Saint Paul’s Catholic Community Office: 1515 ~ 8th Street South, Nampa, Idaho 83651 Church: 510 W. Roosevelt, Nampa, ID 83686 Tel: 466-7031 Fax: 466-7203 Email: [email protected] St. Paul’s WebPage: January 18, 2015 Second Sunday of Ordinary/ Segundo Domingo de Tiempo MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 PM English, Nampa 7:30 PM Español, Melba Sunday / Domingo: 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM English, Englsih, English, Español, Español, Nampa Melba Nampa Nampa Nampa Monday / Lunes: Thursday / Jueves: 8:00 AM English 8:00 AM English Tuesday / Martes: Friday / Viernes: 8:00 AM English Wednesday / Miercoles: 8:00 AM English, Hospital 6:00 PM Español, Iglesia 8:15 AM English, Old Church GENERAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION GENERAL SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION SACRAMENTAL Confessions / Confesiones Wednesdays / Miercoles 5:00-6:00 PM Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM Baptisms / Bautismos 1st & 3rd Saturday of month 9:30 AM in English or at the Sunday English Masses with Fr. Jairo. 1er y 3er sábado del mes 10:30 AM en español. Sunday Jan.18 Marriages / Matrimonios Contact the Parish Office at least 4 months prior to wedding. Contactar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes de la boda. Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Any time. Contact the priests at the Parish Office A cualquier hora. Contacte a los sacerdotes de la parroquia Quinceañeras Segundo sábado del mes, 10:00 AM. Christian Initiation for None Catholics (RCIA) Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith? Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031 Monday Jan. 19 Tuesday Jan. 20 Wednesday Jan. 21 Thursday Friday Saturday Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 24 Sunday Jan. 25 PARISH TEAM / EQUIPO PASTORAL Administrator: Parochial Vicar: Retire Priest: Deacon: Deacon: Children Religious Ed.: Youth Minister: School Principal: Business Manager: Bookkeeper: Administ. Secretary: Receptionist: Maintenance: Father Jairo Restrepo, JCL Father Javier Corral Father William Taylor Michael Collins Jose Luis Granados Marisela Linan Mari De Leon Randy McCormick Dan Jones Gina Urquidi Carol Amador Patricia Hernandez José Rodriguez PARISH COUNCILS AND GROUPS / CONSEJOS PARROQUIALES Y GRUPOS Pastoral Council, St. Paul’s:……….. Nancy Harmon Pastoral Council, St. Joseph’s:……. Roger Welsh Parish Finance Council:……………. Kurt Batey St. Paul’s School Board:…………….XXXXX Mt. Calvary Cemetery Board:……….Ted Rush Comite Latino:………………………...XXXXXXX Perpetual Adoration Coordinator :…… Chris Johnson Homebound…………………………..Judy Kimbrough Vocations Committee:……………….Judy Kimbrough Knights of Columbus:………………..Keven Stadther Catholic Daughters of America:…….Barbara Marrone Jr. Catholic Daughters of America:.. Mary Ann VandeBrake Catholic Women’s League:…………Paulettee Blaseg Saint Vincent de Paul Society:……..Jim Daniels Monday Jan. 26 Tuesday Jan. 27 Wednesday Jan. 28 Thursday Friday Saturday Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 8:00 AM Nampa Be y Cembalisty 9:30 AM Melba 10:00 AM Nampa Pro-Populo 12:00 PM Nampa Santos & Paula Hernandez † 7:00 PM Nampa Karla Cruz 8:00 AM Nampa Joyce Rheauet † 8:00 AM Nampa Jean Orban 8:00 AM Nampa Edith Irigoyen † 6:00 PM Nampa 8:00 AM Nampa Don Behrendt † 8:00 AM Nampa Jose Lete † 5:00 PM Nampa Edith Irigoyen † 7:00 PM Melba 8:00 AM Nampa Marvin & Dee Reinkort 9:30 AM Melba 10:00 AM Nampa Pro-Populo 12:00 PM Nampa Legion de Maria 7:00 PM Nampa Karla Cruz 8:00 AM Nampa Edith Irigoyen † 8:00 AM Nampa Alfonso Garcia † 8:00 AM Nampa Julia Osterman † 6:00 PM Nampa 8:00 AM Nampa John F. Niland, Sr. † 8:00 AM Nampa Eliazar Alvarez † 5:00 PM Nampa Irma Morin 7:00 PM Melba LAST WEEK COLLECTION COLECTA DE LA SEMANA ANTERIOR * Saint Paul’s / San Pablo Envelopes & Loose Collection……………$14,152.21 Sobres y dinero efectivo Children’s Collection……………………… $532.00 Colecta de los Niños * Saint Joseph’s / San Jose Envelopes & Loose Collection……………$1,099.41 Sobres y dinero efectivo St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 4 PARISH NEWS ADORATION OF THE HOLY SACRAMENT OPEN HOURS WELCOME BISHOP CHRISTENSEN TO THE DIOCESE OF BOISE. GLUTEN FREE HOST AVAILABLE If you are allergic to Glutten now you can receive the Precious Body of Our Lord at the Eucharist. We have Hosts that contain 0.01 % gluten. If you are interested please contact Fr. Jairo. Come in for a visit or sign up for an hour. We can always use substitutes. Open Hours: Monday at 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Thursday at 3:00 a.m., Friday at 3:00 a.m. and Saturday at 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. . Call Chris Johnson at 467-0332.. JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Junior Catholic Daughters will have their meeting on Monday, February 2 at 7PM at St. Paul's Church. All Catholic girls are invited ages 11-18. Agenda items include: decorating for Parish Valentine Party,State Convention plans, and Retreat to Cottonwood in July. If you want to make a difference in your community, come join us. For more information call Mary Ann at 880-5223. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW CONTEST BIBLE STUDY WITH FR. BILL TAYLOR Fr. Bill Taylor wants to add a Bible study to the menu of excellent studies already going on at St. Paul’s. The study involves a search into the text and its message for our lives. Each lesson ends with prayer. The class will be at the parish office at 10am and 12pm noon (bring a sack lunch) . Classes will start on December 2, please bring a Bible and notebook. Please contact the parish office to sign up, 466-7031. SECOND COLLECTION ENVELOPES Since we no longer have a second collection at Mass, we invite you to deposit the envelopes with your gift on the regular collection at Mass. Even though we do not have the second collections, the needs are still there and your help is appreciated! POINSETTIAS Christmas Poinsettias may be picked up by parishioners who donated to the purchase of them through memorials. Please do not take the water tray with the flower. EDUCATION CONTEST Our Lady of Victory Catholic daughters of the Americas are hosting their annual education contest. Entry forms are available in the Narthex of the church. Deadline for poetry, art, essay, photography and music entries is February 6th. Any questions please call Mary Ann at 880-5223. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Scholarships The St. Paul's Educational Foundation is sponsoring scholarships for the Bishop Kelly High School and Continuing Education students. The deadline for the application is APRIL 1st, 2015. If you would like to apply please submit and application which will be located in the rectory, at the school and in the Narthex of the church. If you have any questions please call Mary Ann Vande All boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to participate in local level of competition for 2014 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The local competition will be held on January 24, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at St. Mary's Youth Center located at 610 Dearborn St., Caldwell, Idaho. The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local, district and state competitions. All boys and girls 10-14 years old are eligible to participate and will compete in their respective age divisions. All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation and prizes will be awarded to the top finishers. Participants are required to furnish proof of age and written parental consent (available on the date of the event). For entry forms or additional information contact Henry Atencio at 573-0914. OFFICE CLOSED The parish office will be closed on Monday; January 19 in observance of Martin Luther King day. The office will open at the regular hours on Tuesday. MARCH FOR LIFE Saturday, JAN. 24, 2015: Remembering 42 years of Roe vs. Wade - over 57 millions lives lost to abortion: 11:00 am, LIFE MASS at St. John's Cathedral (sponsored by St. John’s Social Justice and Idaho Catholics Respect Life) 1:00 pm, MARCH for LIFE, beginning @ Julia Davis Park processing to Capitol Building (sponsored by Right to Life of Idaho) 1:30 pm, March for Life RALLY @ Idaho State Capitol Building (immediately following the March - hosted by Right to Life of Idaho) Reception @ St. John's Parish Hall after the March for Life Rally (hosted by St. John’s Social Justice and Knights of Columbus) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Knights of Columbus social meeting Wednesday January 21 at 7:00 p.m. All members are welcome to attend. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 5 MINISTRIES NEWS St. Paul’s Catholic School News Sanchez Family testimony Mi familia y yo estamos muy contentos de haber tomado la decisión correcta de que nuestra hija ingresara a la Escuela Católica de San Pablo, los maestros, personal administrativa y el principal son muy amables, serviciales y responden todas nuestras dudas e inquietudes. Estamos muy satisfechos del ambiente cordial que se vive en toda la escuela y mas contentos aun de ver como se fortalece la fe Católica de nuestra hija y se reafirman sus valores familiares. Definitivamente la Escuela San Pablo le dará a nuestra hija la fuerza académica, spiritual y moral que necesita para alcanzar sus sueños y poder desempeñar un papel ejemplar en nuestra sociedad. Att. Familia Sánchez Coronel Children’s Ministry News The Religious Education program meets on Sundays option 1 from 8:20-9:20am. option 2 from 10:20-11:20am. or option 3 Sacramental Preparation Wednesdays from 4-5:30pm. For more information please contact Marisela Linan 466-7031 El programa de Educación Religiosa se reúne en: Domingo Opción 1 de 8:20-9:20am Opción 2 de 10:20-11:20am O Miércoles Preparación Sacramental de 4-5:30pm. Para mas información por favor comuníquese con Marisela Linan 466-7031 Youth Ministry News We will be attending the Right to Life mass at St. John's Cathedral January 24th at 11 a.m. and encourage all youth to plan to attend. Have you made a list of your New Year's Resolutions? I hope one was to continue your journey by learning more about your faith. Come join us at youth ministry Sundays at 2 p.m in Dempsey Hall. Our next gathering is January 25th and all 712 graders are invited. We are also always seeking young adults and adults to help us minister to our youth. Contact he parish office for more information. IT IS TIME!!! to sign up to participate in ICYC registrations deadline is January 25th. The cost is $115.00 for an entire weekend of being "CONSUMED" that is this years theme. The dates are set for March 6-8 and the guest speaker line up is fantastic. All those in 9-12 grade are invited and encouraged to attend. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 5 PARISH GROUPS NEWS CAPSTONE MISSIONS: will be having their 10th Annual Crab Feast and Benefit Auction at St. Jerome's Catholic Church in Jerome, ID on February 7, 2015. The evening will be filled with great food, live, silent and dessert auction, all to support a great cause. To purchase tickets, make a donation, or donate an auction item, contact Colleen Crozier at 208-324-4257 or Debby at 208-308-3296. Invite your friends and make an evening out of it! For more information on Capstone Missions, visit our website at PILGRIMAGE TO ST. PETER IN THE DESSERT As it is customary there will be a FUN BUS heading for St. Peter in the dessert (JACKPOT) on Madri Gras February 17. The bus will depart after the 8am mass and return home at 7pm. Please make plans to join the annual FUN BUS. All proceeds will go to the parking lot fund. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Calling all artists, writers, and photographers the Catholic Daughters of the Americas education contest is in full swing entry forms are found in the Narthex of the church. Entries are due in early February. The contest is open to all Catholic children and CDA women. For more information please contact Mary Ann Vande Brake at 880-5223. EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass because of illness or incapacity to travel and would like to have a Eucharistic minister bring the Eucharist to you at home or in the hospital or nursing facility, please notify the parish office or call Judy Kimbrough at 249-5511. We will be happy to make arrangements with you. Spanish speaking is available. THANK YOU Thank you to the many parishioners who took advantage of the state and federal education tax donation and Micron matching opportunity! Over $5,000 was donated to support Catholic education in Canyon county. The students of St. Paul’s Catholic School say “Thank you”. MEALS ON WHEELS– St. AL’S We are looking for folks who would be interested in donating between 2-4 hour once a week. For more information, interested parties should contact me at: 208-463-5720 or at [email protected] CALLED & GIFTED WORKSHOP We are being called to a New Evangelization. This call of the Church encourages us to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel. The Holy Father has called each Catholic to participate. He wants us to actively help spread the faith by living a holy life and by sharing our faith at work, in our families, and among friends. On January 23 & 24, Sacred Heart Church (Boise) will offer a two-day program, the Called & Gifted Workshop that teaches about the role of lay Catholics in the Church’s mission to the world and about the gifts that each of us has been given in order to fulfill that mission. Cost is $50. Registration forms are available at Call Carol at Sacred Heart (208-344-8311) for more information. ST. PAUL’S GALA There’s been a bit of a mix up in the addresses and we’re having a difficult time getting gala invitations out. So if you are waiting for your formal invitation, please know that we want you there! Your invitation might not get to you in time this year so please call, or better yet, stop in and see Stephanie in the school office to purchase your gala tickets! PASSION & PURPOSE FOR MARRIAGE Renowned speaker and author Dr. Allen Hunt from Dynamic Catholic. St. Mark's Parish on Friday, Feb. 20, 2015 6:30-10:00 pmTickets ($25 pp) will be on sale after Masses in Jan. or to pay by credit card go online: CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE CWL wishes to thank everyone for their support of our last rummage sale--by donating items, shopping for the best buys in town-and the many volunteers who so cheerfully donated their time & talent helping at our sale as well as set up and take down--you are all so very much appreciated!!! Our next rummage sale is March 7-we appreciate your continuing support and donations. SILENT RETREAT AT NAZARETH RETREAT CENTER Praying with Mother Teresa is the theme for the Weekend Silent Retreat presented by Fr Brad Neely, pastor of All Saints parish in Lewiston, ID and Sr M. Beverly Greger from Marymount Hermitage in Mesa, ID on Feb 27-Mar 1, 2015. Fr Brad will be available for spiritual direction, confession, anointing of the sick and daily Mass. Sr Beverly will be presenting teachings on Mother Teresa’s spirituality and will be available for spiritual direction. More info call 208 375-2932 or e-mail [email protected]. AdverƟser of the Week Zeyer Funeral Chapel 467-7300 83 N. Midland Blvd., Nampa Please support these vendors who make our bulle n possible. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 4 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL BIENVENIDO OBISPO CHRISTENSEN A LA DIOCESIS DE BOISE OFFICINA PARROQUIAL ESTARA CERRADA La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el Lunes; 19 de Enero en observancia del día de Martin Luther King. La oficina estará abierta durante las horas regulares el Martes. NO ESTUDIO BIBLICO CON PADRE JAIRO AMIGOS DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Por favor únase a los amigos de la Divina Misericordia cada primer sábado del mes después de la misa de 5pm, en la Capilla de Adoración (de tras del altar). Leyéremos una escritura del diario de Santa Faustina, rezar la oración de la Divina Misericordia. Para mas información favor de comunicarse con Ian O’Connell at 250-5714. JORNADA A SAN PEDRO EN EL DESIERTO Como tradicionalmente el CAMION de DIVERSION ira a San Pedro en el Desierto (JACKPOT) el Martes Gordo día 17 de Febrero. El camión saldrá después de la misa de las 8:00am y regresara a las 7:00pm. Haga planes ahora para asegurar su asiento en el Camión de la Diversión. Todos los fondos recaudaos serán para la cuenta del estacionamiento. Los próximos Miércoles no habrá Estudio Bíblico con el Padre Jairo. El estudio Bíblico empezara nuevamente a mediados de Enero. HOSTIAS ESPECIALES GLUTEN FREE Si usted es alérgico al gluten ahora podrá recibir el cuerpo de nuestro Señor en la sagrada Eucaristía, que continúe menos de 0.01% gluten. Favor de comunicarse con el Padre Jairo para mas información. NO SEGUNDAS COLECTAS EN LA MISA Ya no estamos haciendo segundas colectas en las misas; pero les pedimos que continúen el uso de todos los sobres, como los sobres para Caridad, Escuela o Edificar en la Fe. Sus contribuciones pueden ser puestas en la canasta de la colecta dominical. Si usted aun no esta recibiendo sobres y le gustaría favor de comunicarse con la oficia parroquial. HORAS DISPONIBLES DE ADORACION AL SANTISIMO Ven a visitar a nuestro Señor. Horas vacantes: Domingos a la 1:00 am y 2:00am, Lunes a las 1:00am y 6:00pm, Jueves a la 3:00am, Viernes a las 3:00am y el Sábado a las 2:00am , 3:00am, y 4:00am. Por favor, considere una hora a la semana o si no, tal vez ser un sustituto. Puede llamar Chris Johnson 4670332. CABALLEROS DE COLON Los Caballeros de Colon invitan a niños y niñas de las edades de 10-14 de participar en una competencia de basquetbol. La competencia será el día 24 de Enero a las 9:00am en el Centro de Santa María en Caldwell (610 Dearborn St., Caldwell). Cada niño o niña participara individualmente y habrá premios para diferentes categorías. Para formas de inscripción o mas información favor de comunicarse con Henry Atencio al 573-0914. MARCHA POR LA VIDA Marcha por la Vida será el Sábado; 24 de Enero empezando con una misa ofrecida por los mas de 57 millones de vidas perdidas a causa del aborto. La misa será en la Catedral de San Juan en Boise a las 11:00am. La marcha iniciara en el parque Julia Davis a la 1:00pm y se dirigirá hacia el edificio de la Capital. Después de la marcha todos los participantes están invitados a una recepción en el salón de la Catedral de San Juan. LEGION DE LAS MUJERES CATOLICAS La Legión de las Mujeres Católicas les da sus mas sinceras gracias por su apoyo en las ventas de remate. La siguiente vente será el día 7 de Marzo. RETIRO PARA QUINCEANERA Habrá un retiro para jovencitas que desean celebrar sus quince anos próximamente. El retiro será de medio día y se ofrecerá el retiro las siguientes fechas; 14 de Marzo y 6 de Junio. Favor de comunicarse con Mari en la oficina parroquial para mas información. CABALLEROS DE COLON Los Caballeros de Colon tendrán una junta y social el miércoles día 21 de Enero a las 7:00pm. Todos los miembros están invitados.
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