PARISH STAFF Pastor *10:00am *5:00pm *7:00pm Mass Spanish Mass Sun 1/11: *8:30am *9:15am *10:30am *11:00am *11:45am *12:00pm *12:30pm Mass Sunday School & Parent Mtg. Mass Spanish Choir Practice Confirmation Class “Putting an End to Racism” Series Spanish Mass Linda Royal, x12 [email protected] Mon 1/12: *8:30am Community Service Care Ministry Tues 1/13: *8:30am *7:00pm Community Service 1st Communion Classes-Span Wed 1/14: *8:30am *6:15pm *7:00pm *7:00pm *7:00pm *7:00pm Mass Mass R.C.I.A. St. Vincent de Paul meeting Eng. Choir Practice Couple’s Group Thur 1/15: *12:00pm *12:30pm *6:30pm *6:30pm Mass Francis Friends Holy Hour Choir Practice Escuela San Andres Fri 1/16: Parish Office Closed *8:30am Mass Sat 1/17: *12:00pm *5:00pm *5:30pm *7:00pm Spanish Mass *8:30am *9:15am *10:30am *11:00am *11:45am *12:00pm *12:30pm Mass Sunday School Mass Spanish Choir Practice Middle School Youth Group “Putting an End to Racism” Series Spanish Mass Fr. Angelo Te, x11 [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19 [email protected] Sat 1/10: Administrative Assistant Veronica Aguilar, x13 [email protected] Business Manager Melanie van der Veen, x14 Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano Maria Solis, Director, x17 [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Paulo Gomez, x20 Music Ministry Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18 [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sharon Grigar, x21 [email protected] Youth Ministry Sandy Martinez & Kim Petros, x16 [email protected] Receptionist Elizabeth (Ely) Guerrero EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 971-275-5256 Only for emergencies requiring an anointing (for example is someone is near death and requires anointing of the sick.) OFFICE HOURS Closed Fridays 9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday IMPORTANT CRISIS NUMBERS Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611 Archdiocese Director of Child Protection (Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302 Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator: (Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013 Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350 Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333 SafeNet (clergy abuse survivor’s alliance): 650-588-2665Clergy Abuse Survivor Advocate, Elizabeth Goeke, M.ED, [email protected], 503-502-4792 Sun 1/18: Youth Choir Practice English Youth Choir Practice Mass Spanish Youth Choir Practice DEAR PARISHONER: We are in the process of updating our list of registered members of Ascension Catholic Church. We apologize for any inconvenience if you have already given us an update. Please call our office at (503) 256-3897 or email: [email protected] if you need to make changes or if you haven’t received your envelopes for this quarter. Thank you. January 11th, 2015 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Reading I: Isaiah 55:1-11 or Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Reading II: 1 John 5:1-9 or Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38 Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 Welcome to Ascension Parish! If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community, please visit the hospitality table on the third weekend of the month. We Invite You to Read Next Sunday’s Readings: January 18 th, 2015 Reading I: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 Reading II: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Gospel: John 1:35-42 Happy new year to all of you! I greet all of you with warm tropical weather from the Philippines. Long flights are not always pleasant especially since we had to sit on the plane in PDX for two hours before we were cleared to leave and consequently delayed our connecting flight by another two hours. Nevertheless, it is all worth it knowing that I'm home and able to spend some time with my family. I would just like to take some time to express my gratitude to the community of Ascension especially during the busy preparation time for Christmas. Thank you to Fr. Moises, the staff, leaders and volunteers of the different ministries, who worked together to allow us to experience a wonderful celebration of our Lord's birth. It was a wonderful first Christmas for me at Ascension. I am grateful to all of you who sent gifts and cards. It truly made me feel a part of this wonderful community. I look forward to many more Christmases with you. May this year bring us all hope, joy and peace, ~Fr. Angelo For our Parishioners In gratitude for your participation in the life of Ascension Parish, we have a gift for you! Each registered family will receive a complimentary copy of the inspiring book: Rediscovering Catholicism written by Matthew Kelly. We hope you will read and enjoy! Books are available to pick up in the vestibule after Mass this weekend. Offertory Collection Received-Annual Comparison First week in January 2015: $ 7,463.86 First week in January 2014: $ 7,701.04 : ANNUAL CRAB FEED FUNDRAISER Saturday, January 24, 2015. Doors open at 6:30pm. $30.00 per person. Purchase your tickets from a school parent or call Nancy Ryan at 503-349-7914 Wish list: dinner napkins, paper towels, 12 or 24 packs of Pepsi/Diet Pepsi, Coke/Diet Coke, Sprite/Diet Sprite, and 7-Up/Diet 7-Up. These items can be put in the barrel in the sub-vestibule. Any questions contact Nancy Ryan at 503-349-7914. Where Shopping & Giving Unite Support Ascension Parish just by shopping at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card. Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million each year-up to $625,000 each quarter to nonprofits of your choice. All you have to do is link your Rewards Card to Ascension Catholic Church and use it when you shop at Fred Meyer. Are you a Fred Meyer customer? You are now able to link your Rewards Card to your favorite nonprofit by going to and following the prompts for Community Rewards. Whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Freddy’s, you will be helping Ascension Parish earn a donation from Fred Meyer THIS SUNDAY, January 11th, 2015 Ascension Choir will be taking part in the Epiphany Choir Fest that benefits Human Solutions’ Daybreak Shelter. Come and enjoy music from the various churches that join us in reaching out to families that stay in our shelter. When: Concert begins at 3:00pm Where: Gethsemane Lutheran Church , 1560 SE Market St. Melanie van der Veen & Peggy Farrell x14 Children’s Program Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21 FRANCIS FRIENDS- THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th! Yes, it comes early in this month of January 2015. Come enjoy the companionship of others. We will have food, fun, and some nickel bingo. Get ready, and gather up those nickels to bring with you on Thursday! CARE MINISTRY CALENDAR Tuesday, January 13 Communion Service at Russellville - 1:30pm Wednesday, January 14 Communion Service at Marquis – 11:00am Thursday, January 15 Mass at Ascension – 12:00pm Francis Friends luncheon after Mass, Everyone welcome! PLEASE PRAY FOR: In thanks giving for the life of: Margaret Zywicki Ill parishioners and family members: Allan Acker, Janet Adolf, Ana Angel, Delfina Arenas Galindo, Baby Sophie, Ellie Mae Blackmon, June Burke, Sr. Carol Carter, Stan Clattenburg, Vi Costanzo, Kim Cox, Elvis Gutierrez Cuevas, Fatima Gutierrez Cuevas, Sarah DeCarlo, Lexie delos Reyes, Ron Dove, Margaret Dupree, Phillis Farrelly, Sara Flores, Victoria George, Madelyn Goucher, Rueben Guerrera, Paul Guerrero, Linda Heller, Alfredo Fuerte Hernandez, Chloe Hess, William Highfield, Ken Hobson, Zita Howell, Linda Johnson, Larry Laws, Patti Lind, Maureen Lundquist, Mary Marino, Dan McCormick, Bernie McDonnell, Jessenia Mendoza, Dorothy Neelan, Antonio Nerio, Shelly Oglesby, Hector Olave, Helen Orico, Ernesto Ortiz, Patricia Pierie, Kathleen Pierie, , Helen Quirino, Nizha Rask, Ron Richard, Luis Rodriguez, Jose Salazar, Atanacia Salto Sanchez, Sherry Santor, George Schall, June Schmeer, Nancy Scuderi, Chiara Severino, Tim Smith, Dave Smith, Donald Southard, Carol Stenberg, Kathy Suter, Beth Traxler, Celia Valle, Pete Viviano, and Sr. Katie Wagner. Parent Meeting Sunday, January 11 9:15 to 10:15am Conference Room Christa Read will lead us in a presentation on Parenting: Love and Logic All parents and grandparents are invited to attend. Adult Faith Formation Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21 Putting an End to Racism There have been many recent troubling events involving racism in our news. As a parish, let us respond. Let us learn about the root causes of racism and w hat we can do as individuals and as a parish. Video and Discussion Series: Sundays from noon to 1:15 in the St. Clare Room January 11th, 18th, and 25th Sign up in the vestibule. Sat. January 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you know of someone in our community in need of our presence or prayers, please give us a call. All Parishioners Por los Miembros de la Ascensión Sun. January 11 All Parishioners +Irene Fink Por los Miembros de la Ascensión A note from one of our parishioners... 2014 brought many changes to our Ascension community! But one thing that doesn't change is the loving support you offer in times of sadness and brief! In your prayers, calls, cards, and emails following Tom's Mom death you reminded us to savor our memories, and to receive God's peace and comfort as we adjust to a "new normal." Thank you, dear friends, and may 2015 bring blessings in abundance to you and our Ascension family. ~Tom and Marilyn Fink Mon. January 12 Tues. January 13 Wed. January 14 Thurs. January 15 Fri. January 16 Sat. January 17 Community Service Community Service All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners Por los Miembros de la Ascensión Sun. January 18 All Parishioners Pulliam All Parishioners Por los Miembros de la Ascensión 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 6:15pm 8:30am 8:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm Ascension Youth Ministry Sandy Martínez & Kim Petros The Ascension Youth Group is ready for 2015! Sandy and I are very excited to start developing the youth program, so please check your bulletin for the many groups and activities that will be happening this year. The Middle School Group had a fun time decorating cookies and reflecting on the faith and grace that Mother Mary had when she was asked to be the mother of our dear Baby Jesus. We also discussed ideas on how we could keep the spirit of Christmas year round in our family, church, school and community. Our next Middle School Group will be on Sunday, January 18 from 11:45 to 1:15 in San Damiano Hall. The High School Group got acquainted through some “Get to Know You” icebreakers. We discussed the gospel reading of the Magi paying homage to baby Jesus. The youth reflected on the gifts they would bring to Jesus if they were able to have the opportunity to see the new baby. We also discussed how, with the birth of Jesus, all of mankind was united and that we are all equal in the eyes of God. Discrimination, stereotypes and assumptions of others was the topic of conversation. The Confirmation Retreat has been changed from Saturday, February 28th to Monday, February 2nd in the evening. Please mark your calendars. More details to follow next week. We apologize for the change, but we had the opportunity to have “Net Ministries” come to facilitate the retreat. It will be an amazing retreat experience for our candidates. Donations of Starbucks gift cards would be greatly appreciated! We usually end our groups with a competition of some sort and the winner receives a gift card. Cards can be purchased at our Scrip Table in the sub-vestibule. Happy New Year! Sandy Martinez and Kim Petros Fair Trade Coffee and Donuts Please join us for fair trade coffee and donuts after each 8:30am and 10:30am Mass downstairs in Tony Rinella Hall. This is a great way to meet other parishioners! Volunteers Needed: If you would like to host Coffee and Donuts, please sign up on the clipboard in the vestibule near the priest’s vesting room. If you are new, just write “new” next to your name, and you will be contacted with instructions. (Donuts are provided and delivered; hosting includes making coffee, set-up and clean-up.) Social Concerns Ministry Our mission is to inspire and support our parish in living out our baptismal call, integrating Catholic Social Teaching in our community and promoting the dignity of life. The Traveling Crib You have probably noticed in the entrance of the Church that the “Traveling Crib” has arrived. It has been brought to us by Catholic Charities, asking for your help donating much needed items for pregnant women and their babies. All of the donations will go directly toward helping clients receiving services through Pregnancy Support Services. There is a list of baby items placed next to the crib, please take one. This is a way we can reach out and help women in difficult situations who are saying “yes” to new life. The Ascension shelter will be welcoming guests the week of February 8th. Please check the sign-up sheet in the vestibule to see where you could help. There is no better way to start the New Year then to make a resolution to help those less fortunate. If you have any questions check the sign-up sheet for coordinators phone numbers. Inclement Weather Policy In case of severe weather: We follow the Portland Public School Cancellation Policy during the week. If Portland Public Schools are closed, our office will also be closed, and meetings will be canceled that evening. You may call individual office extensions for specific cancellation notices. Weekend Masses will be held as usual. Please use prudence before deciding to venture out in inclement weather. Opportunities Elsewhere... Join Archbishop Sample and other Oregonians on January 18 at 2:30 PM downtown in Pioneer Square, to mark the 41st sad anniversary of the legalization of abortion brought to our nation by the Roe v. Wade decision in January, 1973. The rally remembers the lives of more than 56 million children lost to abortion and calls upon our nation and its leaders to give unborn children the protection they deserve. The walk for life begins immediately following the rally. Bring the whole family and be a witness for God's gift of life! 11 DE ENERO DEL 2015 Bautismo del Señor Misa en Español Sábado - 7:00pm Domingo - 12:30pm Misa Bilingüe Miércoles - 6:15pm Horario de Oficina De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm (503) 256 3897 Confesiones: Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita Al-Anon: Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm Escuela San Andrés-Clases de Evangelización: Jueves - 7pm. Hora Santa: Primer viernes del mes- 7pm. Misa de Sanación: Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm. Asamblea de Oración: Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm. ¡NOTA IMPORTANTE! ESTIMADO FELIGRÉS Estamos actualizando nuestra lista de miembros registrados en nuestra Parroquia de la Ascensión. Si ya está registrado disculpe el inconveniente. Si necesita hacer algún cambio favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial en horarios de oficina o mandar un correo electrónico a: [email protected] Lamentablemente mucha correspondencia se nos está devolviendo haciendo que nuestros costos postales aumenten sin ser necesarios. Por esta razón es muy importante que su información este al corriente si no será removido permanentemente de nuestro sistema de registros. Gracias. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo para todos ustedes! Les saludos desde el clima templado tropical de la Filipinas, donde me encuentro en estos momentos visitando a mi familia. Después de largas horas de vuelo, las cuales no son siempre placenteras, especialmente cuando nos tuvimos que esperar dentro del avión por dos horas aquí en el aeropuerto de Portland lo que ocasiono el retraso de la segunda conexión por otras dos horas. Sin embargo, todo esto vale la pena cuando tomaba en cuenta que pronto estaría en casa disfrutando a mi familia. Solo quería tomarme un momento durante mis vacaciones para expresar mi agradecimiento a toda la comunidad de la Ascensión especialmente en esta temporada tan ocupada, cuando nos encontrábamos preparándonos para la celebración de la Navidad. Gracias en especial al Padre Moises, a los líderes y voluntarios de los diferentes ministerios quienes trabajaron juntos permitiéndonos a todos vivir una hermosa celebración del nacimiento de nuestro Señor Jesús. Fue en verdad una maravillosa Navidad; mi primera aquí en la Ascensión. Muchísimas gracias a todos quienes me hicieron llegar sus regalos y tarjetas navideñas. En verdad me hicieron sentir parte de esta comunidad. Deseo el pasar muchas navidades en compañía de todos ustedes. Les deseo que este nuevo año esté lleno de esperanza, paz y alegría, ~Fr. Angelo CENA DE CANGREJO La cena de cangrejo que será el sábado 24 de enero del 2014. Puertas abren a las 6:30pm. El costo del boleto es de únicamente $30 e incluye todo lo que quiera comer. Bebidas y refrescos estarán a la venta el día de la cena por un costo adicional. Para más información o si desea ayudar como voluntario el día de la cena comunícate con la señora Nancy Smith al 503-349-7914. ¡Te esperamos! REFUGIO DE LA ASCENSION abrirá sus puertas a familias sin hogar la semana del 8 de febrero. Dona tu tiempo y ayúdanos a ayudar. Apunta tu nombre en el letrero que se encuentra en el vestíbulo antes de salir de la iglesia. ¡Gracias! A CADA UNA DE LAS FAMILIAS FAMILIA REGISTRADAS EN LA PARROQUIA: ¡En agradecimiento a su participación aquí en la Ascensión les tenemos un regalo! Toda familia registrada y activa en esta comunidad recibirá una copia gratuita en español del libro “Redescubre el Catolicismo” por el autor Matthew Kelly. Tu copia la puedes recoger al terminar la misa de los fines de semana antes de salir de la iglesia. BAUTIZOS Los próximos bautizos serán el 7 de febrero a las 10:30am. Si están interesados en bautizar para esa fecha por favor de registrarse con tiempo, puede llamar o venir durante las horas de oficina de lunes a jueves de 9:00am a 3:00pm, recuerde que los viernes está cerrado. Ministerio de Preocupaciones Sociales La Cuna Viajera, estará aquí en nuestra parroquia durante el mes de enero. Podrás depositar tus donaciones de artículos para bebe y de maternidad dentro de la cuna. Este es un programa del Departamento de Maternidad de Caridades Católicas. Al donar estas ayudando a futuras mamás enfrentando embarazos no deseados que han decidido decir si a la bendición de ser madres y a dar a luz a una nueva vida. COMPARACIÓN DE LA COLECTA DOMINICAL Primera semana de enero del 2015: $ 7,463.86 Primera semana de enero del 2014: $ 7,701.04 DURANTE EL MAL CLIMA En caso de malas condiciones climaticas: Ascensión sigue las reglas de cancelación del distrito escolar de Portland. Si las escuelas públicas de Portland se declaran cerradas o retrasadas entonces lo mismo sucederá en la parroquia, cancelando o retrasando nuestro horario de oficina y juntas programada para ese día. Por favor utiliza tu sentido común y no pongas en riesgo tu vida ni la de tu familia al exponernos al peligro. Ministerio de Jóvenes: Sandy Martínez y Kim Petros 503-256-3897, ext.16 [email protected] ¡El Ministerio de Jóvenes ya está listo para comenzar este 2015! Sandy y yo estamos muy contentas al estar planeando el nuevo programa de jóvenes. Les pedimos que lean esta sección de jóvenes cada semana para que se mantengan informados de los eventos y reuniones que tendremos para todos los jóvenes de la Ascensión. ** Nuestra próxima reunión del Grupo de Jóvenes de la Secundaria será el próximo domingo 18 de enero de las 11:45 a.m. a la 1:15 p.m. en el salón San Damiano. ** Nota Importante: La fecha del Retiro Espiritual del grupo de Confirmación ha cambiado, ahora será la tarde del 2 de febrero del 2015 (originalmente se había dicho que sería el 28 de febrero). Tendremos más detalles en las próximas semanas. Les pedimos una disculpa por este cambio de último momento, pero se nos presentó la oportunidad de contar con “Net Ministries” un genial grupo nacional invitado por Sandy Martínez quienes se especializan en retiros espirituales dirigidos especialmente los jóvenes de todo Estados Unidos. (Sandy participo en este grupo y viajo con ellos visitando y guiando a jóvenes de varias ciudades del país). Esta será una gran oportunidad para todos los candidatos del grupo de Confirmación. Estamos muy felices de poder contar con ellos este año. Sus donaciones de tarjetas de regalo de Starbucks son realmente bienvenidas. Usualmente terminamos nuestras reuniones de jóvenes con juegos y el ganador recibe una de estas tarjetas. Puedes comprar tus tarjetas en la mesa del programa “Scrip” de la parroquia después de todas las misas del fin de semana. ¡Les deseamos a todos un feliz año nuevo! Kim Petros y Sandy Martínez
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