SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS WORKSHEET 1 84 WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual Worksheet 1 The Beach Environment 1. What effect does the sun have in creating local sea breezes? 2. How long is there between high tides? 3. What effect does the sun and moon have on the tide? 4. What is the difference between swell and chop? 5. What factors determine the size and power of waves? 6. At what depth does a wave break? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 1 85 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 7. Name the different types of waves: Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 1 86 Date WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 8. What is a rip current and how would you identify one? 9. Name and describe the different types of rips? 10.What are the 3 main parts to a rip? 11.Identify and circle the rip current’s: Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 1 87 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 12.What is an inshore hole? Explain some of the problems associated with inshore holes? 13.Explain how you would protect yourself from the sun? 14.What can affect body stress? 15.How can body stress affect a lifeguard? 16.Why is good physical condition important for a Lifeguard? 17.How can Lifesaving sport help to improve fitness levels? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 1 88 Date 18.What short term effect does smoking have on your body? 19.What are the signs and symptoms of swimmer’s ear? How can you prevent this? WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 1 89 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS Worksheet 2 Lifeguard Techniques 1. What are the two primary functions of the Lifeguard? 2. What is an NOP? 3. What is an EAP? 4. What does the red flag indicate? 5. Give two reasons the red flag might be flown. 6. What do the black and white quartered flags signify? 7. How can a Lifeguard reduce the risks of infection – (a) During First Aid (b) During CPR? a) b) 8. What should you do with a needle if you discover one? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 2 90 Date WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 9. How would you avoid aggression from beach users? 10.What are the principles of patient movement and handling? 11.What action should Lifeguards take when they see fog approaching the beach? 12.How do you escape from a rip if you are (i) a weak swimmer, (ii) a strong swimmer? 13.Describe several checks you would make to a Rescue Tube before a patrol. 14.Why should you avoid eating a large meal before swimming? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 2 91 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 15.Why should you avoid consuming alcohol before swimming? 16.Describe the three distinct stages of drowning? 17.Who calls for the Lifeboat or Search and Rescue helicopter? 18.Why is it vital to fill out report forms? 19.Who fills in the report forms? 20.What is a UIIN? 21.When a patient refuses your help, what should you do? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 2 92 Date 22.When a dead sea mammal is washed up on shore, what should you do? 23.From which side do you approach a helicopter? WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 24.Label the following HAZCHEM symbols: 25.How many qualified Lifeguards are suggested for a Beach Lifeguard Unit? 26.If a bather swims when a red flag is flying, what should you do? 27.When calling the emergency services what does P.P.P. stand for? P: P: P: Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 2 93 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 28.A lifeguard is responsible for the safety of whom? 29.Describe two types of patrol methods. 30.Draw and annotate a helicopter landing site including, minimum size, wind direction and smoke canister location. Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 2 94 Date Worksheet 3 Communication 1. Describe the signal flags, when are they used? 2. When attracting the attention of bathers in the water what method is commonly used and how? WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 3. How should you communicate when using a radio? 4. When dealing with members of the public following an incident how could you control the crowd? 5. What forms of communication are available for use by the Lifeguard? 6. When recording information on an incident report form what questions should you ask the casualty? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 3 95 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 7. On which radio channels would you locate the Coastguard? 8. On which radio channel and frequency does the Beach Lifeguard Unit operate? 9. How would you set up a radio prior to use and what checks would you make? 10.How would you deal with a radio that had been immersed in water? 11.How could you protect a radio from the elements? 12.What are the common errors made when transmitting via radio? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 3 96 Date WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 13.What do the following phrases indicate? Flash flash: Break break: Immediate: Minimise: 14.Write the following words using the phonetic alphabet. Beach: Lifeguard: Wave: 15.When signalling from shore what equipment could you use? 16.What communication would you give to indicate that you wished to approach a helicopter? 17.What information would you give to the public prior to a helicopter landing? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 3 97 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 18.When approaching a conscious casualty in the sea what communication should take place? 19.When performing a spinal carry communication is vital, who should be talking and what should they be saying? 20.What communications are available to Lifeguards when in IRB’s or RWC’s? 21.What is the signal for a mass rescue? 22.Name three types of distress that can be seen, heard or transmitted. 23.What is the international maritime distress channel? 24.What channel is dedicated to search and rescue work? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 3 98 Date 25.Explain how to call another unit using a radio. 26.What does the pro word “over” mean when used in radio communications? WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 27.What does the pro word “out” mean when used in radio communications? 28.What does the squelch control on a radio do? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 3 99 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 29.Label these common hand and flag signals: Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 3 100 Date WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual Worksheet 4 First aid and Resuscitation 1. What are the order of priorities when dealing with a casualty? 2. What are the signs, symptoms and management of a sprain? 3. What are the links in the chain of survival? 4. What is the depth and rate of compressions during CPR for a child? Depth: Rate: 5. How would you recognize and treat someone suffering from hypothermia? 6. What are the different types of shock? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 4 101 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 7. How would you manage a casualty going into anaphylactic shock? 8. Explain in what situation you would use the different methods of Rescue Breaths? 9. What are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack? 10.What is the difference between Concussion and Compression and how can you recognize the signs for these injuries? Concussion: Compression: 11.How do you clear a blockage in an unconscious non breathing adult casualty? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 4 102 Date 12.What method of resuscitation do we use on a casualty with a suspected spinal injury and why? WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 13.How would you recognize a casualty suffering from heat stroke? What are the potential complications after a drowning event and how long after the event can they occur? 15.What can happen if you blow too hard when performing Rescue Breaths on a child? 16.How would you treat a weaver fish sting? 17.What are the signs and symptoms of a closed fracture? 18.How would you manage a casualty with a closed abdominal injury? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 4 103 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 19.How would you treat a casualty having an epileptic seizure on the beach? 20.If a casualty has a heavy blow to the head what other injury must be assumed to have taken place? 21.What are your priorities when dealing with a suspected spinal injury? 22.How would you manage a casualty having an asthma attack? If and when would you call an Ambulance? 23.How would you treat a casualty with a jelly fish sting to the head? 24.How would you treat a child with sand in their eye? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 4 104 Date 25.How would you deal with a surfer suffering with cracked ribs after a surfing incident? 26.What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in child CPR? WORKSHEETS SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual 27.What are the signs and symptoms of someone suffering from Hypoxia? 28.How would you deal with somebody having an epileptic seizure in the water? 29.How would you deal with a head injury? 30.How would you recognise and care for a stroke? 31.What is the most appropriate treatment for someone with a partial thickness burn? Trainer: Sign: Date WORKSHEET 4 105 SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Manual WORKSHEETS 32.How would you deal with a major bleed? 33.For how long should a chemical burn be irrigated with cold water? 34.How would you deal with a fracture to the arm when the bone has penetrated the skin? 35.Why should you not apply maximum head tilt on an infant? 36.Would you give an asthma patient their friend’s inhaler to use? Trainer: Sign: WORKSHEET 4 106 Date
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