HOLY TRINITY PRESTWOOD MONTHLY HERALD JANUARY 2015 Rector: The Reverend Deiniol Heywood BA, MPhil 140 Wycombe Road Prestwood HP16 0HJ 01494 866530 [email protected] Associate Priest: The Reverend Teresia Derlén M Theol 01494 868448 [email protected] Parish Office: 134 Wycombe Road 01494 863805 [email protected] www.htprestwood.org.uk -1- THE FEAST OF EPIPHANY And Procession of the Magi Sunday January 11th at 9.30am Family Festival Eucharist -2- Services this month Sunday 4th Christmas 2 Ecclesiasticus 24.1-12 ; Ephesians 1.3-14 ; John: 1.10-18 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Eucharist Ministry team – Elamites Sunday 11th Epiphany Genesis 1.1-5; Acts 19.1-7; Mark 1.4-11 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Family Eucharist for Epiphany Ministry team – Cappadocians Sunday 18th Epiphany 2 1 Samuel 3.1-10; Revelation 5.1-10; John 1.43-end 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Parish Eucharist with Nativity Ministry team – Mesopotamians Conversion of Paul Sunday 25th Jeremiah 1.4-10; Galatians 1.11-16a; Matthew 19.27-end 8.00am BCP Holy Communion 9.30am Family Eucharist Ministry team –Pontians Tuesdays at 9.30am Wednesdays at 10.00am Thursdays at 10.30am Informal Holy Communion & coffee BCP Holy Communion & coffee Toddler Praise! (during term time) & coffee -3- The Building Project 2015 is going to be an exciting year. If things go to plan the major works on our Church Building which we have been planning in detail over the last 12 months will get underway after Easter. By Christmas 2015 we should be having the full advantages of under-floor heating, a lighting system which enhances the architectural features, a new sound system, better disabled access and a disabled loo, a better welcoming area with glass doors, more flexible seating and a re-organised vestry area including a kitchenette area for better basic catering . All this plus cleaning the internal stonework and redecorating throughout. I can’t wait! To meet the timetable there are two things we need to do. We need to get the necessary permissions, and this process is underway. We also need to be confident by the end of March that we will have the funds available before we commit to signing contracts. The estimated cost is £550,000. We started with Daisy Bush's £240,000 bequest and over the last 10 months have got pledges and grants for a further £240,000. This is a tremendous achievement, and we’re very grateful for the strong support that you’ve given. But – it is £70,000 short of the target. We aim to raise £20,000 through a series of fund-raising events in 2015 but we urgently need to narrow the gap. We need to know we have the funds in place by March when we get the bids back from the tendering process, before we go ahead with signing a contract. Our plan in January is to launch a ' Sponsor a Chair' appeal. If we can get sponsors for 150 seats at £250 a seat then, together with Gift Aid, we'll realise almost £50,000 and we'll know we can go ahead. So: - if you haven’t contributed yet this would be a wonderful time to make your commitment if you have already contributed could you stretch your commitment a little further to help us get there. -4- You could sponsor an individual seat (or two), a 3 seater pew, a seat for each member of your family, a whole row.... – whatever you feel moved to do would be highly appreciated. Or you might feel you want to sponsor a seat for someone who has died, as a special way to honour their memory. We will record every sponsor and special memory in a special book to be kept in perpetuity. Forms for sponsorship are available and will be distributed on January 11th. Or contact Nigel Bicknell (863267) or David Wickham (865480). Please help us cross the finishing line in style. Nigel Bicknell Steering Committee Pew benches from Treske plus coordinating chairs -5- Thought for the Month by our Rector At the beginning of January there will be just thirteen weeks until we close the church, and, at the time of writing we have £70,000 still to raise! As I wrote last month we are now a fundraising church. Please think about what you could do to raise money to help your church. As well as raising funds and working towards our long-term goals, we mustn’t neglect our immediate spiritual needs. That’s why we are running for the next six weeks the Pilgrim course. Pilgrim is a major new teaching and discipleship resource from the Church of England. It aims to help every local church create a place where people can explore the Christian faith together and see how it can be lived out each day. Pilgrim takes a different approach to other Christian programmes. It approaches the great issues of faith not through persuasion, but participation in a pattern of contemplation and discussion with a group of fellow travellers. Pilgrim is comprised of two stages: the Follow stage for those very new to faith, and the Grow stage for those who want to go further. Each stage contains four short six-session courses which focus on a major theme of Christian life. We are starting by running a course from the Growth stage. Back in April, at the AGM, I said, “My focus for the coming year is on deepening and strengthening the core spirituality on which the life of our church depends. We need to regain our sense of discipleship. We need to deepen and strengthen our own faith if we are ever to bring others to faith, and it is perhaps too easy to take these things for granted.” We have done some work on this, most notably through our Monday Prayers. I also said, “I want to make progress developing the life and role of our ministry teams. This is something which has been part of my vision for our spiritual growth since we began our ministry teams—but somehow has never happened. Ministry teams should be the engines that drive our church, and that means they must be prayerful, spiritual groups dedicated to discipleship. It starts with the practical job of a Sunday morning—but only because our -6- worship is the start of our encounter with God. Discipleship is not an optional part of being a Christian, it is an essential part. Following Jesus is what we do.” Ministry team members are the heart of our congregation. They are mature and experienced Christians who take their faith seriously. That’s why we are offering an invitation for this course to all those who are members of Ministry Teams. Of course, anyone who comes to church is welcome to come along, and I hope will, and there is no compulsion for Ministry Team members to attend. But what we are hoping to do is resource those who resource our worship. We fall into a trap if we make some sort of distinction between the practical side of running a church and the spiritual side. They are part of the same thing. Remember in Matthew 25 when the righteous say, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?” These are practical things—and they build the Kingdom of God no less than our building project. One day you might say, “Lord, when was it that I welcomed you into church, or read to you, or prayed with you?” and yet that is what Ministry Team members do each week. The Pilgrim course will start on January 7 and run for six weeks until February 11. There will be two groups meeting on Wednesdays. A lunchtime group will meet upstairs at the Polecat for a simple (and cheap) lunch at 12.30pm and an evening group will meet at 8.00pm in the Church Cottage. Each session will last a maximum of 90 minutes. Please speak to the clergy if you’d like to come along! Deiniol Helpers for Children's Church and Crèche Wanted!! If you feel you can spare the occasional Sunday morning to help in Crèche or Children’s Church please contact [email protected]. Roles include leading Children’s Church, assisting with it, or reading stories in Crèche. Material and ideas for each session would be provided. -7- PCC Notes The last PCC meeting of the year was held on the 25th November. It got off to a confused start as the key to the shed with the chairs in wasn’t available; that combined with an error on the part of the Secretary about the time of the meeting resulted in it being held in the cottage, eventually starting shortly after 8.00 pm. The date for the Carol Service was confirmed as 20th December, the Saturday before Christmas, with Deiniol and Mike Cobley approaching people to read. Deiniol also confirmed that the new list of chalice bearers had been approved by Bishop Alan and that Christopher Gothard would be second chalice on Advent Sunday. The main part of the meeting was devoted to the building project with financial and status updates being given by Nigel Bicknell and David Wickham. It was confirmed that good progress was being made on both fronts and that the plan was for the church to close on 7th April for the work to begin. In the meantime the DAC had been contacted about the type of paint intended to be used. This followed research by Nigel as to the best way of covering the existing surfaces without creating problems by stripping the whole thing down to remove the original lime wash. The key thing now is to raise the last £90,000 and a programme of fundraising activities has been scheduled to start in the New Year. This will include concerts, a 50/50 auction and many other events. It was agreed that, of the net surpluses generated and collections at special services, 90% would be dedicated to the building project and the balance shared between two local charities. Disappointment was expressed that the repair of the cottage kitchen ceiling still had not been done. Deiniol and Christine Taylor undertook to find out what was happening with a view to expediting the work. -8- The Education Group will introduce the Pilgrim Course in January with the first element running for 6 weeks. The second part of course will form part of our Lent Course and will be run in conjunction with SS Peter and Paul and the Baptist church in Great Missenden. The results of the 2014 Lent appeal were reviewed and whilst the KIVA project had been successful the Credit Union had not got off the ground. It was agreed that we would withdraw our support for it and those members who had invested with it would be advised accordingly. A general discussion followed about our charitable giving and Deiniol agreed that it should be an item for further consideration in January. Nigel Bicknell reported that our finances were in good order although the annual pledged giving had decreased by about £3,000. This shortfall had been countered by one off donations and reductions in expenses. The next meeting will be held on 27th January. Colin McBride PCC Secretary. APPEAL FUND RAISING EVENTS FOR 2015 There are a number of fundraising events planned for 2015. Here’s advance notice of some of them. Some dates are subject to change, but we’ll keep you posted. An evening with Judy Theobold “Autumn Concert” Six Month Supper Two suppers in church – a fish and chip supper once the pews are out, followed by a celebration gala dinner when the work is completed! 50/50 Auction Musician’s Concert Beer & Hymns ArtFest Beetle Drive Autumn Fayre -9- Sat Jan 31, 7.30 for 8.00pm Sat March 14, 7.30pm Part 1: Sat April 18, 8.00pm/Part 2: Date to be confirmed… Sat May 9th, 3.00pm June July September October 17 November January dates for your diaries 2nd Fri 1.15pm Pot Luck Lunch – Church Hall NEW YEAR FAMILY WALK AND FESTIVE TEA Sunday 4th January at 2.00pm meet in Holy Trinity car park for a fun walk for all the family, approx 1 ½ hours. And at 3.30pm in the Church Hall – come and enjoy one of SEARCH’s famous, or infamous, teas. Everyone is welcome, whether you have walked or not, but to help with the catering it would be helpful if you could let Doreen (863397) know if you are intending to come, mentioning any dietary requirements. Festive Tea £4.00; children under 12 £2.00, under 5s free. 4th Sun 5th Mon 7th Wed 12th Mon 14th Wed 18th 19th Sun Mon 21st 26th 27th 10.30am 2.00pm 3.30pm 11.45am 7.30pm 12.30pm 8.00pm 11.45am 7.30pm 12.30pm 8.00pm 3.00pm 10am 11.45am 7.30pm Wed 12.30pm 8.00pm Mon 11.45am 7.30pm Tues 3.15pm 8.00pm Cake Sale after the morning service. Donations of cakes welcome New Year Walk Festive Tea – Church Hall Monday Prayer Table Tennis – Church Hall Pilgrim Course – The Polecat Pilgrim Course – Church Cottage Monday Prayer Table Tennis – Church Hall Pilgrim Course – The Polecat Pilgrim Course – Church Cottage Tea at 3 – Church Hall (tbc) Quiet Garden – Mary Sketch’s house (44 Hale Road, Wendover) Monday Prayer Table Tennis – Church Hall Pilgrim Course – The Polecat Pilgrim Course – Church Cottage Monday Prayer Table Tennis – Church Hall Prayer Circle – Taiwind, Clarendon Road PCC meeting – Church Hall - 10 - 28th Wed 31st Sat 12.30pm Pilgrim Course – The Polecat 8.00pm Pilgrim Course – Church Cottage 7.30pm An Evening with Judy Theobald – a meal followed by a humorous, entertaining talk interspersed with some of her poems. Looking Ahead th Wednesday 18 February at 8.00pm Eucharist for Ash Wednesday Sunday 25th March at 8.00pm Eucharist for The Annunciation Sunday 26th April at 10.30am Holy Trinity Annual General Meeting AND – see separate notice for Appeal Fund Raising Events Contacts Churchwardens: David Chantler 865382; Jean Green 865660 PCC elected members: Colin McBride 863627 (PCC Secretary) Ann Hunt; Doreen Clarke (Assistant Churchwarden); Christine Taylor; Ros Wingrove; Jan Darley; Yvonne Wilding; Sarah Keeble; Dick Rivett; Gill Hart; David Wickham; John Wiles Co-opted as Treasurer: Gill Bicknell 01494 863267 Deanery Synod Reps: Mike Cobley; Nigel Bicknell; Diane Goford Children’s Church: Maddy Darley: [email protected] Future Shape Committee: David Wickham 01494 865480 Estate Management: Martin Everitt 01494 865777 Finance: Sarah Keeble 01494 868974 Education: Diane Goford 01494 862156 SEARCH: Mike Cobley 01494 864952 Director of Music: Fraser Simpson 01494 512006 Pastoral Care Manager: Caroline Everitt 01494 865777 Safeguarding Officer: Ros Wingrove 01494 862050 Monthly Herald Editor: Judith McBride 01494 863627 Envelope Recorder: Janet Smith 01494 864555 Gift Aid queries: Gill Bicknell 01494 863267 Hall Booking Secretary: Karen Lamb 07827 455659 - 11 - 13 weeks £70,000 to go! PLEASE SEND COPY FOR FEBRUARY MONTHLY HERALD to Judith McBride ([email protected]/01494 /01494 863627) 863627 by Tuesday 20th January - 12 -
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