Boyne City Public Schools Rambler Review January 2015 Notes from the Superintendent… Happy New Year! I hope the holidays were safe and enjoyable to you and your family. Winter time is upon us and Michiganders expect to be subjected to a wide array of weather. If there is anything predictable about Michigan is that they are unpredictable! School busses are the safest mode of transportation for getting children back and forth to school. That is because school buses are bigger, heavier, and sit higher off the ground than other vehicles. The buses' unmistakable yellow coloring, flashing lights, and swing-out stop signs make them highly visible to motorists. In addition, all bus drivers must go through training and earn commercial driver's licenses. For more info about school bus safety go to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration . School Bus Safety Getting on/off the Bus When waiting for the bus, stay away from traffic and avoid behavior that can lead to carelessness. Do not stray onto streets, alleys or private property. Sometimes it is difficult for drivers to see students, stay visible. Line up AWAY from the street as the school bus approaches. Bus drivers inform us that many times students stand too close to the road! Dress appropriately for colder temperatures. Wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before stepping onto the roadway or departing from the bus. Use the handrail when stepping onto the bus. The conditions that give us the most concern are poor visibility (snow and fog), icy roads and extreme cold. We always take the same careful consideration into mind, when making the important decision in whether or not to cancel school. I would like to share with you the process BCPS follows: 1. Transportation Director Joe Howie gets out on the roads around 4:00a.m. Joe will drive the routes that can give him a pretty clear picture of the road conditions for our district. 2. Once Joe checks the roads and reviews the temperature, he then closely watches the weather reports coming out of Gaylord and the reports on both TV 9 & 10 and TV 7 & 4 News. 3. Joe will begin calling his list of contacts for their take on the conditions, including the County Road Commission and other area school directors (i.e. East Jordan, Petoskey, Gaylord, Charlevoix,...). 4. If the information he has received indicates cancellation is a possibility, he will call me to further discuss the situation and a decision is made. 5. I will then make phone calls to superintendents of neighboring districts to inform them we are considering a cancellation. 6. Once I decide to cancel, I start making phone calls to inform the public. The decision to cancel and starting the process of "spreading the word" usually happens no later than 5:30a.m. 7. We also send out an automated call to families around 6:20-6:30am. We don’t want it too early for those with young children sleeping nor too late for those traveling a longer distance. As you can tell by the above process thorough and careful consideration is given every time weather conditions are suspect and we are investigating a cancellation. It is a lengthy process and after I start notifying the news it takes them time to update and refresh their lists. We always appreciate your patience in the process. We understand that not every student lives in our district and /or uses bus transportation, so it is up to the parents to determine road safety conditions in your area. There will always be times when weather conditions worsen once the buses begin their routes ...or when the decision has been to cancel and the weather absolutely changes to clear blue skies. We do our best to make the most accurate and informed decisions with the information we are given and we appreciate your support! There are several ways to keep up-to-date for school closings. Here are a few ways to stay connected with BCPS! - you can sign up for weather related alerts Boyne City Public Schools Facebook BCPS Twitter Snow Day Hotline Call 231-439-8157 Text Messages from Text Caster 7&4 and 9&10 News both have apps for your phone, view online or watch TV. Local radio stations The bottom line is when cancellation is a consideration, student safety is our primary concern. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at (231-439-8190) or email [email protected]. Best wishes for a safe, successful, enjoyable and prosperous 2015! Peter Moss Superintendent District Calendar Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 11 Boyne City Board of Education January is a Time for School Board Appreciation! As citizen leaders, individual school board yet they share a common goal—helping stumembers face complex and demanding dents achieve in school and life. As a state, challenges. They are alternately described Michigan has faced many challenges, but the as having the most important volunteer key to a brighter future is a strong public jobs in the country and facing the toughest education system. challenge in elected American government. Yet school board members are just ordinary Too often we forget about the personal saccitizens with extraordinary dedication to rifices school board members make. Board our nation’s public schools. Please recogmembers contribute hundreds and hundreds nize the vital contributions of our Board of Education and the of hours each year leading their districts. The time spent in crucial role they play in the education of our children. board meetings represents just a small fraction of the hours school board members spend leading their districts. CollecPublic education is the backbone of American society, and tively, they spend almost 7,000 hours on professional devellocal school boards are deeply rooted in U.S. tradition. It’s opment to keep abreast of the latest trends in educational the foundation on which our democracy was built. Today leadership, are deeply involved in community activities and local school boards continue to do the most important work spend many hours at extracurricular events. They continually of their communities—that of educating our youth. advocate for the children of our state, and in the past year school board members made more than 4,000 passionate Their job is to establish a vision for the education program, pleas to legislators, speaking out against budget cuts and design a structure to achieve that vision, ensure schools are pushing for smart reforms. accountable to the community and strongly advocate for continuous improvement in student learning. The job of a The month of January marks the annual observance of School school board member is tough, the hours long and the thanks Board Recognition Month. This is a time to show our appreciare few and far between. Too often we’re quick to criticize ation and begin to better understand how local trustees work school board members without really understanding the together to prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s leadcomplex nature of their decisions. Now’s the time to thank ers. In January, join with others from throughout our district them for their untiring efforts. and state to salute the men and women who provide grassroots governance of public schools. School board members come from a variety of backgrounds, Board of Education Meeting Schedule At the January 12, 2015 Organizational/Regular Meeting (6:45pm) the Regular Board Meeting Schedule will be established. Please go to District/1656-BOE-Meeting-Schedule.html after January 12th for the most updated meeting schedule. (Left to Right Back Row) Ed Vondra, Jeff Mercer, Zareena Koch, Ken Schrader and Ross McLane (Front Row) Bea Reinhardt and Lisa Schrock Website link for more information Meetings are held in the Hospitality Room of the Boyne City Education Building at 321 South Park Street, Boyne City, on the second Monday of each month beginning at 7:00pm, except for the indicated exceptions. Notice of all special meetings will be posted by the main entrance in each school building as to date, time and place. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 22 Boyne City Board of Education MEET BOYNE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ BOARD OF EDUCATION We Appreciate all YOU Do! Trustee Zareena Koch has served on the Board for two years and is an active member of the Board’s Human Growth and Development, Policy and District School Improvement Committees. Zareena is a new Boyne City resident after relocating from St Louis, MO. She has been involved in non profits, education and community action for more than 16 years through various social service/education/family preservation agencies. She began as a direct service provider, but realized programs needed funds to offer the best services. She began to write and win grants, then morphed into her current career - a non profit fundraiser/strategic planner. "Making sure communities, schools and its citizens, no matter how small, have what they need to reach their full potential is my interest. As a community, we all succeed when one succeeds." she says. "My hope would be to help Boyne City Schools reach their goals and beyond in the areas of academic, fiscal and community excellence." Treasurer Ross McLane has served on the Board for 91/2 years. He has been awarded Michigan School Board Association’s Certified Board Member Award, the Award of Merit and the Award of Distinction! Ross feels that developing and maintaining the necessary knowledge and understanding of Board work is important in order to be sufficiently educated to make informed, responsible decisions for our district. Ross commented “I am pleased to have had this opportunity to work with the district’s community members, staff, students and fellow Board of Education members in our efforts to provide the best possible educational opportunities for our students and community. I truly hope that in my role, I have succeeded in contributing to the fruits of these collective efforts.” Ross serves on the Finance Committee along with his role of treasurer. He also serves on the Personnel Committee and he is the district’s liaison to the Michigan Association of School Boards Legislative Relations Network. Vice President Jeff Mercer has served on the Board for 6 years. Jeff is a State Police Officer and he carries his job into the Board room. Jeff makes sure that the safety of the children, staff and community come first and remain protected. Jeff ran for the school board, because he wanted to make sure our district was fiscally responsible. He also wanted to see that BCPS continued to offer the programs that make our school a leader in Northern Michigan. He serves on the Policy, Personnel and Finance Committees. President Ken Schrader has served on the Board for 13 years and has been awarded the Michigan Association of Schools Boards’ Award of Merit. He has been in many areas of education, but currently technology is his focus. He was closely involved in the Technology Bond Project and his hopes are for Boyne City students to continue to get all the progressive tools they need to be successful. Ken serves on the District School Wide Improvement Committee, the Building Trades Committee and attends the District Technology meetings. Trustee Lisa Schrock has served on the Board for 4 years. Lisa has children in the school district who are very active in sports. It is likely you have seen her taking tickets and volunteering for numerous sport teams, not to mention cheering from the stands. Lisa is definitely a SUPER RAMBLER FAN! She wanted to serve on the Board to be a positive role model for her children and to give back to her community. Lisa serves on the Wellness and Personnel Committees, as well as the Athletic Council and the Char-Em Board’s Association Executive Committee. Secretary Bea Reinhardt has served on the Board for a total of 15 years and has been awarded the Michigan Association of Schools Boards’ Award of Merit. Bea has had 2 children and 4 grandchildren graduate from Boyne City Public School system. She now has 1 grandchild and one great-grandchild currently in school. She is proud to be a part of their educational experience by serving on the Board. Bea is a definite RAMBLER fan cheering on her family for generations! She serves on the District Wide School Improvement Committee, which is a committee that meets frequently to ensure student progress and success, as well as the Policy Committee. This year she also represented the Board during the negotiations and helped settle the union contracts. Trustee Ed Vondra has served on the Board for 14 years and has been awarded the Michigan Association of Schools Boards’ Award of Merit. Everyone knows Ed, because he is everywhere! Ed loves to support all events that BCPS puts together from dances, carnivals, sporting events, the theater… it doesn’t matter what it is you will find his quiet support there. Ed also is active in the Kiwanis Club and continues his support into the whole community. He ran for the Board of Education to provide for effective growth and solvency for Boyne City Public Schools. He serves on the Finance Committee and the Athletic Council. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 33 City Public Schools BoyneBoyne City Public Schools News from the School Nurse…. Keeping Kids Healthy I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Now that winter is upon us, I would like to review ways to help keep our kids healthy during these cold winter months. Some easy things that parents can do to promote a healthy lifestyle and keep children from getting sick include: Offering your children healthy foods like low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits and vegetables every day. Don’t allow smoking in areas where your child spends time – in your home or your car. Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep. Develop a regular night time routine including a regular bedtime and stick to it. Make sure everyone in the family washes their hands regularly and thoroughly (using liquid soap, washing for 10 seconds and rinsing with warm running water). Regular visits to your child’s primary care provider for physicals and check-ups. If you have any issues related to finding a primary care provider or getting insurance please contact me and I can assist you. Ways to Prevent Colds and Flu Teach children to use a disposable tissue when they cough or blow their noses and throw the tissue away. I also like to talk to kids about giving coughs and sneezes “the cold shoulder” by catching them in the elbow of their arm instead of their hands. Do not allow children to share cups, combs, towels or food. Keep fingernails clean and trimmed and discourage nail biting. Rules of thumb for keeping kids home: Fever 100 degrees or higher Cold like symptoms with a fever Sore throat Difficulty swallowing and swollen glands Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea Stomach ache with fever Pink eye Unusual rashes or infected skin patches Headache and stiff neck Body aches and pain Please remember, we are happy to give your child medications that they may need during school but a parent must drop off and pick up the medication, students are not allowed to carry medication (including cough drops) in school. A parent should also complete the Medication Authorization Form in the office. Keep in mind that good physical health goes hand in hand with good mental health. If your child ever has an issue that you would like to discuss with our Mental Health Counselor, Jessica Kempke, please call her at 439-8243 or email her at [email protected]. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the school nurse, Sue McCloskey at (231)439-8253 or email at [email protected]. Your child or family may be eligible for free or low-cost insurance through MIChild, HealthyKids, the Healthy Michigan Plan, or the Health Insurance Marketplace. Visit to learn more, or call the Health Department of Northwest Michigan at 1-800-432-4121 to learn about coverage options and to schedule an appointment for enrollment assistance. Many times parents are not sure if they should keep a child home or send them to school. Although we all want children to be in school as much as possible it’s also important to keep them home when they are feeling sick. Generally if they are feeling unwell they won’t be able to participate in class and get any meaningful information and they run the risk of spreading their illness to other children. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 44 Technology Internet Safety Technology can be a wonderful tool to help kids learn, and with a few precautions and some good judgment, they can use it safely. Below are some tips to help keep your children safe online. Establish clear guidelines: Talk with your child about your expectations for them online. Establish time limits and consequences for inappropriate online behavior. Monitor social media use: Follow your child on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or other social media sites. Monitor what they post and how they interact with others. Teach your child to communicate only with people they know in real life, and to think before they post. Know the capabilities of your device(s): Does your computer/ phone/tablet have a webcam? Does your gaming system have internet capabilities? Understand what you buy before bringing it into your home. Abide by the rules online: Adhere to age limits on social media, and report inappropriate content. Update your technology: Install updates in operating systems or apps as they become available. These often contain security fixes. Use passcodes: Put a password or passcode on your device(s) to prevent others from tampering with it. Understand location services: Location services can allow others to see the location of your child when they post something. Turn off location services in the settings of your device(s). Communicate: Have your child show you what they do and use online. Ask them to teach you about an app or website you didn’t know about. Early Learners’ Best Breakfast Ever!!! ….This is what everyone was saying as they were leaving our annual Christmas Breakfast Celebration! Each year, and this year was no exception, the children and staff of our program were joined by many family members and friends to enjoy a tasty meal prepared by parents and staff. The breakfast buffet table was bursting with everything anyone could ask for! The scrumptious aroma of pancakes, sausage, eggs, and toast wafted down the hallway along with a lengthy line of hungry children accompanied by their parents, teachers and friends. What a wonderful welcome this proved to be to everyone entering the building that morning. This gala event is only one of the various ways that we bring the many members of our Early Learners families together for some good old fashioned fun, food and conversation. Everyone left with a smile and some great new memories! Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 55 Boyne City Elementary School Winter Clothing We can’t publish a newsletter during the winter months without at least one reminder about ensuring that your children are dressed for the weather when they come to school. We encourage children to play outside even through the cold winter months because research has continually published the benefits and importance of play. Please help them to enjoy this time more by ensuring that they are properly dressed. Notes from the Elementary Principal The best times in my day are when I can share time in your child’s classroom watching them learn and grow, academically, emotionally and socially. The innovative staff at BCES is continually creating assignments, projects and activities to engage and challenge the students to be better today than they were yesterday. Much of the time is spent developing reading, writing and math skills. The potential for growth is great at these younger ages and I hope you have observed that growth at home. Whether it is a kindergarten student that has learned all of the letters, sounds, sight words and is on the verge of reading or a 4th grader whose depth of understanding and analyzing information is leading to increased comprehension of life, it is amazing to watch our students grow through the course of the year. Two things that you can do to help your child grow are to talk to them about what they are learning and to provide time for them to read to you or with you. including several opportunities for students to make a difference in the world by helping others: Students donated Halloween candy that was sent to our troops serving overseas, sponsored a jersey in the pink game, collected items for the WRC Safe Home and donated items for the Community Christmas effort. These activities all fit in with our Culture of Caring theme to encourage students to look beyond themselves and contribute to make the world a better place. Please check the BCES calendar as there are several very important events approaching in the new year. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in the first week of February and Kindergarten Round Up will take place the third week of April. Both seem a long way off, but they will be here sooner than we think. (My mom was right- it does go fast.) We have had lots going on this year Mark Fralick Elementary Principal Seeking Parent Input We feel the educational program at BCES is outstanding and getting better. Part of improvement process is to annually review what we do at the ES: academics, student support, parent support, communication; basically everything we do. A valuable part of that review is feedback from parents. Please take the time to complete the “Parent Survey” located at the following link: The survey will be open until Friday, February 6. Thank you in advance for helping us assess the program at BCES so we can make it even stronger for your children. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 66 Boyne City Elementary School Check it Out; Lots of Good Things Happening…. Friday, January 16 at 6:00 p.m. - PTO, Title I Family Movie Night featuring complimentary popcorn and “Frozen” at the BCHS Performing Arts Center; after the movie each student in attendance will get to select a free book to take home. Tuesday, Jan 20 at 6:00 in the Media Center - BCES PTO meeting; future meetings 2/24 and 3/24 Wednesday, January 21 in the ES cafeteria - The “Living Lincoln” assembly February 2 through February 6 - Scholastic Book Fair will be held and will be open during Parent-Teacher conferences. It is a great time to buy some books that are engaging and appropriate for your child’s reading level. February 3 from 12:30-6:00 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - Half day of school (About five weeks earlier than in the past) February 5 from 5:00-9:00 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - Full day of school Friday, February 13 - Professional Development Day (No school for students) Monday, February 16 - Winter Break – No school April 22, 23, 24 - Kindergarten Round Up more details in March April 24 - ES PTO Spring Carnival at Boyne City High School Update Your Digits!! UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFO Parents are reminded to update their contact information when it changes; especially when you change cell phone plans and receive a new number. Student Drop Off In the morning if you need to walk your child in or carry something for them please remember to park your car in the parking area. Traffic flows much more smoothly and safely if there are no cars parked in the drop off area. From what I have observed in the mornings, if you park in the drop off lane and a car pulls in behind you, they will have to back up to get around your car. When cars back up it creates a dangerous situation as many ES students are not tall enough to be visible in the rear view mirror. So please leave the drop off lane for those dropping students off. UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFO iPad Charges If you receive an invoice for iPad charges, either an insurance fee or a repair fee, please respond with the payment for the fee or contact the elementary office to set up a payment plan. We realize that as we head into the colder months, heating bills can take a large chunk out of monthly budgets, so please call us so we can set up a payment plan that works for you and your family. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 77 Elementary Christmas Programs be os can t o h : p t oncer ing link More C at the follow ed .k12. access .boyne llery w w w / http:/ deo-ga rtal/vi o P / S E BC an b e ideos c : v t r e c as Con ing link Christm at the follow ed 12. access oyne.k ery b . w w w ll http:// tal/video-ga r o P / BCES All photos courtesy of Steve Zucker Rambler Review pg 88 City Middle School BoyneBoyne City Middle School Notes from the Middle School Principal The Boyne City Middle School Spelling Bee was held on Thursday, November 13th. The winner was 8th grader Eleri Giem and the runner-up was 5th grader Kaden Jewett. 3rd place was Maddie Morgan. 4th place was Josee Behling. Josylyn Morgan took 5th place and Lauren Hudson was 6th place. The alternate will be Anders Foltz. The top 6 spellers will advance to the county bee held on February 12th at Harbor Springs Performing Arts Center. I hope this letter greets you at a time when you have had the opportunity to spend time with family, and “recharge” from the holiday season. It is hard to believe we are nearly half way through the school year. It seems that just last week I was greeting your children at the door as they entered another school year; what growth I have seen since then. Here at the middle school, we are big advocates of creative, independent learning. We are constantly challenging our students to reach a higher level of thinking by having them take a spark within them, and create a flame for others to see. This is done frequently by having students write, talk, or create something (or about something) that interests them. With middle school students it can, at times, be a daunting task to keep interest in the task at hand. It never ceases to amaze me what our students are capable of if we just give them the floor from time to time. Our hope and desire is that by having student directed learning from time to time, we will open up a lifelong interest in learning, trying, and creating new things. I would like to give grati- tude to our staff and parents for helping keep our (your) kids interested in school. Without the “team” approach taken, our students would not be where they are today. This spring, the State of Michigan will be changing the test they use to evaluate student achievement. The MEAP test we have been using for the past several years will no longer be the measurement tool used to chart and record student progress at the state and local levels. The new assessment is called the M- Step, which is a 100 percent computer based assessment. Right now there are no pilot tests available, but we anticipate an online pilot to be available sometime in late January. Further information on the M-Step test can be obtained at: mde/0,4615,7-140-22709_70117--,00.html and https:// ott1 Please keep reading on to see what we have been up to at the middle school! Michael D. Wilson Boyne City Middle School Principal BCMS Calendar W in ne r s o f T h is Ye a r ’s R a ff le ! Lynn Adams won a Polaris Snowmobile Student Winner: Derek Word won 4 tickets to an event of his choice of Detroit Pistons, Van Andel Arena, Red Wings or Fox Theater Keller Nicholls won a 2.5 Minute Grocery Race at Family Fare Student Winner: Jagger Nichols won $300 Camping Package from Bearcub Outfitters and MC Sports and an overnight camping trip with his friends Jerry Schmoldt won a $500 Marathon Gas Card Student Winner: Jay Clausen won Wildwood Rush Zip Line Canopy Tour Valinda Turner won a $250 Gift Certificate at Barrel Back Restaurant Student Winner: Madaline Prichard won BCMS Overnight Lock-in with 5 friends Thank You Everyone for Your Support! Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 99 Boyne City Middle School MATHEMATICS with MR. RINGLE! Mr. Ringle's class ended their Percent unit with the Annual Kringle's Kafe. Kids gained points using an online program called Class Dojo. Each point was then rewarded $1 of Kringle's Kash to be used for the Kafe on the day before Christmas break. The kids calculate their final total, then given the unit price for each of the food items being brought in, calculate their sub total, tax on their order, final total and the tip to leave their server. The kids work hard leading up the to final day and are extremely excited for all the food the can buy. 2014 7th Grade UNDEFEATED Boys Basketball Team Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1010 Boyne City Middle School Jim Basketball Jones Visited The BCMS Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t, You’re Right. Jim “Basketball” Jones is all about individuals developing and harnessing their inner strength and positive mind set to lead better and more fulfilling lives. He believes we all learn over time at our own pace and as long as we never stop learning, we will find our own success. We have to take ownership in our own effort, be willing to learn from others and believe in ourselves to realize our potential. Jim put these principles into action at an early age as he learned how to overcome his own learning disability. Good Life Lessons 7th graders got a glimpse into their future on Friday, December 12. Each student chose a career and took their checkbook register around to different booths to go through Life. As they proceeded through “Life Unplugged”, they purchased goods and services to support their families for a month. Each student started with a beginning balance, based on their job, and tried to stay out of debt as they purchased housing, groceries, insurance, childcare, etc. Some good life lessons! Thank you to some high schoolers for helping to run the booths. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1111 Boyne City Middle School Mystery Festival Mock Trial Friday, December 19, 2014, Boyne City Middle School eighth grade students participated in their own “Mystery Festival Mock Trial.” The mystery “crime scene” of the murder of Mrs. Peggy Baker, retired former BCMS school secretary, was replicated and examined by the eighth grade students. Students collected evidence from the scene and used forensic activities to determine which of the eighth grade staff and teachers would be the most likely suspect for the crime. After determining their current secretary, Mrs. Karen Kruzel, was the most likely to commit the crime, students were selected and coached in trial proceedings. Students dramatically played the parts of staff members and forensic experts Attorneys for the prosecution were represented by Jacob Dean, Katie Harmeling, and Maddie Morgan The attorneys defending Mrs Kruzel, played by Molly Day, were Molly Burch, Eleri Giem, and Natalie Snyder. The court proceedings were officiated by the honorable Gabe Wright and Kipp Cilleslesski. After a one hour trial, the student jury declared Mrs Kruzel not guilty, and Gabe Wright dismissed the court ordering everyone to enjoy their holiday break. BCHS SAFE Team Seven members from the BCHS SAFE Team, under the direction of Ms. Susan Pulaski from the Northwest Michigan Health Department, presented posters of members of the high school fall sports teams that lead a drug free lifestyle. The SAFE Team presented the posters to the 6th, 7th and 8th graders during each of their lunch periods. After the presentation the SAFE Team mingled with the students as they ate their lunch. The posters will remain in the middle school. Each season the SAFE Team will replace the posters with Ramble sports stars from the winter and spring seasons. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1212 Boyne City Middle School Genius Day To see more photos from go to photos/100258552158458127353/ albums/6086028784915266273?banner=pwa Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1313 Boyne City Middle School PTO Boyne City Middle School PTO Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1414 Boyne City Middle School PTO W A Y S T O H E L When possible please shop locally P B C M S Visit us at and/or like us on Facebook at Boyne City Middle School PTO . UGLY SWEATERS Boyne City Middle School PTO held the Second Annual Ugly Sweater Contest on Thursday, December 19th. Many students and staff arrived for the day clad in tinsel, glitter, dangling Santa's, presents, bulbs and flashing lights. The Christmas 2014 Winners are Pictured: 5th Grade, Jackson Menard; 6th Grade, Aaron Fulk; 7th Grade, Megan Hope; 8th Grade, Zac Backus: Staff, Ryan Ringle. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1515 Boyne City Middle School 1ST MARKING PERIOD MIDDLE SCHOOL HONOR ROLL 5th Grade All A Honor Roll 7th Grade All A Honor Roll Aaron Bess, Allison Burns, Harley Cadarette, Connor Carlson, Isabella Cosier, Kimberly Crain, Andrew Crandall, Grace Dawson, Laurana Dyer, Lydia Frasz, Paxton Giem, Shyla Green, Scott Haley, Robert Hoth, Kaden Jewett, Savannah Leaver, Breez McPherson, Megan Minnaar, Madison Moore, Braden Patton, Gabriel Pellerito, Avery Peplinski, Elizabeth Richards, Nicholas Rutkowski, Nicolas Santina, Margaret Seaver, Kolton Stadt, Taylor Stockwell, Jed Turcott, Sydney Veryser, and Eden Vrondran. Jacob Alger, Nicholas Aown, Josee Behling, Joad Blaauw-Hara, Laurel Book, Brady Butka, Jillian Cain, Haley Carlson, Sydney Dickenson, Brooklyn Fitzpatrick, Leona Follette, Jack Franchino, Katelyn Gabos, Mackenzie Gray, Isabella Helsley, Sophia Hemming, Megan Hope, Claire Ivie, Anna Johnson, Cameron Knight, Zoe Koch, Connor Lannen, Jazmine Matelski, Chloe McBee, Haley McBee, Heather McClure, Gabrielle Musser, Stephen Orban, Dicie Siska, A.J. South, Avery Stadt, Tia Sulak, Elizabeth Turnbull, Lauren Yang and Logan Zipp. 5th Grade A A--B Honor Roll 7th Grade A A--B Honor Roll Gavin Booher, Ella Book, Jacob Bush, Joel Carter, Keni Ciesielski, Robert Coleman, Lillian Cooper, Riley Dittmar, Maricka Drennan, Zacorey Eaton, Shian Erickson, Alexandria Fleming, Nicholas Gardner, Jared Gasco, Kai Gates, Stella Grandy, Savannah Hausler, Ethen Howay, Isabella Ingalls, Hannah Ivie, Delaney Jaramillo, Melody Jarvis, Isabella Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Shianna Lewis, Autumn McMillen, Paris Meadows, Austin Mercer, Hayden Mosley, Madeleine Pennell, Ethan Pflug, Madaline Prichard, Kathy Raville, Jennifer Schmoldt, Tessa Willson, Daniel Wilson, Derek Work, Sydney Wruk and Luke Yang. Kayleigh Alger, Keagan Anderson, Ethan Barkley, Miles Bates, Carter Binkley, Nicholas Bollman, Peter Calcaterra, Anastasia Carpenter, Chelsey Coleman, Devon Hayden, Brittney Hocquard, Chandler Jackson, Olivia Knitter, Tyler Krussell, Taryn McBee, Molli McHugh, Josylyn Morgan, Emma Payton, Reiley Peplinski, Caden Rajkovich, Emma Russold, Annabelle Seelye, Erin Smith, John Henry Sosa, Max Vondra, Dominic Weaver-Weidlich, Jack Wicker and Rylie Woodall. 6th Grade All A Honor Roll 8th Grade All A Honor Roll Maggee Behling, Aidan Brehm, Kari Day, Michael Deming, Anders Foltz, Kara Giem, Megan Harmeling, Inanna Hauger, Alexandrea Herrick, Ariel Himmelspach-McKillip, Phoebe Holm, Lauren Hudson, Eric Jakubiak, Kylie Joles, Xzandria Jozwiak, Kaila Kuhn, Holley Leask, Kaiya Leismer, Amelia Lorencz-Krell,Will Maginity, Madison Matthews, Elizabeth McHugh, Jordan Montgomery, Jagger Nicholls, Jordan Noble, Taylor Noble, Haley Pankratz, Loagen Rader, Audrey Richards, Joshua Robinson, Katelyn Shepherd, Sarah Snyder, Joseph Spate, Sarah Sterling, Brett Tonsor, and Madison Ward. Chloe Britton, Molly Burch, Katie Burley, Jacob Dean, Eleri Giem, Haley Gray, Katie Harmeling, Cora Hauger, Neal Hautz, Max Koch, Cliff Maginity, Emily Mansfield, Alex McGeorge, Madison Morgan, Meghan Reed, Natalie Snyder, Emily Sterling, and Dillon Sulak. 6th Grade A A--B Honor Roll 8th Grade A A--B Honor Roll Brayton Ager, Nathan Blackburn, Emily Bonneville, Alexandria Carlington, Christopher Cheadle, Kaylee Chew, Emily Davison, Heather Davison, Izabella Frazier, Zach Hardy, Maysun King, Ackeem Larmond, Nathan Leaver, Gavin Lillie, Max Matthews, Hi’ilani Nahinu, Sarah Persons, Terrence Reinhardt, Kaden Reynolds, Elena Roskoski, Mason Shaler, Isaac Shiers, Aidan Towne, and Serina Trarop. Blair Bingham, Lucia Brzezinski, Kipp Ciesielski, Carter Coates, Blake Courtright, Molly Day, Morgyn Felton, Spencer Fernatt, Cloey Healey, Ethan Hills, Luke Lasater, Billijo Lewis, Noah Lockman, Cami McFadinBurke, Dayton McPherson, Wyatt Melvin, Frank Minier, Sophia Morais, Xander Napont, Nathan Overmyer, David Seaver, William Seaver, Gabe Wright, Kathryn Zucker and Angel Zupin. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1616 Boyne City High School A NOTE FROM THE HS PRINCIPAL… The holiday season is always a busy one and filled with spectacular happenings at the high school, and this past month has been nothing less! The Christmas Band Concert of 2014 showcased both the Jazz Band and Concert Band...the performance was outstanding. The high school Student Council raised $1235 for Community Christmas Baskets through the Community Dress-Down Day High School students and staff contributed a truck full of donated items for Community Christmas Baskets High School National Honor Society, 9th graders & other students helped to sort and pack items for Community Christmas The High School Student Council Christmas Wish Project delivered Christmas Wishes to 37 high school students. Donations, fundraising, and staff donating time made these possible! All proud moments for Boyne City High School, the students, the staff, and our community! BOYNE PRIDE As we move into the new year of 2015, we move closer to the ‘end of the year’ and reality for the Class of 2015 begins to sink in...the end is nearing. For some this is exciting and they can’t wait…but for many it begins to become a time of questions and unknowns, and they begin to feel like ‘time is running out.’ And for parents, this time can be filled with panic and fear as well. Let me suggest that parents make the time to regularly talk with your Seniors about staying focused with school, taking one day at a time, and making sure that the decisions they make are well-thought out. Not becoming stressed about ‘the next step’ is difficult, but working together can help. On the opposite end of high school, our 9th grade Class of 2018, have now completed their 1st term of High School, are feeling like a ‘real high schooler’ and have a G.P.A. established. Their high school career has just begun. Many of them are now feeling as if they have some things figured out and are setting new goals for themselves for the rest of this school year. Whichever end (or the middle) of high school, parents are key in the experience being a positive one for their son/daughter. As the New Year begins, parent involvement will continue to be a priority for BCHS – please help us by continuing to do the same! Happy New Year! Karen K. Jarema, Principal High School Calendar Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1717 Boyne CityCity Middle PTO Boyne HighSchool School Boyne City High School CAFE SANTE HOST TO HOSPITALITY FUNDRAISER On December 17, 2014 Café Sante and Chef Kyle Marshal put on a fundraiser for our Boyne City Hospitality Class to support one of our upcoming competitions. Café Sante opened its doors to our community and proceeds from each dinner went towards our program. A special bonus to the evening was our students in the program had the opportunity to work side by side with the Café Sante’s staff throughout the event. nary, Serve Safe Quiz Bowl and for the first time we have a team that will participate in the management portion of this competition. BCHS would like to say thank you to Magnum Hospitality, their staff and the wonderful support from our community. A special thank you to Chef Kyle Marshall of Magnum Hospitality for all the hours he put into this event. The ProStart invitational in March is attended by some of the best culinary programs in the State and is pretty expensive to attend. This competition is an extreme challenge for the students who compete. This year we have three teams participating in three of the four events, Culi- BCHS Hospitality Program is an ISD supported vocational program and continues to be thankful for the support of our local business partners in assisting the education of our students. Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1818 Boyne City High School BCHS STUDENTS VISIT BAKER AUTO/DIESEL INSTITUTE Cathy Brown, HS Counselor, and Rachel Kopec, College Advisor, recently took five students to visit Baker College's Auto/Diesel Institute in Owosso. The students met with Admissions representatives, learned about financial aid and toured the facilities. The highlight of the trip was touring the Auto/Diesel Institute's classrooms and workshops. They discussed the degrees available for students in Diesel Mechanics, Automotive and Welding. Many of the students have been accepted to Baker, but hadn't had a chance to see the school. This visit gave them the information they needed to help them make a decision about their future plans. BCHS Looking for Adult Volunteers for US History Literature Circles Interested in reading Young Adult Fiction Novels related to US History? Join our 9th grade US History Literature Circles - a mini-book club with US History students! Our Boyne City Booster Foundation, the Boyne District Library and the Boyne City High School library have graciously funded 14 different novel choices for our students to choose from! If you have time in your schedule and would love to have great academic conversation with our young adults, please contact Michele Deming at [email protected] Literature Circle Discussion Dates: January 14th, February 6th and February 18th Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 1919 Boyne City High School FAFSA Completion Night The FAFSA is the "Free Application for Federal Student Aid" and is the first step in receiving financial aid to help pay for college. Parents and students can come to Boyne City High School on Sunday, February 8 from 2:00-4:00 and get help filling out the FAFSA. Our computers will be available for use and there will be staff to assist you with any questions you may have about filling out the FAFSA. There will be one additional evening for FAFSA completion -- Tuesday, Feb 24 from 6:30-8:00pm. The goal is to finish your FAFSA by March 1st to be eligible for the most grants and financial help. You will need the following information when filling out the FAFSA: PIN number for parent and student (get them at Social Security Number for parent and student 2014 income tax information Balance in cash, savings, and checking accounts (student and parents) 2014 untaxed income (child support paid or received, other benefits) Investments (stocks, bonds, additional real estate other than primary home) - does not include retirement accounts. If you have any questions, contact Cathy Brown 231-439-8129 or Rachel Kopec 231-439-8124 Financial Aid Night Financial Aid Night on Dec 10 was very well attended, with over 50 parents and students there to learn more about paying for college. If you were unable to attend, but would like information on Financial Aid, contact Cathy Brown, BCHS Counselor 231-439-8129 or [email protected] Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 2020 Boyne City Athletics News from the Athletic Director David Smith Wow, what a Fall we had in Rambler Country! All of our student-athletes and coaches put forth a great effort and teams had very successful seasons. Most notable were of our boys cross country team qualifying for the state meet and our football team winning a regional championship. Regardless of what it was, our students, staff, and community were given some awesome experiences and at the end of the day that’s one of the most important things we’re trying to accomplish with high school athletics. As a newcomer to the community, it was pretty neat witnessing all of the support from many throughout the Fall. This all culminated when multiple people lent a helping hand to prepare our football field for the regional championship game. The old concept of when many people come together for a common goal, special things can happen certainly rang true in Boyne City, MI. I want to extend a thank you to all who helped with that particular project. Bottom line is that our students are very fortunate to have a community that is willing to step up to the plate when there is a need. Now let’s keep it rolling through the winter season. Go Boyne! Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 2121 Boyne City Athletics COREY REDMAN SCORES 1000 POINTS!! Senior Corey Redman scored his 1000th point on December 16 on our home court in a Lake Michigan Conference game vs. Elk Rapids. Corey hit the 1000th point on a 3-point shot. Corey joins the BCHS 1000 point club of: Scott Upton, Dawn Tims, Becky Aimesbury, Brian Vroman, Mike DeSchryver, Eric Smith, Jason Rozycki, and Holly Stanek. Earlier this Fall, Corey signed with Central Michigan University where he intends to continue his academic and basketball career in the Fall of 2015. Check out Footage Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 2222 Boyne City Athletics Boyne City Middle/High School Winter 2014-2015 Sports Schedule JV Girls Basketball Varsity Boys Basketball 1/16/15 1/20/15 1/23/15 1/27/15 1/30/15 2/2/15 2/6/15 2/10/15 2/13/15 2/17/15 2/20/15 2/24/15 2/27/15 3/3/15 3/5/15 Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF Kingsley East Jordan Elk Rapids Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF Cedarville Petoskey A A H A H A A A H H A H A A H 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 1/8/15 1/15/15 1/20/15 1/22/15 1/27/15 1/29/15 2/3/15 2/4/15 2/10/15 2/12/15 2/17/15 2/19/15 2/24/15 2/26/15 Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF Kingsley East Jordan Elk Rapids Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF Cedarville Petoskey H A A A A A H A A H H H H A H 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:00 5:30 1/12/15 1/16/15 1/20/15 1/27/15 1/30/15 2/2/15 2/9/15 2/10/15 2/13/15 2/23/15 2/24/15 2/27/15 3/5/15 Petoskey Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF Pine River East Jordan Elk Rapids Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:00 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 5:30 H A H H H H A A H H A A A A Benzie Central Grayling Gaylord Charlevoix TCSF Benzie Central Gaylord Elk Rapids Grayling Ellsworth (JV) Charlevoix TCSF Petoskey H A H A H H A A H H H A H 6:00 5:30 4:00 4:00 5:30 7:30 7:30 4:00 5:30 7:00 4:00 5:30 4:00 Freshmen Girls Basketball Varsity Girls Basketball 1/8/15 1/16/15 1/20/15 1/23/15 1/27/15 1/30/15 2/3/15 2/6/15 2/10/15 2/13/15 2/17/15 2/20/15 2/24/15 2/27/15 H H H A H A A H H A A H A H Freshmen Boys Basketball JV Boys Basketball 1/15/15 1/20/15 1/22/15 1/27/15 1/29/15 2/2/15 2/4/15 2/10/15 2/12/15 2/17/15 2/19/15 2/24/15 2/26/15 3/3/15 3/5/15 Petoskey Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF Pine River East Jordan Elk Rapids Grayling Harbor Springs Kalkaska Charlevoix TCSF 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 6:30 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 7:00 5:30 1/5/15 1/8/15 1/12/15 1/20/15 1/27/15 2/2/15 2/4/15 2/9/15 2/10/15 2/23/15 2/24/15 2/27/15 Harbor Light A 5:30 Petoskey H 4:00 Benzie Central A 7:30 Alpena A 5:30 Charlevoix H 4:00 Benzie Central A 6:00 Alpena H 4:00 Gaylord A 6:00 Harbor Light H 4:00 Ellsworth (JV) H 5:30 Charlevoix A 4:00 Gaylord H 5:30 **THIS SCHEDULE IS AS OF 1/5/15** Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 2323 Boyne City Athletics Boyne City Middle/High School Winter 2014-15 Sports Schedule Varsity Co-Ed Ski Team 1/6/15 1/8/15 1/15/15 1/20/15 1/22/15 1/29/15 1/31/15 2/5/15 2/9/15 2/18/15 2/23/15 Boyne Highlands Nubs Nob Schuss Mountain Schuss Mountain Boyne Mountain Nubs Nob Boyne/Charx Invite League Make-Up Date Regionals @ Boyne Highlands LMC Championships States @ Marquette A A A A H A H A Varsity Boys Wrestling 10:00 5:00 1:00 10:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Middle School Ski Team 1/15/15 1/20/15 1/27/15 2/3/15 2/5/15 2/12/15 2/17/15 Boyne Mountain Nubs Nob Nubs Nob Nubs Nob Boyne Mountain Boyne Mountain Mount McSauba Check out footage at Rambler Sports Network! H A A A H H A 1/7/15 1/10/15 1/14/15 1/17/15 1/30/15 1/31/15 2/7/15 @TCSF/ER Onaway Grayling Mancelona Gaylord Gaylord LMC Championships @ Charlevoix A A H A A A A 6:00 TBA 6:00 TBA 5:00 10:00 TBA Middle School Girls Basketball 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 1/19/15 Charlevoix H 1/21/15 Harbor Springs A 1/26/15 SEAS (TCSF) A 1/28/15 Grayling H 2/2/15 East Jordan H 2/4/15 Kalkaska A 2/9/15 Elk Rapids H 2/11/15 Harbor Springs H 2/16/15 Charlevoix A 2/18/15 East Jordan A 2/23/15 Petoskey* H 2/25/15 Elk Rapids A Rambler Team Starts at 4:30 7th Grade Team Starts at ~5:30 8th Grade Team Starts at ~6:30 * = No Rambler Team, 7th Grade will start at 4:00 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 5:00 4:00 **THIS SCHEDULE IS AS OF 1/5/14** Excellence in Academics, Arts & Athletics Rambler Review pg 2424
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