Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 1 RUNNING HEAD: Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation Developmental changes in the misinterpretation of garden-path wh-questions in French Romy Lassotta1, Akira Omaki2, and Julie Franck1 University of Geneva1, Johns Hopkins University2 Address for correspondence: Romy Lassotta [email protected] MANUSCRIPT UNDER REVIEW. DO NOT CITE OR QUOTE WITHOUT THE AUTHORS’ PERMISSION. COMMENTS WELCOME Acknowledgements: This work was supported by grant 100014-126924 from the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research to Julie Franck. We wish to thank Patrick Sturt and Whit Tabor for useful discussions. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 2 Abstract The present study explores (mis-)comprehension of bi-clausal wh-questions by French-speaking adults and children aged 6 to 8 years. The ambiguity of wh-questions was manipulated: In the ambiguous version, the wh-phrase could be associated with the main clause verb or the embedded clause verb, while in the garden-path version, a filled-gap PP was inserted to block main clause attachment. Two story-based comprehension experiments presented adjunct whquestions (Experiment 1) and argument wh-questions (Experiment 2) to probe the effects of error signal manipulation. Both adults and children frequently provided main clause interpretations in ambiguous questions. In filled-gap questions, the distribution of error patterns showed a novel developmental change: children displayed relatively acute sensitivity to the filled-gap error signal in wh-argument questions, but adults showed surprisingly low sensitivity to it, frequently misinterpreting both adjunct and argument questions. Taken together with adults’ acceptability judgment data from Experiment 3, it is argued that during the revision of the main clause interpretation, children are primarily guided by information from syntactic error signals, whereas adults are guided by language-specific constraints on filler-gap dependency, namely the optionality of wh-fronting in French. Keywords: Wh-questions, garden-path, misinterpretation, filled-gap dependency, sentence revision Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 3 DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES IN THE MISINTERPRETATION OF GARDEN-PATH WH-QUESTIONS IN FRENCH Decades of psycholinguistic research have reported a great deal of evidence that the parser is able to use linguistic constraints and incrementally build syntactic and semantic representations that are intended by the speaker (e.g., Marslen-Wilson, 1975). Nevertheless, it has also been reported that when processing temporarily ambiguous structures, adult native speakers often misinterpret sentences, or leave the ambiguity unresolved. For example, Christianson, Hollingworth, Halliwell, and Ferreira (2001) reported that when presented with a sentence-question pair as shown in (1), adult native speakers of English tended to answer ‘yes’, even though the only grammatical interpretation is that Anna dressed herself and not the baby. (1) a. While Anna dressed the baby that was cute and cuddly played in the crib. b. Did Anna dress the baby? It has been argued that such misinterpretations arise from an incomplete revision of the initial syntactic analysis or interpretation: the baby that was cute and cuddly could be temporarily analyzed as the argument of the verb dressed, but this analysis is incompatible with the subsequent input played, which requires a subject. Earlier studies argued that the cause of the lingering effect lied in the failure to reanalyze the incorrect parse, assuming that the parser may occasionally build representations that are syntactically ‘good enough’ for the purpose of comprehension (Christianson et al., 2001 ; Ferreira & Patson, 2007 ; Tabor, Galantucci, & Richardson, 2004). However, recent evidence suggested that readers do actually build faithful syntactic representations (Slattery, Sturt, Christianson, Yoshida, & Ferreira, 2013; Sturt, 2007), and that the main source of misinterpretation effects lies in the persistence of the initial syntactic Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 4 and semantic representations in memory (e.g., Kaschak & Glenberg, 2004; Staub, 2007; van Gompel, Pickering, Pearson, & Jacob, 2006). Evidence for incomplete sentence revision (including complete absence of sentence revision) has been reported in children’s sentence comprehension as well (for reviews, see Omaki & Lidz, in press; Snedeker, 2013; Trueswell & Gleitman, 2007), although these misinterpretations occur in environments where adults are able to successfully revise and inhibit their initial analyses. For example, Trueswell, Sekerina, Hill, and Logrip (1999) conducted a visual world eye-tracking study to examine 5-year-old children’s interpretation of garden-path sentences like (2). Here, the Prepositional Phrase (PP) on the napkin is temporarily ambiguous, as it could be a modifier of the Noun Phrase (NP) the frog, or the PP argument of the verb put that specifies the destination. (2) Put the frog on the napkin in the box. When the act-out instruction in (2) was presented with an array of objects (e.g., empty napkin, frog that was on another napkin, empty box, towel), children’s on-line eye movements showed adult-like patterns indicating that they immediately analyzed on the napkin as the destination (Tanenhaus, Spivey-Knowlton, Eberhard, & Sedivy, 1995). However, in the act-out performance that reflects their ultimate interpretation of the sentence, children’s actions diverged from those of adults: they typically moved the frog to the empty napkin, even though the only grammatical interpretation of (2) is to move the frog to the empty box. Since the adult control group did not make such errors, these findings suggest that sentence revision abilities are still immature at age 5. Similar sentence revision failures in PP attachment ambiguity have been replicated in experiments that reduced the cognitive and linguistic demands in a variety of ways (Hurewitz, Brown-Schmidt, Thorpe, Gleitman, & Trueswell, 2000; Weighall, 2008; cf. Meroni & Crain, Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 5 2003), and similar findings have been reported in verb-final languages (Choi & Trueswell, 2010). The difference in sentence revision abilities between children and adults begs for a developmental explanation. In line with the recent literature that attributes adults’ misinterpretations of garden-path sentences to constraints on the memory system (e.g., Kaschak & Glenberg, 2004; Slattery, Sturt, Christianson, Yoshida, & Ferreira, 2013), much work on child sentence processing proposed to attribute the immature sentence revision behaviors to the immaturity of cognitive abilities such as working memory or cognitive control mechanisms that are used in the process of inhibiting the initial analysis that subsequently turns out to be incorrect (e.g., Mazuka, Jincho, & Oishi, 2009; Novick, Thompson-Schill, & Trueswell, 2005; Novick, Trueswell, & Thompson-Schill, 2010). Novick, Hussey, Teubner-Rhodes, Harbison, and Bunting (2013) recently presented evidence for this link in a training study with adults. In this study, participants who were trained on an N-back task that required competitor inhibition improved their ability to revise their initial analysis of garden-path sentences like (1). However, the control group that did not receive cognitive control training did not show such performance improvement. The link between sentence revision and inhibition abilities indirectly suggests that children’s poor sentence revision abilities may be partially due to their immature cognitive control mechanisms, which do not fully mature until adolescence (Davidson, Amso, Anderson, & Diamond, 2006; for a review, see Diamond, 2006). While studies that use developmental comparisons are starting to provide a useful window into the nature of sentence revision mechanisms, at present the majority of empirical evidence for children’s immature sentence revision comes from PP attachment ambiguity in English like (2) (cf. Huang, Zheng, Meng, & Snedeker, 2013). The use of a small range of Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 6 constructions allows researchers to readily manipulate cognitive factors while keeping linguistic factors constant, and this research strategy has helped to promote investigations of the role of cognitive mechanisms in (mis)comprehension of garden-path sentences. However, the reliance on a narrow range of empirical work is potentially problematic, because the severe garden-path effects found in (2) may be specific to the particular linguistic property of the sentence, of the language, or to the task set-up. One of the main goals of this paper is thus to extend the empirical work on developmental changes in the (mis)interpretation of garden-path sentences to other structures, another language and another task. Another goal of this paper is to explore the type of factors that influence sentence revision processes in adults and children (see Arosio, Yatsushiro, Forgiarini & Guasti, 2012). Adult research on sentence revision mechanisms has shown that sentence revision difficulties vary as a function of the quality of the error signal (Fodor & Inoue, 1994, 1998, 2000; Frazier & Clifton, 1998; Gorrell, 1995; Levy, 2008; Lewis, 1998; Sturt & Crocker, 1996). Error signals refer to the late-arriving linguistic information in the input that is incompatible with earlier analyses of the sentence, but not all error signals lead to an easy identification of the alternative representation that is faithful to the input. For example, in the study by Trueswell and colleagues, the error signal in Put the frog on the napkin in the box in (2) is considered to be the second PP in the box, which is intended to serve as the destination and force the reanalysis of the first PP on the napkin as the modifier of the frog. However, the quality of this error signal is relatively poor, because it does not eliminate an alternative syntactic structure in which the second PP in the box serves as an NP modifier of the napkin. This structure leads to an interpretation that the destination of the action is the napkin that is inside the box. This interpretation is infelicitous because there is no box that contains a napkin inside it; hence, children’s poor performance in Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 7 that task may be due to the fact that such contextual information is not readily accessible for them (e.g., Choi & Trueswell, 2010; Snedeker & Trueswell, 2004; Trueswell et al., 1999; see Fodor & Inoue, 1994, for a suggestion that changing the PP in the box to into the box would increase the error signal quality). In order to pursue these goals, the present study focuses on misinterpretation of gardenpath wh-questions, which has so far been investigated primarily in Japanese (Omaki, Davidson White, Goro, Lidz, & Phillips, 2014). The present study extends this line of work to French in order to test whether French-speaking children, and possibly adults, would also misinterpret garden-path questions with wh-adjuncts that are similar to those tested in Japanese (Experiment 1). It then extends the study to garden-path questions with wh-arguments, which display different syntactic properties that allow us to explore the role of error signal quality (Experiment 2). As will be shown below, the present study in French reports frequent misinterpretation errors in both children and adults, even though the previous Japanese study found that only children misinterpreted the garden-path wh-questions. Capitalizing on these severe garden-path effects in adults and children, we explore the role of error signal quality in syntactic revision, and of possible language-specific constraints on wh-question formation in French (Experiment 3). We suggest that this finding of severe garden-path effects in adults may provide novel evidence that the sentence revision mechanism does not always achieve a syntactically accurate revision of the initial analysis. EXPERIMENT 1: COMPREHENSION OF ADJUNCT WH-QUESTIONS Filler-gap dependencies provide a useful testing ground for incremental interpretation and sentence revision in adults as well as children. Research on adult sentence processing has Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 8 reported overwhelming evidence for what has been called active gap filling, i.e., the process by which the parser associates a wh-phrase or a dislocated constituent (called filler) with the first thematic position (called gap, with no theoretical commitment to its representational status) in the sentence. For example, Stowe (1986) presented filler-gap dependency sentences like My brother wanted to know who Ruth will bring us home to ____ at Christmas, and observed that the reading time at the direct object us was greater compared to a control condition that used an embedded if-clause without such a filler-gap dependency. This so-called filled gap effect indicates that the parser had already posited the object gap before checking whether the object position was occupied. Evidence for active gap filling has been reported in a variety of experimental paradigms and across languages with different word orders, suggesting that this is a robust property of the adult parser (e.g., Aoshima, Phillips, & Weinberg, 2004; Crain & Fodor, 1985; Frazier & Flores D’Arcais, 1989; Garnsey, Tanenhaus, & Chapman, 1989; Omaki & Schulz, 2011; Sussman & Sedivy, 2003; Traxler & Pickering, 1996; Wagers & Phillips, 2013; for review, see Phillips & Wagers, 2007). Omaki et al. (2014) used a Question-after-Story design (de Villiers, Roeper, & Vainikka, 1990) in English and Japanese, and reported evidence for active gap filling and filled-gap effects in 5-year-old children’s ultimate interpretation of wh-questions (for cross-modal priming evidence for active gap filling, see Love, 2007; Roberts, Marinis, Felser, & Clahsen, 2007). This study explored offline interpretation preferences in English (3a) and Japanese wh-questions (3b). Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation (3) 9 a. Where did Lizzie tell someone that she was gonna catch butterflies? b. Doko-de Yukiko-chan-wa choucho-o where-at Yukiko-Dim-Top pro butterfly-Acc tsukamaeru-to catch-Comp itteta-no? was telling-Q1 “Where was Yukiko telling someone that she will catch butterflies?” c. Doko-de Yukiko-chan-wa kouen-de choucho-o tsukamaeru-to itteta-no? where-at Yukiko-Dim-Top park-at pro butterfly-Acc catch- Comp was telling-Q “Where was Yukiko telling someone that she will catch butterflies in the park?” The bi-clausal wh-questions in (3a) and (3b) contain a global ambiguity, as the fronted locative wh-phrase can be associated with either the main clause VP (tell someone) or the embedded clause VP (catch butterflies). Importantly, the surface order of the two VPs is different in English and Japanese: the main clause VP is completed first in English, while the embedded clause VP is completed first in Japanese, due to its verb-final word order. A series of Questionafter-Story tasks with adults and children found that English-speaking adults and 5-year-olds systematically preferred the main clause association (i.e., answering the location for the telling event) in sentences like (3a) (cf. de Villiers et al., 1990; de Villiers, Roeper, Bland-Stewart, & Pearson, 2008), and Japanese-speaking adults and 5-year-olds showed a systematic preference for the embedded clause association in (3b) (i.e., answering the location for the butterflycatching event). This first VP association preference is compatible with active gap filling, because the first VP in the sentence is the earliest position for completing the filler-gap dependency. In other words, even though this study only used offline measures of ultimate interpretation, cross-linguistic changes in comprehension patterns can shed light on the incremental syntactic analyses. 1 The gloss abbreviations are as follows: Acc = accusative case marker, Comp = complementizer, Dim = diminutive marker, Gen = genitive case marker, Q = question particle, Top = topic marker. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 10 Moreover, a stronger argument for active gap filling comes from the filled-gap condition in Japanese, which added a filled-gap PP that specified the location of the embedded clause event (3c). Here, adults systematically adopted the main clause (i.e., second VP) interpretation, because the overt locative PP modifier already specifies the location of the embedded clause event, and effectively forces the main clause association. However, 5-year-olds provided the embedded clause (i.e., first VP) interpretation as often as they did in the ambiguous condition, suggesting that they could not inhibit the strong bias to associate the fronted wh-phrase with the embedded clause VP, despite the presence of the overt PP that blocks an embedded clause interpretation. Even though no time course measure was provided in Omaki et al. (2014), this (mis)interpretation pattern provides strong evidence for active gap filling. The comprehension pattern closely resembles the misinterpretation pattern observed in the PP attachment study (e.g. Put the frog on the napkin in the box) by Trueswell et al. (1999). Here, the incremental destination analysis of the ambiguous PP was disconfirmed by subsequent input, but children nevertheless preserved the initial, incremental analysis in their ultimate interpretation. In other words, children prioritize preservation of the incremental analysis over incorporation of cues that force them to revise their initial parse. In the present study, we will focus on this first VP association bias and the extent to which this interpretation bias can be inhibited in the presence of a filled-gap error signal in French. Experiment 1 adopts the same experimental design as Omaki et al. (2014) to investigate the comprehension of ambiguous wh-questions in French-speaking adults and children. In contrast to a head-final language like Japanese, French is a head-initial language in which the first VP corresponds to the main clause VP, and the second VP corresponds to the embedded clause VP. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 11 (4) a. Où est-ce qu’Aline a where Q expliqué qu’elle allait attraper des papillons? Aline has explained that she went catch some butterflies “Where did Aline explain that she was going to catch butterflies?” b. Où est-ce qu’Aline a expliqué dans le salon qu’elle allait where Q attraper des papillons? Aline has explained in the room that she was going to catch some butterflies “Where did Aline explain in the living room that she was going to catch butterflies?” French is a so-called optional wh-movement language where the wh-phrase can either stay in its thematic position (called wh-in-situ) or appear in sentence initial position, as in English. However, the French wh-questions used in the present experiment all involve filler-gap dependencies: the wh-phrase Où (“where”) appears in sentence initial position and must therefore be associated with a subsequent gap position. Following the design of Omaki et al. (2014), two conditions were created: (4a) is globally ambiguous, as the wh-phrase can be associated with either the main clause verb (expliquer “explain”) or the embedded clause verb (attraper “catch”). On the other hand, only the embedded clause interpretation is available in sentences like (4b) due to the presence of the filled-gap PP (dans le salon “in the living room”). If French-speaking adults and children are biased to incrementally complete filler-gap dependencies, as observed in English and Japanese, they should demonstrate a main clause attachment preference in the globally ambiguous condition (4a). In the filled-gap condition, however, interpretation patterns may diverge between adults and children. Based on the Japanese findings and on previous reports of children’s general struggle with the inhibition of initial analyses, French-speaking children are expected to frequently fail to inhibit the main clause interpretation. In contrast, French-speaking adults are expected to successfully inhibit their main clause (first VP) interpretation bias and successfully adopt the embedded clause attachment. In Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 12 order to explore how effectively the filled-gap PP changes the interpretation bias, we use the comprehension data from the ambiguous condition as the baseline preference for the main clause association, and explore how much the opposite, embedded clause interpretation response increases in the filled-gap condition. Participants Thirty French-speaking children (12 female, 18 male) aged 5;1 to 8;2 years (mean age 6;10 years) took part in this experiment. Participants were recruited at two elementary schools of Geneva. Based on the bilingual exposure questionnaire developed by Unsworth (2013) that assessed the amount of exposure to two (or more) languages in a child’s environment, we found that 17 (57%) of the children are bilingual, although in all these bilingual children French was their first and dominant language. Neither the bilingual status nor the age variation within the child group affected their performance, and hence these variables were not treated as factors in the experiment. Data from eight additional children were excluded from the analyses as they were too distracted to concentrate on the experiment. Furthermore, 30 French-speaking adults (25 female) aged 20 to 39 years (mean age 25 years) also participated in this experiment. They were recruited from the student community of the University of Geneva and received course credit for their participation. Eight (27%) of them were bilingual according to their self-reports, but French was the dominant native language that was primarily used at the university and in their daily communication. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 13 Materials This experiment used a Question-after-Story design (de Villiers et al., 1990). In this design, a child-friendly story is presented first, followed by a question about the content of the story. All of the stories and questions were pre-recorded, and combined with the visual stimuli in an animated movie format. Question design. A total of 8 test questions were constructed, each of them appearing in the two conditions (ambiguous vs. filled-gap) shown in (4). These sentences all consisted of whquestions with two clauses. The ambiguous condition (4a) was designed in such a way that the wh-phrase could be associated with either the main clause verb or the embedded clause verb. The filled-gap condition, on the other hand, included a PP that specified the location of the main clause event, such that the embedded clause association would be enforced. The main clause verb was either expliquer (“to explain”) in half of the target items, and the other half was raconter (“to tell”), but verb type did not affect the interpretation of the results. An additional set of 10 filler questions was built to introduce some variability in the experimental structures. They consisted of 4 wh-island questions (e.g., Où est-ce qu’Aline a expliqué où elle allait attraper des papillons? “Where did Aline explain where she was going to catch butterflies ?“) and 6 simple in situ questions (e.g., Aline a parlé à ses parents où? “Aline talked to her parents where?”). Each of the 18 questions (8 test and 10 fillers) was followed by a second question about the distractor location to ensure that participants were paying attention to the task. The second question was asked immediately after the participant’s response to the first question. Materials were part of a block design such that ambiguous questions were presented in the first half of the experiment followed by filled-gap questions. This order was important because the ambiguous condition was designed to elicit the baseline attachment preference in bi- Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 14 clausal wh-questions, and we wanted to make sure that exposure to the unambiguous filled-gap questions do not interfere with the measure of the baseline interpretation preference. Filler sentences were randomly spread across the whole session. Story design. Stories were presented as short cartoons (Figure 1) in which a main character visited three different locations, and each location is associated with the main clause event, embedded clause event, or a distractor event. In the story that preceded the question in (4), for example, Aline was first in her bedroom (distractor location; top right in Figure 1), thinking of things to do on a nice sunny day. She decided to go outside, so she went to the living room (bottom of Figure 1) and said to her sister that she was going to catch butterflies in the park (main clause event). Finally, Aline visits the park and catches butterflies (embedded clause event). The first location was always a distractor event, and the order of main clause and embedded clause events was balanced across items. FIGURE 1. A sample scene presented during a story stimulus in Experiment 1. The materials were split in two experimental lists such that each participant only saw one version of the 8 test questions (ambiguous or filled gap) and the stories that illustrated them. A list contained a total of 18 stories paired with a question: 8 stories paired with a test question (4 ambiguous followed by 4 filled gap) and 10 paired with a filler question. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 15 Procedure Participants were instructed to carefully listen to the story and watch the animation. Children were asked to provide their response to the question by touching the corresponding picture on a touchscreen monitor, such that no verbal response was required and the task demands were lowered. This procedure also allowed registering children’s response times, which we expected to provide additional information if children’s off-line responses failed to show the expected embedded clause responses in the filled-gap condition. Adults provided their responses by answering the questions out loud. Prior to the testing session, each participant completed one practice trial in order to become familiar with the materials and with the testing procedure. A session lasted approximately 20 minutes. Data coding and analysis Off-line responses were coded as (a) main clause interpretation, (b) embedded clause interpretation, (c) sub-location responses or (d) other responses. Sub-location responses consisted of answers about a specific location inside a larger location described by the overt PP. For example, if the PP was dans le salon “in the living room”, a potential sub-location answer would be “by the couch in the living room”. Sub-location responses were only observed in adults and consisted in creative descriptions of sub-locations based on objects displayed in the images (e.g., if the story mentioned that Aline was in her bedroom, the participant may answer ‘on her bed’ which is a sub-location of the bedroom). Other responses in children included pointing at the distractor location (5% in children), and similar errors were found in adults as well (3.7%). Given that other responses represented a very small percentage of the overall observations, these Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 16 responses were removed from the analyses. Performance to filler items and second questions was above 95% showing that participants were attentive to the task. In order to examine how effectively the filled-gap condition produced sentence revision, considering performance in the ambiguous condition as a baseline, we calculated for each subject a difference score by subtracting the rate of embedded clause response in the ambiguous condition from the rate of embedded clause response in the filled-gap condition. This difference score was submitted to a one-way ANOVA with age (adult vs. child) as group factor. Logtransformed response times were analyzed by way of linear mixed-effects regression models with the question type (ambiguous vs. filled gap) as fixed factor and random intercepts for subjects and items (e.g., Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008). Estimates, t-values and p-values for the fixed factors and interactions were obtained via the lmerTest package, which provides pvalues calculated based on Satterwhaite's approximation. All statistical analyses reported in this paper were conducted in the R statistical environment (R Development Core Team, 2007, 2013). Results In the ambiguous condition, children and adults both show a clear main clause preference, as illustrated in Figure 2. For children, only 15% of the responses showed the embedded clause interpretation, while they represent 12% of adults’ responses. In the filled-gap condition, on the other hand, the rate of embedded clause responses was modulated to different degrees in adults and children (Figure 2). Children provided embedded verb responses 12% of the time, which does not differ from the ambiguous condition. Adult participants provided the embedded clause response 33% of the time, suggesting an increase compared to the ambiguous condition. In 49% of their responses, adults provided the main clause verb association by simply Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 17 stating the location that was mentioned in the filled gap of the test question (dans le salon “in the living room”). In the remaining 18% of their responses, they provided the sub-location answer (e.g., “by the couch in the living room”). Mean proportion of responses 1.00 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.18 0.33 Sub-‐location 0.50 Embedded verb Main verb 0.00 Children Adults Ambiguous Children Adults Filled-‐gap Figure 2. Mean proportion of response patterns in adults and children (Experiment 1). The analysis of variance on the difference scores (embedded clause response rate in the filledgap condition minus that of the ambiguous condition) showed a significant effect of age (F(1,52)=10.119, p=.002), indicating that adults have a higher difference score (0.25) than children (-0.03). The mixed-effects analysis of response times in children showed no effect of the type of question (t<|1|), indicating that children were not significantly slower in the filled-gap condition (M=2271ms) than in the ambiguous condition (M=1558 ms). The analysis over the subset of main clause responses showed no effect of the question type either (2355 ms in the filled-gap condition vs. M=1590 ms in the ambiguous condition) (t<|1|). Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 18 Discussion The results from Experiment 1 indicate that children and adults have a main clause (i.e., first VP association) interpretation bias in their comprehension of ambiguous bi-clausal wh-questions. This pattern replicates the findings in Omaki et al. (2014), and is consistent with the generalization that listeners incrementally associate the wh-phrase with the first VP in the sentence. Moreover, even in the filled-gap condition, which was designed to block the main clause attachment, evidence for the first VP association bias was observed in both populations. Children demonstrated no evidence of sensitivity to the filled-gap in both their off-line and online responses, as they provided the main clause response as often and as fast as they did in the ambiguous condition. Adults showed a higher rate of embedded clause interpretation than children, in line with what has been found in previous developmental work on garden-path sentences (Choi & Trueswell, 2010; Omaki et al., 2014; Trueswell et al., 1999). However, in contrast to these previous studies, adults provided a fairly low rate of embedded clause responses in the filled-gap condition (33% embedded clause responses, with a 25% increase compared to the ambiguous condition). This high misinterpretation rate sharply contrasts with the Japanese finding in sentences with the same filled-gap manipulation (Omaki et al., 2014), where adults were nearly perfect in inhibiting their bias to associate the wh-phrase with the first VP in the sentence. The misinterpretation rate in the present study is more comparable to that reported in studies of severe garden-path sentences like (1) discussed above (e.g., Christianson et al., 2001). We propose that the cross-linguistic differences between French and Japanese adults’ interpretation patterns may be due to two differences in the syntactic properties of the target sentences. The first difference lies in word order, in particular the relative position of the filledgap and the first verb in the sentence. In the Japanese sentences used in Omaki et al. (2014), the Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 19 filled-gap precedes the embedded clause verb (i.e., the first verb) due to the verb-final word order in that language (e.g., Doko-de Yukiko-chan-wa kouen-de choucho-o tsukamaeru-to itteta-no?, which literally corresponds to “Where-at Yukiko park-at butterfly catch was telling?”). In other words, both the wh-phrase and the filled-gap appear before the first verb, hence, the Japanese filled-gap may serve as a preventive cue that blocks filler-gap dependency formation even before the parser encounters the verb. In French, on the other hand, the filled-gap follows the main clause verb (e.g., Où est-ce qu’Aline a expliqué dans le salon qu’elle allait attraper des papillons?, which literally corresponds to “where Aline has explained in the living room that she was going to catch some butterflies?”). As a result, the parser can attach the whphrase with the verb before encountering the filled-gap, which may only serve as a corrective cue for an incorrect dependency that was already formed. The Japanese-French contrast may thus be taken as evidence that offline (mis)interpretation patterns can shed light on how filler-gap dependencies are incrementally processed and how the timing of the subsequent error signal may influence the inhibition of the initial parse (see Arosio et al., 2012; Friederici, Steinhauer, Mecklinger & Meyer, 1998 for similar observations in the processing of object relative clauses). The second relevant difference between French and Japanese is that French allows the wh-phrase to attach to the filled-gap PP itself. In the French filled-gap sentence (4b), Où (“where”) could be analyzed as the head of a larger PP (e.g., Où dans le salon “where in the living room”) that asks about a specific sub-location inside the larger location described by the overt PP. In the Japanese example in (3c), on the other hand, this sub-location question strategy is syntactically unavailable (Omaki et al., 2014). It is important to note that in the French stimuli, even though the sub-location analysis was syntactically possible, it was pragmatically infelicitous as the story stimuli mentioned no sub-location inside any of the relevant locations. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 20 As a result, the only driving force for revising the initial main verb response must lie in contextual information present in the story. In sum, French garden-path wh-questions can accommodate an alternative syntactic option for attaching the wh-phrase to the filled-gap, and as a consequence, the filled-gap may only provide a weak error signal that relies on the use of contextual information. In fact, the adjunct filled-gap in our target sentences resembles the second PP in Put the frog on the napkin in the box (Trueswell et al., 1999): as discussed in the Introduction, syntactically in the box can be analyzed as the NP modifier of the napkin, and it is the contextual information (i.e., there is no box that contains a napkin) that discourages this syntactic analysis. We note that under this sub-location syntactic analysis, the resulting syntactic structure is fully grammatical, and hence it is no longer appropriate to label adults’ sub-location answers (18%) as misinterpretations. However, when adults simply stated the location that was mentioned in the question (33%), we interpreted those data as true instances of miscomprehension. In fact, in exit interviews a number of adult participants reported that they thought “the answer was in the question” in many trials, which suggests that they may have constructed an ungrammatical, ‘good enough’ syntactic representation in which the wh-phrase and the overt PP were both attached to the main clause VP as locative modifiers. With respect to children, as they provided their responses by touching the relevant image on the touchscreen monitor, it was impossible to distinguish main clause location responses from sub-location responses. Thus, we remain agnostic as to the underlying syntactic representations of children’s main clause responses. In summary, we found that both children and adults demonstrate a main clause interpretation bias in comprehending bi-clausal wh-questions. This interpretation bias manifested Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 21 in the ambiguous questions, but also in the filled-gap condition where children showed no increase of embedded responses while adults showed a small increase. However, it turned out to be difficult to analyze these response patterns as instances of misinterpretation because of the syntactic option of attaching the wh-phrase to the filled-gap PP in French. This problem was addressed in Experiment 2, which used argument wh-questions that do not display the option of attaching the wh-phrase to the filled-gap in the main clause. In these questions, the filled-gap provides a stronger error signal that syntactically blocks main clause association. EXPERIMENT 2: COMPREHENSION OF ARGUMENT WH-QUESTIONS In Experiment 1, we found that children were insensitive to the filled-gap manipulation in adjunct wh-questions while adults only showed mild sensitivity, as attested by the small increase of embedded verb responses compared to the corresponding ambiguous questions. We argued that the high rate of main clause interpretation in the filled-gap condition may be partly due to the grammaticality licit option in French to attach the wh-phrase to the filled-gap PP itself. Experiment 2 tested whether sentence revision is observed in wh-argument questions like (5), where the filled-gap manipulation syntactically blocks the main clause association and hence provides an error signal with higher quality. (5) a. A qui Marie a raconté qu’elle avait distribué to whom Marie has told des bonbons? that she had distributed some candy “To whom did Marie tell that she had given some candy?” b. A qui Marie a raconté à son papa qu’elle avait distribué to whom Marie has told des bonbons? to her Dad that she had distributed some candy “To whom did Marie tell her Dad that she had given some candy?” Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 22 The critical difference between Experiments 1 and 2 is that the wh-phrases differ in their syntactic relation to the verb: Où (“where”) in (4) was an adjunct modifier that specified the location of an event, but à qui (“to whom”) in (5) is a potential argument for either of the verbs (raconter “tell” or distribuer “distribute”), as these verbs typically require a recipient of the direct object. Most importantly, the number of arguments for a verb is restricted based on their syntactic and semantic properties (e.g., Levin & Rappaport-Hovav, 1995; Perlmutter, 1978). In the present experiment, both the main clause and embedded clause verbs could take a theme and a recipient as their internal arguments: the main clause verb (either expliquer “explain” or raconter “tell”) can take the content of speech (e.g., the content of the embedded clause) and its recipient (e.g., someone who hears the content) as their internal arguments, while the embedded clause verbs were typically transfer of object verbs like distribuer “distribute” or donner “give”, which could take a theme (the object given) and an optional recipient (someone who receives the object) as its internal arguments. The restricted nature of arguments, and in particular the impossibility to attach the wh-phrase to the argument PP within the main clause, prevents attachment of the argument wh-phrase to the argument PP in (5b). In this sense, the argument filled-gap in (5b) serves as a stronger error signal than the adjunct filled-gap, as it syntactically prohibits the main clause interpretation. Given the ungrammaticality of the main clause attachment analysis, the embedded clause response rate in this experiment was expected to be greater than in Experiment 1, and such improvement was expected in both adults and children. Participants Thirty French-speaking children (12 female, 18 male) aged 5;9 to 8;3 years (mean age 6;11 years) took part in this experiment. They were recruited at two elementary schools of Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 23 Geneva. The bilingual status questionnaire (Unsworth, 2013) revealed that 19 (63%) of them were bilingual, but all had French as first and dominant language. Since neither the bilingual status or the age affected children’s performance, these variables were not included as factors in the experiment. Data from eight additional children were excluded from the analyses as they were too distracted to concentrate on the experiment (N=4), showed extremely long reaction times (N=3), or there was an experimenter error (N=1). In addition, 30 French-speaking adults (24 female) aged 19 to 24 years (mean age 21 years) also participated in this experiment. They were recruited from the student community of the University of Geneva and received course credit for their participation. Fourteen (47%) of them were bilingual according to self-reports, but French was always the dominant native language that was primarily used at the university and in their daily communication. Materials Question design. We constructed 8 question sets with two conditions (ambiguous vs. filled-gap) shown in (5). The filled-gap condition was created by adding an overt PP recipient to the main clause verb, which syntactically blocked the attachment of the wh-phrase to the main clause verb. As in Experiment 1, the main clause verb was either expliquer “explain” or raconter “tell”. For the embedded clause verbs, we used eight different ditransitive verbs, such as acheter “buy”, distribuer “distribute”, donner “give”, envoyer “send”, montrer “show”, offrir “offer”, prêter “lend”, and servir “serve”. These 8 question sets were counter-balanced across two lists, and were combined with 10 filler questions. As in Experiment 1, in order to prevent a potential interference between the target conditions, we used a block design and presented the ambiguous condition in the first block and the filled-gap condition in the second block. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 24 Story design. The basic design of the stories was identical to that of Experiment 1. A main character undergoes three different events, starting with a distractor event, and followed by a main clause event and an embedded clause event randomly distributed. The only difference was that in this experiment, no specific location was described for the events in the stories. Procedure The experimental procedure was identical to that of Experiment 1, except that this time adult participants also provided their answers using a touchscreen monitor in order to provide an implicit, finer measure of their performance when they failed to select the correct embedded clause in the filled-gap condition. Data coding and analysis As in Experiment 1, the off-line responses were coded as (a) main clause interpretation, (b) embedded clause interpretation, and (c) other responses. Other responses included the selection of the distractor location (1.7% in children and 3.4% in adults) or null responses (0.4% in children and 1.7% in adults). They were removed from the dataset for analyses. In order to examine how effectively the filled-gap condition produced sentence revision, we calculated for each subject a difference score by subtracting the rate of embedded clause response in the ambiguous condition from the rate of embedded clause response in the filled-gap condition. This difference score was submitted to a one-way ANOVA with age (adult vs. child) as a group factor. Log-transformed response times were analyzed by way of linear mixed-effects regression models with the question type (ambiguous vs. filled gap) and age as fixed factors, and random intercepts for subjects and items (e.g., Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008). Estimates, t-values Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 25 and p-values for the fixed factors and interactions were obtained via the lmerTest package, which provides p-values calculated based on Satterwhaite's approximation. Finally, in order to compare the rate of embedded clause responses in Experiments 1 and 2, a 2-way ANOVA was conducted on the embedded verb difference scores as dependent measure and the wh-phrase type (adjunct vs. argument) and age (adult vs. child) as factors. Performance in filler items and second questions was above 95%, indicating that participants were attentive to the task. Results Overall, a strong main clause preference was observed in the ambiguous condition for adults and children alike (Figure 3). For children, 5% of responses showed the embedded clause interpretation (95% main clause interpretation), and adults provided 0% of embedded verb association responses (100% main clause interpretation). In the filled-gap condition, the increase of embedded clause response rate was observed in both child and adult groups. Children provided an embedded clause response in 48% of the trials (52% main clause interpretation), suggesting that children were able to inhibit the main clause interpretation bias in about half of the trials. On the other hand, adults provided an embedded clause response in 21% of the trials (79% main clause response). While this was an increase of embedded verb response compared to the ambiguous condition, the size of increase was smaller than that of the child group. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 26 Mean proportion of responses 1.00 0.05 0.21 0.48 0.50 Embedded verb Main verb 0.00 Children Adults Ambiguous Children Adults Filled-‐gap Figure 3. Mean proportion of response patterns in adults and children (Experiment 2). In order to compare the rate of increase in embedded clause responses between ambiguous and filled-gap conditions, the difference score (embedded clause response rate in the filled-gap condition minus that of the ambiguous condition) was calculated for each child and adult participant. The ANOVA indicated that the difference score of the children group (0.42) was significantly larger than that of the adult group (0.21) (F(1, 57) = 4.547, p = .037), suggesting that children were more successful in inhibiting the main clause interpretation bias than adults. The mixed-effects model of response times showed a significant effect of the type of question (β=0.405, t=7.913, p<.001), with slower response times in the filled-gap condition (M=5213ms) than in the ambiguous condition (M=3099ms). Children were not significantly slower than adults (M=4243ms vs. M=4073ms respectively; β=.069, t=1.136, p=.258). There was no interaction between the type of question and age (t<|1|). The analysis of the subset of main clause responses showed again a main effect of question type (β=0.424, t=7.959, p<.001) with slower response times in the filled-gap condition (M=5394ms) than in the ambiguous Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 27 condition (M=3240ms), but no effect of age and no interaction between question type and age (t<|1|). Combined analysis of data from Experiments 1 and 2 The two-way ANOVA with age (adult vs. child) and wh-phrase type (adjunct in Experiment 1 vs. argument in Experiment) revealed a main effect of the wh-phrase (F(1, 109)=10.895, p=.001), with significantly higher difference scores with argument wh-phrases (0.32) than with adjunct wh-phrases (0.10). However, the effect of the wh-phrase significantly interacted with age (F(1,109)=13.492, p<.001). Indeed, children showed an increase of embedded verb responses with argument wh-phrases (0.42) as compared to adjunct wh-phrases (-0.03) (F(1,57)=25.443, p<.001), whereas adults showed no difference between the two conditions (0.21 vs. 0.25) (F<1). There was no effect of age (F<1). Discussion Results from Experiment 2 corroborate the strong main clause interpretation bias for the ambiguous condition in our two populations found in Experiment 1. These findings provide further evidence for incremental processing in both adults and children. In contrast, the interpretation patterns observed in the filled-gap condition are different from those of Experiment 1. Surprisingly, children showed significantly higher difference scores than adults (42% vs. 21% increase of embedded verb responses), indicating that children may have a better ability to inhibit their main clause interpretation bias than adults. Moreover, whereas children showed higher sensitivity to argument filled-gaps as compared to adjunct filled-gaps, no improvement was found for adults who displayed a low rate of embedded clause responses in Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 28 both experiments (respectively 21% and 25% increase of embedded verb response as compared to the ambiguous condition). Children’s dramatic improvement in Experiment 2 is consistent with the hypothesis that the filled-gap in adjunct wh-questions (Experiment 1) provided a weaker error signal than the filled-gap in argument wh-questions. The major difference between the two types of filled-gap error signals lies in the fact that the adjunct filled-gap (Experiment 1) did not provide a syntactic signal that forces sentence revision, while the argument filled-gap (Experiment 2) syntactically made it impossible to attach the wh-phrase in the main clause. The considerable increase of embedded responses observed for children in Experiment 2 suggests that they are sensitive to the filled-gap when it provides a syntactic error signal. The finding that adults’ embedded clause responses were not only lower than children’s in this experiment, but also did not differ reliably from Experiment 1 suggests that adults’ sentence revision mechanisms may be guided by a different set of constraints (see Experiment 3). In the General Discussion, we will address various interpretations of this low embedded interpretation response rate in adults. In both children and adults, longer response times were observed in trials with main clause responses to filled-gap questions, as compared to trials with main clause responses to ambiguous questions. This response time pattern suggests that even though the incorrect interpretation was ultimately adopted, participants did not completely ignore the filled-gap, and actually struggled in adopting the incorrect main clause interpretation. Although the cause of the increase in response time is unclear at present, we suggest that there are two possible explanations. First, participants may build the grammatical embedded verb attachment structure in addition to the ungrammatical main verb attachment structure, but nevertheless select the latter in their off-line response. This possibility cannot be ruled out by empirical evidence, although it Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 29 is not obvious why participants would select the ungrammatical parse if the grammatical analysis was actually entertained. The second possibility is that the response time slowdown for main verb responses in the filled-gap condition is due to the detection of the ungrammaticality in the structure. In fact, exactly like in Experiment 1, during exit interviews many of the adult participants reported to the experimenters that “the answer was in the question”, and that these sentences were fairly unnatural. These anecdotal reports lend support to the suggestion that participants did indeed detect the ungrammaticality of their interpretation, but nevertheless failed to find the correct, alternative interpretation. Before we turn to the broader implications of the current findings, it is important to address the possibility that the filled-gap sentences tested in Experiments 1 and 2 are simply illicit in the French grammar. If the wh-phrase association with the embedded clause verb was ungrammatical in the stimuli used in Experiments 1 and 2, it is natural that French-speaking adults did not choose the corresponding embedded clause interpretation. The syntax research on French wh-questions suggests that such long-distance, cross-clausal wh-association is actually grammatical (e.g., Cheng & Rooryck, 2000), but it is important to empirically verify that naïve participants share the same acceptability intuition. Moreover, even if an embedded clause association is grammatical in filled-gap sentences, it may be the case that French speakers prefer to use an alternative syntactic structure. As mentioned above, French is an optional whmovement language, where the wh-phrase can appear in sentence initial position, or in the original thematic position after the verb (wh-in-situ). It has been noted in the syntax literature that wh-in-situ questions are grammatical even when the wh-phrase is in the embedded clause (Mathieu, 2004; Oiry, 2010), and that they may even be a preferred strategy for forming a crossclausal filler-gap dependency (Starke, 2001). Experiment 3 uses an acceptability judgment task Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 30 to assess the relative acceptability of wh-in-situ and wh-fronted questions in French speaking adults. EXPERIMENT 3: ACCEPTABILITY JUDGMENT STUDY In Experiments 1 and 2, we found that adults often failed to inhibit their main clause interpretation bias despite the presence of a filled-gap error signal. Moreover, self-reports showed that many of them considered these sentences unnatural. This may indicate that some French speakers consider cross-clausal filler-gap dependencies to be ungrammatical, or that they prefer to use a wh-in-situ question formation in those particular syntactic contexts. This experiment used an acceptability judgment task to explore whether wh-fronting questions with filled-gaps are acceptable for French-speaking adults, and whether the corresponding in-situ versions may actually represent a more acceptable formulation of these questions (Starke, 2001). Participants Fifty-two French-speaking adults (39 female) aged 20 to 45 years (mean age 27 years) from French-speaking regions of Switzerland and from France participated in this study. Thirtytwo (62%) of them were bilingual, but French was always their mother tongue. Materials The materials consisted of sentence-question pairings: each question was preceded by a declarative sentence describing a situation comprising a saying event (main clause event) and a doing event (embedded clause event) in which a character is involved (e.g., Paul a expliqué dans le salon qu’il allait pêcher du poisson au port; “Paul explained in the living room that he was Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 31 going to catch fish in the harbor”). These sentences were introduced to clarify what the intended interpretation of the sentence was, given the finding in Experiments 1 and 2 that participants often misinterpret filled-gap questions. The target noun phrase addressed by the question was in bold characters in order to ensure that participants correctly interpreted the question as bearing on that noun phrase. The declarative sentence was then followed by a question (as illustrated in Table 1) varying according to: the type of question (adjunct vs. argument), the complexity of the question (filled-gap versus simple) and the position of the wh-phrase (in-situ versus fronted). All test questions addressed the event from the embedded clause in the declarative sentence. Whereas type of question was treated as a between-subjects factor in order to reduce interference between argument and adjunct wh-questions, complexity and position were treated as withinsubjects factors. Two experimental lists were created, one with adjunct questions, the other one with argument questions. Each list contained 24 items, 6 items in each of the four conditions represented in the list. An additional set of 30 filler items were created, identical in both lists, which consisted of 12 simple questions bearing on the event from the main clause in the declarative sentences, 9 acceptable quel “which” wh-fronted questions (e.g., Quel signal est-ce que Juliette a expliqué que le conducteur devait attendre? Literally: “Which signal Juliette explained that the conductor had to await?”), and 9 ungrammatical comment “how” questions in which the wh-element was fronted within the embedded clause (e.g., Anna a expliqué que comment le voleur avait laissé des traces? Literally: “Anna explained that how the robber left traces?”). Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 32 Table 1. Examples of questions in the 8 experimental conditions of Experiment 3. Adjunct Simple In-situ Fronted Argument Paul allait pêcher du poisson où? Alicia avait prêté le vélo à qui? “Paul was going to catch fish where?” “Alicia lent the bike to whom?” Où est-ce que Paul allait pêcher du A qui Alicia avait prêté le vélo? poisson? “To whom did Alicia lend the bike?” “Where was Paul going to catch fish?” Filled- In-situ gap Fronted Paul a expliqué dans le salon qu’il allait Alicia a raconté à son frère qu'elle avait prêté pêcher du poisson où? le vélo à qui? “Paul explained in the living room that he “Alicia told her brother that she lent the bike was going to catch fish where? to whom?” Où est-ce que Paul a expliqué dans le salon A qui Alicia a raconté à son frère qu'elle avait qu’il allait pêcher du poisson? prêté le vélo? “Where did Paul explain in the living room “To whom did Alicia tell her brother that she that he was going to catch fish?” had lent the bike?” Procedure Participants were requested to judge the acceptability of each question on a 7-point rating scale. Acceptability ratings were collected with the Ibex Farm program available on the Internet ( Six examples of sentence-question pairs were presented prior to testing with the expected acceptability ratings. None of these examples used the critical adjunct or argument wh-phrases of the target questions. Completing the online questionnaire took approximately 10-15 minutes. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 33 Data analysis The 7-point-scale rating data were converted to z-scores in order to correct for individual variations in how the scale is used (for discussion, see Schütze & Sprouse, 2013). Linear mixedeffects regression models were conducted on z-scores transformed acceptability judgments with complexity (simple vs. filled-gap) and wh- position (in-situ vs. fronted) as fixed factors, and random intercepts for subjects and items (e.g., Baayen, Davidson, & Bates, 2008). Estimates, tvalues and p-values for the fixed factors and interactions were obtained via the lmerTest package, which provides p-values calculated based on Satterwhaite's approximation. Results The distribution of acceptability judgments is illustrated in Figure 4. Mixed models analyses of z-transformed acceptability judgments showed a main effect of complexity (β=1.232, t=13.867, p<.001), suggesting that participants gave overall lower ratings to complex questions (M=4.47) than to simple questions (M=5.61). A significant triple interaction between the three factors (β=-.612, t=-3.618, p=.003) suggests that the type of question (adjunct vs. argument) and position (in-situ vs. fronted) had different effects on filled-gap and simple questions. Separate models were therefore constructed on the two types of questions. The model on filled-gap questions showed a main effect of position (β=.398, t=4.033, p<.001), with higher rates for insitu than for fronted wh-elements. A main effect of type of question was also found (β=-.369, t=2.178, p=.033), with higher rates for argument than adjunct questions, but qualified by a significant interaction with position (β=.986, t=7.030, p<.001). Although the position factor showed a significant effect for both argument and adjunct wh-questions, the interaction revealed a stronger effect of position in wh-arguments (β=1.408, t=15.989, p<.001) than in wh-adjuncts Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 34 (β=.424, t=3.896, p<.001). The model on simple questions showed a main effect of position (β=.799, t=-11.829, p<.001) with higher acceptability rates for wh-fronted than for in-situ questions, and an interaction between position and type of question (β=.499, t=5.182, p<.001). The interaction revealed an effect of position for argument wh-questions (β=-.324, t=-6.346, p<.001) as well as adjunct wh-questions (β=-.820, t=-10.239, p<.001), although stronger for the latter. There was no main effect of the type of question (t<|1|). Comparison between filled-gap wh-fronted questions and the ungrammatical comment (‘how’) in-situ filler questions showed that the former were rated as significantly more acceptable (M=3.65) than the latter (M=2.75) (β=.372, t=5.184, p<.001). 7 Mean ratings 6 5 4 in-‐situ wh-‐fronted 3 2 1 Adjunct Argument Filled-‐gap Adjunct Argument Simple Figure 4. Mean ratings of acceptability judgments in Experiment 3. Discussion The main goal of Experiment 3 was to test how French-speaking adults would rate the adjunct and argument filled-gap questions used in Experiments 1 and 2 on an acceptability judgment scale. First, as expected, simple questions were rated as more acceptable than complex Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 35 filled-gap questions. Second, wh-fronting sentences are perfectly acceptable in simple questions, and even significantly more so than in-situ versions. Importantly, however, the reverse pattern was observed for filled-gap questions, with in-situ questions rated as more acceptable than whfronted questions. This finding suggests that with bi-clausal wh-questions with argument or adjunct filled-gaps, French-speaking adults typically prefer the in-situ versions to the wh-fronted versions. Moreover, among the filled-gap questions, the acceptability improvement with in-situ wh-phrases was greater for argument than for adjunct questions. Finally, despite their relatively low acceptability, filled-gap questions with wh-fronting are more acceptable than the ungrammatical filler questions, suggesting that the filled-gap wh-fronting questions are not considered as ungrammatical sentences. The preference for the wh-in-situ version of bi-clausal wh-questions may have important consequences on how the wh-fronted questions were processed in Experiments 1 and 2. First, this preference could plausibly reflect distributional patterns of wh-in-situ and wh-fronting options in French (Starke, 2001). This distributional knowledge could lead French-speaking adults to infer that if there is a fronted wh-phrase, it is likely to be associated with the VP in the same clause: in other words, in a bi-clausal sentence with wh-fronting, they should expect the fronted wh-phrase to have originated from the main clause. If adults prioritize this distributional constraint on filler-gap dependencies in deciding where the gap position is, the quality of the filled-gap error signal becomes less relevant. On the other hand, children may not have either developed the knowledge of this distributional constraint, or learned to use it to generate expectations during sentence processing. This would explain their higher sensitivity to the syntactic error signal provided by the filled-gap. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 36 The question of why adults find in-situ filled-gap questions more acceptable go beyond the scope of the present paper. Nevertheless, we note that the in-situ structure may incur less processing demands than the wh-fronted version, due to the absence of filler-gap dependencies with many intervening discourse referents (e.g., Fiebach, Schlesewsky, & Friederici, 2002; Gibson, 1998; Gordon, Hendrick, & Levine, 2002; King & Just, 1991; Van Dyke & McElree, 2006). However, given that wh-in-situ involves covert long-distance dependencies that are subject to memory interference effects (e.g., Xiang, Dillon, Wagers, Liu, & Guo, in press), further empirical work is needed to systematically compare processing cost differences (if any) between wh-fronting and wh-in-situ dependencies. GENERAL DISCUSSION This present study used two story-based comprehension experiments with adults and children aged 6 to 8 years to investigate their interpretation biases in globally ambiguous biclausal wh-questions like Où est-ce qu’Aline a expliqué qu’elle allait attraper des papillons? (“Where did Aline explain that she was going to catch butterflies?”). Following the previous Japanese study (Omaki et al., 2014), Experiment 1 used wh-adjuncts (Où “where”) as wh-phrase, and produced two important findings. First, French-speaking adults and children both have a strong main clause interpretation bias. Second, when the ambiguous sentence is disambiguated by an overt filled-gap PP modifier of the main clause VP, children failed to inhibit their main clause interpretation bias, whereas adults did inhibit more often than children did, but not as successfully as expected based on previous findings in Japanese. Experiment 2 used argument wh-questions (A qui “to whom”) instead, in order to provide a stronger error signal that syntactically blocks the main clause attachment. Here, we found that the argument filled-gap Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 37 manipulation indeed improved children’s inhibition of the main clause interpretation bias. However, adults again showed little sensitivity to the filled-gap information, and did not inhibit their main clause interpretation any more than they did in wh-adjunct questions in Experiment 1. Finally, Experiment 3 used an acceptability judgment task to further probe the source of this surprisingly high rate of misinterpretation in adults. It was found that adults consider both adjunct and argument wh-questions with filled-gaps to be grammatical sentences of French, although they systematically preferred the in-situ counterpart of these questions over the whfronted versions used in Experiments 1 and 2. Mechanisms underlying the comprehension of filled-gap sentences One of the striking findings in our experiments concerns the developmental changes in the inhibition of the main clause interpretation bias. In wh-adjunct questions, adults showed superior inhibition ability compared to children, whereas in the wh-argument questions, children showed a higher sensitivity to the error signal than adults, whose comprehension pattern was roughly the same in wh-argument and wh-adjunct questions. This complex pattern of developmental changes in interpretation behaviors suggests that the underlying mechanisms for sentence revision in children and adults may rely on different types of constraints. With respect to children, the interpretation patterns reported in Experiments 1 and 2 are consistent with our expectations based on previous findings on sentence revision mechanisms. First, the fact that children do not always succeed in inhibiting the main clause interpretation bias is consistent with the general suggestion in the literature that children do not have sufficient cognitive resources to inhibit incorrect representational alternatives (e.g., Mazuka, et al., 2009; Novick et al., 2005, 2010). Second, the increased sensitivity to the filled-gap error signal in Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 38 argument wh-questions is also consistent with observations in the adult sentence processing literature that the quality of error signals influences sentence revision performance (Fodor & Inoue, 1994, 1998, 2000; Frazier & Clifton, 1998; Gorrell, 1995; Levy, 2008; Lewis, 1998). In our filled-gap error signal manipulation, the adjunct filled-gap only served as a weak error signal: the wh-phrase could potentially be attached directly to the filled-gap PP (under the interpretation ‘where in the [location]?’), and thus did not syntactically force wh-attachment to the embedded clause VP. Here, the primary motivation for adopting the embedded clause interpretation comes from the absence of specific sub-locations in the given context; hence the adjunct filled-gap does not syntactically indicate where the contextually felicitous gap position is. In contrast, argument filled-gaps provide clear error signals, as there is no grammatical way to attach the wh-phrase anywhere in the main clause. The complete elimination of main clause attachment options effectively forces the wh-phrase to be attached to the embedded clause VP. The fact that children’s embedded clause response rate was significantly higher in argument questions suggests that linguistic factors, and more particularly here the presence of a syntactic error signal, plays an important role in their sentence revision mechanisms. Let us turn now to the mechanisms underlying the surprisingly frequent misinterpretation effects reported in French-speaking adults. The different comprehension patterns observed in adults and children suggest that the interpretation processes of adults and children may be guided by different types of constraints. Based on the acceptability judgment data gathered in Experiment 3, we suggest that French-speaking adults are primarily guided by their knowledge of distributional information on filler-gap dependencies themselves. As shown in the acceptability judgment data, in bi-clausal wh-questions with filled-gaps, adults generally prefer the in-situ version to the wh-fronting version (cf. Myers, 2007). This judgment contrast could be Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 39 taken to reflect their general syntactic biases on filler-gap dependencies: if a filler-gap dependency spans over a clausal boundary, then the wh-in-situ option should be used. The flip side of this bias is that adults should expect fronted wh-questions in bi-clausal sentences to involve a filler-gap dependency that does not cross a clausal boundary, which results in the expectation that the dependency must be completed within the main clause. Furthermore, the data suggest that this syntactic expectation on filler-gap dependencies is prioritized over other syntactic cues for the gap position, such as the filled-gap error signal. These two proposals together can explain why French-speaking adults are generally poor at inhibiting the main clause interpretation: based on the syntactic distribution of filler-gap dependencies in French, they expect it to be completed in the main clause. This expectation overrides information coming from syntactic error signals, explaining the same low rate of embedded clause interpretation with adjuncts and arguments. One implication of the current proposal is that at some point in development, children’s sentence revision mechanisms evolve to become sensitive to distributional constraints on the syntax of filler-gap dependencies that appear to guide adults’ comprehension mechanisms. The possibility that children are not sensitive to distributional information may at first glance appear to contradict the vast developmental literature on children’s sophisticated distributional analysis mechanisms (e.g., Gerken, 2006; Gomez, 2002; Maye, Werker, & Gerken, 2002; Saffran, Aslin, & Newport, 1996; Thompson & Newport, 2007). However, these studies are concerned with the acquisition of linguistic rules and representations (e.g., phonemic categories, word units, phrase structure rules, non-adjacent dependencies), but not with the real-time procedures for assigning those representations during comprehension. To our knowledge, there is very little empirical work on the role of distributional information in child sentence processing. Recently, adult Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 40 sentence processing studies have suggested that the same type of distributional analysis mechanisms may explain how adults’ sentence processing biases change during the course of an experimental session (Fine, Jaeger, Farmer, & Qian, 2013; Kaschak & Glenberg, 2004). It is plausible that French-speaking children gradually analyze the distribution of in-situ and whfronting questions, and eventually acquire adult-like biases to prioritize question type distribution information over the information coming from the error signals. Further research is needed to investigate this hypothesis, as well as whether children’s sentence comprehension behaviors indeed develop through statistical information in the input. Good enough representations of garden-path wh-questions The second important observation was that French-speaking adults failed to inhibit their initial interpretation in the majority of the sentences. For the adjunct wh-questions in Experiment 1, adults provided incorrect, main clause VP attachment interpretations in 49% of the trials, in contrast to the grammatically licit interpretations (18% of sub-location answers, and 33% of embedded clause responses). In the argument wh-questions in Experiment 2, adults provided the incorrect main clause attachment interpretation 79% of the time. This was a striking finding, especially because adults’ comprehension accuracy was lower than that of children in Experiment 2. These findings indicate that adults’ interpretation mechanisms can be severely misled by the initial, preferred analysis of garden-path sentences, which persists very robustly in their ultimate interpretation (Ferreira & Patson, 2007). In fact, the data reported here with the Question-after-Story procedure provide even stronger evidence for misinterpretation effects than previous comprehension studies. As noted in the Introduction, Christianson et al. (2001) used garden-path sentences like While Anna dressed the baby spit up on the bed, and found that adults Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 41 often answer ‘yes’ to the question Did Anna dress the baby?, even though this interpretation is not grammatically available. However, it has been pointed out that the yes-no questions used in those studies may have artificially induced participants to consider the ungrammatical interpretation (Tabor et al., 2004). In contrast, our study used wh-questions that do not promote either of the potential interpretations. Thus, our experimental findings are free of potential methodological biases, and provide unambiguous evidence for severe misinterpretations in adults. There are two potential explanations for the robust misinterpretation effects in Frenchspeaking adults. The first explanation is that adults do not fully revise their initial analysis, and ultimately entertain so called ‘good enough’ representations left in an ungrammatical state (Christianson et al., 2001, 2010; Ferreira, 2003; Ferreira & Patson, 2007). In the case of French garden-path wh-questions, we propose that the wh-phrase and the filled-gap compete for a single syntactic node in the tree. For wh-adjunct questions with filled-gaps, this syntactic competition means that the wh-phrase is adjoined to the main clause VP as a locative modifier, even though the filled-gap PP already occupies the locative modifier position. As for the wh-argument questions with filled-gaps, the competition arises from the wh-phrase being attached as an extra argument of the main clause verb, even though the argument structure of the verb disallows such an extra argument. These analyses are in violation of grammatical constraints of French, but we suggest that the interpretation mechanism is able to glean sufficient information from such structures to achieve a reasonable interpretation of the sentence (for related suggestions in other garden-path sentences, see Christianson et al., 2001; Ferreira, 2003). The second potential explanation is that the parser revises the syntactic structure correctly, but misinterpretations arise due to the lingering memory representation of the initial Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 42 syntactic and semantic analyses (Slattery et al., 2013; Sturt, 2007). It is independently known that the initial analyses considered during garden-path sentences tend to remain active in memory for a certain period of time (Staub, 2007; van Gompel et al., 2006), and this explanation is also compatible with the observations that structure building mechanisms generally construct grammatical representations (e.g., Frazier, 1987, 2013; Marslen-Wilson, 1975; Phillips, Wagers, & Lau, 2009; Slattery et al., 2013). Under this ‘memory remnant’ explanation, the misinterpretation data in French garden-path questions would also result from the lingering memory representation of the initial wh-association with the main clause verb, which is presumably completed before the parser encounters the following filled-gap error signal. While both explanations are compatible with our experimental results, the ‘good enough’ representation account may provide a more straightforward explanation of the extremely high rate of misinterpretation: if participants indeed entertain ungrammatical representations, then no additional explanation is required for the severe garden-path effects. For the remnant memory account, on the other hand, it is less obvious why the memory remnant of the initial analysis would be privileged over the corrected syntactic analysis. Further considerations are required in order to explain how the initial syntactic analyses that linger in memory continue to have such a strong presence in the ultimate interpretation of the sentence. CONCLUSION This present study used garden-path wh-questions in French to probe the nature of sentence revision mechanisms in adults and children. The results from two comprehension experiments and an acceptability judgment experiment revealed two novel findings. First, French-speaking adults show robust misinterpretation errors, which could receive a straightforward explanation if Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 43 such misinterpretations arise from syntactically illicit structures that may nevertheless be ‘good enough’ for the purpose of interpretation. Second, children showed a higher sensitivity to syntactic error signals than adults did. This developmental change suggests that adults and children are guided by different types of constraints: adults may prioritize distributional constraints on the syntax of filler-gap dependencies in the language, while children would prioritize syntactic information that comes directly from error signals in the sentence. While future studies are needed to explore how parsing mechanisms change over the time-course of language development, the present study demonstrates how detailed investigations of linguistic and age factors provide insights into the nature of sentence revision mechanisms. Developmental changes in wh-question misinterpretation 44 REFERENCES Aoshima, S., Phillips, C., & Weinberg, A. (2004). Processing filler-gap dependencies in a headfinal language. Journal of Memory and Language, 51, 23-54. Arosio, F., Yatsushiro, K., Forgiarini, M., & Guasti, M. T. (2012). Morphological information and memory resources in children's processing of relative clauses in german. Language Learning and Development, 8(4), 340-364. Baayen, R.H., Davidson, D.J., & Bates, D.M. (2008). Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items. Journal of Memory and Language, 59, 390-412. Cheng, L. & Rooryck, J. (2000). Licensing wh-in-situ. Syntax, 3(1), 1-19. Choi, Y. & Trueswell, J. C. (2010). 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