INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE MATAR AT-SOKHADA,TA-MATAR,DI-KHEDA PHONE NO:-02694-224755 Email ID:[email protected] TENDER NO:- CTS 01/2014-2015 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT/MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS YEAR:-2014/2015 TENDER ISSUE DATE:- 19/12/2014 TO 08/01/2015 15:00 PM TENDER SUBMISSION DATE:- UP TO 08/01/2015 15:00 PM TENDER OPENING DATE:- UP TO 09/01/2015 13:00 PM EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT GUJARAT. Industrial Training Institute of Matar, Po. Sokhada,Ta& Dist. Kheda. Ph. (02694) 224755. 01. Tender No. 1- CTS /2014-2015 / ( TOOLKIT/SHOPOUTFIT ITEM ) Tender Fee – Rs.500/- EMD Rs. 20000/- 02. Sr. No. : ………………… . 03. Name & Address of Party : 04. Receipt No. and Date : 05. Last Date of Tender Selling : 08/01/2015 Time : 13:00 PM 06. Last Date of Tender Receiving : 08/01/2015 Time : 15:00 PM 07. Last Date of Tender Opening : 09/01/2015 Time : 13:00 PM 08. The Validity of dates mentioned will be for 90 Days. Principal Industrial Training Institute Matar ( FOR THE TENDER APPLICANT ONLY ) 01. Name & Address of Party : 02. Sales Tax Registration Number : 03. Details of Deposit Amount : (A) For Gujarat State Parties : Name of Treasury …………… Chalan No.: ……….. Rs. ……… Date. …… (B) : For Out State Parties Bank Name : ……………….. Draft No. : ……………. Amount : ……………….. Date : ……………. Place : Date : Stamp & Signature of Party TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Tender form should be sent marketed with our office seal. The seal & sign of party should be on every page of the tender form. 2. Tender deposit must be paid by the treasury chalan by the parties of Gujarat state. It should be deposited at following address. K. Deposit & Advance Deposit Not Bearing Interest 8443, CIVIL DEPOSIT, EMD/SD Deposit. The Deposit will not be accepted by any other means. 3. Tender Advance amount should be payable at Principal ITI Matar by the cross D.D of Nationalized bank for the outside parties. 4. Tender must be given in sealed cover. Mention tender number and tender opening date on the cover. It is essential. 5. Tender must be reached to the office by register post (R.P.D) /personally within the mentioned time limit. The office is not responsible for the posted dalay. 6. Tender will be opened in the presence of the interested parties and their representatives,(Identification of representatives must be given.) 7. Tender rates must be including the all charges / taxes for the (door delivery) of the institute. 8. Rates must be given as per demanded units and the quantity shown in tender form is approximate which can be increased or decreased. 9. Rates should be given for ISI make or standard make only. 10. The net rates are to be mentioned in tender forms only after deducting all types of discounts. The discounts mentioned differently will not be considered. 11. The payment procedure will be started only after the inspection of the supply by the institute. If any supply is rejected due to any reason the related parties have to replace it at their own cost and risk. 12. The sample of any items mentioned in tender form must be representing whenever it is asked. 13. The rates mentioned in tender will be valid for 90 days only. 14. The supply of ordered quantity must be supplied to the institute within15 days. The 0.5% penalty will be deducted every week for the supply which reached after time limit of the delivery which is for the order within Rs.(1 lakh)1,00,000 and the penalty for more than 1 lacs supply is about 5%. 15. Cancellation or consideration of any one or all the tenders without showing any reason will be authorized only by the principal or the head of the institute. 16. This tender is abiding by the Matar jurisdiction. 17. The deposit of the selected ordered party will be calculated as the security deposit which will be given back after full supply to the stores. If supply is not provided within specified time limit the deposit will not be given back. 18. Rate should be coat in ISI/ISO or Bharat, Samrat, Taparia, Netco, SEW, JK, IT or Standard makes. Principal Industiral Training Inbstitute, Matar 8[g0Z GMl8; DFTZVF.P8LPVF.PVMG,F.G8[g0Z GMl8; G\Po_!qZ_!$vZ_!5P ZMHUFZ TYF TFl,D BFT]4 U]HZFT ZFHI VM[nMlUS TFl,D ;\:YF4D]P;MB0F4DFTZ VG[ B[0FP VF{nMlUS TFl,D ;\:YF4 DFTZ4 D]\P ;MB0F Ò v B[0F BFT[ RF,TF\ lJlJW jIJ;FIM DF8[ H~ZL 8]<; .lSJ5D[g8 q DXLGZL q DL;[,[lGI; VF.8D ;\:YFG[ 5]~ 5F0JF DF8[ D[gI]O|[SRZ q VlWS°T4 lJS|[TF q VlWS°T ;%,FI;" 5F;[ YL VMG,F.G 8[g0ZM D\UFJJFDF\ VFJ[ K[P VMG,F.G 8[g0Z EZJFGL K[<,L TFZLB _(q_!qZ_!5 K[P8[g0Z p5Z VMG,F.T 8[g0Z GM8L; G\ !&Z$(# 5Z EZL XSFX[ T[DH 8[g0ZDF8[GL OL TYF l05MHL8 DF8[GL DFCLTL OZHLIFT 56[ lJUTM J[A;F.8 5Z p5,aW K[P 8[g0Z VUZ 8[g0ZGM SM.56 EFU SM.56 HFTGF SFZ6 NXF"jIF JUZ 8[g0Z ZN SZJFGM CSS VFRFI"zL VF.P8LPVF.P DFTZ4 D]P;MB0FG[ VAFlWT ZC[X[P ccSF{X<I äFZF S|F\lTcc VFRFI" V{FnMlUS TF,LD ;\:YF DFTZ PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP VCL\ YL KF5J]\ GCL PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP S|DF\SqVF{PTFP;\qDFTZqT,Dq!$q)Z& VFRFI" zLGL SR[ZL4 VF{nMlUS TF,LD ;\:YF4 DFTZ D]\P;MB0F4 ÒPB[0F TFov !* q !Z qZ_!$ 5|lT4 lGIFDS`F=L DFlCTL lGIFDSGL SR[ZL4 S50J\H ZM04 Gl0VFN Ò v B[0F4 lJQFI o N{lGS JT"DFG5+DF\ XM8" 8[g0Z GM8L; 5|l;NW SZJF V\U[P DCMNIzL4 ;lJGI p5ZMST lJQFI 5ZtJ[ H6FJJFG]\ S[ V+[GL ;ZSFZL VM[nMlUS TFl,D ;\:YF4 DFTZ D]\P;MB0F4 Ò v B[0F U]HZFT ;ZSFZzL GF\ zD VG[ ZMHUFZ lJEFU C[9/ SFI"ZT K[P H[GL ;ZSFZL BZLNL SZJFGL YTL CM. 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