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This publication is intended solely as a reference resource; accordingly, the agencies, groups and individuals listed in the AK project are not necessarily reflecting approval of your intended use of their resources, services or facilities. Website addresses are provided for the convenience of the user and we assume no liability for the operation or the content of any website listed. Category Index Aboriginal, Metis, Indian, First Nations 6 Addiction, Substance Use 12 Adoption, Fostering 18 Advocacy, Outreach 19 Animals 26 Arts 28 Business, Self -Employment 33 Children and Youth: Leisure Activities 37 Children: S upport S ervices 48 Chronic Illness 59 Chronic Illness S upport by Diagnosis 64 Clothing 72 Community A ssociations and Centers 74 Computer and Internet 78 Counselling 79 Crime Prevention 81 Crisis 83 Dental 87 Disabilities: E ducation and Employm ent 88 Disabilities: S upport 90 Disabilities: S upport by Diagnosis 97 Education 108 Emotional and Relational Support 119 Employment 128 Environment, Conservation 132 Eye Health 135 Faith Groups 136 Food: Free Meals 140 Food: Nutrition 141 Funeral, Burial 146 Gay and Lesbian 147 Health, Medical 148 Heritage, Language, Culture 157 Home Support 160 Housing 162 Income A ssistance 170 Income Taxes 171 Labour 171 Legal 172 Leisure A ctivities 178 Mental H ealth, Mental Illness 185 Money, Debt, Financial 191 Parenting, B irth to A dulthood 193 Personal Care 209 Pregnancy, P re -Conception, Prenatal, Pre-Birth 210 Recycling 215 Seniors 216 Service Groups, Foundations 223 Settlement and Adaptation 227 Shelter: Emergency or Temporary 227 Sports, Fitness, Movement 230 Thrift S tores 238 Transportation (Local) 240 Veterans 243 Volunteering 244 Youth: Support Services 247 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Category Index Aboriginal, Metis, Indian, First Nations Aboriginal Business Service Network Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: "The B C Aboriginal Business Service Network is a collective of A boriginal Business S ervice Provicers in British Columbia who enhance access to business information and resources." Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-9834 Marie [email protected] Gerri 250-828-9833 #215 – 345 Chief A lex Thomas Way www.absn.ca Aboriginal Development Clinician Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Assists families to make connections to resources and community regarding mental health issues for youths. To build capacity in communities, children and youth regarding mental health concerns. Provides assessments and treatment services to children, youth and their families that are experiencing significant emotion and behavioral difficulties such as; depression,anxi ety,trauma,self harm and suicidal thoughts . A boriginal Development Clinician Available: Mondays, Tuesday W ednesdays and Fridays in Kamloops Thursdays in M erritt 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 clinician@ whitebuffalo.name Aboriginal Health-Patient Navigator Office Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Cell Phone: Email: Address: Website: Providing support to patients, caregivers and their families while in the health system. Hours of Operation: Monday through Sunday 7:00am -6:30pm (250) 314-2100 3109 Aboriginal Patient Navigator (250) 319-5420 aboriginalhealth@ interiorhealth.ca Royal Inland Hospital www.interiorhealth.ca/yourhealth/aboriginalhealth Aboriginal Suicide Critical Incident Response Team Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Provides prevention, intervention and postvention education, training and support to Aboriginal comm unities to protect children and youth from the risk of suicide and related issues. This serves a catchment of K amloops and area, Clearwater, Barriere, S almon Arm to Enderby. Hours of Operation:Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 responseteam@w hitebuffalo.name Page 6 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Aboriginal Training & Employment Centre Description: Phone: Email: Website: Empowering aboriginal people to become self-sufficient through employment. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (250) 554-4556 [email protected] www.ateckamloops.ca BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A variety of support services and resources for Aboriginal P eople with disabilities and those associated with the disabled. 1 (888) 881 -5511 (250) 381-7303 Carrie Tom [email protected] www.bcands.bc.ca DIAMA Description: Phone: Email: Website: IsumaTV is an independent online interactive network of Inuit and Indigenous multimedia. IsumaTV uses the power and immediacy of the Web to bring people together to tell stories and support change. (514) 486-0707 [email protected] www.isuma.tv Family Strengthening Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: An intensive 8 week program for individuals and families that are involved with the Ministry of Children and Family Development. You will be provided with the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the child and family as a means to empower parents to improve the functioning of their family as a whole. Some of the topic s discussed: B C Child Protecting Process, Court Process, etc. S tart date September 10th, 9:00 to 11:30 am. P lease call to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Represents foster parents providing care for Aboriginal children in a nurturing, culturally appropriate environment. Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (866) 629 -7091 (604) 291-7091 Reception [email protected] www.fafp.ca First Nations and Inuit Health Non-Insured Health Benefits Description: Provide financial services if eligible for services such as prescriptions, travel, counselling services, medical plan services, acceptions and appeals for Page 7 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: services not covered through other programs, 1 (800) 031 -7878 www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fniah-spnia/index-eng.php John Howard Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The John Howard Society Thompson Region ( JHSTR ) is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote effective, just and humane responses to the causes and consequences of crime. Our agency offers the following: 1. B edford M anor- a 72 bed assisted living complex in Kamloops 2. Two subsi dized housing buildings known as Victory Inn and Georgian Court 3. Provision of housi ng and support services to men and women being released from prison to community while on parole Contact reception at 250434-1700 Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30am (250) 434-1700 Reception [email protected] #100- 529 Seymour St www.johnhoward.ca Justice Education Society: Northern Native Public Legal Education Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Providing education, facilitating school programs and learning within the community. Specialized programs for aboriginal youth and comm unities. (250) 614-2686 Annette [email protected] 1046-250 George S t, P rince George, B C, V2L 5S 2 www.ljusticeducation.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Address: Website: A team of creative and responsive professionals dedicated towards empowering Aboriginal people to achieve their fullest potential. All our programs and services offered at the K amloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre are free and confidential. We service Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people from 0 to Elderly. (250) 376-1296 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 250-376-1617 Parkcrest Location 125 Palm St and 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: A Childs ROOTS are Forever Description: Phone: Contact: Address: The "R OOTS" project is a Ministry initiative that focuses on reducing the number of A boriginal children in care. To ensure that each child in the Ministries care has the best possible plan and needs, while also supporting and encouraging the connection for Aboriginal children with their family and Aboriginal community. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave Page 8 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Child and Youth Mental Health Wellness Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Wellness coordinator will help build a wellness network, support the Aboriginal Development Clinicians and provide mental health promotion. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 376-1296 Susan @ K amloops A boriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Education and Cultural Department Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: At the Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre the Cultural Coordinator provides culturally appropriate services that promote and ensure posi tive educational experiences for aboriginal students through the Four D irections Storefront School and School Dist #73. To reduce the number of school drop outs and to assist A boriginal students to successfully graduate. (250) 376-1296 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Social Programs Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The Social Program director offers a wide range of services to our youth and Elders. Included in this program is to deliver social and recreational activities to our elders such as the Elders Luncheon. Every Friday a free hot lunch is served to anyone who would like to come, first come first serve basis served at 12noon sharp in the drop-in centre. Call for more information. (250) 376-1296 Barry @ Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm St www.iifs.ca Kamloops Native Housing Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Provides affordable housi ng/rental units for urban native families and/or individuals in Kamloops.In addition, also provides affordable housing in various communities in the Thompson Okanagan and Kootenay Regions. Monday thru Thursday 8:00:am - 4:00pm (250) 374-1728 Jacqueline [email protected] Lii Michis Otipemisiwak (Formerly Interior Metis Child & Family Services) Description: Phone: Ensuring Metis children, families and communities have opportunities and access to services and resources. P rograms include outreach, prenatal and family support,family group conferencing, aboriginal supported childhood development and early childhood development. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 554-9486 Page 9 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.interiormetis.ca Mawman Noor (Mother Bear) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: An Aboriginal Infant Development Program. S upport to participate in baby clinics and information classes plus home visits, group programs, educational classes, developmental assessments, referrals and more. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] Metis Nation BC: Employment and Training Description: Phone: Email: Website: The Metis Nation B ritish Columbia administers the Metis E mployment & Training Program (METP) to im prove the employm ent potential, earning capacity and self-sufficiency of Metis people in B ritish Columbia. MondayFriday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 376-9263 [email protected] www.mnbc.ca Native Drug and Alcohol Service Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Prevention, support, referrals, and counseling to Band members and others living on reserve who have substance abuse issues. Liaison with other agencies. Monday thru Friday 8:00am -4:00pm Monday thru Friday 7:00am 3:00pm during July & August (250) 828-9704 Veronica [email protected] 147 - 345 Chief A lex Thomas Way www.tkemlups.ca Secwepemc Child and Family Services Description: Phone: Email: Website: Providing child protection and the prevention of abuse and neglect of Aboriginal children. A lso providing a variety of related support services for Aboriginal families and children including A boriginal Infant D evelopment/ Supported child development, Aboriginal Child and Youth M ental Health, Aboriginal Family Group Conferencing, and family support. Urban-based office located at 2 -726A Sydney Ave Kamloops BC V 2B 1M9. Phone 250 461-7237. On -Reserve office located at 300 Chilcotin Road, Kamloops BC V2H 1G3. Phone 250-314-9669. H ours of operation Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. (250) 314-9669 [email protected] www.secwepemcfamilies.org Secwepemc Cultural Education Society Description: Phone: Email: Website: Preserving and promoting the language, culture and history of the Secwepemc people. H ours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (778) 471-5789 yvonne.fortier@ secwepemc.org www.secwepemc.org Page 10 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Seven Sacred Teaching Parenting Circle Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: 8 week program that will bring together individuals who are interested in learning parenting skills based on Respect, Love, Humility, Wisdom, Honesty, Courage, and Truth. The program is free of charge. Start date September 12th, 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Please call to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Shuswap Training and Employment Program (STEP) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Our mission is to assist A boriginal people to achieve self-reliance and economic independence through the provision of a balanced mix of programs and services, giving m aximum support for training and employment activities. Band and community members from our ten First Nations can access STEP programming through their band office. Contact information can be found on our website. (778) 471-8200 Bernadette Jacob [email protected] http://shuswapnation.org/departments/asets/step Urban Native Health Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Prevention support and primary health care. Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am-4:30pm (250) 376-1991 Renata 119-125 Palm Street White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Holistic services in addictions, supported infant and child development, health and wellness, as well as aw areness programs for youth, community and professionals. Providing relevant and updated information to help clients fulfill their health needs. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Gift Givers Drop-In Parenting Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Every Friday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am throughout the summer months, White Buffalo Society will be offering a drop-in parents only support group that will allow parents to discuss various topics in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Coffee and tea provided but no child m inding available. P lease call Fae or Christine. (250) 554-1176 Fae or Christine [email protected] 250-554-1176 Page 11 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Marie [email protected] White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Gift Givers Family Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Support for individuals, families and parents involved with Ministry or the potential to be involved with Ministry by provi ding family and court support to First Nations & Metis people. Referrals to treatment programs, support for family unity and wellness, individual counseling and follow -up support provided. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 giftgivers2@ whitebuffalo.name White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: KEHIW AWASIS (Baby Eagle Program) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A child and family centered program inclusive of Aboriginal and nonAboriginal children ages 0-12 who have a developmental delay. A variety of supports are offered to the family. 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] 517A Tranquille R oad www.whitebuffalo.name White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Nurse Practioner Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Practicing both autonomously and collaboratively to provide primary health care services that contribute to the health and well-being of B ritish Colombians across their lifespan. Hours of Operation: Wednesdays 1:30pm 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] Women's Housing Support Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Phone: Website: Support services for women. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke 250-374-2119 www.kamloopsefry.com Addiction, Substance Use Alano Society Description: Phone: A safe environment for people involved in recovery from alcohol and drugs. Monthly events. H ours: Mon,Tues, Thurs, Fri, S at, Sun 8:00am -1:30pm Wednesday Meetings 11:00am-1:30pm (250) 376-5115 Page 12 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Alanon Description: Phone: Support and recovery group for friends and relatives of alcoholics, past and present. (250) 374-2456 Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service Description: Toll Free: Website: A 24hr, 7 days per week, free hotline for people needing help with any kind of substance abuse. Referrals include treatment services for adults and youth, education/prevention resources, self-help groups, contacts for fetal alcohol syndrome and other addiction concerns. 1 (800) 066 -1441 www.bc211.ca Alcoholics Anonymous Description: Phone: Email: Website: A twelve step recovery program for people w ith a drinking problem. Meets at various locations and various times 7 days a week. To access meeting and time schedule go to www.aa.org (250) 374-2456 [email protected] www.aa.org ASK Wellness Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Awareness, education and support for anyone with chronic health issues, the marginalized, and persons at risk. Services include street outreach, client advocacy, client support, and assistance with housing issues. Mondays 10:00am - 4:30pm Tuesday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -7541 (250) 376-7558 reception [email protected] www.askwellness.ca BC Responsible and Problem Gambling Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Offering free presentations and w orkshops at comm unity gatherings, schools, agency's etc. Please call to arrange a time. Access to free counselling by calling the toll free number. 1 (888) 879 -6111 (250) 320-1179 Roxanne [email protected] Consumer Facilitation Fund Description: Phone: Email: Address: A grant for members recreational, employment, leisure, or educational needs. Amount available per person varies from year to year. Must have a diagnosed mental illness (includes addiction). Applications for funding are available ath Canadian Mental Health office 857 Seymour St. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:00pm (250) 374-0440 kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour Street Page 13 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca/ Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers For Recovery Mentorship Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Connecting m others and pregnant women who are struggling w ith addictions with women in sustained recovery. S upport to live free of drugs and alcohol while striving to become a better parent. Tuesdays 3:30pm -6:30pm (Dinner4 -5:00pm, Group from 5:00 -6:30pm) Free on -site childminding (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria Street, K amloops, B C www.kfrs.ca Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers for Recovery Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Weekly grassroots drop-in support group for mothers (conception onward) struggling or continuing with recovery from alcohol and/or drugs. Support in accessing Ministry Children Families Development advocacy, legal advocacy, emergency bus tickets, and more. C hildren w elcome (free childminding on-site). Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria St, Kamloops www.kfrs.ca House of Ruth Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: After care supportive living program operated by New Life Mission for women who desire assistance in dealing with chronic alcohol or drug use. Hours of Operation: Monday thru S unday 24 hours (250) 376-5621 Brenda houseofruth@ newlifemission.ca 290 Maple Street www.newlifemission.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Alcohol and Drug Counsellor Description: Phone: Address: Website: Provides one -on -one counseling for individuals who are seeking support and information for recovery from an alcohol or drug addiction. S ervices from the Alcohol & Drug Counselor include: counseling, referral to treatm ent centers, in-house referrals, information and support and prevention workshops . Hours of operation:Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (250) 376-1296 125 Palm Street http:// w ww.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: The Blood Borne Infection Program Description: The Blood B orne Liason Worker provides the follow ing services: needle exchange program that provides sterile needles, ties, wipes, w ater bottles Page 14 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Address: Website: and sharps containers. The HIV Lianson Worker shares information related to the appropriate use of dirty needles, HIV /Aids, Hepatitis, STD's and other health concerns. TheB lood Boren Infection Counselor will provide a range of services and support. (250) 376-1296 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm St www.iifs.ca Kamloops Mental Health and Substance Use Description: Phone: Phone: Address: Website: Provides assessments for all mental health and addiction services programs; referrals to community resources; support for clients in crisis; education and support to consumers, families, community. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-5:00pm (250) 377-6500 250-377-0088 After Hours 235 Lansdowne S treet Kamloops, BC www.interiorhealth.ca MOTHERISK Description: Toll Free: Website: Non -judgmental help and information line for women regarding alcohol, smoking and street drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Monday thru Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm (Toronto time) 1 (877) 732 -4636 www.motherisk.org Narcotics Anonymous Description: Phone: Website: A 12 step fellowship of men and women, for whom drugs had become a major problem, meeting regularly to help each other stay clean. Types of substances and amounts used not relevant; only a desire to stay clean is. 24 Hour phone line. Meetings are open to the general public unless noted differently. Meetings: Monday-Saturday 12:00-1:00pm 421 S t P aul S t R m #214 (top floor, end of hall) Evening M eetings: Monday 8:00pm - 9:00pm 421 St Paul St Rm #214 (top floor, end of hall), Tuesday/Thursday 7:30pm 8:30pm 421 S t P aul S t R m #214, Friday 8:00pm - 9:00pm 421 S t P aul S t Rm #214. Mondays closed meeting for addicts only. Saturday Evening 8:00pm 9:00pm 171 Leigh R d Candle Light Meeting S unday 12:00-1:00pm 922- 3rd Ave in Detox Cafeteria C losed meeting for addicts only. Sunday Evening: 8:00pm - 9:00pm 101 Columbia S treet Sunday Evening: 8:00pm - 9:00pm 140 Laburnum Rd (250) 320-5032 www.bcrscna.bc.ca Native Drug and Alcohol Service Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Prevention, support, referrals, and counseling to Band members and others living on reserve who have substance abuse issues. Liaison with other agencies. Monday thru Friday 8:00am -4:00pm Monday thru Friday 7:00am 3:00pm during July & August (250) 828-9704 Veronica [email protected] 147 - 345 Chief A lex Thomas Way www.tkemlups.ca Page 15 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 New Life Mission: Residential Support Recovery Program Description: Phone: Email: Website: Intermediate housing for men who desire assistance in dealing with chronic alcohol or drug use. Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00 pm (250) 434-9898 [email protected] www.newlifemission.ca Operation Red Nose Description: Phone: A free Designated D river Service provided to any motorist during the holiday season. S easonal operation starting end of November to December 31st on Fridays and Saturdays only. Operation Red Nose is located in Desert Gardens Community Centre at 540 Seymour S treet. This program is sponsored by P acific Sport. (250) 372-5110 Out of the Ashes Bursary Description: Phone: Website: We provide educational support to a young person in Kamloops with a minimum of one year recovery time with the Out of the Ashes bursary. (250) 374-4634 www.phoenixcentre.org Phoenix Centre Description: Phone: Email: Website: Provides a wide range of programs to help individuals whose lives are affected by alcohol and/or substance use. Detox: P hoenix Centre is a 20 bed in-patient facility that provides withdraw al m anagement programming for adults 19 years and older. Youth under the age of 19 m ay be accepted depending upon circumstances. Youth: W e also provide support and therapeutic counseling to youth with substance use issues through three separate programs. Business phone: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 374-4634 [email protected] www.phoenixcentre.org Problem Gambling Help Line Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides free confidential phone service for information and referral regarding community resources for people throughout B.C. needing help with problem gambling. Provides referral to counselling services and preventionand self-help resources. Multi lingual telephone assistance is available 24 hours a day. 1 (888) 879 -6111 [email protected] www.bc211.ca Quitnow.ca Description: Quitnow.ca provides a full range of quit services and support. Tools to help calculate savi ngs, identify triggers, and track personal milestones. There is also access to community forums,video and text success stories, e-mail and text messaging support, a library of quitting resources and web links, as well Page 16 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: as the option to "ask an expert" specific questions. Call B ack A ppointments with a Care Coach Monday thru Friday 6:00am - 9:00pm Weekends 9:00am 5:00pm Call the toll free number to register. 1 (877) 745 -2233 www.quitnow.ca Sage Health Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website: An intensive 28 -84 day abstinence -based residential addictions treatm ent program. C lients focus on learning skills to maintain abstinence from all substances. 1 (866) 641 -1206 (250) 374-6551 [email protected] www.sagehealthcentre.ca Salvation Army Addiction Referrals Description: Phone: Email: Website: Provides referrals to a treatm ent centers. Offer counselli ng and addiction counselling for men and women by appointment. Monday to Friday 9:00am 3:30pm (250) 554-1611 [email protected] www.salvationarmy.ca/kamloops The Warren Atkinson Society: Safe Housing* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Providing transitional housing for men recovering from addictions who have completed a treatment program and are pursuing a drug-and alcohol-free lifestyle. Opportunities are limited due to small numbers of rooms. Applications available on line at www.kshssafehouse@ shaw.ca. (250) 851-2720 Dan [email protected] www.getbettergo.com Thompson Nicola Employee and Family Counselling Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Not for P rofit counselling agency specializing in providing support and therapy to people in our community. Employee and Family A ssistance Provider (E FAP ) for companies in Kamloops,Merritt, and Clearwater. Unlimited counselling sessions for employees and family members of businesses. Monday - Friday 8:00am 0 5:00pm 1 (800) 066 -1095 (250) 372-2262 Tamara [email protected] http:// w ww.tncounselling.ca White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society Description: Toll Free: Holistic services in addictions, supported infant and child development, health and wellness, as well as aw areness programs for youth, community and professionals. Providing relevant and updated information to help clients fulfill their health needs. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 Page 17 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: (250) 554-1176 [email protected] White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Gift Givers Family Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Support for individuals, families and parents involved with Ministry or the potential to be involved with Ministry by provi ding family and court support to First Nations & Metis people. Referrals to treatment programs, support for family unity and wellness, individual counseling and follow -up support provided. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 giftgivers2@ whitebuffalo.name Women's Housing Support Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Phone: Website: Support services for women. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke 250-374-2119 www.kamloopsefry.com Adoption, Fostering Adoptive Families Association of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Support, information and resource group for those considering, preparing for, or parenting through adoption. 1 (866) 669 -1222 dmortensen@ bcadoption.com www.bcadoption.com BC Federation of Foster Parent Associations Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Brings together foster parents, social w orkers and other interested people working to im prove the standard of care for children. Opportunities for education, as well as support for the Foster Parents of BC. Business Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -9999 [email protected] Unit 207 22561 Dewdney Trunk Rd. (Maple Ridge, BC) www.bcfosterparents.ca Extended Family Program Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Assisting in the placement of children with family or others when parents are temporarily unable to care give Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Emergency after hours call "Help Line for Children" 310-1234. H elp line is accessible 24 hours a day, anywhere in the province. 1 (877) 738 -7027 [email protected] www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/alternativestofostercare/extended_family.htm Page 18 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Represents foster parents providing care for Aboriginal children in a nurturing, culturally appropriate environment. Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (866) 629 -7091 (604) 291-7091 Reception [email protected] www.fafp.ca Interior Community Services: Support to Family Care Network Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Supports C ommunity Foster Parent Groups, coordinates the delivery of Foster Parent E ducation P rogram, coordinates other training for communities, delivers training to potential foster parents, and build connections and partnerships to meet the needs of foster parents. (250) 554-3134 212 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Transitional Support to Children Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides support to children and their families, in the process of adoption and/or significant transition with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, in preparing for permanency. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Pregnancy Care Centre: Birth Moms Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Email: Address: Website: If a Birth Mother Support Group is of interest or w ould be of help to you, please call the Pregnancy Care Centre at 250-376-4646 or e-mail at [email protected]. (250) 376-4646 Reception [email protected] [email protected] #200- 535 Tranquille Road www.pregnancycarekamloops.com Advocacy, Outreach Advocacy Access Program Description: Phone-based assistance to people with disabilities to become aw are of their legal rights and entitlements. Advocates on behalf of individuals, provides information and referrals. Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Page 19 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Phone: Address: Website: 1 (800) 066 -1278 (604) 872-1278 204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver, B C V5Y 1R3 www.bccpd.bc.ca ASK Wellness Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Awareness, education and support for anyone with chronic health issues, the marginalized, and persons at risk. Services include street outreach, client advocacy, client support, and assistance with housing issues. Mondays 10:00am - 4:30pm Tuesday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -7541 (250) 376-7558 reception [email protected] www.askwellness.ca Assessment and Referral Services Description: Phone: Website: Provided by New Life Mission to the street population. This service directs the individual to the appropriate services in the community. By appointment only. New Life M ission Hours Winter Hours Monday thru S aturday 9:00am 3:30pm Summer Hours Monday thru Friday 9:00am -1:00pm Meals 12:00pm -12:30pm Monday thru Friday S aturdays: 12:00-1:00pm (250) 434-9898 www.newlifemission.ca BC Coalition of People With Disabilities Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Their m ission is to support people, regardless of their disability, to live with dignity, independence and as equal and full participants in society. Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -1278 [email protected] 204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver, B C, V5Y 1R3 www.bccpd.bc.ca/ British Columbia Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Address: Website: Free legal advice and representation to eligible adults 55+ whose legal problem fits into priority areas: older adults who have experienced abuse or are vulnerable to abuse, including those who have legal issues relating to access to housing, problems with assisted living or long term care, access to government benefits, and financial abuse. Office Hours: Monday- Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm 1 (866) 643 -1940 (604) 437-1940 380-1199 West P ender S t V ancouver, B C V6E 2R1 http:// w ww.bcceas.ca Canadian Mental Health Association Description: Phone: Among its services , offers advocacy to people with diagnosed mental health issues. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4::00pm (250) 374-1090 Page 20 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour St, Kamloops www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Website: CLAS has provided legal assistance to disadvantaged people throughout British Columbia. We specialize in the areas of poverty, disability, workers ’ compensation, employment insurance, mental health, human rights and equality law. B usiness Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (888) 868 -6222 (604) 685-3425 www.clasbc.net CSI: Advocacy & Mentoring Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Providing personalized assistance and referrals for seniors experiencing difficulties coping with life changes or requiring one-to-one help with personal issues. Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm with weekend and evening bookings available. (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location www.csikamloops.ca Developing Capable Kids Workshop Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: This one day workshop for parents, parent advisory council reps, teachers, school administrators, social workers, child care workers, counselors and those who provi de services and support to children, youth and families will help to address the growing concerns regarding our children and youth. Please see www.resiliencyinstitute.com for further info. The one day seminar, September 22nd, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Henry Grube E ducation C entre. The cost of $15.00 includes a li ght lunch and coffee. C all 250-554-1176 to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Elizabeth Fry Society Poverty Law Advocacy Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Free legal information, advice and representation. Assists with applications and appeals, and facilitates public education workshops. Areas covered: income assistance, C anada P ension, Employment, residential tenancy and debt. Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday8:30-4:30pm (250) 314-1900 202 [email protected] 208-300 Columbia Street www.kamloopsefry.com/ ewayKamloops Page 21 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers for Recovery Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Weekly grassroots drop-in support group for mothers (conception onward) struggling or continuing with recovery from alcohol and/or drugs. Support in accessing Ministry Children Families Development advocacy, legal advocacy, emergency bus tickets, and more. C hildren w elcome (free childminding on-site). Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria St, Kamloops www.kfrs.ca Financial Institution Commission of BC Description: Toll Free: Address: The Financial Institutions Commission (FICOM) is a regulatory agency of the provincial Ministry of Finance. FICOM is responsible for administering 10 statutes that regulate the pension, financial services and real estate sectors in B ritish Columbia. The primary focus of this regulation is to ensure that: Institutions and pension plans in these sectors remain solvent; Market conduct requirements for these sectors are respected; Unsuitable individuals do not participate in financial service markets; and Through the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation (CUDIC), insure credit union deposits and non-equity shares. 1 (866) 620 -3030 Box 12116 2800-555 West Hastings, Vancouver BC Financial Services OmbudsNetwork Description: Website: Providing information on assistance or recourse for those with questions, concerns or complaints about financial services providers. www.fson.org/en/index Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Line Description: Toll Free: An advocacy for grandparents helping them to better understand benefits, legal rights and access to services. Monday, Tuesday,Thursday Friday 11:00am - 3:00pm 1 (855) 547 -9777 HEROS Elder Abuse Support and Awareness Description: Offering help, education, referrals; promoting community outreach and awareness about how to recognize the signs and symptoms of elder abuse Page 22 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: and the steps that can be taken to report suspected abuse. B usiness Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location www.csikamloops.ca JUMP (Jubilee Street Ministry and Partners) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: A weekl y touring meals and counselling service serving both the North and South Shores of Kamloops on S aturday noon at the New Life Mission and from 6 -8 pm at the Total P et parking lot on Tranquille Road. Other meals and services will be added in the next weeks and months. Jubilee also offers low cost catering services to the comm unity at large for events and meetings. (250) 434-5548 Glenn Hilke and Harold John [email protected] 250-434-5548 [email protected] Kamloops Brain Injury Association Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Kamloops Brain Injury A ssoci ation serves individuals with acquired brain injuries, their families, caregivers and associates by offering specialized programs and life skills education. K BIA also facilitates education and awareness regarding acquired brain injury and offers prevention and safety workshops and seminars to the community. Monday - Friday 9:00am 4:00pm (250) 372-1799 [email protected] 408 Victoria S treet www.kbia.ca Kamloops Rent Bank Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The Rent Bank gives emergency loans to keep working people housed. W e welcome families and single people to apply. W e also offer Money Management to those who need assistance in m aking their money go further and last longer. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke [email protected] 250-374-2119 Janet Bakke [email protected] www.kamloopsefry.com Kamloops Women's Resource Group Society Description: Providing a safe and welcoming space for women to come together, honoring and promoting diversity, and working for democratic, social and economic equality for women. Regular Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm Page 23 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: Summ er Hours: Mondays & Thursdays 10:00am -1:00pm Fridays 11:00 1:00pm (250) 374-3949 www.kwrgs.ca Legal Aid Description: Toll Free: Phone: Phone: Address: Website: Legal Aid has a range of free services that may help you. We give priority to people w ith low incomes, but many services are available to all British Columbians. We offer: •Information provided by our publications, the Family Law in BC website, intake assistants, and, in some comm unities, legal information outreach workers and A boriginal community legal w orkers. •Advice from duty counsel lawyers or family advice lawyers. •Representation (a lawyer to take your case) if you qualify and have serious family, child protection, or criminal law issues (and for some immigration, mental health, and prison law issues). Please view our website for more detailed information. You can apply for legal aid by phone or in person. Monday Thursday 8:30am- 4:30pm 1 (866) 657 -2525 (604) 601-6000 250-314-1900 Kamloops Office #208-300 Columbia St 400-510 Burrard S t, V ancouver BC www.legalaid.bc.ca Lii Michis Otipemisiwak Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A non -profit child and family service agency provi ding support services and cultural programming to child, youth and families of Metis ancestry. Our mandate: To support the safety and w ell being of Metis children, youth and families in accordance with the teaching and values of Metis people. 1 (888) 855 -9486 (250) 554-9486 [email protected] 707 Tanquille R d www.interiormetis.ca Lizzy's Closet Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Lizzy's Closet has free quality clothing for women accessing employment, education or in an emergency situation. This program is offered twice monthly. Call for dates! (250) 374-2119 204 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC www.kamloopsefry.com Member Parliament Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Your Member of Parliament (Cathy McLeod) can assist with any federally governed matter. Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm 1 (877) 761 -3332 (250) 851-4991 [email protected] 979 Victoria S treet www.cathymcleod.ca Page 24 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 MLA (Kamloops - North Thompson) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website: Your Member of Legislative Assembly (Terry Lake) or his assistants, can assist with provincially -governed matters. B usiness Hours: Tuesday thru Friday 9:30am - 4:00pm 1 (888) 829 -0805 (250) 554-5413 [email protected] www.terrylakemla.bc.ca MLA (Kamloops - South Thompson) Description: Phone: Your Member of Legislative Assembly or their assistants, can assist with provincially-governed matters. A ll phone calls are welcome should you need to express your concerns or questions you may have. (250) 554-5413 Ombudservice For Life and Health Insurance Description: Toll Free: Website: A independent, complaint resolution and information service for consumers of Canadian li fe and health insurance products and services. Phone li ne 24 hours. 1 (888) 829 -8112 www.olhi.ca Ombudsman For Banking Services and Investments Description: Toll Free: Email: Phone: Website: Ombudsm an For B anking Services and Investments is a Canadian independent, impartial and non profit dispute resolution service for banking and investment complaints. Phone service 24 hours. 1 (888) 845 -4519 ombudsm [email protected] tty:1-855-889 -6274 www.obsi.ca Ombudsperson of BC Description: Toll Free: Website: Receives inquiries and complaints about the practices and services of public agencies w ithin its jurisdiction, then impartially investigates the complaints to determine whether public agencies have acted fairly and reasonably, and whether their actions and deci sions were consistent with relevant legislation, policies and procedures. S ubmit an on-line complaint form at www.bcombudsperson.ca Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 056 -3247 www.bcombusperson.ca PovNet Description: Website: PovNet provides online tools that facilitate communication, community and access to information around poverty -related issues in British Columbia and Canada. W e work to collect relevant news and resources of use to advocates, community workers, marginalized comm unities and the general public. www.povnet.org Seasons Change Programs Page 25 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Extension: As a W orkBC service provider under the E mployment Program of BC, we offer pre-employment services, including counselling, for survivors of violence and abuse. Offered in both group and 1:1 settings, violence and abuse counselling offers survivors the chance to speak with a Registered Clinical Counsellor, face-to -face, in a safe non -judgmental envi ronment. As a client centered practitioner, our RCC works to help clients come to terms w ith their emotional issues and realize their ability to take control of their lives. To take part in the Seasons C hange P rogram you m ust be eligible to work in BC, believe that the issues resulting from either recent or historical violence and abuse are directly impacting your employment success, and have some level of volunteer or paid employment as your goal. If this fits for you, please contact our office for an intake appointment. (250) 314-0377 113 Women's Housing Support Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Phone: Website: Support services for women. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke 250-374-2119 www.kamloopsefry.com Y Women's Emergency Shelter Outreach Services Description: Phone: Website: A mobile response to women who are experiencing violence or at risk of experiencing violence. Assistance in accessing emergency services, community supports and advocacy. Comm unity education on violence against women upon request. (250) 320-3110 www.kamloopsy.org Animals BC Wildlife Park Society Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Conservation of B C wildlife through display, interpretation, education, w ildlife rehabilitation and captive breeding. Jan 1-Feb 28 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm March 1-April 30 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm May 1-Sept 2 Daily 9:30am - 5:00pm Sept 3-October 31 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm Nov 1- Dec 31 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm Boo at the Zoo- during the month of October Wild-lights- 5:00pm - 9:00pm starting in December (250) 573-3242 [email protected] 9077 Dallas Dr. www.bczoo.org Bear Aware Description: Phone: Aiming to reduce the number of bear-human conflicts through innovation, education, and communication. P resentations available upon request. C all 1 877-952-7277 to report a bear problem Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 828-3379 Page 26 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] 955 Concordia W ay www.bearaware.bc.ca Dog Park Directory Description: Website: A list of dog-friendly parks. www.kamloops.ca/parks/dogparks-directory.shtml#.UY p7s7Wkp_M Ducks Unlimited Canada Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Ducks Unlim ited Canada is the leader in w etland conservation. A registered charity, DUC partners with government, industry, other non-profit organizations, and landowners to conserve wetlands that are critical to waterfow l, w ildlife and the environment. 1 (800) 066 -3825 [email protected] 954 Laval Crescent www.ducks.ca Kamloops and District Humane Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Fosters and places abandoned animals. Offers low-income pet owners a spay/neuter program and Pet Food Bank. We also manage Feral Cat Colonies in our city. (250) 376-1366 Barbara [email protected] www.kamloopshumanesociety.ca www.kamloopscity.com Kamloops Brain Injury Association Pet Partnership Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Assists survivors of acquired brain injury to obtain and maintain healthy pets in an affordable manner. (250) 372-1799 [email protected] 408 Victoria S treet www.kbia.ca Kamloops Young Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Meets about once a m onth for fun in the outdoors. A ll are welcome, for children and youths ages 5- 14. A nominal membership fee applies per family per year. (250) 374-4733 Richard Doucette [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Young -Naturalists Club/162725044798 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Description: Operates an animal adoption centre and provi des a wide range of services for homeless, abandoned and abused animals. Monday thru S aturday Page 27 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: 12:00pm -4:30pm (250) 376-7722 kamloops@ spca.bc.ca 1211 8th Street www.spca.bc.ca SPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic* Description: Phone: Website: Offers to the public low-cost spaying, neutering and vaccinations of cats and dogs. (250) 376-6065 www.spca.bc.ca Therapy Dog Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Offering dog/handler visitation services to care facilities, Royal Inland Hospital and in the event of a disaster in the Kamloops comm unity. (250) 372-3853 kamloops@ bc.sja.ca 672 Victoria S treet http://sja.ca/Pages/default.aspx Arts BC Living Arts Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Website: Desi gned to illustrate that creativity is not confined only to the formal art forms, but can also be found in everyday activities. Offer concert programming along with educational events in creative living. We are also the host of the Kamloops TH RiVE Festival. (250) 571-5151 [email protected] (250) 374-3171 www.bclivingarts.ca Campus and Community Radio (TRU) Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Provides radio-host opportunities in a variety of genres and other non commercial genres (including classical, industrial, ethnic and spoken word) public speaking. Monday - Friday 8:00am -4:00pm (250) 377-3988 [email protected] 900 McGill Road, House 8 www.thex.ca Cantabile Singers Description: Phone: Contact: A comm unity chamber group offering public concerts and performing for elder care homes. R ehearsals on Monday evenings 7:30- 9:30pm. For more information please call Chris. (250) 434-5876 Chris City of Kamloops Page 28 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Website: The Parks and R ecreation Activity Guide presents a variety of opportunities in programs, classes, heritage, culture and Language. Low-income individuals may qualify for ARCH (Afford Recreation for Community Health). Visit our website or call for more information. (250) 828-3582 www.kamloops.ca/activityguide Courthouse Gallery Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A co-operative group of fibre, glass, painters, pottery and sculpture artists. Tuesday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm (250) 314-6600 [email protected] 7 West Seymour St. www.kamloopscourthousegallery.com Djembe Django Drum Connection Description: Phone: Email: Website: KamloopsDrumConnecton.com brings you R aven's D jembe Django Connection - news about Kamlooops drum circles, djembe lessons and drumm ing events. Contact Raven at djembedjango@hotm ail.com. Check out the website! (250) 828-2953 djembedjango@ hotmail.com http://KamloopsDrumConnection.com High-Country Achievers Toastmasters Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: To promote effective verbal comm unication and leadership. (250) 374-8225 Lesley [email protected] www.toastmasters.bc.ca Interior Authors Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Monthly networking opportunities for writers w ho are creative, supportive, informative, and interested in publishing. (250) 374-1750 Elma [email protected] www.interiorauthorsgroup.wordpress.com Interior Wellness Festival Description: Phone: Interior Wellness Festival, September 26th to 28th, 2014. Three days of Transformational W ellness held at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. FREE ADMISSION. Seminars, workshops, healing garden, yoga and fitness, marketplace, healthy kid zone (new!), live entertainment, café and m ore. Volunteer at the festival! Join the volunteer crew : contact B ob Davern at [email protected]. Inquire about being a s peaker or working in the healing garden at interiorw [email protected]. New this year - healthy kids zone - wellness activities and classes and information, just for kids and families. (250) 371-1938 Page 29 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Website: Elizabeth Beeds [email protected] www.InteriorW ellness.com Kamloops Art Gallery Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Kamloops Art Gallery is the princi pal gallery in the S outhern Interior of British Columbia supporting contemporary and historical visual arts and practices on a local, national and international level The K amloops A rt Gallery fosters enjoyment of and interest in the visual arts by researching, developing and producing exhibitions, publications and programs that engage, challenge and inform its various audiences. The Gallery also oversees the development and preservation of a permanent collection including regional, national, and international art in all media. A nd, it strives to create rewarding opportunities for visual arts professionals and the public . Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & S aturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Thursday 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. For a lim ited time, 12:00 pm to 4:00 on Sunday until D ecember 18, 2013. (250) 377-2400 [email protected] 101 – 465 Victoria S treet, K amloops www.kag.bc.ca Kamloops Arts and Crafts Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Aims for the promotion and continuation of arts and crafts in Kamloops and surrounding areas. Gather at H eritage House low er level on Tuesday mornings from 9:00am - 12noon. (250) 374-9945 Geri gchuntley@ shaw.ca Heritage House (Lower Level), 100 Lorne S t. (in riverside park) www.kamloopsartsandcraftsclub.com Kamloops Arts Council Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Encourages, supports and promotes artists and arts groups. Offers gallery space and opportunities to participate in arts events. Coordinates various arts events. Three members' galleries open to the public . Hours*: Tuesday Friday 10:00am- 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm *Office closes between 12:00pm and 1:00pm (250) 372-7323 [email protected] 7 S eym our St. West www.kamloopsarts.ca Kamloops Community Band Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: For those beyond the beginner level who want additional practice time or wish to resume playing after a hiatus. (250) 574-5437 Kim [email protected] www.kissm.ca Page 30 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Festival of the Performing Arts Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides performance, opportunities for competitive and non-competitive classes in piano, woodwinds, brass, voice, strings, guitar, choral, speech and all disciplines of dance. (250) 372-9339 Sue [email protected] PO Box 162, V2C 8H6 www.kfpa.ca Kamloops Film Society* Description: Email: Website: Our mission is to bring the best in independent, Canadian and foreign cinema to Kamloops. We endeavour to promote and support film and related visual media in the Kamloops area by offering grants three times each year of up to $500 info@kamloopsfilm society.org www.kamloopsfilmsociety.org Kamloops Interior Camera Club Description: Contact: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: To increase our members' enjoyment of the hobby through events such as showcases, lectures and workshops, critiquing sessions, field trips and competitions. Joe (250) 374-2500 Contact Directory www.kamloopsphotoarts.ca/?page_id=47 https://www.facebook.com/groups/335304310214/ www.kamloopsphotoarts.ca/ Kamloops Interior Summer School of Music Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: For three weeks every summ er, music students ages 5-18 gather for fun and education. Choral, band, piano, strings, musi cal theater, guitar,drum line, songwriting and more. (250) 574-5437 Kim [email protected] www.kissm.ca Kamloops Men's Gospel Chorus Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: An opportunity for men 13 years of age and older to unite in song. For more information call Wils. (250) 319-4062 Wils [email protected] www.mgospel.ca Kamloops Music* Description: Free local concert, band and venue online listings. Raising awareness and promoting the Kamloops music scene. Page 31 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Website: shows@kamloopsm usic.com www.kamloopsmusic.com Kamloops Photo Arts Club Description: Website: Promotes appreciation of photography; encourages fellow ship and support amongst camera, image and processing hobbyists; helps aspiring and practiced photographers develop an artistic, creative and thoughtful approach to photography. www.kamloopsphotoarts.ca Kamloops Players* Description: Phone: Contact: An amateur comm unity theatre group welcoming anyone who is interested in any aspect of theatre. (250) 376-2126 Marlene Kamloops Rube Band Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Official A mbassador to the City of Kamloops since 1967. Brass and woodwind band providing musical entertainment and zany comedy acts to all ! (250) 374-8696 Larry [email protected] www.kamloopsrubeband.org Kamloops Woodworker's Guild Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Sharing ideas, techniques, friendship and camaraderie. Active in a program for underprivileged kids, building and donating toys for distribution in our community and around the world. (250) 372-7751 Carl Ottosen [email protected] www.kwwg.net Morning Sun Toastmasters Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: To promote effective verbal comm unication and leadership. (250) 374-8225 Lesley [email protected] www.toastmasters.bc.ca Music in the Park* Description: Website: FREE musical entertainment by local, national and international musicians. Each evening from July 1 - A ugust 31, 2011 from 7 - 8:30 pm. Rotary Bandshell at R iverside Park - Lorne Street K amloops B C www.kamloopsca/events/musicinthepark Overlander Toastmasters Description: Phone: To promote effective verbal comm unication and leadership. (250) 374-8225 Page 32 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Website: Lesley [email protected] www.toastmasters.bc.ca Pavillion Theatre Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A black box theatre, venue available for rental. (250) 372-3216 22 Heather [email protected] 1025 Lorne S treet, K amloops www.wctlive.ca Sagebrush Quilters Guild Description: Phone: Contact: Website: For people with an interest in quilting, in any or all of its forms. (250) 372-7751 Julie www.sagebrushquilters.ca Western Canada Theatre Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Professional live theatre. Educational, theatrical, and artistic opportunities and services. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30- 4:30pm (250) 372-3216 21 Western Canada Theatre [email protected] Western Canada Theatre 1025 Lorne S treet www.wctlive.ca Wilson House Gallery Description: Phone: Contact: Address: An extension Gallery for the K amloops A rt Council. Wilson H ouse Gallery features a local artist every six weeks. Gallery hours are 1pm to 4pm Monday to Friday. (250) 372-7323 Kamloops Art C ouncil 115 Tranquille Road Business, Self-Employment Aboriginal Business Service Network Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: "The B C Aboriginal Business Service Network is a collective of A boriginal Business S ervice Provicers in British Columbia who enhance access to business information and resources." Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-9834 Marie [email protected] Gerri 250-828-9833 #215 – 345 Chief A lex Thomas Way www.absn.ca Page 33 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Achieve BC Description: Phone: For entrepreneurs w ith disabilities. Works with clients to figure out if self employment is the right option, provides assistance with business planning, business skills training, and busi ness management. Individualized training. (250) 377-3670 Business and Professional Women of Kamloops* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Networking, promoting your businesses, effecting changes to laws pertaining to the economic and social equality of women, etc. (250) 377-8411 Pat D iFrancesco www.bpwcanada.com Canadian Home Builders' Association Central Interior Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Organization of professional home builders, renovators, contractors and other professionals related to the home building industry. A ctivities include information for prospective and current homeowners. Office Hours: Monday Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm (250) 828-1844 [email protected] 921C Laval Cres www.chbaci.ca/ Community Futures Development Corporation of Central Interior First Nations Description: Phone: Address: Website: First Nations persons employed to help other First Nations persons start or expand their own businesses. Loans, workshops in marketing, help writing a business plan. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-9833 215-345 Chief A lex Thomas Way www.cfdcofcifn.com Community Futures Thompson Country Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: CFTC is committed to investing consi derable resources and energy into business services and community economic development projects throughout the Thompson Country that help communities to strengthen, grow, and diversify 1 (877) 733 -2950 (250) 828-8772 [email protected] #230- 301 Victoria S t www.comm unityfutures.net CSOM Web Design Description: Email: Every winter, TRU students are available to design websi tes at no fee for a small number of non-profit organizations and small businesses. mohda@ tru.ca Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Page 34 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Contact: Website: Must have a disability that impairs ability to perform at least one of the basic activities of self-employment. Mentoring and support, access to capital, etc. 1 (888) 833 -9378 (250) 828-8772 Western Economic Diversification (Toll -Free) Community Futures www.wd.gc.ca Farmers Markets Description: Phone: Contact: Contact: Email: Website: Spring through fall, two markets per w eek offering fresh produce, bedding plants, health and beauty products, arts and crafts, and more. Visit us also at www.facebook.com/kamloopsfarmersmarket (250) 682-7975 Deanna H urstfield - Saturday Manager Wendy Makepeace - Wednesday Manager wednesdaym [email protected] www.kamloopsfarmersmarket.com/ Interior Wellness Festival Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Interior Wellness Festival, September 26th to 28th, 2014. Three days of Transformational W ellness held at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. FREE ADMISSION. Seminars, workshops, healing garden, yoga and fitness, marketplace, healthy kid zone (new!), live entertainment, café and m ore. Volunteer at the festival! Join the volunteer crew : contact B ob Davern at [email protected]. Inquire about being a s peaker or working in the healing garden at interiorw [email protected]. New this year - healthy kids zone - wellness activities and classes and information, just for kids and families. (250) 371-1938 Elizabeth Beeds [email protected] www.InteriorW ellness.com Junior Achievement of British Columbia Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Inspiring and motivating B C’s youth through busi ness education. Offering students in grades 5-12 the opportunity to acquire valuable business acumen, develop leadership qualities, and discover new career possibilities (250) 828-7901 Gemma [email protected] www.jabc.org/ Kamloops and Area Beekeepers’ Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Assisting w ith pollination of trees and gardens, swarm removal, becoming a beekeeper and honey producer and locating sources of beehive products. Meeting take place the third W ednesday of every month starting in January. For more information please call Ian. (250) 579-8518 Ian Farber [email protected] www.kamloopsbeekeepers.ca Page 35 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.bcbeekeepers.com Kamloops Central Business Improvement Association Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: To promote business growth and economic development in a format that w ill make the central busi ness area of Kamloops a better place to visit, live and work. (250) 372-3242 Tanya [email protected] 231 Victoria S t www.kcbia.com Kamloops Chamber of Commerce Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Support and benefits for new and established business people; advocacy for business to all levels of government. Also provi des information centre, providing both business and visitor information to the public. Buisness Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm (250) 372-7722 [email protected] 615 Victoria S t., V 2C 2B3 www.kamloopschamber.ca LOOK - Locally Owned and Operated in Kamloops Description: Website: A group of independent, Kamloops business owner/operators raising public awareness about the economic, social and aesthetic benefits of supporting local business. LOOK seeks to foster a sense of community between businesses and the general public through positive projects designed to increase familiarity and build a neighbourly, caring comm unity. www.lookkamloops.ca Metis Nation BC: Employment and Training Description: Phone: Email: Website: The Metis Nation B ritish Columbia administers the Metis E mployment & Training Program (METP) to im prove the employm ent potential, earning capacity and self-sufficiency of Metis people in B ritish Columbia. MondayFriday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 376-9263 [email protected] www.mnbc.ca Ministry of Housing and Social Development: Self-Employment Program Description: Toll Free: Available to anyone who has been receiving welfare for three consecutive months. 1 (866) 686 -0800 North Shore Business Improvement Association Description: Phone: Email: Address: Dedicated to the im provement of the business community on the Kamloops North Shore. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm (250) 376-2411 [email protected] 115 Tranquille Road Page 36 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.nsbia.com Service Canada Centres for Youth Description: Phone: Address: Website: To seek temporary or long term employment, please visit youth.gc.ca w ebsite for information. (250) 372-2515 www.youth.gc.ca www.servicecanada.gc.ca/ Venture Kamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Leading economic development and business growth in K amloops, V enture Kamloops offers tw o key services; business attraction and business retention and business expansion. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 828-6818 [email protected] 297- 1st Ave www.venturekamloops.com Children and Youth: Leisure Activities 137 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps KAMLOOPS* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Wednesday: 6 - 9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. We parade Wednesday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, sailing, music, and seamanship training. C adets can also choose to go to various summer camps, from Vancouver Island to Nova Scotia, or even overseas. The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 250-554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca 2305 Rocky Mountain Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Description: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Monday: 6 -9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. W e parade Monday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, abseiling/rock clim bing, and orienteering. Cadets can also choose to go to various summers camps, from Vernon to Whitehorse, or even overseas. The m ission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the Page 37 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: Address: Website: development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces, and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 376-3900 Captain Brian K allert [email protected] 250-376-3900 [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC, V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca Aberdeen Judo Academy Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Ongoing recreational and competitive judo instruction, including self protection sessions. The goal of judo is to promote physical and mental fitness and personal discipline. Visit our website or call for more information. (250) 374-9945 Jahuntley@ shaw.ca (250) 851-6363 1465 Pearson Place www.aberdeenjudo.com BC Wildlife Park Society Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Conservation of B C wildlife through display, interpretation, education, w ildlife rehabilitation and captive breeding. Jan 1-Feb 28 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm March 1-April 30 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm May 1-Sept 2 Daily 9:30am - 5:00pm Sept 3-October 31 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm Nov 1- Dec 31 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm Boo at the Zoo- during the month of October Wild-lights- 5:00pm - 9:00pm starting in December (250) 573-3242 [email protected] 9077 Dallas Dr. www.bczoo.org Big Little Science Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: Everyone is invited to visit B IG Little Science Centre for interactive FUN science! BIG Little S cience Centre is open year round with over 130 hands on exhibits, special activities and shows. Check the website and Facebook pages to learn more about our upcoming special programs. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm. (250) 554-2572 Gord Stewart [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/unitedwaytnc/posts/593173124056650? notif_t=like 655 Holt Street, Kamloops, BC. www.blscs.org Boogie the Bridge Cultural Fund Description: Offering funds to help cover the cost of programs, events or workshops which would facilitate the cultural growth of a person 5 -18 years of age who is in Page 38 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: financial need. (250) 828-3611 Cara Graden [email protected] www.kamloops.ca/communityprograms/grants.shtml Boys and Girls Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Boys and Girls C lub of Kamloops is registered federally as a charity and provincially as a non-profit society. We are a member of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada and Boys and Girls Clubs of British Columbia. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Children’s Recreation and Development Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Children participate in activities based on five components including: creative, educational, physical, social, and comm unity. P rograms are offered at three locations: Location Tim e McA rthur Island Comm unity Club 2:306:45pm Mon-Fri Brocklehurst N eighbourhood Club 2:30 -6:45pm Mon-Fri Dallas A fterschool K ids Club 2:30-5:30pm Mon-Fri These licensed programs are available September to June. Full day summ er programs run July and August. Limited Club subsidy is available and these programs are eligible for government subsidy. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Cool Moves Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Cool Moves is a Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada Program that helps children 8 to 12 years of age "play cool" by incorporating physical activity into their daily lives and "eat smart" by learning about how to make healthy food choices. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Friday Family Nights Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Every Friday night, families are invited to enjoy dinner and activities at the McArthur Island C ommunity Club. There is no cost, but pre-registration is required. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island Page 39 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Nights Alive Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Nights Alive is a youth -driven social program that provides a safe, drug, alcohol and harassment free environment for youth ages 13 – 18 years at no cost every Friday night from 8:30 pm to m idnight at the McArthur Is land Club. Transportation to predetermined N orth Shore and Brock locations is offered to youth at the end of the night. For further information contact the Y outh Supervisor. (250) 554-5437 301 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Power Up! Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Power Up is a national B oys and Girls C lub of Canada after school homework support program operating from several several schools in District #73. Power Up is developed around three core components which include social-recreational, nutritional, and educational support. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Youth After School Drop-in Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The youth after school drop-in is offered every Monday - Friday from 3:00 6:00 p.m ., at the McA rthur Island Club for all youth ages 12 -18 years, at no cost. Programs offered allow youth to gain many skills including the ability to interact successfully with peers, parents, and other adults using asset building concepts, strengths -based, solution-focused approaches, in an antioppressive environment. Social development, life skills, and physical education are often gained through fun and recreation at the Club and food is provided. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com City of Kamloops Description: Phone: Website: The Parks and R ecreation Activity Guide presents a variety of opportunities in programs, classes, heritage, culture and Language. Low-income individuals may qualify for ARCH (Afford Recreation for Community Health). Visit our website or call for more information. (250) 828-3582 www.kamloops.ca/activityguide Page 40 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 CMHA Youth Clubhouse Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A youth-driven evening activity centre for those aged 13 to 18. A safe, supportive, drug and alcohol free environment. Music, arts, internet, support,and m ore. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 4:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m . Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (250) 374-0440 Canadian M ental Health Association kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour St www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca/ COPA for Kids Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Provides interested young people, age 8 -17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of E xperimental Aircraft A ssoci ation member volunteers. (250) 374-3085 Tito Zannella [email protected] www.copaforkids.org Easter Seals Summer Camps For Children Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Free overnight camp for children with physical or mental disabilities for ages 6 to 18. Camp takes place in three locations: Winfield, S quamish and Shaw nigan Lake. 1 (800) 081 -4483 [email protected] www.eastersealscamps.ca Family Tree Family Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Drop-in for parents and caregivers with their children, from infancy to 6 years. Lunch, circle/craft time, social support, clothing exchange. S upport in accessing other community support services. On W ednesdays, a mental health counselor and infant development consultant are also present. (250) 377-6890 Susan Wright [email protected] 283 West Victoria St. www.kfrs.ca Girl Guides of Canada, BC Council Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: A movement of girls and women that challenges members in their personal development and empowers them to be responsible citizens. Register online. 1 (800) 056 -8111 info@bc -girlguides.org 1476 West 8th Ave www.bc-girlguides.org Interior Community Services: Make Children First Page 41 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A comm unity driven initiative with the goal of enhancing the ability of our community to support the healthy development of children and their families. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Wellness Festival Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Interior Wellness Festival, September 26th to 28th, 2014. Three days of Transformational W ellness held at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. FREE ADMISSION. Seminars, workshops, healing garden, yoga and fitness, marketplace, healthy kid zone (new!), live entertainment, café and m ore. Volunteer at the festival! Join the volunteer crew : contact B ob Davern at [email protected]. Inquire about being a s peaker or working in the healing garden at interiorw [email protected]. New this year - healthy kids zone - wellness activities and classes and information, just for kids and families. (250) 371-1938 Elizabeth Beeds [email protected] www.InteriorW ellness.com Jewish Community Center of Kamloops* Description: Contact: Email: Website: The Jewish Community in Kamloops is warm and welcoming, with people from all levels of observance. We offer programs regarding holidays as well as a program for youth and many more. Melanie S chlund [email protected] http://Kamloopsjewishcommunity.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/jewishcommunity -centre-of-kamloops-annual-general-meeting/ Kamloops 4-H Senior District Council Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Email: Website: A youth development program the objectives of 4-H c lubs are knowledge, leadership, citizenship and personal development. (250) 373-2367 Kathleen [email protected] Debbie Goertzen debgoertzen@ hotmail.com www.bc4h.bc.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Parent and Children Drop-In Group Description: Phone: Contact: This popular group of parents with children 0-6 years old gives you the chance to meet other caregivers and gather information. It is an opportunity for children to enjoy playtime, peer interaction, socialize, snacks, story time and crafts. Thursday Mornings from 10:30am -12noon at 2355 Parkcrest Ave. Lunch is provided. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre Page 42 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Youth Cultural and Recreation Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The Cultural activities component w ill provide youth and their families cultural information through ceremonial events, crafts, traditional games, gatherings and traditional teaching. The Sports and Recreations component w ill include access toa gym on a weekl y basis for various sporting events such as floor hockey, basketball and traditional games. For more information call the Aboriginal Friendship Centre. (250) 376-1617 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Adapted Sports Association Description: Contact: Email: Email: Website: Kamloops Adapted Sports Association offers sport and recreation opportunities to all athletes interested in adapted sport. Mobility lim itation not required! Jessica Vliegenthart [email protected] [email protected] www.kamloopsadaptedsport.com Kamloops Canoe and Kayak Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: To promote and compete in the sport of sprint canoe and kayak in a fun, friendly and safe environment. Training for all ages. Summer camps for kids 9-15 years old. (250) 851-9862 Beth M organ [email protected] www.kamloopscanoeandkayakclub.ca/ Kamloops Gymnastics Trampoline Centre Description: Phone: Email: Website: Offers a wide variety of programs for children ages 18 months and up. (250) 374-6424 [email protected] www.kgtc.ca Kamloops Library: After School Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: An after school club for kids 8 -12 years old at the North Kamloops Library. Fun activities include games, crafts, puzzles, book sharing,first "dibs" on new books, anda chance to get to know your library. Thursdays 3-4 pm. C all the library for dates on this program. This is a drop in program, come when you can and bring a friend! (250) 554-1124 North Kamloops Library 693 Tranquille Rd www.tnrdlib.ca Page 43 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Library: Craft Club Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Children and youth ages 6-12. Grab a friend and come onin to the library on Wednesdays from 3 -4pm for crafts. This is a drop in program. This Program only operates for a shortp period of time in the spring. Please call the Kamloops Library for dates and more information (250) 372-5145 Kamloops Library 100-465 Victoria S t. www.tnrdlib.ca Kamloops Library: Family Story Time* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Stories, songs,fingerplays and rhym es for the whole family to enjoy together. Just drop in whenever you can! Continuing throughout the year except for Christmas, S pring Break and Good Friday. Family S tory Time takes place at the North Kamloops Library on Fridays 10:15 to 10:45am and at Kamloops Library S unday 1:00-1:30pm till end of April. (250) 554-1124 North Kamloops Library www.tnrdlib.ca Kamloops Library: Mother Goose Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Address: Website: The Parent-Child M other Goose Program is a group experieince for parents and their young children which focuses on the pleasure and power of using rhymes , songs, and stories together. This free one hour program is a great chance to meet other families. S nack included. Registration required. Call the Kamloops Library for dates of program and availability. (250) 372-5145 Kamloops Library 250-554-1124 100-465 Victoria S t. wwww.tnrdlib.ca Kamloops Library: Public Libraries Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Website: (Thompson Nicola Regional District Library System) Free access to books, magazines, internet , word-processing, newspapers; assistance locating parenting resources; stories for children; videos on child development; movies for children and families; music CDs, etc. P rograms for children and more. V isit our website for library hours. (250) 372-5145 South Shore (250) 554-1124 North Shore www.tnrdlib.ca Kamloops Library: Rock a Bye Baby Description: Phone: Contact: With music and friends, just you and your baby the fun never ends, songs and rhymes and lullabies, encourage language and social ties, so we"ll gather together once a week, for a program new and quite unique! Wednesdays 10:15 to 10:45am. Registration Required C all the Norh Kamloops Library for dates and availability of program. (250) 554-1124 North Kamloops Library Page 44 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.tnrdlib.ca Kamloops Minor Baseball Association Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Providing recreational and competitive baseball experiences for the youth of the Kamloops area. (250) 377-3903 Dean Martin [email protected] www.kamloopsbaseball.com Kamloops Rugby Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Dedicated to the development and promotion of rugby at all levels. Welcomes all inquiries and interested players, coaches, and fans. Male and female, all ages. (250) 578-7097 Erin Connelly-Reed [email protected] Tournament Capital Ranch 5375 Yellowhead Hwy www.kamloopsrugby.com Kamloops Shotokan Karate Club Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Providing people ages 14 years and older with an opportunity to experience a unique cultural art, get in shape and learn self defense. Call for more information on classes. NOTE: The phone number listed below is also used by the Goessman Denture Clinics, but it IS the correct number for the K arate Club. (250) 374-9443 Alan Goessman 603 St. Paul St. Kamloops Sunrays Synchronized Swim Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Website: The Kamloops Sunrays Synchronized Swim Club offers synchronized swimming programs to swimmers from age 6 to 96, beginner to advanced. We have both Provincial and National competitive athletes, as well as recreational swimmers. Call or email to learn more about programs and camps. (778) 257-7962 Melissa Jakubec kamloopssunrays@ gmail.com 778-257-7962 http://kamloopssynchro.ca Kamloops Team Handball Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Providing opportunities for team handball at an indoor court at the Tournament Capital Centre for novice and experienced players ages 12 and over. (250) 314-4050 Peter kamloopshandball@ hotmail.ca Page 45 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Team-Handball/189641944642 Kamloops Young Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Meets about once a m onth for fun in the outdoors. A ll are welcome, for children and youths ages 5- 14. A nominal membership fee applies per family per year. (250) 374-4733 Richard Doucette [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Young -Naturalists Club/162725044798 KidSport Kamloops* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: KidSport Kamloops provi des financi al assistance to financially disadvantaged familes within K amloops to access local sport opportunities in K amloops. We provide up to $500 per child per year in funding assistance for organized sport activity for children 5 -18 years of age (250) 828-3581 Clint www.tournamentcaptial.com/grants and funding PacificSport Interior BC: Sport Development and Performance Description: Phone: Email: Website: PacificSport is a regional non-for-profit organization dedicated to providing athletes, coaches and communities programs and services from "playground to podium" (Sport Development to Sport P erformance). Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-3344 [email protected] www.pacificsport.com/interiorbc Parks Description: Website: Kamloops has an abundance of natural space. V isit our website for locations. www.city.kamloops.bc.ca/maps/parkmaps.shtml People In Motion: Summer Youth Recreation Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Day program running three times per week during July and August. This program applies to those who are clients of Ministry of Children and Families - Children and Youth with Special Needs and 9-18 years of age. 1 (877) 741 -4241 (250) 376-7878 People in Motion [email protected] 182B Tranquille R oad www.peopleinmotion.org People in Motion: Youth Club Description: Toll Free: Phone: Outings throughout K amloops twice monthly during the school year for youths 13 -18 years of age. 1 (877) 741 -4241 (250) 376-7878 Page 46 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Address: Website: People In Motion [email protected] 182B Tranquille R oad www.peopleinmotion.org River City Squash Organization Description: Phone: Email: Website: Academic tutoring, squash coaching, mentoring, and community service opportunities to underserved youth in Kamloops. Will link with elementary schools to provide after-school programs. (250) 314-9600 [email protected] www.rivercitysquash.org Royal Canadian Sea Cadets 137 Kamloops* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Youth program providing nautical training for ages 12 - 19. Weekly parade. Optional weekend activities and summer training opportunities. (250) 554-0138 Liutenant Trotten [email protected] Storytime at Kamloops Libraries Description: Phone: Phone: Website: This program is for children aged 3-5 years old. Children will enjoy time with the librarian as we read, sing, and share our love of books. Registration is Required. Call the K amloops or North Kamloops Library for schedule dates, times and availablity. (250) 554-1124 250-372-5145 www.tnrdlib.ca StrongStart Early Learning Centres Description: Drop in program for families with children five and under. A place to participate with your child in a warm and supportive environment. Registration with birth certificate required. ************************************************************************** Bumblebees Family Centrre at A rthur H atton Elemenatary 315 Chestnut A ve, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday , Fridays 8:30am -11:30am, Wednesdays 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Phone: 250-376-7217 Email: ww w.ahatton.sd73.bc.ca ************************************************************************* Dragonflies at Marion Schilling Elementary 2200 Park Drive Monday through Friday 8:45 am to 11:45 pm Phone: 250-372 -2027 ************************************************************************** Eagles ’ Nest at South S ahali Elementary 1585 Summit Drive Monday to Friday 8:45am-11:45am Phone: 250-374-2451 ************************************************************************** Strong Start at AE Perry E lementary, 1380 Sherbrooke A ve M onday to Friday 8:3 Teen Advisory Board at Kamloops Library Description: Phone: Contact: Know a teen? Ask about the Teen A dvi sory Board at North Kamloops Library. The Teen Advisory B oard meets the last Wednesday of the. This is a Spring program , please call for dates and m ore information. (250) 554-1124 Joelle Samson Page 47 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Website: [email protected] www.tnrdlib.ca Tiny Tunes Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Website: Babies and Tots! Moms and Pops! Join us for a jiggle, a boucne and a dancing rhyme; a story and lullaby for sleepytime! Call both library locations for schedule of dates and times. (250) 372-5145 Kmaloops Library 250-554-1124 www.tnrdlib.ca Volunteer Kamloops: LINK Description: Phone: Website: Connects youth and adults with short and longterm volunteer opportunities. (250) 372-8313 www.volunteerkamloops.org Y Child Interactive Play and Learn Centres Description: Phone: Email: Website: Child-oriented centers designed for parents and their children. Parents can share experiences, form new friendships, and have access to parentingrelated resources. Locations: Drop In Centre /South West 1420 HighAllan Drive Monday - Friday 9:00am - 12 noon North Hills Mall Y North S hore Monday - S aturday 8:30am - 1:00pm Monday - Thursday 3:30pm - 7:45pm Y members free of charge, non memeber $3.00 per child, babies under 6 months free. (250) 372-7791 [email protected] www.kamloopsy.org Children: Support Services Aboriginal Suicide Critical Incident Response Team Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Provides prevention, intervention and postvention education, training and support to Aboriginal comm unities to protect children and youth from the risk of suicide and related issues. This serves a catchment of K amloops and area, Clearwater, Barriere, S almon Arm to Enderby. Hours of Operation:Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 responseteam@w hitebuffalo.name BC Family Residence Program Description: The program provides accommodation subsidies for families with a child, aged 18 years and under, who requires medical care at BC Children's Hospital or S unny Hill Health Centre for Children, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns. Accomm odation is arranged at convenient locations in the V ancouver area so that a family is able to stay close by while their child is receiving m edical care. The program provides accommodation assistance to a family for one room for up to 30 days per stay. To qualify for assistance with accommodation costs, families must: * be residents of B.C. and have medical insurance coverage under the Medical Services Plan of BC, and * have a child who is receiving medical care at B C Page 48 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: Children's Hospital or Sunny Hill Health Centre for C hildren, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns, and * live outside *Metro Vancouver Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:0am-4:00pm 1 (866) 649 -6946 www.bcfamilyresidence.gov.bc.ca Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kamloops and Region Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Provides children ages 6 - 16 from single-parent homes with the friendship and guidance of an adult volunteer who has been carefully screened. The "B ig and Little M atch" are expected to spend two to four hours each week together. Sports Mentor: This is a program for sports enthusiasts w ho are ready, willing, and able to volunteer as a m entor. Sports Little: A ny accepted Little, male or female who is from a s ingle -parent family who has expressed a serious interest in a sport and has a desire to pursue this interest. Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (877) 722 -8099 (250) 374-6134 [email protected] 821 Seymour Street www.bbbskamloops.ca Boys and Girls Club: Active Minds Preschool Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: This one -of-a-kind kindergarten readiness preschool program assists learning through physical activity with a focus on pre-kindergarten curriculum. Children exercise for up to 50 m inutes each class. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Circle of Friends Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Circle of Friends is a safe place where children aged 6-12 gather to talk and move through the stages of loss. Loss, for the purpose of this group, is defined as any difficult situation the child identifies him or herself as having trouble coping with and can include the death of a family member, divorce, family separation, moving, or issues related to substance abuse or substance influence. Children are encouraged to seek and identify coping strategies to help them deal with their feelings and frustrations. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Club Support Description: Phone: The Club S upport Social Worker is an additional resource available to all programs and families with the B oys and Girls Club of K amloops; s ervices may include Boys and Girls Club program referrals, comm unity program/agency referrals, information/research, care plans and advocacy. (250) 554-5437 Page 49 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Address: Website: Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Cool Moves Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Cool Moves is a Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada Program that helps children 8 to 12 years of age "play cool" by incorporating physical activity into their daily lives and "eat smart" by learning about how to make healthy food choices. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Little Club Kids Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Little Club Kids Child Care offers licensed child care to families with children ages one month to five years of age. The program is staffed by qualified Early Childhood E ducators. The goal of Little C lub Kids Child Care is to provide a warm, loving, and caring environment where children can reach their full potential. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Power Start Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Boys & Girls C lub of Kamloops in partnership with S .D. #73 offers a unique program called Power Start. This program includes transportation to targeted schools for children from their home starting at 7:15 am. Once at school, children may participate in breakfast, and then join Club staff and volunteers from Urban Systems and the West Rotary Club in movement, relaxation, grooming and organizing for school. When school begins, children head off to their classrooms ready to learn with a nutritious snack for recess. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Power Up! Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Power Up is a national B oys and Girls C lub of Canada after school homework support program operating from several several schools in District #73. Power Up is developed around three core components which include social-recreational, nutritional, and educational support. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] Page 50 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Child and Youth Mental Health Description: Phone: Phone: Website: Ministry of Families and C hildren D evelopment provides a wide range of services to help children and youth with mental health issues. These services are provided directly by ministry staff or by community agencies working under contract. All of these services are free to BC residents and are voluntary. Locations: 210 -1165 Battle S t 201 -905 Southill St (250) 371-3648 250-554-5800 North Shore location www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/mental_health Child Care Resource and Referral Description: Child Care Resource and Referral assist people in connecting to the m ost current information on a wide variety of supports and services that the Kamloops Comm unity Y MCA -YWCA has to offer. S upporting families and child care providers with: Finding Daycare; Interactive Play and Learn Drop In Centre; Lending Library; Resources; Consultations; Assistance with subsidy applications; Nobody's P erfect Parenting C lasses and various other workshops; P rofessional Development for Care Providers; Starting Daycare We link families and child care providers in the communities of K amloops, Merritt, Cache Creek, A shcroft, Chase, Logan Lake, Lytton, Lillooet, Clearwater and Clinton by offering free consultation, support, and referral services to parents seeki ng child care. Child care providers are supported through information, outreach, resource library networking and learning opportunities. (250) 372-7791 [email protected] www.childcarechoices.ca Phone: Email: Website: More Information: /DirectoryA ttachments/8152012_125917_210_CCRR _Services_Promo_Ad_Pub_PDF_Draft_2.pdf Children and Youth With Special Needs Description: Website: The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) funds a range of programs and services for children and youth with special needs and their families. Services and supports are intended to promote children’s healthy development, maximize quality of life, assist families in their role as primary caregivers and support full participation in comm unity life. www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/spec_needs/index.htm Children Who Witness Abuse Description: Phone: Website: A non -crisis intervention, community -based program to interrupt or break the cycle of intergenerational abuse. Individual and group support; community education. (250) 376-7800 www.kamloopsy.org Children's Therapy and Family Resource Centre Description: Provides various therapies to children with special needs (birth to 19 years); offers support to their families and to the community. Intensive program for children under six with Autism Spectrum D isorder. Office Hours: 8:30am - Page 51 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: 4:30pm (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Road www.kamloopschildrentherapy.org Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, BC and Yukon Chapter Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada works with the community to provide children living with high-risk, life threatening illnesses the opportunity to realize their m ost heartfelt wish. Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am -5:00pm 1 (800) 026 -9474 (604) 299-2241 Reception bc@c hildrenswish.ca 4240 Manor St B urnaby B C V5G 1B2 www.childrenswish.ca/ Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Provides therapy for children and adults with Autism Spectrum D isorder. (AS D) Office Hours :8:00am-3:30pm (250) 376-6494 [email protected] 1111 Tranquille Road K amloops www.chrisrosecentre.com Christmas Amalgamated Description: Phone: Provides gifts for children and Christmas dinner hampers for people with lowincome. Operated from November to December 24th yearly. P hone listing in effect during seasonal time. (250) 376-0777 Circle of Friends Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: A program for children who are experiencing any type of loss. Sponsorship is available to cover the $10 fee. Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-5437 203 [email protected] 1515 South Island P arkway, McA rthur Island Kamloops www.bgckamloops.com Developing Capable Kids Workshop Description: This one day workshop for parents, parent advisory council reps, teachers, school administrators, social workers, child care workers, counselors and those who provi de services and support to children, youth and families will help to address the growing concerns regarding our children and youth. Please see www.resiliencyinstitute.com for further info. The one day seminar, September 22nd, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Henry Grube E ducation C entre. The cost of $15.00 includes a li ght lunch and coffee. C all 250-554-1176 to register. Page 52 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Easter Seal Houses Description: Toll Free: Website: Open to families of children and adult patients required to travel to Vancouver or Victoria for medical care. please call Easter House for rates and availability. For Information and Reservation Requests: 1 -800 -818 -3666 Vancouver 1 -877 -718 -3388 Victoria 1 (800) 081 -3666 www.lionsbc.ca/ Eating Disorder Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Comprehensive program for children, youth and adults who are experiencing problems related to disordered eating. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:305:00pm (250) 377-6500 Intake Services 235 Lansdowne S treet Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers for Recovery Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Weekly grassroots drop-in support group for mothers (conception onward) struggling or continuing with recovery from alcohol and/or drugs. Support in accessing Ministry Children Families Development advocacy, legal advocacy, emergency bus tickets, and more. C hildren w elcome (free childminding on-site). Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria St, Kamloops www.kfrs.ca Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Line Description: Toll Free: An advocacy for grandparents helping them to better understand benefits, legal rights and access to services. Monday, Tuesday,Thursday Friday 11:00am - 3:00pm 1 (855) 547 -9777 Help Line for Children In Kamloops Description: Phone: Phone: Website: For children and youth in crisis or for anyone concerned about a child or youth (250) 554-5800 310-1234 Toll Fee No area code required in BC www.safekidsbc.ca/helpline.htm In-School Mentoring Program Description: Elementary school children w ho might benefit from some one-on-one time are matched with a carefully screened, caring, reliable adult who visits with Page 53 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: the child at their school for one hour weekly. The cultural needs of youth are considered. (250) 374-6134 www.bbbskamloops.ca Interior Community Services: Courtyard Child Care Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Courtyard Child Care is a licensed child care facility providing exceptional care to children age 30 months to school age. A ll of the food is provided, as well as a kindergarten pick-up/drop-off service at South S ahali school. (250) 372-9117 daycare@ interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca 1580 Summ it Drive www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/programs/courtyard -daycare Interior Community Services: Kamloops Early Language & Literacy Initiative Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Kamloops Early Language and Literacy Initiative is comprised of a partnership of early childhood professionals, community members and parents, all with a commitment to building early language and literacy skills in preschool children. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Transitional Support to Children Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides support to children and their families, in the process of adoption and/or significant transition with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, in preparing for permanency. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Residential Mentorship Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A supported independent living program for youth . Referrals are made through the M inistry of Children and Family Development. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: A Childs ROOTS are Forever Description: The "R OOTS" project is a Ministry initiative that focuses on reducing the number of A boriginal children in care. To ensure that each child in the Ministries care has the best possible plan and needs, while also supporting Page 54 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Address: Website: and encouraging the connection for Aboriginal children with their family and Aboriginal community. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Child and Youth Mental Health Wellness Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Wellness coordinator will help build a wellness network, support the Aboriginal Development Clinicians and provide mental health promotion. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 376-1296 Susan @ K amloops A boriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Family Preservation and Youth Services Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The" team" for this program provides culturally approriate services to children, youth and their families needing support. P rovide in home immediate crisis counselling, refer families to appropriate resources if necessary. Some of the services offered are Family C ourt Advocacy, Family Support,Mentor Ship,Counseling and Drop-In. The Parenting program and Anger Management for kids program are both 8 week session that you need to register for. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Parent and Children Drop-In Group Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: This popular group of parents with children 0-6 years old gives you the chance to meet other caregivers and gather information. It is an opportunity for children to enjoy playtime, peer interaction, socialize, snacks, story time and crafts. Thursday Mornings from 10:30am -12noon at 2355 Parkcrest Ave. Lunch is provided. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Under the Eagles Wing Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Where parents and caregivers with children ages 0-6 share and gather information. It is an opportunity for children to enjoy playtime, peer interaction, socialize, snacks, party time, crafts and parent education. Monday mornings 10:00am -12:30pm. Lunch is provided. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave Page 55 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.iifs.ca Kamloops Child Development Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Child care and after-school programs for children nine months to twelve years, with or without speci al or developmental needs. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00am - 5:30pm (250) 376-2233 Reception [email protected] www.cdckamloops.com Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Individual and group counselling for males and females of all ages who have experienced sexual violence, abuse and/or partnership assault at any point in their lives, from infancy onward. (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve http:// w ww.ksacc.ca Kelty Resource Centre Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: A provincial resource centre linking children, youth and their families with appropriate resources in all areas of mental health, eating disorders and addictions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday9:30am - 5:00pm Located in B C Children's Hospital 1 (800) 066 -1822 [email protected] #85-Rm P3 -302 3rd Floor 4500 Oak S treet, V ancouver, BC www.keltymentalhealth.ca Kids Help Phone Description: Toll Free: Website: Kids Help P hone is a free, anonym ous and confidential phone and on -line professional counselling service for youth. B ig or Small concerns 24/7, 365 days a year. 1 (800) 066 -6868 www.kidshelpphone.ca Patient Care Grants Description: Toll Free: Contact: Website: For families of children with disabilities, helps cover the costs of orthotics, prosthetics and wheelchair m odifications. Business Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday 1 (800) 081 -3666 Sheila www.lionsbc.ca/ Promoting Safe Schools Together Description: PSS TWorld is a place for students to connect, post original projects & opinion share safely. PSS TW orld also popularizes a proven safety-tip line (Report It!) that is activated w ithin each P SSTWorld partner school district. Students, staff & parents are encouraged to report dangerous school incidents (witnessed, experienced or heard) directly & anonymously to school district safety professionals using the 'Report It!' button. Report It! tips may be Page 56 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Website: related to bullying, cyber-bullying, abuse, drug/sex/weapons crimes, suicide, vandalism, threat of school attack and other dangerous incidents. (604) 629-7975 [email protected] www.psstw orld.com Raven Program Description: Phone: Contact: Website: To young people under 19 who are directly or indirectly experiencing problems due to substance misuse. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am 4:00pm (250) 374-4634 Phoenix Centre http:// w ww.phoenixcentre.org/ Representative for Children and Youth Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Supports children, youth and families who need help in dealing with the childserving system, and advocates for changes to the system itself. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 047 -3933 [email protected] www.rcybc.ca Salvation Army: Birthday Club Description: Phone: Contact: Website: When supplies are available, S alvation Army w ill provide a birthday cake and gift to a child, 16 years or under (must show ID). P lease give as much notice as possible (minimum two days). A rrangements can be m ade by phone. (250) 554-1611 [email protected] www.salvationarmy.ca/Kamloops Secwepemc Child and Family Services Description: Phone: Email: Website: Providing child protection and the prevention of abuse and neglect of Aboriginal children. A lso providing a variety of related support services for Aboriginal families and children including A boriginal Infant D evelopment/ Supported child development, Aboriginal Child and Youth M ental Health, Aboriginal Family Group Conferencing, and family support. Urban-based office located at 2 -726A Sydney Ave Kamloops BC V 2B 1M9. Phone 250 461-7237. On -Reserve office located at 300 Chilcotin Road, Kamloops BC V2H 1G3. Phone 250-314-9669. H ours of operation Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. (250) 314-9669 [email protected] www.secwepemcfamilies.org Shriner Care Cruiser Description: Toll Free: Email: Medical transportation is available for children and youth up to age 18 chaperoned by an adult, pregnant woman(up to seven months and not highrisk) to facilities as BC Children's Hospital, Canuck Place, S unny Hill and Women's Health Centre. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -5437 [email protected] Page 57 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.shriners.bc.ca Shriner Patient Program Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Website: Assisting B C and Yukon families children havi ng burn care and orthopedic care needs. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -5437 Marina [email protected] www.schriners.bc.ca Supported Child Development Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Working with families and community care providers to help m eet the exceptional needs of all children up to 12 years of age in neighbourhood child care settings. 1 (855) 537 -4100 (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Road www.kamloopschildrenstherapy.org The F.O.R.C.E. Society for Kids' Mental Health Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Provides families with an opportunity to speak w ith other families w ho understand and may be able to offer support or advice on what has worked for them. The F.O.R.C.E. also provides families and professionals with information, tools, and tips on how to support and assist children with mental health difficulties. The mandate is to support and empower families and work collaboratively with professionals and systems in understanding and meeting the mental health needs of families. (604) 878-3400 [email protected] www.forcesociety.com Variety: The Children's Charity Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Raising funds and distributing grants throughout BC to inspire hope, enrich lives, and build a better future for children who have special needs. 310-KIDS (5437) Toll Free - no area code required (604) 320-0505 [email protected] www.variety.bc.ca White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Holistic services in addictions, supported infant and child development, health and wellness, as well as aw areness programs for youth, community and professionals. Providing relevant and updated information to help clients fulfill their health needs. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] Page 58 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: KEHIW AWASIS (Baby Eagle Program) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A child and family centered program inclusive of Aboriginal and nonAboriginal children ages 0-12 who have a developmental delay. A variety of supports are offered to the family. 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] 517A Tranquille R oad www.whitebuffalo.name Chronic Illness Alzheimer Society of B.C. Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of A lzheimer's disease and other dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cures. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 088 -6946 (250) 377-8200 [email protected] 405- 235 1St Ave Kamloops www. alzheimer ASK Wellness Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Awareness, education and support for anyone with chronic health issues, the marginalized, and persons at risk. Services include street outreach, client advocacy, client support, and assistance with housing issues. Mondays 10:00am - 4:30pm Tuesday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -7541 (250) 376-7558 reception [email protected] www.askwellness.ca BC Coalition of People With Disabilities Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: For over 30 years, the B C Coalition of People with Dissabilities (B CCPD) has been a provi ncial, cross-disability voice in B ritich Columbia. Our mission is to support people with all dissabili ties to liv with dignity, independenace and as equal and full participants in society. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -1278 feedback@ bccpd.bc.ca 204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver, B C, V5Y 1R3 www.bccpd.bc.ca BC's Premium Assistance: Coverage for Chiropractic, Massage, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Description: Persons on P remium Assistance can access ten therapy appointments per year with reduced charges. Persons with enhanced medical benefits through Page 59 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: welfare may apply for more visits when there is acute need. This toll free number requires time for you to direct your call to the correct department so extra time is required when calling. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.hibc.gov.bc.ca BC's Premium Assistance: Regular or Temporary Description: Toll Free: Website: Relief of partial or full medical premiums, depending on individual or family incomes, including while temporarily low er than usual. This toll free number requires that you listen to the directory to direct your call and requires extra time. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.hibc.gov.bc.ca Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits (Service Canada) Description: Toll Free: Website: A monthly pension available to any adult --including a young adult-- who meets all criteria, including sufficient contributions. 1 (800) 027 -9914 www.servicecanada.gc.ca Canadian Red Cross Description: Phone: Website: Helping people deal with situations that threaten their survival and safety, security and well-being, and their human dignity in Canada and around the world. Local programs include loans of medical equipment. Mondays 9:30am -1:00pm Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-4:00pm National office for Donations: 1800-418-1111 (250) 372-2334 www.redcross.ca Children's Therapy and Family Resource Centre Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Provides various therapies to children with special needs (birth to 19 years); offers support to their families and to the community. Intensive program for children under six with Autism Spectrum D isorder. Office Hours: 8:30am 4:30pm (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Road www.kamloopschildrentherapy.org Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, BC and Yukon Chapter Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada works with the community to provide children living with high-risk, life threatening illnesses the opportunity to realize their m ost heartfelt wish. Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am -5:00pm 1 (800) 026 -9474 (604) 299-2241 Reception bc@c hildrenswish.ca 4240 Manor St B urnaby B C V5G 1B2 www.childrenswish.ca/ Page 60 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Chronic Pain Anonymous Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Chronic Pain Anonymous is a 12 step-based program that helps those suffering from chronic pain m anage and cope with pain-related issues. (778) 471-6488 Rachel Kilback [email protected] 778-471-6488 Rachel Kilback [email protected] www.chemicaldependency.ca Compassionate Coverage Description: If needed, many pharmaceutical companies will provide prescribed medications at low or no cost. Contact the company directly. Fair Pharmacare Description: Toll Free: Website: To qualify for lower premiums and decreased annual prescription cost, you must complete the Pharmacare registration form. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.health.gov.bc.ca/pharmacare/plani/planiindex.htm l Family Support Institute Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Connecting families who have a child with a disability with other families for help finding or accessing programs, respite options, education concerns and opportunities, etc. (250) 314-5026 Mary www.familysupportbc.com First Nations and Inuit Health Non-Insured Health Benefits Description: Toll Free: Website: Provide financial services if eligible for services such as prescriptions, travel, counselling services, medical plan services, acceptions and appeals for services not covered through other programs, 1 (800) 031 -7878 www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fniah-spnia/index-eng.php Healing Pathway (Energy) Description: Phone: Free sessions offered weekly September through June for hands on energy treatments. Tuesday Evenings: 4:00pm - 6:00pm by appointment only . Please call the K amloops United Church at 250-372-3020 to book an appointment. W ednesday E venings: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Drop In (250) 337-2730 Home and Community Care Description: Phone: Help to remain at home, transition to full-time, professional care in a residential facility, or anything in between. Respite for caregivers also available. Phone Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm Voice messaging can be left after hours. (250) 851-7900 Page 61 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: http:// w ww.interiorhealth.ca HOPE Air Description: Toll Free: Website: Hope Air has been arranging free flights to get financially -disadvantaged Canadians to the healthcare they need. Hope A ir is the only registered, national charity that provides free flights to people who cannot afford the cost of an airline ticket to get to medical expertise or specialized m edical technologies that usually exist only in larger urban centres. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm Eastern Time 1 (877) 734 -4673 www.hopeair.org Kamloops Adult Day Program Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Offers a day out for people who are living at home or with family and may be at risk of losing their independence. Includes bathing programs, administering of medications, therapeutic recreation programs, social activities, support. (250) 851-7900 Home and Community Care Program www.interiorhealth.ca Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association Description: Phone: Email: Website: Offers persons with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of horseback riding. Hours of Operation: March - November Monday - Thursday 9:00am -4:00pm November thru February hours reduced, please call in advance. (250) 554-3811 ktrainstructor@ gmail.com www.ktrahome.ca Ministry of Social Development: Life-Threatening Conditions Program Description: Toll Free: Website: The Ministry may provide specific health supplements (medical equipment, medical supplies and medical transportation) to persons who are not otherw ise eligible for assistance but w ho face a direct and imm ediate life threatening health need and have no other resources to m eet that need. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Ministry of Social Development Description: Programs include income assistance; Y ou may be eligible if you’re: · out of work or earning very little; · aw aiti ng other income; · unable to work; or, · in immediate need of food, shelter or urgent medical attention E ligibility and monthly assistance rates depend on income and asset levels and the number of people in the family unit. If it is determined that an applicant has an immediate need, eligibility will be determined on an urgent basis. H ardship assistance may be issued in some situations when an individual is not eligible for income assistance For Income Assistance information and services please call toll free 1 866 866-0800 or visit your local Employm ent and Income Assistance Office. If you are interested in applying for B C Employment and A ssistance, please access the Self Serve A ssessment and Application (SSA A) through: https://www.iaselfserve.gov.bc.ca/HomePage.aspx Business H ours: 8:30am - Page 62 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Contact: Website: 4:30pm Monday to Friday 1 (866) 686 -0800 Ministry of S ocial Development www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Ministry of Social Development: Enhanced Medical Coverage Description: Toll Free: Website: For those with disabilities who are not able to work, the ministry provides the security of income assistance along w ith enhanced medical coverage under Employment and A ssistance for P ersons with Disabilities. More information on this can be accessed through: http://www.sd.gov.bc.ca/P UBLICAT/bcea/pwd.htm 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd MS Society: Disability Transportation Information Description: Toll Free: Phone: Address: Website: The MS S ociety can provide you with a package of information re: travel discounts, fuel reimbursements, etc, available to people with disabilities. 1 (888) 830 -6622 (250) 314-0773 275A Seymour St Kamloops B C www.mssociety.ca/bc/pdf/disability_resource_manual.pdf Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry Description: Phone: Email: Website: A resource for anyone planning for when they may require help to manage their affairs due to episodic, temporary, or permanent incapacity. Suitable for people seeking an alternative to court -appointed and public guardianship, and people who are currently supporting others with planning and decisionmaking. A lso operates a centralized registry for E nduring P owers of A ttorney, Representation A greements and revocations of such documents. (604) 408-7414 [email protected] http:// w ww.nidus.ca People In Motion Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Services for persons with any kind of disability, visible or invisible. Provi de assistance, information, "disabled parking" permits, recreational and fitness, programs, social programs and accessible camp for people with disabili ties. Sixteen passenger para-transit bus available for charter. Life skill s training and basic cooking skills training are also available. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm TDD available on our listed phone number. 1 (877) 741 -4241 (250) 376-7878 People In Motion [email protected] 182B Tranquille R oad www.peopleinmotion.org/ Personal Supports Information Line Description: A Toll Free Personal Support Information line where agents can either provide a range of information or connect the caller w ith the government Page 63 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Email: Website: program that provides the equipment or assistive aid. 1 (888) 881 -1211 [email protected] www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Representation Agreement Resource Centre Description: Now called 'Nidus P ersonal P lanning Resource Centre and Registry'. Please see that heading in this category. Self-Management Programs Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The University of |Victoria Self-Management Program is offering a free workshop for adults wanting to learn scientific, evidence -based strategies and techniques for better management of chronic pain, diabetes or any other chronic health condition. W eekly (Six 2.5 hour sessions) fun & interactive workshops proven to be helpful in better managing chronic health issues & pain. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm with after hours voice messaging. 1 (866) 690 -3767 selfm [email protected] www.selfmanagementbc.ca Special Authority Request Program Description: Website: Enabling a physician to request coverage from the Ministry of H ealth for the cost of specific medications to be covered. www.health.gov.bc.ca/pharmacare/sa/saindex.html Urban Native Health Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Prevention support and primary health care. Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am-4:30pm (250) 376-1991 Renata 119-125 Palm Street Variety: The Children's Charity Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Raising funds and distributing grants throughout BC to inspire hope, enrich lives, and build a better future for children who have special needs. 310-KIDS (5437) Toll Free - no area code required (604) 320-0505 [email protected] www.variety.bc.ca Chronic Illness Support by Diagnosis AIDS and Disability Action Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Contact: A provincial, cross -disability voice. Business Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am 4:30pm Voice Messaging available after hours. 1 (877) 723 -7400 (604) 875-0188 Shelly TDD Page 64 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.bccpd.bc.ca AIDS Vancouver Helpline Description: Phone: Email: Website: Anonymous and confidential telephone, email and online support for people with questions regarding HIV and/or AIDS . Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (604) 696-4666 [email protected] www.aidsvancouver.org/helpline Allergy and Asthma Information Association Description: Phone: Email: Website: Aim is to create safer envi ronments and improve quality of life for Canadians affected by allergy, asthma, and anaphylaxis by empow ering individuals and providing education, leadership, and a national voice (250) 374-4531 [email protected] www.aaia.ca ALS Society of BC Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Support to those living with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig Disease. Provides monthly support meetings, equipment loans, caregiver's workshops, and newsletters. Raises funds for research. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30- 4:30pm 1 (800) 070 -3228 (604) 278-2257 [email protected] 1233-13351 Commerce Parkw ay, Richmond, BC www.alsbc.ca Alzheimer Society of B.C. Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of A lzheimer's disease and other dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cures. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 088 -6946 (250) 377-8200 [email protected] 405- 235 1St Ave Kamloops www. alzheimer Arthritis Resource Guide for BC Description: Website: ARGBC website which has been developed for people w ith A rthritis and their health care providers. It offers you the ability to find resources in your area that can help meet your particular needs. www.argbc.ca Arthritis Society Description: Toll Free: The Arthritis Society is the only not -for -profit organization in C anada uniquely devoted to promoting and funding arthritis research based solutions, education, as well as community support for Canadians living w ith arthritis. 1 (800) 032 -1433 Page 65 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Contact: Address: Website: [email protected] Interior Okanagan R egional Office 150A -1855 Kirschner Rd, K elowna BC www.arthritis.ca ASK Wellness Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Awareness, education and support for anyone with chronic health issues, the marginalized, and persons at risk. Services include street outreach, client advocacy, client support, and assistance with housing issues. Mondays 10:00am - 4:30pm Tuesday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -7541 (250) 376-7558 reception [email protected] www.askwellness.ca Autism Kamloops Phone: Contact: Email: (250) 376-5495 Betty A nn autismkamloops@shaw .ca Autism Society of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Providing support to individuals with autism and their families in British Columbia. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm 1 (888) 843 -0880 [email protected] 303-3701 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC www.autismbc.ca British Columbia Schizophrenia Society Description: Phone: Email: Support and education for family and friends of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or other serious and persistent mental illness. (250) 319-7667 gbagri@ bcss.org Canadian Cancer Society Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Support groups, visitor programs and assistance. Emergency A id Program provides assistance where needed with costs of transportation, drugs, supplies, accommodation, treatm ent. A lso, education about detection and prevention of cancer. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm (250) 374-9188 kamloops@ bc.cancer.ca 280 Victoria S t W est K amloops B C V2C 1A4 www.cancer.ca Canadian Cancer Society: Cancer Information Service Description: Comprehensive information and support on cancer and community resources. National-Bilingual T oll Free S ervice Monday - Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm. Page 66 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Email: Website: 1 (888) 893 -3333 [email protected] www.cancer.ca Canadian Celiac Association, Kamloops Chapter Description: Phone: Email: Email: Website: Information, advice, and support for individuals with celiac disease on a gluten-free diet. (250) 374-6185 [email protected] [email protected] www.celiac.ca Canadian Diabetes Association Interior BC Region Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Supports people living with diabetes through research, advocacy, education and services. We are supported in our efforts by a community-based network of volunteers, employees, healthcare professionals, researchers and partners. Monday-Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm (250) 762-9447 glenna.armstrong@ diabetes.ca 1589 Sutherland Ave, Kelowna BC www.diabetes.ca Canadian Liver Foundation Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The Canadian Liver Foundation aims to promote liver health and reduce the incidence and impact of liver disease by providing support for research and education into the causes, diagnoses, prevention and treatm ent of liver disease. Through its LIVE Right initiative, the CLF provides Canadians of all ages with positive, preventative and practical advice and tools to help them safeguard their liver health in daily life. Office Hours:Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 085 -7266 [email protected] www.liver.ca Cerebral Palsy Information Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Referring people to government or community programs based on need expressed. Has support worker to help address challenges faced by families with a person with cerebral palsy Providing guides to the public and to people living with cerebral palsy.Providing online and hard copy resources on topics such as preparing one's will, advocacy, self-advocacy and other subjects. Books and video on topics such as cerebral palsy and other disability related issues. Giving presentations for the community, businesses, schools etc. 1 (800) 066 -0004 [email protected] 330-409 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1T2 www.bccerebralpalsy.com Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism Description: Provides therapy for children and adults with Autism Spectrum D isorder. (AS D) Office Hours :8:00am-3:30pm Page 67 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: (250) 376-6494 [email protected] 1111 Tranquille Road K amloops www.chrisrosecentre.com Chronic Pain Association of Canada Description: Phone: Email: Website: Resources, research and education regarding chronic pain. Collect calls welcome. (780) 482-6727 questions@ chronicpaincanada.com www.chronicpaincanada.com Chronic Viral Hepatitis (Liver) Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Information and assessment by a gastroenterologist. Referal by physician required for assessment. (250) 851-7434 Marilyn www.interiorhealth.ca Community Respiratory Program Description: Phone: Address: Registered respiratory therapists provide respiratory treatments and services within the patients residence and the hospital clinic. Provide home oxygen program assessments, asthma education to pediatric and adult patients provided. Communication back to physician and rest of care team on assessments provided. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:00pm (250) 314-2514 Royal Inland Hospital Alumni T ower 3rd Floor Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada Kamloops Chapter Description: Phone: Contact: Email: A world leader in Inflammatory B owel Disease research funding. Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada 1-800-387-1479 Head Office (250) 376-4090 Mary Jane [email protected] Diabetes Education Centre Description: Phone: Address: Offers a team approach to self-managing diabetes within a class or one-toone setting. Physician Referral Required. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 314-2457 ROyal Inland Hospital 5th Floor Alumni Tower Diabetes Support and Self Help Group Description: Phone: Contact: Contact: Learning and sharing hints to help in the diabetes journey. (778) 470-8316 Marg Diane 250-579 -2526 Eating Disorder Program Page 68 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Extension: Website: Comprehensive program for children, youth and adults who are experiencing problems related to disordered eating. (250) 377-6500 Ask for an Intake W orker www.interiorhealth.ca Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Research, education and advocacy about heart and stroke health issues. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 372-3938 [email protected] 729 Victoria S treet, K amloops www.heartandstroke.bc..ca InspireHealth: Kelowna, BC Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Integrative Cancer Care Monday-Friday 9:00am -4:30pm (250) 861-7125 info -kel@ inspirehealth.ca 123-565 Burnard A ve K elow na BC www.inspirehealth.ca InspireHealth: Vancouver, BC Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Integrative cancer care. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm 1 (888) 873 -7125 (604) 734-7125 [email protected] 200-1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver B C www.inspirehealth.ca Kamloops Autism Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: K.A.P. provides a multidisciplinary child and family centered program that identifies each child’s individual strengths and needs. The program builds upon these skills and competencies in a posi tive and supportive way. The goals of the program are to enable children diagnosed with Autism S pectrum Disorder ( AS D), to achieve maximum independence and to enjoy the highest possible quality of life w ithin their family and comm unity. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30pm (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Rd, K amloops www.kamloopschildrenstherapy.org Kamloops Prostate Cancer Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: A support group for men diagnosed or requiring more information. S pouse and family members also welcome to attend. Meetings: Every 3rd Saturday of each m onth. Meetings held at the Seniors A ctivity Centre- 9A Tranquille Road ( B rock Shopping Centre) (250) 376-4011 Larry Page 69 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Website: larube_kam1@ shaw.ca www.prostatecancer.ca Kelty Resource Centre Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: A provincial resource centre linking children, youth and their families with appropriate resources in all areas of mental health, eating disorders and addictions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday9:30am - 5:00pm Located in B C Children's Hospital 1 (800) 066 -1822 [email protected] #85-Rm P3 -302 3rd Floor 4500 Oak S treet, V ancouver, BC www.keltymentalhealth.ca Kidney Foundation of Canada: BC Branch Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Providing education and support; raising and providing funds for research and information relating to kidney disease. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 056 -8112 [email protected] 200-4940 Canada W ay B urnaby, B C V5G 4K6 www.kidney.bc.ca Lung Association of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, advocacy and research. 1 (800) 066 -5864 [email protected] 2675 Oak Street, V ancouver, BC V 6H 2K 2 www.bc.lung.ca Lung Health Program Description: Phone: The Lung Health Program is a 6 week program that teaches people with Chronic Lung Disease (COPD, Emphysema, Pulmonary Fibrosis and Asthma) to self-manage through education sessions and supervised group exercises. It runs Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 -3 pm at the TCC indoor track a physician referral is required for clients to participate in a graded exercise program. The Lung Health office is located in the D owntown Health Center at Lansdowne village. Office hours are Tuesday -Thursday 8-4 (although I am at the TCC track in the afternoons). P lease call if you have questions about our program. (250) 851-7954 Mending Hearts Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: A support and information group for people with heart conditions. Can provide information on how to live with heart disease. (250) 374-8468 Dick Weller [email protected] Jean Highlands 250 -851 -8342 Motherisk: HIV Help Line Page 70 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Toll Free: Website: Provides information about HIV and pregnancy to women, couples, health professionals and the public. 1 (888) 824 -5840 www.motherisk.org MS Society of Canada, Kamloops and Area Chapter Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Resources, advocacy, support groups, information seminars, member meetings, and an equipment loan program. V olunteer Legal A dvocacy Program offers assistance with Canada Pension P lan, disability insurance, human rights, family law, w ills, estates, or other financial matters. Office Hours: Tuesday- Thursday 1 (888) 830 -6622 (250) 314-0773 [email protected] 275A Seymour St Kamloops http:// w ww.mssociety.ca/kamloops Muscular Dystrophy Canada Description: Toll Free: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Providing resources and referral services; hosts educational forums and workshops. Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 036 -8166 111 [email protected] 1401 West B roadway 7th Floor, Vancouver B C www.muscle.ca National Eating Disorder Information Centre Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides information and resources on eating disorders and food and weight preoccupation. P hone Lines : Monday- Friday 9:00am -9:00pm 1 (866) 663 -4220 [email protected] www.nedic.ca Positive Living Society of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Positive Living Society of B C exis ts to enable persons living with HIV/A IDS to empower themselves thru mutual support and collective action. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 099 -2437 [email protected] 1107 Seymour S t 2nd Floor Vancouver, B C www.positiveliving.org Positive Women's Network Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Offering education, support and resources for women living with HIV and for service providing communities that work with w omen and their families. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm 1 (866) 669 -3001 [email protected] www.pwn.bc.ca Page 71 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Post Polio Awareness and Support Society Description: Phone: Email: Website: Providing information about Post Polio Syndrome and to assure polio survivors w ho are encountering this problem that they are not alone in their struggle. Bi-Monthly newsletter sent to members. Office Hours: Mondays and Thursday 10:00am -2:00pm (250) 655-8849 [email protected] www.ppassbc.com Self-Management Programs Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The University of |Victoria Self-Management Program is offering a free workshop for adults wanting to learn scientific, evidence -based strategies and techniques for better management of chronic pain, diabetes or any other chronic health condition. W eekly (Six 2.5 hour sessions) fun & interactive workshops proven to be helpful in better managing chronic health issues & pain. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm with after hours voice messaging. 1 (866) 690 -3767 selfm [email protected] www.selfmanagementbc.ca Specific Carbohydrate Diet and GAPS Support Group Description: Email: Website: An online group sharing information for practicing the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and Gut and P sychology Syndrome (GAP S). Issues including allergies, asthma, autism spectrum disorders, celiac disease , crohn's and colitis. [email protected] www.gapsguide.com Youth CO AIDS Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website: Providing youth -specific HIV/A IDS peer support, education and services. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm 1 (855) 596 -8426 (604) 688-1441 [email protected] www.youthco.org Clothing ewayKamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Page 72 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Family Tree Family Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Drop-in for parents and caregivers with their children, from infancy to 6 years. Lunch, circle/craft time, social support, clothing exchange. S upport in accessing other community support services. On W ednesdays, a mental health counselor and infant development consultant are also present. (250) 377-6890 Susan Wright [email protected] 283 West Victoria St. www.kfrs.ca Lizzy's Closet Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Lizzy's Closet has free quality clothing for women accessing employment, education or in an emergency situation. This program is offered twice monthly. Call for dates! (250) 374-2119 204 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC www.kamloopsefry.com Ministry of Social Development: Clothing Supplement Description: A clothing supplement may be available for assistance w ith either a confirmed job, or for people in special care facilities. Eligibility is based on criteria such as minimal assets and low income. More information on this is available on our website. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Toll Free: Address: www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online_resource/general_supplements/confjob/resources_for_clients.html Website: www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online_resource/general_supplements/clothsupp/policy.htm l New Life Mission's Clothing Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Emergency clothing available to people in need. (250) 434-9898 New Life Mission 181 West Victoria St www.newlifemission.ca Salvation Army: Clothing Voucher Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: To people in need, provides vouchers for the The Salvation Army Thrift Store. (250) 554-1611 Salvation Army [email protected] www.salvationarmy.ca/Kamloops St. Vincent de Paul Help Office* Description: Help office is open on Tuesdays for interviews for clothing needs. Thrifts store is open Tuesday to Saturday 9:30am - 4:00pm. Page 73 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: (250) 554-0050 The Salvation Army: Thrift Store Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs of The Salvation A rmy. Monday - S aturday 9:30am - 4:30pm Drop offs betweeen 9:30 -4:00pm (250) 376-1110 [email protected] 533 Tranquille Road www.salvationarmy.ca/Kamloops Community Associations and Centers Aberdeen Community Association* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: The opportunity for Aberdeen residents to celebrate their community, plan and work together on comm unity projects and events and community pride. Check out our Facebook page at Aberdeen Community Association. (250) 828-1123 Carolyn Ronald or Dr. Twila B urgmann [email protected] Barnhartvale Community Association Description: Phone: Address: Website: The aim of the Barnhartvale Community Association is to maintain the community hall for comm unity use. We provide a facility to rent for priv ate functions and a venue for community meetings as well as non-profit groups. (250) 573-2124 www.barnhartvalehall.com www.barnhartvalehall.ca Dallas Community Association Description: Phone: Email: Website: A volunteer-driven, community services organization w orking to make Dallas a better place to live, work, play, learn and grow. Visit our website or Facebook page www.facebook.com/Dallas Community Assoc (250) 573-3553 [email protected] www.dca.kamloopscommunities.ca/ Desert Gardens Community Centre Description: Phone: Email: Address: Fun and friendship activities for members of the community. Downtown location. (250) 372-5110 [email protected] 540 Seymour St. Developing Capable Kids Workshop Description: This one day workshop for parents, parent advisory council reps, teachers, school administrators, social workers, child care workers, counselors and those who provi de services and support to children, youth and families will help to address the growing concerns regarding our children and youth. Please see www.resiliencyinstitute.com for further info. The one day seminar, September 22nd, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Henry Grube E ducation C entre. The Page 74 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: cost of $15.00 includes a li ght lunch and coffee. C all 250-554-1176 to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Friends of McDonald Park Community* Description: Phone: Contact: Working to m ake our neighbourhood a better place to live, work, play and learn.To foster, promote, encourage and improve community functions, events and comm unity pride. (250) 554-1285 Margaret Fun Laugh Friends 2014, Kamloops Description: Contact: Email: Website: New social group. Adults - join in our activities, individuals/couples, make new friends, have fun. Come as you are. Childfree couples encouraged to join. Games/card night, sports events, music, theatre, BB Q, progressive dinner, camping. Events are planned already. Wendy Makepeace [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/219934751527720/ Guerin Creek Estates Neighbourhood Association* Description: Email: Neighbours working together to develop and maintain a safe and beautiful area by addressing common concerns. Guerin.C [email protected] High Country Neighbourhood Association Description: Phone: Working to m ake our neighbourhood a better place to live, work, play and learn.To foster, promote, encourage and improve community functions, events and comm unity pride. (250) 374-7724 Jewish Community Center of Kamloops* Description: Contact: Email: Website: The Jewish Community in Kamloops is warm and welcoming, with people from all levels of observance. We offer programs regarding holidays as well as a program for youth and many more. Melanie S chlund [email protected] http://Kamloopsjewishcommunity.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/jewishcommunity -centre-of-kamloops-annual-general-meeting/ Juniper Ridge Community Association Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Working to m ake our neighbourhood a better place to live, work, play and learn.To foster, promote, encourage and improve community functions, events and comm unity pride. (250) 828-1820 Gillian S tephenson Juniper.RidgeCA@ gmail.com Page 75 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 2317 Qu'Appelle B lvd Kamloops, BC V2E 1T3 http://juniperridge.kamloops.com Kamloops Rent Bank Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The Rent Bank gives emergency loans to keep working people housed. W e welcome families and single people to apply. W e also offer Money Management to those who need assistance in m aking their money go further and last longer. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke [email protected] 250-374-2119 Janet Bakke [email protected] www.kamloopsefry.com Kamloops Visitor Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A visitor information centre where we can provide information on attractions, events, activities in Kamloops and area, as well as for the entire province. Hours of Operation: 9:00am to 5:00pm Days of Operation: - 7 days a week starting M ay Long Weekend and ending at the end of September, then Monday through Friday starting in October and lasting until the start of May Long Weekend 1 (800) 066 -1994 (250) 374-3377 [email protected] 1290 West Trans Canada Highway (by Exit 368) www.tourismkamloops.com Lizzy's Closet Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Lizzy's Closet has free quality clothing for women accessing employment, education or in an emergency situation. This program is offered twice monthly. Call for dates! (250) 374-2119 204 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC www.kamloopsefry.com New Community Associations* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The City of Kamloops provi des active engagement focused on the social, cultural, spiritual, cognitive, and recreational needs of our citizens and community. The City of Kamloops is excited to lend a helping hand in the creation, development, and continuation of strong neighborhood associations. Together we can ensure stronger communities by connecting people w ho share a vision for vibrant community living. (250) 828-3582 Ben [email protected] www.kamloops.ca Page 76 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 North Shore Community Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Facilities and programs serving the needs of businesses, resi dents and seniors of the K amloops North Shore. Call the North S hore Comm unity Centre for more information on all program services provi ded. (250) 376-4777 Manager nsccs@ shaw.ca 730 Cottonwood A ve K amloops, B C V2B 8M6 http://nsccs.webs.com/ Pineview Valley Community Society* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Working to m ake our neighbourhood a better place to live, work, play and learn.To foster, promote, encourage and improve community functions, events and comm unity pride. (250) 372-7304 Andrea Waymouth pineviewvalleycomm [email protected] www.groupspaces.com/PineviewValleyCommunityAssocia Rayleigh Community Improvement Society Description: Contact: Email: Working to m ake our neighbourhood a better place to live, work, play and learn.To foster, promote, encourage and improve community functions, events and comm unity pride. Reta Worrall [email protected] Schubert Enhancement Association* Description: Phone: Contact: Working to m ake our neighbourhood a better place to live, work, play and learn.To foster, promote, encourage and improve community functions, events and comm unity pride. (250) 554-0173 Carol Spicer Valleyview Community Association Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A positive voice for Valleyview resi dents. Involved with local City planning, especially the V alleyview S ilts Cliffs and Orchards W alk. (250) 372-8607 Frances Vyse [email protected] www.valleyview community.ca Westsyde Community Development Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Supporting good will and fellow ships among its memebers and the W estsyde Community, the aim of the WestsydeCommunity Development S oci ety is to foster, promote, encourage, and improve community functions and events, community pride, recreational sports, athletics, and education. (250) 579-9636 Steve Delaney, V P wcds@ westsyde.info Page 77 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: P.O. B ox #24046, #70 -700 Tranquille Road, K amloops, B C V2B 8R3 http://wcds.westsyde.info Computer and Internet CMHA Adult Clubhouse Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For those 19 years and over, w ith a diagnosed m ental health issue, a clubhouse offering services such as free internet, social outings and recreational support for members. Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 374-0440 Canadian M ental Health Association kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour St www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca CMHA Youth Clubhouse Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A youth-driven evening activity centre for those aged 13 to 18. A safe, supportive, drug and alcohol free environment. Music, arts, internet, support,and m ore. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 4:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m . Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (250) 374-0440 Canadian M ental Health Association kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour St www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca/ CSOM Web Design Description: Email: Every winter, TRU students are available to design websi tes at no fee for a small number of non-profit organizations and small businesses. mohda@ tru.ca Desert Gardens Community Access Site Description: Phone: Internet access, word-processing, printing. (250) 372-5110 Kamloops Library: Public Libraries Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Website: (Thompson Nicola Regional District Library System) Free access to books, magazines, internet , word-processing, newspapers; assistance locating parenting resources; stories for children; videos on child development; movies for children and families; music CDs, etc. P rograms for children and more. V isit our website for library hours. (250) 372-5145 South Shore (250) 554-1124 North Shore www.tnrdlib.ca North Shore Community Centre Description: Facilities and programs serving the needs of businesses, resi dents and seniors of the K amloops North Shore. Call the North S hore Comm unity Centre for more information on all program services provi ded. Page 78 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: (250) 376-4777 Manager nsccs@ shaw.ca 730 Cottonwood A ve K amloops, B C V2B 8M6 http://nsccs.webs.com/ Open Source Software Description: Website: Information about, and free downloads of, comm unity-built software. www.osdir.com People In Motion Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Services for persons with any kind of disability, visible or invisible. Provi de assistance, information, "disabled parking" permits, recreational and fitness, programs, social programs and accessible camp for people with disabili ties. Sixteen passenger para-transit bus available for charter. Life skill s training and basic cooking skills training are also available. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm TDD available on our listed phone number. 1 (877) 741 -4241 (250) 376-7878 People In Motion [email protected] 182B Tranquille R oad www.peopleinmotion.org/ Counselling Boys and Girls Club: Circle of Friends Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Circle of Friends is a safe place where children aged 6-12 gather to talk and move through the stages of loss. Loss, for the purpose of this group, is defined as any difficult situation the child identifies him or herself as having trouble coping with and can include the death of a family member, divorce, family separation, moving, or issues related to substance abuse or substance influence. Children are encouraged to seek and identify coping strategies to help them deal with their feelings and frustrations. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com CSI: Peer Counsellors Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Website: Helping seniors with most types of comm on problems such as finding affordable housing or coping with life changes. R egular Hours: Monday Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location http:// w ww.csikamloops.ca Page 79 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 ewayKamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Interior Community Services: Youth Outreach Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For people ages 13 to 24, a harm reduction program about support not judgement. Look for street workers usually Monday - S aturday during the hours of 8:00am -10:00am, 1:00pm-3:00pm and 5:00pm -8:00pm from 2:00pm. Youth C enrtre 250 374-7435 located at 388 1st Ave with hours of operation Mon,Weds,Fri 10:00am to 1:00pm. Tues Weds, Thurs 5:00pm 8:00pm and S aturdays 11:30am-3:30pm. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Alcohol and Drug Counsellor Description: Phone: Address: Website: Provides one -on -one counseling for individuals who are seeking support and information for recovery from an alcohol or drug addiction. S ervices from the Alcohol & Drug Counselor include: counseling, referral to treatm ent centers, in-house referrals, information and support and prevention workshops . Hours of operation:Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (250) 376-1296 125 Palm Street http:// w ww.iifs.ca Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Individual and group counselling for males and females of all ages who have experienced sexual violence, abuse and/or partnership assault at any point in their lives, from infancy onward. (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve http:// w ww.ksacc.ca Pregnancy Care Centre: Post Abortion Grief Counselling Description: Phone: Email: Website: Are you suffering from a post abortion and need to talk? (250) 376-4646 [email protected] www.mypregancychoices.com Page 80 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Problem Gambling Help Line Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides free confidential phone service for information and referral regarding community resources for people throughout B.C. needing help with problem gambling. Provides referral to counselling services and preventionand self-help resources. Multi lingual telephone assistance is available 24 hours a day. 1 (888) 879 -6111 [email protected] www.bc211.ca Seasons Change Programs Description: Phone: Extension: As a W orkBC service provider under the E mployment Program of BC, we offer pre-employment services, including counselling, for survivors of violence and abuse. Offered in both group and 1:1 settings, violence and abuse counselling offers survivors the chance to speak with a Registered Clinical Counsellor, face-to -face, in a safe non -judgmental envi ronment. As a client centered practitioner, our RCC works to help clients come to terms w ith their emotional issues and realize their ability to take control of their lives. To take part in the Seasons C hange P rogram you m ust be eligible to work in BC, believe that the issues resulting from either recent or historical violence and abuse are directly impacting your employment success, and have some level of volunteer or paid employment as your goal. If this fits for you, please contact our office for an intake appointment. (250) 314-0377 113 Thompson Nicola Employee and Family Counselling Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Not for P rofit counselling agency specializing in providing support and therapy to people in our community. Employee and Family A ssistance Provider (E FAP ) for companies in Kamloops,Merritt, and Clearwater. Unlimited counselling sessions for employees and family members of businesses. Monday - Friday 8:00am 0 5:00pm 1 (800) 066 -1095 (250) 372-2262 Tamara [email protected] http:// w ww.tncounselling.ca White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Gift Givers Family Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Support for individuals, families and parents involved with Ministry or the potential to be involved with Ministry by provi ding family and court support to First Nations & Metis people. Referrals to treatment programs, support for family unity and wellness, individual counseling and follow -up support provided. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 giftgivers2@ whitebuffalo.name Crime Prevention Page 81 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Bridges to New Life Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Support to victims and offenders of crime, at the stages of offender's incarceration, discharge planning, release, and comm unity re-integration. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (888) 844 -6975 (250) 448-6975 [email protected] 1197 Sutherland Avenue Kelowna, B.C., V1Y 5Y2 www.bridgestnl.org City of Kamloops: Community Safety Description: Phone: Email: Contact: Address: Website: Our mission is to promote proactive crime prevention initiatives and programs to keep K amloops a safe community. City of Kamloops Safety (formerly known as Community P olicing) is comprised of two Crime Prevention Coordinators and a large number of volunteers. We are dedicated to promoting safety within our comm unity through developing various City iniatives and participating in R CMP crime prevention programs. Office Hours : Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-3818 [email protected] asm [email protected] 6 S eym our Street W est Kamloops www.kamloops.ca/communitysafety Fraud Awareness Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Group presentations run by trained volunteers designed to create awareness about different types of fraud, including identity theft, credit card fraud, charity scams, investment fraud, affinity fraud and internet fraud. Regular Business hours 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 Info [email protected] Activity Centre: (778) 470 6000 Info: #25 - 700 Tranquille Rd.; Activity Centre: 9A - 1800 Tranquille Rd. www.csikamloops.ca Home and Business Security Checks Description: Phone: Connecting home and business occupants with the R CMP to reduce property related offenses. (250) 828-3230 Kamloops and District Crimestoppers Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website: Helping to solve crimes and any other offenses in the community while maintaining callers' anonymity. 1 (800) 022 -8477 (250) 828-3215 crimestoppers@ uniserve.com www.kamloopscrimestoppers.ca Kamloops RCMP Crime Prevention and Program Support Page 82 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Services Description: Phone: Offering a number of crime prevention programs, including fraud awareness, home and business security, school safety. V ictim services also provi ded. (250) 828-3000 Kamloops Transit* Description: Phone: Website: Allowing any person in trouble on the street to w ave down a transit bus and ask the driver for help, including reaching police or ambulance services. (250) 376-1216 http:// w ww.bctransit.com Operation Red Nose Description: Phone: A free Designated D river Service provided to any motorist during the holiday season. S easonal operation starting end of November to December 31st on Fridays and Saturdays only. Operation Red Nose is located in Desert Gardens Community Centre at 540 Seymour S treet. This program is sponsored by P acific Sport. (250) 372-5110 Request A Stop Description: Phone: Website: Request a S top is available to passengers after dark on all K amloops Transit buses. This service allows passengers who feel that their safety is at risk to ask their driver to stop between regular bus stops. Request a Stop is easy. Simply inform your driver (at least one stop ahead) of where you wish to get off. Your driver will let you off as close to your requested stop as possible. For safety reasons, passengers using wheelchairs or scooters may only stop at designated w heelchair-accessible bus stops. (250) 376-1216 www.bctransit.com SCAM Line Description: Phone: Email: Address: Providing answers to questions on potential scams involving the internet, mail or telephone. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Voice messaging after hours. (250) 828-3266 silk@rcmp -grc.gc.ca Kamloops City Detachment, 560 B attle Street, Kamloops, BC, V 2C 6N4 Youth Against Violence Contact Line * Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Providing an anonym ous, confidential option for young people to prevent or report crimes connected with youth violence, bullying, peer pressure, intimidation or threats by a person or a gang, or any other violence -related issues. 24-hour, toll-free, multilingual service offered seven days a w eek. 1 (800) 068 -4264 [email protected] www.youthagainstviolenceline.com Crisis Ambulance, Police, Fire Page 83 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Contact: For imm ediate threat to life, safety or property. 911 Co-op Housing Federation of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Among its services, provides support to member housing co-ops and co-op members; provides a directory of co -op vacancies by region; offers financial assistance for shares to people with disabilities and women escaping domestic violence. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm 1 (866) 687 -5111 [email protected] 220-1651 Commercial Dr Vancouver, B C http:// w ww.chf.bc.ca/ Crime Victim Assistance Program Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Providing assistance to victims of specific crimes that occur in B ritish Columbia. 1 (866) 666 -3888 [email protected] Box 5550 Stn Terminal, Vancouver, B C, V6B 1H1 www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/victim_services/cva/index.htm Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers for Recovery Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Weekly grassroots drop-in support group for mothers (conception onward) struggling or continuing with recovery from alcohol and/or drugs. Support in accessing Ministry Children Families Development advocacy, legal advocacy, emergency bus tickets, and more. C hildren w elcome (free childminding on-site). Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria St, Kamloops www.kfrs.ca Help Line for Children In Kamloops Description: Phone: Phone: Website: For children and youth in crisis or for anyone concerned about a child or youth (250) 554-5800 310-1234 Toll Fee No area code required in BC www.safekidsbc.ca/helpline.htm Interior Community Services: Family Services Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: An outreach program that provi des intervention service to children, youth and their families who are experienci ng difficulties with parenting and are at risk of family or placement breakdown. Referrals are accepted by the ICS Intake Coordinator through the M inistry of Children and Family Development & Child and Youth M ental Health. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca Page 84 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Mind Over Madder Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Understanding anger and managing conflict. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Crisis Line Network Description: Toll Free: The Interior Crisis Line is a free 24 hour 7/days w eek phone support and referral service. Our commitment is to provide confidential non judgmental emotional support for those in need. 1 (888) 835 -2273 Kamloops Community-Based Victim Service Program Description: Phone: Address: Website: Information and emotional support to victims; people considering reporting a criminal offense; those appearing as Crown Witnesses; witnesses in partner assault; sexual assault; child sexual abuse; criminal harassment; stalking Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am- 4:30pm (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve K amloops B C www.ksacc.ca Kamloops RCMP Victim Services Description: Phone: Phone: Helping those who have been victim or witness of crime or trauma, including motor vehicle accidents, suicide, etc. Twenty-four hour support, referrals, and help determining one's options. Anonym ity fine. Nothing is reported to police except where a child is in danger or harm to a person (including oneself) is threatened. (250) 828-3223 (250) 828-3000 RCMP Detachment Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Individual and group counselling for males and females of all ages who have experienced sexual violence, abuse and/or partnership assault at any point in their lives, from infancy onward. (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve http:// w ww.ksacc.ca Kamloops Transit* Description: Phone: Website: Allowing any person in trouble on the street to w ave down a transit bus and ask the driver for help, including reaching police or ambulance services. (250) 376-1216 http:// w ww.bctransit.com Kamloops Urgent Response Team Page 85 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Extension: Phone: A mental health counselor available in case of crisis. Note: If you are feeling unsafe and are unable to get through to a clinician at this number, please call 911 or go to Royal Inland Hospital E mergency. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm After H ours Monday - Friday : 5:00pm - 11:00pm Saturdays /S undays 7:00am - 11:00pm (250) 377-6500 weekdays and ask for Intake Worker 250-377-0088 After Hours and W eekends Kids Help Phone Description: Toll Free: Website: Kids Help P hone is a free, anonym ous and confidential phone and on -line professional counselling service for youth. B ig or Small concerns 24/7, 365 days a year. 1 (800) 066 -6868 www.kidshelpphone.ca New Life Mission Drop In Centre Description: Phone: Website: A place where people can have a cup of coffee and a doughnut, and play a game of cards, or visit and soci alize with friends. Summer Schedule: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 11:30am Lunch 12:00-1:00pm Winter S chedule: Monday Friday 9:00am - 1:000pm (250) 434-9898 www.newlifemission.ca/ Request A Stop Description: Phone: Website: Request a S top is available to passengers after dark on all K amloops Transit buses. This service allows passengers who feel that their safety is at risk to ask their driver to stop between regular bus stops. Request a Stop is easy. Simply inform your driver (at least one stop ahead) of where you wish to get off. Your driver will let you off as close to your requested stop as possible. For safety reasons, passengers using wheelchairs or scooters may only stop at designated w heelchair-accessible bus stops. (250) 376-1216 www.bctransit.com Royal Inland Hospital: Clinical Spiritual Care Services Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Clinical Spiritual Health P ractitioner is available to persons with or without religious affiliation. The Spiritual Care scope of practice entails a relational and patient/family -centred approach. A s members accountable to a recognized professional association for their ethical conduct and professional competence they work w ithin their scope of practice, consult with other professional disciplines, and make referrals whenever indicated. S piritual Health/Leader practitioners are client focused and w ork within the following frame of reference with respect to their scope of professional practice in order to assist clients in drawing strength their own cultural, spiritual and religious resources in times of illness or other crises. Emotional, Cognitive, Relational, Psychological, Psychiatric, S ituational, Compliance and Cooperation Conditions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Voice Messaging after hours. (250) 314-2250 Viktor Gundel www.interiorhealth.ca Page 86 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 VictimLINK BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: A 24-hour line for victims of any crime, including family and sexual violence. Crisis support and referrals to community, social, health, justice and government resources. Information on the justice system, relevant laws and programs, crime prevention, safety planning, and the P rotection Orders Registry. Multi lingual telephone assistance. 1 (800) 056 -0808 [email protected] www.victimlinkbc.ca Y Women's Emergency Shelter Outreach Services Description: Phone: Website: A mobile response to women who are experiencing violence or at risk of experiencing violence. Assistance in accessing emergency services, community supports and advocacy. Comm unity education on violence against women upon request. (250) 320-3110 www.kamloopsy.org Youth Against Violence Line Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides an anonym ous, c onfidential way for young people to prevent or report crimes connected with youth crime, bullying, peer pressure, intimidation or threats by a person or a gang or any other violence-related issues. Information referral also offered. Phone service available 24hours a day. 1 (800) 068 -4264 [email protected] www.youthagainstviolenceline.com Dental ewayKamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Ministry of Housing and Social Development Description: Toll Free: Website: For all dental programs with Ministry of Social Development, please go to the Ministry of S ocial Development website www.gov.bc.ca/hsd and in search type dental programs. This will list all dental services provides. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Page 87 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 New Life Mission: Dental Clinic Description: Phone: Website: New Life Mission operates a Dental Clinic for the public. Offers dentures,fillings, extractions, cleanings, and X -rays by a certified dentist. Payment through welfare (if covered), private insurance or by donation. Hours of Operation: Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 4:00pm (778) 471-5878 www.newlifemission.ca Disabilities: Education and Employment Canada Student Grant: Part Time Studies Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Help with tuition, supplies and books. Applicant must be low-income, and/or unable (because of a disability, care of a dependent, or other reason) to study part-time. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 828-5024 TRU Financial Aid and A wards [email protected] 900 McGill Rd K amloops, B C V2C 6N6 www.tru.ca/finaid Lorne Fraser Educational Fund Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Website: Providing scholarships for people with mental illness who are entering into the mental health field and bursaries for anyone with a mental illness pursuing post secondary education. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am4:30pm 1 (800) 055 -8222 Walter [email protected] www.cmha.bc.ca Open Door Group: Garden Gate Horticultural Program Description: Phone: Address: Website: Offering pre-employment skill development and workshops in gardening, canning, cooking, building, etc, to adults with mental health concerns. Programs take place in a greenhouse, vegetable garden and kitchen classroom. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 554-9453 915 Southill St, Kamloops www.opendoorgroup.org Open Door Group: Work BC Employment Service Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Extension: Contact: Phone: Offering innovative leisure programs and a variety of employment programs that serve unemployed British Colombians, including persons w ith disabilities and barriers to employment. Offic e Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30pm Dow ntown: 100 -275 Lansdowne S t North Shore : 795 Tranquille Road South Shore: 250-275 Lansdowne S t 1 (866) 637 -3670 (250) 377-3670 Noorth S hore Donna 250-434-9441 Page 88 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Website: Dow ntown Location www.opendoorgroup.org Opportunities Fund for Person with Dissabilities Description: Phone: Email: Website: Small annual grant available to people with a diagnosed mental illness (including addiction) for recreation, employm ent, etc. Amount available $125.00 (varies year to year) Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 374-0440 kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca Student Aid BC Ministry of Advanced Education: BC Permanent Disability Description: Toll Free: Extension: Website: Must be permanently disabled. Completion of a BC P ermanent Disability Program Application must be completed. This form is available on line at www.studentaidbc.ca. 1 (800) 056 -1818 Student Suport Programs www.studentaidbc.ca Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co-operative Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: Website: Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co -operative is an organization of non-profit societies devoted to enriching the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Since 2005, we have been comm itted to supporting purposeful and m eaningful lifestyles. We aspire to enhance the lives of the people we support. Whether alone or in partnership, TOCSC offers services that focus on promoting comm unity connections, personal independence, meaningful employment and socially valued roles. (778) 471-3377 Hayl ey S chofield [email protected] 778-471-3377 [email protected] www.tocsc.ca Thompson Rivers University: Disability Services Department Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: TRU's Disability Services Department provides and facilitates reasonable academic accommodations and services for TRU students with documented permanent disabilities. These services are available to on -campus and Open Learning distance education students and may include, but are not lim ited to: · A ccommodated examinations · Alternate-format texts · A ssistance with applications for disability related Provincial and Federal student grants · Referrals for funding for technical aids and adaptive technology Due to the nature of some accommodations, students are asked to contact disability services 2-3 m onths in advance of registering in courses. Please see our website listed below 1 (888) 882 -6644 (250) 828-5023 Dissability S ervices [email protected] 900 McGill Rd K amloops, B C V2C 6N6 Page 89 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.tru.ca/studentservices/disabilities.html Thompson Rivers University: Education and Skills Training Description: Phone: Website: Employment training for students with a disability. Career exploration. Practicums in automotive, kitchen, retail. (250) 828-5290 www.tru.ca/estr Disabilities: Support Advocacy Access Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Address: Website: Phone-based assistance to people with disabilities to become aw are of their legal rights and entitlements. Advocates on behalf of individuals, provides information and referrals. Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -1278 (604) 872-1278 204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver, B C V5Y 1R3 www.bccpd.bc.ca BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A variety of support services and resources for Aboriginal P eople with disabilities and those associated with the disabled. 1 (888) 881 -5511 (250) 381-7303 Carrie Tom [email protected] www.bcands.bc.ca BC Coalition of People With Disabilities Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Their m ission is to support people, regardless of their disability, to live with dignity, independence and as equal and full participants in society. Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -1278 [email protected] 204-456 West Broadway, Vancouver, B C, V5Y 1R3 www.bccpd.bc.ca/ BC's Premium Assistance: Coverage for Chiropractic, Massage, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Description: Toll Free: Website: Persons on P remium Assistance can access ten therapy appointments per year with reduced charges. Persons with enhanced medical benefits through welfare may apply for more visits when there is acute need. This toll free number requires time for you to direct your call to the correct department so extra time is required when calling. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.hibc.gov.bc.ca BC's Premium Assistance: Regular or Temporary Description: Relief of partial or full medical premiums, depending on individual or family incomes, including while temporarily low er than usual. This toll free number Page 90 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: requires that you listen to the directory to direct your call and requires extra time. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.hibc.gov.bc.ca Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits (Service Canada) Description: Toll Free: Website: A monthly pension available to any adult --including a young adult-- who meets all criteria, including sufficient contributions. 1 (800) 027 -9914 www.servicecanada.gc.ca Canadian Red Cross Description: Phone: Website: Helping people deal with situations that threaten their survival and safety, security and well-being, and their human dignity in Canada and around the world. Local programs include loans of medical equipment. Mondays 9:30am -1:00pm Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-4:00pm National office for Donations: 1800-418-1111 (250) 372-2334 www.redcross.ca Children's Therapy and Family Resource Centre Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Provides various therapies to children with special needs (birth to 19 years); offers support to their families and to the community. Intensive program for children under six with Autism Spectrum D isorder. Office Hours: 8:30am 4:30pm (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Road www.kamloopschildrentherapy.org Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, BC and Yukon Chapter Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada works with the community to provide children living with high-risk, life threatening illnesses the opportunity to realize their m ost heartfelt wish. Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am -5:00pm 1 (800) 026 -9474 (604) 299-2241 Reception bc@c hildrenswish.ca 4240 Manor St B urnaby B C V5G 1B2 www.childrenswish.ca/ Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Website: CLAS has provided legal assistance to disadvantaged people throughout British Columbia. We specialize in the areas of poverty, disability, workers ’ compensation, employment insurance, mental health, human rights and equality law. B usiness Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (888) 868 -6222 (604) 685-3425 www.clasbc.net Page 91 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Co-op Housing Federation of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Among its services, provides support to member housing co-ops and co-op members; provides a directory of co -op vacancies by region; offers financial assistance for shares to people with disabilities and women escaping domestic violence. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm 1 (866) 687 -5111 [email protected] 220-1651 Commercial Dr Vancouver, B C http:// w ww.chf.bc.ca/ Fair Pharmacare Description: Toll Free: Website: To qualify for lower premiums and decreased annual prescription cost, you must complete the Pharmacare registration form. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.health.gov.bc.ca/pharmacare/plani/planiindex.htm l Family Support Institute Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Connecting families who have a child with a disability with other families for help finding or accessing programs, respite options, education concerns and opportunities, etc. (250) 314-5026 Mary www.familysupportbc.com First Nations and Inuit Health Non-Insured Health Benefits Description: Toll Free: Website: Provide financial services if eligible for services such as prescriptions, travel, counselling services, medical plan services, acceptions and appeals for services not covered through other programs, 1 (800) 031 -7878 www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fniah-spnia/index-eng.php Full Service Gas Stations Description: A downloadable pdf document of full services gas stations in Kamloops for those individuals with mobility issues can be found in the Quick Guides section. Healing Pathway (Energy) Description: Phone: Free sessions offered weekly September through June for hands on energy treatments. Tuesday Evenings: 4:00pm - 6:00pm by appointment only . Please call the K amloops United Church at 250-372-3020 to book an appointment. W ednesday E venings: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Drop In (250) 337-2730 Home and Community Care Description: Phone: Website: Help to remain at home, transition to full-time, professional care in a residential facility, or anything in between. Respite for caregivers also available. Phone Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm Voice messaging can be left after hours. (250) 851-7900 http:// w ww.interiorhealth.ca Page 92 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 HOPE Air Description: Toll Free: Website: Hope Air has been arranging free flights to get financially -disadvantaged Canadians to the healthcare they need. Hope A ir is the only registered, national charity that provides free flights to people who cannot afford the cost of an airline ticket to get to medical expertise or specialized m edical technologies that usually exist only in larger urban centres. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm Eastern Time 1 (877) 734 -4673 www.hopeair.org Interior Community Services: Options & Opportunities Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Social, recreational and comm unity activities to adults with developmental disabilities. The needs of the participants in this program range from high personal needs to requiring minimal support. Hours: Monday -Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca JUMP (Jubilee Street Ministry and Partners) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: A weekl y touring meals and counselling service serving both the North and South Shores of Kamloops on S aturday noon at the New Life Mission and from 6 -8 pm at the Total P et parking lot on Tranquille Road. Other meals and services will be added in the next weeks and months. Jubilee also offers low cost catering services to the comm unity at large for events and meetings. (250) 434-5548 Glenn Hilke and Harold John [email protected] 250-434-5548 [email protected] Kamloops Adapted Sports Association Description: Contact: Email: Email: Website: Kamloops Adapted Sports Association offers sport and recreation opportunities to all athletes interested in adapted sport. Mobility lim itation not required! Jessica Vliegenthart [email protected] [email protected] www.kamloopsadaptedsport.com Kamloops Adult Day Program Description: Phone: Contact: Offers a day out for people who are living at home or with family and may be at risk of losing their independence. Includes bathing programs, administering of medications, therapeutic recreation programs, social activities, support. (250) 851-7900 Home and Community Care Program Page 93 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.interiorhealth.ca Kamloops Therapeutic Riding Association Description: Phone: Email: Website: Offers persons with disabilities the opportunity to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of horseback riding. Hours of Operation: March - November Monday - Thursday 9:00am -4:00pm November thru February hours reduced, please call in advance. (250) 554-3811 ktrainstructor@ gmail.com www.ktrahome.ca Ministry of Social Development: Life-Threatening Conditions Program Description: Toll Free: Website: The Ministry may provide specific health supplements (medical equipment, medical supplies and medical transportation) to persons who are not otherw ise eligible for assistance but w ho face a direct and imm ediate life threatening health need and have no other resources to m eet that need. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Ministry of Social Development Description: Toll Free: Contact: Website: Programs include income assistance; Y ou may be eligible if you’re: · out of work or earning very little; · aw aiti ng other income; · unable to work; or, · in immediate need of food, shelter or urgent medical attention E ligibility and monthly assistance rates depend on income and asset levels and the number of people in the family unit. If it is determined that an applicant has an immediate need, eligibility will be determined on an urgent basis. H ardship assistance may be issued in some situations when an individual is not eligible for income assistance For Income Assistance information and services please call toll free 1 866 866-0800 or visit your local Employm ent and Income Assistance Office. If you are interested in applying for B C Employment and A ssistance, please access the Self Serve A ssessment and Application (SSA A) through: https://www.iaselfserve.gov.bc.ca/HomePage.aspx Business H ours: 8:30am 4:30pm Monday to Friday 1 (866) 686 -0800 Ministry of S ocial Development www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Ministry of Social Development: Enhanced Medical Coverage Description: Toll Free: Website: For those with disabilities who are not able to work, the ministry provides the security of income assistance along w ith enhanced medical coverage under Employment and A ssistance for P ersons with Disabilities. More information on this can be accessed through: http://www.sd.gov.bc.ca/P UBLICAT/bcea/pwd.htm 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd MS Society: Disability Transportation Information Description: Toll Free: Phone: The MS S ociety can provide you with a package of information re: travel discounts, fuel reimbursements, etc, available to people with disabilities. 1 (888) 830 -6622 (250) 314-0773 Page 94 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 275A Seymour St Kamloops B C www.mssociety.ca/bc/pdf/disability_resource_manual.pdf Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry Description: Phone: Email: Website: A resource for anyone planning for when they may require help to manage their affairs due to episodic, temporary, or permanent incapacity. Suitable for people seeking an alternative to court -appointed and public guardianship, and people who are currently supporting others with planning and decisionmaking. A lso operates a centralized registry for E nduring P owers of A ttorney, Representation A greements and revocations of such documents. (604) 408-7414 [email protected] http:// w ww.nidus.ca Patient Care Grants Description: Toll Free: Contact: Website: For families of children with disabilities, helps cover the costs of orthotics, prosthetics and wheelchair m odifications. Business Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday 1 (800) 081 -3666 Sheila www.lionsbc.ca/ People In Motion Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Services for persons with any kind of disability, visible or invisible. Provi de assistance, information, "disabled parking" permits, recreational and fitness, programs, social programs and accessible camp for people with disabili ties. Sixteen passenger para-transit bus available for charter. Life skill s training and basic cooking skills training are also available. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm TDD available on our listed phone number. 1 (877) 741 -4241 (250) 376-7878 People In Motion [email protected] 182B Tranquille R oad www.peopleinmotion.org/ Personal Supports Information Line Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: A Toll Free Personal Support Information line where agents can either provide a range of information or connect the caller w ith the government program that provides the equipment or assistive aid. 1 (888) 881 -1211 [email protected] www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Property Tax Deferment Program Description: Property Tax Deferment is a low -interest loan program that assists qualifying homeowners in B ritish Columbia in paying the annual property taxes on their principal residences. There are currently two programs available to homeowners. The first is for residents who are 55 years of age or older, a Page 95 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website: surviving spouse or a person w ith a disability as defined by regulation and the second program is available for homeowners who are financi ally supporting a child 18 or under. Please refer to our website for additional information regarding these programs. 1 (800) 066 -7867 (250) 356-8121 taxdeferment.gov.bc.ca www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/individuals/Property_Taxes/Property_Tax_Deferment/ptd.htm Registered Disability Savings Plan Description: Phone: Website: A registered disability savings plan (RDSP ) is a savings plan to help parents and others save for the long -term financial security of a person who is eligible for the disability tax credit (604) 439-9566 www.rdsp.com Self-Management Programs Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The University of |Victoria Self-Management Program is offering a free workshop for adults wanting to learn scientific, evidence -based strategies and techniques for better management of chronic pain, diabetes or any other chronic health condition. W eekly (Six 2.5 hour sessions) fun & interactive workshops proven to be helpful in better managing chronic health issues & pain. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm with after hours voice messaging. 1 (866) 690 -3767 selfm [email protected] www.selfmanagementbc.ca Special Authority Request Program Description: Website: Enabling a physician to request coverage from the Ministry of H ealth for the cost of specific medications to be covered. www.health.gov.bc.ca/pharmacare/sa/saindex.html Sportability Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Sportability offers a wide variety of physical activity and sport opportunities for all British C olumbians who have a physical disability. We currently offer sledge hockey, power soccer, Boccia, para-cycling, and 7-a-side soccer. (604) 599-5240 [email protected] 604-599-5240 Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co-operative Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co -operative is an organization of non-profit societies devoted to enriching the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Since 2005, we have been comm itted to supporting purposeful and m eaningful lifestyles. We aspire to enhance the lives of the people we support. Whether alone or in partnership, TOCSC offers services that focus on promoting comm unity connections, personal independence, meaningful employment and socially valued roles. (778) 471-3377 Hayl ey S chofield [email protected] Page 96 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Website: 778-471-3377 [email protected] www.tocsc.ca Variety: The Children's Charity Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Raising funds and distributing grants throughout BC to inspire hope, enrich lives, and build a better future for children who have special needs. 310-KIDS (5437) Toll Free - no area code required (604) 320-0505 [email protected] www.variety.bc.ca Women's Housing Support Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Phone: Website: Support services for women. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke 250-374-2119 www.kamloopsefry.com Disabilities: Support by Diagnosis AIDS Vancouver Helpline Description: Phone: Email: Website: Anonymous and confidential telephone, email and online support for people with questions regarding HIV and/or AIDS . Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (604) 696-4666 [email protected] www.aidsvancouver.org/helpline Allergy and Asthma Information Association Description: Phone: Email: Website: Aim is to create safer envi ronments and improve quality of life for Canadians affected by allergy, asthma, and anaphylaxis by empow ering individuals and providing education, leadership, and a national voice (250) 374-4531 [email protected] www.aaia.ca ALS Society of BC Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Support to those living with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig Disease. Provides monthly support meetings, equipment loans, caregiver's workshops, and newsletters. Raises funds for research. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30- 4:30pm 1 (800) 070 -3228 (604) 278-2257 [email protected] 1233-13351 Commerce Parkw ay, Richmond, BC www.alsbc.ca Arthritis Resource Guide for BC Page 97 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Website: ARGBC website which has been developed for people w ith A rthritis and their health care providers. It offers you the ability to find resources in your area that can help meet your particular needs. www.argbc.ca Arthritis Society Description: Toll Free: Email: Contact: Address: Website: The Arthritis Society is the only not -for -profit organization in C anada uniquely devoted to promoting and funding arthritis research based solutions, education, as well as community support for Canadians living w ith arthritis. 1 (800) 032 -1433 [email protected] Interior Okanagan R egional Office 150A -1855 Kirschner Rd, K elowna BC www.arthritis.ca ASK Wellness Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Awareness, education and support for anyone with chronic health issues, the marginalized, and persons at risk. Services include street outreach, client advocacy, client support, and assistance with housing issues. Mondays 10:00am - 4:30pm Tuesday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -7541 (250) 376-7558 reception [email protected] www.askwellness.ca Autism Kamloops Phone: Contact: Email: (250) 376-5495 Betty A nn autismkamloops@shaw .ca Autism Society of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Providing support to individuals with autism and their families in British Columbia. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm 1 (888) 843 -0880 [email protected] 303-3701 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC www.autismbc.ca BC Family Hearing Resource Society Description: The BC Family Hearing Resource Society is the largest agency in the province serving the families of children from birth to age five who are deaf or hard of hearing and/or who have speech and language learning challenges. BC Family Hearing Resource Centre (B CFHRC ) is the name of our provincial program serving deaf and hard of hearing children. Surrey Early Speech and Language Program (SE SLP) provides family-centered speech and language services to children who have communication delays or disorders. OUR MISS ION The BC Family Hearing Resource Society strives to help every child reach their fullest potential. W e provide family-centered services beginning as early in the child’s life as possible and are committed to Page 98 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Phone: Email: Phone: Website: individual choices. • The BC Family Hearing Resource Centre offers support and resources throughout British Columbia to deaf and hard of hearing children, their families, and comm unity service providers. • The Surrey Early Speech and Langu 1 (877) 758 -2827 (604) 584-2827 [email protected] 604-584-9108 TTY www.bcfamilyhearing.com Canadian Cancer Society Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Support groups, visitor programs and assistance. Emergency A id Program provides assistance where needed with costs of transportation, drugs, supplies, accommodation, treatm ent. A lso, education about detection and prevention of cancer. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm (250) 374-9188 kamloops@ bc.cancer.ca 280 Victoria S t W est K amloops B C V2C 1A4 www.cancer.ca Canadian Cancer Society: Cancer Information Service Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Comprehensive information and support on cancer and community resources. National-Bilingual T oll Free S ervice Monday - Friday from 9:00am to 6:00pm. 1 (888) 893 -3333 [email protected] www.cancer.ca Canadian Celiac Association, Kamloops Chapter Description: Phone: Email: Email: Website: Information, advice, and support for individuals with celiac disease on a gluten-free diet. (250) 374-6185 [email protected] [email protected] www.celiac.ca Canadian Diabetes Association Interior BC Region Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Supports people living with diabetes through research, advocacy, education and services. We are supported in our efforts by a community-based network of volunteers, employees, healthcare professionals, researchers and partners. Monday-Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm (250) 762-9447 glenna.armstrong@ diabetes.ca 1589 Sutherland Ave, Kelowna BC www.diabetes.ca Canadian Liver Foundation Description: The Canadian Liver Foundation aims to promote liver health and reduce the incidence and impact of liver disease by providing support for research and education into the causes, diagnoses, prevention and treatm ent of liver Page 99 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Email: Website: disease. Through its LIVE Right initiative, the CLF provides Canadians of all ages with positive, preventative and practical advice and tools to help them safeguard their liver health in daily life. Office Hours:Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 085 -7266 [email protected] www.liver.ca Cerebral Palsy Information Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Referring people to government or community programs based on need expressed. Has support worker to help address challenges faced by families with a person with cerebral palsy Providing guides to the public and to people living with cerebral palsy.Providing online and hard copy resources on topics such as preparing one's will, advocacy, self-advocacy and other subjects. Books and video on topics such as cerebral palsy and other disability related issues. Giving presentations for the community, businesses, schools etc. 1 (800) 066 -0004 [email protected] 330-409 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1T2 www.bccerebralpalsy.com Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Provides therapy for children and adults with Autism Spectrum D isorder. (AS D) Office Hours :8:00am-3:30pm (250) 376-6494 [email protected] 1111 Tranquille Road K amloops www.chrisrosecentre.com Chronic Pain Association of Canada Description: Phone: Email: Website: Resources, research and education regarding chronic pain. Collect calls welcome. (780) 482-6727 questions@ chronicpaincanada.com www.chronicpaincanada.com Chronic Viral Hepatitis (Liver) Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Information and assessment by a gastroenterologist. Referal by physician required for assessment. (250) 851-7434 Marilyn www.interiorhealth.ca CNIB Kamloops Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Counseling and referral services to the blind, visually impaired or deaf-blind. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 056 -2642 (250) 374-8080 Les [email protected] 190-546 St Paul St Kamlooopps BC Page 100 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.cnib.ca Community Living BC Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Delivers support and services to adults with developmental disabilities and their families. Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Toll free: Inquiry B C 1 (800) 066 -7867 (250) 377-4444 Reception 45 -450 Lansdowne S t, K amloops www.comm unitylivingbc.ca Community Respiratory Program Description: Phone: Address: Registered respiratory therapists provide respiratory treatments and services within the patients residence and the hospital clinic. Provide home oxygen program assessments, asthma education to pediatric and adult patients provided. Communication back to physician and rest of care team on assessments provided. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:00pm (250) 314-2514 Royal Inland Hospital Alumni T ower 3rd Floor Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada Kamloops Chapter Description: Phone: Contact: Email: A world leader in Inflammatory B owel Disease research funding. Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada 1-800-387-1479 Head Office (250) 376-4090 Mary Jane [email protected] Deaf Access Office Description: Toll Free: Phone: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Assists deaf, deaf -blind and hard of hearing persons and their families to access government and non government services; refers to resources; provides support and education to service providers. Website both in E nglish and ASL. Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30-4:30pm Toll Free Number is TTY 1 (800) 066 -4770 (604) 775-1364 604-660-0508 TTY Low er Mainland Paige Thombs [email protected] www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/psdhh Diabetes Education Centre Description: Phone: Address: Offers a team approach to self-managing diabetes within a class or one-toone setting. Physician Referral Required. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 314-2457 ROyal Inland Hospital 5th Floor Alumni Tower Diabetes Support and Self Help Group Description: Phone: Contact: Learning and sharing hints to help in the diabetes journey. (778) 470-8316 Marg Page 101 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Diane 250-579 -2526 Eating Disorder Program Description: Phone: Extension: Website: Comprehensive program for children, youth and adults who are experiencing problems related to disordered eating. (250) 377-6500 Ask for an Intake W orker www.interiorhealth.ca Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Research, education and advocacy about heart and stroke health issues. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 372-3938 [email protected] 729 Victoria S treet, K amloops www.heartandstroke.bc..ca InspireHealth: Kelowna, BC Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Integrative Cancer Care Monday-Friday 9:00am -4:30pm (250) 861-7125 info -kel@ inspirehealth.ca 123-565 Burnard A ve K elow na BC www.inspirehealth.ca InspireHealth: Vancouver, BC Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Integrative cancer care. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm 1 (888) 873 -7125 (604) 734-7125 [email protected] 200-1330 West 8th Ave, Vancouver B C www.inspirehealth.ca Interior Community Services: Skill Development & Community Inclusion Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides education and support for adults with developmental disabilities to achieve their goals and live as fully and independently as possible within their community. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Kamloops Autism Program Description: K.A.P. provides a multidisciplinary child and family centered program that identifies each child’s individual strengths and needs. The program builds upon these skills and competencies in a posi tive and supportive way. The goals of the program are to enable children diagnosed with Autism S pectrum Disorder ( AS D), to achieve maximum independence and to enjoy the highest possible quality of life w ithin their family and comm unity. Office Hours: Page 102 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30pm (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Rd, K amloops www.kamloopschildrenstherapy.org Kamloops Brain Injury Association Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Kamloops Brain Injury A ssoci ation serves individuals with acquired brain injuries, their families, caregivers and associates by offering specialized programs and life skills education. K BIA also facilitates education and awareness regarding acquired brain injury and offers prevention and safety workshops and seminars to the community. Monday - Friday 9:00am 4:00pm (250) 372-1799 [email protected] 408 Victoria S treet www.kbia.ca Kamloops Child Development Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Child care and after-school programs for children nine months to twelve years, with or without speci al or developmental needs. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00am - 5:30pm (250) 376-2233 Reception [email protected] www.cdckamloops.com Kamloops Prostate Cancer Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A support group for men diagnosed or requiring more information. S pouse and family members also welcome to attend. Meetings: Every 3rd Saturday of each m onth. Meetings held at the Seniors A ctivity Centre- 9A Tranquille Road ( B rock Shopping Centre) (250) 376-4011 Larry larube_kam1@ shaw.ca www.prostatecancer.ca Kamloops Society for Community Living Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Opportunities for persons living w ith developmental disability to experience a full life in as many aspects as they choose. Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 374-3245 [email protected] 521 Seymour St, Kamloops www.kscl.ca Kamloops White Cane Club Description: Phone: Contact: Fun and companionship for people with low or no vision. (250) 573-5795 Alice Page 103 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kelty Resource Centre Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: A provincial resource centre linking children, youth and their families with appropriate resources in all areas of mental health, eating disorders and addictions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday9:30am - 5:00pm Located in B C Children's Hospital 1 (800) 066 -1822 [email protected] #85-Rm P3 -302 3rd Floor 4500 Oak S treet, V ancouver, BC www.keltymentalhealth.ca Kidney Foundation of Canada: BC Branch Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Providing education and support; raising and providing funds for research and information relating to kidney disease. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 056 -8112 [email protected] 200-4940 Canada W ay B urnaby, B C V5G 4K6 www.kidney.bc.ca Lung Association of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Improving lung health and preventing lung disease through education, advocacy and research. 1 (800) 066 -5864 [email protected] 2675 Oak Street, V ancouver, BC V 6H 2K 2 www.bc.lung.ca Lung Health Program Description: Phone: The Lung Health Program is a 6 week program that teaches people with Chronic Lung Disease (COPD, Emphysema, Pulmonary Fibrosis and Asthma) to self-manage through education sessions and supervised group exercises. It runs Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 -3 pm at the TCC indoor track a physician referral is required for clients to participate in a graded exercise program. The Lung Health office is located in the D owntown Health Center at Lansdowne village. Office hours are Tuesday -Thursday 8-4 (although I am at the TCC track in the afternoons). P lease call if you have questions about our program. (250) 851-7954 McArthur Park Lawn Bowling Description: Contact: Phone: Lawn bow ling and low -vision lawn bow ling from May to October. Instruction available. Takes place 6:30 pm every Sunday, Monday, W ednesday and Friday. 250-376-0917 Kay (Club Member) (250) 579-8259 Maureen ( Club Member) Mending Hearts Description: Phone: A support and information group for people with heart conditions. Can provide information on how to live with heart disease. (250) 374-8468 Page 104 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Contact: Dick Weller [email protected] Jean Highlands 250 -851 -8342 Motherisk: HIV Help Line Description: Toll Free: Website: Provides information about HIV and pregnancy to women, couples, health professionals and the public. 1 (888) 824 -5840 www.motherisk.org MS Society of Canada, Kamloops and Area Chapter Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Resources, advocacy, support groups, information seminars, member meetings, and an equipment loan program. V olunteer Legal A dvocacy Program offers assistance with Canada Pension P lan, disability insurance, human rights, family law, w ills, estates, or other financial matters. Office Hours: Tuesday- Thursday 1 (888) 830 -6622 (250) 314-0773 [email protected] 275A Seymour St Kamloops http:// w ww.mssociety.ca/kamloops Muscular Dystrophy Canada Description: Toll Free: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Providing resources and referral services; hosts educational forums and workshops. Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 036 -8166 111 [email protected] 1401 West B roadway 7th Floor, Vancouver B C www.muscle.ca National Eating Disorder Information Centre Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides information and resources on eating disorders and food and weight preoccupation. P hone Lines : Monday- Friday 9:00am -9:00pm 1 (866) 663 -4220 [email protected] www.nedic.ca Positive Living Society of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Positive Living Society of B C exis ts to enable persons living with HIV/A IDS to empower themselves thru mutual support and collective action. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 099 -2437 [email protected] 1107 Seymour S t 2nd Floor Vancouver, B C www.positiveliving.org Positive Women's Network Description: Offering education, support and resources for women living with HIV and for service providing communities that work with w omen and their families. Page 105 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Email: Website: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm 1 (866) 669 -3001 [email protected] www.pwn.bc.ca Post Polio Awareness and Support Society Description: Phone: Email: Website: Providing information about Post Polio Syndrome and to assure polio survivors w ho are encountering this problem that they are not alone in their struggle. Bi-Monthly newsletter sent to members. Office Hours: Mondays and Thursday 10:00am -2:00pm (250) 655-8849 [email protected] www.ppassbc.com Public Health Speech and Hearing Clinic Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Prioritizes the identification and rehabilitation of hearing loss in children ages 18 and under. For speech, children 5 years of age and under. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 851-7355 Public Health 519 Columbia St www.interiorhealth.ca Self-Management Programs Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The University of |Victoria Self-Management Program is offering a free workshop for adults wanting to learn scientific, evidence -based strategies and techniques for better management of chronic pain, diabetes or any other chronic health condition. W eekly (Six 2.5 hour sessions) fun & interactive workshops proven to be helpful in better managing chronic health issues & pain. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm with after hours voice messaging. 1 (866) 690 -3767 selfm [email protected] www.selfmanagementbc.ca SMART Options* Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Supported employment opportunities for people w ith a developmental disability in our comm unity. (250) 851-2542 [email protected] 320-546 St Paul St www.smartoptions.ca Specific Carbohydrate Diet and GAPS Support Group Description: Email: Website: An online group sharing information for practicing the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and Gut and P sychology Syndrome (GAP S). Issues including allergies, asthma, autism spectrum disorders, celiac disease , crohn's and colitis. [email protected] www.gapsguide.com SpinalCord Injury BC Informatiion Line Page 106 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Information line, peer support, education and social events. Hours: Monday Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 068 -2477 [email protected] www.bcpara.org Stroke Recovery Branch Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Offering support for people who have suffered a stroke and for their caregivers; meets for activities and field trips such as bowling, guest speakers, etc. Also offers a speech software program to help with speech recovery. Please call in advance for schedule on meeting locations. (250) 320-1348 Shona shona_c@ telus.net www.strokerecoverybc.ca Thompson Community Services Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Supports for people with a developmental disability. Referral from Community Living BC required. H ours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30pm (250) 828-1508 [email protected] 102-1450 Pearson Place www.thompsoncommunityservices.com Thompson Nicola Ups and Downs Society Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Support for those with Dow n syndrome and their families; raises awareness within the community. (250) 376-8424 Barb www.tnuds.org Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co-operative Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: Website: Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co -operative is an organization of non-profit societies devoted to enriching the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Since 2005, we have been comm itted to supporting purposeful and m eaningful lifestyles. We aspire to enhance the lives of the people we support. Whether alone or in partnership, TOCSC offers services that focus on promoting comm unity connections, personal independence, meaningful employment and socially valued roles. (778) 471-3377 Hayl ey S chofield [email protected] 778-471-3377 [email protected] www.tocsc.ca Youth CO AIDS Society Description: Toll Free: Providing youth -specific HIV/A IDS peer support, education and services. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm 1 (855) 596 -8426 Page 107 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Website: (604) 688-1441 [email protected] www.youthco.org Education @KOOL* Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Kamloops Open Online Learning is a M inistry of Education accredited electronic distance education program. Students learn at home using a variety of paper -based, computer-based and on-line resources. 1 (855) 547 -6061 (778) 471-6061 [email protected] 1770 Springview Place http://virtualschool.sd73.bc.ca 137 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps KAMLOOPS* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Wednesday: 6 - 9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. We parade Wednesday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, sailing, music, and seamanship training. C adets can also choose to go to various summer camps, from Vancouver Island to Nova Scotia, or even overseas. The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 250-554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca 2305 Rocky Mountain Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Description: Phone: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Monday: 6 -9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. W e parade Monday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, abseiling/rock clim bing, and orienteering. Cadets can also choose to go to various summers camps, from Vernon to Whitehorse, or even overseas. The m ission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces, and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 376-3900 Page 108 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Captain Brian K allert [email protected] 250-376-3900 [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC, V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca Big Little Science Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: Everyone is invited to visit B IG Little Science Centre for interactive FUN science! BIG Little S cience Centre is open year round with over 130 hands on exhibits, special activities and shows. Check the website and Facebook pages to learn more about our upcoming special programs. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm. (250) 554-2572 Gord Stewart [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/unitedwaytnc/posts/593173124056650? notif_t=like 655 Holt Street, Kamloops, BC. www.blscs.org Boogie the Bridge Cultural Fund Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Offering funds to help cover the cost of programs, events or workshops which would facilitate the cultural growth of a person 5 -18 years of age who is in financial need. (250) 828-3611 Cara Graden [email protected] www.kamloops.ca/communityprograms/grants.shtml Boys and Girls Club: Active Minds Preschool Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: This one -of-a-kind kindergarten readiness preschool program assists learning through physical activity with a focus on pre-kindergarten curriculum. Children exercise for up to 50 m inutes each class. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Inner Voice: Girls Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Inner V oice is a weekly drop-in group offered at the McArthur Island Club, providing adolescent females ages 12 to 18, w ith a safe space to explore a wide range of issues that impact their daily lives. The group provides adolescent girls with the opportunity to explore experiences and issues related to daily life in an educational and creative m anner in a safe and nonthreatening environment at no cost. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] Page 109 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Power Up! Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Power Up is a national B oys and Girls C lub of Canada after school homework support program operating from several several schools in District #73. Power Up is developed around three core components which include social-recreational, nutritional, and educational support. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Canada Student Grant: Part Time Studies Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Help with tuition, supplies and books. Applicant must be low-income, and/or unable (because of a disability, care of a dependent, or other reason) to study part-time. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 828-5024 TRU Financial Aid and A wards [email protected] 900 McGill Rd K amloops, B C V2C 6N6 www.tru.ca/finaid Canada World Youth Description: Toll Free: Address: Website: Offers international educational volunteer programs for youth ages 17-29. Provides tools and training to help youth become informed and involved global citizens. 1 (800) 060 -3526 2330 Notre Dame St West 3rd Floor, Montrel Quebec www.canadaworldyouth.org Canadian Parents for French Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Dedicated to the promotion and creation of French second language learning opportunities for young Canadians. Offer summer French language sports camps in partnership with TRU. (250) 573-3127 Susan Hammond [email protected] www.cpf.bc.ca Career Orientation and Preparation for Employment Description: Phone: Contact: Website: A self-awareness program for women. A ssertiveness, problem solving skill s, life goals, more. E xplore academic, career, and employment goals. (250) 371-5533 Iris tinyurl.com/42dhk8 Children Who Witness Abuse Description: A non -crisis intervention, community -based program to interrupt or break the Page 110 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: cycle of intergenerational abuse. Individual and group support; community education. (250) 376-7800 www.kamloopsy.org Christian Home Educators of Kamloops Description: Email: Website: Information and support to homeschooling families in Kamloops and area. Being Christian is not mandatory. [email protected] www.chekonline.com Connect With Respect Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Dedicated to promoting non-violence in all facets of society through delivery of education programs to adolescents in a classroom setting. (250) 573-5587 Lynne [email protected] Developing Capable Kids Workshop Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: This one day workshop for parents, parent advisory council reps, teachers, school administrators, social workers, child care workers, counselors and those who provi de services and support to children, youth and families will help to address the growing concerns regarding our children and youth. Please see www.resiliencyinstitute.com for further info. The one day seminar, September 22nd, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Henry Grube E ducation C entre. The cost of $15.00 includes a li ght lunch and coffee. C all 250-554-1176 to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Developing World Connections: International Volunteer Experience Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Kamloops based International Volunteering Charity offering 1-4 week volunteer experiences focused on sustainable projects. W e service 12 countries on 3 continents. CSR partnerships available as well as custom, create your own trips. P lease call us, Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 4:00. (250) 434-2524 [email protected] #220-141 Victoria S t. www.developingw orldconnections.org ewayKamloops Description: Phone: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 Page 111 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Family Strengthening Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: An intensive 8 week program for individuals and families that are involved with the Ministry of Children and Family Development. You will be provided with the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the child and family as a means to empower parents to improve the functioning of their family as a whole. Some of the topic s discussed: B C Child Protecting Process, Court Process, etc. S tart date September 10th, 9:00 to 11:30 am. P lease call to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Funding/Financial Assistance for Current TRU Students Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: TRU's Financial Aid and Aw ards Department offers an online or hardcopy directory listing dozens of bursaries, scholarships, and aw ards. (250) 828-5024 TRU Financial Aid and A wards [email protected] 900 McGill Rd K amloops, B C V2C 6N6 www.tru.ca/finaid In-School Mentoring Program Description: Phone: Website: Elementary school children w ho might benefit from some one-on-one time are matched with a carefully screened, caring, reliable adult who visits with the child at their school for one hour weekly. The cultural needs of youth are considered. (250) 374-6134 www.bbbskamloops.ca Interior Community Services: Family Therapy Centre Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Brief therapy to individuals, couples and families on a fee for service basis. (250) 554-3134 adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: First Steps Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A full-time program that offers women between the ages of 14 and 24 academic upgrading towards their graduation diploma, information on career and education planning, job readiness, parenting and life skills. Daycare provided. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Page 112 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Interior Community Services: Kamloops Early Language & Literacy Initiative Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Kamloops Early Language and Literacy Initiative is comprised of a partnership of early childhood professionals, community members and parents, all with a commitment to building early language and literacy skills in preschool children. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Literacy Outreach Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: An adult/continuing education program designed for learners who are unlikely to attend school in a structured or traditional academic setting. A school that provides an opportunity for students to learn basic literacy skills and acquire accredited high school courses that can be used towards a grade 12 adult graduation diploma. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Mind Over Madder Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Understanding anger and managing conflict. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Parenting Awareness and Individual Development Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Education, support and counselling for parents with children birth to 12 years, who are experiencing challenges in their role as parents. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Support to Family Care Network Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Supports C ommunity Foster Parent Groups, coordinates the delivery of Foster Parent E ducation P rogram, coordinates other training for communities, delivers training to potential foster parents, and build connections and partnerships to meet the needs of foster parents. (250) 554-3134 212 Interior Community Services Page 113 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Jewish Community Center of Kamloops* Description: Contact: Email: Website: The Jewish Community in Kamloops is warm and welcoming, with people from all levels of observance. We offer programs regarding holidays as well as a program for youth and many more. Melanie S chlund [email protected] http://Kamloopsjewishcommunity.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/jewishcommunity -centre-of-kamloops-annual-general-meeting/ John Howard Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The John Howard Society Thompson Region ( JHSTR ) is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote effective, just and humane responses to the causes and consequences of crime. Our agency offers the following: 1. B edford M anor- a 72 bed assisted living complex in Kamloops 2. Two subsi dized housing buildings known as Victory Inn and Georgian Court 3. Provision of housi ng and support services to men and women being released from prison to community while on parole Contact reception at 250434-1700 Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30am (250) 434-1700 Reception [email protected] #100- 529 Seymour St www.johnhoward.ca Justice Education Society: Northern Native Public Legal Education Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Providing education, facilitating school programs and learning within the community. Specialized programs for aboriginal youth and comm unities. (250) 614-2686 Annette [email protected] 1046-250 George S t, P rince George, B C, V2L 5S 2 www.ljusticeducation.ca Kamloops Adult Learners Society* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Daytime educational opportunities for retired adults interested in lifelong learning. Classes in creative writing, computers, etc. Hours: Mondays 9:30am -12:30pm Thursdays 1:00pm -4:00pm (250) 819-5153 North Hills Mall http:// w ww.kals.ca/ Kamloops Exploration Group* Description: Promoting the interests of mining and prospecting. Offers community lectures, supports geology related teachings, etc. Office Hours: Mondy Friday 8:00am-4:00pm Page 114 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: (250) 372-8222 www.keg.bc.ca Kamloops Immigrant Services Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Information, support, translation. A ssistance to im migrants, first generation Canadians, visible minorities, comm unity groups, busi nesses. Programs include: Settlement and Integration, English Language Services for A dults ELSA, Community Connection, E SLSAP Tutoring (One to one English tutoring), Child-minding and interpretation/transl ation service. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (866) 667 -0855 (778) 470-6101 [email protected] 448 Tranquille Rd www.immigrantservices.ca Kamloops Mental Health and Substance Use Description: Phone: Phone: Address: Website: Provides assessments for all mental health and addiction services programs; referrals to community resources; support for clients in crisis; education and support to consumers, families, community. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-5:00pm (250) 377-6500 250-377-0088 After Hours 235 Lansdowne S treet Kamloops, BC www.interiorhealth.ca Kamloops Museum and Archives Description: Contact: Email: Phone: Address: Website: The museum has three floors of exhibits: First Floor Children's Museum, Second Floor Temporary E xhibits (changes approxi metly every 6 months), Top Floor History Tim e Line of Kamloops. Business H ours: Tuesday Saturday 9:30am -4:30pm Front Desk [email protected] (250) 828-3576 207 Seymour St. www.kamloops.ca/m useum Kamloops Museum and Archives: School Programs Description: Contact: Phone: Address: Website: Offered by the Museum Educator for a variety of local and historical topics. All programs are linked to the provincial curriculum and can be booked by contacting the museum. Front Desk (250) 828-3576 207 Seymour St. http:// w ww.kamloops.ca/museum Kamloops Young Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Meets about once a m onth for fun in the outdoors. A ll are welcome, for children and youths ages 5- 14. A nominal membership fee applies per family per year. (250) 374-4733 Page 115 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Website: Richard Doucette [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Young -Naturalists Club/162725044798 Leadership and Resiliency Program (LRP) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: The Leadership and Resiliency Program (LRP) is a federally funded Public Safety Canada after school program, administered by the S ecw epemc Cultural Education Society in partnership with School District #73. LR P is a year round, comprehensive program aimed at providing innovative learning opportunities for youth with the hope of minimizing at risk behaviours while enhanci ng students' internal strengths and resiliency. (250) 852-3091 Janessa Mckenzie [email protected] Legal Aid Description: Toll Free: Phone: Phone: Address: Website: Legal Aid has a range of free services that may help you. We give priority to people w ith low incomes, but many services are available to all British Columbians. We offer: •Information provided by our publications, the Family Law in BC website, intake assistants, and, in some comm unities, legal information outreach workers and A boriginal community legal w orkers. •Advice from duty counsel lawyers or family advice lawyers. •Representation (a lawyer to take your case) if you qualify and have serious family, child protection, or criminal law issues (and for some immigration, mental health, and prison law issues). Please view our website for more detailed information. You can apply for legal aid by phone or in person. Monday Thursday 8:30am- 4:30pm 1 (866) 657 -2525 (604) 601-6000 250-314-1900 Kamloops Office #208-300 Columbia St 400-510 Burrard S t, V ancouver BC www.legalaid.bc.ca LinK (Literacy in Kamloops) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Cell Phone: Address: Website: Literacy in K amloops (LinK) is a group of interested comm unity partners who work together to increase the literacy levels of children, youth and adults within our community. LinK works with comm unity partners to develop, maintain and expand literacy programs for all ages. (250) 376-2266 Fiona C lare [email protected] 250 372 -9373 (250) 319-9653 c/o Henry Grube Education Centre 245 K itchner Cres http://[email protected] Men's Education and Career Alternatives Description: Phone: Self-awareness, personal empowerment. Exploring academic, career and employment goals and a sound personal wellness plan. (250) 371-5538 Page 116 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: tinyurl.com/42dhk8 Out of the Ashes Bursary Description: Phone: Website: We provide educational support to a young person in Kamloops with a minimum of one year recovery time with the Out of the Ashes bursary. (250) 374-4634 www.phoenixcentre.org PacificSport Interior BC: Sport Development and Performance Description: Phone: Email: Website: PacificSport is a regional non-for-profit organization dedicated to providing athletes, coaches and communities programs and services from "playground to podium" (Sport Development to Sport P erformance). Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-3344 [email protected] www.pacificsport.com/interiorbc Partner Assisted Learning (PAL) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Volunteers provide free, one-to-one tutoring to any adult needing help with basic reading, writing or math. A ll services and materials are free of charge. (250) 852-3091 Janessa Mckenzie [email protected] www.pal.secwepemc.org/ Philosopher's Cafe Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: September through M ay, monthly public discussion on a variety of topics. Animal rights, privatization, more. Meetings the second Tuesday of each month. (250) 377-0055 Anita [email protected] 225 7th Ave. http://lookkamloops.ca/the_philosephers_cafe.htm School District 73 Description: Phone: Address: Website: Public education including m ainstream, alternative, trades, online, etc, from kindergarten to grade 12 or equivalent, for children, youth and adults. (250) 374-0679 1383 9th Ave www.sd73.bc.ca Self-Management Programs Description: Toll Free: The University of |Victoria Self-Management Program is offering a free workshop for adults wanting to learn scientific, evidence -based strategies and techniques for better management of chronic pain, diabetes or any other chronic health condition. W eekly (Six 2.5 hour sessions) fun & interactive workshops proven to be helpful in better managing chronic health issues & pain. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm with after hours voice messaging. 1 (866) 690 -3767 Page 117 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Website: selfm [email protected] www.selfmanagementbc.ca St John Ambulance: First Aid Training Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: St John Ambulance provides first aid training to the general public, industry and comm unity groups and organizations. Revenues transferred to V olunteer Community S ervices to provide first aid at events in the Kamloops community. Office H ours: Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 (250) 372-3853 kamloops@ bc.sja.ca 627 Victoria S t www.sja/bc Street School Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Address: Street School is an adult continuing education program, providing an opportunity for students to learn basic literacy skills and acquire accredited high school courses that can be used towards a grade 12 graduation diploma. Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am -4:00pm Fridays 9:00-3:00pm Wednesday E venings 4:00pm - 7:00pm (250) 376-7072 Pete or Tonia [email protected] 250-320-6408 (250) 318-9455 [email protected] 308 Royal A ve Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co-operative Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: An organization of non-profit societies devoted to enriching the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Whether alone or in partnership, Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co -operative offers services that focus on promoting community connections, personal independence, meaningful employment and socially valued roles. (250) 434-9268 TOCSC@ Shawbiz.ca #4 - 237 6th Avenue www.tocsc.ca Thompson Rivers University, Upgrading-Adult Basic Education* Description: Phone: The University Preparation Department offers adult learners the opportunity to complete prerequisites for admission into a diverse range of career, vocational and academic programs or to complete several A BE diplomas including the B.C. Adult Graduation Diploma (the equivalent to high school completion). Courses are offered at the K amloops, Williams Lake and other regional campuses. Courses in biology, business, chemistry, computing, English, math, psychology, physics, science, soci al science and student success are designed for adult learners and delivered in small, studentcentred classes through teaching methods that accommodate students' life experience and different learning styles. (250) 828-5290 Page 118 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.tru.ca Thompson Rivers University: Disability Services Department Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: TRU's Disability Services Department provides and facilitates reasonable academic accommodations and services for TRU students with documented permanent disabilities. These services are available to on -campus and Open Learning distance education students and may include, but are not lim ited to: · A ccommodated examinations · Alternate-format texts · A ssistance with applications for disability related Provincial and Federal student grants · Referrals for funding for technical aids and adaptive technology Due to the nature of some accommodations, students are asked to contact disability services 2-3 m onths in advance of registering in courses. Please see our website listed below 1 (888) 882 -6644 (250) 828-5023 Dissability S ervices [email protected] 900 McGill Rd K amloops, B C V2C 6N6 www.tru.ca/studentservices/disabilities.html TRU Welcome Centre for Prospective Students Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: For those considering attending TRU but not know ing where to start. Provides basi c information on programs plus application and admission processes. During summer, offers daily campus tours and walk -in tours. (250) 828-5006 [email protected] 900 McGill Rd K amloops, B C V2C 6N6 www.tru.ca/welcome Twin Rivers Education Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Offers alternative learning opportunities for youth and adults, including storefront and street schools. Office H ours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 3:30pm (250) 554-3438 Secretary kbrewer@ sd73.bc.ca Prior to September 2013: 655 Holt Street; Starting September 2013: 985 Holt Street, V2B 5H1 http://tw inrivers.sd73.bc.ca Volunteer Kamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Volunteer recruitment and referral service. Helps youth and adults find short or long term volunteer opportunities; specific supports for people with mental health issues; supports member organizations to strengthen their services. (250) 372-8313 [email protected] 705 Seymour St. V2C 2H4 www.volunteerkamloops.org Emotional and Relational Support Alanon Page 119 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Support and recovery group for friends and relatives of alcoholics, past and present. (250) 374-2456 Anxiety Disorders Association Of BC Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Providing support through informal sharing of experiences with peers. Participants may be dealing w ith panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, speci fic phobia, generalized anxiety disorder. Meetings: Every second Tuesday of each month and every Thursday from 6:00pm -8:00 pm at 126 K ing S treet. (250) 376-7855 4305 [email protected] 1-604 -525 -7566 126 King Street www.anxietybc.com/ Boys and Girls Club: Circle of Friends Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Circle of Friends is a safe place where children aged 6-12 gather to talk and move through the stages of loss. Loss, for the purpose of this group, is defined as any difficult situation the child identifies him or herself as having trouble coping with and can include the death of a family member, divorce, family separation, moving, or issues related to substance abuse or substance influence. Children are encouraged to seek and identify coping strategies to help them deal with their feelings and frustrations. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Connect Parent Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Developed by the M inistry of Children and Family D evelopment for caregivers of adolescents and pre-adolescents, this is a 10 week, principlebased program. "C onnect" assists parents to learn basic principles of attachment, relationships, and child development, which can then be applied across a broad range of contexts. The principles help parents better understand the meaning of behavior and provide a wider range of options for how to respond and support development. A full meal is also provided at Connect Parent. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Inner Voice: Girls Group Description: Inner V oice is a weekly drop-in group offered at the McArthur Island Club, providing adolescent females ages 12 to 18, w ith a safe space to explore a wide range of issues that impact their daily lives. The group provides Page 120 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: adolescent girls with the opportunity to explore experiences and issues related to daily life in an educational and creative m anner in a safe and nonthreatening environment at no cost. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Youth After School Drop-in Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The youth after school drop-in is offered every Monday - Friday from 3:00 6:00 p.m ., at the McA rthur Island Club for all youth ages 12 -18 years, at no cost. Programs offered allow youth to gain many skills including the ability to interact successfully with peers, parents, and other adults using asset building concepts, strengths -based, solution-focused approaches, in an antioppressive environment. Social development, life skills, and physical education are often gained through fun and recreation at the Club and food is provided. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Child and Youth Mental Health Description: Phone: Phone: Website: Ministry of Families and C hildren D evelopment provides a wide range of services to help children and youth with mental health issues. These services are provided directly by ministry staff or by community agencies working under contract. All of these services are free to BC residents and are voluntary. Locations: 210 -1165 Battle S t 201 -905 Southill St (250) 371-3648 250-554-5800 North Shore location www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/mental_health Circle of Friends Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: A program for children who are experiencing any type of loss. Sponsorship is available to cover the $10 fee. Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-5437 203 [email protected] 1515 South Island P arkway, McA rthur Island Kamloops www.bgckamloops.com Compassionate Friends: Kamloops Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Offering friendship, understanding, grief education and hope for the future to all families who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. (250) 374-6030 Carol Dreger waskamloops@ shaw.ca Page 121 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.tcfcanada.net Connect With Respect Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Dedicated to promoting non-violence in all facets of society through delivery of education programs to adolescents in a classroom setting. (250) 573-5587 Lynne [email protected] Crime Victim Assistance Program Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Providing assistance to victims of specific crimes that occur in B ritish Columbia. 1 (866) 666 -3888 [email protected] Box 5550 Stn Terminal, Vancouver, B C, V6B 1H1 www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/victim_services/cva/index.htm CSI: Advocacy & Mentoring Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Providing personalized assistance and referrals for seniors experiencing difficulties coping with life changes or requiring one-to-one help with personal issues. Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm with weekend and evening bookings available. (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location www.csikamloops.ca CSI: Peer Counsellors Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Website: Helping seniors with most types of comm on problems such as finding affordable housing or coping with life changes. R egular Hours: Monday Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location http:// w ww.csikamloops.ca Developing Capable Kids Workshop Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: This one day workshop for parents, parent advisory council reps, teachers, school administrators, social workers, child care workers, counselors and those who provi de services and support to children, youth and families will help to address the growing concerns regarding our children and youth. Please see www.resiliencyinstitute.com for further info. The one day seminar, September 22nd, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Henry Grube E ducation C entre. The cost of $15.00 includes a li ght lunch and coffee. C all 250-554-1176 to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Page 122 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Eating Disorder Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Comprehensive program for children, youth and adults who are experiencing problems related to disordered eating. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:305:00pm (250) 377-6500 Intake Services 235 Lansdowne S treet Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers For Recovery Mentorship Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Connecting m others and pregnant women who are struggling w ith addictions with women in sustained recovery. S upport to live free of drugs and alcohol while striving to become a better parent. Tuesdays 3:30pm -6:30pm (Dinner4 -5:00pm, Group from 5:00 -6:30pm) Free on -site childminding (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria Street, K amloops, B C www.kfrs.ca Help Line for Children In Kamloops Description: Phone: Phone: Website: For children and youth in crisis or for anyone concerned about a child or youth (250) 554-5800 310-1234 Toll Fee No area code required in BC www.safekidsbc.ca/helpline.htm HEROS Elder Abuse Support and Awareness Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Offering help, education, referrals; promoting community outreach and awareness about how to recognize the signs and symptoms of elder abuse and the steps that can be taken to report suspected abuse. B usiness Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location www.csikamloops.ca Interior Community Services: Mind Over Madder Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Understanding anger and managing conflict. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Safe Spaces Description: A service for youth ages 14 -25, who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, two spirited, transgendered or questioning. Page 123 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Youth Outreach Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For people ages 13 to 24, a harm reduction program about support not judgement. Look for street workers usually Monday - S aturday during the hours of 8:00am -10:00am, 1:00pm-3:00pm and 5:00pm -8:00pm from 2:00pm. Youth C enrtre 250 374-7435 located at 388 1st Ave with hours of operation Mon,Weds,Fri 10:00am to 1:00pm. Tues Weds, Thurs 5:00pm 8:00pm and S aturdays 11:30am-3:30pm. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Kamloops Community-Based Victim Service Program Description: Phone: Address: Website: Information and emotional support to victims; people considering reporting a criminal offense; those appearing as Crown Witnesses; witnesses in partner assault; sexual assault; child sexual abuse; criminal harassment; stalking Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am- 4:30pm (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve K amloops B C www.ksacc.ca Kamloops Hospice Association Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Bereavement support to families who have lost a loved one. Also has a hospice home emphasizing comfort, quality of life and dignity to those approaching death or during bereavement. Phone S ervice 24hours/7days a week (250) 372-1336 Wendy [email protected] 72 S Whteshield Cres www.kamloopshospice.com Kamloops Mental Health and Substance Use Description: Phone: Phone: Address: Website: Provides assessments for all mental health and addiction services programs; referrals to community resources; support for clients in crisis; education and support to consumers, families, community. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-5:00pm (250) 377-6500 250-377-0088 After Hours 235 Lansdowne S treet Kamloops, BC www.interiorhealth.ca Kamloops RCMP Victim Services Page 124 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Phone: Helping those who have been victim or witness of crime or trauma, including motor vehicle accidents, suicide, etc. Twenty-four hour support, referrals, and help determining one's options. Anonym ity fine. Nothing is reported to police except where a child is in danger or harm to a person (including oneself) is threatened. (250) 828-3223 (250) 828-3000 RCMP Detachment Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Individual and group counselling for males and females of all ages who have experienced sexual violence, abuse and/or partnership assault at any point in their lives, from infancy onward. (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve http:// w ww.ksacc.ca Mood Disorders Association of BC, Kamloops Branch Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Address: Website: Support, education and friendship for people with mood disorder (depression, bipolar illness, etc), as well as their families and friends as we build an understanding community. Meetings Thursday evenings from 6:00pm 8:00pm at 126 King Street. (250) 376-7855 4305 Annette 126 King Street www.mdabc.net/ Narcotics Anonymous Description: Phone: Website: A 12 step fellowship of men and women, for whom drugs had become a major problem, meeting regularly to help each other stay clean. Types of substances and amounts used not relevant; only a desire to stay clean is. 24 Hour phone line. Meetings are open to the general public unless noted differently. Meetings: Monday-Saturday 12:00-1:00pm 421 S t P aul S t R m #214 (top floor, end of hall) Evening M eetings: Monday 8:00pm - 9:00pm 421 St Paul St Rm #214 (top floor, end of hall), Tuesday/Thursday 7:30pm 8:30pm 421 S t P aul S t R m #214, Friday 8:00pm - 9:00pm 421 S t P aul S t Rm #214. Mondays closed meeting for addicts only. Saturday Evening 8:00pm 9:00pm 171 Leigh R d Candle Light Meeting S unday 12:00-1:00pm 922- 3rd Ave in Detox Cafeteria C losed meeting for addicts only. Sunday Evening: 8:00pm - 9:00pm 101 Columbia S treet Sunday Evening: 8:00pm - 9:00pm 140 Laburnum Rd (250) 320-5032 www.bcrscna.bc.ca Perinatal Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: One on one counselling for woman who are experiencing mood disorder during their perinatal period. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Ask for Intake (250) 377-6500 Interior Health ask for Intake 235 Lansdowne S treet wwww.interiorhealth.ca Page 125 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phoenix Centre Description: Phone: Email: Website: Provides a wide range of programs to help individuals whose lives are affected by alcohol and/or substance use. Detox: P hoenix Centre is a 20 bed in-patient facility that provides withdraw al m anagement programming for adults 19 years and older. Youth under the age of 19 m ay be accepted depending upon circumstances. Youth: W e also provide support and therapeutic counseling to youth with substance use issues through three separate programs. Business phone: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 374-4634 [email protected] www.phoenixcentre.org Pregnancy Care Centre: Birth Moms Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Email: Address: Website: If a Birth Mother Support Group is of interest or w ould be of help to you, please call the Pregnancy Care Centre at 250-376-4646 or e-mail at [email protected]. (250) 376-4646 Reception [email protected] [email protected] #200- 535 Tranquille Road www.pregnancycarekamloops.com Pregnancy Care Centre: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Offer safe, relaxed and supportive environment in which parents can freely discuss their emotions regarding their loss. We believe in confidentiality so that what is discuss at a meeting stays there. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at 205-535 Tranquille Road Office Hours: Monday Friday 12:00pm - 4:00pm (250) 376-4646 [email protected] 535 Tranquillle Rd www.pregnancycarekamloops.com Royal Inland Hospital: Clinical Spiritual Care Services Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Clinical Spiritual Health P ractitioner is available to persons with or without religious affiliation. The Spiritual Care scope of practice entails a relational and patient/family -centred approach. A s members accountable to a recognized professional association for their ethical conduct and professional competence they work w ithin their scope of practice, consult with other professional disciplines, and make referrals whenever indicated. S piritual Health/Leader practitioners are client focused and w ork within the following frame of reference with respect to their scope of professional practice in order to assist clients in drawing strength their own cultural, spiritual and religious resources in times of illness or other crises. Emotional, Cognitive, Relational, Psychological, Psychiatric, S ituational, Compliance and Cooperation Conditions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Voice Messaging after hours. (250) 314-2250 Viktor Gundel www.interiorhealth.ca Page 126 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Salvation Army: Family Tracing Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The purpose of the Salvation A rmy Family Tracing Service is to bring reunion between family members to offer spiritual support to those persons involved. The Salvation Army has a nation-wide database that can assist people with locating immediate family members. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am 4:30pm (250) 554-1611 [email protected] 344 Poplar Street, K amloops www.salvationarmy.ca/kamloops Therapy Dog Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Offering dog/handler visitation services to care facilities, Royal Inland Hospital and in the event of a disaster in the Kamloops comm unity. (250) 372-3853 kamloops@ bc.sja.ca 672 Victoria S treet http://sja.ca/Pages/default.aspx Thompson Nicola Employee and Family Counselling Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Not for P rofit counselling agency specializing in providing support and therapy to people in our community. Employee and Family A ssistance Provider (E FAP ) for companies in Kamloops,Merritt, and Clearwater. Unlimited counselling sessions for employees and family members of businesses. Monday - Friday 8:00am 0 5:00pm 1 (800) 066 -1095 (250) 372-2262 Tamara [email protected] http:// w ww.tncounselling.ca Thompson Rivers University Student Services Description: Phone: Personal, academic and career counseling for current students. (250) 828-5023 TRU Mental Health and Addictions Therapist/Counsellor Description: Phone: Website: In partnership with IHA, offers to current TR U students assessment, referral, short term counselling, brief intervention, anxiety group therapy, supportive therapy, and preventive work on campus with problematic substance use. (250) 828-5023 www.tru.ca VictimLINK BC Description: Toll Free: Email: A 24-hour line for victims of any crime, including family and sexual violence. Crisis support and referrals to community, social, health, justice and government resources. Information on the justice system, relevant laws and programs, crime prevention, safety planning, and the P rotection Orders Registry. Multi lingual telephone assistance. 1 (800) 056 -0808 [email protected] Page 127 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.victimlinkbc.ca White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Holistic services in addictions, supported infant and child development, health and wellness, as well as aw areness programs for youth, community and professionals. Providing relevant and updated information to help clients fulfill their health needs. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] Employment Aboriginal Apprenticeship Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Working around the theme "Training to B uild, Inspect, and Maintain" A AIT has developed and delivers programs along with workshops on the advantages of apprenticeships in industry, housing and trades training. AAIT programs also makes people aware of the benefits of personal capacity building which leads to sustainable comm unity development and healthy housing. (778) 471-5789 trades@ secw epemc.org 274A Halston C onnector Rd Kamloops, BC V2H 1J9 www.secwepemc.org/aait Aboriginal Training & Employment Centre Description: Phone: Email: Website: Empowering aboriginal people to become self-sufficient through employment. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (250) 554-4556 [email protected] www.ateckamloops.ca Business and Professional Women of Kamloops* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Networking, promoting your businesses, effecting changes to laws pertaining to the economic and social equality of women, etc. (250) 377-8411 Pat D iFrancesco www.bpwcanada.com Career Orientation and Preparation for Employment Description: Phone: Contact: Website: A self-awareness program for women. A ssertiveness, problem solving skill s, life goals, more. E xplore academic, career, and employment goals. (250) 371-5533 Iris www.tinyurl.com/42dhk8 Community Futures Development Corporation of Central Interior First Nations Page 128 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Address: Website: First Nations persons employed to help other First Nations persons start or expand their own businesses. Loans, workshops in marketing, help writing a business plan. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-9833 215-345 Chief A lex Thomas Way www.cfdcofcifn.com Community Futures Thompson Country Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: CFTC is committed to investing consi derable resources and energy into business services and community economic development projects throughout the Thompson Country that help communities to strengthen, grow, and diversify 1 (877) 733 -2950 (250) 828-8772 [email protected] #230- 301 Victoria S t www.comm unityfutures.net Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Contact: Website: Must have a disability that impairs ability to perform at least one of the basic activities of self-employment. Mentoring and support, access to capital, etc. 1 (888) 833 -9378 (250) 828-8772 Western Economic Diversification (Toll-Free) Community Futures www.wd.gc.ca Kamloops Immigrant Services Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Information, support, translation. A ssistance to im migrants, first generation Canadians, visible minorities, comm unity groups, busi nesses. Programs include: Settlement and Integration, English Language Services for A dults ELSA, Community Connection, E SLSAP Tutoring (One to one English tutoring), Child-minding and interpretation/transl ation service. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (866) 667 -0855 (778) 470-6101 [email protected] 448 Tranquille Rd www.immigrantservices.ca Ltd Consulting: Employ Program Description: Phone: Email: Website: Pay is provided to participants ages 15 -30 who are exploring career and/or education options. (250) 372-5025 ltdconsulting@ shawcable.com www.ltdconsulting.ca Men's Education and Career Alternatives Description: Self-awareness, personal empowerment. Exploring academic, career and employment goals and a sound personal wellness plan. Page 129 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: (250) 371-5538 www.tinyurl.com/42dhk8 Metis Nation BC: Employment and Training Description: Phone: Email: Website: The Metis Nation B ritish Columbia administers the Metis E mployment & Training Program (METP) to im prove the employm ent potential, earning capacity and self-sufficiency of Metis people in B ritish Columbia. MondayFriday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 376-9263 [email protected] www.mnbc.ca Ministry of Housing and Social Development: Self-Employment Program Description: Toll Free: Available to anyone who has been receiving welfare for three consecutive months. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Ministry of Social Development: Confirmed Job Program Description: Toll Free: Contact: Website: May provide a one-time grant averaging $250 to secure a confirmed job leading to independence by providing funds for essential items or travel required to begin w ork. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Ministry of S ocial Development www.mhr.gov.bc.ca/factsheets/2004/confirmedjob.htm Season's Consulting Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Based in Kamloops, BC, Seasons is a leading comprehensive rehabilitation company, committed to the provision of exceptional services focusi ng on the individual needs of clients within their homes and their communities. S ervices are provided to people of all ages: children, youth, adults and seniors. Our goal is to help people participate in the things that make their lives more meaningful: employment, education, recreation, home m anagement, social relationships and other ‘occupations’. (250) 314-0377 Season's Consulting [email protected] 120-540 Seymour St. www.seasonsconsultgroup.ca/ Service Canada Centres for Youth Description: Phone: Address: Website: To seek temporary or long term employment, please visit youth.gc.ca w ebsite for information. (250) 372-2515 www.youth.gc.ca www.servicecanada.gc.ca/ Shuswap Training and Employment Program (STEP) Description: Our mission is to assist A boriginal people to achieve self-reliance and economic independence through the provision of a balanced mix of programs Page 130 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: and services, giving m aximum support for training and employment activities. Band and community members from our ten First Nations can access STEP programming through their band office. Contact information can be found on our website. (778) 471-8200 Bernadette Jacob [email protected] http://shuswapnation.org/departments/asets/step Soroptimists Description: Website: The Soroptimist Foundation of Canada is an endowment fund which provides grants for women pursuing graduate studies in an area that benefits women and girls. www.wcsoroptimist.org Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co-operative Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: An organization of non-profit societies devoted to enriching the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities. Whether alone or in partnership, Thompson Okanagan Community Services Co -operative offers services that focus on promoting community connections, personal independence, meaningful employment and socially valued roles. (250) 434-9268 TOCSC@ Shawbiz.ca #4 - 237 6th Avenue www.tocsc.ca Thompson Rivers University: Career Education Department* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Offers numerous job search related services for students and alumni of Thompson Rivers University. (250) 371-5627 Rm 1712 Old Main 900 M cGill Road www.tru.ca/careereducation Venture Kamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Leading economic development and business growth in K amloops, V enture Kamloops offers tw o key services; business attraction and business retention and business expansion. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 828-6818 [email protected] 297- 1st Ave www.venturekamloops.com WORK BC* Description: Toll Free: Website: A person w ho has had an active EI claim within the last three years may be eligible for training funds, etc. 1 (800) 066 -7867 www.workbc.ca Workers Advisory Description: WAO is a proactive, innovative and progressive organization demonstrating Page 131 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Contact: Website: excellence in advice, education and representation to w orkers, their dependents and other stakeholders while fostering safe and healthy workplaces. 1 (800) 066 -6695 Workers' A dvisory Office www.labour.gov.bc.ca/wab/ World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms* Description: Email: Website: Local and distant farms provi de lodging and organic food in exchange for four to six hours work per day. [email protected] www.wwoof.ca/ Environment, Conservation Air Quality Index Description: Website: The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is a new public information tool that helps Canadians protect their health on a daily basis from the negative effects of air pollution. This tool has been developed by Health C anada and Environment Canada, in collaboration with the provinces and key health and environment stakeholder. www.airhealth.ca/ BC Conservation Foundation* Description: Phone: Email: Website: To promote and assist in the conservation of the fish and wildlife resources of the Province of BC through the protection, acquisition or enhancement of fish and wildlife habitat. Office Hours: monday-Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-2551 kamloops@ bccf.com www.bccf.com BC Hydro Energy Saving Kits Description: Toll Free: Website: Free energy-savings kits for households with low -income. 1 (800) 022 -9376 www.bchydro.com/esk BC Scrap-It (Retire Your Ride) Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The BC SCRA P -IT ® Program is a voluntary early retirement vehicle program that provides incentives to help British C olumbians replace higher polluting vehicles with cleaner forms of transportation.All scrapped vehicles and their components are permanently and properly recycled 1 (888) 824 -2012 [email protected] http:// w ww.scrapit.ca BC Sustainable Energy Association (Kamloops Chapter) Description: Building a clean, renewable energy future for B C. H osting speakers and events about conserving energy and using renewable energy; offering the school-based Clim ate Change Showdow n program for Grades 5 & 6. Page 132 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: (250) 318-6483 Cheryl or Gisela kamloops@ bcsea.org www.bcsea.org/kamloops BC Wildlife Park Society Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Conservation of B C wildlife through display, interpretation, education, w ildlife rehabilitation and captive breeding. Jan 1-Feb 28 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm March 1-April 30 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm May 1-Sept 2 Daily 9:30am - 5:00pm Sept 3-October 31 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm Nov 1- Dec 31 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm Boo at the Zoo- during the month of October Wild-lights- 5:00pm - 9:00pm starting in December (250) 573-3242 [email protected] 9077 Dallas Dr. www.bczoo.org Bear Aware Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Aiming to reduce the number of bear-human conflicts through innovation, education, and communication. P resentations available upon request. C all 1 877-952-7277 to report a bear problem Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 828-3379 [email protected] 955 Concordia W ay www.bearaware.bc.ca Ducks Unlimited Canada Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Ducks Unlim ited Canada is the leader in w etland conservation. A registered charity, DUC partners with government, industry, other non-profit organizations, and landowners to conserve wetlands that are critical to waterfow l, w ildlife and the environment. 1 (800) 066 -3825 [email protected] 954 Laval Crescent www.ducks.ca Eat Kamloops Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: An online resource for discovering local food sources, learning about traditional foods and preparation, encouraging the cultivation of heirloom seeds and heritage breeds, becoming aw are of regional and national food security issues, and lobbying for freedom in food preparation and comm erce. (250) 374-4646 Caroline Cooper [email protected] Facebook.com/ekamloops.org 2853 Bowers Place www.eatkamloops.org Fraser Basin Council Youth Committee Description: The Fraser Basin Council's Youth Committee is currently recruiting new Page 133 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: members, aged 16 -29, for a 2-year term. W e are looking for young, enthusiastic leaders with a passion for sustainability. (250) 314-9660 Thompson Regional Office msimpson@ fraserbasin.bc.ca 200A ― 1383 McGill Road, V2C 6K7 www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/ Grasslands Conservation Council of BC Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Dedicated to the stewardship and conservation of the rare and beautiful grasslands of BC. Building a better understanding of grasslands and providing tools to care for them. (250) 361-1652 gcc@ bcgrasslands.org 954 A Laval Cres, Kamloops www.bcgrasslands.org Kamloops 350 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Kamloops 350 is a diverse, grassroots comm unity group whose motto is to"think globally, act locally" to reduce C O2 levels in the atmosphere to 350ppm, the level that scientists agree is safe for long-term planetary health. We organize fun events that educate people on ways they can reduce their carbon footprint. (250) 374-1472 Gis ela [email protected] Kamloops and Area Beekeepers’ Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Assisting w ith pollination of trees and gardens, swarm removal, becoming a beekeeper and honey producer and locating sources of beehive products. Meeting take place the third W ednesday of every month starting in January. For more information please call Ian. (250) 579-8518 Ian Farber [email protected] www.kamloopsbeekeepers.ca www.bcbeekeepers.com Kamloops Fly Fishers Association Description: Phone: Contact: Promotes fly fishing and conservation. (250) 851-0073 Leonard Kamloops Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Email: Website: Dedicated to the protection and promotion of the natural environment. Meet the third Thursday of each month 7:00pm at Heritage House. Non operational during January, June , July and August. (250) 554-1285 [email protected] www.kamloopsnaturalistclub.com Page 134 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Organic Food Buying Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A small group of local people who, out of concern for the envi ronment and personal well-being, order organic food and products on a monthly basis. (250) 376-4723 Deanna H urstfield kamloopsorganics@ shaw.ca http://kamloopsorganics.net/ Kamloops Young Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Meets about once a m onth for fun in the outdoors. A ll are welcome, for children and youths ages 5- 14. A nominal membership fee applies per family per year. (250) 374-4733 Richard Doucette [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Young -Naturalists Club/162725044798 Office of Energy Efficiency Description: Toll Free: Website: Assisting consumers to conserve energy while saving money. 1 (800) 062 -6232 www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca Solar BC Description: Contact: Email: Website: Our goal is to encourage people to be less reliant on fossil fuels, and to join the solar revolution by tapping into the free energy provided by the sun By email only [email protected] www.solarbc.ca Thompson Rivers Area Cycling Coalition Description: Phone: Email: Website: A group of cyclists working together to improve cycling transportation options in the Kamloops area. Find our facebook group (Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/) under tracc thompson rivers area cycling coalition. (250) 376-4723 [email protected] http://Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/ Eye Health BC's Medical Services Plan Description: Toll Free: Website: Covers medically -necessary eye examinations (for example, as with eye disease or injury, or health conditions associated w ith significant risk to the eyes, such as diabetes). A lso, routine examinations for those 0-18 years and 65+ years of age. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca Page 135 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Healthy Kids Program Description: Toll Free: Website: The Healthy Kids Program helps low-income families with costs associated with basic dental care and prescription glasses for their children. Children are eligible for prescription eyeglasses (lenses and basic frames) once in a twelve -month period. Children's eye examinations are covered by MSP. How to access services under the Healthy K ids P rogram Before any dental or optical services begin, families need to show their child's B C CareCard to their dentist or eye specialist who will confirm the child's eligibili ty under the Healthy Kids Program. H ow to access services under the Healthy Kids Program Before any dental or optical services begin, families need to show their child's BC CareCard to their dentist or eye specialist who will confirm the child's eligibility under the Healthy Kids P rogram. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Ministry of Social Development - Optical Description: Toll Free: Website: Eye Examination The ministry covers routine eye examinations once every two years, through Pacific Blue Cross, for: - adults aged 19 to 64 who are in receipt of income assistance or disability assistance - recipients of Medical Services Only (MSO) if between ages 19 and 64 - recipients of hardship assistance Routine eye examinations for children and seniors continue to be covered by Medical Services Plan (MSP ), as do medically necessary eye exams for everyone registered with M SP , regardless of age. P ayment for eye exams may not exceed the amounts shown in R ate Table: Health Supplements and P rograms – Optical Services. Optical Supplements: Coverage of optical supplements is strictly lim ited to basic eyewear and repairs and pre-authorized eyewear and repairs. B asic eyewear and repairs include any of the following items that are provi ded by an optometrist, ophthalmologist, or optician: - for a child who has a new prescription, one pair of eye glasses per year consisting of s 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Faith Groups Birken Forest Buddhist Monastery* Description: Email: Website: For most of the year we are happy to be able to welcome people interested to experience a monastic environment and learn about B uddhism and the practice of meditation. P lease visit our website for more information. [email protected] www.birken.ca/ Bridge Baptist Church Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Canadian National Baptist S unday Service 10:30am (505) 543-9982 [email protected] 1205 Rogers Way www.bridgebaptistchurch.com/ Centre for Spiritual Living Description: We are a spiritual organization offering a place to express the perfection that Page 136 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Website: we truly are, in an atmosphere of love, peace and understanding. We offer a practical approach to spirituality. Inclusive Sunday morning service. Science of Mind classes. Workshops. Spiritual healing practitioners. (250) 314-2028 [email protected] http://cslkamloops.org/ deeperLife Community Church* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Non -denominational S ervice Sunday E venings 6:02pm (250) 819-3336 700 Hugh Allan Drive www.deeper.ca/ First Baptist Church Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Baptist S unday Service 10:30am and 6:30pm W ednesday P rayer Meeting 6:30pm (250) 828-6222 [email protected] 454 Columbia St www.firstbaptistkamloops.org/ Free Methodist Centennial Chapel Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Methodist Pastors: P astor Vern Frudd Pastor Jeff Torrans (250) 376-8332 [email protected] 975 Windbreak www.kamfm.ca Gateway City Church Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada church (Protestant) (250) 374-1050 Len DenBraber [email protected] www.GCChurch.ca Jewish Community Center of Kamloops* Description: Contact: Email: Website: The Jewish Community in Kamloops is warm and welcoming, with people from all levels of observance. We offer programs regarding holidays as well as a program for youth and many more. Melanie S chlund [email protected] http://Kamloopsjewishcommunity.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/jewishcommunity -centre-of-kamloops-annual-general-meeting/ Kamloops Alliance Church Description: Phone: Email: Address: Christian (250) 376-6268 [email protected] 233 Fortune Drive Page 137 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: http:// w ww.kamloopsalliance.com/ Kamloops Evangelical Free Church Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Evangelical (250) 376-9365 kesc@ shaw.ca 1132 8th St. www.kamloopsefree.org/ Kamloops Full Gospel Tabernacle* Description: Phone: Website: Pentecostal (250) 376-9521 www.kfgt.ca/ Kamloops Islamic Association Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Islamic (250) 377-7477 [email protected] 2805 Highway 5A South, P .O. B ox 279, Knutsford www.ayeshamosque.com/ Kamloops Seventh-Day Adventist Church Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Seventh-Day A dventist Sabbath School 9:30am, Worship 11:00am, Prayer meetings Wednesdays 7:00pm (250) 554-1534 Pastor Bill K elly [email protected] www.kamloopsadventist.ca/ Kamloops United Church Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Dow ntown (250) 372-3020 kuchurch@ shaw.ca 421 St. Paul St. www.kamloopsunited.ca Kamloops Vineyard Fellowship* Description: Phone: Website: Non -denominational S t A ndrew on the Square Sunday 10:00am service (250) 828-1690 www.kamloopsvineyard.com/ Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Dow ntown Sunday 10:30am Service (250) 372-0633 [email protected] 702 Columbia St. www.ilighthouse.org/ Page 138 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Mount Paul United Church* Description: Phone: Website: North Shore Sunday S ervice 10:30am (250) 376-2261 www.mtpauluc.ca/ New Life Mission Chapel Services Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Dow ntown Non-denominational M onday- Friday S ervice 11:30 am - 12:00pm (250) 434-9898 [email protected] 181 West Victoria St. www.newlifemission.ca/ PLURA Hills United Church* Description: Phone: Website: Dufferin S unday 10:00am S ervice (250) 828-1123 www.plurahillsunited.com/ Sacred Heart Cathedral Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Catholic Review websi te for listing of Mass Services. (250) 372-2581 [email protected] 255 Nicola St. www.sacredheartkamloops.org/ Southwest Community Church* Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Dufferin (250) 828-1114 administrator@ swcc.ca 700 Hugh Allan Drive www.swcc.ca/ St Andrew's Presbyterian Church* Description: Phone: Website: Presbyterian Sunday S ervice 10:00am (250) 372-3540 www.standrew skamloops.com/ St. Andrew's Lutheran Church* Description: Phone: Email: Lutheran (250) 376-8323 [email protected] St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Dow ntown Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 10 am to 1 pm (250) 372-3912 stpaulscathedral@ shawbiz.ca 360 Nicola Street, V2C 2P5 www.stpaulscathedral.blogspot.com/ Page 139 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 The Rainbow Centre Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Brocklehurst (250) 376-8228 [email protected] 1251 Kimberley Cres. www.therainbowcentre.ca/ The Salvation Army * Description: Phone: Email: Website: Non -denominational (250) 554-1611 [email protected] www.salvationarmy.ca/kamloops Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Kamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Unitarian S unday Meetings 9:45am (250) 374-5594 uufellowshipkamloops@ gmail.com Valleyview Community Hall, 2288 Park Drive www.uukam.bc.ca/ Westsyde Fellowship Baptist Church* Description: Phone: Email: Baptist S undays 10:00am (250) 579-8361 westsydefellowship@ shaw.ca Food: Free Meals Boys and Girls Club: Friday Family Nights Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Every Friday night, families are invited to enjoy dinner and activities at the McArthur Island C ommunity Club. There is no cost, but pre-registration is required. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com ewayKamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 Page 140 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Interior Community Services: Community Kitchens Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A Comm unity K itchen is a small group of people w ho get together once or twice a month to prepare 3 to 5 meals for their families. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca JUMP (Jubilee Street Ministry and Partners) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: A weekl y touring meals and counselling service serving both the North and South Shores of Kamloops on S aturday noon at the New Life Mission and from 6 -8 pm at the Total P et parking lot on Tranquille Road. Other meals and services will be added in the next weeks and months. Jubilee also offers low cost catering services to the comm unity at large for events and meetings. (250) 434-5548 Glenn Hilke and Harold John [email protected] 250-434-5548 [email protected] Mt. Paul United Church - Saturday Supper Description: Email: Saturday S upper, 3:00 - 6:00 pm Mt. P aul United C hurch 140 Laburnum Street Open to everyone! [email protected] New Life Mission - Saturday Lunch Description: Email: Saturday Lunch, 12:00 - 12:30 pm New Life Mission 181 West V ictoria Street Open to everyone! [email protected] New Life Mission Drop In Centre Description: Phone: Website: A place where people can have a cup of coffee and a doughnut, and play a game of cards, or visit and soci alize with friends. Summer Schedule: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 11:30am Lunch 12:00-1:00pm Winter S chedule: Monday Friday 9:00am - 1:000pm (250) 434-9898 www.newlifemission.ca/ Food: Nutrition Better Meals Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Frozen meals delivered weekly .Minimum order of $25.00, no delivery charge. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm Ordering Desk Monday - Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm 1 (888) 883 -1888 (604) 299-1877 [email protected] Page 141 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 5742 Beresford Street B urnaby, B .C., V 5J 1J1 www.bettermeals.ca Black Creek Ranch Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Connecting residents and businesses with options for obtaining locally produced food through direct purchase, delivery and/or catering services. Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturdays: 10:30 am- 4:30pm (778) 469-5040 [email protected] 7010 Dallas Drive www.heartlandfoods.ca/ Boys and Girls Club: Cool Moves Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Cool Moves is a Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada Program that helps children 8 to 12 years of age "play cool" by incorporating physical activity into their daily lives and "eat smart" by learning about how to make healthy food choices. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Power Up! Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Power Up is a national B oys and Girls C lub of Canada after school homework support program operating from several several schools in District #73. Power Up is developed around three core components which include social-recreational, nutritional, and educational support. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Christmas Amalgamated Description: Phone: Contact: Provides gifts for children and Christmas dinner hampers for people with lowincome from N ovember 12-December 24. S ign up as early as possible. Phone line operates only thru the months listed. Locations change so please call for current location. (250) 376-0777 Sally Dietitian Services at HealthLink BC Description: Phone: Website: Easy-to-use nutrition information, based on current scientific sources, for self care in w ide range of topics for people of all ages. Phone line answered 24/7; dietitians available Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm and ridays 8:00am 5:00pm. 811 www.healthlinkbc.ca Page 142 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Eat Kamloops Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: An online resource for discovering local food sources, learning about traditional foods and preparation, encouraging the cultivation of heirloom seeds and heritage breeds, becoming aw are of regional and national food security issues, and lobbying for freedom in food preparation and comm erce. (250) 374-4646 Caroline Cooper [email protected] Facebook.com/ekamloops.org 2853 Bowers Place www.eatkamloops.org ewayKamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Farmers Markets Description: Phone: Contact: Contact: Email: Website: Spring through fall, two markets per w eek offering fresh produce, bedding plants, health and beauty products, arts and crafts, and more. Visit us also at www.facebook.com/kamloopsfarmersmarket (250) 682-7975 Deanna H urstfield - S aturday Manager Wendy Makepeace - W ednesday Manager wednesdaym [email protected] www.kamloopsfarmersmarket.com/ Healthy Eating Cheap and Easy Booklet Description: Website: The provincial government offers a free booklet about eating well without spending a lot of money or time. www.health.gov.bc.ca/cpa/publications/HealthyE atingdoc.pdf Interior Community Services: Community Gardens Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: An opportunity for comm unity members to grow fresh produce in an individualized plot, which they maintain, and to socialize with the other gardeners, if they choose to do so. P hone for placement on wait list. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Meals on Wheels Page 143 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Meal delivery for any person who may require nutritional support or whose circumstances makes it difficult to prepare their own meals. Available to all persons, regardless of age or income. Fees apply. Deliveries on Tuesdays and Thursdays (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Kamloops Farm Fresh Description: Phone: Website: An online, interactive guide to regional farms offering fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and preserves. Viewers are notified of w hich farm sells what and where, its environmental standards, and more. (250) 372-8000 www.tourismkamloops.com/home_showS ection_ID_153.html Kamloops Food Bank* Description: Phone: Email: Website: Free food for those in need. V ariety of diets supported. Pick up available on North Shore and downtown. Downtow n: Fridays only 11:00am -12:00noon at St Pauls United Church. North Shore:M onday - Friday 9:00am - 12noon Monday, Wednesday, Fridays-Families with Children Tuesday and Thursdays-Singles and Couples Thursday evenings 4:30 -5:30pm Seniors, Working Clients, S tudents, P ersons with mobility issues. (250) 376-2252 [email protected] www.kamloopsfoodbank.org/ Kamloops Food Policy Council* Description: Phone: Website: Organizing Kamloops' resources to ensure that, one day, all persons at all times will have enough food for w ell-being. Monthly meeting for coordination of food security initiatives in the region. (250) 851-7424 www.kamloopsfoodpolicy.com/ Kamloops Organic Food Buying Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A small group of local people who, out of concern for the envi ronment and personal well-being, order organic food and products on a monthly basis. (250) 376-4723 Deanna H urstfield kamloopsorganics@ shaw.ca http://kamloopsorganics.net/ Ministry of Housing and Social Development: Food and Nutrition Description: Diet S upplements: The Ministry may provide a monthly diet supplement to assist recipients to meet costs associated with an unusually expensi ve therapeutic diet. To be eligible for a diet supplement, recipients must provide written confirmation of the need for the diet supplement from a medical practitioner, nurse practitioner or from a dietitian who is registered w ith the College of D ietitians of B ritish Columbia. This information should include the Page 144 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Contact: Website: specific medical condition, the diet required, and the expected duration of need. Monthly Natal Supplement: The N atal Supplement is provided to expectant women on income assistance and families with infants up to seven months old. The Monthly Natal S upplement is $45/month; Nutritional Supplement: A nutritional supplement may be provided to a recipient of income assistance or disability assistance, or to a dependent child if a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner confirms in writing that the recipient has an acute, sho 1 (866) 686 -0800 Ministry of S ocial Development www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Open Door Group: Garden Gate Horticultural Program Description: Phone: Address: Website: Offering pre-employment skill development and workshops in gardening, canning, cooking, building, etc, to adults with mental health concerns. Programs take place in a greenhouse, vegetable garden and kitchen classroom. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 554-9453 915 Southill St, Kamloops www.opendoorgroup.org Patient Voices Network Peer Coaching Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Providing training in supporting and motivating others to make healthy living changes, including through exercise, smoking cessation, healthy eating and healthy weight, using a self-management framework 1 (888) 874 -1772 (604) 742-1772 [email protected] Patient Voices Network 800-1281 West Georgia Street V ancouver BC V 6E 3J7 www.patientvoices.ca Raw Food Friends of Kamloops* Description: Phone: Contact: Contact: A group of people interested in a plant -based, raw diet. S haring food, ideas, recipes and moral support. Monthly potlucks. (250) 572-2285 Esther Lloydene Salvation Army: Meat Bag Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Salvation Army makes available a meat bag containing a variety of beef, chicken and/or pork, passing warehouse savings onto you. Items vary depending on supply. Fees apply. Monday - Fridays 10:00am - 1:00pm (250) 554-1611 Salvation Army [email protected] www.salvationarmy.ca/Kamloops Seniors Outreach Services: Shopping Program Description: Two options for seniors needing assistance to access groceries or Page 145 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: prescriptions: Phone -in order for a volunteer to pick up and deliver, or request volunteer to assist with in-store shopping. Transportation with Handydart can be coordinated. With $35 minimum, delivery of groceries is free. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Specific Carbohydrate Diet and GAPS Support Group Description: Email: Website: An online group sharing information for practicing the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and Gut and P sychology Syndrome (GAP S). Issues including allergies, asthma, autism spectrum disorders, celiac disease , crohn's and colitis. [email protected] www.gapsguide.com The Salvation Army Community Services * Description: Phone: Email: Website: Free bread and pastries available to all, Monday to Friday 10am -1pm. (250) 554-1611 [email protected] www.salvationarmy.ca/Kamloops Thompson Rivers University Student Food Bank Description: Phone: Email: Address: Free food available to students in need. To access food please drop by the student union front desk between 8:00am - 10:00pm, Monday thru Friday. (250) 828-5289 [email protected] 900 McGill Rd Weston A. Price Foundation, Kamloops Chapter Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Dedicated to restoring nutrient -dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. (250) 374-4646 [email protected] 2853 Bowers Place www.eatkamloops.org/ World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms* Description: Email: Website: Local and distant farms provi de lodging and organic food in exchange for four to six hours work per day. [email protected] www.wwoof.ca/ Funeral, Burial Last Post Fund (Veteran Affairs Canada)* Description: Provides funeral and burial services for w ar veterans or civilians who m eet wartime service eligibility criteria. Deceased veterans may be entitled to burial arrangements through the Last Post Fund (LP F) Burial A rrangements. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Page 146 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Email: Website: 1 (800) 026 -0248 [email protected] www.lastpostfund.ca Ministry of Social Development* Description: Toll Free: Website: A supplement may be provided tp pay necessary funeral costs of any person who dies in B C if the estate of the deceased person or any responsible person has no immediate resource to meet these costs. There is no requirement that the deceased person, or the person;s family, must be B C Emploiyment and Assistance recipients to qualify for the supplement. Costs are to be recovered whenever possible. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.hsd.gov.bc.ca/publicat/bcea/Funerals.htm Royal Inland Hospital: Clinical Spiritual Care Services Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Clinical Spiritual Health P ractitioner is available to persons with or without religious affiliation. The Spiritual Care scope of practice entails a relational and patient/family -centred approach. A s members accountable to a recognized professional association for their ethical conduct and professional competence they work w ithin their scope of practice, consult with other professional disciplines, and make referrals whenever indicated. S piritual Health/Leader practitioners are client focused and w ork within the following frame of reference with respect to their scope of professional practice in order to assist clients in drawing strength their own cultural, spiritual and religious resources in times of illness or other crises. Emotional, Cognitive, Relational, Psychological, Psychiatric, S ituational, Compliance and Cooperation Conditions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Voice Messaging after hours. (250) 314-2250 Viktor Gundel www.interiorhealth.ca Gay and Lesbian Interior Community Services: Safe Spaces Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A service for youth ages 14 -25, who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, two spirited, transgendered or questioning. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Kamloops Gay & Lesbian Association Description: Phone: Website: GALA offers an information and support line; recreational and social outings. (250) 376-7311 www.gaykamloops.ca/ PFLAG Canada Description: PFLA G Canada is Canada's only national organization that helps all Canadians who are struggling with issues of sexual orientation and gender Page 147 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: identity. PFLAG C anada supports, educates and provides resources to parents, families, friends and colleagues with questions or concerns, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1 (888) 853 -6777 (250) 851-9385 Judy [email protected] www.pflagcanada.ca/ Sex Sense Line Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Free and respectful information about sexual health and sexual health issues. For anyone who has questions about sexual health, please feel free to email your question. P hone Lines: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9:00pm All information is Confidential 1 (800) 073 -7367 Rachel [email protected] www.optbc.org http://bc.wontgetweird.com/ Health, Medical Aboriginal Health-Patient Navigator Office Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Cell Phone: Email: Address: Website: Providing support to patients, caregivers and their families while in the health system. Hours of Operation: Monday through Sunday 7:00am -6:30pm (250) 314-2100 3109 Aboriginal Patient Navigator (250) 319-5420 aboriginalhealth@ interiorhealth.ca Royal Inland Hospital www.interiorhealth.ca/yourhealth/aboriginalhealth Air Quality Index Description: Website: The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is a new public information tool that helps Canadians protect their health on a daily basis from the negative effects of air pollution. This tool has been developed by Health C anada and Environment Canada, in collaboration with the provinces and key health and environment stakeholder. www.airhealth.ca/ Alzheimer Society of B.C. Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: The Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of A lzheimer's disease and other dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cures. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 088 -6946 (250) 377-8200 [email protected] 405- 235 1St Ave Kamloops Page 148 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www. alzheimer BC Centre for Disease Control Description: Phone: Address: Website: Research, information, diagnosis, treatm ent and other services related to diseases of public health importance. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (604) 707-2400 655 west 12th Ave, V ancouver B C www.bccdc.ca/ BC Family Residence Program Description: Toll Free: Website: The program provides accommodation subsidies for families with a child, aged 18 years and under, who requires medical care at BC Children's Hospital or S unny Hill Health Centre for Children, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns. Accomm odation is arranged at convenient locations in the V ancouver area so that a family is able to stay close by while their child is receiving m edical care. The program provides accommodation assistance to a family for one room for up to 30 days per stay. To qualify for assistance with accommodation costs, families must: * be residents of B.C. and have medical insurance coverage under the Medical Services Plan of BC, and * have a child who is receiving medical care at B C Children's Hospital or Sunny Hill Health Centre for C hildren, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns, and * live outside *Metro Vancouver Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:0am-4:00pm 1 (866) 649 -6946 www.bcfamilyresidence.gov.bc.ca BC Information Resource for Sexually Transmitted Infections Description: Toll Free: Website: Providing information about STIs. 1 (888) 848 -7444 www.stiresource.com/ BC's Premium Assistance: Coverage for Chiropractic, Massage, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Description: Toll Free: Website: Persons on P remium Assistance can access ten therapy appointments per year with reduced charges. Persons with enhanced medical benefits through welfare may apply for more visits when there is acute need. This toll free number requires time for you to direct your call to the correct department so extra time is required when calling. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.hibc.gov.bc.ca BC's Premium Assistance: Regular or Temporary Description: Toll Free: Website: Relief of partial or full medical premiums, depending on individual or family incomes, including while temporarily low er than usual. This toll free number requires that you listen to the directory to direct your call and requires extra time. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.hibc.gov.bc.ca Canadian MedicAlert Foundation Description: The Canadian M edicAlert® Foundation is a charitable organization which is Page 149 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: the leading provider of emergency medical information services linked to customized m edical bracelets and necklaces. W e are pleased to be able to offer MedicAlert memberships to students (from age 4 to their 14th birthday) through the No Child Without® program in select schools. The financi al support of the Government of Canada and Lions Clubs allows students to receive the MedicA lert membership for FREE. 1 (800) 066 -1507 www.medicalert.ca/ Canadian Red Cross Description: Phone: Website: Helping people deal with situations that threaten their survival and safety, security and well-being, and their human dignity in Canada and around the world. Local programs include loans of medical equipment. Mondays 9:30am -1:00pm Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-4:00pm National office for Donations: 1800-418-1111 (250) 372-2334 www.redcross.ca Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, BC and Yukon Chapter Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada works with the community to provide children living with high-risk, life threatening illnesses the opportunity to realize their m ost heartfelt wish. Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am -5:00pm 1 (800) 026 -9474 (604) 299-2241 Reception bc@c hildrenswish.ca 4240 Manor St B urnaby B C V5G 1B2 www.childrenswish.ca/ College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC Description: Toll Free: Website: Referring to doctors accepting new patients; monitoring practice and conduct of physicians and health centers; administering health programs; answering public inquires about policies, care and records; addressing and dealing with complaints about physicians. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am- 4:30pm 1 (800) 046 -3008 www.cpsbc.ca/ Compassionate Coverage Description: If needed, many pharmaceutical companies will provide prescribed medications at low or no cost. Contact the company directly. Easter Seal Houses Description: Toll Free: Website: Open to families of children and adult patients required to travel to Vancouver or Victoria for medical care. please call Easter House for rates and availability. For Information and Reservation Requests: 1 -800 -818 -3666 Vancouver 1 -877 -718 -3388 Victoria 1 (800) 081 -3666 www.lionsbc.ca/ Fair Pharmacare Description: To qualify for lower premiums and decreased annual prescription cost, you Page 150 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: must complete the Pharmacare registration form. 1 (800) 066 -7100 www.health.gov.bc.ca/pharmacare/plani/planiindex.htm l Family Support Institute Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Connecting families who have a child with a disability with other families for help finding or accessing programs, respite options, education concerns and opportunities, etc. (250) 314-5026 Mary www.familysupportbc.com Find a Doctor Description: Toll Free: Website: College pf P hysicians and Surgeons of BC provi des information about individual physicians, including contact information and qualifications, and whether or not they are accepting new patients. 1 (800) 046 -3008 https://www.cpsbc.ca/node/216 First Nations and Inuit Health Non-Insured Health Benefits Description: Toll Free: Website: Provide financial services if eligible for services such as prescriptions, travel, counselling services, medical plan services, acceptions and appeals for services not covered through other programs, 1 (800) 031 -7878 www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fniah-spnia/index-eng.php Healing Pathway (Energy) Description: Phone: Free sessions offered weekly September through June for hands on energy treatments. Tuesday Evenings: 4:00pm - 6:00pm by appointment only . Please call the K amloops United Church at 250-372-3020 to book an appointment. W ednesday E venings: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Drop In (250) 337-2730 HealthLink BC Description: Phone: Website: When you call 8 -1-1, you will speak to a health services representative who will direct your call to the HealthLink BC service that fits your needs. Our health services representatives can also help you find your way in the B.C. health care system. Whether you are looking for the closest walk-in clinic, travel clinic, or want to know w here to take your child for imm unizations, the Health Navigation Services team at HealthLink BC w ill direct you to the services you need, closest to where you live. 811 www.healthlinkbc.ca/ Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Description: Phone: Email: Address: Research, education and advocacy about heart and stroke health issues. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 372-3938 [email protected] 729 Victoria S treet, K amloops Page 151 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.heartandstroke.bc..ca Home and Community Care Description: Phone: Website: Help to remain at home, transition to full-time, professional care in a residential facility, or anything in between. Respite for caregivers also available. Phone Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm Voice messaging can be left after hours. (250) 851-7900 http:// w ww.interiorhealth.ca HOPE Air Description: Toll Free: Website: Hope Air has been arranging free flights to get financially -disadvantaged Canadians to the healthcare they need. Hope A ir is the only registered, national charity that provides free flights to people who cannot afford the cost of an airline ticket to get to medical expertise or specialized m edical technologies that usually exist only in larger urban centres. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm Eastern Time 1 (877) 734 -4673 www.hopeair.org Interior Crisis Line Network Description: Toll Free: The Interior Crisis Line is a free 24 hour 7/days w eek phone support and referral service. Our commitment is to provide confidential non judgmental emotional support for those in need. 1 (888) 835 -2273 Interior Wellness Festival Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Interior Wellness Festival, September 26th to 28th, 2014. Three days of Transformational W ellness held at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. FREE ADMISSION. Seminars, workshops, healing garden, yoga and fitness, marketplace, healthy kid zone (new!), live entertainment, café and m ore. Volunteer at the festival! Join the volunteer crew : contact B ob Davern at [email protected]. Inquire about being a s peaker or working in the healing garden at interiorw [email protected]. New this year - healthy kids zone - wellness activities and classes and information, just for kids and families. (250) 371-1938 Elizabeth Beeds [email protected] www.InteriorW ellness.com Kamloops Health Coalition Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Positive action towards building a good public health care system. Meetings usually held the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00pm. Please Rick Turner for more details. (250) 579-8541 Rick Turner [email protected] Kamloops Ostomy Support Group Description: Run by ostomates, for ostomates. Meetings held every First Thursday of each month at 773 V ictoria Street (inside M ediChair store). Page 152 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: (250) 819-0315 Ken [email protected] Evelyn 250-828-6647 Kamloops Public Health Unit Description: Phone: Website: Public health nursing; environmental health inspection and education; community care facility licensing; audiology, dental health; speech and language; nutrition; baby clinics; prevention, and support. Please view our website for all locations. (250) 851-7300 www.interiorhealth.ca Ministry of Social Development: Life-Threatening Conditions Program Description: Toll Free: Website: The Ministry may provide specific health supplements (medical equipment, medical supplies and medical transportation) to persons who are not otherw ise eligible for assistance but w ho face a direct and imm ediate life threatening health need and have no other resources to m eet that need. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Ministry of Social Development: Enhanced Medical Coverage Description: Toll Free: Website: For those with disabilities who are not able to work, the ministry provides the security of income assistance along w ith enhanced medical coverage under Employment and A ssistance for P ersons with Disabilities. More information on this can be accessed through: http://www.sd.gov.bc.ca/P UBLICAT/bcea/pwd.htm 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/hsd New Life Mission: Health Clinic Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: New Life Mission partners w ith the Interior Health A uthority (IHA ) to operate a weekly drop -in health clinic. A nurse practitioner staffs the facility and offers a wide range of services to the public. Also provide Street Outreach Clinic on Tuesdays 10:30am - 12:30pm at the New Life Mission on 181 West Victoria Street. (250) 434-9898 New Life Mission 181 West Victoria Street. www.newlifemission.ca/ Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry Description: Phone: Email: A resource for anyone planning for when they may require help to manage their affairs due to episodic, temporary, or permanent incapacity. Suitable for people seeking an alternative to court -appointed and public guardianship, and people who are currently supporting others with planning and decisionmaking. A lso operates a centralized registry for E nduring P owers of A ttorney, Representation A greements and revocations of such documents. (604) 408-7414 [email protected] Page 153 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: http:// w ww.nidus.ca Ombudservice For Life and Health Insurance Description: Toll Free: Website: A independent, complaint resolution and information service for consumers of Canadian li fe and health insurance products and services. Phone li ne 24 hours. 1 (888) 829 -8112 www.olhi.ca Patient Care Grants Description: Toll Free: Contact: Website: For families of children with disabilities, helps cover the costs of orthotics, prosthetics and wheelchair m odifications. Business Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday 1 (800) 081 -3666 Sheila www.lionsbc.ca/ Patient Voices Network Peer Coaching Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Providing training in supporting and motivating others to make healthy living changes, including through exercise, smoking cessation, healthy eating and healthy weight, using a self-management framework 1 (888) 874 -1772 (604) 742-1772 [email protected] Patient Voices Network 800-1281 West Georgia Street V ancouver BC V 6E 3J7 www.patientvoices.ca PreNatal Registry Services Description: Toll Free: Website: The prenatal registry is a toll-free confidential phone line (1-855-868-7710) that women can call to register for the birth of their babies, ask questions and get valuable information about services available to support a healthy pregnancy. When a woman calls the toll free number she will speak directly with a public health nurse w ho can answer her questions and connect her with supports and services that meet her individual needs. A wide range of information and resources are available in areas such as nutrition, tobacco use, substance abuse, sexual health, safety, immunization, breastfeeding, parenting and more. The prenatal registry will operate from 10 am to 3 pm (PS T), Tuesday through Friday. The service is available for all pregnant women in the pilot communities of Cranbrook/Kimberley, Nelson/Castlegar/Trail, Central Okanagan, V ernon, Kamloops, Williams Lake/Cariboo Chilcotin. Women are encouraged to call the prenatal registry early in their pregnancy. 1 (855) 586 -7710 www.interiorhealth.ca/prenatal registry Screening Mammography Program of BC Description: Toll Free: Website: Providing screening m amm ograms to women ages 40 -79. 1 (800) 066 -9203 www.smpbc.ca/ Self-Management Programs Page 154 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The University of |Victoria Self-Management Program is offering a free workshop for adults wanting to learn scientific, evidence -based strategies and techniques for better management of chronic pain, diabetes or any other chronic health condition. W eekly (Six 2.5 hour sessions) fun & interactive workshops proven to be helpful in better managing chronic health issues & pain. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm with after hours voice messaging. 1 (866) 690 -3767 selfm [email protected] www.selfmanagementbc.ca Sex Sense Line Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Free and respectful information about sexual health and sexual health issues. For anyone who has questions about sexual health, please feel free to email your question. P hone Lines: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9:00pm All information is Confidential 1 (800) 073 -7367 Rachel [email protected] www.optbc.org http://bc.wontgetweird.com/ Shriner Care Cruiser Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Medical transportation is available for children and youth up to age 18 chaperoned by an adult, pregnant woman(up to seven months and not highrisk) to facilities as BC Children's Hospital, Canuck Place, S unny Hill and Women's Health Centre. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -5437 [email protected] www.shriners.bc.ca Shriner Patient Program Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Website: Assisting B C and Yukon families children havi ng burn care and orthopedic care needs. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -5437 Marina [email protected] www.schriners.bc.ca Special Authority Request Program Description: Website: Enabling a physician to request coverage from the Ministry of H ealth for the cost of specific medications to be covered. www.health.gov.bc.ca/pharmacare/sa/saindex.html St. John Ambulance Adult Volunteer Brigade Division 518 Description: Phone: Email: Providing first aid coverage by first aid trained volunteers to the community for events, tournaments, concerts, etc. Office Hours : Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 372-3853 kamloops@ bc.sja.ca Page 155 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.sja.ca/bc Take Off Pounds Sensibly Description: Phone: Contact: Contact: Website: Five local groups with times to suit everyone. (250) 376-3574 Grace Vivan 250-769-6056 www.tops.org/ Therapy Dog Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Offering dog/handler visitation services to care facilities, Royal Inland Hospital and in the event of a disaster in the Kamloops comm unity. (250) 372-3853 kamloops@ bc.sja.ca 672 Victoria S treet http://sja.ca/Pages/default.aspx Urban Native Health Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Prevention support and primary health care. Hours of operation: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am-4:30pm (250) 376-1991 Renata 119-125 Palm Street Variety: The Children's Charity Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Raising funds and distributing grants throughout BC to inspire hope, enrich lives, and build a better future for children who have special needs. 310-KIDS (5437) Toll Free - no area code required (604) 320-0505 [email protected] www.variety.bc.ca White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Holistic services in addictions, supported infant and child development, health and wellness, as well as aw areness programs for youth, community and professionals. Providing relevant and updated information to help clients fulfill their health needs. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Nurse Practioner Description: Toll Free: Phone: Practicing both autonomously and collaboratively to provide primary health care services that contribute to the health and well-being of B ritish Colombians across their lifespan. Hours of Operation: Wednesdays 1:30pm 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 Page 156 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: [email protected] Youth Clinic, Kamloops Description: Phone: Website: Provides sexual health services for youth up to age 25. Access to low cost birth control, education, STI/PAP testing, emergency contraception, pregnancy tests and pregnancy options. All information is confidential. Tuesday 2:00pm - 6:00pm By A ppointment Only Intake, E xams and Refills Wednesday, Thursday 3:30- 4:00pm By A ppointment Only Refill D ays (250) 851-7300 www.interiorhealth.ca/ Heritage, Language, Culture BC Cowboy Heritage Society Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: The BC Cowboy Heritage Society's objective is to promote, encourage, establish, conduct and operate events and activities relating to the preservation of cowboy heritage in BC while fostering and developing community interest. 1 (888) 876 -2221 [email protected] Box 137, Kamloops, V2C 5K3 www.bcchs.com Boogie the Bridge Cultural Fund Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Offering funds to help cover the cost of programs, events or workshops which would facilitate the cultural growth of a person 5 -18 years of age who is in financial need. (250) 828-3611 Cara Graden [email protected] www.kamloops.ca/communityprograms/grants.shtml Canadian Parents for French Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Dedicated to the promotion and creation of French second language learning opportunities for young Canadians. Offer summer French language sports camps in partnership with TRU. (250) 573-3127 Susan Hammond [email protected] www.cpf.bc.ca Can-Ital Ladies Society* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: To promote the Canadian -Italian culture and fundraise for health and educational programs. (250) 376-8150 Modesta Luca [email protected] 250-828-3348 City of Kamloops Page 157 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Website: The Parks and R ecreation Activity Guide presents a variety of opportunities in programs, classes, heritage, culture and Language. Low-income individuals may qualify for ARCH (Afford Recreation for Community Health). Visit our website or call for more information. (250) 828-3582 www.kamloops.ca/activityguide Developing World Connections: International Volunteer Experience Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Kamloops based International Volunteering Charity offering 1-4 week volunteer experiences focused on sustainable projects. W e service 12 countries on 3 continents. CSR partnerships available as well as custom, create your own trips. P lease call us, Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 4:00. (250) 434-2524 [email protected] #220-141 Victoria S t. www.developingw orldconnections.org French Reception and Information Service (Association de Francophone) Description: Phone: Address: Website: To respond to the need and expectation of the francophone population. To promote French language and culture by organizing social, cultural and educational activities. (250) 376-6060 348 Fortune Drive www.francokamloops.org Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre and Language School Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Language, cooking and cultural instruction (250) 376-9629 Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre [email protected] 160 Vernon Avenue www.kjca.ca Jewish Community Center of Kamloops* Description: Contact: Email: Website: The Jewish Community in Kamloops is warm and welcoming, with people from all levels of observance. We offer programs regarding holidays as well as a program for youth and many more. Melanie S chlund [email protected] http://Kamloopsjewishcommunity.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/jewishcommunity -centre-of-kamloops-annual-general-meeting/ Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre Description: Phone: A team of creative and responsive professionals dedicated towards empowering Aboriginal people to achieve their fullest potential. All our programs and services offered at the K amloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre are free and confidential. We service Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal people from 0 to Elderly. (250) 376-1296 Page 158 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Phone: Address: Website: Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 250-376-1617 Parkcrest Location 125 Palm St and 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Heritage Railway and Society Description: Phone: Email: Website: Creating public awareness of local railway history through the operation of the 2141 steam engine on behalf of the City of Kamloops. (250) 374-2141 [email protected] www.kamrail.com Kamloops Immigrant Services Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Information, support, translation. A ssistance to im migrants, first generation Canadians, visible minorities, comm unity groups, busi nesses. Programs include: Settlement and Integration, English Language Services for A dults ELSA, Community Connection, E SLSAP Tutoring (One to one English tutoring), Child-minding and interpretation/transl ation service. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (866) 667 -0855 (778) 470-6101 [email protected] 448 Tranquille Rd www.immigrantservices.ca Kamloops Museum and Archives Description: Contact: Email: Phone: Address: Website: The museum has three floors of exhibits: First Floor Children's Museum, Second Floor Temporary E xhibits (changes approxi metly every 6 months), Top Floor History Tim e Line of Kamloops. Business H ours: Tuesday Saturday 9:30am -4:30pm Front Desk [email protected] (250) 828-3576 207 Seymour St. www.kamloops.ca/m useum Kamloops Museum and Archives: School Programs Description: Contact: Phone: Address: Website: Offered by the Museum Educator for a variety of local and historical topics. All programs are linked to the provincial curriculum and can be booked by contacting the museum. Front Desk (250) 828-3576 207 Seymour St. http:// w ww.kamloops.ca/museum Kamloops Women's Resource Group Society Description: Phone: Kamloops Women’s R esource Group Society is a non -profit group which began in 1984, and for 25 years has worked to support and provide a safe space for women and girls within the comm unity. (250) 374-3949 Page 159 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] #2, 375 4th A venue www.kwrgs.ca LinK (Literacy in Kamloops) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Cell Phone: Address: Website: Literacy in K amloops (LinK) is a group of interested comm unity partners who work together to increase the literacy levels of children, youth and adults within our community. LinK works with comm unity partners to develop, maintain and expand literacy programs for all ages. (250) 376-2266 Fiona C lare [email protected] 250 372 -9373 (250) 319-9653 c/o Henry Grube Education Centre 245 K itchner Cres http://[email protected] Secwepemc Cultural Education Society Description: Phone: Email: Website: Preserving and promoting the language, culture and history of the Secwepemc people. H ours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (778) 471-5789 yvonne.fortier@ secwepemc.org www.secwepemc.org Home Support Better Meals Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Frozen meals delivered weekly .Minimum order of $25.00, no delivery charge. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm Ordering Desk Monday - Friday 8:30am - 3:00pm 1 (888) 883 -1888 (604) 299-1877 [email protected] 5742 Beresford Street B urnaby, B .C., V 5J 1J1 www.bettermeals.ca Family Strengthening Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: An intensive 8 week program for individuals and families that are involved with the Ministry of Children and Family Development. You will be provided with the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the child and family as a means to empower parents to improve the functioning of their family as a whole. Some of the topic s discussed: B C Child Protecting Process, Court Process, etc. S tart date September 10th, 9:00 to 11:30 am. P lease call to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Page 160 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Gleaning Program* Description: Phone: Contact: June to S eptember, Kamloops Food Action Centre will pick and collect produce from local gardens and trees, then donate it to people in need. (250) 376-2252 Kamloops Food B ank Home and Community Care Description: Phone: Website: Help to remain at home, transition to full-time, professional care in a residential facility, or anything in between. Respite for caregivers also available. Phone Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm Voice messaging can be left after hours. (250) 851-7900 http:// w ww.interiorhealth.ca Interior Community Services: Meals on Wheels Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Meal delivery for any person who may require nutritional support or whose circumstances makes it difficult to prepare their own meals. Available to all persons, regardless of age or income. Fees apply. Deliveries on Tuesdays and Thursdays (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Lizzy's Closet Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Lizzy's Closet has free quality clothing for women accessing employment, education or in an emergency situation. This program is offered twice monthly. Call for dates! (250) 374-2119 204 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC www.kamloopsefry.com Seniors Outreach Services: Shopping Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Two options for seniors needing assistance to access groceries or prescriptions: Phone -in order for a volunteer to pick up and deliver, or request volunteer to assist with in-store shopping. Transportation with Handydart can be coordinated. With $35 minimum, delivery of groceries is free. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seven Sacred Teaching Parenting Circle Description: 8 week program that will bring together individuals who are interested in learning parenting skills based on Respect, Love, Humility, Wisdom, Honesty, Courage, and Truth. The program is free of charge. Start date - Page 161 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: September 12th, 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Please call to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Housing Aboriginal Housing Management Association Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: AHMA oversees off reserve Aboriginal Housi ng throughout BC. What AHMA is: A quasi-government entity that manages subsidized housing for Aboriginal housing providers A self-management housi ng organization that serves urban and rural A boriginal people in B C What AH MA is not: AHMA is not a housing provider 1 (888) 892 -2462 (604) 921-2462 [email protected] Suite 615 – 100 Park R oyal West Vancouver B.C. V7T 1A 2 www.ahma-bc.org ASK Wellness Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Awareness, education and support for anyone with chronic health issues, the marginalized, and persons at risk. Services include street outreach, client advocacy, client support, and assistance with housing issues. Mondays 10:00am - 4:30pm Tuesday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -7541 (250) 376-7558 reception [email protected] www.askwellness.ca ASK Wellness: Rental Subsidies Description: Phone: Website: Cash assistance toward market rental costs. For people homeless or at risk of homelessness, assistance w ith security deposi ts and rents. (250) 376-7558 www.askwellness.ca BC Housing: Rental Assistance Program Description: Toll Free: Website: Providing eligible low income working families with cash assistance to help with their monthly rental payments. To qualify families must have a gross household income of $35,000 or less, have at least one dependant child and have been employed at some point over the last year. 1 (800) 025 -7756 www.bchousing.org/programs/RAP BC Housing: SAFER (Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters) Description: This shelter aids for elderly renters (SA FER ) program provides cash assistance to eligible BC residents who are age 60 or over and pay rent for their homes. Page 162 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: 1 (800) 025 -7756 www.bchousing.org/programs/SAFER Canadian Home Builders' Association Central Interior Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Organization of professional home builders, renovators, contractors and other professionals related to the home building industry. A ctivities include information for prospective and current homeowners. Office Hours: Monday Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm (250) 828-1844 [email protected] 921C Laval Cres www.chbaci.ca/ Canadian Mental Health Association: Emerald Outreach Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Emerald Outreach is CMHA ’s downtown office. This program supports people w ho are homeless, at risk of homeless or who require other types of support, such as assistance with various government ministries, immigration issues, landlord tenant issues, employment issues, disability issues and much more. W e provi de information on various services and agencies in Kamloops, and assist people to access the services they need. Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 – 4:00pm By appointm ent only (250) 374-1090 emerald.outreach@ cmha.bc.ca Gordon Bregoliss Centre, 271 West V ictoria Street www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca Cariboo Manor Description: Phone: Contact: Affordable supported-living home for ambulatory seniors. Room, meals and housekeeping provided for nine residents in a safe, secure, home -like setting. (250) 579-9350 Janet Condominium Home Owners' Association Description: Toll Free: Extension: Promotes the understanding of strata property living and the interests of strata property ow ners by providing advisory services, education, advocacy, resources, and support for its members. 1 (877) 735 -2462 4 Co-op Housing Federation of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Among its services, provides support to member housing co-ops and co-op members; provides a directory of co -op vacancies by region; offers financial assistance for shares to people with disabilities and women escaping domestic violence. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm 1 (866) 687 -5111 [email protected] 220-1651 Commercial Dr Vancouver, B C http:// w ww.chf.bc.ca/ Cottonwood Manor Page 163 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Cottonwood Manor is the result of many years of effort by a group of dedicated Kamloops senior citizens who have created an affordable independent living seniors housing project without sacrificing quality or location. (250) 376-4777 North Shore Comm unity Centre/C ottonwood Manor nsccs@ shaw.ca #307 730 Cottonwood A venue www.nsccs.w ebs.com CSI: Peer Counsellors Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Website: Helping seniors with most types of comm on problems such as finding affordable housing or coping with life changes. R egular Hours: Monday Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location http:// w ww.csikamloops.ca Finding Home Description: Email: Website: Aims to fill a gap in the information available on homelessness by providing an easily accessible collection of Canadian research and policy analysis on homelessness. thehub@ edu.yorku.ca www.homelesshub.ca/FindingH ome Habitat for Humanity Kamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Habitat For Humanity is a not-for-profit, ecumenical organization dedicated to mobilizing volunteers and community partners to build simple, decent, affordable housing to assist families in breaking the cycle of poverty. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat For Humanity has built or renovated 200,000 homes in 100 countries around the globe, including almost 1000 in Canada. (250) 828-7867 [email protected] #28 1425 Cariboo Place http://habitatkamloops.com/ Habitat for Humanity Kamloops: ReStore Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: First opened in 2004, the K amloops R eStore is one of 77 Habitat branded ReStores across Canada. We sell new and gently-used home improvement products including building materials, furniture, appliances and m any other products, all at a fraction of the cost of new. P roducts sold are donated from both corporate and private donors. A ll sale proceeds help build new or renovated homes in the Kamloops comm unity. (250) 828-7867 [email protected] #28 1425 Cariboo Place http://habitatkamloops.com/ Home Adaptations for Independence Page 164 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Toll Free: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: The Home Adaptations for Independence (HA FI) program provides financial assistance to help eligible low-income seniors and people with disabilities in British Columbia to continue to li ve in the comfort of their home. 1 (800) 040 -7757 (604) 646-7055 7055 (for the Toll Free line) hafi@bchousi ng.org 650 – 4789 Kingsway, B urnaby, B C, V 5H 0A3 www.bchousing.org/hafi Homeowner's Grant Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Reducing property taxes for people residing in their home, with an additional grant for people w ith disabilities (including those receiving only MEIA medical coverage or other supplement), certain veterans and seniors. 1 (888) 835 -2700 [email protected] 1802 Douglas Street, 4th Floor, Victoria BC, V8T 4K6 www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/hog House of Ruth Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: After care supportive living program operated by New Life Mission for women who desire assistance in dealing with chronic alcohol or drug use. Hours of Operation: Monday thru S unday 24 hours (250) 376-5621 Brenda houseofruth@ newlifemission.ca 290 Maple Street www.newlifemission.ca Interior Community Services: Affordable Housing Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: In partnership with BC Housing Management Commission and ICS, we offer people w ith low or moderate incomes an opportunity to live in safe and affordable housing. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Glenfair Apartments Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Low -cost rental housing in an independent living situation for seniors. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Street Services Safe House Description: For youth who want to or are thinking about making changes in their lives. Page 165 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Email: Website: Those changes may be getting away from the streets, w anting to work things out at home or needing a safe place to stay for a short time while they decide what it is they really want to do in their lives. 24 hours/day – 7 days/week 1855-629-SAFE 1 (855) 562 -7233 adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Safe House Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For youth who want to or are thinking about making changes in their lives. Those changes may be getting away from the streets, w anting to work things out at home or needing a safe place to stay for a short time while they decide what it is they really want to do in their lives. 24 hours/day – 7 days/week 1855-629-SAFE 1 (855) 562 -7233 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Transitional Housing Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Young people can stay with the Acadia Place program for up to 24 m onths. Individuals are part of a team working together to design a program that works best for that person. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Homeless Life Skills Program Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Various workshops with incentives, up -to -date listings of rental accommodations, assistance with obtaining replacement identification. (250) 376-1296 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Life Skills and Housing Program Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Address: Website: The Life Skills and Housi ng Program is a partnership program with the Federal Government of Canada under the National Homelessness Initiative. It entails cost free workshops, advocacy work in the community, and assistance with forms and procedures regarding housing issues and I.D. ’s. (250) 376-1296 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 250-376-1617 Parkcrest Location 125 Palm St and 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Page 166 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Housing Inventory Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A document presenting some of the lower-cost or supported housing options in K amloops. (250) 571-9665 Tangie [email protected] http://KamloopsHAP .ca Kamloops Mental Health Association Description: Phone: Extension: Address: Website: Subsi dizes housi ng rental cost for some people with mental illness and/or substance use who are case managed by Kamloops Mental Health and Substance Use within Kamloops city lim its. Hour of Operation: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday (250) 377-6500 4058 235 Lansdowne S t www.interiorhealth.ca Kamloops Native Housing Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Provides affordable housi ng/rental units for urban native families and/or individuals in Kamloops.In addition, also provides affordable housing in various communities in the Thompson Okanagan and Kootenay Regions. Monday thru Thursday 8:00:am - 4:00pm (250) 374-1728 Jacqueline [email protected] Kamloops Rent Bank Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The Rent Bank gives emergency loans to keep working people housed. W e welcome families and single people to apply. W e also offer Money Management to those who need assistance in m aking their money go further and last longer. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke [email protected] 250-374-2119 Janet Bakke [email protected] www.kamloopsefry.com Ministry of Social Development - Shelter Allowance Description: Toll Free: If eligible, MS D provides recipients with funds for shelter and support. Support and shelter rates are legislated and available on the ministry website at: http://www.eia.gov.bc.ca/mhr/ia.htm Other payments of assistance may be available for: home maintenance and repairs, room and board, remortgaging, house insurance, utilities, speci al care facili ty. More information on criteria and eligibility for these categories may be found on our website. . 1 (866) 686 -0800 Page 167 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online_resource/verification_and_eligibility/payassist/policy.html New Life Mission: Residential Support Recovery Program Description: Phone: Email: Website: Intermediate housing for men who desire assistance in dealing with chronic alcohol or drug use. Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00 pm (250) 434-9898 [email protected] www.newlifemission.ca Property Tax Deferment Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website: Property Tax Deferment is a low -interest loan program that assists qualifying homeowners in B ritish Columbia in paying the annual property taxes on their principal residences. There are currently two programs available to homeowners. The first is for residents who are 55 years of age or older, a surviving spouse or a person w ith a disability as defined by regulation and the second program is available for homeowners who are financi ally supporting a child 18 or under. Please refer to our website for additional information regarding these programs. 1 (800) 066 -7867 (250) 356-8121 taxdeferment.gov.bc.ca www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/individuals/Property_Taxes/Property_Tax_Deferment/ptd.htm Residential Tenancy Branch Description: Toll Free: Website: Providing landlords and tenants with information and dispute resolution services in relation to BC's Residential Tenancy Act and Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -8779 www.rto.gov.bc.ca/ Seniors Outreach Society: Housing Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Seniors Outreach has developed a comprehensive housing directory that contains information on independent living, assisted living, low income housing and extended care facilities. The Housing Coordinator will provide clients and their families with information to assist them with the selection of an appropriate housing option. Staff members w ill be happy to assist clients with up to date available housing for the Kamloops area, provide information on the S AFER program for elderly renters and assist with completion of required documentation. (250) 828-0600 Seniors Outreach S oci ety [email protected] www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Independent Living Description: Phone: Email: Address: This program is aimed to assist seniors to acquire specific services and information to m aintain independence in their own homes. S upport Service Workers can assist with the coordination of community supports. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street Page 168 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Safe Suite Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Safe S uite provides temporary free housing to clients 60+ w ho are in crisis and need a safe place to stay. Clients will be given furnished accommodations for up to 60 days at no cost, connections to community resources, practical assistance and help obtaining appropriate housing. (250) 828-0600 Seniors Outreach S oci ety [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Subsidized Housing: BC Housing Description: Toll Free: Website: Suites available at reduced cost for low -income individuals, families, seniors; people w ith health conditions; people with disabilities. S uites made available according to each building's criteria and applicant's relative level of need. 1 (800) 025 -7756 www.bchousing.org/Options/Subsidized_Housing Subsidized Housing: Elizabeth Fry Society Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Suites available at reduced cost for low -income individuals, families, seniors; people w ith health conditions; people with disabilities. S uites made available according to each building's criteria and applicant's relative level of need. (250) 374-2119 206 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street www.kamloopsefry.com Subsidized Housing: John Howard Society Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Suites available at reduced cost for low -income individuals, seniors; people with health conditions; people with disabilities. S uites made available according to each building's criteria and applicant's relative level of need. For those people homeless or at risk of being homeless. W aiting lists are currently being kept on all buildings. (250) 434-1700 [email protected] Suite #100, 529 S eymour S t. www.johnhoward -thompson.ca Subsidized Housing: Sahali Housing Co-op* Description: Phone: Email: Suites available at reasonable cost and some subsizizing available for lowincome individuals, families, seniors; people with health conditions; people with disabilities. Suites made available according to each building's criteria and applicant's relative level of need. Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30am - 12:30pm (250) 374-2712 sahcoop@ oci s.net Page 169 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Tenants Resource and Advisory Centre (TRAC) Infoline Description: Toll Free: Website: Information on all aspects of renting, including rights and responsi bilities from application to move -out. 1 (800) 066 -1185 www.tenants.bc.ca/ White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: KEHIW AWASIS (Baby Eagle Program) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A child and family centered program inclusive of Aboriginal and nonAboriginal children ages 0-12 who have a developmental delay. A variety of supports are offered to the family. 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] 517A Tranquille R oad www.whitebuffalo.name World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms* Description: Email: Website: Local and distant farms provi de lodging and organic food in exchange for four to six hours work per day. [email protected] www.wwoof.ca/ Income Assistance Ministry of Social Development: Administration Description: Toll Free: Contact: Website: Ministry of S ocial Development provides income assistance to those in need. Eligibility and monthly assistance rates depend on income and asset levels and the number of people in the family unit. If it is determined that an applicant has an im mediate need, eligibility will be determined on an urgent basis. Hardship assistance may be issued in some situations when an individual is not eligible for income assistance. To apply for income assistance, please complete the Self Serve Assessment and Application Tool (SS AA ) at: http://www.hsd.gov.bc.ca/bcea.htm . For Income Assistance information and services please call toll free 1 866 866-0800 or visit your local E mployment and Income Assistance Office. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Ministry of S ocial Development www.gov.bc.ca/hsd Women's Housing Support Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Phone: Website: Support services for women. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke 250-374-2119 www.kamloopsefry.com Your Welfare Rights Booklet Description: This booklet is published by Legal Services providing a guide to a person's Page 170 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Address: Website: rights and responsibilities in relation to income assistance. This bookl et is available through Legal A id. (250) 314-1900 Legal Aid 208 300 Columbia St. www.lss.bc.ca Income Taxes Community Volunteer Income Tax Program* Description: Toll Free: Website: Free assistance for straightforward returns at tax time. Upon contact with the program, staff will connect an individual with local assistance, if available. 1 (800) 095 -8281 www.cra.gc.ca CSI: Volunteer Income Tax Return Program Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Providing assistance during tax season to seniors with fixed income to complete and submit a tax return. Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30 am -4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location http:// w ww.csikamloops.ca Labour British Columbia Federation of Labour Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: BC Federation of Labour primary goal is to speak on behalf of and provide resources to it's affiliated unions. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm 1 (604) 443 -1421 [email protected] www.bcfed.ca Canadian Labour Congress Pacific Region Description: Phone: Email: Website: Umbrella organization for affiliated Canadian and international unions as well as for provincial federations of labour and regional labour councils. The CLC represents the interests of more than three million affiliated workers in every occupation from coast to coast to coast. (604) 430-6766 [email protected] www.canadianlabour.ca Kamloops and District Labour Council Description: Phone: Email: Assists workers regarding employment rights, laws and procedures; supports community and social justice initiatives; lobbies all level of government to support changes to w orkers rights. (250) 374-7310 kdlc@ telus.net Page 171 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Legal Advocacy Access Program Description: Toll Free: Website: Phone-based assistance to people with disabilities to become aw are of their rights and entitlements. Advocates on behalf of individuals, provides information and referrals. 1 (800) 066 -1278 www.bccpd.bc.ca/ BC Laws Description: Toll Free: Phone: Website: BC Law s provides free public access to the current law s of British Columbia. This unofficial current consolidation of BC Statutes and Regulations is updated continually as new and amended laws 1 (800) 066 -6105 (250) 387-6409 www.bclaw s.ca/ British Columbia Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Address: Website: Free legal advice and representation to eligible adults 55+ whose legal problem fits into priority areas: older adults who have experienced abuse or are vulnerable to abuse, including those who have legal issues relating to access to housing, problems with assisted living or long term care, access to government benefits, and financial abuse. Office Hours: Monday- Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm 1 (866) 643 -1940 (604) 437-1940 380-1199 West P ender S t V ancouver, B C V6E 2R1 http:// w ww.bcceas.ca Canadian Consumer Information Gateway Description: Phone: Website: Working with federal, provincial and territorial governments, and non government sources, ConsumerInformation.ca helps you find authoritative information on consumer issues. It is brought to you by the Office of Consumer Affairs of Industry Canada to help promote and protect the interests of Canadian consumers. (613) 946-2576 www.consumerinformation.ca/ Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Website: CLAS has provided legal assistance to disadvantaged people throughout British Columbia. We specialize in the areas of poverty, disability, workers ’ compensation, employment insurance, mental health, human rights and equality law. B usiness Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (888) 868 -6222 (604) 685-3425 www.clasbc.net Consumer Protection BC Description: Help for C onsumers Understand your rights and obligations as a consumer, get accurate information so you can m ake m ore informed decisions, and find Page 172 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: out what you can do if you have a problem or complaint. Help for B usinesses Understand your rights, and the obligations you have to consumers, find information about the laws or regulations that apply to your busi ness, and apply for or renew a licence with C onsumer Protection BC. 1 (888) 856 -9963 www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/ Courthouse Libraries BC Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Legal information services for all, including remote access and video tutorials demonstrating research techniques and strategies. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm (250) 828-4385 kamloops@ courthouselibary.ca Rm 314-455 Columbia St www.courthouselibrary.ca/ Crime Victim Assistance Program Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Providing assistance to victims of specific crimes that occur in B ritish Columbia. 1 (866) 666 -3888 [email protected] Box 5550 Stn Terminal, Vancouver, B C, V6B 1H1 www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/victim_services/cva/index.htm Dial-A-Law Description: Toll Free: Website: Pre -recorded messages, produced by the Canadian B ar Association, B C Branch, providing practical information on a wide variety of legal topics. Also available on our website. 1 (800) 056 -5297 www.dialalaw.org/ Elizabeth Fry Society Poverty Law Advocacy Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Free legal information, advice and representation. Assists with applications and appeals, and facilitates public education workshops. Areas covered: income assistance, C anada P ension, Employment, residential tenancy and debt. Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday8:30-4:30pm (250) 314-1900 202 [email protected] 208-300 Columbia Street www.kamloopsefry.com/ Elizabeth Fry Society: Courtwork Program Description: The Courtwork program is a volunteer based program that provides a range of assistance to help people who are involved in the court system understand and navigate the court process by: - Liaising with legal aid, law yers, and courthouse personnel - Orienting people to the courtroom and courtroom procedures -Connecting people dealing with family or criminal matters w ith a Duty Counsel lawyer -Assisting w ith the process of applying for a Pardon Referring people to community agencies and legal resources Page 173 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: (250) 374-2119 204 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC www.kamloopsefry.com Employment Standards Branch Description: Toll Free: Website: Provides general information to employees and employers on the interpretation and application of the employment standards act. Available 24 hours a day. 1 (800) 066 -3316 www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb Family Justice Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Mediation, dispute resolution, and other services to separating or divorcing families or to individuals with a child in comm on. A service of the Ministry of Justice. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-4688 200-444 St Paul St www.justicebc.ca/en/fam Family Maintenance Enforcement Program Description: Phone: Website: Monitoring and enforcing maintenance orders and agreements for either child support or spousal support. Hours; Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30pm (250) 434-6020 www.fmep.gov.bc.ca/ Financial Institution Commission of BC Description: Toll Free: Address: The Financial Institutions Commission (FICOM) is a regulatory agency of the provincial Ministry of Finance. FICOM is responsible for administering 10 statutes that regulate the pension, financial services and real estate sectors in B ritish Columbia. The primary focus of this regulation is to ensure that: Institutions and pension plans in these sectors remain solvent; Market conduct requirements for these sectors are respected; Unsuitable individuals do not participate in financial service markets; and Through the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation (CUDIC), insure credit union deposits and non-equity shares. 1 (866) 620 -3030 Box 12116 2800-555 West Hastings, Vancouver BC John Howard Society Description: Phone: Contact: The John Howard Society Thompson Region ( JHSTR ) is a charitable organization whose mission is to promote effective, just and humane responses to the causes and consequences of crime. Our agency offers the following: 1. B edford M anor- a 72 bed assisted living complex in Kamloops 2. Two subsi dized housing buildings known as Victory Inn and Georgian Court 3. Provision of housi ng and support services to men and women being released from prison to community while on parole Contact reception at 250434-1700 Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30am (250) 434-1700 Reception Page 174 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] #100- 529 Seymour St www.johnhoward.ca Justice Education Society: Northern Native Public Legal Education Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Providing education, facilitating school programs and learning within the community. Specialized programs for aboriginal youth and comm unities. (250) 614-2686 Annette [email protected] 1046-250 George S t, P rince George, B C, V2L 5S 2 www.ljusticeducation.ca Kamloops Community-Based Victim Service Program Description: Phone: Address: Website: Information and emotional support to victims; people considering reporting a criminal offense; those appearing as Crown Witnesses; witnesses in partner assault; sexual assault; child sexual abuse; criminal harassment; stalking Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am- 4:30pm (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve K amloops B C www.ksacc.ca Kamloops RCMP Victim Services Description: Phone: Phone: Helping those who have been victim or witness of crime or trauma, including motor vehicle accidents, suicide, etc. Twenty-four hour support, referrals, and help determining one's options. Anonym ity fine. Nothing is reported to police except where a child is in danger or harm to a person (including oneself) is threatened. (250) 828-3223 (250) 828-3000 RCMP Detachment Lawyer Referral Service Description: Toll Free: Website: Referring callers to local law yers, based on issue presented, for half-hour consultation at a m inimal fee. 1 (800) 066 -1919 www.lrsbc.org Legal Aid Description: Toll Free: Phone: Legal Aid has a range of free services that may help you. We give priority to people w ith low incomes, but many services are available to all British Columbians. We offer: •Information provided by our publications, the Family Law in BC website, intake assistants, and, in some comm unities, legal information outreach workers and A boriginal community legal w orkers. •Advice from duty counsel lawyers or family advice lawyers. •Representation (a lawyer to take your case) if you qualify and have serious family, child protection, or criminal law issues (and for some immigration, mental health, and prison law issues). Please view our website for more detailed information. You can apply for legal aid by phone or in person. Monday Thursday 8:30am- 4:30pm 1 (866) 657 -2525 (604) 601-6000 Page 175 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Address: Website: 250-314-1900 Kamloops Office #208-300 Columbia St 400-510 Burrard S t, V ancouver BC www.legalaid.bc.ca MS Society of Canada, Kamloops and Area Chapter Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Resources, advocacy, support groups, information seminars, member meetings, and an equipment loan program. V olunteer Legal A dvocacy Program offers assistance with Canada Pension P lan, disability insurance, human rights, family law, w ills, estates, or other financial matters. Office Hours: Tuesday- Thursday 1 (888) 830 -6622 (250) 314-0773 [email protected] 275A Seymour St Kamloops http:// w ww.mssociety.ca/kamloops Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry Description: Phone: Email: Website: A resource for anyone planning for when they may require help to manage their affairs due to episodic, temporary, or permanent incapacity. Suitable for people seeking an alternative to court -appointed and public guardianship, and people who are currently supporting others with planning and decisionmaking. A lso operates a centralized registry for E nduring P owers of A ttorney, Representation A greements and revocations of such documents. (604) 408-7414 [email protected] http:// w ww.nidus.ca Ombudservice For Life and Health Insurance Description: Toll Free: Website: A independent, complaint resolution and information service for consumers of Canadian li fe and health insurance products and services. Phone li ne 24 hours. 1 (888) 829 -8112 www.olhi.ca Ombudsman For Banking Services and Investments Description: Toll Free: Email: Phone: Website: Ombudsm an For B anking Services and Investments is a Canadian independent, impartial and non profit dispute resolution service for banking and investment complaints. Phone service 24 hours. 1 (888) 845 -4519 ombudsm [email protected] tty:1-855-889 -6274 www.obsi.ca Ombudsperson of BC Description: Receives inquiries and complaints about the practices and services of public agencies w ithin its jurisdiction, then impartially investigates the complaints to determine whether public agencies have acted fairly and reasonably, and whether their actions and deci sions were consistent with relevant legislation, policies and procedures. S ubmit an on-line complaint form at www.bcombudsperson.ca Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:30pm Page 176 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: 1 (800) 056 -3247 www.bcombusperson.ca Pro Bono Law Clinic Description: Phone: Address: Website: New Life Mission operates a P ro Bono Law Clinic for the public. P lease call for an appointment. (250) 372-9898 346 Seymour St. www.newlifemission.ca/ Residential Tenancy Branch Description: Toll Free: Website: Providing landlords and tenants with information and dispute resolution services in relation to BC's Residential Tenancy Act and Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -8779 www.rto.gov.bc.ca/ Small Claims Court Description: Phone: Contact: Address: The local courts have a series of brochures introducing a person to, and walking one through, the Small Claims Court process. H ours: Monday Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (250) 828-4344 Kamloops Law Court 233-455 Columbia St., V2C 6K4 Tenants Resource and Advisory Centre (TRAC) Infoline Description: Toll Free: Website: Information on all aspects of renting, including rights and responsi bilities from application to move -out. 1 (800) 066 -1185 www.tenants.bc.ca/ The Canadian Centre for Elder Law Description: Phone: Address: Website: The Canadian Centre for E lder Law ("CCE L") is a national, non -profit body dedicated to exploring the particular legal issues which affect older Canadians. The m andate of the CCEL includes research, law reform, and education relating to legal issues of interest to older adults. Today, the CCEL is recognized for its expertise in Elder Law issues both in Canada and internationally. (604) 822-0633 1822 East Mall - University of B C, Vancouver B C www.bcli.org/ccel VictimLINK BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: A 24-hour line for victims of any crime, including family and sexual violence. Crisis support and referrals to community, social, health, justice and government resources. Information on the justice system, relevant laws and programs, crime prevention, safety planning, and the P rotection Orders Registry. Multi lingual telephone assistance. 1 (800) 056 -0808 [email protected] www.victimlinkbc.ca Page 177 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Your Welfare Rights Booklet Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: This booklet is published by Legal Services providing a guide to a person's rights and responsibilities in relation to income assistance. This bookl et is available through Legal A id. (250) 314-1900 Legal Aid 208 300 Columbia St. www.lss.bc.ca Leisure Activities 137 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps KAMLOOPS* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Wednesday: 6 - 9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. We parade Wednesday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, sailing, music, and seamanship training. C adets can also choose to go to various summer camps, from Vancouver Island to Nova Scotia, or even overseas. The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 250-554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca 55 Plus Kamloops Senior Swimmers Description: Phone: Website: Providing opportunities for competitive swimming for people ages 55 and over. (250) 573-2818 www.bcseniorsgames.org Amateur Radio Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Building and maintaining a network of Amateur Radio mountaintop repeaters to enable voice and digital communications. (250) 828-0895 Bill [email protected] www.karc.ca/ Astronomical Society, Kamloops Description: Promoting an interest in amateur astronomy for lay persons and professionals. Meets on the second Wednesday of every month. Check out our website for location. Page 178 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Phone: Contact: Website: (250) 573-4861 Bev Markle 2504539983 Kim Jenner www.kamloopsastronomy.ca/index.html BC Fishing Resorts and Outfitters Association Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Representing the freshwater tourism fishing industry. Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm 1 (866) 637 -6836 (250) 374-6836 Bonnie bcfroa@ bcfroa.ca #106 - 1383 McGill Rd www.bcfroa.ca BC Parks Description: Website: Offering camping sites and, when pre-arranged, fee reduction options for camping parties which include a person with disabilities or a senior. Visit the website for more information. www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks BC Wildlife Park Society Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Conservation of B C wildlife through display, interpretation, education, w ildlife rehabilitation and captive breeding. Jan 1-Feb 28 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm March 1-April 30 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm May 1-Sept 2 Daily 9:30am - 5:00pm Sept 3-October 31 Daily 9:30am - 4:00pm Nov 1- Dec 31 Open weekends only 9:30am - 4:00pm Boo at the Zoo- during the month of October Wild-lights- 5:00pm - 9:00pm starting in December (250) 573-3242 [email protected] 9077 Dallas Dr. www.bczoo.org Big Little Science Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: Everyone is invited to visit B IG Little Science Centre for interactive FUN science! BIG Little S cience Centre is open year round with over 130 hands on exhibits, special activities and shows. Check the website and Facebook pages to learn more about our upcoming special programs. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm. (250) 554-2572 Gord Stewart [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/unitedwaytnc/posts/593173124056650? notif_t=like 655 Holt Street, Kamloops, BC. www.blscs.org Boogie the Bridge Cultural Fund Page 179 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Offering funds to help cover the cost of programs, events or workshops which would facilitate the cultural growth of a person 5 -18 years of age who is in financial need. (250) 828-3611 Cara Graden [email protected] www.kamloops.ca/communityprograms/grants.shtml Boys and Girls Club: Friday Family Nights Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Every Friday night, families are invited to enjoy dinner and activities at the McArthur Island C ommunity Club. There is no cost, but pre-registration is required. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com City of Kamloops Description: Phone: Website: The Parks and R ecreation Activity Guide presents a variety of opportunities in programs, classes, heritage, culture and Language. Low-income individuals may qualify for ARCH (Afford Recreation for Community Health). Visit our website or call for more information. (250) 828-3582 www.kamloops.ca/activityguide City of Kamloops: Gardening Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The Parks and R ecreation Activity Guide presents, seasonally, a variety of gardening classes. Low income individuals may qualify for ARC H (A fford Recreation for Community Health subsidizing) (250) 828-3611 Cara Graden [email protected] www.kamloops.ca/activityguide CMHA Adult Clubhouse Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For those 19 years and over, w ith a diagnosed m ental health issue, a clubhouse offering services such as free internet, social outings and recreational support for members. Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 374-0440 Canadian M ental Health Association kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour St www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca Cribbage Description: Phone: Contact: Crib and coffee every Tuesday afternoon 1:30pm at McArthur Island Lawn Bowling C lubhouse. (250) 376-0917 Kay Page 180 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: 250-579-8259 Maureen Developing World Connections: International Volunteer Experience Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Kamloops based International Volunteering Charity offering 1-4 week volunteer experiences focused on sustainable projects. W e service 12 countries on 3 continents. CSR partnerships available as well as custom, create your own trips. P lease call us, Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 4:00. (250) 434-2524 [email protected] #220-141 Victoria S t. www.developingw orldconnections.org Djembe Django Drum Connection Description: Phone: Email: Website: KamloopsDrumConnecton.com brings you R aven's D jembe Django Connection - news about Kamlooops drum circles, djembe lessons and drumm ing events. Contact Raven at djembedjango@hotm ail.com. Check out the website! (250) 828-2953 djembedjango@ hotmail.com http://KamloopsDrumConnection.com Elks Recreation Children's Camp Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Providing year round, accessible camping facili ties for underprivileged, handicapped, special needs and other children who would not otherwise be able to attend a camp. 1 (888) 836 -3557 (604) 513-0155 BC Elks [email protected] www.bcelks.ca/bce-childrencamp.shtm l Flying Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: A place for fellow pilots and aviation enthusiasts to m eet and promote activities in general aviation. (250) 374-3085 Tito Zannella [email protected] www.kamloopsflyingclub.com Fun Laugh Friends 2014, Kamloops Description: Contact: Email: Website: New social group. Adults - join in our activities, individuals/couples, make new friends, have fun. Come as you are. Childfree couples encouraged to join. Games/card night, sports events, music, theatre, BB Q, progressive dinner, camping. Events are planned already. Wendy Makepeace [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/219934751527720/ Page 181 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Craft Group for Elders Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Address: Website: A get together in creating crafts, teaching crafts, socializing and lunch together. Tuesdays 10:00am - 12:00noon (250) 376-1296 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 250-376-1617 Parkcrest Location 125 Palm St and 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Adapted Sports Association Description: Contact: Email: Email: Website: Kamloops Adapted Sports Association offers sport and recreation opportunities to all athletes interested in adapted sport. Mobility lim itation not required! Jessica Vliegenthart [email protected] [email protected] www.kamloopsadaptedsport.com Kamloops and Area Beekeepers’ Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Assisting w ith pollination of trees and gardens, swarm removal, becoming a beekeeper and honey producer and locating sources of beehive products. Meeting take place the third W ednesday of every month starting in January. For more information please call Ian. (250) 579-8518 Ian Farber [email protected] www.kamloopsbeekeepers.ca www.bcbeekeepers.com Kamloops Duplicate Bridge Club Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Contact: Website: Sanction Duplicate Bridge. Mondays and Tuesdays 7:00pm at Heritage House, and Thursdays 7:00pm at C ottonwood. (250) 828-1993 Wendy 250-571-1069 Jim www.members.shaw.ca/kamloopsduplicatebridgeclub/ Kamloops Library: Public Libraries Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Website: (Thompson Nicola Regional District Library System) Free access to books, magazines, internet , word-processing, newspapers; assistance locating parenting resources; stories for children; videos on child development; movies for children and families; music CDs, etc. P rograms for children and more. V isit our website for library hours. (250) 372-5145 South Shore (250) 554-1124 North Shore www.tnrdlib.ca Page 182 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Email: Website: Dedicated to the protection and promotion of the natural environment. Meet the third Thursday of each month 7:00pm at Heritage House. Non operational during January, June , July and August. (250) 554-1285 [email protected] www.kamloopsnaturalistclub.com Kamloops Shotokan Karate Club Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Providing people ages 14 years and older with an opportunity to experience a unique cultural art, get in shape and learn self defense. Call for more information on classes. NOTE: The phone number listed below is also used by the Goessman Denture Clinics, but it IS the correct number for the K arate Club. (250) 374-9443 Alan Goessman 603 St. Paul St. Kamloops T'ai Chi Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Cell Phone: Website: Aiming to keep bodies strong and healthy and minds calm, disciplined and aware. Meet Tuesdays at 7:00pm (250) 579-5499 Leo Kinshella [email protected] (250) 819-9845 www.kamloopstaichiclub.com Kamloops Team Handball Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Providing opportunities for team handball at an indoor court at the Tournament Capital Centre for novice and experienced players ages 12 and over. (250) 314-4050 Peter kamloopshandball@ hotmail.ca https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Team-Handball/189641944642 Kamloops Winemakers Association Description: Phone: Email: Website: An informal group of of amateur winemakers enjoying making, tasting and sharing wine, sharing wine-making knowledge, and socializing. (250) 374-5082 [email protected] www3.telus.net/kwa Kamloops Young Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Contact: Meets about once a m onth for fun in the outdoors. A ll are welcome, for children and youths ages 5- 14. A nominal membership fee applies per family per year. (250) 374-4733 Richard Doucette Page 183 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Website: [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Young -Naturalists Club/162725044798 PacificSport Interior BC: Sport Development and Performance Description: Phone: Email: Website: PacificSport is a regional non-for-profit organization dedicated to providing athletes, coaches and communities programs and services from "playground to podium" (Sport Development to Sport P erformance). Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-3344 [email protected] www.pacificsport.com/interiorbc People In Motion Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Services for persons with any kind of disability, visible or invisible. Provi de assistance, information, "disabled parking" permits, recreational and fitness, programs, social programs and accessible camp for people with disabili ties. Sixteen passenger para-transit bus available for charter. Life skill s training and basic cooking skills training are also available. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm TDD available on our listed phone number. 1 (877) 741 -4241 (250) 376-7878 People In Motion [email protected] 182B Tranquille R oad www.peopleinmotion.org/ Quad Riders ATV Association of BC Description: Phone: Website: Working with ATV riders in promotion of environmental stewardship, safe and responsible ATV practices, maintenance and development of new and existing trails provincially; working with other trail user groups for the benefit of all trail users. (250) 554-7823 www.atvbc.ca Recreation Sites and Trails BC Description: Phone: Website: Offering recreation sites and trails which are public campgrounds and trails located on Crown land outside of parks and settled areas. (250) 371-6500 www.sitesandtrailsbc.ca Sportability Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Sportability offers a wide variety of physical activity and sport opportunities for all British C olumbians who have a physical disability. We currently offer sledge hockey, power soccer, Boccia, para-cycling, and 7-a-side soccer. (604) 599-5240 [email protected] 604-599-5240 Thompson Rivers Area Cycling Coalition Page 184 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Email: Website: A group of cyclists working together to improve cycling transportation options in the Kamloops area. Find our facebook group (Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/) under tracc thompson rivers area cycling coalition. (250) 376-4723 [email protected] http://Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/ Thompson Valley Activity and Social Club* Description: Phone: Email: Opportunities for people to meet others who like to stay active through biking, hiking, skiing, w alking, dancing, golfing, playing cards, and other activities. (250) 571-5111 [email protected] Tourism Kamloops Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Connects residents and visitors to regularly -offered activities as well as special events. Office H ours Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30pm (250) 372-8000 Tourism Kamloops [email protected] 1290 West Trans Canada Highway www.tourismkamloops.com TRU Friends of the Gardens Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Enriches lives through its ongoing horticultural education and research programs. (250) 377-6057 Kevin S collon [email protected] Western Canada Theatre Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Professional live theatre. Educational, theatrical, and artistic opportunities and services. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30- 4:30pm (250) 372-3216 21 Western Canada Theatre [email protected] Western Canada Theatre 1025 Lorne S treet www.wctlive.ca Winemakers Association Description: Phone: Email: Website: An informal group of of amateur winemakers enjoying making, tasting and sharing wine, sharing wine-making knowledge, and socializing. (250) 374-5082 [email protected] www3.telus.net/kwa Mental Health, Mental Illness Page 185 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Aboriginal Development Clinician Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Assists families to make connections to resources and community regarding mental health issues for youths. To build capacity in communities, children and youth regarding mental health concerns. Provides assessments and treatment services to children, youth and their families that are experiencing significant emotion and behavioral difficulties such as; depression,anxi ety,trauma,self harm and suicidal thoughts . A boriginal Development Clinician Available: Mondays, Tuesday W ednesdays and Fridays in Kamloops Thursdays in M erritt 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 clinician@ whitebuffalo.name Alzheimer Society of B.C. Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of A lzheimer's disease and other dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cures. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 088 -6946 (250) 377-8200 [email protected] 405- 235 1St Ave Kamloops www. alzheimer Anxiety Disorders Association Of BC Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Providing support through informal sharing of experiences with peers. Participants may be dealing w ith panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, speci fic phobia, generalized anxiety disorder. Meetings: Every second Tuesday of each month and every Thursday from 6:00pm -8:00 pm at 126 K ing S treet. (250) 376-7855 4305 [email protected] 1-604 -525 -7566 126 King Street www.anxietybc.com/ BC Mental Health Information Line Description: Toll Free: 24 hour line providing information on provincial mental health programs as well as symptoms, causes, treatment, support groups and publications. 1 (800) 066 -2121 British Columbia Schizophrenia Society Description: Phone: Email: Support and education for family and friends of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia or other serious and persistent mental illness. (250) 319-7667 gbagri@ bcss.org Canadian Mental Health Association Page 186 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Among its services , offers advocacy to people with diagnosed mental health issues. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4::00pm (250) 374-1090 kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour St, Kamloops www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca Child and Youth Mental Health Description: Phone: Phone: Website: Ministry of Families and C hildren D evelopment provides a wide range of services to help children and youth with mental health issues. These services are provided directly by ministry staff or by community agencies working under contract. All of these services are free to BC residents and are voluntary. Locations: 210 -1165 Battle S t 201 -905 Southill St (250) 371-3648 250-554-5800 North Shore location www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/mental_health Community Legal Assistance Society (CLAS) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Website: CLAS has provided legal assistance to disadvantaged people throughout British Columbia. We specialize in the areas of poverty, disability, workers ’ compensation, employment insurance, mental health, human rights and equality law. B usiness Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (888) 868 -6222 (604) 685-3425 www.clasbc.net Consumer Facilitation Fund Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A grant for members recreational, employment, leisure, or educational needs. Amount available per person varies from year to year. Must have a diagnosed mental illness (includes addiction). Applications for funding are available ath Canadian Mental Health office 857 Seymour St. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:00pm (250) 374-0440 kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour Street www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca/ Eating Disorder Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Comprehensive program for children, youth and adults who are experiencing problems related to disordered eating. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:305:00pm (250) 377-6500 Intake Services 235 Lansdowne S treet ewayKamloops Description: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 Page 187 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm FOCUS Description: Phone: Website: In partnership with Interior Health, links or integrates mental health consumers with community organizations in a way that promotes their involvement and enhances comm unity awareness about various mental health issues. Office H ours: Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 372-8313 www.volunteerkamloops.org/ Hillside Centre Description: Phone: Extension: Address: Website: Hillside Centre is a 44 bed facility located on the R oyal Inland Hospital campus. P rovides services to both adults and elderly individuals with acute illness and/or severely dysfunctional behaviours who cannot be cared for in the psychiatric system in their own area. The focus is on diagnosis and stabilization with rehabilitation strategies to promote stabilization and reintegration into the community to return home. (250) 314-2700 Interior Health A ssoci ation 311 Columbia St www.interiorhealth.ca Interior Community Services: Early Connections Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Early Connections Program supports families in building healthy attachments. Open to families and family caregivers with children age birth to six years. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ JUMP (Jubilee Street Ministry and Partners) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: A weekl y touring meals and counselling service serving both the North and South Shores of Kamloops on S aturday noon at the New Life Mission and from 6 -8 pm at the Total P et parking lot on Tranquille Road. Other meals and services will be added in the next weeks and months. Jubilee also offers low cost catering services to the comm unity at large for events and meetings. (250) 434-5548 Glenn Hilke and Harold John [email protected] 250-434-5548 [email protected] Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Child and Youth Mental Health Wellness Program Page 188 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Wellness coordinator will help build a wellness network, support the Aboriginal Development Clinicians and provide mental health promotion. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 376-1296 Susan @ K amloops A boriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Mental Health and Substance Use Description: Phone: Phone: Address: Website: Provides assessments for all mental health and addiction services programs; referrals to community resources; support for clients in crisis; education and support to consumers, families, community. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-5:00pm (250) 377-6500 250-377-0088 After Hours 235 Lansdowne S treet Kamloops, BC www.interiorhealth.ca Kelty Resource Centre Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: A provincial resource centre linking children, youth and their families with appropriate resources in all areas of mental health, eating disorders and addictions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday9:30am - 5:00pm Located in B C Children's Hospital 1 (800) 066 -1822 [email protected] #85-Rm P3 -302 3rd Floor 4500 Oak S treet, V ancouver, BC www.keltymentalhealth.ca Medications Description: Phone: Contact: MSP 's N o-Charge P sychiatric Medication P rogram ("Plan G") covers the cost of mental health drugs for people unable to purchase it. (250) 851-7450 Kamloops Mental Health Mood Disorders Association of BC, Kamloops Branch Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Address: Website: Support, education and friendship for people with mood disorder (depression, bipolar illness, etc), as well as their families and friends as we build an understanding community. Meetings Thursday evenings from 6:00pm 8:00pm at 126 King Street. (250) 376-7855 4305 Annette 126 King Street www.mdabc.net/ Ombudsman For Banking Services and Investments Description: Toll Free: Ombudsm an For B anking Services and Investments is a Canadian independent, impartial and non profit dispute resolution service for banking and investment complaints. Phone service 24 hours. 1 (888) 845 -4519 Page 189 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Phone: Website: ombudsm [email protected] tty:1-855-889 -6274 www.obsi.ca Open Door Group: Garden Gate Horticultural Program Description: Phone: Address: Website: Offering pre-employment skill development and workshops in gardening, canning, cooking, building, etc, to adults with mental health concerns. Programs take place in a greenhouse, vegetable garden and kitchen classroom. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 554-9453 915 Southill St, Kamloops www.opendoorgroup.org South Hills Tertiary Psychiatric Rehabilitation Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: A home-like environment for people who require ongoing treatm ent and other support for their eventual reintegration into the comm unity Office Hours: Mondy- Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 554-5590 Interior Health 945 Southill Street www.interiorhealth.ca The F.O.R.C.E. Society for Kids' Mental Health Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Provides families with an opportunity to speak w ith other families w ho understand and may be able to offer support or advice on what has worked for them. The F.O.R.C.E. also provides families and professionals with information, tools, and tips on how to support and assist children with mental health difficulties. The mandate is to support and empower families and work collaboratively with professionals and systems in understanding and meeting the mental health needs of families. (604) 878-3400 [email protected] www.forcesociety.com Thompson Nicola Employee and Family Counselling Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Not for P rofit counselling agency specializing in providing support and therapy to people in our community. Employee and Family A ssistance Provider (E FAP ) for companies in Kamloops,Merritt, and Clearwater. Unlimited counselling sessions for employees and family members of businesses. Monday - Friday 8:00am 0 5:00pm 1 (800) 066 -1095 (250) 372-2262 Tamara [email protected] http:// w ww.tncounselling.ca TRU Mental Health and Addictions Therapist/Counsellor Description: Phone: In partnership with IHA, offers to current TR U students assessment, referral, short term counselling, brief intervention, anxiety group therapy, supportive therapy, and preventive work on campus with problematic substance use. (250) 828-5023 Page 190 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.tru.ca Money, Debt, Financial ABC's of Fraud Description: Phone: Website: Group presentations designed to create awareness about different types of fraud, including identity theft, credit card fraud, charity scams, investment fraud, affinity fraud and internet fraud. (250) 554-4145 www.csikamloops.ca/ Canadian Consumer Information Gateway Description: Phone: Website: Working with federal, provincial and territorial governments, and non government sources, ConsumerInformation.ca helps you find authoritative information on consumer issues. It is brought to you by the Office of Consumer Affairs of Industry Canada to help promote and protect the interests of Canadian consumers. (613) 946-2576 www.consumerinformation.ca/ Consumer Protection BC Description: Toll Free: Website: Help for C onsumers Understand your rights and obligations as a consumer, get accurate information so you can m ake m ore informed decisions, and find out what you can do if you have a problem or complaint. Help for B usinesses Understand your rights, and the obligations you have to consumers, find information about the laws or regulations that apply to your busi ness, and apply for or renew a licence with C onsumer Protection BC. 1 (888) 856 -9963 www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/ Credit Counselling Society of BC Description: Toll Free: Address: Website: Telephone counselling to address financial concerns, including budgeting, saving, becoming debt-free, avoiding bankruptcy, etc. 1 (888) 852 -8999 www.mymoneycoach.ca www.nomoredebts.org/ Financial Services OmbudsNetwork Description: Website: Providing information on assistance or recourse for those with questions, concerns or complaints about financial services providers. www.fson.org/en/index Fraud Awareness Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Group presentations run by trained volunteers designed to create awareness about different types of fraud, including identity theft, credit card fraud, charity scams, investment fraud, affinity fraud and internet fraud. Regular Business hours 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 Info [email protected] Page 191 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Address: Website: Activity Centre: (778) 470 6000 Info: #25 - 700 Tranquille Rd.; Activity Centre: 9A - 1800 Tranquille Rd. www.csikamloops.ca Kamloops Rent Bank Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The Rent Bank gives emergency loans to keep working people housed. W e welcome families and single people to apply. W e also offer Money Management to those who need assistance in m aking their money go further and last longer. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke [email protected] 250-374-2119 Janet Bakke [email protected] www.kamloopsefry.com Loan Forgiveness for Students with Severe Disabilities (Student Aid BC Ministry of Advance Education) Description: Toll Free: Website: Must provide confirmation of severe disability from the Federal Government before the P rovincial loan can be forgiven. Forms are availbale on line at www.studentaidbc.ca 1 (800) 056 -1818 www.studentaidbc.ca Ombudservice For Life and Health Insurance Description: Toll Free: Website: A independent, complaint resolution and information service for consumers of Canadian li fe and health insurance products and services. Phone li ne 24 hours. 1 (888) 829 -8112 www.olhi.ca Problem Gambling Help Line Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides free confidential phone service for information and referral regarding community resources for people throughout B.C. needing help with problem gambling. Provides referral to counselling services and preventionand self-help resources. Multi lingual telephone assistance is available 24 hours a day. 1 (888) 879 -6111 [email protected] www.bc211.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Income Tax Service Description: Phone: If you need help completing your Canadian income tax return and you can't afford an accountant or commercial income tax preparation service, take advantage of our V olunteer Tax Preparation Clinics. These free clinics are offered every year between February and A pril at Desert Gardens Community Centre (540 Seymour St). Trained volunteers can help you with your taxes if you have a straightforward income tax return and your income is low . (250) 828-0600 Page 192 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Student Aid BC Ministry of Advanced Education: BC Permanent Disability Description: Toll Free: Extension: Website: Must be permanently disabled. Completion of a BC P ermanent Disability Program Application must be completed. This form is available on line at www.studentaidbc.ca. 1 (800) 056 -1818 Student Suport Programs www.studentaidbc.ca Parenting, Birth to Adulthood Adoptive Families Association of BC Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Support, information and resource group for those considering, preparing for, or parenting through adoption. 1 (866) 669 -1222 dmortensen@ bcadoption.com www.bcadoption.com Attachment Parenting Kamloops Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Meetings, outings and m utual support for parents or soon-to-be - interested or experienced in topics such as: cloth diapering; elim ination communication; babywearing; homeschooling; extended breastfeeding; co-sleeping. Find us on Facebook at Attachment Parents Kamloops. (250) 376-4723 Deanna APK amloops@ groups.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/APkamloops/ Axis Family Resources Ltd* Description: Phone: Website: Axis Family Resources provides many different services throughout the northern and interior regions of the provi nce. In the Thompson Branch, which includes the Kamloops and Vernon areas w e provide the following programs: -Addiction Services -Community LIving S ervices -Behavioural S upport Services -Phase II Services -Speci alized Residental Services Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 851-2947 www.axis.bc.ca BC Council for Families Description: Phone: Website: We understand the needs of families and we develop programs, services and resources to help families. We're supporting families by providing resources, education and training to strengthen family relationships. Because we know prevention is the most effective w ay to promote family resiliency. We’re working hard to build healthy families in a healthy society. (604) 678-8884 www.bccf.ca/ Page 193 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 BC Federation of Foster Parent Associations Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: Brings together foster parents, social w orkers and other interested people working to im prove the standard of care for children. Opportunities for education, as well as support for the Foster Parents of BC. Business Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 066 -9999 [email protected] Unit 207 22561 Dewdney Trunk Rd. (Maple Ridge, BC) www.bcfosterparents.ca Boys and Girls Club: After School Care Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: McPark offers free pick-up from North Shore schools, has some club subsidies, and can assist with forms for government subsidies. Contact: MacPark (250-554-5437), Beattie (250-374-8856), Kay Bingham (250-3762120) and D allas E lementary(250 -554 -5437) (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Connect Parent Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Developed by the M inistry of Children and Family D evelopment for caregivers of adolescents and pre-adolescents, this is a 10 week, principlebased program. "C onnect" assists parents to learn basic principles of attachment, relationships, and child development, which can then be applied across a broad range of contexts. The principles help parents better understand the meaning of behavior and provide a wider range of options for how to respond and support development. A full meal is also provided at Connect Parent. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: The Incredible Years Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Incredible Years is a twelve week parenting program funded by the Ministry of Child and Family Development. The belief of the program is that people change as a result of the interactions they have on a daily basis with one another. An emphasis is placed on helping to improve interactions between parents and children by supporting parents in changing their responses to specific child behaviours. A meal is provided at this program. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Page 194 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Child and Youth Mental Health Description: Phone: Phone: Website: Ministry of Families and C hildren D evelopment provides a wide range of services to help children and youth with mental health issues. These services are provided directly by ministry staff or by community agencies working under contract. All of these services are free to BC residents and are voluntary. Locations: 210 -1165 Battle S t 201 -905 Southill St (250) 371-3648 250-554-5800 North Shore location www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/mental_health Child Care Resource and Referral Description: Child Care Resource and Referral assist people in connecting to the m ost current information on a wide variety of supports and services that the Kamloops Comm unity Y MCA -YWCA has to offer. S upporting families and child care providers with: Finding Daycare; Interactive Play and Learn Drop In Centre; Lending Library; Resources; Consultations; Assistance with subsidy applications; Nobody's P erfect Parenting C lasses and various other workshops; P rofessional Development for Care Providers; Starting Daycare We link families and child care providers in the communities of K amloops, Merritt, Cache Creek, A shcroft, Chase, Logan Lake, Lytton, Lillooet, Clearwater and Clinton by offering free consultation, support, and referral services to parents seeki ng child care. Child care providers are supported through information, outreach, resource library networking and learning opportunities. (250) 372-7791 [email protected] www.childcarechoices.ca Phone: Email: Website: More Information: /DirectoryA ttachments/8152012_125917_210_CCRR _Services_Promo_Ad_Pub_PDF_Draft_2.pdf Child Care Subsidy Program Description: Toll Free: Assistance with daycare costs for people with low -to -moderate income who are working, seeking work, attending school or job training program, living with a disability resulting in their need for assistance, or recommended by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. 1 (888) 833 -6622 Child Seat Information Line Description: Toll Free: Website: Information about safe child car seat options, purchase and installation. Visit the website for more inofrmation. 1 (877) 724 -5551 www.bcaaroadsafety.com/child-passenger-safety/ Children and Youth With Special Needs Description: Website: The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) funds a range of programs and services for children and youth with special needs and their families. Services and supports are intended to promote children’s healthy development, maximize quality of life, assist families in their role as primary caregivers and support full participation in comm unity life. www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/spec_needs/index.htm Page 195 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Children Who Witness Abuse Description: Phone: Website: A non -crisis intervention, community -based program to interrupt or break the cycle of intergenerational abuse. Individual and group support; community education. (250) 376-7800 www.kamloopsy.org Children's Therapy and Family Resource Centre Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Provides various therapies to children with special needs (birth to 19 years); offers support to their families and to the community. Intensive program for children under six with Autism Spectrum D isorder. Office Hours: 8:30am 4:30pm (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Road www.kamloopschildrentherapy.org Compassionate Friends: Kamloops Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Offering friendship, understanding, grief education and hope for the future to all families who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. (250) 374-6030 Carol Dreger waskamloops@ shaw.ca www.tcfcanada.net Connect With Respect Society Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Dedicated to promoting non-violence in all facets of society through delivery of education programs to adolescents in a classroom setting. (250) 573-5587 Lynne [email protected] Connexions Friday Morning Coffee House Description: Phone: Website: An opportunity for moms to meet other moms and have some time out for themselves while kids (crawling - five years) are in on-site childcare. (250) 828-1114 www.swcc.ca/ministries.html ewayKamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 Page 196 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Extended Family Program Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Assisting in the placement of children with family or others when parents are temporarily unable to care give Monday thru Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Emergency after hours call "Help Line for Children" 310-1234. H elp line is accessible 24 hours a day, anywhere in the province. 1 (877) 738 -7027 [email protected] www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/alternativestofostercare/extended_family.htm Family Justice Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Mediation, dispute resolution, and other services to separating or divorcing families or to individuals with a child in comm on. A service of the Ministry of Justice. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-4688 200-444 St Paul St www.justicebc.ca/en/fam Family Strengthening Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: An intensive 8 week program for individuals and families that are involved with the Ministry of Children and Family Development. You will be provided with the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the child and family as a means to empower parents to improve the functioning of their family as a whole. Some of the topic s discussed: B C Child Protecting Process, Court Process, etc. S tart date September 10th, 9:00 to 11:30 am. P lease call to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Family Support Institute Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Connecting families who have a child with a disability with other families for help finding or accessing programs, respite options, education concerns and opportunities, etc. (250) 314-5026 Mary www.familysupportbc.com Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers For Recovery Mentorship Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Connecting m others and pregnant women who are struggling w ith addictions with women in sustained recovery. S upport to live free of drugs and alcohol while striving to become a better parent. Tuesdays 3:30pm -6:30pm (Dinner4 -5:00pm, Group from 5:00 -6:30pm) Free on -site childminding (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria Street, K amloops, B C Page 197 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.kfrs.ca Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers for Recovery Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Weekly grassroots drop-in support group for mothers (conception onward) struggling or continuing with recovery from alcohol and/or drugs. Support in accessing Ministry Children Families Development advocacy, legal advocacy, emergency bus tickets, and more. C hildren w elcome (free childminding on-site). Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria St, Kamloops www.kfrs.ca Federation of Aboriginal Foster Parents Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Represents foster parents providing care for Aboriginal children in a nurturing, culturally appropriate environment. Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (866) 629 -7091 (604) 291-7091 Reception [email protected] www.fafp.ca Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Line Description: Toll Free: An advocacy for grandparents helping them to better understand benefits, legal rights and access to services. Monday, Tuesday,Thursday Friday 11:00am - 3:00pm 1 (855) 547 -9777 Insight Support Services Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Spearheading positive change in the way services to children, youth and families living with special needs or developmental behavi our conditions are delivered. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-0085 Laurie [email protected] 624 Tranquille Rd. Interior Community Services Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A wide range of parent-, child-, and youth-based services to individuals, families, and the community. Support in pregnancy, infant and child care, youth care, and more. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Baby's Head Start Page 198 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Pregnancy outreach service, conception through to six months postnatal, incorporating free nutrition/vitamin supplements for those in financial need, individual and family support, group work and community referrals. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Early Connections Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Early Connections Program supports families in building healthy attachments. Open to families and family caregivers with children age birth to six years. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Families First Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides in-home support to families who are, or will be parenting an infant. Families are encouraged and supported in providing a safe and nurturing environment for themselves and the children. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Family Enrichment Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A voluntary family counselling service available at no charge. Time lim ited interventions and counselli ng are provided to strengthen family relationships and create healthy communication patterns. We are not a crisis response and there is a wait list for our services. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: First Steps Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: A full-time program that offers women between the ages of 14 and 24 academic upgrading towards their graduation diploma, information on career and education planning, job readiness, parenting and life skills. Daycare provided. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road Page 199 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Healthy Beginnings Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Contact: Address: Website: A parent-child weekly drop-in group for parents of children birth to six years of age. P rovides a safe, supportive and educational opportunity for young children and their parents to get together on a regular basis. Tuesdays 9:45am-11:45am Thursdays: 10:30am -12:30pm 2355 Parkcrest Ave (Interior Aboriginal Friendship Centre) (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca Aboriginal Friendship Centre: (250) 376-1617 2355 Parkcrest Ave (A boriginal Friendship Centre) www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Make Children First Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A comm unity driven initiative with the goal of enhancing the ability of our community to support the healthy development of children and their families. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Mind Over Madder Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Understanding anger and managing conflict. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Parenting Awareness and Individual Development Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Education, support and counselling for parents with children birth to 12 years, who are experiencing challenges in their role as parents. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Supervised & Supportive Visitation Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Offers families an opportunity to be together in a controlled, safe environment. A vailable on both a fee-for-service basis and Ministry of Children and Family Development referral. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road Page 200 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Support to Family Care Network Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Supports C ommunity Foster Parent Groups, coordinates the delivery of Foster Parent E ducation P rogram, coordinates other training for communities, delivers training to potential foster parents, and build connections and partnerships to meet the needs of foster parents. (250) 554-3134 212 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Transitional Support to Children Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides support to children and their families, in the process of adoption and/or significant transition with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, in preparing for permanency. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: A Childs ROOTS are Forever Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The "R OOTS" project is a Ministry initiative that focuses on reducing the number of A boriginal children in care. To ensure that each child in the Ministries care has the best possible plan and needs, while also supporting and encouraging the connection for Aboriginal children with their family and Aboriginal community. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Child and Youth Mental Health Wellness Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Wellness coordinator will help build a wellness network, support the Aboriginal Development Clinicians and provide mental health promotion. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 376-1296 Susan @ K amloops A boriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Early Childhood Development Program Description: The team of worker's for this program provide-in-home and in-office support for families that have children aged 0-6 years. E arly Childhood Development Page 201 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Address: Website: helps connect families who may feel alone and who have little support within their community. (250) 376-1617 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Ministry of Children and Family Development Outreach Support Worker Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The Outreach support worker is part of the Family preservation team and is unique and geared towards increasing healthy birth outcomes, enhanci ng parenting skills and supporting child development. Referrals from Ministry of Children and Family Development , Maternity Clinic at RIH, Public Health and community doctors are our first priority. (250) 376-1617 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Parent and Children Drop-In Group Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: This popular group of parents with children 0-6 years old gives you the chance to meet other caregivers and gather information. It is an opportunity for children to enjoy playtime, peer interaction, socialize, snacks, story time and crafts. Thursday Mornings from 10:30am -12noon at 2355 Parkcrest Ave. Lunch is provided. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Under the Eagles Wing Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Where parents and caregivers with children ages 0-6 share and gather information. It is an opportunity for children to enjoy playtime, peer interaction, socialize, snacks, party time, crafts and parent education. Monday mornings 10:00am -12:30pm. Lunch is provided. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Breastfeeding Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Support for breastfeeding, free of charge, drop in , no appointm ents necessary. Staffed with lactation consultants and breast feeding counsellors. Mondays 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Thursdays 9:00am -12:00 pm (250) 851-7300 Public Health www.interiorhealth.ca Kamloops Infant Development Society* Page 202 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Website: Offers services to families with children up to three years of age who may be at risk of development delay. Some services open to all families. Infant massage, infant signing, etc Office H ours: Monday- Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 371-4140 www.idpofbc.ca/ Kamloops Library: Family Story Time* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Stories, songs,fingerplays and rhym es for the whole family to enjoy together. Just drop in whenever you can! Continuing throughout the year except for Christmas, S pring Break and Good Friday. Family S tory Time takes place at the North Kamloops Library on Fridays 10:15 to 10:45am and at Kamloops Library S unday 1:00-1:30pm till end of April. (250) 554-1124 North Kamloops Library www.tnrdlib.ca Kamloops Library: Public Libraries Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Website: (Thompson Nicola Regional District Library System) Free access to books, magazines, internet , word-processing, newspapers; assistance locating parenting resources; stories for children; videos on child development; movies for children and families; music CDs, etc. P rograms for children and more. V isit our website for library hours. (250) 372-5145 South Shore (250) 554-1124 North Shore www.tnrdlib.ca Kamloops Library: Rock a Bye Baby Description: Phone: Contact: Website: With music and friends, just you and your baby the fun never ends, songs and rhymes and lullabies, encourage language and social ties, so we"ll gather together once a week, for a program new and quite unique! Wednesdays 10:15 to 10:45am. Registration Required C all the Norh Kamloops Library for dates and availability of program. (250) 554-1124 North Kamloops Library www.tnrdlib.ca La Leche League: Breastfeeding Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: To encourage, promote and provi de mother-to-mother breastfeeding support and educational opportunities as an important contribution to health of children, families and society. (250) 573-5671 Lorna [email protected] www.lllc.ca/ Lii Michis Otipemisiwak (Formerly Interior Metis Child & Family Services) Description: Ensuring Metis children, families and communities have opportunities and access to services and resources. P rograms include outreach, prenatal and family support,family group conferencing, aboriginal supported childhood development and early childhood development. Hours of Operation: Monday Page 203 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 554-9486 www.interiormetis.ca Mawman Noor (Mother Bear) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: An Aboriginal Infant Development Program. S upport to participate in baby clinics and information classes plus home visits, group programs, educational classes, developmental assessments, referrals and more. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] Mighty Oak Midwifery Care Description: Phone: Email: Website: Personal prenatal care from conception to birth, including labour and childbirth, hospital or homebirth, in-home postpartum care and breastfeeding support. Services covered under BC Care Card. (250) 377-8611 [email protected] www.mightyoakmidwifery.ca/ Ministry of Housing and Social Development: Nutritional Supplements* Description: Nutritional supplements may be provided to eligible recipients of income assistance or disability assistance who need additional calories above a regular diet to recover from surgery, severe injury, serious disease, or the side effects of medical treatment. Regular infant formula may be provided to children during the first 12 months when there is a medically confirmed risk of disease transmittal from the m other's breast milk; and specialized infant formula may be provided to children who have a confirmed medical condition that requires the specialized formula. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Toll Free: Website: www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online_resource/health_supplements_and_programs/nutsupp/procedures.html Mother Goose/Teddy Bear Picnic* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: For the Whole F amily A yearly event in June at Price C harles Park for families with babies and pre -school children to enjoy storytelling, musicians, sina -a-longs, join the largest Mother Goose Circle in BC, make crafts and much more (250) 554-3134 Merlene [email protected] www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca MOTHERISK Description: Toll Free: Website: Non -judgmental help and information line for women regarding alcohol, smoking and street drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Monday thru Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm (Toronto time) 1 (877) 732 -4636 www.motherisk.org Page 204 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Nobody's Perfect* Description: Phone: Contact: Support group for parents of children birth to 5 years. Guided by trained staff. Learn how to understand your child, cope with stress, etc. Childminding and snack included. Free transportation available. Please call to register for this free program. (250) 372-7791 YM/Y WCA Parent Support Services Society of BC * Description: Toll Free: Website: Promoting healthy family relationships by supporting children and anyone in a parenting role, including biological parents, step-parents and grandparents raising grandchildren. 1 (877) 734 -9777 www.parentsupportbc.ca/ Parent-Child Mother Goose Program* Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: A comm unity -based group experience for parents, grandparents and their babies and children ages birth to 5 to experience the spark of delight and magic that comes from enjoying a favorite rhyme or song together, offered in a variety of comm unity settings. (250) 554-3134 582 Merlene Sibley [email protected] Perinatal Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: One on one counselling for woman who are experiencing mood disorder during their perinatal period. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Ask for Intake (250) 377-6500 Interior Health ask for Intake 235 Lansdowne S treet wwww.interiorhealth.ca Pregnancy Care Centre * Description: Phone: Website: A respectful, non judgemental environment we offer (free of charge) pregnancy test, peer counselli ng, complete information on abortion, adoption and parenting. Basby clothing and supplies available. R eferral to other comunnity agencies. Phone LIne 24 hours. (250) 376-4646 http:// w ww.pregnancycarekamloops.com/ Pregnancy Care Centre: 24 Hour Support Line Description: Phone: Website: Helping women who think they may be pregnant or new moms needing to talk to someone. (250) 376-4646 www.pregnancycarekamloops.com/ Pregnancy Care Centre: Birth Moms Support Group Description: If a Birth Mother Support Group is of interest or w ould be of help to you, Page 205 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Email: Address: Website: please call the Pregnancy Care Centre at 250-376-4646 or e-mail at [email protected]. (250) 376-4646 Reception [email protected] [email protected] #200- 535 Tranquille Road www.pregnancycarekamloops.com Pregnancy Care Centre: Building a Better You* Description: Phone: Website: A six week program offering: building self esteem, financial, budgeting, lifeskills, and personality style. Please call to register for this class. (250) 376-4646 http:// w ww.pregnancycarekamloops.com/ Pregnancy Care Centre: Kamloops Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: We offer a safe, relaxed and supportive environment in which parents can freely discuss their emotions regarding their loss. Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month at #205 - 535 Tranquille Road. from 7:00pm 8:30 pm. 24 hour phone line (250) 376-4646 [email protected] #200-535 Tranquille Road K amloops www.pregnancycarekamloops.com Pregnancy Care Centre: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Offer safe, relaxed and supportive environment in which parents can freely discuss their emotions regarding their loss. We believe in confidentiality so that what is discuss at a meeting stays there. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at 205-535 Tranquille Road Office Hours: Monday Friday 12:00pm - 4:00pm (250) 376-4646 [email protected] 535 Tranquillle Rd www.pregnancycarekamloops.com PreNatal Registry Services Description: The prenatal registry is a toll -free confidential phone line (1-855-868-7710) that women can call to register for the birth of their babies, ask questions and get valuable information about services available to support a healthy pregnancy. When a woman calls the toll free number she will speak directly with a public health nurse w ho can answer her questions and connect her with supports and services that meet her individual needs. A wide range of information and resources are available in areas such as nutrition, tobacco use, substance abuse, sexual health, safety, immunization, breastfeeding, parenting and more. The prenatal registry will operate from 10 am to 3 pm (PS T), Tuesday through Friday. The service is available for all pregnant women in the pilot communities of Cranbrook/Kimberley, Nelson/Castlegar/Trail, Central Okanagan, V ernon, Kamloops, Williams Lake/Cariboo Chilcotin. Women are encouraged to call the prenatal registry Page 206 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Website: early in their pregnancy. 1 (855) 586 -7710 www.interiorhealth.ca/prenatal registry Public Health Maternity Care (PHMC) Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Phone and in -home support to prevent and resolve breastfeeding issues. Monday - S unday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 851-7300 Public Health www.interiorhealth.ca Representative for Children and Youth Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Supports children, youth and families who need help in dealing with the child welfare system, and advocates for changes to the system itself. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 047 -3933 [email protected] www.rcybc.ca/ Secwepemc Child and Family Services Description: Phone: Email: Website: Providing child protection and the prevention of abuse and neglect of Aboriginal children. A lso providing a variety of related support services for Aboriginal families and children including A boriginal Infant D evelopment/ Supported child development, Aboriginal Child and Youth M ental Health, Aboriginal Family Group Conferencing, and family support. Urban-based office located at 2 -726A Sydney Ave Kamloops BC V 2B 1M9. Phone 250 461-7237. On -Reserve office located at 300 Chilcotin Road, Kamloops BC V2H 1G3. Phone 250-314-9669. H ours of operation Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. (250) 314-9669 [email protected] www.secwepemcfamilies.org Service Canada Description: Toll Free: Website: Connects Canadians with resources offered by the federal government, such as E mployment Insurance B enefits, Universal Child Care Supplement; C hild Tax Benefit; Canada Education S avings Grant and Learning B ond ; Child Disability B enefit; Disability Tax Credits. 1 (800) 062 -6232 www.servicecanada.gc.ca/ Seven Sacred Teaching Parenting Circle Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: 8 week program that will bring together individuals who are interested in learning parenting skills based on Respect, Love, Humility, Wisdom, Honesty, Courage, and Truth. The program is free of charge. Start date September 12th, 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Please call to register. (250) 554-1176 Marie [email protected] www.whitebuffalosociety.ca Page 207 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 StrongStart Early Learning Centres Description: Drop in program for families with children five and under. A place to participate with your child in a warm and supportive environment. Registration with birth certificate required. ************************************************************************** Bumblebees Family Centrre at A rthur H atton Elemenatary 315 Chestnut A ve, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday , Fridays 8:30am -11:30am, Wednesdays 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Phone: 250-376-7217 Email: ww w.ahatton.sd73.bc.ca ************************************************************************* Dragonflies at Marion Schilling Elementary 2200 Park Drive Monday through Friday 8:45 am to 11:45 pm Phone: 250-372 -2027 ************************************************************************** Eagles ’ Nest at South S ahali Elementary 1585 Summit Drive Monday to Friday 8:45am-11:45am Phone: 250-374-2451 ************************************************************************** Strong Start at AE Perry E lementary, 1380 Sherbrooke A ve M onday to Friday 8:3 Supported Child Development Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Working with families and community care providers to help m eet the exceptional needs of all children up to 12 years of age in neighbourhood child care settings. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (855) 537 -4100 (250) 371-4100 [email protected] 801 McGill Rd. www.kamloopschildrenstherapy.org/ Thompson Rivers Midwifery Description: Phone: Email: Website: Providing primary care throughout pregnancy, labour and birth, and for six weeks postpartum. (250) 572-0632 [email protected] http:// w ww.thompsonriversmidwifery.com/ Toddler's First Steps Description: Website: Parenting information provided by the Province of BC. www.health.gov.bc.ca/library/publications/year/2009/Toddlers_first_steps_2ed.pdf White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Holistic services in addictions, supported infant and child development, health and wellness, as well as aw areness programs for youth, community and professionals. Providing relevant and updated information to help clients fulfill their health needs. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am 4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Gift Givers Drop-In Parenting Support Group Description: Every Friday, 9:00 am to 11:00 am throughout the summer months, White Page 208 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Buffalo Society will be offering a drop-in parents only support group that will allow parents to discuss various topics in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Coffee and tea provided but no child m inding available. P lease call Fae or Christine. (250) 554-1176 Fae or Christine [email protected] 250-554-1176 Marie [email protected] White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Gift Givers Family Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Support for individuals, families and parents involved with Ministry or the potential to be involved with Ministry by provi ding family and court support to First Nations & Metis people. Referrals to treatment programs, support for family unity and wellness, individual counseling and follow -up support provided. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 giftgivers2@ whitebuffalo.name White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: KEHIW AWASIS (Baby Eagle Program) Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: A child and family centered program inclusive of Aboriginal and nonAboriginal children ages 0-12 who have a developmental delay. A variety of supports are offered to the family. 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 [email protected] 517A Tranquille R oad www.whitebuffalo.name Y Child Interactive Play and Learn Centres * Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Child-oriented centers designed for parents and their children. Parents can share experiences, form new friendships, and have access to parentingrelated resources. (250) 372-7791 YW/YMCA www.kamloopsy.org/ Personal Care New Life Mission: Hair Salon Description: Phone: Contact: Address: On days when volunteer hairdressers are available, New Life Mission operates a free hair salon on the lower floor of the N ew Life Mission Outreach Centre. Please call for days of availability. (250) 434-9898 New Life Mission 181 West Victoria Page 209 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.newlifemission.ca Pregnancy, Pre-Conception, Prenatal, Pre-Birth Attachment Parenting Kamloops Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Meetings, outings and m utual support for parents or soon-to-be - interested or experienced in topics such as: cloth diapering; elim ination communication; babywearing; homeschooling; extended breastfeeding; co-sleeping. Find us on Facebook at Attachment Parents Kamloops. (250) 376-4723 Deanna APK amloops@ groups.facebook.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/APkamloops/ BC Family Residence Program Description: Toll Free: Website: The program provides accommodation subsidies for families with a child, aged 18 years and under, who requires medical care at BC Children's Hospital or S unny Hill Health Centre for Children, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns. Accomm odation is arranged at convenient locations in the V ancouver area so that a family is able to stay close by while their child is receiving m edical care. The program provides accommodation assistance to a family for one room for up to 30 days per stay. To qualify for assistance with accommodation costs, families must: * be residents of B.C. and have medical insurance coverage under the Medical Services Plan of BC, and * have a child who is receiving medical care at B C Children's Hospital or Sunny Hill Health Centre for C hildren, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns, and * live outside *Metro Vancouver Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:0am-4:00pm 1 (866) 649 -6946 www.bcfamilyresidence.gov.bc.ca Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers For Recovery Mentorship Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Connecting m others and pregnant women who are struggling w ith addictions with women in sustained recovery. S upport to live free of drugs and alcohol while striving to become a better parent. Tuesdays 3:30pm -6:30pm (Dinner4 -5:00pm, Group from 5:00 -6:30pm) Free on -site childminding (250) 377-6890 Susan [email protected] 283 West Victoria Street, K amloops, B C www.kfrs.ca Family Tree Family Centre: Mothers for Recovery Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Weekly grassroots drop-in support group for mothers (conception onward) struggling or continuing with recovery from alcohol and/or drugs. Support in accessing Ministry Children Families Development advocacy, legal advocacy, emergency bus tickets, and more. C hildren w elcome (free childminding on-site). Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am (250) 377-6890 Susan Page 210 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] 283 West Victoria St, Kamloops www.kfrs.ca HealthyPregnancyBC Description: Website: Information regarding healthy weight when thinking about getting pregnant, during pregnancy, and postpartum. Website also provides many other health links. www.healthypregnancybc.ca/ Interior Community Services Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A wide range of parent-, child-, and youth-based services to individuals, families, and the community. Support in pregnancy, infant and child care, youth care, and more. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Baby's Head Start Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Pregnancy outreach service, conception through to six months postnatal, incorporating free nutrition/vitamin supplements for those in financial need, individual and family support, group work and community referrals. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Families First Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides in-home support to families who are, or will be parenting an infant. Families are encouraged and supported in providing a safe and nurturing environment for themselves and the children. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Kamloops Breastfeeding Centre Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Support for breastfeeding, free of charge, drop in , no appointm ents necessary. Staffed with lactation consultants and breast feeding counsellors. Mondays 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Thursdays 9:00am -12:00 pm (250) 851-7300 Public Health www.interiorhealth.ca La Leche League: Breastfeeding Description: To encourage, promote and provi de mother-to-mother breastfeeding support Page 211 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: and educational opportunities as an important contribution to health of children, families and society. (250) 573-5671 Lorna [email protected] www.lllc.ca/ Lii Michis Otipemisiwak (Formerly Interior Metis Child & Family Services) Description: Phone: Website: Ensuring Metis children, families and communities have opportunities and access to services and resources. P rograms include outreach, prenatal and family support,family group conferencing, aboriginal supported childhood development and early childhood development. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 554-9486 www.interiormetis.ca Mighty Oak Midwifery Care Description: Phone: Email: Website: Personal prenatal care from conception to birth, including labour and childbirth, hospital or homebirth, in-home postpartum care and breastfeeding support. Services covered under BC Care Card. (250) 377-8611 [email protected] www.mightyoakmidwifery.ca/ Ministry of Housing and Social Development Description: Toll Free: Additional financial support for a woman who is pregnant and receiving welfare, or for the primary caregiver of an infant seven months of age or younger who is supported by w elfare. W ill also fund infant formula for babies when there is a m edically confirmed risk of disease transm ittal from the mother's breast milk or when a child has a confirmed medical condition that requires specialized formula. 1 (866) 686 -0800 MOTHERISK Description: Toll Free: Website: Non -judgmental help and information line for women regarding alcohol, smoking and street drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Monday thru Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm (Toronto time) 1 (877) 732 -4636 www.motherisk.org Options for Sexual Health Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Non -judgmental and confidential sexual health services and support including complete, unbiased information on all reproductive choices. 1-800 -SEX SENS E (739-7367) The toll free line operates 9 am to 9 pm Monday yo Friday. 1 (800) 073 -7367 [email protected] www.optbc.org Perinatal Program Page 212 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: One on one counselling for woman who are experiencing mood disorder during their perinatal period. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Ask for Intake (250) 377-6500 Interior Health ask for Intake 235 Lansdowne S treet wwww.interiorhealth.ca Pregnancy Care Centre * Description: Phone: Website: A respectful, non judgemental environment we offer (free of charge) pregnancy test, peer counselli ng, complete information on abortion, adoption and parenting. Basby clothing and supplies available. R eferral to other comunnity agencies. Phone LIne 24 hours. (250) 376-4646 http:// w ww.pregnancycarekamloops.com/ Pregnancy Care Centre: 24 Hour Support Line Description: Phone: Website: Helping women who think they may be pregnant or new moms needing to talk to someone. (250) 376-4646 www.pregnancycarekamloops.com/ Pregnancy Care Centre: Birth Moms Support Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Email: Address: Website: If a Birth Mother Support Group is of interest or w ould be of help to you, please call the Pregnancy Care Centre at 250-376-4646 or e-mail at [email protected]. (250) 376-4646 Reception [email protected] [email protected] #200- 535 Tranquille Road www.pregnancycarekamloops.com Pregnancy Care Centre: Kamloops Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: We offer a safe, relaxed and supportive environment in which parents can freely discuss their emotions regarding their loss. Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month at #205 - 535 Tranquille Road. from 7:00pm 8:30 pm. 24 hour phone line (250) 376-4646 [email protected] #200-535 Tranquille Road K amloops www.pregnancycarekamloops.com Pregnancy Care Centre: Post Abortion Grief Counselling Description: Phone: Email: Website: Are you suffering from a post abortion and need to talk? (250) 376-4646 [email protected] www.mypregancychoices.com Page 213 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Prenatal In A Day* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: In partnership with Interior Health, with support from Make Children First, the City of Kamloops is pleased to provide this one day Prenatal Education program. S pecific topis include nutrition, prenatal fitness, healthy w eight gain, stress and work, healthy lifestyle during pregnancy,preparing for parenthood, labor and birth,, infant feeding and postpartum. Prenatal in a Day if offered every 6 weeks at the Tournament Capital Centre from 9:30 - 3:30pm and is open to women at any stage of pregnancy. (250) 828-3698 Danielle www.kamloops.ca PreNatal Registry Services Description: Toll Free: Website: The prenatal registry is a toll-free confidential phone line (1-855-868-7710) that women can call to register for the birth of their babies, ask questions and get valuable information about services available to support a healthy pregnancy. When a woman calls the toll free number she will speak directly with a public health nurse w ho can answer her questions and connect her with supports and services that meet her individual needs. A wide range of information and resources are available in areas such as nutrition, tobacco use, substance abuse, sexual health, safety, immunization, breastfeeding, parenting and more. The prenatal registry will operate from 10 am to 3 pm (PS T), Tuesday through Friday. The service is available for all pregnant women in the pilot communities of Cranbrook/Kimberley, Nelson/Castlegar/Trail, Central Okanagan, V ernon, Kamloops, Williams Lake/Cariboo Chilcotin. Women are encouraged to call the prenatal registry early in their pregnancy. 1 (855) 586 -7710 www.interiorhealth.ca/prenatal registry Public Health Maternity Care (PHMC) Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Phone and in -home support to prevent and resolve breastfeeding issues. Monday - S unday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 851-7300 Public Health www.interiorhealth.ca Shriner Care Cruiser Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Medical transportation is available for children and youth up to age 18 chaperoned by an adult, pregnant woman(up to seven months and not highrisk) to facilities as BC Children's Hospital, Canuck Place, S unny Hill and Women's Health Centre. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -5437 [email protected] www.shriners.bc.ca Thompson Rivers Midwifery Description: Phone: Email: Providing primary care throughout pregnancy, labour and birth, and for six weeks postpartum. (250) 572-0632 [email protected] Page 214 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: http:// w ww.thompsonriversmidwifery.com/ Women's Services Clinic Description: Phone: For women experiencing an unintended or unwanted pregnancy, w hether she chooses to continue her pregnancy or not. N on -judgmental support during decision-making; birth control information; referrals; abortion services; support. (250) 979-0251 Youth Clinic, Kamloops Description: Phone: Website: Provides sexual health services for youth up to age 25. Access to low cost birth control, education, STI/PAP testing, emergency contraception, pregnancy tests and pregnancy options. All information is confidential. Tuesday 2:00pm - 6:00pm By A ppointment Only Intake, E xams and Refills Wednesday, Thursday 3:30- 4:00pm By A ppointment Only Refill D ays (250) 851-7300 www.interiorhealth.ca/ Recycling Call2Recycle* Description: Website: Providing information by region on where to recycle all household batteries under 5 kg. V isit our website. www.call2recycle.ca Kamloops Freecycle* Description: Website: An online service allowing one to post items being offered free of charge or wanted. V isit our website. http://groups.freecycle.org/kamloops_freecycle/posts/all Recycling Council of BC* Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Recycling directory and support, plus initiatives for finding innovative ways to decrease BC's environmental footprint. Hours: monday - Friday 9:00am 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -4321 [email protected] www.rcbc.bc.ca TNRD Recyclopedia* Description: Toll Free: Website: A comprehensive directory of recycling options in your area. 1 (800) 066 -4321 www.tnrd.reuses.com/content=recyclopedia TNRD Reuses* Description: Website: A websi te on which any person can post items available (free or up to $99) or wanted. Includes directory of where to take other items, locally and across BC. www.tnrd.reuses.com Page 215 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Seniors 55 Plus Kamloops Senior Swimmers* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Providing opportunities for competitive swimming for people ages 55 and over. Meet on Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00am - 9:00am at the Kamloops Y. (250) 573-2818 Elizabeth www.bcseniorsgames.org/ Alzheimer Society of B.C. Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Alzheimer Society of B.C. exists to alleviate the personal and social consequences of A lzheimer's disease and other dementias, to promote public awareness and to search for the causes and the cures. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 1 (800) 088 -6946 (250) 377-8200 [email protected] 405- 235 1St Ave Kamloops www. alzheimer BC Government's Seniors Guide Description: Website: Produces a directory, in E nglish, French, Chinese and Punjabi languages, of government programs and benefits available to seniors living in BC. Viewable at the library or online. A new print of the guide will be available in the future. www.gov.bc.ca/seniorsguide BC Housing: SAFER (Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters) Description: Toll Free: Website: This shelter aids for elderly renters (SA FER ) program provides cash assistance to eligible BC residents who are age 60 or over and pay rent for their homes. 1 (800) 025 -7756 www.bchousing.org/programs/SAFER British Columbia Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Address: Website: Free legal advice and representation to eligible adults 55+ whose legal problem fits into priority areas: older adults who have experienced abuse or are vulnerable to abuse, including those who have legal issues relating to access to housing, problems with assisted living or long term care, access to government benefits, and financial abuse. Office Hours: Monday- Friday 9:00am - 1:00pm 1 (866) 643 -1940 (604) 437-1940 380-1199 West P ender S t V ancouver, B C V6E 2R1 http:// w ww.bcceas.ca Cariboo Manor Description: Affordable supported-living home for ambulatory seniors. Room, meals and housekeeping provided for nine residents in a safe, secure, home -like Page 216 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: setting. (250) 579-9350 Janet Cottonwood Manor Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Cottonwood Manor is the result of many years of effort by a group of dedicated Kamloops senior citizens who have created an affordable independent living seniors housing project without sacrificing quality or location. (250) 376-4777 North Shore Comm unity Centre/C ottonwood Manor nsccs@ shaw.ca #307 730 Cottonwood A venue www.nsccs.w ebs.com CSI: Advocacy & Mentoring Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Providing personalized assistance and referrals for seniors experiencing difficulties coping with life changes or requiring one-to-one help with personal issues. Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm with weekend and evening bookings available. (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location www.csikamloops.ca CSI: Information & Referral Program Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Providing a w ide range of information and resource materials relevant to seniors. H ours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location www.csikamloops.ca/ CSI: Peer Counsellors Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Website: Helping seniors with most types of comm on problems such as finding affordable housing or coping with life changes. R egular Hours: Monday Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location http:// w ww.csikamloops.ca CSI: Volunteer Income Tax Return Program Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Providing assistance during tax season to seniors with fixed income to complete and submit a tax return. Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30 am -4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location Page 217 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location http:// w ww.csikamloops.ca Fun Laugh Friends 2014, Kamloops Description: Contact: Email: Website: New social group. Adults - join in our activities, individuals/couples, make new friends, have fun. Come as you are. Childfree couples encouraged to join. Games/card night, sports events, music, theatre, BB Q, progressive dinner, camping. Events are planned already. Wendy Makepeace [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/219934751527720/ Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Line Description: Toll Free: An advocacy for grandparents helping them to better understand benefits, legal rights and access to services. Monday, Tuesday,Thursday Friday 11:00am - 3:00pm 1 (855) 547 -9777 Health and Seniors Info Line Description: Toll Free: Website: Information line regarding the provincial government's services available to seniors in B C. Phone Lines: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 046 -4911 http:// w ww.seniorsbc.ca/ HEROS Elder Abuse Support and Awareness Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Offering help, education, referrals; promoting community outreach and awareness about how to recognize the signs and symptoms of elder abuse and the steps that can be taken to report suspected abuse. B usiness Hours: Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 554-4145 [email protected] 778-470-6000 Brock S hopping Centre Location 9A 1800 Tranquille Road Location www.csikamloops.ca Home and Community Care Description: Phone: Website: Help to remain at home, transition to full-time, professional care in a residential facility, or anything in between. Respite for caregivers also available. Phone Hours: 8:00am - 8:00pm Voice messaging can be left after hours. (250) 851-7900 http:// w ww.interiorhealth.ca Human Resources Development Canada Description: Toll Free: Website: Receipt of Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, and Canada Pensi on Plan benefits requires application. 1 (800) 027 -9914 www.servicecanada.gc.ca Information for Seniors Page 218 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Website: A central source of information for seniors, their families, and caregivers. It provides an interactive map with quick links to programs, benefits and services, and includes 2-1-1 services w here available. www.seniors.gc.ca/eng/sb/ie/index.php Interior Community Services: Glenfair Apartments Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Low -cost rental housing in an independent living situation for seniors. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Craft Group for Elders Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Address: Website: A get together in creating crafts, teaching crafts, socializing and lunch together. Tuesdays 10:00am - 12:00noon (250) 376-1296 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 250-376-1617 Parkcrest Location 125 Palm St and 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Elders' Luncheon Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Support group for native elders to assist with their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health care needs. Meetings held the first Thursday of each month at 125 P alm Street. (250) 376-1296 Barry @ Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Social Programs Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The Social Program director offers a wide range of services to our youth and Elders. Included in this program is to deliver social and recreational activities to our elders such as the Elders Luncheon. Every Friday a free hot lunch is served to anyone who would like to come, first come first serve basis served at 12noon sharp in the drop-in centre. Call for more information. (250) 376-1296 Barry @ Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm St www.iifs.ca Kamloops Adult Day Services * Description: Phone: Adult Day Services are supportive community programs for people at risk of losing their independence. Adult Day S ervices are designed to help individuals to remain at home while supporting caregivers by providing a range of health, personal, social and recreational services in a safe and caring environment. (250) 374-5671 Page 219 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Website: Ponderosa Lodge www.interiorhealth.ca Kamloops Adult Learners Society* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Daytime educational opportunities for retired adults interested in lifelong learning. Classes in creative writing, computers, etc. Hours: Mondays 9:30am -12:30pm Thursdays 1:00pm -4:00pm (250) 819-5153 North Hills Mall http:// w ww.kals.ca/ Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Individual and group counselling for males and females of all ages who have experienced sexual violence, abuse and/or partnership assault at any point in their lives, from infancy onward. (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve http:// w ww.ksacc.ca Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation: BC Bus Pass Program Description: Toll Free: Extension: Email: Website: An annual forty-five dollar bus pass for provincial transit systems is available to assist low income seniors and persons with disabilities to more fully participate in their comm unities. The bus pass can be used across the province of British Columbia on all BC Transit and Translink buses. The bus pass does not provide for an attendant, and is not valid on Handy D art. Eligibility - 65+ and receiving OA S & GIS from federal government; or - 65+ and residing in C anada less than 10 years, must be in appropriate income bracket, and require appropriate documentation w ith application (IMM ); or 60 and older, receiving Spousal Allowance (SP A) or Widows Pension from federal government; or - 60 and older, receiving Income Assistance; Call center operations are Monday – Friday between 9:00am – 4:00pm. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Press option 4 then 3 HSDBUS PA@ gov.bc.ca www.sd.gov.bc.ca/programs/bus-pass.html Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre and Registry Description: Phone: Email: Website: A resource for anyone planning for when they may require help to manage their affairs due to episodic, temporary, or permanent incapacity. Suitable for people seeking an alternative to court -appointed and public guardianship, and people who are currently supporting others with planning and decisionmaking. A lso operates a centralized registry for E nduring P owers of A ttorney, Representation A greements and revocations of such documents. (604) 408-7414 [email protected] http:// w ww.nidus.ca Property Tax Deferment Program Description: Property Tax Deferment is a low -interest loan program that assists qualifying homeowners in B ritish Columbia in paying the annual property taxes on their principal residences. There are currently two programs available to homeowners. The first is for residents who are 55 years of age or older, a Page 220 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website: surviving spouse or a person w ith a disability as defined by regulation and the second program is available for homeowners who are financi ally supporting a child 18 or under. Please refer to our website for additional information regarding these programs. 1 (800) 066 -7867 (250) 356-8121 taxdeferment.gov.bc.ca www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/individuals/Property_Taxes/Property_Tax_Deferment/ptd.htm Seniors' Guide to Federal Programs and Services Description: Toll Free: Website: Available from Human Resources Development Canada. 1 (800) 062 -6232 www.seniors.gc.ca/content.jsp?&font=0& contentid=100 Seniors Outreach Society: Elder Abuse Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Seniors Outreach S oci ety provi des a “safe place” for abused adults who are vulnerable and being removed possibly against their w ishes by the designated agency. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Fall Prevention Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: An assessment service of home safety concerns; recommendations made around assistive devices that should be installed to decrease the chances of a fall occurring. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Friendly Visitor Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Volunteer friendly visitors provide friendship to seniors in the comm unity through regular visits and/or phone calls. The target group is those clients who have li mited interaction or those whose family caregivers need a break. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Income Tax Service Description: Phone: If you need help completing your Canadian income tax return and you can't afford an accountant or commercial income tax preparation service, take advantage of our V olunteer Tax Preparation Clinics. These free clinics are offered every year between February and A pril at Desert Gardens Community Centre (540 Seymour St). Trained volunteers can help you with your taxes if you have a straightforward income tax return and your income is low . (250) 828-0600 Page 221 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Independent Living Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This program is aimed to assist seniors to acquire specific services and information to m aintain independence in their own homes. S upport Service Workers can assist with the coordination of community supports. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Information/Referral Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Seniors Outreach provides pertinent information about a wide range of services and programs for seniors including: pensions, programs to support health issues, benefits for veterans, information on government program and shelter aid for elderly renters. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Safe Suite Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Safe S uite provides temporary free housing to clients 60+ w ho are in crisis and need a safe place to stay. Clients will be given furnished accommodations for up to 60 days at no cost, connections to community resources, practical assistance and help obtaining appropriate housing. (250) 828-0600 Seniors Outreach S oci ety [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Seniors Outreach Services Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Seniors Outreach S ervices seeks to raise awareness of the issues that can lead to seniors becoming homeless, take steps to address this problem and assist people who are currently housed, but at -risk of experienci ng homelessness. Seniors receiv e outreach support including: service coordination, system advocacy assessment of short and long term housing and service needs and assistance in locating appropriate, long-term housing. Working with the clients, the Outreach Workers develop individualized plans to address social, health, economic and emotional issues. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Snow Angels Snow Removal Description: This service is for seniors who need some extra assistance for maintaining Page 222 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: their sidewalks and driveways during the winter season. The season begins the first week of D ecember and continues through until March of the following year. If you or your organization is interested in being part of this citywide volunteer effort, please visit http://www.volunteerkamloops.org/snowangels.htm or call Volunteer Kamloops at 250-372-8313. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Support Calls Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: The Support C alls P rogram (Good Morning P rogram) provides a telephone call to members as a daily check on their well-being, and as a friendly call each day. Volunteers make the calls between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m ., Monday through Friday, according to client ’s preferences. If the client is unable to be reached, then an emergency contact person, arranged in advance, will be called to check on the well-being of the client, and emergency steps taken if necessary. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca The Canadian Centre for Elder Law Description: Phone: Address: Website: The Canadian Centre for E lder Law ("CCE L") is a national, non -profit body dedicated to exploring the particular legal issues which affect older Canadians. The m andate of the CCEL includes research, law reform, and education relating to legal issues of interest to older adults. Today, the CCEL is recognized for its expertise in Elder Law issues both in Canada and internationally. (604) 822-0633 1822 East Mall - University of B C, Vancouver B C www.bcli.org/ccel Therapy Dog Program Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Offering dog/handler visitation services to care facilities, Royal Inland Hospital and in the event of a disaster in the Kamloops comm unity. (250) 372-3853 kamloops@ bc.sja.ca 672 Victoria S treet http://sja.ca/Pages/default.aspx Service Groups, Foundations Boogie the Bridge Cultural Fund Description: Phone: Contact: Offering funds to help cover the cost of programs, events or workshops which would facilitate the cultural growth of a person 5 -18 years of age who is in financial need. (250) 828-3611 Cara Graden Page 223 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Website: [email protected] www.kamloops.ca/communityprograms/grants.shtml Changing the Face of Poverty * Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Website: A group of comm unity-based organizations, faith-based organizations, interested citizens and businesses whose shared goal is to eradicate poverty in K amloops. (250) 374-2119 200 [email protected] http:// w ww.changingthefaceofpoverty.com CSOM Web Design Description: Email: Every winter, TRU students are available to design websi tes at no fee for a small number of non-profit organizations and small businesses. mohda@ tru.ca Developing World Connections: International Volunteer Experience Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Kamloops based International Volunteering Charity offering 1-4 week volunteer experiences focused on sustainable projects. W e service 12 countries on 3 continents. CSR partnerships available as well as custom, create your own trips. P lease call us, Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 4:00. (250) 434-2524 [email protected] #220-141 Victoria S t. www.developingw orldconnections.org Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The leading charitable funder and advocate for research on Type 1 diabetes and its complications. (250) 374-0599 Shianne kamloops@ jdrf.ca http:// w ww.jdrf.ca Kamloops Blazers Sports Society * Description: Phone: Email: Website: Support for development of amateur sports in the Kamloops Region through the administration of the Kamloops Sports Legacy Fund. (250) 828-6896 [email protected] www.kamloopsblazerssportsociety.com Kamloops Foundation * Description: Phone: Dedicated to maki ng a difference in the Thompson, Nicola and S outh Cariboo R egion. Each year it tries to enhance its mission by building legaci es and supporting projects that benefit the region. Office Hours: Tuesday Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm (250) 434-6995 Page 224 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Address: Website: [email protected] #2 - 219 Victoria S treet http:// w ww.kamloopsfoundation.com Kamloops Rent Bank Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The Rent Bank gives emergency loans to keep working people housed. W e welcome families and single people to apply. W e also offer Money Management to those who need assistance in m aking their money go further and last longer. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke [email protected] 250-374-2119 Janet Bakke [email protected] www.kamloopsefry.com Kamloops Search and Rescue Society* Description: Contact: Email: Website: Kamloops Search and Rescue (K SAR) is a registered soci ety and operates as a volunteer, community-based, search and rescue organization. Service to the public, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 250-376-6269 message number only [email protected] http:// w ww.ksar.ca/ Lions Club: Aberdeen* Description: Phone: Contact: A club providing service to better the comm unity. Meetings are held 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each m onth at the AB C Restuarant, 1835 Rodgers Place. There are no meetings for this club in Juky and A ugust (250) 374-6309 Ken Desjardine Lions Club: Kamloops Brock-Central* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Our goal is "community service" (250) 828-2897 Gary Crook gecrook@ shaw.ca Lions Club: Kamloops Paddlewheelers* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Helping the less fortunate in our community. Many projects to do with disadvantaged in community, for examples: people with visual disabilities; children w ith disabilities; food bank clients. (250) 573-7520 Debbie or Angus [email protected] (250) 579-5323 Angela [email protected] Page 225 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Lions Club: Kamloops Riverside* Description: Phone: Contact: Phone: Contact: A club providing service to better our community (250) 573-3217 Rosemary 250-376-1003 Izzy Lizzy's Closet Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Lizzy's Closet has free quality clothing for women accessing employment, education or in an emergency situation. This program is offered twice monthly. Call for dates! (250) 374-2119 204 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC www.kamloopsefry.com Order of the Eastern Star, Adah Chapter No 16 * Description: Phone: Website: Fraternal organization to which both women and m en may belong. The stated purposes of the organization are: Charitable, Educational, Fraternal and Scientific. (250) 374-2876 http:// w ww.easternstar.org Rotarys of Kamloops* Description: Website: Rotary’s main objective is service — in the community, in the workplace, and around the globe. The 1.2 million Rotarians who make up m ore than 34,000 Rotary clubs in nearly every country in the world share a dedication to the ideal of Service Above Self. Rotary clubs are open to people of all cultures and ethnicities and are not affili ated with any political or religious organizations. There are five Rotarys in Kamloops: Rotary Club of K amloops West, Rotary Club of Kamloops, Rotary Club of Kamloops Aurora, Rotary Club of Kamloops North, and Rotary Club of Kamloops DayBreak. For more information please visit the rotary website. http:// w ww.kamloopsrotary.org Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 52* Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Support for people of all ages and backgrounds, and especially veterans. Dances with live music. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm Bar Hours: 12noon- 7:00pm (250) 374-1742 [email protected] (250) 374-1743 Bar Direct Line 425 Lansdowne S t United Way# Description: United Way works locally to build community by working w ith others to raise resources and help build comm unity and non -profit capacity. We focus our work in three areas – "From Poverty to Possibility," "Strong Communities" and "All That Kids Can Be." Page 226 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: 1 (855) 537 -9933 (250) 372-9933 [email protected] 177 Victoria S t www.unitedwaytnc.ca Valleyview Overlanders Lions Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: We serve our community in many ways. Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at Cottonwood Manor (250) 434-4716 John Finlay www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/valleyviewoverlanders/ Settlement and Adaptation Kamloops Immigrant Services Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Information, support, translation. A ssistance to im migrants, first generation Canadians, visible minorities, comm unity groups, busi nesses. Programs include: Settlement and Integration, English Language Services for A dults ELSA, Community Connection, E SLSAP Tutoring (One to one English tutoring), Child-minding and interpretation/transl ation service. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (866) 667 -0855 (778) 470-6101 [email protected] 448 Tranquille Rd www.immigrantservices.ca Shelter: Emergency or Temporary Canadian Mental Health Association: Emerald Outreach Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Emerald Outreach is CMHA ’s downtown office. This program supports people w ho are homeless, at risk of homeless or who require other types of support, such as assistance with various government ministries, immigration issues, landlord tenant issues, employment issues, disability issues and much more. W e provi de information on various services and agencies in Kamloops, and assist people to access the services they need. Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 – 4:00pm By appointm ent only (250) 374-1090 emerald.outreach@ cmha.bc.ca Gordon Bregoliss Centre, 271 West V ictoria Street www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca House of Ruth Description: Phone: Contact: Email: After care supportive living program operated by New Life Mission for women who desire assistance in dealing with chronic alcohol or drug use. Hours of Operation: Monday thru S unday 24 hours (250) 376-5621 Brenda houseofruth@ newlifemission.ca Page 227 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Address: Website: 290 Maple Street www.newlifemission.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Safe House Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For youth who want to or are thinking about making changes in their lives. Those changes may be getting away from the streets, w anting to work things out at home or needing a safe place to stay for a short time while they decide what it is they really want to do in their lives. 24 hours/day – 7 days/week 1855-629-SAFE 1 (855) 562 -7233 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Kamloops Rent Bank Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: The Rent Bank gives emergency loans to keep working people housed. W e welcome families and single people to apply. W e also offer Money Management to those who need assistance in m aking their money go further and last longer. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke [email protected] 250-374-2119 Janet Bakke [email protected] www.kamloopsefry.com Lizzy's Closet Description: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Lizzy's Closet has free quality clothing for women accessing employment, education or in an emergency situation. This program is offered twice monthly. Call for dates! (250) 374-2119 204 [email protected] 827 Seymour Street, Kamloops BC www.kamloopsefry.com New Life Mission: Residential Support Recovery Program Description: Phone: Email: Website: Intermediate housing for men who desire assistance in dealing with chronic alcohol or drug use. Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00 pm (250) 434-9898 [email protected] www.newlifemission.ca Out Of The Cold and Extreme Weather Program Description: Providing overnight shelter and food to homeless people every Sunday and Page 228 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Wednesday, and all other nights deemed excessively cold, November through March. On any given night, the R CMP can advise as to whether the extreme weather shelter program is in effect. (250) 376-4161 Maybelle Sage Health Centre Description: Toll Free: Phone: Extension: Email: Address: Website: Abstinence-based residential rehabilitation for substance abuse. Fees apply, please call or visit our website for this information. 1 (866) 641 -1206 (250) 374-6551 112 [email protected] 101 Columbia Street http:// w ww.sagehealthcentre.ca Seniors Outreach Society: Safe Suite Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Safe S uite provides temporary free housing to clients 60+ w ho are in crisis and need a safe place to stay. Clients will be given furnished accommodations for up to 60 days at no cost, connections to community resources, practical assistance and help obtaining appropriate housing. (250) 828-0600 Seniors Outreach S oci ety [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca The Warren Atkinson Society: Safe Housing* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Providing transitional housing for men recovering from addictions who have completed a treatment program and are pursuing a drug-and alcohol-free lifestyle. Opportunities are limited due to small numbers of rooms. Applications available on line at www.kshssafehouse@ shaw.ca. (250) 851-2720 Dan [email protected] www.getbettergo.com Women's Housing Support Description: Phone: Extension: Contact: Phone: Website: Support services for women. (250) 374-2119 205 Janet Bakke 250-374-2119 www.kamloopsefry.com Y Women's Emergency Shelter Outreach Services Description: A mobile response to women who are experiencing violence or at risk of experiencing violence. Assistance in accessing emergency services, community supports and advocacy. Comm unity education on violence against women upon request. Page 229 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: (250) 320-3110 www.kamloopsy.org Y Women's Emergency Shelter* Description: Phone: A confidential, safe house for women and their children leaving violent relationships. Phone line 24hours (250) 374-6162 Sports, Fitness, Movement 137 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps KAMLOOPS* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Wednesday: 6 - 9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. We parade Wednesday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, sailing, music, and seamanship training. C adets can also choose to go to various summer camps, from Vancouver Island to Nova Scotia, or even overseas. The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 250-554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca 204 Black Maria Royal Canadian Air Cadet Program* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Develops in youth (ages 12 -18) the attributes of citizenship and leadership and promotes physical fitness while stimulating an interest in the air element of the C anadian Forces. (250) 579-9570 Cpt Rod Trotten rodtrotten@ yahoo.net www.cadets.ca/lhq/204air 2305 Rocky Mountain Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Description: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Monday: 6 -9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. W e parade Monday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, abseiling/rock clim bing, and orienteering. Cadets can also choose to go to various summers camps, from Vernon to Whitehorse, or even overseas. The m ission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces, and there is no obligation to join after. Page 230 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: Address: Website: (250) 376-3900 Captain Brian K allert [email protected] 250-376-3900 [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC, V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca 55 Plus Kamloops Senior Swimmers* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Providing opportunities for competitive swimming for people ages 55 and over. Meet on Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00am - 9:00am at the Kamloops Y. (250) 573-2818 Elizabeth www.bcseniorsgames.org/ Aberdeen Judo Academy Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Website: Ongoing recreational and competitive judo instruction, including self protection sessions. The goal of judo is to promote physical and mental fitness and personal discipline. Visit our website or call for more information. (250) 374-9945 Jahuntley@ shaw.ca (250) 851-6363 1465 Pearson Place www.aberdeenjudo.com BC Fishing Resorts and Outfitters Association Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Representing the freshwater tourism fishing industry. Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm 1 (866) 637 -6836 (250) 374-6836 Bonnie bcfroa@ bcfroa.ca #106 - 1383 McGill Rd www.bcfroa.ca Bee-Jay Square Dancers * Description: Phone: Contact: Square dance. N ew dancers welcome, no experience required. Great for physical wellness. N ew dancers Monday nights from 7:30pm-9:00pm at Valleyview Hall. A nominal fee applies. MainStream Level dancers on Tuesday nights a the A nglican Church on N icola S treet from 7:30pm -9:30pm (250) 374-0277 June Boys and Girls Club: Cool Moves Description: Cool Moves is a Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada Program that helps children 8 to 12 years of age "play cool" by incorporating physical activity into their daily lives and "eat smart" by learning about how to make healthy food choices. Page 231 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Camping* Description: Phone: Website: Ministry of Tourism, Sport and The Arts offers camping sites. P lease checkout our website for more information or to contact us by email. (250) 371-6500 www.sitesandtrailsbc.ca/ City of Kamloops Description: Phone: Website: The Parks and R ecreation Activity Guide presents a variety of opportunities in programs, classes, heritage, culture and Language. Low-income individuals may qualify for ARCH (Afford Recreation for Community Health). Visit our website or call for more information. (250) 828-3582 www.kamloops.ca/activityguide Disabled Angling License for People with Disabilities * Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Application at K amloops Service B C office. Monday- Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (250) 828-4540 Service BC 205-455 Columbia St www.servicebc.gov.bc.ca Fun Laugh Friends 2014, Kamloops Description: Contact: Email: Website: New social group. Adults - join in our activities, individuals/couples, make new friends, have fun. Come as you are. Childfree couples encouraged to join. Games/card night, sports events, music, theatre, BB Q, progressive dinner, camping. Events are planned already. Wendy Makepeace [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/groups/219934751527720/ Interior Wellness Festival Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Interior Wellness Festival, September 26th to 28th, 2014. Three days of Transformational W ellness held at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops. FREE ADMISSION. Seminars, workshops, healing garden, yoga and fitness, marketplace, healthy kid zone (new!), live entertainment, café and m ore. Volunteer at the festival! Join the volunteer crew : contact B ob Davern at [email protected]. Inquire about being a s peaker or working in the healing garden at interiorw [email protected]. New this year - healthy kids zone - wellness activities and classes and information, just for kids and families. (250) 371-1938 Elizabeth Beeds [email protected] www.InteriorW ellness.com Page 232 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Affordable Parks and Recreation Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: ARCH (Affordable R ecreation for Community Health)is a program that allows low income families to participate in all of the P arks and Recreation Activities at a more affordable cost to them. For more information as to requirements for applying and application forms, call the Aboriginal Friendship Centre. (250) 376-1296 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Adapted Sports Association Description: Contact: Email: Email: Website: Kamloops Adapted Sports Association offers sport and recreation opportunities to all athletes interested in adapted sport. Mobility lim itation not required! Jessica Vliegenthart [email protected] [email protected] www.kamloopsadaptedsport.com Kamloops Canoe and Kayak Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: To promote and compete in the sport of sprint canoe and kayak in a fun, friendly and safe environment. Training for all ages. Summer camps for kids 9-15 years old. (250) 851-9862 Beth M organ [email protected] www.kamloopscanoeandkayakclub.ca/ Kamloops Classics Swimming* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Program designed for competitive swimmers; includes a learn-to-swim component. (250) 828-3660 Marianne [email protected] www.swimkamloops.com Kamloops Community YM/YWCA * Description: Phone: Phone: Website: Land and water fitness programs open to all, preschool, chilren's programs, day camps and m ore. Assisted membership program is available to those individuals and families who are unable to pay the full fee for membership.V isit our website for a schedule of hours and program details. (250) 372-7725 250-554-9622 North Shore www.kamloopsy.org/ Kamloops Floor Curling Description: Indoor floor curling. Takes place year-round from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Page 233 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Phone: (250) 376-0917 (250) 828-0819 Kamloops Fly Fishers Association Description: Phone: Contact: Promotes fly fishing and conservation. (250) 851-0073 Leonard Kamloops Happy Tappers* Description: Phone: Contact: For anyone who enjoys older styles of music and dance including tap, ballroom, creative and bellydance. (250) 374-5839 Gloria Kamloops International Baseball Society Description: Phone: Email: Baseball society representing the national body. (250) 376-5057 kibt@ mail.ocis.net Kamloops Long Blade Speed Skating Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Approximately 100 m embers all w ork hard in a volunteer capacity to bring and share the experience of our sport with you, "S PEE D SKA TING" . (250) 851-1481 Sandi [email protected] www.kamloopslongblades.com/ Kamloops Naturalists' Club Description: Phone: Email: Website: Dedicated to the protection and promotion of the natural environment. Meet the third Thursday of each month 7:00pm at Heritage House. Non operational during January, June , July and August. (250) 554-1285 [email protected] www.kamloopsnaturalistclub.com Kamloops Outdoor Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Fitness, fellowship and appreciation of the great outdoors all twelve months of the year. (250) 372-5173 Sigi www.koc.d3ross.info Kamloops Riverside Lawn Bowling Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Lawn bow ling six days a week. Free lessons avaialable. Located in Riverside Park. (250) 377-4026 Bob Gamble [email protected] Page 234 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Kamloops Rowing Club * Description: Email: Website: Teaching people ages 15 and up the sport of rowing, and allowing them to practice this life -long sport both recreationally and competitively, in a safe and supportive environment. [email protected] http://kamloopsrowing.blogspot.ca Kamloops Rugby Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Dedicated to the development and promotion of rugby at all levels. Welcomes all inquiries and interested players, coaches, and fans. Male and female, all ages. (250) 578-7097 Erin Connelly-Reed [email protected] Tournament Capital Ranch 5375 Yellowhead Hwy www.kamloopsrugby.com Kamloops Shotokan Karate Club Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Providing people ages 14 years and older with an opportunity to experience a unique cultural art, get in shape and learn self defense. Call for more information on classes. NOTE: The phone number listed below is also used by the Goessman Denture Clinics, but it IS the correct number for the K arate Club. (250) 374-9443 Alan Goessman 603 St. Paul St. Kamloops Skating Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Offers learn to skate programs for all ages; special events such as Christmas Family Skate, S kate-A-Thon, and B rag Night. (250) 554-4944 Heather www.kamloopsskatingclub.com/ Kamloops Square Dance Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Two-step, waltz and square dancing. Dance season from September till April. (250) 573-3568 Pat or Dennis www.kamloopssquaredancers.squaredance.bc.ca Kamloops Sunrays Synchronized Swim Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: The Kamloops Sunrays Synchronized Swim Club offers synchronized swimming programs to swimmers from age 6 to 96, beginner to advanced. We have both Provincial and National competitive athletes, as well as recreational swimmers. Call or email to learn more about programs and camps. (778) 257-7962 Melissa Jakubec kamloopssunrays@ gmail.com 778-257-7962 Page 235 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: http://kamloopssynchro.ca Kamloops Table Tennis Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Open to people of all ages and ablities interested in playing table tennis. Meet at Tournament C aptial Centre on Tuesdays 10:00am and Thursdays 12noon. Come join us! (250) 376-9423 Peter Kamloops T'ai Chi Club Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Cell Phone: Website: Aiming to keep bodies strong and healthy and minds calm, disciplined and aware. Meet Tuesdays at 7:00pm (250) 579-5499 Leo Kinshella [email protected] (250) 819-9845 www.kamloopstaichiclub.com Kamloops Team Handball Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: Providing opportunities for team handball at an indoor court at the Tournament Capital Centre for novice and experienced players ages 12 and over. (250) 314-4050 Peter kamloopshandball@ hotmail.ca https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kamloops -Team-Handball/189641944642 Kamloops Tennis Association* Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: To promote year round tennis, enhance Kamloops' position as the tournament capital of Canada, and stimulate participation and excellence in the sport of tennis in the Interior region. (250) 372-1783 [email protected] 758 Front S treet www.kamloopstennis.ca/ Kamloops Triathalon Club Description: Phone: Email: Everyone from newbies to experienced tri-athletes w elcome. S upporting people w ho want to swim, cycle, run or any combination. (250) 579-2312 [email protected] Kamloops Women's Rec Hockey* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: To promote fun, fitness and friendship in the spirit of fraternal competition. Please contact K -J for more information. (250) 374-2269 K-J [email protected] Page 236 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.kamloopswomenshockey.ca/ McArthur Park Lawn Bowling Description: Contact: Phone: Lawn bow ling and low -vision lawn bow ling from May to October. Instruction available. Takes place 6:30 pm every Sunday, Monday, W ednesday and Friday. 250-376-0917 Kay (Club Member) (250) 579-8259 Maureen ( Club Member) Overlander Ski Club* Description: Phone: Email: Website: Cross -country ski trails, lessons and events. (250) 372-5514 [email protected] www.overlanderskiclub.com/ PacificSport Interior BC: Sport Development and Performance Description: Phone: Email: Website: PacificSport is a regional non-for-profit organization dedicated to providing athletes, coaches and communities programs and services from "playground to podium" (Sport Development to Sport P erformance). Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (250) 828-3344 [email protected] www.pacificsport.com/interiorbc Patient Voices Network Peer Coaching Program Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Providing training in supporting and motivating others to make healthy living changes, including through exercise, smoking cessation, healthy eating and healthy weight, using a self-management framework 1 (888) 874 -1772 (604) 742-1772 [email protected] Patient Voices Network 800-1281 West Georgia Street V ancouver BC V 6E 3J7 www.patientvoices.ca Patient Voices Network Peer Coaching Program Description: Email: Website: Providing training in supporting and motivating others to make healthy living changes, including through exercise, smoking cessation, healthy eating and healthy weight, using a self-management framework. hcoulter@ patientvoices.ca www.patientvoices.ca/ River City Squash Organization Description: Phone: Email: Website: Academic tutoring, squash coaching, mentoring, and community service opportunities to underserved youth in Kamloops. Will link with elementary schools to provide after-school programs. (250) 314-9600 [email protected] www.rivercitysquash.org Page 237 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 52* Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Support for people of all ages and backgrounds, and especially veterans. Dances with live music. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm Bar Hours: 12noon- 7:00pm (250) 374-1742 [email protected] (250) 374-1743 Bar Direct Line 425 Lansdowne S t Sportability Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Sportability offers a wide variety of physical activity and sport opportunities for all British C olumbians who have a physical disability. We currently offer sledge hockey, power soccer, Boccia, para-cycling, and 7-a-side soccer. (604) 599-5240 [email protected] 604-599-5240 Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Instruction in Taoist Tai Chi™ internal art of health, which include taiji quan (Tai Chi) and other related internal arts. (250) 374-8125 1764 Valleyview Drive at Ralph B ell S chool www.taoist.org Thompson Rivers Area Cycling Coalition Description: Phone: Email: Website: A group of cyclists working together to improve cycling transportation options in the Kamloops area. Find our facebook group (Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/) under tracc thompson rivers area cycling coalition. (250) 376-4723 [email protected] http://Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/ Thrift Stores Big Brothers Big Sisters: Renew Crew* Description: Phone: Website: Programs are supported in part by donations of clothing, household goods to its partner thrift store. (250) 374-6148 www.bbbskamloops.ca/en/home/renewcrew.aspx Boys and Girls Club: Thrift Store (Cost Savers) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Programs are supported in part by donations of clothing, household goods to its partner thrift store Cost S avers. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Page 238 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Canadian Mental Health Association Clubhouse Thrift Store* Description: Phone: Website: Accepting donations from public; thrift store accessible to clubhouse members only. (250) 374-0440 www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca/ Flutterbys-Hospice Thrift Store* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs of Kamloops Hospice. B usiness Hours: Monday -Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm, Sunday 10:00am -3:00pm (250) 376-1335 1800 Tranquille Road B rock Shopping Centre www.kamloopshospice.com/ Kamloops United Church Thrift Store* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs at Kamloops United Church. Monday to Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm (250) 372-3448 387 4th Avenue www.kamloops-united-church.com/ Mt Paul United Church Thrift Shop* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs of Mt P aul United C hurch. Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am -3:00pm (250) 376-2261 140 Laburnum Street http://mtpauluc.ca/ Royal Inland Hospital: Thrift Seller* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Proceeds support Royal Inland Hospital M onday - S aturday 10:00am 4:00pm (250) 374-0487 146 Victoria S treet www.rihfoundation.ca/ Salvation Army: Clothing Voucher Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Website: To people in need, provides vouchers for the The Salvation Army Thrift Store. (250) 554-1611 Salvation Army [email protected] www.salvationarmy.ca/Kamloops Simply the Best * Description: Phone: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs of Kamloops Society for Comm unity Living. Monday - S aturday 9:00am - 4:00pm (250) 377-8335 662 Seymour Street www.kscl.ca/ Page 239 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 St Pauls Anglican Church* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs of St Paul's A nglican Church. Open 9:30am1:30pm on Fridays only. (250) 372-3912 360 Nicola Street www.stpaulscathedral.blogspot.com/ St Vincent de Paul* Description: Phone: Address: Proceeds support programs of Society of St V incent de P aul. Tuesday Saturday 9:30am -4:00pm (250) 554-0098 168 Briar A venue The Salvation Army: Thrift Store Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs of The Salvation A rmy. Monday - S aturday 9:30am - 4:30pm Drop offs betweeen 9:30 -4:00pm (250) 376-1110 [email protected] 533 Tranquille Road www.salvationarmy.ca/Kamloops Thrift City* Description: Phone: Address: Website: Proceeds support programs of New Life Mission Monday - S aturday 9:30am 5:00pm (250) 372-2273 342 Seymour Street www.newlifemission.ca/ Westsyde Fellowship Baptist Church Thrift Shop* Description: Phone: Email: Address: Proceeds support programs of Westsyde Fellow ship Baptist Church. (250) 579-8361 westsydefellowship@ shaw.ca 2833 Westsyde Road Transportation (Local) BC Scrap-It (Retire Your Ride) Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: The BC SCRA P -IT ® Program is a voluntary early retirement vehicle program that provides incentives to help British C olumbians replace higher polluting vehicles with cleaner forms of transportation.All scrapped vehicles and their components are permanently and properly recycled 1 (888) 824 -2012 [email protected] http:// w ww.scrapit.ca Bike Peddlar Description: Uncl aimed lost and stolen bikes are refurbished then sold in support of Kamloops Society for Comm unity Living. Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - Page 240 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: 3:30pm (250) 372-1387 Boys and Girls Club: Power Start Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Boys & Girls C lub of Kamloops in partnership with S .D. #73 offers a unique program called Power Start. This program includes transportation to targeted schools for children from their home starting at 7:15 am. Once at school, children may participate in breakfast, and then join Club staff and volunteers from Urban Systems and the West Rotary Club in movement, relaxation, grooming and organizing for school. When school begins, children head off to their classrooms ready to learn with a nutritious snack for recess. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Carpool Description: Website: The City of Kamloops has partnered with carpool.ca to facilitate and encourage carpooling in the Region. This free program provides ridematching assistance as well as a variety of information on ridesharing, including carpool benefits, cost-sharing arrangements, carpool etiquette and more. http:// w ww.carpool.ca ewayKamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Family Travel Program* Description: Phone: Website: Up to four children ages 12 and under ride free with a parent or guardian 19 years of age or over who holds a valid M onthly Pass, U -PAS S, ProPass or BC Bus Pass. (250) 376-1216 www.busonline.ca/regions/kam/default.cfm Full Service Gas Stations Description: A downloadable pdf document of full services gas stations in Kamloops for those individuals with mobility issues can be found in the Quick Guides section. Handy Dart Description: A transportation service for people with disabilities who are unable to use the Page 241 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Website: regular transit system without assistance. (250) 376-7625 www.busonline.ca/regions/kam/accessible/handydart.cfm Kamloops Transit System* Description: Phone: Website: Details, fares and passes, maps, routes and schedules are available online. (250) 376-1216 www.bctransit.com Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation: BC Bus Pass Program Description: Toll Free: Extension: Email: Website: An annual forty-five dollar bus pass for provincial transit systems is available to assist low income seniors and persons with disabilities to more fully participate in their comm unities. The bus pass can be used across the province of British Columbia on all BC Transit and Translink buses. The bus pass does not provide for an attendant, and is not valid on Handy D art. Eligibility - 65+ and receiving OA S & GIS from federal government; or - 65+ and residing in C anada less than 10 years, must be in appropriate income bracket, and require appropriate documentation w ith application (IMM ); or 60 and older, receiving Spousal Allowance (SP A) or Widows Pension from federal government; or - 60 and older, receiving Income Assistance; Call center operations are Monday – Friday between 9:00am – 4:00pm. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Press option 4 then 3 HSDBUS PA@ gov.bc.ca www.sd.gov.bc.ca/programs/bus-pass.html Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation: Medical Transportation Description: Toll Free: Website: Medical transportation supplements are provided to specific recipients of income assistance and disability assistance w ho are eligible for general health supplements or are facing a life -threatening health need. They are intended to meet extraordinary transportation costs associated with essential medical treatment. More information is available on our website. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.eia.gov.bc.ca/factsheets/2005/med_transport.htm Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation: Special Transportation Subsidy Description: Toll Free: Address: Website: Speci al T ransportation S ubsi dy is available to eligible recipients of income assistance. S pecial transportation Subsidy is paid once a year in a lump sum (not monthly) based on the value of the highest bus pass subsidy in the province. The S pecial transportation Subsi dy is issued on a fiscal year basis and is provided as a substitute to the annual bus pass for equity purposes. More information visit our website. 1 (866) 686 -0800 www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online_resource/general_supplements/sts/procedures.html www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online_resource/general_supplements/sts/policy.htm l#1 Operation Red Nose Description: A free Designated D river Service provided to any motorist during the holiday season. S easonal operation starting end of November to December 31st on Page 242 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Fridays and Saturdays only. Operation Red Nose is located in Desert Gardens Community Centre at 540 Seymour S treet. This program is sponsored by P acific Sport. (250) 372-5110 People In Motion Description: Toll Free: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Services for persons with any kind of disability, visible or invisible. Provi de assistance, information, "disabled parking" permits, recreational and fitness, programs, social programs and accessible camp for people with disabili ties. Sixteen passenger para-transit bus available for charter. Life skill s training and basic cooking skills training are also available. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm TDD available on our listed phone number. 1 (877) 741 -4241 (250) 376-7878 People In Motion [email protected] 182B Tranquille R oad www.peopleinmotion.org/ Taxi Saver Coupons* Description: Phone: Website: For people with a disabili ty and restricted travel options who are permanently registered with the program, provides 50% subsidy tow ards the cost of taxi rides. Same eligibility as for handyDart. (250) 828-3311 www.busonline.ca/regions/kam/accessible/taxi_saver.cfm Thompson Rivers Area Cycling Coalition Description: Phone: Email: Website: A group of cyclists working together to improve cycling transportation options in the Kamloops area. Find our facebook group (Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/) under tracc thompson rivers area cycling coalition. (250) 376-4723 [email protected] http://Facebook.com/groups/342860089094136/ Veterans Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans of Canada, Unit 290 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Helping seniors, veterans and their families. Open to everyone. (250) 554-1345 Melodie V ickers or Rick Goodwein [email protected] Kamloops Adapted Sports Association Description: Contact: Email: Email: Kamloops Adapted Sports Association offers sport and recreation opportunities to all athletes interested in adapted sport. Mobility lim itation not required! Jessica Vliegenthart [email protected] [email protected] Page 243 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.kamloopsadaptedsport.com Kamloops Naval Veterans Association Description: Phone: Contact: A charitable organization of active force members only, which supports other not-for-profits. P lans and actively participates in annual candlelight ceremony. (250) 573-2505 Arc hie Henderson Last Post Fund (Veteran Affairs Canada)* Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides funeral and burial services for w ar veterans or civilians who m eet wartime service eligibility criteria. Deceased veterans may be entitled to burial arrangements through the Last Post Fund (LP F) Burial A rrangements. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 026 -0248 [email protected] www.lastpostfund.ca Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 52* Description: Phone: Email: Phone: Address: Support for people of all ages and backgrounds, and especially veterans. Dances with live music. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm Bar Hours: 12noon- 7:00pm (250) 374-1742 [email protected] (250) 374-1743 Bar Direct Line 425 Lansdowne S t Volunteering 137 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps KAMLOOPS* Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Wednesday: 6 - 9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. We parade Wednesday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, sailing, music, and seamanship training. C adets can also choose to go to various summer camps, from Vancouver Island to Nova Scotia, or even overseas. The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 250-554-0138 Nicole T otten [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca 2305 Rocky Mountain Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Page 244 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Corps Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: Address: Website: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Monday: 6 -9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. W e parade Monday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, abseiling/rock clim bing, and orienteering. Cadets can also choose to go to various summers camps, from Vernon to Whitehorse, or even overseas. The m ission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces, and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 376-3900 Captain Brian K allert [email protected] 250-376-3900 [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC, V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca Boys and Girls Club: Volunteer Opportunities Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Volunteers are an important part of everything we do at Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops. Volunteers gain personal fulfillment and skill s in behavior management, leadership and strategic planning, programm ing, teamwork, marketing, and fundraising at the B oys and Girls Club of Kamloops. Practicum Students: Students in soci al work, education, human service work, early childhood education, sport/recreation, business, tourism/event management or related programs at Thompson Rivers University and other Canadian universities, receive supportive practicum placements at the Boys and Girls C lub. Practicum student roles support the student's respective program, interest area and individual learning goals. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Developing World Connections: International Volunteer Experience Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Kamloops based International Volunteering Charity offering 1-4 week volunteer experiences focused on sustainable projects. W e service 12 countries on 3 continents. CSR partnerships available as well as custom, create your own trips. P lease call us, Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 4:00. (250) 434-2524 [email protected] #220-141 Victoria S t. www.developingw orldconnections.org ewayKamloops Description: This easy to use, electronic resource is for everyone in Kamloops looking for support. In order to end homelessness we need to provide housing and a range of supports for a wide variety of people. ewaykamloops.ca provides an Page 245 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Email: Address: Website: updated resource hub for supports, and we are happy to work with over 45 community agencies and organizations to provide this tool to help end homelessness. Please read more about the project in the report below , explore the site, and be sure to leave your feedback in the contact section. (250) 571-9665 [email protected] 177 Victoria S treet, K amloops B.C. V2C 1Z4 http://ewaykamloops.ca/default.htm Fraser Basin Council Youth Committee Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Fraser Basin Council's Youth Committee is currently recruiting new members, aged 16 -29, for a 2-year term. W e are looking for young, enthusiastic leaders with a passion for sustainability. (250) 314-9660 Thompson Regional Office msimpson@ fraserbasin.bc.ca 200A ― 1383 McGill Road, V2C 6K7 www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/ Habitat for Humanity Kamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Habitat For Humanity is a not-for-profit, ecumenical organization dedicated to mobilizing volunteers and community partners to build simple, decent, affordable housing to assist families in breaking the cycle of poverty. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat For Humanity has built or renovated 200,000 homes in 100 countries around the globe, including almost 1000 in Canada. (250) 828-7867 [email protected] #28 1425 Cariboo Place http://habitatkamloops.com/ JUMP (Jubilee Street Ministry and Partners) Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: A weekl y touring meals and counselling service serving both the North and South Shores of Kamloops on S aturday noon at the New Life Mission and from 6 -8 pm at the Total P et parking lot on Tranquille Road. Other meals and services will be added in the next weeks and months. Jubilee also offers low cost catering services to the comm unity at large for events and meetings. (250) 434-5548 Glenn Hilke and Harold John [email protected] 250-434-5548 [email protected] Ministry of Social Development- Community Volunteer Supplement* Description: The community volunteer supplement may provi des up to $100 each calendar month for clothing, transportation or other expenses that are needed by the eligible person to participate in a comm unity volunteer program. C VS may be provided to eligible persons who participate in a volunteer placement w ith a non-profit community agency in a designated volunteer position. To be considered for CV S, eligible persons are those who either • were receiving a community volunteer supplement as of October 31, Page 246 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 2011 or • were on community volunteer supplement waitlist as of August 8, 2011 and submitted an application for the community volunteer supplement between that date and October 31, 2011. 1 (866) 686 -0800 Ministry of S ocial Development Toll Free: Contact: Website: www.gov.bc.ca/meia/online/_resource/general_supplements/cvsupp/resources_for_clients.html#1 Seniors Outreach Society: Snow Angels Snow Removal Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: This service is for seniors who need some extra assistance for maintaining their sidewalks and driveways during the winter season. The season begins the first week of D ecember and continues through until March of the following year. If you or your organization is interested in being part of this citywide volunteer effort, please visit http://www.volunteerkamloops.org/snowangels.htm or call Volunteer Kamloops at 250-372-8313. (250) 828-0600 [email protected] #127 – 540 Seymour Street www.kamseniorsoutreach.ca Valleyview Overlanders Lions Club* Description: Phone: Contact: Website: We serve our community in many ways. Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at Cottonwood Manor (250) 434-4716 John Finlay www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/valleyviewoverlanders/ Volunteer Kamloops Description: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Volunteer recruitment and referral service. Helps youth and adults find short or long term volunteer opportunities; specific supports for people with mental health issues; supports member organizations to strengthen their services. (250) 372-8313 [email protected] 705 Seymour St. V2C 2H4 www.volunteerkamloops.org World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms* Description: Email: Website: Local and distant farms provi de lodging and organic food in exchange for four to six hours work per day. [email protected] www.wwoof.ca/ Youth: Support Services 2305 Rocky Mountain Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps Description: FUN, CHA LLE NGE, FRIEN DS!! Monday: 6 -9 pm, 169 Briar Avenue. W e parade Monday night (September to June). Y outh ages 12 - 18 years are invited to join. Cadets participate in weekly training and also participate in activities ranging from weekend training exercises, leadership, marksmanship, abseiling/rock clim bing, and orienteering. Cadets can also Page 247 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Phone: Email: Address: Website: choose to go to various summers camps, from Vernon to Whitehorse, or even overseas. The m ission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the challenges of modern society, through a dynamic, community -based program. C adets are not members of Canadian Forces, and there is no obligation to join after. (250) 376-3900 Captain Brian K allert [email protected] 250-376-3900 [email protected] 169 Briar A venue, K amloops, BC, V2B 1C2 www.cadets.ca Aboriginal Suicide Critical Incident Response Team Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Provides prevention, intervention and postvention education, training and support to Aboriginal comm unities to protect children and youth from the risk of suicide and related issues. This serves a catchment of K amloops and area, Clearwater, Barriere, S almon Arm to Enderby. Hours of Operation:Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 responseteam@w hitebuffalo.name Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service Description: Toll Free: Website: A 24hr, 7 days per week, free hotline for people needing help with any kind of substance abuse. Referrals include treatment services for adults and youth, education/prevention resources, self-help groups, contacts for fetal alcohol syndrome and other addiction concerns. 1 (800) 066 -1441 www.bc211.ca BC Family Residence Program Description: Toll Free: Website: The program provides accommodation subsidies for families with a child, aged 18 years and under, who requires medical care at BC Children's Hospital or S unny Hill Health Centre for Children, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns. Accomm odation is arranged at convenient locations in the V ancouver area so that a family is able to stay close by while their child is receiving m edical care. The program provides accommodation assistance to a family for one room for up to 30 days per stay. To qualify for assistance with accommodation costs, families must: * be residents of B.C. and have medical insurance coverage under the Medical Services Plan of BC, and * have a child who is receiving medical care at B C Children's Hospital or Sunny Hill Health Centre for C hildren, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns, and * live outside *Metro Vancouver Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:0am-4:00pm 1 (866) 649 -6946 www.bcfamilyresidence.gov.bc.ca Boogie the Bridge Cultural Fund Description: Offering funds to help cover the cost of programs, events or workshops which would facilitate the cultural growth of a person 5 -18 years of age who is in Page 248 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Website: financial need. (250) 828-3611 Cara Graden [email protected] www.kamloops.ca/communityprograms/grants.shtml Boys and Girls Club: Club Support Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Club S upport Social Worker is an additional resource available to all programs and families with the B oys and Girls Club of K amloops; s ervices may include Boys and Girls Club program referrals, comm unity program/agency referrals, information/research, care plans and advocacy. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Cool Moves Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Cool Moves is a Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada Program that helps children 8 to 12 years of age "play cool" by incorporating physical activity into their daily lives and "eat smart" by learning about how to make healthy food choices. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Inner Voice: Girls Group Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Inner V oice is a weekly drop-in group offered at the McArthur Island Club, providing adolescent females ages 12 to 18, w ith a safe space to explore a wide range of issues that impact their daily lives. The group provides adolescent girls with the opportunity to explore experiences and issues related to daily life in an educational and creative m anner in a safe and nonthreatening environment at no cost. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Power Start Description: Phone: The Boys & Girls C lub of Kamloops in partnership with S .D. #73 offers a unique program called Power Start. This program includes transportation to targeted schools for children from their home starting at 7:15 am. Once at school, children may participate in breakfast, and then join Club staff and volunteers from Urban Systems and the West Rotary Club in movement, relaxation, grooming and organizing for school. When school begins, children head off to their classrooms ready to learn with a nutritious snack for recess. (250) 554-5437 Page 249 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Contact: Email: Address: Website: Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Power Up! Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Power Up is a national B oys and Girls C lub of Canada after school homework support program operating from several several schools in District #73. Power Up is developed around three core components which include social-recreational, nutritional, and educational support. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Boys and Girls Club: Youth After School Drop-in Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The youth after school drop-in is offered every Monday - Friday from 3:00 6:00 p.m ., at the McA rthur Island Club for all youth ages 12 -18 years, at no cost. Programs offered allow youth to gain many skills including the ability to interact successfully with peers, parents, and other adults using asset building concepts, strengths -based, solution-focused approaches, in an antioppressive environment. Social development, life skills, and physical education are often gained through fun and recreation at the Club and food is provided. (250) 554-5437 Boys and Girls C lub [email protected] 1515 Parkway Drive, McA rthur Island www.bgckamloops.com Child and Youth Mental Health Description: Phone: Phone: Website: Ministry of Families and C hildren D evelopment provides a wide range of services to help children and youth with mental health issues. These services are provided directly by ministry staff or by community agencies working under contract. All of these services are free to BC residents and are voluntary. Locations: 210 -1165 Battle S t 201 -905 Southill St (250) 371-3648 250-554-5800 North Shore location www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/mental_health Children and Youth With Special Needs Description: Website: The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) funds a range of programs and services for children and youth with special needs and their families. Services and supports are intended to promote children’s healthy development, maximize quality of life, assist families in their role as primary caregivers and support full participation in comm unity life. www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/spec_needs/index.htm CMHA Youth Clubhouse Description: A youth-driven evening activity centre for those aged 13 to 18. A safe, supportive, drug and alcohol free environment. Music, arts, internet, Page 250 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: support,and m ore. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 4:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m . Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (250) 374-0440 Canadian M ental Health Association kamloops@ cmha.bc.ca 857 Seymour St www.kamloops.cmha.bc.ca/ Eating Disorder Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Comprehensive program for children, youth and adults who are experiencing problems related to disordered eating. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:305:00pm (250) 377-6500 Intake Services 235 Lansdowne S treet Federation of BC Youth In Care Networks Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Address: Website: Helping people in and from government care in B C, between the ages of 14 and 24, to get individual support, link with learning opportunities, and unite their voices to create positive change in the system. Monday - Friday 9:30am-5:00pm 1 (800) 056 -8055 (604) 527-7762 [email protected] 500-625 Agnes S t N ew W estminister BC www.fbcyicn.ca/ Fraser Basin Council Youth Committee Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: The Fraser Basin Council's Youth Committee is currently recruiting new members, aged 16 -29, for a 2-year term. W e are looking for young, enthusiastic leaders with a passion for sustainability. (250) 314-9660 Thompson Regional Office msimpson@ fraserbasin.bc.ca 200A ― 1383 McGill Road, V2C 6K7 www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/ Help Line for Children In Kamloops Description: Phone: Phone: Website: For children and youth in crisis or for anyone concerned about a child or youth (250) 554-5800 310-1234 Toll Fee No area code required in BC www.safekidsbc.ca/helpline.htm In-School Mentoring Program Description: Phone: Elementary school children w ho might benefit from some one-on-one time are matched with a carefully screened, caring, reliable adult who visits with the child at their school for one hour weekly. The cultural needs of youth are considered. (250) 374-6134 Page 251 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Website: www.bbbskamloops.ca Interior Community Services: Mind Over Madder Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Understanding anger and managing conflict. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Safe Spaces Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A service for youth ages 14 -25, who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, two spirited, transgendered or questioning. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Street Services Safe House Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: For youth who want to or are thinking about making changes in their lives. Those changes may be getting away from the streets, w anting to work things out at home or needing a safe place to stay for a short time while they decide what it is they really want to do in their lives. 24 hours/day – 7 days/week 1855-629-SAFE 1 (855) 562 -7233 adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Transitional Support to Children Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Provides support to children and their families, in the process of adoption and/or significant transition with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, in preparing for permanency. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Coaching Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For youth between the ages of 13 and 18 willing to work with their youth coach tow ards achieving their individual goals. Referrals are m ade through the Ministry of Children and Family Development. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Outreach Program Page 252 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For people ages 13 to 24, a harm reduction program about support not judgement. Look for street workers usually Monday - S aturday during the hours of 8:00am -10:00am, 1:00pm-3:00pm and 5:00pm -8:00pm from 2:00pm. Youth C enrtre 250 374-7435 located at 388 1st Ave with hours of operation Mon,Weds,Fri 10:00am to 1:00pm. Tues Weds, Thurs 5:00pm 8:00pm and S aturdays 11:30am-3:30pm. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Residential Mentorship Program Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: A supported independent living program for youth . Referrals are made through the M inistry of Children and Family Development. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca/ Interior Community Services: Youth Safe House Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Address: Website: For youth who want to or are thinking about making changes in their lives. Those changes may be getting away from the streets, w anting to work things out at home or needing a safe place to stay for a short time while they decide what it is they really want to do in their lives. 24 hours/day – 7 days/week 1855-629-SAFE 1 (855) 562 -7233 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Interior Community Services: Youth Transitional Housing Description: Phone: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Young people can stay with the Acadia Place program for up to 24 m onths. Individuals are part of a team working together to design a program that works best for that person. (250) 554-3134 Interior Community Services adm@interiorcomm unityservices.bc.ca 765 Tranquille Road www.interiorcommunityservices.bc.ca Junior Achievement of British Columbia Description: Phone: Contact: Inspiring and motivating B C’s youth through busi ness education. Offering students in grades 5-12 the opportunity to acquire valuable business acumen, develop leadership qualities, and discover new career possibilities (250) 828-7901 Gemma Page 253 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: Website: [email protected] www.jabc.org/ Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Child and Youth Mental Health Wellness Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: Wellness coordinator will help build a wellness network, support the Aboriginal Development Clinicians and provide mental health promotion. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am -4:30pm (250) 376-1296 Susan @ K amloops A boriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Education and Cultural Department Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: At the Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre the Cultural Coordinator provides culturally appropriate services that promote and ensure posi tive educational experiences for aboriginal students through the Four D irections Storefront School and School Dist #73. To reduce the number of school drop outs and to assist A boriginal students to successfully graduate. (250) 376-1296 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Family Preservation and Youth Services Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The" team" for this program provides culturally approriate services to children, youth and their families needing support. P rovide in home immediate crisis counselling, refer families to appropriate resources if necessary. Some of the services offered are Family C ourt Advocacy, Family Support,Mentor Ship,Counseling and Drop-In. The Parenting program and Anger Management for kids program are both 8 week session that you need to register for. (250) 376-1617 Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre 2355 Parkcrest Ave www.iifs.ca Kamloops Aboriginal Friendship Centre: Youth Cultural and Recreation Program Description: Phone: Contact: Address: Website: The Cultural activities component w ill provide youth and their families cultural information through ceremonial events, crafts, traditional games, gatherings and traditional teaching. The Sports and Recreations component w ill include access toa gym on a weekl y basis for various sporting events such as floor hockey, basketball and traditional games. For more information call the Aboriginal Friendship Centre. (250) 376-1617 Aboriginal Friendship Centre 125 Palm Street www.iifs.ca Kamloops Community-Based Victim Service Program Page 254 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Description: Phone: Address: Website: Information and emotional support to victims; people considering reporting a criminal offense; those appearing as Crown Witnesses; witnesses in partner assault; sexual assault; child sexual abuse; criminal harassment; stalking Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am- 4:30pm (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve K amloops B C www.ksacc.ca Kamloops RCMP Victim Services Description: Phone: Phone: Helping those who have been victim or witness of crime or trauma, including motor vehicle accidents, suicide, etc. Twenty-four hour support, referrals, and help determining one's options. Anonym ity fine. Nothing is reported to police except where a child is in danger or harm to a person (including oneself) is threatened. (250) 828-3223 (250) 828-3000 RCMP Detachment Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre Description: Phone: Address: Website: Individual and group counselling for males and females of all ages who have experienced sexual violence, abuse and/or partnership assault at any point in their lives, from infancy onward. (250) 372-0179 601-235 1st A ve http:// w ww.ksacc.ca Kelty Resource Centre Description: Toll Free: Email: Address: Website: A provincial resource centre linking children, youth and their families with appropriate resources in all areas of mental health, eating disorders and addictions. Office Hours: Monday - Friday9:30am - 5:00pm Located in B C Children's Hospital 1 (800) 066 -1822 [email protected] #85-Rm P3 -302 3rd Floor 4500 Oak S treet, V ancouver, BC www.keltymentalhealth.ca Kids Help Phone Description: Toll Free: Website: Kids Help P hone is a free, anonym ous and confidential phone and on -line professional counselling service for youth. B ig or Small concerns 24/7, 365 days a year. 1 (800) 066 -6868 www.kidshelpphone.ca Leadership and Resiliency Program (LRP) Description: Phone: Contact: The Leadership and Resiliency Program (LRP) is a federally funded Public Safety Canada after school program, administered by the S ecw epemc Cultural Education Society in partnership with School District #73. LR P is a year round, comprehensive program aimed at providing innovative learning opportunities for youth with the hope of minimizing at risk behaviours while enhanci ng students' internal strengths and resiliency. (250) 852-3091 Janessa Mckenzie Page 255 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Email: [email protected] Osprey Place Description: Phone: Website: Eight-week program for adjudicated males and females between the ages of 13 and 18 who present substance misuse as their primary issue. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm (250) 374-4899 http:// w ww.phoenixcentre.org/ Parkview Description: Phone: For youth 7-18 years of age who are experiencing emotional and behaviour difficulties. Support for their families, also. (250) 376-7855 Promoting Safe Schools Together Description: Phone: Email: Website: PSS TWorld is a place for students to connect, post original projects & opinion share safely. PSS TW orld also popularizes a proven safety-tip line (Report It!) that is activated w ithin each P SSTWorld partner school district. Students, staff & parents are encouraged to report dangerous school incidents (witnessed, experienced or heard) directly & anonymously to school district safety professionals using the 'Report It!' button. Report It! tips may be related to bullying, cyber-bullying, abuse, drug/sex/weapons crimes, suicide, vandalism, threat of school attack and other dangerous incidents. (604) 629-7975 [email protected] www.psstw orld.com Raven Program Description: Phone: Contact: Website: To young people under 19 who are directly or indirectly experiencing problems due to substance misuse. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am 4:00pm (250) 374-4634 Phoenix Centre http:// w ww.phoenixcentre.org/ Representative for Children and Youth Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Supports children, youth and families who need help in dealing with the child welfare system, and advocates for changes to the system itself. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm 1 (800) 047 -3933 [email protected] www.rcybc.ca/ River City Squash Organization Description: Phone: Email: Website: Academic tutoring, squash coaching, mentoring, and community service opportunities to underserved youth in Kamloops. Will link with elementary schools to provide after-school programs. (250) 314-9600 [email protected] www.rivercitysquash.org Page 256 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Service Canada Centres for Youth Description: Phone: Address: Website: To seek temporary or long term employment, please visit youth.gc.ca w ebsite for information. (250) 372-2515 www.youth.gc.ca www.servicecanada.gc.ca/ Sex Sense Line Description: Toll Free: Contact: Email: Address: Website: Free and respectful information about sexual health and sexual health issues. For anyone who has questions about sexual health, please feel free to email your question. P hone Lines: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9:00pm All information is Confidential 1 (800) 073 -7367 Rachel [email protected] www.optbc.org http://bc.wontgetweird.com/ Shriner Care Cruiser Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Medical transportation is available for children and youth up to age 18 chaperoned by an adult, pregnant woman(up to seven months and not highrisk) to facilities as BC Children's Hospital, Canuck Place, S unny Hill and Women's Health Centre. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm 1 (800) 066 -5437 [email protected] www.shriners.bc.ca The F.O.R.C.E. Society for Kids' Mental Health Description: Phone: Contact: Website: Provides families with an opportunity to speak w ith other families w ho understand and may be able to offer support or advice on what has worked for them. The F.O.R.C.E. also provides families and professionals with information, tools, and tips on how to support and assist children with mental health difficulties. The mandate is to support and empower families and work collaboratively with professionals and systems in understanding and meeting the mental health needs of families. (604) 878-3400 [email protected] www.forcesociety.com TRU Mental Health and Addictions Therapist/Counsellor Description: Phone: Website: In partnership with IHA, offers to current TR U students assessment, referral, short term counselling, brief intervention, anxiety group therapy, supportive therapy, and preventive work on campus with problematic substance use. (250) 828-5023 www.tru.ca Victim Link BC Description: Provides free confidential phone service for information and referral regarding community resources to victim of crime and immediate crisis Page 257 of 258 Access Kamloops - January 14, 2015 Toll Free: Email: Website: support to victim of family and sexual violence. Telephone assistance available 24 hours daily. 1 (800) 056 -0808 [email protected] www.victimlinkbc.ca White Buffalo Aboriginal & Metis Health Society: Gift Givers Family Support Description: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Support for individuals, families and parents involved with Ministry or the potential to be involved with Ministry by provi ding family and court support to First Nations & Metis people. Referrals to treatment programs, support for family unity and wellness, individual counseling and follow -up support provided. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm 1 (877) 755 -1176 (250) 554-1176 giftgivers2@ whitebuffalo.name Youth Against Violence Line Description: Toll Free: Email: Website: Provides an anonym ous, c onfidential way for young people to prevent or report crimes connected with youth crime, bullying, peer pressure, intimidation or threats by a person or a gang or any other violence-related issues. Information referral also offered. Phone service available 24hours a day. 1 (800) 068 -4264 [email protected] www.youthagainstviolenceline.com Youth Clinic, Kamloops Description: Phone: Website: Provides sexual health services for youth up to age 25. Access to low cost birth control, education, STI/PAP testing, emergency contraception, pregnancy tests and pregnancy options. All information is confidential. Tuesday 2:00pm - 6:00pm By A ppointment Only Intake, E xams and Refills Wednesday, Thursday 3:30- 4:00pm By A ppointment Only Refill D ays (250) 851-7300 www.interiorhealth.ca/ Page 258 of 258
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