Children on Sundays Children are always welcome at the RUMC Church Services, OR at any of these: The Nursery is for children 6 weeks through 2 years old. The nurseries are located down the hall from the Welcome Center. Children’s Church is for kids age 3 through Kindergarten at 8:45 and 11:00 AM. Please sign children in before entering worship as they will be led out to Children’s Church, Room S207. Parents pick up the children there following the service. Children’s Sunday School is at 9:45. Classes are offered for children 3 years through 5th grade, and brochures are available in all the lobbies. Kids W.O.W Worship at 11:00 AM is for children grades 1-5. This group meets in Room 130A. Parents should sign in their children before going to worship. The children's mission focus for January is peanut butter. Youth Ministries - Sunday Night Middle and High School Youth Activities, begin with snack supper at 5:30 in the Fellowship hall. Youth Weekly Schedule: Wednesday Night Activities: M.S. Midweek, 6-8 PM. RUSH Unwind, 6-8 PM. M.S. Guys/Girls Bible Study: 7-8 PM. Mark your calendar for Discovery Weekend: February 20-22. Scouting Ministry: Boy Scouts - Randy Batten: [email protected]; 988-0746. Girl Scouts - Cynthia Stafford: [email protected]; 410-4715. Riverchase Day School Registration for Fall 2015-16 school year is this month. Current students will register Jan. 20-27 and RUMC members will have priority registration on Jan. 28. We then open registration to the general public on Jan. 29. All classes are filled on a first come first serve basis. Call the office, 989-8070, for information or to tour the school. Calendar of Events S=Sanctuary; FH=Fellowship Hall; FR=Fireside Room; RR=Riverchase Room C=Children’s Wing; E=Education Building; SC=Student Center Sunday 1/18 7:00 AM Prayer Meeting-S 7:15 AM Men’s Breakfast-RR 8:45 AM Worship-S Adult Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday School Worship-S 11:00 AM Worship-S WOW-130A R’chase Contemporary Worship-Gym Hispanic Worship-Upper Room 4:00 PM Prayer Team-S214 4:30 PM Youth Choir-SL 40 5:30 PM Peeps/RUSH-SC 6:00 PM Disciple 1-Rm 27 Covenant-Rm 26 Monday 1/19 Church office closed 5:30 PM Rebounders Practice-Gym 6:30 PM AA-E111 Tuesday 1/20 8:30 AM Yoga-RRA 9:30 AM 12 Ordinary Men-Rm 18 10:00 AM Tues. Morning Moms-Rm 29 Needle & Thread-E104 6:00 PM Yoga-FR Night Readers Circle-Rm 18 6:30 PM Zumba-FH Singles Impact-RRB 7:00 PM Chancel Ringers Wednesday 1/21 9:00 AM Disciple 4-E104 9:15 AM The Story-FR 4:45 PM Wednesday Night Dinner-Gym 5:00 PM Youth Handbells Adult Ministries Singles (SIM) now meet Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in Riverchase Room B. Career Assistance Ministry: Contact Mike Coffey, [email protected]. Community Grief Support Service: For information, call 870-8667. Beginning Experience: A ministry for those who are divorced or separated. For information, call 969-8509 or Open Prayer Meeting: Sundays at 4:00 PM in the Prayer Room, S214. 24-Hour Prayer Line: 1-800-251-2468; the Upper Room Prayer Center. New Sunday Service: A new offsite Sunday morning service. The Stream, now at Baumhower’s Wings in Patton Creek at 9:45. Contact Wes Savage if you can help, [email protected]. Find us at and Twitter @thestreambww. Look for these classes on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM: Register Now at our website by clicking on Sign-up Genius, or just come! • Getting to Know the Word of God; • Divorce Recovery; • The Family of Jesus (Women); • Let’s All Be Brave (Women); • Legacy Journey (prerequisite: Financial Peace); • I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said That Sundays starting January 25: Knowing God’s Covenant with Ray Miller from 5:307:00 PM. MUST pre-register by January 18 (TODAY). Starting February 8: Hebrews with Mark Wadley from 4:00-6:00 PM in Room 28. Mondays: Spiritual Warfare: From 6-8 PM with Rev. Mark Wadley in Room 28. Tuesdays: 12 Ordinary Men: At 9:30 AM with Rev. Buzz Barrett in the Room 18. Tuesday Morning Moms: 10 AM—Chase. Heather Monsma leads at 10 AM in Room 29. Childcare available. Thursdays: Women’s Bible Study on Acts with Debbie Lammons in E104. Adult Sunday School information available in the brochure racks in all Lobby areas. Wednesday 1/21(Cont) 6:00 PM Cherub Choir-C130A God’s Kids Choir-Rm 37 Joyful Noise Choir-Rm 40 Faith Kids-C131/C139 Blasting Zone-C130b M S Midweek-SC RUSH Unwind-SC Disciple 1,2-Rm 27, 29 Jesus in the Gospels-Rm 28 Getting to Know the Word of God-RRC Legacy Journey-RRA Divorce Recovery-E-103 Let’s All Be Brave -Rm 10 The Family of Jesus (Women)-Rm 11 I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said That-S210 Covenant-FR Orchestra-S Celebration Ringers 6:30 PM AA-E111 7:00 PM Faith Kids-C131 JAM Boys/GirlsC132-C135 M S Bible Study Boys/Girls-SC Sanctuary Choir Thursday 1/22 9:15 AM Women’s Bible Study-E104 5:00 PM Pilates-FR 5:30 PM Rebounders Practice-Gym 6:00 PM Yoga-RRA Friday 1/23 9:00 AM Scrapbooking-Rm 27 Saturday 1/24 9:00 AM Rebounders-Gym 9:30 AM UMW Potluck Brunch/Gen Mtg-FR 10:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous-Rm32 6:30 PM AA-E111 Sympathy The church staff and congregation would like to offer our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Wanda Copeland; and to Afif and Carla Kanafani and family on the death of Carla’s father; and to Ron and Betty Summers on the death of Betty’s brother-in-law, W. C. Alderman. Altar Flowers The flowers on the altar are in memory of Bob Stewart and Ralph Taylor, given by Barbara Stewart. Stewardship Report The Finance Committee will meet Tuesday, Jan. 20, to discuss the 2015 Operating Budget. Please turn in your estimate of giving card by Jan. 18. Long Term Debt $1,729,964 Total Worship (January 11) 1,687 Remember RUMC in your will. A Service for the Worship of God (9:45 & 11:00) Second Sunday after Epiphany PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP Pre-Service Music Be Thou My Vision arr. Kidd Riverchase Orchestra Welcome! Please fill in the friendship pad so we can record your attendance OR reach out to you if you’re visiting. Thank you for silencing your phones. Announcements Prelude Song of Praise Ployhar Acolytes: 9:45 Brayden LaPore 11:00 Caroline Sanders and Burton Collis THIS IS THE GOOD NEWS Invocation Introit Now Let Us All Praise God and Sing Young Now let us all praise God and sing, our great Redeemer’s praise That we may all with one accord our joyful voices raise. Sing Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! Sing Alleluia! *Affirmation from I Corinthians and Colossians People: Christ died for our sins, was buried, was raised on the third day, and appeared first to the women, then to Peter and the Twelve, and then to many faithful witnesses. Langston God of Grace and God of Glory on Thy people pour Thy pow’r; Crown Thine ancient church’s story, Bring her bud to glorious flow’r. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage for the facing of this hour. Lo! the hosts of evil round us scorn Thy Christ, assail His ways! Fears and doubts too long have bound us, free our hearts to work and praise. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage for the living of these days. Set our feet on lofty places; Gird our lives that they may be armored with all Christ-like graces in the fight to set men free. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, that we fail not man nor Thee! Amen. Receiving of Our Tithes, Offerings, and Attendance *Doxology (Hymnal 94) Sermon: Welcome New Members: Brock, Jamie, Kaylynn, and North Nutter; and Wes, Nikki, Caroline, and Reese Barnett. Night Readers: Jan. 20, 6 PM, in the Library. Will discuss The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein. Please bring a sack supper. Needle & Thread: Jan. 20, E104, 10-12 noon. Join us to learn a new skill or bring your own hand-work to complete. Habitat Date: Jan. 22. Contact Clint Bruess if you can go, 987-9448, [email protected]. UMW Potluck Brunch & General Meeting: Jan. 24, 9:30AM, Fireside Room. Ruba Abbassi speaks on Christianity in Jordan and beyond. Have you looked in the “Junk” drawer in the kitchen? Is it magnetized to the refrigerator door? SHALL WE GATHER AT THE RIVER? Here, O My Lord Your Estimate of Giving Card may have slipped your mind, but we need it to plan our 2015 budget by today, the 18th of January. If you have forgotten, please remember...think about it….thanx,...Buzz arr. Laskey LASST UNS ERFREUEN Coming Soon! January Sermon Series: We asked our preachers, “If you were to preach your last sermon, what would you say?” 8:45 9:45 11:00 11:00 RCS 1/18 Scott Barnes Tyler Christiansen Tyler Christiansen Scott Barnes 1/25 Mark Wadley John Ray John Ray Mark Wadley 2/1 John Ray Mark Wadley Mark Wadley John Ray 2/8 Wes Savage Jim Savage Jim Savage Wes Savage 2/15 Jim Savage Seth Moon Seth Moon Jim Savage Board of Stewards Meeting: Sunday, Jan. 25 at 4:30 PM in Room S210. January 25—Blood Drive in Room 168—across from Nursery desk. January 27—Day Trippers visit Barber Motor Museum and lunch at Laney’s Buffet. Service of Prayer & Healing: Sunday, February 1 at 5 PM in the Sanctuary. Scout Sunday: February 8. Girl Scouts will be selling cookies. It’s time to submit your Lenten Devotional thoughts on “Living the Joy of Christ” to [email protected] on a single page. Include Scripture, your story, and a brief prayer. Ash Wednesday Service: February 18 at 6 PM in the Sanctuary. Dinner & Small Groups Luke 18:35-43 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God! If I Were to Preach My Last Sermon… Dr. Tyler Christiansen Wednesday Night Dinner Menu: Baked chicken, broccoli salad, yellow rice, roll, and desserts. Adults $6 / children $3.50. Sign-up on the Friendship Pad or call the church office by noon Monday! To select the salad bar, mark “S.” Register now! “Small Groups for 2015.” Sign-up on-line! Space limited. Still available: Riverchase Hikers, Marks-men and Marks-women, Gardening Group, 280 Corridor Folks, Family Fun Night, Mondays for Moms, and Men & Wings. Invitation to Christian Discipleship (Those wishing more information on church membership are asked to call Dr. Jim Savage, Senior Pastor, 397-3013) *Hymn 189 *Gloria Patri (Hymn 71) GREATOREX SPANISH HYMN GOD OF GRACE AND GOD OF GLORY Susan Sheffield Fairest Lord Jesus Mission Needs and Opportunities ST. ELIZABETH *Benediction May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen. Postlude *Greeting of Friends and Guests *Children’s Moment and Children’s Church God of Grace and God of Glory Scripture Lesson (Pew Bible 82) Christ is the head of the body, the church, and by the blood of the cross reconciles all things to God. Amen. Come, Christians, Join to Sing Anthem Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! We believe Jesus is the Christ, the Anointed One of God, the firstborn of all creation, the firstborn from the dead, in whom all things hold together, in whom the fullness of God was pleased to dwell by the power of the Spirit. *Hymn of Praise 158 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Offertory Leader: This is the good news which we have received, in which we stand, and by which we are saved: This Week Morning Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer (in unison) Toccata on “Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain” Hobby Wireless earphones and large print hymnals and pew Bibles are available from the ushers. Please ask an usher for assistance, as needed. Greeters are Needed for 1st Sundays, 8:45 service. Contact Gary A. Mummert at [email protected] or 980-8111. Next Haiti Mission sign-up deadline is Mar. 31 for the October 3-10 trip. Rev. Mark Wadley will lead the group. Contact Mark or Wes Savage to join the team. Children’s Mission Focus: Peanut butter. UMW Mission Focus: Urban Ministry needs bottled water, whole grain crackers (individual packs), and tuna pouches. Mark “UMW” and place in mission bins. Do you need a ride to your doctor? Call Bob Chapman, 432-8483. Habitat for Humanity: Next work date: Jan. 22. Contact Clint Bruess, 987-9448 or [email protected], to join the group. Honduras and Jamaica Mission Trips are currently being planned for the summer of 2015. Please contact John Ray or Wesley Savage by Feb 21st if interested. Mission Moment The 2015 Time and Talent Survey is now available. Please prayerfully consider how you will be the hands and feet of Christ in 2015 by completing the survey. RUMC is only able to support the wide ranges of ministries and missions because of support by YOU!
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