MORPHOLOGY, SYSTEMATICS, EVOLUTION Amblyomma yucumense n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae), a Parasite of Wild Mammals in Southern Brazil FELIPE S. KRAWCZAK,1 THIAGO F. MARTINS,1 CAROLINE S. OLIVEIRA,2 LINA C. BINDER,1 0 FRANCISCO B. COSTA,1 PABLO H. NUNES,3 FABIO GREGORI,1 AND 1,4 MARCELO B. LABRUNA J. Med. Entomol. 52(1): 28–37 (2015); DOI: 10.1093/jme/tju007 ABSTRACT During 2013–2014, adult ticks were collected on the vegetation and subadult ticks were collected from small mammals [Didelphis aurita Wied-Neuwied, Sooretamys angouya (Fischer), Euryoryzomys russatus (Wagner), Akodon montensis Thomas, Oxymycterus judex Thomas] in an Atlantic rainforest reserve in southern Brazil. Analyses of the external morphology of the adult ticks revealed that they represent a new species, Amblyomma yucumense n. sp. Partial 16S rRNA sequences generated from males, females, and nymphs were identical to each other and closest (95% identity) to corresponding sequences of Amblyomma dubitatum Neumann. A. yucumense is morphologically and genetically closest related to A. dubitatum. Dorsally, male of these species can be separated by major longitudinal pale orange stripes associated with a pseudoscutum indicated by a pale stripe in A. yucumense, in contrast to pale creamy longitudinal stripes and absence of pseudoscutum in A. dubitatum. Ventrally, male coxal I spurs are separated by a space narrower than external spur width in A. yucumense, and wider than external spur width in A. dubitatum. Females of the two species can be separated by coxal I spurs, longer in A. yucumense than in A. dubitatum. In addition, the adult capitulum and ventral idiosoma of A. yucumense are generally dark brown colored, while A. dubitatum is yellowish or light brown colored. The nymph of A. yucumense differs from A. dubitatum by the scutal cervical groove length, slightly shorter in the former species. Currently, A. yucumense is restricted to southern Brazil. KEY WORDS Amblyomma, new species, description, Brazil Introduction The Brazilian tick fauna is currently composed by 66 species, 45 Ixodidae, and 21 Argasidae (Martins et al. 2014, Nava et al. 2014a). The genus Amblyomma is the most numerous, with 31 species (Dantas-Torres et al. 2009, Nava et al. 2014a), comprising 46% of the Brazilian tick fauna. In the world, the genus Amblyomma is currently composed of 136 valid species, distributed in all continents except for Europe and Antarctica (Guglielmone and Nava. 2014, Nava et al. 2014b). During the past 10 yr, eight new Amblyomma species were described or resurrected, all from South America, where nearly half of world Amblyomma species occur (Labruna et al. 2005; Nava et al. 2009, 2014a,b). From the medical stand point, the genus Amblyomma is the most important in South America, where human diseases caused by tick-borne agents, namely, Rickettsia rickettsii, Rickettsia parkeri, and Rickettsia sp. strain 1 Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil. 2 Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. 3 Institute of Biosciences, Sa˜o Paulo State University, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. 4 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. Atlantic rainforest, are transmitted to humans by different Amblyomma species (reviewed by Parola et al. 2013). Herein, we describe an additional new Amblyomma species from South America, based on specimens collected in southern Brazil. Materials and Methods From June 2013 to January 2014, ticks were collected in the “Parque Estadual do Turvo”, an Atlantic rainforest Reserve located in Derrubadas Municipality, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, as part of an ongoing study on the ecology of tick-borne spotted fever in Rio Grande do Sul. Questing ticks were collected in the vegetation by dragging or by visual search in animal trails, as previously described (Terassini et al. 2010). Ticks were also collected on small mammals that were collected by Sherman and Tomahawk traps alongside the same animal trails. Collected ticks were brought alive or in absolute ethanol to the laboratory, where they were separated for morphological and molecular analyses; engorged larvae were kept alive in an incubator (25 C, 95% relative humidity) to molt to nymphs. Unfed specimens, comprising 10 males, 9 females, and 10 nymphs were measured using the Image-Pro Plus 5.1 program for analysis of images and morphometry, fitted to an C The Authors 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. V All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] January 2015 KRAWCZAK ET AL.: PARASITE OF WILD MAMMALS IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL Olympus SZX stereoscope microscope (Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). In the description that follows, all measurement are in mm; a range is given, with a mean 6 standard deviation in parentheses. Three specimens of each stage (male, female and nymph) were prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) following techniques described by Corwin et al. (1979). Light-microscopy photographs of live adult ticks were prepared to show the natural scutal ornamentation pattern. Representative tick specimens were used for molecular analysis. For this purpose, each of the 2 males and 2 females had its leg segments collected in a sterile microtube containing 50 ml of Tris-EDTA buffer, subsequently subjected to DNA extraction with DNeasy Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA), and processed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the use of primers targeting a 460-bp fragment of the tick 16S rDNA mitochondrial gene, as previously described (Mangold et al. 1998). The same procedure was performed with two nymphs, but in this case, the whole tick body was individually used for DNA extraction. PCR products of the expected size were sequenced in an ABI automated sequencer (Applied Biosystems/ Thermo Fisher Scientific, model ABI 3500 Genetic Analyser, Foster City, CA) with the same primers used for PCR. Generated sequences were compared to each other and submitted to BLAST analyses (www.ncbi. to infer closest similarities available in GenBank. The consensus sequence obtained was aligned with the corresponding 16S rRNA sequences from 12 different sequences of the genera Amblyomma retrieved from GenBank (including the sequences that matched closest BLAST similarities to the present new species) using Clustal/W v.1.8.1 (Thompson et al. 1994). Neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees using T92þG (Tamura 3-parameter with Gamma: 0.17) substitution model were generated using Mega 6.06 software (Tamura et al. 2013) with 1,000 bootstrap replicates. The substitution model was selected using Mega 6.06 software (Tamura et al. 2013) according to the lowest Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) score. The sequence of Amblyomma latum Koch was used as outgroup. For morphological comparisons, the following specimens of Amblyomma dubitatum Neumann available at the tick collection “Colec¸a˜o Nacional de Carrapatos” (CNC) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Sa˜o Paulo, Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil, were examined in the present study: 53 males, 87 females ex vegetation, Itu Municipality, state of Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 23 January to 07 February 2006 (accession number CNC 958); 6 males, 8 females ex vegetation, Serra da Canastra National Park, Sa˜o Roque de Minas Municipality, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 14 August 2007 and 08 March 2008 (CNC 1046, 1099); 16 males, 24 females ex vegetation, Intervales State Park, Ribeira˜o Grande Municipality, state of Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 18 September 2005 (CNC 927). In addition, we also examined the following specimens collected in Brazil, which were used by Estrada Pen˜a et al. (2002) for the redescription and revalidation of the species A. dubitatum: 10 males 29 ex Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (L.), Sa˜o Bernardo do Campo, state of Sa˜o Paulo, 29 November 1999 (CNC 263); 2 females ex vegetation, Arac¸ariguama, state of Sa˜o Paulo, 27 March 1998 (CNC 129); 5 males and 3 females (collected as nymphs) ex Myocastor coypus (Molina), Jundiai, state of Sa˜o Paulo, 17 August 1999 (CNC 288). Three males and three females of A. dubitatum collected ex vegetation, Intervales State Park, Ribeira˜o Grande Municipality, state of Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 18 September 2005 (CNC 927), were used for SEM. One live and 1 live female of A. dubitatum, collected ex vegetation, Pirassununga, state of Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 10 March 2014, were used for light-microscopy photographs to show the natural scutal ornamentation pattern. Results Analyses of the external morphology of the adult ticks collected in the present study revealed that they were morphologically distinct from any other known Amblyomma species, justifying their description as a new species. Partial 16S rRNA sequences (404 bp) generated from 2 males, 2 females, and 2 nymphs were 100% identical to each other, and by BLAST analysis, were closest (95% identity) to several sequences of A. dubitatum from the states of Sa˜o Paulo (GU301914) and Rio Grande do Sul (GU301913), Brazil, and from Uruguay (DQ858954, DQ858955, and GU301912) and Argentina (GU301910 and GU301911). Because all nymphs examined in the present study had the same external morphology, the above molecular results confirm that they represent the nymphal stage of the present new Amblyomma species. Amblyomma yucumense Krawczak, Martins & Labruna n. sp. (Figs. 1-4) Male. (Figs. 1A and 2): Ten unfed specimens measured. Length from apices of scapulae to posterior body margin 4.13–5.36 (4.70 6 0.36), breadth 3.17–4.04 (3.56 6 0.29). Outline oval, broadest at level of spiracular plates (Fig. 1A). Genital aperture broadly U-shaped (Fig. 2D). Spiracular plate comma-shaped with elongate macula and numerous minute globlets. Eyes flat. Basis capituli rectangular and triangular cornua on posterior margin; numerous small punctations dorsally (Fig. 2A). Length of palpal apices to cornua apices 0.95–1.32 (1.09 6 0.11), breadth 0.76–0.99 (0.83 6 0.07). Length of palpal article I 0.03–0.11 (0.07 6 0.02); length of palpal article II 0.32–0.54 (0.46 6 0.07); length of palpal article III 0.15–0.26 (0.21 6 0.04), suture between II and III distinct. Presence of marked ventral prolongation on palpal article I, as illustrated (Fig. 2B). Hypostome elongate, broadly rounded apically with corona of fine denticles. Total length of hypostome 0.63–0.78 (0.71 6 0.04); length of toothed portion 0.34–0.42 (0.38 6 0.02). Hypostomal dentition 3/3, with six to eight teeth per complete row (Fig. 2B); 30 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 52, no. 1 Fig. 1. Dorsal view of the adult stages of A. yucumense [(A) Male. (B) Female] and A. dubitatum [(C) Male. (D) Female] by light microscopy. Fig. 2. SEM of A. yucumense male. (A) Dorsal capitulum (scale bar: 200 mm). (B) Ventral capitulum (scale bar: 200 mm). (C) Scutum (scale bar: 400 mm). (D) Coxae I–IV (scale bar: 400 mm). in some specimens hypostomal dentition were 4/4 posteriorly. Scutum ornate with pale orange markings (stripes) over a dark brown background; major longitudinal stripes starting at the cervical area, diverging posteriorly at the level of first festoon; numerous large and deep punctations uniformly distributed, interposed by dark brown elevated spots lacking punctations as follows: median-lateral spots, postero-lateral spots, and a postero-median spot; limits of pseudoscutum indicated by a pale stripe (Fig. 1A), clearly observed by naked eyes. Cervical grooves short, deep, comma-shaped. Marginal groove complete, deep posteriorly, marked with numerous deep punctations anteriorly (Fig. 2C). January 2015 KRAWCZAK ET AL.: PARASITE OF WILD MAMMALS IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL 31 Fig. 3. SEM of A. yucumense female. (A) Dorsal capitulum (scale bar: 200 mm). (B) Ventral capitulum (scale bar: 200 mm). (C) Dorsal idiosoma (scale bar: 400 mm). (D) Coxae I–IV (scale bar: 200 mm). Punctations present on all festoons (Fig. 2C), festoons 4 and 6 with less ornamentation than remaining festoons (Fig. 1A). Short or indistinct ventral plates present on all festoons, length 0.05–0.08 (0.06 6 0.01). Coxa I with two moderately long, parallel, and robust spurs of similar length; external spur slightly longer than internal in some specimens; external thinner than internal. Presence of an accessory spur situated anterior to the two regular spurs, as illustrated (Fig. 2D). Coxae II–III each with triangular rounded external spur and fine salient concave ridge extending from spur to postero-internal angle of coxa, where a shorter internal spur is evidenced in most specimens; a single long, stout spur on coxa IV, spur length similar to the coxa (Fig. 2D). Trochanters without spurs (Fig. 2D). Tarsus I 0.73–1.06 (0.89 6 0.10) in length, 0.20–0.29 (0.26 6 0.03) in breath. Tarsus IV 0.73–0.83 (0.79 6 0.03) in length, 0.23–0.31 (0.27 6 0.03) in breath. Female. (Figs. 1B and 3). Nine unfed specimens measured. Length from apices of scapulae to posterior body margin 3.18–4.79 (4.30 6 0.56), breadth 2.65–3.74 (3.41 6 0.39). Outline elliptical, broadest just anterior to the level of spiracular plates (Fig. 1B). Genital aperture broadly V-shaped, with short and bulging postero-lateral flaps (Fig. 3D). Spiracular plate subtriangular with rounded angles, elongate macula surrounded by numerous minute globlets. Eyes flat. Festoons without tubercles. Basis capituli and palpi brown; if ornate, only spiked by rare pale yellow marking. Basis capituli rectangular; length of palpal apices to cornua apices 0.92–1.40 (1.14 6 0.16), breadth 0.71–1.05 (0.93 6 0.12). Cornua faint or absent, posterior margin slightly concave (Fig. 3A). Porose areas deeply depressed, diameter of one area 0.08–0.17 (0.12 6 0.03), interporose area 0.07–0.15 (0.11 6 0.03). Length of palpal article I 0.08–0.13 (0.10 6 0.01); length of palpal article II 0.38–0.58 (0.48 6 0.07); length of palpal article III 0.20–0.37 (0.27 6 0.05), suture between II and III distinct. Presence of marked ventral prolongation on palpal article I, as illustrated (Fig. 3B). Hypostome elongate, apically rounded with corona of fine denticles. Total length of hypostome 0.64–0.95 (0.84 6 0.11); length of toothed portion 0.34–0.50 (0.44 6 0.05). Hypostomal dentition 3/3 anteriorly, 4/4 posteriorly (in one specimen it was 3/3 posteriorly) with 7 to 10 teeth per complete row. Scutum length 1.61–2.62 (2.20 6 0.30), breadth 1.84–2.74 (2.39 6 0.29), ornamentation consisting primarily of pale yellow large spots on cervical and postero-lateral fields, separated by dark brown central stripe ending at the posterior margin (Fig. 1B). 32 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 52, no. 1 Fig. 4. SEM of A. yucumense nymph. (A) Dorsal capitulum (scale bar: 30 mm). (B) Ventral capitulum (scale bar: 30 mm). (C) Scutum (scale bar: 100 mm). (D) Coxae I–IV (scale bar: 200 mm). Numerous large and deep punctations concentrated in the lateral fields. Cervical grooves deep, converging anteriorly then diverging as shallow depressions at scutal median third (Fig. 3C). Coxa I with two moderately long and robust spurs of similar length, the external thinner; presence of an accessory spur situated anteriorly to the two regular spurs, as illustrated (Fig. 3D). Coxae II–IV each with small short external spur and fine salient ridge extending from spur to postero-internal angle of coxa, occupying position of missing internal spur. This external spur broader than longer on coxae II–III; pointed, as long as broad on coxa IV. Trochanters without spurs (Fig. 3D). Tarsus I 0.78–1.28 (0.99 6 0.18) in length, 0.21–0.36 (0.28 6 0.05) in breath. Tarsus IV 0.57–0.86 (0.76 6 0.11) in length, 0.17–0.27 (0.22 6 0.03) in breath. Nymph. (Fig. 4). Ten unfed specimens measured. Length from apices of scapula to posterior body margin 1.18–1.37 (1.28 6 0.06), maximum breadth 0.93–1.09 (1.02 6 0.05); outline oval, with 11 festoons without tubercles. Scutal length 0.61–0.66 (0.64 6 0.02), breadth 0.71–0.78 (0.75 6 0.02), breadth/length ratio 1.14–1.22 (1.18 6 0.03); inornate, deep punctations evenly distributed, larger laterally, smaller centrally (Fig. 4C). Eyes large, not orbited, at lateral scutal angles at the level of scutal midlength. Cervical grooves long and deep reaching the scutal posterior third; length 0.31–0.34 (0.33 6 0.01); cervical groove length/ scutal length ratio: 0.50–0.52 (0.51 6 0.01). Spiracular plate rounded with an evident dorsal prolongation; length 0.18–0.23 (0.21 6 0.02), breadth 0.11–0.16 (0.13 6 0.02). Gnathosoma length from palpal apices to posterior margin 0.26–0.32 (0.28 6 0.02); breadth 0.26–0.29 (0.28 6 0.01). Basis capituli slightly hexagonal, posterior margin straight, without cornua (Fig. 4A); posterior margin convex ventrally, without auriculae. Palpi length 0.21–0.25 (0.23 6 0.02), article I with vestigial ventral prolongation; article II 0.13–0.16 (0.14 6 0.01) in length, article III 0.06–0.08 (0.07 6 0.01) in length. Hypostome rounded apically; length 0.22–0.25 (0.23 6 0.01); length of toothed portion 0.11–0.13 (0.13 6 0.01); dentition 2/2 with seven to eight teeth per row (Fig. 4B); row pairs diverge towards the anterior extremity. Coxa I with two pointed spurs, the external longer; coxae II-IV with a small triangular spur (Fig. 4D). Trochanters without spur; tarsus I 0.29–0.34 (0.33 6 0.02) in length, 0.08–0.12 (0.09 6 0.01) in breath; tarsus IV 0.24–0.28 (0.26 6 0.02) in length, 0.06–0.09 (0.08 6 0.01) in breath. TYPES. Holotype male, Allotype female, nine Paratype males, eight Paratype females, all unfed specimens, ex vegetation at “Parque Estadual do Turvo” (27 140 2600 S; 53 580 1900 W; altitude 390 m), Derrubadas Municipality, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 11 January 2014; collectors: M.B. Labruna, F. Krawczak. Legs of two Paratypes of each sex were processed for DNA extraction. Thirty-tree Paratype nymphs, all molted from engorged larvae collected on Didelphis aurita Wied-Neuwied, 12 January 2014. Holotype, Allotype and 32 Paratypes (5 males, 4 females, 25 January 2015 KRAWCZAK ET AL.: PARASITE OF WILD MAMMALS IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL nymphs) deposited in the CNC tick collection under accession numbers CNC 2784–2787. Two Paratypes of each sex from lot CNC 2785 and two Paratype nymphs from CNC 2787 were used for SEM. Paratypes deposited in other tick collections: 1 male, 1 female, 3 nymphs deposited at the Acari Collection of the Instituto Butantan (Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil) under accession number IBSP 11716–11717; 3 males, 3 females, 3 nymphs deposited at the United States National Tick Collection (Statesboro, Georgia) under accession number USNMENT00861423, CEN/RML 125117 and USNMENT00861424, CEN/RML 125118; 1 male, 1 female, 2 nymphs deposited at the INTA tick collection (Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina). Additional Material Collected. The following additional specimens of A. yucumense were collected at the “Parque Estadual do Turvo” (27 140 2600 S, 53 580 1900 W, 390 m; and 27 130 5100 S, 53 510 0400 W, 430 m), Derrubadas Municipality, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 2 nymphs (1 molted to a male) ex D. aurita, 05 July 2013 (CNC 2791); 1 nymph ex Sooretamys angouya (Fischer), 05 July 2013 (CNC 2789); 5 nymphs ex vegetation, 03 July 2013 (CNC-2790); 37 nymphs (3 molted to 1 male and 2 females) ex D. aurita, 09 October 2013 (CNC 2792); 6 nymphs ex D. aurita, 10 October 2013 (CNC 2793); 8 nymphs ex D. aurita, 09 October 2013 (CNC 2794); 3 nymphs ex vegetation, 10 October 2013 (CNC 2797); 1 nymph ex Euryoryzomys russatus (Wagner), 11 October 2013 (CNC 2796); 1 nymph ex Akodon montensis Thomas, 09 October 2013 (CNC 2795); 8 nymphs (2 destroyed for DNA extraction in the present study) ex Oxymycterus judex Thomas, 13 January 2014 (CNC 2798); 3 males ex vegetation, 11 January 2014 (CNC 2788). Hosts and Distribution. Nymphs (and engorged larvae from at least one host species) of A. yucumense were collected from five species of small mammals (D. aurita, S. angouya, E. russatus, A. montensis, and O. judex), suggesting that small mammals are important hosts for subadult ticks of A. yucumense. Because adult ticks were found only on vegetation, hosts for the adult stage remain unknown. However, it is noteworthy that most of these adults were collected by the visual search method. In this case, ticks were found questing at a stationary position on the vegetation (ambushing), at heights between 50 and 80 cm. Many of these ticks were found together with adults of Amblyomma incisum Neumann, a typical parasite of tapirs [Tapirus terrestris (L.)]. Because tapirs are large animals (with heights over 80 cm), and are known to frequently use the trails where ticks were collected, it is possible that tapirs are major hosts for adults of A. yucumense, a condition yet to be demonstrated. Until now, the distribution of A. yucumense is restricted to its type locality, an Atlantic forest Reserve in southern Brazil. Because this Reserve is contiguous on the west to a much larger Atlantic forest Reserve in Argentina, it is possible that A. yucumense also occurs in this later country. Etymology. The new species is named yucumense in reference to the Yucuma˜ Falls, at Uruguay River, in 33 the “Parque Estadual do Turvo” Atlantic Forest Reserve, where the new species was found. Phylogenetic Analysis. In the phylogenetic tree inferred by partial sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene (Fig. 5), A. yucumense grouped in a branch with Amblyomma coelebs Neumann and several sequences of A. dubitatum from Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. This topology was observed either by neighbor-joining or maximum likelihood analysis. Although these three species formed a group, their 16S DNA sequences were relatively distantly to each other. In this regard, the sequence of A. yucumense was 4.9 to 5.4% divergent from the A. dubitatum sequences (DQ858954, DQ858955, GU301910–GU301914), and 6.6% divergent from A. coelebs (FJ424408). The genetic divergences between A. dubitatum and A. coelebs were 8.6–9.4%. Finally, the intraspecific divergences among the A. dubitatum sequences, representing populations from geographically separated areas of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina were in all cases <1%. The partial sequence of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene generated in this study for A. yucumense has been deposited in GenBank under the accession number KJ914670. Discussion A. yucumense is morphologically and genetically closest related to A. dubitatum (Figs. 1, 6, and 7). These two species are unique in combining the following morphological characters: males with basis capituli rectangular and triangular cornua on posterior margin, coxa I with two spurs of similar size, coxal IV spur much longer than coxal II–III spurs, marginal groove complete, scutum with major longitudinal stripes starting at the cervical area and numerous large and deep punctations uniformly distributed, interposed by dark brown elevated spots lacking punctuations, festoon ventral plates not incised; females with basis capituli rectangular, coxa I with two spurs of similar size, coxa II–IV with a single spur, scutum with a dark brown stripe at the posterior field, and genital aperture broadly V-shaped, with short and bulging postero-lateral flaps. Dorsally, male of these species can be separated by major longitudinal pale orange stripes associated with a pseudoscutum indicated by a pale stripe in A. yucumense (Fig. 1A), in contrast to pale creamy longitudinal stripes and absence of pseudoscutum in A. dubitatum (Fig. 1C). Ventrally, male coxal I spurs are separated by a space narrower than external spur width in A. yucumense (Fig. 2D), and wider than external spur width in A. dubitatum (Fig. 6D). Females of the two species can be separated by the scutal large and deep punctations evenly distributed in A. dubitatum (Fig. 7C), concentrated in the lateral fields in A. yucumense (Fig. 3C). Ventrally, female coxal I spurs are unequivocally longer in A. yucumense (Fig. 3D) than in A. dubitatum (Fig. 7D), when the two species are observed side by side. Finally, the adult capitulum and ventral idiosoma of A. yucumense are widely dark brown colored (Fig 1A and B), while A. dubitatum is yellowish or light brown colored (Fig. 1C and D). 34 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 52, no. 1 Fig. 5. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA partial sequences (393 nt) of A. yucumense and closely related Ixodidae. Numbers on the nodes indicate bootstrap values from 1,000 replicates. Only bootstrap values >50 are shown. Numbers in brackets are GenBank accession numbers. The corresponding 16S rRNA partial sequences of A. latum was used as outgroup. Scale bar: number of substitutions per site. Fig. 6. SEM of A. dubitatum male. (A) Dorsal capitulum (scale bar: 100 mm). (B) Ventral capitulum (scale bar: 100 mm). (C) Scutum (scale bar: 400 mm). (D) Coxae I–IV (scale bar: 200 mm). January 2015 KRAWCZAK ET AL.: PARASITE OF WILD MAMMALS IN SOUTHERN BRAZIL 35 Fig. 7. SEM of A. dubitatum female. (A) Dorsal capitulum (scale bar: 200 mm). (B) Ventral capitulum (scale bar: 200 mm). (C) Dorsal idiosoma (scale bar: 400 mm). (D) Coxae I–IV (scale bar: 200 mm). Recently in Argentina, Nava et al. (2014a,b) described Amblyomma hadanii, a species closest related to A. dubitatum and A. coelebs. Based on the examination of two paratypes (1 male and 1 female) of A. hadanii (CNC 1435), we could verify that this species is morphologically very closely related to A. yucumense, although males could be distinguished by the scutal dark brown elevated spots lacking punctuations, larger in A. yucumense (Fig. 2C) than in A. hadanii [Figure 1 of Nava et al. (2014a,b)]. Females of these two species can be separated by the genital aperture, broadly V-shaped with short and bulging postero-lateral flaps in A. yucumense (Fig. 3D), and U-shaped without bulging postero-lateral flaps in A. hadanii [Figure 9 of Nava et al. (2014a,b)]. A. coelebs are readily distinguished from A. yucumense though distinct scutal ornamentation patterns, due to the presence of large bright red-orange patches in the scapular area and absence of pseudoscutum in males of A. coelebs, and absence of a dark brown central stripe ending at the posterior margin of the scutum in females of A. coelebs. The nymphs of A. yucumense and A. dubitatum are morphologically very similar to each other. The only difference we could assign to separate them was the extension of cervical groove, which is slightly longer in A. dubitatum. For the present study, we re-examined the same 10 A. dubitatum nymphal specimens recently described by Martins et al. (2010), and determined their cervical groove length: 0.49–0.55 (0.52 6 0.03). Considering the scutal length values of these A. dubitatum nymphs (Martins et al. 2010), the cervical groove length/scutal length ratio is 0.63–0.67 (0.65 6 0.02) for A. dubitatum, higher than the ratio values here reported for A. yucumense nymphs: 0.50–0.52 (0.51 6 0.01). In the dichotomous identification key proposed for taxonomic identification of the nymphal stage of 27 Amblyomma species from Brazil (Martins et al. 2010), the nymph of A. yucumense would key with A. dubitatum; therefore, these two species should be separated through the cervical groove length/scutal length ratio. In addition, these identifications should be preferably associated with the identification of the adult stage from the same collection site, as A. yucumense and A. dubitatum seem to have distinct ecological preferences. The nymph of A. hadanii is distinguished from A. yucumense through the cervical groove, which ends as shallow depression at the posterior divergent half of the former species, in contrast to the narrower and deeper posterior half in the later. The nymph of A. coelebs is readily distinguished from A. yucumense through scutal large and deep puncations, present in both lateral and central fields of the former species, while concentrated in the lateral fields of the later. 36 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY As recently reviewed by Guglielmone and Nava (2014), the list of synonyms of A. dubitatum include four names: Amblyomma lutzi Araga˜o (collected in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil), Amblyomma cooperi Nuttall and Warburton (collected in Paraguay), Amblyomma ypsilophorum Schulze (collected in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Amblyomma cajennense chacoensis Ivancovich (collected in Chaco, northern Argentina). Although type specimens of A. lutzi, A. cooperi, and A. cajennense chacoensis were not available for examination in the present study, we discard the possibility that any of them could represent A. yucumense because they were described as having typical features that separate A. dubitatum from A. yucumense, e.g., female scutum with large and deep punctations evenly distributed, female coxal I spurs short, distance between male coxa I spurs wider than the external spur width (Araga˜o 1908, Nuttall and Warburton 1908, Ivancovich 1973). In the description of A. ypsilophorum, the drawings provided by Schulze (1941) showed coxa I spurs compatible with A. yucumense, namely, distance between male coxa I spurs narrower than the external spur width. Owing to this ¨ bersee-Museum Bremen, reason, we requested the U where the types of A. ypsilophorum are deposited in Germany, to provide us pictures of the type specimens. By examining high-resolution pictures of A. ypsilophorum provided to us, our conclusions on coxa I spurs were inconclusive, as the space between coxa I spurs was nearly the same as the external spur width. On the other hand, other features that separate A. dubitatum from A. yucumense were observed, namely, absence of pseudoscutum in the male scutum, and adult capitulum and ventral idiosoma yellowish colored (Supp Figure 1 [online only]). Adults of A. yucumense were observed inside the Atlantic forest, questing on the vegetation 50–80 cm above the soil in animal trails. These trails were not used by capybaras (H. hydrochaeris) (data not shown), which are the only known host species capable of sustaining A. dubitatum populations within its distribution area (Nava et al. 2010). In a long-term study conducted in another Atlantic forest reserve in southeastern Brazil (Szabo´ et al. 2009), large numbers of A. incisum and A. dubitatum adult ticks were collected from the vegetation; however, while the former was collected within the dense forest (where there was no capybaras), the later was collected exclusively in an open area characterized by few small trees, interspersed by bushes, grasses and a swamp surrounding a dam, and with the presence of capybaras. In addition, A. incisum was found ambushing on vegetation mostly within 50–80 cm above soil, while A. dubitatum was never found ambushing; it was collected only by dry ice traps. Voucher specimens of these A. dubitatum ticks were examined in the present study (CNC 927) and confirmed to represent typical morphotypes of A. dubitatum. Because the adult specimens of A. yucumense were found ambushing on vegetation together with A. incisum (sometimes the two species questing on the same plant leaf) inside the forest, these two species seem to have very similar ecological preferences. These Vol. 52, no. 1 facts indicate that although A. yucumense and A. dubitatum are morphologically and genetically closely related, they are distinct regarding their ecological preferences. Acknowledgments We are very grateful to M. Haase and V. Lohrmann ¨ bersee-Museum Bremen, Germany) for providing high(U resolution pictures of the type specimens of A. ypsilophorum, to the staff of the “Parque Estadual do Turvo” for providing invaluable logistic support for our field work, and to Gustavo Fernochi for his technical support in editing photographs. 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