Welcome to Our Parish! January 18, 2015 3131 Governor Drive, San Diego, CA 92122 John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God.” The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. John 1:35-36 MASS TIMES SATURDAY: 5:30 pm (Cantor) SUNDAY: 7:30 am (Cantor) 9:00 am (Contemporary Choir) 11:00 am (Classic Choir) 5:30 pm (Youth Choir) WEEKDAYS: 8:00 am FIRST FRIDAYS: 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Anointing of the sick HOLY DAYS: As announced or visit website CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4-5p.m or call Rectory for appt. January 18, 2015 Msgr. Mark A. Campbell Pastor [email protected] In Residence: Fr. Richard Hopkins Weekend Liturgies: Rev. Gary Sanders, OSA Deacons: William Klopchin and Scott Wall [email protected] Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Angela Meram, IHM [email protected] Church Address: 3131 Governor Drive San Diego, CA 92122 Tel: 858-453-0222 Fax: 858-453-2547 E-Mail: [email protected] Visit us on the Web www.omcsandiego.org Fr. Richard Hopkins is available for spiritual direction or confessions or simply to talk if you need an ear. Please call the Rectory for an appointment or e-mail: [email protected] R PRISON MINISTRY Denis Ebipane is leaving the Prison Ministry because of personal reasons. We are very grateful to Denise for having been involved in this work for so long. Rob Moscato will be taking over from Denise. Please contact Rob at 858-453-5785, if you feel you would like to be involved . VOTIVE MASSES FOR THIS WEEK Saturday, January 17th, 5:30 pm Rodney Jones RIP Sunday, January 18th, 9:00 am Betty Ludwig RIP 11:00 am Tony Staats RIP 5:30 pm Joan Sloan RIP Monday, January 19th, 8:00 am Dave Weller RIP Tuesday, January 20th, 8:00 am Jerry Moran RIP Wednesday, January 21st, 8:00 am Jerry Moran RIP John Sinto RIP Thursday, January 22nd, 8:00 am Rita & Larry Nelson RIP Friday, January 23rd, 8:00 am James Densmore RIP Saturday, January 24th, 8:00 am Fr. Pat Fox RIP FEASTS OF THE WEEK Tuesday: St. Fabian; St. Sebastian Wednesday: St. Agnes Thursday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Friday: St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope Saturday: St. Francis de Sales SUNDAY’S READINGS First Reading — Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19). Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will. (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Your bodies are members of Christ. (1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20). Gospel — The first disciples saw where Jesus was staying. (John 1:35-42). THIS WEEK’S READINGS Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 January 18, 2015 OMC PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN For Preschool and Kindergarten, OMC has an outstanding Religious Education Program for children in preschool and kindergarten every Sunday morning during the 9:00 a.m. Mass. While young children learn about their faith, when the seeds are planted, in a warm and loving environment, parents can participate more fully at Mass. What a faith-filled opportunity for parents and children. Try it! We know you’ll like it…then try it again. Register now at 858–453–3554. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD The children leave Mass just before the First Reading to go downstairs to have the Scripture at Mass explained to them by volunteer adults. If you feel you would like to share your faith with our children, please contact Ian Mascarenhas at 858-453-3554 or e-mail him at [email protected]. It can be a source of growth for you in your Faith. PRAYERS, SUPPORT AND HEALING BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP If you have lost a loved one, you are invited to join our OMC Bereavement Support Group. The group provides support and share experiences which help to ease your loss and give you the tools you need to move on. They meet on the first, second and fourth Fridays, 10:15 to 11:30 am, Serra Hall, St. Katharine Drexel room. The group is facilitated by Lenore Martinez who can be reached at 858-412-5123. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL Rita Boley; Elizabeth Kane; Julie Fish; Steve and Brenda Stout Baby Lillianna Cuervo; Rae-Anne Reinhardt; Mary Lou McDonald; Linda Stirpe; Collette Davis; Margaret Gurney; Debbie Warner, June Lovelady; Joyce Pawlak; Joanne Mamgiameli; Mike Ebipane; Jim Dawson; Jeanie Otterson, MaryJane Maloney, Alicia Medina & Gary Godshalk FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PASSED ON Msgr. Pat Fox; Bob Bowman; Lena Lewis; Julia Bray; Joy Pendleton; Frank Petracorro; Joseph Langley; William Crann; Rodney Jones; Ana Sacristan; Lois Scott; Marvin Balot; Joseph Hebert; Wiley Charles Tuten; Basilia Diego; Felix Bautista; Howard Strutzel; Julia Bray; Luz Diaz; Joe Keenan; SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, March 7th, 2015. St. Patrick’s Day dinner/dance. January 18, 2015 PASTORAL DIRECTION There is a Brazilian proverb used when a visitor is leaving one’s home: ‘Whoever drinks of this water keeps coming back.’ Today’s Readings see Jesus invite the disciples to ‘come and see’ where he lived. He welcomed them into his home and they stayed with him for the rest of the day. The example of Jesus encourages us to be welcoming, to extend a warm invitation to all, and to spend time with others in conversation and friendship. John pointed the disciples towards Jesus as the one they should follow. Let us remember the people in our lives who have pointed us in a new and life-giving direction? Perhaps in some cases this may have involved directing us away from our association with them, e.g., leaving home, changing jobs, etc. Accepting an invitation to ‘Come and see’ may be part of exploring a new path in life. When has this been so for us? Who issued us the invitation? What benefits came to us from accepting the invitation? Andrew did not keep the good news to himself but also invited his brother to join him in following Jesus. What is our experience of receiving, or giving, an invitation to join in some worthwhile venture? Jesus looked at Peter and could see what he would become. Who have been the people who have been able to name for us our potential? For whom have we been able to do this? This Sunday also marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and this year’s theme for the week is ‘Jesus said to her: “Give me to drink”’, from the story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman invites us to try water from a different well and to also offer some of our own. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an opportunity for encounter and dialogue with others, and a time to ask God for the gift of unity. Today is also the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Speaking last summer when he met with migrants and asylum seekers on the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa, Pope Francis urged ‘brotherly responsibility’ towards our fellow human beings. INTERFAITH SHELTER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Our parish has supported the Interfaith Shelter for several years. The program involves Christian Congregations of various denominations in a county-wide homeless shelter for individuals and families. This is a great opportunity for you or your family to help families in need. Help is needed in food preparation and serving. You join us for dinner and share your company and time. Middle school and high school students can receive volunteer hours. This year we will be coordinating two weeks of support at Clairemont Lutheran. Help is needed February 21st through March 6th. After each Mass on January 18, 2015, we will have signups for food donations, dinner preparation and sleep over support. Contact Greg Settelmayer at 858 453-5820. WELCOME FR. REY! Everyone, please welcome Fr. Rey Roque. He will living at the Rectory residence and helping Fr. Mark with some parish work. He is the Chaplain for both Scripps Hospitals in La Jolla. Fr. Rey has been a priest for 27 years and he comes to us from El Cajon. JOIN THE CLASSIC CHOIR Glenn D’Abreo will offer free voice and sight reading lessons to new members. Call/Text 858-736-4128 for more information. LITURGY MEETING There will be a Liturgy Committee meeting on Monday, January 19, 2015 at 5:30 pm in the Katharine Drexel Room. All are welcome. January 18, 2015 PARISH DIRECTORY AND PARISH MINISTRIES Adult Formation: (RCIA) Deacon Scott Wall 858-453-0731 [email protected] Altar Server Formation: Deacon Scott Wall [email protected] Adult Community: Danny Phan (Young Adults) [email protected] Nancy Wesseln 858-847-0724 [email protected] Liturgical Minister Scheduling: Mike Caparelli [email protected] Weekday Masses: (Lector s & E. Minister s) Elaine Warner 858-453-4006 [email protected] Music: Charlotte Deane 619-284-8071 (9:00 am & Sun. 5:30 pm) Glenn D’Abreo 858-736-4128—voice or text [email protected] (Sat. 5:30 pm & 11:00 am) Tony Gril (organist & pianist—weddings & funerals) 619-546-4665 [email protected] Parish Office: Glenn D’Abreo (Office & Bulletin) 858-453-0222 voice/text 858-736-4128 [email protected] Jim Dube 858-453-0222 (Accountant) [email protected] Emily Carignan (Office) 858-453-0222 [email protected] Religious Education: Preschool, Grades 1-6 Sr. Angela Meram, IHM 858-453-3554 [email protected] Ellie McGlynn 858-453-3554 [email protected] Youth and Young Adults: Grades 7-High School & 18+ Ian Mascarenhas 858-453-3554 [email protected] Holy Folders: JoAnne Barbieri 858-453-0683 Birthline: Mary Sexton 858-453-3395 Food Bank: Mark Manthei 858-272-2355 Adopt-A-Senior/Bereavement Supp: Lenore Martinez 858-412-5123 Parish Outreach Program: Hotline 858-461-8356 [email protected] Healing Touch: Blanca Paloma 858-274-2035 Knights of Columbus: Tom Berge 858-623-8572 Grief & Healing: Elaine Warner 858-453-4006 Weekend & Weekday Lector Training: Marty Linville 619-723-5444 [email protected] Mystical Rose Guild: Jean Weller 858-274-5372 Marianne Rauch 858-455-9417 Coffee & Doughnuts: Claire Shaughnessy 858-587-1407 [email protected] Dusty Reisch 858-414-3101 [email protected] Centering Prayer: Michele Lambotte 858-558-9386 Fran Cardoza 858-246-9495 Matrimonial Advocate: (Annulments) Janie Hoffner 858-453-0721 [email protected] Liturgy: Kathleen Gerry 858-587-0848 [email protected] Plant Manager: John Ohle 619-905-3526. [email protected] Sacristan Scheduling: Kristi Keith 858-453-9640 Ushers: Jack Beresford 858-453-7695 [email protected] Prison Ministry: Rob Moscato 858-453-5785 The Rectory Office is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Office is closed from 12 Noon to 1:15 pm, for lunch. The Religious Education office is open Mondays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm. The Religious Education Office is closed on Fridays. January 18, 2015 BROWN BAG OPERA—DATE CHANGE A calendar conflict has required a date change for our first opera afternoon. It will be on February 8th. We will watch an Opera DVD in Serra hall on our special wide screen with a special sound system. There is no charge for this event and we will try and do it every month. Bring your own snacks, lunch, beverages and come join us. Our first offering will be the Metropolitan Opera production of Verdi’s La Traviata starring Rene Flemming, Renato Bruson and Rolando Villazon. This will be enjoyable. We will start at 1:00 pm. It is approximately two hours long. Invite friends and neighbors. HEALING TOUCH COURSE Healing Touch Instructor Yvonne Wultz will conduct a Healing Touch Level One course at OMC on two Saturdays in January: 24th and 31st 2015. This is a nursing based continuing education program for registered nurses, physicians, body therapist, counselors, psycho-therapists, other health professionals, and individuals who want an in-depth understanding and practice of healing work using energy based concepts. There will be sign-up brochures in the Gathering Space. Please take one to register. For more information call Blanca Paloma at 858-274-2035. TUESDAY EVENING YOGA CLASSES GENTLE YOGA: Bring the joy of movement to your body in this slow-paced practice. January 6th, 20th and February 3rd and 16th. RELAXING YOGA: This class is held entirely down on the yoga mat and is focused on holding poses and lengthening. January 13th, 27th and February 9th and 23rd. Every TUESDAY from 5:00 – 6:00 pm. Donation based. SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH Feed the Hungry (Sat. Jan. 17), 8am--Noon Meet for 8am Mass, then we go to Our Lady of Guadalupe, make sandwiches, bag lunches and give out lunches and bottled water in the community. See "Permission Forms" section on omcsandiego.org/ youth-forms/ page. The next “Feed the Hungry” will be Feb. 21st. St. Vincent de Paul -- Feb. 6th Youth & Parents, help serve dinner at the shelter, Meet at OMC at 3:15pm, return by 7pm. (Next date: Feb. 6th) -- 9-10 youth and 2-3 parents needed (PLEASE HELP), 12 total. Permission Form required, see omcsandiego.org/youth-forms/ page Confirmation Sponsor Sheets are due from 1st Year Candidates by February 1st -- (Form is on omcsandiego.org/youth-forms/) Boy Scout Sunday: February 8th – Scouts, please wear your “Class A” uniforms to recognize and honor SCOUTING! Girl Scouts, we welcome you to wear your uniforms to help recognize BOY SCOUTING; Girl Scout Sunday comes up March 8th, and we’ll encourage all Girls & Boys in Scouting to do the same. Adult leaders in Scouting, please wear your uniforms too. January 18, 2014 DELIVER THEM FROM EVIL Alexander R. Ross US ARMY Brendan Schmutte USN-EOD Bob McDevitt DHS Joseph J. Ring USN Chad Addison US ARMY Cdr. Matthew Hannon USN Sgt. Maj. Sean Greenleaf USMC HM3 Ryan P. Flynn USN Evan Wheeler USMC CONSIDER ONLINE GIVING We have special pamphlets in the pews explaining online giving and the benefits to you and to our parish by changing to this way of giving your monthly support to the church. You can chose to make one time or regular payments. Visit our website at http://www.omcsandiego.org and you will find a link in the menus on the right side of the site. REGULAR EVENTS AT OMC Coffee and Doughnuts: Second and Thir d Sundays of the month after the 7:30 am Mass and the 9:00 am Mass Knights of Columbus Breakfast: The Fir st Sunday of ever y month, after the 7:30 am and the 9:00 am Mass. Senior Social: The Senior Club meets ever y thir d Thur sday of the month. There is a lunch, entertainment and a chance to meet friends and make new ones. $7.00 per person. Regular Yoga: Ever y Tuesday evening at 5:00 pm. Br ing your own mat.. Heather Float will guide you through a new experience. Chair Yoga: For those who have difficulty getting up and down on/off the floor. Every Wednesday at 10:30 am .. Sara Mitteer will show you how. Grandparents Praying for Grandchildren: Led by Toni Doyle; the fir st and third Tuesday of every month. Share your concerns. Praying for a Cure: Cancer sur vivor s or with cancer in their families get together to pray for a cure and for comfort. Every second forth Tuesday of the month. Led by Elaine Warner. First Fridays: Anointing of the sick after the 8:00 am Mass and Benediction after a very short prayer. Anointing of the sick after the 5:30 pm evening Mass. Brown Bag Opera: We will be viewing of an Oper a DVD in our Hall. No charge. Bring our own lunch or snack and your own beverage. 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Starting Feb 8th. Bereavement Support Group: Meets on the fir st, second and four th Fridays, 10:15 to 11:30 am, St. Katharine Drexel room. Mystical Rose Guild: Meets ever y 2nd Thur sday of the month at 6:30pm January 18, 2015 SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, March 7th, 2015. St. Patrick’s Day dinner/dance. SAN DIEGO CATHOLIC ADULT COMMUNITY Our Mother of Confidence working with St. Brigid and St. Therese of Carmel Providing Activities and a Social Network for Married, Single, Divorced, Widowed Adults YOUNG ADULTS (20’s and 30’s) ADULT COMMUNITY(35+) ACTIVE 60’s+ For information and/or to get involved, contact Nancy Wesseln [email protected] (858) 847-0724 http://sandiegocac.org/ Young Adults(20's and 30's) Women’s Book Club contact Mar [email protected] g for location and details! Monthly Young Adult Beer Tasting/Social contact [email protected] g Friday, January 30th— Rough Draft Brewing — 8830 Rehco Rd. Suite D, San Diego CA 92121. Sign up to receive our weekly email updates: [email protected], OMC Young Adult Leader! Adult Community (ages 35+) Wednesday, January 14th Theology "Uncorked!" "A casual gathering where we can have a glass of wine, socialize, hear a brief presentation, and ask questions in order to gain a deeper understanding of our faith." … 7:00pm - 8:30pm REAL BAR AND BISTRO 124 South Solana Hills Drive Solana Beach 92067 (behind the Carl's Jr.) Cost: Donation Speaker: Cort Peters (Next month: Fr. Mark!) Topic: Let’s look at what is “healthy.” Mind | Body |Spirit connection - compare Christ's call to what society is telling us. JANUARY MASS AND DINNER— Sunday, January 25th Join us for 5:30pm Mass and out to a local restaurant for dinner! Contact: [email protected] Sign up to receive our weekly email updates: [email protected] ACTIVE 60’s+! Sign up to receive email updates! Email or call [email protected] (858) 847-0724 Monthly dancing – New Year’s Resolution: Dancing at least once/month! Join us for a great evening out. See your email update for details!
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