73 Marine Geology, 68 (1985) 73-106 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands VARIABILITY IN GEOACOUSTIC AND RELATED PROPERTIES OF SURFACE SEDIMENTS FROM THE VENEZUELA BASIN, CARIBBEAN SEA KEVIN B. BRIGGS, MICHAEL D. RICHARDSON and DAVID K. YOUNG Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity, OceanographyDivision, NSTL, MS 39529-5004 (U.S.A.) (Received November 23, 1984; revised and accepted March 8, 1985) ABSTRACT Briggs, K.B., Richardson, M.D. and Young, D.K., 1985. Variability in geoacoustic and related properties of surface sediments from the Venezuela Basin, Caribbean Sea. In: D.K. Young and M.D. Richardson (Editors), Benthic Ecology and Sedimentary Processes of the Venezuela Basin: Past and Present. Mar. Geol., 68: 73-106. The spatial variability of sediment geoacoustic and related properties was determined from replicate 0.25 m2 USNEL box-core samples collected from three sedimentary provinces in the Venezuela Basin. The maximum variation in sediment physical, chemical and geoacoustic properties occurred among distant sites representing pelagic, turbidite or hemipelagic sedimentary regimes rather than within sites or within core depth gradients. Variability among sites was a function of differences in calcium carbonate dissolution among a water-depth gradient of 1550 m (3500-5050 m) and differences in the relative contribution of particles from pelagic and terrigenous sources. The least amount of variation was evident among subcores obtained from the same box core or site, suggesting that a single subcore was adequate to describe sediment physical and geoacoustic properties over large areas of the sea floor. The considerable amount of downcore variability in sediment properties was a function of gradients in biological activity, biolog- ically mediated chemical changes and the presence of ponded terrigenous sediments deposited origin. by intermittent turbidite flows interspersed between sediments of pelagic For sediments with greater than 35% calcium carbonate, porosity is a good predictor of compressional wave velocity; whereas mean grain size is a good predictor of compressional wave attenuation. Porosity-mean grain-size relationships had little predictive value in carbonate sediments. The differences among these and previously published empirical relationships show that particle-size distribution of larger carbonate material and composition of the sediment matrix must be considered when predicting sediment geoacoustic properties. Sediment shear strength did not show any correlation with other sediment physical or acoustic properties and is primarily controlled by biological and chemical processes. INTRODUCTION Physical properties of surface sediments are required inputs to most geoacoustic models used by diverse fields of study such as underwater acoustics, marine sedimentology, geophysics and marine geotechnique 0025-3227/85/$03.30 0 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 74 (Hamilton, 1980). The inputs most often required include compressional wave velocity and attenuation, shear wave velocity and attenuation, and sediment bulk density. These sediment properties are either measured directly, predicted from empirical relationships among other sediment physical properties (e.g. porosity, mean grain size and percent calcium carbonate) or determined from province-wide tabular information. Prediction of the depth gradients of geoacoustic and physical properties, which is an important part of any geoacoustic model, requires accurate determination of surface values of those properties. Spatial variability of values of surface sediment geoacoustic and physical properties are controlled by the interaction of hydrodynamic, chemical, biological and sedimentological processes (Richardson and Young, 1980; Richardson, 1983; Richardson et al., 1983). For example, geoacoustic properties of deep-sea carbonate sediments are profoundly affected by dissolution, dilution, fragmentation and cementation of hollow foraminiferan tests (Morton, 1975; Johnson et al., 1977; Mayer, 1979; Hamilton et al., 1982). In order to accurately predict these important geoacoustic properties of surface sediments one must understand those processes which control their spatial distribution and make relevant measurements to accurately predict their spatial variability. In this paper we present data on the spatial variability of geoacoustic and related properties of surface sediment collected from three sedimentary provinces in the Venezuela Basin (3429-5065 m depth). We discuss the effects of biological and sedimentary processes on the distribution and variability of these properties with emphasis on the processes which dissolve, dilute or fragment pelagic foraminiferan tests in sediments. We develop new empirical predictive relationships between physical and acoustic properties where established relationships fail to provide heuristic value. MATERIALS AND METHODS Replicate sediment samples were collected with a 0.25 m2 USNEL box corer from sites representative of the three major sedimentary provinces in the Venezuela Basin (Fig. 1). Site 1 was located on the eastern Beata Ridge in the pelagic carbonate province (15 0 07'N, 690 22tW; 3950 m water depth). Site 2 was located on the central Venezuela Abyssal Plain in the turbidite province (13'45'N, 670 45W; 5050 m). Site 3 was located on the southwestern apron of the Aves Ridge in the hemipelagic province (13 0 30'N, 640 45W; 3500 m). In addition, single 0.25 m2 box corer samples were collected from eight sites (numbered 42-44 and 67-71) located on transects between these three primary sites. Detailed collection and analysis procedures were presented by Briggs and Richardson (1984) and will only briefly be reported here. The 0.25 m2 USNEL box corer was especially designed to remotely collect relatively undisturbed, large-sized samples of the sea floor (see Hessler and Jumars, 1974, for a description of the box corer). Recent 75 Fig.1. Map of the eastern Caribbean Sea showing the three province locations and stations along the two transects (Site 1: pelagic; Site 2: turbidite; Site 3: hemipelagic). modifications including the addition of vent doors to reduce the bow wave effect and removable spades to aid in sample manipulation have improved the quality of samples,especially at the sediment-water interface. Subsamples of sediment and overlying water were carefully collected by hand from each box core with 6.1 cm (inside diameter) plastic piston core liners. Thin sections of sediment for producing X-radiographs were also collected with (36 cm wide X 44 cm long X 3 cm thick) acrylic boxes. Care was exercised to obtain relatively undisturbed subsamples with the sediment-water interface preserved intact within the cores and boxes. During 1979-1981, we collected 43 box-core samples (193 subsamples) for analysis of sediment physical, chemical and acoustic properties. Twelve box cores were collected from the pelagic province, fourteen from the turbidite province, eight from the hemipelagic province and eight from transect stations between primary sites (Fig.1). In addition to the samples reported here, subsamples were obtained to determine the spatial distribution of meiofauna, microfauna, pelagic and benthic Foraminifera, and various organic compounds in the sediments and to determine rates of sedimentary and diagenic processes. Results from these subcores are presented elsewhere in this issue. Acoustic and shear strength measurements and X-radiographs were made aboard ship using freshly collected cores. Compressional wave velocity and attenuation were determined at 1 cm intervals on sediment in 153 subcores. Compressional wave velocity of a signal at 400 kHz was calculated from the difference between time-delay measurement made on a core filled with 76 distilled water and time-delay measurement made on the sediment subcore (Richardson et al., 1983). All sound velocities were calculated at the common temperature, salinity and pressure (230 C, 35 ppt, 1 atm) suggested by Hamilton (1971a). Attenuation measurements were calculated as 20 log of the ratio of received voltage through distilled water versus received voltage through sediment. Attenuation measurements are reported as a sedimentspecific constant (k) which is independent of frequency or pathlength (Hamilton, 1972). Sediment shear strength (kPa) was measured directly in 41 cylindrical subcores with a Wykeham-Farrance laboratory vane apparatus. Torque required to shear sediment with a 1.26 or 2.54 cm high by 1.26 cm diameter vane rotated at 70° min' (no load) was measured and converted to shear strength utilizing the formula of Monney (1974). Shearstrength measurements were made perpendicular to bedding at 2 cm depth intervals in cores collected from the turbidite site and at 3 cm depth intervals in all other cores (one measurement per depth interval). All cores not extruded for shear-strength measurements were refrigerated or frozen for subsequent laboratory analysis of other sediment properties. Sediment porosity (30 subcores), grain size (26), calcium carbonate (18) and organic carbon and nitrogen (17) measurements were made on core samples extruded at 2 cm intervals. Sediment porosity was determined by weight loss after oven drying at 105'C for 24 h. Water content values were converted to porosity values with the use of the tables of Lambert and Bennett (1972). Values were not corrected for pore water salinity. Salt-free porosity may be obtained by multiplying values by 1.012 (Hamilton, 1971a). Sediment grain-size distribution was determined on disaggregated samples with an ATM Sonic Sifter for sand-sized particles and with a Micromeritics sedigraph and pipette for silt- and clay-sized particles. Grain-size statistics were determined using the graphic formulae of Folk and Ward (1957). Percent calcium carbonate was measured gasometrically from dried samples with an apparatus based on the design of Hulsemann (1966). Sediment organic carbon and nitrogen determinations were performed on previously frozen sediment with a Perkin-Elmer Model 240 CHN analyzer after treating the samples to remove calcium carbonate. DISTRIBUTION AND VARIABILITY OF SEDIMENT PROPERTIES Pelagicsite The pelagic site was characterized by carbonate sediment composed chiefly of pelagic foraminiferan, coccolithophoran and pteropod tests. Color of the sediment was nearly uniform, varying from pale brown (Munsell color code: 10YR/6/3) to light yellowish brown (1OYR/6/4). Sediment at this site exhibited decreasing values of porosity from a mean of 78% at the sediment surface to 71% at 16 cm depth in the sediment (Fig.2). This gradient of decreasing porosity was probably a result of dewatering and compaction by biological activity (Richardson et al., this volume). Below 77 {- 6 (U e.° 0 0 C. 00 - 6 * C 0 0 sm 0~11~ -, OOtlvo? 0 00 0 810080 0 o8 0 00 00 s o R191.08.6(U0 Ooo 0gU 9P. 6a c r.0° (U- 00 S.9L = 000 ~ LOOL 0 2 3U: oo 0000 t,0 0 g 00 u-G C 000 0 00 0000 0 .Y -~ c c~ - 0 0 000 u 0) C o0 MO V'o0 00 0 0 000 01 o Vo 00 o0 U ~ 8 60 U0 U 0 0 0 06 8 0L 0 0 6 0 00 8 8 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 6N > 600 C0 ).. O) 0 09- 91 0 00 00 P.z ° X 0 N ID I I-- - (wo) 41decl 0 N CN N g 'm e-. ;A . -p 6 11: 78 16 cm porosity values ranged from 72 to 75%, reflecting the effects of changing grain size. Mean grain-size diameter values decreased from a mean value of 5.3 0 (25.4 gm) at the sediment surface to 7.4 o (5.9 pm) at 24 cm depth. Below that depth in the sediment mean grain size ranged between 6.45 0 (11.4 pm) and 7.45 0 (5.7 pm). All sediments were extremely poorly sorted, strongly fine- to coarse-skewed, platykurtic clayey sands or sandy clays (Briggs and Richardson, 1984). The grain-size frequency distributions were bimodal with the primary mode in the 1-2 0 (500-250 pm) interval and the secondary mode in the 10-11 0 (1-0.5 pm) interval. The trend of decreasing grainsize diameter was attributable to a diminution in amount of sand-sized foraminiferan tests in the sediment; specifically, medium sand-sized (1-2 0) particles. Values of calcium carbonate (mean: 67%) varied little in the upper 22 cm of sediment. Slightly higher calcium carbonate values (mean: 73%) from 22 to 32 cm corresponded to a zone of larger mean grain-size diameter. Although most of the carbonate was contributed by sand-sized pelagic foraminiferan tests, the remainder was derived from coccoliths and pteropod tests. Intact and fragmented tests of the pteropods Creseis sp., Styliola sp., Diacra sp., Clio sp. and Cavolina sp. were most numerous between 22 and 32 cm depth. These data imply that pteropod tests were responsible for the higher percent of calcium carbonate and larger mean grain-size diameter found between 22 and 32 cm sediment depth. Percent organic carbon and nitrogen decreased with depth (Fig.2). The sediment C/N ratio also decreased from 5.5 at the surface to 4.0 at 30 cm depth. This decrease resulted from organic carbon exhibiting a greater decrease than organic nitrogen. This gradient of C/N ratios was indicative of a depletion of labile organic carbon in the sediment through biological assimilation. Although the deeper sediment was higher in nitrogen relative to carbon, we suggest the nitrogen was largely refractory or inextricably bound in clay minerals and of little value to deposit feeders or most microorganisms (Muller, 1977; Rice, 1982; Copin-Montegut and Copin-Montegut, 1983). Classification of organic matter from these sediments by pyrolysismass spectrometry support these suppositions (Zsolnay, unpubl.). The amount of refractory material as deduced from fragmentation patterns in pyrolysis-ionization mass spectra increased with depth in the cores, whereas non-refractory material was highest near the surface. Sediment shear strength values (kPa) increased from a minimum of 0.79 at the surface to a maximum of 4.62 at 15 cm depth (Fig.2). The increase in values of shear strength was attributed to biogenic compaction in the upper 15 cm (Richardson et al., this volume). The subsequent decrease in values of shear strength below 15 cm depth is not presently explainable. Sediment compressional wave velocity (Vp) values decreased from a mean of 1500 m s-' at the surface to 1484 m s-' at 31 cm depth (Fig.2). Values of sediment compressional wave attenuation (k) increased from 0.78 at the surface to a maximum of 1.06 at 11 cm depth and then decreased to a 79 minimum of 0.55 at 37 cm depth. Richardson (1983) found compressional wave velocity values were correlated with density and porosity at the pelagic site. The increase in compressional wave attenuation from the surface to 14 cm may be the result of increased friction between sand-sized particles in sediment with lower values of mean grain-size diameter. In carbonate sediments with mean grain-size diameter less than 7.5 0 (5.5 Mm), cohesion apparently was the dominant influence on attenuation resulting in lower attenuation values between 22 and 37 cm. A more complete discussion of these phenomena is given in the next section. Sedimentary texture at the pelagic site, as evidenced in the X-radiograph, was relatively uniform (Fig.3). The top few centimeters had a slightly lower density (to X-rays) due to reworking by macrofauna (Richardson et al., this volume). In general, the sediment exhibited an apparent high density compared with other sites because of the numerous foraminiferan tests that scatter and absorb X-rays. Fig.3. X-radiograph of sediment from the pelagic site. Image is a positive produced from developed X-ray transparency and thus darker areas of figure denote areas of greater sediment density. 80 Turbiditesite The turbidite site, which was below the lysocline, was characterized by terrigenous turbidite layers interspersed between carbonate-depleted layers of pelagic-derived sediment. Values of physical, chemical and acoustic properties of sediments demarcated the alternating layers distinctly (Fig.4A and B). Up to six layers were discerned from color descriptions, X-radiographs and physical property measurements from sediment cores. The top pelagic-derived layer (layer 1, 0-12 cm) was dark brown (1OYR/4/2-3) with low opacity to X-rays (Fig.5A). The shallowest turbidite layer (layer 3, 14-28 cm) was gray to very dark gray (1OYR/3-5/1) with the cross-bedded nature of turbidite deposits undisturbed (Fig.5B). Between these two layers was a dense, very dark brown (1OYR/3/2-3) iron-rich, chemically altered layer (layer 2, 12-14 cm). The decrease in Eh at the interface of the pelagic and turbidite layers as a consequence of organic carbon oxidation was responsible for a post-depositional concentration of iron in this layer (Colley et al., 1984; Briggs, unpubl.). Below the shallow turbidite layer was a less dense, gray (10YR/5/1) pelagic-derived layer (layer 4, 28-36 cm). The next layer (5) was a thin (1-2 cm) very dark gray (1OYR/3/1) turbidite layer. The upper few centimeters of another gray (1OYR/5/1) pelagicderived layer (layer 6) were evident in X-radiographs (Fig.5B). Porosity values decreased from 86% at the sediment surface to 70% at 14 cm depth, the base of layer 2. Richardson et al. (this volume) attributed the gradient of decreasing porosity to compaction by sediment reworking activities of benthic deposit feeders. Porosity values decreased from a mean of 80% at the top of pelagic layer 4 to near 74% at the base of this layer. This porosity profile apparently resulted from the burial of this pelagic layer by turbidity flows (layer 3), thus preserving intact a biologically mediated porosity profile (Richardson et al., this volume). Porosity values determined from the shallow turbidite layer were quite variable (54-80%). Mean grainsize values were relatively uniform (approximately 10.1 0, or 0.9 gm) down to 10 cm, below which mean grain-size diameter increased to 9.4 0 (1.5 gm) at 14 cm depth. This slight increase in mean grain-size diameter could have resulted from mixing sediments between the turbidite layer 3 (primary mode: 5 0) and layer 2 (primary mode: 10 0). X-radiographs display no visible evidence of mixing between layers 2 and 3, suggesting a change in mean grain size due to chemical alteration. Mean grain size in layer 3 was quite variable. The increase in mean grain-size diameter (and the concom- itant decrease in porosity) corresponds to the graded bedding of turbidite sediments evident in the X-radiographs (Fig.5B). Variability of grain size and porosity is attributable to the cross-laminated depositional characteristics also evident in X-radiographs of this sediment. Mean grain-size values in layer 4 were similar to layer 1 (approximately 10 0, or 1 ,m). Sediment in pelagic layers (layers 1 and 4) were very poorly sorted, coarse-skewed to near-symmetrical, platykurtic clays with a mode in the 10-11 0 (1-0.5,um) interval (Briggs and Richardson, 1984). Sediments from turbidite layers were poorly 81 0 Ii I I I I I I F II 4 I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I II II II o - I I I I I I < I I I I I I Cd w 0 C 1d 0 a0 II < I I- I I4 I II II II 141 <0I I so0 r.l I II I I I I I I l< I Il< II II 1 1 I I 1 1 ! ! Cd Q v0 CD Cd Cu N Ii $D l II Cu 9 II I II I| 0 0 0. 0 ! II! Cu 0 Cuo '} 0 .- S Cu ~0 - . N I;D .. 6° I. ,#.,. - (WO)41doa N N Z, 2Cu cu.* 82 < II 0 I I j I. . .I 0, 6 C :| 09,0 -:< f ots a, I<0 I I .0 -I 09s, *<<j C q< r: 4 i|i|* I@t 4 I4 I -C (S Ot.< SI C I I OL II< 1< <K V) I< K I < z . I < .0 , 0.0 ~ S I <I I ,. o 1< < 0 , C .2 <4 ,,L II so o u: I i I 0-*-' .00 60 << < . . -I . . . . 0*' (' 0, 0; , (0 , N m (WD)41doo ID O N N 83 Fig.5. A. X-radiograph of top three layers of sediment from the -turbidite site. Darker areas of figure denote areas of greater sediment density (1 = surface pelagic-derived layer; 2 = iron-rich, highly cohesive layer; 3 = shallower turbidite). B. X-radiograph of layers 3-6 of sediment from the turbidite sedimentary province. Darker areas of figure denote areas of greater sediment density (3 = shallower turbidite; 4 = pelagic layer; 5 = deeper turbidite; 6 = portion of another pelagic layer). 84 to very poorly sorted, strongly fine-skewed, platykurtic to very leptokurtic silts or clayey-silts with a primary mode in the 5-6 0 (31-16 pum)interval and a secondary mode in the 10-11 0 interval. Turbidite facies of wavy, convoluted laminae of silt-sized sediment correspond to Bouma sequence "C" and are typical of sediments deposited at the distal end of turbidite flows. Percentages of calcium carbonate were low (2-6%) and varied little with depth in the sediment (Fig.4A). Such low values result primarily from carbonate dissolution at or near the CCD (sensu Berger, 1968). Dissolution is also responsible for the lack of sand-sized particles (e.g. foraminiferan tests) in the pelagic layers at this site. Percent organic carbon was highest and most variable in the shallower turbidite layer (0.41-1.54%) in contrast with the lower and more uniform values of percent organic carbon in pelagic layers 1 and 4 (0.56-0.80%). Percent organic nitrogen decreased from a mean of 0.15% at the sediment surface to 0.09% at 36 cm with the greatest variability (0.05-0.13%) within the shallow turbidite layer. High C/N ratios ranging up to 11.8 within the shallow turbidite layer reflected the presence of refractory terrigenous detritus (e.g. lignocellulose) which is regarded as richer in carbohydrates than in protein. Vascular plant debris and insect exoskeletons were observed in sieved material from this layer. Pyrolysis-mass spectrometry analysis of the finer-sized particles in the turbidite layer by Zsolnay (unpubl.) also demonstrates terrestrial sources of organic material occurring there. Values of sediment shear strength increased from a mean of 0.32 kPa in the upper 2 cm of sediment to a highly variable mean of 11.60 kPa at 14 cm. Richardson et al. (this volume) attributed this increase to compaction by biogenic mixing and to biologically induced chemical alteration of the sediment. Low shear strength of the shallow turbidite layer (0.80-2.08 kPa) suggests little biological or chemical alteration. Profiles of shear strength in the second pelagic layer (28-36 cm) were similar to profiles in the first pelagic layer, indicating in-situ preservation of the surficial shear strength profile after burial by turbidite flows. The presence of a third pelagic layer with a shear strength profile similar to the other pelagic layers was suggested by data from sediment below 38 cm. Values of sediment compressional wave velocity (1486-1501 m sl') and attenuation (0.05-0.20) were low and varied little in pelagic layers 1 and 4 (0-14 and 28-36 cm). The turbidite layer was characterized by higher and much more variable values of compressional wave velocity (mean values: 1519-1566 m s-' ) and attenuation (mean values: 0.12-0.80). Values of increased compressional wave velocity and attenuation covaried as expected with decreased porosity and increased mean grain size (Hamilton, 1971b). High variability in sediment acoustic properties in turbidite layers corresponded to the high variability of other sediment physical properties. 85 Hemipelagicsite Sediments at the hemipelagic site (5-25% calcareous sand) were composed of sand-sized foraminiferan tests and silt- and clay-sized particles originating from the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers (Bowles and Fleischer, this volume). Porosity values decreased from a mean of 82% at the sediment surface to a minimum of 75% near a depth of 20 cm (Fig.6). Richardson et al. (this volume) attributed this reduction in porosity to dewatering and compaction by sediment reworking activities of deposit-feeding benthos. Mean grain-size values remained rather uniform with depth in the sediment (9.1-10.3 0, or 1.8-0.8 pm), except in surface samples (Fig.6). The sediments were very poorly sorted, strongly coarse-skewed, leptokurtic to very leptokurtic clays with a primary mode in the 10-11 4 interval (hemipelagic material) and a secondary mode in the 1-2 0 interval (primarily foraminiferan tests). Several surface sediments had a higher percentage of particles in the 1-2 0 mode, yielding higher values of mean grain-size diameter. The existence of a steep gradient in mean grain size in the upper 2 cm of sediment was confirmed in 0.5 cm interval samples for grain-size analysis by Briggs (1985). Richardson et al. (this volume) suggested ingestion of surface sediments by deposit-feeding megafauna over the long term may destroy foraminiferan tests by dissolution and mechanical damage. Percent calcium carbonate varied little with depth in the sediment (2227%). Values of mean grain size (0) and percent calcium carbonate varied inversely, suggesting the slightly lower values of calcium carbonate were a direct result of lower percentages of sand-sized foraminiferan tests. Sizefrequency distributions of sediments corroborate this supposition (Briggs and Richardson, 1984). Percent organic carbon and nitrogen ranged from 0.45 to 0.73% and 0.09 to 0.13%, respectively, with the highest values found near 16 cm (Fig.6). Maximum values were associated with a sediment color change of yellowish brown (1OYR/5/4) to olive gray (5Y/5/2) and the initial detection of hydrogen sulfide odor at a depth of 16 cm. The significance of these observations to the sedimentologicalhistory of this site is not readily obvious. Sediment shear strength values increased from a mean of 0.67 kPa at the sediment surface to 12.51 kPa at 17 cm depth. Values below this depth were quite variable. Compaction by extensive burrowing and tube building by deposit feeders coupled with biologically mediated chemical changes which bond sediments were probably responsible for the increasing gradient of sediment shear strength (Richardson et al., this volume). Values of sediment compressional wave velocity (1482-1528 m s'l) and attenuation (0.14-0.31) varied little with depth compared with the other two sites. Values were in general agreement with those of Hamilton and Bachman (1982) for sediments with comparable values of porosity and mean grain size. X-radiographs showed sediment density (to X-rays) at the hemipelagic site to be quite variable (Fig.7). A gradient of increased density with depth in the 86 o .2 0 Q 0 D, - o Qrjd co 0 to0 0 .p N U, O e r 1D e (wO) WldOC 87 4.E 0 4) a' co 0 AD 0 a' la hi 0 C.' .. a' 'a SQ .9 rx, 88 sediment was clearly evident with areas of lower density created by bioturbation extending to almost 20 cm into the sediment. Values of porosity from Fig.6 and gradients of density from X-radiographs were in agreement. Transects Values of physical, chemical and geoacoustic properties determined from surface sediments collected along two transects between the three sites exhibited patterns of gradual transition from one sedimentary province to the next (Table 1). Values of mean grain size and calcium carbonate in surface sediments displayed the greatest spatial variation, whereas compressional wave velocity displayed the least spatial variation. Sediments with the lowest percentages of calcium carbonate had the lowest values of porosity, organic carbon and organic nitrogen. C/N ratios ranged from 4.0 to 5.5 with no apparent correlation with water depth or other gradients of sediment properties. Vertical profiles of sediment physical properties for stations between pelagic and turbidite sites (nos. 42-44) most closely resembled pelagic site profiles, whereas stations between turbidite and hemipelagic sites (nos. 67-71) resembled hemipelagic profiles (Figs.8 and 9). A decrease in values of porosity and an increase in values of shear strength with depth in the sediment were evident in all profiles. Compaction of the sediment by benthic deposit feeders is primarily responsible for these trends. The shallowest stations (nos. 70, 71) in the second transect had the highest values of shear strength. These higher values of shear strength correlated with presumed higher inputs of organic carbon to these shallower stations which are closer to the sources of organic matter. High inputs of organic matter to the sediment probably result in increased chemical bonding at the reduction potential discontinuity (Richardson et al., this volume). Deeper stations had lower percent calcium carbonate due to increased dissolution whereas stations closer to the Lesser Antilles had lower percent calcium carbonate because of greater contribution of hemipelagic sedimentation. Processes which increase dissolution dominated the transect between pelagic and turbidite sites: calcium carbonate was reduced from 66% at the pelagic site (3950 m depth) to near 40% at station 44 (4805 m depth). Dissolution was nearly complete at the turbidite site (5050 m depth) where sediment calcium carbonate content averaged 5%. Mean grain-size profiles followed similar trends with the largest-sized particles corresponding to higher percentages of calcium carbonate. Close examination of sediment grain-size frequency histograms (Briggs and Richardson, 1984) and microscopic examination of the sediment showed that sand-sized foraminiferan tests were responsible for these trends among mean grain-size profiles. Differences among values of mean grain size below a sedi- ment depth of 20 cm at stations 42-44 and below 6 cm at stations 67-71 were small. Destruction of sand-sized foraminiferan tests through repeated ingestion by deposit-feeding benthos may account for similarities in values 89 02,c cc s4@ C d L- ~ , OC4S O 0 C' m Cr 4 CO O 0 CH 0 to m r0 C0 CD .- tC cq t .- . N m cc LO e' Lo , 00 O cq t tO LO UC C0i v 10 c LO 0 D ° C-rc, CO . aH. Lo. 0occc. t ,-. COo-4 -4 0: X CO 10 W ' N m -4 ORc ed to r CO-4 c-4 I L-O~-4OO'~ C "I 00 J 0 cq cc -0 m. -~ - N C It O O 't NO- COCX 1 0 La0 c0 ' w -It01cucc cC9 c AJ~ Y 04 =, e. wq Q cc cc <X6 cc C ~^C .Qw0I 664 t -c00 0 0 I O I c 1 ) ooeo C4 0 c rn00co 30 1 to c 0 0 0 C> t OO CORC cc. N -4 CO 1CO0cC1 c 00 00 CO O 10 -4 CO 0C 0:°Ot . LO 40 100 OCO0Ocq u - 2. C C I- 0 Cc =~0 . 0 tg-'- CO Z O 0 cc m o CY) 10 0ci~ , oUjoo0 cc 1- .0C. a L c LOC cc -4 >o a- . o~ c -' 90 0.2 0.0 (wa) 41doo 91 (UG -.0 CU(U (U- I:- (U'- Q(U (U (U.U U U (U 4) (U(U (U 4) 0 -' 4) (U 0 00 (U 4) -(U (U (U* - 4) 4) . . *4) -4) .2 Co (wo WOIdO . 92 of mean grain size below 6 cm sediment depth at stations 67-71. Similarity in mean grain-size values below 20 cm sediment depth at stations 42-44 and the pelagic site could have resulted from both biological activity and paleoclimatic changes in bottom water calcium carbonate saturation. Values of compressional wave velocity varied little among transect stations with most values centered around 1490 m s-'. Compressional wave attenuation (k) values varied little among stations (nos. 67-71) on the transect between turbidite and hemipelagic sites. Attenuation values decreased with increasing water depth from the pelagic to turbidite provinces. These differences were related to changes in mean grain size (see next section). In general, the variability of sediment physical properties in the Venezuela Basin was highest among distant sites and lowest among subcores obtained from the same box core or site. An intermediate amount of variability was also introduced by downcore gradients in sediment physical properties. We suggest (from Figs.2, 4A, B, and 6) that a single subcore is adequate to characterize sediment physical properties for a rather large area of the deepsea floor in the Venezuela Basin if downcore variability is also measured. RELATIONSHIPS AMONG SEDIMENT PROPERTIES Empirical correlations among values of sediment physical, geotechnical, acoustical and chemical properties provide a rapid method of predicting values of sediment properties which are either unknown or difficult to measure (Hamilton, 1974; Keller, 1974). Comparisons of correlations of sediment properties among different provinces also provide insights into the sedimentary and diagenetic history of surface sediments. In this section we present and discuss empirical correlations among mean grain size, porosity, percent calcium carbonate, shear strength, and compressional wave velocity and attenuation for all sites. In most marine sediments porosity increases with increasing phi (4) value or decreasing grain-size diameter (Hamilton and Bachman, 1982). Sediments from the turbidite and hemipelagic provinces and on the transect between those sites (stations 67-71) contained less than 35% calcium carbonate and exhibited a relationship between mean grain size and porosity (see triangle, diamond, and cross symbols in Fig.1OA) which was in agreement with that of Hamilton and Bachman (1982). Sediments from the pelagic province and the Beata Ridge transect (stations 42-44) contained greater than 35% calcium carbonate and exhibited porosities that were higher than would be predicted from the mean grain-size data. Such unpredictably high porosities have also been reported for carbonate sediments on the Ontong-Java Plateau and eastern equatorial Pacific (Johnson et al., 1977; Mayer, 1979; Hamilton et al., 1982) and in the Whiting Basin near Puerto Rico (Morton, 1975). The fact that foraminiferan tests are hollow complicates the relationship between porosity and mean grain size. Bachman (1984) divided porosity values in biogenic carbonate into porosity within tests (intratest porosity) as well as porosity between tests (external porosity). 93 (A) + o 80 . [!Po to a, 0 + + + 0 + ++ I 9 & o 0 H 70 A A 2 60- 6 6 7 8 Mean Grain A Size 2 9 ) 10 A A A A0 A 0 ! 0 60 AO A O +0 40+y 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Grain Size (1) Fig.10. A. Relationship of porosity (%) to mean grain size (0) for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin (circles = pelagic site; squares = transect between pelagic and turbi- dite sites; triangles = turbidite site; crosses = transect between turbidite and hemipelagic sites; diamonds = hernipelagic site). B. Relationship of external porosity (%) to mean grain size (0) for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin (r2 = 0.85). Legend is same as in (A). 94 Using Bachman's mathematical relationships, external porosity was calculated from frequency histograms of mean grain size and values of porosity. Figure 10B illustrates that sediment external porosity increased with increasing mean phi (0) value (decreasing mean grain-size diameter). This relationship is almost identical to that of Hamilton and Bachman (1982) for non-carbonate sediments. It is obvious that total porosity-mean grain-size relationships have little predictive value in most carbonate sediments -- an important fact to take into account when predicting other sediment properties from porosity and mean grain size in carbonate sediments. Figure 11 illustrates that in sediments with greater than 10% calcium carbonate, mean phi (0) value decreased with increasing percent calcium carbonate (mean grain-size diameter increased with increasing %CaCO3 ). This relationship is a direct result of increasing amounts of calcium carbonate with a greater abundance of sand-sized foraminiferan tests. In sediments with less than 10% calcium carbonate (primarily sediments from the turbidite site), mean grain size and percent calcium carbonate were unrelated. The turbidite site (5050 m water depth) was located at or below the CCD where foraminiferan and coccolithophoran tests dissolved at the same rate as they were deposited. The higher mean grain-size values (5-8 A; 31-4 pm) for sediments at the turbidite site were a result of the abundant non-carbonate silt-sized particles in turbidite layers at that location. At calcium carbonate percentages greater than 55%, values of mean grain size were not readily predictable. This poor empirical relationship resulted from the changing relative abundances of foraminiferan and coccolithophoran tests. Selective carbonate preservation with depth and changes in depositional patterns related to productivity cycles are factors which control abundances of the carbonate tests in the Venezuela Basin (Showers and Margolis, this volume). It appears that mean grain size-percent calcium carbonate relationships should be used for predictive purposes with caution. In the absence of direct measurement, the prediction of compressional wave velocity and attenuation from sediment physical properties at or near the sediment surface is required by most geoacoustic models (Hamilton, 1980). Compressional wave velocity and attenuation are usually predicted from porosity or mean grain size - two easily measured and commonly available sediment physical properties. Numerous empirical predictor equations have been developed using concomitant measurements of acoustic and physical properties (e.g. Nafe and Drake, 1963; Horn et al., 1968; Akal, 1972; Buchan et al., 1972; Anderson, 1974). The most recent and comprehensive equations for non-carbonate sediments are those of Hamilton and Bachman (1982) for prediction of compressional wave velocity and Hamilton (1980) for prediction of compressional wave attenuation. Hamilton et al. (1982) reviewed the relationship between acoustic and physical properties in calcareous deep-sea sediments. Our study includes data from both calcareous and non-calcareous sediments. Empirical relationships derived from the plot of porosity and compressional wave velocity were similar to those developed by Hamilton and Bachman (1982) for non-carbonate sediments (Fig.12A). Plots of external 95 porosity or mean grain size versus compressional wave velocity provide no useful relationships (Fig.12B and C). These results differ from the study by Johnson et al. (1977) of carbonate sediments on the Ontong-Java Plateau, western Pacific (1613-4441 m water depth), where mean grain size-compressional wave velocity plots provided useful predictive relationships but porosity-compressional wave velocity plots did not. Hamilton et al. (1982) found that both mean grain size and porosity were good predictors of compressional wave velocity for carbonate sediments of the eastern equatorial Pacific (3462-4849 m water depth). Hamilton et al. (1982) suggested that hollow foraminiferan tests transmit compressional waves as solid particles, citing the good correlations among mean grain size, external porosity and compressional wave velocity for sediment of the Ontong-Java Plateau. As sand-sized forarniniferan tests lost their integrity with increasing water depth (1613-4441 m), mean grain-size diameter decreased with little corresponding change in porosity, accounting for the poor correlation between porosity and compressional wave velocity. We found no such relationships in our samples (Fig.12A-C). External porosity did not correlate with compressional wave velocity and foraminiferan tests did not appear to act as solid spheres. It is obvious that previous explanations of the relationships between compressional wave velocity and porosity or mean grain size in carbonate sediments are inadequate to fully explain our data. The differences in these relationships between the Ontong-Java Plateau, eastern equatorial Pacific and Venezuela Basin may be related to factors controlling carbonate 11 - 10.< 9 A + 05 . 8 0 W3o C + 7 6U 0 A 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 CaCO 3 (%) Fig.11. Relationship of mean grain size (0) to calcium carbonate (CaCO3 , %)for all loca- tions sampled in the Venezuela Basin (r2 = 0.88). Legend is same as in Fig.1OA. 96 deposition and accumulation in these regions. Hamilton et al. (1982) summarized these factors from previously published papers. They included: (1) the productivity of Foraminifera and Coccolithophora in surface waters; (2) the dissolution of carbonate material; (3) the dilution of carbonate by non-carbonate material; and (4) winnowing, scour and erosion of bottom sediments. The Venezuela Basin is a low-energy environment with restricted water renewal at depth (Kinder et al., this volume). It is therefore doubtful that winnowing of finer material accounts for any changes in surface sediment physical properties. Variations in mean grain size or percent calcium carbonate with depth in the sediment are potentially controlled by changes in relative productivity of different species of Foraminifera, Coccolithophora and Pteropoda in the overlying surface waters. These changes in productivity are, in turn, related to paleoclimatic changes. The 4000 year cycles in paleoclimate reported by Showers and Margolis (1985) from sediments collected in this study did not correlate with any physical property we measured. It is nevertheless possible that temporal changes in the depth of the lysocline and CCD or changes in relative productivity may contribute to some of the observed spatial variation of sediment physical properties with location and depth in the cores. We believe the major factors controlling the physical characteristics of carbonate sediments in the Venezuela Basin are dilution of carbonate by hemipelagic sedimentation and dissolution of carbonate (A) 1600 AA 'n 1550 A A > ~ A A 15001E AA A 0 60 + A A ALA A A + 70 I 70 Porosity (f) i .W..,+ it* 07 Yk+ a 80 97 (B) 1600 AA 1550 A (flA A A E A A AA A + 0A 1500 11 13 orlD 0 6 . I 0 O O + + 0 + +++ , 60 70 80 External Porosity (%) (C) A 1600 A . - 1550 A Ef A A 2 &M A A< AIIN >A 0 II A .. 18cT 1500 00 0 00 XV+ a +D O 000 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Grain Size () Fig.12. A. Relationship of compressional wave velocity (Vp, m s-') to porosity (n, %) for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin: Vp = 2616.58-28.787n + 0.184n'. B. Relationship of compressional wave velocity (Vp, m s-') to external porosity for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin. C. Relationship of compressional wave velocity (Vp, m s') to mean grain size (o) for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin. Legends are same as in Fig.1OA. 98 material by chemical processes accelerated by sediment ingestion, digestion and egestion by benthic deposit feeders (Richardson et al., this volume). Carbonate deposition on the Ontong-Java Plateau is controlled by dissolution, winnowing and dilution (Hamilton et al., 1982). The sedimentary lysocline of this region in the Pacific, at 3500 m, is located 1 km shallower than in the Venezuela Basin. Winnowing of finer carbonate and non-carbonate particles from bathymetric highs results in a residual lag deposit composed of foraminiferan tests. The finer particles are deposited downslope contributing to a gradient of decreased grain size and percent calcium carbonate but increased compressional wave velocity with increasing water depth. In the eastern equatorial Pacific most sediments are at or below the lysocline resulting in a lower percentage of sand sized foraminiferan tests and calcium carbonate and a lower mean grain-size diameter compared with the Ontong-Java Plateau sediments (Hamilton et al., 1982). Sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ridge are primarily diluted with biogenic silica from radiolarian skeletons. The lower density of biogenic silica (1.90 g cm-' vs 2.65 and 2.71 g cm-' for Venezuela Basin sediments) results in lower than expected bulk density for a given porosity. The major differences between these three regions of carbonate deposition are the depth of the lysocline and the composition of finer-sized particles surrounding sand-sized foraminiferan tests and silt-sized coccoliths. For sediments with a greater than 25% non-carbonate matrix of finer-sized particles (Venezuela Basin sediments), 400 kHz sound waves may be transmitted through the sediment matrix without involving the coarser carbonate material. The low values of measured shear wave velocity (27-125 m s-') and calculated shear modulus (0.001-0.024 X 1010 dynes cm-2) for sediment at the pelagic site support this suggestion (Richardson, 1983). It follows that porosity would be a better predictor of compressional wave velocity than mean grain size in those sediments. In sediments with a siliceous matrix and a low percentage of sand-sized foraminiferan tests (eastern equatorial Pacific), 200 kHz compressional waves also are transmitted through the matrix. The lower bulk density and greater structural rigidity of sediments containing siliceous material account for the slightly higher velocity than found in non-carbonate sediments with similar values of porosity and mean grain size. Compressional wave velocity in siliceous sediments is predicted by either porosity or mean grain size. In sediments with less than a 20% non-carbonate matrix and an abundance of sand-sized foraminiferan tests (Ontong-Java Plateau), 200 kHz compressional waves are transmitted by the interaction of carbonate particles. Mean grain size should therefore be a better predictor of compressional wave velocity than porosity. Hamilton et al. (1982) also suggest that fine-grained calcareous sediments will have a higher compressional wave velocity at the same porosity or grain size than non-calcareous sediments because of the higher system bulk modulus. This accounts for the higher compressional wave velocity of Ontong-Java Plateau sediments, which contain a low percentage 99 of sand-sized particles (and a high percentage of silt-sized particles) compared with Venezuela Basin sediments of the same mean grain size. The range of grain sizes in eastern equatorial Pacific sediment is from 6 to 9 0 (15 to 2 Mim);Ontong-Java Plateau sediment has a range from 4 to 9 0 (60 to 2 Mm). Hamilton's calculated values of rigidity (shear modulus) ranging from 0.02 to 0.20 X 1010 dynes cm-2 for these sediments was much higher than measured values for Venezuela Basin sediments (Richardson, 1983). We therefore agree with Hamilton that variations in sound velocity must be due to variations in sediment rigidity (shear modulus). The plot of porosity and compressional wave attenuation (k) revealed two trends (Fig.13A). In sediments with less than 35% calcium carbonate, attenuation increased with decreasing porosity. In sediments with greater than 35% calcium carbonate, porosity and attenuation were unrelated. Plots of attenuation versus external porosity or mean grain size (Fig.13B and C) exhibited the same increase in attenuation which accompanies decreasing porosity or increasing grain size in non-carbonate sediments (Hamilton, 1980). Comparison of Fig.13A and B suggest that compressional wave attenuation is unaffected by water inside foraminiferan tests. In Venezuela Basin sediments, mean grain size is a better predictor of compressional wave attenuation than sediment total porosity. Our data agree with Hamilton (1972) and McCann and McCann (1969) in that high-porosity calcareous "oozes" have higher attenuation than non-calcareous sediments with the same porosity and mean grain size. Differences in techniques, specifically the frequency used, probably do not account for this difference for atten(A) 1.00 000 ° 000 00 00 0.50 .3 A 0.50 70 I I, I , ' A A A 'M 0 - 70 Porosity(% Fig.13.A. Relationship of compressional wave attenuation tions sampled in the Venezuela Basin. | + `6 A A 60 1 + go*000 + so (k) to porosity (%) for all loca- 100 (B) 1.00 ~0 c A C 0~o 0 00 o C9 C 0.50 0) A A A A 0A I I I I 60 I + A Aa A + A I II I coL A .. w + 80 70 External Porosity (%) (C) 1.00 C 0 C S) 0.50 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mean Grain Size (0) Fig.13 (continued). B. Relationship of compressional wave attenuation (k) to external 2 porosity (n, %) for all locations in the Venezuela Basin: k = 7.801 -0.187n + 0.0011n . C. Relationship of compressional wave attenuation (k) to mean grain size (o) for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin: k = 1.962 -0.220 0 + 0.0034 02. Legends are same as in Fig.1OA. 101 uation measurements made in shallow-water sediments (Richardson, 1984). In non-carbonate sediments, Hamilton (1972) suggests compressional wave attenuation is controlled by friction between individual particles in sands and cohesion in silt- and clay-sized sediments. Both Hamilton (1972) and McCann and McCann (1969) found a sharp inflection in plots of attenuation versus mean grain size or porosity indicating that 6 0 (16 mm) or 65% porosity are the values above which cohesive forces dominate. This inflection point occurred at 7.5 0 (5.5 pum) and 70% external porosity in plots of our data from carbonate sediments. The bimodal distribution of carbonate sediment grain size may account for these discrepancies. The presence of abundant 1-2 0 (500-250 pm) sized foraminiferan tests (mean: 25% of sediment weight at the pelagic site) may increase attenuation by friction more than predicted from non-carbonate sediments with lower sorting coefficients (i.e. better sorted sediments). McCann and McCann (1969) suggest that the higher than predicted (i.e. for non-calcareous sediments) attenuation values for calcareous sediments are due to the abundance of non-surface active particles. The lack of attraction between these particles, which are suspended in water, increases the viscous dissipation of compressional waves. This may account for highporosity calcareous sediment having higher than predicted attenuation. Because sediment compressional wave attenuation and vane shear strength are both controlled by cohesion in silts and clays (Hamilton, 1971a), a correlation between the two was expected. However, shear strength appears totally unrelated to attenuation as well as porosity and mean grain size in both carbonate and non-carbonate sediments (Fig.14A-C). Sediments from (A) 0 1.00 0.50 0 0 Shear Strength (kPa) Fig.14.A. Relationship of compressional wave attenuation (k) to sediment shear strength (rf, kPa) for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin. 102 (B) 15 0+ + 10 m a- - ~A 6 8 1+ T Ag70 5 80 + 4 + o ++ (IC t++ Poros (O/l) A A e++ (C) 5 A °o°+$ O E~ +6 0 A 70 60 15 ++ 00 A0 4+ 80 o0oj% + IL 004+ + s) C/) sz in + U) 30 fl 0 0 130 0 0 0 00 8 +( 000 0A A0 0 A0++ + AAA +0 +A++ 5678 9 + 10 Mean Grain Size (40) Fig.14 (continued). B. Relationship of shear strength (rf, kPa) to porosity for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin. C. Relationship of shear strength (Ijf, kPa) to mean grain size (o) for all locations sampled in the Venezuela Basin. Legends are same as in Fig.10A. 103 the Venezuela Basin with greater than 35% carbonate generally had lower shear strength values (mean < 6 kPa) than reported by Keller and Bennett (1970) for carbonates from surficial cores from the North Pacific and North Atlantic Basins (mean: 7.6 kPa) and by Johnson et al. (1977) for the Ontong-Java Plateau (mean: 6.4 kPa). The occurrence of biogenic silica instead of clay as the next most abundant component in the sediment fabric may be a factor in explaining higher shear strength values in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Basins and the Ontong-Java Plateau. However, it is apparent from these data and those of Richardson et al. (this volume) that knowledge of biological and chemical processes affecting surface sediments is just as important as measurement of sediment physical properties in order to predict sediment shear strength. CONCLUSIONS - Variation in geoacoustic and related properties was greatest among distant sites representing pelagic, turbidite or hemipelagic sedimentary regimes. Variability among sites was primarily a function of increased calcium carbonate dissolution along a gradient of depth (3500-5050 m) and a westward decrease in intensity of dilution of calcium carbonate by terrigenous sediments, which originated from the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers. - The least amount of variation was evident between subcores obtained from the same box core or site, suggesting a single subcore was adequate to describe sediment physical and geoacoustic properties over a large area of the sea floor if downcore variability is considered. - The considerable downcore variability in sediment physical properties was a function of gradients in biological activity, biologically mediated chemical changes and the presence of ponded terrigenous sediments deposited by intermittent turbidite flows interspersed between sediments of pelagic origin. - Dewatering and compaction of sediments by biological activity resulted in negative gradients of porosity and positive gradients of sediment bulk density and shear strength with depth in the sediment at all sites. - Chemical bonding of sediments at the reduction potential discontinuity (RPD) resulted in higher than expected sediment shear strength values near the RPD in sediments from the hemipelagic and turbidite sites. - Destruction of sand-sized foraminiferan tests by water depth related dissolution and ingestion/digestion/egestion activities of benthic animals resulted in negative gradients of mean grain size (diameter) with depth in the sediment at the pelagicprovince. Alternation of pelagic and turbidite sediments in the central Venezuela Abyssal Plain resulted in sharp discontinuities in gradients of sediment physical properties. The turbidite layers had higher values of mean grain size (diameter), organic matter, and compressional wave velocity and attenuation but lower values of porosity and shear strength than the pelagic layers. - 104 - Porosity-mean grain size relationships had little predictive value in carbonate sediments. The contribution to total porosity from water between foraminiferan tests (external porosity) and contribution to total porosity from water within tests (intratest porosity) over a range of grain sizes from 4 to 40 gm nearly balanced each other and thus yielded almost constant porosity values. - Compressional wave velocity (Vp) was predictable from porosity in the carbonate sediments, whereas Vp-mean grain size relationships had little predictive value. Foraminiferan tests did not appear to act as solid spheres in the transmission of compressional waves. The nature of the sediment matrix (detrital hemipelagic, pelagic carbonate, or biogenically siliceous) controls compressional wave velocity. - Compressional wave attenuation was predictable from either external porosity or mean grain size but not total porosity. Attenuation was apparently unaffected by water inside foraminiferan tests. The higher than predicted attenuation values for calcareous sediments (as compared to noncalcareous sediments of the same grain size) in this and other studies may result from the non-surface active nature of the carbonate matrix which increases viscous damping. - Sediment shear strength did not correlate with compressional wave attenuation, porosity or mean grain size. Sediment shear strength is apparently controlled by biological and chemical processes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of the ships' captains and crews of the R/V "Gyre" (cruise 79G7), USNS "Lynch" (cruise 708-80) and USNS "Bartlett" (cruise 1301-82). We also wish to thank all of the scientific colleagues who participated in sample collection on the aforementioned cruises. Special thanks are extended to Skidaway Institute of Oceanography and Steve Bishop in particular for use of the CHN Analyzer. We also thank Larry Reynolds and Randy Rogers for assistance and cooperation in particlesize analysis and Ricky Ray for the extensive data manipulation and graphical formatting. We thank E.L. Hamilton, G.H. Keller and L.A. Mayer for their careful reviews of. the manuscript. This work was supported by NORDA program element 61153N, Herb Eppert, Program Manager. Contribution 333:003:85 from the Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity. REFERENCES Akal, T., 1972. 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