Discovery Newsletter - Loudoun County Public Schools

Trailblazer Times
December 2014 Edition
A Message From Your Principal
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is a favorite
holiday for me as it presents the chance for me to reflect on all the things for which I am
thankful. I am most thankful for my wonderful family and the blessings that I receive
from them each day. I am also thankful for this wonderful school community. I am so
proud of the relationships that I have built with so many of you over the past year and a
half. Your warmth and sincerity have made my job as your Principal so enriching and for
that I am thankful.
Another exciting month has ended, yet, there is so much that lies ahead. What an amazing
Veterans Day Program we hosted on November 11th. The students did an incredible job
not only in song but in recognition of the real heroes of the world- our Veterans. The
turnout was amazing and the cards and letters that we received from so many of you are
greatly appreciated. I am so thankful for the sacrifices made by the men and women who
served and still continue to fight for our freedom.
One of our favorite events, Winter Fest, is quickly approaching. The event will occur on
Saturday, December 6, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. And yes- we will be serving sausage, bacon
and pancakes, along with nutritious drinks, fruit and yogurt! There will be a Holiday
Shoppe for children to purchase gifts for loved ones. Local area home-based businesses
will be offering products for sale. There will also be crafts and games for the children.
Please be sure to join us for this wonderful holiday event. This is OUR official Black Friday
Our tremendous staff and student body have been very busy this year. Whether
collecting food for the food drive, filling the Toys for Tots boxes for the winter holiday, or
volunteering in our community, we have collectively demonstrated a commitment to
serving those who need us the most. There is so much hurt and lack in the world and so if
we can lend a hand in a small way, it will be received in abundance by those who
sincerely appreciate our generosity. Thank you to all who contributed to our outreach so
far this year. The spirit of giving is second nature throughout this building and the
We have a Girl Scout Troop who will be collecting winter scarves, mittens, and hats as
part of the annual Giving Tree initiative. As they have done in the past, they will deliver
the donated items to the Head Start program prior to the Winter Holiday. These items are
so appreciated by the parents of those students who receive them. Thank you in advance
for your warm and caring hearts.
As I reflect on the holiday season I am reminded of a quote by the late, great tennis
player, Arthur Ashe, who said,” From what we get, we can make a living; what we give,
however, makes a life.” Let’s work together this holiday season to bring smiles to many
smileless faces, and joy to many joyless homes. It’s the greatest gift that we can ever give.
Your Principal,
James E. Dallas
Upcoming Events
December 3
Fall Picture Re-Takes
December 6
Holiday Shoppe from
December 8-12
Book Fair
December 9
PTO Meeting 7-8PM
Market Day Orders Due
December 10
Spirit Night @ Bertucci’s
December 11
Singing Trailblazers Winter
Concert 6:30pm
December 12
Box Top Collection
December 15
Market Day Order Pickup
at 5:30PM
December 18
PEP Session
December 19
Parents Night Out
Dec 22 - Jan 04
Winter Break (Classes
Resume January 5)
44020 Grace Bridge Drive, Ashburn VA 20147 ·
A Message from Your Parent Liaison
Dear Trailblazer Families,
I am leaving Discovery in November to take a
position outside of Loudoun County Public Schools. I
have thoroughly enjoyed working with such a
fantastic group of parents, a dynamic PTO, and a
phenomenal staff. I appreciate all the support given
to our food drives, holiday donation drives, Watch
D.O.G.S. program and our Needs Network over the
last year and half. I enjoyed meeting and working
with so many of our families! My experiences at
Discovery will always be remembered fondly. I
especially want to thank our fabulous Counselors,
Mrs. Tenaglia and Mrs. Vilbas and our great leaders
Mr. Dallas and Mrs. Paquette.
Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteer Program Update
Thank you to all who have shown such amazing
support and interest in this year's Watch D.O.G.S.
Volunteer Program!
We have had the pleasure of hosting 14 "Dads Of
Great Students" each Friday since October. Please
check out the Wall of Fame (across from the all
purpose room) to see the photos of students with
their D.O.G.S. Their smiles say it all!
Thank you to those Watch D.O.G.S. that helped with
Celebrating Our Differences Day, the Monster Mash,
and the KidsConnect 5K! There continue to be school
and evening PTO volunteer opportunities available
throughout the year.
Please click the Watch D.O.G.S. link within the PTO
section of Discovery's website or contact Joy Widding
at [email protected] if you would like to
volunteer or are interested in learning more about
joining this awesome program!
I also want to thank all the families that donated food
to our “Make a Difference Food Collection Campaign
in October”. The campaign was very successful and
we filled over 7 boxes with food for Loudoun
Interfaith Relief. Those donations will assist many
families over the Holiday season.
I wish your family all the best for a fabulous 2015!
Stephanie Clark
Parent Liaison
44020 Grace Bridge Drive, Ashburn VA 20147 ·
Trailblazer Holiday Donations
“Neighbors Helping Neighbors”
The Loudoun County Toys for Tots campaign is coordinated through the
Loudoun County Marine Corps League. The toys and funds collected in the
program are for Loudoun County residents. Please bring in a new,
unwrapped toy to donate to Toys for Tots. Please send in your toy(s) 12/1
through 12/15!
We’ll also be collecting new hats, scarves, mittens and gloves for our Annual
Giving Tree. These items will be donated to Mobile Hope. Mobile Hope assists
children that live in Loudoun County. A special thank you to Girl Scout Troop
5809 for assisting us with our Giving Tree! Please send these items in 12/1
through 12/18.
You can also drop off your donations at the Discovery Holiday Shoppe on Saturday, December 7th or the
Singing Trailblazers Concert on December 11th.
If you have any questions please contact Counselors, Mary Tenaglia or Jess Vilbas.
Discovery Elementary School’s Needs Network
Discovery Elementary School has a Needs Network Program to assist our students in times of need.
If you are in need of assistance, please contact our Parent Liaison, Stephanie Clark.
If you would like to provide help from time to time, please send us an email! Throughout the year, some of our
students may need school supplies, coats, shoes, etc. For some families, this could be a heavy burden. Within a
large group of Needs Network volunteers, small contributions made on an as-needed basis from our school
families can make a huge difference! You can help make learning a much easier and rewarding experience for our
students who need it most. All Needs Network volunteers and contributors will remain anonymous. Thank you
for making this possible!
If you have any questions about the Needs Network, please feel free to contact our School Counselors, Mary
Tenaglia ([email protected]) and Jess Vilbas ([email protected]). You can also call us at 571-252-2370.
Thank you!
Discovery Lost & Found
Location: On bookshelf by cafeteria door
Donation Day: Unclaimed items will be donated on the last school day of each month
Please check for your lost items before the end of the month!
Unclaimed clothing will be donated to: Hope’s Treasures Ashburn, Good Shepherd
Alliance Center of Hope
Questions: Please contact Mary Tenaglia and Jess Vilbas.
44020 Grace Bridge Drive, Ashburn VA 20147 ·
Thank you to ALL of the Trailblazers that took the time and energy to submit BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION this
month. We are pleased to announce the month of November classroom
competition winners!
1st Place : Mrs. Kern's 3rd Grade Class with 268 eligible Box Tops
2nd Place: Mrs. Charlish's 1st Grade Class with 223 eligible Box Tops
3rd Place: Mrs. Dardis' 4th Grade Class with 212 eligible Box Tops
As a school, we collected a total of 2982 BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION this month! Congratulations to all!
Remember, the classroom that submits the most ELIGIBLE (not expired or damaged) Box Tops each month wins a
chance to pick from the treasure chest! The classroom that collects the most ELIGIBLE Box Tops from October May wins a pizza party in June! Next due date for BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION classroom submission date is
December 12th!
Discovery PTO Annual Holiday Shoppe
Save the Date: December 6th from 9am to 1pm
Discovery PTO Annual Holiday Shoppe is scheduled for Saturday, December 6th
from 9am to 1pm. We will have a special shopping area set up for the kids to
secretly pick out gifts for all of their loved ones from the hundreds that we’ve
purchased just for this event.
We have gifts for everyone: babies, kids, Moms, Dads, grandparents, aunts,
uncles, cousins & friends! And the best part is all of these gifts are priced from
$1 to $5!
Many activities will be available: family breakfast, letters to the troops table, secret shopping for kids, activity area
for kids while they are waiting to shop, holiday shopping for adults with our wonderful vendors, bake sale with
yummy cupcakes and hot chocolate, and more!
Look out for a flyer with more details in your Wednesday folders! RSVP is required for this event! Please RSVP
early so we can make sure we'll have enough gifts and treats for this event! Please note that
children must be accompanied by adults, this is a great event for the whole family.
We will also be featuring Silent Auction & Raffle at Holiday Shoppe. This is a perfect opportunity
to get great deals at 20%-90% off original prices! Some of the packages will include:
autographed rock star memorabilia, Disney vacation, gift cards packages, sport ticket packages,
kids activities (camps, after school programs, birthday parties), and more! Raffles will include
gift cards and gift bags from local businesses and special raffles from our teachers and staff
(What’s it like to be a principal, Bedtime Story with a teacher, After school activities & games,
Lunch, special projects for art & science and more!)
We hope to see you at the Holiday Shoppe!
44020 Grace Bridge Drive, Ashburn VA 20147 ·
44020 Grace Bridge Drive, Ashburn VA 20147 ·
44020 Grace Bridge Drive, Ashburn VA 20147 ·
44020 Grace Bridge Drive, Ashburn VA 20147 ·