NATIONALINSTITUTEOF TECIINOLOGY KURUKSHETRA.I36119 (oFFrcE or qEAN ACADEMTC) Deted: 22.01.2015 No.Acad/ts/9oB NOTTFICATION Sub :Revisionof emolumentsand guidelflneson senice conditionsfor the research personnel employed on R&I) prqgrammes in Central Government I)epartmernts/Agencies-reg. The Institute lns receiveda letter vide F.No. |7-212014-TS.IGovernrnentof India, Ministry of HumanResourceDevelopmerlt,Departmentof HigherEducation,Technical Section-I, Sha.striBhawan,New Delhi, Dated the 28ft November,2Al4from MHRD, for ready Govt. of India on the abovementionedsubject(copy enclosed)as4gg@ reference.The O.M is applicableto the researchpersonnelworking on R&D programmes funded by the Central Government Department/Agencies,MTs, Centrally Funded TechnicalInstilutions(CFTIs). The revisionolf emolumentsare applicablew.e.f. l*t Octoberr 2014.Also the research candidateswho arereceivingscholarshipfrom CFTIsas of now may pleasebe treatedin future as Junior ResearchFellow (JRf) & Senior ResearchFellow (SR$ as per the Govt. of India policy. It is pertinentto mentionthat the arrearsof the JRF & SRF may be (Schools)are claimedaccordingto the abovementionedO.M. All HODs,Co-ordinators herebyrequestedto strictly abide by the Govt. of India Policy. The Deputy Registrar (Accounts)is also requestedto make a budgetprovision and conveyto the Ministry (Ifi.D) accordingly. Copy to : 1. All fIODs, Co-ordinators 2. All @eans) 3. Co-ordinator (TEQIP) for kind information & n.a. please. 4.D.R (Accounts) for make a budget provision and releasethe arrcars of JRF & SRF accordingly. 5. D.R (GA & Legal) for kind information please. 6. Sr. Secretary to Direetor for kind information please 7. Sr. Secretary to Registrar for kind information please. the - B - &r1z,x,,W t I t.. I F.No.L7'2/2074-TS.I Governmenl sflndia Ministry of ttuman ResourceDevelopment Department'of lligber Sducation :llechnicalSection'I $s { I rF*** I Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, Dated the 28th Novembet,ZAL4 To, The.Directors, IITs, IISc-Bangalore, IISERS, NITS, ITITS, SPAS, NITTTRS, I{ITIE, Bombai', ISIVIDhanbad, NERIST,Arunachai Praciesh, SLIET, Longwal NII;FT, Ranchi. Revision of emoluments a4tC guidelines on service conditions for the research personnel employed on R&D Subject:- jn prograrrunes Deparfinents/hgencies' Certral -'- -Gsverament Sir, ff e Depeixrnentof ? tbpry.'o1 I am directedts -fonnardhcf.erlifiSt -Q No. sR/s6lz-a9/20x? science tectrnoloSrolffice tulemsranclum dated21;iOCslbei,20,1+ornth9 sgbjecLmentionedaboveapplicableJo '..,-,j*-,:t:,r 1' ,' ;:a.!:::.,a..,:.,,::,:": .1'1,ir.!:1.'1:'.i:-:'::;.. fun-dqdSy'the Personqelworking ,in. R&D pl'.ogxam'm9! the Research ':;," .'' :..:::1.' : ," . i f , i , - : 1 ,: . ' . t i - i : . . , . r , i : j i - + . f i i = . i i :i = - : : ; : l - - . ; , ; . ; ' , " : ; jrr.hich'-is*obe-adoptedby CentruilGOver.rnnent,nepatfimenty'agmcies, '...]';...::]:l!.:.i::'-.'i':l;..:...:...:..'..:=;::'.:. MTIE, lhq .IIT;, lsc BaqgaloxetIISERs,,,NF",IIITs, SPAs,*T: ArunachalPradelh:ttlql, Longwal Bombay,ISMDtanbad,lrlJi.RIST, and I.IIFFT,Ranchi. A copy'of the Frequently Asked Queiiions (FAQsl on the revision conveyed l;ide the aforestatecl:0M is also enclosetl for reference. Y Encls:Asabove t-_ +ra-rz (Alok Mishra) Director {IITs} Telefax011-23381058 ' g!T*fi'a9.Fil :: -.. jti:,, I : t. .:; -6 - sR/s9JZ{'9/20fs. GoverRment of:lndia . Mini:stry of Science& Technotoov _ Eepantinent of Scibnc6A fecn nul-dg, Technology Bhavan NewMehrauli Road Irlew DelhLl10016 Dated:octolerzi, za* oFFrGE r*EM$,kANDuUr $uhr.i+et: Revisisnof emorumenb. *nd-guiderines on servicecondi$ons'fcr -in researchperconiner e-mproyed Ra D prog'ammeof the Gentra! " Governme nt DeBertmEn&miUr,*;i;; i+ttention is invitred to the O,ffiee,rMemorandum 'i1'03'2010 (O.M,)No.4_2002 AfitftZ-.rFA,dared issuerj iry the oepartment ois1519.lF.Tg.chn,grogy, 'ihe Government of tndiaonthe i'rbcve subject' nnatter hasbeenrurtfier consiuer.ed. bytn.ig.ou*r*,entandthefolowing, revised emsluments islppr'il"ureto the,.research personnel l-"lr.'uu:^ l,re**ii. rne o.rr,r. wcrkin,r onR&Dprogra rn mes11, il:*' # th;ffi ; 6il;#;i6;pl,idia rnii;i'ijili, f] Emql.Une':rt$. .. '1' *{t'sti'r'Reeearch Felrow ilRF}i sieniCIrrReseareli Fetlaw (sRF} , ., : ffi'lf{'EFqiud;hr- I per month ''_'-- ----+ P'st Graciuate D_egree in Baiiie$ciencewith ilET quariflcaiion GfadUAtg Deoree r\*, rh^ i.,:3L rrr-? Degreelnin Frnfcirianat Frofessional Ccrrrse"with NET qualificati'nor PostGraduabDegreein professionat course Of Sarnlcr Research Feilors(SttF) Fts.28,000/" Cluailficati*npreeeribed r. JRF withhmoyears;of research *xpgrience -..: The lj::,,^j:*,.:j11_:_1-l locai ir:rstitutlon shall r:.-,'.", reviewrhe performance of JRF of JRF after years through after rwo two years throughan ry the performance ]:: comniittee constituted bvtrreHead oftrrernstituit,i,'iirliiri**r1,be 13t11?'j":--,111y aiA'rsi"fiss :ji-i;-'*' e'succesafulassesisrnent by the Rev:ie$i Gommltiee. F" Research;{sso*ciate Reseerchass';ciatesmay,,ber: fixedat a consr:lidated amountat one of the pay 3 levels giipn i:elow depending'upon the 'qualificnflcnanc' experienc*. :inrtitulgorSrliriitt rne l I ; I i 'r.1'tY,,ir:! tlti.ri.f -4t ,:,, ' Obfigationof JRF/SRF/RA: {ix} a) He/Sheshall be govemedby ihe disciplinaryregulationsof the host lnstltutewhere ' ' heisheis wcrking, .The b) JRF/SRF/RA mustsend a detailedconsolidated reportof tne researchwork done duiing:theeniireperiodof Fellowship sn completion of the tenur,elresignation of the Fellowship at $''eearliest, -1. CentralGovernmentDepartments fi\genciesare requestedtp ensurethet the above grriiultrresare followed:in reg-ardiortng":ieniuneiation and other benefitsto the research engagedin R&DprojectsfundEdby'fhem,Theyare alsorequested these to cir:culate J",'*rsennel ordersto theirattached,and sub"ordinite 6'ffices,and,also'tothe frJndedby autonornous,insiitutes them. ! 4. lrrrlividual DepartrtrentSTlrrstitutes ere notallowed to top'upthe fellowslrip amountfrom r^haii iniernalresources, 5. Departments/Agencies likeICMR,ICAR,DAE,DST,DBTetc,whichconductnational i*vei examinations provideiithe existingratesconialng6i6;the mayadopithe revised.Htes C fr4.dated3'1,03.2010 However, havebeenadopted terns& conditions. bythemonihersame iir'ri'evised i'atesarenotapplicable tofellows.of IOARpursuing M.Sc.andPh.D'inAgriculture anclAlii+d$ciences. : Theindividuai Datesf Effect:Therevised 5, from1.10,2014. emolumentS'willlake,effect 2015"''16. fundsin RE2014-15lBE d*pariments rnayproject therequirement€ssary 1. l*inistl.'of Finance Thi;'issueswiththeconeurrenC cf Ex,penditure, of theDeparlment vlriethelri.'J. l{c. i$4695fi4dated15'10.2A14. " To "1. 2. of lndia sf theGovernr,nent All ivlinistilesiEepartments/Agencies AllHeadsof DST -a.._ ' FrequenttryAsked eruestions Revision {FAesJon Felxowship OfficeMemorandum[OM] {The FAQsand answersgiven ber+w attenlpt to answer the mai;l queries anrongstthe large nunaberreceiverlon the oM on Fellowship R.evision.Researchersare advised to;tpproacli respective funding agenciesfor further clar.ificationsand durirritiuu sraiements.; 1' what categories of research personneldo theoM on revisionof fellowship cover? Tlte OM is applicable to hnzior Researclt Fellows (JRF), Senior Researclt Fellov's (SRF) and ResearchAssociates (RA). Otlzer designationssuch as project Fellav,, Project Assistant, DS Kothari post doctoral fellow, Fast Track yiurg Scientist , Women Scientisl etc. are not covered in the OM. Fundirzg agencies concerned may consider revising the entoluments for these other catigorles also in view,of the revision infellowshipfor JRF, SRFand M, ! i - ,r'- i''., I : 2. ts tbe rJh{ is apnlicableto the l{umanitiesand;SocialSciences? i , - ' I arrdil"ojespiqnai dggi"eehoiriei.sand iloi tc -Tit1s,!ir\\,gfpfiy7bie ong, is S.c-ience otttei; disciplinei ai Htumdrtittds aitd. So;rioi-*sci|;nrns -:- ..--ortcl - -=- -: :::-j--:-:-:=:::'---::_::-- .: -- ---:: '. . Comnteice:. F,fn AS:t,' 3. 'What aretheProfessional degreesfor thepurposeof grantingfeliowshipunder thisOM? D egrees in Engineerin g/Techno logy,M edicine,P lzarma,Veterinaryand Agriculture I -4. WhatareNET examinations? The previou,s (2010) OM mentioned only CSIR-UGC NET and GATE examinations.Thishasnow beenexpanded. Now, any nationallevelexaminations governmenldnpott*" by the cgntral gnldUcted progr"am?re considere{_NEL Thefollowing are the list of NET Examinations (maynot be comprehensive) CSIR - CSIR- UGCNationalEligibility Test MHRD - GraduateAptitudeTestin EngineetingAdmission DBT - BiotechnologyEligibility Test&,Testconductedin Bioinformaticsby BioinformaticsNational Consortium , ' ' i] t : j--.,:1 - _ _ l l I! ! I i 'r': ittk$3il&gr6!*'*rp?ir!liiin'4ss*ref.@!@sffirw:ii6,ii!;;*;r,;i's#:-r:.--r-i::i::r:i:::::i?l;..;:i;-..J;--!; It #,::,!rYci:49t@n,Jc,en=@c"ug!LJx" idelines,anrd-adoO csrRwiu us"J__a nuernaI approval mechanisms. 1I ' wili therevisedfellow.shipbepaid oniy to researchers working in IITs andnor to = NITs andotheripstitutioni? . 1t r.he is,eqrchers (JR-F,ilNF and RA) working in ail typesof .oM institutions- academic(colleges,universitiesincludlng deemed. universiiesuotlr., publicfunded andprivatefu;ded, intstitutes of nattinoTi*p,oosonru1,national laborator.ies andNGOs etc. 12'I did not get anydetails'egarding thefellowship - hike for spM-SRF.Kindl5,lg1 me know the detailsfor ljpM feliowshiphike. l'hi.coM doe.cnot coverspM feilowship. : cslR is tlte appropriatebodyto decide about theSPMfellowship. 13' when wiil researchers startgettingtherevisedfellowshipamount? Thefellows gettirtgstipeTtd from DSTand,DB.Twill get it imntediately,but.for ilttt,segettittg' fi'om otherdepaitnrenls/oieixcies,'tha.t, wili be info:med :;,::,,;;,.' itt' :,1 ; :. . i L I- '['heJbLlows workingin DST (including SERB)and DBTprojectscan bepaid tlze , enltan.ce.dfellowshipfrom theavailableproject Oct.2014onu,ardsb), the implementinginstitutionsprovided thefellowssatisfyrequirementsmentioned in clause5 of the OM and eligibility c.onditions. Prtncipallivestigators are cdui.sedto sendthedetail,sof addtttoial b;udgetrequirimentsduito enhancement to theProgram off;cer concernedto sanctionadditionalbudget. /-i. Is thereno distinctionin emolumentsbet'ween graduatedegreeholdersandpost holdersin professionalcodrses? The oM doesnot disiinguishbetweenPostgraduatedegreein'scienceand Pro,fessional degreeholders.Howeuer,Postgraduateie.greeholderin Science and graduatedeg'eeholderin FrofessionalCourseneedto qualifyNET examtnationto get tlzesameemoluments asPG degreeholderin Professional Caurse.
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