C. Alexander “Sandy” McDonald Pastor Javier Heredia Parochial Vicar Barbara Cole Principal SJN School - 788-1367 DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON St. John Neumann Catholic Church 100 Polo Road Columbia, SC 29223 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 11, 2015 Silvia Goodman Administrative Assistant [email protected] Parish Office And School Address 721 Polo Road Columbia, SC 29223 Office Hours Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Telephone Church Office: 788-0811 Gillin Hall: 788-1478 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday - 5:15 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 5:00 p.m. Monday - 12:00 noon Tuesday - 9:00 a.m. Wednesday - 12:00 noon Thursday - 12:00 noon Friday - 12:00 noon Spanish Sunday 2:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Korean 7:00 p.m. (2nd & 3rd Saturdays) Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday - 4:15-5:00 p.m. and by appointment WELCOME We welcome all newcomers to our parish family and request that you register at the Parish Office. Parish membership is required to: be a sponsor be married in the parish have a child baptized qualify for parishioner tuition at St. John Neumann School RECONCILIATION Confessions: Saturday 4:15 – 5:00 p.m. or by appointment (call 788-0811 to make arrangements). BAPTISM Call the parish office at 788-3252 ext. 18 for information. MARRIAGE The Diocese of Charleston requires preparation for marriage to begin at least six months prior to the wedding date. Call Fr. Sandy at 788-0811 to make arrangements . PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN St. John Neumann Church and the Diocese of Charleston are committed to the protection of children. Here are important numbers: Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister - (800) 921-8122 Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services - (843) 853-2130 ext. 209 Safe Environment Coordinator - Cherie Smith 788-3252 ext. 21 WEBSITE www.stjohnneumannsc.com Bulletin deadline: Noon Tuesday Send print-ready information to [email protected] PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “To strive together to be Christ for each other and our neighbor.” Please pray for the repose of the soul of Lewis Miller Memorial Mass A memorial Mass will be held for Elaine Coakley at noon on Friday, January 16. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Welcome, Newcomers! St. John Neumann Catholic Church invites you to a special gathering on Sunday, January 18, 2015, after the 5:00 p.m. Mass. It will be held in Gillin Hall. Newcomers should have received an invitation by mail. Please RSVP by January 14, 2015, by placing your response in the offertory basket, by calling the church office, or by emailing to [email protected]. Thank you for choosing St. John Neumann Catholic Church as your church home. We look forward to meeting you. We extend a warm welcome to the newest members of St. John Neumann Church: Daniel, Jonnetta and Adam Fogerty Kayce Prince Stephen and Dottie Raymond Paul, Angela, Joshua and Lucas Kuwik Johnnie and Juliana Broadway Jonathan, Lisa, Isabella and Amelia Camarro Jason, Kacie, Kaitlyn and Jackson Dunn Josnel Faiivae Newly Baptized LARCUM Annual Prayer Service The LARCUM (Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic, United Methodist) Annual Prayer Service will be held on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 4:00 PM at College Place United Methodist Church (4801 Colonial Drive, Columbia, SC 29203). This year Bishop Guglielmone will deliver the homily. There is a reception immediately following the service. All are welcome! In December we welcomed the following new members into the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Madelyn Isabella Graves Savannah Joy Lee Anela Czarina Bien Luna Financial Contributions Jim Braun from Messner Publications is offering opportunities to purchase advertising space in our new Bulletin. The ads will be published in color each week for 52 weeks! If you are a business owner or business professional, who would like to advertise in our new Bulletin, call Jim at (262) 893-9899. Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The US bishops' pastoral on stewardship reminds us that Baptism gives all of His disciples a share in His priestly work and calls them “to offer up the world and all that is in it— especially themselves – to the Lord of all.” Offertory - $24,545.46 Children’s Offertory- $31.00 Cardinal Newman School It is hard to believe that we are beginning the second half of the school year on Monday, January 12! Cardinal Newman High School would like to invite you to the High School Drama production of Peter Pan this Thursday, Friday and Saturday—January 15, 16 and 17. Performances begin at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Meeting Room. Tickets are $7.00 each and are available at the door. Children six years of age and under will be admitted for free. Come for an evening of fun! Cardinal Newman High School will be closing at noon on Monday, January 12, and will be closed for the entire day on Friday, January 16, for Teacher In-Service Training. Additionally, the school will be closed to students and faculty on Monday, January 19, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. There are many sporting activities happening this month. Please be sure to check the school website, www.cnhs.org, to find events that you can attend and cheer for the student athletes. GO CARDS! St. John Neumann Catholic School .Excitement Resumes The halls of St. John Neumann Catholic School once again ring with the sounds of happy, young voices and eager teachers as the first semester ends and everyone looks forward to the second one. Many exciting events will be happening this year, which the school looks forward to sharing with the parish. Please join Father Sandy, the faculty, and students on January 13 for an Ecumenical Prayer Service. The service will be held in the school gymnasium beginning at 9:30 a.m. Pastors from the local community have been invited to join in the prayer for Christian Unity. Come and be a part of this exciting event. This week and next week, SJN students are involved in Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing. The boys and girls take computerized tests in language, math, and reading. Test results, available to the teachers immediately, are a great aid as the teachers develop lesson plans to meet the needs of individual students. As teachers work to include Differentiated Instruction in school daily activities, MAP testing is one of the many methods they use to reach each child in a meaningful way. Remember to mark your calendar for Catholic Schools Week and plan on coming for a visit to your parish school. Open House will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily from Monday, January 26 to Friday, January 30. Come for a tour. No appointment is necessary. Just come and get to know the wonderful activities going on at the school. More information on plans for this week will follow. Parish Calendar January 10-17 Saturday, January 10 9:00 am Adoration Cancelled Today 11:00 am Santo Nino Mass Church 11:00 am Outreach/SJ Commission Cafeteria 7:00 pm Korean Mass Church Sunday, January 11 Sandwich Sunday Please leave sandwiches in kitchen. 1:00 pm Health Cabinet Teen Room 3:00 pm Comfort/Caring Mtg Library 6:15 pm Youth Ministry Teen Room Monday, January 12 4:30 pm Tai Chi 5:30 pm Legion of Mary Gillin Hall Teen Room Tuesday, January 13 10:00 am Ecumenical Prayer Service Gym 11:00 am Cenacle of Mary Teen Room 10:30 am Exercise Class Gillin Hall 2:00 pm My Catholic Faith Teen Room 7:00 pm Open Heart Prayer Grp Gillin Hall 7:00 pm RCIA Teen Room 7:00 pm Theology of the Body Room 22 Wednesday, January 14 7:00 pm Adoration 12:30 pm Senior’s Lunch 6:30 pm CCD 6:30 pm English 2nd Language 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study Church Gillin Hall School Library Room 17 Thursday, January 15 2:00 pm Adoration 4:30 pm Tai Chi 7:30 pm Knights of Columbus Church Gillin Hall Gillin Hall Friday, January 16 10:30 am Exercise Class 7:00 pm German Club Saturday, January 17 9:00 am Adoration 9 am-12 noon Retreat (2nd Graders) 1-4 pm Retreat (RCIC Class) 7:00 pm Korean Mass Gillin Hall Gillin Hall Church Church Church Church If you would you like to receive the Bulletin by e-mail, send an e-mail to [email protected] with Bulletin Sign-up in the subject line. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS DONATIONS We thank the following for their donations towards our Christmas flowers: In Memory/Honor of Requested by Philip C. Monfils, Joan E. Monfils, Robert P. Delaney, Nala Monfils and Sami Clark Coakley, Schaed and Lucitt Families Family and Friends Mildred Rodeen, Donna Moore, Roni McManis and Denise Nielson Jesus Christ Lena & Shelby DeBorde, Dan & Jessa Gibson and Maggie DeBordes Sr. Genevieve Therese, Ann O’Donnell and Peggy Tiller Antonia Rios, Ruperta Nieves, Basilides Cruz and Noel Cruz Parents of Frank & Caroline Rybczyk Pura Villar, Agerica Gisbert, Dr. Antonio Gisbert and Mariguita Gonzales Florenciz Eliz de Alvarez, Manual Angel Santana, Julián Alvarez Araúz and Angélica Y Matilda Araúz Anton Odhiambo, Suzana Handa, Albert Omoto and Peres Olola Osterman and Kralj Families Charlie Richitelli, David Richitelli Mr. & Mrs. Sigmund Mayer and Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Muschinste Hornung Family , Keivit Family, Helbig and Dütsch Cheryl Konitzer-Sinclair and Christopher Konitzer Emil & Mary Kubin and Betty Mordente Don & Marguerite Deyling and John & Betty Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Hethcox, Sr. and Mr. & Mrs. Roland H. Fisher Pauline Cooper Timothy M. Pendergast and Matthew J. Plesa Amador & Elvira Hassell, Ralph Powell, Rigado Family and Ed & Jane Eshleman Darlene Gaebel John & Mabel Brockington and Alice & Hugh O’Donnell Columba Rye, Theresia I. Rauleson, Kathy Stambaugh and John Rauleson William J. Dunphy, Sr., Millie Long and Skip Baines Gloria Z. Aguilar and Maria Rico Melvin Gordon William V. Harvey Stephanie & Joseph John and Gertrude & Ronald Webb Deceased members of the Suski, Coleman and Chapman Families and Anna Hornosky Coty and Gendrolis Families Our parents, siblings and nephews Brigido N. Manalo, Amparo L. Manalo, Jaime L. Manalo and Ernesto L. Manalo Vicki Brewer, JV & Janie Brewer, Joseph & Pauline Klimek, Joe Klimek, Van Brewer and Elbert Brewer Deceased family members Allen & Rita Fey and Robert Brunson Thomas Schmidt Lillian & John Discher and Leona & Ben Rinzel Michael Mulholland, Gomer Davis and Katherine Hoskins John & Virginia Follis Gladys Sarnowski Mr. Blake, Karen Boles, Patty Kuczarski and Moody Johnson Miguel V. Laut, Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Liunoras, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Jose Laut and Mr. Pedro Annd De Benedetto, Patrick Merrick and Frank C. Ceirnick Leyderos Dane Pousson, Allen Pousson, George Yandle and Frances Yandle Montoya Family and Salas Family John & Jessie Verzwyvelt, Irving & Anne Smith, Hollie Marie Batiz, Cecil W. Gullory, Brother Donnan Berry and Audrey Claire Brown Bill, Eileen, Karen Regina Romanchuk, Art & Zelphya Werner and Jake Merran Arthour La Mountain Antico Family Grandma Sova Viola de Silva, AC de Silva, Wilfred Taylor and Ernie Taylor Michael Mulholland and Eunice Clark The Gamache, Hill and Koon Families Mr. & Mrs. David Delaney Mrs. Elaine Coakley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen & Silvia Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tinsley Tuyetanh Le Vu Mr. & Mrs. Shelby DeBorde Mr. & Mrs. John Bedlek Mrs. Haydee Cruz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wojdyla Mr. & Mrs.Robert Modesto Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Omayra Mrs. Teresia Omolo-Adongo Dr. & Mrs. Juraj Osterman Mrs. Betty Richitelli Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Bob Keivit Mr. & Mrs. James Konitzer Mr. & Mrs. John Kubin Mr. & Mrs. James Deyling Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hethcox Mr. & Mrs. Michael Akright Miss Bobbie Anne Abson Mr. & Mrs. Tim Spires Mr. James Gaebel Mr. & Mrs. John & Anne Brockington Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stambaugh Mr. & Mrs. Brian Dunphy Mrs. Gloria Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Michael Benik Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Gary Webb Mr. & Mrs. Kent Coleman Mr. & Mrs. James Coty Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Agostini Mr. & Mrs.Mrs. Alice Pineda Mr. & Mrs. Joel Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Glaz Mr. & Mrs. A Michael Fey Mrs. JoAnn Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rinzel Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Hoskins Mr. Jim Follis Mr. Francis Sarnowski Mr. & Mrs. Sean & Terri O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Peter Liunoras Mr. & Mrs. Robert De Benedetto Mr. & Mrs. Edward Yandle Mr. & Mrs. Jo & Jose Montoya Mr. & Mrs. Lynn & Sandi Verzwyvelt Mr. & Mrs. Lynn & Bob Werner Mrs. Louise Hargis Ms. Rita Owens Mr. & Mrs. Steven Six Mr. & Mrs. John De Silva Mrs. Jeannette Mulholland Bill & Loretta Hill In Memory/Honor of Requested by Donald & Eileen Ferguson and Ray & Pat Franks Al & Bernice O’Shesky and Stanley & Genevieve Peic Joe Smerdell, Patrick Allen, Deceased members of the Smerdell and Prieto Families Roger Meeks, Lupe Conrad, Mike Tracey and Ron Burton Deceased members of the Dunphy & Fosberry Families Sabastien Sebeey Leo & Nellie Storch and Allan & Florence Escott Bill Warren, Jr. and Bill & Dixie Warren, Sr. Marchi Family and Welter Family Martha Fabrizio, Pearl Jones, Vincent Jones, John & Delia Markham Joseph J. Konicki and Robson P. Corcoran Theresa & Frank Antico Family, Joseph & Mary Croskey, Rose & Anthony Zammarrelli, Robert & Irrin Owens Bob & Ann Leichtle, Betty DeFreese, Earl & Ruth Friedell and Sonny & Betty Leichtle Maoli &Sabatini Families Raucci Family, Robinson Family and Phillips Family Daniel Hart, Hattie Hart and Frank & Pauline Decker Felipe J. Espinosa and Belen Hernandez John C. Taylor, Susan & Thomas Failla, John, Emma Marcella, all in nursing homes Jepson and Nutt families Dorothea Patty and Helen Mctigue Daniel F. Craft and John Brownson Thad Littlebrant and Carl & Charlotte Hokanson Donald Hayden and Mary Laughlin Iacolino family members Jim Langston, Kraus & Langston family loved ones and Diane Williams Mr. & Mrs. William Breihan, Sr. and Mr. & Mrs. August Mathi Patrick LaPorte, Jr., Joseph & Marion Boyle, Michael I. McDonald and Patrick And Jean LaPorte Richard E. Lawrence and Anna L. Lawrence Dr. Alfonso A. Pasicatan Eugene Lauffer, Sr. and William Maas, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. O’Neil and Mr. & Mrs. John V. Amrol SSGT Michael F. York John & Doris McKenna and Joseph Smerdell Thomas Kessler, Sr. Erwin & Magdalena Broszonn and Pearly Charlot Rachel Ann Gilbert Ethel Jenkins, Eugene Jenkins, Mamie North and Claudia Blaney Peter & Mary Graham and George Gregory Nicolas and Andrea Espinosa Joseph Pawlikowski Evelia Mojica Freddy Aponte Deceased members of Zinni Family Emelia Saucedo, Luis Sánchez, Alberto Sánchez and Antonio Sánchez Mr. & Mrs. Dalmacio Mendoza and deceased siblings, Mr. & Mrs. Mariano H. Mandanas and siblings Al Malmendier, Jim Woodruff, Joseph Quinlan, Fallon Woodruff and Helena Rigas Mrs. Jane Franks Mr. & Mrs. Timothy & Genie O’Shesky Mrs. Joseph Smerdell Mr. & Mrs. Alan Meeks Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fosberry Dr. & Mrs. Achu Mofor Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Escott Mr. & Mrs. Robert Auman Mr. & Mrs. Bob Marchi Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Fabrizio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Konicki Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zammarrelli Mr. & Mrs. Michael DeFreese Mrs. Vittoria Maoli Mr. & Mrs. Fred Raucci Mrs. Daniel Hart Dr. & Mrs. Johan Hernandez Mrs. John Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nutt Dr. & Ms. James & Mary Mctigue Mrs. & Mr. Siobhan & Lee Brownson Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Mary Littlebrant The Hayden Family Mr. & Mrs. Sal Iacolino Mrs. Erika Langston Mr. & Mrs. Donald Breihan Mrs. Barbara LaPorte Ms. Sandra Ann Lawrence Dr. Susana Pasicatan Mr. & Mrs. Gene Lauffer Nancy & Roger Amrol JoAnn York Donna McKenna-Crook Mrs. June Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Randy Gilbert Ms. Genette Jenkins-Fuller Dr. & Mrs. Peter Graham Marta and James Churchill The Touma Family Tilma de Cruz Jose Fernandez Rose Marie Szadek Mr. & Mrs. William & Maria Mincey Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Mandanas Mrs. Kathleen Malmendier ELECTRONIC AND SHRED EVENT January 24, 2015, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Forest Lake Presbyterian Church, 6500 North Trenholm Rd. The following materials will be accepted: Paper for shredding. Computers and computer accessories (keyboards, monitors, printers, scanners); household electronics such as TVs, stereos, VCRs, DVD players, power tools, radios, fax machines, telephones, pagers, answering machines; small appliances such as microwave ovens and any other household items with power cords. Scrap metal—stoves, washers, dryers, bicycles, metal door frames, metal chairs, metal shelves, lawn mowers (must be free of gas and oil); refrigerators and air conditioners. Tires—car and light truck or smaller; small tires (bike or wheelbarrow)—limit 8 per family. No Commercial Materials. RESIDENTIAL Materials Only Please call 576-2446 for questions or concerns. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS DONATIONS We thank the following for their donations towards our Christmas flowers: Mr. & Mrs. Anthony & Carol La Caprucia Mr. & Mrs. Steven Junis Mrs. Santina Howard Mrs. Patricia Hunt-Slamow Mr. & Mrs. Travis Robbins Ms. Lauren Laroque Mr. & Mrs. Jean Dubois Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Rosbrugh Mrs. Lucie Allen Dr. Lety Matawaran Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Decruz Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Diane Ries Mr. & Mrs. Santi Mateo Mrs. Claire Kraft Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Hydorn Mr. & Mrs. Terry Tuazon Mr. & Mrs.David Krupa Dr. Susan Steck Mr. & Mrs. Glenn & Beth Barrozo Mrs. Lucy Rybacki Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Kathleen Golden Mr. & Mrs. Vince & Mona Pace Ms. Natividad Akana Mr. & Mrs. Ricky & Catherine Horne Mr. & Mrs. Phi Mac Mr. & Mrs. Alfred & Cynthia Nader Mr. & Mrs. Alejandro & Mary Luis Ms. Rosa Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Muoi Ba Tran & Kim Lien Nguyen Mae Golston Mr. & Mrs. Earl & Joyce Shuler Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Michael Warnke Mrs. Patricia Ojiako Mrs. Matilde Adkison Mrs. Grace Odigie-Imerion Mr. John Moody Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams Mr. Mark Nieri Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Patricia Donohue LTC & Mrs. Lowell & Kimberly Howard Mr. & Mrs. Thuoc & Tu Mac Mr. & Mrs. Jung& Tae Kim Mrs. Joanne Goldsborough Mrs. Canh Le Ms. Antoinetta Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mason Mr. Khue Nguyen Mr. Nicholas Sambenedetto Mr. & Mrs. Herminio & Janette Cruz Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn De Guzman Ms. Eva Salas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Cynthia Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Jospeh Lapointe CPT & Mrs. John Gentner Happy New Year from the Parish Nurse! Looking for ways to meet those New Year’s Resolutions to be healthier? Feel Better? Try Tai Chi, which meets on Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. in Gillin Hall and/or the Exercise Class, which meets on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m., also in Gillin Hall. The classes are free and everyone is welcome! Questions? Call the Parish Nurse, Wendy Bobadilla, at 413-4797 or e-mail her at [email protected]. -Wendy will be in Gillin Hall on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to noon. -There will be a Health Cabinet Meeting on Sunday, January 11, at 1 p.m. in the Teen Room. -There will be a Comfort & Caring Meeting on Sunday, January 11, at 3 p.m. in the school Library. -Please check the bulletin board in Gillin Hall for information about various health-related issues. -If you need a CPR or First Aid Class, please call Wendy . -Wendy is a Benefit Bank Counselor. This means that she can do a “Quick Check” to see if you may be eligible for extra help, from programs like food stamps (SNAP), Medicaid, and other assistance programs. She can also help you fill out the forms for these programs. Call her for questions or to make an appointment. -Free Eye Screening & Glasses (if needed). Where: Richland County Health Department, Midlands Eye Clinic. When: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month. Eligibility requirements: 1) Adult 18 years of age and older, 2) Live in Richland or Fairfield Counties, 3) Under 200% of the poverty level, 4) Proof of income, 5) Picture ID. March for Life The March for Life in Washington, DC, will be held on Thursday, January 22. This is a gathering of people from all over the country, who march, pray and educate for the sanctity of human life. There are buses leaving from several locations to attend the march. If you would like to join, please contact the Office of Family Life at (803) 547-5063, or e-mail FamilyLife@ catholic-doc.org. Altar Server Training Altar-server training is scheduled for January 24, 2015 at 10:15 a.m. in the church. For more information, e-mail Chris Scott at [email protected]. St. John Neumann Catholic School welcomes you to join in our celebration of Catholic Schools Week with an Open House Jan. 26 - 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily tour our wonderful school visit the classrooms meet other parents observe our great teachers no appointment necessary We look forward to seeing you! † Mass Intentions January 10-18 † Date Time Name Saturday, January 10 Sunday, January 11 5:15 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 12:00 noon 9:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 12:00 noon 12:00 noon 5:15 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 5:00 pm Darlene Gaebel † Suzi & Sherwood Stark Edward Pepsin, Jr. † Alice Pressley Erminia Gómez-García † Mary & Levi Santiago Wright Family Hunter Family Abigail Lowry † Friends of Jay Pat & Jack Harley † Steve & Diane Junis Ecumenical Service Lisa L. Oleksik Elaine Slan Bruce Doolittle † Marilyn Vacendak Alice Schrag † Kathryn Collier Darlene Gaebel † Tom & Kathy Harmalik Mr/Mrs Valmore Loiselle, Sr. † Family John G. Vacendak † Marilyn Vacendak For the Parish Steven Palonen † Debra Barbitta Monday, January 12 Tuesday, January 13 Wednesday, January 14 Thursday, January 15 Friday, January 16 Saturday, January 17 Sunday, January 18 Requested by Daily Readings for the Week Please pray for the sick: Sean Abbott Brigitte Adams Barb Alberini Angelo Anelli Marianne Anelli Benjamin Basil Valentina Bastias Ken Beck Eugene Berendsen Bridgett Boher Frank Bondeson Jeri Boysia Donald Breihan Steve Brown Rowan Bustamante Rose Cabot Cherese Carlson Vic Carilli Gladys Coakley Georgine Collins Barbara-Jay Cornelia Chang Wi Chi David Cummings Karen Davies Millie DeGarcia Paul Dishinger Caroline Donovan Patrick Donovan Betsy Ehret Josepha Elzarad Carmen Flores Isabel Flores Jackie Foley Bing Fores Cielle Fulmer Dean Gahagen Ron Goins Melvin Gordon Crystal Grampus Ensyha Grampus Jimmy Green Lorraine Gullifer Debbie Gurski Buenaventura Hassell Pat Heller Casey Hicks Santina Howard Lorraine Immekus Faye Johns Jimmy Keadle David Kirvan Karen Kohut Kerri Kohut Jun Hee Lee Craig Luccy Lino Mandanas Bernie Maraghy Theresa Mason Chad McKay Patrick McLaughlin Janice Melvin Nympha Miguel Diane Merritt Roberto L Molinary, Sr. Gloria Neumann Corrine Nylander Meighan Parsh The readings are included each week for parishioners unable to join us for daily or Sunday Masses. Edward Pelc Alex Petroff Faye Price Vivian Quenga Helena Richard Randolph Richard Zachary Rinzel Gloria Rosario Florina Sánchez Jean Schemel David Sotelo Eleanor Sotelo Dr. Scott Sweazy Regina Tomic Bruce Trent Catherine Trent Jeffrey Wagner Robert Watts Cecelia Whitley Lillie Wilson Mary Ann Wilson Helmut Wirth Lawrence Wright, Jr. Allan Zych January 11-17 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7, Is 55:1-11, ,Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10, or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6., Acts 10:34-38, or 1 Jn 5:1-9, cf. Mk 9:7 or cf. Jn 1:29, Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6, PS 97:1 and 2b, 6 and 7c, 9, Mk 1:15, Mk 1:14 -20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12, Ps 8:2ab and 5, 6-7, 8-9, See 1 Thes 2:13, Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18, Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8-9, Jn 10:27, Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14, Ps 95:6-7c, 8-9, 10-11, See Mt 4:23, Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11, Ps 78:3 and 4bc, 6c-7, 8, Lk 7:16, Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16, Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15, Lk 4:18, Mk 2:13-17 Hospital and Nursing Home Visits Due to privacy laws, Father may not know that you (or a family member) have been hospitalized or moved into a nursing home. Please call the parish office at 788-0811 to let him know. Moving? If you are moving, please notify the parish office. Call 788-0811 or e-mail [email protected]. Thank you! Devotion Opportunities Spend One Hour with Me – Adoration: Thursday 2:00–6:50 p.m. and Saturday 9:00–10:00 a.m. The Rosary: Sunday, 9:15 a.m. The Divine Mercy Chaplet: After Monday noon Mass Prayer List To have someone included in the Bulletin prayer list, call the parish office at 788-0811 or e-mail [email protected].
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