2013 guardian angel knitting A ND Ove r D O NATE D BOOK 2m G A R M EN Patterns for all skill levels inside TS Knit your way tro World fo he 2013 G ua •T r an di Ang el pr o u d ly en do rs e d b y D r. Cin d an yP DATE. 10.04.2013 DATE. 10.04.2013 JOB SIZE. JOB297mm(h) SIZE. 297mm(h) x 210mm(w) x 210mm(w) JOB NO.JOB REV. NO.CLIENT. REV. CLIENT. JOB NAME. JOB NAME. 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian AngelAngel 2013 2013 93 MONTAGUE 93 MONTAGUE ST. STH ST.MELBOURNE STH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 VIC 3205 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | E. PRODUCTION | E. PRODUCTION @ OD.COM.AU @ OD.COM.AU PH. (03) PH.9686 (03) 9686 7766 7766 © OPTIMO © OPTIMO 2013 2013 ing Progr itt am Kn d l i h c a in Need. a better • il lio n Welcome to the 2013 Guardian Angel Knitting Program... Since 1998 our Guardian Angels have generously knitted garments for over two million children in need. To help us celebrate our 15th year we have partnered with Save the Children Australia and are encouraging you to knit your way to a better world for a child in need. How you can contribute To become a Guardian Angel and warm the hearts of disadvantaged children, get clicking and knit one of the patterns from this book. Next take your special donation to your local Guardian Pharmacy by 31 August 2013 and Save the Children Australia will distribute it to a child in one of its many local and international programs. Visit guardianpharmacies.com.au or call 1300 888 666 to find your nearest pharmacy. Our small thank you Every year we are amazed by the generosity of our Guardian Angels. So when you bring in your donation we’d like to present you with a 2013 Guardian Angel collector pin*, as a heartfelt thanks for your contribution. You could also win one of fifteen $150 Spotlight vouchers by simply having your Guardian Club Card swiped when you drop off your knitted donation. See page 11 for entry details. *while stocks last We would also like to thank Spotlight for providing the patterns found in this book. Their support has been an invaluable part of the Guardian Angel Knitting Program. If you have any knitting queries, contact Spotlight on 1300 305 405. For your nearest yarn stockists visit www.spotlight.com.au 2 2013 Knitting Book Visit guardianpharmacies.com.au DATE. 10.04.2013 JOB SIZE. 297mm(h) x 210mm(w) JOB NO. REV. CLIENT. JOB NAME. 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian Angel 2013 93 MONTAGUE ST. STH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 AUSTRALIA PH. (03) 9686 7766 | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | E. PRODUCTION@ OD.COM.AU © OPTIMO 2013 Save the Children Australia Every child has the right to a healthy, educated and safe future. Sadly, this is not the reality for all children. Millions still suffer from preventable illnesses, lack of access to an education, or are abused or exploited. This isn’t right, and Save the Children Australia is working hard to change this. Save the Children is Australia’s leading independent emergency relief and development organisation for children. We save and protect children’s lives. We strive to give every child a safe and happy childhood. In Australia, we work in every state and territory with programs in more than 100 locations. Globally, Save the Children works in 120 countries. Your knitted gift Guardian Angel and Save the Children Australia are proud to be working together to help vulnerable children in Australia and overseas. Your knitted gift will be warmly welcomed by children and families who need it most, helping babies, toddlers and children to stay warm and healthy. Save the Children Australia provides education, health, protection and emergency relief programs to vulnerable children – your knitted items will be distributed through these programs to help those who need it most. Thank you for your generous support. You can find out more about Save the Children Australia’s work at www.savethechildren.org.au 3 Hi-Res PDF - GOOD For Print SIGN OFF BOX GrD PrM AcD advanced MeRIno CABLE BABY SET dRess MeasuReMents size 3-6 mths WHat You’ll need 6-12 mths Fits Chest cm 46cm 54cm Garment Measures 52cm 64cm length 55cm 62cm sleeve length 18cm 22cm Head Circumference 45cm 50cm 6 7 2 x 34cm 2 x 38cm 40cm 46cm 1 1 ‘Moda Vera’ Merino 50g balls elastic 6mm Zip button tensIon 24 sts x 30 rows to 10cm over stocking st using 3.75mm needles. abbReVIatIons alt = alternate; beg = begin/ning; ch = chain; cont = continue; dc = double crochet; dec = decrease (knit/purl 2 sts tog); dc = double crochet; foll = follows/ing; inc = increase by knitting into front & back of st; incP = increase by purling into front & back of st; K = knit; K2tog = knit 2 sts together; P = purl; P2tog tbl = purl 2 sts together through • ‘Moda Vera’ MERINO 50g Balls as per size • Set of 4, 3.25mm Knitting Needles • 1 pair 3.75mm Knitting Needles • 1 pair 3.25mm Knitting Needles • 1 pair 2.75mm Knitting Needles • Set of 4 (or 40cm • 3.00mm Crochet Hook • Cable Needle • Stitch Markers • Stitch Holders • Scissors, Yarn Needle, Tape Measure • Elastic, Button & Zip Long Circular) 3.75mm Knitting Needles back loop; patt = pattern; PM = place marker; psso = pass slipped st over; rem = remain/ing; Rnd = Round; Rs = right side; sl = slip; sl st = slip stitch; sM = slip marker; st/s = stitch/es; Ws = wrong side; Cable abbReVIatIons C2F = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and place at front of work, K2, then K2 from cable needle. C2FP1 = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and place at front of work, P1, then K2 from cable needle. C1bK2 = Slip next st onto cable needle and place at back of work, K2, then P1 from cable needle. C2FK1 = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and place at front of work, K1, then K2 from cable needle. C1bK2K = Slip next st onto cable needle and place at back of work, K2, then K1 from cable needle. C2bK1 = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle and place at back of work, K1, then P2 from cable needle. C1FP2 = Slip next st onto cable needle and place at front of work, P2, then K1 from cable needle. round, sl st into 1st dc. Fasten off and sew in all ends. Cable PatteRn 1(C Patt 1) – RoWs. Row 1: K4, P3, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, P3, K4. Row 2: P4, K3, C2BK1, K1, P4, K1, C1FP2, K3, P4. Row 3: C2F, P4, K2, P1, C2F, P1, K2, P4, C2F. Row 4: P4, K4, C2BK1, P4, C1FP2, K4, P4. Row 5: K4, P5, K8, P5, K4. Row 6: P4, K5, C2BK1, P2, C1FP2, K5, P4. Row 7: K4, P6, K6, P6, K4. Row 8: P4, K6, C2BK1, C1FP2, K6, P4. Row 9: C2F, P7, C2F, P7, C2F. Row 10: P4, K7, P4, K7, P4. Row 11: K4, P6, C1BK2K, C2FK1, P6, K4. Row 12: P4, K6, P6, K6, P4. Row 13: K4, P5, C1BK2K, K2, C2FK1, P5, K4. Row 14: P4, K5, P8, K5, P4. Row 15: C2F, P4, C1BK2, C2F, C2FP1, P4, C2F. Row 16: P4, K4, P2, K1, P4, K1, P2, K4, P4. Row 17: K4, P3, C1BK2, P1, K4, P1, C2FP1, P3, K4. Row 18: P4, K3, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K3, P4. Hi-Res PDF - GOOD For Print SIGN OFF BOX GrD PrM AcD Row 19: K4, P2, C1BK2, P2, K4, P2, C2FP1, P2, K4. Row 20: P4, K2, P2, K3, P4, K3, P2, K2, P4. Row 21: C2F, P1, C1BK2, P3, C2F, P3, C2FP1, P1, C2F. Row 22: P4, K1, C2BK1, K3, P4, K3, C1FP2, K1, P4. Row 23: K4, P2, K2, P3, K4, P3, K2, P2, K4. Row 24: P4, K2, C2BK1, K2, P4, K2, C1FP2, K2, P4. Crotch Shaping Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 (4])sts at beg of next 2 rows … 94 (108) sts. Patt 2 rows, dec 1 st at each end of this and foll alt rows until 80 (94) sts rem. Cont without shaping until work measures 44 (50)cm from beg, ending with a WS row. Cable Pattern 2(C Patt 2) – Rounds. Divide for Armhole Back Purl 38 (45) turn. Cast off 2 sts purlways, P2, knit to end ... 38 (45) sts. Rnd 1: K4, P3, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, P3, K4. Rnd 2: K4, P3, C2FP1, P1, K4, P1, C1BK2, P3, K4. Rnd 3: C2F, P4, K2, P1, C2F, P1, K2, P4, C2F. Rnd 4: K4, P4, C2FP1, K4, C1BK2, P4, K4. Rnd 5: K4, P5, K8, P5, K4. Rnd 6: K4, P5, C2FP1, K2, C1BK2, P5, K4. Rnd 7: K4, P6, K6, P6, K4. Rnd 8: K4, P6, C2FP1, C1BK2, P6, K4. Rnd 9: C2F, P7, C2F, P7, C2F. Rnd 10: K4, P7, K4, P7, K4. Rnd 11: K4, P6, C1BK2K, C2FK1, P6, K4. Rnd 12: K4, P6, K6, P6, K4. Rnd 13: K4, P5, C1BK2K, K2, C2FK1, P5, K4. Rnd 14: K4, P5, K8, P5, K4. Rnd 15: C2F, P4, C1BK2, C2F, C2FP1, P4, C2F. Rnd 16: K4, P4, K2, P1, K4, P1, K2, P4, K4. Rnd 17: K4, P3, C1BK2, P1, K4, P1, C2FP1, P3, K4. Rnd 18: K4, P3, K2, P2, K4, P2, K2, P3, K4. Rnd 19: K4, P2, C1BK2, P2, K4, P2, C2FP1, P2, K4. Rnd 20: K4, P2, K2, P3, K4, P3, K2, P2, K4. Rnd 21: C2F, P1, C1BK2, P3, C2F, P3, C2FP1, P1, C2F. Rnd 22: K4, P1, C2FP1, P3, K4, P3, C1BK2, P1, K4. Rnd 23: K4, P2, K2, P3, K4, P3, K2, P2, K4. Rnd 24: K4, P2, C2FP1, P2, K4, P2, C1BK2, P2, K4. JUMPSUIT LEFT BODY Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 64 (74) sts and commence patt as foll: Row 1(RS): P31 (38), PM, C Patt 1(Row 1), PM, P7 (10). Row 2(WS): K7 (10), SM, C Patt 1(Row 2), SM, K31 (38). Row 3: P31 (38), SM, C Patt 1(Row 3), SM, P7 (10). Row 4: K7 (10), SM, C Patt 1(Row 4), SM, K31 (38). Shaping Inc 1 st at each end of this and foll 4th rows until there are 100 (116) sts, as foll: Row 5: IncP, purl to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 5), SM, purl to last st, IncP … 66 (76) sts. Row 6: Knit to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 6), SM, knit to end. Row 7: Purl to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 7), SM, purl to end. Row 8: Knit to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 8), SM, knit to end. Cont to inc on next row, and foll 4th rows while working next row of Cable Patt 1. When 24 rows of patt have been worked repeat patt from Row 1. Cont in patt without shaping until work measures 26 (31)cm from beg, ending with a WS row. Back Raglan Shaping Work on these 36 (43) sts only. Row 1: Purl to last 4 sts, sl 1, K1, psso, K2. Row 2: P3, knit to end. Repeat last 2 rows until 20 (23) sts rem, ending with a Row 2. Place sts on a stitch holder. Front Note: Cont to rotate through patt and omit cabling as sts dec, thus preventing a full cable. Rejoin yarn to rem 42 (49) sts. Cast off 2 sts, knitways, K2, patt to end. Patt 1 row. Front Raglan Shaping Row 1: K2, K2tog, patt to end. Row 2: Patt to last 3 sts, P3. Repeat last 2 rows until 30 (33])sts rem. Patt 1 row. Front Neck Shaping Next Row: K2, K2tog, patt to last 10 (13) sts, turn. Dec 1 st at neck edge(beg) of this and every row, AT THE SAME TIME, cont to dec on Raglan side in every alt row as established until 5 (5) sts rem. Place sts on stitch holder. RIGHT BODY Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 64 (74) sts, and commence patt as foll: Row 1(RS): P7 (10), PM, C Patt 1(Row 1), PM, P31(38). Row 2(WS): K31 (38), SM, C Patt 1(Row 2), SM, K7 (10). Row 3: P7 (10), SM, C Patt 1(Row 3), SM, P31 (38). Row 4: K31 (38), SM, C Patt 1(Row 4), SM, K7 (10). Shaping Inc 1 st at each end of this and foll 4th rows until there are 100 (116) sts, as foll: Row 5: IncP, purl to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 5), SM, purl to last st, IncP … 66 (76) sts. Row 6: Knit to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 6), SM, knit to end. Row 7: Purl to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 7), SM, purl to end. Row 8: Knit to marker, SM, C Patt 1(Row 8), SM, knit to end. Cont to inc on next and foll 4th rows while working next row of Cable Patt 1. When 24 rows of patt have been worked repeat patt from Row 1. Cont in patt without shaping until work measures 26 (31)cm Hi-Res PDF - GOOD For Print SIGN OFF BOX GrD PrM AcD from beg, ending with a WS row. SOLES – Make 2 Crotch Shaping Keeping patt correct, cast off 3 (4) sts at beg of next 2 rows … 94 (108) sts. Patt 2 rows, dec 1 st st each end of this and foll alt rows until 80 (94) sts rem. Cont without shaping until work measures 44 (50)cm from beg, ending with a WS row. Using 3.75mm needles, cast on 10 (12) sts, and work 2 rows of stocking st. Inc 1 st at each end of this and foll alt rows until there are 18 (20) sts.* Work 15 (17) rows of stocking st. Dec 1 st at each end of this and foll alt rows until 10 sts rem. Work 1 row. Cast off. Divide for Armhole Note: Cont to rotate through patt and omit cabling as sts dec, thus preventing a full cable. Patt 42 (49) sts, turn. Cast off 2 sts, purlways, P2, patt to end … 40 (47) sts. Work same as for soles to * Work 1 row. Cast off. Front Raglan Shaping Work only on these 40 (47) sts. Row 1: Patt to last 4 sts, sl 1, K1, psso, K2. Row 2: P3, patt to end. Repeat last 2 rows until 30 (33) sts rem, ending with a Row 1. Front Neck Shaping Next Row: P3, patt to last 10 (13) sts, turn. Dec 1 st at neck edge (beg) of this and every row, AT THE SAME TIME, cont to dec on Raglan side in every alt row as established until 5 (5) sts rem. Place sts on stitch holder. Back Rejoin yarn to rem 38 (45) sts. Cast off 2 sts knitways, K2, purl to end … 36 (43) sts. Next row: Knit to last 3 sts, P3. Back Raglan Shaping Row 1: K2, K2tog, purl to end. Row 2: Knit to last 3 sts, P3. Repeat last 2 rows until 20 (23) sts rem. Place sts on stitch holder. SLEEVES – Make 2 Using 2.75mm needles, cast on 47 (47) sts. Work 4 rows of 5 x 2 rib as foll: Row 1(RS): (K5, P2), to last 5 sts, K5. Row 2(WS): (P5, K2), to last 5 sts, P5. Repeat last 2 rows. Change to 3.25mm needles and work 4 rows of Rib patt by repeating Rows 1 & 2. Shaping Inc 1 st at each end of this and foll 6th (5th) rows until there are 63 (71) sts. Cont without shaping until work measures 19 (23)cm from beg ,ending with a WS row. Shape Raglan Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows … 57 (65) sts. Dec 1 st at each end of this and foll alt rows until 25 (25) sts as foll: Row 1: K2, K2tog, rib to last 4 sts, sl 1, K1, psso, K2. Row 2: P3, rib to last 3 sts, P3. Repeat last 2 rows, then Row 1, once. Next Row: P2tog, P1, (P2tog, P1, P2tog, K2) twice, (P2tog, P1)twice, P2tog … 17 (17) sts. INSTEP – Make 2 BEANIE Using 3.25mm set of 4 needles, cast on 108 (116) sts evenly over 3 needles. Rnd 1: Ensuring work not twisted, knit into first cast on st to form a ring. Cont knitting each st to end of round. Rnds 2–10: Knit. Change to 3.75mm needles (set of 4 or circular) and commence patt as foll: Pattern Rnd 1: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 1), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 1), [K4,P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 2: K2, [(P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 2), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 2), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, C2F (includes 2 sts from last round). Rnd 3: [P4 (5), C2F] twice, C Patt 2(Row 3), [C2F, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 3), [C2F, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 4: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 4), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 4), [K4,P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 5: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 5), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 5), ([K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 6: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 6), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 6), ([K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 7: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 7), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 7), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 8: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 8), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 8), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, C2F. Rnd 9: [P4 (5), C2F] twice, C Patt 2(Row 9), [C2F, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 9), [C2F, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 10: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 10), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 10), ([K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 11: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 11), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 11), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 12: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 12), [K4, P4 (5)]) 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 12), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 13: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 13), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 13), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 14: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 14), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 14), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, C2F. Rnd 15: [(P4 (5), C2F) twice, C Patt 2(Row 15), [C2F, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 15), [C2F, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 16: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 16), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 16), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Hi-Res PDF - GOOD For Print SIGN OFF BOX GrD PrM AcD Rnd 17: K2, [P4 (5), K4]) twice, C Patt 2(Row 17), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 17), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 18: K2, [P4 (5), K4]) twice, C Patt 2(Row 18), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 18), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 19: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 19), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 19), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 20: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 20), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 20), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, C2F. Rnd 21: [ P4 (5), C2F] twice, C Patt 2(Row 21), [C2F, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 21), [C2F, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 22: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 22), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 22), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 23: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 23), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 23), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Rnd 24: K2, [P4 (5), K4] twice, C Patt 2(Row 24), [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, C Patt 2(Row 24), [K4, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Repeat Rows 1 to 7 once more. EARS – Make 4 Shaping Rnd 32: K2, P4 (5), K4, P4 (5), *K3, sl 1 K2tog, (K1), psso, P4 (5), K2tog, K2, sl 1 K1, psso, P4 (5), K3tog (K2tog)*, [K4, P4 (5)] 4 times, repeat from * to *, K3, P4 (5), K4, P4 (5) … 96 (108) sts on needle. (Note, last 2 sts, not knitted until Row 33). Work 3 rows of 2 x 2 rib as foll: Row 1: (P2, K2) to last 2 sts, P2. Row 2: (K2, P2) to last 2 sts, K2. Repeat Row 1. Cast off loosely in rib. Repeat for Right side, picking up sts from left leg seam to Right neck edge. Rnd 33: C2F, [(P4 (5), C2F] twice, *P4 (5), C2F, P4 (5)*, [C2F, P4 (5)] 4 times, K4, repeat from * to *, [C2F, P4 (5)] twice, K2. Using 2.75mm needles knit up 4 sts along band, K10 (13) from right front holder, knit up 9 (9) sts evenly along right neck shaping, K5 from right neck holder, K17 (17) from right sleeve holder, K40 (46) from back neck holders, K17 (17) from left sleeve holder, K5 from left neck holder, knit up 9 (9) sts evenly along left front shaping, K10 (13) from left front holder, knit up 4 sts along left band … 130 (142) sts. Work 9 rows of 2 x 2 rib as for front bands. Cast off loosely knitways. Divide for Ears Front Row 34: K2, [P4 (5), K4] 5 times, P4 (5), K2, turn. Work on these 48 (54) sts only. Row 35: P2, [K4, P4 (5)] 5 times, K4 (5), P2. Row 36: K1, [sl 1 K1, psso, P2 (3), K2tog, K2] 5 times, sl 1 K1, psso, P2 (3), K2tog, K1 ... 36 (42) sts. Row 37: P2, [K2 (3), P4] 5 times, K2 (3), P2. Row 38: K2, [P2 (3), K4] 5 times, P2 (3), K2. Row 39: P2, [K1 (2), P2tog tbl, P3] 5 times, K1 (2), P2tog tbl, P1… 30 (36) sts. Row 40: K2, [P1 (2), C2F] 5 times, P1 (2), K2. Row 41: P2, [K1 (2), P4] 5 times, K1 (2), P2. Row 42: K2, P1 (2), [K1, K2tog, K1, P1 (2)] to last 2 sts, K2 … 25 (31) sts. Row 43: P2, [K1 (2), P3] 5 times, K1 (2), P2. Row 44: K2, P1 (2), [K3, P1 (2)] to last 2 sts, K2. Large size only: Row 45: P2, (K2, P3) to last 4 sts, K2, P2. Row 46: K2, (P2tog, K3) 5 times, P2tog, K2 … 25 sts. Row 47: P2, (K1, P3) 5 times, K1, P2. Row 48: K2, P1, (K3, P1) to last 2 sts, K2. Both Sizes Next Row: (P2, P2tog tbl) 6 times … 20 sts. Both Size: Knit 1 row. Cast off. Cast on 18 sts, and work 10 rows of stocking st. Dec 1 st at each end of this and foll alt rows until 10 sts rem. Work 1 row. Cast off. FINISHING Jumpsuit With right sides facing, pin and sew sleeve seams using a backstitch. Pin and sew raglan seams, by pinning shaped edges to front and back and matching armhole cast off underarm. Pin and sew right leg to crotch shaping. Pin and sew left leg from cast on edge along seam 13 (14)cm. Pin inset to sole along 1 curved side. Pin and sew cast on edges of legs around Sole and Instep. Front Band Using 3.25mm needles, evenly pick up 98 (106) sts along Left Front from neck edge to left leg seam. Neckband Button Loop With wrong side facing and using crochet hook, draw up a loop, 3mm down from neckband cast off, work 5ch, sl st into band 3mm up from pick up row, turn, 6dc in ch loop, sl st into first st, fasten off. Weave in loose ends. Zip Pin and sew zip into opening, ensuring work does not stretch. Zip can be hand or machine sewn. Sew on button to suit loop. Beanie With right sides facing, pin ears and sew around shaped sides and cast off edge. Turn to right side and push out curve. Shape ears by making a box pleat in the centre (it is easier to make the box pleat on each layer, rather than together). Tack in place. Pin ears down inside along beanie shaping, pin top of beanie, and sew along top edge ensuring ears are secured well. Turn up stocking st hem and over sew, leaving a 2cm opening, DO NOT CUT YARN. Thread elastic through hem, and sew together overlapping by 1cm. Over sew opening closed. Weave in loose ends. Easy ‘Bella Baby’ Sugar 4Ply Dress Tension 26 sts x 32 rows to 10cm over stocking st using 3.75mm knitting needles. INSTRUCTIONS Dec 1 st at each end of this and every foll alt row until 32 (38, 42) sts rem. Work 2 rows, so the wrong side is facing for strap shaping. Strap Shaping K8, turn. Work 11cm in garter st, ending with a right side row. Cast off. Rejoin yarn to rem sts and cast off 16 (22, 26) sts for neck … 8 sts. Work 11cm in garter st, ending with a right side row. Cast off. Back & Front worked alike – Make 2 Using MC and 3.75mm knitting needles cast on 92 (104, 118) sts. Work 5 rows of garter st (knit every row). Change to stocking st and starting with a knit row cont until work measures 20 (23, 26)cm from beg. Finishing Bodice Shaping K6 (8, 9), K2tog to last 6 (8, 9) sts, K to end … 52 (60, 68) sts. Work 4 (4.5, 5)cm in garter st. Armhole Shaping Cont in garter st and shape as foll: Cast off 3 (3, 4) sts at beg of next 2 rows … 46 (54, 60) sts. With right sides facing, pin and sew side seams to armhole shaping. Weave in all loose ends. Using CC for Petals and MC for centres work 6 daisies using the Daisy Wheel. Attach to front and back of dress. Finish with smaller flowers sewn directly onto the dress. Dress Measurements Size Fits Chest cm 9-12mths 18-24mths 3-7 yrs 48 56 61 Garment Measures cm 51 59 64 Length cm 33 36.5 40 ‘Bella Baby’ Sugar 4ply 50g balls MC/CC 2/1 2/1 3/1 What you’ll need •‘Bella Baby’ Sugar 4ply 50g balls as per size •1 pair 3.75mm knitting needles Daisy Wheel •Scissors, yarn needle, tape measure Abbreviations alt = alternate; beg = begin/ning; cont = continue; CC = contrast colour; dec = decrease; foll = follow/ing; K = knit; K2tog = knit 2 sts together; MC = main colour; rem = remain/ing; st/s = stitch/es. 4 2013 Knitting Book Visit guardianpharmacies.com.au DATE. 10.04.2013 JOB SIZE. 297mm(h) x 210mm(w) JOB NO. REV. CLIENT. JOB NAME. 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian Angel 2013 93 MONTAGUE ST. STH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 AUSTRALIA PH. (03) 9686 7766 | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | E. PRODUCTION@ OD.COM.AU © OPTIMO 2013 Easy ‘Bella Baby’ Sugar 4Ply Striped Rompers Tension 26 sts x 30 rows to 10cm over stocking st using 3.75mm needles. Stripe Sequence *Using MC work 4 rows of stocking st, change to CC, work 4 rows of stocking st, repeat from *. LEG & BODY – Make 2 Using 3.75mm needles and MC, cast on 63 (71, 79) sts and work 5 rows of garter st, last row is WS. Change to stocking st and beg stripe sequence, work 6 rows. Leg Shaping Keeping stripe sequence correct, inc 1 st at each end of this and foll 6th rows until there are 77 (89, 99) sts. Cont without shaping until work measures 18 (22, 27)cm from beg, ending with a purl row. Crotch Shaping Cast off 2 (3, 3) sts at beg of next 2 rows … 73 (83, 93) sts. Work 2 rows, dec 1 st at each end of this and foll alt rows until 69 (81, 89) sts rem. Cont without shaping until work measures 29 (36, 42)cm from beg, ending with a purl row at the end of a full stripe. Change to 2.75mm needles and work 8 rows of 1 x 1 rib as foll: Row 1: K2, (P1, K1) to last st, K1. Row 2: (K1, P1) to last st, K1. Cast off loosely in rib. BRACES – Make 2 Using MC cast on 9 sts and work 33 (35, 38)cm of 1 x 1 rib as for romper bands. Cast off in rib. FINISHING With right sides facing, pin and sew centre seams to crotch, using a backstitch. Pin and sew inner legs of front and back together. Weave in loose ends. Zigzag machine stitch elastic with a slight stretch behind rib. Pin braces to back behind band. Cross over at the lower back, pin and sew over the front band. Sew buttons on braces through bands. ROMPER Measurements Size 3 mths 6 mths 9 mths Fits Waist cm 43 45 47 Inside Leg cm 17 21 26 ‘Bella Baby’ Sugar 4ply 50g balls MC/CC 2/1 2/2 2/2 Elastic cm 35 38 40 What you’ll need •‘Bella Baby’ Sugar 4ply 50g balls as per size •1 pair 3.75mm knitting needles •1 pair 2.75mm knitting needles •2 x buttons •Scissors, yarn needle, tape measure Abbreviations alt = alternate; beg = begin/ning; CC = contrast colour; cont = continue; dec = decrease; foll = follow/ing; inc = increase; K = knit; MC = main colour; rem = remain/ing; st/s = stitch/es, WS = wrong side; 5 Sooky Boys Jacket What you’ll need •6 x 50g balls ‘Bella Baby’ SOOKY – blue •1 x 50g ball ‘Bella Baby’ SOOKY – white •6.50mm crochet hook •Scissors, yarn needle 6 2013 Knitting Book Visit guardianpharmacies.com.au DATE. 10.04.2013 JOB SIZE. 297mm(h) x 210mm(w) JOB NO. REV. CLIENT. JOB NAME. 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian Angel 2013 93 MONTAGUE ST. STH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 AUSTRALIA PH. (03) 9686 7766 | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | E. PRODUCTION@ OD.COM.AU © OPTIMO 2013 Intermediate BACK Using blue Sooky work 33ch. Row 1: 1dc, 1ch in 2nd ch from hook, 1tr in each ch to end, turn (32 tr). Row 2: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 15 times, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 3: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, turn. Repeat rows 2 & 3 four more times. Row 12: sl st into next 4 sts, 1dc, 1ch in next st, (1x-tr) 11 times, 1 tr in next st, turn. Cont in patt for seven more rows, fasten off. Repeat rows 2 & 3 four more times. Row 12: sl st into next 4 sts, 1dc 1ch in next st, (1x-tr) 5 times, 1 tr in next st, turn. Cont in patt for 3 more rows. Row 16: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 4 times, 1tr in each of next 2 sts, turn. Row 17: sk 1st st, 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each of next 9 sts, turn. Row 18: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 3 times, 1tr in each of next 2 sts, turn. Row 19: sk 1st st, 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each of next 7 sts, fasten off. RIGHT FRONT SLEEVE (make 2) Using blue Sooky work 17ch. Row 1: 1dc, 1ch in 2nd ch from hook, 1tr in each ch to end, turn (16 tr). Row 2: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 7 times, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 3: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, turn. Repeat rows 2 & 3 four more times. Row 12: 1dc, 1ch in next st, (1x-tr) 5 times, 1 tr in next st, turn. Cont in patt for 3 more rows. Row 16: sk 1st st, 1dc, 1ch in next st, 1tr in next st, (1x-tr) 4 times, 1tr, turn. Row 17: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each of next 9 sts, turn. Row 18: sk 1st st, 1dc, 1ch in next st, 1tr in next st, (1x-tr) 3 times, 1tr, turn. Row 19: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each of next 7 sts, fasten off. Using blue Sooky work 19ch. Row 1: 1dc, 1ch in 2nd ch from hook, 1tr in each ch to end, turn (18 tr). Row 2: 1dc, 1ch, 1tr in 1st st, 1tr in next st, (1x-tr) 8 times, 1tr in next st, 2tr in last st, turn. Row 3: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, turn. Row 4: 1dc, 1ch, 1tr in 1st st, (1x-tr) 10 times, 2tr in last st, turn. Row 5: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, turn. Row 6: 1dc, 1ch, 1tr in 1st st, 1tr in next st, (1x-tr) 10 times, 1tr in next st, 2tr in last st, turn. Row 7: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, turn. Row 8: 1dc, 1ch, 1tr in 1st st, (1x-tr) 12 times, 2tr in last st, turn. Row 9: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, turn. Row 10: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in next st, (1x-tr) 12 times, 1tr in next st, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 11: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, fasten off. LEFT FRONT Using blue Sooky work 17ch. Row 1: 1dc, 1ch in 2nd ch from hook, 1tr in each ch to end, turn (16 tr). Row 2: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 7 times, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 3: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to end, turn. HOOD Using blue Sooky work 51ch. Row 1: 1dc, 1ch in 2nd ch from hook, 1tr in each st to end, turn (50 tr). Row 2: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 24 times, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 3: sk 1st st, 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each st to last st, sk last st, turn. Row 4: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 22 times, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 5: sk 1st st, 1dc, 1ch in next st, 1tr in each st to last st, sk last st, turn. Row 6: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 20 times, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 7: sk 1st st, 1dc, 1ch in next st, 1tr in each st to last st, sk last st, turn. Row 8: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, (1x-tr) 20 times, 1tr in last st, turn. Row 9: 1dc, 1ch in 1st st, 1tr in each to end, turn. Repeat rows 8 & 9 twice, fasten off. TO FINISH Sew fronts and back together at shoulder seams and side seams. Sew sleeve seams then sew in sleeves. Front edging With right side facing, join blue yarn at bottom right front hem and work a row of dc up the front to the neck, turn and work a row of dc back down the same side front, turn and repeat once. Repeat for left side of front. Front edging Fold hood in half and sew up last row to make back seam of hood. Attach hood to neck, front right to top of right front edging, back seam at centre back and left front to top of front edging. Using white Sooky and with right sides facing, sl st into the hem of one side seam, work 1ch, 1dc in same st, work a row of dc right around outside of garment, including hood. Then repeat for each sleeve. Abbreviations ch = chain; cont = continue; dc = double crochet; lp = loop; patt = pattern; sk = skip; sl st = slip stitch; sp = space; st/s = stitch/es; tr = treble; x-tr = cross treble (sk 1 st, 1tr in next st, 1tr back into skipped st); 7 Intermediate Layette Baby Jacket What you’ll need •‘5 x 50g balls ‘Bell Baby’ LAYETTE •5.00mm crochet hook •1 button •Scissors, yarn needle, tape measure BODY & SLEEVE (worked in one, make 4) Using 5.00mm hook work 3ch, join with a sl st in first ch to form ring. Row 1: 5ch, 3tr, 2ch, 3tr, 2ch, 1tr in ring, turn. Row 2: 1dc, 1ch in 1st tr, (shell in 2-ch lp, 1tr in each tr to cnr) twice, shell in 2-ch lp, 1tr in 3rd ch of 5-ch, turn. Row 3: 1dc, 1ch in 1st tr, 1tr in each tr to cnr (shell in 2-ch lp, 1tr in each tr to cnr) twice, shell in 2-ch lp, 1tr in each tr to last st, 1tr in 1-ch of st-st, turn. Repeat row 3 nine more times. Fasten off. JOINING JACKET With RS facing, place two pieces together. Starting at the cuff, sew along the underarm seam and down the side seam using a whip st. Starting at the cuff again, sew up the arm and across shoulder seam, leaving the last 10 sts unstitched for the neck opening. Repeat with the other two panels. Open up both sides and again with RS facing, join the two sides together using a whip st to sew up the back seam. Turn jacket right side out. CUFFS Join yarn at bottom of sleeve with a sl st, work 1dc in each st around the sleeve opening, then work 1 round of crab st. Fasten off. Repeat for other sleeve. COLLAR Join yarn with a sl st into 2-ch lp at neck and work Row 1: (3ch, 1tr) in same lp, (1tr in next tr, 2tr in next tr) twice, 1tr in each of next 4 tr, 2tr in each of next 4 tr, 1tr in each of next 8 tr, (3tr in next 2-ch lp) twice, 1tr in each of next 8 tr, 2tr in each of next 4 tr, 1tr in each of next 4 tr, (2tr in next tr, 1tr in next tr) twice, 2tr in 2-ch lp, turn. Row 2: 3ch, 1tr in 1st st, 1tr in each tr to last st, 2tr in 3rd ch of st-st, turn. Repeat last row once. Row 4: Work 1 row of crab st back along the top of the collar. Fasten off. FRONT BANDS Join yarn with a sl st in 2-ch lp at top left front (in same lp as collar). Row 1: 1dc in same lp, 1dc in each st down left front of jacket, work 3dc in 2-ch lp at hem, 1dc in each st along the hem, 3dc in 2-ch lp at cnr of right side, 1dc in each st up right front to neck, 1dc in same 2-ch lp as collar. Row 2: 2ch, sk 2 dc, work 1 row of crab st back down the front across the hem and back up left front. Fasten off. Sew in all ends and stitch a button to the left side of the jacket at the base of the collar. Abbreviations beg = begin/ning; ch = chain; cnr = corner; dc = double crochet; lp/s = loop/s; RS = right side; sk = skip; sl st = slip stitch; sp = space; st/s = stitch/es; st-st = starting stitch = 1dc, 1ch; tr = treble; Special Abbreviations shell = (2tr, 2chr, 2tr) in same sp; crab st = dc worked backwards from left to right; 8 2013 Knitting Book Visit guardianpharmacies.com.au DATE. 10.04.2013 JOB SIZE. 297mm(h) x 210mm(w) JOB NO. REV. CLIENT. JOB NAME. 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian Angel 2013 93 MONTAGUE ST. STH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 AUSTRALIA PH. (03) 9686 7766 | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | E. PRODUCTION@ OD.COM.AU © OPTIMO 2013 Easy Harmony Scarf What you’ll need •4 x 50g balls ‘Moda Vera’ HARMONY •1 pr, 6mm Knitting needles •Yarn Needle Finished Size Scarf Approximately cm Width Length 20 124 Scarf Cast on 46 stitches. Commence 1 x 1 Rib with an edge stitch, as follows: K1 (K1, P1) to last st, K1. Work each row the same and work in rib in pattern until work measures 124cm. Cast off Ribways. Finishing Weave in loose ends. Baby Layette Booties What you’ll need Instructions (make 2) •1 x 50g ball ‘Bella Baby’ Layette •4.00mm crochet hook •Scissors, yarn needle Row 1: Work 21ch. Row 2: 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in each ch to end, turn. Rows 3-20: 1ch, 1dc in back loop only of each st to end, turn. Abbreviations To finish: Fold bootie in half and sew up one end to form heel. To form the toe run a gather st around the other end, pull tight and sew along top for 9 sts. Sew in ends. ch = chain; dc = double crochet; sl st = slip stitch; st/s = stitch/es To form cuff: Join yarn with sl st at back seam, and work 1dc in same st, 1dc in each st around the opening, sl st into 1st dc. Work 5 more rounds of dc, fasten off and sew in ends. 9 Hard Shaded Owls What you’ll need •1 x 50g ball ‘Moda Vera’ PURE WOOL 8PLY – MC (#3059) for head & ears •3 x 50g balls ‘Moda Vera’ PURE WOOL 8PLY – 3 shades for body C1, C2, C3 •5.00mm crochet hook • Small quantity of cream wool for eyes •Black safety eyes •Hobby fill •Scissors, yarn needle Magic Circle (used when you want a tight circle with no hole in the middle) = wrap yarn twice around your finger & work a sl st into the lp, slip the lp off your finger and work the first round into the ring (over the two strands), pull the yarn tail to tighten the loop to create an invisible centre. {ie: sl st into lp, work 6dc into lp, sl st into 1st dc, then pull tail to close centre.} Note: Owl is worked in a continuous spiral; each round is worked into the next without a break. It is advisable to use a stitch marker to help you remember where each round begins and ends. Body Rnd 2: 2dc in each dc around (12 dc). Rnd 3: [2dc in next dc, 1dc in next dc] 6 times (18 dc). Rnd 4: [2dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 2 dc] 6 times (24 dc). Rnd 5: [2dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 3 dc] 6 times (30 dc). Rnd 6: [2dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 4 dc] 6 times (36 dc). Rnd 7: [2dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 5 dc] 6 times (42 dc). Rnds 8-10:1htr in each dc around. Rnds 11-14: Change to C2, 1htr in each htr around. Rnds 15-19: Change to C3, 1htr in each htr around. Rnd 20: (dec, 1htr in each of next 3 sts) 6 times. Rnd 21: (dec, 1htr in each of next 2 sts) 6 times. Fasten off. Head Note – head piece should be a square please adjust length if it is not. Foundation row: Using MC make 26ch. Row 1: 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in each of next 24 ch, turn. Row 2: 1ch, 1htr in each dc to end, turn. Rows 3-13: 1ch, 1htr in each htr to end, turn. Row 14: 1ch, 1dc in each htr to end. Fasten off. Eyes (make 2) Rnd 1: Using C1, work 6dc into a magic circle, sl st into 1st dc. Rnd 1: Using cream wool, work 6dc in a magic circle, sl st into 1st dc. Rnd 2: 3ch, 2tr in same st as sl st, 3tr in each of the next 5 dc, sl st into 3rd ch of st-ch. Fasten off. To make up Sew starting end of yarn into place, press safety eyes into middle of cream circles, then press into front of body leaving enough room between for the head to form a beak, then add filling until firm, using the finishing tail as a running st around the top to close the hole a little. Turn head piece on an angle, and attach 1 corner at the front to form the beak between the eyes. Sew a few rows along head, then work straight across the top, leaving the left hand side of square free to form ear, then sew the v onto the back then up the body to create the right side ear, before finishing off the nose. Using the cream tail of the eyes sew them in place, with a whip stitch. *The two smaller owls are made in the same manner except – With the mother owl, work to row 6 (36 dc) then 3 rows of htr, change colours and work only three rows of each colour before decreasing for the top of the head, The head piece is worked with 21 ch and adjust accordingly. With the baby owl, work to row 5 (30 dc) then 2 rows of htr, change colours and work only two rows of each colour before decreasing for the top of the head The head piece is worked with 16 ch and adjust accordingly. Abbreviations MC = main colour; C1 = colour 1; C2 = colour 2; C3 = colour 3; ch = chain; dc = double crochet; dec = decrease over next 2 sts; htr = half treble; lp = loop; Rnd = Round; sl st = slip stitch; st/s = stitch/es; st-ch = starting chain; tr = treble; Sp yar Term • Va •Di • VI On •Sa af •Di •No m Tea 1. E the -the Paym 7.F once 10 PR_13A 2013 Knitting Book Visit guardianpharmacies.com.au DATE. 10.04.2013 JOB SIZE. 297mm(h) x 210mm(w) JOB NO. REV. CLIENT. JOB NAME. 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian Angel 2013 93 MONTAGUE ST. STH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 AUSTRALIA PH. (03) 9686 7766 | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | E. PRODUCTION@ OD.COM.AU © OPTIMO 2013 A gift for our guardian angels from guardian club Win a $150 gift card Your gift of warmth to children in need is something special, and we’d like to reward you with the chance to WIN one of fifteen $150 Spotlight Gift Cards!* Ex clu siv e rs fe of Co mp etit ion s Free to Not a member? Sign up in-store or online at guardianclub.com.au joi n Simply present your Guardian Club card with your knitted garment donation at your local Guardian Pharmacy by Saturday 31 August 2013†. See back page for full Terms and Conditions. † To enter competition, customer must present their Guardian Club Card at their local Guardian Pharmacy to be swiped at the time they return their knitted garment donation. * VIP events VIPs save! VIP CLUB EXCLUSIVE COUPONS Not a VIP club member? Join online now or instore its FREE! For your nearest store visit spotlight.com.au or call 1300 305 405 5 Spend $25 or more on yarn products & SAVE YARN ON SALE! $ INCLUDES YARN ON SALE! Spend $25 or more on yarn products & SAVE INCLUDES YARN ON SALE! INCLUDES 5 $ # Spend $25 or more on yarn products & SAVE # 5 $ Terms and Conditions • ValidbetweenWednesday 1st May until Saturday 31st August, 2013 •Discountappliestoyarnproductsonly. • VIPcardmustbepresentedandcouponsurrenderedtoreceivediscount. Onecouponpercustomer,perdayduringthepromotionalperiod. •Save$5whenyouspend$25ormoreonyarnproductsinonetransaction aftersavingsanddiscounts. •Discountdoesnotapplytogiftcardpurchasesandexistinglay-bypayments. •Notavailableinconjunctionwithanyothercoupon,voucherorteam memberdiscount. Terms and Conditions • ValidbetweenWednesday 1st May until Saturday 31st August, 2013 •Discountappliestoyarnproductsonly. • VIPcardmustbepresentedandcouponsurrenderedtoreceivediscount. Onecouponpercustomer,perdayduringthepromotionalperiod. •Save$5whenyouspend$25ormoreonyarnproductsinonetransaction aftersavingsanddiscounts. •Discountdoesnotapplytogiftcardpurchasesandexistinglay-bypayments. •Notavailableinconjunctionwithanyothercoupon,voucherorteam memberdiscount. Team Member Processing Instructions 1. Entersaleasnormal.2.WhilestillontheItemMenu,scanthebarcodeon thecoupon.3.Youwillbepromptedtoenteraprice.4. Enterapriceof0(zero) -thediscountwillnotbeappliedyet.5. SelecttheCashPaymentorProcess Paymentoptions.6.ThePOSwillthenautomaticallyapplythediscount. 7.Finalisethetransactionasnormal.8.Writeredeemedanddateoncoupon onceusedbycustomer. Team Member Processing Instructions 1. Entersaleasnormal.2.WhilestillontheItemMenu,scanthebarcodeon thecoupon.3.Youwillbepromptedtoenteraprice.4. Enterapriceof0(zero) -thediscountwillnotbeappliedyet.5. SelecttheCashPaymentorProcess Paymentoptions.6.ThePOSwillthenautomaticallyapplythediscount. 7.Finalisethetransactionasnormal.8.Writeredeemedanddateoncoupon onceusedbycustomer. Team Member Processing Instructions 1. Entersaleasnormal.2.WhilestillontheItemMenu,scanthebarcodeon thecoupon.3.Youwillbepromptedtoenteraprice.4. Enterapriceof0(zero) -thediscountwillnotbeappliedyet.5. SelecttheCashPaymentorProcess Paymentoptions.6.ThePOSwillthenautomaticallyapplythediscount. 7.Finalisethetransactionasnormal.8.Writeredeemedanddateoncoupon onceusedbycustomer. # Terms and Conditions • ValidbetweenWednesday 1st May until Saturday 31st August, 2013 •Discountappliestoyarnproductsonly. • VIPcardmustbepresentedandcouponsurrenderedtoreceivediscount. Onecouponpercustomer,perdayduringthepromotionalperiod. •Save$5whenyouspend$25ormoreonyarnproductsinonetransaction aftersavingsanddiscounts. •Discountdoesnotapplytogiftcardpurchasesandexistinglay-bypayments. •Notavailableinconjunctionwithanyothercoupon,voucherorteam memberdiscount. PR_13A_GuardianAngel_PA v2.indd 1 27/03/13 11:36 AM This winTer, come in To spoTlighT AnD be wrAppeD in yArn Spotlight offers the widest range of colours, textures and blends to ensure you can find whatever you need for your creation, at the best price. MP 90:4 31/30/72 1 ddni.2v AP_egap kcaB_legnAnaidrauG_A31_RP For more information and free project sheets visit www.spotlight.com.au or www.facebook.com/spotlightstores new season yarns, colours & ProJEcT sHEETs available now in the spotlight craft area Starts 1/05/2013 and ends at close of business on 31/08/2013. Limit 1 entry per person. Draw at Pinpoint Pty Ltd, L3/34 James Craig Rd, Rozelle, NSW 2039 on 30/09/2013 at 11am (AEST). Prize: 15 x $150 Spotlight gift cards. See guardianpharmacies.com.au for full Terms and Conditions. NSW Permit No. LTPS/13/02112 ACT Permit No. ACT TP 13/01147 PR_13A_GuardianAngel_Back page_PA v2.indd 1 8/04/13 4:12 PM For more information about the 2013 Guardian Angel Knitting program visit guardianpharmacies.com.au Join us on Facebook DATE. 10.04.2013 DATE. 10.04.2013 JOB SIZE. JOB297mm(h) SIZE. 297mm(h) x 210mm(w) x 210mm(w) JOB NO.JOB REV. NO.CLIENT. REV. CLIENT. JOB NAME. JOB NAME. 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian 028920r13_SIGM_Guardian AngelAngel 2013 2013 93 MONTAGUE 93 MONTAGUE ST. STH ST.MELBOURNE STH MELBOURNE VIC 3205 VIC 3205 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | W. WWW.OD.COM.AU | E. PRODUCTION | E. PRODUCTION @ OD.COM.AU @ OD.COM.AU PH. (03) PH.9686 (03) 9686 7766 7766 © OPTIMO © OPTIMO 2013 2013
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