Innovations in energy efficient technologies supported by Skolkovo Foundation Cluster of Energy Efficient Technologies Cluster of Energy Efficient Technologies MISSION Russia possesses the largest supply of energy resources in the world. This fact allowed developing economy for a long time without sufficient investments in innovations. At the same time, our country has created unique research and development potential that allows creating world-class technologies. Significant improvement of energy efficiency resulting from the development of new technologies is one of the most important mechanisms for turning Russia into a country with strong competitive innovation-based economy. DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES Energy Efficiency Cluster supports the development of the newest technologies of energy generation, transmission and accumulation, enhancement of consumption efficiency, “green” energy. Such technologies both increase energy efficiency of the economy and become a base for emerging of new hi-tech Russian companies. Their commercial success will stimulate innovative economy development. KEY OBJECTIVES: • Searching for innovative ideas and teams that are able to perform the full cycle of innovation development, from research to commercial success • Stimulating foundation of corporate R&D centers targeted to energy efficient technologies • Involving scientists into solving actual technical problems facing the business, stimulating applied research • Providing the most comfortable administrative environment and support for the innovators’ companies • As a result, enhancing competitiveness of Russian energy efficient technologies in the world market PARTICIPANTS Our cluster is an international community of the outstanding researchers and entrepreneurs, who generate innovative ideas and turn them into commercially successful products and technologies in the energy efficiency sector. Currently our cluster unites more than 130 innovative companies. The number of those who wish to join us is growing day by day; therefore we thoroughly choose our members and provide support only to the companies that carry out the most innovative R&D with high potential for commercialization. Residents of the Cluster receive various kinds of support from the Skolkovo Foundation and its partners: grants up to 300 mln. roubles, significant tax benefits, venture investments, access to the newest equipment, support of the global wellknown research institutes and leading technological companies. Moreover our residents will get the opportunity to become a part of the future “Skolkovo” innovation center. Network pneumatic wave power generation plant with efficiency of up to 60% on waves from 1 meter high KD Technology ZAO THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Array of plastic floats with pneumatic air compressors connected by lever arms • Energy of each wave impacts floats • Relative motion of floats drives air compressors • Compressed air is produced and transmitted to the shore, where electric power is generated COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Power generation on waves from 1 meter high, with efficiency up to 60% • Competitive wave power generation technologies provide efficiency up to 45% on waves not less than 5 meters • Costs of electricity is as low as $0.17/ kW∙h as a result of cheap polymeric structures use • Reduced maintenance costs due to on shore electrical equipment PROJECT PRODUCT Wave power plant CURRENT PROJECT STAGE • Proof of concept by University College of Cork (Ireland) • Efficiency of 54% proven by Swansea University (UK) • 1:9 skale model is tested in a pool in Cork, Ireland FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • Offshore lab prototype – Q2 2013 • 1 MW plant protorype – 2014 KEY MARKETS United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, China and other countries with access to the sea INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • CRDF Global - Best 2011 Innovation Idea • Cleantech Connect, One to watch 2011 - 30 most promising European start-ups CONTACTS: Moscow, +7 (926) 170-01-17, [email protected] Energy generation PROJECT NEEDS • Venture investments in 2012 • Strategic investor in 2013 • Pilot implementation sites for prototype models REQUIRED FINANCING • 2012 : RUB 28.5 million • 2013-2014 : RUB 220 million Production technology of energy-efficient Spin-Cell heat exchangers for heat supply systems used in the housing and utilities sector Energotekhnika LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION •C ell heat exchangers with swirling-flow heat exchange tubes (Spin-Cell) •C ell structure of tube bundle without tube plate •S pace between tubes is filled with hollow helical fins COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES •H eat transfer coefficient is 1.5 to 2.5 times greater than that of plate, and shell-and-tube heat exchangers •H ydraulic resistance lower than that of plate heat exchangers •D ecreased scaling and scum • L ight and compact design, resistant to thermal and hydraulic impact •C ost and maintenance expenses could be decreased by 15-30% PROJECT PRODUCT •H eat exchangers for heating systems (500 Mcal/h) and hot water supply (200 Mcal/h) • T ool for calculating swirling flows (combination of software and hardware) CURRENT PROJECT STAGE •P ilot implementation •C ompleted: R&D, working design documentation, pilot model manufacture and testing FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q1 2013 KEY MARKETS Housing and utilities ($300 M), energy production sector, oil and gas, chemical, food processing and ship building industries INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Method for heat exchanger manufacturing is protected with 3 Russian patents CONTACTS: Moscow, Zelenograd, +7 (495) 972-38-44, [email protected] Energy generation PROJECT NEEDS • Pilot implementation on sites • Financing for launch of manufacture PROJECT FINANCING • Grants received – RUB 2.5 million • Own funds – RUB 3 million REQUIRED FINANCING RUB 18.2 million Technology for manufacturing cost-effective and clean gas-fired mini power stations based on Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells NF CJSC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Innovative cost-effective solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) production technology which is: – Sustainable technology – Cost-effective technology – Scalable COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES •P rojected cost of SOFC production is 2-3 times less than competitive technologies •W ider power-range of developed power stations (0,5 – 25 kW, compared to 0,5 – 3 kW) •S imple and rugged design •S oundless clean tech generator with levelized costs of electricity of $0.2 per kW∙h PROJECT PRODUCT •P ower station manufacturing technology •S PVs for power stations production in US, EU, Japan CURRENT PROJECT STAGE •P ower station lab prototype was designed •C ost-effective SOFC manufacturing technology was developed FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • L ab prototype devices – Q3 2013 • F ull-scaled prototypes – late 2014 •P ilot production - 2015 KEY MARKETS •H ouseholds, small and mid-business, oil-and-gas companies, utilities, heavy vehicles •P otential markets: US, Middle East, Japan, EU, Russia, South-Eastern Asia INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY •C ost-effective SOFC manufacturing technology patented in Russia, US •P atent applications for power station designed planed in Russia, US, Japan, EU CONTACTS: Moscow,, [email protected] Energy generation PROJECT NEEDS •S trategic partner and investor for production and implementation in 2014 • T echnological partner in 2015 •P ilot implementation sites for prototypes PROJECT FINANCING Own funds $1,9 million REQUIRED FINANCING Lab prototype – 0,7 million Full-scaled prototype – $1,1 million Pilot production – $2 million Technology for the production of zirconium dioxide-based electrolytic membranes to manufacture energy-efficient hightemperature solid oxide fuel cells GPI Innovation Center Co Ltd. THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Development of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) electrolyte based on stabilized monocrystals of zirconium dioxide (instead of ceramic elements) • Processing of electrolytic membranes with new directional crystallization methods in the conditions of HF-melting, chemical and mechanical polishing and impact with intensive laser pulses COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • New electrolyte has greater ion conduction and strength, which increases power output and extends SOFC service life: – Power density up to 1 W/cm2 –1.5-2 times greater than that of ceramic electrolytes – Service life of 3-5 years, which is up to 5 times greater than that for analogues – SOFC price of USD 350-400 per 1 kW, which is 1.5-2 times lower than for analogues CONTACTS: Moscow, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, +7 (499) 503-81-65, [email protected] PROJECT PRODUCT Method of SOFC electrolyte production with ion conduction of at least 0.02 (Ohm*cm)-1 at 730ºC, with SOFC efficiency of 80%, and service life of up to 5 years PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic partner and investor •P ilot implementation sites for prototypes, starting from 2014 CURRENT PROJECT STAGE • Batch of monocrystals was obtained for electrolyte production • Electrolytic membrane treatment technologies were developed REQUIRED FINANCING •D evelopment of prototype and membrane production technology: RUB 30 million •D evelopment of prototype SOFC based on membrane: RUB 200 million FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • Sample membrane – Q2 2013 • SOFC prototype – 2014-2015 KEY MARKETS • Power sources using different fuels (hydrogen, natural gas, synthetic gas) • Estimated SOFC market will reach USD 1.6 billion by 2016 and will exceed USD 3.4 billion by 2021 1 year SOFC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY At least 3 patent applications for electrolyte production methods and technology are expected to be filed in Russia, USA, Canada, EU, Japan, China Electrolyte Energy generation Solid organic waste recycling power plant with plasma gasification method Plasma chemical Technologies LLC KEY MARKETS Distributed power generation CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Prototype developed PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic partner • Pilot implementation sites for prototypes ВОЗДУХ ОТХОДЫ ВОДА ВОЗДУХ 2 ВОДА ВОЗДУХ 4 ПРОДУКТ-ГАЗ ШЛАК ВОЗДУХ 1 CONTACTS: Moscow, +7 (495) 662-47-34,, [email protected] В АТМОСФЕРУ ВОДА ЩЁЛОЧЬ COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • T wo times less CAPEX per ton of recycling capacity •G enerates 20-30% more electric power per ton of recycled solid wastes • E xtra thermal energy is generated PROJECT PRODUCT Pilot power plants ВОЗДУХ / ПАР THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION •U se of low temperature plasma in the process of gasification of solid household waste •C onsiderable increase of solid waste recycling temperature by adding extra plasma energy, which results in the process acceleration • T he share of ballast additives decreases in the resulting gas, and the share of heat valuable components increases to provide high efficiency generation 3 1 – Reactor-gasifiier 2 – Plasma generator, 50 kW 3 - Afterburner 4 – Plasma generator, 10 kW 5 6 5 – Spray-type scrubber 6 – Packed scrubber 7 – Exhaust fan Energy generation 7 Innovative small and medium sized wind generators on the basis of axis turbine, guide unit and irregular shape deflector Optiflame Solutions LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION New aerodynamic model of wind generator that combines both safety and increase efficiency COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • E fficiency factor of the developed wind generator is 50-60% • E xternal guiding unit ensures extra safety and increase of efficiency factor •S mall size and weight of blades, direct gearing to the generator, air tightness of the structure provide for simplicity and dependability of the system •S afe use at the rooftops CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Test prototype was constructed KEY MARKETS • Distributed clean power generation • Off-grid regions of South-Eastern Asia, Russia, etc. PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic investor • Production partner PROJECT PRODUCT • Licensing of production technology • Production of wind-generatios CONTACTS: Saint Petersburg, [email protected] Energy generation Photovoltaic cells with increased efficiency based on selforganized quantum dots Solar Dots LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Development of multijunction solar cell using the InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots (QD) inserted in one of its subcells • T he use of QDs provides more effective match of the subcells absorption spectra for given system of materials and allows to increase their efficiency • Insertion of InGaAs based QDs in GaAs subcell results in the increase of the spectral range of sensitivity for this subcell up to 1.35 μm COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Increase efficiency of PV up to 3-4% •D ecrease PV energy for energy consumers to 2,2 RUB per kWh • L ower weight of PV cells PROJECT PRODUCT • Licensing of created intellectual property •S PVs for solar cells production with industrial partner CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Lab prototype developed: unijunction GaAs solar cell with QD array FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Multijunction solar cells manufacturing technology with increased efficiency – Q2 2013 KEY MARKETS •D istributed clean power generation in Russia, Spain, Germany and other countries •P ower generation for space crafts INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY •Q D high density array organization technology •D esign of solar panels based on PV cells with QD array CONTACTS: St. Petersburg, Alexey Nadtochy, +7 (921 )903-61-09, [email protected] Energy generation PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic partner in 2013 • Pilot implementation sites for prototype models GaInP subcell Tunnel diod Array of quantum dots GaAs subcell Tunnel diod Ge subcell in substrate Wind electricity-generating machine with directional flow wind turbine using low-speed innovative power generator Magma Innovation Firm LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Design of the wind machine with directional flow wind turbine provides increase in wind flow power generation • Developed and patented low-speed power generator design that is simple and robust COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Two times shorter and lighter blades compared to traditional fans • Estimated air stream usage coefficient is 40-60% • Wind turbine can function at air stream speed up to 60 km/h • Efficiency of the generator is up to 94% in a wide range of rotation frequencies and load rates • The land area for the wind farm (including the security zone) will be almost 10 times smaller than that of traditional wind farms PROJECT PRODUCT Licensing of production technology CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Prototype development KEY MARKETS Distributed clean power generation PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic investor • Pilot implementation sites for prototypes CONTACTS: Dolgoprudniy, Moscow Region +7 (495) 408-21-83,, [email protected] Energy generation Flameless combustion technology use in infrared heaters Russkiye Kotly LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • New chemical composition: design and technology for production of ceramic nozzles for boilers • New technical solutions to ensure the even distribution of the thermal fields • Effective use of different fuel types (natural gas, associated gas and liquefied, synthesis gas, biogas, hydrogen) COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Substantial decrease of negative environmental impact (сontent in the product of combustion – NO < 40 mg/m3 and CO2 < 50 mg/m3 with the excess air coefficient close to 1) • Reduction of the fuel consumption due to the decrease of heat losses and precise setting of temperature gradient • Extension of heat exchange equipment service life due to uniform distribution of heat fields and elimination of heat-stressed areas • Simple technological design, low production cost CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Laboratory prototype developed FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q4 quarter 2014 PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic partners • Financing CONTACTS: 5 Leningradskoye Highway, Moscow, Russia, 125080 +7 (499) 158-46-51, +7 (495) 789-59-58,[email protected] Energy generation Asymmetrical electrochemical capacitors with water electrolytes and energy storage system based on such capacitors ELTON CJSC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • High-power Ni-C pulse capacitors • High-capacity Pb-C capacitors PROJECT PRODUCT • Energy storage systems • Licensing of capacitor manufacturing technologies PROJECT NEEDS Feedback from prospective customers to define specific requirements for storage systems COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES High-power Ni-C capacitors: • High density of energy • Operating temperatures from -50 to +65ºC • No toxic materials High-capacity HES-capacitors: • The number of charge-discharge cycles is times greater than for other modern batteries • Energy density is comparable to those for batteries (~40 W∙h/kg) • Are capable to compensate short failures of up to 1 min in the power supply systems (95% of failures) CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Prototype development and testing PROJECT FINANCING Skolkovo grant – RUB 251 million FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q3 2013 KEY MARKETS • Reliable start for trucks and buses: start-stop systems, recuperation systems • Energy accumulation in the power supply systems for compensation of misbalances, increasing the reliability of renewable energy generators INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • Ni-C capacitor technology • Pb-C capacitor technology CONTACTS: Troitsk, Moscow Region +7 (4967) 51-04-57,, [email protected] Energy accumulation Innovative energy-efficient shunting locomotive SinaraHybrid with a smart asynchronous hybrid drive STM Innovation Development Center LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Asynchronous hybrid motive power with IGBT invertors, Li-ion batteries and ultracapacitor • Microprocessor-based locomotive energy control system was developed • GPS-GLONASS-based track prediction system • Innovative design of rolling bearings • More than 20 novel technical solutions COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Fuel consumption in shunting operations reduced by up to 30% • Exhaust emission reduced by up to 55% • Life-time use cost is lower by 18% • Locomotive may be used in closed workshops PROJECT PRODUCT • Certified pilot model • Sale of manufacturing licenses CURRENT PROJECT STAGE • Prototype developed • Pilot model tests started FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Certification to start from Q4 2012 KEY MARKETS JSC Russian Railways – 10.5 thousand locos Industrial enterprises – 7 k - 8 thousand locos INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • Three patents for utility model • Patent for industrial model • Patent search is being conducted in the CIS, East European countries and the United States PROJECT NEEDS Access to foreign markets CONTACTS: Moscow- Yekaterinburg– Lyudinovo; +7 (343) 310-33-00 [email protected] Energy accumulation PROJECT FINANCING • Skolkovo grant – RUB 56 million • Co-investor – RUB 60 million Asymmetrical graphene ultracapacitor based on non-water electrolyte with enhanced energy density that is 4-6 times higher than that of analogues Kongran LLC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • Graphene production know-how • Electrolyte production know-how CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Model of symmetrical graphene/graphene ultracapacitor based on water electrolyte was created, with energy density of 17 W∙h/kg, power density of 2 kW/h PROJECT NEEDS Strategic partner and investor Kongran FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • Prototype with non-water electrolyte 25-30 W∙h/ kg – Q1 2013 • Ultracapacitor cells 50 W∙h/kg, 5 kW/kg – Q4 2014 KEY MARKETS • Energy storage system for electric vehicles • Large energy storage systems for electric grids • Energy storage devices for renewable energy sources CONTACTS: Moscow, +7 (495) 939-71-93, [email protected] Energy accumulation Power density, kW/kg COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Power density from 50 kW/kg, energy density 50 -100 W∙h/kg, which is comparable to modern batteries • Several minutes needed for charging • Service life is 10 times longer than that of lithiumion batteries PROJECT PRODUCT Licensing of supercapacitor production technology for various applications Energy density, Wh/kg THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Highly-porous carbons are the most promising materials for electrodes of energy storage devices • Authors have know-how for cheap production of graphene • Use of a non-water electrolyte will make it possible to increase electrode voltage from 2 to 4-5 V, and store 4-6 times more energy proportionately to squared voltage value • Electrolyte production technology based on polymerized nanoparticles with ionic and electronic conduction Power and pulse acid ultracapacitors with high performance that utile nanomaterials, efficient designs and advanced technologies TEEMP LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Development of advanced acid ultracapacitors (UC) of following types: – High-capacity (for energy sector) – High-power pulse (for electric vehicles) • Development of nanoporous activated carbon materials for electrodes, with pores sized to increase specific internal surface area up to 1.5 times and highly efficient double electric layer • Use of composite materials for electrodes and current collectors • Electrodes combined with current collectors to reduce weight and resistance COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • High-capacity UC: power density 1 kW/kg and energy density 23 W∙h/kg at cost of $1 per Wh • High-power pulse UC: power density 5 kW/kg, energy density 3.5 W∙h/kg at cost of $20 per Wh • These parameters will provide the solutions for accumulation in grids and hybrids PROJECT PRODUCT • Prototype supercapacitor cells and modules • Supercapacitor manufacturing technology INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 7 patent applications are expected to be filed with respect to materials and design of supercapacitors CURRENT PROJECT STAGE • Successful experience with the development of previous generation ultracapacitors (energy density 15.4 W∙h/kg) and their use for electric vehicles • Materials and electrodes are being developed • Development of cells was started PROJECT NEEDS •P ilot implementation sites for testing prototype models in the energy sector •C onsumers of supercapacitors in automotive industry FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • Prototype ultracapacitor cells – Q4 2012 • Power ultracapacitor modules – Q4 2013 • Pulse ultracapacitor modules – Q4 2013 KEY MARKETS • Energy storage systems for electric vehicles • Large energy storage system in electric grids • Energy storage system for renewable energy sources CONTACTS: Korolev, Moscow Region, +7 (495) 974-98-58,, [email protected] Energy accumulation PROJECT FINANCING Skolkovo Grant – RUB 46.5 million Basic technology and design for the creation of lithium-air rechargeable chemical capacitors with energy density exceeding 1 kW∙h per 1 kg of battery weight for mobile applications and electric vehicles FM Lab LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION Unlike today’s most popular lithium-ion batteries, lithium-air batteries are based on reduction of atmospheric oxygen at the cathode COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Extremely high capacity of lithium-air batteries: at least 5 times greater than that of lithium-ion batteries • Theoretical estimations of energy density of lithium-air batteries are comparable to energy content of gasoline (approximately 10 kW∙h/kg) • Unlimited reserves of oxidizer (atmospheric oxygen) PROJECT PRODUCT • T arget parameters per 1 kg of battery weight: – Energy density: 1-3 kW∙h – Power density: 1.5 kW • L ife cycle: not less than 100 charge-discharge cycles CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Development and testing of prototype cells PROJECT NEEDS Strategic partner and investor for production and implementation PROJECT FINANCING • Skolkovo grant – RUB 30 million • Co-investor – RUB 10 million electrons load FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • Prototype small-sized cells – Q3 2012 • Industrial model of batteries – 2013-2014 KEY MARKETS •S ales of lithium-air batteries are expected to triple by 2020 to $30 billion, which is connected first of all with the growth of electric vehicle and energy markets. • F orecasted growth is impossible without a drastic increase of energy density of batteries used and/ or decrease of their prices CONTACTS: Moscow, Zelenograd, +7 (499) 732-93-38, [email protected] Porous cathode Electrolyte Separator Lithium anode Membrane from porous fluoroplas=c Gas-‐=ght plate of solid electrolyte Body of anode chamber filled with electrolyte Energy accumulation Pos. electrode Neg. electrode New generation of contactless switches and current limiters for electric grids and for application in housing and utilities sector Current Limited LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION •C ontactless switches and current limiters (CSCL) based on 1 µm thin nanostructured carbon films applied on quartz substrate • If critical current is exceeded, transition from metallic state to isolator occurs within ~0.1 millisecond •D evices for 100A, 1000A electric distribution grids housing and utilities applications up to 63A are developed COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES •S ignificantly faster than inertia switches • E nhanced efficiency and reduced losses caused by heating of elements •C ost similar to inertia switches and dozens of times lower than that of superconducting current limiters •N o mechanical contacts or switches prevent voltaic arc or bounce, thus increasing fire safety and interference protection CONTACTS: Troitsk, Moscow Region +7 (916) 601-12-64, [email protected] PROJECT PRODUCT • Prototype CSCL for household consumers (up to 100 A) and grid companies (1000 A) • Licensable CSCL production technology CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Laboratory sample of CSCL with critical current of 1A was developed FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • Prototype household devices – Q4 2013 • Prototype grid devices – Q1 2014 KEY MARKETS • Switches for household use, housing and utilities sector • Current limiters, instead of high-T ceramic superconductors for grid companies, housing and utilities sector NTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Patents for technology of production of contactless current limiters and their incorporation in an electric circuit are received Energy transmission PROJECT NEEDS •S trategic partner and investor •P ilot implementation sites for prototype models, starting from 2014 • T esting and certification site Technology for power cables protection with quasi-crystalline Al-Cu-Fe coating for enhanced icing and corrosion resistance Center of Micromechanics and Modern Materials LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION •U se of Al-CU-Fe quasi-crystals for creating a protective film of 20 µm thick on the surface of non-insulated cables •D evelopment of technology for continuous manufacture of cable with a stable coating of predetermined thickness COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • E nhanced performance of non-insulated class A and AS cables: –P rotection of icing due reduced wettability – Corrosion resistance due to protective properties of coating •G rid operating costs reduced by up to 50% without modifications to cable laying technology •C able production cost increased by 5% PROJECT PRODUCT Technology for applying continuous quasi-crystal coating during production of cables CURRENT PROJECT STAGE •Q uasi-crystal material production technology is developed •P reliminary prove that quasi-crystal coating reduces friction coefficient and wetting FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q2 2013 KEY MARKETS Sections of power transmission lines subject to icing, territory with winter temperatures about 0ºC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY It is expected to file not less than 2 patent applications for protective quasi-crystal cable coating and a coating application device CONTACTS: Moscow, +7 (916) 110-13-56, [email protected] Energy transmission PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic partner and investor •P ilot implementation sites for prototypes, starting from 2013 REQUIRED FINANCING Development of technology for continuous application of quasi-crystal coating during production of cables: RUB 18.4 million The high-performance cable for energy distribution with a nanocomposite core from basalt and glass fiber Composite Electro LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION •N ew type of polymeric binding, nanocomposite materials for core •U se of nanotechnology will make it possible to use available raw materials (basalt and glass fiber instead of expensive carbon fiber) as a basis •D evelopment of a new type of loom for increasing electrical conductivity and performance in extreme conditions COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • E nergy losses reduced by 30-40% comparing to the steel and aluminium cables – lower heating intensity, cable has reduced heat radiation •P ossibility to use lower power transition line supports with increased span •C able costs $2500/tons, which is 2-2.5 times lower than analogues ACCC (U.S.) PROJECT PRODUCT • Core production technology • Wire production technology CURRENT PROJECT STAGE •B asic R&D completed with Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry • Cooperation with Research Institute of Cable Industry, Top Glass S.p.A., GEMA, Galen, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q3 2013 KEY MARKETS • Russian and foreign grid companies • Distribution and grid facilities INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY More than 3 patent applications for core production technology and design of a cable with a composite core will be filed CONTACTS: Cheboksary, +7 (8352) 30-82-10, [email protected] Energy transmission PROJECT NEEDS •S trategic partner for production and implementation •P ilot implementation sites for prototypes, starting from 2013 Environmentally friendly plasma-pulse technology for increasing oil and gas recovery at horizontal oil and gas (shale) wells NOVAS Sk LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • T echnology for plasma-pulse treatment of mature vertical wells have been developed and proven efficient •A few hundreds of powerful discharges are made along the well production interval with the dense plasma generation. • Elastic waves clean the bottomhole zone and spread deep into the formation thus cleaning perforation intervals PROJECT PRODUCT Well treatment service or licensing COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • E fficient, simple bottomhole treatment •S afe work under close aquifer bedding •H igh-accuracy selective impact •C omplete environmental safety •P ossibility of repeated use PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic investor • Testing site Example of application Treatment CURRENT PROJECT STAGE • Technology for vertical wells is already available • Technology for horizontal wells is being developed KEY MARKETS: All kinds of vertical and horizontal wells (including mature) CONTACTS: BP “Rumyantsevo”, Kievskoe Shosse, Moscow +7 (495) 225-62-40, [email protected] Oil and gas – upstream January February March April May June July August September Qoil, t/day Qliquid, m3 Water cut, % High-precision monitoring system for hydraulic seam fracturing that uses seismic arrays observations on the surface SYNAPSE LTD THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION •M onitoring system uses data from the seismic sensors deployed on the surface immediately above the injection well • T he developed technology allows to detect, locate and interpret microseismic events and their attributes even if the characteristic signal on the surface is completely masked by natural and technogenic noise PROJECT PRODUCT Service for monitoring genesis and development of fracturing during hydraulic stimulation of oil and gas recovery COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES •S ubstantial decrease of the monitoring cost and increase of the monitoring coverage comparing with the borehole monitoring • T echnology overcomes the existing surface monitoring methods’ disadvantages (suppression of man-made noise, location and characterization of complex sources) KEY MARKETS USA (more than 20 000 fracs per year), Europe, China, Russia CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Product Development (Mathematical algorithms are substantially developed and tested based on the data from the frac sites in Russia, USA and Canada) PROJECT NEEDS • Investments • Test sites CONTACTS: Moscow, pr. Vernadskogo, 101 str. 1, office #303 +7 (495) 434-36-38 Oil and gas – upstream High level of seismic noise during hydrofrac production Precise location of complex source Number of seismic sensors can be dramatically reduced and accuracy of monitoring enhanced due to implementation of the technology The example of source recovery from noise in data processing stages 1 to 4 Complex sources generate errors while implementing traditional surface monitoring methods Software for online modeling and visualization of oil fields Rock Flow Dynamics LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • F ully interactive visualization allows for online monitoring and modeling at runtime • T he software uses supercomputer cluster technologies and most up-to-date architecture •P owerful numerical algorithms CURRENT PROJECT STAGE •C ommercialization •K ey customers: TNK-BP, GAZPROM NEFT, ROSNEFT, GAZPROM, NOVATEK, SINOPEC (China), PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES (USA) •C ompany offices in Moscow and Houston (USA) COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • F ull runtime interactivity on the field model • E asy integration to intellectual field systems •U nique tools for the modeling KEY MARKETS Major regions of petroleum development worldwide PROJECT PRODUCT Interactive petroleum reservoir simulator tNavigator PROJECT NEEDS New clients PROJECT FINANCING • Skolkovo grant – $1 million • Intel Capital Finance CONTACTS: 47, Nakhimovskiy prospekt, Moscow, Russia +7 (499) 129-35-00, [email protected] Oil and gas – upstream Submersible electric plunger pump with linear motor, submersible converter and single power line NGKT LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION Combination of plunger pump with linear motor and submersible converter COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Increase of the time between repairs by at least 10% • At least 1.5-2.2 times increase in efficiency compared to existing models • Decrease of the service cost by at least 10% CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Prototype pump development KEY MARKETS • Russia: Volga Region and Western Siberia • CIS: Kazakhstan • Non-CIS countries: the USA and North Africa countries INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • Active part of submersible linear electric motor • Hydraulic protection of the electric motor • Submersible inverter • Original functional diagram of the plant Operational benefit - coefficient of efficiency = 55.9% Coefficient of efficiency 60.0 55,9 % 50.0 40.0 Electric submersible pump plant УЭПН Bo4om-‐hole pump plant УШГН УЭЦН Electric centrifugal pump plant 36,5 % 30.0 25,7 % 20.0 10.0 0.0 Total design расчетный coefficient of efficiency Общий КПД Economic effect- $912 mln/year PROJECT NEEDS Investments – USD 1 million $192 млн./год mln/year FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q3 2014 $229 Decrease of the well Снижение млн./год mln/year repair costs стоимости ремонта скважин Decrease of the capital Снижение investments стоимости капиталовложений $495 млн./год mln/year CONTACTS: Konstantin Skitkin, +7 (926) 277-01-93, [email protected] Oil and gas – upstream Увеличение Increase of the time between failures наработки на отказ Thermal gas method of development of the oil-and-kerogen bearing deposits of Bazhen (reserves estimated at 30-40 billion tons) RITEK Innovation Center THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • The proposed thermal gas method is intended for efficient oil and gas resources recovery out of the rocks of Bazhen • Oil recovery from the drained zones increases from 3-5% to 50-60% and more due to the in-site generation of efficient displacement miscible gas agent COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Availability of working agents and low cost • Use of the natural power engineering, in particular, of increased formation temperature (above 60-65 °С) assures the spontaneous initiation of intra-formational oxidative processes and integration of the thermal and gas treatment PROJECT PRODUCT Innovative technological complex for development of nonstandard oil-and kerogen bearing deposits KEY MARKETS • Bazhen deposits in Russia – 30-40 billion tons • Tight oils in America and Europe CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Technology development Injec&on well Air injec&on compressor FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 2015 Oil gathering and treatment Zone of intra-‐forma&onal oxida&ve processes Heat penetra&on zone Miscible displacement zone Fracturing Air-‐and-‐ water mixture Drained zone Addi&onal oil inrush from matrix CONTACTS: [email protected] Oil and gas – upstream Matrix (non-‐drained zone) Produc&on well Mini-GTL for processing associated gases into synthetic oil Gazokhim Techno LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • New partial oxidation reactor and a catalyst • Microchannel reactor and Fischer-Tropsch catalyst (Oxford Catalysts) • Marketable product suitable for transportation jointly with mineral oil COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES* * Comparison with existing technologies – 8х CAPEX decrease – 2х OPEX decrease – 10х specific capacity growth • Profitable mini-GTL plant (with 50 million nm3/year capacity) at small scale deposits PROJECT PRODUCT • Mini-GTL plants • IP licensing CURRENT PROJECT STAGE “Mini-GTL-10” pilot plant construction stage with 10 million cubic meter/year capacity CONTACTS: Building 3, 7 Znamenka st., Moscow; [email protected] FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 4Q 2014 KEY MARKETS • Small scale remote deposits: – Key segment in Russia - > USD 5 billion – Russia in total – > USD 10 billion – Global market – > USD 20 billion PROJECT NEEDS • Investments - USD 12 million • Pilot site PROJECT FINANCING**: Skolkovo grant – USD 5 million FINANCING REQUIRED Private investments – USD 12 millin **Grant Agreement has been signed with Skolkovo, and Financing Agreement has been signed with RUSNANO. Oil and gas – downstream and transportation Plasma arc technology for stripping the main pipelines Petroplasma LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Arc stripping of metal surfaces with plasma allows for efficient and complete removal of any contaminations • The proposed technology can replace existing mechanical methods (shot blasting, brushing, manual cleaning) FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY 2014 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • The quality of the surface pretreatment before applying polymeric coating • Increased coating adhesion • Pipes service life increase PROJECT NEEDS • Investments • Testing site KEY MARKETS Pipe surface stripping for the main pipelines during overhaul at initial pipeline production and after installation PROJECT PRODUCT Tool for plasma arc stripping CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Prototype development CONTACTS: Oil and gas – downstream and transportation Combination of catalytic processes and rectification in a single unit for production of EURO-5, MSAT-2 gasoline components RRT LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Combination of catalytic and separating systems in the single device • Combination of three processes: – Isomerization reactor – Hydro-izomerisation reactor – Rectification system CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Pilot plant under construction (tests start October 2012) KEY MARKETS Russia, India, China will increase the capacities for top-quality fuel manufacturing in the nearest future FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q4 quarter of 2012 PROJECT NEEDS • Strategic partner • Site for approbation • Access to customers COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • 5x decrease of the operating costs for gasoline manufacture • 3x CAPEX decrease • Compliance with EURO-5, MSAT-2 standards = PROJECT PRODUCT • Production plants engineering • Licensing CONTACTS:, [email protected] Standard technology Oil and gas – downstream and transportation PRIS Supersonic gas separation technology (3S-technology) ENGO Engineering Ltd. THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Application of new high-performance devices (3S-separators) and technological schemes (based on 3S-separators) for usage in oil and gas industry • Development of 3S-technology in relation to CO2 and H2S separation and liquefaction of ethane and methane CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Commercialization INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY • More than 40 international patents and patent applications • 9 Russian patents KEY MARKETS World market of gas conditioning systems at gas and oil fields PROJECT NEEDS New Clients COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Power efficient • Small size • Low capital and operating costs • The absence of moving parts • No need for frequent maintenance • Increase of liquid products separation rate 3S-separators at Gubkinsky and 3S-‐сепараторы на Губкинском ГКМ иGKM месторождении Talimu field(Китай) (China) Talimi PROJECT PRODUCT Facilities for gas conditioning and processing (for gas and oil fields and gas plants) CONTACTS: [email protected] Oil and gas – downstream and transportation Tool for the remote detection of the pipelines deficiencies based on the magnetoresistive nanostructures CTI LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Technical solution using three-component sensors based on magnetic nano-films • Gradientomerty method realized in the system provides for the decisive advantage in the accuracy of pipelines magnetic anomalies detection • Software allows on-line processing and visualization of the defects magnetograms COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE • Remote detection and classification of defects during the normal operating mode of a pipeline • Detection accuracy - 90 % • Defectoscopy of the parts that are unreachable for the usual diagnostics methods CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Experimental industrial model for the diagnosis of underground pipelines was created FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY • 2012 - for underground pipelines • 2013 - for underwater pipelines PROJECTS NEEDS • Investments • The site for R&D and production PROJECT PRODUCT Magnetometric system combining hardware and software CONTACTS: Saint-Petersburg, Ligovsky pr., 254, www.polyinform Oil and gas – downstream and transportation Microchip for wireless smart metering systems ‘Mobix Chip’ LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION Application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) allows to combine data transmission by radio channel and regular electric power lines (PLC-channel). This decreases the costs of smart metering system deployment and considerable increases reliability of data transmission. FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q4 of 2013 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • 3D mesh network guarantees the reliable data transfer • Can be used for electricity, gas, water and heat meters. • Unique hardware configuration allows to install on the existing metering systems • Allows managing energy supply to the consumer PROJECT NEEDS Strategic partners KEY MARKETS • Manufacturers of metering devices • The market in Russia amounts to ~ 20 millions meters/year, which equals ~ RUR 60 billion /year PROJECT FINANCING • RUR 61,7 million – Skolkovo grand • RUR 61,7 million – own funds CONTACTS: Moscow, CEO: Alexander Buhman, [email protected] Housing and utilities solutions Heating pipelines maintenance by flushing with special reagents SAVANT Research and Development THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • The surface-active substance (SAS) is used for contamination removal from and subsequent protection of the inner surfaces of the heating pipes. • Economically efficient technology for the use in apartment buildings and other real estate objects COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Decreases hydraulic resistance in the pipes by 30% due to the solid hydrophobic film that is created on the pipe walls • Decreases losses of heating-carrier from 10 to 30% • Lowers costs of maintenance and capital repairs as the cleaning effect lasts for at least three heating seasons • The technology could be used during whole year PROJECT PRODUCT Innovative reagent and the technology of its use CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Reagent development is almost completed, primary testing is on-going FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q3 quarter 2013 KEY MARKETS Companies operating heating networks PROJECT NEEDS • Testing site • Strategic partners CONTACTS:, +7 (495) 984 80 64 CEO: Anna Bleyer Housing and utilities solutions PROJECT FINANCING • RUB 21,7 million – Skolkovo • RUB 7,5 million – own funds Heating pipeline internal inspection systems with remote control ‘GAZPROECT – DIAGNIOSTIKA, LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Revolutionary method of non-destructive control thickness gauging based on the dynamic skinlayer effect • Electromagnetic and acoustic methods adjusted for the specific conditions of heating systems. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • In-line inspection is 7,5 times cheaper than the inspection of the pipeline exposed to the surface because stripping works are not needed. • The tool will identify the following defects: faulty fusions, undercutting, internal and external corrosion (including pitting), erosive wear of pipeline components, metal scaling in the pipe body. FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Q3 of 2013 PROJECT NEEDS Testing sites PROJECT FINANCING • RUR 27,8 million – Skolkovo • RUR 27,8 million – own funds The cost of diagnos+c for 1 km of hea+ng systems’ pipelines with the diameter 1000, RUR million 30 4 The diagnos+c study including the cost of the pipeline stripping. The average cost of repairs of 1 km for hea+ng systems pipelines with the diameter 1000, RUR million 42 PROJECT PRODUCT Robotized tool with remote control that can operate inside of the underground heating pipelines with the diameter 700-1200 mm CONTACTS: Saint Petersburg, CEO: Belyaev Alexander, [email protected] In-‐line inspec+on (ILI) 7 Repairs without ILI (total replacement) Energy Efficiency Technologies Cluster – Skolkovo Foundation Housing and utilities solutions Repairs following the results of ILI (replacement of specific defec+ve sec+ons) Energy saving heater made of polymer «SYSTEM HEAT» THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Radiator has two autonomous contours, while traditionally there is only one • Radiator is made of thermostatic polymer COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Saving of up to 40% of the heating energy • Reliable, resistant to corrosion, has extended service life. • Production cost is several times lower than for traditional heaters. FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY End of 2013 KEY MARKETS • Households • Building and development companies • Managing companies PROJECT NEEDS • Premises for pilot production • Testing site PROJECT PRODUCT Thermostatic polymer radiator for the use in central heating systems CURRENT PROJECT STAGE R&D is completed, prototypes were produced CONTACTS: Vladimir Bosnik, [email protected], + 7 (917) 502-43-20 Housing and utilities solutions Transformation of mechanical pressure energy to electricity for the use in compact electronic devices Qmodule Laboratory THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • An efficient method of energy transformation from mechanical pressure to electric energy for powering compact electronic devices or generating electric power • The developed method can significantly increase the output of power generators charge (piezoelectric and radioisotopes that emit negatively charged electrons) COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • The development allows creating battery-free electronic devices for various applications • Development of electric energy generators to accumulate electric energy from alternative sources is possible PROJECT PRODUCT • Qconverter – ОЕМ- energy converters • Qswitch – piezoelectric transmitter for remote control, Smart House Systems • One-cycle output energy of Qconverter – 1.25W*sec • Qconverter prime cost ~1 USD FINISHED PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Project prototypes are available KEY MARKETS • Industrial automation • Smart House Systems • Green electronics PROJECT NEEDS • B2B orders • License holders • R&D co-investors CONTACTS: +7 (499) 502-13-14, [email protected], CEO: Martyn Nunuparov Housing and utilities solutions Innovative gas valve with extra-low energy consumption ENERGY EFFICIENT GAS VALVEAMT&C, LLC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • The use of high-energy NdFeB permanent magnet and original engineering of electronics guarantee extra-low energy consumption • On-bard computing facility allows to create adaptive emergency prevention systems. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Extra-low power consumption level not exceeding 50 µA at the voltage of 3.6V • The device consumes 130,000 times less electric power than the alternatives available in the market • With the use of 500,000 devices the annual power saving may amount to 108,000 MW PROJECT PRODUCT Patented electronically controlled gas shutoff valve CURRENT PROJECT STAGE • Pilot production • All the necessary certificates and approvals for the Russian market are available KEY MARKETS • Gas supply control • Emergency prevention systems PROJECT NEEDS Market entry support CONTACTS: 4 Promyshlennaya Str., Troitsk, Moscow region 142190 Tel/Fax: +7 (495) 777-72-26, Line Director: Vladimir Sushko +7 (963) 697-56-14, [email protected] Housing and utilities solutions Expandable sleeve of complex-modified polymer (smart plastic) for pipes recovery Ural Factory of Polymer Technologies – Mayak THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Polymeric sleeve that can increase its diameter up to 200% due to molecular relaxation during repeated heating up to the plasticization temperature • Complex-modified polymer composite resistant to mechanical and chemical impact and high temperature COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES The technology allows reconstructing of damaged underground pipes using the trenchless method within the shortest period time and at minimal cost KEY MARKETS The reconstruction is required for more than 600 000 km of pipes of various applications in Russia heating CURRENT PROJECT STAGE Laboratory prototype is developed with diametr 18 mm, leight 100 mm and magnification coefficient 1,3) CONTACTS: Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region, tel.8 (35130) 9-47-22 [email protected], Housing and utilities solutions •H ouseholds • Utilities companies •O il & gas companies (at later stage of R&D) Low-cost, energy efficient and reliable light emitting diodes (LED), that are built using new components architecture Optogan. New Technologies of Light LLC The company-participant is a subsidiary of «Optogan» JSC ESSENCE OF INNOVATION • Transition from a separate light emitting diode to a fully integrated intellectual light system (module) • LED, structure, driver, optics are on a single substrate • Brand new class of energy efficient compact multifunctional integrated light systems PROJECT FINANCING • RUR 148,2 million – Skolkovo grand • RUR 151,8 million – own funds COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Integrated chip-on-board LED modules containing emitter with primary optics allowing to generate light emission patterns of any configuration • Integrated module light efficiency is more than 160 lm/W with the color rendering index CRI>85, light flux more than1,000 lm/cm2 • Lamp price for consumers will not exceed USD10 /klm PROJECT NEEDS Strategic partners CONTACTS: 206 Tallinskoye Highway, Saint Petersburg, +7 (812) 406-80-67, [email protected] Housing and utilities solutions Organic light emitting diodes printing technology OPTOGAN – ORGANIC LIGHT SOLUTIONS LLC The company-participant is a subsidiary of «Optogan» JSC THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION The use of optically active conjugated polymers and nano-composites based on polymer non-organic nanoparticles to develop organic light-emitting Diodes (OLED) COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES • Specifications of OLED based on multi-layered composite structures is higher than that of polymeric-only ones due to more efficient emitting recombination (80 lm/Wt, brightness 3000 cd, life period not less then 10 000 hours) • Inclusion of non-organic nanoparticles into polymeric matrix considerably increases service life of OLED structures • Flexible printing technology allows: – Significant decrease of production cost compared to both non-organic LED and other OLED manufactured with the use of vacuum deposition technology –P roduce OLEDs with almost any width, length and shape PROJECT NEEDS Strategic partners PROJECT FINANCING • RUR 148,2 millions – Skolkovo Foundation • RUR 151,8 millions – own funds CONTACTS: 206 Tallinskoye Highway, Saint Petersburg +7 (812) 406-80-67, Housing and utilities solutions CLUSTER OF ENERGY EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES Skolkovo Foundation 12, Krasnopresnenskaya emb. Moscow, 123610 Tel.: +7 495 967 01 48 [email protected]
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