Church of the Resurrection 725 Cascade Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94087-3157 • Phone 408-245-5554 • FAX 408-773-6160 • Website: WELCOME Pastoral Staff Pastor: Rev. G. Robert Léger Parochial Vicar: Rev. Allen Navarro Sunday Presider: Rev. Robert Hayes Deacon: Mike Haas Pastoral Associate: Kathleen Faust In-Residence: Rev. Joseph Vanthu In-Residence: Rev. Tony Mancuso Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of San Jose, Gate of Heaven: 650-428-3730 Mass: Saturday: Sunday: Mon.-Fri.: Holy Days: 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Vigil 8:15 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday, 4–4:45 p.m. or by appointment. Infant Baptisms Preparation can begin before or after the birth of your child. Contact the Parish Office at 408245-5554 for pre-baptismal interview and instructions. Marriage Weddings normally take place in the parish of the bride or groom. Couples wishing to marry must contact one of the priests at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 11, 2015 Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father (3). He is the light of the nations (1) and Lord of all creation (2). To him be all glory and praise (Ps)! Liturgical Tidbits THE WATERS OF BAPTISM When new sod is put in, it needs constant saturation with water. Landscapers say that this “knits” the sod to the soil. The same when a branch is grafted onto a tree: the poultice that joins them at the splice must be kept wet at all times. Water is the stuff that binds the very cells of our bodies together. No wonder religions throughout all times and cultures have used it so prominently. When Jesus stepped into the Jordan for baptism, he “knit” himself to what had come before him. By going to the Jordan, he made himself one with the people of Israel who had crossed it into their Promised Land. With John the Baptist, Christ wove himself into the prophetic tradition that heralded the coming reign of God. He had become fully human in the waters of Mary’s womb, and by partaking in the rite of the baptism of repentance, Jesus identified himself with our sinful, frail humanity. It is through the waters of baptism that Christ continues to graft new members onto his Body, the Church; through these waters we are cleansed from sin and filled with the promise of grace, given our destiny for eternal life. For us, as for Jesus, it is also the waters of baptism that inaugurate our mission to proclaim the Good News. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 2ND COLLECTION FOR RESURRECTION SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, TODAY This weekend, the second collection is for the Resurrection School Scholarship Fund. RESURRECTION SCHOOL THANKS OUR BENEFACTORS The students and staff at Resurrection School extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all the parishioners of the parish for your loyal support of the school this past year. With your generosity, over thirty families received financial assistance from the school’s operating budget, and from the parish via the quarterly second collection. Your support does make a difference in the lives of these children. We wish you and your families a wonderful and peaceful Christmas season and New Year. If you are interested in a Catholic education for your child, please contact the school at 408-245-4571 for a personal tour and see first hand how “we are educating for the future, one student at a time!” Applications are being accepted now for the 2015-2016 school year. JANUARY OPEN HOUSE DATES Are you looking for a nurturing, safe, respectful environment where academics, faith, technology, physical education and fine arts are all considered in the educational foundation of a child? Resurrection School offers programs for students in Junior Kindergarten through eighth grade. Please join us at our Open House during Catholic Schools Week The dates of our January Open House are as follows: Saturday, January 24 from 1:30-4:30 pm Tuesday, January 27 from 9 am-12 noon Tours are available year-round. Please email [email protected] or call the school at 408-245-4571 to schedule a time that is convenient for you. Intentions for January 10—January 17 Sat. 5:00 Sun. 7:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 5:30 Mon. 8:15 5:30 Tues 8:15 5:30 Wed. 8:15 5:30 Thur 8:15 5:30 Fri. 8:15 5:30 Sat. 8:15 5:00 Pat Cabral † People of the Parish All Resurrection Priests Courtney Porter † Lynette Ekanayake † Francesco de Leon † Dory de Leon † Francisco Juan † Anna Reyes † Fr. Alex Affonso † Rudy Buena † Special Intention Zenaida Dimaano † Cleofe Kuhonta † Kaye InDelicato † Paquito Culala † Marie Sterba † Arthemesia Pereira † COFFEE & DONUTS Please come and join your fellow parishioners for coffee and donuts in the Farana Center after the Sunday, 8:30 am and 10 am Masses today. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Infants and Young Children Baptism is the first sacrament of Christian initiation. All sacraments are celebrations of Christ’s love at work in our lives as members of the parish community. Parents of infants/young children are asked to: ●contact the parish to set a time to speak to Fr. Allen Navarro at 408-245-5554 ext 22, [email protected] or one of the other priests about the baptism of your child. (Baptisms can be scheduled on Saturdays or Sundays). ●if this is your fist time as a parent celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism, please register for and attend a baptism information presentation (usually held on the first Saturday of each monthregistration can be done through our parish secretary at 408-2455554 ext. 20. The next class is January 17, 2015, at 10 am Alcove (Farana Center). ●fill out a baptism online form at READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sun. Children’s Liturgy of the Word, 10 & 11:30 am Mass RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), school library, 9:45a Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Youth mass music rehearsal, church, 4:30-5:15 pm Faith Formation classes Grades K-5, 4-5 pm Grades 6-8, 7-8:15 pm Legion of Mary, video room, 6 pm Pastoral Council, school library, 7 pm Resurrection women’s faith sharing, youth room, 9:30 am BVM rosary devotions, chapel, 6:30 pm Wed Bible Study Group, Faith Formation room, 7 pm Morning prayer & adoration, chapel, 9-10 am Music ministry rehearsal, church, 7:30 pm Scripture/Study review, youth room, 1 pm Men’s faith sharing meeting, video room, 7:30 am Saturday Morning Women’s faith sharing, Faith F. office, 9 am Baptism preparation class, alcoves, 10-11 am Confessions, church, 4-4:45 pm Joseph Lutzweit, Priyantha, Shalini de Pinto & Family. The Baptism of the Lord Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 2 Sun OT: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 SPECIAL OBSERVANCE & SAINTS OF THE WEEK Sun, Jan 11: The Baptism of the Lord. Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father (3). He is the light of the nations (1) and Lord of all creation (2). To him be all glory and praise (Ps)! After the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Ordinary Time begins. Tues, Jan 13: St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church. Hilary of Poitiers, died 367; married and convert from paganism; leading opponent of Arianism in the West; most noted work: De Trinitate. Sat, Jan 17: St. Anthony, Abbot. Anthony or Antony, died 356 at age 105; born in upper Egypt; hermit and early founder of religious life; called the “Patriarch of Monks”; aided St. Athanasius of Alexandria in combating Arianism. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CORNER St. Vincent de Paul Help Line #408-773-6185 St Vincent de Paul Urgent Appeal--Help Keep Families in Their Homes: Resurrection’s SVdP Conference assists needy families with rent and utility bills through our Neighbor-to-Neighbor Helpline. We are currently facing financial challenges due to the rising cost of rents in our community. Rents in Sunnyvale have increased 34% in just 2 years. We are struggling to keep families in their homes with the lights on and food on the table. We are reaching out to our parishioners to ask for your generosity this winter. Checks can be made out to Church of the Resurrection with “St Vincent de Paul” in the memo line. God Bless You! Neighbor-to-neighbor-Assistance: We wish to thank all of the parishioners who generously give to our SVdP conference. Your donations make it possible for us to help many needy families during these difficult economic times. In December, we helped forty-four families with assistance including $548 in rent, $150 in twinning to other conferences and provided forty bags of groceries from our pantry. Food for our Pantry: Please help us stock our SVdP pantry for coming weeks. This week we need pasta, pasta sauce, meals-in-acan, canned vegetables, canned meat and canned fruit. Donations should be placed in the baskets at the entrances to the Church. We can also use paper grocery bags (preferably doubled). Please no fresh produce or partially used food. Thank you! Thanks to our parishioners who returned their offerings to the Lord for: December 21, 2014: Regular collection: $7,974.50 Christmas 2014 collection: $21,570.50 December 28, 2014: Regular collection $6,279. January 4, 2015: Regular collection $11,632.50 JUBILEE CELEBRATION DVD From director Mary Johnson (parishioner), with Jim Ciarico’s support, comes a wonderful DVD highlighting the November 2013 events celebrating the Church of the Resurrection’s Golden Jubilee. Enjoy the memories of our Jubilee Mass, Jubilee Banquet, Memorial Mass, Halloween Party, and the children’s Bike Parade in this 30 minute DVD. Copies of the Resurrection Parish 50th Jubilee DVD are available on-line for $20.00 at or on Amazon at dp/B00NJ5DCVC. Shipping, handling, and taxes apply to online orders. If purchasing online is not your cup of tea, copies are available in the parish office for purchase between the hours of 9:30 am-12 pm and 1-5 pm. Please contact the parish office at 408245-5554 ext 20 for any questions. REVS VS. SEMINARIANS BASKETBALL CHALLENGE 9th annual basketball challenge where the seminarians of St. Patrick’s Seminary will face-off against the priests of the Diocese of San Jose. The match will be on Friday, February 20, 2015 at 7 pm, at Leavey Center on the campus of Santa Clara University. Tickets can be purchased on-line at http:// Admission price: $10 per adults and $5 for students. Get your tickets early. All proceeds from the game will benefit Seminarian formation in the Diocese of San Jose. For more information, please contact 650325-5621 or email [email protected] Elizabeth Gerrity, May the Souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen RECENT PRAYER REQUESTS Mildred Lukomski (healing), Angie & Mary (healing from cancer), Amelia Garcia (continued healing), Troy Mitchele (healing), Rosauro Darjuan, Jr. (healing), Donald Thomas (healing), Loris Huespe (healing), Matt Spadia (healing), Chris Andy Bey Branon & Russ Digi Alex (bring children back to God), Stella O’Brien (health), Gasmen Family (healing & harmony), For those struggling with control (God’s guidance & release), Catherine Diaz, Earl Diaz (inner peace & building stronger faith in God), Hoffman Family (health, protection & counsel), Sue Leipelt Todd (healing from surgery), Hildegard Schimpf (healing), Mary Rainey (continued healing), Myrna & Joselyn (healing), Therese Asbra, Mary Dyer, Barbara Parker, Ken Richards, Janina Ledet (healing), Vincent (employment), Ingrid Tillmann (healing), Carolyn O’Connor (healing), Charmagne Faules, Minnie Moniz Alves, Pat Stacker, Steve (job), Dennis Skowronski & Ray Sinsley (healing from cancer), Olga Bignotti, Nancy Powers, Agnes Brammer (RIP), Michele Offeriens (RIP), Teresa’s Mom, Bessie’s Mom & Soledad Farinas (RIP). (Please email your prayer intentions to: [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 408245-5554 ext 20 or sign the prayer intentions’ book in the Chapel/Church). WELCOME TO CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION You are cherished by God and are welcomed to celebrate with us here in our faith community. If you are interested in more information about our parish, would like to register with us, or are a current parishioner with a change in your contact information, please fill out this form and place it, in the collection basket, in the suggestion box at the door or in the mail. Name:____________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________City:_______________ State, Zip:________________________Phone: ___________________ Email:____________________________________________________ ( ) New Parishioner ( ) New Address ( ) Moving-remove from list ( ) Please send contribution envelopes 725 Cascade Drive Sunnyvale CA 94087 Parish Office, Mary-Clare Affonso: M-F 9:30-12 & 1-5, 408-245-5554 x20 Pastoral Associate, Kathleen Faust: [email protected] Church of the Resurrection Staff Information Parish Office…………………………....… Phone: 408-245-5554 Fax: 408-773-6160 Rev. G. Robert Léger, Pastor ext 21..…….…[email protected] Rev. Allen Navarro, Parochial Vicar ext 22.……..…[email protected] Mike Haas, Deacon ext 29…………..……[email protected] Kathleen Faust, Pastoral Associate ext 26…..…...…[email protected] Mary-Clare Affonso, Secretary ext 20.…[email protected] Faith Formation Office.…………………………...408-746-0172 Robert Rodrigues, Director ext 28..……[email protected] Tania Wong, Admin ext 27.………….……[email protected] Director of Music & Liturgy Kathleen Faust ext 26………………...…..…[email protected] Margaret Chaffin, Organist School Office….…………………… Phone: 408-245-4571 Fax: 408-733-7301 Jacque Wright, Principal ext 40......…….…[email protected] Olivia Sandoval, School Secretary….…[email protected] Our Community parishioners in service to others Ministries’ Page Stewardship Contact Telephone/Email Pastoral Council Parish Finance Committee Facilities Committee Joe Baginski Steve Vonderach Wes Leiser [email protected] 408-738-3799 [email protected] Liturgical Ministries Contact Telephone/Email Pastoral Associate Director of Music and Liturgy Eucharistic Ministers Proclaimers Altar Servers (co-chair) Altar Servers (co-chair) Liturgical Environment Ushers (co-leader) Ushers (co-leader) Children’s Liturgy of the Word Kathleen Faust Kathleen Faust Ric Shimshock Angela Rausch Monica Rodrigues Pam Lugos Kathleen Faust Willy Javier Norm Dhom Robert Rodrigues 408-290-9644 408-290-9644 408-733-4890 408-245-2507 408-245-9356 650-201-1230 408-290-9644 408-732-8482 408-732-2742 Spiritual & Educational Ministries 408-245-5554 x28 Contact Telephone/Email Jacque Wright, Principal Robert Rodrigues Dcn. Mike Haas Lorraine Cereno Elaine Thompson Mike Kurtz Cynthia Kurtz Kris & Angela Rausch Dcn. Mike Haas Cynthia Kurtz Sat Morn Women’s Faith Sharing Letitia Roddy Masik Legion of Mary Flor Gatilao Rosary Aileen Kandel Thur. Morning Prayer & Adoration Margaret Chaffin Resurrection School Faith Formation Classes Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Baptismal Preparation Class Wednesday Bible Study Group Cursillo (men) Cursillo (women) Engaged/Marriage Encounter Men’s Faith Sharing Group Women’s Prayer Group 408-245-4571 408-245-5554 x28 408-245-5554 x29 408-733-3511 408-774-1546 408-992-0414 408-992-0414 408-245-2507 408-245-5554 x29 408-992-0414 408-245-2611 408-732-7559 408-733-1441 408-245-5554 Service Ministries & Organizations Contact Telephone/Email St. Vincent de Paul Society Hospitality/Sunday Donuts Fil-Am Group Italian-Catholic Federation (ICF) Knights of Columbus Help Line Kathleen Faust Eden Bonin Ric Shimshock Richard Huelskamp 408-773-6185 408-290-9644 408-245-4567 408-733-4890 408-507-1122 Youth Activities Contact tact Telephone/Email Youth Mass Music Boy Scouts of America Cub Scouts Kathleen Faust Bob De Mattei John Arthur 408-290-9644 408-732-3009 408-557-8173 Helping Hands Ministries Contact n Telephone/Email Visitors to the Sick & Homebound Breast/Other Cancer Projects Caregivers’ Circle Prayer Connection Ministry Otto & Debbie Sterba Bobbe Smirni Kathleen Faust Mary Jeyaprakash [email protected] 408-735-1819 408-290-9644 prayer.connection. [email protected] Theresa Frank, D.D.S. ~ Dentistry for the Family NOCA DENTAL CAR E Preventive and Cosmetic Dentistry, Invisalign TMJ, Snoring and Sleep Apnea Appliances With Sleep Evaluation Studies. Please Call: 408-245-2640 990 West Fremont Avenue #B, Sunnyvale E-mail: [email protected] Drs. Nam & Anne Nguyen PA R Landscape & Maintenance Sprinkler Installation & Repair Parishioner (408) 640-5439 Lic. # 678635 738-1449 ISH IONE RS 826 E. Fremont Ave. Sunnyvale, CA CALL Diamond Location Realty & Investment, Inc. TONY Y. CHAN Realtor BRE# 01938263 Serving Our Catholic Community Mobile: 415.533.6558 [email protected] 408.738.8840 w w w. n o c a d e n t a l c a re . c o m Will Donate 10% of the Commission to Church of the Resurrection Parish Upon Close of Escrow RESURRECTION PARISH SCHOOL The Place To Be! Jr. K through 8 and Extended Care — Religion, Academics, Student Government, Sports 1395 Hollenbeck Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-245-4571 Rev. G. Robert Léger, Pastor Fax 408-733-7301 Ms. Jacque Wright, School Principal Resurrection School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, or disability in the admission of students, the administration of educational policies, scholarship, and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Your ad Single Cylinder Repair, Inc. IS VERY PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE FRANCHISE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. could be in this space! WHY IS IT Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. 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