ST. GREGORY THE GREAT HANDBOOK 2014-2015 Table of Contents page 2 ACADEMIC PROCEDURES MISSION STATEMENT 11 The Role of the School The Role of Parents The Role of Students Assessment Report Cards/ Progress Reports Assessment and Grading Passing Average Honor Roll Athletic Eligibility Co-curricular Eligibility Awards Homework Internet Usage/Computer Library Media Center Parent-Teacher Conferences Physical Education Classes Promotion and Retention Religion Religious Activities Sacramental Preparation Service Student Records DAILY OPERATING PROCEDURES 3 4 5 5/6 7 8 Admissions Policy Arrival & Dismissal Traffic Circle Usage Entering the Building Dismissal of Students 12 13 Attendance Absence Tardiness Legal Absence Unexcused Absence Doctor, Dentist, Orthodontist Vacations Authorized Persons Backpacks & Lockers Cancellation of School Change of Address/Phone/EMail Dress Code Family E-News Field Trips Food Uniform Policy Forgotten Items Incident Management Maintenance Services Newsletter Parking Parties Schedule – A B C D E F Day Telephone Transportation Bus, car, bicycle, walkers, etc. Visitors to the School 14 15 Support Services Testing Programs Textbooks Visiting Teachers BEHAVIOR and DISCIPLINE Behavior Expectations Behavior Policy Cheating 16 Bus Behavior Cafeteria Behavior Classroom Behavior Disciplinary Actions 17 Dismissal of a Student Search and Seizure OTHER POLICIES 18 Volunteers-Room Parents- Monitors HEALTH SERVICES 9 10 Substitute Teachers Vision/Hearing/Scoliosis Screening Absentee When Your Child is Ill Contagious Disease Immunization Records 19 Accident Insurance After School / Extended Day Bus Policy Child Abuse Electronic Equipment Extracurricular Activities Tuition Yearly Registration Nicaragua Missions 20 Sexual Harassment Policy Participation in PE class 21 Tuition Rate Physicals 22 Lunch/Class Schedule & Calendar Medication Policy Public Health and Safety Emergency Cards **Anything written in RED is new in 11/12 1 **Anything written in GREEN is new 13/14 Mission Statement St. Gregory the Great School, as a faith community, commits itself to the moral and spiritual formation of its students in the Roman Catholic faith. We strive for academic excellence, personal development, character development and service to others in the spirit of Christ. We call bright, inquisitive minds to a lifelong commitment of learning and leadership. We accept this challenge into the future. Introduction The goal of St. Gregory the Great School is to educate the whole child within a Catholic atmosphere. We strive to instill within our students values of integrity and spirituality to help them become aware of their responsibilities to themselves, their community, and God. To accomplish these goals, certain forms of order are necessary. The school, working cooperatively with the home, strives to promote the development of self-control in compliance with Catholic values and morals. Each of us has a specific role and responsibility as we work together to provide a Christian atmosphere conducive to learning. The Role of the School The school community, including the school board, clergy, principal, faculty and staff, makes school policies concerning disciplinary procedures within the school. These school policies seek to promote a climate of respect and dignity in which safety and order flourish. Policies warrant each child a secure Christian setting for learning. We strive for consistency and firmness in developing and carrying out disciplinary policies. The Role of Parents As primary educators, parents are first in teaching their children respect for God, self, others, the law, and both private and public property. Parents are aware of all school policies and set standards of behavior. They instill in their children a supportive attitude toward school with an appreciation for learning. Parents work with the school to administer procedures consistently and firmly. The Role of Students Each student grows emotionally, spiritually, and academically according to age and capacity. While the teachers, parents, and staff support and encourage the learning process, each student is responsible for his/her learning. Each student is responsible to know and follow the rules and policies of this handbook. Each student is accountable for his/her behavior. 2 DAILY OPERATING PROCEDURES ADMISSIONS POLICY St. Gregory the Great School is a parish school and is subsidized by the parish. We establish these guidelines for accepting students: 1. First preference is for siblings of children already registered at St. Gregory’s School. 2. Second preference is for children of parishioners. (See Appendix for requirements of parishioner.) 3. Next, children of non-parishioners may be accepted at a non-parishioner’s rate. 4. If the grade level is full, we maintain a waiting list. Students entering kindergarten are required to be five years old on or before December 1 in the year enrolling for school. Requirements for all children entering kindergarten include a birth certificate, baptismal certificate and $150 non-refundable new family registration fee. There is an additional $100 non-refundable tuition deposit due @ screening. Actual acceptance for kindergarten occurs if the child meets the requirements of the Kindergarten Screening Test given in the Spring. The deposit will be refunded only if requirements are not met, or if the family moves from the area. Registration for kindergarten begins in October. Dates will be published in the church bulletin and school newsletter. For students transferring from another school, parents arrange to provide copies of school records. Appropriate testing may be given to students. An interview with the principal will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time. Each student requires a $100 tuition deposit plus an additional $150 new family registration fee, both of which are non-refundable. Students previously enrolled will be reviewed for re-admittance into school at the principal’s discretion. ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL ** Students must be in homeroom by 7:40AM. ** Normal dismissal for students is at 2:08PM. Traffic circle usage: This area is for the sole use of buses from 7:00 - 8:00 am and 1:15 - 2:15 pm. Do not enter the traffic circle in front of the school during this time. Entering the building: Buses drop off students in the traffic circle and these students enter school through the front entrance. If students arrive by car, parents use the drive through (a stop, drop, and go procedure) and children enter through the junior high door. If you are stopped Legally, we cannot anywhere in the drop off circle, unload there, do not wait to pull up to doors. accept telephone The parking lot may be used by parents entering the front door with their permissions for: children. After 7:40 am doors are locked and everyone enters through the • not riding the bus front entrance. • early dismissals Dismissal of Students • staying after dismissal • Bus Riders: Buses leave the parking area before students who are picked up. Students riding a bus are responsible to the bus driver of their school district from the time boarding the bus until the time leaving the bus at the designated stop. For your child’s safety, no student may be removed from the bus line. • A student who becomes sick during the school day: The Health Office will contact you if your child becomes ill during the day. Parents sign out a sick child in the Health Office. • A student not riding a bus: Send a Home To School Note in the morning stating that your child will be picked up at dismissal. Parents must sign out their child(ren) with the receptionist, wait in the gym, and leave by the front door after the buses. Students will go to the gym after buses leave and stay there until parents pick them up. Parents do not go to the classrooms during dismissal or after school without permission. No student may be picked up without prior written notice. Any student not picked up by 2:30 will be placed in the After School Program & the family will be charged accordingly. • A student who leaves the building before the end of the school day. A student is not allowed to leave the school during school hours for any reason without the knowledge and consent of the teacher. Parents send a Home To School Note to school that morning indicating why it is necessary for your 3 child to leave school early. The authorized person must sign out the child in the office. Early dismissals must leave before 1:45 pm as to not interfere with the buses. • Students must be supervised on the playground by parents/guardians. • A Student cannot ride a bus that is not part of their district. • A student staying in school after dismissal: To ensure proper supervision we need to know which students remain in the building after normal dismissal. For those activities with a roster (scouts, sports teams, play or band rehearsals, etc.), the adult supervisor will provide the office with a list of the participating students, meeting dates, and location. For scheduled after school review classes, a Home to School Note is required for a student to stay. Teachers will initiate any after school conferences with students by sending home a permission note which needs to be signed and returned to the teacher. Health Office: 688-5462 ATTENDANCE • Absence: When a student is unable to attend school, parents call the Health Office by 8:30AM giving the student's name, teacher's name, and reason for absence. Parents send a written excuse to the teacher within 3 days of the absence. Use the Home to School Note, available from the school office & on our website. Include the student's name, date(s) of absence, and reason for absence. If an excuse is not received after this time period, an illegal absence is recorded on the student's record. The school keeps excuses for one year as mandated by New York State law. If a child is absent for more than one day, parents can request homework through the health office when calling in the absence. Parents may pick up needed books, etc. at the school office after school. Siblings will not take these extra books on the bus. Students who miss 30 days of school, and have not met periodically with school administration, are in jeopardy of retention. • Tardiness: A student who arrives in homeroom after 7:40AM is tardy and must sign in at the Health Office. TARDINESS: A student who is neither in his/her assigned homeroom seat nor ready to learn by 7:40AM is tardy and must sign in at the office. Parents are required to send in a note with the child explaining why the child is tardy. If a note is not provided, the school office will attempt to call the parents so that they are aware of the tardiness. Excused tardiness will be limited to medical or dental appointments/emergencies. If a student is tardy for an unexcused reason, that student will receive a tardy slip which he/she must bring home, have signed by his/her parents and return to school the following day. An unexcused tardy in excess of 30 minutes will be considered a ½ day absent from school. In a marking period, after a student is tardy 3 times for unexcused reasons, the school office will contact the parents to discuss the situation. If a student is tardy 5 times within any marking period for unexcused reasons, he/she will be sent to the office and an after school detention will be assigned by the principal. Also, that student will not be allowed to participate in after school activities and/or sports for the remainder of the marking period. If a student is tardy 10 times for unexcused reasons DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, he/she will receive a one-day in-school suspension, and the cost of the teacher to monitor the student during the suspension will be charged to the parents of the student. If such student is tardy 5 additional times for unexcused reasons after serving an in-school suspension as described above, he/she will receive a one-day-out-of-school suspension and his/her parents will be required to meet with the School administration to discuss possible further actions by the School. 4 • Legal absence: Student attendance and tardiness are recorded on the student’s permanent record card. The following circumstances are recognized legal excuses for school absence: personal illness, sickness or death in the family, approved high school visit, requirement to be in court, quarantine, a religious holiday, attendance at health clinic. If a student is absent for any other reason, parents need to give advance written notice to the school. In a marking period, if a student is tardy more than 5 times, that student cannot participate in after school activities and/or sports for the remainder of the marking period, and will receive a detention for every 5 times tardy. • Unexcused absence: These include: unlawful detention, truancy, suspension, and vacation. St. Gregory the Great School does not participate in take your child to work day. • Doctor, dentist, orthodontist appointments: Please make every effort to schedule these outside school hours. If an appointment occurs during school hours, a student brings a Home to School Note stating the time and date of the appointment. Parent reports to the office to pick up the student. • Vacation: During the school year, there are four major vacation periods: Christmas, Winter (3rd week of February), Spring (3rd week of April) and Easter. The administration and staff strongly recommend that parents give serious consideration before taking vacation at other times. If other extended vacations are planned, parents notify the homeroom teacher in advance as to the length of time a student will be out of school. Students receive their make-up work when they return to school. Students and teachers determine the appropriate time frame for completion of make-up work. Under no circumstances will make-up work be given before vacation. If a student is out of town when report cards are issued, the card will be mailed on the day cards are issued. AUTHORIZED PERSONS A student may be released only to custodial parents, a guardian, or an authorized representative. A noncustodial parent may not take a student during class hours without the consent of the other parent. Under no circumstances will a student be released to an unidentified person. A form for each student must be in the office indicating the names of persons who are authorized representatives. Divorced or separated parents must file a court-certified copy of the custody section of the divorce or separation decree with the principal’s office. The school will not be held responsible for failing to honor arrangements that have not been made known. BACKPACKS AND LOCKERS Wheeled book bags are not allowed. For health, safety and security reasons, students in the upper wing may not carry backpacks when changing classes. It is the students’ responsibility to organize and carry books and materials needed for each class. CANCELLATION OF SCHOOL Cancellation of school takes place during circumstances such as extreme weather, equipment failure, or public crisis. Administrators are aware of hardships which can be caused by an abrupt cancellation. School will not be canceled unless a significant safety risk has been created by unusual circumstances. Announcements for closing will be broadcast on radio and TV. We follow the Williamsville Public School District for closing. In unusual circumstance where school is canceled during the school day, the administration will determine that students have satisfactory transportation and supervision at their homes before releasing them from school. Parents are required to designate an alternate destination for their child in the event no one is home. This person may be the same as the one designated for emergencies. CHANGE OF ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL If your address, e-mail, work situation or phone numbers change, please contact the school. DRESS CODE The purpose of the dress code is to teach the self-discipline associated with personal hygiene and grooming, and to encourage students to take pride in personal appearance. It is purchased from Flynn & O’Hara, Georgetown Plaza, 5225 Sheridan Drive, Williamsville, 632-6581 or McKay’s Clothing, 851 Abbott Road, Buffalo, 824-7900. PLEASE SEE THE NEXT PAGE FOR DETAILS. 5 Daily School Uniform Unacceptable Boys: • Black twill pants must be purchased from said uniform stores • Dress shoes, dark brown or black • Belt, solid black or brown • Socks, black or white - calf-high • Hair off the collar, eyebrows and ears. Uniform Choices: • White or red turtleneck -no ribbing • White or red St. Greg’s logo polo shirt, long or short sleeve -solid color, traditional 3-button, no ribbing, not form fitting Shirts must be worn tucked in – with belt showing •7th & 8th – White Oxford button down collar & tie Girls: • Grades K - 4 Jumper purchased from said uniform stores • Grades 5 - 8 Skirt or Skort purchased from said uniform stores **No shorter than 2 inches above the knee** • Grades K - 8 solid shoes, dark brown or black - maximum 1” heel, including platform Uniform choices: Shirts must be worn tucked in - with waistband showing. • White or red turtleneck - no ribbing • White or red polo shirt, long or short sleeve -- traditional 3 button, solid color, no ribbing or form fitting • White oxford blouse, button down collar, long or short sleeve • White uniform blouse; Peter Pan collar; no scallops; grades K-4 • Black slacks purchased from uniform stores (from Oct. 1 - May 1) • Black or white ankle socks (above ankle + folded over), black, red or white knee socks, black, red or white tights, flesh tone pantyhose OPTIONAL for Boys and Girls: • • • • • St. Greg’s fleece or sweatshirt (red or black) on any day Red V-neck cardigan sweater St. Greg's logo -the only sweater permitted Black vest purchased from said uniform stores Black shorts purchased from said uniform stores (until Oct. 1 and from May 1) Sneakers and socks with the black uniform shorts •a limit of 2 wristbands • trekkers, mocs, sneakers, sandals, clogs, boots, flip-flops, platforms, inappropriate heels • ribbed turtleneck, polo • logo on shirts • colored T-shirt • T-shirt with graffiti (violence, alcohol, drugs, inappropriate symbols) • non-uniform sweaters • dyed hair, hair colors or highlights, bizarre haircuts. • earrings for boys • make-up, nail polish • jelly or dangle bracelets • dangle earrings -simple jewelry may be worn) • PE classes-no jewelry Unacceptable on Dress-Up Days sandals without back straps, sneakers, flip-flops, boots, sweatpants, shorts, jeans, T-shirts, spaghetti straps, sweatshirt, low-cut shirt or short skirt, miniskirt, team/sport clothing, inappropriately sized clothing, playclothes Physical Education Uniform –Shorts/sweatpants from uniform stores • Red or black shorts OR red or black soccer shorts, white socks, and sneakers tie or Velcro • White St. Gregory’s logo T-shirt (may be a Walkathon shirt) • Red (primary)/Black (jr. high) Sweatpants & Red Sweatshirt or Fleece with T-shirt under (in colder months) • Grades K-3 wear gym uniform during school on gym day. Grade 4 will change in the Locker Room. If student is not in appropriate dress for day, they will receive a zero for gym that day. Too many zeros could cause a gym failure. Violations of the dress code will result in a dress code violation slip. If something is not specified, it is NOT acceptable. ***ALL STUDENTS MUST BE IN LOGO SHIRTS*** DRESS UP Days: The following clothing is appropriate for days designated as dress-up days: Boys: pants, belt, shirt, sweater, dress shoes Girls: dress, blouse, skirt, skort, pants, sweater, dress shoes DRESS DOWN Days: Students may wear: sneakers, team jerseys or shirts (a sport or store logo is acceptable), non-graffiti T-shirts or sweatshirts, sweats, jeans with no holes or tatters. Hats are not permitted. 6 FAMILY E-NEWS The school publishes a monthly newsletter which is posted on our website. In addition to informing parents of events in the school and the individual classrooms, the newsletter will carry the monthly menu, monthly calendar, and notices from the Home School Association and Athletic Association. The News is posted on our website every Thursday. Occasionally an email will be sent due to grade level subjects. FIELD TRIPS Throughout the school year each grade schedules field trips designed to supplement the curriculum or introduce students to the resources of the community. Parents receive notices of field trips in advance of the scheduled date along with a field trip permission form. A parent must sign and return the school’s official permission slip to participate on a field trip. No verbal permissions will be given for field trip participation. Each student dresses in the proper uniform for field trips unless permission is authorized through the office. After the field trip, students return to the classroom for normal dismissal. The school is not responsible for any lost items during these activities. Parents may be asked to volunteer as chaperones. FOOD Hot Lunch and Breakfast Program: The lunch program offers basic meals which fulfill nutritional requirements for $2.60. Options are also available. Prepaid lunches are available for as many days as desired and are paid to St. Gregory the Great Cafeteria Fund. Families who qualify may apply for free or reduced lunch. For safety reasons, we do not allow glass containers in the lunchroom. For the safety of students with allergies, students may not trade food. Pop and food from commercial establishments are not allowed. The monthly menu is published in the newsletter. Each homeroom takes a lunch count before 8:00 am. No Canadian money, please. FORGOTTEN ITEMS It is the responsibility of the child to bring necessary materials to school. We discourage parents delivering them. Parents do not return after school hours or on weekends to pick up classroom items. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT For the safety of everyone, we conduct the following drills periodically: fire, bomb threat, and lock-down. During a drill, students must be silent so that directions can be heard. Safe, quiet, orderly behavior is required. Each classroom teacher will instruct students in advance of the procedures to follow for that particular classroom. MAINTENANCE SERVICES The maintenance staff keeps our school building clean and orderly. If the activity occurs during the school day, contact the school office. If the activity is after 2:00 pm or when school is not in session, contact the Parish Business Office. PARKING Parking is permitted in the school parking lot between the school and church. PLEASE do not enter the traffic circle during arrival and departure times of buses (7:00 - 8:00 am and 1:15 - 2:15 pm). The Amherst Police will issue a ticket for parking violations, including the handicap zone. PARTIES • Birthdays and Parties: Please send simple snacks with necessary paper products clearly marked with the student’s name and homeroom. Do not send balloons, gift bags, toys, flowers, etc. Check with teacher for any food allergies. • Invitations to Parties: Because it is often not possible for a child to invite each and every one of his classmates, we must ask that invitations NOT be issued in school. • Limousines: For purpose of safety and supervision, it is school policy not to allow limousine pick-ups from our grounds for any reason. 7 SCHEDULE – A B C D E F Day St. Gregory the Great uses a rotating schedule called an "A, B, C, D, E, F day". The specials schedule is based on this rotating cycle. On Thursdays and/or Holy Day all students will attend Mass and be on an AM assembly schedule. See attachment with changes for lunch schedule. Refer to the monthly calendar. If school closes due to snow, etc., the letter day on the monthly calendar remains the same. TELEPHONE When necessary, students ask permission from the teacher and receptionist to use the phone. TRANSPORTATION Bus: The recommended means of transportation to and from school is by bus. Verbal requests will Car: Any student being picked up by car needs a note sent to the office in the not be honored. morning stating that he/she will be picked up at dismissal. Parents must sign out their child(ren) with the receptionist, wait in the gym, and leave by the front door after the buses. No student may be picked up without prior written notice. Please do not call school during the day requesting that a student be picked up at dismissal. Bicycle: Any day that a student rides a bicycle to school, that student brings a parental note to the office stating that the child will ride a bike home. It states the day(s) permission is given to ride a bicycle home. A student riding a bike dismisses with those being picked up by car and signs out at the school office. A helmet is required by law for any students riding a bike to and from school. Walkers: Any student who walks home needs a permission slip on file in the office. It states the day(s) permission is given to walk home. A student walking home dismisses with those being picked up by car and signs out at the front office. Roller blades, skateboards, and scooters are not allowed. VISITORS All persons access the school building through the front entrance. Visitors, including parents, must register at the receptionist's window upon entering and leaving the building. Visitors receive a nametag indicating destination. Those required to sign in include parents who monitor the lunch room and parents involved in the reading program. Parents (visitors) need prior permission to enter classrooms, hallways, or student lockers. Parents are not allowed in the hallways during dismissal. For your child’s safety, school doors are locked during the day. (Parents and/or visitors may NOT enter through the church entrance, the kindergarten doors, the junior high door, the maintenance door, or the elementary wing door.) Faculty, staff and students may not open doors for visitors. VOLUNTEERS - ROOM PARENTS - CAFETERIA MONITORS All volunteers MUST have participated in the Protecting God’s Children Seminar. • Parents volunteer for activities and services during the year. • Each homeroom has two or three room parents who help coordinate class parties, supervise field trips, and help the classroom teacher with various functions. • Parents who volunteer to monitor the lunchroom receive a monitoring schedule. These monitors help in the cafeteria for all lunches. • Please do not bring younger siblings to the lunchroom or classroom parties. HEALTH SERVICES 8 The nurse is responsible for the maintenance of health records, parental contact concerning health problems, first aid, dispensing medication in accordance with NYS law and routine health screenings including: Vision Screening: Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 and ALL new entrants. Vision screening for grades K through 3 takes place between October and December each year. Grades 5 & 7 screening takes place during January and February each year. If your child does not pass the vision screening the first time, a repeat screening will take place again within two weeks. If your child does not pass the second screening, written notification will be sent home advising you to follow up with an eye doctor. Hearing Screening: Grades K, 1, 3, 5 & 7 all ALL new entrants. Hearing screening is done concurrently with vision screenings. If your child does not pass the hearing screening the first time, a repeat screening will take place within two weeks. If your child does not pass the second screening, written notification will be sent home advising you to follow up with your primary doctor for further guidance. Scoliosis Screening: Grades 5 – 7 for those students who do not have a current physical on file. Scoliosis screening takes place in the month of May each year in the health office. If your child does not pass the screening, the Nurse Practitioner from the Williamsville school district will re-screen. If your child does not pass that screening, you will be notified in writing to follow up with your primary doctor for further guidance. Absentees When a child is absent from school, call the Health Office by 8:30 am at 688-5462 each day your child is absent, or the office will call you to verify the absence. (Refer to page 4 "Absences") When Your Child Is Ill Children are vulnerable to contracting diseases because of the close contact they maintain while in school. These are simple guidelines to help promote a healthy environment: 1. Keep a child home if vomiting or diarrhea has occurred within a 24-hour period. 2. A child needs to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. 3. Keep your child home if coughing is excessive. 4. Teach your child the importance of correct hand washing to prevent spreading germs. 5. Remind your child of correct usage and disposal of tissues and to cover one's mouth when coughing. Contagious Disease Please report any diagnosed contagious disease (e.g. Strep throat, chicken pox, pink eye, H1N1, etc.). When necessary, notices containing information regarding communicable diseases will be sent home on yellow paper. Save these for future reference. If you have any questions please contact the school nurse. Immunization Records All newly enrolled students must have immunization records signed and dated by physician on file in the Health Office prior to the start of the school year. Section 2164 of the New York Public Health Law requires a minimum of the following (unless a certificate from a physician states that your child cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons): • 3 doses of diphtheria- DPT, Dtap, TD or Td No child will be admitted to school or • 3 doses of polio vaccine allowed to attend without appropriate • 2 doses of measles vaccine proof of immunization. • 1 dose of mumps vaccine • 1 dose of rubella vaccine • a complete Hepatitis B series • 1 dose of chicken pox vaccine (Varivax) Medication Policy The New York State Department of Education has established a procedure for administering medication in school. Please be aware of the following requirements if your child needs medication: "All medications, including non- 9 prescription drugs, given in school, shall be prescribed by a licensed prescriber on an individual basis as determined by the child's health status." Forms available in the Health Office. 1. The school nurse must have a written request from the child's physician that indicates the name, frequency, dosage, route, and side effects of the medication. In addition, the condition being treated is to be outlined by the physician and length of time the medication is to be administered. This includes over the counter drugs as well; and 2. The nurse must have a written request from the parent and physician to administer any medication. A verbal or telephone request from the parent or physician is not acceptable. 3. Prescription medication must be in the container prepared by the pharmacist. The label must include the name and strength of the medication. The pharmacy label does not constitute a written order and cannot be used in lieu of a written order from a licensed prescriber. When having prescriptions filled, ask the pharmacist for two containers: one for school and one to remain at home. 4. Over the counter medication must be in the original manufacturer's container/package with the student's name affixed to the container and kept in the health office. Items such as throat lozenges and cough drops must also be kept in the Health Office. Medication delivered in baggies or plain containers will not be accepted. 5. All medications must be delivered directly to the nurse by the parent. No medication may be sent to school with a child. Medication is not permitted to be carried on a bus. 6. Medication orders must be renewed annually or when there is a change in medication or dosage. Medication permission forms are available in the health office. These strict procedures are established to protect every student. Medications sent to school not meeting these requirements will be kept in the health office and not be administered. Any unused medication not picked up by the end of the year will be disposed of. Participation in Physical Education Class A note is required if an illness or injury prevents your child from participating in physical education. A parent’s note is sufficient for a day. If your child needs a longer absence, a physician’s note is required. When your child is excluded from PE class, he/she is also excluded from any sport and or playground activity. Physicals The Williamsville School District requires a licensed New York State Medical Provider to complete a physical exam for every new entrant, plus grades 2, 4 and 7 and a yearly physical for every student in school sponsored sports. A copy of the physical exam needs to be submitted to the Health Office. Public Health and Safety For health and safety reasons, body glitter, body paint, spray deodorant, or hair spray are not permitted in school. Emergency Cards The Health Office and Main Office keep an emergency card filled out by parent/guardian with the following information: If changes occur please notify the office. • parents'/guardians' names • address including zip • home phone number • work phone number(s) • pager number(s) or cell phone number(s) • emergency phone number of relative or friend • physician's name and phone number • medical alert information ACADEMIC PROCEDURES 10 ASSESSMENT Report cards Each student receives a report card three times a year. The passing mark for grades 3 through 8 is 70. Progress reports Reports are issued after six weeks of school, and midway between the second and final report card. Assessment and grading Class participation, completion of class work, homework, performance on projects, student portfolios, tests, and quizzes determine student achievement. Students have specials which include art, music, physical education, computer, and library. Parents of students in grades 4 through 8 have access to an e-school internet program affording them review of their child’s scores. Information is sent home with their child’s password. Passing average The final average for core subjects in grades 4 & 5 is each trimester mark multiplied by two, plus the combination of Final Exams, divided by 7. The final average for core subjects in grades 6, 7 & 8 is each trimester mark multiplied by 2, plus the Final Exam, divided by 7. The end of the year overall average for grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 includes an average grade of art, computer, health, music, and physical education. The final average for grade 3 is the average of the trimester marks. Any student who fails a core subject must attend summer school and retake the final exam in August. Grades 4 – 8 take Final Exams Honor Roll A certificate of achievement is awarded for academic achievement and included with the final report card. Students with a final average of 94-100 qualify for First Honors; 88-93.9 for Second Honors. A Principal’s Award is given to those with 82-87.9 or those nominated by the teacher for showing consistent effort throughout the trimester. Before a student can tryout for a sport, that student ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY: MUST have a current Doctor’s Physical on file in the Students must fulfill these responsibilities to be Office. eligible to play on a school sponsored sports team: 1. Submit doctor’s physical, medical release form, parental permission slip, and a sports contract. 2. Maintain an overall average of 80% or above in the preceding marking period. In the event that a student is declared ineligible, the administration reviews the student's eligibility status. 3. Exhibit proper and respectful behavior in and out of school; maintain a 3 or 4 in Conduct. 4. Attend all practices unless previously excused by the coach. 5. Attend school for at least ½ day on day of event (by 11AM). 6. Maintain and return uniforms, equipment, etc. at the end of the season. 7. Any athlete serving any form of detention on the day of a game or practice does not participate that day. 8. In a marking period, if a student is tardy more than 5 times, that student cannot participate in sports for the remainder of that marking period. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITY ELIGIBILITY Students must fulfill these responsibilities to be eligible to participate in co-curricular activities such as Science Olympiad, Chess, Choir, etc. 1. Maintain an overall average of 75% or above in the preceding marking period. In the event that a student is declared ineligible, the administration reviews the student's eligibility status. 2. Exhibit proper and respectful behavior in and out of school; maintain a 3 in conduct. 3. Attend all activities unless previously excused by the moderator. 4. Attend school for at least ½ day on day of event (by 10:30AM). 5. Any participant serving any form of detention on the day of an event does not participate that day. 6. In a marking period, if a student is tardy more than 5 times, that student cannot participate in the activity for the remainder of that marking period. (See “Tardy” page 4). TARDINESS: A student who is neither in his/her assigned homeroom seat nor ready to learn by 7:40AM is tardy and must sign in at the office. Parents are required to send in a note with the child 11 explaining why the child is tardy. If a note is not provided, the school office will attempt to call the parents so that they are aware of the tardiness. Excused tardiness will be limited to medical or dental appointments/emergencies. If a student is tardy for an unexcused reason, that student will receive a tardy slip which he/she must bring home, have signed by his/her parents and return to school the following day. An unexcused tardy in excess of 30 minutes will be considered a ½ day absent from school. In a marking period, after a student is tardy 3 times for unexcused reasons, the school office will contact the parents to discuss the situation. If a student is tardy 5 times within any marking period for unexcused reasons, he/she will be sent to the office and an after school detention will be assigned by the principal. Also, that student will not be allowed to participate in after school activities and/or sports for the remainder of the marking period. If a student is tardy 10 times for unexcused reasons DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR, he/she will receive a one-day in-school suspension, and the cost of the teacher to monitor the student during the suspension will be charged to the parents of the student. If such student is tardy 5 additional times for unexcused reasons after serving an in-school suspension as described above, he/she will receive a one-day-out-of-school suspension and his/her parents will be required to meet with the School administration to discuss possible further actions by the School. AWARDS Students receive special awards at graduation. A student who exemplifies the spirit we work to create receives the Spirit of St. Gregory Award. The recipient displays the characteristics of gospel values, cooperation, service, thoughtfulness, friendliness, courtesy, helpfulness and respect. A boy and a girl with highest overall averages receive funds from the Home School Association. The Alumni Association presents an award to a student who shows a continuing allegiance to the mission and goals of St. Gregory the Great School. The faculty recognizes a student of excellence in each subject area. In addition, we have four memorial awards, each with criteria established by their families. Students from St. Gregory’s student body receive a Howard Memorial Scholarship, a Schwegler Memorial Scholarship, a Dennis Szefel Scholarship Award, an Eric Pitman Award and a Burch Memorial Scholarship. HOMEWORK Homework reinforces skills and information learned in class, prepares for upcoming topics, teaches responsibility, and aids in evaluating student progress. It establishes a link between home and school and offers parents an opportunity to be involved in the curriculum. It is important for the student (not the parent) to be responsible for doing homework or other assigned projects. Guidelines for Homework, Class Work, and Tests 1. Students in grades 3 - 8 use this heading for assignments, homework, and tests: Room number (class period) Name (first and last) Subject, page number Date (month, day, year) 2. Students in grades 4 - 8 use cursive (not printing) for assignments and tests. Teachers can make exceptions for work in graphing and labeling. 3. Students use only blue or black ink for homework assignments, essays, tests and projects. In math and science class pencil may be allowed at the teacher’s discretion. Colored ink is not acceptable. 4. Students use lined loose-leaf paper for assignments and essay questions. No paper from notebooks. 5. Students complete and hand in assignments, term papers, book reports and projects on time. Points are deducted for late and/or incomplete work for grades 5-8. Late/incomplete policy is up to each individual teacher. 6. Students incorporate correct usage for capital letters, grammar, parts of speech, spelling and punctuation in all subject areas. Students edit and re-submit an unacceptable assignment. 7. Students answer questions in complete sentences. They do not begin sentences with words like ‘if, it, because, then, they, but, or maybe’. Also they do not use abbreviations such as ‘b/c for because’. 8. To foster a good learning environment, students come prepared for each class. Preparation includes having pen/pencil, assignment note pad, notebooks, textbooks, loose-leaf paper and assignments. 12 9. When absent due to illness or vacation, students complete missing work. The student is responsible to get missing assignments from a teacher. Some grade levels have homework partners to help. If a child is absent for more than one day, parents can request homework through the health office when calling in the absence. (Please make request prior to 8:30 am.) Parents may pick up needed books, etc. at the school office after school. Policy on vacations taken on school days: If a student is absent due to vacation during school time, assignments are not given to students before they leave for vacation. Students receive ample time after returning to make up missing work or tests. 10. Students cover hard-backed books upon receiving them in September, and replace covers if destroyed. Contact paper is not allowed. Notebooks are to remain intact and replaced if necessary. This is the time range for homework adopted at St. Gregory the Great School. Kindergarten = 15 minutes Grades 5 and 6 = 90-120 minutes/day Grades 1 and 2 = 30-45 minutes/day Grades 7 and 8 = 120-150 minutes/day Grades 3 and 4 = 30-60 minutes/day Advanced classes – more time is required INTERNET USAGE – COMPUTER POLICY Students have access to the Internet unless parents choose to restrict their child's use with a written letter to the principal. Users observe these rules which include but are not limited to: 1. Usage of appropriate language. 2. Do not reveal address or phone numbers of yourself or others. 3. Be aware that electronic mail is not guaranteed to be private. Certain behaviors result in immediate cancellation of user privileges: 1. Vandalism/damage to hardware, software, disorganization, destruction, or alteration of data. 2. Theft of hardware or unauthorized copying of software. 3. Downloading or display of inappropriate or sexually explicit materials. 4. Security violations - attempting to access other systems on the Internet by posing as a system administrator, logging into a system with someone else's account, sharing passwords. 5. Harming another’s good name or reputation by use of computer generated materials. 6. Internet bullying is illegal & is not acceptable. If it occurs and proof is brought to school it becomes a legal matter and the proper authorities will be notified. This may result in a suspension or expulsion from school. To take reasonable precautions against viruses causing expensive damage to our computers, no software from home can be loaded on any computer equipment. We permit only software installed by our staff. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER Students have access to the library throughout the day. Kindergarten through grade four have scheduled classes. Computers equipped with educational software and Internet access are available to students and teachers. Students in grades kindergarten through four can loan books for one week; grades five through eight for two weeks. There is a fine of 50¢ for overdue books not returned before the Christmas holidays, Easter break and June exams. Students pay for lost and damaged books at the original purchase price. Report cards are not issued to students with outstanding fees. PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for all students after the first progress report. At a mid-year conference day, a conference can be scheduled at the request of either teacher or parent. During the year conferences can be scheduled as either teacher or parent sees a need. To schedule an appointment, please call the school office and leave a message for the teacher. Please do not call the teacher at home. If a problem occurs, parents are asked to first contact the teacher. If either teacher or parent feels that the problem is not resolved, then the principal is contacted. PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES Any student who cannot participate in physical education classes for health or injury reasons must have a doctor's note to be excused from gym participation. It must indicate the date the child may return to physical education class. A note from a parent will excuse a student from class for one day only. Jewelry is never worn during the physical education classes. Participation in sports activities is not permitted 13 when a student misses physical education for health or injury reasons. If a child is not in the appropriate gym uniform, they will not participate and will receive a zero for that day. A student who cannot participate for 2 weeks or more, will be required to write a paper on that unit. PROMOTION AND RETENTION POLICY Promotion The following factors are considered in the promotion of a student: 1) Class performance according to grade level requirements. 2) Student age and ability. 3) Student achievement on tests and exams. 4) Student achievement on competency tests. 5) Successful achievement of required passing average. Retention Testing and actual performance may indicate that a student cannot complete work in one year. Therefore, it may be necessary to retain a pupil an additional year at a particular grade. In the possibility of retention, parents are notified by the end of the second trimester. The primary criteria for considering retention are: 1. A student has failed to pass the core subjects at grade level. 2. A student has failed to achieve a satisfactory score on a standardized test reading, mathematics, and ELA. 3. A student has not demonstrated acceptable effort in achieving academic success. The following types of behavior indicate unacceptable effort: a) Consistent failure to complete school assignments, homework and projects. b) Consistent inattention to classroom instruction. c) Lack of preparedness for school assignments. RELIGION Religious Activities • Daily prayer: Members of the school community participate in daily prayer. • Mass: The school community will celebrate at the 8:00 am Mass on every Thursday (unless a Holy Day occurs on another day). Each grade level takes turns planning school Masses. • Reconciliation: Students in grades three through eight celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation during school hours in Advent and Lent. • Stations of the Cross: Every Friday during Lent, students participate in Stations of the Cross. Sacramental Preparation The Religious Education Office and the school work together to prepare parents and their children for sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. • Reconciliation: Preparation for reception of the sacrament of Reconciliation is in grade 2. Since parents are the primary educators of their children, preparation is at home with the help of parent workshops and textbooks. The religion curriculum for grade 2 also focuses on preparation for the sacrament of Reconciliation. • Eucharist: Preparation for reception of the sacrament of Eucharist is in grade 3. Again, parents have the primary responsibility of preparing their children with home instruction and sharing. Parents have the help of parent workshops. The religion curriculum in grade 3 focuses on Eucharist. Service: St. Gregory the Great School performs service for the Response to Love Center in Buffalo and for the Nicaraguan missions. On a regular basis, students donate food items and participate in other service projects throughout the year. Each grade level, according to the L.I.G.H.T. project, adopt a community service project for the year. STUDENT RECORDS Barring court order, St. Gregory School is required to furnish grades and attendance records to noncustodial parents. Student records are confidential. Financial obligations to St. Gregory the Great School must be met before records and/or report cards may be released to other schools. Financial obligations include tuition, after school program fees, and fines for lost textbooks and library books. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS Occasionally teachers will be absent from the classroom. Instruction continues under the guidance of substitute teachers. They receive the same respect shown the regular teacher. 14 SUPPORT SERVICES The Williamsville School District provides St. Gregory the Great School with the services of a nurse, speech therapist, occupational therapist, school psychologist, and a school doctor for physicals. To seek services of the speech therapist, school psychologist or occupational therapist, call the school office. TESTING PROGRAMS The New York State standardized testing program includes the following: Grade 3 - 8: English Language Arts, Mathematics Grade 4 & 8: Science TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are furnished by the local school districts and are on loan to students. If a book is lost, damaged, or misused, the student pays for the book. Students cover hard-backed books upon receiving them in September, and replace covers as necessary. Use non-residue materials; contact paper or any material that leaves residue on removal is not permitted. BEHAVIOR and DISCIPLINE BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS The cornerstone of behavior expectations is respect for God, others, and self. Behavior based on respect leads to a safe learning environment where students have the right to take academic risks, to ask questions, to learn from mistakes, and to grow in knowledge. Conduct whether inside or outside the school that is detrimental to the reputation of the school will warrant discipline procedures. Behavior Policy We have a behavior policy for alcohol, drugs, threats, violence, and weapons. The federal Gun-Free School Act of 1994 (20 USC 8921) requires that states that receive funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 require school districts to suspend for a minimum of one calendar year, students who bring weapons to school. Section 3214 (3d) of the Education Law has been amended to comply with the federal law. Our Behavior Policy also applies to the following behaviors in school, on school property, on buses to or from school, and/or school sponsored events. These behaviors may result in suspension or dismissal at the discretion of the administration and may be reported to appropriate law enforcement agencies: 1. Possession or use of anything that may be construed as a weapon, or other dangerous object such as, but not limited to, firecrackers, fireworks, laser pointers, matches, lighters. 2. Fighting, violence, or threats of any kind of violence. 3. Defiance of school personnel. 4. Possession or use of alcohol, inhalants, and/or tobacco products. 5. Possession or use of any controlled substance or paraphernalia. 6. Vandalism (arrangements for restitution must be made). 7. Stealing. 8. Sexual harassment. (See appendix.) Cheating Cheating, including plagiarism, is a serious compromise of a student's integrity and is not tolerated. Cheating is defined as either giving or receiving answers. If cheating is discovered, a student's work is confiscated. A zero for the work is automatically recorded. Additional school punishment, such as in or out of school suspension and/or expulsion, depending on the gravity of the situation may follow. Bus Behavior Riding a school bus is a privilege that may be denied to students who disregard rules of good conduct and safety regulations. These rules are issued by the Williamsville Department of Transportation. 1) Be at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled arrival time; it will not wait for latecomers. 2) Adjustments in times, stops, routes, etc. may be made during the year. The drivers will announce adjustments. 15 3) Grades K-4 living on a court less than 1/10th mile long or less than 1/10th mile from its entrance (2/10th mile for grades 5-12), the bus stop will be located at the entrance to the court. Other bus stops are located at the nearest driveway to a corner or fire hydrant. A child not at designated stop will not be picked up. 4) While waiting at the bus stop, there is no horseplay, pushing or shoving; board in single file. 5) When crossing in front of the bus, walk far enough away from the bus so that you can see the driver’s face. Only the driver should signal students to cross. Never return to the bus for dropped or forgotten items. 6) Take a seat and remain seated at all times until you reach your stop. 7) Never place your head, hands, or arms out of a window. 8) Smoking, eating, drinking, shouting, use of bad language and fighting are prohibited. 9) Balloons, live animals, glass containers, plants, hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks or baseball bats may not be brought aboard the bus. Hockey skates may be brought aboard only if the runners are covered. Musical instruments are allowed only if the instrument can be held on the student’s lap. 10) Help keep the bus clean by not throwing papers or other trash on the floor or seats. Do not make any marks on seats, sides or windows of the bus. 11) Permission for a change in bus or stop may only be obtained from the Transportation Department. Emergency situations will be handled through the building principal’s office. 12) Common courtesy toward the driver and other students is expected. The driver has full authority in the operation of the bus and discipline of the passengers. Drivers are due the same respect as teachers. Cafeteria Behavior Students show respect for self and others, and follow posted cafeteria rules. Rules will be enforced by staff and volunteers. Classes sit together at assigned places. Students use good table manners, a reasonable tone of voice, and leave their table only when excused. Clean up after themselves. All adults are obeyed and treated with respect. Parent volunteers will monitor all students, not just their own children. Classroom Behavior Each student demonstrates respect for self, teachers, aides, substitutes, fellow students, and visitors to the classroom. Each student is seated and ready to work promptly at the start of class. To promote a proper learning environment, each student comes fully prepared with needed books, notebooks, pens, pencils, homework, assignments, and projects. Gum is not acceptable. Selling of review sheets is forbidden. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS We encourage students to exercise self-control in living and working with others. The goal of our discipline policy is to change negative behavior and teach our students to make positive choices and decisions which result in building integrity and moral excellence. We strive for a balance between the interests of the school community and the interests of the individual student in implementing disciplinary actions. Corrective Actions When students choose to behave in a disrespectful or other inappropriate manner, they will be expected to take responsibility for their actions, make up in some way for any harm their actions have caused, and demonstrate that they have learned appropriate behaviors. The specific means in which these goals are accomplished will vary according to the nature of the inappropriate behavior and may include but are not limited to the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Phone call by the student to parents. Discipline report sent home for parent’s signature. Community service to the school. Behavior contract between student and administration or between student and teacher. Parent conference. (It may be held at any time during the disciplinary process.) Detention. In school suspension. 8) Probation may result for a student who chooses misconduct which does not require immediate drastic action. These are procedures for probation: a. A conference is held with parents, student, teacher(s), and administration to discuss the nature of the misconduct and the terms of probation. b. A written referral stating a definite period of time to conform to the school behavior code is signed by all parties. Parents also receive a copy. 16 9) Suspension may result from those behaviors listed in our behavior policy or after other disciplinary measures have not effectively changed inappropriate behavior. The following are additional infractions that may warrant disciplinary measures including suspension: a. Repeated disregard for Christian principles of moral conduct. b. Chronic and incorrigible misbehavior which undermines the classroom discipline and impedes academic progress of other students. c. Repeated acts of disobedience of school regulations. 10) Expulsion may result from behaviors listed in our behavior policy or from the following infractions: a. Repeated disregard for Christian principles of moral conduct. b. Parent’s and/or student's continued lack of cooperation in supporting the school's mission and policies. c. Student behavior that disrupts learning or presents a threat to the safety of others. We follow the Diocesan School Conduct and Discipline Code. This code allows the administration to dismiss a student who is openly and continuously defiant or disruptive. The administration has the final discretion and authority to take action to ensure a positive Christian atmosphere. DISMISSAL OF A STUDENT FROM SCHOOL A student may also be dismissed from school for the following reasons: 1. The principal determines the school's programs cannot benefit a student. 2. Inability of a student to meet the academic and discipline standards set forth in this handbook. 3. Parental behavior which fails to support the school's mission and policies. SEARCH AND SEIZURE School officials have the right to search students' lockers, desks, or storage spaces that are the exclusive property of the school (Overton, 1969). School officials need only have reasonable rather than probable cause. If illegal items are found (non-prescription drugs, weapons), they will be turned over to Law Enforcement authorities. If items violate school rules, they may be confiscated and kept until the end of the school year. OTHER POLICIES ACCIDENT INSURANCE Each student at St. Gregory the Great School is covered with Student Accident Insurance for the Diocese of Buffalo Elementary Schools. Families receive a brochure stating benefits, scope and limitation of coverage, and definitions of this policy. If you have further questions, contact the local agent representing Commercial Travelers Mutual Insurance Company: Stanton, Ryan & Dauer, Inc., at 716-675-6666. 17 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM We have an after school program for grades PK-8. Please call the school 688-5323 for information. BUS POLICY Drivers will not allow a student to use any other bus or bus stop than the one assigned, or allow a student from another school district to ride on their buses. To request any changes parents make arrangements with the transportation office of the school district. This must be done before students board the bus. Arrangements may not be made through the school. Also notify the teacher of any bus change. Each student requiring bus transportation registers with the respective public school district by April 1 for the following school year. The school district determines routes and bus stops. The telephone numbers for the transportation offices of the districts are listed below: Williamsville 626-8388 Clarence 407-9500 Lancaster 686-3290 Starpoint 433-6777 Sweet Home 250-1435 CHILD ABUSE All situations of a child in need of protection because of suspected child abuse and/or maltreatment will be reported to the New York State Child Abuse and Maltreatment Register. Both the Education law and the Social Services Law of New York State clearly and forcefully mandate such reporting. The statute refers to "reasonable suspicion" of child abuse. Our teachers are mandated reporters. Any suspicion of child abuse MUST and will be reported by the school administration to the State Central Registry. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT Students are not allowed to have cell phones, ipods, and other such devices in school. Electronic equipment, including but not limited to electronic games, are allowed on a bus, but must be kept in the student's locker/back pack during school time. E-readers (Kindles, Nooks) should be allowed for appropriate reasons. If a cell phone is brought to school, it must be turned into the homeroom teacher and picked up at the end of the day. If student is caught with a cell phone, it will be taken and kept in the office for 48 hours. After that time a parent can pick it up. A second violation will require arrangements to be made with the students’ parents. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Permission slip: Each student must have a permission slip to participate in any school sponsored activity. The signed permission slip is given to the person sponsoring the activity. Behavior: Each student is responsible for conduct in a manner which reflects the values and teachings of St. Gregory the Great School. The conduct code is in effect on or off the premises, before or after school. A student in St. Gregory's uniform demonstrates what we represent. School sponsored activities include field trips, sporting events, practices, study sessions, school plays, academic contests, dances, skating parties, and others. Any student serving detention on the day of a school sponsored activity does not participate that day. Supervision: If the activity, game, or event is immediately after school (2:20 pm) students may stay in school and go directly to the activity. If the activity, event, or game is not immediately after school, students must go home and return to school for the activity. Students need to be supervised at all times. Lost items: The school is not responsible for items lost during extra-curricular activities. TUITION All financial obligations must be paid before student records, including report cards, are released. A student may be prohibited from extra curricular activities until tuition payments are current. Tuition is direct debit by St. Gregory the Great. YEARLY REGISTRATION In the second semester, each family receives forms to register children for the following school year. A $100 fee is assessed each student and is applied to the fall tuition. 18 Nicaragua Mission – Collection Calendar Due to St. Gregory the Great School’s overwhelming support of the Nicaragua Mission, we will continue this important work through Ann Marie Zon, a missionary from our community. Remembering how incredibly poor these people are, please share the following used items from your abundance. These are the collection dates. Please do not leave items other than those requested Week of Oct 6 Week of Nov 3 Week of Dec 8 Week of Jan 12 Week of Feb 2 Week of Mar 2 Week of April 13 Week of May 5 Week of June 15 used clean t-shirts (stains are ok) used eye glasses, used jewelry, earrings, necklaces, etc. used candles, candle holders, flashlights (no batteries) used religious articles (medal, statue, rosary, crucifix) NO BOOKS used baseball caps and other summer hats, sports equipment diapers, powdered milk, peanut butter, rice, pasta, canned goods bars of soap, shampoo toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, baby powder used sneakers, shoes, socks used school supplies St. Gregory the Great School Student Policy on Sexual Harassment Statement of Policy May 2000 It is the policy of St. Gregory the Great School to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. It shall be a violation of this policy for any employee or student of St. Gregory the Great School to harass another student through conduct or communications of a sexual nature as defined below. Definition Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct, which undermines the integrity of the employment and learning environment. All employees and students must be allowed to work and learn in an environment free from 19 unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures. Sexual harassment does not refer to casual compliments; it refers to behavior which is not welcome, which is personally offensive, which debilitates morale or which interferes with the work effectiveness of employees or students. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to the following behaviors: a. unwelcome statements or behavior of a sexual nature b. unwelcome solicitation or pressure for sexual activity c. any sexually motivated unwelcome touching d. gender related demeaning comments e. requests for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning an individual’s education or business with St. Gregory the Great School. Reporting Procedures Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment involving persons affiliated with St. Gregory the Great School should report the alleged acts immediately as outlined in these procedures: Any student who alleges sexual harassment by any other person should report this to his/her teacher, assistant principal, or principal. A friend may be brought along for support. When a student of St. Gregory the Great School makes a complaint of alleged sexual harassment, he/she will be asked to put the following information in writing: Name of the complainant Name of the alleged harasser Description of the incident, including dates and places it occurred Names of any witnesses Description of action taken by the complainant to resolve the matter Confidentiality of all parties will be respected, to the extent that the report and names mentioned in the report will be shared only with those parties involved, and at the discretion of the administration, with parents of a minor child. However, if the issue is not resolved at the school level, the names and events will need to be shared with others in charge of investigating and taking appropriate action. Appropriate Action: St. Gregory the Great School will take action it deems necessary and appropriate when a complaint is received alleging sexual harassment by any other student, staff member or visitor to the school. A substantiated charge against any student will result in disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the administration as noted in the student handbook. Procedure and Timeline * Once a written report of alleged sexual harassment has been filed, the principal will begin to interview all parties involved within 48 hours. * A decision will be made by the principal as to what action will be taken and who else will need to be notified. All parties will be notified of the principal’s decision within 3 school days from the time all interviews have ended. * Parents will be notified of principal’s determination and action. Retaliation Verbal and/or physical retaliation toward the person making a complaint of sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Anyone who attempts to stop a complaint or who threatens a person making such a complaint will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the administration. Rights of the Complainant Anyone who believes him/herself to be the victim of sexual harassment has the right to make a report to the designated official and to expect this complaint to be investigated and a final determination to be made without delay. Furthermore, nothing in this policy is intended to deprive an employee or student of the right to file a grievance with outside enforcement agencies such as the New York State Division of Human Rights, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Health Education and Welfare. Notification Notice of this policy will be published annually in our faculty and student handbooks. 20 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL TUITION RATE After careful deliberation and an exhaustive review of expenses, projected enrollment and a competitive analysis, the following family tuition rates have been established for the 2014-2015 academic year. The tuition rates for the 2014-2015 School Year are as follows: Parishioner rate: Non-parishioner $3,450 6,460 9,000 10,180 6,330 for one child for two children for three children for four children per child * Non-parishioner family rates for multiple children are available. Contact the Parish Business Office for details. THE TUITION INCLUDES THE $135/STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE. 1. The cost to educate a child at St. Gregory’s is approximately $6,330. The difference between your tuition and this cost represents a significant subsidy by our parish family and comes from the weekend collection. Please be mindful of your obligations as a parishioner – to actively practice the Catholic faith, attend Mass regularly at St. Gregory’s as a family and participate in some of our many Parish ministries. The schedule of Masses and a listing of parish ministries is available from the parish business office at 688- 5678 or by viewing the parish website at 2. Tuition will be assessed in 10 monthly installments, beginning August 2014. Your $100.00 deposit is netted against the total tuition. Tuition is direct debit by St. Gregory the Great. In the next few weeks, the Parish Business Office will mail payment details to your home. Note that late or delinquent payments may prevent your child from participating in school sponsored extra-curricular activities and sports. Report cards will not be issued when tuition is delinquent. If you are experiencing financial problems with tuition payments, please be proactive and contact Patricia Freund, Principal at 688-5323. 3. Tuition Assistance is available. The St. Gregory the Great Tuition Assistance Committee processes all applications on a confidential basis. No school parents are involved in the application review and approval process. An application will be mailed to you upon request. Please refer all tuition questions to Patricia Freund at 688-5323. Guidelines for Families Attending St. Gregory the Great School to Qualify as St. Gregory’s Parishioner In order to qualify for the Parishioner Tuition Rate and in certain instances such, such as placement in full grade levels, receipt of scholarship awards or tuition assistance, it may be necessary to confirm a family’s status as current St. Gregory parishioners. The following are some of the guidelines which are used to do so, and may be confidentially reviewed by the administration: 1. The family must be registered at St. Gregory the Great. Registration is done at the Parish Business Office. 2. The family must actively participate in a minimum of one Parish sanctioned ministry. A listing of Parish Ministries is available from the Parish Business Office or check the web site at . 3. The family must attend Mass at St. Gregory’s on a regular basis. A minimum of 65% attendance for all weekend and holiday obligations is required to qualify as a parishioner. Mass participation is monitored through the use of pre-printed collection envelopes. The Parish Business Office maintains a confidential record of deposited envelopes. 4. Any family that needs to have accommodations for unique situations should communicate those needs in writing to the School Principal. 5. Families must provide 30 hours of service to the school or parish ministries or events. 21 LUNCH SCHEDULES 2014-2015 NORMAL LUNCH TIMES GRADE ARRIVE LEAVE EK & K 1&2 3&4 7&8 5&6 10:14 10:48 11:22 11:57 12:39 10:44 11:18 11:52 12:27 1:09 SCHOOL MASS / AM ASSEMBLY Period Special Grades Period Times Special Times Grades 1 7 9:05 - 9:35 2 5 9:37 - 10:07 Lunch 3 8 10:09 - 10:39 EK & K 4 6 10:41 - 11:11 5 4 11:13 - 11:43 6 K 11:45 - 12:15 3&4 7 1 12:19 -12:49 7&8 8 3 12:53 - 1:23 5&6 9 2 1:25 - 1:55 HR PM ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE 1&2 1 7 7:45 - 8:20 2 5 8:22 - 8:57 3 8 8:59 - 9:34 4 6 9:36 - 10:11 5 4 6 K 10:50 - 11:25 1 & 2 10:50 - 11:20 7 1 11:27 - 12:02 3 & 4 11:30 - 12:00 8 3 12:04 - 12:39 7 & 8 12:05 - 12:35 9 2 12:41 - 1:16 5 & 6 12:41 - 1:11 PK4,EK & K10:14 – 10:44 1:20 – 1:55 1:55 – 2:00 HR 22 Lunch Times 1:55 – 2:00 Assembly
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