ST. MARIA GORETTI Catholic Church WESTFIELD, INDIANA PARISH OFFICE 17102 Spring Mill Road Westfield, IN 46074 Phone: 317-867-3213 Fax: 317-867-3263 Hours: 8A-noon & 1-5P, M-F PARISH STAFF Pastor Fr. Kevin J. Haines 317-867-3213, ext. 1129 (Rectory) 317-867-5694 Associate Pastor Fr. Travis Stephens 317-867-3213, ext. 1148 Director of Discipleship Brad Sponhauer 317-867-3213, ext. 1151 Director of Adult Faith Formation Connie Anderson 317-867-3213, ext. 1203 Maintenance Supervisor Phillip Lake 317-867-3213, ext. 1208 Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation Katie Barbour 317-867-3213, ext. 1139 SCHOOL OFFICE 17104 Spring Mill Road Westfield, IN 46074 Phone: 317-896-5582 Fax: 317-867-0783 Rob Bloss Coordinator of High School Youth Ministry 317-867-3213, ext. 1420 PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (PRE) Sunday: 8:30-9:45 AM Sunday :11:30 AM-12:45 PM Monday: 4:00 PM-5:15 PM MASS SCHEDULE The Lord’s Day Masses: Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8A, 10A & 5:30P Weekday Masses: Monday: 7 AM, 5:30 PM Tuesday: 8 AM Wednesday: 8 AM, 5:30 PM Thursday: 5:30 PM Friday: 7 AM, 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM Holy Days: See bulletin. Deacon Steve Miller 317-574-1705 Eric Gellenbeck Coordinator of Junior High Youth Ministry 317-867-3213, ext. 1423 SCHOOL STAFF Principal Vince Barnes 317-896-5582, ext. 1201 Director of Finance & Operations Pat Gorman 317-867-3213, ext. 1127 Leslie Mimms Coordinator of Confirmation Formation 317-867-3213, ext. 1421 Coordinator of Student Information & Enrollment Michelle Hanlin 317-896-5582, ext. 1202 BAPTISMS Bookkeeper Deb Perry 317-867-3213, ext. 1133 Director of Music Leslie Franzen 317-867-3213, ext. 1209 Administrative Assistant Cheryl Newkirk 317-896-5582, ext. 1100 the Parish Office with questions. Administrative Assistant Jen Downing 317-867-3213, ext. 1221 Athletic Director Pat Biddlecombe 317-867-3213, ext. 1226 PRESCHOOL Sue Tetrick 317-896-5582, ext. 1101 WEBSITE: TWITTER: @SntMariaGoretti T HE M ISSION (weekly, except during Lent): After 4:30 PM Saturday Mass & 10 AM Sunday Mass. Call SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 8:30-9:30 AM Saturday: 3-4 PM in the Church Reconciliation Chapel FACEBOOK PAGE: OF S T . M ARIA G ORETTI C ATHOLIC C HURCH IS TO EXTEND THE K INGDOM OF G OD BY SHARING G OD ’ S LOVE IN THE CHURCH COMMUNITY THROUGH SPIRIT - FILLED LITURGIES , RELIGIOUS EDUCATION , AND SERVICE TO OTHERS . JANUARY 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 2 || St. St. Maria Maria Goretti Goretti Catholic Catholic Church Church ·· Westfield, Westfield, IN IN November 25, 2012 Sunday in in Ordinary Ordinary Time Time January 18, Thirty-Third 2015 Second Sunday A NOTE FROM FATHER KEVIN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Pax et Bonum! Hello! And welcome to St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church! We gather together today to celebrate the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. And you might say, “Hey, what happened to the FIRST Sunday in Ordinary Time?” Last weekend, we were celebrating the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and the end of our Christmas season. Since then, we’ve had a full, first week of Ordinary Time, so that as we come together today, the Church considers today to be the first day of the week, Sunday, of our Second Week of Ordinary Time. Think of it like this, last Sunday was the First Sunday of Ordinary Time, it just got over-ridden by the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. How’s that for an explanation? We’re glad that you’re here with us! We especially welcome all of our visitors and guests who join us for Masses this weekend. And we offer special prayers of thanksgiving for those who are joining us for the first time today. It is good to be together around the Altar of the Lord! As we heard last weekend at all our Masses, next Saturday, January 24th, the Parish Council is again sponsoring our annual “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Dinner”. Beginning at 6:00 PM in the Parish Hall, a great evening is planned of fun, fellowship, and building community. Because the cut-off for this year’s Dinner is tomorrow evening, I really wanted to encourage all of you to come and join us next Saturday, and to get signed-up in the next 24 hours. You can sign up by stopping by the Parish Council’s table in the church narthex after all our Masses this weekend, or you can go to our website, or you can drop your registration off at the Parish Offices. Costs this year is $15.00 per person, and everyone, over the age of 21, is invited to attend, couples and singles. If your last name starts with A-L, you are asked to bring an appetizer to share before hand. If your last name starts with M-Z, you are asked to bring a dessert to share after we come back from dinner. Hosts families are still needed, and if you’d be willing to host a group at your home, we’ll cover the costs for you and your spouse to attend, we’ll provide all the groceries, including the bread and wine, and you don’t need to bring an appetizer or dessert. Just come next Saturday morning to pick up your ingredients and follow the easy recipe. This is such a fun event. And it is great way to get to know your fellow parishioners! I think you’d have a great time if you came and joined us! Come on, and give it a try! The Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? dinner” is a reminder to all of us of how important it is to keep building community! We can really be Church if we don’t know one another. And to get to know one another, takes some effort on all of our parts. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to the people sitting around you at Mass on Sunday. Ask people their name at the Sign-of-Peace. Do not be afraid to visit with the people sitting next to you AFTER Mass. Use your parish photo directory! There are probably two books that I use every day of my life. The first one is the Bible. The second one has got to be our Parish photo directory. It’s a good book too. And it helps us to get to know one another. And we need to know one another! We pray this week for our Second Graders who will be making their First Reconciliations this coming Tuesday evening, January 20th at 7:00 PM, at a special Penance Service in the main sanctuary. First Reconciliation is a great reminder to all of us as Catholics, that we really do need to take advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as much as possible. The power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and of God’s incredible mercy is completely beyond our understanding. It is such a great gift! May sure that you and your family are taking advantage of it! We’re only going to be in Ordinary Time for a few weeks. Next month, we begin the Season of Lent, with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. My question is, is it wrong to look forward to Lent, just because of the Holy Name Society’s upcoming fish fries? I think we’d all better be thinking about much bigger sacrifices for Lent, than just giving up meat on Fridays! Have a great week! In Christ, Fr. Kevin You never know what makes some people tick, until they start to unwind. Welcome! For more than 19 years now, we have been building the Kingdom of God, not with a few people, but with everyone! Please accept my warmest welcome, and I pray you will come to know St. Maria Goretti as we all do—our Spiritual Home and Loving Community. We are glad you are here and look forward to meeting you! God Bless you. —Father Kevin 3 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time MINISTRY CONTACTS & PHONE NUMBERS Adult Bible Study Altar Rosary Society (Women’s Club) Angel Employment Network (AEN) Baptism Preparation Basic Christian Community (BCC) Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) - Men - Women Confirmation Confraternity of Christian Mothers Cursillo Donuts and Coffee Elijah Cup Eucharistic Adoration Gabriel Project HELP Shepherd’s Gate Holy Name Society (Men of Service) Italian Festival Knights of Columbus Landscape Volunteers Librarian/Historian Liturgy Committee Decorating Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Readers Training Readers Scheduling Ministers of Welcome Music Ministry Scheduling Liturgical Ministers Servers for Mass Market Day Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana, sponsors) Meals Ministry Natural Family Planning - Creighton Model Sympto-Thermal Method Nursery Co-op during Mass Parish Religious Education (PRE) Protocol In-service (All adults working with minors) Respect Life Ministry Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) ROCK (Reaching Out to College Students) Cub Scouts ( Boy Scouts Girl Scouts Silver Angels (55 & Older) Sisterhood of Marietta Sports Ministry Spring Fling St. Francis Ministry St. Philip Neri Oratorio Technology Support Group Temple Knights of the Holy Eucharist Wedding Coordinator Welcome Committee Young Adult Ministry Youth Ministry HOPE Coordinator TRUTH Coordinator David Bain 575-8945 Ruth Bloss 765-427-9535 Bill Lilegdon 814-5999 Gordon & Mary Ann Smith 843-1339 Melinda Brown 663-7654 Joe Domina 376-2844 Erika Bolcar 239-850-8706 Leslie Mimms 867-3213, ext. 1421 Molly Mirande 867-1848 Tom & Joan Scimeca 571-8510 Toby & Ashley Knott 607-8623 Ann Worcester 669-7095 Carol Alvarez 372-3713 Katie Svec 774-7832 Jennifer Murphy 867-3213, ext. 1225 Tara Quirke 372-6275 Chrissy Davis (Scheduling) 640-8742 Maryann Davis (Donations) 574-274-2144 Dan DeCraene 414-2901 Josh & Miranda Moriarity 614-353-7922 Jeff & Missy Hopp 867-4849 Dave Langenkamp 903-0532 Keltie Domina 569-1258 Joann Wack 773-8449 Jenny Sergio 269-267-5680 Carla Erickson 571-9662 Jolene McCann 566-1760 Kathy Lengerich 896-5898 Jeff Bowen 571-9035 Jim Wack 773-8449 Mark Worcester 753-0944 Leslie Franzen 867-3213, ext. 1209 Mary Cummins 501-0805 Jen Downing 896-9123 Melanie Perhacs 502-2168 Jennifer Taylor 262-443-4126 Kyle & Twyla Arnold 399-8038 Erika Haahr 402-2260 Kerry Lett 549-5280 BrieAnne Eichorn & Kathryn Niswonger 726-0777 Julie & Marc Weinkauf 669-7096 Jenny Muller 294-3107 Katie Barbour 867-3213, ext. 1139 Connie Anderson 867-3213, ext. 1203 Sara Phillips 371-2130 Dan Dessauer & Joan Scimeca 770-7190 Connie Anderson 867-3213, ext. 1203 Daria Gabany 371-3465 Jennifer Weber 201-0087 Ward LaPaglia 896-9887 Jamie Degler 896-1027 Dan Breen 896-1487 Jenny Sherman & Julie Weinkauf 331-6532 Pat Biddlecombe 867-3213, ext. 1226 Tina Uhland Doug & Valerie Ferry 418-7439 Mike & Jill Lyons 569-7728 Mike Treida 867-3213 ext. 1229 Corky Aiken 805-8149 Troy Pagán 867-3213, ext. 1218 Deacon Steve Miller 574-1705 Nancy Rumschlag 460-5565 Traci Bubalo 650-4663 Josh & Miranda Moriarity 260-235-0830 867-3213 Eric Gellenbeck 867-3213, ext. 1423 Rob Bloss 867-3213, ext. 1420 “Is there a place for me to serve here at St. Maria Goretti?” YES!! Contact Brad Sponhauer, Director of Discipleship, at [email protected] COUNCIL CONTACTS & PHONE NUMBERS PARISH COUNCIL Mary Bellows (President) Anne Marie Bigot Scott Callahan Tom Davis Beth Hatton Joe Heimann Ron Karn Dave Smith Chris Weddige 679-9859 896-9823 281-9572 663-0683 752-3237 696-9701 776-4338 432-9341 289-4544 FINANCE COUNCIL Chris Bohn Ji Young Crane Tyson Dean Rob Edwards Daria Gabany Andy Giesler (President) Jeff Madden Kevin Martin Brian Quick 804-9228 867-5279 846-6068 804-9238 371-3465 753-8345 460-9003 626-0688 804-5654 SCHOOL COUNCIL Doug Alexander Mike Degler Kathy Lilegdon (President) Kathy Norton Sandy O’Neill Jeannette Paris Chad Scott Julie Spangler Barb Sullivan 580-1589 896-1027 814-5999 428-7274 804-9584 414-4987 867-5459 867-2646 848-2970 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COUNCIL Rob Bloss Matt Caffrey Kathy Campbell Bret Clement Erika Horan Maggie Hunckler Andre Maue Theresa Nelson Tony Orozco (President) 270-3411 566-3569 896-1103 908-5303 564-8237 581-9555 867-1500 517-1183 874-8744 PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION Jamie Degler, President 896-1027 Vicki Stauffacher, Vice President 690-0269 Missy Hopp, Treasurer 867-4849 Jennifer McNeany, Corr. Sec. 574-737-8535 Sarah Weddige, Recording Secretary 289-4544 Lisa Mueller, Volunteer Coordinator 773-3720 Tiffany Schumann, Asst. Vol. Coord. 896-5613 4 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time MONTHLY CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 18 19 20 21 22 8 AM Mass 10 AM Mass 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 AM Mass 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM Adult Slow Motion Mass 7 AM Angel Employment Network 8 AM Mass 7 PM Teen Bible Study 7 PM First Reconciliation 8 AM Mass 8 AM Protocol 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM HOPE 7 PM Adult Bible Study 9 AM Adult Bible Study 6 AM TMiY 5:30 PM Mass 7 AM Mass 8 PM Teen Holy Hour 8 AM Mass GIFTS OF LIFE BRUNCH after 10 am Mass 23 SATURDAY 24 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:30 AM Confessions 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER! No PRE Immediately after the 4:30 pm Mass No PRE or Bible Basics 25 26 27 28 29 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:45 AM PRE 8:30-9:45 AM Bible Basics 10 AM Mass 11:30A-12:45P PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 PM HNS meeting 7 AM Mass 4-5:15 PM PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM RCIA 7 AM Angel Employment Network 8 AM Mass 7 PM All Council Meeting 8 AM Communion Service 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM HOPE 7 PM Adult Bible Study 9 AM Adult Bible Study 6 AM TMiY 5:30 PM Mass 7 AM Communion 8 PM Teen Holy Hour Service 8 AM Mass 9 AM Silver Angels Meeting 30 Sister Marie Clare Smith’s Birthday CATHOLIC SCHOOLS 31 8 AM Communion Service 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass No Morning Confessions TRUTH Pizza Making WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:45 AM PRE 8:30-9:45 AM Bible Basics 10 AM Mass 11:30A-12:45P PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 AM Communion Service 4-5:15 PM PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM RCIA 7 AM Angel Employment Network 8 AM Mass 7 PM Confirmation meeting 7 PM FAITh class 7 PM Teen Bible Study 8 AM Communion Service 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM HOPE 7 PM Adult Bible Study 9 AM Adult Bible Study 5:30 PM Mass 8 PM Teen Holy Hour 6 PM Altar Rosary Society’s Candlelight Dinner 7 PM Protocol 6 AM TMiY 7 AM Communion Service 8 AM Mass 8 AM Communion Service 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass No Morning Confessions HOPE Tubing Trip 8 9 10 11 12 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:45 AM PRE 8:30-9:45 AM Bible Basics 10 AM Mass 11:30A-12:45P PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 AM Communion Service 4-5:15 PM PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM RCIA 7 AM Angel Employment Network 8 AM Mass 7 PM Faith and Froth 8 AM Communion Service 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM HOPE 7 PM Adult Bible Study 7 PM Protocol 9 AM Adult Bible Study 6 AM TMiY 7 AM Communion 5:30 PM Mass Service 8 PM Teen Holy Hour 8 AM Mass 13 DESTINATION 14 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:30 AM Confessions 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass JESUS 5 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS SICK: Jane Shackmuth, Dolores Clarke, Gracie Gumino, Andrew Farrell, Ron Hall, Liz Mattingly, Jerry Kerkhof, Susan Roller, Jozef Gabovic, Brandy Roberts, John Farrell, Marsha & Jack Farrell, Allen Mitchell, Riley Heighway, Valeria Norus, Joy Beckenbauer, Judy Trumpy, Tom Eviston, Emily Lemberg, Rebecca Runo, Mary Andrews, Joe Cosgrove, Wally Aiken, Charlie Davission, and Kaelyn Bock! DECEASED: Wally Aiken, father of Corky Aiken; Anne Neville; and all the deceased of our Parish Family. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 17 8:00 am † Shirley Mimms 4:30 pm † Ken Haines Sunday, January 18 8:00 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm Monday, January 19 7:00 am 5:30 pm † Elizabeth Walker Int. Parish Family † Henry Leach † Patrick Trainor † Stefan Garyga Tuesday, January 20 8:00 am † Don Ciesiolka READINGS For the Week of January 18, 2015 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/ Jn 1:35-42 Monday: Heb 5:1-10/Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20/Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17/Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25--8:6/Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13/Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14/Mk 3:20-21 Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20 Wednesday, January 21 8:00 am Int. Mary Miller 5:30 pm † Carl Calandra PATRON SAINTS OF THE WEEK For the Week of January 18, 2015 Thursday, January 22 5:30 pm † Ken Haines Sun: Margaret of Hungary (Died 1271) Known for severe selfimposed penances Friday, January 23 7:00 am 8:00 am Mon: Wulstan (Died 1095) Known for inspirational preaching, great humility, and asceticism † Nonna Geiger † Ann Kleese Saturday, January 24 8:00 am † Don & Lois Cyr 4:30 pm Int. Parish Family Sunday, January 25 8:00 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm † Jim Gorman † Karl Harford † Lily Grace Petrowski Tues: Fabian (Died c.250) Pope & Martyr Sebastian (Died c.288) Martyr Wed: Agnes (Died 254) Martyr and Patron Saint of engaged couples Thurs: Vincent Pallotti (Died 1850) known for serving urban poor and founding the Society of the Catholic Apostolate Fri: Vincent (Died 305) Missionary and martyr Sat: Francis de Sales (Died 1622) Doctor of the Church and Patron Saint of authors ABOUT THE BULLETIN To publish an announcement in the SMG bulletin, please use our online form at, or submit a Bulletin Announcement Form, no later than 3:00 pm two Fridays prior to when you’d like the announcement to appear. Forms are available just inside the doors near the Parish Offices. Please be concise. To Advertise: To advertise your business in the SMG bulletin, contact LPi at 800-950-9952. 6 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN STEWARDSHIP In today’s first reading, we hear Samuel respond eagerly, “Here I am!” each time the Lord calls him. May we, too, be listening for the call of God in our lives and be ready to say like the Psalmist, “Here am I, Lord: I come to do your will.” JANUARY 10 & 11 COLLECTIONS Regular Contributions………………………….....$48,705.61 Weekly Contributions Budget ..................... $48,900.00 Overage (Shortfall).......................................... ($194.39) Fiscal Year Overage (Shortfall) ................... ($4,262.51) Retirement of Religious................................. $6,603.68 Solemnity of Mary ................................................ $72.00 HELP ..................................................................... $95.00 ! UPCOMING IMPORTANT PARISH EVENTS January 18: Gifts of Life Brunch, after 10 am Mass January 20: First Reconciliation Service, 7 pm January 21: Protocol, 8 am January 24: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner January 27: All Council Meeting, 7 pm January 30: Silver Angels Meeting February 5: Altar Rosary Society Candlelight Dinner February 5: Protocol, 7 pm February 11: Protocol, 7 pm February 13-15: Destination Jesus February 18: Ash Wednesday February 20: HNS Fish Fry, 5 pm February 21: Mother & Son Parish Event February 23-25: Parish Mission February 28-March 1: Women’s CRHP Weekend March 7-8: Men’s CRHP Weekend March 13: HNS Fish Fry, 5 pm March 20: HNS Fish Fry, 5 pm ANGEL EMPLOYEE NETWORK (AEN) Tuesdays, 7-8 am, St. Augustine Room [email protected] Many in our own parish community are out of work, or are definitely underemployed. Not only is this hard for families economically, but it is also incredibly difficult emotionally and spiritually. Any and all news of job openings, do not hesitate to pass along to the parish. You can also direct them via e-mail to [email protected]. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time DISCIPLESHIP BRAD SPONHAUER—Director of Discipleship 867-3213, ext. 1151; [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY INVOLVEMENT The Music Ministry is in need of accompanists—pianists—to play at Mass. If you have the gift of playing a piano, Mrs. Leslie Franzen, 867-3213, ext. 1209, would love to speak with you! You do not need to be 100% ready to play all of the music for an entire Mass—just willing to help out for a song or two! Do you think you can help? Please pray about sharing your talent and the gift of music with the Parish Family! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Everyone is busy. There's certainly a lot of noise in our lives today. We all could use some quiet time. Why not try and take advantage of spending an hour with Jesus? Adoration may very well be the quietest place in all of Hamilton County! I promise that you won't ever regret giving an hour of your time and spending it with Jesus in Adoration. Bring a book, pray the rosary, read your Bible, thank Him...or, just sit in silence and listen to Him. We have “Critical Hours”— hours when no one has signed up to be with Jesus— Monday: 1 pm and 3 pm. Prayerfully consider taking one of these hours or joining another adorer at a convenient hour to you. Ultimately, we are working toward perpetual adoration! But that can’t happen without you. If your family has not yet checked out this fantastic faith opportunity, you should! Just visit https://www. and enter parish code 1d3509 (zero, not an “O”)--that's it! You'll then get our parish subscription to 20 videos, study guides, 10 MP3s, and three e-books! Accessible from anywhere! In Christ, Brad Sponhauer Director of Discipleship P.S. Keep in mind that Spring Fling 2015 really isn’t that far away—April 24! 7 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN RELIGIOUS FORMATION ConnieAAnderson—Director of Adult Religious CONNIE NDERSON—Director of FaithEducation Formation 867-3213, ext. 1203 867-3213, ext. 1203; [email protected] Barbour—Coordinator of Children’s Formation KKatie ATIE BARBOUR—Coordinator of Children’s Formation 867-3213, ext. 1139 867-3213, ext. 1139; [email protected] REFLECTION FOR THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME In todays’ Gospel we hear, “Behold the Lamb of God.” What words would you use to describe a lamb? Are those the same words you would use to describe “the Son of God”? How do you understand the image of the lamb? Do you think of the Paschal Lamb of the Passover? How are you “beholding the Lamb of God” today? THIS WEEK’S RCIA TOPIC The RCIA topic for Monday, January 19, is “The Walk through the Mass.” All adults of the parish are invited to attend any week of RCIA to learn more about our faith. RCIA meets in the Parish Narthex, 7-9 pm. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEEDS A TEACHER PRE is looking for a 7th/8th grade teacher for Monday afternoons, 4-5:15 pm. If interested, contact Katie Barbour. ATTENTION 2ND GRADE PARENTS! First Reconciliation will be celebrated Tuesday, January 20, 7 pm, in the main church for all 2nd Graders and their families. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY MEETING The Altar Rosary Society will hold its next member meeting, Tuesday, January 20, 78:30 pm in the John Paul II Room. All women of the Parish Family are invited to listen to Deacon Steve as he gives us an in-depth look at Our Lady and to pray the Rosary together afterward. Snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you and learning more about our Blessed Mother! For more information, contact Ruth Bloss, (765) 427-9535 or [email protected]. AN EVENING AT THE STARDUST The Holy Name Society is sponsoring a night of fun and fellowship Sunday, January 25. All men of the parish are invited to Cooper’s Stardust Bowl in Noblesville on State Road 32. The evening begins at 7 pm. Call Dan DeCraene, 414–2901, with questions. CRITICAL ADORATION HOURS Prayerfully consider signing up for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration. Our Lord should never be left alone. Call Carol Alvarez, 372-3713, to schedule your hour. CRITICAL HOURS: Monday—1 pm and 3 pm YOUTH MINISTRY JANET THOMPSON—Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant 867-3213, ext. 1131; [email protected] ———ROB BLOSS—Coordinator of High School Youth Ministry 867-3213, ext. 1420; [email protected] ERIC GELLENBECK—Coordinator of Jr. High Youth Ministry 867-3213, ext. 1423; [email protected] LESLIE MIMMS—Coordinator of Confirmation Formation 867-3213, ext. 1421; [email protected] TRUTH PIZZA FUNDRAISER TRUTH is gearing up to celebrate Super Bowl XLIX with their annual Pizza Fundraiser. Pizzas will be made Friday, January 30 and ready for pick up that evening...just in time for Super Bowl Sunday! Look for order sheets to come home soon. Plan to order enough for your Bowl parties and to fill the freezer for quick meals throughout the winter. DJ NEWS: 20TH ANNIVERSARY It’s our 20th and we want you to be a part of it! Destination Jesus is just around the corner—February 13-15—and we need your help to make the weekend a success. More than 800 teens will descend on Guerin Catholic High School to experience Jesus firsthand. The three-day weekend requires numerous volunteers, and you’re a perfect fit. From helping in the kitchen and being part of the security team, to staffing the nurses’ station and set up and tear down, visit to select a time and a job that works for you. HOPE TUBING TRIP Join HOPE for their annual Tubing Trip to Perfect North Slopes Saturday, February 7. Registration forms are available at HOPE and in the Church Narthex and are due January 28. 8 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS PROTOCOL IN-SERVICE The Diocese requires all adults working with children in any capacity (PRE, Sports, Nursery, Scouts, Destination Jesus, School Chaperone, etc.) to attend a Protocol InService. The next In-Services at St. Maria Goretti will be January 21, 8 am, in the St. Augustine Meeting Room; February 5, 7 pm, in the Parish Narthex; and February 11, 7 pm in the St. Augustine Meeting Room. Contact Connie Anderson, 867-3213, ext. 1203, with questions. Area in-services are on the Diocesan Website: schedule-for-safe-conduct-protocol-in-services. Make your reservation NOW for Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Saturday, January 24. Appetizers will be served in the Parish Hall after 4:30 pm Mass. You will learn your dinner destination and be welcomed into your host’s home for food, faith, and fellowship. Everyone is welcome to return to the Parish Hall following dinner for dessert, coffee, and conversation. Cost is $15 per person (adults only and no cost for hosts). Free babysitting at the church will be provided by volunteer parish teens (and adult supervisors). Reserve your spot or volunteer to host at Reservation deadline is Sunday, January 18. For questions, send an e-mail to [email protected]. CO-OP NURSERY Do you know that SMG has a nursery co-op every Sunday during the 10 am Mass? We would love for you and your kids to join us! Stop by the nursery to find out more, and try it out for a week. Or call Jenny Muller, 294-3107. We also are accepting volunteers to work the nursery for those looking to earn some FISH hours. ANNUAL PARISH MISSION We are blessed to have Father Bill Garrott, O.P., leading our 2015 Parish Mission entitled God Are You on Line? The Mission will run for three evenings: February 23-25. There will be hospitality Tuesday evening after the Mission. Monday: Come to the Father! Father Garrott will share St. Thomas Aquinas’ view that the fruit of Christian baptism is to know that our heavenly Father loves us not because we’re good, but because He is good. Tuesday: Christ and Him Crucified leads us through Christ’s death on the Cross to the supreme sign of the Father’s love for us and the only true path to our own glorious transformation as children of God. Wednesday: Fire It Up! shares the truth of God’s love that Jesus came to share with the world and we are to share with others. Father Garrott currently resides in Charlottesville, Virginia, where Dominican Friars staff the parish and campus ministry for the University of Virginia. MEN AND NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS—TMiY Did you make a resolution to learn more about your faith this year? Perfect! Then join other men of the parish for “That Man is You,” Friday mornings, 6:30 am. (Yes, resolutions do require a little sacrifice). Coffee and donuts provided. Contact Tim Anderson, 846-2533, with questions. LADIES CANDLELIGHT DINNER: BRINGING IT HOME WITH AN EVENING FULL OF GRACE The Altar Rosary Society will host its annual Candlelight Dinner Thursday, February 5, in the Parish Hall. Ticket price is $35 per person for a buffet dinner catered by Keltie Domina. All women of the parish who are 21 years old and older are invited. (Beer and wine will be provided at an additional cost.) Tickets will be on sale starting next weekend, January 10 & 11 after all Masses, and you can register online via SMG’s Website. JANUARY SILVER ANGELS MEETING The Silver Angels meeting is Friday, January 30, after the 8 am Mass in the Parish Narthex. Our guest speaker, Connie Anderson, will share about “The Face of God: Others Showing Us Christ.” Please join us! MOM & ME (BOYS NIGHT OUT) Saturday, February 21, 6 8 pm in the Parish Hall DJ Kevin Welsh will provide music. Games will be set up in the School Narthex; basketball will be available in the gym; and “Minute to Win It” games and raffles will also take place. Register by Wednesday, February 18, to help with food and game planning! Forms are available in the Church and Parish narthexes. Admission Price*: *Admission includes two raffle $10 for Mom + 1 boy tickets, a photograph, pizza, ice $12 for Mom + 2 boys cream, drinks, and entertainment. $15 for Mom + 3 or more boys Additional raffle tickets for awesome prizes can be purchased at the event! Proceeds will benefit Religious Formation. Donations welcome! Volunteers ARE needed—call Connie Anderson, 867-3213, ext. 1203, or visit St. Maria Goretti is very blessed to have a sister—Sister Maria Clare—in our Parish Family, and her birthday is January 28! If you’d like to send her birthday blessings, here is her address: Sister Maria Clare Smith; Franciscan Sister, TOR of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother; 369 Little Church Road; Toronto; OH 43964-4061. 9 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN SMG SPORTS January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS SMG SPORTS MINISTRY SMG SMG SPORTS SPORTS MINISTRY MINISTRY SMG School - 896-5582, ext. 1100 PPat AT B BIDDLECOMBE IDDLECOMBE -- Athletic Athletic Director Director Biddlecombe P AT 2013 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence VINCE BARNES - Principal [email protected] [email protected] Tina INA U UUhland HLAND --- Assistant Assistant Athletic Athletic Director Director TTINA HLAND Assistant Athletic Director [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Questions? Check out the Sports Ministry Website, Under the Ministry tab, click on the Sports Ministry link. SMG’s Code: 194SMG-IN. NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION CYO Boys Wrestling 5th-8th grades In-house Boys Wrestling K-4th grades In-house Boys & Girls basketball 1st-3rd grades—closes 1/18/15 Girls Lacrosse 3rd/4th/5th grades, 6th/7th/8th grades—closes 1/31/15 Boys Lacrosse (combined with OLMC) 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th/8th grades—closes 1/31/15 To register, go to And click on the “To Register Online” link. IMPORTANT DATES 1/12-23: In-house 2015-16 Registration 1/5-2/13: Open 2015-16 Registration 1/25: Open House, 11:30 am-1 pm IN-HOUSE REGISTRATION FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR Current SMG School Families are required to register their children for the 2015-16 school year during Inhouse Registration, which is January 12-23. All families must register children currently attending SMG, as well as any kindergartners who will attend SMG next year as a sibling. Failure to register either current students or incoming kindergartners during this period will surrender your child’s position in class. Please remember incoming kindergartners must be 5 years old by September 1. The Registration Survey will be e-mailed to families January 12. Complete the survey and turn in the nonrefundable $50 to the school office by January 23, 3 pm. PLEASE NOTE: Registering after a close date may incur a late fee and cause your athlete to be on a waiting list. DADDY DAUGHTER DANCE PHOTOS NOW AVAILABLE Check out the black basket marked “Sports Photos” on the information table in the Church Narthex to pick up your Daddy Daughter Dance pictures. BOYS & GIRLS IN-HOUSE BASKETBALL This league is for girls and boys in grades 1-3. The teams will practice once a week with games on Saturdays. The teams are not co-ed. Teams will be a mix of 1st and 2nd graders, and all 3rd graders are together. PLEASE NOTE: Coaches are needed for the1st-3rd grades boys and girls basketball league. E-mail Pat Biddlecombe if you are interested. LACROSSE NEWS Registration is now open for girls and boys lacrosse teams. This year, SMG will team up with OLMC to introduce a boys program for the parishes. Practice girls and boys will begin in March with games in April and May. The season will end in a State Tournament in late May/early June. Cost is $95. Questions? You are welcome to contact Gary Galvin (OLMC), 414-0100 or [email protected], or Don Travis (SMG), 625-2546 or [email protected]. OPEN REGISTRATION FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR SMG Catholic School and SMG Preschool invite all parishioners to register interested students for the 201516 school year during our Open Registration period, which is Sunday, January 25—Friday, February 13. Remember, those students currently on the Wait List must re-register to maintain priority on the list. Registration will again be online. More info will be made available soon. The following is necessary to register a child for SMG’s kindergarten: • a copy of the student’s Baptismal Certificate (unless baptized at SMG) • A copy of the student’s birth certificate • $50 non-refundable registration fee per family The following is necessary to register a child for Preschool: • The student must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1 (for respective classes) Dr. Angeline McLean Dr. Melissa Hunt Dr. Rob Harper Brad Subrin Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. C .R. ofCLINI .A Westfield, C Inc. Total Automotive Service and Repair Center Chris Cotton 317-896-3820 Roofing • Siding • Gutters • Flat Roofs • Painting Commercial • Industrial • Residential Cell 317-626-6741 • Office 317-895-2964 Rodney Stovall-Owner/Operator (317) 848-9081 aå SERVING HAMILTON COUNTY Services offered: mowing, mulching, tree and shrub trimming, automotive work, mower repair and tune ups Now offering 20% DISCOUNT to all those in the teaching industry! 10% OFF for new clients for the 2012 mowing season! “The Best in Casual Dining” 14636 N. U.S. Hwy. 31 • Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 846-5965 Fax (317) 846-7076 Email: [email protected] [email protected] or Call Eric 317-753-1713 17333 Westfield Park Rd. 30 First Street SW Carmel Arts & Design District Let us take care of all your insurance needs. Walker & Associates Your Independent Insurance Agency BRIAN SULLIVAN, PARISHIONER (317) 848-4400 Automobile Sales & Service WE BUY CARS Community • Compassion • Commitment J. Fritz Kreutzinger 8599 E. 116th 842-2228 2400 Westfield Rd. 773-2232 387-7000 BANQUETS CATERING EVENTS JUDITH F. KERNEL (317) 660-6589 317.769.4180 1130New C Construction • Remodel Work • Water Filtration Systems SCHULER PLUMBING, INC. ATTORNEY AT LAW Helping You Through Life’s Challenges Lic. #CP81055365 13455 East State Road 38 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 10333 N. Meridian Ste. 235 Jamie Schuler, Schule Manager (317) 773-4236 Eugene Schuler, Manager Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. Robert C. Becker Richards, Boje, Pickering, Benner & Becker Attorney-At-Law (OLG Parishioner) 773-4400 1312 Maple A Ave. Nolesville, IN 46060 email: [email protected] Contact Rick Farber to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2630 T ERRY M C C ONNELL P AINTING 22 Years of Professional Service Affordable Residential Re-paints DR. RYAN C. FLEMING OLMC PARISHIONER • Wallpaper Removal • Ceiling & Drywall Repair NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! 317.848.1884 Parishioner 317-918-4334 INSURED 4728 Limerick Drive, Suite B Carmel, IN 46033 **Located in the Bridgewater Corp. Village at 156th Street & Gray Road CERTIFIED MECHANICS Westfield Automotive 17534 Westfield Park Rd. Westfield, IN 46074 COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 867-5500 Please call for an appointment Monday - Friday 7am - 6pm Jeff Boelke, parishioner Special Events and Elegant Occasions Phone: 317-846-9158 Maggie Hunckler Independent Beauty Consultant [email protected] 317-432-8273 FOX POOLS OF INDIANAPOLIS SWIMMING POOLS Established 1975 • Planning • Design • Installation Andy Parrish, AAMS 848-5077 P.O. Box 60, Westfield, IN 46074 References Available vailable Ron & Phyllis Fox, Owners - Parishioners FOR AD INFO CALL Rick Farber 1-800-950-9952 Vice President / Financial Advisor 1329 West 96th Street, Suite 120-B Indianapolis, IN 46260 Find Your Path. We Can Help SMG Parishioner 317-643-1099 [email protected] *IRAs, Education Savings, Rollovers, 401ks* Securities and advisory services offered through Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC 220 North Main Street, Suite 400 Davenport, IA. 52801 563-326-2064 Greenway Advisors and Ausdal Financial Partners, Inc . are separately owned and operated. • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARIA GORETTI, WESTFIELD, IN C 2C 01-1166 01-07-201508:47:34 VERONICA GIBBS, MS, NCC, LMHC, LCSW, CCDVC, BCPC Christian Counselor ADULT, CHILD, ADOLESCENT, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY PRACTICE COUNSELING SEMINARS - WORKSHOPS - CONSULTING Offices in Westfield & Zionsville 765-434-7058 FREE INITIAL PHONE CONSULTATION Fall Property Cleanups Snow Removal Service Irrigation Winterization Landscape Design & Installation Kristoff Family Dentistry David J. Kristoff, D.D.S., Parishioner 317-846-0620 Jeremy Burns, Parishioner 1040 N. Rangeline • Carmel, IN 46032 13400 Old Meridian St., Carmel 46032 (317) 846-3436 • “Indy’s oldest heating & cooling co.” $100 OFF New Services for SMG Members • New Patients Welcome HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL SERVICE & REPLACEMENT John & Kara Traub, Owners 28 Years of Catholic Education Kevin R. Worth, O.D. Family Eye Care (317) 867-1940 639-1111 • 3216 East St. Rd. 32 • Westfield, IN 46074 The Choice of Paint for Custom Home Builders Carmel: 148 West Carmel Drive, Carmel, IN #317 575-8011 Fishers: 7275 E. 116th Street, Fishers, IN #317 577-2344 Westfield: 3132 E. State Rd. 32, Westfield, IN #317 867-5934 Northside: 2311 East 53rd St., Indianapolis, IN #317 251-9494 : The Catholic Community Discount Ask for 25% off JD HALL LAND SURVEYING James D. Hall, PLS 803 S. Ohio St., Sheridan, IN 46069 • 317-696-3594 [email protected] Account Number: 310017080000 Lot, Farm & Land Title Surveys, Residential, Commercial & Industrial Site Planning & Civil Design NEW LOCATION! 10 CLASSES - $39 At Jazzercise-Westfield!! Accepting New Patients New customers only. One coupon per person. or 867.5305 Betsy Beasley 13590 N. Meridian St., Suite 202 Carmel, IN 46032 Tel: (317) 818-2200 Fax: (317) 818-0555 15 PPG Porter Paint Stores in Indianapolis Metro SCHEETZ Mobile: 317.294.0473 [email protected] REALTOR® Results that move You! WITTLER O RT H O D O N T I C S, PC Still Family Owned & Operated Tom Randall • Mark Roberts website: e-mail: [email protected] funeral homes 1685 Westfield Rd Noblesville, IN 46062 PH: 317.773.2584 1150 Logan St Noblesville, IN 46060 PH: 317.773.2584 12010 Allisonville Rd Fishers, IN 46038 PH: 317.842.5310 Use This Truck FREE to move into Spring Mill Self Storage! At the intersection of Spring Mill & 32 • 613 SR 32 W Westfield, Indiana “We’ll Get You Grinning” Michelle Wittler, DDS, MSD 534 E. State Rd. 32, Westfield, IN 46074 317 • 896 • 3444 Tom Harford Carpentry Services • CUSTOM CABINETS AND TRIM • ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS AND BARS • REMODELING AND REPAIR SERVICES Top Agent ® KEITH ALBRECHT Tom (317) 590-4158 “KEITH SELLS CARMEL & WESTFIELD” Parishioner [email protected] 590-7878 \ 580-9955 17501 Gunther Blvd. (Next to Kroger) 896-1315 YOUR PERFECT PARTY EVENT RENTAL SPECIALISTS Complete Auto Repair Tires Batteries 10 Minute Oil Changes Brakes INFLATABLES • TENTS • TABLES • CHAIRS • LINENS 317.769.4993 info@Celebration Contact Rick Farber to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2630 FOR AD INFO CALL Rick Farber 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM $10 OFF Oil Change with this ad John Neibold, Manager ST. MARIA GORETTI, WESTFIELD, IN B 4C 01-1166 01-07-201508:47:34 Mike Farrell - SMG Parishioner 317-255-0062 Gordon Smith Parishioner 601 E. 106th 317-564-4949 • Purchase Loans • Reverse Mortgage • Refinance • FHA/VA “Lower your bills, increase your tithe!” 8445 Keystone Crossing Dan & Michelle Hanlin Owner/Parishioners Water & Fire Damage Restoration Carpet, Upholstery, Tile & Duct Cleaning Esler’s Auto Repair 1980 E. 116th St., Suite 315, Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 575-0001 • Celebrating 25 Years 317-776-9942 DAVID K. LEE Social Security Disability Lawyer Statewide Practice 10+ Years Experience Complete Automotive Repair 317-896-9060 Ph: 317-870-0032 Fax: 317-870-1885 Email: [email protected] 350 Parkway Cir Westfield Guerin Catholic High School Proud Diocesan partner of St. Maria Goretti Celebrating over 27 Years of Experience Dr. Sandra K. Cunningham has Advanced Certifications in: Women’s Health Pregnancy & Pediatrics, Scoliosis & Sports Injuries, Personal Injury & Whiplash, and Spine/Muscle/Joint Rehab. Dr. Cunningham is an Independent Medical Examiner and is National Board Certified. As a Comprehensive Family Wellness Center we offer: Consultation/Examination, Computerized Radiology, Computerized Spine Evaluations, Chiropractic Care, Scoliosis Screening, Physical Therapy/Therapeutic Rehab Therapeutic Massage for all ages, 3-D Computerized 3 Arch Foot Scan, and Custom Foot Orthotics for all ages. Call now & mention this Ad for a FREE Computerized Spinal Examination and Consult with the Doctor to discuss the results and recomendations to help you...GET YOUR LIFE BACK! (Federal guidelines prohibit the use of the offer with Medicaid and Medicare) We accept Major Medical, Medicaid, and Medicare Insurance and Personal Injury cases. (317) 582-0120 • 75 Executive Dr, Ste G, Carmel, IN 46032 • 317-575-9310 PROVIDING QUALITY PLUMBING SERVICE AT A F FAI FAIR AIR PR PRIC PRICE IC Plumbing • Drain Cleaning Jason Flannagan, DDS Sewer Line Repair and Replacement Complete Family Dental Care 522 East State Road 32 317-927-7186 • Westfield, IN 46074 317-867-5511 $100 OFF • Ask about our Dental PLUS Plan • Adults get a FREE custom whitening tray ANY WATER HEATER (Located just across from the Westfield Post Office) LIC # C051100012 $300 OFF ANY SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR $50 OFF $50 OFF ANY PLUMBING ANY SEWER OR REPAIR DRAIN CLEANING NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFERS. EXPIRES 10/31/14 WEDDINGS ARE OUR SPECIALTY 1.5 HOUR WEDDING SPECIAL 317-716-1201 SMG parishioners receive: Kenneth Krause D.M.D., Parishioner 3247 East State Road 32 !"#$%"&'()*+),-./, Roofing, Roofing Repairs, Siding, Siding Repairs, Disaster Restoration, Basement Remodeling, and more. :)));<=)>?39)@)ABC3D#) E+"F)G3H"15#)I1&DJ :)))K2"")!L%5"1%1M)N82)O%N"P (317) 399-9329 0"10234#"'"153&6789 EQR"2)"?39()?B23D#)31') 1"7"##32D)7&"31%1M#J PARISHIONER Gemini General Contracting, LLC. 121 South Walnut St., Westfield, IN 46074 Toddler through 9th grade 317-822-9035 Contact Mary Lyman at 317-867-0158 Parishioner FOR AD INFO CALL Rick Farber 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARIA GORETTI, WESTFIELD, IN A 4C 01-1166 01-07-201508:47:34
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