3470 Trousdale Parkway Waite Phillips Hall 701 Los Angeles, CA 90089 Jenna R. Sablan office (213) 740-7218 fax (213) 740-3889 [email protected] EDUCATION PhD, Urban Education Policy Rossier School of Education University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Chair: William G. Tierney, PhD Dissertation: No Student is an Island: College Readiness on Guam MA, Economics Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences University of Southern California Expected May 2015 Expected December 2014 BA, Interdisciplinary Studies: Social Policy American University, Washington, DC May 2010 BA, Political Science American University May 2010 Certificate, Advanced Leadership Studies American University May 2010 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Provost Fellow August 2010–present Pullias Center for Higher Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California. Research Assistant August 2013–present Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL). Regional Education Lab (REL) Pacific. Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. Honolulu, HI. Retention Assistant Multicultural Affairs, American University. Washington, DC. August 2009–May 2010 Program Assistant May 2009–August 2009 Summer Transition Enrichment Program, American University. Washington, D.C. Junior Associate, Critical Response Team Office of the Chancellor, DC Public Schools. Washington, DC. September 2008–May 2009 Research Assistant May 2008–July 2008 Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University. Princeton, NJ PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Educational Research Association (AERA) AERA Division J: Postsecondary Education AERA Division L: Educational Policy & Politics Special Interest Group (SIG): Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) National Pacific Islander Educator Network (NPIEN) RESEARCH Research Interests Improving college access and college readiness Analyzing K–16 Policy Facilitating high school to college transitions for underrepresented students Using quantitative methods to evaluate college access programs and policies Pacific Islander/Asian American students in the U.S. and the Pacific islands; Chamorro education Research Experience Co-Principal Investigator with William G. Tierney. Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, Pacific Center for Changing the Odds Contract Grant. Honolulu, HI. August 2013–present. Funding pertained to research related to college readiness among high school and community college students in American Samoa and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Program Evaluator. SummerTIME program evaluation. Pullias Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California. September 2011–September 2013. Oversaw program evaluation of summer bridge program. Research Assistant. Collegeology Games Project. Principal Investigators: William G. Tierney, Tracey Fullerton, Gisele Ragusa, & Zoe Blumberg Corwin, Pullias Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California. January 2011–June 2012. Assisted with survey design, recruitment, and analysis for project on a college access social media game. Authored/Co-Authored Research and Program Evaluation Reports An evaluation of the SummerTIME Program 2013. (September 2013). Pullias Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California. With William G. Tierney. An evaluation of the SummerTIME Program 2012. (October 2012). Pullias Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California. With William G. Tierney. Assisted Research Reports Provided research support for the following reports: What do we know?: Exploring the academic readiness of incoming students to Northern Marianas College. (in progress). Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning. Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. Honolulu, HI. What do we know?: Exploring patterns of success at Northern Marianas College. (in progress). Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning. Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. Honolulu, HI. What do we want to learn?: Exploring patterns of success at Northern Marianas College. (in progress). MidContinent Research for Education and Learning. Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. Honolulu, HI. What do we want to learn?: Exploring the academic readiness of incoming students to Northern Marianas College. (in progress). Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning. Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. Honolulu, HI. What do we know?: College readiness among high school completers in American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. (November 2013). Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning. Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. Honolulu, HI. What do we want to learn?: College readiness among high school completers in American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. (September 2013). Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning. Pacific Center for Changing the Odds. Honolulu, HI. Making it happen: Increasing college access and participation in California (2011). Authors: William G. Tierney & Guilbert C. Hentschke. National University System Institute for Policy Research. La Jolla, CA. RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Edited Books, Monographs, and Journals Tierney, W.G. & Sablan, J.R. (Eds.) (2014). Examining college readiness. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(8). Under Review Sablan, J.R. & Tierney, W.G. (under review). Evaluating college ready writing and college knowledge in a summer bridge program. Papers and Publications Sablan, J.R. & Tierney, W.G. (2014). The changing nature of cultural capital. In M.B. Paulsen (Ed.), Higher Education: Handbook of Theory & Research, 29, 153–188. Sablan, J.R. (2014). The challenge of summer bridge programs. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(8), 1035–1050. Tierney, W.G. & Sablan, J.R. (2014). Introduction: Examining college readiness. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(8), 943–946. Green, A.G. & Sablan, J.R. (2014). Social capital. In D. Brewer & L. Picus (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Reviews and Commentary Tierney, W.G. & Sablan, J.R. (2014). Completing College: Rethinking Institutional Action (review). The Journal of Higher Education 85(2), 280–282. RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS Paper Presentations Sablan, J.R. (under review). College readiness and cultural capital in the Pacific. Conference proposal under review. Sablan, J.R. (under review). A critical analysis of quantitative research and Pacific Islanders. Conference proposal under review. Nevárez, D.E. & Sablan, J.R. (under review). Beyond capital: Qualitative and quantitative approaches to asset-based capital theories . Conference proposal under review. Herman, P., Wilson, A.C., Gleason, B., Carreon, D., Scanlan, S., Sablan, R. Sablan, J.R., Hacskaylo, L., & Che, J. (under review). High School predictors of assignment to remediation in college. Conference proposal under review. Sablan, J.R. (November 2014). Conducting research with Pacific Islander communities: Challenges and opportunities. Accepted to the Association for the Study of Higher Education 2014 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Sablan, J.R. (April 2014). What is college readiness and why does it matter for Asian Pacific Islanders? Paper presented at the 2014 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Sablan, J.R. (November 2013). An examination of college readiness and academic preparation. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. Sablan, J.R. (November 2013). Early Start: A preliminary study of a summer college readiness program in California. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. Sablan, J.R. & Tierney, W.G. (May 2013). Assessing college ready writing and college knowledge in a summer bridge program. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Relles, S.R., Sablan, J.R. & Tierney, W.G. (April 2013). College readiness and the cause of access: Toward a new model of writing assessment. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Sablan, J.R. (March 2013). Evaluating college-level writing and college knowledge in a summer bridge program. Association for Education Finance and Policy Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Corwin, Z.B & Sablan, J.R. (March 2012). Digital snapshot of urban high school students. Digital Media and Learning Conference. San Francisco, CA. Sablan, J.R. & Tierney, W.G. (November 2011). The changing nature of cultural capital. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Charlotte, NC. Sablan, J.R. (March 2010). High-achieving first-generation college students at American University. Paper presented at the American University Robyn Rafferty Mathias Student Research Conference. Washington, DC. Sablan, J.R. (April 2009). But I am not a leader: Constraints on underrepresented college student leadership? American University School of Public Affairs Undergraduate Research Symposium. Washington, DC. Sablan, J.R. (July 2008). The politics of special education finance. Leadership Alliance Summer Research Early Identification Program National Symposium. Hartford, CT. Villano, V. & Sablan, J.R. (April 2008). Experiential learning and civic engagement: A case study of the YMCA DC Youth & Government Program. Community Research & Learning (CoRAL) Network’s Cities, Communities, and Colleges: Collaborating for a Change Conference. University of District of Columbia. Washington, DC. Villano, V. & Sablan, J.R. (March 2008). Experiential learning and civic engagement: A case study of the YMCA DC Youth & Government Program. American University Robyn Rafferty Mathias Student Research Conference. Washington, DC. Symposia/Session Organizer The Ocean is in Us: Pacific Islander Student Pathways and Higher Education Research. (Accepted 2014). Symposium accepted to the Association for the Study of Higher Education 2014 Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Increasing Access for Asian Pacific Islander Students: The Challenge of College Readiness. (2014). Symposium, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Readiness for What? Readiness for Whom?: Interrogating the Notion of College Readiness (November 2013). Symposium, Association for the Study of Higher Education 2013 Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. Bridge to Somewhere?: Evaluation and Assessment of Summer Bridge Programs for Low-income Students. (April 2013). Symposium, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. RESEARCH TRAINING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Advancing the Democratic Mission of Higher Education: The Relevance of Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders. Conference Participant. June 2012. Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Foundation Higher Education Summit. Washington, DC. An Introduction to Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) for Educational Researchers. Participant. April 2012. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Extended Course. Vancouver, Canada. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) Using R. Participant. April 2012. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting Professional Development Course. Vancouver, Canada. Relevant coursework: Advanced Multivariate Statistics (SOWK 764), Causal Inference (EDUC 790), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (EDUC 599), Measurement Theory (EDPT-642), Practice of Econometrics (ECON 513), Program Evaluation (ECON 673), Structural Equation Modeling (PM-603), TEACHING EXPERIENCE Teaching Assistant, Doctoral Level Coursework EDPT 652 – Multiple Regression. Spring 2012. Rossier School of Education, Department of Educational Psychology and Technology. University of Southern California. Instructor, Undergraduate Coursework College Knowledge Seminar. Summer 2011. SummerTIME summer bridge program, University of Southern California. Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Coursework JLS 421 – Justice in the Face of Terror. Summer 2010. School of Public Affairs (SPA), Department of Justice, Law, & Society. American University. GOVT 361 – Laboratory in Leadership Development I. Spring 2008. School of Public Affairs, Department of Government, SPA Leadership Program. American University. GOVT 361 – Laboratory in Leadership Development I. Fall 2007. School of Public Affairs, Department of Government, SPA Leadership Program. American University. INVITED LECTURES, WORKSHOPS, & PANELS Cultural Capital Theory. Guest Lecturer. EDUC 640: The Research University in the 21st Century. October 2013. University of Southern California. Using Regression and Correlations to Answer Research Questions. Facilitator. Undergraduate research methods workshop. June 2013. University of Southern California. Graduate School Preparation Session: Postgraduate Degree Options. Panelist. June 2013. University of Southern California. Graduate School Preparation Session: Personal Statements. Panelist. June 2013. University of Southern California. Regression, Correlation, and Statistics. Facilitator. Undergraduate research methods workshop. June 2012. Co-facilitated with Michelle Castellanos. University of Southern California. T-tests and ANOVA. Undergraduate research methods workshop. June 2012. Co-facilitated with Michelle Castellanos. University of Southern California. Converting Class Papers into Publications. Panelist. May 2012. University of Southern California. Mixed Methods and Multiple Regression. Guest Lecture. March 2012. Co-facilitated with Michelle Castellanos. AMST 392, Undergraduate Research Methods. University of Southern California. Pacific Islander Student Panel. Panelist. October 2011. Asian Pacific American Student Services Pacific Islander Student Campus Visit. University of Southern California. HONORS, GRANTS, AND AWARDS Rossier School of Education Dean’s Research Assistantship Award 2014–2015 University of Southern California Provost’s PhD Fellowship 2010–2014 University of Southern California Provost Travel Grant 2013–2014 Academic Professional Development (APD) Diversity Award 2013–2014 Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Travel Grant 2012–2013 Asian Pacific Islander American Higher Education Summit Travel Grant 2012 American University Harold Johnson Award 2010 Harry S. Truman Scholar National Finalist 2009 Ronald E. McNair Scholar 2007 American University Frederick Douglass Scholar 2006–2010 Asian Pacific Islander American Scholar 2006 PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC SERVICE PhD Student Survey Task Force 2014 Student Community of PhDs in Education (S.C.O.P.E), University of Southern California Conference Session Chair American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2013–2014 Conference Proposal Reviewer Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference 2012–2013 Conference Moderator 2013 Latino Student Empowerment Conference, University of Southern California Conference Chair Annual McNair Scholars Symposium, University of Southern California 2012–2013 COMMUNITY AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICE After-School Guest Speakers Program National Pacific Islander Educator Network 2012–present Mentor. Increasing Access via Mentoring Program Pullias Center for Higher Education, University of Southern California 2010–present
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