2 FIAP 2015-152 2013/275 PID/PJ PSA 2015-099 L130066-6G 283 IF 2015 234IF2013 003AFG2015 006AF2015 002AF2013 2th INTERNATIONAL SALON OF PHOTOGRAPHY HAN PIJESAK 2015 OPEN COLOR (color digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color OPEN MONOCHROME (monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Monochrome WOMAN (color/monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color LANDSCAPE (color/monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color PORTRAIT (color/monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color 30 Euro/40 $ (for all 5 sections) 107 AWARDS PRINT CATALOG**** Closing date: 01. Mart 2015 Judging:……10. – 26. Mart 2015 Notification:…….. 10. April 2015 Exhibition date: 10. – 25. April 2015 Asocijacija ArtFOTO Bijeljina http://asocijacija-artfoto.com/hanpjesak e-mail: [email protected] HAN PIJESAK 2015 ORGANISER Association Artphoto from Bijeljina - Popovi, Bosnia and Herzegovina. PARTICIPATION The photo salon is open to amateur and professional photographers from all over the world. Entries must originate as photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution posting on a website. The exhibition assumes no liability for any misuse of copyright.An entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organization or its agent, in its reasonable discretion, believes the entry does not conform to exhibition rules and conditions. SECTIONS / THEMES The Int. exhibition of art photography - HAN PIJESAK 2015 is divided in 5 sections, all digital: OPEN COLOR (color digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color OPEN MONOCHROME (monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Monochrome WOMAN (color/monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color LANDSCAPE (color/monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color PORTRAIT (color/monochrome digital) FIAP and PSA PID Color ENTRY FEE Participation fee is mandatory for all participants and it is 30 € / 40 dollars for all sections. The fee can be paid via moneybookers.com (PREFERED) or PayPal throw our web site: http://asocijacija-artfoto.com/hanpjesak/payment.php Also the participation fee can be paid with Western Union on the following info: Name: Slobodan Krstic; Address: Put Mire Pavlovic nr. 1; City: Bijeljina; Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina The fee can be also paid by postal mail along with the CD with photographs sent to the club address: Put Mire Pavlovic nr. 1, 76300 Bijeljina - Popovi, Bosnia and Herzegovina For authors from BiH the participation fee is 30 KM for all category, paid on the following bank account: Slobodan Krstic; z.smetka: 5650010001187293; Banka: Nova Banka, Bijeljina, BiH The works of the authors who did not pay the fee would not be taken into consideration. THE EXHIBITION CALENDER Closing date:……01. Mart 2015 Judging:……15. – 26. Mart 2015 Notification:…….. 10. April 2015 Exhibition date: 10. – 25. April 2015 Delivery of the catalogues and awards to the authors 30. May 2015. NUMBER AND IDENTIFICATION OF PHOTOS To participate at 1st Int. exhibition of art photography – HAN PIJESAK 2015 - Bijeljina authors will apply with black & white or color works. Maximum number of photographs per theme is 4. No title or identification of the maker shall be written anywhere on the face of an image. An entrant's images will be presented to the judges consecutively. Entry form and contact info must be written in one of the official FIAP languages. DEFINITIONS FIAP: A black and white work fitting from the very dark grey (black) to the very clear grey (white) is a monochrome work with the various shades of grey. A black & white work toned entirely in a single color will remain a monochrome work able to stand in the black & white category; such a work may be reproduced in black & white in the catalogue. On the other hand a black and white work modified by partial toning or by the addition of one color becomes a color work (polychrome) to stand in the colour category. SUBMISSION OF WORKS Recomendation (not stick rule): Photographs are sent in digital form, as a picture file with minimum dimension, 1920 pix. Horizontal side and 1200 pix. Vertical side in 300 dpi. compression 7-12, max 3 Mb. The photographs of authors with the application are submitted in three ways: - by e-mail: [email protected] - uploading throw our web site: hhttp://asocijacija-artfoto.com/hanpjesak/entryform.php - on CD, along with the participation fee, use this postal address: Association Art Photo Put Mire Pavlovic nr. 1 76300 Bijeljina - Popovi; Bosnia and Herzegovina JURY Slobodan Krstic EFIAP, MF FSJ/FSS/AUFBIH, ULUPUBIH Goran Malich, EFIAP, MF FSJ/FSS, NCF, ULUPUDS, Artist and historian of photography, Serbia Ozren Bozanovic AFIAP, KM AUFBIH Reserve: Dragoslav Mirkovic, EFIAP/g, MF FSS AWARDS At 1st Int. exhibition of art photography - HAN PIJESAK 2015 - Bijeljina there will be awarded these medals: FIAP BLUE BADGE AWARD for the best author on the Salon GRAND PRIX AWARD for the best photography on the Salon 5 x FIAP Gold medal, and 10 blue ribbons, 5 x PSA Gold medal and 15 riboons, 5 x AUFBIH Gold medal, 5 x ARTPHOTO Gold, Silver and Bronze medal and 25 ribbons ARTFOTOGALLERY 25 ribbons Notification cards will be sent by email. All participants of the competition (the authors which submitted works and paid the participation fee) will receive printed catalogue. Extra catalogues are also available at an extra fee of 10 euro. The organizer will take all possible care while handling the email, awards and catalogues, however we assume no liability for damages and loses during shipment. CONTACTS:Contact person: Mr. Slobodan Krstic, e-mail: [email protected] ASSOCIATION ARTFOTO ARE ORGANISING 1th INTERNATIONAL SALON OF “NAN PIJESAK 2013” APPLICATION FORM / PRISTUPNA LISTA AUTHOR / AUTOR Name / Ime Surname / Prezime Title in FIAP / Titula FIAP Address / Adresa City / Grad and Zip Code Country / Država Photo club / Foto klub E-‐mail / E-‐mail Phone / Telefon Theme A. OPEN/FREE (color) /PSA PID/ Title Accepted Awards A1 A2 A3 A4 Theme B. OPEN/FREE (monochrome) /PSA PID/ Title Accepted Awards B1 B2 B3 B4 Theme D. PEJZAŽ/LANDSCAPE (monochrome & color) /PSA PID/ Title Accepted Awards D1 D2 D3 D4 Theme E. PORTRET/PORTRAIT (monochrome & color) /PSA PID/ Title Accepted Awards E1 E2 E3 E4 Theme C. ŽENA/WOMEN (monohrome & color) /PSA PID/ Title Accepted C1 C2 C3 C4 Awards By submitting works to the exhibition I confirm that I agree with the terms. (date / datum ) Signature / Potpis
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