they are or for any verbal miscommunication. If you don’t receive playoff information prior to the scheduled playoff date, it is the manager’s responsibility to either call the Recreation Coordinator or check the CSD website to verify playoff dates and times. If your league is a round robin format, a playoff game will be held only if two or more teams have the same record for first place. This game may be scheduled in accordance with the policies under “Postponed” games or teams could be required to remain until all games are completed on the final night of play and, if necessary, a playoff game will be played on that same night. Playoff Seeding/Tie Breaking Policy*: 1. Head-to-Head records among the tied teams. 2. If still tied: Winner is whichever team has the least total amount of points given up in head to head games with team(s) that you are tied (same record) with after using criteria 1. 3. If still tied: Winner is whichever team has the least total amount of points given up in the overall season after using criteria 1 & 2. * For final placement in leagues with no playoffs – playoff game(s) will be scheduled. FLAG FOOTBALL SPECIFIC RULES: ATTIRE: o Cleats are allowed, except for metal spikes. Inspections will be made. No bare feet or open-toed shoes allowed. o All teams must have jerseys/shirts that are of the same color and style. No pockets are allowed on jerseys/shirts and the must be tuck in and may not cover the flag belt. The home team is listed first on the schedule and will wear white. The away team is listed second and will war a MATCHING dark color. Each player shall have a permanent number on the front or back of his or her jersey/shirt. Shorts/pants WITHOUT pockets are required. Shorts with pockets will be assessed a personal foul penalty (15 yards), loss of down, and the player will be removed from the playing field. o All Players must check in and be cleared to play by the field supervisor before entering the game. players found in violation of this rule will be assessed a personal foul penalty (15 yards), loss of down, and the player will be removed from the playing field. o Players are responsible for their jersey and mouthpiece. Mouthpieces are mandatory and must be in for a player to be on the field. • Players found in violation of this rule will be assessed a personal foul penalty (15 yards), loss of down, and the player will be removed from the playing field. o Players are not allowed to wear ANY jewelry, hats, casts, or any other hazardous items. Players must remove all unauthorized items. EQUIPMENT/FIELD: o The playing field is 120 yards long x 50 yards wide and is divided into four 25 yard zones with two 10 yard end zones. o Flags (Triple Threat Belts) are provided by the league and are worn around the waist with one on each hip as well as one on the back. 15 flags will be distributed to each team manager prior to the game and must be returned immediately following the game. If any flags are missing the game will be forfeited. o Official game balls will be provided by the CSD and only these balls will be permitted during game play. CSD balls will not be checked out at any time. GAME TIME: o This will be an 8 on 8 League. A team may not begin or continue a game with less than six (6) players. o Late Policy – The game clock will begin at the originally scheduled game time. There will be a ten (10) minute grace period for the late team and the team that is on time will be awarded 7 points. When the ten (10) minute period is up, the game will be forfeited. If both teams are late but within the ten (10) minute grace period, the game shall be played as scheduled. Forfeited games will be scored 70. Game will continue with remaining time on clock. o The game will be started by a coin toss. The winner may choose to receive or defer (meaning you want the ball in the second half). The Loser of the coin toss chooses the direction their team wants to go. o Game length is two (2) twenty minute running time halves. o Each team is allowed three (3) 60 second time outs per half. There may be an official time out to assist injured players at the referee’s discretion. There will be a (5) minute half time. o Stop clock will be in effect the last two minutes of the game. o In the last two minutes of each half, the clock will stop until the ball is spotted by officials after a first down is reached by the offense. The clock will run once ball is placed. o The ball must be snapped between the legs to start play; not off to the side to start play. o Play is stopped when ball carrier’s (offensive or defensive) knee touches the ground. Ball will be placed at the downed knee. o Overtime will be played out using current NCAA football overtime rules. 1st – ball on 20 yard line (team has a choice to go for 1 or 2 P.A.T.) 2nd – ball on 15 yard line (team has a choice to go for 1 or 2 P.A.T.) 3rd + - ball on 15 yard line (team must go for 2 P.A.T) KICK-OFF: A. NO kickoffs will take place. The ball will be put in play from the offensive team’s 15 yard line. B. In the event of a safety, the team that scored will also be awarded the ball at their 15 yard line. PUNTING: A. A free kick will be declared by the offensive team whenever they select to punt. If the ball should hit the ground off the snap it shall be declared dead and the receiving team takes possession at the spot. B. When a free kick is declared the ball must be kicked. C. NO player on either team may move during the punt. D. Ball must be centered on all kicks. E. Receiving team must have four players on the line of scrimmage. F. If the ball touches a receiving player and hits the field of play, it will be down at the spot. G. If the ball hits the field of play without touching any receiving player, it may be recovered and run back. H. If the ball hits the end zone, it is an automatic touch back and will be placed on the 15 yard line coming out of the end zone. OFFENSE: I. GENERAL A. There must be at least 4 players on the line of scrimmage, before the ball is snapped. B. All players on offense are eligible to receive a forward pass. C. 30 second rule: offense has 30 seconds to put the ball in play after the ball has been marked by the official. (including P.A.T.’s) D. The offense has 4 downs to reach one of the first down zones or score a touchdown. (6 points if they reach the opposing teams end zone) E. The ball may only be placed on the line of scrimmage by the official. a. The Snapper (Center), after assuming the position for the snap and adjusting the ball, may neither move nor change the position of the ball in a manner simulating the beginning of a play until it is snapped. Violations of this rule will result in a false start penalty. F. Once the offense is set, the offensive players cannot move until the ball is snapped, except while a player is in motion. G. Only 1 (one) player may go in motion. A player may go in motion side to side or backwards, but may never motion forward. H. If a player inadvertently loses a flag, the ball carrier will be down by a one (1) handed touch. He/she is still eligible to catch a forward pass, and will be down by a one (1) handed touch. I. Offense may shift their offensive set, but must clearly & loudly call a shift, to indicate that the set is a shift and not 2 players motioning. J. On a 4th down, the offense must declare to punt or play the down to go for a 1st or score. However, once the offense declares to punt, THEY MUST PUNT. Time Outs do not allow you to change your mind. K. Immediately following a touchdown, scoring player MUST approach an official for a flag check. If flag is removed prior to official flag check, an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty will be assessed against the scoring team after the extra point attempt. L. When the offense scores, they are eligible to score 1or 2 points. • 1 point (5 yard line) • 2 point (10 yard line) • Defense CAN return extra point attempts for three (3) points. II. PASSING/RECEIVING: Updated 8/4/14 A. One forward pass may be made on any play except for kicks and interceptions. B. However, laterals may be made any number of times. (Laterals – tossing to another teammate, as long as the ball doesn’t go forward) C. No player may make a forward pass when they pass the line of scrimmage or lateral to himself/herself. D. A pass may be touched consecutively by any number of offensive or defensive players before being caught and still in play. E. Shovel passes are allowed and all rules toward a forward pass are applied. F. QUARTERBACK CAN RUN – Quarterback may run on a direct snap from the center, but may not run directly up the middle. The middle is the designated tackle box; 2 yards on each side of the ball. G. The ball will be put into play at the original line of scrimmage after any pass thrown behind the line of scrimmage falls incomplete. H. One (1) FOOT must touch in bounds for a valid pass reception or interception. I. Receivers may not bump or push a defender away in order to get free or a reception. (see interference for further detail) III. RUNNING: A. A ball carrier is down when he/she has his/her flag seized, at the spot WHERE THE FLAG IS PULLED. NOT WHERE THE BALL IS. B. A ball carrier is down when he/she runs out of bounds. C. A ball carrier may not purposely run into or through a defensive player, they must make an attempt to go around or evade the defender. Violations of this rule will result in the ball carrier receiving the yardage the official felt they would have gained if no infraction had occurred. D. The offense may not run or make plays that go directly up the middle. The middle is the designated area, 2 yards on each side from the center of the ball. E. All fumbles are dead balls when they hit the ground (including laterals) and is spotted where the ball landed, unless the ball is tipped in the air and caught by the opposing team. IV. BLOCKING: A. Blockers may only use their hands when engaging a defender but they must remain open with palms facing the defenders at all times. Leading with any other body part other than your hands (i.e. shoulders, head, forearms, etc.) will result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. B. Blockers elbows MUST remain against their body at all times while engaging a defender. C. Blockers must be on their feet BEFORE, DURING, & AFTER contact and may NOT shove or knock down an opposing player. Violations of this rule will result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. D. Blockers MAY NOT lock out their elbows at any time BEFORE, DURING, or AFTER engaging a defender. Violations of this rule will result in a 5 yard penalty. E. Blockers MAY NOT grasp or pull a defenders jersey/shirt at any time. Violations of this rule will result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. F. Blockers may not hold or “seal” (double team/combo block) a defender. Violations of this rule will result in a 5 yard penalty. G. Blocking downfield is NOT permitted. DEFENSE: I. GENERAL: A. Defense must attempt to stop the offensive team from advancing the ball into their end zone. B. Defensive player may move as much as they like. C. The offensive team does not have to wait for the defense to set up. D. Defense may score a safety if the ball is downed in the offense’s own end zone, or if the offense fumbles the ball or commits a penalty in their own end zone. After a safety, the defensive team is awarded 2 points, and the opposing team must punt the ball. II. COVERAGE: A. The defensive player must play the flag, not the player. Defensive players may not hold nor hit the ball carrier. B. A defensive player cannot flagrantly push a ball carrier out of bounds. C. Defensive players may not bump or hit a receiver while they are attempting to receive the ball. D. Defender’s CAN jam the receiver within 5 yards from the line of scrimmage only to reroute the receiver. A penalty may be assessed if the official feels the jam is flagrant. (see interference for detail) III. RUSHING: A. Defenders MUST RUSH FROM THE OUTSIDE of the farthest offensive lineman (outside the tackle box). A defender may rush up the middle ONLY if the gap between the linemen is wider than three (3) feet. B. Rushers may only use their hands when engaging a blocker but they must remain open with palms facing the defenders at all times. Leading with any other body part other than your hands (i.e. shoulders, head, forearms, etc.) will result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. C. Rushers MAY NOT grasp or pull a blockers jersey/shirt at any time. Violations of this rule will result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. D. Rushers MAY NOT flagrantly run over or through a blocker, they must attempt to go around them. Violations of this rule will result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. E. Rushers MAY NOT use the “swim technique”, to get past the blockers. Violations of this rule will result in an unnecessary roughness penalty. F. Rushers must play the quarterbacks flag. They can attempt to block the pass only if NO CONTACT with the quarterbacks arm will be made. ALL contact with the quarterbacks throwing arm (including incidental & accidental) will result in a roughing the passer penalty – 15 yards and automatic 1st down. IV. INTERFERENCE: A. During a down in which a legal forward pass is thrown, any contact which interferes with an eligible player is pass interference except: when two or more eligible players making simultaneous, legitimate attempts to reach, catch, or bat the ball. Eligible players of either team have equal right to the ball. B. Forward pass interference regulations are in effect whether or not the pass crosses the scrimmage line. • Interference by the offense/defense is prohibited from the time the ball is snapped until it is touched by any other player after the pass. DURING THE GAME: Prior to the start of the second half, teams will change sides with possession of the ball going to the team starting the game on defense. Any attempts to cause “hard contact” between players will result in an illegal contact penalty; which can be upgraded to unsportsmanlike conduct if the hard contact is considered malicious. There are no requirements on the number of running plays. The center must give up possession of the ball to another player for the play to begin. The center is not eligible to receive a handoff but is eligible to receive a pass. Spinning is allowed, but players cannot leave their feet to avoid a defensive player (no diving). Substitution may be made on any dead ball. Referees determine incidental contact that result from normal run of play. All penalties will be assessed from the line of scrimmage. Only team captain may ask for a rule clarification and interpretation. Players cannot question judgment calls. The end of the first half or the end of the game cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless the offense declines. In the event of an inadvertent whistle, the play is ruled dead at the spot the ball carrier has the ball. After a completed pass, ball is dead at the point of reception. Offense has the option to replay the down unless the ball was intercepted before the whistle had been blown. In this case, defense will be awarded the ball at the point of interception. NO intentional pulling or removing a flag from an offensive player without the ball by a defender is allowed. SPORTSMANSHIP / ROUGHING: If a referee or CSD staff member (Field Supervisors or Coordinators) witnesses any acts of tackling, elbowing, cheap shots, spiking the football, trash talking, hard blocking, or any unsportsmanlike act, the game will be stopped. The referee will assess a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct and the player will be sat out or ejected from the game. • If a player is ejected from the game, they must leave the park area. CSD will not tolerate irate players or fans; they will be directed to leave if a referee or CSD staff member believes their conduct is unsportsmanlike. • Any players, or fans ejected from the game are also suspended from the game the following week. The Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Supervisor will deal with all suspensions on an individual basis. All decisions are final. Managers are responsible for the actions of their players and fans. Referees may ask the manager to address unsportsmanlike conduct by parents, children, and spectators. DEFENSIVE PENALTIES: Offside/ Encroachment- 5 yards and repeat the down. Pass Interference – 10 yards from the line of scrimmage and automatic first down. Illegal Contact (holding, hard contact) – 10 yards and automatic first down. Illegal Flag Pull (before the receiver has ball) – 10 yards and automatic first down. Illegal Rushing (start inside the 10-yard marker) – 10 yards and automatic first down. Diving or Jumping – 5 yards and automatic first down. Roughing The Passer (incidental & accidental) – 15 yards and automatic first down. Unsportsmanlike Conduct – 15 yards, automatic first down and possible ejection. OFFENSIVE PENALTIES: Illegal Motion/ False Start (more than one person in motion) – 5 yards Illegal Forward Pass (pass thrown behind line of scrimmage) – 5 yards and a loss of down. Offensive Pass Interference (illegal pick play, pushing off/away defender) – 10 yards and a loss of down. Flag Guarding – 10 yards and a loss of down. Delay of Game – Clock stops, 10 yards and a ten second run off on the clock. Diving/ Jumping – 5 yards and a loss of down. Unsportsmanlike Conduct – 15 yards and possible ejection. Holding “Blocking” (2 on 1 / combo block) – 10 yards and a loss of down. Illegal Timeout -15 yard penalty.
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