DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Dear Exhibitor: Brede Exposition Services is pleased to have been selected as the Official Service Contractor for the upcoming DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC. We recognize that your participation in this event is a vital part of your firm's marketing program, and we want to do everything possible to make it profitable and rewarding for you. Included in this service manual are forms for ordering various services and equipment. The Brede forms are to be returned to our office, the others to the specific contractors who are providing the services. Please review, complete, and submit your order forms as early as possible to take advantage of our discount pricing. Please refer to the enclosed Show Details page for vital facts and information about this event. If you have any additional questions about Brede's services, please do not hesitate to call or email Brede’s DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Customer Service Representative at [email protected]. A Brede Service Desk will be maintained in the exhibit area during exhibitor move-in to answer any questions that arise and to assist with any last minute requirements. We look forward to working with you and your company toward a successful show. Thank you. Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA | p: 301-937-8600 | f: 301-937-6513 | [email protected] DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Brede Customer Service Show Management Booths • 301.937.8600 Fax 301.937.6513 e-mail: [email protected] • Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (eastern time) • No telephone orders accepted; please complete and submit your order and credit card information to Brede. • Cindy Kong • [email protected] Each 10’ booth includes: • 8' high back drape– Black • 3' high side drape– Black • (1) 6’ x 30” draped table-Blue • (2) side chairs • (1) waste basket • (1) one-line booth ID sign with booth number Material Handling Advance to Warehouse Direct to Show Site Late to warehouse charges apply after: March 17, 2015 Do not deliver prior to: March 24, 2015 TO: TO: Exhibiting Company Name and Booth # FOR: DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Exhibitor Schedule Exhibiting Company Name and Booth # FOR: DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Brede Exposition Services c/o Brede Exposition Services c/o ABF Walter E. Washington Convention Center 6720 Washington Blvd. 801 Mount Vernon Place Hall D Elkridge, MD 21075 Washington, DC 20001 Exhibitor Move-in: Tuesday March 24 1:30 PM — 4:30 PM Wednesday March 25 8:30 AM — 11:30 AM Show Hours: Wednesday March 25 1:30 PM — 4:00 PM Exhibitor Move-out: Wednesday March 25 4:00 PM — 6:00 PM • Drivers for all carriers must be checked in at the Brede Service Desk for pick-up of freight by: 5:00 PM on March 25, 2015. Utilities & Services • For booth utilities and additional booth services, please contact the individual suppliers using the enclosed order forms. Find more on phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] Show Details The exhibit hall will be carpeted, wall to wall, in Blue Jay (blue and black speckle). Exhibitors may choose to rent carpet through Brede Exposition Services using the Carpet Order form. DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information Form Important Deadlines Please make your show site representative aware of the following policies. • Take advantage of advance order discount pricing! Orders must be received with payment in full no later than the following dates. Orders received with payment in full after discount deadline dates will be invoiced at "standard floor" pricing. Carpet and furnishings rentals March 10, 2015 Labor orders March 10, 2015 • Freight received at the warehouse after the deadline will incur an additional charge. Advance shipments to warehouse to arrive by: Shipments to show site to arrive no sooner than: March 17, 2015 March 24, 2015 • Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. • For your convenience, we accept the following methods of payment: cash; checks and money orders drawn on U.S. banks in U.S. funds; and credit cards including VISA, MasterCard and American Express. • Purchase Orders are not considered payment; therefore, a check or credit card is required. Cancellations & Adjustments Tax Exemption Third Party Payment Billing • Cancellations are invoiced at 50% of original price, unless otherwise noted on order form. • No adjustments will be made after close of the show. • If tax exempt, a copy of your tax exempt certificate must accompany your order. This is not a resale certificate. • No adjustments for tax exempt status will be made after close of the show. • The exhibiting company is ultimately responsible for the payment of all charges. If no arrangements are made for payment of invoice(s) by the third party prior to the last day of the show, charges will revert back to the exhibitor. • Rental items not ordered, yet found in booths, are invoiced at "Standard Floor" pricing. Miscellaneous • All prices are in U.S. dollars ($). • All rental items are subject to applicable taxes. • All rental items remain the property of Brede Exposition Services. Find more on Payment & Pricing Policies Payment Policies phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Required This form must accompany any completed order form(s) submitted to Brede. Payment Method must be completed to process orders. Form Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Order Summary Carpet $ Tables & Accessories $ Material Handling $ Labor $ Forklift $ Hanging Sign $ Booth Cleaning $ Graphics $ Total Due $ Payment Method • For your convenience, we accept cash, checks and money orders drawn on U.S. banks in Third Party Payer U.S. funds, VISA, MasterCard and American Express. • Purchase Orders are not considered payment. Tax Exempt include certificate • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. • Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Brede Job # 303104 • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. Pay By Credit Card • Please complete the Credit Card Authorization form and submit with your order. Pay By Check or Money Order Payable to Brede Exposition Services • International checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank, U.S. funds account only—processing fee of $25.00. • Please include DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC and booth number on all payments. Check Number Exhibiting Company Dated Amount Company: Contact: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Order Summary / Payment Method Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Required This form must accompany any completed order form(s) submitted to Brede. A credit card must be on file prior to the delivery of any goods or services. Form Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Terms • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. • Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • Submitting credit card information and signature indicates agreement with the terms below. I authorize Brede Exposition Services to charge any additional amounts incurred by me or my show representative, including material handling and/or labor charges. If credit card is declined, Standard Floor pricing prevails and a $25.00 service charge will be added. Third Party Payer Cardholder’s name (please print): Cardholder’s Signature: Cardholder’s Billing Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: Zip: Email: VISA MC AMEX EXP Booth Number Exhibiting Company Find more on phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] Credit Card Authorization Credit Card DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Submit this form if you wish to rent carpet, visqueen, or padding from Brede. Enter the Carpet Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 The exhibit hall will be carpeted in wall to wall in Blue Jay. Carpets ordered will be laid on top of the Blue Jay. Standard Carpeting Find more on Select from Standard Colors (if no color is selected, show colors will prevail.) Black Blue Teal Gold Red Qty Plum Burgundy Grey Size Forest Green Standard Advance Subtotal 10’ Carpet $ 152.00 $ 197.60 $ 20’ Carpet $ 304.00 $ 395.25 $ 30’ Carpet $ 456.00 $ 593.00 $ 40’ Carpet Full Coverage $ 608.00 $ 3.75 $ 790.50 $ 5.00 $ $ ______ x ______= ______ sq. ft (100 sq. ft. minimum) per sq. ft. per sq. ft. • Standard carpets ordered in multiples of 2 or more do not include seaming and exact color match is not guaranteed. ______ x ______= ______ sq. ft Visqueen $ .30 $ .40 per sq. ft. Plush Custom Carpeting $ per sq. ft. Select from Custom Colors Charcoal White Burgundy Navy Grey Pearl Red Emerald Black Colony Blue Full Coverage ______ x ______= ______ sq. ft (100 sq. ft. minimum) $ 4.75 $ per sq. ft. French Beige 6.25 Carpet Options $ per sq. ft. • Includes poly covering for protection. • To guarantee availability, orders must be received 30 days prior to show move-in. • Cancelled orders for custom carpet will be charged 100%. Important Notes • Orders cancelled prior to move-in will be charged 50% of the original price. • Orders cancelled after move-in begins will be charged 100% of the original price. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. Calculate Subtotal $ 5.75% DC Tax $ Carpet Total $ • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. Payment Method must be completed to process orders. Orders received without full payment or credit card will not be processed. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Submit this form if you wish to rent tables, risers or furnishings from Brede. Enter the Table & Accessories Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 Qty Find more on Accessories Item Advance Standard Subtotal Qty 30” High Display Tables (includes white vinyl top, 3 side drape) 4’ x 2’ draped table 6’ x 2’ draped table 8’ x 2’ draped table 4th side drape 4’ x 2’ undraped table 6’ x 2’ undraped table 8’ x 2’ undraped table $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 107.00 121.00 149.50 47.00 51.00 65.00 68.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 139.00 157.50 194.50 61.00 66.50 84.50 88.50 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Item Advance Padded Side Chair—Grey $ 52.00 $ Standard 67.75 $ Padded Arm Chair—Grey $ 71.00 $ 92.50 $ Swivel Chair—-Grey $ 79.50 $ 103.50 Counter Stool with Back $ 86.00 $ 112.00 $ $ 83.00 $ 108.00 $ $ 83.00 $ 108.00 $ Waste basket $ 22.75 $ 29.75 $ Floor Easel $ 47.00 $ 61.00 $ 30” Pedestal Table 30” d 36” d 42” Pedestal Table 30” d 42” High Display Tables (includes white vinyl top, 3 side drape) 36” d Subtotal 4’ x 2’ draped table $ 138.00 $ 179.50 $ 6’ x 2’ draped table $ 158.00 $ 205.50 $ Sign Stand 22” x 28” $ 53.00 $ 69.00 $ 8’ x 2’ draped table $ 178.00 $ 231.50 $ Bag Rack $ 47.00 $ 61.00 $ 4th side drape $ 47.00 $ 61.00 $ 4’ x 2’ undraped table $ 78.25 $ 101.75 $ Waterfall Rack $ 47.00 $ 61.00 $ 6’ x 2’ undraped table $ 91.75 $ 119.25 $ Literature Rack $ 80.00 $ 104.00 $ 8’ x 2’ undraped table $ 102.00 $ 132.75 $ Garment Rack $ 71.00 $ 91.25 $ $ 139.00 $ 180.75 $ $ 139.00 $ 180.75 $ 12” Tabletop Risers (includes white vinyl top) 4’ x 12” draped riser $ 53.00 $ 69.00 6’ x 12” draped riser $ 71.00 $ 92.50 Tackboard 8’x4’ (horizontal only) Perfboard 8’ x 4’ $ $ (horizontal only) 3’ high drapery (per ft) $ 17.00 $ 22.25 $ 8’ high drapery (per ft) $ 20.75 $ 27.00 $ Select Drape Color (if no color is selected, show colors will prevail.) Black Important Notes Blue Teal Gold Burgundy Red Plum Grey Forest Green • Orders cancelled prior to move-in will be charged 50% of the original price. • Orders cancelled after move-in begins will be charged 100% of the original price. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. Calculate White Subtotal $ 5.75% DC Tax $ Table Total $ • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. • Payment Method must be completed to process orders. • Orders received without full payment or credit card will not be processed. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Tables & Accessories Tables DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Submit this form if you wish to rent a hardwall exhibit from Brede. Please contact Brede if you would like to inquire about our Custom Rental Exhibits. Enter the Rental Exhibits Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 Plan A: 10’ In-Line Option Includes: Hardwall Panels Qty Carpet (1) side chair (1) counter Item (2) shelves Advance Header Labor to Install & Dismantle Standard Subtotal White Hardwall Panels $ 2,417.00 $ 3,142.00 $ Color Hardwall Panels $ 2,667.00 $ 3,467.00 $ Velcro Compatible Panels $ 3,282.00 $ 4,266.50 $ (4) shelves Plan B: 20’ In-Line Option Includes: Hardwall Panels Qty Carpet (2) side chair Header Copy: Additional Options (1) counter Item $ 4,381.00 Header Subtotal 5,695.00 $ $ 4,781.00 $ 6,215.00 $ Velcro Compatible Panels $ 5,765.00 $ 7,494.50 $ Black Blue Black Teal Blue Gold Red Labor to Install & Dismantle Standard $ Color Hardwall Panels Select Panel Color (Hardwall Color/Velcro Panels) Select Carpet Color: Advance White Hardwall Panels Color Grey Plum Grey Burgundy Forest Green Header Copy ~ One line with block letters: (Please print clearly. Logos, color, & special lettering available at an additional cost. Call for quote.) Qty Item Advance Subtotal Standard Standard Counter 18”x39”x40” $ 181.50 $ 236.00 Adjustable Shelves $ 46.00 $ 60.00 $ $ Spot Lights (use w/ rental only) $ 51.00 $ 66.50 $ Additional booth furnishings can be found throughout manual. Look for upgraded carpet, carpet pad, graphics, chairs, etc. Need More Options? Exhibitors have full access to Brede Exposition Services’ exhibit design expertise. Brede will create an attractive and functional exhibit that complements your marketing strategy, maximizes your booth space, and enhances your presence on the show floor. For custom possibilities, please contact Brede. Important Notes • Electricity is not included with rental. • Cancelled orders will be charged 100% of the original price. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. • There is a $50.00 surcharge for keys not re- Calculate Subtotal $ 5.75% DC Tax $ Est. Total $ • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. • Payment Method must be completed to process orders. • Orders received without full payment will not be processed. turned to the service desk @ close of show. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Brede Rental Exhibits DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information Form Brede Exposition Services’ liability shall be limited to the physical loss or damage to the specific article which is lost or damaged as described below. Please make your show site representative aware of the following policy. Limitations of Brede Exposition Services’ Liability and Responsibility Brede Exposition Services shall not be responsible for damage to uncrated materials, materials improperly packed, or concealed damage. 2. Brede Exposition Services shall not be responsible for loss, theft, or disappearance of exhibitor's materials after same have been delivered to exhibitor's booth. 3. Brede Exposition Services shall not be responsible for loss, theft, or disappearance of materials before they are picked up from exhibitor's booth for re-loading after the show. Brede bills of lading covering outgoing shipments which are tendered to Brede Exposition Services by exhibitors, will be checked at time of actual pickup from booth and corrections made where discrepancies occur. 4. Brede Exposition Services shall not be liable to any extent whatsoever for any actual, potential, or assumed loss of profits or revenues, or for any collateral costs, which may result from any loss or damage to an exhibitor's material which make it impossible or impractical to exhibit same. 5. The consignment or delivery of a shipment to Brede Exposition Services by an exhibitor, or by any shipper on behalf of any exhibitor shall be construed as an acceptance by such exhibitor (and/or other shipper) of the terms and conditions set forth in this bulletin. 6. Brede Exposition Services shall exercise ordinary diligence and care in the receiving, handling and storage of all shipments. Brede Exposition Services shall not be liable for loss or damage by fire, acts of God, or causes beyond its control. Brede Exposition Service's liability shall be limited to the physical loss or damage to the specific article which is lost or damaged. In any case, the liability of Brede Exposition Services is limited to $ .30 per pound per article, with a maximum of $50.00 per item, and a maximum of $1,000.00 per shipment. This applies while these goods are in Brede's warehouse, in vehicles for delivery, or at show site. 7. Claims for loss or damage which are not submitted to Brede Exposition Services within thirty (30) days of the close of the show on which the loss or damage occurred shall be considered waived. No suit or action shall be brought against Brede Exposition Services or its subcontractors more than one (1) year after the accrual of the cause of action therefore. 8. Shipments received without receipts, freight bills, or specified unit counts on receipts or freight bills (i.e., one lot, 800 cu. ft., etc.), such as UPS or van lines will be delivered to the exhibitor's booth without guarantee of piece count or condition. No liability will be assumed by Brede Exposition Services for such shipments. 9. Empty container labels will be available at the service desk. Affixing the labels is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor or his/her representative. All previous labels should be removed or completely covered. Brede Exposition Services assumes no responsibility for errors to the aforementioned procedure, removal of containers with old empty labels and without Brede Exposition Services labels, improper information on empty labels, or valuables stored in containers with empty labels. 10. Exhibitors should arrange for outgoing shipments during the show or immediately after its close. Brede will assist in the preparation of Brede bills of lading. Be sure that your material has been carefully crated or packed, and properly tagged or marked. 11. In order to expedite removal of materials, Brede Exposition Services shall have authority, without further clearance with exhibitors, to change designated carriers. 12. Labor and services ordered on behalf of exhibitors by display builders or other parties must be so authorized in a letter from exhibitors. Payment for all labor and services will be the responsibility of the exhibitor. 13. Freight handling charges are the responsibility of the exhibitor to whom shipments have been consigned. Also, charges for loading out freight shipments are the responsibility of the exhibitor from whose booth shipments are made. Exhibitors may not assign this responsibility to suppliers or customers. The exhibitor agrees, in the event of a dispute with Brede Exposition Services relative to any loss or damage to any of their materials or equipment, that they will not withhold payment of any amount due to Brede Exposition Services for Drayage or any other services provided by Brede Exposition Services as an offset against the amount of the alleged loss or damage. Instead, they agree to pay Brede Exposition Services at the close of the show for all such charges, and they further agree that any claim they may have against Brede Exposition Services shall be pursued independently by them as a completely separate transaction to be resolved on its own merits. 14. Service charge of 1-1/2% per month on any unpaid balance will be made starting 30 days after date of invoice. 15. Where an exhibitor indicates choice of carrier for pickup it is the exhibitor's responsibility to arrange with such carrier for said pickup service. If the carrier does not pick up within the time limited for the removal of exhibitor's materials at the Exhibit Hall, we reserve the right to forward such material by the shipping method of our choice or to remove said material to our warehouse for disposition, at an additional charge to the exhibitor in accordance with prevailing rates for the service performed. 16. Material left behind without orders placed at the Drayage Service Desk may be classified as abandoned. The Drayage Contractor shall not be responsible for same. We are not responsible for any delay of rush shipments. We will expedite such rush shipments to the best of our ability, but will not assume any financial responsibility for shipments which do not arrive at their destination at a dated time. 17. EXHIBITORS ARE URGED TO CARRY ALL-RISK INSURANCE covering your materials against damage, loss and all other hazards from the time shipments are made prior to the show until shipments are received back after the show. This can generally be done by adding "riders" to existing insurance policies, often at no additional cost. It is understood that Brede Exposition Services is not an insurer, that insurance, if any, shall be obtained by the exhibitor and the amounts payable to Brede Exposition Services hereunder are based on the value of the material handling services and the scope of Brede Exposition Services liability as set forth above. Find more on phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] Limits of Liability 1. DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information Form Brede Exposition Services will receive your materials shipped in advance at our local warehouse, or shipped directly to show site. For detailed information regarding material handling services provided by Brede and the associated charges, please see below. Please make your show site representative aware of the following information. Exhibitors may choose to ship freight to the advance warehouse or directly to show site. Brede will receive and manage the freight at the warehouse and on show site as described in the following pages. Material handling fees are paid to Brede for these material handling services, and are separate from and independent of freight transportation charges, which are paid to a freight carrier such as YRC, ABF, FedEx, or any other carrier of the exhibitor’s choosing. Exhibitors are responsible for securing a carrier of their choosing and arranging freight transportation to and from the event, and all associated transportation fees. Advance Shipments to the Warehouse Deadlines and Info • Receiving begins 30 days prior to exhibitor move-in. • Shipments received at the warehouse after March 17, 2015 are subject to additional charges. • Uncrated, pad wrapped or specialized equipment will not be accepted at the warehouse. • Hazardous materials will not be accepted at the warehouse. Advantages There are several advantages to shipping advance to the warehouse versus directly to the show site: • Exhibitors can confirm shipment has arrived and is intact in advance of the move-in date. • Materials will be delivered to your booth prior to your arrival on site. • Delivery dates and times are more flexible. Advance Warehouse Rates See below for definitions and descriptions of warehouse rates, and the Material Handling Rates form for the associated fees. All material handling fees are calculated on a CWT basis (per hundredweight, or fraction thereof) per shipment, and vary depending on the type of shipment, the amount of handling and the time of day. Separate shipments will not be combined. Minimum charges will apply as shown on the Material Handling Rates form. Be sure to review these costs when you prepare your show budget. Contact Brede for assistance in estimating your material handling charges, based upon your specific needs. Rates Include Warehouse material handling rates include the following: Receiving exhibitor shipment at the advance warehouse, and storage beginning 30 days prior to the show. Movement of all exhibitor freight from warehouse to exhibit site. Materials unloaded and delivered to booth by move-in time. Pick-up and storing of shipping containers and boxes labeled EMPTY, and returning empty shipping containers to your booth at the close of the show. Empty labels may be obtained at the Brede Service Desk on show site. Empty containers are not accessible during the show. Removal of freight from booth, and reloading onto exhibitor’s designated outbound carrier from the loading dock. Crated or Skidded Use this rate for shipments that arrive via common carrier such as YRC, ABF, etc., and can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Material that is skidded or is in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Special Handling Use this rate for shipments that are crated van line shipments or packed in such a manner as to require special handling, such as ground loading, side door loading, constricted space loading and designated piece loading or stacked shipments. Also included are mixed shipments without certified weight tickets or delivery receipts, such as Fedex, UPS, POVs (personally owned vehicles). Small Package Use this rate for cartons/envelopes weighing less than 25 lbs. per shipment without documentation. These will be delivered to the booth without guarantee of piece count or condition. Find more on Material Handling Information • Ship pre-paid; collect shipments will be refused phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information Form Brede Exposition Services will receive your materials shipped in advance at our local warehouse, or shipped directly to show site. For detailed information regarding material handling services provided by Brede and the associated charges, please see below. Please make your show site representative aware of the following information. Direct Shipments to Show Site Deadlines • Do not ship to the facility prior to March 24, 2015. Early shipments to show site may be refused. and Info Brede Exposition Services will be on show site at the loading dock to receive exhibitor materials only during move-in hours. • Ship pre-paid; collect shipments will be refused. • Hazardous materials will not be accepted at show site. Direct to Show Site Rates All material handling fees are calculated on a CWT basis (per hundredweight, or fraction thereof) per shipment, and vary depending on the type of shipment, the amount of handling and the time of day. Separate shipments will not be combined. Minimum charges will apply as shown on the Material Handling Rates form. Be sure to review these costs when you prepare your show budget. Contact Brede for assistance in estimating your material handling charges, based upon your specific needs. Rates Include Direct to show site material handling rates include the following: Materials unloaded at loading dock and delivered to booth by move-in time. Pick-up and storing of shipping containers and boxes labeled EMPTY, and returning empty shipping containers to your booth at the close of the show. Empty labels may be obtained at the Brede Service Desk on show site. Empty containers are not accessible during the show. Removal of freight from booth, and reloading onto exhibitor’s designated outbound carrier from the loading dock. Crated or Skidded Use this rate for shipments that arrive via common carrier such as YRC, ABF, etc., and can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Material that is skidded or is in any type of shipping container that can be unloaded at the dock with no additional handling required. Special Handling Use this rate for shipments that are crated van line shipments or packed in such a manner as to require special handling, such as ground loading, side door loading, constricted space loading and designated piece loading or stacked shipments. Also included are mixed shipments without certified weight tickets or delivery receipts, such as Fedex, UPS, POVs (personally owned vehicles). Small Use this rate for cartons/envelopes weighing less Use this rate for shipments that are not in crates, cases, or boxes and/or pad wrapped, specialized Package than 25 lbs. per shipment without documentation. equipment, unskidded machinery or uncrated POV Will be delivered to booth without guarantee of shipments. Uncrated shipments are received at piece count or condition. show site only. Uncrated, Unskidded, or Wrapped Overtime Charges Inbound Overtime charges apply on inbound shipments if: • Your shipment is to be delivered to your booth before 8:00 am or after 4:00 pm on weekdays, or anytime on a Saturday, Sunday and/or Holiday, or • Your shipment is received at the warehouse, and is delivered to show site before 8:00 am or after 4:00 pm on weekdays, or anytime on a Saturday, Sunday and/or Holiday, or • A vehicle driver checks in at the Exhibit Site Check-In Area after 3:00 pm on weekdays, or anytime on a Saturday, Sunday and/or Holiday. Outbound Overtime charges apply on outbound shipments if: • Your shipment is loaded after 4:00 pm on weekdays, or anytime on a Saturday, Sunday and/or Holiday, or • Your carrier driver checks in at the Exhibit Site Check-In Area after 3:00 pm on weekdays, or anytime on a Saturday, Sunday and/or Holiday. Find more on phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 Material Handling Information See below for definitions and descriptions of direct to show site rates, and the Material Handling Rates form for the associated fees. DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Submit this form if you will be shipping materials to the advance warehouse or show site. Order Use the rates and calculator below to estimate your material handling charges. Form Enter the Material Handling Estimate below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Material Handling Rate Schedule • For full definitions and descriptions of all rates, and rules, see the Material Handling Information forms included in this manual. • All material handling fees are calculated on a CWT basis (per hundredweight, or fraction thereof) per shipment, and vary depending on the type of shipment, the amount of handling and the time of day. Separate shipments will not be combined. Minimum charges will apply as shown below. Be sure to review these costs when you prepare your show budget. Contact Brede for assistance in estimating your material handling charges, based upon your specific needs. Material Handling Rate Rates below include any applicable OT charges per 100 lbs 200 lb minimum charge Advance to Warehouse: Crated $120.00 $114.75 $150.00 $143.50 $172.00 $45.00 each Direct to Show site: Crated Advance to Warehouse: Special Handling Direct to Show site: Special Handling Direct to Show site: Uncrated, Unskidded, or Wrapped Advance to Warehouse/Direct to Show site: Small Packages Additional Services Late shipments, off-target shipments & site shipments received before published move-in or after show opening. Freight received at the warehouse after March 17, 2015 or at show site prior to published move-in or after show $27.00 per 100 lbs. opening, add an additional charge per 100 lbs. Additional transportation charges may apply. $250.00 Spotting Fee. Any vehicles driven into the exhibit hall under their own power will incur a round-trip spotting fee. Vehicles not moved in under their own power will be unloaded and charged based on weight. round trip Special Services. Shipments returned to warehouse will be charged $15.00 per 100 lbs. with a $250.00 minimum. Storage will be charged if shipment is not routed or picked up after three working days. Storage fees prior to 30 days before show, or after 3 days following the show are $1.25 per 100 lbs. per day with a $35.00 minimum. On-site container storage for freight brought in by exhibitors is $30.00 per piece. Calculate Estimated Material Handling Charges Carrier(s) Tracking # or Shipped From Date of Arrival # Pieces Select: Direct Est. Weight Rate Estimated Cost CWT per CWT 200 lb minimum Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. Payment Method must be completed to process orders. Orders received without full payment or credit card will not be processed. Show Site Contact Name Advanced X = $ X = $ X = $ TOTAL Show Site Phone $ Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Material Handling Rates Description DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information By completing and submitting the Material Handling order form, exhibitor acknowledges reading and accepting the terms and conditions included on the Material Handling Form Information forms, as well as the Limits of Liability form. Please review these moneysaving tips to make the most efficient use of your material handling budget. Please make your show site representative aware of the following information. Money-Saving Tips In General • Ship via common carrier to avoid possible special handling surcharges. • Ship early to avoid overnight charges whenever possible. • Furnish accurate weight tickets with your shipment. • Properly label/address all shipments to avoid time-consuming re-routes, mis-deliveries, and delays. Remove old shipping labels before you send materials, and attach new labels with complete information. Shipping labels are provided in this service manual for your convenience. • When shipping direct to show site, confirm in advance that your carrier can guarantee delivery of your freight to the exhibit facility during move-in dates. When possible, schedule shipments to arrive during straight time rather than overtime periods. • Label your freight with the number of total pieces – example 1 of 3, 2 of 3 and 3 of 3. and phone numbers for tracking purposes. Consolidate Your Shipment • Separate shipments received by Brede will not be combined. The minimum 200 lb. charge applies to each shipment Brede receives. • Consolidate your shipment whenever possible to avoid multiple minimum charges. For example: o 1 piece weighing 36 lbs. charged @ 200 lb. minimum x 150.00 per CWT = $300.00 o 1 piece weighing 62 lbs. charged @ 200 lb. minimum x $150.00 per CWT = $300.00 o 1 piece weighing 54 lbs. charged @ 200 lb. minimum x $150.00 per CWT = $300.00 TOTAL cost of three shipments arriving separately: $900.00 OR o 3 pieces totaling 152 lbs @ 200 lb minimum x $150.00 per CWT = $300.00 TOTAL cost of one consolidated shipment: $300.00 Savings of $600.00 • Shipments arriving at the same time from different destinations are considered separate shipments. • Please be aware that small package handlers may split shipments resulting in Brede receiving multiple shipments. Find more on Material Handling Tips • Take a copy of tracking numbers to the show, as well as origination and destination points, piece counts, arrival dates phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information Form Brede Exposition Services will receive your materials shipped in advance at our local warehouse, or shipped directly to show site. For detailed information regarding material handling services provided by Brede and the associated charges, please see below. Please make your show site representative aware of the following information. Material Handling Documentation Advance Warehouse Shipping Address All inbound shipments must have a Bill of Lading or delivery slip showing the number of pieces, type of merchandise and weight. Shipments received without this information will be delivered to exhibitor's booth without guarantee of piece count or condition. No liability will be assumed by Brede for such shipments. Billed weight is based on incoming weight, whether outbound services are used completely or in part. The weight is rounded up to the next one hundred pounds (100 lbs) and is taken from the inbound Bill of Lading and/or the certified weight ticket. Separate shipments will not be combined. Shipments arriving without a specified weight on the Bill of Lading will be assigned an approximate weight by Brede. This weight will prevail. TO: Exhibiting Company Name and Booth # FOR: DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Brede Exposition Services c/o ABF 6720 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD 21075 • Use this address and information on your inbound bill of lading if shipping your freight to the Advance Warehouse. • Please use the freight labels provided in this service manual. • Receiving hours: M - F 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. • All shipments must be prepaid: collect shipments will be refused. • Brede does not accept shipments that are not consigned to Brede Exposition Services. Such shipments will be refused. • All shipments to the Advance Warehouse must arrive by March 17, 2015 to avoid late charges. Direct to Show site Shipping Address TO: Exhibiting Company Name and Booth # FOR: DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC c/o Brede Exposition Services Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW Hall D Washington, DC 20001 • Use this address and information on your inbound bill of lading if shipping your freight Direct to Show site. • Please use the freight labels provided in this service manual. • All shipments must be prepaid: collect shipments will be refused. • Brede does not accept shipments that are not consigned to Brede Exposition Services. Such shipments will be refused. • Shipments will be received at the facility no sooner than March 24, 2015 during move-in hours. Empty Containers, Labels Exhibitors with crates or boxes that need to be returned to pack up booth equipment at the end of the show must affix empty labels on the containers as soon as they are empty. Empty labels will be available at the Brede Service Desk. Affixing the labels is the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. Brede assumes no responsibility for removal of containers with old empty labels, improper information on labels or valuables stored in containers with empty labels. Empty containers will be removed from the floor and stored until the close of the show. You will not have access to empty containers during the show. In most cases, empty containers may not be stored in your booth during the show as it is a fire hazard. Outbound Bill of Lading Outbound shipping is not an automatic process. Outbound Bills of Lading must be completed and turned in to the Brede Service Desk: do not leave outbound Bills of Lading in your booth. Exhibitors who wish to ship outbound materials via any carrier other than the show carrier must advise carrier to be checked in at the Brede Service Desk by the driver check-in time specified on the Show Details page. Drivers are placed in line for loading on a first-come, first-serve basis, provided the exhibitor is completely packed and a Bill of Lading has been turned in to the Service Desk. Drivers whose Bills of Lading have not been turned in will be placed in a holding queue until the booth is packed and the Bill of Lading is turned in. Should your carrier fail to check in by the designated time, Brede reserves the right to re-route shipment via the official show carrier as necessary, at the exhibitor’s expense. Find more on Material Handling Information Inbound Bill of Lading phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] ADVANCE WAREHOUSE ADVANCE WAREHOUSE EXHIBIT MATERIAL Rush to: c/o ABF 6720 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD 21075 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Exhibitor Booth Late to warehouse charges apply after: March 17, 2015 EXHIBIT MATERIAL Rush to: c/o ABF 6720 Washington Blvd. Elkridge, MD 21075 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Exhibitor Booth Late to warehouse charges apply after: March 17, 2015 • These shipping labels are provided for your convenience to assist in preparing shipments to the advance warehouse. • Please cut along dashed lines and affix one to each piece of your shipment to the advance warehouse. • Please make additional copies of these labels as needed. Important notes: Warehouse is not temperature controlled. Hazardous materials will not be accepted at the warehouse. DIRECT TO SHOW SITE EXHIBIT MATERIAL DIRECT TO SHOW SITE EXHIBIT MATERIAL Rush to: Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW Halls D & E Washington, DC 20001 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Rush to: Exhibitor Booth Do not deliver prior to: March 24, 2015 Walter E. Washington Convention Center 801 Mount Vernon Place, NW Halls D & E Washington, DC 20001 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Exhibitor Booth Do not deliver prior to: March 24, 2015 • These shipping labels are provided for your convenience to assist in preparing shipments direct to the show site. • Please cut along dashed lines and affix one to each piece of your shipment direct to the show site. • Please make additional copies of these labels as needed. Important note: Hazardous materials will not be accepted at show site. Let ABF Freight make the March 25, 2015 Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC Destinations Showcase The easiest you have attended! A B F F R E I G H T S Y S T E M , I N C .® • T R A D E S H O W S E R V I C E S Show Name ____________________________________________________ Booth Number __________ Show Dates__________________________________________________________________________ __ Contractor ____________________________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________ Title ______________________________ Company _____________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box ____________________ City ________________________________ State ________________ Zip (P.O. Box) ______________________ Zip (Street Address) ___________________________________ Phone __________________ Fax ___________________ Email __________________________________ Estimated Exhibit Weight ____________________ Number of Shows Per Year ______________________ Normal Number of Exhibit Pieces ______ Crates _______ Cartons _______ Cases _______ Carpet_______ Would you like an ABF Trade Show coordinator to call you with a quote or information? Yes If you are faxing this form, please print a copy, complete the requested information, and then fax to 479.785.8701. If you are completing electronically, you can either print and fax your request or click on the submit button to send your request to one of our Trade Show specialists. ABF Freight System, Inc. • Trade Show Services • P.O. Box 10048 • Fort Smith, AR 72917-0048 SUBMIT No DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Complete this form to request a pre-printed outbound bill of lading and shipping labels for your outbound shipment. Forms and labels will be delivered to your booth at show site. Requests must be submitted by: March 10, 2015 Outbound Shipping Information Please complete one form per shipment. Please review the Material Handling Information, Material Handling Rate Schedule, and Limits of Liability forms. Do not leave Bills of Lading in your booth! To: Consigned to (Ship to:) Attention: Destination (Street Address): City: Method State: Zip: Ground ABF Other Ground ABF Other Air Air Freight Charges Guaranteed By Next Day 2nd Day Deferred Company/Exhibitor: Attention: Permanent Street Address: City: State: Phone: Fax: Zip: Shipping Labels Request Label Request # of Shipping Labels Requested: Exhibitors using FedEx or UPS must provide pre-printed labels with the account number. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Bill of Lading & Labels Request Notes DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 We have provided these definitions to acquaint you with specific guidelines for labor. Trade Information shows, conventions and special events in this vicinity are governed by local union contracts. Form Please review the following information in order to better understand the applicable union jurisdictions. If you have any questions once you have read this, please address them directly to Brede Exposition Services. Material Handling Brede Exposition Services has the responsibility of receiving and handling all exhibit material and empty containers. It is Brede’s responsibility to manage the docks and schedule vehicles for the smooth and efficient move-in and move-out of the exposition. Brede will not be responsible, however, for any material they do not handle. Booth Labor Carpenters Local Union 491 claims jurisdiction over setup and dismantling of exhibits including signs and laying of carpet. This does not apply to the unpacking and placement of your product. Up to two (2) full-time employees may work without carpenter labor for one (1) hour on the move-in and one (1) hour on the move-out. Once this time has expired and work to complete the exhibit remains, the exhibitor must hire carpenter labor from the service contractor in order to complete the work. Safety Standing on chairs, tables or other rental furniture is prohibited. This furniture is not engineered to support your standing weight. Brede cannot be responsible for injuries or falls caused by the improper use of this furniture. If assistance is required in the assembly/dismantle of your booth, please order labor on the enclosed Labor Order form and the necessary ladders and tools will be provided. Gratuities Brede Exposition Services requests that exhibitors do not tip our employees. Do not give coffee breaks other than mid-morning and mid-afternoon when union employees have a fifteen minute paid break. Any attempts to solicit a gratuity by an employee for any service should be reported immediately to a Brede supervisor. Employees of Brede are paid at an excellent wage scale denoting a professional status, and we feel that tipping is not necessary. This applies to all Brede employees. In General Craftsmen at all levels are instructed to refrain from expressing any grievances or directly challenging the practices of any exhibitor. All questions originated by labor are to be expressed directly to Brede management personnel. It is recommended that any questions arising with regard to union jurisdiction or practices should be directed to a management representative of Brede. Find more on Labor Guidelines: Washington D.C Teamsters Local 639 claims jurisdiction over all unloading and reloading of freight, exhibit materials, product, and empty containers and related equipment. They also have jurisdiction over all material handling equipment including but not limited to forklifts, tow motors, dollies, pallet jacks etc. An exhibitor may hand-carry in one trip any material that does not require the use of wheels or other material moving devices. phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Submit this form if you would like to order labor from Brede. Labor is available for installation and dismantling of exhibits, and for shrink wrapping and banding of materials. Enter the Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Order Form Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 Option for installation to occur prior to exhibitor’s arrival. Reduce at-show expenses and time spent. Labor under Brede supervision is straight time when possible. Check for Brede Supervised Labor Dismantle Installation Labor Rates An Outbound Bill of Lading must be completed and turned in at the Brede Service Desk. Blueprints/Instructions: Attached with Display-Crate # Shipped: Warehouse Show site Shipment : Crates Boxes Carpet/Pad Carpet: From Brede Shipped None Option B: Exhibitor Supervised Please provide the following information: Electrical under carpet: Yes No Ship to: Attn: Address: City, ST, Zip: Location: Official show carrier: Other carrier*: Delivery Date: Special Equipment Required: Check for Exhibitor Supervised Labor Air Straight Time $88.00 per person per hour Overtime # Laborers Requested One hour minimum per laborer. Labor is then charged in 1/2 hour increments per laborer. *Use labor rates at left to complete “Rate per laborer” column $120.00 4:30 p.m.—8:00 a.m. Monday-Friday All day Saturday, Sunday, and observed union holidays based on Straight, Overtime, or Double Time. per person per hour Est. Hrs. per laborer Show Site Contact: Phone #: Monday-Friday 8:00a.m.-4:30p.m. Date Time Ground *Show site Bill of Lading prevails. All work is performed under direction of the exhibitor. Exhibitor must meet labor at Brede Service Desk at scheduled time. Estimate Costs Brede Supervision costs 30% of total labor bill. There is a $50.00 minimum charge for supervision per installation and dismantle. Add Brede Supervision column only if using Option A. Multiply Subtotal Labor Cost by .30 for Brede Supervision cost. Total Hrs. Rate* per person Subtotal Brede Supervision (Subtotal X .30) Estimated Cost Installation $ X = X = $ + $ = $ Dismantle $ X = X = $ + $ = $ Important • A 30% surcharge will be assessed to all Late/Floor orders. Calculate Total Notes • Orders not cancelled prior to move-in will result in a minimum one-hour charge per laborer requested. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. Est. Total $ • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. • Payment Method must be completed to process orders. • Orders without payment source will not be processed. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Labor Option A: Brede Supervised DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Submit this form if you wish to rent forklift labor from Brede Exposition Services.. Enter the Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 This service is available to assist you with your setup, unskidding, and/or spotting of machinery once it has been delivered to your booth. You do not need to order forklifts to unload your truck or deliver your freight to your booth from the loading dock. Please call your Brede Customer Service Representative for a quote if you require a forklift for over 5,000 lbs. capacity, a cage, or a crane. Forklift Rates Up to 5,000 lbs. capacity Helper forklift & operator per hour per person per hour Straight Time $168.00 Monday-Friday 8:00a.m.-4:30p.m. One hour minimum per laborer. Labor is then charged in 1/2 hour increments per laborer. Overtime $236.00 4:30 p.m.—8:00 a.m. Monday-Friday All day Saturday, Sunday, and observed union holidays $120.00 Describe work to be done: Please specify other equipment: Spotting of Equipment Straps Installation/Dismantle of Header Chains Other Fork Extensions Four (4) Stage Forklift Required: Yes No Contact responsible for move-in:___________________________ Phone #: _______________________________________ Estimate Costs Important Notes Date Time Heaviest Piece # of Forklifts Est. Hrs. Rate (lbs.) up to 5,000 lbs. (w/Operator) per Forklift per hour Estimated Cost Installation $ X X $ = $ Dismantle $ X X $ = $ • 30% surcharge will be assessed to all Late/Floor orders. • One hour will be charged on orders cancelled without 48 hour notice. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. Calculate Total Est. Total $ • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. • Payment Method must be completed to process orders. • Orders received without full payment or credit card will not be processed. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Forklift Order Details $88.00 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Submit this form if you wish to rent hanging signs labor from Brede Exposition Services. Brede is available for assembly, installation, and removal of any hanging signs. Enter the Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 Conditions Hanging Signs Rates Must conform to show management rules and regulations and facility limitations. Must have approved rigging points with the exception of cloth banners. Signs requiring electrical must be in working order and in accordance with the National Electrical Code. (Place electrical order on the appropriate form). A detailed diagram must be forwarded to our office with this completed form prior to the show. Rate for Lift & Crew Per Hour Straight Time Overtime $477.00 4:30 p.m.—8:00 a.m. Monday-Friday All day Saturday, Sunday, and observed union holidays Order Details Weight (lbs) Height (ft) The minimum crew consists of an operator, an additional laborer, and the equipment. There is a one hour minimum per laborer & equipment. Charges are by 1/2 hour increments thereafter for installation. There is a one hour minimum charge for the removal of hanging signs. Materials and Pick Points will be priced as needed. $377.00 Monday-Friday 8:00a.m.-4:30p.m. Length (ft) Type Shape Electrical Assembly Required Fabric Circle Yes Yes Metal Square No No Wood Triangle ft from top aisle (booth # ) ft from left side (booth # ) Chain Motor ft from bottom aisle (booth # ) No Estimate Costs Important Notes Date Time ft from top of sign to the floor Yes Truss ft from right side (booth # ) Hanging Signs Rate Subtotal Cost Est. Hrs. Brede Supervision (Subtotal X .30) Estimated Cost Installation $ X = + $ = $ Dismantle $ X = + $ = $ • Brede reserves the right to refuse to hang a sign if, in their opinion, it appears unsafe. • 30% surcharge will be assessed to all Late/Floor orders. • Orders cancelled prior to move-in will be charged 50% of the original price. • Orders cancelled after move-in will be charged a onehour fee per crew & equipment. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. Calculate Total Est. Total $ • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. • Payment Method must be completed to process orders. • Orders received without full payment or credit card will not be processed. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Hanging Sign Signs DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information Accessible storage will be available to you at this show. If you need to store and access materials that you do not have space for in your booth, such as back up equipment or hand-outs for attendees, Form accessible storage is an area at show site designated to hold these items for you. This is not an order form. These services must be ordered on-site. Notes • You must sign up for these services and pick up your access storage labels at the Brede Exposition Services desk. • All freight received at the show will be delivered to your booth space first, and will be placed in accessible storage when properly labeled. • This is not secured storage. • Accessible storage items may not be the first items returned to your booth at the close of the show. • There will be a 1/2 hour labor charge (minimum) each time something is placed into or removed from accessible storage. The charge will be applied at the corresponding rate for the time it is accessed. Storage Rates • The rate for accessible storage is $150.00 per skid, plus access rates. Access Rates There is a 1/2 hour labor charge (minimum) each time something is placed into or removed from accessible storage. The charge will be applied at the corresponding rate for the time it is accessed. Find more on phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] Accessible Storage • This is not empty storage. DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Contractor Requirements Submit this form if the exhibiting company intends to use a contractor other than Brede Exposition Services. If the exhibiting company fails to comply with any or all of the requirements listed below, the non-official contractor will not be permitted to service your exhibit, and Brede Exposition Services must be hired for installation and dismantle labor. The non-official contractor will be able to provide supervision only. Non-official contractors must use labor supplied by Brede Exposition Services unless the following requirements are fulfilled: • Exhibitors must return this completed form to Brede Exposition Services at least thirty (30) days prior to the show. • Non-official contractors must submit proof of adequate insurance, in the form of an original policy rider, listing • Non-official contractors must furnish show management the names, addresses and telephone numbers of key executives for emergency contact. • All personnel must be properly badged at show site. Non-official installation and dismantle contractors may provide supervision. Non-official contractors are allowed on the exhibit floor only during official installation and dismantle hours, providing the information above is supplied. Contractor Information NON-OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: PHONE#: EMAIL ADDRESS: FAX#: CELL#: CONTACT IN BOOTH: Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Non-Official I&D Contractor Brede as an additional insured, furnished by their broker to Brede's office no later than thirty (30) days in advance of actual installation dates. This must include a copy of your Worker's Compensation Insurance. DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Submit this form if you will wish to order Brede’s cleaning service for your booth in order to maintain booth cleanliness post set-up and throughout the show. Enter the Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 Select Service Vacuum once prior to show opening. Includes emptying of waste baskets Booth Size Days 1 X Advance Standard $0.62 $0.81 (per sq. ft.) (100 sq. ft. minimum) X Subtotal (per sq. ft.) $ If special cleaning services are required, please call the Brede Customer Service Department. Important Notes • Orders cancelled prior to move-in will be Calculate Cleaning Total $ charged 50% of the original price. • Orders cancelled after move-in begins will be charged 100% of the original price. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. • Payment Method must be completed to process orders. • Orders received without full payment or credit card will not be processed. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 Booth Cleaning Cleaning Options DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Order Form Submit this form if you wish to order signage from Brede. Enter the Graphics Total below on Order Summary / Payment form. Orders received without full payment or credit card information will not be processed. Advance Order Discount Deadline: March 10, 2015 Standard Sizes Indicate sign copy & layout here Standard signs are digitally produced with color copy, mounted on white foam board, and include up to 10 words. Qty Size Advance Subtotal Standard 11” X 14” $ 75.75 $ 98.50 $ 14” X 22” $ 87.25 $ 113.50 $ 22” X 28” $ 103.00 $ 134.00 $ 28” X 44” $ 169.00 $ 219.75 $ *File conversion, retouching, cloning or color correcting may incur additional labor charges. Custom Sizes Brede can provide digital graphic reproduction in custom sizes. Please contact us for full-color, photo-quality, high resolution digital printing in virtually any size for banners, exhibit graphics and more. Length Width X $ Square footage = Advance X $18.50 per sq. ft. Standard $24.00 per sq. ft. Subtotal = $ Foamcore Select one Masonite PVC Plexi Gatorfoam Graphics Ten (10) sq. ft. minimum order Other Special instructions Vertical Horizontal Important Notes • Orders cancelled prior to move-in will be charged 50% of the original price. • Orders cancelled after move-in begins will be charged 100% of the original price. • A credit card on file is required when using Brede Exposition Services. • All charges must be paid prior to close of show. Calculate Subtotal $ 5.75% DC Tax $ Signs Total $ • Transfer this total to the Order Summary / Payment form. • Payment Method must be completed to process orders. • Orders received without full payment or credit card will not be processed. Booth Number Exhibiting Company COMPLETE and SUBMIT this form: by mail Brede Exposition Services | 6801 Mid-Cities Avenue | Beltsville, MD 20705-1411 | USA by fax 301.937.6513 DMAI’s Destinations Showcase Washington, DC Walter E. Washington Convention Center Washington, DC March 25, 2015 Information Please be sure to inform your show site representative of the following fire regulations to ensure the safety of all parties throughout the duration of the show. Form Booth Construction Permits Booths, platforms and space dividers shall be of materials that are rendered flame-retardant, satisfactory to the local fire department representatives. Coverings for counters or tables used within or as a part of the booth shall be flame-retardant. All electrical wiring and apparatus shall be of a 3-wire UL type approved. A permit shall be required for the following: • Display and operation of any heater, barbecue, heat-producing or open flame device, candles, lamps, lanterns, torches, etc. • Display or operation of any electrical, mechanical, or chemical device which may be deemed hazardous by the local fire department. • Use or storage of flammable liquids and dangerous chemicals. • Display of any internal combustion engine (special requirements available upon request). Obstructions Aisles and exits, as designated on approved show plans, shall be kept clean, clear and free of obstacles. Booth construction shall be substantial and fixed in position in specified areas for the duration of the show. Easels, signs, etc., shall not be placed beyond the booth area into aisles. Firefighting equipment shall be provided and maintained in accessible, easily-seen locations and may be required to be posted with designating signs. Flame Retardant Treatment All decorations, drapes, signs, banners, acoustical materials, cotton, paper, hay, straw, moss, split bamboo, plastic cloth and similar materials shall be flame-retardant unless smaller than 1,232 square inches (28" x 44") if separated from other combustibles by a minimum of 12" horizontally and 24" vertically. Oil cloth, tar paper, nylon and certain other plastic materials cannot be made flame-retardant, therefore their use is prohibited . Combustibles Literature on display shall be limited to reasonable quantities (one-day supply). Reserve supplies shall be kept in closed containers and stored in a neat and compact manner in a location approved by the fire department. All exhibit and display empty cartons must be stored in an approved drayage area. If show is under a 24-hour approved manned security program, automobiles are allowed to retain 1 gallon or less of fuel, and gas caps must be taped. Batteries are to be disconnected and taped. Fire Regulations • Use of any compressed gases (permit required for 32CF bottles 1/2 full or less). Storage behind booth backwall is strictly prohibited. Find more on phone 301.937.8600 fax 301.937.6513 e-mail [email protected] Mail or fax this form to: Urban Jungle, Inc. PLANT & FLORAL ORDER FORM P.O. Box 6165 McLean, VA 22106 703-241-8545 phone 866-516-3716 fax [email protected] [Tax ID #: 54-1796144] QTY ITEM Floral Arrangement (approx. 12” H) Floral Arrangement (approx. 18” H) Custom Floral Arrangement ( call for assistance) Bud Vases ( list color preference ) Tropical Arrangements Roses, arranged, one dozen (color_______________) Orchid Plants (Small______ Large______) Mum Plants (white____ yellow_____ lavender_____) Azaleas ( red _______ pink ________ white _________) Bromeliads ( Red, pink, yellow, other) Seasonal Plants (kalanchoe, gloxinia, cyclamen, etc.) Small (6”pot) Ivy _____ Pothos ________ Large Fern _______ Ivy_______ Pothos_________ Glass Bowl for Cards (yours to keep) Pkg A: (1) 6’ Ficus topped w/ fern & blooming plant Pkg B: (2) 3’ plants and (1) Blooming plant Pkg C: large container w/ivy and blooming plants 2’ Green Plants 3' Green Plants 4' Green Plants 5' Green Plants 6' Green Plants 7' Green Plants 8' - 10' Green Plants Decorative Containers: White Black Wicker ♦ Call for prices on brass, chrome, terra cotta pots ♦ Tax is based on show location WDC – 5.75% MD – 6% VA – 6% Philadelphia – 8% Call for pricing on flowerboxes, ivy walls, topiaries, etc. Advance* SHOW PRICE $ 60.00 $ 75.00 $ 95.00 $ 25.00 $ 80.00 $ 75.00 $50/$75.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 25.00 $ 125.00 $100.00 $ 100.00 $ 30.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $ 70.00 $ 95.00 $115.00 $ 70.00 $ 85.00 $ 110.00 $ 30.00 $ 95.00 $ 85.00 $60/$85.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $ 135.00 $ 110.00 $ 115.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $ 70.00 $ 80.00 $ 110.00 $130.00 SUB TOTAL Sales Tax See list at left TOTAL AMOUNT DUE TOTAL $ $ $ Please remit payment to URBAN JUNGLE, Inc. Rental Price includes: Container, top-dressing, delivery and pick-up. All orders must be paid in full. No adjustments will be made after the show closes. All green plants are rental items and are the property of Urban Jungle, Inc. Show site cancellations will incur a 100% cancellation fee. If tax-exempt in state of delivery, your certificate must be included with this order form. q HAVE AN URBAN JUNGLE REP SEE US AT OUR BOOTH: Date__________ Time______________ Exhibitor: __________________________________________ Third Party: ________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City, State, ZIP: _____________________________________ Telephone #: ___________________________________ Mobile # _______________________________________ PO # __________________________________________ email**: ______________________________________ Show Name: Show Dates: ______ ______________ Location: __ ______ Booth #: ________________________________________ Payment Info: (circle one) AX VISA MC CHECK Credit Card #: _______________________________________ Name on Card: ______________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________ Security # ____________ Billing Zip: _____________________________________ {Overnight order form to: Urban Jungle, Inc. 1631 Dempsey St. McLean, VA 22101} **Email is required for confirmation and final invoices. *Orders must be received two weeks prior to show date for advance price! ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONTRACT Signature on last page (Terms & Conditions) is required. Full payment for services ordered and retainer credit card must be remitted to process this contract. Fed ID # 88-0437088 2014-2015** 24209 Clawiter Rd Hayward CA 94545 510-293-6151 510-293-6155 FAX [email protected] Deadline Date for Incentive Rates: Event Name: Event Dates: Company Name Booth No. Credit Card Billing Address (exact address for credit card) City / State / Zip Country Credit Card No VISA □ Exp Date MC □ AMEX □ Check Number Cardholder Name (Please Print) Authorized Contact Name (Please Print) Phone Authorized Contact Email ***** PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED 21 DAYS BEFORE EVENT BEGINS TO RECEIVE INCENTIVE RATES ***** ELECTRICAL OUTLETS / LIGHTING SERVICES 24 Hr Power and dedicated 20amp / 120v outlets are double the listed price Description Of Service Total Outlets Incentive Base 24 Hr or Dedicated 20 amp Overhead Service Floor Service Total Price 120 V Outlet - Maximum of One (1) connection per outlet 5 Amp / 500 watts 99.00 120.00 10 Amp /1000 watts 122.00 147.00 20 Amp / 2000 watts 178.00 220.00 208 V 1Ø Motor & Equipment Outlet - Maximum of One (1) connection per outlet 20 Amp-Minimum for European Power 328.00 402.00 30 Amp 445.00 548.00 40 Amp 562.00 693.00 50 Amp 620.00 771.00 60 Amp 809.00 993.00 100 Amp 1004.00 1226.00 208 V 3Ø Motor & Equipment Outlet - Maximum of One (1) connection per outlet 20 Amp 442.00 544.00 30 Amp 642.00 774.00 60 Amp 978.00 1,210.00 100 Amp 1,773.00 2,137.00 200 Amp 3,482.00 4,354.00 400 Amp 5,731.00 7,163.00 1 Transformer(s): Indicate which 208V outlet ordered in the 208V section (that requires a boost) by adding “Boost” next to the outlet name. Check European Power column in this section if you have European power Description Of Service Qty Incentive Base 165.00 197.00 393.00 653.00 30 Amp 661.00 791.00 60 Amp 1,174.00 1,409.00 Incentive Base Boost 208V to 230V Euro Transformer 208V240V (Min 20 Amp/208/1ph) European Transformer 480V -380V (Min 60 amp 480V 3ph) European Power Total Price 480V 3Ø Motor & Equipment Outlets Over 60 Amp 3Ø Outlet – Call for Estimate Description Of Service Qty Overhead Quartz Lights: Booth Package for All Booths in Halls ABC Only! Includes Power, Rigging, Labor & One Time Focus (One Time Focus labor must be scheduled on straight time) 25% of total price added if installed between 4:30 pm – 8:00 am Monday – Friday, Holidays & Weekends Hall DE booths must use separate Rigging Order Form to order Overhead Quartz Lights Package Price Per Each Overhead Quartz Light 728.00 936.00 Overhead Quartz Lights: For booths that are supplying their own truss: Power, Rigging, Labor, Focus not included. Call for Quote Price per Each Overhead Quartz Light 359.00 438.00 99.00 120.00 155.00 187.00 99.00 120.00 215.00 226.00 Additional Booth Lighting Services 90 Watt On Stanchion Inline Booths Only 250 Watt Krypton On Stanchion - Inline Booths Only Stem Lights Hard Wall Use Only Track Lighting – (3) 75watt fixtures 10 ft. spreader bar required See Terms and Conditions Section for Labor Rates Subtotal of Charges $ THIRD PARTY PAYMENT Exhibiting firm acknowledges the responsibility for any additional charges in the event a third party named does not make payment. All balances must be settled onsite prior to the event closing. Labor Request Section: Send PDF or DWG for all Island booths 30x30 or larger to: [email protected] [ ] Floor Plan included with outlet locations/orientation Installation Labor date: [ ] Floor Plan to follow Installation Time: [ ] OK to proceed without exhibitor present Size of Booth: [ ] Do Not proceed until exhibitor is onsite Type of Booth: Inline [ ] Island [ ] Scaled floor plan showing all outlet locations and booth orientation required *****Indicate all 24 hr and dedicated outlets on floor plan Peninsula [ ] Other [ ] 2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page 5 must be signed in order for electrical installation to be scheduled ELECTRICAL LABOR RATES FOR OUTLET DISTRIBUTION AND CONNECTION 1. $ 95.00 per hour during Straight Time: 8am-4:30pm M-F 2. $181.00 per hour during Premium Time: After 4:30 pm M-F, Weekends, & Holidays 3. Lift Rates: $164.00 per hour (one hour minimum) plus operator’s time 4. The minimum charge per booth is one hour installation and ½ the total time for dismantle. RIGGING LABOR 1. 2. 3. 4. $95.00 per hour during Straight Time: 8am-4:30pm M-F $181.00 per hour during Premium Time: After 4:30 pm M-F, Weekends, & Holidays Lift Rates: $164.00 per hour (one hour minimum) plus operator’s time A four (4) hour minimum per labor call applies. DESCRIPTION OF OUTLET LOCATION & DISTRIBUTION CHARGES 1. All electrical outlets will be installed on the floor at the baseline back wall of in-line pipe and draped booths unless otherwise ordered by the exhibitor. 2. All electrical outlets for Island booths will be dropped from one main drop location per the exhibitor’s floor plan. Delays in installation can occur if no main drop location is provided. 3. All Island booths will be charged labor and materials which are determined by the diagram submitted. 4. All booths or displays requiring multiple outlet distribution and connection are chargeable on a time and material basis. 5. Re-distribution of such installation, additional power drops, and/or additional locations will be charged on a time and material basis. 6. All 208 volt outlets will require labor and materials. 7. All overhead services will require lift, labor, and materials. 24-hour power and dedicated 20amp/120v circuits are double the listed price. Indicate total outlets on order form Electricity will be turned on within 30 minutes of show daily. Payment: Payments must be received in full 21 days before show move-in to secure the incentive rate. No credit or refund will be issued for connections installed and not used. Full payment is required to process order. A retainer credit card is required. All balances must be settled prior to event closing. An outstanding balance may preclude the Exhibitor from retaining HTE services at any future event domestically or internationally. Any amount not paid at event closing is subject to interest up to the maximum amount allowed by law. Any outstanding balance is subject to in-house collections or to a credit reporting debt collection agency. Unauthorized Power Usage: Exhibitors using outlets without an order will be charged the base rate. A memo will be delivered onsite to all booths accessing outlets without an order. Labor Rates: All Labor Rates are subject to the current labor contract effective at time of performed labor. 3 HI-TECH ELECTRIC JURISDICTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Only HTE equipment is allowed for electrical distribution. Exhibitors are not permitted to bring their own distribution system. HTE installs all motor and equipment hook-ups requiring hard wiring connections. HTE performs all installations and/or repair of electrical fixtures. HTE performs installations of all electrical motors and electrical apparatus to be energized. HTE electrical labor is required to inspect pre-wired equipment that connects to HTE distribution systems. Exhibitor must give HTE notice of intended use of pre-wired equipment and schedule an inspection by HTE. HTE is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use or installation of pre-wired equipment. The Exhibitor is responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use or installation of pre-wired equipment to HTE distribution systems. 7. HTE provides labor for all overhead truss rigging and overhead booth lighting. 8. HTE performs all installations of electrical cords under any booth space flooring. 9. The exhibitor, Display House, and Show General Contractor will indemnify Hi-Tech Electric for any and all work related accidents. RIGGING JURISDICTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rigging includes all motorized rigging-to-building structures. All exhibit hall rigging must provide a floor plan for approval by HTE All motors for rigging must be ordered through HTE. All labor for rigging-to-building structures will be provided through HTE. No other Contractor or Persons may attach motorized equipment for rigging to building. HTE is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any other Contractor or Person attaching motorized equipment to the building. 6. Failure to start labor as scheduled due to any delays with client-owned equipment will result in the hourly charges per man per hour of delay. 7. A four (4) hour minimum applies per rigging labor call. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Special Equipment orders require 30 days notice prior to move-in. HI-TECH ELECTRIC MATERIALS All materials and equipment furnished by HTE shall remain the property of HTE and shall be removed only by HTE at the close of the show. FLOOR COVERINGS Unless otherwise directed, HTE personnel are authorized to cut floor coverings to permit installation of service. HTE is not liable for any costs incurred by the Exhibitor for such cuts. RAMPING UTILITY LINES All ramping of utility lines in booth are done on Straight Time plus materials. Laying of lines under carpet or floor or spotting from ceiling will incur additional labor charges. Minimum per removal of lines is 1 hour each. Floor plan is required with order to show location of lines. ESTIMATES / REVISIONS Estimate requests are encouraged for budgeting purposes. Requests must be received 30 days in advance before move in begins in order to prevent delays in processing. Estimate requests are subject to a minimum of $95.00 per revision. 4 Reductions made to an existing order are subject to a 10% surcharge. SUPERVISION FEES All booths and displays with labor incur a 20% supervision fee of the total labor charge. CANCELLATIONS Prior to event: Exhibitor will be charged 20% of services ordered. At Show Site: Exhibitor will be charged 50% of services ordered. Once services are installed: Exhibitor will be charged 100% of all services rendered. DISCONNECTION / INTERRUPTION OF SERVICES All services will be disconnected and/or shut-off at the conclusion of the show unless advance notice given by the Exhibitor and acknowledged by HTE. Exhibitor may have services disconnected if payment has not been rendered in full at the beginning of the event. DELAYS In the event the completion of work is prevented or delayed due to damage or destruction of the building, fire, accident, vandalism, earth movement, hurricane, tornado, windstorm, theft, labor strikes, warfare, material shortage, delay of any governmental agency in issuing any required permit or certificate, or in performing inspections, litigation, or any act of God, HTE is due payment for all executed work, labor, and materials. ON-SITE PAYMENTS / TIPPING All payments must be submitted only to a Customer Service Representative or HTE Management. Tipping or any gratuity is not permitted to any HTE personnel. INDEMNITY The Exhibitor, Display House, and Show General Contractor will indemnify Hi-Tech Electric, LLC for any and all work related claims, accidents, losses, and damage. Authorized Signature: I agree that I am an Authorized Representative on behalf of the Exhibitor and I accept HTE’s payment policies and terms of contract. Print Name: Signature: Booth No: 5 Smart City 5795 W. Badura Ave, Suite 110 Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 888-446-6911 • 702-943-6001 (Fax) Company Name Booth / Room Show Name: Billing Name Billing Address Show Dates: / / To / / Incentive Order Deadline: City, State / Country, Zip Email (see Incentive Price, Ts & Cs) Contact Credit Card Number: AMX MC Telephone Number Fax Number ( Visa ( ) - ) - Expiration Date (MM / YY): / Card Holder Signature and/or Acceptance of T’s & C’s: Print Card Holder Name: Important! Important! Please review the “Product Overview / Glossary” section of our literature to assure that the services you have selected will provide the required functionality for any application(s) you will be utilizing. A complete description of all services and Terms & Conditions may be found online at “Conventions” section. Please call if assistance is needed. Description of Service Type QTY Incentive Base Total SE IA-SP NE IA-SN BE-1.5 TS TS-03 $ 1,195 $ 150 $ 995 $ 125 $ 795 $ 3,495 $ 5,900 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,495 185 1,245 155 995 4,370 7,375 SW08 SW24 PC $ $ $ 150 225 50 $ $ $ 185 280 62 LO ML $ $ 275 415 $ $ 345 520 DL $ 395 $ 495 1. Internet – Networking Services: ( 10 / 100 Base - T ) a. NetPremium (Shared Ethernet Service, 1 Static Public IP address) b. Additional Public IP Address / Device (NetPremium) - Max 10 addl allowed c. NetStandard (Shared EtherNAT Service, 1 Static Private IP address) d. Additional Private IP Address / Device (NetStandard) - Max 10 addl allowed e. NetBasic (Shared up to 512K/1.5M)(1 Private DHCP IP, 1/Device) - Limited Qty f. NetDedicated (Dedicated 1.54 Mbps w/5 IP addresses) - No addl IP’s available g. NetDedicated Plus (Dedicated 3 Mbps w/29 IP addresses) 2. Internet – Networking Services: Equipment a. Switch / Hub Rental (8 Port) – 10 / 100 Base -T b. Switch / Hub Rental (24 Port) – 10 / 100 Base -T c. Patch Cable (up to 50’) – Cat 5e 3. Voice Services: PBX Service – Dial “9” for an outside line a. Single Line (no Instrument) (unrestricted long distance) b. Multi-Line Phone w / 1 main Number & 1 rollover line (unrestricted LD) 4. Voice Services: Dedicated Line ( Direct line do not dial “9” ) a. Dedicated Line - (no Instrument) (unrestricted) - Limited Quantity 5. Voice Services: Special Services a. Telephone Instrument (Single Line, Touchtone) upon request b. Long Distance Restrictions (Local & Credit Card / Local Only ) upon request SL / DI CC / TLD 6. Special Line Services (For 3rd Party Circuit Extensions - Must order circuit from local Bell Co or Other Provider) a. Analog Extended Pots line from Demarc to Booth b. ISDN BRI Extended circuit from Demarc to Booth c. T-1 Extended Data / Telco circuit from Demarc to Booth d. DS-3 Extended circuit from Demarc to Booth e. Labor / Floor Work - Fee per hour f. DSL Extended circuit from Demarc to Booth (Not Available) g. Point-to-Point / Special Engineering / VPN / Web Casting DP IS (See T&C 8) T2 / T1 (See T&C 8) T3 (See T&C 1) FW HL (See T&C 1) VP / MI MI 7. Special Quote – Attachment A or SOW (if applicable) 8. Move - In / On - Site order fee (if ordering service after show move-in has started). $ 200 $ 400 $ 2,000 $ 9,000 $ 125 $ 250 $ 500 $ 2,500 $ 11,250 $ 125 (Call if any questions) (Call 888-446-6911 for quote) (Call 888-446-6911 for quote) ( 20% ) x ( Base Price ) 9. Distance Fee of $500 Internet / $100 Telephone for each line outside the convention venue. x (number of lines) SUBTOTAL Smart City-015NT 3/23/09 Unused portions of deposits returned with final billing. ESTIMATED 10% TAX / FEES DEPOSIT = SUBTOTAL x 10% TOTAL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. Credit Card users may fax order to 702-943-6001 GRAND TOTAL st *** Incentive Price applies to orders received With Payment 21 days prior to the 1 day of show move-in. *** FOR SMART CITY USE: Payment Rec’d (Amount): Customer No: 2009 - 015 - ORDER ON LINE: INTERNET - NETWORK / TELEPHONE SERVICE CONTRACT WEWCC – Telephone & Internet / Network Services Terms and Conditions / Payment Options 1. Smart City is the exclusive provider and installer of all Voice, Data and Network services (wired and wireless) including communications cabling. This includes all cabling to meeting rooms, booths, within booths (under carpet and flooring), fiber optic, twisted pair (Category 3, 5 and 6), coaxial and all other data and telecommunications related cabling. 2. The use of the network connection(s) provided by Smart City may be used only by the directors, officers and employees of the Company, its guests, its agents and consultants while performing service for the Company and cannot be resold or distributed to other companies or individuals. 3. All devices for which Smart City directly or indirectly provides Internet / Network connectivity must pay a device charge or purchase a Smart City assigned IP address. 4. Incentive Price applies when a completed order with payment is received no later than 21 days prior to the first day of show move-in. Base Price applies to (a) all orders received from One (1) to Twenty (20) days before show move-in has started or (b) orders received on or before the 21 day Incentive Deadline without payment (c) orders placed on site or after show move-in has started will be at Base Price plus an additional 20% X Base Price. 5. Internet / Network – 10 / 100 Mbps, half / full-duplex, auto-sensing Ethernet access to our backbone, with shared or dedicated Internet access up to 512 Kbps or greater (depending on service ordered) via an RJ-45 jack, is provided for each connection ordered. 6. Shared Internet Services Specific: Routers, Streaming Applications, VoIP, DHCP, NAT or Proxy Servers are not allowed with any of our shared Internet / Network services. This includes, but is not limited to, NetPremium, NetStandard, NetBasic, and NetExpress. Smart City can engineer a custom dedicated network(s) to accommodate such special requests. Please call for quote. 7. Rates listed include a single IP address, standard installation to the booth in the most convenient manner and does not include computer equipment, NIC card, TCP / IP software or power to the booth. 8. Limited Availability: T-1 / DS-3 and other special circuit orders must be placed 45 days prior to show move-in date due to limited availability and to avoid additional charges. 9. Wireless Specific: (a) Smart City is the exclusive provider of voice, wired and wireless data service(s) for the Facility. Wireless Devices not authorized by Smart City are strictly prohibited. Customer(s) that desire to showcase their wireless products must contact Smart City 21 days in advance of show move-in to investigate the potential of Smart City engineering a customized cohesive network to operate without interference to other Customer(s), (applicable charges may apply). (b) The use of any wireless device that interferes with the facility’s 2.5 / 5.8 GHz wireless data frequency range is prohibited and subject to disconnection at the Customer expense. 10. Unless otherwise directed, Smart City is authorized to cut floor coverings to permit installation of service. 11. Internet Performance Disclaimer: Smart City does not guarantee the performance, routing, or throughput; either expressed or implied, of any data circuit(s) connectivity with regards to the Internet and / or Internet backbone(s) beyond the Facility. 12. Only Smart City personnel are authorized to modify system wiring or cabling. Material and equipment furnished by Smart City for this service contract shall remain the property of Smart City. 13. CANCELLATION – There is a minimum $150 Cancellation fee. Cancellations must be in writing. Additional cancellation charges will apply for orders that have already incurred labor, material, and / or engineering costs. Some broadband services and special circuits cannot be cancelled once ordered and will incur full charges listed / quoted. Credit will not be given for service(s) installed and not used. 14. Service problems must be reported to the Smart City Service Desk. Service claims will not be considered unless filed in writing by Customer prior to close of show. 15. Any additional cost incurred by SMART CITY to: 1) assist in trouble diagnosis or problem resolution found not to be the fault of SMART CITY or 2) collect information required to complete the installation that customer fails to provide (i.e. floor plans or special circuit numbers) may be billed to the Customer at the prevailing rate. 16. Equipment Management: (a) Customers should pick up hubs, wireless devices, telephone instruments and other rental equipment at the Smart City Service Desk. (b) The Customer will be fully responsible for the protection and safekeeping of rental equipment and will be responsible for returning all rental equipment to the Smart City Service Desk within one (1) hour following close of the show. 17. The prices listed on this contract do not include Federal, State, Local or Other Taxes and Tax surcharges. Taxes / Tax surcharges will be included on your final bill. Federal Tax ID is 65-0524748. 18. NOTE: THE CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL LONG DISTANCE AND OTHER APPLICABLE CHARGES AGAINST ASSIGNED TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) 19. All Single Line, Multi-Line, and Dedicated Line Telephone services include Directory Assistance, Information, “0+”, Operator assisted, 1-800, 950, credit card type call usage and unlimited Domestic Long Distance. International Call charges will apply. 20. Long Distance (International Calls) and Line Restrictions: (a) Toll restriction will block lines to local only or local and “1-800” calling only. All other “1+” or “0+” dialing will be blocked (this includes all long distance access). (b) All lines will be blocked from “976” and “900” dialing unless otherwise requested. Additional deposits may be applicable. (c) Smart City will provide a detailed listing of all toll / billable type calls made from applicable services. Additional LD deposits required for Intl companies. 21. A per line move fee starting at $100 (Telephone), $200 (Internet) may apply to relocate the line(s) after it is installed. 22. Prices are based upon current rates and are subject to change without notice. (1) All Customer contracts and agreements are solely between SMART CITY and the prospective Customer; (2) SMART CITY is not the employee, agent or partner of the Facility; (3) The Facility is not a party to, nor shall it have any obligations or liabilities whatsoever to any Customer, under any Customer Contract including without limitation, the obligation to provide any of the services covered by such Customer Contract; (4) No representations or warranties are being made by the Facility with respect to any Customer Contract or any Communications Services; (5) The right of the Customer to receive any Communications Service will be terminated if this Agreement is terminated for any reason provided therein; and the Facility will have no obligation to continue providing such service unless the Facility elects in its sole discretion to continue to provide such services itself or through a third party; (6) The provisions of the Customer Contract are separate and independent from the provisions of the Customer’s lease space in the building and shall not affect the Customer’s obligations under such lease and without limiting the foregoing, in no event shall any default by SMART CITY under the Customer Contract or any failure with respect to any Communications Services have any effect on any Customer’s obligations to the Facility under any lease or any other occupancy agreement between such Customer and the Facility. 23. A valid Credit Card number with signature MUST be on file regardless of payment method. Mail or Fax Completed Orders with For your convenience we will use this authorization to charge your credit card for any Payment and Floor Plan To additional amounts incurred. SMART CITY 24. Smart City accepts payments in US dollars, Checks drawn on a US bank, Wire Transfers or the 5795 W. BADURA AVENUE, SUITE 110 following Credit Cards: (Amex, MasterCard, Visa,). Make all checks payable to: Smart City. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89118 25. Due to the cost of processing checks, any refunds due in the amount of $10.00 or less will not be (888) 446-6911 FAX (702) 943-6001 refunded except upon written request. Smart City-015NT 3/23/09 Customer Acceptance of All Smart City Terms and Conditions / Attachments: With execution of this document the Customer hereby authorizes Smart City to provide services as requested herein, is authorized to request such services and acknowledges full and complete understanding of the Terms and Conditions and Attachments contained herein & Website. Print Authorized Name Authorized Signature FOR SMART CITY USE: Payment Rec’d (Amount): Customer No: Date 2009 - 015 - ORDER ON LINE: *** Tipping is not permitted. Any request from personnel for gratuities should be reported to Management immediately. *** Center: W a s h i n g t o n C C ( 0 1 5 ) - D C Show: Company Name: Booth / Room #: Customer / Ref #: 2009 - 015 - The Network Security Policy implemented for this Facility requires Customer(s) adherence to several necessary precautions in order for Smart City to maintain a healthy, viable network for all Customers. This declaration of compliance with the security requirements as noted herein is an acknowledgement of Smart City’s filtering policies and must be completed, signed by an authorized Customer representative and mailed or faxed to Smart City prior to the requested network service(s) being activated for Customer’s usage. Network Security Policy: Smart City requires that all devices directly or indirectly accessing Smart City’s network(s) have the latest virus scan software, Windows® security updates, system patches, and any other technological precautions necessary to protect the Customer(s) and others from viruses, malicious programs, and other disruptive applications. Any device(s) which adversely impacts Smart City’s network(s) may cause service interruptions to Customer(s) which can lead to disconnection of the Customer’s equipment from the network(s), with or without prior notice at Smart City’s sole discretion. The device(s) in question will remain disconnected until all issues are adequately resolved. All charges will apply and no refunds will be given. Additional charges may apply for trouble diagnosis and / or problem resolution. Smart City has implemented filtering policies on all Internet routers. These filters block all inbound Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) -- Ping, Traceroute, etc. -- destined to any Smart City Network(s). Smart City understands that Ping and Traceroute are valuable troubleshooting tools; therefore Smart City’s Policy does allow ICMP (Ping & Traceroute) packets sourced from any Smart City network(s). Further, to avoid infection by common Internet worms (Nachi, MSBlaster, LoveSAN, etc.), Smart City has implemented similar filters on the following TCP and UDP port numbers: UDP – 137, 138, 402, 1434 and TCP – 135, 139, 402, 445, 4444. Customers requiring inbound or outbound access to any of the filtered ports, should contact a Smart City customer service representative in advance of the event with details of the specific requirements so that Smart City may consider the potential of a customized alternative. Each Customer’s business is important to Smart City and with advanced and timely notification of a Customer’s needs we are confident that we can provide network services that perform as expected for all clients. *** Please inform all show site personnel about the importance of Smart City’s Network Security compliance issues *** *** Services are activated after Smart City is in receipt of this signed declaration of compliance with our network security requirements *** Are You Renting Computers? Yes No Rental Company Name: Rental Company Contact: Contact Number: Device(s) Operating System: Type of Anti-Virus Software Installed: Norton McAfee Total # of Devices: Other: Security Updates Last Performed: Virus Scan Last Updated: Date Date With execution of this document the Customer hereby attests that Customer provided equipment, which will be connected to Smart City’s network(s) at the above noted Facility and Show / Event has been properly protected, contains anti-virus software, and the latest patches and security updates have been installed. Customer(s) also accepts the responsibility for the performance of Customer’s equipment and understands the conditions placed on service delivery by this document as well as the potential that additional charges may be incurred should Customer’s equipment be found to adversely impact Smart City’s network(s) performance. The Customer acknowledges that this Network Security Declaration is part of the Customer Contract allowing Smart City to provide requested service(s) and is subject to change without notice. Signature Date Printed Name Title 5795 W. Badura Ave, Suite 110 • Las Vegas • Nevada 89118 • (888) 446-6911 • (702) 943-6000 • Fax (702) 943-6001 Center: W a s h i n g t o n C C ( 0 1 5 ) - D C Show: Company Name: Booth / Room #: Customer / Ref #: 2009 - 015 - Voice and Data communications cabling. Smart City is the exclusive installer of Voice and Data communications cabling. Smart City provides cabling to booths, within booths (under carpet and flooring) and from booth-to-booth. Fiber Optic, twisted pair (Category 3, 5 and 6), coaxial and all other data and telecommunication cable fall under Smart City’s area of expertise. IMPORTANT!! Prior to installation of service, a complete floor plan is required. Please utilize this grid should you not have your own floor plan to send us. You may use a different floor plan for each service group (Telephone, Internet, etc.) or combine all services on one floor plan. For a floor plan to be considered complete it must include all the information listed below (Main Distribution Location “MDL”, designated location of items within the booth, surrounding booths, scale-length and width). Adjacent Booth or Aisle# Adjacent Booth or Aisle# Adjacent Booth or Aisle# Adjacent Booth or Aisle# X = Main Distribution Location (MDL) – The originating line(s) for service, whether from overhead, a floor pocket or a column, will be delivered to a “MDL” before being distributed within your booth. Example: Storage area, back of booth, etc. (unless specified, the default for the “MDL” will be the back of the booth or at Smart City’s discretion, the most convenient location). All distribution of services to their final destination within the booth will originate from the “MDL”. A per line move fee will apply to relocate services within your booth after they have been engineered and / or installed. T = Location of Telephones, Fax lines or other telecommunications equipment “T”. I / H / PC / C = Location of primary Internet Service “I”, Hubs “H”, Patch Cables “PC” and / or Computers “C”. For Smart City to perform your floor work, you will need to indicate the location of each item you want cabled. Make sure to order your floor work, hubs, and patch cables early and in advance of the show moving in. Orientation = The Booth or Aisle #’s surrounding your booth. A minimum of one surrounding Booth or Aisle # is required (two or more would be more helpful) for Smart City to accurately install your services. Size = Booth dimensions (example 10x10) ________________. Scale = 1 Box is equal to __________ ft. 5795 W. Badura Ave, Suite 110 • Las Vegas • Nevada 89118 • (888) 446-6911 • (702) 943-6000 • Fax (702) 943-6001 Lead Retrieval Order Form ÜÓß× Ü»-¬·²¿¬·±²- ͸±©½¿-» É¿-¸·²¹¬±²ô ÜÝ É»¼²»-¼¿§ô Ó¿®½¸ îëô îðïë É¿´¬»® Ûò É¿-¸·²¹¬±² ݱ²ª»²¬·±² Ý»²¬»® RATES ARE FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW & INCLUDES ONSITE USAGE TRAINING & SUPPORT EXHIBITOR INFORMATION (Please write clearly) Company Name Billing Contact Address City Phone Email Delivery Contact Booth # State Zip Onsite Cell The SmartSwift Swiftium Hand Held Sales Lead System combines the latest scanning and Blackberry technology, giving you the ability to easily scan, view and qualify attendee information, write notes and edit information electronically, making SmartSwift the most advanced sales lead system in the industry! Additionally, the information is uploaded and stored in real-time. We simply provide you with a web-link, username and password to access/download your leads into Excel whenever you want. You can also have the system customized with qualifiers. You're NOT required to have electricity. System is completely battery operated and designed to last the entire event. You also have the option of renting a bluetooth printer that will automatically print the attendee information when their badge is scanned. ÑÎÜÛÎ ÞÇ ÚÎ×ÜßÇ Ó¿®½¸ êô îðïë ÑÎÜÛÎ ßÚÌÛÎ ÚÎ×ÜßÇ Ó¿®½¸ êô îðïë The SmartSwift Swiftium Hand Held Sales Lead System üíêðòðð üíèëòðð Optional Bluetooth Printer üëçòðð üéçòðð Optional Customized Qualifiers/Action Codes üçëòðð Ò±¬ ߪ¿·´¿¾´» Optional Instant Sales Email when Badge is Scanned üçëòðð Ò±¬ ߪ¿·´¿¾´» Optional Booth Delivery & Setup* üîçòðð üíçòðð QTY *All equipment must be picked up from the CONVENTIONPLUS service desk unless delivery option is chosen. SUBTOTAL Representative must be present in booth for delivery to take place. Delivery must take place no later than 2 hours prior to the opening of the tradeshow floor, otherwise customer must pick up system from service desk. Delivered units must be returned to the CONVENTIONPLUS service desk by exhibitor at the end of the event. Ì¿¨ ëòéëû Submit Order Form To: CONVENTIONPLUS® 7345 W. Sandlake Road, Suite 204 Orlando, FL 32819 407-423-4186 [email protected] Fax: 1-815-390-1090 TOTAL TOTAL **** Rental Payment is Due in Advance**** Rental Payment Visa/MC AMEX Discover Card # Exp. Date Billing Street Address Zip Code Code (last 3 digits on back/ 4 digits on front if AMEX) Card Holder Name Authorized Signature *** I authorize this credit card to be used as payment for this contract. *** Standard Business Building and Development Qualifiers in every Sales Lead System: 1. Specific Product/Service Need 2. Plan to Purchase Within Year 3. Long Term Plan to Purchase 4. Budget in Place 5. Decision Maker 6. Project Manager 7. Influences Decision 8. Provide Product/Service Info. 9. Follow Up Email/Phone 10. Setup Post-Show Conf. Call 11. Setup Post-Show Web Demo 12. Setup Post-Show Meeting Rental rates are based on the entire show including setup day. Customer is responsible for all loss or damage to equipment. All orders are subject to CONVENTIONPLUS standard terms and conditions. A company representative MUST be present upon delivery and pick up or additional fee may apply. 100% cancellation fee may apply for orders cancelled up to 5 days before the show. Any items cancelled on-site will be charged 100% cancellation fee. Prices subject to availability. LEAD RETRIEVAL ATTENDEE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS AT THE DISCRETION OF SHOW MANAGEMENT TRADE SHOW FURNISHINGS 2015 Product Catalog © 2015 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. WELCOME Explore the new CORT Trade Show Furnishings catalog, featuring great collections to help create an exhibit that communicates your company’s unique brand message. CORT is the nation’s leading provider of rental furnishings for the trade show and exhibit industry with an extensive selection of highquality furnishings available nationwide. We provide flexible design options that bring your exhibit to life and make it easy to transform your space into a comfortable selling environment. DELIVERING TRADE SHOW SOLUTIONS YOU CAN COUNT ON. 1 PREMIER COLLECTIONS SEE INDIVIDUAL CATEGORIES FOR DETAILED PRODUCT INFORMATION ROMA CHR003 SFA003 CHR001 SFA001 CHR002 SFA002 MIRABEL ALLEGRO KEY WEST snoitarugifnoC hcaebhtuoS OCB LSM SOM SOUTH BEACH OTS Suggested Uses of South Beach 2 SO1 SO2 TANGIERS TANCHR TANSOF NPLCHR NPLLOV NAPLES NPLSOF HEATHROW HC008 HEA08 HS008 HCH08 Suggested Uses of Heathrow 3 SOFAS & SECTIONALS HEA08 SO1 SFA001 SFA002 NPLSOF TANSOF SOM SFA003 HS008 SO2 LOVESEATS LSM SOFAS & SECTIONALS HEA08 Heathrow Sofa Black Vinyl 48"L 24"D 28"H SO1 South Beach Sofa Platinum Suede 69"L 29"D 33"H SFA001 Mirabel Sofa Brown Leather 76"L 35"D 32"H 4 NPLLOV SFA002 Allegro Blue Fabric 73"L 34.5"D 30"H SFA003 Roma White Vinyl 78"L 31"D 33"H NPLSOF Naples Sofa Black Vinyl 87"L 30"D 28"H HS008 Heathrow 3 pc. Sectional Black Vinyl 72"L 48"D 28"H TANSOF Tangiers Sofa Beige Textured 78"L 37"D 36"H SOM Key West Sofa Black 85"L 35"D 33"H SO2 South Beach 3 pc. Sectional Platinum Suede 152"L 40"D 33"H LOVESEATS LSM Key West Loveseat Black 57"L 35"D 33"H NPLLOV Naples Loveseat Black Vinyl 62"L 30"D 28"H CLUB CHAIRS CHR003 CHR001 CHR002 NPLCHR TANCHR OCB HCH08 HC008 OCA OCH BCW CCE LABREA MADGRY OCCASIONAL CHAIRS SWAN MEETING CHAIRS OCMESP CLUB CHAIRS CHR003 Roma Chair White Vinyl 37"L 31"D 33"H CHR001 Mirabel Chair Brown Leather 36"L 35"D 32"H CHR002 Allegro Chair Blue Fabric 36"L 34.5"D 30"H NPLCHR Naples Chair Black Vinyl 36"L 30"D 28"H TANCHR Tangiers Chair Beige Textured 34"L 37"D 36"H OCB Key West Tub Chair Black 31"L 31"D 31"H HCH08 Heathrow Chair Black Vinyl 24"L 24"D 28"H HC008 Heathrow Corner Chair Black Vinyl 24"L 24"D 28"H OCMTAU OCCASIONAL CHAIRS SWAN Swanson Swivel Chair White Vinyl 28"L 25"D 18"H OCA T-Vac Chair Translucent, Chrome 25"L 23"D 30"H OCH Madrid Chair Black Leather 30"L 30"D 31"H CCE Ice Chair Transparent, Chrome 17.25"L 20"D 32"H LABREA La Brea Swivel Chair Charcoal Gray, Fabric 35"L 27"D 40"H MADGRY Madden Arm Chair Light Gray, Vinyl 27"L 32"D 33"H MEETING CHAIRS OCMESP Meeting Chair Espresso Leather 25.5"L 23.5"D 34"H OCMTAU Meeting Chair Taupe Fabric 25.5"L 23.5"D 34"H BCW Madrid Chair White Leather 30"L 30"D 31"H 5 OTTOMANS BN075 END02B END02W SAL OSC OTH BNO08 PUZ2SW CUBL20 VIB05 VIB06 VIB07 VIB08 VIB01 VIB02 VIB03 VIB04 OTS OTK OTL CCB CCW OTTOMANS BNO08 Bench Ottoman Black Vinyl 60"L 20"D 18"H BNO75 Bench Ottoman White Vinyl 60"L 20"D 18"H END02B Endless Square Ottoman Black 34"L 34"D 15"H END02W Endless Square Ottoman White 34"L 34"D 15"H 6 SAL Sally Stool White 12" Round 17"H OSC Milano Cube White Leather 17"L 17"D 18"H OTH Milano Cube Black Leather 17"L 17"D 18"H PUZ2SW Puzzle Bench Ottoman White 48"L 24"D 18"H CUBL20 Edge LED Cube Ottoman White Plastic 20"L 20"D 20"H OTS South Beach Wedge Ottoman Platinum Suede 25"L 31"D 18"H Vibe Cube Ottoman Waterproof 18"L 18"D 18"H VIB05 Yellow Vinyl VIB06 Gold/Bronze Vinyl VIB07 Beige Vinyl VIB08 Orange Vinyl VIB01 Green Vinyl VIB02 Blue Vinyl VIB03 Pink Vinyl VIB04 Red Vinyl OTK Half Round Ottoman Black Leather 72"L 36"D 17"H OTL Half Round Ottoman White Leather 72"L 36"D 17"H CCB Circle Ottoman Black Leather 72"L 72"D 17"H CCW Circle Ottoman White Leather 72"L 72"D 17"H CCZ Circle Ottoman Black, White Leather 72"L 72"D 17"H GROUP SEATING DUET CS8 CS9 SC4 SC1 XCHR RSTDIN SC9 SC10 CH002 SCF SCC SCE SCD SC3 XC3 XC6 CO4 SC8 GROUP SEATING RSTDIN Rustique Chair with arms Gunmetal 20"L 18"D 31"H DUET Duet Chair Black, Chrome 21"L 23"D 33"H CS8 Berlin Chair Black 18"L 22"D 32"H CS9 Berlin Chair Red 18"L 22"D 32"H SC4 Jetson Chair Black 19"L 18"D 31"H CH002 Wendy Chair Clear Acrylic 15"L 20"D 36"H SC8 Flex Chair with wheels 24"L 22"D 31"H SC1 New York Chair Black, Maple 18"L 17"D 34"H SCF Fusion Chair Black, White 19"L 21"D 32"H SC3 Brewer Chair Onyx, Black 20"L 20"D 32"H XCHR Christopher Chair White Vinyl, Chrome 17"L 19"D 35"H SCC Fusion Chair Clear, White 19"L 21"D 32"H XC3 Luxor Guest Chair Black Leather 27"L 28"D 40"H SC9 Panton Chair White 20"L 24"D 33"H SCE Fusion Chair Red, White 19"L 21"D 32"H XC6 Altura Guest Chair Black Crepe 25"L 20"D 34"H SC10 Razor Chair White 15.38"L 15.5"D 30.5"H SCD Fusion Chair Green, White 19"L 21"D 32"H CO4 Iso Mesh Chair Black 26"L 24"D 38"H 7 COCKTAIL TABLES COLI C1E C1D C1K C1F C1C C1W C1Y TMBTBL NEMSAC ETBL AURA EOLI E1E E1D E1K E1F E1C CDYTB E1W E1Y CUBTBL SIDE AND END TABLES COCKTAIL TABLES COLI Oliver Cocktail Table Walnut Finish 47"L 27"D 19"H C1E Silverado Cocktail Table Glass, Chrome 36" Round 17"H C1D Soho Cocktail Table Espresso, Metal 38"L 38"D 18.5"H C1K Inspiration Cocktail Table Glass, Brushed Steel 42"L 28"D 18"H 8 C1F Geo Cocktail Table Glass, Black 50"L 22"D 16"H C1C Geo Cocktail Table Glass, Chrome 50"L 22"D 16"H C1W Sydney Cocktail Table White, Brushed Steel 48"L 26"D 18"H C1Y Sydney Cocktail Table Black, Brushed Steel 48"L 26"D 18"H END TABLES TMBTBL Timber Table Wood 16" Round 17"H NEMSAC Mosaic Tables, Set of 3 12"L 14"D 16"H 16.5"L 15"D 18"H 20.5"L 16"D 20"H ETBL E Table Wood 21"L 15.5"D 27.5"H AURA Aura Round Table White Metal 15" Round 22"H EOLI Oliver End Table Walnut Finish 22" Round 22"H E1C Geo End Table Glass, Chrome 26"L 26"D 20"H E1E Silverado End Table Glass, Chrome 24" Round 22"H CDYTB Candy Table White/Black Top 18"L 18"D 18"H E1D Soho End Table Espresso, Metal 26"L 26"D 27"H E1W Sydney End Table White, Brushed Steel 27"L 23"D 22"H E1K Inspiration End Table Glass, Brushed Steel 24"L 28"D 22"H E1F Geo End Table Glass, Black 26"L 26"D 20"H E1Y Sydney End Table Black, Brushed Steel 27"L 23"D 22"H CUBTBL Edge LED Cube Table Plexi Top, White Plastic 20"L 20"D 20"H CONFERENCE TABLES CG1 CF2 CE2 OCT6W CE1 CF1 6'–CB2 CONFMER WD3 8'–CB3 6'–CD2 8'–CD3 6'–CC6 8'–CC7 10'–CC8 6'–CT06GR 8'–C508GR 10'–CT10GR CC5 CB1 CONF42 SAMPLE CONFERENCE SETS CONFERENCE TABLES CG1 Manhattan Table Glass, Black 42" Round 29"H CF2 Geo Table, Rectangular Glass, Black 60"L 36"D 29"H CE2 Geo Table, Rectangular Glass, Chrome 60"L 36"D 29"H OCT6W Nova Oval Table White, Silver Powder Coated Legs 71"L 36"D 29"H CE1 Geo Table, Rounded Square Glass, Chrome 42"L 42"D 29"H CF1 Geo Table, Rounded Square Glass, Black 42"L 42"D 29"H CB2 Table 6' Graphite Nebula 72"L 42"D 29"H CONFMER Merlin Multi Use Table Gray Laminate, Black 46"L 29"D 30"H WD3 Work Table White Laminate, White 48"L 24"D 30"H CC7 Table 8' Mahogany 96"L 48"D 29.5"H CC5 Table Mahogany 42" Round 29"H CB3 Table 8' Graphite Nebula 96"L 48"D 29"H CC8 Table 10' Mahogany 120"L 48"D 29.5"H CB1 Table Graphite Nebula 42" Round 29"H CD2 Table 6' Gray Nebula 72"L 42"D 29"H CT06GR Table 6' Granite 72"L 36"D 29"H CONF42 Table White Laminate 42" Round 29"H CD3 Table 8' Gray Nebula 96"L 48"D 29"H C508GR Table 8' Granite 96"L 44"D 29"H CC6 Table 6' Mahogany 72"L 36"D 29.5"H CT10GR Table 10' Granite 120"L 46"D 29"H 9 EXECUTIVE CHAIRS PROEXE G30 COMMUNAL BAR, CAFÉ & COCKTAIL TABLES XC2 XC1 XC4 XC5 OTO G30BMS G30BMW G30BWS G30BWW G30DMS G30DMW G30DWS G30DWW G30CMS G30CMW G30CWS G30CWW TABLE TOP OPTIONS MAPLE EXECUTIVE CHAIRS PROEXE Pro Executive Chair White Classic Vinyl 27.5"L 27.5"D 45.7"H Adjustable XC2 Luxor Executive Chair Mid Back, Black Leather 27"L 28"D 41"H Adjustable XC1 Luxor Executive Chair High Back, Black Leather 27"L 28"D 47"H Adjustable 10 WHITE XC5 Altura Executive Chair Mid Back, Black Crepe 25"L 25"D 37"H Adjustable BAR TABLES CAFÉ TABLES COCKTAIL TABLES G30BMS Bar Table Maple Top 72"L 26"D 42"H G30DMS Café Table Maple Top 72"L 26"D 30"H G30CMS Cocktail Table Maple Top 72"L 26"D 18"H XC4 Altura Executive Chair High Back, Black Crepe 25"L 25"D 43"H Adjustable G30BMW Bar Table with Grommet Holes, Maple Top 72"L 26"D 42"H G30DMW Café Table with Grommet Holes, Maple Top 72"L 26"D 30"H G30CMW Cocktail Table with Grommet Holes, Maple Top 72"L 26"D 18"H G30BWS Bar Table White Top 72"L 26"D 42"H G30DWS Café Table White Top 72"L 26"D 30"H G30CWS Cocktail Table White Top 72"L 26"D 18"H G30BWW Bar Table with Grommet Holes, White Top 72"L 26"D 42"H G30DWW Café Table with Grommet Holes, White Top 72"L 26"D 30"H G30CWW Cocktail Table with Grommet Holes, White Top 72"L 26"D 18"H OTO Perth Chair High Back, Black 23"L 21"D 43"H Adjustable BARSTOOLS BS001 BS002 BS003 ROLLRD ROLLGY ROLLWH ROLLBL BSN BCE BSS BST BSL BSC BSD RSTSTL BARSTOOLS RSTSTL Rustique Barstool Gunmetal 13"L 13"D 30"H BS001 Shark Barstool White, Chrome 22"L 19"D 34–44"H BS002 Zoey Barstool White, Chrome 15"L 16"D 26-30.5"H BS003 Zoey Barstool Black, Chrome 15"L 16"D 26-30.5"H ROLLRD Lift Barstool Red Vinyl 15" Round 23–33.5"H Adjustable ROLLGY Lift Barstool Gray Vinyl 15" Round 23–33.5"H Adjustable ROLLWH Lift Barstool White Vinyl 15" Round 23–33.5"H Adjustable ROLLBL Lift Barstool Black Vinyl 15" Round 23–33.5"H Adjustable BSN Jetson Barstool Black 18"L 19"D 29"H BSL Gin Barstool Maple, Chrome 16"L 16"D 29"H BCE Ice Barstool Transparent, Chrome 16"L 14"D 33"H BSC Oslo Barstool White 17"L 20"D 30"H BSS Banana Barstool Black, Chrome 21"L 22"D 30"H BSD Oslo Barstool Blue 17"L 20"D 30"H BST Banana Barstool White, Chrome 21"L 22"D 30"H 11 BAR TABLES 30"–VTK 36"–VTP 30"–VTJ 36"–VTN 36"–VTW 30MHSB VTG VTB VTC 30"–WTK 36"–WTP 30"–WTJ 36"–WTN WTW 30MHTB WTS WTB WTC TABLE TOP OPTIONS MAPLE BRUSHED RED BAR TABLES Standard Black Base 30" Round 42"H VTK Maple Top VTJ Graphite Nebula Top 30MHSB Mahogany Top VTG Silver Textured Top VTB Brushed Red Top VTC Brushed Blue Top Standard Black Base 36" Round 42"H VTP Maple Top VTN Graphite Nebula Top VTW White Laminate Top 12 GRAPHITE NEBULA BRUSHED BLUE Tulip Chrome Base 30" Round 42"H WTK Maple Top WTJ Graphite Nebula Top 30MHTB Mahogany Top WTS Silver Textured Top WTB Brushed Red Top WTC Brushed Blue Top Tulip Chrome Base 36" Round 42"H WTP Maple Top WTN Graphite Nebula Top WTW White Laminate Top WHITE LAMINATE MAHOGANY SILVER TEXTURED CAFÉ TABLES 30"–ZTK 36"–ZTP 30"–ZTJ 36"–ZTN ZTQ 30MHSC ZTG ZTB ZTC 30"–XTK 36"–XTP 30"–XTJ 36"–XTN XTR 30MHTC XTS XTB XTC SAMPLE BAR TABLE SETS CAFÉ TABLES Standard Black Base 30" Round 29"H ZTK Maple Top ZTJ Graphite Nebula Top 30MHSC Mahogany Top ZTG Silver Textured Top ZTB Brushed Red Top ZTC Brushed Blue Top Standard Black Base 36" Round 29"H ZTP Maple Top ZTN Graphite Nebula Top ZTQ White Laminate Top Tulip Chrome Base 30" Round 29"H XTK Maple Top XTJ Graphite Nebula Top 30MHTC Mahogany Top XTS Silver Textured Top XTB Brushed Red Top XTC Brushed Blue Top Tulip Chrome Base 36" Round 29"H XTP Maple Top XTN Graphite Nebula Top XTR White Laminate Top 13 TRAINING ROOM CONFMER WD3 PMB36 PMB42 PDL 30"– PDL30PW 42"– PDL42PW BC6 BC7 30"– PDL30PB 42"– PDL42PB ET2 ET1 SY1 DF1 BOOKCASES & PRODUCT DISPLAYS UTILITY CHAIRS TRAINING ROOM CONFMER Merlin Multi Use Table Gray Laminate, Black 46"L 29"D 30"H WD3 Work Table White Laminate, White 48"L 24"D 30"H 14 BOOKCASES & PRODUCT DISPLAYS Plastic Pedestal Black PMB36 24"L 24"D 36"H PMB42 24"L 24"D 42"H PDL Locking Door Pedestal Black 24"L 24"D 42"H Powered Locking Pedestal White PDL30PW 24"L 24"D 30"H PDL42PW 24"L 24"D 42"H Powered Locking Pedestal Black PDL30PB 24"L 24"D 30"H PDL42PB 24"L 24"D 42"H BC6 Bookcase Mahogany 36"L 13"D 71"H ET2 Etagere Black 30"L 16"D 70"H BC7 Bookcase Granite 36"L 13"D 71"H ET1 Etagere Pewter 30"L 16"D 70"H UTILITY CHAIRS SY1 Altura Steno Chair Black Crepe 25"L 26"D 21"H DF1 Altura Drafting Stool Black Crepe 25"L 26"D 34"H DESKS & CREDENZAS JD7 JD6 CR6 CR7 L26 L27 FILES VF4 VF2 R1R R1Q FRIDGES DESKS & CREDENZAS FILES FRIDGES JD6 Executive Desk Mahogany 60"L 30"D 29"H VF4 Vertical File 4 Drawer 27"L 19"D 52"H R1R Refrigerator White 14.0 cubic feet 28"L 28"D 64"H JD7 Executive Desk Granite 60"L 30"D 29"H VF2 Vertical File 2 Drawer 27"L 19"D 28"H CR6 Credenza Mahogany 72"L 24"D 29"H L26 Lateral File Mahogany 36"L 20"D 29"H CR7 Credenza Granite 72"L 24"D 29"H L27 Lateral File Granite 36"L 20"D 29"H R1Q Refrigerator White 4.0 cubic feet 20"L 22"D 33"H 15 MOBILE TABLET STANDS TBBCHR TBSHLF TBPNTR LAMPS LA15 LA14 TBSTDW TBSTND LIGHTED PRODUCTS LED color guide CUBL20 MOBILE TABLET STAND ACCESSORIES MOBILE TABLET STANDS TBBCHR Brochure Holder Black 8.625"L 1.1"D 11.325"H TBSTDW Mobile Tablet Stand White 14"L 13"D 44.5"H TBSHLF Charging Shelf Black 14.85"L 7.17"D 1"H TBSTND Mobile Tablet Stand Black 14"L 13"D 44.5"H TBPNTR Wireless Printer Holder Black 3.3"L 1.9"D 5.28"H 16 CUBTBL LAMPS LIGHTED PRODUCTS LA15 Mason Floor Lamp Brushed Silver 18" Round 55"H CUBL20 Edge LED Cube Ottoman White Plastic 20"L 20"D 20"H LA14 Mason Table Lamp Brushed Silver 16" Round 26"H CUBTBL Edge LED Cube Table Plexi Top, White Plastic 20"L 20"D 20"H BARS BRC Martini Bar Configurations Suggested Uses of Martini Bar BR1 BARS BRC Martini Bar Circle Comprised of three BR1 Martini Bars 67"L 22"D 45"H BR1 Martini Bar 67"L 22"D 45"H 17 Noticeably Superior Solutions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year Nationwide Service CORT Trade Show Furnishings is proud to offer this collection of the highest quality, design-oriented furnishings. Our nationwide distribution and professional staff is dedicated to the success of your exhibit. Make CORT Trade Show Furnishings your furniture solution. © 2015 CORT. A Berkshire Hathaway Company. ORDER INFORMATION PAYMENT INFORMATION EXHIBITING COMPANY: ORDER TOTAL: $ - SHOW NAME: ADDRESS: LATE ORDER FEE (ADD 30%): $ - BOOTH NUMBER (S) STATE TAX: (EXCLUDING NV & CA) $ - VENUE: TOTAL DUE: $ - SHOW DATE: PHONE: FAX: CONTACT: CREDIT CARD: EMAIL ADDRESS: SIGNATURE: AUTHORIZED BY: NAME: (PRINT) CODE QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION 2014 DELIVERY INFORMATION EXP: EXTENDED CODE QTY ITEM Sofa's, Sectional's, Loveseat's & Chair's SO 1 SO 2 SO C LS C CH C SO N CH N SOFA (ONLY) SFA002 SOFA CHR002 CHAIR SFA003 SOFA CHR003 CHAIR SFA001 SOFA CHR001 CHAIR SO M LS M SE D LS D CH D CO D MP S MP C SOFA 3 PIECE SECTIONAL SOFA LOVESEAT CHAIR SOFA CHAIR LOVESEAT 3 PIECE SECTIONAL LOVESEAT ARMLESS CHAIR CORNER CHAIR SOFA (MINATURE) CHAIR (MINATURE) SOUTH BEACH, PLATINUM SUEDE SOUTH BEACH, PLATINUM SUEDE LISBON, BLACK LEATHER LISBON, BLACK LEATHER LISBON, BLACK LEATHER MARRAKESH MARRAKESH Allegro Sofa, Blue Fabric Allegro Chair, Blue Fabric Roma Sofa - White Vinyl Roma Chair, White Vinyl Mirabel Sofa, Brown Leather Mirabel Chair, Brown Leather KEY WEST, BLACK KEY WEST, BLACK NEWPORT, CHARCOAL LEATHER NEWPORT, CHARCOAL LEATHER NEWPORT, CHARCOAL LEATHER NEWPORT, CHARCOAL LEATHER MEMPHIS, BLACK MEMPHIS, BLACK $ 467 $ 1,019 $ 541 $ 488 $ 359 $ 440 $ 312 $ 492 $ 332 $ 592 $ 386 $ 592 $ 386 $ 412 $ 365 $ 1,052 $ 470 $ 259 $ 323 $ 387 $ 275 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - Bar's & Barstool's BC E BS N BS D BS C BS T BS S BS L BS 3 BS 1 BS 2 BR C BR 1 BARSTOOL BS001 BARSTOOL BS002 BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BARSTOOL BAR, COUNTER CIRCLE BAR, COUNTER ICE BARSTOOL, TRANSPARENT JETSON, BLACK OSLO, BLUE OSLO, WHITE BANANA, WHITE / CHROME LEG BANANA, BLACK / CHROME LEG GIN, MAPLE / CHROME LEG OHIO, GREY, CHROME LEG OHIO, RED / CHROME LEG OHIO, BLACK / CHROME LEG MARTINI BAR CIRCLE (3) MARTINI BAR Shark Swivel Barstool Zoey Swivel Barstool - White DESCRIPTION 2014 EXTENDED Occasional Chair' & Ottoman's $ 164 $ 200 $ 186 $ 186 $ 178 $ 178 $ 141 $ 133 $ 133 $ 133 $ 2,911 $ 1,011 $ 232 $ 211 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - BARSTOOL Zoey Swivel Barstool - Black $ 211 $ LATE ORDERS: ● Orders received within 14-days prior to show opening wll incur a 30% late fee. CANCELLATIONS: PAYMENT: ● If cancelled within 14-days prior to move-in, a 50% charge will be applied. ● Cancellations made after move-in begins will receive no refund. OC A OCCASIONAL CHAIR OC H OCCASIONAL CHAIR BCW OCCASIONAL CHAIR SC10 OCCASIONAL CHAIR OC U OCCASIONAL CHAIR CC E OCCASIONAL CHAIR CH001 OCCASIONAL CHAIR SCC OCCASIONAL CHAIR SCD OCCASIONAL CHAIR SCE OCCASIONAL CHAIR SCF OCCASIONAL CHAIR OC B TUB CHAIR CDYTB OCCASIONAL TABLE CUBTBL LIGHTED TABLE CUBL20 OTTOMAN OT S WEDGE OTTOMAN OT Q OTTOMAN OT N OTTOMAN OT L OTTOMAN OT P OTTOMAN OT M OTTOMAN OT K OTTOMAN CC Z OTTOMAN CC B OTTOMAN CC W OTTOMAN OT H OTTOMAN OS C OTTOMAN PUZ2SW OTTOMAN VIB02 OTTOMAN VIB04 OTTOMAN VIB03 OTTOMAN VIB05 OTTOMAN VIB07 OTTOMAN VIB01 OTTOMAN VIB08 OTTOMAN VIB06 OTTOMAN T-VAC TRANSLUCIENT Madrid, Black Madrid, White Razor Chair GLOBUS ICE, TRANSPARENT, CHROME Casper Chair, Clear Acrylic Fusion - Clear/White Fusion - Green/White Fusion - Red/White Fusion - Black/White KEY WEST, BLACK Candy Table - White/Balck Edge LED Cube Table Edge Lighted Cube - Plastic SOUTH BEACH, PLATINUM SUEDE SQUARE, WHITE LEATHER BENCH, WHITE LEATHER HALF ROUND, WHITE LEATHER SQUARE, BLACK LEATHER BENCH, BLACK LEATHER $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 208 $ 563 $ 562 $ 59 $ 288 $ 154 $ 134 $ 102 $ 102 $ 102 $ 102 $ 299 $ 152 $ 148 $ 146 $ 180 $ 248 $ 278 $ 290 $ 249 $ 278 $ - HALF ROUND, BLACK LEATHER LEATHER CIRCLE BLACK / WHITE LEATHER CIRCLE, BLACK LEATHER CIRCLE, WHITE CUBE, BLACK LEATHER CUBE, WHITE LEATHER Puzzle Bench Vibe Cube Ottoman - Blue Vinyl Vibe Cube Ottoman - Red Vinyl Vibe Cube Ottoman - Pink Vinyl Vibe Cube Ottoman - Yellow Vinyl Vibe Cube Ottoman - Champagne Vinyl Vibe Cube Ottoman - Green Vinyl Vibe Cube Ottoman - Orange Vibe Cube Ottoman - Gold/Bronze Vinyl $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 290 452 452 452 84 84 232 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 - Please fax or mail both copies to: BS003 8221 C PRESTON CT. Jessup, MD 20794 PHONE: 301-776-7690 FAX: 301-776-7850 BALTIMORE ● ● ● All orders must be received with full payment no later than 14 days prior to the show. Payment may be made by credit card, or check on a U.S. Bank Additional drayage charges may apply from the Contractor. Refer to your Exhibitor Manual. CORT 2014 - Proprietary and Confidential, All Right reserved. CTSF $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CODE QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION 2014 EXTENDED CODE QTY ITEM Occasional Cocktail & End Tabls C1 W C1 Y C1 E C1 D C1 K C1 F C1 C COLI E1 W E1 Y E1 E E1 D E1 K E1 F E1 C EOLI COCKTAIL TABLE ZT K ZT P ZT J ZT N ZT M ZT F ZT B ZT C CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE CAFÉ TABLE 30MHSC 30MHTC XT K XT P XT J XT N XT M XT F XT B XT C VT K VT P VT J VT N VT M VT F VT B VT C 30MHSB 30MHTB WT K WT P WT J WT N WT M WT F WT B WT C COCKTAIL TABLE COCKTAIL TABLE COCKTAIL TABLE COCKTAIL TABLE COCKTAIL TABLE Cocktail Table END TABLE END TABLE END TABLE END TABLE END TABLE END TABLE END TABLE END TABLE Café Tables MAPLE, STANDARD BASE MAPLE 36" TOP, STANDARD BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA, STANDARD BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA 36" TOP, STANDARD GREY NEBULA 36" TOP, STANDARD SILVER METALIC, STANDARD BASE BRUSHED RED, STANDARD BASE BRUSHED BLUE, STANDARD BASE Mahogany with Black Base Mahogany with Tulip Chrome Base MAPLE, TULIP CHROME BASE MAPLE 36" TOP, TULIP BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA, TULIP BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA 36" TOP, TULIP GREY NEBULA 36" TOP, TULIP BASE SILVER METALIC, TULIP BASE BRUSHED RED, TULIP BASE BRUSHED BLUE, TULIP BASE Bar Tables BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE BAR TABLE TBSTDW MOBILE STAND TBSTND MOBILE STAND TBBCHR MOBILE STAND TBSHLF MOBILE STAND TBPNTR MOBILE STAND CP5 PO3 PO1 WD 2 SYDNEY, WHITE TOP SYDNEY, BLACK TOP SILVERADO, GLASS TOP SOHO, CHOCOLATE TOP INSPIRATION, GLASS TOP GEO, BLACK, GLASS TOP GEO, CHROME, GLASS TOP Oliver Cocktail Table SYDNEY, WHITE TOP SYDNEY, BLACK TOP SILVERADO, GLASS TOP SOHO, CHOCOLATE TOP INSPIRATION, GLASS TOP GEO, BLACK, GLASS TOP GEO, CHROME, GLASS TOP Oliver End Table COCKTAIL TABLE MAPLE, STANDARD BASE MAPLE 36" TOP, STANDARD BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA, STANDARD BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA 36" TOP, STANDARD GREY NEBULA 36" TOP, STANDARD SILVER METALIC, STANDARD BASE BRUSHED RED, STANDARD BASE BRUSHED BLUE, STANDARD BASE Mahogany with Black Base Mahogany with Tulip Chrome Base MAPLE, TULIP CHROME BASE MAPLE 36" TOP, TULIP BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA, TULIP BASE GRAPHITE NEBULA 36" TOP, TULIP GREY NEBULA 36" TOP, TULIP BASE SILVER METALIC, TULIP BASE BRUSHED RED, TULIP BASE BRUSHED BLUE, TULIP BASE Training Room Mobile Tablet Stand White Mobile Tablet Stand Black Brochure Holder Charging Shelf Wireless Printer Holder COMPUTER TABLE KIOSK PODIUM WRITING DESK OCMESP MEETING CHAIR OCMTAU MEETING CHAIR $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 212 212 197 281 226 180 186 180 191 191 186 253 215 169 174 160 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 151 168 151 168 168 171 151 151 208 226 208 229 208 226 226 230 208 208 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 174 180 174 180 180 197 174 174 217 243 221 243 221 243 243 243 221 221 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - SC 9 SC 8 SC 1 SC 4 SC 6 SC 2 SC 3 SC 5 SC10 CO 4 XC 3 XC 2 XC 1 XC 6 XC 5 XC 4 OTO CS 8 CS 9 SY 1 DF 1 EXTENDED STACK CHAIR STACK CHAIR TASK CHAIR DRAFTING STOOL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 140 116 133 133 162 124 124 235 59 221 261 284 302 232 255 278 318 81 81 145 215 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - JD 6 JD 7 CR 6 CR 7 BC 6 BC 7 L2 6 L2 7 VF 4 VF 2 EXECUTIVE DESK EXECUTIVE DESK CREDENZA CREDENZA BOOKCASE BOOKCASE LATERIAL FILE LATERIAL FILE VERTICAL FILE VERTICAL FILE MAHOGANY GRAPHITE MAHOGANY, STORAGE GRAPHITE, STORAGE MAHOGANY, 72" GRAPHITE, 72" MAHOGANY GRAPHITE 4 DRAWER, METAL 2 DRAWER, METAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 406 388 406 383 248 243 308 297 191 140 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - CE 2 CF 2 CE 1 CF 1 CG 1 CB 2 CB 3 CD 2 CD 3 CC 5 CC 6 CC 7 CC 8 CB 1 CD 1 CONFERENCE TABLE GEO, RECTANGLE CHROME, GLASS GEO, RECTANGLE BLACK, GLASS GEO, SQUARE CHROME, GLASS CT06GR CONFERENCE TABLE CT08GR CONFERENCE TABLE CT10GR CONFERENCE TABLE OCT6W Conference Table 302 290 208 197 214 234 394 324 394 266 301 371 591 267 267 234 284 426 397 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - G30BMW Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table Communal Table 475 475 475 475 380 380 380 380 255 255 255 255 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - GRAPHITE NEBULA BLACK & MAPLE LECTURN, CHERRY GRAPHITE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - Meeting Chairs Meeting Chair Espresso Meeting Chair Taupe $ $ 142 205 $ $ - ET 2 G30BWW G30BWS G30DMW G30DMS G30DWW G30DWS G30CMW G30CMS G30CWW G30CWS $ - HIGH BACK EXECUTIVE GUEST CHAIR MID BACK EXECUTIVE HIGH BACK EXECUTIVE HIGH BACK EXECUTIVE Desks, Bookcases, Credenzas & Files CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE CONFERENCE TABLE Conference Tables $ $ $ GEO, SQUARE BLACK, GLASS $ MANHATTAN, GLASS, BLACK $ 6" GRAPHITE NEBULA $ 8" GRAPHITE NEBULA $ 6' GREY NEBULA $ 8' GREY NEBULA $ 42" ROUND MAHOGANY $ 6' MAHOGANY $ 8' MAHOGANY $ 10' MAHOGANY $ 42" ROUND GRAPHITE NEBULA $ 42" ROUND GREY NEBULA $ Conf Table, Granite, 6-Foot $ Conf Table, Granite, 8-Foot $ Conf Table, Granite, 10-Foot $ 6' Nova Oval Conference Table, White w/Chrome $ Legs G-30 Bar Table w/grommets - Maple G-30 Bar Table, solid - Maple G-30 Bar Table, w/grommets - White G-30 Bar Table, solid - White G-30 Café Table, w/grommets - Maple G-30 Café Table, solid - Maple G-30 Café Table, w/grommets - White G-30 Café Table, solid - White G-30 Cocktail Table, w/grommets - Maple G-30 Cocktail Table, solid - Maple G-30 Cocktail Table, w/grommets - White G-30 Cocktail Table, solid - White $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Product Displays, Lamps, & Refrigerators BLACK $ 249 $ - SILVER Molded Plastic Pedestal, 24"x36" PMB42 ETAGERE Pedestals Pedestals Molded Plastic Pedestal, 24"x42" $ $ $ 249 288 340 $ $ $ - TRW Lamp Trovato Floor Lamp - White $ 108 $ - TRH Lamp Trovato Table Lamp - White $ 160 $ - LA15 Lamp Mason Floor Lamp - Brushed Silver $ 160 $ - LA14 Lamp Mason Table Lamp - Brushed Silver $ 108 $ - R1 R REFRIGERATOR 14.0 CUBIC, WHITE $ 609 $ - R1 Q REFRIGERATOR 4.0 CUBIC, WHITE $ 203 $ - ET 1 Page 2 Sub Total MID BACK EXECUTIVE ETAGERE PMB36 Page 1 Sub Total SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR SIDE CHAIR GUEST CHAIR GUEST CHAIR Communal Table G30BMS 152 152 49 49 49 290 348 221 255 2014 CORT - Proprietary & Confidential, CTSF. All rights reserved. 2014 PANTON, WHITE FLEX, WITH WHEELS NEW YORK, ONYX & MAPLE JETSON, BLACK MANHATTAN, OYSTER BREWER, GREY, CHROME BASE BREWER, ONYX, CHROME BASE TILT EXECUTIVE, ONYZ BLACK RAZOR CHAIR ISO MESH, BLACK LUXOR, BLACK LEATHER LUXOR, BLACK LEATHER LUXOR, BLACK LEATHER ALTURA, BLACK CLOTH ALTURA, BLACK CLOTH ALTURA, BLACK CLOTH OTTO, BLACK LEATHER BERLIN, BLACK & WHITE BERLIN, RED & WHITE ALTURA, BLACK CLOTH ALTURA, BLACK CLOTH $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Order Total, add to top of Page 1 DESCRIPTION Conference Chairs, Stacking & Utility Seating
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