Trending at Trinity… Celtic Service Set for May 3 Musicians and singers, we’d love to have you join us in another Celtic service. Congregation and friends, mark you calendars as well. Weather permitting, it will once again be outdoors. These have been very much appreciated and enjoyed in the past. If you would like to participate as a musician or singer, please contact David or Paula Wentz. Rehearsals will begin in March. (please check the church calendar on our website for any changes and/or updates). A New Year’s Ebenezer Samuel then took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer (which means "the stone of help"), for he said, "Thus far the LORD has helped us!" 1 Samuel 7:12 As we begin a new year, most of us tend to look foward. We make resolutions about how we will be better or do things better in the coming year. We make plans about things we hope to see or accomplish. Looking forward is a good thing. But sometimes it’s important to look back as well. Seeing how far we have come, and the things God has brought us through, can give us hope for the future and build our faith that God will care for us and use us. The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to look back as well as forward. The Bible tells how the people of Israel were being threatened by the Philistine army. The prophet Samuel led the people in turning to God in prayer, and God miraculously saved them. Samuel set up a big rock as a monument of God’s faithfulness. He called it “the stone of help,” to remind the people, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” The idea was that when danger threatened in the future, the stone would help the people of Israel remember that God had delivered them before, and he could do it again. Most of us have Ebenezers in our lives, if we look for them. They probably aren’t literal stones, but they are things that will remind us of God’s faithfulness, if we let them. They may well be old photographs. For Paula and me, pictures from seminary days remind us how God miraculously provided the perfect house, and the time friends brought us a bag of groceries just when we really needed them. Or your Ebenezers may just be memories. The trick is to take time to go back and remember them. At a bend in the driveway of our retirement home in Missouri, Paula and I have placed a big rock where we can see it as we drive in and out. Painted on the stone are the words, “Thus far . . .” God has brought us through sixty years of life and thirty-four years of ministry, and in the words of the old song, “He didn’t bring us this far to leave us.” When we begin to be threatened by pre-retirement jitters, we remind ourselves of that, and the jitters are replaced by faith and peace. God has brought you this far. Take some time to thank him, and raise your own Ebenezer, in whatever way works best for you. Blessings, Pastor David JANUARY2015Page2 H OW C AN W E A SSIST Y OU ? Prayer Chain...There is always someone who will pray for you. If you would like to place someone on the prayer chain, please call the church office (410-268-1620) or Cindy Sawyer (410757-0378) or [email protected]. The Trinity Lamplighter is published monthly by Everyone is welcome to join in prayer every Tuesday morning. Prayer for the Troops in the Chapel at 8:00 am and Prayer Time for Trinity in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am. Thank you to all who keep Trinity and the needs of the church and its people in prayer! TrinityUnited MethodistChurch U PCOMING E VENTS 1300WestStreet Annapolis,MD21401 ChurchOficePhone 410.268.1620 Email [email protected] Website Thursday Night Dinners Auditorium, 6pm Come for great food and fellowship Dinners resume on Thursday, January 8th Chancel Choir rehearsals will resume Wednesday, January 7th, at 7:30 pm. Children’s Discipleship Ministries ChurchStaff Rev. David N. Wentz Pastor Sheila Dunn Minister of Visitation Donna Delp Secretary Committee Meeting Monday, January 5th, 7:00 pm, Room 209 From the Worship Committee, Please Mark your calendars for Friday, January 9th, at 6:30 pm when we will “undecorate the church.” Monday Morning Bible Study will resume on Monday, January 5th, 9:30 am, Room 209. January 10th, United Methodist Men’s Breakfast, 8am, Auditorium January 18th, 3rd Sunday Dinner, 5:30 pm, Auditorium January 29th, Good News Prison Ministry Prayer Breakfast, 8am, Auditorium January 31st—Trip to Medieval Times—canceled due to lack of interest. Jane Daugherty Director of Music Maria Lee Organist Wanda Lee Custodian The lovely Christmas Altar at Trinity JANUARY2015Page3 TrinitySnowClosingPolicy Incaseofsnowordangerousroadconditions,thefollowingwillapplytoall churchmeetingsandactivities,unlessotherwisenoti(ied: Sundaymorningchurchserviceswillnotbecanceled—PastorWentz(igures hecanalways(indawaytomakeitacrosstheparkinglot.However,nobody, includingstaff,liturgists,singers,ushers,SundaySchoolteachers,etc.,should cometochurchifyoudonotfeelsafeontheroads.We’ll(indawaytocarry onwithoutyou. Duringtheweek,wewillfollowtheAnneArundelCountySchools’schedule. Ifschooliscanceled,allchurchactivitiesforthedaywillbecanceled.Ifschoolisdelayedopening, churchmorningactivitieswillbecanceledbutafternoonandeveningactivitieswillbeheld.Ifschool isclosedearly,churcheveningactivitieswillbecanceled. Onweekendsandschoolholidays,formajoractivitieswewilltrytohaveannouncementonthe churchansweringmachine,websiteand/orthelocalradio. United Methodist Men Men in Ministry: Upcoming Events in 2015 January 30-31, 2015: Building Men to Lead Like Jesus Leadership TrainingThe Annapolis District UMM's 3rd Annual UMMen's Retreat is scheduled for Friday, January 30, at 4:30 p.m. – Saturday, January 31, at 9:00 p.m. at West River UMC Retreat Center, 5100 Chalk Point Road, West River, MD. The retreat features Greg Arnold, founder and publisher of the fastest growing men’s faith magazine in the world – LIVEBOLD and a deployed staff of the General Commission of United Methodist Men. Rev. Dr. Evan Young, District Superintendent, will also be a special guest presenter. Learn from the experts in the field how to start men’s ministry in your church, ignite your men’s ministry to bring young adults back to the church, and discover new ways to keep the flame of your men’s ministry alive for the next generation. Register/RSVP at or call 443-302-9866 by December 30, 2014. Cost $150.00/person includes lodging, 5 meals and all resource materials. March 14, 2015: UMMen Baltimore-Washington Conference Annual Prayer Breakfast The UM Men of Community UMC, 1690 Riedel Road, Crofton, MD, will host the BWC UMM Annual Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, March 14, from 8 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. The event will focus on the "Power of Prayer, Men Speaking to God." Pastor Mark Batterson, author of the several books, including The Circle Maker and The Grave Robber: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible, has been invited to be our guest speaker. If you are interested in either one of these events, please contact Tom Myers (410-349-3637). JANUARY2015Page4 TRINITY CHURCH OFFICERS & ELECTED COMMITTEES 2015 Council Chair: Lynn Hudson Lay Leader/Member to Annual Conference: Darlene Robbins Member of Conference: Pat Wagner Administrative wing of Church Council Secretary: Sylvia Spencer Finance Chair: Kitty Cawood Financial Secretary: Jack Spencer Treasurer: Nancy Busch Trustees: (chair is elected at first meeting of the year) 2015: Jim Day, John Henry, Ralph Hudson 2016: Bill Finagin, Jerry Kulasik, Pat Wagner 2017: Steve Busch, Clair Hayward, Kathy Roop Consultant: Joe Wise Nominations and Leadership Development Committee (chaired by the Pastor) SPRC Chair: Bill Finagin 2015: Doris DeLucia, Dottie Goodman, Mike Korba Trustees Chair: To Be Elected by Trustees January 2015 2016: Gloria Finagin, Diane Gilligan, Jack Spencer Ministries wing of Church Council Secretary: Sylvia Spencer 2017: Ron Burdge, Bob Gilbert, George Lewis SPRC (Staff – Parish Relations Committee): Music Director: Jane Daughtery 2015: Susan Sienkiewich, Jim Johnson, Bill Finagin (chair) Minister of Visitation: Sheila Dunn 2016: Doug Fowler, Kurt Shovestul, TBD Youth Ministries: Inactive Position 2017: Cynthia Belt, Dottie Goodman, Art Lewis Adult Discipleship Ministries: Tracy Alexander Finance Committee: (all named elsewhere except for At-Large Member) Long Range Planning Committee: David Belt Children’s Discipleship Ministries: Sylvia Spencer Nursery Coordinator: Brook Fowler Church School Superintendent: Inactive Position Communications Chair: Terry Ericsen Evangelism: Linda Beall Missions co-chairs: Nancy Plaxico/Mimi Schaffer Stewardship: Kitty Cawood Worship Chair: Joyce Brimhall & Pat Linthicum Kitchen Coordinator: Diane Gilligan Safe Sanctuaries Administrator: Cindy Sawyer Fellowship Ministries chair: Janet Lemond Finance Chair: Kitty Cawood Financial Secretary: Jack Spencer Treasurer: Nancy Busch SPRC Chair: Bill Finagin Trustees Chair: To Be Elected by Trustees in 2015 At-Large Member: Claudia Johnson Pastor: David Wentz Long Range Planning Committee Chair: David Belt Lay Leader: Darlene Robbins Long-term members: John Henry, John McDowell, Tom Myers Thursday Night Dinner Coordinator: Diane Gilligan 2015: Karl Alexander Third Sunday Dinners Coordinator: Martha Defibaugh 2016: Carol Gallis Coffee Hour coordinator: Pat King 2017: Amy Welkie United Methodist Men: Tom Myers United Methodist Women: Susan Beall Librarian: TBD Council At-Large Members: 2015: Roy Griest & Carole Gallis Endowment Committee Chair: Kitty Cawood Lay Leader: Darlene Robbins Chairpersons or representatives of Church Council, Trustees and Finance 2016: Bob Gilbert At Large Members 2017: Nick Linaburg 2015: Carole Gallis 2016: Frank Newhouse 2017: TBD 2018: Lars Kristiansen Note: Members of Children’s Ministries, Evangelism, Missions and Worship Committees are not elected, so are not listed here. If you are interested in helping with one of these areas, please contact the chairperson. JANUARY2015Page5 Mark you calendars for these following special events in 2015 February 18th—7:30 pm 23rd—March 2nd –Winter Relief March Wednesday, Lenten Luncheons 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th 29th—Palm Sunday, Praisata April 2nd—Holy Thursday, Dinner & Communion, 7pm 3rd—Good Friday Service, 7pm 4th, Easter Egg Hunt 5th, Easter Sunday May Celtic Service May 3rd JANUARY2015Page6 ACTIVITIES and CONTACTS at TRINITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Dominoes (Mexican Train) 2nd Saturday of every month 7:00 p.m. ALL ages welcome Tom Myers 410 349-3637 Room 209 Stained Glass Class Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday 12:00 until 3:00 pm Bill Busch 410 757-7030 Room 125 Fellowship Ministries Social activities involving adults Thursday night suppers—6:00 pm All Welcome Third Sunday night suppers/programs All Welcome Janet Lemond 401 935-3845 (not 410) Diane Gilligan 410 599-8982 Fellowship Hall Crafts for Christ Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm Ladies gather to do handwork (knitting, crocheting, etc.,) to be given to organizations outside of the church Linda Beall 410 956-2348 Room 209 United Methodist Women Entire group meets quarterly Two circles meet monthly Faith—7:00 pm Sunshine—12:00 noon Susan Beall 410 263-3019 United Methodist Men Meets the second Saturday of each month 8:00 am—All men invited Tom Myers 410 349-3637 Fellowship Hall Softball Team (in season) Watch the Bulletin for details in the Spring Steven Busch 410 757-5618 Bible Studies As scheduled Tracy Alexander 443 995-1558 Prayer Groups Tuesday—prayer for our troops 8:00 a.m. prayer for Trinity 9:30 am Minister Chapel Sanctuary Note: Opportunities for Service will be listed in the February issue of the Lamplighter. We are the church together! JANUARY2015Page7 5 Craig & Sheri Miller Richard & Susan Sienkiewich 9 10 Patricia King 12 David Belt 13 Thomas Dent 14 Donald Reed 16 Marilyn Harrison 20 John McDowell 21 Rob Wentz 27 Noah Busch 30 Susan Sienkiewich 31 Jack Miller William & Becky Goodman 10 Roger & Marilyn Harrison Special note: If your birthday or anniversary is in January and is not listed, please let us know so we can update our database. Thank you. Trinity United Methodist Men We’re on The Move SOCC—Serving our Church and Community IF YOU NEED WORK DONE AROUND THE HOUSE….. Print Your Name:_________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number___________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Work Required:_____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Someone from the UMM will be in contact with you to set a time to come by and evaluate the job request. We will then get a cost for materials and the time it will take to do the job. You will be required to pay for materials, if at all possible. All labor will be provided by the Untied Methodist Men (FREE) at no charge to you. Please place form in the offering plate or call Tom Myers at 410-349-3637 or email: [email protected]. Trinity United Methodist Church Non-Pro(it Org US Postage PAID Annapolis, MD Permit No. 126 1300 West Street Annapolis, MD 21401 Church Office Phone: 410.268.1620 Email: [email protected] CheckoutourFacebookFanPageat: TrinityUnitedMethodistChurch— Annapolis,MD **ChangeServiceRequested** ServinginWorshipforJANUARY2015 Thank you for this important ministry in the life of the church. If you are unable to fulfill your scheduled duties, kindly switch with someone and notify the church office. Thank you. DATE TIME GREETERS LITURGISTS USHER CAPTAINS January 4 9:00 am Joyce Brimhall Judy Duer Bill Busch 11:00 am Richard & Susan Sienkiewich Kitty Cawood John McDowell 9:00 am Claudia & Caroline Johnson Charlie Deale Pat Linthicum 11:00 am Harry & Cindy Sawyer Barbara Salvatore Steve Busch 9:00 am Bill & Nancy Busch Art Lewis Bill Busch 11:00 am Carol Kulasik Carol Kulasik Steven Busch 9:00 am Diane Gilligan Susan Sienkiewich Bobby King 11:00 am Doris LeLucia Jack Spencer Jack Spencer January 11 January 18 January 25
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