Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette St. Helena Parish St. Mary’s Mission 36 Shaker Hill Road Enfield, NH 03748 603-632-4263 [email protected] PO Box 420 , 410 NH Route 4A Enfield, NH 03748 603-632-7087 Served by the Missionaries of La Salette January 11, 2015 Baptism of the Lord “Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of Sinners, Pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to you” Fr. Johnny Vadakkan, MS, Pastor [email protected] Mrs. DebraLee Hurley Business Administrator [email protected] Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Religious Education [email protected] Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30pm St. Helena Sunday: 8am St. Helena Sunday: 9:30am St. Mary Wednesday 11:30am St. Helena First Friday St. Helena 5:30pm Mass followed by Adoration Confession Saturday 4:00pm St. Helena or by appointment. Shrine Ministry Team Fr. René Butler, M.S., Director Br. David Carignan, M.S. Fr. Roger Plante, M.S. Br. Claude Rhéaume, M.S. Fr. Joseph Ross, M.S. Bro. Raymond Tétreault, M.S. [email protected] Shrine Mass Schedule See information inside bulletin. Confession: In Chapel 45 min. prior to weekend Mass, or by appointment at North House Gift Shop (603) 632-4301 For: Books, Gifts, & Music. Br. David Carignan, M.S., ManSEE SEASONAL GIFT SHOP HOURS INSIDE THIS BULLETN Thank you for your patronage! St. Helena ~ St. Mary Mission Statement TheMissionofSt.Helena’sandSt.Mary’sparishistousetheclosenessofourcommunityto promotetheproclamationoftheGoodNews,thebeautyandrichnessofcelebration,andthe sharingofourselvesinservicetoGod’speople. BelievingintheequalityofallwithinChrist’sfamily,westrivetohaveallpeoplefindtheir ministryinthechurch.Werealizetheimportanceofreligiouseducationtoallmembersofthe parishinhelpingthemanswerthecallofChrist,togrowasministerstoourownParishandto theworld. Dear Friends, I wish to thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I safely made it home. It is nice to be with my family. I’m sorry to hear that the weather is snowy and cold. Its in the 90’s here at home. I’m told the work at St. Mary’s has begun. Mr. George has begun to remove the pews taking 4 at a time. The carpet has been ordered and will be installed once it is in. The old piano in the parish hall at St. Mary’s has been removed and the organ will be leaving soon. Have a great week. Blessings….. Fr. Johnny Support the Church by Sponsoring a Seminarian The Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette began their ministry in India during 1988. The La Salette Indian Province (La Salette Matha) is blessed with 50 priests and 70 seminarians. Presently 10 of the Indian La Salette priests are ministering in the United States. We are facing difficulties in maintaining the needs of our seminarians due to financial restraints. There are many young men willing to join the La Salette Community to become religious missionary priests. However, we are unable to recruit them due to lack of finances. The Indian La Salette Province is depending on generous people in other provinces to help provide support for these young men who desire to become priests. If you wish to support/sponsor a seminarian until he becomes a priest we suggest some ways of doing so. This support will be your gift to the future Catholic Church. For more information please contact Father Johnny at 860 378-7811 (cell), 603 632-4263 (rectory), or e-mail [email protected] WAYS TO OFFER SUPPORT FOR ONE SEMINARIAN ONE SEMINARIAN MONTH YEAR LIFETIME SPONSOR-Tuition $75.00 $750.00 $7500.00 BENEFACTOR-Tuition and Board $125.00 $1250.00 $12,500.00 ASSOCIATE-Complete Expenses $150.00 $1800.00 $18,000.00 Thank you for considering the plan outlined above. We appreciate any help you can provide. Also, please continue praying for vocations and for the perseverance of the young seminarians. Isaiah 55: 1-11 1John 5: 1-9 Mark 1: 7-11 Parish Office Monday and Wednesday 9-5 For Baptism Preparation, please contact the Rectory. For Marriage Preparation, the Diocese requires six months’ preparation. Communion for Sick and Shut-ins: contact our Eucharistic Ministers to the sick. New to the area? We want to know who you are! Please register by contacting the rectory at 632-4263, or by filling out a Parish Registration form located on the table. MOVING? CHANGES OF ADDRESS ~ PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE. Schedule of Events Sunday Jan 11 Tuesday Jan 13 St. Helena St. Mary’s St. Helena 8am 9:30am Mass Mass CCD Catholic Coffee Hour 6:30pm Adult Education Wednesday St. Mary’s 11:10am Jan 14 11:30am Rosary Mass Saturday Jan 17 St. Helena 4pm 4:30pm Reconciliation Mass Sunday Jan 18 St. Helena St. Mary’s 8am 9:30am 4pm Mass Mass Free Community Dinner Prayer Chain For an intention, a prayer, or to become a member, please call Margaret Battis at 632-5249 or send an email via the parish website link: Never underestimate the power of PRAYER! A La Salette Reflection on the Sunday Readings Acceptable (Isaiah 55:1-11; Acts 10:34-38; Mark 1:7-11) St. Peter says to Cornelius, “In every nation whoever fears God and acts uprightly is acceptable to him.” This seems hardly a lavish endorsement. Imagine telling your acquaintances that they are “acceptable”! For St. Peter, however, being acceptable to God is a wonderful thing. It is very nearly the same as saying that God is “pleased,” with us, as he is with the Suffering Servant in Isaiah. That idea is expanded in today’s Gospel, to include also the notion of “beloved.” The opposite of “acceptable” is “unacceptable.” At La Salette Mary came to say that her People’s attitude and behavior were unacceptable to her Son—inconsistent, incompatible and incongruous with the baptism they had received. Unacceptable as we may be, we nevertheless remain beloved, for God is love and cannot not love. All the more reason, then, for us to want to please him. All Are Welcome Jonathan Edwards, a preacher in colonial New England, gave a famous sermon in 1741 which bears the title, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” For many decades after the Apparition of La Salette, Mary’s message was usually interpreted in that very spirit. In fact, as I have had occasion to note before, the first Memorare to Our Lady of La Salette refers to the pains she has taken to “shield me from the justice of God.” No matter what your personal history, age, background, or race… no matter what your present status in the Catholic Church... no matter what your current family or marital situation... no matter what your own self-image is, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at: St. Peter’s comment about “whoever fears God” must not be taken in that light. “Fear of the Lord,” a Gift of the Spirit, has nothing to do with dread, but with deep, abiding respect for all that pertains to God (his Name, his Day, etc.) St. Helena ~ St. Mary’s Parish We can try to please others for two reasons: 1) we stand to gain by it, or 2) we do so simply out of love. It’s a little like “imperfect and perfect contrition” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1451-1453 and 1492). Both are good, but one it so much better than the other. Wills & Bequests have been very helpful to St. Helena’s Parish over the years, and we hope they will continue to assist the parish in its good work in the present and in the future. Knights of Columbus Council 8027 Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7pm in the parish hall at St. Helena. If you would like to join or reL ceive information please contact: Grand Knight, Norman Lessard 543-3617 There is no question about how Mary wishes us to please God. She knows we are his beloved children. Responding to that love would make us so much more than acceptable. Tel: 603-632-7087 LA SALETTE SHRINE MASS AT LA SALETTE 6:30 on Saturday. Confessions 45 minutes before weekend Mass or by appointment Fax.: 603-632-7648 GIFT SHOP WINTER HOURS Wed.-Sun: Open Noon to 4, Mon.-Tues.: Closed CHRISTMAS NATIVITIES EXHIBIT Open by appointment CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Second and Fourth Tuesdays BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Call Fr. Joe Ross, 603-632-7087 for further details. For information, call 603-632-5069 Daily Prayer This Week First Week of Ordinary Time In this first week of Ordinary Time, we might find ourselves feeling a little let-down after the Christmas season, especially in parts of the world where it seems cold and dark most days. This is where we can ask for the grace to let the stories of the gospels come alive in our hearts. The stories from Mark's gospel offer a vivid look into the life of Jesus and his followers on such a human level. Many are stories of healing and the week begins and ends with invitations from Jesus to us and to his disciples. Jesus invites, “Come after me.” To the tax collector Levi he beckons, “Follow me.” The invitation to healing we are offered can be a part of our own reflection as we begin a new year and want to somehow “fix” what is broken in us. The healing happens if we allow Jesus into our hearts and lives. As we look at our lives we may find a loneliness or separation from people in our family or others. We have parts of our lives that are dark and seem unchangeable. It is into this very darkness and discomfort that Jesus is moved with pity for us, stretches out his healing hand to us and says, “I do will it. Be made clean.” We can hear the summons to follow him as a clear and personal call from Jesus, the one who already knows us and our failings and yet asks us to be with him. We can hear this invitation more clearly if we can be touched with awareness of our own failings and understand more deeply how much we need a savior in our lives. It is then that our hearts are open to accept this invitation. We can pray to Jesus this week for the strength to be healed of the patterns and habits of our lives that so often turn us away from him and ask for the grace to make a new beginning in our lives. Sunday is the The Baptism of the Lord. We hear the Lord say in the first reading from Isaiah, "Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit." Those words are echoed in the reading from Mark's Gospel, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” This feast marks the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of Ordinary Time on the Church calendar. Saturday is the Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot. During this first week in Ordinary Time, we begin a four week cycle of weekday readings from the Letter to the Hebrews. This is the longest letter to any community in the New Testament. For the next six weeks, until the beginning of Lent, the weekday gospels are from Mark's Gospel. This week Mark offers us a look at the beginning of Jesus' public ministry. Monday he calls his first disciples: Simon and Andrew, John and James. He drives out evil spirits and heals Peter's mother-in-law. When he slips away to pray and the crowd follows, he returns to preaching: “For this purpose have I come.” Moved with pity, he heals a leper who told so many people about his healing that “it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly.” When a paralytic was lowered down through a roof for healing, Jesus forgives sins to the skepticism of the scribes. The week ends as Jesus extends an invitation to the despised tax collector, Levi/Matthew “Follow me.” Both items used with permission from the "Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer," Creighton University's Online Ministries web site: Offertory: $ 1536.00 Holy Day: $ 286.00 Parish Fuel: $ 962.00 If you would like a Mass celebrated for someone, living or deceased, please contact the rectory or pick up a request envelope at the entrances of the parish churches. Mass Intentions January 17/18 Diocesan Seminarian Fund 4:30pm, Saturday, January 10, 2015 For grace and healing Agnes McGuire Requested by: her husband Edward The Finance Committee wishes to thank you for your support in helping to meet the expenses of our Parish. Masses Next Week 4:30pm, Saturday January 17, 2015 Jessie Mendoza January 10-16 AllanCampbell,JohnDaley, SharonDemers,EvanMitnaul, StephenRugg,andWyattAllen. Please contact the rectory if you have not seen your birthday or anniversary posted. Knights of Columbus Council 8027 Did you get a new cell phone for Christmas? The K of C are collecting old cell phones and chargers. Please consider donating your used phone. There are boxes located on the table at the entrance to the Church. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLOW: Children's Liturgy of the Word, at the 9:30 Mass at St. Mary’s for children ages 3-kindergarten. CCD: Children in grades 1-12, January 11th following the 9:30 Mass. Catholic Coffee Hour: Sunday January 11th following the 9:30 Mass. RCIA:Rite of Catholic Initiation of Adults will have their next class on January 21st at 6:30pm at Sacred Heart. Communion for the sick and Shut-ins Please contact any of the following Eucharistic Ministers, so they may set up a time to bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick, homebound and shut-ins. Marguerite Conley ~ 523-7013, Rose Daudelin ~ 523-4859 Julie Plourde ~ 523-9647. Free Community Dinner ΄ΦΟΕΒΪ͑ͥΡΞ͑͑ ΄Υ͑͟;ΒΣΪΤ͑ΒΝΝ͑ ͶΧΖΣΪΠΟΖ͑ΚΤ͑ΨΖΝΔΠΞΖ͑͟ PILGRIMAGE TO THE BEST OF FRANCE and LA SALETTE May 11 – 19, 2015 Includes La Salette Apparition site, Lyon, Ars, Paray Le-Monial, Nevers, Lisieux, Caen, Normandy, Paris and more. Nine day trip, depart from Boston on May 11, 2015. The cost is only $3349. Hosted by Fr. William Kaliyadan. For more info call Fr. William 508-7378103 or email: [email protected] mountain meadow BRUNCH BUFFET Lawrence Guaraldi, CLU, ChFC Moose Mountain Realty LOUNGE & EVENT CENTER MAKE P.O. Box 898 8 Maple Street Anthony E. 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Adults $9.99 Child $6.99 Under 6 FREE 478 US Route 4 Canaan, NH 03741 Brunch Buffet from 11am-2pm Residential & Commercial • Installations & Service [email protected] Cell 359-8210 • Fax 632-9014 Jamie Martin 632•5862 165 Shaker Hill Rd., Enfield, NH 03748 COMPLIMENTARY HOT BREAKFAST BUFFET JBC Septic & Rentals, LLC FREE WIFI J. Barry Clause • Rocke’s Septic Service • Handyman Services Mickey’s Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Phone: 603-632-7175 Vanessa Stone, GRI ph 603.632.5757 fx 603.632.5727 Drive-Up Window • Take-Out & Delivery Catering Services • Tavern Room Ice Cream 603.632.9400 330 Route 4 • Enfield, NH 468 US RT.4, Unit 7, Enfield, NH 03748 [email protected] INDOOR HEATED SWIMMING POOL • Snow Plowing & Sanding • Portable Toilet Rentals 104 Ballardvale Dr. White River Jct., VT PO Box 424 Canaan, NH 03741 802-296-2800 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. 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If you would like to adver ise in this bulletin please contact John Pat ick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ex . 161 934 St. Helena, Enfield, NH (U) Sales Opportunity Full Ɵme/Part Ɵme/Flexible Hours Sell AdverƟsements into your Parish BulleƟn (and surrounding Parish bulleƟns) Contact: Celeste Gama, Sales Manager John Patrick Publishing 1-800-333-3166 x 151 [email protected] John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 •
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