JANUARY 2015 DELIVERED MONTHLY TO 3,650 HOUSEHOLDS your BRAESIDE BULLETIN THE OFFICIAL BRAESIDE COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER INSIDE THIS ISSUE: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JANUARY 20 FAMILY SKATING EVENING FEBRUARY 13 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Oakridge Co-Op Mall #49, 2580 Southland Drive SW www.OakridgeDenture.com Charles Gulley, DD, F.C.A.D. Denturist Problems with your dentures? Don’t like the appearance of your dentures? We can help! We provide all denture services: New Complete and Partial Dentures Implant retained Dentures Relines and Repairs Continued Care-Adjustments Call To Book Your Appointment: 403-251-1522 Braeside Community Association 11024 Braeside Dr. SW Calgary, AB T2W 6G5 Phone:403.253-4232 I Fax:403.253.3528 [email protected] President's Report 5 Winterfest Family Skating Evening 7 Braeside Real Estate Update 14 Community Calendar 16 My Babysitter List 22 Your Community Business of the Month 24 NEWSLETTER AD SALES Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 [email protected] | www.great-news.ca GREAT NEWS PUBLISHING HAS BEEN PROUDLY SERVING BRAESIDE FOR 4 YEARS! B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 3 BRAESIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Need to contact us? Mail: 11024 Braeside Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2W 6G5 Phone: 403-253-4232 Fax: 403-253-3528 Email: [email protected] Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Lower Hall, Meeting Room 2, at the Community Centre. The meeting is open to all Braeside residents or interested parties. If you have issues or concerns and you would like to be placed on the agenda, kindly call our Board Secretary, Joan Byers, at 403-253-4232. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Kim Edwards Vice President VACANT Secretary Joan Byers To contact Treasurer Sarah Curran Board members, Director, Bldg. Mntce. Bob Byers call 403-253-4232 Youth Director Position Vacant Entertainment Director Rosemarie Foley Sports Director Position Vacant Directors at Large Sandy Shiels Director at Large Kim Price Director at Large Anneke Scholten School Liaison Louise Whitbread Transportation Liaison Paul Finkleman COMMUNITY CONTACTS: Community Coordinator Linda Krebs 403-253-4232 Child Care Louise Whitbread 403-258-0699 Baseball Sonny Vallieres 403-238-0847 Basketball Dawn Osborne 403-259-6502 Chinook Music For Tickets 403-271-3719 City Liaison Kiara Bichel 403-476-7278 Girl Guides Diana Guedo 403-238-0549 Hockey Shaun Renneberg 403-259-0189 Scouting Tim Tratch 403-251-4878 Southwest Seniors Bill Merritt 403-281-6401 SW Community Resource Centre 403-238-9222 BRAECENTRE COPS Cst. Steve Henderson 403-974-6150 Cst. Marsh Kutarna AREA SCHOOLS: Braeside Elementary 403-777-8470 John Ware Junior School 403-777-7930 St. Benedict Elementary 403-253-1881 GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES: Councillor, Ward 11 Brian Pincott 403-268-3611 MLA, Glenmore Linda Johnson 403-216-5421 MP, Calgary SW, PM Stephen Harper 403-253-7990 4 The Braeside Bulletin The Braeside Bulletin is published by the Braeside Community Association and delivered to all Braeside homes. Articles can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Submission deadline is the first of the month for inclusion in the following month’s publication. Space limitation may prevent some material submitted from being published. Editing may be required. While we make every effort to ensure that all information provided and published is correct, we are not responsible for any omissions or errors. Opinions expressed within these articles, reports or submissions are the author’s and should not be considered as reflecting those of the editor or Community Association. To place a paid advertisement in the Braeside Bulletin, contact Great News Publishing, 403-263-3044, [email protected]. “The Braeside Community Association is committed to representing the community with honesty and integrity, working towards common values and goals”. Check us out on the web at: www.calgaryarea.com (click on SW, Braeside). Email: [email protected]. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Hall Rental We are accepting rentals for all areas of the Community Centre. Our Upper Hall area is suitable for weddings, banquets and large gatherings. Our meeting rooms on the main level are suitable for meetings or small gatherings. Now providing Telus Wi-Fi. To view the hall or make a booking, call the Community Office at 403-253-4232. Community Rink Available for Rent If you are considering a sports tournament, practice or out- door event, Braeside’s newly renovated Community Rink is now available for rent: Per Hour - $25.00 Per ½ Day (4 hour period) - $ 75.00 Per full day (8 hour period) - $125.00 Weekend (8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily - $200.00 All rink rental requests MUST NOT conflict with renters booked in hall (i.e. weddings in building) due to noise and parking. Additionally, a clean up deposit will be required. There is no overnight storage available. Liability for all items must remain with the renter. NO ALCOHOL AT ANY EVENT. january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities COMMUNITY COORDINATOR PRESIDENT’S REPORT Happy New Year! From the Community Coordinator’s Desk Community Office Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, 9:00 – 3:30 Wednesdays, Closed Thursdays, 9:00 – 4:30 Closed for Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 Linda Krebs Community Coordinator BCA Skating Season is here! We are seeking individuals interested in helping out with flooding and cleaning the ice rink. If you enjoy skating with your family and can donate a few hours a week, please call the Community Office at 403-253-4232. Happy New Year Braeside! On behalf of your community Board of Directors, I would like to wish you all the very best for 2015! As we roll into 2015, the first item on our agenda is our Annual General Meeting to be held in January 2015. Don’t glaze over…don’t stop reading yet! We whole heartedly encourage you to attend and hear about the plans for the upcoming year. We’re planning some new events to compliment our tried and true family events and there are exciting things coming our way. Long range planning sees Braeside celebrating our 50th Anniversary as a community in 2017. That’s only two short years away and plans need to be made to celebrate! What would you like to see happen to commemorate this event? February brings our Annual Winterfest family skate evening on Friday, February 13/15. Our rink should be in excellent shape thanks to our great team of rink rats! We invite you to bring your skates and have some outdoor fun. There will be warm food and hot chocolate at the concession along with the usual junk foods! Our used books are ready to be browsed and still only cost $1 each. Additionally, inside the building we’ll have family bingo and other activities to warm up any cold toes. A new City initiative “Citizens View” is an online space for Calgarians to provide input into City programs and services. The City is encouraging residents to join today to participate in online surveys, discussions, etc. For more info, please go to www.citizensview.ca. Kim Edwards When you give someone roses, the color can have a meaning. The meaning of rose colors: Red = Love and respect Deep pink = Gratitude, appreciation Light pink = Admiration, sympathy White = Reverence, humility Yellow = Joy, gladness Orange = Enthusiasm, desire Red & yellow blend = Gaiety, joviality Pale blended tones = Sociability, friendship B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 5 Br tr e e Medical Ce d i s n ae A PHYSICIAN IS ALWAYS ON DUTY SUTURES ALLERGY SHOTS ASTHMA TREATMENTS MINOR SURGERY MINOR EMERGENCIES WART TREATMENTS BONE DENSITOMETRY X-RAY WOMEN’S WELLNESS CLINIC: PAP TESTS & BREAST EXAMS PRENATAL CARE WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE REFERRALS WALK-IN PATIENTS WELCOME 7 DAYS A WEEK #111, 1919 SOUTHLAND DRIVE SW Attention Calgary property owners 403.258.2133 On the Assessment Search website you can access: ❯ detailed information about your own property(s). ❯ real estate market sales information used to prepare assessments. ❯ summary information on other properties for comparison. On Jan. 5, 2015, The City of Calgary will mail the 2015 property assessment notices. Your notice contains important information, including your Access Code to register for the Assessment Search website. First-time users will need to complete a two-step registration process: 1. Create a City of Calgary myID account. 2. Link your property assessment to your myID account. When you receive your 2015 assessment notice in January, go to calgary.ca/assessmentsearch and sign in with your myID. Enter the Roll Number and Access Code displayed on your notice. calgary.ca | 403-268-2888 Onward/ Increase online services for citizens. 6 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 2014-2361ÊCRPÊCommunityÊNewsletterÊAds Publication:ÊGreatÊNewsÊPublishingÊÊ Size:Ê6"ÊxÊ3.625"ÊÊ Prints:ÊÊBW Designer:ÊÊD.ÊBlais CSA:ÊÊJ.ÊWong 2014-2361 For more information, visit calgary.ca/assessmentsearch. Assessment Search – getting started Come celebrate winter with your family and friends! Braeside’s Annual WINTERFEST FAMILY SKATING EVENING And our ever popular INDOOR USED BOOK SALE (Thousands of titles to choose from!) FEBRUARY 13, 2015 6:00 TO 9:00 PM at Braeside Community Centre: 11024 Braeside Drive S. W. Family Skating, Warm up at the Fire Pit, Outdoor and Indoor Games, Crafts, Family Bingo Special Winterfest Concession For more information, call 403-253-4232 B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 7 Valid September 1, 2014 2013 – August 31, 2015 2014 FAMILY INFORMATION: Adults (First and Last Name): __________________________________________________________________________ Children (First and Last Name): _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ , Calgary Postal Code: ______________ Phone No: ____________________________________Email: ____________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP TYPE AVAILABLE: (Please indicate which membership type you are purchasing) $25.00 Resident Family Up to 2 adults with or without children $25.00 Non-Resident Family Up to 2 adults with or without children $15.00 Single Adult (18+) No dependant children living at the same address $15.00 Associate Live and hold a current membership in another community $18.75 Senior Family Up to two adults with or without children $11.25 Single Senior No dependant children living at the same address *PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS A $50.00 CHARGE FOR ALL NSF CHEQUES. The Braeside Community Association holds many successful functions each year thanks to the tremendous help of our volunteers. If you would like to become involved, please indicate below where you would be interested in volunteering. Board Member Children’s Events Winterfest Stampede Breakfast Casino Recycling Event Rink Maintenance Movie in the Park Parade Trunk Sale Submit completed form and cheque to: 11024 Braeside Drive S. W., Calgary, T2W 6G5 Membership cards will be mailed to you. Please ensure mailing information is complete and accurate. Important: Privacy Legislation Community Association Members/Residents: The Personal Information Protection Act became law in Alberta on Jan. 1, 2004. I understand that my personal information will be kept CONFIDENTIAL by the Braeside Community Association. I also acknowledge that my personal information may be used/disclosed ONLY in certain circumstances to establish, administer and maintain membership lists, program/sports registrations, government reporting, emergency contacts, or legal and regulatory requirements. I hereby consent to such use and disclosure for these limited purposes until such time as I may revoke my consent in writing. Signed: _____________________________________ Dated: ____________________________________________ Membership Number (Assigned by Community Office): _____________________Date Card(s) Mailed: ________________________ Smile… You could be on camera! Security cameras are installed at the Community Centre. They are set up to monitor activity around the building, rink area and dumpster. This will enable us to identify those who choose to vandalize or paint graffiti on our building or deposit personal garbage in the Community Centre dumpster and allow us to take action. 8 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities SCOUTS CANADA With Christmas fast approaching everyones lives get so busy. The Woodcreek Scout Group is no exception. All the boys and girls are busy with their fun activities. If you are interested in having your child join our wonderful group please call our Group Commissioner Jason Wudkevich at 403-992-2796 for information. Our group is open to kids 5 years old and up, however our space is getting limited in some areas. A very special thank you goes out to our long time supporters the Woodcreek Community Association and our local Lions Club. This month, check out what our Beavers and Cubs have been up to. ‘The cubs had a great time at the fall camp at Camp Valaqua by Water Valley. Over the years during this camp we have had everything from fog, to rain to snow (lots of it!). This year we were fortunate enough to have great weather for our camp. Our theme was Canadian Exploration and the cubs had fun learning about our early explorers, the skills they used and the friendships they formed with the Aboriginal people in order to survive in Canada’s vast wilderness. Instead of me telling you about the cub’s experiences at camp, I have asked Sarah one of our second year cubs to share her experience.’ -Akela “When we got to camp we went for a night hike, a star gaze and we looked at a star map that glows in the dark. Then we learned about constellations like the big dipper, the little dipper, Orion and much more. Too bad it was cloudy that night so we couldn’t see any stars, but the next night it was clear so we could see them then. My favourite part that night was trying to walk in the middle of the wilderness at night time with no flash lights. We were trying to get our night vision and get used to using our other senses. It was really hard but we learned not to be scared of the dark because nothing is scary about it. The next day after a great breakfast we formed our explorer groups and made some crafts that we needed for our adventure like flags. Some of the activities we did were; learning about first aid, building a fire, learning about cubs in different countries, orienteering and knots. At the knots station we walked a course on a tight rope! We learned some fun aboriginal games too. My favourite game was throwing the spear through the hoop. The aboriginals played this game as kids to practice their hunting skills. My favourite meal was poutine with a chicken drumstick and beaver tails for dessert. Some of the kids I didn’t know that well before camp, but now we’re all really good friends. I can’t wait to go to our next camp; it’s at the Dinosaur museum!!” -Sarah N The cubs will also be working on some woodworking skills and archery soon. The busy beavers enjoyed a wonderful nature walk with a volunteer from the Inglewood Bird sanctuary. They learned so much from their walk from the types of trees in our area, the hibernation of insects and animals to feeling what a snowy owls feathers feel like. Our amazing volunteer had the kids mesmerized the entire time. The beavers were also very lucky to have a veteran come and talk to them about his experiences in the war and what Remembrance Day is and why its important to ‘never forget’. Their experience was rounded out by a visit to the Military Museum after Remembrance Day. All of the leaders, parents and members of the Woodcreek Group will be coming together for a joint skating party in December. The younger ones really enjoy spending time with the older kids and learning from them. We will have hot chocolate and a marshmallow roast to round out the evening. Just a reminder that our bottle drive is coming up on Saturday January 10th. Please save those bottles for us throughout the holidays. The proceeds help fund these great activities for the kids. We appreciate all of you very much. From the Woodcreek Scout Group we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year filled with love. Please stay safe. B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 9 Tuesday/Thursday AM spots available Summit Steps PreschoolÊ @ PBP Community CentreÊ T hrough independent exploration, structured activities, & hands-on learning, children develop a variety of skills & knowledge in areas of early literacy, mathematics, science & social skills. We offer an enriching environment that will stimulate growth & confidence. [email protected] www.summitkids.ca REGISTER 403.797.0633 TODAY! WOODBINE SHOES Same Quality Service • Same location for 30 Years cials e p S y r Janua 60% OFF n 30 Up to a Expires J Seniors Fitness Program at Braeside Seniors Fitness Program will Resume in January Seniors Fitness will resume on Tuesdays, starting January 13, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. and will continue through April 2015. This is a FREE drop in program - no registration is required. Please note: The maximum number of participants per class is 40. The goal of this program is to help older adults maintain physical function, mobility, strength, and balance so they are less likely to fall. It provides exercise classes that improve strength and balance and help to prevent falls for at risk seniors in the community. Classes are led by a City of Calgary certified older adult fitness instructor and consist of warm up, cardiovascular, muscle strength, flexibility and relaxation exercises which help to improve strength and balance. Participants go at their own speed, participating in sitting and standing exercises using a variety of equipment including balls, exercise bands and light weights. Fitness progress is checked for evaluation. WE SELL Alegria | Semler | Ecco | Florsheim Johnston & Murphy | Mephisto | Birkenstock | Orthopedics And many more brands availalble 403-251-1108 #303A, 2525 WOODVIEW DR. SW. CALGARY, AB T2W 4N4 10 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities SouthWest Communities Resource Centre Located in the Professional Wing of the Oakridge Co-Op Mall #42 2580 Southland Drive SW T2V 4J8 Phone: 403-238-9222 Email: [email protected] www.swcrc.ca ALL PROGRAMS OFFERED FREE OF CHARGE Parent Talk – Register Now Thursday mornings, January 22 – April 9 2015 at the SWCRC. Free child-minding, coffee and snacks. Parenting tip sheets and children’s books to take home. This free program is open to all parents of babies and young children. • Enjoy the company and support of other parents • Give your children some supervised play time • Get your parenting questions answered with the help of a trained facilitator from the Further Education Society • Help your young children learn and develop their potential You can register and start the program anytime over the 12 weeks of the session. Attend as many weeks as you can. To register, call the SWCRC at 403-238-9222. team, this volunteer position could be for you. Education and experience in early childhood education is a bonus for us, but not mandatory. A Police Security Clearance will be mandatory. For further information contact Lori at 403-238-9222 ext. 223 or email at [email protected]. Connecting you to the Resources you Need You live in one of the 28 communities served by the SWCRC. If you are in need of information or resources, or if you are facing a challenging situation of any kind and you aren’t sure how to move forward, please call us at 403238-9222 to make an appointment with one of our Community Resource Workers. Our two Community Resource Workers are social workers who will: • sit down and talk with you for an extended period of time • provide supportive counseling • help you assess your situation • identify the strengths and resources you already have • provide information about, and referrals to, other available resources, programs and services • advocate for you and help you advocate for yourself Need Probate? Tired of waiting? Need Don’t Probate? know what to do? Volunteer Parenting Group Assistant Needed The SouthWest Communities Resource Centre (SWCRC) is recruiting a volunteer to support our Parent Talk program on Thursday mornings. This program is facilitated Tired of waiting? > Probate Applications by a parent educator from the Further Education Society. Don’t know what > Executor Adviceto do? Parents learn about and discuss parenting topics chosen by the group and practice parenting skills with their >We Wills can help... children. The children have some time apart from their > Enduring Power of Attorney 403.483.2020 parents to play with one another under the supervision Probate Applications > Personal DirectiveGeraldine Hampton, of a team of Parenting Group Assistants. The Parenting Estate Lawyer Executor Advice Group Assistants work together to set up the classroom Westhills Location and playroom before parents and children arrive;Wills preestateoptions.ca Geraldine Hampton, pare a snack for the participants, provide supervision and Estate Lawyer Power of Attorney playtime for the children (mostly toddlers to age Enduring 4), for 403.483.2020 example by playing with toys, crafts, games or reading to Personal Directive estate Options 200-638 11th Ave SW them; and tidy up at the end of the morning. Calgary AB T2R 0E2 If you are available most Thursday mornings, love workestateoptions.ca ing with children and are able to work well as part of a We can help... B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 11 Braeside Community’s On-Going Used Book Sale Drop by the Centre to see our new bookshelves featuring children’s books, paperbacks, hard covers, and magazines. ALL ITEMS $1.00 OR LESS Proceeds help offset the cost to host special events throughout the year. Book donations also gratefully accepted at the community centre. Thank you for your support! Can you help? There is a group of seniors who enjoy knitting mitts, scarves, toques, and afghans. They donate them to nursing homes and various facilities in need of such items. If you have leftover wool that you no longer need and would like to donate it, kindly drop it off at the Community Centre. For more information, please call the Community office at 403-253-4232. YO U ’ R E I N V I T E D ! Join the Southwest 55+ CLUB Enjoy coffee, fun, fellowship, and dancing to a live band every Thursday morning! BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Get your 2-year Bachelor of Education degree at St. Mary’s University Learn more at stmu.ca/teach Applications Now Open 12 Singles and couples, dancers and non-dancers are all welcome to this community group. Drop by – we’re looking forward to meeting you! Braeside Community Centre 11024 Braeside Drive SW Thursdays, 10:30 – 12:00 noon For detailed info please call Norma at 403-246-3763 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 2014/15 EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS 2015 January 20 AGM February 13 Family Skating Evening and Used Book Sale February 17 Board Meeting March 17 Board Meeting April 21 Board Meeting May 19 Board Meeting May 23 Community Clean Up June 13 Braeside Parade June 16 Board Meeting July 4 Stampede Breakfast August 8 Trunk Sale TBA Movie in the Park August 18 Board Meeting September 15 Board Meeting October 16 Volunteer Appreciation October 20 Board Meeting October 24 Halloween Spooktacular November 17 Board Meeting December 8 Board Meeting Need more info? Call the Community Office at 253-4232. WEEKLY PROGRAMS AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Art Classes for Kids Braeside Karate Club Chinese Calligraphy Elm Dog Obedience School Fitness Boot Camp Foundation Baptist Church Moms and Tots Drop In Pathfinders Queens & Jacks Square Dance Club Senior Fitness Southwest Seniors Sparks Stained Glass Classes Taoist Tai Chi Society Fri 4:30 – 6:00 pm Thur 7:00 pm Wed 7:00 pm Tue evenings, times vary Thurs 5:30 pm Wed 7:00 pm Sun 10:00, 11:00, 6:00 Mon 10:00 – 11:30 403-236-9819 403-232-0228 403-568-0248 403-281-7937 403-542-9772 403-251-5920 403-918-3421 403-251-1011 403-273-6062 Mon 7:00 pm 2nd and 4th Fri 7:30 – 10:00 pm Tue 10:00-11:00 am 403-253-4232 Thur 10:00 am – 2:00 pm 403-238-5444 403-225-1175 Thur 6:00 pm 403-589-2973 Wed 7:00 pm 403-240-4566 Sledding Safety Alberta Health Services, EMS would like to remind parents and children of some basic sledding safety tips as the winter season continues. Sledding injuries can result from collisions with stationary objects such as trees and rocks or with other people on the hill. Unprotected falls can result in injury if you lose control at high speeds. Everyone is at risk – especially children. Educate your family how to stay safe by following these simple reminders and have a fun day on the toboggan hill. Equipment • Ensure your sled is in good condition. Do not use sleds with broken parts, sharp edges, or splits in the material. • Currently, there are no helmets designed specifically for sledding. However children should wear a properly fitted helmet designed for high impact collisions, such as hockey, cycling, or climbing helmets. Plan ahead • Dress warmly in layers and anticipate weather changes. • Consider bringing extra sets of gloves and toques to exchange wet garments for dry ones. • Take breaks to warm up out of the cold. • Ensure frostbite hasn’t affected any exposed skin. • Even when properly protected from the elements, the finger tips, toes, ears, the tip of the nose, and other high points on the face such as the forehead and cheek bones can be affected by frostbite. • If frost bite has occurred, treat it by first removing the individual out of the cold environment. Gently warm the affected skin by placing a warm hand over it or by placing the affected part in warm water (not hot; ~41°C max.) until re-warmed. Hazards • Avoid hills that are too steep, or too icy – you can lose control very quickly. • Choose hills free of obstacles such as trees, rocks, utility poles, or fences. • Be mindful of clothing that contains drawstrings, or loose clothing, such as scarves, which can present a choking hazard if they become caught or snagged. B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 13 New Year, New You! Lose 30 Pounds in 40 Days with hCG! “I lost 20 lbs in 25 days!” ~ Angela C. Braeside Real Estate Update Last 12 Months Braeside MLS Real Estate Sale Price Stats Average Asking Price Average Sold Price November 2014 $459,900 $455,800 October 2014 $447,416 $438,166 September 2014 $465,750 $452,083 • Reducesabnormalfat,NOTmuscle August 2014 $462,712 $451,250 • Resetsthemetabolism July 2014 $435,383 $431,000 • Reducesyourappetite June 2014 $476,800 $469,680 • NOTastarvationdiet May 2014 $440,562 $434,900 April 2014 $450,357 $452,571 March 2014 $516,950 $512,500 Our Program Includes: February 2014 $437,702 $440,030 • MedicalTesting January 2014 $314,900 $308,000 • PhysicianSupervision December 2013 $412,400 $403,750 Glenmore Healthcare’s hCG Weight Loss Program: • Loosetheweightandkeepitoff! • PharmaceuticalgradehCG • Weeklyconsultationswithexperiencedstaff • FatBurningandvitamininjections Last 12 Months Braeside MLS Real Estate Number of Listings Stats No. New Properties No. Properties Sold • Metabolictesting November 2014 2 3 • 6Weekmaintenanceprogramafterweightloss October 2014 4 6 Glenmore Healthcare is the only clinic in Calgary that follows the internationally recognized IAPAM protocol. Our program is the safest and most comprehensive. Call a FREE consultation! 403-452-5699 A305, 1600 90th Ave SW (Glenmore Landing) GlenmoreHealthcare.com Thesefineproductsandservicesarealso availableatGlenmoreHealthcare September 2014 9 6 August 2014 2 8 July 2014 10 6 June 2014 8 5 May 2014 8 6 April 2014 7 7 March 2014 6 2 February 2014 5 4 January 2014 1 1 December 2013 1 2 Total 63 56 To view the specific SOLD Listings that comprise the above MLS averages please visit braeside.great-news.ca 14 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities C U S TO M E R S AT I S FA C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D Did you know that St. Benedict is a Spanish Bilingual School? The International Spanish Academy program at St. Benedict is a Program of Choice open to all students in south Calgary. Our intake is in kindergarten and Grade 1 but students currently attending other Spanish Bilingual schools are welcome. For more information please go to our website: schools.cssd.ab.ca/stbenedict or call the school at 403-500-2053 to book a tour. Register now for kindergarten and Grade 1! FREE ESTIMATES Previous Spanish experience is not required and parents do not need to know the language. NO JOB TOO SMALL John Roche Royal LePage Benchmark 110 - 7220 Fisher St. SE Calgary, Ab T2H 2H8 www.RoyalLePageBenchmark.com REALTOR® 403.804.2674 [email protected] Selling South Calgary for 33+ Years Full Time Professional Agent Yes Pass You Off to an Assistant Never Free Home Evaluation Yes If you’re selling or buying, you need to interview me. Trusted.Preferred.Referred Not intended to solicit properties currently listed for sale or individuals currently under contract with a Brokerage. B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 15 16 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities February 1 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 25 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 18 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 11 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 4 Church Worship 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 December 28 Church Worship, 11:00 Evening Fellowship 6:00 Sunday JANUARY 2015 20 Before and After School Child Care Program Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH Braeside AGM 7:00 19 Before and After School Child Care Program Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 February 3 Before and After School Child Care Program Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH February 2 Before and After School Child Care Program Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH Seniors Fitness 10:00 Elm Dog Obedience UH Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program 13 12 27 Elm Dog Obedience UH Moms and Tots Drop In UH 10:00 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program Before and After School Child Care Program 26 6 5 Child Care Winter Camp Child Care Winter Camp Tuesday December 30 December 29 Monday Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program February 4 Yoga for Kids 5:30 UH Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 28 Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 21 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program February 5 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Fitness Boot Camp UH 5:30 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 29 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Fitness Boot Camp UH 5:30 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 22 Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Fitness Boot Camp UH 5:30 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 15 Before and After School Child Care Program Southwest Seniors UH 10:00 Fitness Boot Camp UH 5:30 Stained Glass 6:00 Karate UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 8 Thursday 14 Tai Chi UH 7:00 Chinese Calligraphy 7:00 Church 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 7 New Year’s Eve Wednesday Friday Private Function in Evening Art Class for Kids 4:30 Before and After School Child Care Program February 6 30 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 23 Before and After School Child Care Program 16 Queens and Jacks UH 7:00 Before and After School Child Care Program 9 Child Care Winter Camp 2 Private Function Private Function Chinook Music Private Function Saturday Chinook Music February 7 31 24 27 17 10 3 COMMUNITY JANUARY COMMUNITYCALENDAR CALENDAR Premium Care Denture Centre 403-251-1137 11024 Braeside Drive SW Calgary A fully accredited non-profit school age care located in Braeside community centre. We offer a fun and exciting school year program & summer camp! We focus on arts, crafts, nutritious snacks and out trips. Provincial subsidy is available to those parents who qualify. For more information or to register your child contact us at 403 258 0699 or email us at [email protected] Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 7:00am – 9:00am 11:00am – 6:00pm. EMERGENCY Senior’s New Years DENTURE REPAIRS Special *NO BALANCE * COME SEE US FOR ALL YOUR DENTURE NEEDS! Our Clinic Offers: SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE HOUSE CALLS 1 YR WARRANTY ON ALL NEW DENTURES NEW FULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES, RELINES & REPAIRS School Holidays and professional development days: 7:00am – 6:00pm BILLING for new dentures for seniors! Senior’s, if you’re covered 100% for your new dentures, then expect NO “extra” balance to pay. 100% is 100% covered. “Free” Soft Liner on all Lower Dentures Offer expires Feb. 15/15 At Braeside before and after school care we believe that children are unique and require a stimulating and interactive environment which recognizes and accommodates each child’s individuality. Anderson Road SW BARBARA GILMORE Denturist (30 yrs experience) NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! SW Corner of Elbow & Anderson Canyon Meadows Shopping Centre Premium Care Denture Centre Elbow Drive SW Braeside Before and After School Care Unit 23, 11625 Elbow Drive SW www.premiumdenturecare.ca B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 17 Caregivers: Dementia’s Secondary Victims Comfort Keepers Calgary In 2011, 747,000 Canadians were living with cognitive impairment, including dementia - that’s 14.9 per cent of Canadians 65 and older. By 2031, if nothing changes in Canada, this figure will increase to 1.4 million. Today, the combined direct (medical) and indirect (lost earnings) costs of dementia total $33 billion per year. If nothing changes, this number will climb to $293 billion a year by 2040. Caregiving is a critical issue for people living with dementia and for Canadians in general. • One in five Canadians aged 45 and older provides some form of care to seniors living with long-term health problems. • A quarter of all family caregivers are seniors themselves; a third of them (more than 200,000) are older than 75. • In 2011, family caregivers spent in excess of 444 million unpaid hours looking after someone with cognitive impairment, including dementia. • This figure represents $11 billion in lost income and 227,760 full-time equivalent employees in the workforce. • By 2040, family caregivers will spend a staggering 1.2 billion unpaid hours per year. • The physical and psychological toll on family caregivers is considerable; up to 75 per cent will develop psychological illnesses; 15 to 32 per cent experience depression. Caregivers also suffer higher rates of depression, stress, and social isolation, and these factors can play a significant role in a caregiver’s decision to place the person with dementia in an institution. While this may immediately relieve the caregiver of the stress and physical demands of caring for the individual, it does not relieve the caregiver of the psychological impacts. After institutionalizing a family member with dementia, caregivers experience increased levels of guilt, anger, anxiety, depression, and additional financial problems created by the cost of institutionalized care. 18 For caregivers, it is critical that they take care of themselves first so that they can take better care of their loved ones and not suffer such acute impacts to their personal wellbeing and health. To do so, caregivers need support not only from the medical community, but also from friends, family, and community organizations, such as the Alzheimer’s Association. Specific actions caregivers can take to maintain their health and wellbeing include • keeping their own doctors’ appointments and getting preventive care; • maintaining a healthy diet; • exercising regularly; • staying connected to family, community, and friends; and • asking for help when needed. Hiring a professional caregiver can also provide the caregiver with much-needed respite care so he or she can attend to daily living matters or simply have a break. By taking the time to de-stress, socialize, and live their own lives, caregivers can continue to offer the care and support their loved ones need to experience the greatest quality of life possible. Why is someone who is feeling great ‘on cloud nine’? Because: Types of clouds are numbered according to the altitudes they attain, with nine being the highest cloud. If someone is said to be on cloud nine, that person is floating well above worldly cares. january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Be a good neighbour, clear the snow Gateway Mechanical Let’s remember that snow, ice and obstructions on our sidewalks can result in serious injuries and can cause those with limited mobility to be confined indoors. Be a good neighbour and clear the snow. To find out more about snow and ice removal in Calgary visit calgary.ca/snow or contact 311. For information on how to become a Snow Angel, visit Calgary.ca/snowangels. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Second-guessing your investments? Get an expert second opinion on your portfolio If market volatility is making you secondguess your investments strategy, contact us today for a no obligation, objective evaluation of your portfolio. An unbiased review can help you answer key questions including: > Is your portfolio still on the right track? > Are you taking too much risk in your portfolio? Michael Martin, CFA, MBA Investment Advisor 403-266-9655 www.martinwealth.ca > Which investments are likely to recover – and which ones aren’t? Arrange a complimentary second opinion service today – call 403-266-9655 or email us at [email protected] Professional Wealth Management Since 1901 RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. ©2011 Royal Bank of Canada. All rights reserved. fo a m r th ch o iss nt e n mo ue h’s ex nth t Have you considered being a Snow Angel? It can be a challenge for some residents to shovel and clear their sidewalks. The Snow Angel campaign encourages citizens to be good neighbours by helping older adults and others in need with their snow removal. All you have to do is adopt someone’s sidewalk this winter and keep it clear. With this Ad st e Sidewalks also need to be clear of obstructions such as electrical cords. When plugging in your vehicle, make sure you don’t place an electrical cord on or over any portion of a street. $20 off any service on your first visit of Remember that snow from private property cannot be put onto the road or boulevard. Large mounds of snow in the street can impede the flow of traffic, limit driver and pedestrian visibility and hinder Blue Cart and Black Bin collection. Fax: 403-251-7154 Email: [email protected] Ed Co ito nt ria en l t Property owners are responsible for clearing all sidewalks adjacent to their property. This means removing all snow and ice down to the bare concrete within 24 hours after the snow stops falling. If, as a property owner, you do not live at the residence, it is important to work with tenants or arrange for a contractor to clear the snow. It’s also important to note that if a property is being developed, the developer is often the owner responsible to clean sidewalks around a construction site or empty lot. The property owner is ultimately responsible for snow clearing under the bylaw. For any ice that is difficult to remove, a de-icing mixture is available at fire halls or Roads depots. Please bring your own container. Tel: 403-251-7171 b te rae lu co sp m la @ ne t.n et Winter has arrived and it’s time to be mindful of how the buildup of ice and snow on city sidewalks can post a risk of injury to Calgarians. Older adults, those with mobility issues or parents pushing strollers or walking with young children, may find it treacherous to venture out if neighbours are not diligent about clearing the ice and snow. All of us can help make walking in our communities safe for everyone if we work together and follow the regulations set out in Calgary’s Street Bylaw. 11808 - 24th Street SW (Woodbine Husky) Calgary, Alberta T2W 6G2 B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 19 VISIT OAKRIDGE MEDICAL CLINIC 10003 - 24TH St. SW WE ARE LISTENING !!!! CHECK OUT OUR SERVICES, SOME NEW AND SOME TRIED & TRUE New Physicians taking new patients. Longer hours, evenings and weekend appointments. Oakridge Medical 10003 24th St SW 403.287.6770 New Doctors. Dr. Pirisola and Dr. Edema. Internal Medicine Specialist Dr Xuemei Li Appointments available by referral. Short wait times. Flu season is here. Don’t sit around in walk in waiting rooms, minimize your exposure. Call us any day Monday - Saturday to get a same day appointment. Service provided to family practice and walk in patients. Phones lines open at 8:30 am. Women’s health appointments available weekly. Female physicians to do paps, breast exams, IUD insertions, birth control or hormone discussions. Allergy testing appointments available for anyone 15 years or older. Minimal wait times. Hyperhidrosis and Migraine consults & treatments, availability increased. The Podiatry Practice of Tedman Donovan, for all your foot health needs. Orthotics & Sandals, Bunions & Hammertoes, Arch and Heel Pain, Neuromas & Cysts. Corns, Calluses & Warts, Shockwave Therapy Available. Diabetic Foot Care and Routine Foot Care. 20 january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities COUNCILLOR’S REPORT BRIAN PINCOTT WARD 11 SOUTHWOOD LIBRARY 924 Southland Dr SW • 403-260-2600 • calgarypubliclibrary.com www.ward11calgary.ca Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you have had a wonderful holiday season; it has been a time for friends and family, and a time for each of us to recharge our batteries, reflect on the past year and charge into the new year with, hopefully, renewed vigour. In the coming year we will learn more about the 11 connections The City is designing as a part of the Ring Road, as the Government of Alberta is expected to begin construction on the southwest link in the next two years. To ensure that we have a complete road network, the right connections between the Ring Road and the city are necessary. Some of the connections will be new, while other projects will improve existing streets. For example, widening Anderson Road makes it more attractive to drivers. Well-designed links to the ring road will keep Calgary moving and will provide a number of benefits for citizens: • Faster and more efficient travel options • Improved traffic routing • Improved safety and access by putting the right traffic on the right roads • Reduced traffic impacts on nearby neighbourhoods These improvements will give people more options to travel around Calgary. To find more about The City’s role with the last piece of Calgary’s ring road go to calgary.ca and search “ring road”. Each year, The City conducts research and engagement to get a better understanding of your preferences, needs and satisfaction levels with the programs and services that we offer. In order to reach more people, The City has launched an online research panel called Citizens’ View. Citizens’ View is an online space where you can share your thoughts about life in Calgary by participating in surveys and discussions on topics that matter to you. The online panel will complement our existing suite of research and engagement tools, making information sharing more transparent, accessible and interactive for everyone. The panel is a timely and cost-effective tool that makes it easier for citizens to share their views about life in Calgary and understand how their input is used. I encourage you to join the conversation by signing up at www.citizensview.ca. Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm Friday & Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday (mid-Sept to mid-May) 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Library Tidbits Have you heard? All Calgary Public Library cards are now free. Come on down to any CPL Branch and get your very own card. A whole lot of something for nothing! ONGOING PROGRAMS (No registration required) Drop-in Family Storytime Drop in for stories, songs and finger plays the whole family can enjoy. Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver Wednesdays, January 7 to April 29, 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. and Saturdays, January 10 to April 25, 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Baby Play Date – New! Bring your baby to the library for a relaxing hour of mixing and mingling with other babies and caregivers. Ages up to 23 months with a parent/caregiver Thursdays, January 8 to April 30, 10:15 - 11:15 a.m UPCOMING PROGRAMS (registration required) Flipbook Animation for Kids Make your own cartoons by learning simple animation through creating flipbooks. Presented by Quickdraw Animation. Ages 8 to 12, Saturday, January 24, 3 - 4:30 p.m. Register In Person, By Phone or On Line As always, I encourage constituents of Ward 11 to contact me with any questions or concerns. I email out information regarding upcoming events, City programs and opportunities to provide input into the City’s public engagement programs relevant to Ward 11 residents. Due to the new anti-spam laws you need to specifically request our email updates; you can sign up at anytime by emailing my office at [email protected]. I also encourage you to visit my website, www.ward11calgary.ca, for additional information that may be of interest to you. All the best to you and yours, and I look forward to keeping you informed in 2015. B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 21 Braeside Moms and Tots Nursery Rhyme Song and Movement Jayce 14 403-478-2704 Yes Joel 13 403-251-9825 Yes Jonahley 50 403-837-6348 Yes Julianna 15 403-604-0034 Yes Kaitlynn 14 403-874-4034 Yes Kyle 14 403-652-0964 Yes Leah 14 403-700-9591 Yes Lilly 14 403-719-8282 Yes Mackenzie 14 403-805-6223 Yes Madison 21 403-818-3544 Yes Maya 13 587-896-1136 Yes Come and sing nursery rhyme favourites with your little ones. Starting September, Mondays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. at Braeside Community Centre. $3.00 per family. Melanie 13 403-685-8090 Yes Michelle 30 403-923-5111 Yes For more information, or to find out how you can be involved, please contact Sarah at 403-918-3421. This is a not-for-profit venture, so please come and support your local community. Michelle 13 403-256-4366 Yes Nia 15 403-991-8045 Yes Petra 12 403-589-3173 Yes Polina 13 587-296-1650 Yes Rhys 14 403-399-7509 Yes Salma 37 403-252-5052 Yes Braeside Name Age Contact Course Sam 13 403-287-3740 Yes Abigail 17 705-706-4338 No Samantha 13 403-607-7148 No Avelyn 20 587-891-8324 Yes Sarah 15 403-998-9639 No Brandie 33 403-802-2940 Yes Sarah 19 587-893-8109 Yes Christoph 23 587-998-6172 Yes Sheridan 13 403-238-6685 Yes Courtney 15 403-988-4841 Yes Sonya 19 403-389-5921 Yes Ed 12 403-217-2947 Yes Elizabeth 13 403-253-7269 Yes Elizabeth 11 403-281-2808 Yes Emily 12 403-667-5394 Yes Grace 14 587-888-2423 Yes Henry 14 403-719-8282 Yes Jane 49 403-467-3607 Yes 22 Calling All BABYSITTERS Enroll free at mybabysitter.ca and choose the Calgary communities you would like to babysit in. Calling All PARENTS Visit mybabysitter.ca and find available babysitters in and around your community. Disclaimer: We recommend for your own peace of mind that references be checked when choosing your babysitter. This babysitter list is provided as a service to the community and is governed by the terms & conditions outlined at mybabysitter.ca. january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Fish Creek CommUnity Fair Would You Like to Volunteer in Fish Creek? The Friends of Fish Creek Need You! Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015 1:00pm -4:00pm. Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Provincial Park (13931 Woodpath Rd. SW - Access via 130 Ave. SW and 37 St. SW). Friends of Fish Creek www.friendsoffishcreek.org Fish Creek Speaker Series Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Provincial Park (13931 Woodpath Rd. SW - Access via 130 Ave. SW and 37 St. SW) Geology - The Foundation For Alberta Parks Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015 - 7:00pm - 8:00pm Presented by Dr. Mark Fenton, Alberta Geological Survey Alberta’s parks are the result of geology and geologic processes and therefore contain many geological wonders. This talk will focus on a few of these including answers to the following: “The where and why of hot pots” “Rock and spontaneous combustion” “Why the big stink at Harper Creek?” and more! Registration required. For more information or to register visit www. friendsoffishcreek.org/event/geology. Fire Management in Kananaskis Country Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015: - 7:00pm - 8:00pm Presented by Scott Jevons, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Specialist and Fire Ecologist with Alberta Parks in Kananaskis Country. If you live close to Fish Creek Provincial Park, a natural urban oasis we are fortunate to have within our own backyard, then you are part of the Fish Creek Community! No matter your age, skill level or physical ability, the Friends of Fish Creek have volunteer opportunities for you to get involved in helping to engage the community, raise awareness and maximize peoples’ enjoyment of this area. Come to the Fish Creek CommUnity Fair to learn about amazing programs, courses, events and opportunities taking place in 2015. The ground may still be covered in snow, but spring starts now in Fish Creek! For more info, please visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/ event/fccuf. Southland Leisure Centre Do you have a child ages 2 to 4 years? Mend Ages 2 – 4 A FREE healthy lifestyle program for children ages 2 to 4 years and their families. 10 sessions of fun family activites, information and active play to help you and your children lead fitter, happier, healthier lives! Effective control of wildfires over the last century has led to the near-elimination of fires that once shaped the vegetation of Alberta. Loss of fire from the landscape is causing dramatic changes to our forests and grasslands, affecting species diversity, how ecosystems function, and the resilience of ecosystems to natural disturbances and changing climate. Come and take a historical walk through time to view landscape change in Kananaskis Country, and learn how Alberta Parks is dealing with these complex challenges. Registration required. Location: Southland Leisure Centre For more information contact: Zoe Flowers-Reitsma 403-648-6576 For more information or to register visit www. friendsoffishcreek.org/event/fire. I am from Winnipeg and was having trouble using the telephone when you kindly offered me your cell phone. Thank You To the young woman who kindly offered me the use of her cell phone at the Toronto Air Canada terminal on October 15, 2014. Thank you, from Earl. B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 23 we can do a custom skin analysis so you can learn specifically how to care for your skin. Come in for a free makeover! Braeside Shoppers Braeside Community M y name is Mike Leslie and I’m the owner of Shoppers Drug Mart in Braeside. I’m sure you’re all familiar with Shoppers Drug Mart. It’s one of Canada’s most recognized brands and there are over 1,200 stores across the country. While all stores have many similarities, they are not exactly the same. What makes my store in your community different? It’s mainly the people. Our staff as a team may be the most experienced in the city. I have been with Shoppers for 25 years, 17 as an owner and the last 12 of those here in Braeside. Coincidentally, both my front store manager Josh and my beauty manager Lori also have 25 years of experience, although via different paths. We also have a few other staff with over 20 years and some more with 10 years plus in various different departments and roles within the store. What this means to you is that when you come into our store, you will likely encounter people that really know what they are doing. Everyone here is a part of a team that is focused on being friendly, polite and helpful. It’s our goal to provide you with a pleasant and satisfying instore experience. We are consistently one of the highest rated Shoppers Drug Mart stores in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. We take great pride in that and intend to maintain and improve upon our status. In addition to our outstanding team, we also offer a vast array of products and services for the people of this community. In Pharmacy, which is still the backbone of our business, we can of course provide all of your prescription needs. Also, we have pharmacists that are certified injectors so we offer flu shots and are able to administer other injectable vaccines and medications. For those of you that would like to free yourselves from tobacco, we can work with you one-on-one to help you reach your goal. In addition, I invite you to come in for a private consultation with me or one of the other pharmacists in which we can analyze all of your medications, ensure that they are safe and right for you, develop a plan to help you manage your health and answer any questions that you may have. This is offered to you at no charge! We’re here for your convenience - right on Southland Drive, with parking right outside the door, and open until midnight. Don’t forget, you get to earn Shoppers Optimum points on almost everything you buy. Drop in today, we’re anxious to see you! Mike Leslie B. Sc. Pharm. Owner/Pharmacist In the front store we have all the typical drugstore products that you expect, plus we have food, electronics and a few other things. We can also take your passport photo. In cosmetics, we have a fantastic team of beauty experts that are able to give you the advice and tips you need. We carry a great selection of the best selling and most prestigious brands and we can help you select the products that suit you best. We also have a derm centre where 24 Shoppers Drug Mart #306 1919b Southland Dr SW Calgary AB T2W 0K1 Tel: 403-253-1477 ext. 61 Fax: 403-253-1506 [email protected] january 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or [email protected] NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Braeside. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24 hour emergency service call 403255-7938. “Showering you with great service.” BRYAN’S PLUMBING & HEATING: Master plumber, gasfitter, 30 years of experience. Fully licensed and insured. Repairs, renovations, faucet replacements and hot water tanks (great prices). Poly B replacement, free estimates, free advice and senior discounts. Call Bryan 403-560-6547 or brenmak@ telus.net. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS & DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555. Email: [email protected]. K2 BOOKEEPING Are you too busy to keep up with your bookkeeping? Experienced bookkeeper now accepting new clients. Specializing in small to medium sized business. Eight years of experience with QuickBooks and Simply accounting, GST, Payroll, WCB Filing, T4 Filing, and competitive rates. Phone Katie 403-870-0737. YOGA: Hatha Iyengar Yoga and Pilates classes for all ages and levels. Book a private Ayurvedic consultation with Skjei Sharma (lifestyle dietary and yoga routines specific for individual needs). Specialty yoga props, gift items, jewelry and a unique selection of healing crystals available in store. Contact: Yoga Haven 403-225-0580 or visit www. yogahavencalgary.com. FLO’S VOCAL ARTS STUDIO: Professional, comprehensive, contemporary, singing lessons and vocal performance coaching. Specializing in working with youth and young adults. Openings available. Start immediately. Recording studio workshops, singer-songwriter sessions, auditions, showcases, liaison with professional musicians and experiential performing opportunities offered in this package. In Braeside. Flo Shustack, B.Sc.O.T.(McGill). Calgary Musicians Association. 403-397-6737, [email protected]. NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again! www. communitymediation.ca, 403-269-2707. DID THE HOLIDAYS TAKE A TOLL ON YOUR WAISTLINE? Make 2015 your year to look and feel your best! Lose weight, gain energy and become part of a dynamic company where you can even get your food paid for if you choose. Email [email protected] or call/text 403-890-1652. LOOKING FOR AN ADMIN JOB? Great News Publishing is seeking a F/T Customer Service Representative (Admin/Inside Sales) to sell advertising, invoice, A/R and various administrative duties. Must have 2-3 years of office administration experience, a polite and upbeat disposition and enjoy working in a team environment. Sales and accounting experience with QuickBooks is an asset and will be given preference. Forward resume and cover letter to [email protected]. $14/hour and benefits after three months of employment. JANUARY MOON C ALENDAR Full Moon Jan 4 Last Quarter Jan 13 New Moon Jan 20 First Quarter Jan 26 B R A E S I D E C O M M U N I T Y n E W S L E T T E r I january 2 0 1 5 25 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline – 1st of each month for the next month’s publication Contact [email protected] Free announcements: lost/found, household items for sale, wanted, garage sale, student/senior services, etc. Forty word limit VOLUNTEERING.... Good for the Soul Published by: Proudly serving Braeside for 4 years! ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS NOW! REACHING OVER 365,000 HOUSEHOLDS ACROSS 132 CALGARY COMMUNITIES DELIVERED BY Canada Post Phone: 403-263-3044 26 I [email protected] IMPORTANT NUMBERS ALL EMERGENCY CALLS 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 1.800.332.1414 Poison Centre - Alberta 403.944.1414 Suicide Crisis Line 1.800.784.2433 HOSPITALS / URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Peter Lougheed Centre 403.943.4555 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre 403.955.6200 South Calgary Urgent Care Health Centre 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 OTHER Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority (Towed/Abandoned Vehicles etc.) 403.537.7100 Calgary Seniors’ Resource - SeniorConnect 403.266.6200 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Call Before You Dig (Buried Utilities) 1.800.242.3447 City of Calgary 211 and 311 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 Neighbour Mediation Hotline 403.269.2707 Road Conditions – Calgary 1.877.262.4997 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Gamblers Anonymous 403.237.0654 Need-a-doctor www.needadoctorcalgaryandarea.ca DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Braeside Community Association and Great News Publishing. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Braeside Community Association and Great News Publishing do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. january 2015 I Great news Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Are You Exposed To Paying U.S. Estate Tax? Ask an Expert Q We are currently looking at purchasing a recreational property in the U.S. Is there anything we should be concerned about by owning assets in the U.S.? A Sheri MacMillan, Senior Trust & Estate Practitioner, CEO of MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. and Host of The Strongroom on QR77 Canadians who own U.S. assets or spend a substantial amount of time south of the Canadian border may be exposed to U.S. estate taxation. Without the proper protective measures in place a Canadian may lose up to 40% of their estate’s total value to U.S. estate taxes upon death. Uncle Sam may have a few unpleasant surprises for the unprepared. Spending too much time in the U.S., owning a U.S. vacation property or U.S. investments, even within a RRSP/RRIF, may result in an excessive U.S. tax liability. Fortunately, utilizing specific estate planning mechanisms may minimize U.S. estate tax. Contrary to the United States, Canada does not have a formal estate tax. However, when Canadian residents pass away, they are deemed to have disposed of all of their worldwide assets at fair market value. Consequently, a Canadian resident who owns U.S. real estate or investments may have a large “deemed” capital gain in addition to a U.S. estate tax liability. The combination of Canadian tax and U.S. estate tax could significantly reduce an inheritance’s value. Ultimately, your assets both inside and outside of Canada require careful planning. In order to avoid paying unnecessary tax, it is vital to use the most qualified experts available. Always consult with a professional who specializes in U.S. estate tax to ensure you are properly protected. MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. will be hosting a complimentary Wine & Cheese Seminar on Wednesday, January 21st at 7:00 PM to register, please visit macmillanestate.com or call 403 266 6464 1732 34 AVE SW CALGARY, AB T2T 2B6 PH. 403-460-2211 FAX.403-592-6762 [email protected] WWW.THEHOMEHUNTERS.COM 2014 REAL ESTATE SALES IN BRAESIDE 2014 Braeside sales (as at December 1, 2014): Single family homes Highest sale price Average Lowest sale price Average days on market 54 $561,000 $446,737 $308,000 23 Condominiums Highest sale price Average sale price Lowest sale price Average days on market 89 $353,000 $270,252 $176,000 37 It was a busy year for The Home Hunters Real Estate Group in Braeside – your resident specialists! WE MAKE YOU #1 For expert real estate advice with personalized service and attention to every detail, call The Home Hunters Real Estate Group at 403-460-2211 or e-mail us at [email protected] STEVE HUNTER GRANT HUNTER RANDY KEYLOCK Christmas debts got you wondering how to pay them? We can help! Contact my office: Brayco Financial 403.259.4077 [email protected] | www.brayco.ca Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/braycofinancial Gerry Bray
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