January 2015 Volume 67 • Number 1 150 McSwain Drive West Columbia, SC 29169 (803) 794-2209 www.southcarolinanazarene.org This month’s newsletter features local church revivals, renewal services, and special emphases planned across the South Carolina District in 2015. As you are able, please support each of these evangelistic and spiritual-deepening efforts with prayer and attendance as we continue to Foster a Hunger for God and await a fresh breeze of the Spirit. SOUTH CAROLINA LEADERSHIP TEAM Dr. Eddie Estep District Superintendent 803-794-2209 [email protected] Mrs. LaNora Jensen NMI President • 803-568-3939 [email protected] Dr. Jim Thrower SDMI Chairman • 803-796-0595 [email protected] Rev. David Snodgrass NYI President • 803-669-9409 [email protected] Mrs. LaNora Jensen Treasurer • 803-794-2209 [email protected] Rev. Alan Pullen Camp Manager • 803-532-3123 [email protected] Eddie Estep District Pastor Midland Valley Community Loyd M. Cain, Marlene H. Cain, Michael Cain Walterboro First Curtis & Vickie Hooper Transitions: Rev. Jimmy Burks (Pam) has accepted the call to pastor Bennettsville First and will be installed on January 14, 2015. Rev. Kyle Himmelwright (Jayme) has accepted the call to pastor Columbia First and will be installed on February 22, 2015. Dr. Jim Stocks is serving as interim pastor at Fort Mill. Rev. Harry Widener is serving as interim pastor at Greenville First. Rev. George and Rev. Mary Brassard (Wesleyans) are serving as supply pastors at Clemson ―The Bridge.‖ Ashwood is in the process of calling a pastor. Moncks Corner is in the process of calling a pastor. Congratulations to Pastor Edward (Buck) Lathan and the York church board for a successful two-year review, which has resulted in Pastor Lathan’s transition from ―appointed‖ to ―called‖ status. Rev. Johnny Price (Bamberg) recently diagnosed with cancer Dr. Jim Bearden (former SC DS) DCPI Church Planting Training, in Spanish, at Greenville First: February 26-28, 2015 The 2015 and 2016 South Carolina District ordination candidates will participate in the Southeast Region Ministry Assessment sponsored by the TNU Center for Pastoral Health, March 20-22, 2015, Camp Garner Creek, Dickson, Tennessee. The TNU Center for Pastoral Health is offering a clinical and professional assessment weekend that includes tests to help identify strengths and assess ministry health. The 2015 camp meeting evangelists will be Rev. Norman Moore and Rev. Billy Huddleston, and worship leader will be Lindsay Huggins. Dates for camp meeting are June 21-27, 2015. Jean Pratt (Hartsville First pastor's spouse) undergoing treatments for multiple myeloma Pastor John Powell (retired) undergoing treatments for cancer NewStart Church Planters and NewStart Church Sponsors This year’s SC District Ministry Team Christmas Banquet was hosted by West Columbia Central and catered by Camden First. An awakening movement of the Holy Spirit on the South Carolina District Progress toward the 2020 Vision (100 churches) for South Carolina Rev. Libby Newman was installed as pastor at Batesburg on December 14, 2014. Walterboro First won First Place for best overall float in the Cottageville Christmas Parade. They had 29 people participate in the parade and distributed 280 Bibles. (continued on next page) (continued) Existing NewStarts: Georgetown: 11/09 Start; Pastor James Merritt Hollywood: 3/12 Start; Pastor Ted Hambrick Perry Correctional: 11/13 Start; Pastor Gabriel Moreno Hollywood (NewStart) has outgrown the vehicle used in their Super Bus ministry (the top photo shows what 32 children look like on the old Super Bus) and has recently acquired an RV (bottom photo) that will be retrofitted for the ministry. For a video overview of the Super Bus Ministry see http://www.screencast.com/t/14Kdebm64qv. Emerging NewStarts: Charleston Iglesia del Nazareno: 10/14 Start; Pastors Bill and Isa Wojtkowski West Columbia Hispanic: 9/14 Start; Pastor Ulises Garcia Jackson: 9/14 Start; Pastor Thom Harvey. (New Ellenton New Life has started a weekly service in Jackson, SC, meeting at the Fire Department.) UPDATE In the Pipeline: Batesburg: Rev. Libby Newman is prayerfully considering the planting of a Hispanic church. Bluffton: A young couple attending NTS is prayerfully considering starting a work in Bluffton upon graduation. Columbia Abundant Life: Pastor Joshua Keith is prayerfully planning the planting of a Hispanic Church at their location. Columbia Grace Hispanic: Pastor Ulises Garcia, in partnership with Rev. Brian Walker and Columbia Grace, is planning the planting of a Hispanic Church at their location. Darlington: Rev. Dana (Mark) Wolfe will be starting the work in Darlington. North Charleston: Pastor Karen Lawson is prayerfully planning ―Ties to the Community‖ – a compassionate center NewStart. Richburg: A NewStart in Richburg is being prayerfully considered by Chester Church and Pastor John Porter. Summerville: Pastor Mike Blankenship is planning to sponsor the planting of Esperanza Iglesia del Nazareno – Hope Church of the Nazarene. Sumter Wise Drive: A Hispanic NewStart is being prayerfully considered by Sumter Wise Drive and Pastor Sammy Geddings. Mission 2015 (M15): The USA/Canada Region Mid-Quadrennial Conference will take place February 9-11, 2015, in Kansas City, Missouri. The conference theme will be ―Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future.‖ M15 will feature a strong list of plenary speakers, meaningful and unique worship experiences: 180 workshops on topics ranging from social issues of our day to theological identity issues pertinent to our denomination mega-lunches with leading speakers on powerful topics a wide array of resources for your local and district mission denominational vision casting fellowship as only Nazarenes know how to do all bathed in Spirit-infused prayer To register for the M15 Conference, go to: http://www.m15conference.org (continued on next page) (continued) DISTRICT January 10 SDMI Convention and Mid-Year Rally, 10 a.m., Dr. Jim Diehl, Seawell's Restaurant and Convention Center 13 DAB, 6 p.m., District Office 17 NYI District Bible Quiz Meet 22 Mission Area Conveners Meeting, 10 a.m., District Office 23-24 District TNT, Midland Valley Community Church 24 SC Nazarene Women Clergy Assembly, 9 a.m.3 p.m., D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 25 Statistics Due in District Office 26-28 Church Planting Training, North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene, North Carolina. Contact Rev. Ben LaPlace, 803-522-1097 31 District Men's Day, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Wayne Cheselka, West Columbia First CALENDAR February 5-8 DS Leadership Conference 7 Children's Bible Quiz, D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 9-11 Mission 2015 (M15) in Kansas City, "Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future" 14 NYI District Bible Quiz Meet 16-17 Pastors’ Prayer Summit, “The Character of a Leader,” D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 18 Ash Wednesday 21 Children's Talent Festival, Midland Valley Community 21 NYI District Bible Quiz Meet 22 Statistics Due in District Office 28 Camp Board Meeting, 12 noon, D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center If we search out our own hearts and seek God’s will for our lives, each of us can make a difference in a small way through volunteering and can find ways to help that will make our efforts worth the time and trouble we invest in them. Benefits: Volunteering makes you feel needed. Volunteering can help you learn new skills. Volunteering may help you face personal problems. Volunteering introduces you to new people and breaks down barriers of misunderstanding, mistrust, and fear. Volunteering can create new contacts that may help your business or career. So you want to do something. But what? Work & Witness—short-term mission experiences of three weeks or less for a variety of church groups and people of all ages. Teams are connected with needs. Mission Corps—designed for people who want to serve cross-culturally for three months or longer. Volunteers fulfill specific assignments that match their skills and gifts. JESUS Film Harvest Partners—participants purchase and deliver JESUS Film equipment to a Nazarene team in a priority location. Extreme Nazarene Missions—Extreme Nazarene finds unmet, complex, global needs and matches the needs with the talents and resources available throughout the worldwide church. RVs on a Mission (ROAM)—an outreach ministry of the Church of the Nazarene through the Center for Lay Ministry. ROAM provides the opportunity for persons to volunteer their time and skills in meaningful Christian service through Church of the Nazarene related mission agencies, camps, churches, disaster relief, compassionate ministries projects, and other designated areas of service. Praying—participants in the previously mentioned ministries always need prayer support. You may not be able to go, but you can pray. So what are you waiting for? The church and God’s kingdom needs you like never before. There is no better time to serve the Lord than now. JESUS Film teams have reported 68,986,546 evangelistic contacts* from January 1998 through December 2014. Of these contacts, 13,054,456 (18.9% of contacts) have indicated decisions for Christ with 5,555,748 (42.6% of decisions) initial discipleship follow-ups. There have been 47,387 preaching points started. *JESUS Film and other tools I rejoice in the reality that we serve a God ―who makes all things new‖! As we begin this New Year, I want to challenge every SDMI Chairman and worker to join me in embracing the following promises of God to us: Let’s remember that no matter what our story has been, we are not defined by the past! Let’s remember that God is conscious of our every need, ―even before we ask Him‖! Let’s stand on the promise of God’s Word that ―nothing is impossible with Him"! Let’s act on His promise that ―we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us"! Let’s remember that ―we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus"! In Isaiah 43:19 we read, ―See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the waste land.‖ Would you dare believe with me that God is beginning to do a ―new thing‖ where you serve? Let’s start looking for the signs of His working! A great place to begin looking will be at this year’s SDMI Convention & Mid-Year Rally! I hope to see you there. May God bless you in all you seek to do for the advancement of His kingdom is my prayer! You are loved and appreciated, Dr. Jim Thrower January 10 – South Carolina District SDMI Convention & Mid-Year Rally 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Seawell's in Columbia 2015 SDMI MID-YEAR RALLY AND CONVENTION JANUARY 10, 2015 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Seawell’s Restaurant 1125 Rosewood Drive, Columbia, SC Speaker: Dr. Jim Diehl Session #1 – “I Believe in Sunday School ----- Let me give you 10 reasons why.” (1-5) Session #2 – “I Believe in Sunday School ----- Let me give you 10 reasons why.” (6-10) The 1993 General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene in Indianapolis, Indiana, elected Dr. James Diehl to the Board of General Superintendents. In 2009, after he served 16 years in this role, the 27th General Assembly in Orlando, Florida, bestowed on him the honor of general superintendent emeritus status. A love for ministry has always been at the center of his heart. He first demonstrated this in his pastorates in Iowa and Georgia. As pastor at Oskaloosa, Iowa, he conducted live radio programs for seven years and led his church to develop a weekly television broadcast. He came to the general superintendency from his senior pastor position at First Church of the Nazarene in Denver, Colorado. Ministry passion also led him to an administrative role at MidAmerica Nazarene University. Additionally, he served for a decade as a district superintendent, first in Nebraska and then in Colorado. Dr. Diehl is a prolific writer of numerous articles that have appeared in the Herald of Holiness, Holiness Today, Preacher’s Magazine, Bread, World Mission, The Holiness Digest, Perspective, and others. As Paul described his ministry to Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:11, so Dr. Diehl describes his calling—to be a pastor, a preacher, and an administrator. While laying down the administrative call, his passion continues with an ongoing preaching ministry from a pastor’s heart. The goal of the SCNYI Leadership Team is to help equip pastors, youth pastors, youth workers, and parents of our district families with the tools & resources needed to lead this generation into a dynamic life in Christ! ! We have been working hard to establish and streamline our efforts to help make your job of loving on students much easier and more efficient. We are currently in the process of collecting e-mail addresses and phones numbers of all our district youth leaders to try and make our distribution list more effective as we increase communication. If you are not currently on the e-mailing list and would like to be, contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to add you to the list. south carolina nazarene youth international ! District Leadership: ! NYI President David Snodgrass [email protected] ! Vice-President Wes Steisslinger [email protected] ! NYI Secretary Tammie Crandall [email protected] ! NYI Treasurer Brandie Smith [email protected] To Receive FREE Twitter Texts from our District NYI Text: 40404 Message: follow @scnyi you can find us at: www.facebook.com/ southcarolinanyi DISCIPLESHIP BUDGET PROGRESS rEPORT m i n i s t r i e s Thank you for your faithful stewardship and for the difference you are making across South Carolina and around the world! We are grateful to all of our churches for their support of the World Evangelism Fund, Trevecca Nazarene University, Pensions & Benefits, and the South Carolina District Fair Share. Eddie Estep, District Pastor Church Aiken Ebenezer Ashwood Bamberg Batesburg Beaufort Bennettsville First Bishopville Camden First Cayce Charleston Calvary Charleston First Charleston Sea Is.Intern'l Com. Cherrydale Hispanic Chester Clemson - The Bridge Clover Columbia Abundant Life Columbia Emmanuel Korean Columbia First Columbia Grace Duncan LifeSpring Florence Family Life Fort Mill Georgetown Great Falls Greenville First Greenwood Community Hartsville Calvary Hartsville First Honea Path Genesis Lancaster SonLight Com. Laurens Cornerstone Lexington Shepherd Lugoff Faith Manning NewStart Midland Valley Community Moncks Corner Myrtle Beach New Ellenton New Life Orangeburg First Orangeburg Memorial Pageland Rose Memorial Pelion Rock Hill Celebration Place Rock Hill Emmanuel Rock Hill First Rock Hill Grace Rock Hill Trinity Seneca Simpsonville LifeSpring Spartanburg First Summerville Sumter Calvary Sumter First Sumter Wise Drive Wallace Walterboro First West Columbia Central West Columbia First Winnsboro York TOTAL December Fair Share $0.00 $896.44 $499.50 $450.00 $566.55 $400.43 $236.20 $1,173.30 $583.04 $0.00 $609.77 $168.98 $0.00 $3,369.00 $0.00 $0.00 $455.77 $50.00 $10,831.66 $278.43 $522.62 $0.00 $775.25 $0.00 $126.84 $2,990.95 $1,191.50 $0.00 $1,223.94 $562.07 $1,519.00 $0.00 $1,494.95 $1,180.01 $1,797.64 $6,495.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $220.91 $0.00 $674.73 $0.00 $706.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,720.49 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,309.90 $2,616.63 $1,958.47 $985.00 $108.26 $330.16 $2,352.52 $1,381.00 $1,499.61 $0.00 $58,812.52 TNU Paid YTD $160.50 $843.57 $552.19 $284.00 $681.91 $743.76 $640.26 $1,109.31 $850.93 $2,819.00 $675.42 $425.98 $0.00 $2,682.00 $111.05 $692.30 $797.11 $0.00 $9,380.83 $500.04 $1,182.56 $102.00 $2,360.11 $0.00 $36.35 $9,046.55 $2,786.24 $163.97 $1,658.02 $489.35 $1,158.00 $0.00 $2,495.54 $0.00 $2,819.22 $10,993.00 $0.00 $1,300.00 $466.11 $387.00 $1,029.86 $640.00 $1,000.84 $0.00 $771.70 $0.00 $610.93 $2,577.35 $0.00 $100.00 $650.00 $2,347.94 $0.00 $4,959.61 $1,570.00 $279.71 $674.21 $4,638.66 $2,039.00 $3,242.93 $238.61 $88,765.53 WEF Paid YTD $280.88 $1,764.39 $1,665.30 $878.57 $1,822.62 $1,619.50 $2,340.10 $3,318.01 $2,580.99 $9,154.00 $2,130.11 $2,072.24 $0.00 $5,897.00 $267.42 $1,242.37 $2,062.75 $0.00 $18,787.71 $2,054.59 $2,706.12 $259.00 $5,769.38 $0.00 $88.86 $22,836.33 $6,916.29 $490.37 $4,052.94 $1,583.82 $3,525.00 $0.00 $10,851.95 $0.00 $6,891.35 $28,435.00 $0.00 $4,150.00 $1,349.91 $944.00 $2,517.45 $0.00 $4,393.00 $0.00 $1,258.65 $0.00 $2,296.16 $11,387.36 $299.65 $860.00 $800.00 $6,562.99 $1,484.33 $12,500.94 $4,060.00 $582.93 $2,559.60 $14,252.30 $6,067.00 $8,887.02 $690.45 $242,248.70 P&B Paid YTD $200.63 $843.57 $552.19 $231.00 $704.84 $587.33 $640.26 $1,109.31 $980.11 $3,799.00 $871.42 $425.98 $0.00 $2,682.00 $111.05 $556.69 $797.41 $0.00 $7,685.88 $518.39 $1,013.56 $102.00 $2,250.87 $0.00 $36.35 $9,046.55 $2,786.51 $173.97 $1,658.02 $615.04 $1,158.00 $0.00 $2,809.77 $0.00 $2,819.22 $10,993.00 $0.00 $1,700.00 $466.11 $387.00 $1,029.86 $640.00 $1,495.58 $0.00 $530.31 $0.00 $266.59 $2,577.35 $115.84 $100.00 $625.00 $2,684.86 $573.83 $5,123.02 $1,250.00 $246.59 $782.08 $5,200.45 $2,483.00 $3,660.66 $238.61 $90,936.66 SS AM Low Country Mission Area Beaufort Charleston Calvary Charleston First Charleston Sea Is. Intern'l Com. Hollywood Trinity Bible Fellowship Moncks Corner Summerville Walterboro First December 2014 25 125 35 114 35 NR 51 26 40 195 60 30 35 NR 131 44 Lower Midlands Mission Area Aiken Ebenezer Bamberg Batesburg Midland Valley Community New Ellenton New Life Orangeburg First Orangeburg Memorial Pelion 17 19 23 382 23 35 84 56 36 29 35 735 44 43 122 117 Midlands Mission Area Cayce Columbia Abundant Life Columbia Emmanuel Korean Columbia First Columbia Grace Lexington Shepherd West Columbia Central West Columbia First Winnsboro 38 NR 0 315 13 35 104 137 87 38 NR 9 407 30 68 204 183 152 Pee Dee Mission Area Bennettsville First Bishopville Camden First Hartsville Calvary Hartsville First Lugoff Faith Pageland Rose Memorial Wallace 34 14 60 9 NR 52 55 24 40 18 83 11 NR 73 65 58 Piedmont Mission Area Chester Clover Fort Mill Great Falls Lancaster SonLight Com. Rock Hill Celebration Place Rock Hill Emmanuel Rock Hill First Rock Hill Grace Rock Hill Trinity York 173 28 84 32 36 25 24 88 49 91 9 187 44 104 30 69 53 63 132 91 114 23 Santee Mission Area Ashwood Florence Family Life Georgetown NewStart Manning NewStart Myrtle Beach Sumter Calvary Sumter First Sumter Wise Drive 42 10 5 69 56 127 133 130 52 18 10 167 69 105 272 180 30 NR 23 561 78 15 12 0 15 92 13 48 4125 68 NR 29 410 153 32 14 18 23 87 74 66 5892 Upstate Mission Area Cherrydale Hispanic Clemson - The Bridge Duncan LifeSpring Greenville First Greenwood Community Honea Path Genesis Laurens Cornerstone Perry Correctional Center Seneca Simpsonville LifeSpring Spartanburg Casa del Alfarero Spartanburg First TOTAL
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