St. Francis of Assisi Parish January11, 2015 • Feast of the Baptism of the Lord ...................................................................................... From the Pastor’s Desk W e welcome Fr. Franklin back to St. Francis Parish this weekend. He is here to speak about his important ministry with the Franciscan School of Theology at Mission San Luis Rey in Oceanside, CA. He has a memorable history with us at St. Francis, and I hope you will welcome him home with open arms. This weekend the Christmas Season comes to an end with the Feast of the Bap sm of the Lord. This event in Jesus’ life is one of the few events that all four evangelists men on in their gospel narra ves. The four evangelists narrate the bap sm of Jesus with different emphases, addressing what was needed to iden fy Jesus with their Chris an communi es. Each community had its own iden ty, experience, and way of understanding the Resurrected Lord in their midst. How might we write about the story of Jesus’ bap sm? What emphasis do we need in order to iden fy Jesus with our community of faith? How might we be er understand the resurrected Lord in our midst? Why did Jesus need to be bap zed? For Mark, the bap sm of Jesus is the first epiphany or manifesta on of the “Messianic King.” The heavens open, the Spirit descends upon Jesus like a dove, and a voice announces, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” This announcement makes clear Jesus’ iden ty and begins his mission. For Luke, Jesus comes to bap sm when “all the people are being bap zed.” Jesus is in solidarity with sinners. In Luke, the heavens open when Jesus “had been bap zed and was praying.” It is Jesus’ prayer that seems to open the heavens for the Holy Spirit to descend upon him. For Ma hew, Jesus’ bap sm is a sign that he will stand with “sinners.” Although John the Bap st wishes Jesus to bap ze him, Jesus insists that John must confer upon him the bap sm of conversion to God. As one who stands with us, Jesus becomes more iden fied with us un l his iden ty is manifested on the cross as he dies for all humanity. In John’s gospel, Jesus appears from nowhere. He approaches John the Bap st and, from their encounter, the message of Jesus goes out to the en re world. Jesus’ bap sm Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 5:15 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:30 am, Noon is an epiphany to John the Bap st, when he witnesses the “Spirit of God descending like a dove from the sky” to rest on Jesus. From this experience, John the Bap st becomes the apostle, the one sent to tes fy that Jesus is God’s chosen one. He announces that Jesus is the “Lamb of God,” the sacrificial lamb who will bear the sins of the world. For Jesus to be known, the revela on that occurs at his bap sm is needed to open our eyes and hearts. The Gospel of John intends to reveal the “Lamb of God.” Weekday Masses (in St. Clare Chapel) 12:10 pm Our bap sm, “In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” bonds us together in faith and mission. We proclaim this bond with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit when we gather as a community for Eucharist and prayer. In the gospel narra ves, Jesus gathers in community for meals, weddings, and other opportuni es to celebrate his bonds and rela onships. We have the opportunity as a community of faith, and as friends, to come together on January 31 to share in our Mardi Gras celebra on—and to raise funds for those most in need who are served by our Outreach ministries. I invite you to join me and others in our parish community for this annual me of sharing fun, fellowship, a meal, and our iden ty—who we are as a caring community of faith who iden fy ourselves with Jesus through sharing in a common bap sm with him. During our bap sms we, too, had the same words spoken over each of us that were spoken over Jesus: we, too, are the beloved sons and daughters of God. I invite you to join in this wonderful pre-Lenten celebra on, proclaiming our rela onship with one another and with our brother, Jesus. Un l next week…. May the Lord Give You Peace…. kjl Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm or by appointment Church Hours M-Th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Fri 9:00 am - 1:30 pm Opportunities and Information Adult Faith Formation Presents... Welcome Brunch for Newcomers and New Parishioners The Book of Ruth and the Status of Women in the Old Testament THIS Sunday, January 11 10:45 am -12:15 pm in Brunsman Hall Presenter: Robert Platzner, PhD Wednesday, January 28 7:00 pm in Brunsman, Hall F r. Ken and our St. Francis Welcome Team invite you to enjoy a brunch with us, other volunteers and parish staff—to learn a li le more about St. Francis Parish and get to know some of our St. Francis family. You do not need to bring anything but yourself and any family or friends who’d like to a end. T he Book of Ruth is one of the shortest books of the Old Testament, and also one of the most endearing, but it reveals an abundance of informa on about the place of women in Israelite society, while raising interes ng ques ons about laws and customs affec ng marriage, courtship and property. Though set incongruously within the period of the Judges, the Book of Ruth portrays an almost idyllic society in which strangers and the poor are treated with kindness and respect, and daughters-in-law express nothing but love and devo on for their mothers-in-law — obviously, a world very different from our own! Interested in joining the Catholic Church? Come to RCIA Inquiry! Mondays, through February 9 6:30-8:00pm Parish Center W ondering about God in your life? Thinking about being part of our parish? Never been bap zed, missed out on Confirma on, grew up and apart from a church, a faith, a full rela onship with God? Come to RCIA Inquiry! Any ques ons or for more informa on, please contact: Peggy Chambers, OMC, Pastoral Associate (4438084 x 103 or PeggyC@s Dr. Robert Platzner is an Emeritus Professor of Humanies and Religious Studies from California State University, Sacramento, where he taught for 36 years. He is the author of several books and numerous ar cles in Religious Studies, including an Introduc on to the Old Testament. New Year... New Opportunity Save the Date! Sundays, 11:00-11:45 am in the Parish Center Parish Lenten Retreat J with Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ oin us as we reflect upon and deepen our understanding of each Sunday's Gospel and how Jesus' message applies to our lives today. More info: Mary Myrick (536-9753). Monday-Wednesday, February 23-25 M ary Beth Ingham, CSJ is an outstanding presenter and scholar. In addi on to giving retreats, she teaches at the Franciscan School of Theology, and she taught for many years at Loyola Marymount University, where she was chair of the Philosophy Department and Professor of Philosophy. She received the President’s Fritz B. Burns Teaching Medal in 2000. Books she has wri en include: Rejoicing in the Works of the Lord: Beauty in the Franciscan TradiƟon (2010) and Scotus for Dunces: An IntroducƟon to the Subtle Doctor (2003). Poetry Reading Sunday, January 18 7:00-8:30 pm in Brunsman Hall L ong me parishioner Dennis Hock will be reading from his latest book of poetry, Bringing Birds Through Stone. Admission is free and light refreshments will be provided. Copies of the book will be available for purchase, with all proceeds going to the St. Francis Step Ministry. This event promises to be a good me for a good cause, so bring along a friend or two! “Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ is one of those rare teachers who knows her subject inside and out—and can explain it in a way that everyone can understand. We are very lucky to have her present a retreat here at St. Francis. Just ask Fr. Ken or Sr. Claire or members of our parish staff who have had the pleasure of a ending one (or more) of her presenta ons/ retreats.” —Fran Anderson School Open House and Pancake Breakfast Sunday, January 25 Pancake Breakfast: 8:00 - 11:30 am Open House: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm No RSVP necessary 2 th Annual Mardi Gras Gala Fundraiser MARDI GRAS GALA Saturday, January 31 What’s New This Year? 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Mardi Gras Mask Contest! Red Lion Hotel Woodlake Conference Center • The winner, as decided by our “Mystery Judge,” will take home a nice prize! • Everyone who wears or brings his/her own mask is invited to par cipate and join in the fun! (500 Leisure Lane, Sacramento) Y ou can contribute to the ongoing success of this important fundraiser in several ways: • • • • • Make a reservation. Get your friends together and reserve a table of 10. Sponsor a table. Contribute an auction or raffle item. Make a donation. Proceeds benefit our Step Ministry, our outreach program to our homeless brothers and sisters, as well as other parish programs. For more informa on or to purchase your ckets: www.s click calendar then special events; or call Galen (443-8084 x 114), or pick up a flyer with registra on form in the church literature racks. $60 per person. Do you have special dietary needs? A n excellent dinner is planned for our gala. The main course is Chicken Piccata. If you are gluten intolerant we can request that the chicken not be ba ered. If you are a vegetarian, we can request a vegetable medley. If you require a gluten-free or vegetarian plate, please contact: Pam Caballero (443-8084 x105 or pamelac@s no later than January 25. Professional Photos! • A las ng memory of this wonderful evening captured in a professional 5x7 photograph that you will be able to take home with you. • Individuals, couples, groups—or your table of ten! • Taken in front of a Mardi Gras backdrop. • No charge for 5x7 print. Look for more “WHATS NEW” informaƟon in upcoming bulleƟns! Mardi Gras Gala Reservation Form Mail with Check, Money Order, or Credit Card Info to: Mardi Gras Gala, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, 1066 26th St., Sacramento, CA 95816 Method of Payment (check one): Name: (Please Print) [ ] Check or Money Order (Make payable to St. Francis Parish) [ ] Credit Card Address: State: City: Zip: Credit Card No: Name on Card: Phone: (Please Print) Signature: Email: Quantity: x $60.00 /person = $ Expiration Date: Today’s Date: 3-digit security number (on back of card): Thank You! Your Financial Support Thank You, Mary! REGULAR GIVING (Offertory) (Includes direct deposit and online donaƟons) Christmas December 28 Year-to-date (7/1/2014-1/3/2015) Last year $ Change % Change A er 24 years of serving as our Wedding Coordinator, Mary Brown is stepping down from this role. She leaves a legacy and model of caring support, which she provided to the countless couples she shepherded through the wedding process—from that first call to the Parish Center, to mee ng with the couple to review their wedding ceremony,to guiding them through the wedding rehearsal and ceremony. We thank Mary for her dedica on and commitment to helping couples who were married at St. Francis. $19,348 $12,790 $343,422 341,384 2,038 .6% DESIGNATED DONATIONS (Includes direct deposit and online donaƟons) Building Fund (includes ONE Campaign 25% share) Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-1/3/2015) Last year $ Change % Change $46,521 31,117 15,404 49.5% Our parish secretary, SJeanay Willis Bolden, will become the parish wedding coordinator, taking on the administra ve tasks, which include scheduling the marriage prepara on process and assis ng couples in preparing for their wedding. If you would like to be married at St. Francis, please contact SJeanay (SJeanayB@s or 443-8084). The actual coordinator for each rehearsal and wedding ceremony will be SJeanay or another person whom she will schedule. Step Ministry Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-12/17/2014) Last year $ Change % Change $26,449 27,987 -1,538 -5.5% Francis House (January 2015) $1,267 ONE CAMPAIGN: December 2014 Update Goal: Pledged & One-Time Gi s: % of Goal: # of gi s: % par cipa on: $653,833 $464,613 70.8% 248 15.5% Franciscans for Justice Prayer on the Baptism of the Lord Sunday Prayer Requests Oh Creator God, God of the Israelites delivered from exile, God of Jesus who came to save the world, God of oppressed people everywhere, today we pray for the courage to live the lives you gave us. Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters Who Are Ill or in Pain We pray for the passion and energy of your Holy Spirit, we pray for the peace that comes from living our lives following you, and we pray for the joy of seeing you face to face. Roger Post, Juanita Gu errez Who Have Been Called to Eternal Life Be y Freres, Joe C. Retes, Victor Comerchero, Be y Kenney, Art Weekley We ask that when we fail, you will comfort and guide us. Mass Intentions for this Week Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 We pray that in our success, we are always humble. Sat. 5:15pm Joe C. Retes † Sun. 7:30am Pro Benefa (for benefactors) Sun. 9:30am Pro Populo (for parishioners) Sun. 12:15pm Nell Keim Mon. 12:15pm Art Weekley † o request that your loved one be added to our prayer request list, please contact Galen Unruh, Director of Outreach (443-8084 x114 or GalenU@s To request a Mass Inten on, please contact SJeanay Willis Bolden, Parish Secretary (443-8084 or SJeanayB@s We ask that you heal us of all indifference and apathy. Oh Good God, we are here to serve you and praise you. Amen. — from Go and Do Likewise: Catholic Social Teaching in AcƟon, by Mia Crosthwaite T 4 Thank You! FYI It Takes a Village Mardi Gras Auction Items Needed! A s the Christmas season draws to a close this weekend with the Bap sm of the Lord, our hearts overflow with gra tude at how beau fully we celebrated Advent and Christmas here at St. Francis! A special round of applause and hear elt thanks to all who: • Put up the Advent and Christmas environment week by week • Changed the purple of Advent into the gold of Christmas • Made sure the church was clean and vacuumed for every celebra on • Stood at the doors with a warm welcoming smile invi ng everyone in • Proclaimed and enacted the Christmas story for our Family Mass on Christmas Eve • Served up the sumptuous feast of God’s Word • Fed us with Christ’s body and blood • Served at the table of the Lord • Helped us raise our voices in angelic chorus • Led us in prayer with the movement of their bodies, bearing the light H elp support our Mardi Gras fundraiser and make it an even bigger success through your dona ons of items for our Silent Auc on. Your dona ons will go a long way in helping us to provide a safe and welcoming space for our homeless guests each night, and a light breakfast to start their day. What to donate? Think in terms of “What would I like to have?”—or “What did I buy or receive but haven’t used, that someone else might like?” Here are a few ideas, star ng with items that most folks who are “shopping” at a silent auc on find very appealing: • • • • • • • • • • • May God bless your new year with peace and joy! Time shares or vaca on homes Travel packages (from day trips to week vaca ons) Weekend Hotel “stayca on” packages Collector’s items Art Pieces (original or print) Wine (Premium or vintage) Golf ou ng packages Spor ng event ckets Restaurant dining cer ficates Limousine trip cer ficates Gi Baskets (these are always a big favorite) The list goes on, but you get the idea.... Whatever you can provide will be appreciated far more than you know. If you have something that you would like to donate, or know someone who does, please contact Galen (443-8084 x114 or galenu@s Deadline for donaƟons: Monday, January 19. Thank you! Deborah, Peggy, Skip, and the Liturgy Team Parish Mission Statement St. Francis Parish is a Catholic Chris an Community building the reign of God in the spirit and path of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. Our New Altar and Ambo We value vibrant liturgy and personal prayer as a way to worship God and celebrate life. O ur new permanent altar and ambo are made of sustainable mahogany with white marble inlays that echo our marble floors, steps and tabernacle. Their columns, capitals, and arches echo the columns, capitals, and arches in the architecture of our church. Challenged by the Holy Spirit, we reach beyond ourselves to care for our neighbors, the poor, the marginalized, and those alienated by our Catholic Church. The new altar has 8 copper medallions framed in white marble inlay featuring Franciscan crea on images—Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Sister Stars, Brother Fire, Sister Water, Brother Wind, Sister Earth, and Sister Death. Inset in the base of the altar is a reliquary with a copper cover that will contain relics of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, St. Perpetua and St. Felicity, and Blessed Fr. Junipero Serra. We respond to the command of Jesus to love by welcoming all, evangelizing, suppor ng spiritual growth, and being Eucharist to each other. We aspire to be witnesses and prophets advoca ng for jus ce in the world and in the Church. We are an inclusive community respec ng the dignity of all persons and suppor ng the journey of each person. 5 The new ambo has four copper medallions featuring symbols of the Evangelists—Ma hew, angel; Mark, lion; Luke, ox; and John, eagle. The niche in the front of the ambo is inscribed with the words, “The Word dwells with us,” and is where both the Gospel Book and Children’s Liturgy of the Word book will be placed. Ongoing: All Are Welcome Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Young Adults Sundays during the Liturgy of the Word at our 9:30am Mass, children K-4th grade are escorted from the church to the Parish Center Chapel by an adult catechist for CLOW. No registra on required. Parents may accompany their children. If you are in your 20’s or 30’s, come try out our young adults groups called Chris an Life Communi es (CLC), where you will become part of a young adult community (approximately 4 - 10 people). There is no commitment—just a end once and go from there. Our CLCs are based on Igna an as well as Franciscan spirituality and are a place for growth, companionship, and transforma on. More info: Patrice at YoungAdults@s Church Tours 4th Sundays a er Noon Mass. Communion Visitation To request a visit for you or a loved one, please email: SFCommunionVisita [email protected]. Please include your phone number in your email. Or call Galen (443-8084 x114). Other Opportunities Contemplative Prayer Evening of Ecumenical Prayer and Fellowship Mondays 6:00 pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Tuesdays a er 12:10 pm Mass in St. Clare Chapel. January 21 7:30 pm at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocese of Sacramento and congrega ons represen ng a number of Chris an denomina ons will come together for a service to be held as part of the observance of the 2015 Annual Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity. Auxiliary Bishop Myron J. Co a will introduce the worship service, and a guest speaker will address the theme: “The Woman at the Well” and Jesus’ words to her: “Give me a drink.” (John 4:7). Gospel Series Sundays 11:00 -11:45 am in the Parish Center. Reflecon and medita on on the gospel. Sponsored by the Peace & Jus ce Commi ee. More info: Mary Myrick (536-9753). Healing Prayer Healing Prayer ministers are available to pray for you or your loved ones. Email your prayer pe ons to healingprayer@ s, or call the parish office (443-8084). The service is sponsored by the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission. The theme and text for each year’s observance of the Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity are chosen and prepared by representa ves of the Pon fical Council for Promo ng Chris an Unity and representa ves of the World Council of Churches. The interna onal texts are developed, adapted and published for use in the USA by the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Ins tute. h p:// week_of_prayer_for_chris an_unity/. High School Youth Ministry High School Youth Ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6:00-8:00pm in the Parish Center. Light dinner provided. Don’t forget to bring a friend! Hospitality Sundays a er 9:30am Mass join us for coffee and donuts in Brunsman Hall. Library Hours Thursdays, Noon-2:00pm and 1st and 3rd Sundays, 8:30-11:30am in the Parish Center. Choose Life 2015 Prayer Service January 22 7:00 pm at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. All middle-school and high-school youth, teachers, parents and ministers are invited to a end. Find out what being “Pro-Life” vs. “Pro-Choice” really means; learn how you can talk about abor on with friends and family; and gain skills to make a difference at your schools and parishes. Featured guests include Brennan Cull, Amanda Vernon and Bishop Jaime Soto. More info: Steve Pa on at 733-0133 or spa [email protected]. Mondays: Led by our school children at 8:10am in the church (when school is in session). All are welcome! Weekly Readings Taizé Prayer Sunday: Nursery Program Sundays: Child care (staffed by an adult and teen helpers) for children ages 1-3 during 9:30 am Mass in the room opposite the cafeteria on the first floor of our school on the Sundays when Faith Forma on classes are in session. Registra on is on-site. Wednesdays: 6:00-7:00pm, in the church. T’ai Chi Chih Saturdays 9:05am in St. Clare Chapel or, weather permi ng, in the park across from the church. Wednesdays 6:00pm in the church (during Taizé Prayer). Thomas Merton Circle Meets bi-monthly. Refreshments provided. More info: John (482-6976). 6 Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 Parish Information St. Francis Parish Center Ofϐices: 1066 26th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.443.8084 Fax: 916.443.7356 • Website: • Office Hours: MON-FRI, 9AM-5PM St. Francis Elementary School: 2500 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.442.5494 Website: • Office Hours: MON–THUR, 8AM–4PM and FRI, 8AM-2PM (during the School Year) Pastor Associate Pastor Principal Pastoral Associate Director of Liturgy Director of Faith Formation Director of Outreach Administrative Associate Plant Manager Office Assistant Parish Secretary Bookkeeper Communion Visitation Ministry Coordinator Infant Baptism Coordinator Library Coordinator Membership Coordinator Parish Council Chair Young Adults Ministry Coordinator Youth Ministry Coordinator In Residence at the Friary: Ken Laverone OFM Sebas an Sandoval, OFM Kjlofm@s Sebas anS@s x115 x111 Ivan Hrga Principal@s Peggy Chambers, OMC PeggyC@s x103 Deborah Jones DeborahJ@s x110 Skip Bacon SkipB@s x112 Galen Unruh GalenU@s x114 Fran Anderson [email protected] x102 Joe Prassa JoeP@s x107 Pamela Caballero PamelaC@s x105 SJeanay Willis Bolden SJeanayB@s Jacquie Embs JEmbs@s Peggy Briggs SFCommunionVisita [email protected] Carol Spinella InfantBap sm@s Pat Pavone Library@s Christelle Cobian Membership@s Michelle Hernandez-Flores ParishCouncil@s Patrice Clemons YoungAdults@s Traci Bean [email protected] 916-442-5494 x104 x302 x101 Ray Bucher, OFM • Ken Laverone, OFM • Sebas an Sandoval, OFM Mark Schroeder, OFM • John Summers, OFM Register as a Member of Our Parish • Update Contact Information Name 1: Name 2: (Last Name, First Name) (Last Name, First Name) Address: (Street Address) (City, State) Home Phone: ( ) Work Phone: ( Cell Phone: ( ) E-Mail: Mass you attend: [ ] 5:15 [ ] 7:30 Children’s Names [ ] 9:30 [ ] Noon PđĊĆĘĊ place this form in the collec on basket or • Mail it: 1066 26th St., Sacramento CA 95816 • Fax it: 916-443-7356 or • Register online: www.s (Zip Code) ) M/F Date of Birth Grade G ILBERT CPA. COM HARRY A. NAUMAN & SON L AN D PARK F U N E RAL C HAPE L Income Tax: Personal, Business, Estates & Trusts 452-6157 Thomas M. Gilbert, MBA, CPA Edward E. Straine, CPA 4041 FREEPORT BLVD., SACRAMENTO Pre-Need Arrangement Plans Available Lic. #FD366 Tel: 916.646.6464 LOWER YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENT TODAY! 916-453-7533 CALL NOW! BRE# 01399278 NMLS# 5097 Kristy Dwyer 916-761-8585 • $100 OFF Services UPTON AIR INC. Laura Jensen Siddique Air Conditioning • Heating Financial and Insurance Services CA Ins. 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PUCCI’S PHARMACY McDONALD PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING • SACRAMENTO’S MIDTOWN PRESCRIPTION CENTER • 2821 J STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 • Residential • Commercial • Service • Installation 266-7875 License #387145 Serving Sacramento Area Since 1957 THOMAS S. NELSON Owner - Pharmacist (916) 442-5891 FAX (916) 442-4432 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP Mexican Food ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH After Church Enjoy our Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Open 7 Days a Week TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 2416 K Street Sacramento *First Three Months (916) 443-6919 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 238350 St Francis of Assisi Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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