T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce Promoting commercial, industrial and community growth and facilitating community cooperation through communication, education and long range planning. Table of Contents January 2015 New Members Help us welcome new member Mosaic Life Care at Trenton Page 2 Business of the Year Nominations being accepted for Small & Large Business of the Year Page 3 B.O.Y. Nomination Form Be sure to fill out the form and nominate a business of the year! Page 4 Annual Banquet Friday, March 13, 2015 Page 3 Great Northwest Days Find out info about Great Northwest Days Feb. 3 & 4 Page 4 NAP Tax Credits TDIA still has NAP tax credits available Page 5 Welcome to 2015 A Message from Debbie Carman, President As President of the Chamber, I am excited to be ringing in the new year, once again, in this outstanding community! For over 100 years now the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce has been a voluntary organization of professional men and women who join together for the purpose of promoting the civic and commercial progress of our area. We act as spokesmen for the community as a whole, both statewide and local. We believe that working together as a community helps bring success to Trenton! In this office, we strive to promote your business through our monthly newsletter “Member Moments”. In the upcoming months, as you plan your events, we ask that you let us help promote your activities. We believe this brings awareness to our community and, in turn, makes your event a success. We will also be printing a new Shop Local Keep our dollars local to help Trenton businesses Page 5 Chamber Ambassadors Sharon Barnett Chad Boyd Carrie Lamm Clark Dr. Andy Cox Robin Dennert Linda Eads Jeanie Griffin Eric Hall Dr. Kevin Harris Sue Huffstutter Marlisa Klinginsmith Diane Lowrey Matt Osterthun Bonita Price Melissa Purkapile Cindy Soptic Michelle Vandevender Jeb Walker Colleen Williams Chamber directory in 2015. We will be giving everyone we can an opportunity to advertise their business and/or organization. We invite each of you to view our Chamber website (www.trentonmochamber.com) where you will find every member, along with their address, listed. This website is one more way we can promote our members. Here’s a fun fact for you: we have an average of 2,200 viewers on our website each month! That’s A LOT of people potentially looking at your business information and, possibly, clicking over to your website! Everyone is welcome to participate in our Chamber luncheons, Chamber Coffees, ribbon cuttings and After Hours events. If you haven’t hosted a Chamber Coffee or Business After Hours event yet, won’t you consider doing so in 2015? Please mark your calendars now for March 13, 2015. This is the date for our annual banquet. More information coming soon. Once again, I look forward to working with a great group of people in this community! 1 T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I FSB Mosaic Life Care at Trenton Mosaic Life Care (formerly Heartland Health) represents a new type of health care. Created with the patients’ needs in mind, you’ll find each of our medical clinics provide an experience unlike any other doctor’s office you’ve ever visited. Mosaic Life Care features same-day appointments, extended clinic hours to fit your busy schedule and caregivers that not only treat you when you’re sick, but take the time to help you live life to the fullest. It’s just what the patient ordered. Our relaxing atmosphere makes you feel better just walking in the door. Discover what it’s like to spend less time in a waiting room and more time with a medical professional. Enjoy access to a secure online portal with all of your medical records, lab results and visit summaries. Experience what it’s like to receive follow-up calls just to see how you’re feeling or e-visits when you cannot make it into a clinic. Mosaic Life Care: More than health care ... life care. Find out more at www.mymosaiclifecare.org. You can call for an appointment in Trenton at 660-339-8500. Farmers State Bank 1503 E 9th Street Trenton, Missouri (660) 359-5611 www.fscbank.com Food Store 1617$E$9th$St.$$$$$$$$$$Trenton,$MO$64683 Store:$(660)$359;2278$$$Pharmacy:$(660)$359;4955 Open$5:00am$to$12:00am 7$Days$a$Week $~$Full$service$meat$department ~$Bakery$fresh$products$daily ~$Photo$reprints$available ~$Dietitian$on$staff ~$Pharmacy$that$can$handle$your$ total$health ~$Floral$bouquets$available Your%local%grocer%for%70%years FREE* Checking, Free Gift, Free Bulldog Debit Card! $.05 goes back to the Trenton School District for every purchase made with the Bulldog Debit Card. FREE money for your old checks and debit cards (Up to $25 for your old checks and debit card from another institution!) Gift availability subject to change. 2 Trenton 816 Main Street 660-359-2232 www.ebankcbt.com Since 1889 Member FDIC *Free with Estatements T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I 2015 Annual Banquet The annual banquet will be taking place March 13, 2015. This year’s theme will be “Do You Believe in Magic“. Everyone is invited to attend this year’s banquet. It will be held at the National Guard Armory again. Reservations are being accepted. Tickets will be $30 per person. As in past years, this is a formal/semi-formal occasion. More details will be available as the event draws nearer. Business of the Year Nominations 2015 Business Directory Nominations are being accepted for Small and Large Business of the Year. Deadline to submit your nominations is February 15, 2015. The Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce will be printing a new directory for Trenton this year. Directories are expected to be distributed during the summer. Companies with 20 employees or less qualify as small businesses. Companies with more than 20 employees qualify as large businesses. As in years past, the winners will be announced and recognized at the annual banquet in March. If you would like to place an ad in the new directory, please contact the Chamber. Debbie will also be making visits to your business to discuss this advertising opportunity with you. Forms are included with this newsletter. New Windows for the Chamber The Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce has had the windows on the front of the building replaced. The front office, if you ever spent much time in there in the winter, was colder than it should have been. Upon removing old panes, the installer noted that there was no insulation around the edges of the window frames. Clark Plumbing & Heating Residential & Commercial *New Construction, Remodel & Repair *Water Heaters & Boilers *Sewers & Drain Cleaning *Video Inspection - Backhoe Svc. **Certified** 660-359-2007 3 T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Nomination Form Please mark whether you are nominating a small or large business SMALL LARGE Business Name: Contact Person: Describe in the space provided below what this business has done during the 2014 year that makes them worthy of this award: DAVE’S BODY SHOP Spencer Construction Concrete Flatwork • Room Additions Roofing • Siding • Windows • Decks Your Complete Collision Center On-Site Frame & Unibody Repair Custom Color Matching Serving the community since 1977 Remodeling FREE New Construction Estimates 660-358-2390 Jeff & Brandon Spencer 4 3x4 660-359-5966 800-471-5966 70 NE Hwy Y Trenton, MO Farmers Bank Phone:'359+2274 Member&FDIC T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I Great Northwest Days Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) Each year in February, the state hosts an opportunity for individuals to visit the state capitol for purposes of meeting their representatives and informing them of issues pertaining to their home towns and communities. The Trenton Downtown Improvement Association (TDIA) is selling tax credits through the Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP). NAP tax credits allow donors who contribute to qualified non-profit organizations in Missouri to receive 70% of their contribution back as a state tax credit. These credits can be used for up to six (6) tax periods, including the current year. This year, northwest Missouri communities are invited to Jefferson City on February 3 and 4, 2015 for Great Northwest Day. For more information and to register, citizens may visit www.greatnorthwestday.com. Shop Local As we enter a new year, let’s consider keeping more of our money locally here in Trenton. If you think about it, most things we need we can get here in Trenton. Some of the same items we purchase in other towns end up costing the same amount of money once you drive to and from another location and spend the “saved” money in gas or diesel. Also, consider that our local businesses are the ones who support and help sponsor our local sports teams, schools, activities and other events. Shouldn’t we support them as well? We, as the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce, promote our members as well as our community. We strive to be a positive voice in the community for our local businesses as well as in the state for our community as a whole. Won’t you join us in supporting our community and local businesses? Who can use NAP credits? The answer is Corporations, insurance companies, express companies, banks & other financial institutions, partnerships, limited liability companies, and individuals who operate a sole proprietorship in MO, operate a farm in MO, have rental property in MO or have royalty income in MO. How it works: 1. Make a contribution of $1,000 or more to Trenton Downtown Improvement Association. 2. Fill out the NAP credit claim form and return it to Farmer who donated land for new base TDIA (via the Chamber of as Commerce). honored ‘Best Young Farmer & Rancher’ 3. about traumatic injuries, save his foot. Submit a copy of the front & back of the cancelled and is fanatical about safety Rasa recognized the value of on his farm and in all his busi- having such an important publiccheck, after it has been your bank, nesses. processed through safety organization near his famThe Lafayette County, Mo., ily and his community. In 2010, he to TDIA. farmer’s cousin and great-grand- partnered with LifeFlight Eagle 4. to home that sticks his mind terstate 70 and the intersection of Allow 3 to 4 weeks erthefor Dept. ofin Economic most and proves that even Highways M and O. careful people have accidents. Rasa built a state-of-the-art Development to process your application and send In 2005 while driving a skid- climate-controlled hangar facility steer loader, Rasa accidently that now houses one of LifeFlight backed over his father’s foot, causEagle’s Bell 407 helicopters and your tax credit certificate. ing severe injuries that almost its round-the-clock f light team, 4 O Second Edition 2011 S cott Rasa knows all too well surgeons were able to repair and father were both killed in tractor accidents, but it is one a little clos- to build a new base on his farmland just east of Odessa, near In- cost his foot. However, LifeFlight which consists of a pilot, f light Eagle f lew Rasa’s father to a the Kan- Chamber nurse and f light paramedic. For more information, you may contact of sas City trauma center, where The new Lafayette County base through a series of operations, has been operating for 17 months Commerce at 660-359-4324. now. thre ville Eagl roun In Prog nam 500 NW Richards Road Kansas City, MO 64116 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED We Stand Ready... Photo C At LifeFlight Eagle, we’re here to provide you and your family life-saving care when you need it most. For only $59 per year, you can help support this non-profit service and protect your household from out-of-pocket expenses associated with LifeFlight Eagle air transport. Call 800-936-9533 or visit www.lifeflighteagle.org to sign up today. Scott LifeF 5 To pr with t respo schoo Val H an ad lift. A nume T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I MEMBER MOMENTS Here’s what’s going on with some of our members: Trenton R-‐IX will be recognizing National FFA Week February 15-‐21. The annual community breakfast will be at 6:00 a.m. on Feb 20 in the vocational ag building. KTTN Winter Action Auction returns Saturday January 24th. Eight great weeks of selling merchandise and service certiIicates provided by local and area merchants in exchange for advertising. Certain restrictions apply. Contact the KTTN sales department for complete details. Promos air weekly and our web site auction link shows the items listed for sale each week. Sherry Markey has joined the Modine Manufacturing Team as our Quality Manager. She started on December 15th and will be relocating to the Trenton area. Wright Memorial has hired a new nurse practitioner to partner with Dr. Bowe at Green Hills Medical Clinic. Stay tuned for more details. The Sunnyview Foundation memorial tree has been placed in the center hall. Tax deductible donations may be made to Sunnyview Foundation. All residents now have a dedicated mailbox outside their rooms. Employee of the Month for December is Wanda Gastineau. The spring semester at North Central Missouri College begins Monday, January 12. The College will be closed Monday, January 19, in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Customers will love the expanded product assortment on www.shopko.com and the option of shipping it to their nearest Shopko for free! We at Hometown Pharmacy would like to welcome Ayron Wilson to our staff. Ayron formerly worked at our Long Term Care Pharmacy in Chillicothe and has now completed the transition to our Trenton store. 4-‐D Tax Service is looking forward to tax season in their new location 1410 E. 9th Street, Ste C. OfIice hours are extended 9AM -‐ 6PM Monday through Friday. Walk Ins Welcome. Citizens Bank & Trust wishes you a healthy and prosperous 2015! See us for your Iinancial needs. We will be closed on Monday, January 19, 2015 to observe Martin Luther King Day. Remember, the Chamber website has a calendar which is a great place to list your event for the community. Let us know your events for the week, month or year! We’ll be happy to add it on there for you! Visit www.trentonmochamber.com and click on Events Calendar to check it out. 660-‐‑358-‐‑5700 facebook.com/wrightmemorialhospital 6 19 MLK Day 18 25 12 11 26 Chamber & LB Closed 5 MON 4 SUN 27 20 13 6 TUE 28 21 14 7 WED 29 30 23 16 15 22 9 2 8 1 THU January 2015 FRI 31 24 17 10 3 SAT T R E N T O N , M I S S O U R I 2015 CHAMBER BOARD MEMBERS Dave Bain - Past Chairperson Hy-Vee Food Store Gary Jordan - Chairperson Wright Memorial Hospital Jackie Soptic - 2015 Chairperson ASAP Locksmith Kim Washburn - Treasurer US Bank Becky Albrecht Trenton R-IX Schools Ralph Boots City of Trenton Kathi Brewer Howards Dept. Store Teresa Cross North Central Missouri College Kim Hague ConAgra Foods Jennifer Hottes Black Silo Winery Rick Hull Grundy County Commission Chuck Jones Trenton Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Amy Lewis Farmers Bank of Northern MO Tara Walker Andereck, Evans...Law Firm Donita Youtsey Sunnyview Nursing Home ! FARM HOME AUTO BONDS COMMERCIAL LIFE 6 60-359 -5 68 7 1818 E 9th Street Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce 617 Main St. Trenton, MO 64683 www.trentonmochamber.com [email protected] Trenton, MO 64683 www.robbins-black.com January 2015
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