District 2-T2 Lions Clubs International The WINDMILL January 2015 www.lions2t2.org District 2-T2 Mid-Winter 2015 Hosted by Lubbock Lions Club Saturday January 17, 2015 South Plains Church Second Level 69th and Elkhart, Lubbock 8:30—9:15am Registration Coffee and Donuts 9:15am—11:30am District Cabinet Meeting 11:45am– 1:30pm Lunch During Lunch: Peace Poster, Opportunities for Youth and Hall of Fame ALL Lions are invited to attend. Invite someone who has never been to a District meeting. RSVP to PDG Bernie Gradel @ [email protected] Deanna Harville @ [email protected] Page 2 WINDMILL January 2015 DG James Osborne To all the Lions of District 2T2 and your families I hope you had a Merry Christmas, a happy and safe New Years celebration and a blessed Holiday Season. Six months have come and gone with much fun and progress. I have visited many of our clubs and have great reception at all of them. I am truly enjoying my year as your governor. Thank You! I will be scheduling more visits after the first of the year. During this first six months , we the district, received the International Presidents Bronze Award for meeting our first quarter goals. Our Lions Eye Bank fundraiser is winding down and we should be able to have our drawing at Mid-Winter – Thanks Lions – 500 tickets sold. Our Hall of Fame announcement should be made at Mid-Winter. Most all of you had great projects during the fall and I am hearing great things our Lions are doing for those who need our help during the holiday season. You are truly fulfilling our motto “We Serve”. We have seen our Hearing Bank revitalized with the leadership of some very dedicated Lions. We want to continue to make membership growth a focus of our clubs and district. Share your experience as a Lion and invite them to be a part of what we do. I invite all of you to be a part of our Mid-Winter – it will be held at the South Plains Church of Christ, 6802 Elkhart, Lubbock, January 17th. It will be hosted by the Lubbock Lions Club so come and join in . Many great things are happening in our clubs and we will be sharing them with you – Its Great To Be A Lion! Lubbock Redbud Lions Club Serving our City and District 2-T2 President Lonnie Kirk Queen Lauren Newsom PDG Jim Johnson 1975— 1976 Proud to Support PDG Melvin Powers 1985—1986 District Governor PDG Walt Alexander 1988—1989 James Osborne PDG Paul Ellis 1997—1998 PDG Dan Pope 2004—2005 Page 3 WINDMILL Jan—Feb2015 January 2014 1st VDG Dick Van Hoose Home page on the web for District 2-T2 is a fantastic site for information. I am not sure how many people access this site however after looking at it more extensively, I know that Lions and non lions can find links to numerous articles of interest. The current page has information on what's New in Lions: our new International President Joe Preston is highlighted in a video link as well as his program "Strengthen the Pride" is shared in two links. Events pertaining to our district are covered in District 2-T2 News. Highlighted events range from our District Governor's goals for the year, information on the Environmental Photo Contest, a link to learn about our Lions Centennial Service Challenge, and links to help club secretaries in their filing of monthly reports. LOTS of links giving information on District 2-T2 leadership individually and in committee work; Lion Links providing information on Regional, State, National and International programs; links to recognize the history of Dear Lions: The 37th Annual Lions Day with the United Nations (LDUN) will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2015, at the iconic United Nations Headquarters in New York City. LDUN program highlights include presentations from President Preston and key UN speakers, along with engaging panel discussions focusing on this year's theme of "Childr en in Need" . Be amongst the first to find out and celebrate this year's winners of the International Peace Poster and Essay Contests. Inspiring and informative, LDUN recognizes the impact of LCI's volunteer efforts in supporting the shared vision with the UN of improving our local and global communities. LDUN attendees also have the option to attend the popular Lions-UN Luncheon inside the UN's signature Delegates Dining Room with invited ambassadors. Seating is limited and offered on a first come basis. For the first time we will be offering early registration material pick-up on Friday, March 6, at the One UN New York Hotel, located directly across from the UN Headquarters, where attendees can conveniently pick up their event badges, program and more. Cash bars will be set for an afternoon hospitality from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. where you can meet and mingle with fellow attendees and staff at the Registration Area. LDUN attendees will receive one complimentary drink ticket redeemable from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. on March 6 only. For attendees that need hotel accommodations, the One UN New York Hotel has a limited number of guest rooms available at a special LDUN rate offered on a first come basis. Guest rooms can be requested when registering online. This event is sure to sell out, so please direct Lions and guests to the Lions Day with the UN page on the LCI Web site to register and find additional program information. If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Brain at (630) 468-6893 or via email. Yours in Lionism, Page 4 WINDMILL Jan—Feb2015 January 2014 2nd VDG Jim Petty I want everyone to enjoy the Holidays and really reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. We celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior on Christmas day and enjoy the fellowship of friends and family during the Holiday season. I pray that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year. Now a true visionary will look beyond the smoke, over the wall, through the woods to try and get an idea of what next year has in store for Lions across the World. I see success, I see growth, I see a bright future for the Lions of District 2T2 and I am here to offer some encouragement. The story I'm going to tell you is a true story of a professional athlete and a motivational speaker. A professional football team is a complex group to say the least but have you ever thought about attempting to motivate them week after week to perform at the top of their game? I want you to think about a group of people that collectively makes about 100 million a year, what can you tell them? The management knew they had a challenge so they hired a high prices motivational speaker to come in before a big game and attempt to get them fired up. As the speaker addressed the group he noticed the star athlete in the back of the room not really paying attention to the speaker and decided to attempt to engage him in a project. The athlete was so talented and gifted he had speed and grace on the field and could move and jump with the skill of a jaguar. The athlete had a vertical jump of over 38" which is amazing. So the Motivational speaker asked the gifted and talented athlete if he could come up to the front of the room to demonstrate some of his skills. The speaker had set a bar about 12" off the ground and asked the athlete to jump the bar. The athlete approached the bar and only jumped enough to clear the bar, 12". The speaker asked why he only jumped the 12" to clear the bar when he could physically jump over 38" and the athlete said, "that's all I needed to clear the bar so that's all I jumped." My point to this story is that sometimes we, as Lions, only do what is needed when we have the ability, skill, talent to do much more. I am asking for all Lions in 2015 to raise the bar, to do more as Lions in our clubs and communities, to really look at our Motto and not just serve but to serve with intention. Examine your heart this year and spread the Love of Lions across the globe. Great Plains Lions Eye Bank Gun Raffle 1st Prize – Colt Commander light weight series 80, nickel finish, 2 clips and case 2nd Prize – Mossberg model 500 persuader, includes a studs pistol grip and 18.5 inch barrel 3rd Prize – Bushmaster XM15 Proceeds benefit the Great Plains Lions Eye Bank. Drawing will be held after all tickets are sold. Need not be present to win Rules: See back of ticket for full list of rules Gun Dealers: Southern Electric, Inc. and Fred’s Gun Emporium $20.00 PER TICKET – ONLY 500 TICKETS SOLD! Page 5 2 7 WINDMILL Sept.—Dec.2013 Jan—Feb January 2015 2014 By PDG Carmon McCain District 2-T2 Cabinet Secretary As this issue of The W indmill goes to press, we want to remind all clubs of the upcoming District 2-T2 Midwinter Conference set for Jan. 17 at the South Plains Church of Christ in Lubbock. This conference, hosted by the Lubbock Lions Club, is a great opportunity for club officers and other interested Lions to learn more about District 2-T2 programs and activities. Be sure to save the date and help “Strengthen the Pride” of Lionism by having your club well represented at the Midwinter Conference. District Governor James Osborne, 1st Vice District Governor Dick Van Hoose, 2nd Vice District Governor Jim Petty, and other district officials want to thank those club secretaries which have submitted their Monthly Membership Reports (MMRs) on time! Thank you for keeping Lions Clubs International, MD-2 Texas Lions, and District 2-T2 informed about your club’s membership and activities each month! A quick glance of the LCI Calendar shows the following key dates/reminders: JANUARY 2015 January to March 2015: Relieving the Hunger—Global Service Action Campaign. January 10-16: LCI Worldwide Week of Service to celebrate Melvin Jones’ birthday. January 13: Melvin Jones’ birthday. January 15: Peace Poster kits now on sale through LCI Club Supplies. FEBRUARY 2015: Membership focus is on women. Appoint nominating committee for 2015-2016 Slate of Officers. MARCH 2015: Membership focus is on women. Eye Donor Awareness month. APRIL 2015: Family and Friends Month—Invite them to join your Lions Club! Election of 2015-2016 Officers April 24-25: District 2-T2 Convention hosted by Lubbock Redbud Lions Club. MAY 2015: May 15: Deadline for filing 2015-2016 Officer Reporting Form (PU-101) May 20-24: MD-2 Texas Lions Convention at College Station TX, JUNE 2015: June 26-30: Lions Clubs International Convention, Honolulu. Each Lions Club is important to its community and those it serves! Thank you for all your work to “Strengthen the Pride” of Lionism in District 2-T2. Page Page 86 2 Page WINDMILL WINDMILL WINDMILL Sept.—Dec.2013 January 2015 May/June 2013 2014-2015 ENVIRONMENTAL PHOTO CONTEST District 2-T2 Lions from clubs in good standing can enter original, unaltered, black-and-white or color photo(s) (without people) of the environment of their Lions Club in the following 2014-2015 Lions Environmental Photo Contest categories: Animal Life Landscape (urban or natural) Plant Life Weather Phenomenon Special Theme: Lions' Pride in our Environment--Capturing the magnificent beauty and grandeur of our natural environment. Thank you, PDG Fredda Buckner Contest Coordinator See rules at: http://www.texaslions.org/environmental-photo-contest-2/ Please bring entries to the Mid-Winter meeting January 17, 2015. The Opportunities for youth scholarship contest for District 2-T2 - now accepting entries from Junior and Senior High students. If your club would likt to sponsor a student or students please contact: Lion Janet Roller 4428 Kemper Lubbock, Texas 79416 c. 806-790-0844 [email protected] We need all applications in by January 14, 2015. Contest will be January 17th at South Plains Church of Christ 69th and Elkhart, Lubbock, Texas Lion Janet can e-mail you the applications and rules. (Copy is attached). Subjext "Volunteerism and Its Importance" Awards: The 1st place winner will receive a $1000 scholarship 2nd place winner will receive a $500 scholarship. Page 7 WINDMILL January 2015 MD2 2015 STATE CONVENTION COLLEGE STATION, TX Sept. 1, 2014 Hello Fellow Texas Lions, It is with great pleasure and honor that District 2-S5 will host the 2015 State Lions Convention in College Station at the Hilton Hotel. The convention dates are May 21-23, 2015. Convention plans include outstanding keynote speakers, seminars for new and veteran Lions, a golf tournament and various other activities. Consideration has been given to providing many opportunities for “grass root” Lions to get involved. A free, fun night with food, drinks and entertainment will be held at Veterans Park in College Station (very near the Hilton hotel) on Thursday evening, May 21st, to welcome all Lions and kick-off our convention. Please go to the following 2015 Lions State convention web site and avail yourself of the convention material and registration page: convention.texaslions.org/registration. You may reserve a room by contacting the College Station Hilton Hotel and Convention Center. See the Lions registration form for room reservation details. For clarification or additional information, please contact PDG Floyd Golan, Convention Chair, at 979-218-4803 or email: [email protected] I’m looking forward to seeing you at this convention in May 2015. Yours in Lionism, PDG Ronald Heinemeyer District 2-S5 Council Chair, 2014-2015 Visit http://convention.texaslions.org/ for more information on the Keynote speakers and breakout sessions. Page 8 WINDMILL January 2015 Shallowater Lions Club Established May 1954 Home of Past District Governor James Norton Queen Morgan Bennet Princess Kynlee Wuensche Lion Boss Deanna Harville 806-778-7888 [email protected] Congratulations to the following clubs for adding new members from September through December 2014! CLUB NEW MEMBER Abernathy Brownfield Evening Angela Pope Brandi Villerreal Robert Villerreal Robert Florez Sean Overeynder Teddy Summers Lesli Henley David Jeffery Greeson Diantha Gilbert Diana Longoria Lashley VanZandt Tim Walker Kevin Campbell Jeremy Barbee Chris Brown Tutti Burkett Mike Carper Kyle Carruth Gary Churchwell Elizabeth Hannon Natalie Kendrick Bryon Kopp Shane Scarbrough Albert J. McCleod Ashley Mayberry Angela Nelms Brandon Rowell Jose Marquez Veda Hargrove Donald Clark James Barry Martin Denver City Floydada Hale Center Levelland Levelland Evening Littlefield Littlefield E. Risers Lubbock Lubbock South Plains Plainview Post Roby Ropesville Snyder SPONSOR Milton Pope Robert Milllican Robert Millican Glenda Gray Thomas Williams Johnny Summers Dennis Burton Keith Kent Robert Gilbert Shirley Ward Shirley Ward (Sponsor Not Listed) (Sponsor Not Listed) Terry Hawkins Bernie Gradel Majorie Evangelista Jason Gloe Ann-Marie Carruth Kim Churchwell Casey Doyle Casey Doyle Lynn Stephens Shane Cook Tom Vermillion Lea Stukey Mike Melcher Misty Alaniz Jerry Wilson James Hargrove Jordan Gregg Terry Martin Page 9 WINDMILL January 2015 Global Membership Team By PDG Carmon McCain District 2-T2 GMT Chairman Governor James Osborne announced the “15 by 15” membership goal just a few months ago. It is his hope that District 2-T2 Lions membership can be increased to 1,500 Lions by June 30, 2015. There are 1,359 Lions Club members in 44 clubs in District 2-T2 as of Jan. 1, 2015. It will require 141 new members and no drops during the next six months to achieve this membership goal. Yes, this is a lofty goal. However at the beginning of the Space Race, President John F Kennedy said “We choose to do these things…not because they are easy…but because they are hard!” The end result was America having the first man to walk on the lunar surface. What could be achieved if District 2-T2 and Lions’ worldwide adopted the same philosophy to strengthen membership? Clubs are encouraged to visit www.lionsclubs.org and www.lions2t2.org for membership tips and tools to help as they work to “strengthen the pride” of Lionism in 2014-2015. To help “plant the seed,” I’d like to share a few paragraphs from a Lions Information brochure complied by Lion R. L. “Dick” Crump of the Dallas Oak Cliff Lions Club. He served as District 2-X1 public relations director in 1962-1963. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: “Your Lions Club cannot grow and prosper without securing new members. New members bring new ideas, new influence, new enthusiasm, and new fellowship. In Lionism, you have a perfect easy-to-sell product: Membership in the world’s largest and most influential service club organization.” OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE: “Offer your friends the privilege of belonging to the worldwide fellowship of LIONS INTERNATIONAL…the opportunity for group and individual service to your community and its people…the personal satisfaction of taking part in a great, heart-warming movement for aid to the poor, the stricken, the blind, and the handicapped.” SHARE THE PRIDE—“Being a LION is a public admission that you stand for the best of everything for the good of the community in which you live. Wear your pin and tell the world what you stand for.” WORDS FROM MELVIN JONES: “What you give to humanity, you get back. Bread cast upon the waters is much more wholesome and nourishing than pie in the sky.” Another favorite quote—“You can’t get very far until you start doing something for someone else.” I hope these tiny morsels will provide “food for thought” for your club’s membership efforts during the remainder of 2014-2015. Just keep in mind that “We Serve” and others can, too! Just “Ask One” to be a Lions Club member! Page 10 WINDMILL January 2015 Serving Our Community With Pride for 90 Years Snyder Lions Club Chartered August 28, 1924 Home Club of Howard Harrington, DG 1978—1979 Max Von Roeder, DG 1986—1987 C.A. (Mac) McCown, DG 1993—1994, Past President of Texas Lions Camp Jean Steakley, DG 2008—2009 & Queen Avery Wright 200% Texas Lions Camp 2012—2013 Dear Lion, As a leader in your Lions club, we want to remind you about the current new member pilot program in the United States that waives the charter or entrance fee for U.S. Veterans of all ages. The Involve a U.S. Veteran program waives the charter or entrance fee for any qualifying veteran who joins a new or existing Lions club. Eligible veterans include retired U.S. military personnel or honorably-discharged members of the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard Services, Marines, National Guard, Navy or Reserves. Those currently serving in the National Guard or Reserves are also eligible. Lions Clubs International will provide an entrance fee waiver of $25 ($30 for charter members) to the first 5,000 qualified U.S. veterans that join a local Lions club. The program is only being offered in the United States. Visit the Involve a U.S. Veteran Web page to learn more about this special program. You can download a fact sheet, promotional flyer, certification form and a sample press release to help promote this program in your community. Veterans have made so many great contributions and sacrificed so much to serve our country. As service members leave the military and come home, let's provide them an opportunity to get involved in their communities and serve as Lions. Make plans now to reach out to veterans in your community and offer them the opportunity to make a difference and change lives as Lions. Take advantage of this special program to grow your club today! Sincerely, Scott Drumheller Executive Administrator & Secretary Lions Clubs International Page 11 WINDMILL January 2015 REDBUD LIONS CLUB SERVICE IN ACTION! Princess Abby decided that she wanted to help someone. She thought of what project she could do to make a difference. She then decided to have a Blanket Drive with the blankets going to the Salvation Army Family Services. She approached the Redbud Lions Club about either purchasing/donating gently used blankets, or have the Lions purchase them individually. On Saturday November she had a BYOB "bring your own blanket" party at her house and served hot chocolate to each person who brought blankets. The pictures are of her donating the blankets, in Redbud Lions name, to the Salvation Army. We are proud to have a young lady as Abby to be a part of our Club, even at her young age. YOU GO GIRL!!!!! REDBUD LIONS CLUB At The Fair Page 12 WINDMILL January 2015 Shallowater Lions Club & Shallowater High School Student Council Filling backpacks for Backpack Buddies Helping feed kids in need during the Christmas break Shallowater Lions Club Harvest Festival Page 13 WINDMILL January 2015 Lubbock South Plains Lions Club Lion Boss JoeAnne Jackson Home of District Treasurer Greg Freeman And Past District Governors Leo Seiter, Jere Smith, Danny Leake, Hoyse McMurtry*, & PID Marshall Cooper Important Changes New Address New e-mail New President Lubbock Industrial Lions Club [email protected] Levelland Evening 4715 42nd Street Lubbock, TX 79414 Mrs. Sandy Israel 1208 Ave. I Levelland, TX 79336 New Contact Information PDG Howard Harrington 1102 N Memphis Apt 13103 Lubbock TX 79415-5138 Windmill Ads If you want to place an ad in the WINDMILL for the 2014-2015 Lion year please contact the WINDMILL editor, Deanna Harville Phone: 806-778-7888 or 806-832-5594 or [email protected] Below are the prices for WINDMILL ads. There will be 5 editions of the WINDMILL published during the 2013-2014 year. They will be published in the following months: September, November, January, March and May. Deadlines are August 31, October 31, December 31, February 28, April30 $250 for the year for a 1/2 page ad $500 for the year for a full page ad $50 for a one time ad page Page 14 WINDMILL January 2015 This is why the Lions of District 2-T2 support the Great Plains Lions Eye Bank Please give! Lions of Texas Newsletter can be viewed at: http://md2pr.org/html/ Page 15 Page 18 WINDMILL WINDMILL January 2015 Sept.—Dec.2013 Littlefield Early Risers Lions Club District Humanitarian Projects 2014-2015 Great Plains Lions Eye Bank $3.00/Lion Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center $2.00/Lion District Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center $5.00/Lion Lions World Service for the Blind $1.00/Lion Texas Lions Camp $10.00/Lion Texas Boys Ranch $2.00/Lion Texas Lions Foundation $2.00/Lion Diabetes Awareness Essay Scholarship $2.00/Lion Drug Awareness Speech Scholarship $2.00/Lion Outstanding Youth Scholarship $2.00/Lion Julien C. Hyer Youth Exchange Prgm $2.00/Lion District 2-T2 Hearing Bank $3.00/Lion Lions Club International Foundation $2.00/Lion Leader Dog School for the Blind $2.00/Lion Total (100% Club)/Lion $40.00/Lion Mail Donations to District Treasurer Greg Freeman at: 3808 75th Place Lubbock, TX 79423 Page 16 WINDMILL January 2015 Windmill Return Service Requested The WINDMILL is the official publication of District 2-T2, Lions Clubs International for the fiscal year 20142015. District Governor James Osborne 6913 Homestead Lubbock, TX 79424 Cell: 806-252-1298 [email protected] Editor: Deanna Harville [email protected] (806) 778-7888 District Humanitarian Projects 2014-2015 Great Plains Lions Eye Bank $3.00/Lion Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center $2.00/Lion District Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center $5.00/Lion Lions World Service for the Blind $1.00/Lion Texas Lions Camp $10.00/Lion Texas Boys Ranch $2.00/Lion Texas Lions Foundation $2.00/Lion Diabetes Awareness Essay Scholarship $2.00/Lion Drug Awareness Speech Scholarship $2.00/Lion Outstanding Youth Scholarship $2.00/Lion Julien C. Hyer Youth Exchange Prgm $2.00/Lion District 2-T2 Hearing Bank $3.00/Lion Lions Club International Foundation $2.00/Lion Leader Dog School for the Blind $2.00/Lion Total (100% Club)/Lion $40.00/Lion Directory Corrections/Changes mailing address for the Lubbock Industrial Lions Club has changed from P.O. Box 1005, Lubbock, TX 79408 to 4715 42nd Street, Lubbock, TX 79414 Lion Joe Freeman—Please delete my home phone number from directory and only use my cell at this time. District Governor 1st Vice District Governor 2nd Vice District Governor Cabinet Secretary Cabinet Treasurer James Osborne Dick Van Hoose Jim PettyPDG Carmon McCain Greg Freeman 6913 Homestead 302 1st Street 2304 43rd Place 8812 Elkridge Ave. 3808 75th Place Lubbock, TX 79424 Lorenzo, TX 79343 Snyder, TX 79549 Lubbock, TX 79423 Lubbock, TX 79423 Cell: 806-252-1298 Cell: 806-241-8796 Cell: 325-207-1952 Cell: 806-786-9409 Cell: 806-778-5007 Home: 806-794-1780 [email protected] [email protected] Home: 806-745-8565 chile_peppers@ sbcglobal.net Bus: 806-797-3251 gfreemanm @mwccpa.com Home: 325-573-0455 [email protected]
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